#pasta talk
saintvalentinex · 1 year
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If you do a little research, you'll learn adding sugar to pasta sauce has been done by Italians(both Native Italians & Italian immigrants in countries like America & places with more acidic tomatoes) for years. It helps with acidity levels of tomatoes & is traced back to Italy. Anyway, thanks for coming to my TedTalk.
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violetkatgrove · 2 years
looks away from pokepastas for 2 seconds. Him. My Friends In There
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emzchaos · 2 years
Does anyone get hurt by braking pasta? I seriously feel like crying when I see anyone break pasta in half. Please tell me I am not the only one?
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bazzybelle · 2 years
Serious question. Does anyone actually like penne lisce? The penne pasta without ridges. I got a meme about it and for the life of me cannot think of what I would ever use it for. It is a garbage pasta.
I will die on this hill.
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Buckle up I got more pasta thoughts. Every noodle has to start somewhere, at the beginning. Doesn’t matter which end of the noodle is the start, that’s arbitrary. It’s foolish to consider one end of the noodle superior to the other just because you decided it so. I think that’s why a journey towards greater understanding is called The Fool’s Journey.
On a side note, if you’ve never tried acting a little foolish I would recommend it. No bummers, just have fun with it.
Thank you for coming to my Pasta Talk.
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barxism · 4 months
God the idea of baeddelism is for trans mascs on the internet what trans bathroom predators is for cis people. It’s a meaningless moral panic against an enemy that doesn’t actually exist but is used to push away trans women. The panic about it is pure misogyny, placing the blame on women while ignoring the much more prevalent inter community issue of misogynistic trans men who are often the ones pushing the rhetoric of baeddelism as an actual issue to be concerned about.
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botanybulbasaur · 6 months
Schneider's family ; The significance of Marian
REVERSE 1999 SPOILERS AHEAD : FOR CHAPTERS 1 AND 2 ! Please tread carefully and make sure you only read about what you're willing to know.
I know we're all still completely in shambles from Chap. 2, but I wanted to make a speculation about Schneider-- and a comment about how well she's written !
Let me start with this: In many pieces of media, viewers, listeners and readers alike are told that a character has people they care for. They're told a character has a lover, a wife, kids, a family, a sister. We're told the same about Schneider: that she has 11 older siblings, and that she works in the mafia to support them.
However, it's very rarely that we're given a name and a face for these supposed loved ones. And even rarer is it that they're written well, not just as a ploy for empathy, but as their own character: Ladies, gentlemen, and esteemed guests: I present to you, Marian.
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Marian is one of my favorite characters just as a stand-alone: she's realistic, she's anxious, she clings to Schneider like a lifeline-- but she's brave, too. I'd love to do an in-depth analysis on her another time, but we're here for another reason.
Marian, first of all, shows us what Schneider's family is like. How they were raised, what they believe in, who they depend on. Soft topic, I know, but as someone of Italian lineage, it's very important to me that I point this out: Marian is extremely religious.
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Immigrants of every kind tend to be religious. It gives them much more faith than they ever could have: a new lifeline. They managed to make it across such a winding sea? Oh, thank the lord. They haven't been kicked out of the Americas for emigration? Thank you, holy one. There's so many more reasons for this than "they need something they don't have"- maybe the fact that the rendition of god in every religion is said to love everybody, not just those who were born into wealthy families with the bluest eyes and the blondest hair.
When in a moment with no reason, and all different kinds of desperate measures being needed.. Schneider does what her family coaxes her to. She prays.
(I can't find a screenshot, but please refer to the iconic "I didn't know you prayed" scene, and the screenshot directly below this sentence.)
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I also want to point out a large difference between Schneider and her family: Schneider's perspective on a 'god' differs so, so much from her family's.
She looks to whoever may be above, in her world, scornfully-- at least, in the present day. In her past, there is a particularly impactful line I want to debunk.
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"The god there ... loves the world." Schnider's family seems to believe that god was the one guiding them, the one who will forgive them-- Schneider believed that it was a whole different entity. This kid believes that the god in Sicily, whoever they may be, does not love the world-- and mio dio, if that's not fucked up, I don't know what is.
And, when Schneider comes to America and sees that shit isn't as it's cut off to be, she's resentful of whoever this god may be. She gives a pray as her last bet-- what her family wants.
And it's not that she doesn't believe in this god-- no. She just doesn't believe they love her.
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"Finally forgive me" -- Finally being the key word here. She's lived all her life never being treated to mercy or being 'forgiven for her sins' -- and at her most fragile, exposed moment, she relents to what her family has taught her. To what she truly believes-- to Sicily, to Marian, her sorella. Maybe even all 11 sorelle and her parents.
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And, again, they're different at face value. Marian is calm, kind. She dresses modest and has her hair grown out: she's timid, too, not befitting of a mafia boss. She's different from her younger sister.. but she's still important. She shows us another side of Schneider: and, more importantly, she shows us what-- no, who Schneider is fighting for.
Marian provides us with extremely beneficial background context of where Schneider comes from-- and, in that process, gives many of us someone to empathize with. Yes, I too know somebody at least a little like her. You do too, likely.
Maybe, you're even like Schneider-- maybe she's someone you'd aim to protect.
,,aaand that's the little lore rant. Whew! Now to study for my math finals. I hope you have a good day :)
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rennyrose · 1 year
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All things he rightfully earned
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57sfinest · 1 year
also yall we need to step back from the harryvision and understand that kim, at his core, is a loser (affectionate) like everyone else. so much out there wants to portray him as limitless patience, great cook, super organized, good handwriting, nice tasteful living quarters etc and that's fun to contrast him to harry but well i am here to RUIN that we need to take off the du bois glasses and appreciate kim for the weirdguy that he is. he has horrific fits of road rage and harry genuinely fears for his life riding along with him and witnessing the generational curses this man is capable of unleashing upon the stupid little fucks that cut him off on the 8/81. he has never had the time or space or budget to learn to cook so he lives off deli sandwiches and butter noodles and the occasional grab-and-go fruit. he writes so much so frequently with such awful handwriting that he has invented a new form of shorthand and the moralintern is contacting him to create a cipher system for them. he has no resources to furnish and maintain a nice flat so it's like a slightly gentrified r/malelivingspace but with a table for his sewing machine and there's scrap fabric and thread and half-pinned half-hemmed pants strewn about the place. there are absolutely a bunch of shitty mockups of his old wirral character in the backs of his notebooks and he hasn't played it in years but if he ever picks it back up then his minmax high int high dex definitely-not-a-self-insert sidhe artificer is READY. everyone add your weirdguy kim thoughts NOW 👇
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c-rowlesdraws · 4 months
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why would someone do this to me. Why would anyone do this to anyone. Screencapping someone’s text post and putting it on reddit is violence. Posting my art to reddit or something else I’d put positive energy into would be fine! But posting this post is violence. If you’re out there reading this, person who put this on reddit, know that if I could place an ice cube on the floor so that it would melt just in time for you to step on it in socks, I would.
I haven’t noticed a huge note spike today, so maybe this happened a while ago? I did notice a whole bunch of notes semi-recently but I thought that was from the werewolf boyfriend guy (@ were-ralph, a prince among men) reblogging it… fingers crossed that most people who visit a subreddit called “curated tumblr” don’t actually have tumblr accounts.
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icedmetaltea · 1 month
do you still write in general or have all your works been removed from ao3 and halted?? I just found An Eye for an Eye and I maybe horribly obsessed with it hahah
I still write from time to time but for myself or random fandoms that I don't share on here- the ones I have shared for this fandom have been orphaned but can still be accessed here but if u found that I'm assuming u know that lol
Writing these days just makes me feel horrifically self-conscious so if I do share I like doing so on accounts where nobody knows me and I have no expectations to live up to ya feel? ; u ;
Here is a lil doodle and a jealousy snippet I was gonna write at some point if it helps ya feel better *patpat*
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(Set at some point in the future, Y/n's gotten enough trust to be allowed in Eclipse's enclosure without supervision and so Kai's joining them to scope the place out + do some plotting since it's too loud for mics to pick anything up above the ambience of water and ironically it's safer for them to talk in here than anywhere else in the facility lol... also it's been so long since I wrote the fic I can't remember if Eclipse is blind or not so let's assume so)
"Wait up!" you barked, running up behind the man so fast you nearly ran into him headfirst as the doors automatically closed behind the two of you.
"Watch it, will you? And I'm working on a tight schedule here, okay? Not all of us are coddled by staff..."
"Coddled?! I'm given the lofty privilege of being used as live bait and you-"
"So this is what it looks like, huh? I haven't been in here for a while." He gave a whistle, turning to you briefly before walking further into the room. You followed close behind him, holding back your boiling temper for the time being. "Last time I was here, the water was filled with algae and god knows what else."
You shrugged. "Yeah. I guess... It helps now that I clean Eclipse regularly. The rest of staff was too chicken to so much as touch it."
"I still can't believe you do that." He wandered closer to the edge of the water, staring down into the dark abyss. Far down, the mer began to rouse from its usual afternoon slumber, scintillations dancing deep below as it slowly moved. "And I can't believe all you've managed to lose so far is an eyeball. You have all your limbs intact, as far as I can tell."
"It was scary at first, sure, but then I realized it was literally just a big fish I was dealing with. One that ruined my albeit shitty life. I was getting money out of the deal, so..."
You kicked your foot absentmindedly, watching the dark outline ripple through the water, approaching the surface.
"It's all bark and no bite."
As if on cue, the surface tension broke as the mer surfaced, the water rippling and floor shaking with the force of its purr. The sound was cut short, though, its head tilting in curiosity as its fake smile stared at the two of you.
"Are you sure about that...?"
The second it heard Kai's voice, the flat side of its face slanted upwards so its teeth were on display, pulling up into a snarl. A low growl rumbled through the floor and up into your legs, making you wobble slightly.
"Hey, what the hell?!" you were quick to say, throwing up your hands in disbelief. "You choose now to throw a tantrum??"
Its tongue flicked out in what you now knew was its own weird way of sniffing the air, and soon after the sound of its growling grew louder.
"Shit!" Kai hissed, "Didn't you say this was safe?"
"Of course it's safe! Hey slimebrain, will you shut up?!" You took a few confident steps forward and punched a hand over one of its tendrils. It relaxed at the contact, a tiny purr mixing in with its incessant snarling. "You're makin' a big idiot of yourself in front of my... acquaintance."
"Oh, so that's the title you're giving me?" He regretted opening his mouth, as the next second Eclipse lurched towards him, snapping its teeth worryingly close to his face. You breathed a sigh of relief when you saw it hadn't ripped the flesh off his nose or something. Yet, anyways.
"Okay, okay!!!" You jumped in front of him, tripping and landing on your ass, but at least it made the mer stop moving. "What's gotten into you? You've been behaving well the past couple of months and you chose today to get all pissy? Honestly..."
Eclipse made something akin to a huffing sound, then unlatched its jaw just enough to grasp the back of your collar. It dragged you, flailing the entire way, away from Kai, only stopping when half your body was submerged in water.
As soon as you opened your mouth to in protest, it the large, flat underside of its jaw hovered over you, blanketing you in shadow. One set of its hands came to hold you in place, ignoring your cries of anger as it continued to growl.
"Okay, I'm just gonna... go..." Kai finally said, a tremble in his voice as his footsteps became more and more distant till the sound of the doors opening and closing made you realize he'd left.
"That pussy..." you spat beneath your breath, though you were much more angry at the mer than him. "You!! You ruin everything!"
As soon as the man was gone, Eclipse's mood seemed to flip like a switch, growls bleeding into those grating attempts at chirps and purrs it never quite seemed to translate into something that didn't sound like a dying whale.
It was proud, perhaps even gloating, you realized as it turned its head completely around to peer down at you with a false grin. Water dripped down on you, and you also realized your freshly-laundered clothes were now sopping wet.
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(ooc: Lemme know if you get offended, I don't actually mean to offend you)
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480pfootage · 10 months
im starting to hate those people who write 'realistic' creepypasta
at least give them different personalities TT using the descriptors 'abusive and toxic' 10 times can only lead you so far TT
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chubsette · 4 months
why are all recipes on pinterest either healthy-zero-calories-high-protein-flavourless-sad-beige-paste or airfried-nutella-and-cheese-filled-bread-dipped-in-pepsi
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pastafossa · 6 months
Mom made another little bit of improvement today. She's still on the ventilator, but now if I understood it right, she's basically breathing on her own again and they've lowered her sedation to practically nothing, allowing her to slowly come up. If - and the doctor was very firm that this is an if - if she continues to come up and stays stable, she might be off the ventilator tomorrow! He said they want her fairly alert before taking her off, but if all goes well, when I see my mom again tomorrow, she'll be off the ventilator. She also reacted a lot to me and sis today when we saw her, so that's something.
I feel like I've been floating in a haze since they put her under on Monday. Time is... weird, passing too fast or weirdly slow. I feel like I blink in the afternoon and suddenly it's time for bed, or a 30 min wait for an update takes hours. And I've wound up spending a lot of time between hospital visits just feeling... stuck. Unsure of what to do, of what's ok, of what I should be doing. Thanks to some encouragement from friends here - comments, messages, late night chats even when I'm out of it or drop out halfway through to cry or fall asleep - I at least felt a little less guilty about not having much I could do, and I've gotten regular reminders to eat and drink. We've also started putting up the tree so it'll there when mom comes home, which has helped. But god, if mom woke up tomorrow, if I knew she would be ok, I could handle things.
One more night for mama on the ventilator. Just one more. Then I can give her a hug, and cry some happy tears. Fingers crossed.
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