#patches likes to shove other kids on the playground btw
le-agent-egg · 5 months
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hey do you guys wanna hear about some of mine + @sp11ked’s thh spawns i think you wanna hear about some of the spawns do you
(psst if anyone has ideas for names for the twins plEASE)
additional garbage under the cut
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misc doodles/planing stuff for these goobers
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sillybitchhours · 7 years
do u take headcanon requests?? if so, kid reddie headcanons maybe? or minific if you feel like it idk maybe headcanons would be better anyways love your blog !
okay, so I’ve never done this before, but hang on tight, cus here we go~
-so eddie’s birthday is coming up, and the losers (the OGs) are throwing him a party at the local Derry playground
-(they’re in like 1st or 2nd grade btw)
-since they’re little, they all have y-names (stanLEY, billY, richie still richie cus he’s always been a child, and eddie is still just a smol bean)
-richie is bringing balloons bc those are his fave part of birthday parties
-after begging his mom, she finally agreed to let stanley bring the leftover streamers from his last birthday party
-and bill the og — he got to help his mom make homemade cupcakes and he got to put the star-shaped sprinkles on after his mom iced them
-at all their birthday parties, they all helped each other blow out their candles — so you got four kids spit-blowing all over a fucking cake that now the parents are like mm no thanks sweetie, you just eat your cake, mommy’s full
-their mom’s help them tie the balloons soaked in spit after numerous attempts of trying to get the balloon past that part before it starts to expand
-sonia doesn’t allow “that tozier child” in her house, so she agreed to let Eddie go to the park for his birthday (she gave in after the waterworks began)
-when they arrive, they find all the boys already their with their moms, and sonia, in her matching jacket and joggers, waves to them with her fingers and warns eddie to be careful before joining them for coffee talk ☕️
-all the boys swarm eddie, wishing him happy birthday
-before anyone else has the chance to show him what they brought, Richie is already shoving a triple-decker mud pie in Eddie’a face
-he worked for three days on that thing. he would make a pancake with mud and a little clay he had left in his craft box, then let it dry for one day
-(richie didn’t quite catch on to the idea that he could make three pancakes all at once and let them dry together)
-he used the muddiest mud he could find for the icing, using sand from the sandbox and small pebbles from the swing set as sprinkles
-as for candles? richie stuck leaves on sticks to use as makeshift candles with green flames
-he presented it to eddie, the first one to give his gift out of all their friends
-(he may or may not have shoved a patiently-waiting stan out of the way to get to eddie first)
-richie was pleased to find out that eddie loved his present and they hugged
-the losers were the only ones at the playground that early on a sunday morning, so they decorated it with limp balloons and what streamers stanley had left
-eddie was ecstatic to see the playground had been decorated just for him
-they chased each other all around he playground, every so often fighting for about thirty-seconds before returning to fits of giggles
-richie likes to play rough and often shoves
-stan always shoves back
-they fight
- a l o t
-bill and eddie often break up a lot of bickering and shoving between richie and stan
-they always have to apologize and end with a hug
-eddie’s favorite game to play was hide and seek
-he was great at it
-eddie almost always won, but that was only because he moved around to different places
-his version of of hide and seek was often mixed with a bit of tag
-richie was terrible at hiding, but he was awesome at seeking and was often the only one to find eddie
-when richie did play as a hider, he often climbed trees
-he’s already broken two limbs from this and fractured another
-richie was definitely and ugly crier, always and forever
-stan preferred to hide, it was easier. he preferred hiding under things
-if stan was ever seeking, he’d find richie in a heartbeat. all he had to do was look up 👀
-bill LOVED hide and seek too
-he always pretended to be a detective finding criminals on the lose, pretending to use a magnifying glass when he was /really/ looking
-richie’s day was almost cut short when he fell off the swings and some broken glass buried in the pebbles cut him
-luckily, eddie has batman bandaids he picked out at the drug store with his mom when he got some device called an “inhaler”
-he patched richie up with a no-ouchie guarantee™️
-they played at the park for hours on end till they all get hungry and went to mcdonalds
-since it was eddie’s birthday, they all got ice cream cones after their happy meals
-they all eventually wore themselves out and richie fell asleep hiding in the slide of the playplace
-eddie fell asleep hiding with him
if you guys would like more of these, shoot me a message! i had so much fun answering this ❤️
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