yaotzen · 2 years
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Variante de #KapotasanaB (2017) Fotografía de: @anibalcamacho_ #diablitomexa #diablitomexicano #yoga #YogaMéxico #drishti #asanas #asana #shadow #yogaajustes #pascimottanasana #yogaadjustments #tattooed #tattoo #contraste #yogateacher #yogainstructor #yogainspiration #backbend #Kapotasana (en Cdmx) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cc2zC3EOZcI/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ariommm · 6 years
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🌸Inhalamos profundo. Y luego soltamos... no sólo soltamos el aire, también soltamos todo lo que no necesitamos. ✨✨ Todo lo que no nos hace bien, lo dejamos ir. 💕 Hoy decidí probar cosas nuevas en mi postura de la pinza🌸 y me quede sorprendida de ver lo que he progresado😳💕💕 sentí un estiramiento mucho más profundo con la ayuda de dos bloques. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 poco a poco, el cuerpo te va diciendo cuando debes avanzar y cuando debes quedarte dónde estás. • • #pascimottanasana
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rasaeyoga · 4 years
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Padmasana 🌸🌸🌸 La posizione del fiore di loto.🧘‍♀️🧘‍♂️☯️ Secondo la mitologia induista durante il nuovo ciclo di creazione un fiore di loto fiorì dall’ombelico di Vishnu (il Dio conservatore dell’universo). Ed è da questo fiore che è uscito il suono OM. 🕉 Il loto simboleggia la purezza ed elevazione spirituale che cresce e fiorisce nelle acque oscure di uno stagno.🌸 1🌸 Il piede all’inguine con il ginocchio sollevato 2🌸 Il piede all’inguine con il ginocchio accompagnato verso il pavimento, variante di mezzo loto Ardha padmasana. 3 🌸 eka pada garbha​ pindasana 4 🌸 Baddha konasana – posizione ad angolo con i piedi uniti 5 🌸 variante di baddha konasana 6​ 🌸 Ardha padmasana – Mezzo loto 7 🌸 ardha padma piegamento in avanti 8 🌸 arda padma pascimottanasana ​ ​ ​ #padmasana #padma #loto #fiorediloto #asana #om #ardhapadmasana #ardha #lotus #halflotus #arda #ekapadagarbhapindasana #Baddhakonasana #farfalla #baddhakonasana #Ardhapadmasana #Mezzoloto #piegamentoinavanti #pascimottanasana #yogasana #yoga #yogapose #yogadaily #yogapractice #amoreperyoga #yogalove #yogalife #yogare​ #flexibility #hips https://www.instagram.com/p/B_uH6maoU0V/?igshid=mpub507hpc1q
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fitabouts · 3 years
Dandasana, also known as Staff Pose, serves as a barometer for other seated poses, a place of retreat in which the body and mind assess the changes created by previous postures.
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🧘‍♂️ Information:👉 
1️⃣ Known as:👉 Dandasana, Staff Pose, Stick Pose, Seated Tadasana, Seated Mountain Pose
2️⃣ Sanskrit name:👉 दण्डासन
3️⃣ IAST:👉 Daṇḍāsana
4️⃣ Pronunciation:👉 dahn-DAHS-uh-nuh
5️⃣ Level:👉 Beginner
6️⃣ Type:👉 Seated, Restorative pose
7️⃣ Total time:👉 Varies
8️⃣ Drishti:👉 Forward; Eye closed
9️⃣ Chakra:👉 Manipura Chakra, Swadisthana Chakra, Muladhara Chakra
🔟 Focus:👉 Shoulders, upper back, chest, abdomen
💡 Indications:👉 Asthma, digestion, sciatica
💡 Counterpose:👉 Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend Pose)
💡 Preparatory poses:👉 Upward Salute (Palm Tree Pose), Standing Spinal Twist Pose, Uttanasana, Downward-Facing Dog Pose
💡 Follow-up poses:👉 Purvottanasana, Bharadvajasana I, Pascimottanasana, Tolangulasana
💡 Contraindications:👉 Lower back injury, back surgery, wrist injury
Learn more:👉 Dandasana or Staff Pose or Stick Pose
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Using Yoga Poses To Improve Your Health
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Yoga Poses are the body and mind places you are trying to achieve through Yoga that are also called Asanas. The benefits of practicing Yoga is mainly to exercise, strengthen and tone your body's muscles and exercise your mind. It takes a great deal of willpower and tenacity to accomplish each Yoga Pose and you have to have the discipline to practice your routine of poses or asanas daily.
You may or may not know that the effort required for yoga is certainly not easy (what program ids that actually works though!), but the total body benefit is worth all the hard work. The art of practicing Yoga exercises or Asanas can and will improve your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health. To be able to accomplish the Yoga Poses requires you to study each pose and perform it deliberately as you control your body and mind simultaneously. Learn the following different Yoga Exercises, Postures, and Poses in the following sections and then incorporate them into your routine  tadasana steps.
Warm-Up Poses
In general, warming up depends on the particular style of yoga that you practice and your studio, class, DVD, or online training will show you the best warm up for the type of yoga you are doing.
Standing Poses - You should learn the following Standing Poses
o Virabhadrasana or Warrior Pose
o Utkatasana or Squat Pose
o Uttanasana or Standing Forward Bend
o Tadasana or Mountain Pose
o Uthita Trikonasana or Extended Triangle
o Garudasana or Eagle Pose
o Natarajasana or Dancer
o Bakasana or Crow Pose
o Chaturangsana or Plank Pose
o Purvottanasana or Back Bend
o Vasisthasana or Inclined Plank
Seated Poses - These poses can be done while sitting.
Sitting Neutral
o Vajrasana or Hero Pose
o Dandasana or Staff Pose
o Baddhakonasana or Bound Angle Pose
o Gomukhasana or Cow Face Pose
Sitting Forward
o Pascimottanasana or Sitting Forward Bend
o Paripurna navasana or Boat Pose
Sitting Back Bends
o Bidalasana or Cat Stretch
o Ustrasana or Camel Pose
o Bhujangasana or Cobra Pose
o Dhanurasana or Bow Pose
Sittting Twist
o Ardha matsyendrasana or Half Twist
Inverted Postures and Balance Poses - These poses help to increase circulation, stimulate the brain, enhance glandular system functioning, and relieve pressure on the abdominal organs helping with digestion and blood flow.
o Sarvangasana or Shoulder Stand
o Halasana or Plow Pose
o Adho Mukha Svanasana or Downward Facing Dog
o Setu Bandha or Half Bridge
o Urdhva Dhanurasana or Full Bridge
o Karnapidasana or Spider Pose
It's recommended that people try and practice different yoga poses at home or even in the office or workplace but if you are feeling like you're not able to complete a posture, please don't push yourself. Yoga is not a competition so just relax, rest for a minute and try the pose again. Also remember not to try yoga poses that are beyond your capabilities. If you attempt asanas that are beyond your level you can injure yourself which is not what we are trying to achieve with yoga! You might find it helpful to get some expert guidance through popular online training websites where a professional teacher can instruct and coach you through each Yoga Pose ensuring you are doing the exercise correctly.
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saccidananda-yoga · 4 years
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paścimottānāsana, die Dehnung des Westens Diese sitzende Vorwärtsbeuge entwickelt Geduld und Hingabe. Sie regt die Bauchorgane an und fördert die Verdauung. Durch die Anregung der Leber und der Nieren wirkt sie entgiftend und ausleitend. Die Aktivierung der Bauchspeicheldrüse führt zur Verringerung des Blutzuckerspiegels. Zusätzlich wird von paścimottānāsana gesagt, dass sie die Abwehrkräfte stärkt und somit gut bei beginnender Erkältung wirkt. paścimottānāsana aktiviert alle #chakra der Wirbelsäule und gilt als #kundalini erweckend. Auf geistiger Ebene entwickelt paścimottānāsana #gelassenheit, Ausdauer, #geduld, #hingabe und #demut. _________________________________ #kundaliniyoga #hatha #hathayoga #tantra #tantrayoga #ashtanga #ashtangayoga #freude #yogalife #yogalove #yogaliebe #yogainberlin #yogaberlin #berlinyoga #yogalehrerausbildung #saccidanandayoga #paschimottanasana #pascimottanasana #yogaretreats #yogaretreat #yogalehrer #yogaleben #asana #dankbarkeit https://www.instagram.com/p/B7Cg-sFoFET/?igshid=jz3x89yh8x4i
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Realize The Best Yoga Postures to Improve Your Overall Health
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Yoga stances are about unification of body, brain and soul. The postures are additionally called as Asanas. There are a few favorable circumstances in rehearsing this type of craftsmanship. In this practicing framework the professionals for the most part practice a wide assortment of stances to tone and reinforce the muscles of the body and furthermore to improve generally speaking mental and physical wellbeing. To achieve each stance effectively the specialists need a solid resolution just as industriousness and they should regard this type of craftsmanship and practice each posture day by day to receive greatest wellbeing reward from it.
In the event that you are a tenderfoot, at that point you probably won't know with the way that the exertion required to achieve each stance isn't simple without a doubt, yet the general medical advantages offered will worth all your diligent work. Customary routine with regards to asanas or stances will doubtlessly improve your enthusiastic, mental, physical and otherworldly wellbeing. However, before you begin rehearsing the stances it is significant for you to fit and perform them intentionally to have a solid command over your psyche and body during your sessions. Underneath you will run over with some significant yoga stances which you have to pursue and incorporate into your every day schedule.
Warm-Up Postures
Typically, warm-up stances significantly rely upon the particular style that you practice routinely. Your teachers will tell you the ideal warm-up represent that is appropriate for the kind of yoga Ustrasana Benefits you perform every day.
Standing Poses
• Warrior Pose or Virabhadrasana
• Squat Pose or Utkatasana
• Standing Forward Bend or Uttanasana
• Pountain Pose or Tadasana
• Extended Triangle or Uthita Trikonasana
• Eagle Pose or Garudasana
• Dancer or Natarajasana
• Crow Pose or Bakasana
• Plank Pose or Chaturangsana
• Back Bend or Purvottanasana
• Inclined Plank or Vasisthasana
Sitting Pose
Sitting Neutral:
• Hero Pose or Vajrasana
• Staff Pose or Dandasana
• Bound Angle Pose or Baddhakonasana
• Cow Face Pose or Gomukhasana
Sitting Forward
• Sitting Forward Bend or Pascimottanasana
• Boat Pose or Paripurna Navasana
Sitting Back Bends
• Cat Stretch or Bidalasana
• Camel Pose or Ustrasana
• Cobra Pose or Bhujangasana
• Bow Pose or Dhanurasana
Sitting Twist
• Half Twist or Ardha matsyendrasana
Rearranged Poses and Balance Postures
These stances are exceptionally useful for individuals who need to improve blood dissemination, upgrade glandular framework working, invigorate mind and ease weight on their stomach organs with the assistance of blood stream and assimilation.
• Shoulder Stand or Sarvangasana
• Plow Pose or Halasana
• Downward Facing Dog or Adho Mukha Savanasana
• Half Bridge or Setu Bandha
• Full Bridge or Urdhva Dhanurasana
• Spider Pose or Karnapidasana
These were the absolute most generally polished yoga represents that help the specialists to improve their wellbeing condition and furthermore help them to battle against various afflictions. With ordinary routine with regards to yoga one can without much of a stretch accomplish a more beneficial body and will remain fit all through their life expectancy.Ustrasana Benefits
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standardmoves · 7 years
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Ardha Baddha Padma Pascimottanasana, Half Bound Lotus Seated Forward Bend, Sharon Aluma
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wasistyoga · 4 years
Paschimottanasana, Yoga Asana, die sitzende Vorbeuge – dieser Artikel befasst sich mit einer Asana, die Bestandteil fast jeder Yogastunde und toll für unsere Gesundheit ist – die Vorwärtsbeuge im Sitzen. Intensive Dehnung der Beinrückseite und Massage der Bauchorgane – die Wirkung von Paschimottanasana (auch Pascimottanasana oder Pashchimottanasana geschrieben) ist vielseitig. Wahre Yoga Fans lieben die […]
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ariommm · 7 years
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Que tu medicina sea tu alimento y que tu alimento sea tu medicina. 🍃 #hipocrates ✨✨✨✨✨Cuando cambiamos la manera de ver las cosas, todo cambia.🌙 🇻🇪mi mantra de hoy:: cambio para Venezuela❤️✨
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0umopapisdn0 · 5 years
Paschimottanasana (Yoga Asana) ~~ sitzende Vorwärtsbeuge
Paschimottanasana, Yoga Asana, die sitzende Vorbeuge – dieser Artikel befasst sich mit einer Asana, die Bestandteil fast jeder Yogastunde und toll für unsere Gesundheit ist – die Vorwärtsbeuge im Sitzen. Intensive Dehnung der Beinrückseite und Massage der Bauchorgane – die Wirkung von Paschimottanasana (auch Pascimottanasana oder Pashchimottanasana geschrieben) ist vielseitig. Wahre Yoga Fans lieben die…
Der Beitrag Paschimottanasana (Yoga Asana) ~~ sitzende Vorwärtsbeuge erschien zuerst auf wasistYOGA.
source https://wasistyoga.home.blog/2019/11/03/paschimottanasana-yoga-asana-sitzende-vorwaertsbeuge/
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meditativeyoga · 6 years
Balance Flexibility in the Hips
We all experience versatility in some areas than others. Sage Rountree discusses the relevance of equilibrium in as well as around the hips and supplies poses that help to develop opening where needed.
As we took into consideration in my last blog post, the quantity of adaptability you require in your hips depends considerably on your tasks. Specific composition, both architectural (in the shape of your bones) and also functional (in the method you've utilized your body gradually) impacts your capabilities as well. Some yogis might have a great deal of flexibility that they don't require, others may have a great deal of stamina however not adequate adaptability for their sports quests, many in both camps have a combination, hanging in some muscle mass teams as well as limited in others. When faced with these variations, we can settle on the significance of equilibrium-- we need balance between the muscular tissues in the front and back and internal and also external lines of the hips. This equilibrium keeps the pelvis appropriately situated and also reduces both severe injuries and also overuse issues.
With the objective of building balance around the hips and an understanding of the demands your sporting activity places on your body, you'll need to practice a selection of positions that target the front, back, outer, and inner lines of the hips. As you do, you'll probably find that your flexibility is challenged in a couple of certain regions. Here are some instances of poses that fit into the groups, there are, obviously, much more, including the dozens of variations on each of these postures. Include a pose or 2 from each classification in your practice, and you'll find out about your body as well as its patterns-- an effective experience.
Backbends that stretch the hip flexors: Dancer Pose (Natarajasana), Crescent Lunge (Anjaneyasana), Bridge Pose (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana), Bow as well as Upward-Facing Bow (Dhanurasana and Urdhva Dhanurasana)
Forward flexes that stretch the hamstrings: Standing Onward Bend (Uttanasana), Wide-Legged Forward Bend (Prasarita Padottanasana), Sittinged Onward Fold (Pascimottanasana), Wide-Legged Seated Forward Layer (Upavista Konasana), Head of the Knee (Janu Sirsasana)
Poses to extend the outer lines of the hips: Cow-Face Posture (Gomukhasana), Pigeon Posture (Eka Rajakapotanasana), Revolved Twist (Jathara Parivartasana) as well as its variants, Benting Lunges
Poses to extend the internal lines of the upper legs: Cobbler Pose (Baddha Konasana), Celebrity Posture (Tarragona), Reptile Lunge, Revolved Head of the Knee (Parivritta Janu Sirsasana), Wide-Legged Seated Forward Fold (Upavista Konasana), Wide-Legged Ahead Bend (Prasarita Padottanasana)
NEXT Prevent Injury with Balanced Stamina in the Hips
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#rope #pascimottanasana #yoga #flexibility #fitness
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saccidananda-yoga · 4 years
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paścimottānāsana, die Dehnung des Westens. paścima ist der Westen. Da in klassischen #yoga die #asanapraxis hauptsächlich am Morgen praktiziert wird und die Praxis, insbesondere des Sonnengrußes, in Richtung Sonne ausgerichtet wird, zeigt die Vorderseite des Körpers nach Osten und die Rückseite nach Westen. In paścimottānāsana wird die Rückseite der Beine und der gesamte Rücken gedehnt. Beides wird hier als Westen bezeichnet. _________________________________ #hatha #hathayoga #ashtanga #ashtangayoga #vinyasa #vinyasaflow #vinyasayoga #tantra #tantrayoga #kundalini #kundaliniyoga #yogainberlin #yogaberlin #berlinyoga #saccidanandayoga #yogaretreat #yogaretreats #yogainfriedrichshain #yogaintensiv #yogalehrerausbildung #yogalife #asana #paschimottanasana #pascimottanasana #yogaleben #yogalove #yogalife #yogaliebe https://www.instagram.com/p/B7ACmPrH23i/?igshid=1m6jue8mzum1g
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wanderlustyogini · 11 years
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finally I can fold my hands around!!
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wasistyoga · 5 years
Paschimottanasana (Yoga Asana) ~~ sitzende Vorwärtsbeuge
Paschimottanasana, Yoga Asana, die sitzende Vorbeuge – dieser Artikel befasst sich mit einer Asana, die Bestandteil fast jeder Yogastunde und toll für unsere Gesundheit ist – die Vorwärtsbeuge im Sitzen. Intensive Dehnung der Beinrückseite und Massage der Bauchorgane – die Wirkung von Paschimottanasana (auch Pascimottanasana oder Pashchimottanasana geschrieben) ist vielseitig. Wahre Yoga Fans lieben die…
Der Beitrag Paschimottanasana (Yoga Asana) ~~ sitzende Vorwärtsbeuge erschien zuerst auf wasistYOGA.
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