hekla-chan · 4 months
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And here are the "important moments" illustration plus some doodles I did for the @dgm20thproject !
Go check out the zine in the official account, and happy 20th anniversary🎉
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miraligner · 9 months
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deerspherestudios · 8 months
I don't know how to start, so first of all, I wanted to say how much I love Mushroom Oasis! Thank you so much for making this vn, I'm waiting patiently for new updates! (Btw I've also played Lift Your Spirits and even though it's shorter than Mushroom Oasis it's one of my favourite vns too! I really like the atmosphere in both of them <3)
Now to the questions! What is Mychael's attitude to schools and kindergardens? Would he like to visit at least one of those?
And if he was studying in a school, what would his favourite subject be? Least favourite subject? Would he be a quiet kid? And would he have many friends?
I am also curious if people can ask questions and send art/fics about Lift Your Spirits here? I haven't seen much of it sadly.
I deeply apologise if some of these questions have been asked already or I haven't seen something important! Have a great day! <33
It's hard to say what he thinks of kindergartens/schools since he's never been to one. Assuming it's an AU where he's human he'd be an entirely a different person anyway so I can't answer it. 🤷 Same goes for the other questions, it's not really a Mychael thing to ask, sorry ;;v;;!
But I am very happy to answer that; yes, you can totally ask Lift Your Spirit questions!! In fact please do, Alma (they/them) needs more love haha!
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thefourchimes · 6 months
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im very much sure someone already pointed this out before and we all know how everything mirabel mentioned she'd do in waiting on a miracle, she was actually able to do it in the end, but these two scenes just really emphasize it
similar positions, same pride and happiness in her family's eyes, and even in the first pic, there's a space for bruno!!
like, damn, she really set out to do what she said she'd do
and her desperation and longing in the first pic…in the end, she got what she wanted and more
god i love this movie
sister (heh) posts:
surface pressure what else can i do sister angst
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luvisr4ge · 5 months
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♡ 𝐬𝐞𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐢𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐰𝐞 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐛𝐨𝐭𝐡 𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐬.
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m-kyunie · 8 months
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distant image
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jacarandaaaas · 9 months
I don’t know if this has been talked about before but I just realized that mirabels outfit is primarily teal but, the one thing that always stood out to me is that her shoes didn’t match her outfit like most of the other madrigals did.
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Until I realized this was possibly on purpose as look how similar the color of her shoes is to almas outfit. Maybe this was to show how mirabel wanted to be appreciated and seen by alma. The color is a little off but I can’t help but think that was intentional too. Like she wants to make her abuela proud but she was always just a *little* off.
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pepa-brainrot · 3 months
Bonding with the mother in law
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tower-girl-anon · 2 years
Asteroid Alma (390) in the signs and houses
The asteroid Alma (390) is an asteroid whose discoverer was Guillaume Bigourdan. The name comes from the Spanish translation of the word “soul” which means, at first, that this asteroid in astrology represents who we really are as an essence. Very much like the moon and almost like our spirit. But, in this post, I’m going to take a definition that my teacher from a course of Akashic records told us in relation to the meaning of the soul. Because many people, including me, tended to confuse soul with spirit. In her own words, she said that the soul is a particular fragment of our spirit that carries a specific vibration. This vibration allows us to incarnate in a physical body and so it carries the stories of our past lives.
Taking this definition into consideration, I’ve decided to start this account by making a post about this asteroid in the signs and houses and what can be revealed about ourselves and our past incarnations.
This is a general topic so take this with a grain of salt. Most of the information comes from the personal research I’ve done along with my intuition, but if it resonates with any of you, please leave a comment so I can know if I should keep going with more astrology posts.
P.D: I apologize if I made any grammatical mistake. English is not my native language,  please don’t repost it without giving credits.
Aries/1st house:  Alma in this sign points to a very masculine energy so, if you feel more identified with that energy despite if you’re a man or woman in this incarnation, this placement can explain it. In a past life, or maybe in more than one, you were a man or just carried a lot of the warrior and driven nature of Aries (ruled by Mars) throughout your lives. You probably were a soldier or lived during times of conflict such as the first or second World War (just to say an example). Being Aries the first sign in the zodiac, this could also mean that your soul is a young one. On the downside, this sign can indicate that you hadn’t developed your masculine side, or you didn’t pursue what you felt driven to do or, on the other extreme, you developed this energy to an extreme. In the 1st house it indicates that, from the first meeting, people can see right through your core. On the other hand, it could mean that you carry some significant features from your past life’s bodies (maybe you decided even to incarnate with the exact features) or your body has mysterious marks that signals the way you died in a past life. For example: if you were a soldier in your past life and died from a bullet, maybe you have a scar or mole in your body that signals the place where the bullet entered your past life body. On a bright side, it could mean that these individuals are not afraid to show who they really are to others.
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Taurus/2nd house:  for those who have this asteroid in Taurus, there is a theme surrounding Venusian themes in past lives such as being an artist of some sort or maybe you had a theme with food since Taurus also rules that. Now, in relation to the last point, it should be noticed that Taurus, being the ruler of the second house (possessions and money), you could have lived in either a poor environment where you didn’t’ have enough resources to feed yourself or your family (in an extreme case you could have been homeless or died from extreme hunger) or in a very comfortable or rich environment. On a light note, you could have lived from the land like a farmer. In the 2nd house the soul really enjoy having stability in life, it makes them feel valued, because that is a theme that you’ve struggled with in one or many past lives. Maybe you lived in a higher class were the only thing that was valued from you was your wallet or possessions. If you struggle with insecurities towards yourself, learn to value yourself and recognize that you are valuable just as you are.  
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Gemini/3rd house: you’re a soul who carries knowledge and intelligence from your past lives. You are (and were) curious about different topics. You were most probably a teacher or a salesman that had to travelled through different towns to sell the merchandise (the 3rd house rules short travels) and that’s why its easier for you to learn new topics or languages. Since the ruler of Gemini is Mercury, you could have worked in anything that involves communication. A reporter in a newspaper, a secretary, a copyist, a teacher, a traductor, a linguistic, etc. Another interpretation of these aspects is that you have a soul connection with one or all your brothers and sisters (just in the case that you have any) since the 3rd house also rules this theme. On the downside, maybe you used your knowledge to manipulate, lie or scam others (it can be consciously or unconsciously).
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Cancer/4th house: you’re an emphatic, feminine, mothering, and nurturing soul for sure despite if you’re a male or female in this life. Since many incarnations you’ve learned to connect deeply with your emotions, your needs, and discover who you really are. These needs can variate to each one depending in which house your Cancer falls in. In the 4th house this asteroid signifies that many members of your family share a soul connection with you, making it higher the chance of them being part of your soul tribe and you cared deeply for the wellbeing of many people before, especially your own family. Due to this I believe that one of the most significant roles that you had was the role of a mother, nurse and caretaker.  On the downside, through lifetimes you've endured hard lessons sorrounding your family/mother/self-care/self-value due to the lack of a nurturing environment. You tried to search for a place/person/soul tribe to call home, which could come from memories of being part of an arranged marriage or maybe you were abandoned or orphaned early in your life.
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Leo/5th house: it won’t surprise me if many of you were a famous figure in a past life. You could have been an important warrior, a king, a leader, a queen, celebrity, writer or artist that many people look up to, since you shone bright like the energy of the sun. Despite this, I should warn that your fame could not have been the best among the people. There is this possibility, but, putting aside if you were famous or not, you learned how to connect to your inner child and value yourself in a ego level (remember that the sun revolves about the self, the ego). You learned how to value your uniqueness among the masses in a healthy way. Another interpretation of this revolves around children (5th house). Maybe you feel connected to them and vice versa because you cared for them in the past. Nurse, mother, caretaker. If you have children in this lifetime, it is a huge possibility that one, or all of them, share a soul connection with you.
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Virgo/6th house: the healer pile. Most probably you were a doctor, nurse, reiki healer or you exercised any practice that had to do with healing those who suffered from injuries or pain in their bodies. Now health can affect the mind too, so there is also a chance that you were a therapist, psychiatrist or a counselor. If badly aspected, it could indicate that you suffered from health problems, be it physical or mental, in past lives or even that you passed away due to that. Maybe you carry some health problems in this current body. For example, you were a full smoker before and died due to that so, in this incarnation, you are asthmatic or have problems with your respiratory system. On a lighter note, Virgo and the 6th house talks also about work, so this could talk about that, in many incarnations, you had to work so hard. Even at the expenses of your own health like it was custom in the lower classes not so long ago.
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Libra/7th house: your soul has made a learning voyage surrounding relationships. Through good and bad relationships, forced marriages that ended in either loving or hateful partnerships, your soul has been learning about how to make good and healthy connections with other people without compromising your needs or others. It’s more than probably that many of the people that you encounter in this lifetime have a soul contract or connection with you (karmic, soulmate or even twin flames) and the lessons they give you depends on how well you’ve learned to relate to others. Remember, this is also the house of open enemies so be careful with this. Not everyone has the best interest in you, so if someone step on your boundaries it is ok to detach and move on if its necessary. You don’t need to be in a bad relationship only because your soul feels secure being in the company of others. You are valuable just as you are and deserve to be appreciated too. The only theme here is bring balance.  After all, Libra is represented by the Justice card in the tarot deck. A woman with a sword on one hand and a balance in the other, disposed to use the sword to restore the equilibrium if its necessary.
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Scorpio/8th house: your soul has been experiencing powerful and sometimes traumatic changes through lifetimes due to Pluto being the ruler of Scorpio. In which area? That depends on the house that the sign falls in. It could be around your self-image, your possessions (maybe you lost all your money or possessions), your family, your education, your friends, your career, your relationships, etc. You’re a private and passionate being that, on the upper hand, learned how to remain in your power despite all the challenging changes that occurred in your life. Maybe you were part of a rich family and lost all the fortune in a bad investment (one of the themes of the 8th house is inheritence). On the downside, this aspect indicates some hidden traumas in the soul surrounding intimacy (maybe a past life abuse or you were a victim of a murderer) and the loss of power (you were enslaved, tortured or lost all your inheritance) and that’s why you tend to be so private and distrustful towards people. On a lighter note, you could have worked in a profession that involved power or managing inheritance such as a banker, manager or leader of a big company or a chief commander.
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Sagittarius/9th house: just like the 3rd house, your soul also carries a lot of philosophical o religious wisdom, since these aspects signals an interest in higher learnings and beliefs. You could have been a priest, a monk or a philosopher in a past life. Since the 9th house rules long distance travels, having this asteroid could mean that your soul made long journeys in one or more incarnation. An example of this could be that you were a priest that travelled to teach in other cultures. Another would be that you were a sailor or you immigrated to a different place or you were a lawyer (since it  involves a higher learning of the law). Finally, another interpretation of this aspects could be that you incarnated in a very different culture. Your soul remembers being part of another culture and maybe that’s why it’s easier and fascinating to you to learn the culture or language of another place. If you feel interest in a specific culture and time period, that could be a signal that your soul remembers living in that time/place.
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Capricorn/10th house: these are the aspects of old souls and public figures. Being Saturn the ruler of the sign and house, it gives, consciously, or not, a heavy sense of duty or responsibility to those who have Alma in these aspects. After all, Saturn is the planet of karma, so is very natural to think that these souls carry a lot of lessons that they’ve learned through difficult situations in different past lives. That’s why they have a very serious, realistic, and mature approach towards life. Even when they are very young. In the 10th house the effect is similar, you also have a sense of responsibility in relation to work or public persona and that’s because your career was a huge theme in past lives. The chosen field that you chose must be aligned with something that your soul feels called to do just like in other lifetimes. In terms of careers, there is a possibility that you were a celebrity, a politician or leader of some sort, a worker of a big company, etc.
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Aquarius/11th house: these are the aspects of my starseed people, my geniuses, my revolutionaries, and my humanitarians. Your soul has an outstanding mind in terms of understanding the problems and needs of the collective, this is an ability that you have been developing through lifetimes, that’s why, in part, it makes you a great friend and a huge humanitarian at heart, and, in the other, that’s why many of you fought against many injustices, prejudices and the conservative mindset of the society in past lives. The French Revolution is something that is coming through my mind as an example. For others, you had a brilliant mind that helped you to create outstanding things that changed humanity or the society you lived with. For others, your soul comes from another system or another galaxy. This could be one of your first incarnations on earth and that’s why you could feel different, uncomfortable, or misunderstood on planet earth. If you wonder, why are you here, maybe it's because you have come to raise the vibration of the earth.
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Pisces/12th house: these are my mystics, my high vibrational beings, my spiritual group. It is impossible not to connect the higher vibrations or higher knowledge because, in past lives, you’ve been trying to connect with those realms through different methods like meditation, learning astrology, reiki, etc. You were a hermit in search to answer and connect with the higher knowledge of the universe, that’s why you could have been a monk or a priest. Atlantis strongly resonates with these aspects. It’s very probably that you carry, consciously or unconsciously, memories or feelings from your past lives along with psychic abilities. Since the 12th house rules the unconscious, your past life’s memories come when you dream. On the downside, your practices or abilities would have caused you to be persecuted and secluded from the rest of the world or you hide into drugs.
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rebouks · 1 year
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[Instead of returning to his car, Oscar headed in the opposite direction, walking straight into Noah’s front room without knocking; only the sudden clang of the door closing behind him and Aspen’s curious tone brought him back to reality]
Aspen: Oh-.. hey! Oscar: Sorry, I didn’t really think before just.. walking in. Aspen: It’s no problem, is everything okay?
Oscar: Eh. Aspen: Do you want a brew? I’ll wake Noah. Oscar: Nah, I’ll leave you-…
Alma: No, you won’t! Sit down. Aspen: Oscar’s here. Noah: Mmh?
Alma: What’s on your mind? Oscar: I don’t even know. Noah: [yawns] Sorry, I’m beat.. what’s going on?
Oscar: Do you remember back when I was at uni, after I’d ghosted everyone? You forced yourself into my dorm-.. asked if I was okay. Why didn’t I just say no? Maybe things would have been different, if I knew-.. how did I manage to waste a decade of my life? Alma: It’s a journey, not a waste.
Oscar: [scoffs] What a journey, I’m a broke alcoholic with a fiancé n’ a kid I can’t even support. I could’ve had a good job and-… Noah: You can still get there; it doesn’t matter if you’re a little bit behind where you’d like to be. Alma: He makes the most sense when he’s half asleep, I swear.
Noah: Thanks. Alma: You might’ve deviated from your preferred path, but think how much good it did! You can’t fight fate. Oscar: You sound like Courtney.
Alma: Uh-huh, ‘cause she’s smart; like me. Oscar: True.. but it doesn’t make me feel any better. Noah: What’s brought all this on? Did something happen?
Oscar: I spoke to Norma, one of the feds who took over the case; told her how we ended up here… She was.. nice? I think it would’ve been easier if she wasn’t. Noah: Hopefully she’s competent too.
Oscar: Yeah, I hope they finish what we started; otherwise, what was the point? It feels like I barely scratched the surface. Noah: Don’t lose yourself to that mindset, you can only do so much. Aspen: Maybe uncle Oscar should become a cop.
Oscar: I’ve had enough. Alma: Well.. don’t get stuck in the past, sweet stuff; you’ve a lot to be proud of, and a lot to be thankful for. Noah: She never calls me sweet stuff.
Alma: [laughs] It hardly suits you! Noah: Fair point. Alma: C’mon, where are Courtney and little Robin? I’ll pick them up, we’ll have dinner.
Aspen: Ooh, babies first barbeque! I bought a new grill-.. Noah’s forbidden from using it though, so you can help me. Noah: Tch, ingrates. Who doesn’t like a cremated burger? Oscar: [snorts] At least I can cook, I guess…
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halloawhatisthis · 1 year
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Elementary playing the long game with Odker (part 3):
4x01 The Past Is Parent 4x02 Evidence Of Things Not Seen 4x03 Tag, You're Me 4x08 A Burden Of Blood 4x09 Murder Ex Machina 4x10 Alma Matters 4x12 A View With A Room
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enderspawn · 2 years
while i know the dash has been talking abt the guest characters already personally i love to think abt every riptide guest all somehow getting together and joining the same crew(?). like they're all hanging out together in the background. maybe not as a pirate crew but they're there.
upon leaving seamart clorten immediately got lost again and just kinda floated island to island. at some point he ran into la alma while grocery shopping and after discovering they both knew the riptide crew they decided to stick together for a bit (clorten hoped having la alma guide/sail would make them less lost. it does not. his helplessness knows no bounds)
eventually the two sail up upon dooke and meet duke dukem who invites them to live w him (bc like dooke is chill but all the living plants and shit are kind of annoying and he doesnt like them and hes going a BIT mad here alone). they just like shrug and accept it.
after like a month together tastrius washes up on their shore, like full family guy death pose covered in seaweed (dooke picked him up and put him there). duke is like "hey dude welcome to my island. whats up." and tastrius gives this big long and elegant story abt how hes cursed to live forever and he's been drifting in the sea currents but at least he could finally set his crew to rest and after theres this heavy pause and duke is like. "cool wanna join my town theres 3 of us" and tastruis just goes "....yes".
so now they're all just living on dooke and its a semi-functional group situation they're like a sitcom
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deerspherestudios · 6 months
Spare any Alma lore, gamer? I love them very much!!
Aww ty for giving appreciation to the little ghost blorbo! This is so long ago but Alma deserves some attention too so here you go! Random lore:
They don't remember what they were studying, but they died in the middle of working on their final year project :-(
Their favorite soda flavor is orange! (Though it's the soda that got them killed by the vending machine in the first place so not sure if it's their favorite anymore,,)
The little flower patch on their left shoulder is a black-eyed susan!
They love collecting sticky notes, receipts, movie tickets, random doodles and other such scraps students happen to leave around campus. They think it's fun little mementos of fleeting moments.
As for in-game lore:
Nowadays they spend their days wandering the entire building; they sneak into classes, look out for students pulling all-nighters on campus and generally just keep an eye out for trouble.
They do get bored often so they sometimes choose a person to follow around, like hanging around MC while they were doing their work without their knowledge. It's like people-watching but,,, up close. They leave if things get too personal though and find someone else instead and the cycle repeats.
Sadly they can't leave the campus building. :-(
Sorry it's not much, but Alma was a character I made so long ago I didn't have much lore on them. But asking questions help me flesh them out too! <3
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sidsinning · 11 months
Ik the Lenalee/Kanda shippers went insane here
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After the AMOROUS and beautifully TRAGIC journey that was Alma and Kanda's LOVE story Hoshino pulls a fast one on us
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heckinggno · 1 year
Can't stop thinking about Isabela and Mirabel as reflections of who Alma is now and who she used to be before the tragedy. The way she clings to Isabela's perfection is reminiscent of how she uses her own perfrct image to drive away the past that haunts her, and while her pushing Mirabel away is due to her own fears of the Miracle fading away, I wonder how much of her avoidance is because of Mirabel reminding her too much of who she used to be?
People often say that Mirabel mirrors Pedro, but I'd argue that she's a perfect reflection of who Alma was supposed to be if only life hadn't dealt her such a cruel hand. Does she look at her and think of simpler times? Does Alma look at Mirabel and remember how she used to have a girlhood that was taken away far too early in life?
It's strange to think that despite Isabela having the life that Alma wanted to have for her and Pedro, Mirabel—the granddaughter that she has disconnected from—is the one that actually embodies her the most. And Mirabel herself doesn't even realize that.
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m-kyunie · 2 years
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#dgm#D.Gray-Man#Alma Karma#cw blood#my head is filled w thoughts of Alma as a bride in a huge kitsch 80s dress#okay maybe not 80s more 60s/70s. thinking of my moms dress actually so#lots of lace long gloves puffy sleeves swooping neckline muah smtg guady#UGH or Princess Diana's oh exactly like that#just think about how past!Alma wldve thought abt potentially getting married and starting a family 'after the war'#Her covering Her face as an Akuma saying 'don't look at me' lives in my head forever. her excorcist uni#is quite tradtional and seems unpractical for battle but its def feminine to the MAX#so just. idk how to explain it but the body dysphoria i guess#Alma wanting tofit that echo of pretty but being all wrong for it. hair too dark to unruly adams apple sharp angular broad all wrong#wanting to be soft and slim and pretty pretty pretty.hiding it under layers of clothes and lace and accessories...#or being basicly the same height as Kanda and lamenting  over it like nonono this is all wrong#tearing at their hair and picking the skin and scratching and ripping the dress and breathing awful#'not pretty not a woman will never be Her for //Him// never be enough' mentality#evevn tho Kanda literally does not fucking care about any of that like it doesnt even cross his mind hello hes trans duh they all r#idk i interpret them both as slightly diff like Alma seems much more in-tune w Her on an unconscious level its very emotional = turmulious/#VS Kanda who is very mentally inflicted its very physical and obsessive/conious thought near impossible to ignore ie the lotus n Her vision#so they act diff bc the influence of their Other is different. idk what im trying to say anymore actually. lmk if that makes sense T-T#ALL THAT JUST TO SAY I WANTED TO DRAW ALMA IN A WEDDING DRESS LMFAO IM SORRY IM CRAZY
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