#past namkook
douglass-fir · 2 years
Bonus Scenes: Phone Booth Epiphany
// Spoilers ahead. I recommend you read the full fic before the bonus scenes.
The Phone Booth Epiphany
When Seokjin enters an old phone booth in a lavender field, his world changes forever.
🌾 Rated E, 25K words 🌾 slow burn 🌾 warm slice of life 🌾 farmer jk, writer jin 🌾 fluff & smut 🌾 angst w/ happy ending 🌾 kinda magical
🔗 https://archiveofourown.org/works/33940855/
Bonus Scenes
/// Spoilers Ahead ///
These bonus scenes are raw and unedited—a weird combo of storytelling, Q&A, and just dumping my thoughts. But I hope you enjoy them! Let’s get started!
Part I: Q&A
Did former visitors to the farm regain their memories of the village once the spell was broken?
Yes! As a recap: visitors to the farm lost their detailed memories about their stay after 1 year—when a new visitor arrived.
When the spell broke, memories of their stay were all recovered! As you can imagine, more than a few former visitors returned to the farm to explore once their memories returned (more on that later.)
Mrs. Ahn mentioned that Jeongguk had other lovers. Did everyone who visited the farm fall in love with Jeongguk?
Definitely not. In fact, Jeongguk was just a kid when the village first disappeared. Most of the people who visited were simply expecting a relaxing vacation, often with their families. They had a nice time, hopefully felt inspired to pursue their dreams, and went home. Seokjin falling in love was an anomaly, but an important one, because it’s what motivated him to figure out how to break the spell.
What was Seokjin’s greatest wish (that broke the spell), specifically?
Seokjin’s greatest wish was to write a children’s story inspired by someone he loved, and be able to read it to them.
How did Jeongguk's parents pass away?
[CW // minor character death.] I hesitate to include this, because it's dark and can bring the mood down. But if you like darkish themes: When the spell first trapped the villagers in a "bubble", Jeongguk's parents were one of the brave souls that attempted to test the boundaries of how far they could escape past the village's borders. Unfortunately, they discovered that any original residents (those under the curse) who tried to escape the village, were immediately vaporized upon touching the border. This is why you never see Jeongguk go beyond the Phone Booth, even when taking Seokjin to the bus stop.
Part II: About Jeongguk's Lovers
Before Seokjin, Jeongguk had two other lovers. Once you hear about them, it’s a little easier to understand why Jeongguk told Seokjin his greatest fear was “being forgotten”.
One of Jeongguk’s lovers was a businessman who visited just two years before Seokjin. Unfortunately, after he returned home and his letters went unanswered, the man took this as a sign that Jeongguk had simply moved on. He quickly got distracted with the demands of his corporation, and one year later, had no memory of his brief affair with Jeongguk.
Jeongguk’s first love, however, is a more interesting story. A case of young, summer love:
Jeongguk is 19 at the time, and a handsome, young college student visits the village with his parents. Jeongguk was not prepared for the ripple of nervousness that raced through his hands when he lays eyes on the young man’s dimples and soft smile. This was all new for him. Jeongguk keeps his anxiety at bay by helping around the farm, but Mrs. Ahn doesn’t miss the way he blushes and turns his face toward the ground when the young visitor is around. Or the way Jeongguk awkwardly shuffles his feet and plays with his hands when he talks to him as he reads on the porch.
Mrs. Ahn doesn’t want to be pushy, but she finds her chance to talk to Jeongguk one evening as she steps into the kitchen. He’s sitting in the corner, nervously pushing food around his bowl—a magic-8-ball of emotions playing out on his face.
It takes some gentle prodding, but eventually he cracks. “It feels weird sometimes. When he’s around,” he confides.
“Who, Jeongguk-ah?” Mrs. Ahn said as she glanced at him, trying to school her expression.
“Ahhh..” Mrs. Ahn says, holding back a knowing smile. “He’s nice, isn’t he?”
Jeongguk catches her eyes and nods shyly.
“So, what you’re feeling…would you call it a good weird, or a bad weird?” she asks.
Jeongguk thinks about this for a moment, staring at his food as if he’d find the answers among the grains of rice. “Feels like both. Like, sometimes it feels like my heart is racing, like it’s trying to work it’s way out and my chest isn’t big enough to hold it back.”
Mrs. Ahn hums.
“Other times he looks at me and I just wanna hide,” Jeongguk blushes, feet shuffling beneath the chair.
“Jeongguk-ah…” Mrs. Ahn chuckles. “sounds like maybe you have feelings for him? Do you think you like him?”
“Don’t know.” Jeongguk scrunches his nose, a little embarrassed.
“It’s okay not to know,” Mrs. Ahn assures him. “That’s half the fun, Jeongguk-ah. Discovering your feelings, finding out if he feels the same…”
“But he’s going to leave, isn’t he…” Jeongguk pouts.
Mrs. Ahn grows quiet. “It’s true, darling. He will leave. And there’s…there’s a good chance he won’t come back.”
“They never come back,” Jeongguk pouts.
Mrs. Ahn squeezes his hand. “Someday, Jeongguk-ah. Someday. Someone will come back for us.”
Jeongguk’s eyes get glassy as he keeps his eyes on his food.
She continues in a hushed tone. “We don’t know when we’ll be free, my dear, but here’s what I do know: love, Jeongguk-ah, is a gift. And contrary to the storybooks, it doesn’t last forever,” Mrs. Ahn says with a regretful cough. “It’s a mysterious door that, if you’re lucky, opens at least once in one’s lifetime,” she says softly.
“If that door opens for you, dear boy—and the person on the other side is worthy of your heart—you run. Run through it and don’t look back,” she says as she tucks a curl behind Jeongguk’s ear. “Sure, it may hurt down the road. You may have moments of regret. But embrace it. Feel everything life offers you, Jeongguk-ah.”
She brushes a tear from Jeongguk’s cheek.
“Love and pain—they’re twins, you see. They hold hands. Don’t reject one just to avoid the other, my dear.” She squeezes Jeongguk’s hand. “To love someone…is a rare thing. Nothing else in nature gets this opportunity. So if you see that door open, Jeongguk-ah…be brave.”
And so—he is.
Jeongguk and Namjoon have their first kiss on the porch two nights later, fingers tentatively linked, barely brushing as their legs hang from the swing.
Namjoon is Jeongguk’s first kiss. His first love. His first everything. Tender and kind, understanding of Jeongguk’s quiet nature.
Unfortunately, the inevitable happens and Namjoon has to return home with his family. They promise to write each other and Jeongguk holds his breath. Namjoon goes off to college in the States and writes Jeongguk as promised, but the letters never arrive. Namjoon is heartbroken, but one year later, his broken heart fully heals when his memory is wiped clean.
That is, until years later.
Namjoon is married, sitting on the couch, watching the news with his daughter climbing him like a tree. Jimin is sitting beside them, tucked under his arm.
A news story plays about a missing village returning, and Jeongguk’s face flashes on the screen, describing the history of the town to a local reporter.
In a single moment, it all comes back to him. The village. The kiss. Jeongguk.
Namjoon sits up, breathing heavily, looking at the screen.
Jimin turns to face him. “Joonie? Joon, are you okay?”
“I…” Namjoon grabs Jimin’s hand and squeezes. “…I think we need to talk.”
Namjoon knew he needed to return. Though his romantic feelings were far behind him, he needed to know he hadn’t imagined it all. Jimin, always understanding, held his hand the entire drive to the village.
Namjoon thought it would be awkward as he knocks on the farmhouse door, but the moment Jeongguk recognizes him and tackles him in a huge bear hug, he knows everything will be okay. As soon as Jeongguk lets go, he embraces Jimin and their little girl without explanation. Namjoon can see it on his face—the joy in knowing that someone you care about is happy and healthy.
The two families form an instant bond. Seokjin and Jimin turn out to be a chaotic pair—troublemakers that bring out the best in everyone around them. Jeongguk adores Jimin’s playful, affectionate nature, how he dotes on them all like he’s known them all for decades.
Needless to say, Nabi and their daughter become thick as thieves, and the two families become virtually inseparable.
Together, Jimin and Namjoon fall in love with the village, and with who they are when they’re there. Connected to the earth, connected to each other.
So eventually, after several visits and lots of late night, heart-to-heart talks, Namjoon and his family move to the village for good. He ultimately takes a job as “village security” (but he hopes once the media frenzy dies down, he can help more with the actual farming.) Namjoon’s heart is full. All those years ago, his soul told him the village was home. He just needed an unlikely path to get there.
As for Jeongguk—in a way, he feels as if he’s come full circle. With Namjoon, Jeongguk first learned to feel the warmth of love—to risk putting his heart close to the fire. And with Seokjin, he let the flames consume him.
Part III: What happened to Seokjin's letters?
Jeongguk knows he was never far from Seokjin’s mind during their time apart, but he doesn’t realize how painfully Seokjin pined for him until long after their reunion.
Seokjin admits to him that he did, in fact, write to Jeongguk as he promised. Jeongguk figures it’s a few letters. Maybe a dozen. He is not prepared for the giant crate of letters Seokjin hands him the day he finally moves in.
“This heavy thing…” Seokjin says as he hefts the large box into Jeongguk’s hands, “belongs to you, bun.”
“For me?”
“I wrote you every day, just like I promised.”
Jeongguk looks into the box, filled with stacks and stacks of envelopes.
He bursts into tears.
It’s a lot of letters, and Jeongguk soon finds that it can be emotionally heavy to read them, so he takes his time.
Maybe one per week.
Seokjin can always tell whenever Jeongguk has read another one, because he’ll come down the stairs in the morning and notice a new, miniature painting on the wall.
You see, Seokjin often described his memories in his letters, or things he encountered that Jeongguk or Nabi would’ve enjoyed.
So now, Jeongguk takes some of the things mentioned in the letters (like parks, or flowers, or animals Seokjin describes; or memories from their time together), and turns them into small paintings. He hangs them in the hallway, forming a timeline along the wall. So in some small way, the moments they were apart become tethered again. The story and the illustrator.
Seokjin’s favorite among them is a painting of the two of them, watching the fireflies.
Part IV: Nabi's Father
Jeongguk didn’t know much about Nabi’s father. No one did for that matter, not even Mrs. Ahn. The woman only knew that her daughter, Eunji, had a brief affair with a visitor.
Eunji assured her that it wasn’t anything serious. They were just friends.
So it’s a surprise, a year after the spell breaks, when Mrs. Ahn opens the door to her cottage to find a dashing young man, holding flowers nervously in his hand.
Mrs. Ahn’s eyes widen at what she sees.
His high cheekbones. His dimples. His heart-shaped smile. The elegant curve of his nose.
It’s Nabi. He looks like Nabi.
“I’m so sorry, I just, I don’t know if you remember me. I’m Hoseok…I saw the news and I—I just wanted to see if it was real. It was real…wasn’t it?”
The hours and days that follow are an avalanche of highs and lows. Hobi learns of Eunji’s fate. He meets her daughter, Nabi, and nearly crumbles at the way his heart swells.
He knows. They all do.
What follows are many tender conversations between Hoseok and the family. They learn more about each other. Hoseok is a dancer that spends his time traveling the world with his partner (also a dancer.) He never planned on or suspected he’d had a child.
Though they all agree on a paternity test, Hoseok makes it clear that he has no intention of taking Nabi from her home—from her family. “But I’d like to be part of it, if you all will accept me?” Hoseok asks tearfully.
Mrs. Ahn crosses the room and kisses his head. “My dear boy, you were part of this family before you even asked.”
The tests confirm their suspicions, so they set out to find a way to explain this to Nabi in a way she can understand.
An idea hits Seokjin late one night as he’s snuggled in bed. He untangles himself from Jeongguk’s arms and sits up to turn on the nightlight. He grabs a notebook from his bedside table.
Jeongguk groans at the loss of his favorite pillow. “Hyungphh…what’re you doin’, come back.”
“I gotta jot down an idea, Jeongguk-ah. ‘Gonna go sit at the desk. Go back to sleep, baby.”
“Noooooo,” Jeongguk whines as he holds Seokjin closer. “You’re so warm.”
Seokjin chuckles and pushes at him. “Okay then—roll over,”
“Put that hard body to work, baby. You’re gonna be my desk,” Seokjin says as he gives Jeongguk’s thigh a few smacks.
“M’kay, hyung—” Jeongguk sleepily rolls over completely, laying on his stomach so Seokjin can rest the notebook on his back. Seokjin smiles as he feels his warmth radiate through the paper, pages rising and falling to the rhythm of the younger man’s gentle snoring.
The next morning, Seokjin shares his idea with Jeongguk, and the younger man’s face grows soft as he wraps his arms around Seokjin.
“Hyung, your mind is the prettiest place. This is perfect.”
A few days later, they’re sitting around the fireplace after dinner, and Hoseok is teaching Nabi a special “flower dance” where he lifts her into the air so her ‘petals can reach the sunshine’.
Nabi giggles as Hoseok lowers her to the ground and she eventually plops, exhausted, into Seokjin’s lap. She leans over and whispers to Jeongguk, sitting beside them, “Oppa, I like him very much.”
Jeongguk sees his chance.
“Stay right here, peanut,” he says as he exits the room and comes back with a large notepad in hand.
Jeongguk sits on the floor beside Nabi and leans into her side. “Nabi-yah…what if I told you that Hoseok is family too?”
Her eyes light up. “He is?”
Hoseok smiles and nods from the other side of the room, trying to give the two their space.
“He’s a special kind of family. Let me show you.”
He flips to a clean page on the pad and leans forward to draw. “You were a gift to us, weren’t you, Nabi-yah…”
“Yep!” she chirps.
“Okay, a gift from where?”
“From the stars!” she recalls from a tale Mrs. Ahn told her a long time ago.
“That’s right, smart girl!” Jeongguk says as he draws two tiny stars on the page.
“You see, a long time ago, Hoseok and your eomma each took a piece of their stars, and put them together to make a new star! That’s you, Nabi-yah. A little piece of Hoseok’s star is in you!” he smiles as he tickles her with the end of his pencil.
Nabi giggles and rubs her tummy, as if she can feel the star inside her.
Jeongguk continues drawing, “And the universe thought you were so beautiful, and so bright, that it sent even more stars to protect you. Your very own constellation.”
He draws three more dots on the paper. “This star is Halmeoni, this one is me, and this star is Seokjin-oppa.” Jeongguk then connects all the dots on the page, forming the shape of a heart.
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Nabi lets out a delighted gasp and reaches out, placing her small hand inside the heart.
“So you see, these stars will always be your family—will always be there to love you, our most precious star-baby,” he ruffles her hair. “Do you understand?”
She looks at Hoseok and crinkles her nose as she smiles. Hoseok’s smile mirrors her own, and Jeongguk’s heart melts.
“It’s okay if you want to take some time to think about it, peanut—”
“It’s wrong…” she interrupts, matter-of-factly.
“It’s…wrong?” Jeongguk says, pulse racing.
“Where is Yoongi-oppa? Where is Tae-oppa?”
The room fills with silent joy and relief. “Nabi-yah, you’re right!”
Jeongguk says as he adds two more stars to the page.
“And what about Namjoon-oppa and Jimin-oppa and— ?”
“Okay! Okay! Two more stars, coming up!” Jeongguk giggles and lifts the pad up. “See peanut? Look at all these stars! Whenever you look at the night sky, I want you to see them and remember all the little lights sent to love you, okay, baby?”
Jeongguk can’t help but tear up as he says it. Nabi can’t help but notice.
“Okay, oppa,” she whispers and bonks her head against his. “Are you sad?”
“No, peanut,” he says as he pulls her onto his lap.
“Then why do you have tears?” she says as he looks up at him.
“They’re not tears, peanut,” Seokjin says as he leans into Jeongguk’s side. “Just a little stardust.”
Part V: What kind of parents are Jinkook?
i’m obsessed with the idea of Jeongguk being the “super responsible” parent, and Seokjin the CEO of spoiling Nabi rotten.
For example:
Seokjin takes the family out for a fun day at the park. Nabi tugs on his sleeve and asks for a treat, but Jeongguk is like “Okay, Peanut—but only something small, we don’t wanna spoil dinner.”
Six minutes later, Seokjin comes back with this:
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Jeongguk protests but Seokjin comes prepared with his Premium Pout and Jeongguk is fucking weak.
So Jeongguk sighs and looks down to Nabi, whose eyes are suddenly full of stars, softly blinking as she pouts her bottom lip like a little jelly bean.
Jeongguk scoffs and turns to Seokjin.
“WHO taught her that—did you teach her that?!”
Seokjin just grins and hands each of them a fork.
They eat it all, of course.
Come holler at me on twitter.
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akookminsupporter · 14 days
This fandom truly can NOT let go of stuff jeez. Like beating a dead horse and keeping jokes and meme way past their expiration date. The AMOUNT of Army I've seen quoting locals being interested in Joon after Neva Play with jokes about Namkook and how JK won't let them touch his Joonie. But it's crickets from OT7 on the latest ays episode. I'm so tired of the hypocrisy. We should stop the IU jokes but the Joon crush jokes are still the funniest shit?
I just want to know why the fear. Why are they scared to talk about Jikook? Damn, why are they afraid to joke about Jikook like they do with other ships?
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not-goldy · 2 months
Namkookers are mainly JK biased because they can't let go of him crushing on him when he was 15. Namkookers will swear all them edits of Minimoni with JK breathing down their neck screaming its the friendship, is about his crush on RM. Then explain why JK does it with Jimin and other members as well. They even said the way he edited RM in his GCF with the colors revealed his true feelings, but the screen changes completely when it gets to Jimin, that they ignore. Its funny cause RM biased swear RM and Jin have five kids or RM and Jimin live together, but Namkookers are still stuck in the past. So yeah, I'd say Namkookers are almost all JK biased.
Thats wild🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
And also fascinating.
I know Jungkook actively ships himself with Jimin and Namjoon the most out of all members. It's why I tend to disagree with comments that says he feeds Tuktuk and copilots their ship- when in that same breath he is giving Tae orders not to post photos of them cos he knows how the cult will take it.
He's bound to interact with Tae, bound to support his content, bound to engage with him because he is a friend and work mate. Tuktukkers will take this barest form of interaction and make mountains out of it.
On the other hand, he has to do the most with Jimin for people to even recognize and acknowledge he might actually like him. He has to do little for people to feel he likes Tae while he has to bend over backwards for people to feel he likes Jimin.
I mean it took them going into MS together for people to admit they might be the closest in the group after all.
For him and Namjoon yea I ship that for him🤣🤣🤣
He came to BTS for Namjoon he stayed for Jimin
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bulletproofscales · 9 months
Hey my dude Could you write a lil fic where the maknae line are stressed due to exams or sth and they cope with food so they gradually gain weight but it only gets worse when exams are over bc they get pampered by the hyung line to the point where they break chairs and get stuck in doorways 👉🏻👈🏻 - your Prince Charming 😔🤙🏻
i already wrote something nearly exactly similar with the hyung line! if anyone is interested in reading that click HERE. 
but it was one of my first promtps and i felt like i could do this request more justice by digging into it a little more… it ended up being a 4-month-22k-words fic hope you enjoy!!
also im experimenting with adding my inspiration gifs into the fic, i feel like they add something, to me at least. gif credits will be at the end with links to the ops :) 
(if me answering and writing a prompt from 2019 doesnt give you hope about your request geting eventually finished, idk what will) 
A higher GPA, and a higher BMI
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tags: namkook , chubby jungkook , fat jungkook mindless eating , stuck in furniture , oblivious weight gain , taejin , chubby taehyung , fat taehyung , student - TA relationship , public stuffings, stress eating , outgrowing clothes ,  sopemin , established relationship sope , chubby jimin , fat jimin , spoiling , breaking furtniture , confessions , miscommunication 
22k words 
Already having graduated college, Namjoon Seokjin Yoongi and Hoseok guarantee to help their younger friends with anything they need to hopefully get through this semester as smoothly as possible. 
Jimin Jungkook and Taehyung didn’t mean to push that guarantee to the extreme. 
Jungkook gravitated to Namjoon for help. STEM majors gotta stick together and all that. They weren’t exactly the same, but a lot of their classes overlapped at least at the early years that Jungkook finds himself in. So it wasn’t uncommon to find the two at the maknae’s shared apartment late at night hunched over a pile of exercise sheets and past exams. 
It wasn’t always like this though, Jungkook started college as valedictorian, top of his class effortlessly getting honors and getting into his dream school for bioengineering. But that confidence would be his downfall because nothing could’ve prepared him for the massive effort that you’re supposed to put into a college major. His first ruthlessly failed exam needing an emergency call to Namjoon from Jungkook’s two roommates for him to come and console the poor boy. Easy enough to do if you’re Jungkook’s personal hero. But a bigger problem was brewing for the younger that Namjoon wouldn’t be entirely sure how to tackle. 
Said problem being: a very suddenly anxious Jungkook, unsure of his own skill and unable to figure out how to properly study in a way that ensures this never ever happens to him. 
“Kook-ah, you know what you need to know for the exam.” Namjoon tries. “You will be okay.” His hand sits on Jungkook’s bouncing knee, settling it. He can at least do that. 
“But what if I forget? What if I get so nervous I can’t recall everything I studied. And all my effort goes to waste-” He is spiraling. Namjoon can see him spiraling, he says the first thing that comes to mind. 
“Get up. We are getting dinner.” He stands up, leaving behind a puzzled Jungkook. Groggy from lack of sleep, puffy from stress, hair a fluffy mess from running his hands through it. He looks adorable, and he is wordlessly looking for an explanation. “You’re not gonna get any sleep locked up in here.” 
“I do need to sleep tonight.” Jungkook mumbles more to himself, and Namjoon is a bit concerned about the way the younger says ‘tonight’ like it’s the exception. But he chooses not to comment on it. 
“Exactly, let’s go. Hyung’s treat.” His smile grows on his face, he’s got him hooked and out of the house; and that’s what matters. Jungkook really does have this class figured out, they’ve been at it for hours and Jungkook has been at it for weeks. Continuous days of sleepless nights, Namjoon is sure if he gets as much as one beer into his system, Jungkook will sleep like a baby. 
The decision is simple, something that’s walking distance because Namjoon can’t drive. The shoebox-sized fried chicken place across the street from Jungkook’s apartment. As soon as they walk in, Jungkook is groaning behind him. “I’m starving!” 
It earns a squinted glare from Namjoon over his shoulder. “When was the last time you ate?” 
“Do fingernails count?” 
“Sit down.” Namjoon is nearly tugging at the younger’s sleeve, guiding him to a booth. Trying to be menacing but Jungkook’s giggles show that he is unsuccessful. Too much endearment in Jungkook’s eyes when he looks at Namjoon for it to work. 
The place is nearly empty except for them both and some of the wandering staff. Namjoon didn’t think to check what time it was, or if their kitchen was even open still. And, call it his papa bear instinct, he is not leaving until he gets some food for Namjoon to eat. Fortunately when he calls the water, it’s all good news, he lets Jungkook take over what he wants. Since Namjoon ate the recommended amount of food today, he already had dinner. 
But he’ll share a beer with Jungkook. You know, in solidarity. 
Once they’re out of that stuffy apartment, it’s easy to fill the conversation with literally anything else that isn’t Jungkook’s exam. Feeling warmth spread along his chest at Jungkook’s whole demeanor lightening up. But he hasn’t seen the best of it yet, bunny grin spreading across his face when the chicken is set in front of them. 
“You sure you don’t want any?” His eyes are already eating the glistening chicken, but Jungkook quickly glances up at Namjoon. 
“No, no. I might steal some but I’m not hungry.” It does look like Jungkook ordered for two. But it’s nothing they can’t take home with them. “All yours, Kook.” He smiles, feeling genuine comfort at the sight of Jungkook pretty much launching onto his meal. 
The conversation does die a little inevitably. Jungkook isn’t giving himself much room to talk. He isn’t giving himself room to breathe. Bringing the plate close to his chest for his chopsticks to shovel the biggest mouthfuls his lips can possibly stretch to accommodate. Namjoon wouldn’t be able to ‘steal some of it’ even if he wanted to. Eyes wide as he takes the next bite, but they always close to enjoy the flavourful bites, signature frown letting Namjoon know that the younger is absolutely loving his food. 
Well, it’s nearly animalistic rather than blissful. Some of the caramelized coating of the chicken already staining Jungkook’s lips orange, and it’s beginning to cling to the corners of his mouth and some of his cheeks too; in the particularly huge bites. Not holding back any of the pleasure noises he lets out, because they all get muffled and swallowed by the food. 
The first few dishes licked clean in a matter of minutes.  A burp coaxing its way out of his mouth before he even sets the last empty plate down. 
“Aish… Manners, Jungkook.”  Namjoon feels a blush make his face all warm, as he chuckles through his scolding. 
“I told you I was starving.” He mumbles already bringing up the beer, the one that he had left abandoned as soon as the food was served. Cutting his own speech short with thick gulps of beer. “Ah-” Jungkook manages to close his lips to swallow the burp that comes immediately after. “Can I get some more?” 
It’s Namjoon’s turn to widen a bit beyond endearment. “Aren’t you full?” There’s a confused smile on his face, met with an uncharacteristic serious expression on Jungkook’s face. 
“I really don’t wanna go home yet. I can make more room.”  He sees it again, that fear and anxiety in Jungkook’s big guilty eyes. Namjoon acts on instinct, raising his arm for the waiter to see. 
“Jeogiyo! Another serving of spicy chicken please!” The waiter nods quickly. He shoots a warm smile to Jungkook who is looking gratefully back at him. “And two more beers.” 
Jungkook is determined in everything he does, Namjoon finds out. Even finishing every last crumb of this second serving.  Even as the frown on his face stops manifesting his appreciation for the flavor, but the effort of trying to fit all this food in. Taking a few more beer breaks to possibly wash down the greasy lump that must be forming in his throat. Though that must only make it worse, if the way his cheeks expand in swallowed burps is anything to go by. 
The same silence from Jungkook’s first devouring fills the table, though this time much painfully longer. And without any of the younger’s delighted enjoyment, instead a demonstration of pure… gluttony? Avoidance? Namjoon doesn’t even know what to call it. 
A struggle, is what it is. And Namjoon can’t seem to look away. Eyes following how Jungkook begins to eat with only one hand, the other one mysteriously disappearing under the table. The older can only guess it’s to ease the tension that must be forming at his stomach. 
Obviously already full, but he doesn’t cease until the last piece of chicken forced its way past his lips, at this point chewing slowly and lethargic. His blinking prolonged and sleepy. But he seals the deal by taking his beer and drinking the last few sips of it. Groaning immediately after he swallowed the last gulp. Noise that’s a little coaxed out by the burp that follows straight after. Leaning back on his seat, only his heavy breathing filling the silence. 
“How are you feeling?” Namjoon asks. 
“Ready to pop.” The younger chuckles sleepy. Namjoon was expecting something more along the lines of his emotional state for the exam. But this works too. 
“Want hyung to walk you home?” He can’t help but smile a bit, that blush from both fullness and alcohol on Jungkook’s cheeks, and his pouty greasy lips, it’s incredibly endearing. 
“Yeah… yeah I’ll fall asleep if we stay here.” Both his hands are on the table now, helping himself stand up. Revealing to Namjoon the sight Jungkook had been hiding under the table all their meal. A round cute, slightly reddened, bloat, that pushes the waistband of his sweatpants down; exposed by the shirt, that Jungkook seems to have folded upwards for a better rub. 
Namjoon can’t help but look at it, it’s right in front of his face! 
Looks tight. Small but packed to the brim. He wonders what it feels like to touch. 
The thing to snap him out of his trance is Jungkook unfolding his shirt right back to cover his ballooned stomach. “Do you want anything else?” The younger askes a bit puzzled. Right, Namjoon is still sitting. Still in perfect line of sight with Jungkook’s cute little bloat. 
“No no, sorry. I’m tired too.” He chuckles a bit through his excuse, standing up quickly and calling the waiter to take their bill. Ended up spending more than he anticipated. Namjoon wasn’t expecting Jungkook to order enough chicken for 3 and drink enough beer for him, Namjoon and the other few people in the restaurant. 
Though it’s worth it for the way Jungkook tiredly leans to him as they walk across the street back to his apartment. Not doubting for a second before wrapping his arm around the younger’s shoulders. Keeping it there all through the elevator ride. Feeling particularly accomplished at the way Jungkook nuzzles his neck, feeling his smile against his warm skin. 
His roommates, Jimin and Taehyung, give them a look from the living room; as Namjoon basically guides a half-asleep Jungkook to his room. A blush creeping on the older’s cheeks at the implications.
“H–he ate a lot of chicken.” Namjoon smiles with a nervous chuckle attached to the end of his sentence. 
“If the police come asking we won’t tell.” Taehyung snickers from the couch. As he continues to help Jungkook to his bed. He plops on it like dead weight but he is sleepily smiling up at Namjoon.
“Thanks, hyung.” His voice is still a little thick with grease. Eyes beaming even with bags under them. Just from the slight shift of movement to nuzzle his bed, Jungkook’s shirt is riding up again. A sliver of skin and the ballooned little tummy that pushes against the fabric. 
Namjoon diverts his eyes back to the younger’s face. “Anytime, Kook. Really.” He lets his hand comb through the fluffed up long hair of the younger. “I like seeing you so relaxed for a change.” Namjoon smiles down at him and is rewarded with melodic, slightly tipsy, giggling. “Rest up, okay?” 
“You’ll do great tomorrow.” 
“Yes, hyung.” He is already closing his eyes. And Namjoon has to hold back an endeared chuckle. Not bothering to say another word as he quietly leaves the sleeping Jungkook behind. 
It’s about the early afternoon, after what Namjoon imagines is a harrowing exam experience, that he gets a text from Jungkook. 
kook: that dinner worked like MAGIC hyung 
kook: that might have been the best night sleep i had 
Namjoon wasn’t trying to give life saving advice. Mostly just panicked in an attempt to get Jungkook out of the house. But the relief he feels is too much for him to even feel like a fraud. 
Though it really must’ve worked like a charm. Because he doesn’t get another text from Jungkook for the entirety of exam season. It’s a change of pace to get a text from the younger that isn’t anxiety-ridden, a change that Namjoon entirely welcomes. 
kook: namjoonie hyung
kook: i miss you
kook: come with me to a cafe to study? 
A smile is already splitting his face. 
you: oh i’d love to! but i actually graduated 2 years ago 😅 thanks tho
kook: -_- 
kook: come work or something 
kook: since when are you turning down opportunities to be at a little nice coffee shop with ambiance and good french toast? 
kook: don’t you have anything to work on? 
He can’t help the smile growing on his face. He gets so defensive, as if Namjoon could ever say no to him. And he has some lyrics he’s been wanting to clean up. Though he won’t tell Jungkook, he doesn’t want to remind the younger of his… artist name. 
No matter how many times Jungkook says that Rap Mon was the sole reason he ever approached the older in college, Namjoon refuses to believe it. 
you: sure i’ll find something~ 
kook: you play so hard to get. 
Namjoon would think he sounded annoyed if he didn’t send the coffee shop place and the time to be there. With his headphones, laptop and little lyric notebook he makes sure to be there. 
As most times, Jungkook epsters him for a reason. The place does have a beautiful ambience, and the smell of coffee and baked goods smells divine and the place is filled with mostly one person tables of people buried in their work. He spots Jungkook pretty easily, in one of the booths with an arrangement of what, from Namjoon’s personal experience, he imagines are exercise guides, the obscenely big calculator, and his glasses on, hair up in a bun. 
He must’ve been here for a while longer than Namjoon, if the few clean plates are anything to go by. Jungkook doesn’t notice the older, like everyone else, completely engulfed in what he is doing. 
“You could’ve told me to come ehre earlier.” He chuckles without malice, making Jungkook perk up. 
“Oh! I just got here like 20 minutes ago. I got off class early.” So he ate all this in 20 minutes? “Hi to you too by the way.” He says through pursed lips. A dimpled grin splits Namjoon’s face. 
“Hi, Jungkook. I missed you.” His words are particularly sweet and genuine, just to get a smile out of him. And it works, it always works. 
“You should order something, I picked a place with good salty options for you.” He says smugly. 
“So thoughtful, Kook.” Namjoon sighs dreamily, picking the abandoned menu from the corner of the table. And he is right, he already sees an avocado toast that catches his eye. But when the waiter comes to them to take Namjoon’s order, Jungkook is talking again. 
“I’ll get another latte and one of the cinnamon rolls.” He smiles politely to the waiter, Namjoon has to get over the fact that he is ordering more at all. 
“And… an avocado toast and an americano.” Namjoon recovers smoothly. The waiter looks a little surprised too. If Jungkoko really got here just 20 minutes ago like he says, then yeah, anyone would be surprised he is getting… (Namjoon counts the plates), fourths already. 
Regardless he nods and walks away. Namjoon starts setting up ready to get to work. Though in the silence it seems like Jungkook feels the need to explain himself. 
“That was my lunch.” 
“This is… dessert.” A smile grows at the sudden seriousness in Jungkook’s tone. 
“Okay.” He says a bit amused, a small chuckle bubbling at the back of his throat. “You can eat as much as you want.” He offers a gentler look, only because there’s a tint to Jungkook’s cheeks. The younger smiles back before they fall into comfortable silence. Only interrupted by their food, and then, quiet eating noises with the subtle scribbling of their paper. 
Until Jungkook is done with his order, then he calls the waiter again. For more food. And Namjoon is getting a proper view of what happened in those first 20 minutes that Jungkook arrived before him. Practically scarfing down the plates without even glancing at them. The hand that isn’t scribbling obscenely long equations onto the paper, reaches for the food. Clumsily, his lips stretching and trying to catch the food without taking his eyes off the exercise. Only lifting his face when he is done and needs to call the waiter for more. Though, the entire staff seems to be alert of Jungkook. 
Is this not the first time he is doing this? 
Namjoon tries not to think about it, but what were once quiet eating noises turn louder the messier it gets. So he can’t ignore it, and at some point he just starts to wonder how much can Jungkook pack in? The stack of plates next to his pencil case is obscene, like something out of an eating contest. One that only Jungkook knows about, and he’s been practicing months to get a head started on.
Because, Namjoon has hung out a lot with him, and even when he was a freshman in college, Jungkook could never eat this much. Not even when the dreadful freshman 15 are supposed to hit. He is so acutely aware of Jungkook’s eating, Namjoon does not manage to do any work that day; not a single verse. Maybe for the better, since he spares himself from Jungkook’s teasing. 
But it’s a long couple of hours. Namjoon knows he could’ve gotten up at any time, they’re just keeping eachother company. Yet, he finds that he can’t quite bring himself to stop stealing glances at the younger, catching him sometimes halfway through stretching his lips around a bite, or even already licking his fingers clean obscenely before reaching for another handful of food. Namjoon is transfixed in this cycle of looking up just to quickly divert his eyes away, though he doubts Jungkook even notices him there. 
Alas, when he finishes his exercise guide, he proudly punches the table grinning. “Done.” He states a bit breathless, which has probably something to do with the massacre of plates beside him. And it’s not even the whole thing, as the staff took the initiative to start taking away the plates as they piled up besides Jungkook. “I can’t look at another one of these or my brain will pop.”
Namjoon has to hold back from saying he imagines there will be another organ of his popping soon. “Yeah I’m all out of juice too.” He says instead, resigned. He is not getting any progress, not today. After fighting for who covers the check, and Namjoon successfully wins, they’re packing their things. 
Only then, does he get to see the impact of Jungkook’s new coping method for stress. When the younger stands up from his chair, without the table covering him anymore and reveals the rest of his body. Namjoon comes eye to eye with Jungkook’s newfound pudgy middle. A belly that hangs just a bit over the waistband of his pants, with a shirt that clings to the pillowy fat; hem barely brushing his bottom roll. As if a wrong movement would make it ride up the gentle curve of his stomach. Tight enough that the dent of his belly button shows through the stretched fabric, clinging fully to the muffin top on his hips and putting full display of the thickness of his waist. 
Having him stood up while Namjoon still sits makes it even clearer that it’s not just his belly that softened, but all of him. His chest rounded out and pushed slightly forward; perky chest and slightly puffy nipples. Something Namjoon maybe would have noticed if it weren’t for Jungkook’s chronically awful posture. Stretching the shirt at the very top. Along with his arms, clinging to the short sleeves without all the definition that Namjoon had gotten used to, instead softer and thicker. And his double chin, from this angle it was evident. Face looked rounder more than ever with the padding under his jaw clear as day as Jungkook looked down to smile at the older. 
“Not enough juice to even get up?” Jungkook retorts and snaps Namjoon out of his trance. 
“Y-yeah yeah sorry.” He stands up quickly, quickly enough that he nearly knocks into the table a bit. Earning a deserved chuckle from the younger, and a flustered huff from Namjoon. “Shush, or I’m making you drive me.” 
“I was gonna offer to drive you anyway. Come on.” 
He doesn’t miss the slight heavy breathing form Jungkook as they walk to the car, and the quiet sigh when he sits on the driver’s seat; he tries to ignore it at least. But Jungkook makes it extra hard to look away when the hand that isn’t steering the wheel cupped the bottom of his belly. Thumb digging into the layer of pudge to reach the bloat, in slow circular motions. 
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“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you this relaxed while studying.” He says, and it’s genuine! Jungkook has a satisfied smile on his face, Namjoon remembers when he had to pry the younger away from the exercise guides and coax him to eat a meal.
Definitely doesn’t have any of those problems anymore. 
“You helped for sure.” 
“Please, you were in the zone even before I got there.” 
“No. No I mean like, the tip. The tip you gave me all that time ago?” Namjoon’s puzzled look must speak for itself. “You know, eating before an exam, eating while studying. Like we did last time.” 
He doesn’t distinctly remember giving Jungkook that advice, but it shows all over his body. And his smile is so proud of himself, the one that reminds Namjoon of an underclassmen highschooler telling him he wanted to go to college for biology just like Namjoon. Just to impress him.
Namjoon simply doesn’t have the heart to tell him otherwise. 
In fact, Namjoon doesn’t have the heart to tell him anything else on the matter. Anything that isn’t encouragement. Even when Jungkook isn’t in exam season, he’s become so food motivated; it makes sense to offer him treats during the semester, just to keep him on track…
It makes sense for Namjoon to do that.
Of course. 
Snatching him during the week for study cafes, and bringing beer to all their late night study sessions… They’re all for the sake of Jungkook’s education. 
In the back of his mind, of course, he thinks his genuine encouragement might have gotten out of hand. But it’s worth it for the starch difference in Jungkook’s grades, and overall mood. Going through his classes with ease, as well as going through bags of snacks during said lectures. Through the rest of the year it only got worse, Namjoon knows this, but… Jungkook seems so happy. 
These are some of the thoughts he has to debate with every time he goes to Jungkook’s for another study session. Tonight is no different. Going up the stairs to the younger’s apartment to support Jungkook in the midst of exam season. Though at this point, Namjoon isn’t entirely sure if he is of service anymore. 
But if he isn’t of service, that means he has to face what other reason he could be joining Jungkook so often for. 
And Namjoon simply doesn’t have time for that, he just arrived at Jungkook’s place. Box of brownies in hand. Store bought, Jungkook’s favorite (for some reason). 
“Hyung!” His smile remains just as bright as any other day that Namjoon shows up for support. 
The rest of Jungkook though… It’s unrecognizable. 
In a year, the student’s new “study method” took a toll on Jungkook’s body. The frame that opened the door for Namjoon was close to being as wide as the door frame itself. His waist thickened to the point it buried any trace of Jungkook’s former dainty waist, thick rolls stacking along his sides, staring with jiggly love handles and finishing at the top with, what Namjoon could only describe as, the weight of his moobs beginning to overspill from the sides, beginning to sag to the sides with rounded softened nipples that constantly push against all his shirt. Pushing his arms to the sides, both of them fattened as well, softened without any of its former impressive muscle; they wobbled gently when he scribbled on paper. 
As soon as he opens the door, his belly threatens to push through the threshold on its own, stretching forward in a slope. Slightly firmer at the top and center of it, but surrounded with pillowy and sagging downwards over the waistband of his pants. Overhang girthy and making most of Jungkook’s shirts ride up as he walks. Always shifting in his chairs trying to push his shirt down from behind and then from the front, before he inevitably gives up. It folds into hefty rolls whenever he sits down, taking room on his lap. The fact his legs fattened so much too doesn’t help, pooling out of every chair he sits on, ass wobbling with each step of the stairs that he’s taken Namjoon to their apartment. 
His face… probably the only thing that stayed the same. Cheeks just rounding out cutely, making his face impossibly more of a circle when he grins, bright and heartwarming. With the addition of a bit of padding hanging off his once sharp jawline, into a squishy double chin. 
“Hey Kook.” He says before his staring becomes too obvious. “I bought some motivation.” Namjoon smiles, proudly patting the brownie box. 
“How did you know I was craving these?!” The younger whines thankful, as he steps aside to let Namjoon in. 
“You’re always craving the worst quality brownie in the market.” 
“Hey! There’s definitely ones worse than this! There’s always the cafeteria ones.” Namjoon is already making his way to the dining table. Guided by the scattered papers and books that are already taking over the surface. 
“Second worst, then.” He gives in with a fond smile, like he always does. Taking a seat in front of Jungkook. Who makes the poor IKEA chair creak when he takes a seat on it. “Does that make you feel better about yourself?”
“Immensely.” His shit-eating-grin isn’t any less endearing. 
“What are we studying today?” Namjoon cuts him off instead, only for Jungkook to start showing him the exercises he’s been having trouble with. Wordlessly and poutily. “Oh… oh I remember hating these.” The older’s face scrunches at the memory. 
“I know… It’s gonna take a lot of brownies to get me through this.” Jungkook sulks. And right, because they’ve been implementing a new system. As well as the plethora of “study snacks” that Jungkook mindlessly gorges on while working, there’s the reward snacks. The ones Namjoon keeps out of his reach only to give him when he finishes something. 
It’s been so long, Namjoon doesn’t exactly remember how it started. All he knows is Jungkook is too dependent on it now to go back to not getting snacks as rewards now. 
“Just start with this one.” He points to one of the exercises on his study guide. Before picking up the brownie box and giving it a gentle shake. “There’s enough for the entire syllabus.” That’s the thing that makes Jungkook’s eyes sparkle with newfound motivation. Wordlessly taking the guide and his notebook before starting to quietly scribble down. 
It was about 10 minutes, Namjoon using that time to revise Jungkook’s notes and get accustomed with the subject again. But, fast as ever, Jungkook slides the resolved exercise. “Let’s see.” Namjoon mumbles adjusting his glasses, feeling the younger’s eyes glued to him, switching from Namjoon’s reaction to the unopened brownie box. “This one is good!” He chirps, but it’s nothing compared to the full body beam Jungkook gives him, reaching for the brownie 
The cycle repeats endlessly. Jungkook is a skilled diligent student, Namjoon isn’t entirely sure why the younger keeps inviting him over to study, almost never fully needing to ask questions. If there ever is a mistake, once Namjoon points it out, it is like something clicks in Jungkook’s mind. Entitle up to speed with the older. 
The brownie box is emptying quickly. And Namjoon feels entirely useless, yet he can’t find himself to say it outloud. Not when Jungkook is in front of him with crumbs all over his cheeks and chest, chocolate clinging to the corners of his lips. And the hand that isn’t writing down is under the table mysteriously. Or well… It hasn’t been a mystery since that time at the coffee shop. 
Another exercise done, Namjoon isn’t even done revising it before he catches a hand reach to the brownie box from the corner of his eyes. In a reflex the older reaches for it faster and brings it towards himself. “Ah ah ah, don’t get cocky. You don’t know if it’s correct or not.” He has a teasing smile, and Jungkook looks startled for a second, as if he had done it unconsciously, before smiling back. 
“I’m pretty sure it is, hyung.” As he says it his hand reaches for the box again. And Namjoon has to bring it further back; this time with the glint of competitiveness that the younger always inspires from him. 
“Not until I say so.” He’s finished reading, he knows it’s correct. But still, he holds the box away from Jungkook’s grasp, with a playful smile that the younger mimics. This isn’t about the exercise, not anymore. Jungkook tries to reach further from the table, leaning out of his chair. Just for Namjoon to react quicker than ever leaning back. From Jungkook’s angle, Namjoon can see the way the top of his belly is sinking into the edge of the table. Softer chest sagging barely against his shirt. 
He can see Jungkook beginning to prepare to lean closer. And when Namjoon stands up already grinning from ear to ear, ready to possibly be chased by the younger. 
And when Jungkook launches at him… He can’t. Namjoon’s smile fades a little, as he watches Jungkook try again. His own expression cracking into disbelief as he looks down at himself. Realization dawning on both of them slowly. 
Jungkook is stuck in the chair. 
The room feels death quiet, Jungkook clears his throat looking down at himself, hands gripping the armrests. Now that he is standing, Namjoon can see the way they’re digging into his fatty sides. And tries to push them down. Making his body ripple with each try. 
Namjoon feels a little petrified where he stands. Before pleading doe eyes look his way. “A little help?!” Jungkook whines, snapping the older from the trance he was in. 
“Fuck sorry.” Namjoon chuckles a bit nervously before rushing to him. “Come on, let’s get you out.” He mumbles getting behind Jungkook, fingers gripping into the legs of the chair and begin to tug backwards. 
“Yes!” Jungkook groans. With each tug his apron belly slap against his lap. “I really really want that brownie!” He throws his head back whining pathetically. As if everything in his body didn’t scream that he had one brownie box too many. 
Namjoon is grunting behind him, but it won’t budge. “Has this happened before?!” He can’t help his desperate tone. And Jungkook throws an insulted look over his shoulder. 
“No?! You think I would’ve sat here if I got stuck already!?” 
“I don’t, but it looks like this chair is three sizes small, Kook.” He chuckles a bit, slowly getting the chair off the curve of his plump love handles. Both of the younger’s hands are on the table, pushing his ass to Namjoon in an attempt to collaborate. 
“I’ve been studying in my room a lot!” Jungkook’s voice gets higher pitched as he whines. Making Namjoon more forceful until he stumbles back. Flimsy wooden chair in his hands as he frees Jungkook. 
“Ha!” He is a little breathless but victorious still. “Freedom.” Namjoon punches the air. Before noticing Jungkook’s silence. 
He is eating another brownie. Namjoon guesses, the one Jungkook thought was owed to him for getting that exercise right. But then he is grabbing another one while still munching on the previous brownie. And his other hand is grabbing another one after that. 
“What are those supposed to be for?” Namjoon crosses his arms with a teasing smile. 
“Emotional reparations.” 
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ────────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
Taehyung hates critique day. Which sucks. Because in an art major, every day is critique day. He knew what he was getting into, of course he knew. Taehyung just didn’t expect to feel so personally about his art. 
Though, he knows how to behave. Of course he doesn’t make a scene, and he takes all the critiques. But his frustrations end up manifesting elsewhere. 
It’s not even his turn, there’s another 10 people before him. But Taehyung’s thumb is already against his lips. Teeth anxiously nipping at his cuticles. He doesn’t think his art is beyond critiquing, of course not. That’s the whole reason he is majoring in art. But he pours so much of himself into each piece, vulnerable and grotesquely intimate. It’s so hard to expose in front of everyone, relating the quality of his art directly to his own value as a person. 
What if what he is saying is overdone? A cliche experience that everyone goes through and is not worthy of being represented through art. Or worse, what if it’s too much? Too personal and private to expose in a room full of strangers. What if these types of things should be left for the little epigraph under a painting for only the willing to read? Instead of stating it proudly as a defense for the homework you did in front of a bunch of strangers- 
A hand places gently on his wrists, warm. Cutting the middle of his rampant spiral. Taehyung still has his fingers grazing against his lips when he turns to see the hand owner, his upperclassman and TA, Seokjin. Who has a patient smile on his face that seems like he can read all of Taehyung’s thoughts. 
“If you’re gonna nip on anything, have this.” He whispers as to not call attention to them while the professor gives her critiques to another student. Taehyung’s hand is lowered gently and a candy bar is placed on it. His jaw drops, looking at it before looking up at Seokjin; who looks even smug about it. 
“Thanks.” Even if his response is short, the admiration and gratitude must show on his face, because the older has to stifle a laugh. Taehyung doesn’t waste another second ripping open the package and bringing it to his lips. 
Being able to press these anxieties onto the crunchy bar feels too relieving. The delicious nutty flavor is an amazing bonus. Taehyung can’t hold back from finishing it in only a few hurried bites. Relishing in the way his thoughts are taken over by the small snack, instead of his sprinting anxieties. And then he is pushing the last of it with his fingers, only realizing he hasn’t taken a single moment to enjoy the candy bar once he is gulping the last bite. And he isn’t even close to having to expose his artwork. 
Does he go back to panicking? It feels like he should- Correction, it feels like he is. 
Unconsciously, his hand is already reaching for his lips when Seokjin intercepts it again. Another candy bar in hand. Making Taehyung’s eyebrows fly to the roof. 
“I get cravings during the day, okay? Don’t look so judgy.” Seokjin defends himself whispering, but his smile gives away that he didn’t take it too personally. 
“I don’t wanna waste your stash, don’t you have some gum?” It’s the younger’s turn to hold in his giggles. 
His TA’s face scrunches up. “I don’t like mint.” 
“You are weird.” Taehyung says with a smile, hands already focusing on tearing the wrapper apart. Seokjin is rolling his eyes, while the younger is stifling his giggle with the first bite. He wordlessly passes Taehyung his backpack so lay by the student’s side where he is sat. Opened already and showing the plethora of candy bars and different snacks stashed in there. 
How is this man so fit?! Taehyung rather brings the backpack closer to his side with his leg, as he’s already working through the second candy bar. He really tried to space it out and enjoy it a bit. But he still finished it in the span of only one student getting their critique. Only throwing a pleading glance at Seokjin, whose eyes are already on Taehyung with a patient nod, he is reaching deep in the bag for another one. Without looking into the bag, it really does feel like he has the entire thing full to the brim. 
He pulls another one out, this time not so worried in making sure he makes it last throughout the like, 8 other people who have critiques before Taehyung. And he doesn’t. But his hand is already reaching for the bag without a second thought. He is sure Seokjin will be fine without 3 or 4 of his bars. The supply feels so endless he doesn’t even keep track. 
Letting the candy bar wrappers pile around him, it doesn’t take long before a warm feeling starts to set on the bottom of his stomach. Blood circulation his stomach as it digests all that chocolate, peanut butter, and whatever else they put on them. It’s making him sleepy, but Taehyung welcomes the feeling with open arms, sedating him from all his anxieties. Mind too lethargic to worry, and hands too busy on the slight bloat of his tummy to reach for his teeth to nip at them. Taehyung doesn’t even notice when his time for the critique comes, catching him half way through a snickers bar. That he brushes to his lap, along with all the other wrappers that piled on his desk around his art piece. 
The warmth emanating from his stomach is enough to even make him feel more soothed as he explains his piece. Something Taehyung had been struggling with since he got his first critique, and he realizes he can’t in fact be perfect at something from the get go; like he had unconsciously hoped for. Not this time though, he has a calm tone as he explains the inner workings and reasonings behind his assignment. And he doesn’t know if it’s that, or if this piece is particularly good, or if his lethargic mind is playing tricks on his perception of the world, but the critiques don’t seem as bad as they usually are. 
The rest of the class passes by in a blurr. And he has Seokjin to thank for it. 
And he does! Walking up to the TA once everyone starts walking out. 
“Sorry about almost emptying your bag.” He smiles shyly. “But I really never felt that relaxed during a critique, ever.” 
“Don’t mention it, I know it took me ages to get used to it.” His smile is patient as ever, Taehyung is beginning to wonder if it was this charming from the beginning of the semester. 
“And what did you do then?” If he is tucking a lock of hair behind his ear, it’s nobody’s business. 
“I was bringing entire boxes worth of snacks.” Seokjin giggles. “Really took my freshman 15 to a whole new level.” 
If Taehyung lets his eyes go up and down Seokjin’s body with a smile, then maybe it’s a little bit of his TA’s business. “Doesn’t look like you have them on you right now.” 
Seokjin smiles with a bit more confidence. Taehyung has never prided himself in his subtlety. “I told you I got used to the critiques, didn’t I?” If the older takes a step closer, Taehyung’s heart has no business pitter pattering this way. “Now I just keep a stash in case anyone is getting a little panicky.” Taehyung is about to object, but Seokjin anticipates it. “Happens more often than you think!” 
“Sure it does.” His arms are folding over his chest, but it’s not as defensive as it is flirty. Seokjin seems to notice. 
“You can just say thank you.” The fact his tone gets even cockier should not be as attractive as Taehyung is making it out to be. 
“If it manages to calm my nerves consistently. Then you’ll get your thank you.” It feels like they’re standing much closer than when Taehyung first walked up to him to thank the TA. But he is leaving with a lot more. 
“Keep me updated then.” Seokjin smiles unfaced. 
“I will.” 
And Taehyung leaves that class with an entirely different feeling of nerves than the one he walked in with; much giddier too. Though, airhead at heart, he notices he forgot to ask Seokjin for his number; and Taehyung definitely won’t be flirting through their school emails, and finding his social media and dming him is out of the question. Taeyung has some dignity left, thank you very much. 
Instead, he limits himself to keep Seokjin’s memory alive in his mind every time he has a class where he has to present some of his artwork. Stocking up on a bagful of snacks for him to work his way through until he gets his critique. Mostly figuring out what’s the right amount, since that first time he only ever started snacking about 2/3rds of the the class in, so naturally Taehyung has more time to fill if he is starting to eat from the get go. But also, he can’t get too full too early! Because then the feeling could possibly wash off in the span of his 4 hour courses. 
Though the most exciting part of his week was trying out what he enjoyed snacking on the most. What offered that warm hazy sensation that Taehyung was seeking, what settled best on his tummy, and what was most appropriate for class. He is not making the same mistake of bringing some chips and spicy sauce to class; not only making a lot of noise, but having the spice make his stomach gurgle and churn as he held back from farting in class. 
After extensive research, Taehyung found out that sweets were the best option. Fluffy and noiseless, and perfectly filling. Instead of cramping to fit them into his bag, Taehyung proudly walks into class with a bakery box that sits on his lap. They’re bigger and more filling than candy bars, just (if not more) as delicious. And Taehyung plops it open as soon as the first student begins to expose. He is able to make them last the entire class, chewing unhurried but constantly throughout. Taehyung’s always had an appetite, but he always brings enough to end up with both hands under his desk on his bloated tummy, and a fuzzy feeling of fullness. 
It’s only been two weeks, but Taehyung really does feel like he owes Seokjin a thank you. He thinks to himself as he walks into the classroom where Seokjin assists. The younger considered talking to him after class, but he finds the TA’s eyes on him… Probably due to the bakery box he brings with him into the classroom. Taehyung quite frankly, had already naturalized the snacks he has been bringing with him to most classes. Completely forgetting that Seokjin only comes to help out once every two weeks. 
“I take it you’re trying out my advice?” Seokjin catches him as Taehyung walks to his usual desk. 
“Trying it? I’ve already adopted it.” He sits down and smiles up at Seokjin. “I haven’t been this relaxed ever since I got into art.” Taehyung leans back into his chair, smug, before beaming. “And look at this!” His hand wiggles his fingers daintily in front of Soekjin’s face, his eyes crossing a bit to get a better look at the sight. 
With perfectly healthy cuticles. 
He gently takes Taehyung’s hand into his. Thumb rubbing up and down his middle finger; making the younger’s insides churn. “Wow… Look at you.” His tone is a little teasing, but his smile is endeared. Though, Taehyung can only focus on the world around him again, once the TA has let his hand go. “What’s on today’s menu?” 
“Cinnamon rolls, some red velvet slices…” He purses his lips. And shies a bit when he sees Seokjin’s eyebrows reach his hairline. “And–and just a few more things. Can’t remember.” 
“Certainly a lot more than those 5 snicker bars you ate last time.” This time there isn’t much endearment in Seokjin’s smile. Taehyung widens. 
It was only 5?!  He had felt so overwhelmingly full back then… 
Now it wouldn’t come close to doing the job. 
“I always had an appetite.” He shrugs with pouty lips. “I was just guilty of eating too much of your stash.” Taehyung excuses himself with arms crossed over his chest. 
“I’m glad you’re bringing your own then.” Seokjin chuckles, making Taehyung worry if he even believes the younger’s excuse. “This is definitely more than all of my stash.” He eyes the big bakery box on Taehyung’s desk, and looks up with a smile that doesn’t say the full truth; the younger’s cheeks burn a little warmer. 
But he doesn’t get to say the last word, the professor is calling Seokjin over; who only offers a wide grin before ushering to her desk. 
This interaction definitely echoes in Taehyung’s mind, only silenced with the first few bites of the cinnamon roll. But not entirely, since flashes of Seokjin’s teasing smile as he eyed Taehyung’s portion size creeps on him. Catching him mid-bite, with his lips stretched, buttercream coating his lips and red velvet crumbs already beginning to fall onto his lap. His cheeks blushed everytime. All that nonchalance he had these two weeks, acquiring this habit, unbothered by the weird stares, suddenly shifted into self awareness when Taehyung sensed the TA’s eyes on him. 
Taehyung didn’t dare look to check; he wouldn’t know what to do with himself if he actually caught Seokjin staring at him making a pig out of himself in class. Maybe he was just deluding himself and the older was nowhere near paying him attention. Why would he be? They barely know each other. 
All this just represented more thoughts for Taehyung to have to silence with food. Or at least try to. Determined to silence his feelings of sudden awkwardness, like he had managed all those classes before this one; where he ate without a care. And besides, if anyone would be nonjudgmental of this… coping mechanism, it should be Seokjin out of all people, shouldn’t it? He advised Taehyung to do it after all. 
A thought in the back of his mind wonders if maybe it isn’t judgment that Seokjin is showing. But Taehyung decides to bury that thought with another one of the cinnamon rolls, taking an obscene bite of it. Guiding his thoughts to the warmth stretching his stomach, not taut yet but getting there. Pressing against his shirt with a slight curve. Already making him blissed and a little sleepy. 
And he still has so much more food to go. 
With newfound determination, and a mind determined to not think for the rest of the class, Taehyung loses himself to the food before him. Not only the sound of his professor giving critiques, but the sight from the corner of his eye of Seokjin (possibly) watching him, all fade away. As Taeyung focuses on looking down at his bakery box, focusing on his own hands as they reach more fervently for the food, feeling how the icing and buttercream make his throat feel thick and his entire body tingle as all the blood goes to his distending stomach. One hand goes idly to caress the growing curve, feels like with every heavy gulp, it expands against his fingers. Though it doesn’t feel unbearable like it used to be. 
He brought enough food that when it’s time for his critiques, Taehyung hasn’t even finished. But he still ate enough for that comfortable warmth to ease his nerves. It goes by smoothly, like it has for the past few weeks. And he has left overs! Taehyung could probably take these back to his apartment, he is sure Jungkook will appreciate the extra study snacks. 
Yet as soon as his professor is done talking to him, his hand is reaching for another slice of cake. Even when he has no reason to be nervous anymore, no anxiety rattling his bones; it’s like his hands reach for the food all on their own. He doesn’t even question it, let alone try to stop himself. But in the back of his mind, Taehyung is beginning to realize, he’s trained his body to do this. To eat without conscience, to eat to lose conscience. 
Which isn’t really all that good. But then again… Being this full does feel really nice. Especially when these last baked goods are all he needs to fully push to the edge of comfortably full to stuffed to brim. The thought on the back of his mind isn’t enough to stop the automated path of his hand, as it grips the velvety piece of cake. It doesn’t matter if it’s not as enjoyable as it settles in his rounding stomach. The taste is amazing. 
Fuck Jungkook, he has enough snacks already. That waistline speaks for itself. 
Taehyung has to force that last bite down with his index finger, chewing lethargic and slowly; a little painful. His stomach gurgling under his desk in complaint, as if to convince Taehyung to not swallow. He does, obviously. The only thing more embarrassing than eating like a hog in front of everyone, would be spitting something out. He gulps it down and has a burp stretching his cheeks almost immediately after. Having to cup his swollen stomach when it vibrates and gurgles whining. 
He might have overdone it. His eyelids feel heavy and it feels like all those sweets are taking space his lungs need; making his breathing heavier and his body warm all over. 
As if on cue, the class is dismissed! Perfect timing, Taehyung is ready to get these pants off and take a fat nap. Already tidying up his desk from all the little disposable plates and trays, he has good student etiquette thank you very much. Ignoring the weird stares from fellow students that walk past his desk. If they haven’t gotten used to this in the last two weeks, it’s out of Taehyung’s hands. 
When it’s time to get up. His stomach churns painfully, cramping and complaining to the point Taehyung plops back into his chair. A little ‘ouf’ leaving his lips; as if he hadn’t already been breathless before attempting to stand. It takes a second try, and a second failure for Taehyung to realize… he might need a little help. 
This time around, he does feel like the side-eyes he is getting from his classmates are somewhat deserved. He overdid it. Most definitely. Taehyung has never been this full, belly expanding with each shallow breath; agitated from trying to stand and pinned by his taut belly. Full enough it stretches his poor shirt; he’s always had a bit of padding around his tummy, and it barely shows from how tight his stomach is rounding out. Only able to feel that chub when he massages his gurgling stomach; but it looks hard enough to be a baby bump. 
In a meek, breathless attempt, Taehyung tries again. Only to fall back in his chair. Desperation beginning to tie his overstuffed stomach in a knot, not only are his classmates leaving; but the people from the class after theirs are entering. His head turning for any familiar face he could ask for assistance. 
The only one he finds is the one Taehyung is most embarrassed to call for help. But he doesn’t have much of a choice, does he? 
“Seokjinssi?” The TA was picking up some notes, his back to Taehyung, thankfully. There’s at least some hope that he didn’t see Taehyung’s pathetic attempts to get up. 
“What is it?” He comes closer slinging his backpack on and getting a proper look at Taehyung’s situation. Bloated belly, pushing at the waistband of his pants and shirt, holding onto the desk for momentum. Seokjin’s entertained smile makes him want to shrink away. 
“Could you…” Taehyung is not gonna look at his face when asking, instead looking at the mess he turned himself into. All of that flirty energy he had felt for Seokjin when he first helped the younger out, was gone. Replaced with mortifying embarrassment. “Uh… I kind of overdid it. I need a little help.” He says instead, avoiding Seokjin’s reaction. 
A hand comes into his line of vision.
Taehyung takes it and lets Seokjin tug him up. Amazed by the soft grunt that slips from the back of his throat; feeling his swollen stomach try and pin him in place. But that’s not nearly as embarrassing as the way he accidentally leans closer than he should to Seokjin’s torso. The hand that isn’t holding Taehyung’s holding him by his waist; hand big enough to brush the side of his bloat.
He is mortified, and Seokjin’s little smile does nothing to help the feeling. 
“You okay?” The way even the TA’s charming expression has his eyebrows slightly raised and his eyes a little widened. Even he wasn’t ready for Taehyung’s display of gluttony. 
“Y–yeah… Yeah, thanks.” Taehyung forces himself to smile. But what’s even harder is separating from the firmness of Seokjin’s torso. Brushing the crumbs that collected across his chest. “That’s a first for me.” He feels the need to comment. 
“Eating so much you can’t get up?” Seokjin chuckles. “Yeah, you’re the first time I see it too.” His tone is friendly, but Taehyung can still feel his cheeks burning red. Only worsened by the up and down glance Seokjin gives of his body. 
“You should meet my roommates.” Taehyung tells a joke only for himself to laugh at. Ready to wash off all the embarrassment he accumulated in this class. “See you around, Seokjinssi.” He scrambles to grab his stuff and nod off. Weighting if this much humiliation is worth being able to handle the critiques. 
Taehyung doesn’t really decide. Not really. Because the next day comes, Taehyung doesn’t even have a critiquing that day, but his feet still drag him to the bakery close to campus. Staff already familiar with his face and gave him the freshest donuts of the batch. In the back of his mind, he does question himself again. If it really is the best for him to be eating beyond his capability to stand up. 
But he got the donuts already. And even if he won’t be getting critiques today, it’s still nice to have a snack while he paints. It’s just once more. 
Except it isn’t, Taehyung finds himself facing the fact he underestimated how much of a habit he had made of Seokjin’s little advice. Part of him started feeling guilty to not go to the bakery, feeling like all the staff was expecting him there. And the very few scattered days that Taehyung didn’t go, his worries were confirmed when the caring lovely staff asked about what happened. Besides, whenever he skipped, his stomach would grumble so much he would eventually end up dragging his feet to the college dining hall and buying anything he can get his eyes on. 
Seokjin doesn’t bring it up again, but he does continue walking over to Taehyung’s desk to chat. Never able to be subtle in the way he always glances down at the younger’s desk; as if to check if he had brought any food this time. And Taehyung always had. 
Luckily though, he never has to ask Seokjin for help getting up in what’s left of the semester. The more used he got to eating these huge quantities of sweets, the easier his stomach stretched and adapted to the heft of Taehyung’s snacks. But, simultaneously, made him harder and harder to satisfy. 
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It got to the point where there wasn’t enough food he could physically bring to his class for it to be enough to make him feel as full as he used to be at the beginning of the semester. He keeps his portions similar to the ones he had when he first started bringing food to class, only to stuff himself with anything he could; whether it meant another stop to the bakery, a demolition of the lunch menu at the dining hall, or cleaning whatever his roommates had stashed the fridge with. Though that last option got him a scolding most of the time. 
In the back of his mind, he knows. Taehyung is overdoing it. Ending his school day stuffed to the brim and waddling home; even on the days he has sculpting class, and his hands are in no condition to be touching food. Let alone classes where his hands are in full capacity to eat, a professor’s critique not needed for his body to crave that hazy drowsy sensation of being full. 
And it’s beginning to show. He knows it. Taehyung can feel it in the way his clothes begin to fill out. Waistbands sinking into his middle when he sits down, and then even when he is standing up. His inner thighs rubbing together when he walks, covering all of the chair when he sits. The front of his tummy always pressing against his shirts, which have only gotten tighter with the course of the semester. Then, it’s not just his stomach pressing against the fabric, but his chest too. Small but puffy mounds of fat, with softened and overly sensitive nipples. Then his sleeves start feeling a little fuller as well. 
And if Taehyung gets another comment from his roommates about how chubby and round his face has gotten, he will throw another paintbrush at them. 
But it’s fine.
The semester will end, and without the routine of his classes, the routine of his snacking shall also stop. 
Taehyung has it under control. 
Even if he was determined to not need a change of clothes until the end of the semester. Yet here he is, rummaging through Jungkook and Jimin’s laundry for anything oversized. 
Whatever, it’s not a change of clothes. Jimin and Jungkook steal his clothes for fancy events all the time. Or… they used to. Taehyung doubts they fit them now. 
He finds one of Jungkook’s sweatpants and he rather not ponder on how they’re not an oversized fit. He leaves for uni decidedly. Today he has a live painting session, his favorite. He arrives there early even! Ready to pick his favorite spot in the circle of canvases, and display all his paints and–
Seokjin is there. 
“You don’t take this course.” He states a bit bluntly. Excuse him, but Taehyung has to mentally prepare himself to engage with Seokjin, and have him smiling all charming at him. 
“I don’t.” Luckily, the older only seems endeared by Taehyung’s straight forward greeting. “Ms.Lee called in sick, I’m covering for her.”
“Are TAs allowed to do that?” He can’t help scrunching his face. And it downright earns a bit of laughter from Seokjin, smile only growing. 
“It’s just a live painting session, Tae.” Endearment rolls off his tongue. “Take a seat.” Seokjin’s shit eating smile shouldn’t be as endearing as it is. But that’s an existential question Taehyung had to give up ages ago. 
“You’re not the boss of me.” He scoffs, but does in fact walk to his preferred canvas. Just because he wants to. Not because Seokjin instructed him. Setting his bag and walking to the line of aprons hung up at the back of the class. 
He doesn’t think twice before grabbing one, putting his head through it and beginning to tie it as he walks back to his spot. But… as he feels his belly press against the cloth, rolls on his waist shifting with each step, Taehyung feels the straps sink a little into the folds that stack on his sides. A sensation he’s gotten used to.
However, he can’t seem to be making the two ends of the straps meet… 
Not even close. 
Stopping in his tracks, he focuses on sucking in. And feels his stomach retract the slightest bit, he pushes the straps. The two edges barely grazing each other, not nearly enough give for him to tie a knot. And panic starts to set in. 
Yeah, he hasn’t had a live painting session in a while. But it hasn’t been that long, has it? 
And he hasn’t gotten that fat in said short amount of time, has he? 
He turns his back to the rack of aprons, almost resentfully. There has to be a bigger one, isn’t there? No, Taehyung is in Korea. Where he was a size large even before this… gain. 
“What’s the matter?” Seokjin asks, but his voice sounds more knowing than what Taehyung feels comfortable with. And his voice is closer than he was prepared for. 
Almost automatically, he takes the apron off his head, holding it defensively to his chest. Acutely aware of the way his hands sink into the new padding that rounds his pecs. “Nothing.” 
Seokjin’s smile only widens at that. “Nothing.” He repeats, comedically unconvinced. Though he is looking at Taehyung with endearment, helpful almost. 
“Yes.” But Taehyung is too prideful.
“Okay…” The older doesn’t argue. “That’s a really nice shirt, would be a shame to spill oil paint on it.” 
“I won’t.” He purses his lips, shrugging bratty. “I was about to put it on.” Taehyung’s thick-headedness gets the best of him though, and he can feel it bite him in the ass when Seokjin crosses his arms and leans against the wall; expectant. 
“Go on then.” 
“With what?”
“Put it on. I’m gonna start the class on time, so…” Taehyung doesn’t check the clock to know if the clash should actually start soon or not. Not willing to show that he has anything to worry about. At least he knows they’re still the only two here, if the way Soekjin is acting is anything to go by. Taehyung knows by now that as confident as he likes to act, the TA would die of embarrassment to be caught flirting like this. 
Does this count as flirting? It feels like he is just tormenting Taehyung. 
“Whatever…” He mumbles, putting it over his head again. But not bothering to tie it behind him. “There. Happy?”
“You’re so stubborn, did anybody tell you that?” Seokjin’s tone is too soft to be taken seriously. 
“Do you want some help?” 
“Do you need help?” He rephases much to Taehyung’s dismay. 
“…Maybe.” His surrender is worth it for the cackle Seokjin lets out as he walks behind Taehyung. “B-but I doubt you can do anything.” He grumbles as he feels Seokjin’s knuckles brush against his fatty sides as he takes a hold of the straps. The rolls that won’t leave no matter how much he sucks in. 
“Let me try…” He can practically hear Seokjin’s concentrated frown as he brings the straps behind the younger; Taehyung can feel them sink into his folds once more. There’s a beat of silence, where Seokjin doesn’t move the straps and seems to be calculating his options. Taehyung doesn’t want to wonder what the view must be like for him from behind. Finally, he instructs. “Suck in.” 
“Tsk, you think I didn’t try that already?” He responds a little defensively. 
“Just do it!” Seokjin’s voice is close to a whine. And Taehyung ‘eughs’ but compiles. Taking in a deep breath and forcing his pudgy belly inwards.
There’s another beat of silence, before Seokjin talks again. “That’s it?”
“What do you mean that’s it?” Taehyung can’t help his voice sounds a little breathless, still holding in. The end of his sentence cut short as a tug of the straps coaxes the air out of him. Straps not only sinking further into his rolls, but the front of the apron beginning to fold into itself too, riding up the curve of his belly just a little.
“Suck in more!” 
“I can’t- OUF!” The sudden tug cinches, or at least tries to cinch, at Taehyung’s middle. Fat overspilling from over the straps in a poor attempt to resist the restrictions of the apron. 
“Yeah, we are gonna need some extra fabric for these straps.” 
“You didn’t need to choke me to know that.” Taehyung is still catching his breath. And once he stops sucking in, he can feel all of Seokjin’s efforts come undone as the straps go back to reaching the far back of his side rolls. 
“I wouldn’t need to help you at all if your apron fit.” Seokjin retorts, giving a light squeeze to one of Taehyung’s thick love handles before moving to the front desk in the classroom. Just in time to avoid the indignant turn Taehyugn does to face him. 
“It’s your fault I don’t fit into the apron.” Or any of my clothes, for that matter. He holds back from saying. Seokjin has his back to him as he rummages through the drawers of a desk that most definitely isn’t the TA’s. 
“What did I do?” There’s a chuckle attached at the end of his question. That makes Taehyung believe Seokjin knows exactly what he did. “Aha!” He doesn’t let the younger answer, as he pulls out… A string. 
Walking victorious towards Taehyung, this time with a charming smile, he instructs again. “Turn around.” He complies, too curious to question the older’s strategy. Taehyung turns around and lifts his arms a bit. 
He can feel Seokjin take one of the straps once more. And in the comfortable silence with a very concentrated tone he asks. “Where were we?”
“I was gonna tell you how you are responsible for my apron not fitting.” He deadpans. 
“Ah yes… Blasphemy.” Seokjin giggles behind him. Now he is grabbing the other strap. 
“It’s not! Your trick for critique-anxiety worked too well.” The younger hopes his pout is coming through his voice for Seokjin to hear. “I’m surprised you aren’t struggling to put in your aprons either.” 
“I used that trick maybe one or twice for my final exams. Not… every single critique I was ever given.”
“It’s not my fault I get more anxious than you.”
“Was critique-anxiety the one making you eat during your normal classes too? I’m surprised you didn’t bring any snacks to this one. I feel robbed.” 
“How did you know I was eating in other classes?” 
“You have a bit of a reputation by now, Tae.” The endearment is ever present in Seokjin’s voice. “There!” He stands up straight finally, giving Taehyung’s peaking love handles, exposed by all the cinching and tugging of his shirt, one last celebratory pat. Making them giggle right above the slightly tight waistband of Jungkook’s joggers. “Your apron now fits. You are very very welcome.” 
“Thanks…” Taehyung tries to twist and get a proper look at Seokjin’s contraption, the extra yarn sinking a little into the padding that now covers his back. “And what do you mean I have a reputation?” He snaps up to look Seokjin in the eyes. A little sense of dread coiling at his stomach. 
Or that might just be the apron restricting his belly. 
“Don’t look at me like it’s news to you. Do you think people weren’t gonna notice the guy walking in with a picnic’s worth of food into every class? Even professors know who you are.”  His face is starting to burn and even if he was the one to daringly try and lock eyes with Seokjin to get an answer from him, Taehyung isn’t quite liking what he is hearing. 
So… to make his case even worse, he eyes the clock. Still 15 minutes till class starts, he has time. “I’ll go buy some breakfast.” He states pouty, feeling heat flare at his cheeks. 
“That definitely will help the apron.” Seokjin’s comment is already far behind, because Taehyung is fleeing this humiliating scene with quick steps. He doesn’t turn around to respond, his face burns too much for him to do so. 
He won’t buy much, he tells himself. Just keep himself out of class long enough for other students to arrive. So Seokjin stops making him blush. 
The cafeteria is always a welcoming sight, the staff already knowing his face, much like in that bakery that he still very much goes to on a daily basis. Putting a polite smile for the staff as he begins buying anything he can get his hands on. Once he starts it’s so easy to just keep piling his plate. Getting his money’s worth on that student meal plan. But it’s so hard to stop. 
Only once Taehyung can’t physically fit more into his plate does he realize he overdid it. He glances at the wall clock again. Ten minutes. 
Taehyung can definitely manage to eat all this before class. 
With a decided nod he takes his plate to one of the empty tables, still a bit before most students start to get lunch. And Taehyung will definitely be there with everyone else a second time too, even if his meal plan doesn’t cover it. He knows his hunger won’t let him skip a meal, no matter how much he ate before. 
He feels like such a pig. Out of control and eating to avoid the nerves and the confrontation that Seokjin seems so comfortable bringing to his class. Forcing Taehyung to acknowledge just how fat he got. 
And that maybe it’s not entirely Seokjin’s fault either. 
Taehyung shovels that thought right to the back of his mind where it belongs with a bite of his food. He wasn’t entirely aware of what he had gotten either. It was a nice surprise when sweet cinnamon batter took over his lips. Sweet, of course he got sweet. The taste so addictive and soothing to his body, he can’t help his other hand reach for something else to bring to his lips, a cookie. Taehyung can pretty much feel the clock ticking, interchangeably taking bites of the two baked goods, looking like a ravenous animal in front of the few people scattered across the cafeteria. 
10 minutes, he reminds himself, forcing to stretch his lips with bigger bites, mixing the sweets as he goes. Not caring if the tastes don’t fit or blur together. All Taehyung wants is for the comforting ballooned feeling to take over him.
The one that gets him to forget about critiques.
About Seokjin’s charming smile.
About how he managed to get so fat in the course of the semester. Ironically. 
He is starting to feel it. Bloat beginning to make his shirt ride up a little bit at his side. 
No, not his shirt. 
Jungkook’s oversized shirt. 
The stretch of his stomach making his belly, that now was covered in a thick layer of chub no matter the size of the bloat, press harder against the poor apron. Taehyung can feel the way the extra lace Seokjin used to tie the knot, sinks into the fat padding that covers his lower back. 
5 minutes, he glances at the clock. And he still has nearly half of his serving left. Maybe he underestimated himself. 
Maybe, Taehyung isn’t as much of a pig as Seokjin’s eyes make him out to be. 
He leans closer to the plate in an attempt to make the food pass the stretch of his opened lips faster. But he feels something snap behind him, and a sudden pressure release from his swollen abdomen. 
The straps of his apron broke. 
That gets him to stop eating. Staring at the plate blankly. Refusing to get a proper look at himself. 
Taehyung definitely won’t be attending class. 
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ────────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
Jimin can’t see another video of “music majors when they remember they need listen to a song due at midnight”. The ones Jungkook doesn’t get tired of sending him. Excuse you, Jimin spends more time in his home-made studio than Jungkook does in his silly little labs. No, he doesn’t have a song-listening due at midnight. Jimin has to finish the rough demos of a soundtrack by the end of the week. Not quite the same, no. 
These thoughts keep running through his mind as Jimin leans inches away from his monitor, FL Studio open as his own raw creation blasts through his overly expensive (maybe a little pretentious) headphones. He heard Jungkook and Taehyung come in at some point in the night, he is sure they’ve taken care of dinner. Lately this apartment has started to ditch the “skipping meals” plan that most broke students seemed to adopt. But Jimin always has a hard time remembering to take breaks when he has projects like his one plaguing his mind. 
It’s 2 am already. He can wait until he has this one song finished before forcing himself to the kitchen. The weight of this project already lulling his senses and numbing him to such trivial things like eating and “drinking something that doesn’t have caffeine”. Jimin is way beyond the line of feeling uncomfortable, having pulled several late nights of work, letting Taehyung’s snoring guide the beat of his songs. Rolling around to class the next morning looking worse than in his prima-ballerina days. Jimin works nearly in autopilot as he adds layers of texture to the song, he doesn’t care if it’s shit. He just wants it to be finished. 
And it’s only… 3:45am.
He needs to eat something and go to bed. 
Nothing could’ve prepared him for the complete masacre of what used to be “dinner”. Absolutely nothing, the hogs of his roommates left him nothing. 
Jimin thought he had it under control. The stress, his emotions, the hunger. But his eyes begin to water against him. He doesn’t have anything to eat! And he has been looking forward to it for hours! And he is sure his roommates didn’t mean to but his bottom lip is wobbling against his will and he has to cup his lips before he dejectedly walks back to his room. Sniffs heard throughout the room. 
In an attempt to distract himself, he downloads the file and sends it to Yoongi. Rubbing his eyes and leaning on his chair, his entire body catching up with him, pain swelling on his lower back and his knees as he tries to stretch.
And as if to make matters worse, his stomach complains with a roar. 
He can’t help it, his face is scrunching up and sniffles are making his body spasm gently and his shoulders tense with each shaky intake of air. Before he can stop it, his hands are covering his face, where he feels himself begin to cry. 
The notification noise anticlimactically cuts him off. Hands leaving his face to peak at his phone. 
yoongi hyung: what are you doing up 
you: what are YOU doing up?!
yoongi hyung: i asked first. 
you: was finishing the thing i sent you
you: and crying
Jimin is one to try and find humor in his everyday misery, but he does feel a little guilt when he sees Yoongi take a bit longer to reply. 
yoongi hyung: why were you crying?
It’s his time to ponder his answer. And, deciding he doesn’t want to get a lecture about his time management skills and Jimin’s incredible ability to neglect his basic needs, he chooses something that’s still very much true. 
you: tae and kook didn’t save me any food (。•́︿•̀。)
His response is immediate then. 
yoongi hyung: wanna come over? 
yoongi hyung: I also need your opinion on something. 
yoongi hyung: and i got food
you: be there in a bit!
Jimin tries to be quiet. But also, when he worries about possibly waking up his roommates, he quickly realizes he doesn’t care. 
Serves them right. Hmf. 
He texts Yoongi when he is outside, really not waiting to wake Hoseok up. He doesn’t deserve it. But to his surprise it’s him who opens the door for the younger. 
“Oh. Hobi hyung.” Jimin pouts a little worried. And the older beats him to it. 
“If you’re going to apologize, don’t. I was awake too.” His smile is gentle, but his hair is a little messy and his face is a little puffed up.
Either Hoseok is lying and Yoongi and him totally woke him up. Or the couple was having a fun night and Jimin interrupted. 
He doesn’t know which one makes him feel worse. 
“Still, thanks.” Jimin’s smile is a little guilty but some of his worry smelt away when he hugs Hoseok tight. A little bit of that uncomfortable tension on his body leaving with the lithe (but strong) man squeezes at his sides. 
“Yoongi is in the kitchen. Only you can get him to start cooking at 4am.” 
“He told me he had food already!” Jimin whines as he walks in.
“Well…He lied. I offered to grab something from a convenience store. But you know Yoongi wouldn’t let you have that.” The chuckle attached at the end of his sentence screams endearment. Jimin follows behind him into the couple’s apartment like his second home. Which it practically is. 
Yoongi and Hoseok were both the ones to first introduce him to music in highschool. And Jimin was the witness of the very beginnings of the most obnoxiously romantic couple he knows. A delicious smell already takes over the cozy apartment. “Hyung, you’re cooking for me?” He smiles teasing when they make their way to the kitchen. Loving to tease whenever Yoongi shows his tender side; the one that always comes when Jimin needs it most. 
“And I might throw it all out if you don’t shut it.” He pouts and Jimin only giggles, launching forward for a back hug to the other. His cheek pressing to his shoulder. 
“You wouldn’t.” He says with certainty, and a shit-eating smile. “You love me.” Jimin doesn’t care if Yoongi doesn’t answer, all he needs is a quick peek at what the older is cooking. Kimchi jjigae, Jimin’s personal favorite. 
“Go go to the studio.” He tries to shimmy Jimin off. “Babee.” The youngest feels particularly accomplished when he gets Yoongi to whine for his partner. Hoseok chuckles behind them both, taking Jimin’s hand gently. 
“Come on, we can set up in the office.” Jimin doesn’t need much convincing. Easy to manhandle around as Hoseok drops his arm over the youngest’s shoulders. He can’t help it, being in both of their presence is so soothing. That and the all nighter (or week of consecutive all nighters) is catching up to him.
He comes here so often, the little room turned into a studio not only has two chairs for the producer couple, but a third one for Jimin’s frequent visits. Well… He visited a lot more often before this hellish semester. But it still feels like home when he tiredly plops down smiling at Hoseok. 
“I missed you.” He says simply, getting Hoseok’s expression to soften as he sits beside him. “Sorry for crashing your sex.” And his sleepy state immediately ruins it; judging by the choked sound Hoseok lets out.
“Don’t worry about it.” He says instead of denying it. In his sleepy state, Jimin’s mind unhelpfully provides him with mental images. 
Not that he’s thought about this before. Or anything. 
Yoongi thankfully interrupts his brain, kimchi jjigae bowl in his hand. “You said you sent me something to listen to?” He takes a seat at Jimin’s other side. Who can’t answer because he is already shoveling a mouthful of stew into his cheeks. He only nods. “Let’s give it a listen then.” 
The youngest gulps suddenly then. “R-right now?” He can’t help the nerves. Hoseok is right here, he only shows Hoseok his finished pieces and this was just a rough demo. His eyes darted to both of his sides, suddenly self conscious. Jimin doesn’t know if he can handle the exposure right now. 
But he doesn’t exactly know how to tell that to his two hyungs. Because that would just mean he has something to be self conscious about. And yes, Jimin has endlessly heard both Hoseok and Yoongi tell him that demos don’t have to be perfect. Jimin just chooses to not apply that to himself. 
“S-sure, sure, let’s play it.” Jimin corrects himself. Not very smoothly. But after an exchange of looks between Yoongi and Hoseok, they decide to give into it anyway. 
“Fine. But we aren’t giving feedback until tomorrow.” Hoseok states opening the file on Yoongi’s computer. 
“What? Why?” He pouts.
“Because if you knew you could fix something you wouldn’t sleep at all.” There’s an endeared chuckle attached to the end of his sentence, and a big warm hand massaging the base of Jimin’s neck. But even that is not enough to soothe the sudden knot that tied into his stomach. 
Feeling the dread as the file downloads, and Hoseok starts opening the producing software that’s much better than his; Jimin busies himself with the first thing he finds. And that’s the delicious homemade dinner Yoongi made him. Leaning back on the chair, his knees up to his chest and the bowl close to his face as he begins to scarf down the delicious homemade stew. It takes over his senses, warmth trickling down his throat and setting perfectly on his stomach. 
Jimin would much rather focus on that. Especially motivated as the first chords of his demo start to play in the expensive speaker system. He buries the first beginnings of stomach-twisting cringe with warm spicy goodness. Lulling his senses and soothing his heart rate. Almost warming along the knots of his back and relaxing them at least somewhat. The speakers are too loud though, pulling Jimin back to the stress of this assignment. The endless work, endless stress. The endless idea in the back of his mind that he has his two idols to live up to. 
It only encourages him to tilt the bowl a little upwards and begin to focus into slurping it down. Not caring if all the broth begins to settle a little uncomfortable in his stomach. He welcomes the feeling, it drowns out everything else. The breathing through his nose echoing in the actually quite big ceramic bowl. The warmth of the food making its way down and curling at his belly in a way that makes his head feel fuzzy and nice. The demo becomes background white noise as his thick gulps become louder and rhythmic, easy to get lost in. 
He is gasping for air the moment the song plays its last chords. He completely spared himself from the experience, he realized gleefully. But immediately after, realizes Jimin ate all that food in the 4 minutes the song lasted. Or well… He doesn’t realize, per se, his stomach makes a very painful statement; accompanied with a loud embarrassing rumble. Loud enough that makes both Hoseok and Yoongi turn their heads to him for the first time in the night.
At least Jimin hopes so, he wouldn’t want to seem like a pig in front of them. 
“You finished it?” Hoseok is the one to ask, shock clear in his voice. 
“He hasn’t eaten a thing in who knows how long, leave him alone.” Yoongi hushes him with a pout, before turning to Jimin; who is having to concentrate on his breathing. “Want some dessert with that?” 
Even turning his head to face Yoongi feels like a heavy effort. Lips a little tingly from the spice of the stew. Parted as he breathes heavily, having to collect his hazy thoughts even to realize what he’s being asked. Let alone what he wants. 
“N–no… No, I ate too fast.” He sighs, Hoseok sets his hand on Jimin’s thigh, rubbing endeared. 
“Okay, we heard your thing. So it’s bedtime now.” His chuckle is gentle, and Jimin can feel Hoseok’s knuckles brush against his rounded tummy when his rubbing inches up his thigh, just before rubbing back down. It makes him realize just how big the portion was, looking down at himself as he nods lazily. Jimin sees the curve that pushes against his snug shirt. Little but no less mesmerizing. 
Jimin has never bloated like that. 
He is too entranced to hear the couple get up, only when Jimin’s vision is obscured by a hand that’s a lot less dainty than Hoseok; Yoongi’s. “Come on, up.” He looks up tiredly and dumbly. As if all his blood is leaving his head and traveling down to circle his stomach and help him digest. That mixed with the sleep deprivation making him lethargic, almost drunk-like. 
The grunt Jimin lets out as he stands makes the two older giggle. They each wrap an arm around Jimin’s lower back, letting him melt in their hold as they walk to bed. 
“I can take the futon.” Yoongi mumbles to Hoseok, basically hearing their silent communication as he stares ahead. Jimin’s head snaps back up to obstruct their vision at both his sides. 
“Your bed is big enough.” He states simply. Not asking before he plops in the middle of the bed, not questioning its state of messy. Shifting perfectly in the middle till he looks at them both with a smile. 
They’ve done this so many times already, it only takes the couple a few seconds to recompose themselves as they walk to the bed too, to lay at Jimin’s sides. Making the younger feel properly at peace, the memories of his stress and how awful he had felt about his demo already blurred by the nice rumbling sensation of his stomach digesting. His thoughts silenced, only a faint comment going on in his head as he falls asleep. 
He should definitely try this more often for all his producing sessions.   
They wake up at noon. At least Jimin does, the bed is empty and the sunlight is warming the covers perfectly. The sound of faint talking comes from outside, and it’s not nearly as strong as the smell of food. 
Looks like today he will be putting his theory to the test. 
He has lunch first thing, and then Yoongi and Hoseok make a spot for him in their home studio. That, now that he has the full proper hours of sleep, he finally notices how much better and more professional it is than the one he has at home. He isn’t sure if it’s the most productive Saturday afternoon of his life. But it’s definitely the one he’s enjoyed producing the most in. At least for the last few… semesters. 
When he leaves, the couple makes sure to tell him that “You always have a free spot here if you need some creative break.” And Jimin clings to that. It’s perfect, isn’t it? Jimin gets to see his hyungs more often, rekindle the relationship he had neglected ever since getting overworked in college. But not feel too guilty about hanging out with them since he gets to be productive too!
He doesn’t even have to think it the few days later when he texts them to hang out again. And Jimin welcomes it with open arms, even  when it becomes a couple-of-times-a-week thing. Getting to eat their delicious cooking and work on his projects without the churning of his stomach distracting him, or overworking himself to the point where his lower back stabs for a break. 
Yoongi will always go to the bathroom and come back with snacks for everyone but Jimin mostly works his way through them, Hoseok will stretch and whine a bit and urge Jimin to watch some short episodes of the shitty reality shows (that jimin tried to resist before inevitably getting invested in) as a break. Usually accompanied by some delivery, doesn’t have to be a meal, sometimes it’s ice cream or some baked goods “to boost up energy”. And around lunch and dinner, they all get up to just hang out around the kitchen.
The youngest hasn’t felt this well rested in ages. And… Ironically, workflow hasn’t been this smooth in ages either. Jimin spares himself from saying that out loud and getting a big fat “I told you so.” from both of them. But it’s clear they know, from the way they encourage Jimin and praise their work and praise how much more energetic he sounds and how his work starts feeling a little bit more creative and alive. 
He personally would blame having his two biggest inspirations in the room with him while he produces, but he supposes the sleep and food have something to do with it too. 
Jungkook and Taehyung won’t stop teasing him about it. But they just don’t get the friendship he has with Hoseok and Yoongi. A relationship that feels like he isn’t just regaining the closeness he had with the couple, but Jimin feels impossibly closer than ever before. Maybe the age difference was too apparent in highschool. Now that they’re all adults, Jimn can feel the way Yoongi and Hoseok treat him differently, letting him get closer. 
Babying him still, always. But they trust Jimin more, not trying to guard him as much as they used to in highschool. Guarding that only resulted in forced distance. When Jimin wanted nothing more than to get close… 
Maybe a little too close. 
He’s matured now, and so has their relationship. Jimin is fine with this. His crush in highschool was definitely a little too noticeable, and probably the reason why the couple tried to restrain themselves around the younger. Though now, he gets to see them behave like a couple. And it’s nothing short of endearing. 
The way Yoongi’s hands always find their way to Hoseok’s skin even in subtle ways. When it happens, even if he is deeply concentrated working, or halfway through talking, a small smile brightens Hoseok’s face.They can’t get enough of each other, Jimin would feel bad about third wheeling if it weren’t such a delight to see. 
Or if the food weren’t so delicious. 
And if the couple’s bed weren’t so comfy. 
His semester started like one of the worst in Jimin’s university years, and now he doesn’t remember ever being this easy going with all his assignments. With the olders’ assistance and inspiration, and care. It was like producing had never been easier. But he still can’t help getting nervous whenever it’s time to show his work to either Yoongi or Hoseok. Or worse, both of them. 
Today Jimin should feel relieved, it’s the day he is finally handing in that assignment, the soundtrack he had been working on for most of the second half of the year. But Jimin can’t give himself the pleasure, because he knows Yoongi and Hoseok won’t let him get by this achievement without them listening to it. 
Thankfully, though, the couple prepared a celebration feast. So at least Jimin will have something to keep busy with as the 20 minutes of soundtrack play in the background. The sole trick that has been getting him through every work session with his hyungs. 
Tonight, his distraction is looking like a big big portion of KFC. Because he mumbled craving fried chicken a few days ago, and of course, Yoongi and Hoseok weren’t gonna let that slide. He is eager to silence the jittery feeling down his navel, anxious to know what they will think of all this hard work. 
In the back of his mind, Jimin knows they would never say any critique without the perfect words. And Jimin knows how to take critiques, he doesn’t mind them! Unlike Taehyung. But something about them makes Jimin’s lower back shiver with goosebumps. 
So he doesn’t hold back from picking up the bucket of fried chicken and bringing it to his lap. Beginning to eat even as Yoongi starts to decompress the zip file of Jimin’s album. The crunch perfect to drown out the noise around him, that and the oily delicious flavor giving him something nice to focus on. Already chewing on a drumstick as the first chords start to play on Yoongi’s nice speakers. 
He’s heard these songs so many times, engraved them into his mind through the course of the semester, that they’re surprisingly easy to let fade into the background. That or the chicken is too good. Jimin closes his eyes too, for full immersion. During the last few months, with him inhabiting Yoongi and Hoseok’s apartment more than ever before, he has actually grown somewhat of a resistance. It’s harder to have enough food to distract him for as long as he needs. 
Jimin has gotten faster at eating, is what he wants to say. 
But all this chicken should last him enough. Or at least long enough till he is full and hazy and able to drown out the critical ear that plagues him whenever he is forced to listen to any of his work. His chewing becomes more fervent as he starts to nip the drumstick clean of meat. Letting himself get lost in the hunger he feels. Convincing himself at least. 
It’s been a while since Jimin felt properly hungry. Impossible under his hyungs’ care. But still, he convinces himself to grab another piece of fried chicken even as he is still chewing the first one, barely managing to swallow as he pushes the new one in. Focusing on anything but the music, the crunchiness of the fried batter, resonating between his ears, the oil coating his tongue and the roof of his mouth, the taste that’s so delicious it makes Jimin feel the closest next thing to hunger. 
Relishing the sensation of warmth that spreads at the bottom of his stomach. The faster he eats the more time he has before he realizes just how heavily all this food is gonna make him feel later. Though, Jimin has realized, he doesn’t mind that heavy hazy aftermath either. In fact, it motivates him even more, the soundtrack becoming plain background noise. As he fully succumbs to it, each hand with a piece of chicken as Jimin loses his manners in an attempt to fit as much food as he can.  Stretching his lips around him, thankful that he is sitting a little bit behind the two older producers, so they can’t see him like this. Desperate and unmannered. But he bets the animalistic chewing sounds are revealing enough. 
It does the trick though, the music sounding more pleasant the fuller he gets, leaning back in his chair with the bucket still on his lap as he continues to eat at a more heinous and lethargic pace, wanting to keep this sedated high state for the entire duration of the soundtrack. He can feel his bloat begin to brush the bucket of chicken, but he doesn’t feel as full, not yet at least. 
Like he said, he’s built some resistance, even if he feels his stomach press against the fabric of his shirt and the bucket flush against his tummy. Jimin feels like he definitely has more room to finish this serving at least. 
As the soundtrack reaches its climax, so does he, his eating becoming impossibly more ravenous even as he starts feeling a proper tightness down his navel. Even if he has to push the chicken past his lips a little more forcefully, and leaning to eat the drumsticks becomes a little bit harder with the tautness of his bloat. The pile of clean bones collecting at the bottom of the bucket. 
Whipping his oily fingers on his shirt, sensation the curved stiffness of his belly. The pressure of his hands a welcoming feeling, it releases some of the tight stretch that makes his breathing a little heavier. Or that might just be the way he is suffocating himself with pieces of fried chicken, edges of his lips hurting a bit as he stretches over the humongous bites. Probably both. 
He has never timed it more perfectly, one oily hand reaching for the bucket while the other throws another clean bone in, and finds that he had finished it. Just as the last outro song begins to play. Jimin opens his eyes for the first time since he started eating, looking down at the bucket to find that yeah, he finished it. The warmth that spreads across his stomach borders on painful, but he adores it nonetheless, soothing and numbing. He can see his bloat too, stretching the shirt tight and pressing back against the bucket, rounded out cutely. A small plushness rounding the bottom of it. 
Though when Jimin looks up, he sees both Hoseok and Yoongi looking over their shoulders at him. The mess he made. 
The mess he turned himself into. 
“I thought we were eating after… to celebrate.” Hoseok is the first to comment, an endeared smile growing on his face. Oh… They had… mentioned something along those lines. 
“I—” Jimin tries to speak, though his voice sounds thick and greasy with all the oil. And speaking itself feels like an extension on his poor breathless state. Seems like Yoongi takes pity on him. 
“Leave him, he was hungry.” He wasn’t, and by the little smile Yoongi has on, he seems to be thinking the same. “Wanna go to bed, Min?” His tone is so gentle with him, like Yoongi knows just how lethargic and drowsy he feels right now. 
“N-no…” He huffs out a breath after the sentence, like itself is an effort. “What did you think?” 
“I don’t know if you’re awake enough to hear.” Hoseok giggles, getting a light slap to the thigh from his boyfriend. Prompting him to correct himself. “We loved it, Jiminie. Your hard work shows.” 
“Really?” His tone sounds childishly hopeful as it does sleepy. 
“Yes.” Though Hoseok’s tone sounds genuine nonetheless. “Your take on things is so unique, Jimin.” 
That seems to settle him, Yoongi prompts. “You can go to bed, I’ll take this.” He stands up and picks up the empty bucket. Leaving Jimin bare to his impressive bloat. The hem of his shirt even rode up a little at the very bottom, leaving a sliver of skin he hadn’t noticed before. But he is painfully self aware now. Blush creeping up his cheeks as he tries to fold his arms over his torso in a way that’s casual, but also hides the damage. 
Jimin knows he is unsuccessful when Hoseok giggles. “It’s not that bad, Minnie.” 
“I look huge…” The words slip out easier and less filtered when he is this full, all that food lulling him to sleep. 
“Well it suits you a bit.” Hoseok is standing up too, offering a hand. “Come, let’s get you to bed.” That sounds like the best idea anyone has ever had. 
He’s overeaten a lot in this apartment, looking for ways to sedate himself into enjoying his music more. But never was it this hard to stand up, even with Hoseok’s hearty pull upwards Jimin can’t help a grunt slipping from the back of his throat. Feeling all the food in his stomach shift with the movement, he has to cup the (naked) bottom of his bloat for some comfort. It’s not that taut. 
Hoseok is there to help, wrapping a slim arm around Jimin’s waist, letting the dainty palm settle on the side of his tummy as they slowly make their way to the bedroom. The younger feels his breath shallow as if he had come from a marathon. Every step making his bloat bounce against the waistband of his sweatpants and aching a little in the process. He’s never been more thankful for the cozy size of Hoseok and Yoongi’s apartment, because it’s only a few meters before he is plopping heavily onto the center of the bed. The movement caused a burp to push its way out of his lips. Jimin whines and throws his head back, careless enough to let both of his hands settle on the curve of his bloat and massage the tight skin. Coaxing a few more burps to slip out, though he lets them fill out his cheeks instead of ripping them out. 
He can feel Hoseok’s eyes on him, even with Jimin’s own eyes closed in a mixture of bliss and discomfort. Hearing a few footsteps get nearer. When Hoseok mumbles “Look at him.” His smile is audible too. 
“Are you alright, Jimin-ah?” Yoongi’s voice has a chuckle attached to the end of it, and Jimin can feel the bed shift as the older makes his way to sit next to him. He wants to answer, of course, but all that leaves him is a pouty whine. Opening his eyes only to put them in puppy mode for both of his hyungs. 
“Want a heat pad?” Yoongi’s voice offers kindly. 
“We leant it to my sister.” Hoseok comments, though his voice feels closer. And sure enough, there’s another feeling of shift at Jimin’s other side. “But I think we can give him something else.” Trustful, Jimin doesn’t bother to open his eyes to know what that is. But instead he feels the grazing of Hoseok’s soft but cold fingers against the center of his bloat. “Can we?” He doesn’t need to specify, Jimin knows they both saw him massaging his gut after stuffing himself. 
All he does is nod, before Hoseok’s palm is pressing flush to the warm skin, his fingers are squishing at the center of his taut stomach. Jimin’s jaw drops, a soft gasp leaving his lips. “Is this okay?” It prompts the question, that he answers wordlessly again with a quick eager nod. 
The extra reassurance makes another hand graze a bit lower on his stomach, not as soft, calloused, but warmer. So irrevocably Yoongi’s. His massages are slower but firm, some of it pressing against the naked bit of skin. Though only for a few seconds, before he tugs down (or tries to) the hem of Jimin’s shirt. Only for it to ride back up again to sit on the biggest part of his bloat. Yoongi doesn’t bother to pull it down a second time. Instead, the tips of his fingers, roughened up by the guitar, slip under the hem. Making Jimin sigh in relief, the older’s hand like a heat pad on its own, as Yoongi begins to slowly grip and knead the bottom. 
Hoseok takes initiative. Not just letting his hand slip under the snug shirt. But tugging it further up Jimin’s torso. Exposing the rounded out, swollen tummy, his hand setting on the hardest part right at the top. The gentle pressure makes a groan slip from the back of his throat, throwing his head back. 
“You really overdid it, Min-ah…” Hoseok muses, there’s a teasing tone hiding somewhere under his warm voice. But Jimin feels too much bliss to properly acknowledge it, thighs shuddering as his back arches to their touches. 
Yoongi is painfully quiet, but his hand keeps moving slowly along the bottom of his belly. Massaging what feels like a bloat, but is somewhat easy on the hands, easier than the top where Hoseok’s hand is. Pudgy…
A choked sound leaves his lips, it errands a small but no-less teasing chuckle from Hoseok. “That’s it, you worked so hard today.” His voice sounds closer to Jimin’s ear. The warmth coming from his stomach only grew with the presence of the older next to him. 
“Don’t hold back.” Hoseok’s breath brushes against his ear and it’s a sudden contrast with the warmth that’s beginning to emanate from his skin. His heavy breathing hitches, feeling not only the bloat coaxing wheezes of air, but Hoseok’s closeness too. That does nothing to help his breathing either. And he is sure Hoseok knows his impact, his smile pretty much palpable when he hums. “Hm?” 
Jimin doesn’t think he can answer something properly in the stuffed state he is in. Let alone with the way his heart skips a beat. 
“O–Okay.” He manages to whisper, letting his head tilt to the side, meeting Hoseok’s shoulder. 
“That’s it.” The older’s voice is barely above a whisper, the hand on the shelf of Jimin’s rounded bloat pushing him closer to Hoseok’s side, to lean a bit of his weight against his lithe torso. He doesn’t resist the guidance, not caring about the suffocating heat if he is sharing it with Hoseok. But the push against the top of his stomach, it makes him grunt at first, feeling the tight pressure. 
And as he shifts his hips lethargically, though, a deep burp comes out. Right next to Hoseok’s face. 
That makes Jimin’s eyes pop open, feeling pretty much the bucket of ice water that showers him. Meeting Hoseok’s equally widened expression. 
“Pfthahahah!” Bubbly giggles make Hoseok’s body shake. A sense of relief washing over Jimn’s suddenly tense muscles. As Jimin follows along with a shy chuckle. He notices, Hoseok wasn’t watching him. He was watching at Yoongi. 
Jimin had almost forgotten about him. And he is met with a stoic, serious expression; a tint of pink on his face. Was it always that color? 
“I think you should go to sleep, Jiminie.” Hoseok interrupts the younger’s analysis with a smile. His hands guiding Jimin away from his own body to lay fully against the bed. He doesn’t fight back but he probably has a confused pouty expression on his face. Luckily Hoseok seems to notice. “We haven’t had dinner yet.” His tone is so endeared. “We’ll come back to you in a bit, okay?” 
Jimin can only nod, his eyes avoiding Hoseok as he continues to study Yoongi’s expression. But the eldest doesn’t look back. Staring at some spot in the mattress. 
“Night, Min.” Hoseok’s hand combs his fringe out of his forehead as he stands up, Yoongi following suit. But only mumbling a quiet:
Jimin stays quiet himself, controlling his breathing as he watches the couple walk out of the room. 
He doesn’t know what just happened, but he is pretty certain he ruined it. But, the now soothed, warmness clinging to his belly is pulling also at his eyelids, lulling him to sleep. 
Though he is soothed to find the couple snoring besides him when he wakes up. 
Not all that ruined, then. 
It would make sense… Now that Jimin’s semester project is finished, and his vacations are starting, Jimin doesn’t have a need to be hanging out at their apartment to stress-manage once every two days. 
But they keep inviting him. And…. Jimin really likes their company. And their apartment is much nicer than the shoebox he is sharing with Jungkook and Taehyung. And now he can just hang out with them without the stress of his assignments. 
It’s a no-brainer. 
And, if he felt the couple slowly open up to him more during these months, putting down the walls they had with Jimin in highschool.Now it’s like Jimin can free himself too. Letting himself hang out in their apartment and not just their secluded studio. Hanging out happily on the couch, Hoseok by his side, feeling comfortable enough to cuddle close. Until Yoongi got back from his music teacher gig and then they started working on dinner. 
Or even going out vinyl shopping with Yoongi, since Hoseok thinks he has an obsession. And getting to hear the older talk for hours, even asking for Jimin’s opinion on which he prefers. They stop to get take out and bring it back home, to eat dinner while they listen to the entire thing. With Hoseok’s too-warm-to-be-disapproving expression on his face. 
And Jimin still sleeps in their bed, with them. For tradition’s sake, of course. 
He could also argue it’s for the sake of tradition the way his eating hasn’t diminished in the slightest. Even if a situation like that hasn’t repeated again, and Jimin truly doesn’t have an excuse to stuff himself at that anxious desperate pace anymore, he’s now switched to a constant state of snacking. 
Now that he doesn’t have assignments to keep him concentrated, or to have prize-meals, once he finishes said assignments; and that he is all around just hanging out more at their house. Jimin began to make himself comfortable in the couple’s kitchen. Feeling free to rummage through cabinets; during the course of the summer finding more and more of his favorites. Which might have something to do with the one time (in their moment of peak domesticity) Jimin went with the couple to buy groceries and they let him pick out a few things since “you’re there often enough.” 
A joke when he heard it, but those things have become now regular stock in the Min-Jung household. Much to Jimin’s detriment. When he once felt embarrassed to only be at the couple’s house to work on his assignments. Now he feels guilty of emptying their kitchen.
But they’re so encouraging. If not to say, they’re the ones filling Jimin’s plate. Whether it’s giving him second or sometimes third servings of their dinner. Or taking the empty bowl of snacks Jimin has by his side on the couch, only to come back with it filled again. And all this on top of Jimin’s slow wanderings into the kitchen, standing on his toes as he reaches for the couple’s cabinets. Already accustomed with where to find his stuff, and stray away from Hoseok’s granola (He’s invited Jimin to try it… but he’s grown a taste for… yummier things). 
Jimin notices a shift, Hoseok cuddles him closer, even if the situation like the one of his last assignment didn’t repeat. Hoseok’s hands still wander and pat and praise where they can get away with. Which is way more than whatever Hoseok is doing. But he likes this. The push and pull, the giddy smiles and playful glances. It feels like something that would’ve made highschool Jimin swoon, but now not only is he different and (in his personal opinion) much better and matured, but Hoseok is too. These past months it’s felt like all he has been doing is rediscovering his old crushes and falling for their new selves all over again. 
He hasn’t been noticing that shift… with Yoongi. Always friendly, always warm. Always indulging to Jimin. But at arms length. Still some of that hesitance from highschool clinging to him. The younger can’t say he blames him. But instead he is getting mixed feelings about all the attention Hoseok has been giving him.
Is this okay?
Nothing ever actually happened, Jimin could really just be making all this up, his highschool hopes and dreams coming back to haunt him; due to all the Hoseok-Yoongi exposure. He can imagine it. Yoongi and Hoseok looking at him with a fond warm smile, the one they’ve given Jimin all of his youth. Seeing the two of them fall in love while they were probably aware of the younger’s feelings. Kind but so impossibly condescending. The idea of possibly putting himself in that position is enough of a motivation to push these thoughts to the back of his mind; and rather enjoy this while he can. 
Living almost exclusively in his gym shorts, the waistband of which feels tighter as the summer goes on. The hems at his legs digging into his thighs when they’ve never done that before. Sinking into his ass as he walks. All his shirts are constantly stretched over… his belly. 
This lethargic lifestyle… It made Jimin gain a few. Maybe more. He’d worry about it if Hoseok and Yoongi weren’t treating him all the same, encouraging and doting him with anything he wants. And, Hoseok in particular, Jimin is sure he is touchier. Patting him all over, maybe that’s when Jimin should have noticed the fact he was getting softer all around, before properly plumping up. But… Hoseok’s praise and hands feel too good to focus on anything else. 
It was definitely there, though. Comments like “Your appetite nowadays is something else.” When Jimin is reaching for thirds, stomach is already heavy with a meal but still roomy for more. Still not stuffed over the edge, where he gets breathless, red, and a little sweaty. 
“Got you a refill. Since I know you can work your way through a whole bag of these.” He chuckles while setting another bowl of cookies next to Jimin on the couch. His usual spot in the house nowadays. Even when he is producing he hasn’t been in the studio much at all. He likes to joke that it gives him war flashbacks. 
He feels a bit like an idiot for not noticing. Only really realizing he’s fattened up when he needs to pull his gym shorts under his belly. That hangs comfortably over the waistband and pushes forward, squishy muffin top clinging to his shirt too. Probably the only thing keeping it from riding up the curve of his gut. Though he can feel the sliver of skin up his chubby back when he sinks into his comfortable side of the couch. 
The tightness follows up his thickened waist, where rolls were stacking up comfortably. There’s a logo on the front of his shirt, that’s stretched white from the expanse of his chest. Rounded, pudgy and emasculated. He gives a tentative squeeze. No sight of muscle, thumb and index sinking right in. 
Even the sleeves feel tight sinking into the new chub that hangs from his arms. And the collar of the shirt seems nearly suffocating. Not to mention, this has been the hardest summer has ever been for him. Needing the constant company of the AC. He turns it off out of pity for Hoseok and Yoongi’s electricity bill. But it’s only a few minutes until he starts getting sticky with sweat. 
Jimin hasn’t just gained a few, he’s fat. And he let himself be blissfully ignorant for most of the summer. 
But, then again, Hoseok doesn’t seem to be against it. 
And Yoongi… Well he hasn’t even acknowledged it even happened. 
Hoseok must be the only one who has a thing for it. Just like he seems to be the one who has a thing for Jimin anyway….
If he sounds a bit sulky. He is. 
Though, his conflicted feelings about his weight gain, liking it, liking Hoseok like it, and feeling frustrated at Yoongi’s lack of response, aren’t enough to keep him from showing up. Lately he doesn’t even have to warn the couple, Jimin knows their schedules already. 
Yoongi opens the door for him. “Hey.” Even if he wanted to, Jimin can’t read into Yoongi’s actions. Always so genuine and so particularly warm towards the younger. 
“Hi hyung.” He really tries not to let his own intentions with them ruin the amazing relationship he already has, especially with Yoongi. Who’s only ever given support and love in Jimin’s life. They reach for a hug, the few instances in which Yoongi ever so much as touches him. But they’re always the same, perfectly respectable. His broad hands spread in the upper part of Jimin’s back. Even as the younger’s belly is big enough to overspill from the sides of Yoongi’s torso. Not too long. Perfectly standard. Almost calculated when he separates.
Okay, maybe Jimin is reading too deep into Yoongi.
“Smells delicious.” He puts a giddy smile on his face, and Yoongi rolls his eyes. As if pretending the only reason he didn’t go above and beyond in his cooking is Jimin’s almost daily appearances. 
“Got some Ssambap ready.” That answer alone makes Jimin groan in delight as he walks further into the apartment. 
“Hiii!” He exclaims, waiting for an eager Hoseok to rush to greet him. Give him a proper hug. Hmf. “Is he in the studio?” It wouldn’t be the first time he had to pretty much keep his hand pressed on the doorbell to get the producer couple to take off their headphones and notice he was outside. 
“No, no, Miss Jung had some problems with her car. Hoseok just went to help out.” That makes Jimin’s head turn over his shoulder. Shit-eating smile already on his face. 
“Miss Jung?” 
“Hoseok’s mom.” Yoongi states simply.
“You call your boyfriend’s mom ‘Miss’?” He can’t help the giggle that slips out as he says it. Getting the respected reaction when Yoongi scoffs jokingly offended. “You’ve been together for like 9 years!” 
“I’m a respectful son in law!” He whines. Before his face morphs into a pout. “And she is a very scary woman.” 
That makes Jimin burst into a fit of giggles. Folding over himself, feeling the overhang of his belly fully press against his lap. Shirt riding up his back for him to quickly adjust it down when he stands back up right. 
“You are adorable.” “I don’t know why I keep letting you come here.”  Yoongi deadpans, eyes looking particularly anywhere that isn’t Jimin and his hands adjusting this shirt to fit over his love handles. Ouch.
“Because Hoseok likes me.” If Jimin were bolder he wouldn’t have said it in such a joking tone. But for the sake of keeping the peace. He’s now becoming acutely aware of how long it’s been since he and Yoongi hung out alone. “And because you’ve become incapable of cooking for two anymore.” That gets a smile out of him. 
“I did enough for us to eat ssambap for breakfast and lunch tomorrow…” He confesses. “Are you hungry?” 
“Always.” Jimin grins and follows the older to the kitchen, the smell is downright mouth-watering. But he is stopped as he tries to set the table. 
“No no, I’ll take stuff to the studio. I wanna show you what I’m working on.” The small smile on Yoongi’s face is enough to make Jimin’s stomach twist in excitement. No matter the inner conundrum Jimin has, he will always be excited for either of his hyungs’ music. Especially when he has that confident smile on his face. Yoongi looks amazing when he is confident. 
Is it excitement he feels? Or are those just the butterflies? 
“Got it.” He interrupts himself to nod and turn on his heel. It’s been at least a few months since he’s nestled into the studio. But it feels just as familiar as it did that last time when he handed in his final work… And also all that stuff happened during his final hand in. 
It does feel more cozy than he remembers, feeling himself get hot in the smaller room as he walks to his designated chair. What must’ve been an old one that either Hoseok or Yoongi used. At least judging by the screech it lets out as Jimin settles his weight into it. 
Jimin looks down at himself, it’s a tight fit. His sides nearing the edge of the chair, nearly grazing the armrests. Though he can feel his thighs sink a little into them, as well as overspill from the edge of the chair. Jimin says feel, because he can’t get a proper look at it. His belly, only cramped forward by the armrests, takes a comfortable seat on half of his lap. 
With pursed lips, Jimin makes himself bounce gently onto the chair. His belly slaps against his lap, and the rest of him jiggles in unison. But the chair only gives a few creaks in complaint. 
Okay, he’s good-
Yoongi clears his throat; the younger snaps his face in his direction to find him standing by the door. Did he just see Jimin testing if the chair could hold his weight? 
“I’ll–I’ll go get the uh… the food.” Jimin’s heart sinks to the pit of his stomach with the awkward look on the older’s face. Nearly fleeing the scene before he could catch Jimin behaving like the hog he turned himself into. 
Or well… The one they encouraged him into becoming.
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A bitter taste takes over his tongue, if he finds it so uncomfortable, then maybe he shouldn’t have been so doting towards Jimin. Let him go completely crazy these past three months, just to show him rejection once he’s gone too far. Once Jimin started realizing he actually still cares what his hyungs think about him. A little bit more than he’s proud to admit; a lot more than he has any right to. 
The sweet smell of ssambap, the pork belly caramelized by its own fat, fills the room as Yoongi walks in with a tray with the big serving, some lettuce, rice, kimchi and two little bowls for them. That little smile is back on his face, like he is trying to brush off the awkwardness of barley a few minutes ago. The taste on Jimin’s mouth becomes unbearingly bitter. Maybe that’s why he is so eager to reach for the assortment of little dishes beginning to assemble his ssambap; while Yoongi begins to open the file he wanted to show him. 
His mind feels far away, deep into himself. It feels unfair that Jimin is being rejected like this when Yoongi and Hoseok were the ones to instigate it. But then again, part of him wonders if the oldest took notice of how Jimin and Hoseok’s relationship became more playful; flirtier. That would be a pretty justified anger. 
“Okay, this is for the opening of a short film they hired me to do.” Yoongi eyes briefly at Jimin with a smile; the younger already with the perfect, maybe a bit overstuffed, piece of lettuce in his hand. “Tell me what you think.” 
Even before he is turning to play the song, Jimin is pushing the ssambap into his mouth, brushing the hem of his stretched lips. Okay, really, overstuffed that one. But he can’t help but feel a little bit seductive as he is wrapping his plump lips around his chubby index finger that pushed the bite in and slipped it out. Already making a second one as he chews. The sucky thing about this dish is, there’s really no way for Jimin to eat ravenously as he has gotten used to. But Jimin can at least let himself relax; feel a bit more confident as the delicious crunchy and perfectly oily pork belly reaches his tongue. 
He has to hold back the moan that threatens to resonate in the back of his throat; it would definitely be disrespectful to interrupt the song with his gorging. Song that by the way, has this ethereal feel to it, gently creating the dreamy setting. It only feels fair that Jimin quickly scrambles to prepare a second bite, only to slowly lean back in the poor office chair. And not even the loud creak can ruin the religious experience that takes over his senses as he closes his eyes, letting himself get lost in the music, followed by the orgasmic balance of flavors that take over his mouth as he drops his jaw and manages to fit the humongous bite in. 
But… The sudden snap of the lumbar support of the chair, with the loud thud of Jimin falling to the ground. That’s enough to snap both of them out of the listening experience. Hitting the carpet floor with a thud and a loud. Not giving Jimin time to react before he is “oufing” against the floor staring at the ceiling. Taking the entire seat of the chair with him and leaving behind the headless wheeled legs. 
Yoongi comes into view from above, looking as stunned as Jimin feels. Maybe a little less out of breath. 
“A-are you okay?” The younger only now has time to feel the mortifying embarrassment, as Yoongi kneels at his side offering his hand. Eyebrows raised almost comically with worry. 
“Y…yeah-” He can only breathe out a reply, following the way Yoongi’s widened eyes graze along his fatteened body. The shock threw away any attempt at subtlety, letting Jimin see… the mortified expression.
Jimin’s heart tightens. Its disgust Yoongi is pathetically trying to mask. 
“I’m–I’m fine, I’m fine.” His chubby hand shoos Yoongi as he slowly starts sitting up. “Ow…” He pouts his lips. Yoongi’s hands rub down his own thighs nervously, not knowing what to do with himself. 
That’s okay, Jimin doesn’t know what to do with himself either. Though, as if to make matters worse, the front door opens. 
Obviously too flabbergasted to act on his own, still looking at Jimin’s body with panicked eyes, Yoongi screams “Office!” Not giving the youngest time to react before hurried steps are thumping quickly through the apartment. Hoseok probably noticed the slight panic in Yoongi’s tone. Both his and Jimin’s head snapping towards the door frame when Hoseok’s slim silhouette appears; in complete quiet as if they were getting caught in the middle of something they shouldn’t have. At least Jimin felt that way. 
“What’s wrong??” Hoseok speaks before he gets there. Both Yoongi and Jimin’s head snapping towards the door frame when Hoseok’s slim silhouette appears; in complete quiet as if they were getting caught in the middle of something they shouldn’t have. At least Jimin felt that way. Hoseok’s eyes bulged out at the crime scene before him, switching between Yoongi, dejectedly kneeling on the floor and, and Jimin laying with the armrests of the chair still squeezing into his sides. 
“Sorry about the chair.” He blurts, unmoving from his spot on the carpet. 
There’s a brief moment of quiet. Before Hoseok, folds over, bursting out laughing. High pitched and cutting through the uncomfortable silence Yoongi and Jimin were drowning in. Hand having to hold onto the door frame to hold himself from falling. 
“Oh Yoonie…” His voice is 3 octaves higher and breathier, through barely contained laughter. “I leave for an hour… And this is what you get into-!” He can’t finish his point, interrupted by another fit of laughter. 
“Shut up!” Yoongi’s voice also sounds higher pitched, for all the opposite reasons. Outraged, whiny and embarrassed. 
“Enjoying yourself?” A teasing tone clings to his voice, and Hoseok has that distinctive shit-eating grin. The mocking in his words does nothing to soothe Jimin’s self consciousness about the older. 
“The opposite" Jimin snorts humorlessly. “You should see how he is looking at me, hyung.” He doesn’t mean for it to come out that bitter, and the eyeing he gives Yoongi doesn’t help. But it’s something that has been eating him up, and Yoongi should seriously be more subtle about his distaste for Jimin’s weight gain. 
“What do you mean?” The oldest’s eyes are suddenly fully on him. Making Jimin feel extremely exposed. The idea of backing down and brushing it on flashing through his mind. 
“You’ve been weird for weeks now!” The whine slips out of his mouth before he can even consider that alternative. “Ever since I got fat!” His chubby pointy finger points at Yoongi’s gobsmacked expression. 
“W-what?” Even Hoseok looks stunned. 
“I’m sorry if my weight gain, that you two encouraged, is ruining the mood for you! And whatever’s happening between us!” Jimin can’t help but snort, he is tired of the confusion. “But you could try and be, I don’t know, nicer about it!” Jimin is suddenly very aware of the fact that he is screaming. Suddenly shrinking a bit into himself and looking anywhere else; he finds a nice spot on the floor. “A-and help me up.” 
The silence is palpable, at least for the two seconds before a hollering laughter makes the walls shake. Hoseok nearly folding over himself and having to grip the door frame to avoid falling down. It’s shocking enough that even Yoongi and JImin share a puzzled look before looking at Hoseok.
“You told me– You told me you were going to tell him! Yah!” He manages to finish a sentence but it’s attached to a string of giggles. Jimin was startled enough to ponder if Hoseok was talking to him, but Yoongi beats him to it. 
“I–I was going to!” His eyes darted between the youngest and his boyfriend. “The time just wasn’t right.” Jimin’s own eyes are bulging outwards between the couple, huffing as he sits up from where he was laying on the floor. 
“Tell me what?!” 
There’s another beat of silence. 
“Yoongichi here, has a weight gain kink.” The mocking smile doesn’t leave his face. Jimin feels his heart stammer erratically. “And I was dumb enough to think he would’ve told you by now… With how much weight you put on and all.” 
He is at a loss of words, though Yoongi speaks before he can even begin to formulate words. “You’re making me sound like a creep! It’s not like that!” He speaks through a pout, looking at Jimin with desperation. Who can’t offer any comforting words back, jaw hanging limp in complete shock. 
“We— I didn’t plan on making you gain any weight.” He explains exasperated, suddenly not looking at anyone’s eyes. “You were just so spent with work and–and it just was my way of looking after you!” 
Jimin never would’ve considered… 
“I obviously uhm… noticed the gain. But I didn’t want to freak you out.” Yoongi does dare to look at Jimin in the eyes then, genuine and a little scared. “I may have taken it too far with my acting. And caused the opposite effect I wanted. I’m sorry.” His face scrunches up into a flinch the more he goes on, as if preparing for another one of Jimin’s explosive reactions. 
“I…” The youngest starts to speak, mainly because he can feel it’s his que to respond. But without the slightest clue what he should say. Seeing from the corner of his eye Hoseok stepped closer to where the pair was sitting on the floor. “You like it?” His eyes darted between the two of them, not able to help the hopeful tone of his voice; impossible to hide it after these old feelings resurfaced with full force. 
“I don’t have a kink for it, personally.” Hoseok’s hand finds Yoongi’s shoulder. “But I think you look beautiful, Jiminie.” The oldest is nodding eagerly. 
“I don’t like you just because of the weight either.” His face is serious but his nodding is desperate, as if still scared of giving the Jimin the wrong idea, whose heart is stammering out of his ribs. 
“I like the weight.” He sounds more sure than he has all night. Nodding softly as his eyes dart between the two. “I like getting to hang out with you again, and getting taken care of by you.” Once he starts he doesn’t think he can stop. “And I like that you two don’t look at me like I’m a kid anymore, and finally feeling like I have a chance.” He smiles a bit, Jimin knows he is risking it all, but he can’t bring himself to care when it feels so good to let go of all these emotions.
Hoseok kneels behind his boyfriend, at eye level with Yoongi. He is biting his lip with an endeared smile on his face. “Well… we have all changed since then.” 
“You’re not a tween anymore.” Yoongi jokes with a shit-eating smile that shows at least some ease on his part. 
“You are 2 years older than me.” The look on the oldest face eases him enough to retort back. “Only one year younger than Hobi hyung. You two just behave like senior citizens.” Hoseok breaks into giggles and Jimin feels quite accomplished about that. 
“It feels more drastic in highschool! You know that!” His melodic laughter fills the room. Jimin feels his own shoulders slump in proper relief. And he catches the older looking at Hoseok with lovesick eyes as his laughter calms down. “Babe… offer him dessert.” He whispers to Yoongi with an amused smile. 
“Oh!” He smiles a little embarrassed before turning his face back to Jimin. “Min-ah, do you think you have any more roo-” 
“Yes.” Jimin answers without giving Yoongi time to finish. “Help me up.”
 gif credits!1st gif : gainerbf on tumblr, October 3rd 2023
2nd-4th gif : overfedbutterball on tumblr, September 11th 2023
5th photo: fatbellygirl-piggy on tumblr, November 16th 2023
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daegudrama · 1 year
Started: 05.02.2023
Last Updated: 08.11.2024
Total Works: 24
Key: wildflower fingertips on me 🪻|fluff💞|angst❤️‍🩹 |smut❤️‍🔥
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🔶Ao3 🔶
Member x Reader:
Route 613
Route 613 Extras
Namjoon x Reader/Yoongi x Reader/Vmin x Reader | 71,362 words |💞❤️‍🔥❤️‍🩹
Reader wants to be the very best Pokémon trainer there ever was. Her first stop in that journey is Paldea University home to a myriad of higher education. Still working to get over her ex boyfriend, Yoongi, reader forms new connections while making a few questionable decisions along the way. Each battle bringing her closer to the glory she's always dreamed of. Will she succeed in becoming champion or will outside forces stop her from achieving her goal?
Lessons in Love Making
Namkook x Reader | 5,564 words | ❤️‍🔥💞
Jungkook lost his virginity but thinks he must've done a bad job by the person's reaction. He seeks out his two best friends, Reader and Namjoon, to help him learn how to make love. They gladly accept the challenge.
Moon Over Flower
Seokjin x Reader | 3,973 | ❤️‍🔥
Reader finally decides to lose her virginity and hires someone from the internet. Said person, unbeknownst to her, happens to be her favorite regular at the coffee shop she works at and her favorite spicy content creator.
Taehyung x Reader | 4,003 words | ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🩹
After years apart Taehyung and Reader spend a night together and finally confess their truest feelings.
Bad Decisions
Jungkook x Reader | 4,009 words | ❤️‍🔥
After years of wondering what it would be like to be with Jungkook you finally have the chance. Things are a little different then what you imagined.
Stress Relief
Hoseok x Reader | 1,266 words | ❤️‍🔥
Reader is having a hard time doing their choreography and needs a little special help to finish strong.
Club Nabi
Jimin x Reader | 1,604 words | ❤️‍🔥
Reader meets a stranger at the club and ends up in a compromising position in the bathroom.
Lucky Night
Yoongi x Reader | 3,753 words | ❤️‍🔥💞
Reader gets a very special night with Min Yoongi after a BTS concert where they learn more then they could have ever hoped for.
To Be Loved By
Yoongi x Reader | 865 words | 💞
Reader takes the day off because of period pain and Yoongi leaves work to comfort and take care of her
What Happens in Vegas
Yoonminjoon x Reader | 2,687 words | 🪻❤️‍🔥
In a Vegas hotel reader has fun with her husbands to be
Wildflower, Fingertips On Me
Yoonminjoon x Reader | 24,124 Words | 🪻💞❤️‍🔥
For their anniversary Yoongi, Namjoon, Jimin and reader take a glamping trip far into the woods where no one can hear their screams
Daegudrama's Spicy Festa Special
Member x Member:
Not Yours
Namkook | 978 | ❤️‍🩹
Jungkook confesses his feelings for Namjoon.
Suchwita 7
Yoonmin | 487 Words | ❤️‍🔥
After filming Suchwita Jimin really wants to suck Yoongi’s dick
The Summer Of Ferris Wheels
Namkook | 88,001 Words| ❤️‍🩹💞
⚠️: mentions of past drug use, active alcoholism, minor character deaths
When Jungkook Jeon is forced to work with Namjoon Kim, someone he believes is responsible for an accident their mutual friend was in, tensions rise. Jungkook just wants a calm summer with his best friends he has rarely seen over the past year because he attends college 3,000 miles away from home. Namjoon wants to find the kind of love worth writing songs about and for his parent’s to accept him as he is. Working with someone you despise is not easy and it’s even harder when all you want is for them to listen to you. Will find each other and finally get to the bottom of the accident or will they fall back into old patterns? Will this be a summer of late nights and memories or sorrow and sadness?
Member x Reader:
No Rules Just Rewards
Soobin x Reader | 1,842 | ❤️‍🔥
Soobin wins his first solo music show award and gets a special reward from you.
This Friday Night
Yeonjun x Reader | 2,691 Words | ❤️‍🔥
Reader finally gets Yeonjun where she's been thinking about being with him for the last three years.
Member x Member:
Soogyu/Yeonbin | 29,190 Words | 💞❤️‍🩹
Heather is the girl everyone wants except Soobin. He wishes he was Heather because he loves Yeonjun, or does he? Performing a song spilling all your feelings is bold, but will it work in his favor? What of Soobin’s best friend, Beomgyu, suppressing his feelings to allow Soobin to work out his own feelings?
The Voice That Fills My Mind
Yeonbin | 20,450 Words | 💞
Yeonjun’s soulmate has the voice of an angel. He can hear the voice running through his head every time the man sings. Unfortunately for Yeonjun his soulmate is a mega kpop star. Thankfully his best friend will stop at nothing to make sure they meet.
The One That Got Away
Yeonbin/Soogyu | 16,010 Words | ❤️‍🩹💞
In which Yeonjun reminisces about his first love, Soobin, only for him to come work at the same company while engaged to the spring fling they once joked about.
You Belong With Me
Tyunning | 4,413 Words | 💞
Sweet high school Kai and Taehyun navigating a change in their relationship.
Together Tomorrow As Well
Yeonbin | 3,045 Words | ❤️‍🩹💞
In which Soobin never debuted due family tragedy and is trying to regain the friendship and relationship he once had with the other members.
Superstar In The Snow
Yeonbin | 5,750 words | 💞
World pop sensation, Choi Yeonjun, gets stuck in a snowy small town on Christmas Eve and befriends a local boy. Soobin and his friends are throwing a party and are delighted to give Yeonjun a taste of being a normal teenager for a moment.
Member x Reader:
Spilled Soju and Steamy Showers
Namjoon x Soobin x Reader | 2,913 Words| ❤️‍🔥
The dimpled leaders spill a drink resulting in soiled clothes. They decide to take a shower together where manager reader finds them and joins in the fun.
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spookyserenades · 4 months
with all this talk of confessions i wanna know which member’s confession/romantic reveal you were/are the most excited to write?? obvs don’t want any spoilers but i wanna know ur feelings bc as much as i have loved the past 2 so far something in me is absolutely fiending for Jk or Namjoon’s confession mainly bc we haven’t had the most romantic moments from them i just want to see them desperate for OC muahaha actually yk what i could even see OC being the first one to confess to them bc of how they are but regardless I think OC is due some desperation from them 😭😂
Honestly babes I am most excited to write Namkook's, but also Hoseok as well. Joon because he's emotionally constipated (and I'm in love with him) Jeongguk because I can't wait to see him be soft/romantic after being so indifferent, and friends-to-lovers is one of my favorites so that's why I'm psyched to write Hoseok's! So I think we are on the same page bestie hehehe.
The next confession... I actually changed who it is going to be. I think possibly in chapter 20 we will have the third guy, but it's not the "Mr. Darcy" confession, I swapped him with someone else. It made more sense due to the things I have planned for the next two chapters, you guys will see! 💜
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namkookspace · 10 days
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joondimples Master List
*still on progress and will continue to be updated
⟡ Hi! Welcome to my writing master list. Here, you’ll find all my works organized by ship. Feel free to check out my ao3 as well to read everything I’ve written and subscribe to get notified whenever I post new fics!
♡⃕ namkook
⋆ Cotton Embrace Series
Explicit | Ongoing | All works are one-shot Omegaverse | non-trad A/B/O au | Jungkook-centric | Hurt/Comfort Alpha x Alpha Namkook | Strangers to Lovers | Fluff | Angst
⋆ Cotton Heart Explicit | Completed | 35.6k Strangers to Lovers | Angst | Fluff | Smut ⋆ Courting 404 Explicit | Completed | 17.4k 5+1 things | Established Namkook | Fluff | Smut | Jealousy ⋆ give me more Explicit | Completed | 5.1k PWP | Fluff | Smut | Alpha in Rut
⋆ want a cake? General | Completed | 5.7k Strangers to Lovers | Meet-cute | Hurt/Comfort | Fluff
⋆ the thing about the sky and you General | Completed | 1.4k Drabble | Established Namkook | tw: Suicidal Ideation | Hurt/Comfort Sad Namjoon | Sweet Jungkook
⋆ past lovers' kiss Teen | Completed | 1.4k Drabble | Established Namkook | Forehead Kisses | Hurt/Comfort Sad Namjoon | Sweet Jungkook | Namjoon's dimples & moles appreciation
⋆ Sing Me Your Song Teen | Completed | 14.7k Soulmate AU | Age Gap | Uni Student Jungkook | TA Namjoon Fluff | Self-doubt | Getting Together
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♡⃕ namgi
⋆ Between Books Teen | Completed | 7.6k College/University AU | Library AU | Mutual Pining | Fluff
⋆ what if we kiss on a flying broom? Teen | Completed | 13.9k Fantasy AU | Strangers to Lovers | Yoongi-centric | Meet-cute Slice of Life | Fluff | Broom Technician Yoongi | Wizard (Ecomancers) Namjoon
⋆ Echoes of the Rooftop Garden Mature | Completed | 14k Strangers to Lovers | Yoongi-centric | Meet-cute | Fluff | Pining Oblivious Namgi | Love Confessions | Touchy-Feely
⋆ love aboard Explicit | Completed | 5.2k Strangers to Lovers | Yoongi-centric | Meet-cute | Fluff | Pining Oblivious Namgi | Love Confessions | Touchy-Feely
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♡⃕ namgikook
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♡⃕ vmin
⋆ stretch me, split me open Explicit | Completed | 13.2k Roommates AU | Friends to Lovers | Porn With Plot | Fluff | Smut Floor Sex | Flexibility | Multiple Orgasm | Anal Sex | Praise Kink
♡⃕ yoonkook
♡⃕ jinkook
♡⃕ namseok
♡⃕ sope
♡⃕ koobi / hopekook
♡⃕ jikook
♡⃕ taekook
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ratherbefangirling · 4 months
No but I have only one episode left and I told myself to stop watching when the boys were releasing the fireworks and pretend it's a happy ending ok
My thoughts on the series so far (below cut)
So as a person who got into bts for the lore and has been waiting for this drama since it was announced... I'm so satisfied
The actors who've done the best at mannerisms of the bts members while balancing the characters are Hosu, Cein and Jooan
The actors every one did a pretty great job.
I was getting chills and flashbacks and now I miss the boys even more
The actor playing Jeha did a great job. From the warmth to the cold. His acting was on point.
I'm a little disappointed with Dogeon's casting he disappears in the background.. though his voice does sound similar to Joon's or I'm hallucinating it ..
About the story
We get a lot more context, the whole premise was interesting but now we get layers upon layers. It's basically cutting onions and crying
I was expecting it to be the original timeline but it's a timeloop timeline (I yearn for a Jin cameo ok)
So I do wish there were a little more scenes of them having fun together
So we know that each of the boys is linked to the other like taejoon jihope and Yoonkook it's more apparent what their dynamics are
We also get to see more of other pairings.. though some of them almost feels forced like namkook or even (irl soulmate) vmin but while others like yoonjin and namseok and Namgi(!!) the portrayal is more nuanced.
Now the only thing that bothers me a bit is the lack of presence namjoon's character Dogeon had. Honestly even hwan's dad's aide had more presence. I guess its because we don't get why he would be friends with troublemaker despite living diligently. Like I'm not talking about his friendship with Joaan which makes sense. As he later reveals Jooans behaviour is cathartic.
Also it's not revealed how they all became friends (instead of staying in duos and trios)(like why would Sein who barely has the energy to get up do so much for Dogeon (even though i loved the scene)). So it does feel a bit forced for the plot despite the great chemistry
I hate their parents. Except maybe Cein's dad a little cause he's a tsundere too like his son... I hate the situations they're forces into.
Also why didn't future hwan ask past hwan to rebel against his dad..
And if its a time travel thing can't he go back to his dad's time?
Things that I'm confused about
The Hwan who time travelled. Does nobody recognise him?
How does Hwan in the original get to know everything. (Was it revealed or I can't remember or is it because of the numerous time travels?)
Why is the principal like this?
Things of note
The scene where hwans dad is holding Damien? (I think) and the whole hyyh discourse of the sins of the father
Hwans dad not rembering and Jeha telling Hwan would become like his father
Also there choice of bts songs to use as ost could have been way better. .. like they had a whole discography ten years of songs.
They should have released it on a popular site like Netflix or something it's such an injustice to such a great drama...
There's possibility of S2 and Hybe better release it.
That's it I guess.
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sizzlingpatrolfox · 9 months
it's one thing to to recent shippers it's another thing to turn it more towards just one group of shippers that is jkkrs."
I am not talking on admin's behalf but from my experience I do despise jkkrs more
anon it has to do more with jkkrs hypocrisy and how half of the time they either set up jm or their entire stance since 7 release and hybe's unfair treatment towards jm, bcz jkkrs were oh so vocal abt the unfair treatment during D-Day release and suddenly went mum since july and searching all possible reasons to defend hybe and why things are the way they are. Bcz tkkrs openly claim to hate jm, but this other breed claims to "bias and love him" , only for them to set him up and always talk as if he is one step below jk or how jk deserves everything he got but jm doesn't.
The same way I have problem with hypocritic ot7s behaviour towards jm than other kpopies, idc abt them or their opinions bcz their job is to hate jm and they don't hide it but it's the ppl who claim to love him but do anything other than that.
Yeah, I agree 100%. I also find it harder to "forgive" hypocrisy. Blind hate is just blind hate, but the backhanded compliments and the subtle putting down is infuriating sometimes. I mean, like when that voting was going on and korean jikookers were voting for Jungkook and TAEHYUNG? I expect taekookers and Jimin antis to vote for other people, they're doing what they're supposed to do -supporting the ones they like the most or whatever.
I guess the difference is that jikookers are ot7 and taekookers aren't. Taekookers are for taekook and that's it. Jikookers are for namkook, yoonkook, taekook, jikook only when they can do their "hoes mad" tweets. Jikookers don't even talk about other Jimin ships but they're all about Jungkook even when it comes to pairs dynamics, are they not?
The other thing that I personally find the most laughable is that they really think so highly of themselves and that they're so different from other shippers but the past two years have proven them wrong. Conspiracy theories, harrasing strangers online because they didn't say what they wanted to hear, hating Taehyung for the sake of it, ignoring "evidence" they might be dating other people, hating Yoongi and Taehyung for things Jungkook also got. The list is long. And that's something I've always pointed at because it's so ridiculous (and I've said the same about myself); you're literally another shipper on the internet just stfu.
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jemshopes · 2 months
Breaking The Soulmate Bond || Namkook
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--Namkook Soulmates AU
I'm thinking almost a sort of dystopia where soulmates are, if not outlawed, then at least social outcasts. It has become common practice to remove soulmate bonds (think something like the daemon/spirit animal removal process in the golden compass, but obviously neither person disappears in this case, the bond is just severed with some magical machine thing) due to the fact the majority of people believe that the soulmate bond isn't a blessing, it's a curse. It takes away your autonomy and tells you who you must love. Almost a form of mind control. So it's common for families that find out one member is a soulmate to force them to get their bond severed. You know, ironically, in trying to give the soulmates free will, they're also stripping them of their free will. 
You can only sever your bond if you've located your soulmate as you both need to be present at the time of breaking the bond. Soulmates in this world are identified by their tattoos. From the moment you come into close proximity your soulmate tattoo's begin appearing on your body. By close proximity that can be walking past each other on the street or being in the same room or the same train carriage. It doesn't have to be face to face. you don't even have to be aware of each other being in the same space. The tattoos are of little things that are personal to your soulmate. Like it could be the title of your soulmates favourite book. Or it could be something their parents once said to them that left a really deep impact. Or it could be the name of their pet, or a little picture of their pet, etc etc. And the longer you take to find each other, the more tattoo's you get. And in this world that's a bad thing because you don't want anyone to know you're a soulmate because it's just not viewed as okay.
So I'm thinking both Jungkook and Namjoon attend the same university and are both majoring in psychology. They're in a class of about 200 people. They do not know each other, but on their very first day of classes they both begin to get tattoos. 
Jungkook was raised by parents who are very much against soulmates. His goal is to get rid of his soulmate bond, if he ever gets one, and to do it without anyone knowing. However, Namjoon's parents are secretly soulmates, and Namjoon has been raised to believe that forcing people to get rid of their soulmate bond is a bad thing. People should have the choice to get rid of it if they want to. That choice isn't someone else's to make. And he has always wanted a soulmate because he's so socially awkward he hates the idea of dating, so someone being his perfect match is his dream come true. He will love them inexplicably despite everything.
So what we're left with is two people having to somehow locate each other before time runs out. And I like to think that one day the topic of soulmates is brought up as part of one of their psychology lessons because of course psychologists have studied soulmates extensively. They've been psychoanalysed and their brain structure etc has been compared to that of normal people, all in an attempt to figure out why they're different. And one thing that happens in this particular psychology class is the teacher asking the students, "Do you think we should force soulmates to have their bond severed?" 
This sparks a whole debate. Maybe a handful of people say they're not sure. The majority say yes.
And namjoon is firmly on the pro-choice side. And of course... Jungkook, who is under a lot of stress because he's a soulmate himself, gets very angry with Namjoon. They argue in front of the whole class. Not shouting or anything, but you can tell they're getting steadily more irritated with each other. Until finally Jungkook says, "If I had a soulmate, I'd get my bond removed without a second thought." 
And well.... let's just say that's gonna cause them some issues when they finally figure out they're soulmates 🤣
I like to think at some point after that class, maybe a few weeks later when Jungkook is getting really desperate, he finds Namjoon and asks him if he was really serious about being okay with soulmates. Namjoon says yes and Jungkook just breaks down and tells him everything and begs him to help find his soulmate. He knows Namjoon doesn't agree with severing a soulmate bond, but Namjoon had said people should have a choice and this is what Jungkook chooses and he just doesn't want anyone to know. 
Namjoon twigs immediately when Jungkook shows him his tattoos. Namjoon's like, shit, that's my favourite teddy bear from when I was a kid. That's that Shakespeare quote I love. That's literally a little bisexual flag and im bisexual. Oh my god, we're soulmates and he wants to sever our bond. I don't want that. And so... Namjoon agrees to help, but he doesn't tell Jungkook that they're soulmates. He's a lowkey kind of hoping that he can change Jungkook's mind and tell him later.... like... mmm... we love some messy, conflicted, kinda morally grey decision making. 
And so... plot happens. Feelings happen.Ii like to think Jungkook begins to get a little suspicious. Namjoon is really careful to not get into a relationship with Jungkook because he just doesn't feel right doing that unless Jungkook knows. But they begin to have increasingly more romantic moments. Like sometimes they almost kiss. Things are getting heated. And because Jungkook hasn't actually realised they're soulmates yet, he still has tattoo's appearing on him daily. And one day one appears on his neck. 
He comes to Namjoon's room that night in an absolute state. Hyperventilating. Crying. Drunk. And he's like, "I'm going to be found out. Why can't I find my soulmate? I don't even know if they're a guy or a girl. None of this makes sense. I have feelings for you, but if I have a soulmate then I shouldn't feel anything for you, but I can't be your soulmate because I've found you and the tattoo's would have stopped appearing, right?" 
I like to think in this world there's so much stigma around being a soulmate that people don't even really know how it works. Like Jjungkook has been led to believe that simply knowing his soulmate/being around his soulmate a lot will make his tattoo's stop appearing, but actually it's only when you realise/accept that they're your soulmate. Like there's kind of misinformation that gets spread around about the whole process. 
Namjoon finally tells Jungkook that they're soulmates. He explains how it works because he knows how it works from his parents. and Jungkook is very hurt and betrayed.
"You know all this time and you didn't tell me? You knew I wanted to get the bond severed. You could have fixed this."
And they basically have an argument reminiscent of the one they had had in class.
"I don't want my autonomy taken away by some mystical force in the universe!"
"There's no real way to know what the soulmate bond even is!" 
Namjoon gives this whole philosophical speech about love and how for all anyone knows the bond isn't what makes them fall in love. Maybe the bond isn't even a bond. Maybe the universe just knows when two people would be perfect for each other and so it inks clues into their skin so they can find each other. No one knows anything because what everyone calls the bond is intangible. People have just assumed everything. And sure, they have machines that remove peoples feelings for each other, but has anyone put two non-soulmates in there to see if it made their feelings disappear? Even if it was a bond, why does it have to be a bad thing? You're with someone you love. That doesn't necessarily mean you've been brainwashed into it. And if it did then people have a right to be brainwashed if that's what they choose to do. And he knows that he loves Jungkook and he doesn't care why. He grew up with soulmates for parents and their love never seemed fake. It felt real.
And basically they end up getting a little uh.... 😏intimate. Or a lot intimate. Jungkook is upset, but he's also in love with Namjoon, so he feels very conflicted. But kind of less conflicted when Namjoon talks about how he's always wanted a soulmate and how he loves Jungkook so much. 
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bulletproofscales · 1 year
monster fucking march 5 - bulbs, spikes and bumps (namkook)
oh i took my sweet time with this one because it was SO out of my comfort zone!! but i ende dup really liking the dynamic i was able to wrtie. which is kinda what the challenge is about!! tho fr now ill preassur emyself to psot everyday for the rest of march to get to all 10 prompts!! wish me luck :,)
tags: intersex jungkook , jungkook has both genitals , mentions of female genitalia , monster genitals , monster pussy , trans man namjoon , ftm namjoon , post-phalloplasty namjoon , trans dick namjoon , first times , chubby namjoon
3.4k (no wonder it took me forever )
“Looking for someone into cock biting-” 
“Is there any sadist dtf my ass that has this weird medical condition-” 
Jungkook’s hands abandon the keyboard as if it were on fire. 
He can’t do this. But he has to. 
Already in his mid twenties, Jungkook hasn’t gone past the occasional hand job back when he was just starting college. Back when he knew something was off but never had the urge to experiment and find out exactly what. 
Needless to say, it was a very painful first fingering experience, for all the wrong reasons. 
Yes, he’s heard people with vaginas say it can hurt the first time. But he didn’t expect his fingers to barely fit. Scrunching up his face as curling them forward and back only seems to make the squeezing worse. 
Jungkook knew he was intersex, his mother made a very conscious effort to explain it to him. He has both genitals and he’s gone his life mostly in normality. All of his biology was male except for the vulva behind his sack; so he lived his life normally. Intersex people exist and he doesn’t have to go around telling people, he doesn’t owe that to anyone! 
Though… He does panic when in a wild tipsy night by himself he wants to experiment fingering himself, copious amounts of lube as he reaches between his lips; thighs spread open and anticipation pumping his heart. 
And when he pulls out to see his fingers swollen and red. It was a bit of a moodkill. If not, the thing that sent Jungkook into cardiac arrest. 
Yes, he knows the rest of his biology is all relatively normal. That he could easily just have standard sex in any position without having to involve the anomaly on his body. But now, as if being intersex hadn’t been enough of a stigma for him to overcome, now he has to worry about people finding said pussy he shouldn't have in the first place, has weird hard bumps in it!
His mom was a fumbling mess when he interrogated her over the phone. Something about her making a mistake, falling for some succubus-like man thing, and some of his genes passing onto Jungkook! 
So Jungkook’s vagina has bumps, apparently. 
He hasn’t had much sex at all after that. 
Though redacting this message was becoming a harder task than he had anticipated. Not even anonymity and a strong vpn were enough to make the shame he felt wash away. Writing and deleting and re-writing just to delete again in exhaustion.
And he’s becoming desperate. And lonely. 
That's where he finds himself now. In a very deep corner of the internet. An old abandoned website with only a few people in it, describing different genitalia anomalies. As if he was gonna find anyone like him. Jungkook didn’t need to find anyone like him though. He just needed to find someone… willing. 
 He needs a drink. 
It ends up being 5 drinks until Jungkook’s drunken inspiration takes hold of him. Writing an obscene message and posting it shamelessly before he plops on the bed; knocked out by the weird cocktail of anxiety, and alcohol that tired him out.
At least he is relieved he didn’t actually post his number online for a group of strangers. But still inside this obscure forum thing, a little bell shows on his chats. Flinging already, he reaches to click it.
 With horror, Jungkook is reminded of his last night’s endeavor when a notification of a message from the same dark website shows up on his phone. 
“Hello Im JUngkoook, my vagina has liek bumps in it or sumthing! you dont have to be into it!!!!! as long asd youre down with having sex w me in anywway shape or form (i ahve a penis too ;))) !! im just despedrate ok? text me if your interesdted!! !!  :DDD”
icantfeelmydickwhenimwithyou: hi! i dont know if you were serious or not, but if youre from seoul, im a bit desperate and more than ok with… your situation. 
icantfeelmydickwhenimwithyou: we wouldnt have to like fuck on first encounter but if you wanna chat im interested :] 
Well she fell for a succubus. She can’t tell Jungkook shit.
He stares in awe. Jungkook’s parents have given him so many talks throughout all of his teenage internet friendships about the dangers of the internet and all the creeps that lay within. But Jungkook is actively seeking them out now. Not only that, but he wants to meet with one too. Have sex with them! 
Jungkook’s mom would not be proud. 
jkabtthecockbiting: i /am/ from seoul 
jkabtthecockbiting: honestly…if youre ok to fucking right away id skip the chitchat. 
His confidence dissipates when the stranger replies immediately. 
Jungkook wasn’t dumb enough to give him his address. Or too agree to go to “Namjoon’s” as he learnt is his supposed name. So they agreed to a love hotel on the outskirts of Seoul. Not the safest place around, but Jungkook can defend himself! He hits the gym! He boxes! That's what he tries to remind himself at least, as he finds himself outside the sketchy area on a random Thursday night.  
icantfeelmydickwhenimwithyou: cutting straight to the point huh
And maybe this stranger online posing no hesitation to meet him, should've been a red flag. His mother would be very disappointed. But Jungkook needs to feel wanted. And if a creep sadist perv on Reddit is the one to make him feel that way. Then they meet. 
He does regret not having asked for some sort of photo or social media. Jungkook may not be desperate enough to fuck a 70 year old man. But he doubts an old man would’ve figured out a way through underground fetish chat rooms, right? Right.
“Jungkook, right?” Oh.
It's cold, he has his arms crossed over himself trying to protect himself from the falling snow while keeping contact with everyone who passes by. 10:30pm outside, that's what they had agreed on. Of course Jungkook not only got there at 9:50, but had booked a room in the hotel for the night. And now has to think about how he will tell Namjoon that he expects him to pay half of it too… Is Jungkook even allowed to request that? This stranger is the one doing a favor for him. 
Even if he hears the steps approaching him, making his head snap up, Jungkook is startled anyways. The stranger must recognize that same jitteriness on himself. 
 Out of everything he’s imagined, this isn’t what he considered Namjoon would look like. Gentle but broad rounded shoulders, only a slimmer bit taller than Jungkook. Padded chin with some patchy stubble and pillowy body showing through the thick layer of clothing. Pear shaped body clinging to his shirt and jeans; despite the flannel and jacket, it still shows. He smiles a bit, plump lips catching Jungkook’s attention more than his body; dimples showing through. 
“I uh… I already booked a room.” He speaks from behind the broad expanse of soft shoulders. Namjoon turned to look over his shoulder, smiling surprised. 
“Y-yeah.” He can’t help but grin, feeling the release of tension of seeing this real life 20-30 something person with him; a real, friendly-looking, human. “Namjoon?” 
“That's me.” Namjoon offers his hand and Jungkook eagerly takes it, satisfied with the warmth emanating from this man. “Oh you’re freezing. Come on, let's go in.” He says it so casually as if they were getting into his home; it's a bit relaxing as he follows Namjoon without letting go of his big warm hand. Like the rest of him.
“Oh! You prepared for everything! Nice.” Even if his reaction is positive, Jungkook can’t help but feel that familiar anxiety slip through. Is he being too eager? Overprepared? He can only smile timidly and nod as Namjoon makes his way to the desk, asking for a reservation to his name for him; and Jungkook lets himself find refuge behind the mass of the other man. Feels nice. 
Namjoon’s smile at him is also very reassuring. “No, no you’re alright.” There's a chuckle attached to the end of his sentence and everything. “I’m not particularly into it. Or I mean, I never tried!” He adds quickly.
Namjoon maneuvers his way through the awkwardness easily. While Jungkook only speaks when they’re in the privacy of the hallway together. 
“So… You're into bumpy holes?” He doesn’t bother being subtle. Though he does feel a bit guilty in the way Namjoon chokes on his own spit; but not guilty enough to hide his giggling. “Sorry, too much?”
“I’m your first I get it.” Jungkook reassures smiling.  
“But uh… I had bottom surgery about a year ago. And it's safe to have sex, but I still need a bit… uh, more, to really feel anything. Until the nerves heal at least.”  Jungkook can only stare a bit wide eyed nodding. 
There's something so… relieving about hearing Namjoon isn’t ‘normal’ either. A smile slowly grows on his face. He’s never been with a trans person. But walking with Namjoon now, it just makes perfect sense that they found each other. 
“Hopefully I’ll be of help then.” His smile must be contagious because Namjoon is grinning back at him, gentler than last time. “Won’t it hurt the stitching?” Jungkook asks curiously.
“Oh no no. Most of the stitching is gone, and the scarring made the skin really tough.” He explains before his smile widens more, a little bit of confidence oozing off him. “You did your homework.” 
“You’re not the only one that looked for bottom surgeries!” Jungkook accuses with a finger that pokes at Namjoon’s pillowy bicep. Their giggling rudely echoing through the hallway. 
“This is our room.” Laughter still clings to his voice as he gestures to the room. “I’m kinda scared, never been in one of these.” He confesses. 
“I can still appreciate it!” He whines but the laughter makes it less serious. Jungkook is starting to worry less about their night together, and more about if the other customers will file a complaint about them. Which feels a lot better. The door opens and Jungkook prepares himself to be grossed out. 
“Does it look like I have?”
“That was the anxiety, Namjoon.” Jungkook deadpans earning another wave of giggles. 
They turn to each other in pleasant awe, smiling softly in the brief moment of silence. Jungkook catches Namjoon’s eyes glancing down towards his lips before their eyes meet again.
“Oh!” “This is so much better than I expected.”
“Me too.”
He wouldn’t be able to tell you who leaned first, all Jungkook knows is it is his own back pressing the door shut close; once the eager weight of Namjoon’s body presses flush against his. Softened belly and chest engulfing him in warmth as Jungkook cups his face, feeling big hands cup at his waist and squeeze. Coaxing a moan to vibrate for his lips to be swallowed by Namjoon. 
This is where he would start to feel nervous, jittery over not letting himself get to enjoy too much. Jungkook would have to stop them before it gets too far, before he has to explain himself; make excuses for his body. But he doesn’t have to, not when Namjoon’s hands softly caress the hem of Jungkook’s shirt. Stripping his jacket and shirt alike, leaving him bare. 
Goosebumps break down his back from the feeling of the cold wall against his skin; but Namjoon’s warm hands tug him closer and away from it. Jungkook’s muscular thigh slots between Namjoon’s thicker ones in an attempt to stabilize himself. A bit harshly but it seemed to do the trick for the other; moaning deeply into Jungkook’s lips. 
Jungkook doesn’t feel like covering up, he feels like revealing Namjoon too. 
His own hands strip his jacket off before letting his hands get a feel of his tubby torso, pudgy and soft to the touch. Jungkook’s hands are desperate trying to memorize the curve and thickness of his waist, and Namjoon’s chuckle into the kiss does nothing to help. Confidence making his dick twitch in desperation; which he is sure Namjoon can feel, from the way they’re pressed together. 
“F-fuck… Fuck can I?” He whispers as his hands trace to Jungkook’s belly, settled on the waistband of his pants; where Jungkook’s bulge is beginning to show. He nods urgently, his own hands aggressively tugging down at Namjoon’s sweatpants; everything on his body jiggling softly with the strength of Jungkook’s pulling. Too preoccupied licking his lips at the sight of Namjoon’s semi to worry about himself. 
“Pleasantly surprised.” The flirty giggle clings to his voice as his hand curiously caresses the chubby bottom of Namjoon’s belly, trailing down to wrap around his dick. Both of them looked down at Jungkook’s tattooed hand. 
“You’re hard.” Jungkook whispers with an awed smile and very shameless staring. 
“Surprised?” He retorts with humor and endearment. 
Harsh, he’d told Jungkook. So biting his lips, he squeezes Namjoon’s shaft, letting his nails sink a little into the skin in a way he’d never dare to try on himself. But Namjoon seems to melt into it, his thick thighs shivering in what Jungkook can only assume is a mix of pleasure and pain? He moans like its only pleasure. 
“We don’t have to do anything.” His thumbs rub soothing circles along his squeezed knees. And oh, how could Jungkook pass up an opportunity like this? When is he ever going to find someone like Namjoon again?
“I wanna see too…” His voice sounds significantly deeper than Jungkook remembers it. Making his heart skip a beat as he looks up to Namjoon; whose half lidded eyes do nothing to calm his stammering pulse. Warm hands squeezing gently at his waist; so much softer than Jungkook’s treatment. 
Guiding him towards the bed, their legs still tangling together as Jungkook lets himself fall on the surprisingly soft mattress; Namjoon standing in front of him. He instinctively presses his thighs together in an attempt to hide his vulva. But those same big hands are rubbing at his knees as Namjoon carefully kneels on the bed. The hunger in his eyes dissipated for something softer. 
Jungkook has to really bite into his lip to stop a shaky whine from slipping, so many years of self neglect leaving him needy and so sensitive. But even so, a choked whimper slips past. “Can I?” Namjoon asks, regardless of the desperation in Jungkook’s eyes when he snaps up to look at him again. 
“I want to.” Jungkook confesses vulnerably. “Just, uh… force of habit.” He chuckles a bit at himself, taking the first step as his thighs begin to spread for the dreamy man. The rush of adrenaline makes his breathing already a little heavy. Biting his lip preparing himself for the worst. 
But Namjoon’s expression only melts with lust, exhaling as he doesn’t take his eyes off Jungkook’s crotch. “Oh look at you…” He whispers and it feels like his voice could rattle at his insides. Warm hands still very much secured on his muscular thighs. Jungkook can feel his face burn as he forces himself to look up once Namjoon’s fingers abandon his leg to caress his lips, tentatively. Only the tips of fingers feeling him up. 
“You're so wet…” He mumbles against Jungkook’s lips. Only getting a desperate moan in response. His jaw dropping, looking up at Namjoon with eyes that struggle to stay open. “I can’t finger you but–but we’ll take it slow, yeah?” His thumb presses against his clit, and Jungkook’s eyes roll with a trembling whine. 
“Yes!” All self control leaves him, body trembling, begging for Namjoon to do something more than to caress the shaven lips of his pussy. “Yes Namjoon, please-” The sentence dies in his throat as Namjoon’s fingers press between his lips, rubbing up and down without pressing in just yet. Wet and sloppy noises coming from within him; only more accessible as his dick hardens against his flat tummy. 
Namjoon smiles at the shivering man beneath him, taking the liberty of leaning closer and really making Jungkook’s legs spread. Opening to fit the girth of Namjoon’s hips; calves squishing into the chub a bit. Plump lips take a hold of his, greedily kissing as Jungkook is engulfed by the softness of Namjoon’s torso. 
He has to make an effort to stay lucid enough to respond. Nodding quickly before he can even coordinate to speak, stuttering as his own hips grind against Namjoon’s fingers. Stabbing jabs of pleasure spreading through his navel. “Yes–Yes please!” Shaky hand presses to Namjoon’s cheek just to pull him in for another kiss, to let his weight press him down to the mattress. For the first time in a while, Jungkook allows himself to feel empty, to yearn for the warmth he so desperately craves. Worsening when Namjoon pulls his fingers away.
Something in his stomach tightens in anticipation, for it all to go invariably wrong. But Namjoon aligns himself, taking a curious look at where their crotches meet, sliding on a condom before he starts pressing in. Frowning in concentration, while Jungkook’s heart goes rigid. Gasping quietly at the stretch, he feels his bulbs press onto Namjoon’s dick in a tight fit. Jungkook can only imagine the pressuring squeeze they’re pushing onto Namjoon’s dick; even if he feels more stretched than he ever dared to try. 
Even as his heart raises to Jungkook’s throat he stares at Namjoon wide eyed. Taking in his groans, trying to read if it's the pain or the pleasure overpowering his senses. Though Namjoon’s continuous, even if slow, sliding into him is somewhat of a good sign. Regardless, he asks. 
“G–Good?” The insecurity shows in his voice even throughthe heavy breathing and fucked-out stutter. Namjoon opens his eyes for him with a haze of their own; his voice sounding a little breathless itself when he responds. 
“I won’t.” He whispers leaning to take Jungkook’s lips into another kiss, both of them smiling into eachothers mouths before his hips begin to grind. Their kiss is sloppy enough that it's not able to silence the moan of pleasure out of Namjoon’s throat. Unable to help himself as a rhythm begins to build. As Jungkook begins to lose himself, his insides churning in a pleasure that takes him from within. Feeling through the nubs inside him every inch of Namjoon’s skin, his own bumps, his own imperfections. Filling him to the brim with quickening thrusts. 
“Oh Jungkook… It feels amazing.” He whispers leaning so their noses brush, fully bottomed out he can feel the way Namjoon’s entire body shivers in pleasure. “Y-you?” His smile is giddy even if it's shaky; like he is holding back.
It feels ridiculous for him to even ask! Jungkook is nodding before the words come out again. “So, so good, keep going!” He can’t help but grin excited, nodding in encouragement; seemingly contagious as a wider smile spreads on Namjoon’s own face. 
He is beyond controlling the string of moans that Namjoon coaxed out of his chest with each thrust. Warmth, all he feels is warmth. From the inside out, form the jiggling soft body pressed on top of his, weighting on him like a blanket. Namjoon’s own moans, deep and lustful, making his eyes roll back as his legs hang heavy and useless at either side. Dick rubbed against the bottom of Namjoon’s belly, sinking into it deliciously. 
Jungkook never could’ve imagined, he could ever feel this good. That he could ever cause this much pleasure to someone else. 
It's pointless to try to warn Namjoon about his orgasm. Legs squeezing into the sides of his chubby belly as he spurts against the very bottom roll. “D–Don’t– Don’t stop!” Is all he manages to say. Hands cupping Namjoon’s thick neck howling in pleasure as he continues. Shamelessly enjoying after so many years of deprivation. 
He never wants it to end. 
“F-fuck –fuck don’t say that, Jungkook. I’m – I’m going to-” Namjoon’s own speech is cut off with a shivered moan, his entire body trembling and spasming as he grinds his hips into Jungkook’s bumped heat. 
And for a moment everything stills, looking at one another with widened eyes. Like it's the first time in a while either of them have been able to feel this amount of pleasure. 
The first, but definitely not the last. 
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notkattyl · 2 years
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simple as that. ﹥ established namkook, past namgi, E, 6.1k ﹥ non-famous au ﹥ jungkook is not jealous of yoongi
Taehyung glances at Jungkook out of the corner of his eye and smirks a bit. “Ah. Okay. I get it now,” he says. And then proceeds to say nothing else, withholding the apparent solution to Jungkook’s plight.
“Well?” Jungkook throws his hands up, “We’re all waiting, Taehyung-ssi! The floor is yours!” He gestures sarcastically to the empty living room around them.
Taehyung remains silent as he leans forward to exchange the small, folded square remains of his chip bag with a bottle of water from the coffee table. He takes - what Jungkook estimates to be - the longest possible sip of water in the history of mankind and simply says, “You want them to cuck you.”
﹥ read on ao3.
moodboard by tomatoflowers on twt.
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stormblessed95 · 2 years
Hey! I have been a Jikooker for a few years but since the past year, I’ve transitioned into thinking that Jikook are just close friends with no romantic association. During my time as a dedicated Jikook supporter, I’ve found a bunch of lovely Jikook blogs (you included) and I have closely followed and interacted with many of ya’ll for a while. Since my opinions on Jikook have changed and don’t necessarily match the blogs that I still follow, the logical thing for me to do was to move on and stop being so tuned in to Jikook Tumblr right? Wrong! I blame you Jikookers for keeping me coming back by writing a variety of interesting and complex posts based on BTS topics, Kpop-esque topics and random other topics. And Jikook topics too because I still enjoy their bond even though I don’t think they’re dating. I can’t seem to let go of the community aspect y’all have built here. I feel like I’ve gotten to know a lot of you bloggers well (as much as you can know a stranger online lol) so completely leaving this space kinda feels suspiciously like ending a friendship. Not me building a parasocial relationship with Jikook bloggers 😂. No but seriously I still love reading y’all’s thoughts on things even if I might skip past some of the posts that go heavy and deep into Jikook relationship dynamics/analysis. 💟
Here's my thing. You are welcome here on my blog if you just love their friendship. You are welcome here if you enjoy my BTS content and like Jikook, but you ship vmin or taekook, or jinmin, or yoonmin or namkook or whoever. You are welcome here if you just like my timeline posts but aren't as interested in anything else (and if that's you, sorry im always so slow on those lol). You are welcome here if you are just here because I'm really good at getting sent a random screenshot and finding you guys the content it comes from. Lol you are welcome here if you are an anti shipper but still enjoy my posts on all things BTS. You are welcome here if you just like how I organize my thoughts and aren't against shipping or don't think jikook are dating but find them cute regardless. You are welcome here if you just like my bookish posts every once in a blue moon. You are welcome here if you just stick around for my LGBTQ posts too. Lol I'm good if you are here solely because you like me/the way I write and nothing else. As long as you aren't being disrespectful to anyone, people here, me and the members, I don't care if we disagree on things. Even if it's who we think are romantically involved or not involved.
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I follow plently of blogs that I don't necessarily agree with their opinions, and I often find some that I think take things too far. And that's fine that I don't agree with them. Just like it's fine if people don't always agree with me. I skip posts over topics im uninterested in or if i think they are taking shipping too far often at this point. The world would be an incredibly uninteresting place if everyone around you agreed all the time. Imagine how boring the conversations would be. Regardless. You are free to bow out if you want or stick around if you want too. I'm friends with someone on here who doesn't ship jikook, isn't even a huge ARMY, we exchange music of theirs occasionally though and mostly talk books/fics in DMs and have a great time and it's fine! So you know, do whatever you want. And if you want to stick around snd just send in asks or DMs about BTS in general or other topics, feel free to do so. I'm in general a pretty friendly person! Lol
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I also think it's lowkey funny there is someone on here who had followed/unfollowed then refollowed like 4 times in the past 3 days. I think they can't decide if they like it here or not 🤣 it's kinda cute and funny.
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spookyserenades · 4 months
Hey lovely! I absolutely devoured the last chapter in record time and loved it💕… If only I had the motivation to read the research papers I need half as fast🫠
I was at the edge of my seat during the whole scene at the haunted house waiting to see what will happen. Absolutely adored the concern the boys have started to show for the mc, and that little kiss cheeck and nuzzle with Joonie🤭 Also some serious daddy dom vibes👀
I can’t wait to see what will happen next with the new legislation that s been passed in the story and with some of them showing interest for uni courses/jobs!
Honestly, I was shocked about Tae s behaviour, since he seemed so attached to yn ever since day 1 when he wouldnt even look or talk to the others, just following her around everywhere. Furthermore, since she accepted him and was so understanding about his secret and past, I thought for sure he would be one of the first to confess or get together with her; and I thought that Hobi would be the one to have a fling with Alice. I was wondering if Tae s doing this to try to get yn out of his mind since he felt hurt or rejected that one time they almost kissed while he was drunk only to be pulled apart?
Will they reconcile soon?🥺
Hi bby!!! YAYY I'm so excited that you loved the newest chapter hehe 💕 I feel you though, if only I wrote as quickly as the thoughts that came to me 💀
Ugh It's so cute to see Namkook concerned about her, considering those two aren't the most outwardly affectionate. That quiet sort of protective energy is veryyyyyy hot. BUT jfdkfldlaksf DADDY DOM JOON IS. MY JAM 🥵 That aside though, him letting her kiss him on the cheek and actually leaning into it is a huge step for Joonie and his acceptance of affection. CUTE
OOF I'm super excited for the new legislation too! I think it will allow the boys WAYY more independence and the chance to forge their own paths in life 💜
No I know Tae's actions have been quite a shock to the readers. It's almost like the unconditional acceptance Y/N had given him had lured him into thinking that the two of them had an unspoken relationship already (which is not how things work LOL, his communication sux) So when he found out about her and Yoonjin, the 'delusion' was shattered and spite began to well up inside of him. I think you're right, he's probably still feeling hurt, thinking his feelings are one-sided. Fortunately for him, he had blacked out when he possibly tried to kiss her, so he doesn't remember that-- which I think is a good thing, for his sake. The mess LOL!
Yess don't worry, they'll smooth things over soon! Yoongi has grown pretty fond of Taehyung (even though the feeling isn't mutual since Tae found out he's with Y/N romantically) so I think he might be the one to be like "okay you two. sit down and talk it out."
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suga-kookiemonster · 1 year
Girl you got me wheezing with your scenario 🤣😂😂 what made you come up with something like this ? , joon and jk sounding like lawn mowers 🤣🤣 and the banana incident !!! Please do write more if you wish , it was hilarious
P.S hope you are healthy and happy !
😂😂😂😂 girl, i don't even know lmao! i think i watched a video last night where they were all reminiscing on the past and they mentioned namkook's snoring and that made me start to think about how hellish it must have been living in that tiny apartment predebut/when they first debuted 😂😂😂 like, on top of everything else, your asses are keeping me awake?! nah, this deadass would have been me LMAO
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alexenglish · 11 months
What are the best angst fics you've ever read? (Any fandom will do 👀)
the first thing i thought of was the killing type, which was a ziam fanfiction that got the serial numbers filed off and published in 2021 (loud booing) so i don't have that to link you. angst fic sometimes feel very undefinable to me and so is 'best,' but here's some recs i enjoyed for what i feel are definably angst:
How Good It Felt: by clarz - bts, hopekook
Protostellar by ninamonday - bts, namkook
you and me by flying_dream - skz, jilix
the sky at 10:15AM by dustshells - skz, 2min
can we just get a pause? by bubblemist - skz, 2min
and he sang about the stars by nenyanaryavilya - mdzs, gen
Gathered Herbs & Sweet Grasses by hansbekhart - mdzs, gen
Like Lead Into The Sea by Carrigan - 1d, past ziam, hinted zouis
okay that's not all of them but that's certainly an fine amount!
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