#party crasher salt
iwasbored777 · 2 years
You guys understand that "Marinette did this to get Adrien all for herself before someone else does" and "Marinette did this to make Adrien happy" are not always the same thing, right?
Sometimes she crashed the party just to see him and sometimes it was to delete the video that can fuk his life up or to tell him he should not be ashamed of having abusive father because that's not his fault and she understands and those are not the same things.
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teawinx · 2 years
Party Crasher rewrite:
Here an idea, let’s use Adrien supposed “social naiveté” to his detriment, rather than to excuse toxic behavior:
Same settup from canon, the boys (Nino, Max and Kim (the others are busy)) organize a party to celebrate their lord and savior, White Boy Supreme Marinette doesn’t infiltrate the party in a disguise, cause in this crazy universe she’s learned her lesson to NOT do that, and is instead having a nice time with her girl friends.
And then, just like in canon, the party size gets a lot bigger with loads of people Adrien doesn’t know inviting themselves in. And Adrien’s pleased, so many friends! Right? These people seem nice, taking selfies with him, playing with stuff in his room, but are also taking pictures of the room and the rest of the house. His three classmates take notice of this and chew them out. Adrien is confused, and one of the three boys (preferably Kim) explain that these people aren’t his friends, just clout chasers who are only here because Adrien is famous.
One of these clout chasers get angry at being called out, and is akumatised into Party Crasher. Same fight as before happens, with Fu choosing Kim as a holder.
Once the fight is over, Adrien calls the police to kick the leeches out, invites over Wayhem and has a nice little afternoon with the boyyyysss
And Adrien learns who his real friends are, and to be wary of fake friends who seek to take advantage of him.
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doodledstars · 5 months
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I designed Party Crashers' map for their huge project! Thank you to TCNick3, SophistEevee, Vernias, and King of Skill for this opportunity, and special thanks to Nick for helping me as well! :)
I look forward to absolutely no salt and suffering haha.
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medra-gonbites · 3 days
Baldur's Gate 3 Companion Head Canon Party Edition
Tav is throwing a party for their birthday. The playlist is ready, the neighbors are warned and the balloons are blown.
Here is what the companions (and three surprise party crashers) would bring to that little soirée.
Laezel | A strange liquor nobody has heard of
Impossible to know what it is, the label is written in a different alphabet. It has a crazy high alcohol percentage. Never mind it tastes like diesel: it's strong and if you want to get drunk it will get you there. Also it was crazy cheap so she bought 5 bottles (which she'll be the one drinking).
Gale | Some fancy ass bourbon
Nobody will drink it, because it is not that kind of night, Gale! He spends 19 minutes explaining to Tav why this vintage is special and what kind of smoky and woody hints they should get from the taste as well as an extensive story about where it was brewed (some place in the Highlands with blind dwarven monks no doubt).
Shadowheart | Wine 
It is a lower to mid quality bottle but she actually spends all evening drinking cocktails mostly composed of juice and vodka: she likes wine but it stains her teeth and gives her a headache, plus she really likes bright colors in her drinks. If there is Passoa and orange juice and the weather is nice she will be giving it a go. 
Wyll | Tequila
Alongside lemons and salt. The group complains because it’s just not something that gets drinken casually. However, they all end up taking shots around 3am and pass out and/or barf. Wyll is the only one who does not have a hangover the next day because he drinks water in between shots. Will make the cocktails if he is being asked nicely (he brought his shaker as well).
Karlach | Beer
She either comes with two 64-beer crates, one on each shoulder, or a keg (with a funnel and a pipe). She drinks most of these together with Wyll and burps loudly before shouting 'better in than out' and belly laugh herself to cramps. If the beers are canned, she will crush them on her forehead once they are downed. Ultimate beer pong winner.
Astarion | Shows up empty-handed
He feigns he didn't know or that he ran out of time to get something but he'll promise to bring something the next time (which is a lie as he already promised last time at Karlach’s costume party). He will leave with Gale’s expensive bourbon though and gift it to one his teacher from law school (in order to bribe them, of course).
Halsin |Juices
Not these industrial juice boxes mind you, but some organic 100% fruit, no added sugar juice from the bio coop. Or better yet he makes the juices himself - If the time of year is right he will make punch or sangria himself (and be careful it’s sweet but it is treacherous).
Minthara | Cocaïne
Nobody wants to do any. Frankly, Minthara did not read the audience  well. Astarion is willing but feels the vibe and decides not to (he takes her dealer's number for later though)). She ends up doing a line alone in the kitchen. At the height of the night when she's loaded and drunk she makes out with Gale or bullies him (or both).
Jaheira | Soda and ice
To be fair, all kinds of soda, and not just the generic crap either, the good brands. Bubbles no bubbles, fruity, bitter, sweet, you name it. She does not drink as she is the designated driver for her and Minsc (no way they're sleeping over with these kids) so she spends her night sipping on some ginger ale.
Minsc | Goblets
A lot of them. While it was disappointing at first it turns out to be a super sharp idea. Either to drink from or play beer pong they came in extremely handy. Halsin will pout and comment on the sustainability issue. Minsc drinks water but takes a new cup everytime he gets another drink (partly because he is proud of his goblet idea, partly to antagonize Halsin).
Durge | Flour
They are Tav's neighbour and they were invited out of politeness and actually showed up. They come with flour because “hey, remember when I borrowed some, years ago, there, I’m bringing it back like I said I would. We are even now”. They have the best jokes but they will try and start a fight over the playlist (they have issues with music it seems).
Here are a couple of party crashers who were not invited but came anyways.
Barcus | Airfryer and Snacks
He shows up very early to Tav's surprise. He was not exactly invited but thought he was due to Tav mentioning the party to him at work. Upon seeing him Tav is actually happy though and his glad he popped by. He brought his airfryer and some fried goods and that's just awesome.
Volo | His guitar
He was not invited and knew it but he shows up anyway. He will complain about the music the whole time while drinking wine and take his guitar to try and play wonderwall for everyone, even though nobody asked. Lae’zel will lock him on the balcony at some point during the night.
Gortash | Cheap Vodka
He was also not invited. He was told explicitly he was not but what can you do.... His shirt is way too open on his chest, he wears way too much cologne and his pockets are full of condoms. He tries to get into Shadowheart’s pants all night, refilling her glass constantly but he’ll end up at Durge's place next door.
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squirrelpatties · 6 months
Okay, ignoring the incest, the question of Trolls World Taxonomy is pretty interesting (and not something I'm exactly qualified to get into lmao). You've got Trolls, Bergens, Vaycaytioners, Mount Rageons, and the variety of critters. And the Party Crashers as a potential result of Bergen/Troll relations based on what's known about them.
Clearly, we can't judge the species of this world by the taxonomies we know; Trolls have hair and maybe fur like mammals, and likely have a "warm-blooded" metabolism based on how much energy they're able to expend singing and dancing all the time (which then begs the question of how much they must eat relative to their body weight to maintain that energy, but it's possible there's some degree of music-based magic involved somewhere. Or the foods they normally eat are incredibly calorie-dense, like Bugsnax), but they also display non-mammalian traits as well—the most obvious one being eggs, and the most important one (in the movies at least, discounting Delta Dawn) being the lack of mammaries.
Of course, it's not impossible for non-mammalian species to have fur; Trolls could be some form of arthropod, like the fluffy moths of our world. But I think the true answer is, as stated earlier, far stranger, and outside the normal bounds of the taxonomic systems we apply to Earth animals. Take, for example, the Trolls-as-drugs metaphor present in the first and third movies. Yes, the Trolls being eaten and Floyd being drained serve as a metaphor for material consumption and talent being taken advantage of respectively, but from a literal standpoint? Trolls have a recorded emotional effect when consumed and their "talent" can be drained as an essence that works as a performance booster. In-universe, Trolls are drugs.
And then things are complicated further when we remember that Trolls have an inherent connection to music. It's written in their very bones and something they cannot be rid of, and different subspecies emerged based upon differing genres of music. Yes, there were the strings, but the ending of the second movie involved no making of new strings—and, in the history Peppy described (though we must take that account with several pinches of salt due to the inherent biases in his explanation; though it was a cute detail for the scrap-Pop Troll to be the one holding the harp when Peppy said "Trolls grew intolerant of each other's music" in the same way that the Pop Trolls having that original harp was a cute detail alluding to the truth purported by the Funk Trolls and Barb), the strings were described to have been made by the ancestors when they were inspired by the Original Sound. So it's very likely that the strings, for all the power they held, were merely instruments themselves, and that the power of music was inherent to Trolls from the beginning regardless of the strings' existence. But that's entirely speculation, as canon has no real indication towards the truth.
Still, the way that music is so inherent to Trolls can be considered an integral trait of the species; and yes, I am counting all Trolls as the same species. While we haven't seen any intergenre couples in canon, with the way that music develops, evolves, and exists in a variety of ways makes it near impossible to imagine that the different genres would be unable to mix. As for how deeply music is written into a Troll's very being, while it's true that many musical numbers seen in the movies and show are likely rehearsed, there are still plenty more large coordinated groups singing and dancing in tandem with no clear rehearsal or even discussion beforehand. While calling it a sort of "hiveminding" ability feels a bit too far, it's easy to surmise that, due to their inherent nature as creatures of Music first and foremost, it is incredibly easy for Trolls to join in on song and dance they've never heard before and naturally slot into place.
Perhaps it is disingenuous to compare Trolls to Earth animals at all; perhaps the more apt comparison would be to fungi, which are neither flesh nor cellulose and follow their own set of rules. But even then, fungi don't lay eggs, so we are once again brought back to the conclusion that Trolls cannot be defined by the mundane taxonomies of our world. While less is known about the other species (Bergen, Vaycaytioner, Mount Rageon, Critters), it can be assumed the same applies to them. Thus, an entirely new taxonomy would have to be created to apply to these creatures, which is what makes thinking about it so fun! One would have to come up with theories and worldbuilding on the histories and prehistories of the Trolls' world, using what information canon gives us and extrapolating off of that, all while using real world cladistics, taxonomy, and ecology as a basis with which to shape the barest bones of the Trolls' world taxonomy!
*nods dumbly* Yeah yeah 😃 <- (spaced out mid-way through that)
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acuteobserv4tion · 1 year
Did they really write Luka out of the show so they wouldn't have to deal with him knowing the main characters' secret identities? Please tell me that's not what happened. It seems like they're wasting Alya. Please don't tell me they fully wasted snake boy. He wasn't my favorite, but his position holds so much potential for drama as well as comedy.
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I just watched the episode. That's exactly what they did. What is even the point of the magical charms? Why can't Luka be the one for our heroes to confide in? Especially since they're messing up Alya. She's such a flip-flop now, only there to push what the writers want on a whim instead of what the situation demands of her character.
Luka could be the one Adrien confides in, too. Especially since Fu didn't do diddly squat with talking to Adrien in Syren or Party Crasher. Does this count as ml writing salt? Now I'm sad. I wanna play minecraft
On the bright side, Penny's back! Woohoo
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You're too good for them.
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So uh this is prob gonna come off as rude. but like, I understand that Marinette has done a lot (and I mean a lot) of questionable things. But like, she’s well-meaning and always apologizes in the end once she realizes the flaw in her actions and the ppl who it has hurt??? Yes, she shouldn’t have done a lot of things that she did, but 1) when she attempted to break in to Adrien’s house (again not at all okay, but maybe if the firefighter had done his job and told her off, it wouldn’t have happened at all) she was genuinely concerned about Adrien’s safety because she didn’t know how far Lila would go yet. And when she sent the video confessing on the same day Adrien’s mother died, she acknowledged this was an awful idea (“today is the worst day to do it, Tikki!”) but Tikki had convinced her otherwise. So again, not intentionally hurtful.
I just think that if you’re gonna give Marinette a lot of flack for the mistakes she made and learned from and made up for, you could at least acknowledge the stuff Adrien has done, didn’t learn from, and didn’t make up for (sexual harassment (and assault), enabling, etc, etc.)
You’ll probably ignore this but I just wanted to throw that out there.
Honestly if you want to see blogs where Adrien's shortcomings are acknowledged than you should just search the Adrien salt tag. I do think most of the blogs are dogshit because they flanderize the worst parts of Adrien to the extreme in an obsessed desire to circle jerk about why they hate him so much, but they do feature that kind of stuff if you feel like that its a problem you have with Adrien. I could try to compromise and include this stuff, but I don't want to, mainly because that would compromise on the prompts I make focusing on Marinette.
On that note, I want to go on record and say that I made this blog because aside from my personal hatred of this character, I did as a "fuck you" to all the adrien salt blogs where there are millions of posts about how he's a sexual stalker (even though I think its complete dogshit and those blogs only came about because of Adrien's high road comment from oblivio because "OH HE DIDNT IMMEDIATELY SIDE WITH MARINETTE SO HES BAD") but never a single post about why Marinette is also a shite character.
I made this blog specifically for that reason. To make posts about Marinette and her bullshit in the same salty format people do for Adrien, though admittedly even I failed to make the characters as OOC as other salters have done. So pardon me if I didnt want to make posts about Adrien, there are enough of those already.
And to counter you post saying that Marinette is "well meaning", let me say this:
Marinette has been a creepy stalker type character since her first episode. She had a planner tracking Adrien's every move (which was then hastily retconned 4 seasons later when it was pointed out as being a planner for all her friends) and has made multiple plans to try and seduce (or woo) him without so much care for his actual input in the matter, yet cant for the life of day simply ask him out. On that note, she would often go out of her way to prevent other girls from being with him, and even though some were rat bastards like Lila, it sure as hell wasn't care for her friend that inspired her to slander Lila in front of Adrien as Ladybug, causing her to cry and run away in Volpina. It got to a point where Marinette's desire to try and romance Adrien actively fucked over other characters, such as Juleka in Reflekdoll and the boys party in Party Crasher. She didn't HAVE to break into his house in Oni-Chan as she could have called him (or ask Nino if she could call Adrien) and warned him about Lila, but no she did it her way because fuck the rules when Marinette wants Adrien.
No I do not care season 5 is out, they are only stopping it so we can have some fake reverse love square drama bullshit that will be undone by the end of the season I SWEAR ON IT.
Even putting that aside, Marinette is also just a shite hero. Aside from some moral obligation to be a hero and being smart, there's nothing about her that remotely heroic, and most times fucks things up whenever the villains even get a single brain cell since most normal akumas are morons. She relies on others to help her win fights yet can be fucked to try and trust others and make the team work beyond demanding people to be her meatshields, to the point where even her partner that she worked with for 3+ years was getting fed up with it. Yet the second she messed up and cant rely on someone to save her sorry ass from a mess up, all she can do is cry like a bitch as some villain makes off with the entire miracle box. 3 years of hero experience and she ends up crying like a bitch.
But it doesnt matter anyway because everyone loves Marinette so much that they easily forgive her alter ego despite her MAJOR FUCK UP. Everyone in the show is obsessed with Marinette and Ladybug, to the point where they are even obsessed with her getting together with the supposed boy of her dreams, EVEN HER FUCKING EX WHO SHE BASICALLY GHOSTED FOR HALF THEIR RELATIONSHIP. As Ladybug its even worse as everyone is so happy and trusting to her (minus the villains) despite the fact she failed for 3 years to catch the one dude making all the butterflies, not because she was bad, but because she didnt try tracking him down, only confronting him when the villain himself stuck out his neck and got greedy.
I could talk about other stuff I dislike about her, but im just gonna sum it up and say that she's a Mary Sue in a world where there's no main protagonist to replace. If any other character was the main hero, she would be that character in a SI fanfic that ends up overtaking the main hero with her bullshit powers. THERE I SAID IT
On that note, im not changing my mind about how I feel about Marinette despite how much EVERYONE ELSE in the fandom wants to coddle her, and if you wanted Adrien salt in a MARINETTE SALT BLOG you should just look somewhere else. Also I didn't ignore your post so there's that I suppose.
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alishasnoidea · 2 years
Episodes that come to mind when I think of each MLB season in no particular order Tag Game
Tagging @theultracharmingladynoire @nothing-particularly-exciting @fu-cough @emerald-hummingbird @chaos-has-theories @crizztelcb and anyone who sees this
Season 1: Le Mime, Puppeteer, Stormy Weather, Bubbler, Origins part 2
Season 2: THE COLLECTOR, Timebreaker, Anansi, Syren, Riposte, Glaciator, Heroes Day, the Queen Bee Saga
Season 3: Chat Blanc, Miraculer, Ikari Gozen, Ladybug, Party Crasher, Miracle Queen, Oblivio, Gamer 2.0
Season 4: Hack San, Kuro Neko, Strike Back, Rocketeer, Glaciator 2, Optigami, Wishmaker, Gang Of Secrets
Season 5 (take this with a grain of salt cause only like 4 episodes came out): Evolution, Jubilation
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safethaw · 6 months
Roof Ice Dams: Causes And Cures.
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Let's face it: Winter can be a love-hate affair. As much as we adore the snow-capped sceneries and icicle bling, there's that annoying guest that tends to overstay its welcome—ice dams on roofs. So, why do they crash our winter party, and how do we kindly (or not-so-kindly) show them the door? Grab your cocoa; it's storytime. Behind The Ice Curtain: The Birth Of Ice Dams On Roofs First things first, let's get to know our frosty foe a bit better. Ice dams on roofs aren't just Mother Nature having a cheeky laugh at our expense; there's a method in this icy madness. Picture this scenario: It's a bone-chilling day outside, and your roof is all snug under a blanket of snow. Inside, though, it's toasty warm, thanks to that heating you've got cranked up. Now, this warmth sneaks up to the roof, making the snow's underbelly melt. This mischief water tiptoes down the roof, but as it hits the colder edges—boom! It freezes, setting the stage for our infamous ice dam. Now, any meltwater coming behind it gets trapped, and before you know it, you're looking at potential leaks and water damage. Talk about a party crasher! The Salty Mess: How To Get Rid Of Ice Dams? So, you're thinking, "I'll just toss some salt up there or get those chemical deicers." Hold up! Time for a reality check. While salt may be the darling of our kitchen, it's the nemesis of our roofs. Continual use can eat away at metal gutters, and downspouts, and don't even get me started on what it does to plants when it washes off. And those chemical concoctions? They're like that friend who seems sweet but gossips behind your back, slowly ruining the health of your roof tiles. Enter The Hero: Safe Thaw How about a solution that's kind to both your roof and Mother Earth? Meet Safe Thaw. Here's why it's the toast of the town: - Clean and Green: Forget chlorides or toxins. Safe Thaw’s got none of that nasty stuff. It’s like giving your roof a green smoothie instead of junk food. - Runs a Marathon, Not a Sprint: With Safe Thaw, it's not just about today. Its concentrated formula promises to have your back, snowstorm after snowstorm. - Safety First: Worried about your rooftop equipment or any other machinery? Relax, kick back. Safe Thaw's non-corrosive formula means no rust, no damage, and definitely no electrifying surprises. - A Cut Above: Safe Thaw isn't your average Joe. It's a blend of pure genius, combining a crystalline amide core with a nifty glycol twist. Stay One Step Ahead Sure, Safe Thaw is great for damage control, but what about preventing the icy invasion from the get-go? A couple of pointers: - Up Your Insulation Game: A well-insulated attic is like a warm hat for your house—keeps the heat where it belongs. - Vent, Vent, Vent: A breezy attic can stop that snow from melting too fast and going rogue. - Keep an Eye Out: After a snow party outside, check for any budding ice dams. To Sum It Up... Winters should be all about snowball fights and cozy firesides, not roofing headaches. Armed with a sprinkle of knowledge, a dash of prevention, and our trusty sidekick Safe Thaw, those pesky ice dams better watch out! Stay warm and dry, folks! Read the full article
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ask-team-clst · 9 months
💍 for Connor and Tsubaki
where they get married
Assuming they don’t get married in the heat of battle, like that one scene from Pirates of the Caribbean 3 – they get married properly at a church/temple, probably sometime in the spring, since Tsubaki always wanted to get married under cherry blossoms.
The ceremony’s probably going to be a small thing and officiated by Connor’s aunt, or an actual priest.
what traditions they include (do they get married under a chuppah and crush a glass, garter toss, ‘something borrowed, something blue,’ etc. )
 Aside from the bouquet and garter tosses, they take part in the San-San-Kudo, a ritual which is commonly part of Shinto weddings
What their wedding cake looks like?
A three-tiered cake with decorative branches of cherry blossoms made from buttercream frosting.
…. who smashes cake into whose face?
To the surprise of everyone, Tsubaki smashes the cake into Connor’s face.
Who proposed to who first?
Connor was the one who proposed to Tsubaki, it was right before the two of them had separate missions. Knowing Tsubaki and not wanting to make her uncomfortable, Connor made sure that his proposal was a private thing, just the two of them.
who walks down the aisle and who waits at the altar (or neither)
Tsubaki’s walked down the aisle by her grandfather. Per tradition, Connor waits at the altar and seeing Tsubaki in her dress takes his breath away.
what their wedding dresses / suits / other look like
Connor’s suit is black, with a dark green waistcoat, while Tsubaki wears a white dress which takes cues from a traditional bridal kimono.
What their vows are.
 They're pretty traditional vows, but there's an added bit about always having each other's back in a fight.
who’s in the bridal parties/groomsmen /other
While Shanyin’s the best man, Laura shares her duties as Maid of Honor with Tsubaki’s sister Shion. Mostly because the Maid of Honor for a Huntsman Wedding probably has to do a pre-ceremony sweep for crashers, and Shion’s a civilian.
what their bridal party / groomsmen / other are wearing
The bridesmaids and groomsmen are allowed to wear their own suits and dresses. There wasn't a real unifying color scheme for them.
who gives speeches at the reception (bonus: what do they say? recount a sweet memory or two between them? tell an embarrassing story?)
At least three people give speeches, usually recounting sweet memories, with a few good-natured jabs about how long it took for Connor and Tsubaki to realize they liked each other.
who catches the bouquet(s)
It’s either Laura or Shion. Ouka managed to catch the garter.
what their wedding photos are like (are they sweet, with the couple holding hands or kissing or ~gazing into each others eyes~? are they silly, with a snapshot of the ‘cake-smash’ moment? or are they artistic, with one of them facing the sunset or holding their bouquets? )
There’s a combination of sweet and silly photos.
what sort of food they have at the reception
I'm not entirely sure about the menu, but I'm pretty sure the fish option is a salt-crusted sea bream, seeing as that's a traditional Japanese meal for good fortune
who cries first during the ceremony
Tsubaki cries right after kissing Connor, because that's the moment when she realizes it's all real
how wild their reception gets (who dances the best, who gets drunk first, etc. )
The reception starts pretty tame – but gets wild halfway through. No one gets really drunk, but a good chunk of the party are probably going to have a good buzz going.
Shanyin and Tsubaki's brother decide to settle who's the better dancer.
Connor's aunt Morgan starts teaching everyone drinking songs near the end of it.
What their rings are like
The two of them made each other’s rings. Connor’s ring for Tsubaki was a golden band with five pink tourmalines set to look like a five-petalled cherry blossom. Meanwhile, Tsubaki’s ring for Connor was a golden band with Celtic knotwork inlaid in silver.
what sort of favours they have ( heart shaped sparklers, mini champagne bottles, personalised candy etc. )
Probably something simple, mini champagne bottles, personalized candy, a few bottles of Dust for the huntsmen and huntresses in attendance.
where they go for their honeymoon
The two of them probably take a trip to Mistral
something memorable that happens during the party / ceremony ( do they run out of ice and someone goes to get it in full formal wear on foot, does anyone fall asleep in the middle of the party, etc. )
A few things happened, a group of mercenaries hired by Connor’s mom crashed the ceremony in a last-ditch effort to drag Connor away from being a Huntsman, who are then dealt with before the ceremony can get back on track.
During the reception, Shanyin challenges Tsubaki’s older brother Ouka to a dance-off, and Laura settles a bet with someone that she can in fact, shoot a bottle off someone’s head with just a garter.
what song their first dance is to
Merry-Go-Round of Life, it might be a bit on the nose, but it kind of feels right for them.
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restorationwellnessinc · 11 months
Winter Wellness: Your Ultimate Guide to Thriving in the Chill
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Hello, health enthusiasts and winter warriors! As the frosty season approaches, it's time to fortify our defenses and ensure we emerge on the other side with our well-being intact. Today, let's unwrap the secrets to staying healthy this winter—because nothing says victory like embracing the chill with a hearty laugh and a well-nourished body.
Hydration: The Unsung Hero Winter may not have you sweating buckets, but that doesn't mean hydration takes a backseat. In fact, it's more crucial than ever. Cold air is notorious for sucking the moisture out of our skin and leaving us parched. So, grab that water bottle and hydrate like you're training for a winter marathon—your skin will thank you, and your immune system will do a little happy dance.
Vitamin D: The Sunshine Supplement With the sun playing hide-and-seek, it's easy to find yourself in a vitamin D deficit. Combat the winter blues and boost your immune system by soaking up whatever sunshine you can find. If the sun is in hibernation mode, consider adding vitamin D-rich foods or supplements to your routine. It's like a burst of sunshine in a pill—minus the sunburn. Don't forget the vitamin K so you can absorb it!
Move It, Don't Lose It: Winter Exercise Edition The cozy allure of blankets and Netflix can be strong, but so is the call of your health. Keep those winter blues at bay by staying active. Whether it's a brisk winter walk, an indoor workout, or an impromptu snowball fight with the neighbors, movement is the key to keeping those endorphins flowing. Winter might be chilly, but your exercise routine doesn't have to hibernate.
Warmth from Within: Soup Magic Now, let's talk about everyone's favorite winter comfort—soup! I present to you a meat, bean, and soy-free delight: Creamy Coconut Lentil Soup. Packed with protein and a symphony of spices, this soup is like a warm hug for your insides. Find the recipe below, and let the aroma of wholesome goodness fill your kitchen.
Creamy Coconut Lentil Soup Recipe:
1 cup red lentils
1 onion, finely chopped
3 cloves garlic, minced
1 tsp ginger, grated
1 tsp cumin
1 tsp coriander
1 can coconut milk
4 cups vegetable broth
Salt and pepper to taste
Fresh cilantro for garnish
Rinse lentils thoroughly.
In a pot, sauté onions, garlic, and ginger until fragrant.
Add lentils, cumin, coriander, coconut milk, and vegetable broth. Simmer until lentils are tender.
Season with salt and pepper.
Garnish with fresh cilantro and enjoy!
5. Immunity Boost: Nature's Shield Winter bugs are like party crashers you never invited. Strengthen your immune system with a rainbow of fruits and vegetables. Load up on citrus fruits, dark leafy greens, and vibrant berries to give your body the nutrients it needs to fend off those pesky invaders. It's like creating a force field of health around you.
Winter is no match for the health-conscious individual armed with hydration, vitamin D, exercise, hearty soups, and an immunity-boosting diet. So, let's face the chilly season head-on, armed with laughter, warmth, and a commitment to our well-being. Here's to a winter of thriving, not just surviving! Stay warm, stay well, and embrace the frosty adventures that await.
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zoe-oneesama · 2 years
Congratulations on finishing Reverser!! Super excited to see Marc’s full header outfit when that episode comes out! Next on the docket is Party Crasher, right? Whenever you have the time after your fresh rewatch of the episode, what are your thoughts and opinions on Wayhem, his akuma, and Party Crasher’s plot?
Ughhh, I watched it once quickly because this was definitely a Temporary Hero episode (I watched all the episodes I knew for sure would have a temp hero in since I needed to figure out what power would be needed) and it was hard to watch. I just kept getting mad with the civilian plot:
Wayhem is...fine? In THIS episode. It's kind of easy to completely separate him from "Gorizilla" so he's fine in this episode alone (I can't personally get over how obsessive he was in "Gorizilla" but at least he apologized for it? I guess?? Well Adrien seems cool with it at least.)
This is one of the only episodes where the "misunderstanding" that creates the akuma actually feels like a genuine misunderstanding and miscommunication rather than one person jumping to crazy conclusions and then getting mad when they're incorrect (*cough* "Lady Wifi" *cough* "Reverser" *cough*)
His akuma design is fun and camp so I actually like it, but I'm very confused by his powers since he seems to have...many? Like, okay, he can "predict" his opponents movements and envisions it like a dance floor... AND he absorbs people and things into his disco hands by touching them... buuut he can ALSO zap you from a distance... but then he ALSO makes a helicopter?? Also he can apparently heal himself after King Monkey busts everyone out of his disco prison...
I was with you for those first three things but you lost me at HELICOPTER.
And then there's...the plot.
I had to watch this episode in halves because I was getting to mad. At Nino. It's just so weird that this show had one of it's main characters make a universally disliked decision: Breaking a Promise. Isn't that, like, Kid's Show 101, to teach you that you're supposed to keep your word? So why'd they make Nino not only go back on his promise to help Mylene and the girls, but rope other people into it too?? And then for Tikki to be shocked and horrified that Marinette lied and frame that as being wrong when Nino and the boys did the exact same thing! So it's only a big deal when Marinette does it, got it. And I HATE that the conclusion was "well it could've gone smoother but iT wAs fOr AdRiEn sO iT'S cOoL!"
Neither of you, none of you, should've broken your promise. THAT should've been the conclusion. All of them should've spent the end of the episode apologizing to the tree planting group and getting to work.
It's just a weird episode for so many reasons. For one, the girls either somehow didn't catch on to the obvious that aLL the boys were playing hooky on them or they just didn't care, except for Marinette. So even though we're supposed to think it's wrong of Marinette to dip out to prove the boys are lying, it doesn't seem to matter cuz clearly the girls aren't bothered! Breaking promises? Going back on your word? Leaving your friends hanging? Apparently it's not THAT big a deal, so who CARES if the boys or Marinette flake on purpose?
For another thing, I get that we have a limit on teenage boy models to fill this house party with, but I don't think the solution was EVERY GROWN ADULT MAN IN PARIS to crash a MIDDLE SCHOOLER'S HOUSE PARTY!
Roger comes for a "noise complaint" and stays for the foosball?
Astruc and Vincent/Guiseppe/Photographer dude come for a casting call for Adrien at his house? (Look, if the director and his casting photographer are coming to your house, skip the formalities, you already have the gig, let's be real, and also they came over when Adrien's guardians are out of the house, that's creepy).
And then Jagged Stone jumps through his window from his helicopter because he heard the music they were using???
None of these don't feel weird and kinda creepy, like you WEREN'T INVITED, say your piece and GET OUT! Or better yet DON'T COME! No, Nino, stop thinking this is cool, this is FREAKING WEIRD, stop teaching Adrien weird shit!
Put that into perspective for sec: Nino thinks Adrien would have a better time at a Dude's Only House Party (boring) with Randos then just letting his Girl Friends join them.
If they wanted this Boys vs Girls thing, they should've gone full in. Have the girls see through the excuses and let them be pissed. Let them want to confront the boys, but oh? Nino told the Bodyguard to specifically not let them in? What's that, music? Are they...they're having a PARTY?! They're having a PARTY instead of helping them PLANT TREES like they PROMISED AND they're DELIBERATELY EXCLUDING THE GIRLS FROM SAID PARTY?!
Oh this means War.
So make the shenangians about the girls trying and failing (or succeeding?) into getting into the party in increasingly ridiculous ways or something. Like, oh, THEY could call the police on the noise complaint and then get dumbstruck when Roger joins the party. Or have them notice that Adrien's fencing instructor and the Director are getting in so they think the party will be stopped by Adren's obligations and then getting ticked when that doesn't slow them down.
Dress up as Pizza Guys, Delivery Men, Classmates, ANYTHING to get in! Have them notice Wayhem and try to drag him in but because they've tried so many times THAT'S why the bodyguard doesn't let him in - because he's with the girls.
Just... you wanted this dumb Boys Club vs Girls thing, so commit you cowards, give me a WAR! I don't care for those kinds of dumb gender war episodes but at least don't half ass it if you're gonna do it!
As for the Boy Heroes Team thing, it feels wrong to give them a hero episode of their own when THEY are the bad guys in the Civilian Plot and to not have an equivalent Girl Heroes Team episode (instead they get a Girl AKUMAS episode, twice!). The idea is cool and I would've liked to see more squad episodes that weren't framed as "I-need-five-heroes-to-do-what-just-Chat-Noir-can-do" and were actually about teamwork, but our options are the Heroes Day Season 2 finale where they fell apart, or "Party Crasher".
At the end of day, the boys just look like jerks for ditching the girls, but the girls don't even care, so there's not even enough drive for Marinette to involve herself, and then the Marinette Sneaking In shenanigans aren't even fun, the randos showing up aren't fun (except Mr. Banana, he can stay), I guess Marinette and Nino (and the boys) punishment is cleaning up Adrien's room...? Like, good for Adrien that he doesn't get any backlash from his dad because it'd be wildly unfair for him to be the person who gets punished in this scenario, but nobody learned any lessons. It's just...
What was the point of all this?
At least I didn't have any complaints about Adrien for the most part.
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nobodyfamousposts · 5 years
Felix July - Betrayal (Felix Culpa) An alternative for Party Crasher
Just a “what if” for Party Crasher taking place in the Felix Culpa AU.
For @felixmonth
Bring! Bring!
His phone was ringing again. After intentionally ignoring the calls from the girls, Nino was starting to get wary. Wary and weary. He checked his phone once again only to sigh in relief when it was Felix this time. He must be calling about the party, so Nino picked up with a grin.
“Hey, dude! Where you at?”
“I’m at the park, fulfilling my prior obligation.”
Nino blinked in surprise. “Dude, why are you doing that? I told you about the plan, didn’t I?”
There was a harsh whisper on Felix’s end of the line before he gave a small sigh and started speaking.
“I am apparently being coerced to give you fair warning that the girls know what you and the others are really doing and they are rather cross with you.”
Nino’s jerked upright at that.
“WHAT?! How did they know?”
A couple of the others noticed his distress and came over in concern.
“Apparently with notably less people, they needed more equipment and sent Marinette and Rose to get more supplies. On the way back, they met up with a young man—I think you know him as Wayhem? He was particularly distressed about not being able to get into the party and told them what was going on at the Agreste Mansion. He says ‘hi’ by the way.”
That explained how the girls knew about the party, at least.
“But…how did they know it was us?”
“I told them.”
“Dude! Why would you do that?!” Nino demanded in outrage, getting the attention of others around him. Seeing the way they were staring at him in confusion and approaching him, Nino put the phone on speaker so they could all listen in.
“It seemed the better option to simply be honest and tell the girls.”
“What happened to Bro Code?”
“Self-preservation happened. I’m currently being held hostage by a crowd of angry women just looking for a reason to start clawing eyes out. And I like my eyes more than I like you.” Came the rather blunt response.
With the other boys nearby and able to hear Felix, they seemed less than impressed with his statements or the implications of the girls knowing. More started to crowd the phone as they tried to work out the situation.
“Are you really scared of some girls?“ Kim asked.
There was a pause.
“Girls have sharp nails and fight dirty. I’m not going to test my luck.”
The boys winced at that because yeah, he had a point.
Nino groaned. “Man, why didn’t you just come to the party from the start?!”
“Because when you’re inviting every male in Paris to a party at Adrien Agreste’s mansion with a petty ‘no girls allowed’ rule to try to hide what you’re doing, it’s bound to get back to the girls in question that you ditched them and lied about it. There is no amount of effort on my part that could save you at that point.”
“Couldn’t you have tried?”
“I can’t exactly argue with photographs and video footage.”
Nino paled. “Footage?”
“It’s pretty hard to miss the line of males entering the mansion that people generally aren’t allowed into. Or Jagged Stone with a megaphone and leaping in through a window from a helicopter.”
He winced.
“Oh yeah…that.”
“What made you think you could hide a party of this magnitude anyway?” Felix asked, genuinely curious. “Why would you send out a mass invite? And how did you expect that nobody would figure it out when the attendees include a rock star and the Mayor of the city?”
Several persons coughed or looked away at that, trying to edge out of sight as if Felix and the girls could be glaring at them through the phone.
“Okay, I see your point.” Nino admitted. “But the girls…are they mad?”
“Oh, they’re furious.” The blond on the other end replied, entirely too calm and forthright for anyone’s comfort.
The boys gulped.
“Like...silent treatment furious or ‘expect an akuma’ furious?” Ivan asked, warily.
Felix hummed for a moment as if considering. “I think Marinette is trying to prevent the latter. She made a very inspiring speech about ‘Hawk Moth can only target those who can’t see a solution to their problems’. So they’re trying to come up with solutions now.“
“Oh, that’s good.” Leave it to Marinette to keep everything calm and orderly.
“Not exactly. Their list of solutions mostly involve things they want to do to you. None of them are good.”
All of the males in the general vicinity started to sweat.
“It sounds like they’re still debating some manner of using you as fertilizer for the trees they’re planting or to get revenge with their own ‘girls only’ party.”
“So...uh...where do they stand?” Nathaniel asked, hoping it would be the latter.
“They seem to want to do both.”
Nino groaned. “How are we gonna deal with this one?”
“I believe that will be your problem to deal with.”
“Come on, it was for Adrien!” The capped boy exclaimed. “They aren’t really going to make him suffer and feel guilty just because we threw him a party the one time we got a chance, are they?”
Adrien looked from Nino to the phone in worry. He hadn’t meant to make the girls upset. They weren’t too angry, were they? This wouldn’t ruin his friendship with them, would it?
There was some discussion on the other end of the line for almost a good minute before Felix returned.
“They say Adrien can come to the girls’ party.”
Adrien brightened. “Thanks!”
“Oh come on!” Several of the males exclaimed.
“That’s just not fair!”
Felix sighed on the other end of the line. “Perhaps you should have considered that before lying to the women in your lives and reneging on your prior commitments. Or going to a party in a teenage boy’s room just because his father is not there. You are aware Gabriel Agreste will also find out about this, right? And that he does have cameras to know who all has entered his home while he was gone?”
Everyone froze.
And almost immediately started to vacate the premises with a myriad of excuses. Soon enough, only the boys were left. And of course, Felix on the phone.
It seemed the party was over at that.
Nino rubbed the back of his head. “Look, we will come and help now.”
“I wouldn’t recommend that. Right now, the girls don’t want to see you.” There was some discussion on the other end of the line before Felix resumed speaking. “Stay and finish your party. They said they will see you on Monday. And specifically that they had better NOT see you before then.”
The boys winced, realizing they would definitely be in for it come then.
“In the meantime, the girls are going to continue the community project as promised. They have some anger to burn off it seems.”
The boys winced again. Hopefully, their anger will be worked off as extra energy and they’ll be too tired come Monday. Or at least calmer and not as inclined to enact unholy vengeance.
In retrospect, maybe they should have been honest with the girls from the start? Or at least planned ahead better.
“Might I recommend some more careful planning this time?” Felix suggested, almost as if he could read their thoughts. “Perhaps some gifts might help? And groveling.”
Because yeah, it went without saying that there would be some serious groveling on their part.
“Thanks, Felix. We’ll—we’ll get right on that.”
Felix gave another hum.
“Enjoy your party.”
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iwasbored777 · 3 years
Addition to my "Master Fu was such a terrible mentor" - in season 3 the first and the only time he visited Adrien's mansion (as far as I remember) was in Party Crasher and it wasn't to give him anything or tell him anything, it was bc Adrien threw a party and Master Fu wanted to dance. Imagine you don't see your old mentor for a long time and then he shows up at your house and you think it's bc he cares about you and all he wants to do is DANCE on your party-
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gale-gentlepenguin · 3 years
Party crasher
Marinette straight up ditched her friends so she could try and hang out with adrien. It is just as much of a jerk move as the boys ditching and no one calls her out on it.
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mcheang · 4 years
Mlb prompt: What if Adrien finds out the scarf was Marinette's & so had no reason to give Gabe the benefit of doubt? If he just snapped & started to push back, threatening to go to the media, & really doing so when Gabe thinks he's bluffing? Since Gabe thinks locking him in an empty room for a few weeks without phone, pc or games etc. would make him back down, he doesn't take it seriously. But Adrien has Plagg, so he escapes. Cue media shitstorm. Even worse if this is after "muse Lila", so Gabe also gets accused of either being a pedo, not taking sexual harassment (Lila towards Adrien) seriously, using his son as a bargaining chip or all of it. I just wonder what it would be like if magazines & newspapers going "protect sunshine!" mode exposed both Lila & Gabriel as Hawkmoth, and if by that time Adrien were DONE, & so felt way less heartbreak.
Teenage rebellion
Post party Crasher draft
As Adrien opens up his presents at his party, he comes across the standard pen gift from his father. He is surprised and disappointed.
Luka asks what is wrong. Adrien admits he hoped his father would have given him something more meaningful than a pen. At least the scarf was warmer than cold metal.
Adrien even gets the scarf out but while the boys look angry and upset, Luka identifies the scarf as Marinette’s, having spotted her signature.
Adrien: he commissioned Marinette to make me a scarf? I’m not sure how to feel about that.
Nino exhaled. “Dude, no. Marinette made that scarf for you. It was her birthday present to you.”
Adrien stilled.
Nino: your dad stole her gift and presented it as his own. Marinette didn’t want to tell you because you looked so happy.
Kim: yeah, we got that. But I still say we should have exposed the old man from the start if he wasn’t even going to improve his gifts.
Adrien is noticeably upset by this. The boys soon try to cheer him up again.
When Gabriel returns home, he coldly confronts Adrien for having an unauthorithized party, calling it a betrayal of trust.
Adrien: Hmm, then what do you call stealing someone else’s gift to pass off as your own?
Gabriel: I have no idea what you are talking about.
Adrien: grounded? Fine. Leaving me alone on my birthday? Sad, but also fine. Lying to me while lecturing me on trust? Priceless! (I totally copied this from W.i.t.c.h. H is for Hunted)
Adrien storms off, leaving Gabriel confused. Nathalie nervously tells Gabriel the truth. Ouch...ok so his son does have some right to be angry at him. But it’s not like he forgot his birthday date!
So Adrien is grounded without use of any technology. So what? He can just sneak out as always.
It’s bad enough that his father was distant, that he denied him the rights of a birthday party or friends, but to be a hypocrite and hurt his friends, that was unforgivable.
Gabriel no longer deserved any respect.
Just in case, Adrien asked Plagg to destroy any surveillance footage in his room. He then transforms and sneaks out to have fun with friends. No more screen Adrien. Now, they were getting the real boy.
Everyone was delighted. But Marinette worried about Gabriel until Adrien promised Marinette he had it all under control.
Oh, and did I mention he also invited Wayhem. The latter was obviously outraged when he learned what Gabriel has done to his idol/friend.
He wants Adrien to rebel. Marinette warily reminds them that Gabriel can still take Adrien out of school.
Wayhem: not if he wants to face media backlash once Adrien’s fans hear of his treatment.
Indeed, Gabriel’s hands are tied when Adrien launches this ultimatum, either give him freedom, or the spotlight will be shone on Gabriel’s parental abilities.
Gabriel hires Lila to persuade Adrien to behave or get his friends to back off. But the gang just dislike Adrien’s father and Adrien just dislikes her, so even she fails when the others just stare at her in disbelief for suggesting they give Gabriel a second chance.
Ivan: he’ll get his second chance when he earns it. Trust has to be earned.
Gabriel wants to make his wish so this can all be erased. So Lila proceeds with the expel Marinette plan.
Adrien sees Lila at a photo shoot and grows suspicious. He cuts a deal with Lila; either she gets Marinette back or he becomes her enemy.
Knowing that Adrien was serious about turning his fans against his father, Lila knew he would also set them on her easily.
She got Marinette back. But like hell Adrien was going to play nice with the liar.
He reported to Wayhem and his friends how Lila was his father’s muse and she really needs to learn personal space.
The guys are horrified she would side with Gabriel just to become a model.
Chat Noir also visits the principal to investigate the expulsion thoroughly. The footage clearly shows Lila framing Marinette.
Damocles triés to defend Lila because of her disease but Chat uses his star power to appeal to The Owl, saying the truth must be revealed for justice to fully prevail.
As a result, the principal exposes Lila’s disease for the whole school to hear, fully clearing Marinette of all suspicion.
Now this clearly exposes Lila as a liar, and her classmates turn on her, refusing to believe in such a phony disease.
Not to mention that Lila’s debut as a model has quite a bad reception. Thank you Wayhem!
When confronted, Lila finally throws Gabriel under the bus and admits he hired her to separate Adrien from his friends. While she is still despicable, she makes it clear the origin of her plans was all Gabriel.
That’s it. Adrien no longer has a father.
Wayhem and Adrien accuse Gabriel of bad parenting online. It creates a public scandal.
Adrien is confined to the house to prevent contact with anyone else, but this gives him time to go digging into his father’s office to retrieve his contract and payslips. Plagg is tasked to look for any incriminating evidence. So he just floats around, making a mess of things, and accidentally activates the hidden elevator while looking for hidden floor panels.
Boom, they discover the butterflies and Emilie.
Adrien tells Ladybug as Chat Noir.
Gabriel and Nathalie are arrested, but he also returns Lila’s betrayal by admitting she was a willing accomplice.
Adrien watches this stonefaced. When asked how he feels about seeing his neglectful parent taken away, brought to justice by his own son, Adrien responds, “A father is supposed to care for his son. All Gabriel has done was provide for me materially. But this does not excuse his crimes for neglect, hurting my friends, or even trying to manipulate me emotionally by blaming me for his akumatization into the Collector. As far as I am concerned, my father died a long time ago. I don’t know this man anymore.”
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