#path to nowhere adela x reader
prisoner-of-sin · 8 months
Just Us (18+)
Adela x Female!Reader
Warnings: Overstimulation, Fingering, Scissoring, Aftercare, Female!Reader. NSFW!
Requests: OPEN
I HAD to do it. This is a 100% self-indulgent fic. I lo e Adela so much 😭 Hope you all enjoy and please stay safe!
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Adela gives you a soft smile as her fingers expertly dance in your folds, rubbing your sensitive clit. You have lost count of the orgasms that went through you, they merged together like the ocean. You looked perfect in her eyes: the muddled makeup, the tears streaming down your face and the drool slipping past your puffy lips. You couldn't form a sentence, you whined and begged for her to continue her onslaught.
Screw being dolled up, you were perfect right now.
Adela slips two fingers into your sobbing pussy, her eyes never once leaving your face. It scrunched in undeniable pleasure as the electricity shot through your entire body. Her tips run against the spongy part of your walls and a loud moan manages to rip from your chest, her free hand holds down your body as the pace is agonizingly slow. Her digits scissor inside of you while her thumb gently rubs your clit. The volume of your moan was music to her ears, your thighs keep quivering from the stimulation.
"Let it out, you're so close." Adela encourages, pushing her fingers to the deepest part she could. She rubs and pokes the delightful spots in you, trying to send you over the edge into bliss. It's when you try to fight past her hidden strength to cling to her and she denies it, your orgasm rips through you like a tidal wave. She continues to move, curling her fingers against your g-spot until your head rolls back and even more drool leaves your parted lips. Your essence squirts onto the sheets and coats her fingers, your body trembles uncontrollably as you nearly forget where you are.
Adela keeps her fingers moving but softly to keep your orgasm prolonged, to ease you down from the high. Your face is contorted with pure ecstasy– feelings of happiness and clinginess. She wastes no time to adjust on her knees and lower herself onto your body, getting comfortable as both her hands now cup your face. Her lips meet yours in a passionate embrace and her tongue prodes to seek entrance. Your tongues dance together in perfect rhythm, teeth occasionally bump together. Your hands tangle in her deep colored locks, pulling her impossibly closer than ever and it muffled both of your moans.
"Do you want more, my darling?" Adela's hot breath lingers on your quivering lips as she pulls away from the kiss, you want to answer but barely whimper in response. Her soft lips dominate yours once more, her hands now roam your curves and squeeze the flesh as she grinds into you.
"I want more of you," Adela's finely manicured nails dig into your skin to hold you in place. She places a quick kiss on your lips, having you crave more as she moves away to adjust herself, lifting one of your thighs to slit herself between your legs. Her pussy hovers over your own and you clench your eyes shut, expecting the overwhelming pleasure to strike hard. When she lowers, both of you moans fuse together as she takes a moment to enjoy the feeling.
Adela slowly grinds and the simplest of movements take both of your breaths away. She stares at you lovingly, loosely holding onto your thigh as she leisurely grinds your pussies together. She doesn't stop when your back arches off the bed, oversensitized by all of it. Your nubs bump together and the electricity easily shoots through you both. She was panting, the very knot in her stomach threatening to burst but she held out. She was made for you, both of your cunts fit together perfectly.
"I-I.." You tried to speak but the cries of pleasure interrupted your ability. Adela grinds firmly against you, knowing exactly what you were trying to say. The way your moans were heightened in pitch and the frequency of them, your climax was in sight. She was at the same peak, she could taste the sweet salvation.
It was in an instant that you came, silently screaming Adela's name as you tried to beg her to stop. She quickens her rolling and tightens her grip on your thigh as she hunches slightly, seeking to follow you in release. The wet sounds drive her to her breaking point, coming shortly after you with a low moan– cum mixing together as she hardly moves to ride the high.
"I-I love you, my darling." Adela hums, carefully moving and placing a kiss on your thigh, trailing them toward your knee. Her hands rest on your hips to massage the tissue and help you calm down. "That's it, you're doing so good." She praises, moving to the other leg and giving it the same treatment. She proceeds to encourage you to calm down and you finally feel your breathing even out. She finally pulls away, and climbs off the bed and disappears for a moment, leaving you alone with your thoughts.
What was Adela doing? Was she going to get a toy and ruin you more? Your eyes watch the door she went through, your mind scrambling to realize it was the bathroom. How long has she gone for? She walks out with a few rags dangling from her hands and she takes a seat next to you.
"You must be tired, my darling." Adela runs the cool rag along your shaking thighs, cleaning up the mixed cum so it doesn't irritate the skin. You mumble a 'thank you', looking over her damp body. She must have cleaned herself before returning to the room. You shudder when the rag carefully dips into your sensitive folds.
"A-ah! Careful!" You squeak, making Adela giggle and pull away. She looks at you with loving eyes and lays on top of you, placing a soft kiss on your jaw. You embrace her and kiss her on the top of her head as she nuzzles into your neck.
"I love you," Adela whispers. You smile to yourself and rub her back soothingly.
"I love you too. Nap time?" You yawn, barely able to keep your eyes open. Adela hums in response, keeping her eyes closed as she relaxes herself.
It was one of those stressful days where lovers reunite at home, hoping to relieve stress. Adela was promised to be able to stay with you as long as she behaved. She has never once broken that promise.
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lirational · 10 months
Fluttering in the Mist
Yandere!Adela x Reader
Content warnings: Memory alteration, memory loss, dubious consent, fingering, yandere behavior. DARK CONTENT. DEAD DOVE DO NOT EAT.
As soon as the doorbell rang, you heard her voice.
“(Name)? Welcome, is there anything I could help you with?”
Her voice was familiar, comforting, followed with the scent of lavender that made your tense muscles start to relax. Though it was a small thing, it was still a gesture you appreciated.
You were giddy, eager to all but spill your newest achievement to your best friend. Though your friendship started on not so smoothly, with Adela, still a stranger at that time, offering to make you forget everything that hurts, with no prompt or explanation. You reacted as anyone sane would if they were offered hard drugs by a stranger, yet to your luck, she did not take it personally, even helping you get settled in the area.
She did not have any reason to offer you that much kindness. Not while you were strangers to each other. Yet, if you knew she would be this much of a close friend to you, you would turn back time and admonish your past self for almost turning her away.
“Just thought I’d stop by,” you answer, voice barely able to contain your excitement, “Can I get a trim, too? I mean, sure, I know you, but your skills come highly recommended by everyone here,”
“Come, now, take a seat right there, I’ll wash your hair, and you, my dear friend, can tell me what got you leaping over the moon,” she gestured at the washing table, the emphasis of the word lost on you. Humming a disjointed, happy tune, you obliged, letting yourself sink on the plush chair.
“Remember to close your eyes, now,”
Warm water cascaded from the top of your head, the temperature just right to coax you into a state of relaxation. Her fingers sometimes brush against your ears, and you had to remind yourself not to get too lost in the feeling, or you would’ve fallen asleep. Her fingers occasionally brush your ear, prompting a shiver down your spine.
“So, what did you want to talk about?”
Her voice snapped you out from the comfort, bringing back the joy you had almost forgotten to tell her.
“Do you still remember the girl I met in the flower shop? The one I told you about before? Well, she agreed to go out with me this weekend!” You couldn’t keep the giddy tone out from your voice, excitement almost prompting you to open your eyes. “She said we can go for a nice meal and talk. I really can’t wait! Dammit, if only time can go by faster…”
Adela was massaging your scalp as you talked, fingers almost coaxing you to talk more with each gentle press. She seemed content to listen, while you, in your bliss, did not see her furrowed brows and stiff expression.
“Congratulations, I wish you the best. See? Living here isn’t quite so bad,” Adela replied, though in your relaxation, you did not realize that her voice wavered ever so slightly even as her hands went through practiced motions.
You still remained oblivious.
“On another note, have you considered my offer yet?” She asked, changing the topic. “I have room for one more, and you could save more by living with me, hm?”
With a distinct creak, she turned off the water, prompting you to answer.
“Really, thank you for the offer, Adela, but I would hate to impose,” you rejected, a bit more firm this time.
You felt like you were snapped out from a long, deep daydream, brought back to reality to meet her light blue eyes. Under the dim light of the place, her eyes gleamed, hidden intentions concealed behind loving gaze.
“Why would you? You were already staying with me all the while. All we need to do is to make it official.”
“I’m… ah, you might be right, I thought—“
“Shush, you’ve been so wound up all this time… poor little thing, you didn’t even have a proper place to sleep, and now, look at how disoriented you are.”
Her voice wrapped inside you, filling the strange cavity in your head that seemed to blossom out of nowhere. Overwhelming comfort bled from each word she spoke, hugging and grounding you to her, only letting you hear the distinct snip snip of her scissors and nothing else. Strands of your hair fluttered down to the floor, and relief washed over you each time they hit the floor.
Another snip, her finger brushed the curve of your ear, and you leaned into her touch, driven by something you cannot quite place.
“Let me just tidy you up a bit, then we can relax, hm?” Her voice have lowered to a gentle whisper, like a caress that fills the cracks forming in your memories, like liquid gold applied to mend a fractured porcelain. She adjusted your head to its proper position, eyes meeting yours for a moment before she continued.
“That is right, I do feel tired… thanks, Adela. I was so excited for the date with, with…”
“You must be so exhausted, even forgetting the date plans with your girlfriend right here…” she finished your words, and once again, a strange calm washed upon you, the conflicting sense of wrong and right fighting for dominance in your mind with the former on the losing side. White wisps flutter in your vision, bathing the place in thin, flowing mist, yet the only other person with you did not seem to notice.
Your lover, no—
Your thoughts were interrupted with a deafening, firm snip so close to your ears, and it disappeared through your fingers, much like the mist covering your vision that you could not attempt to even grasp.
Adela never let you dwell long enough on each gaping void in your mind, and this time, there was a lilt full of desire in her words, “Shush, it’s okay, I know you were so tired these days. No one would hire you all because you didn’t have any references to vouch for you.”
There it was, once again, a sense of wrongness, only lasting for half a second at most before another snip tore through these thoughts, leaving another gaping void for Adela to fill and mend with her sweet voice. With your proximity, you could smell her perfume, the sense of familiarity stronger than anything else you could come up with.
“It’s okay, my love, I will always be here for you.”
A traitorous, oh so pleasurable shiver went down your spine, settling between your legs.
You could feel the tug of a strong, strong connection with her, a connection that stayed taut and grounding even as everything else crumbled down into the dark cracks of your thoughts. Any attempts to pull anything out from the void only disoriented you further, while her voice became an anchor, the one rock you can rely on to steady your feet.
Your hair looked immaculate, clever layering creating the illusion or volume and care you certainly did not put in. Pieces of hair littered the floor below you, and for a moment, you felt the strange urge to grab a strand.
Perhaps, it would alleviate this sense of deep, clawing wrongness.
A final snip on your bangs banished the thought, the metallic gleam of the scissors was reflected in the mirror in front of you. Adela placed the tool back into its box soon after, her lips so close to the shell of your ear, enough for her canine to graze it. Her breaths fanned your skin as she moved lower, sucking a smudged mark stained by dark lipstick, a mark that will almost certainly bloom into a bruise on your shoulder.
“Oh, is my lovely girlfriend still wound up?” She asked with a smirk, sucking another mark at the delicate spot that beats along with your heartbeat. Not giving you a chance to ponder, she spun the chair around, forcing you to face her before she locked her lips onto yours.
There was urgency to the kiss, a hunger similar to a person who was deprived from sweets so long they would crave it no matter how or what has to be done, however, she still savoured the feeling, pale hand pressing on the back of your head to force you to deepen the kiss. Her other hand reached onto your clothes, undressing you and letting your clothes lay forgotten on the chair and the floor, not caring that the hair strands might stick to them.
“See, I was right,” she smiled as she broke the kiss, licking the strand of saliva connecting the two of you while admiring you in your undergarments. With a gaze full of love, she cupped your drenched underwear, almost purring in delight at the strand of liquid that followed her index finger.
“My dear lovely girlfriend seem so stressed. Shh, let me take care of you.”
“But, Adela, wait, I think… something is missing.”
“Shush, everything is okay. I am supposed to unwind you here, after all. You struggling to think is a little against the point here, my love.”
She hooked her index finger and moved aside your ruined underwear, exposing your folds to the cold air of the place. It was like all life outside has faded into a deathly quiet, and nothing existed other than you, Adela - your lover - and the white mist that seemed to blanket the two of you. One experimental finger slipped easily in, and your walls swallowed her up, your body made desperate, so desperate for any kind of stimulation from your attentive girlfriend. A crimson flush colored your cheeks at the thought, yet she just smiled and added another finger in, pumping, spreading you apart, and pressing on that spot that made your toes curl and your fingers grip on the armrest.
“Ah… Adela, please, I—“
She started slow, gleaming blue eyes not breaking contact from yours all the while, though as she moved faster and faster, each movement accompanied with embarassing squelches and moans that slipped unbidden from your lips. Your eyes have rolled to the back of your head, drool slipping out from the corner of your lips.
She licked it off from the corner of your lips, then flashed you a smile, neither breaking eye contact nor ceasing her movements down there all the while. Her other hand rolled your stiff nipples with her thumb and index finger, before she leaned in to swirl and circle patterns onto the sensitive nub with her tongue.
This must be why you felt so giddy when you came here, after all, having such a loving girlfriend was something not everyone was lucky enough to achieve.
“Adela, I am… close!”
“Then let it all out, for me,”
She increased her speed, intent to split you apart with her fingers, and you screamed her name as you tip over the edge, your juices coating her fingers and the chair. It felt like a huge burden has been lifted from you, and as she pulled out, your body fell limp, like a doll with its supporting strings cut. Now, with your worries unreachable even as you struggled, your consciousness started to darken, sleepiness hugging you with a blanket that tempted you to just stop thinking too much.
“See? You were very tired, after all. Close your eyes. Tomorrow, your worries will be nothing but a distant dream…”
With her smile to reassure you, you closed your eyes.
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sinful-lanterns · 5 months
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synopsis: enjoying a popsicle makes their imagination wander...
featuring: serpent, coquelic, cabernet, adela, kelvin
rating: 18+ smut (minors dni)
warnings: gn! reader, transfem characters (all of them), double coc.ks/hemipenes (serpent), no actual s.ex but it is very much implied, implied s.ex, implied mas.turbation, dirty thoughts, bon.ers, pining, mentions of bl.owjo.bs, voyeur.ism (coquelic), pwp
art credits: horimiya
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The summer season was one of Serpent’s least favorite seasons while living in the Bureau. Usually because if she were back at home, she’d spend everyday just lounging around naked, due to the fact that she was cold blooded and absorbed the temperature of the environment around her. Unfortunately for her, the Bureau required Serpent to wear clothes 24/7 when around other Sinners, and poor Serpent was always at the boiling point whenever she kept her clothes strewn on. 
She’s protested against the clothes rule once before, but was quickly shut down by the Chief for her public indecency. Now that she was forced to keep her clothes on through the boiling months of summer, poor Serpent was currently dying while sitting in front of the AC to catch a break. 
“Mmmmmmpf tooo hottttt…” Serpent whined, her body sweating way too much thanks to the heat of the room. Her face was flushed and she was on the verge of tears with how grumpy and hot she was, wanting something to cool her down quick. 
“Serpent?” Her head turned around to see you peeking your head through the door. “Ah, little human! Hellooooo~!”
Though awfully sweaty, she flashed you a toothy smile and flicked her snake tongue out as a greeting. “What brings my little human to the screening room? Are you hot too?” 
“Yeah, most of the ACs around the Bureau are broken and are being fixed by Demolia or Eureka. This is the only room with somewhat decent air conditioning.” You smiled and held up two popsicles in your hand. “I brought popsicles from the kitchen.”
“Ooooooh.” Serpent perked up at that and held up her hands for one. “What flavor?” 
“Grape and strawberry.” 
“I’ll take grape.”
You tossed her the grape popsicle and opened yours with ease, sliding down to sit by Serpent near the air conditioner and dig into your icy treat. Serpent had already begun to munch on her grape popsicle while you did so, and she was perfectly content with this little snack, until she looked over to see you sucking on your own popsicle.
Sucking rather interestingly Serpent noted.
“Ah…” her cheeks flushed quietly at the sight of your lips pursing over the top of the popsicle and running your tongue across it. She knew you weren’t trying to be…suggestive in any way (she thought) but with the way your lips wrapped so perfectly around the head of the popsicle, she couldn’t help but let her innocent mind wander…
Would your lips wrap that perfectly around her two dicks? Serpent bit her lip at the thought. Would your pretty tongue lap over her tip so eagerly? Stroking and caressing over the head of her second cock, while beads of her precum spilled past the first tip and providing “flavor” to your eager tongue?
The snake woman gulped and shifted her gaze over to you again, breath hitching as she watched you unconsciously bob your head down to suck on the length of the popsicle a bit more. 
Oh…oh! Serpent felt all the blood rush to her face, as well as her two hemipenes down below, watching the way your head bobbed down with drops of popsicle juice dripping from the sides. She felt one of her cocks begin to twitch with arousal. Then the second. Then finally both cocks were stirring up with excitement at the thought of you going down at her. If she was hot then, then she was definitely hot now, as heat was pulsing through her veins with a need to see her pretty cocks stuffed down your throat (and other places). 
Her breath was heavy and laborious, imagining the sight of you down on her knees, smirking up at her while you pushed her dress up to tug at her panties with desire. She gulped when she pictured you slowly licking your hot tongue from the base to the shaft, before finally engulfing her entire tip into your mouth and fondling her second cock with your hand. Serpent groaned at the sight, and was about to picture you swallowing her whole when—
“Serpent? Serpent?!” 
Her eyes widened and she turned to look at you again, face flushing as she wondered if you could see her picturing you in so many lewd thoughts. Or even worse, could you see her erections? Was she having a prominent boner(s) right now?!
“I— I…uhm…” 
“Your popsicle is melting. It’s all over your hand.”
You sighed and grabbed a napkin to wipe the sticky mess off Serpent’s hand, chuckling a bit at how silly she was for letting her treat get messy like this. “You were daydreaming so much that it began making a mess on the floor. Glad to see none of it spilled on your dress, but what were you thinking about?”
“Ah…nothing! I have to go, sorry!” Serpent flashed you a nervous smile and quickly got up to leave the screening room. She felt bad for leaving you caught off guard, but she was in a rush to get to her cell room in order to see if anything “embarrassing” happened to her.
The moment she was safe and locked in the privacy of her own room, Serpent sighed and looked down to see the hem of her dress. Sure enough, two, prominent boners were standing tall and straining against the fabric of her underwear, causing Serpent to groan with how pent up and horny she was. “Ohhhhh whyyyyyy…” she whined, making her way to her bed to satisfy her cocks’ cravings. Today was going to be an even hotter day for her it seems…
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Coquelic had filed several complaints to the Chief of the MBCC throughout the early days of summer. When the majority of the ACs broke down in all the buildings, Coquelic was left lazing around in her room with Sumire or Garofano fanning her to keep her cool. Very spoiled was the Garden Master indeed, but without her trusty flower girls to dote on her every need, Coquelic would’ve melted like a puddle by now under the heat.
“Sumire, darling. Do put more wrist work in that fan, I’m starting to glisten.” 
Coquelic groans and runs a finger across her forehead, pouting at the way she felt the slightest bit of slick coat her skin. “I’m losing so much water…! My poor complexion…”
“Mentor, with all due respect, it is just a little bit of sweat.”
Poor Sumire was sweating a lot more than Coquelic was, due to the fact she was working to keep Coquelic happy, all the while having no AC or fanning herself. Though the Garden was full of assassins who could definitely handle hotter temperatures than this, it didn’t mean it was exactly “comfortable” for those having to sit around and just take in the scorching heat. At least with the missions the Garden girls had something to distract themselves with…
At the door to her room opening slightly, both Coquelic and Sumire turned to see you peeking in your head through the door. At the sight of your familiar face, Coquelic immediately perked up and sat up in her bed. “My flower! You’ve come to visit I see…” Coquelic chimed, a bright smile filling her once uncomfortable face. “Sumire, you are dismissed. And while you’re at it, get yourself something cold at the cafeteria. You look awfully red.”
Sumire sighed and bowed in respect, getting up from her position to walk past you and leave.  As she did so however, she flashed you a smile and mouthed the words “thank you” as if she were finally relieved to get a break from her mentor’s demands. 
When she finally left, Coquelic opened her arms for you to come join her in bed, eager to have someone like you keep her company on this hellish day. “My flower, what brings you here into my sanctuary? Are you here to spoil me again?” 
“You can say that. I brought some popsicles from the cafeteria kitchen, Kelvin is making them. Would you like some?”
“Oh? A cold, sweet treat for me? Give me a red one, it matches my lipstick.” 
You handed her the red, unknown flavor of popsicle and sat down besides Coquelic on her bed. The moment the cold treat graced the mentor’s lips, she let out a delighted sound of relief and began eating with vigor. “Mm, how perfect. That Kelvin girl sure is talented…” 
You chuckled and nodded, starting to suck on your own popsicle while staring off into space. You were content with just sitting there and soaking in the company of your beloved Coquelic, yet it seems with the way you were ravaging your popsicle, Coquelic had taken notice and began letting her eyes wander to your mouth…
With her own sugary treat halfway in her mouth, she let her red eyes fixate on the way you were sucking nonchalantly on your ice-cold popsicle. She knew you weren’t doing it on purpose, (at least, it seemed that way to her) but Coquelic couldn’t help but drag her own tongue across her lips with interest at how sensual your popsicle eating was…
You and Coquelic had a special relationship with each other. Not necessarily official lovers, but you’ve definitely explored each other’s bodies before several times. Her mind flashed back to memories of you towering over her in bed, hand fisting the base of her small, yet beautiful cock, with your face hovering over the hot head of her length. 
Her cheeks went pink at the memory. Recalling the way you shyly smoothed your tongue over her tip and inched your way further at a snail’s pace. You were so shy and meek back then, too scared to touch the Master of the Garden like this with your lips, before Coquelic had to take her own matters into her hands and shove you down further by forcing her hands down on your scalp. 
Coquelic drooled a bit inside her mouth when she recalled how you choked slightly even on her smaller size. You were so adorable with the way you looked up at her with lust, mouth bobbing up and down her short length and causing the master to buck her hips up into your throat. 
“Your tongue work is impressive as always.” Coquelic comments suddenly, smirking up at you with half lidded eyes. That caught you off guard and you nearly choked on your popsicle, blushing and turning to the Garden master. “C…Coquelic…”
“Oh, don’t stop now. Come on, give me a show.” Coquelic teased, eyes trailing down to the base of her practically lingerie attire. “I like it very much…”
Your eyes followed her gaze and your breath hitched at the sight. Through the thin, translucent fabric of her lace, a small bulge was prominent with bits of wetness staining the cloth. It occurred to you that Coquelic had been watching you this entire time letting her mind fill in the imagination of you sucking her cock rather than that popsicle… 
“When you’re finished with that, would you like to enjoy another kind of popsicle, my dear?” Coquelic teased, gesturing to the boner under her nightgown. 
“Ah, well…” your cheeks flushed but you couldn’t help but find the offer enticing. “Alright.” “Splendid!” Coquelic grinned and leaned back against her bed, continuing to eat her popsicle before fishing out her shaft to masturbate to the sight of you eating your treat. “Just take your time. I’m sure we’ll both enjoy the show…”
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Cabernet was among the majority of the sinners who couldn’t handle the heatwave at the MBCC. For almost every meal, she’s requested a cold dish to combat the heat. Ice cream sundaes, cold soba noodles, fresh fruit sandwiches. Heck, Cabernet had even resorted to putting her precious grapes in the freezer of the MBCC’s cafeteria kitchen. The cold crunch of her beloved fruits being the only thing saving Cabernet from sweating her face off among the sea of sweaty sinners.
Usually the calm and composed food critic would be able to find an alternative food item to keep herself from dying of starvation (plus the heat), but on this particular day, it was just too hot that Cabernet couldn’t even find the appetite to eat something fresh. Every food presented to her was either too warm, or lacking in flavor from the frost. Poor Cabernet was just slouching over one of the cafeteria tables and trying to absorb the cold from the metal. It was a pitiful sight, and Kelvin began working on a solution to make the tastiest popsicle for Cabernet’s standards.
“Psst. Hey.” Kelvin flagged you over when you walked past the kitchen one morning. She had been busy preparing popsicles for the entire Bureau ever since the air conditioning in the building broke, so when you walked in, you could see an assortment of several different flavors, plus a batch of popsicles that definitely stood out from the bunch with how “fancy” it looked.
“Hey Kelvin, did you need something?” You tilted your head and looked down at her. 
“Yeah, can you do me a favor? I’ve been making popsicles for everyone at the Bureau, but Cabernet’s popsicles are a special case.” Kelvin laughed nervously and presented a tray of gourmet, special popsicles that had bits of magenta dragon fruit and unique coloration you had never seen before. “Can you give these to her? I feel bad that she’s suffering immensely through the heat wave.”
“Yeah, of course!” You smiled and took the tray from her hands. “Where is Cabernet currently?” 
“She’s lying on that table over there.” Kelvin pointed to a redhead slouching over a cold table in the corner, hair a mess as she pressed her face against the surface and looked to be in such a miserable state. You felt a pang of sympathy for the poor woman after seeing her all sweaty and messy from the heat of the Bureau, so you nodded quickly and began making your way over to her. “I’ll go deliver these to her, thanks.”
Approaching the hot redhead at her table, you set the tray down and Cabernet immediately perked up at the smell. “Oh, hello there,” Cabernet hummed, looking up at you and trying her best to smile despite suffering. “What did you bring me, dear?” 
“Kelvin made you some special popsicles with her own recipe. I’m not sure what’s in them, but they sure do look fancy.” 
“They do indeed…” Cabernet hums, glancing over at the magenta popsicles with interest. “Would you like to try one with me?” 
“Really?” Cabernet nods and generously hands you a dragon fruit popsicle. “I can’t finish this all. Please, try one with me.” She smiles and wipes a bit of sweat away from her brow before picking up her own popsicle. “Cheers, let’s enjoy this cold treat together.” 
She teasingly taps the tip of her own popsicle against yours, mocking a sort of champagne glass clink before slipping the popsicle in her mouth. “Mmmm…Kelvin certainly outdid herself this time. I can taste all the flavors of fruit she put in here, what do you think dear?”
“Mm, I’ve never tasted anything like this before…” you muttered with utter surprise, seemingly enjoying the strange new treat. “It’s refreshing and sweet, but not too sweet. I can even taste hints of citrus and lemon within the popsicle…” 
Cabernet’s eyes gleamed with amusement at your analysis. She chuckled before continuing to lick at her popsicle with refreshment. “I didn’t take you to be such the food critic, dear.” Cabernet teased, before a brief silence overcame the two of you, letting Cabernet’s eyes wander to your lips. 
Cabernet was one to notice people’s mouths often, yet this time she took interest in the way you savored the popsicle on your tongue. The way you hungrily slurped up and licked the droplets of juice dripping from the ice, tracing your tongue over each side and crevice while closing your eyes in pure bliss for how refreshing the popsicle was in the heat…
Cabernet licked her lips and let her eyes drown out in your enjoyment. A certain hunger filling the food critic as she imagined how you’d devour something else if you were that excited to eat something phallic shaped. 
Would you slurp up her cum like that if you were to suck her off? Would you make those breathtakingly delicious sounds like you were right now when she leaks too much and accidentally ejaculates a mouthful into your throat from how cute you were? Would the taste of Cabernet bring you bliss like this as you were right now? 
She was definitely a woman with a high libido and she made it clear. Swallowing the drool that was filling up her mouth and letting her thoughts run wild of you between her legs and getting cockdrunk off her taste and taste alone. Oh how she wishes she could see you enjoy how sweet she was, semen dribbling down your chin just like how the popsicle juices were currently making a mess on your face. 
“So messy, aren’t you?” Cabernet hums, taking her napkin and dotingly wiping the juice from your chin. “No need to be so ravenous, my dear. We have plenty of popsicles to devour.” 
She smiles and suddenly tilts your chin up with the edge of her fingers, eyes going half lidded with arousal before whispering in your ear. “Plenty of popsicles, and one you could savor forever.”
And judging from the small boner straining against Cabernet’s dress, you had a small idea of just what kind of popsicle Cabernet was referring to. It was one you would savor forever indeed…
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Because of how hot it had become in the Bureau, Adela began getting frequent customers, both staff and sinners alike, all asking for shorter and thinner haircuts to get just a bit more breeze on their skin while the ACs were all broken. 
Poor Adela had been stuck in her cell room snipping away hair for nearly everyone at the Bureau. Don’t get her wrong, she loved her job with a burning passion, but when almost all the ACs were broken and there wasn’t much ventilation circling through the walls (plus the added smell of hair chemicals and constant work from day to night), Adela was beginning to feel fatigued and had to take a small break in the screening room where there was one working AC in the whole building. 
She was covered in a thin layer of sweat as she took a sip from her ice cold water bottle to cool off. She was rethinking her working hours for the summer since she was getting more fatigued the further they went into summer, and was lost in thought until she heard the screening room door open. 
“Oh, hello there sweetheart.” 
Adela flashed you a soft smile and immediately set down her water bottle. “What brings you to find me? Are you in need of a haircut? Everyone has been asking for one nowadays, it’s just too hot to function with long, thick hair…”
She chuckled and looked up at you, patting the spot beside her for you to sit down. “No, maybe next time.” You responded, smiling before sitting down next to her as she requested. “I came to give you something!”
“Oh?” Adela chuckles and tilts her head fondly. “You didn’t have to get me anything. Just your presence is enough for me.” 
“I know, but this time the gift is really worth it.” You smiled, holding up two popsicles in your hand. “The kitchen had been hard at work making popsicles for everybody, so I snatched two for us to enjoy!”
Adela smiled and blushed slightly at your generosity. “You really didn’t have to do that for me, sweetheart. I could’ve grabbed them myself, but…thank you.” She seemed very grateful for the sugary, cold, treat, and took one of the popsicles from your hand. “No problem, I figured since you were working so hard these past few days, you needed something cold to cool you down.” 
You frowned and got a bit pouty at the thought. “Everyone needs to wait a little with their haircuts. They’re overworking you on so many hot days…there’s only so much of you to go around.”
Adela laughed softly at the way you got so defensive over her, patting the top of your head soothingly. “It’s my job, I like making people happy with their haircuts. It does get hot sometimes, but I can handle it. I thank you for worrying about me, though.”
Oh how Adela wanted to kiss you badly for how much you cared for her. You were just so cute and endearing in her eyes, yet she refrained from showing you affection for fear of ruining your friendship. “Well, enough pouting. Let us enjoy this treat, shall we?”
She smiles and begins unwrapping her popsicle to enjoy. When you finally relaxed and eased up your tension, Adela sighs with content as the two of you were engulfed in a comfortable silence. It wasn’t often that Adela got to have a relaxing time like this with someone she deeply cared about, so to have someone like you spend time with her on her break, really brought the hairdresser at ease.
“Ah, mine’s melting a bit.”
“Careful dear. You don’t want to spill on your clothes—”
Adela glanced over at you and her breath hitched at the sight of you tracing your tongue up along the length of your popsicle, licking up all the dripping juices and trying to clean the mess off your hand with your tongue. The sight of you doing this reminded her of…not so innocent things as blood rushed to her cheeks and made her blush. 
“Oh…here, let me help you.” Adela grabbed a few spare napkins and helped clean the mess off your hand and chin. She adored the sight of your clumsiness and found herself fluttering over the way you looked up at her with gratitude. “Thanks, sorry. I guess I should’ve accounted that these popsicles would be a bit messy.” 
You gave her a small, innocently messy smile and poor Adela felt her tights suddenly feel restrictive against her lower areas. A pulse of heat shot through her cock, causing her to stifle a whimper and feel herself strain against her tights. Without warning, Adela felt her innocent mind cloud with images of your hand wrapping around her length. The long, yet skinny length twitching under your touch before you lean down to grasp the tip into your lips and smirk up at her with mischief in your eyes. 
Adela felt guilty. She hated and loved the fact that she was imagining you in such inappropriate positions. She wanted to get rid of these thoughts, but her mind started spiraling and soon she was picturing you kneeling by her bed, thighs parted slightly with your innocent eyes looking up at her and pleasing her length with that tight throat of yours. Oh how she could just imagine your tongue tracing over each individual vein ribbing along her cock, knowing full well that you’d enjoy a stimulating sensation such as that against your mouth…
Darn it… Adela was getting hard. Adela rarely gets hard with how she always had the best thoughts and intentions of her loved ones, yet when you were licking that frozen treat of yours so sensually, how could Adela not picture you replacing that popsicle of yours with her cock? 
“Ah, apologies my dear. But I’m afraid I must head back to work. Thank you for keeping me company,” Adela says in a quiet tone, getting up before you could say anything else and quickly making her way back to her room. After locking the door and making sure no one could get in, Adela groaned and slid her tights down, her erect cock popping free with beads of precum leaking down the tip, as she now had a rock hard boner to deal with before seeing other customers… Adela sighed and rubbed her face in frustration. It looks like she’d be spending the rest of her break trying to relieve herself of this monster, sitting down on the chair her customers oftentimes sat on, before touching herself to thoughts of cumming down your throat…
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For the past few days at the Bureau, Kelvin was hard at work preparing popsicles for everyone, ever since the air conditioning units all broke for seemingly no reason. Staff and sinners alike were all sending so many complaints to the poor Chief, and Kelvin being Kelvin, thought of making a temporary solution in order to get everyone off the Chief’s back. 
Kelvin was one of the few sinners who weren’t affected by the heat wave. Due to her particularly unique ability gained from becoming a sinner, Kelvin was immune to the hot air and fatigue, and was busy whipping up different flavored popsicles in the kitchen from morning to night. 
The chefs of the Bureau would help her, of course.  But most of the time Kelvin worked alone. She wanted to perfect her popsicle recipes to appease to the crowd’s tastes, so she was oftentimes up late at night preparing several batches of flavorful frozen treats. 
You had stumbled upon her cooking up a storm in the kitchen one night when you were out to get a glass of water. Upon seeing the meek sinner running around and mixing different fruit blends and flavors, you peeked your head in with curiosity and wondered what she was doing. 
You watched as she squeaked and nearly dropped the tray of unfrozen popsicles on the floor. Quick to rush over to her, you helped steady her posture and felt guilty for startling her. “Ah, sorry. I shouldn’t have surprised you like that.” 
“N-No no, it’s fine. I just didn’t expect any visitors today at this hour,” Kelvin nervously chuckled and set the tray of unfrozen popsicle juice on the counter. “Did you need something from the kitchen? I’ll try my best to provide.”
“Well, I just came down to get a glass of water, but I didn’t expect you to be working so late still.” You tilted your head at her and offered a hand. “Do you need help? You've been working so hard lately caring for the entire Bureau throughout the heat wave. I don’t want you to be tired.”
Kelvin’s cheeks flushed a bit at your concern, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. “Ah, well, if you’re up to the task, I’d be happy to have some help in filling the rest of these popsicle molds. These are all for tomorrow’s batch, and I think it’ll be faster if we had two people working at the same time.” 
She smiles sheepishly at you. “Is…Is that okay?” 
“Of course, here, give me a pitcher.” And so you began helping Kelvin out in the kitchen. The two of you working diligently to finish tomorrow’s popsicles as quickly as possible. What was about half an hour of work had been halved to about fifteen minutes with you and Kelvin working together, and soon the last batch of the evening was slid into the freezer ready to be frozen for tomorrow. 
“Ah, we finished much quicker than I thought!” Kelvin exclaimed happily, already starting the cleanup process. “If you’d like, you can grab a popsicle of your choice that’s already been frozen. Think of it as like…a treat of sorts. A thank you for helping me.” 
She smiles bashfully and fiddled with her fingers, quickly washing the dishes while you took a popsicle of your choosing. 
“Mmmm. You've really outdone yourself this time, Kelvin. This flavor is really good.”
“Really? I’m glad you enjoy it—”
Kelvin grinned and turned around to face you, only to gasp and nearly drop the cup she was holding in her hand. 
“What? What’s wrong?” 
“Ah, nothing nothing. I just thought I saw a bug on the wall.” 
She flashed you a timid smile and turned back to face the sink, ears going pink as the sight of you pursing your lips over the popsicle and sucking on it ravenously, as it had Kelvin’s innocent mind wandering to dangerous territories. She didn’t expect herself to get so…aroused at the sight of you nonchalantly sucking on a popsicle to eat, yet the poor woman felt the inside of her small cock pulse with need the more she thought about it.
‘Ohhhh nooooo…’ Kelvin thought, trying to take her mind off her horniness as she continued scrubbing the dishes. She was lucky that she was turned away from you to hide her ever-growing blush and flustered-ness, but a part of her wanted to let her imagination run loose with the image of you bobbing your head up and down the sugary confection. 
Kelvin’s cock was not the biggest in comparison to the other sinners, in fact she was probably one of the smaller sinners on the spectrum when it came to measuring her dick size. However, she couldn’t help but think of how easy it would be for you to pop her entire length in your mouth, taking her from the tip to the base, as your mouth swallowed her whole and engulfed her in a sea of pleasure.
Kelvin stifled a whimper, feeling her tights strain against her ever-hardening erection as she rubbed her thighs together to provide some friction on her shaft. Poor Kelvin, she was so, so horny now. Picturing someone as hot and caring as you slowly edging her and teasing her as you traced circles around her cute cockhead, watching the tip grow redder and redder before spilling over with cute beads of seed and down her thighs…
Oh my, if you teased her delicately like that, Kelvin is unsure if she’d ever be able to stop herself. After all, whenever Kelvin orgasmed, she could barely contain herself as her ejaculations could last a very long time depending on how sensitive she was. (And most often than not, Kelvin was very sensitive when it came to a lover’s touch) 
“Mmpf…hnnn…” Kelvin chewed her bottom lip and swallowed as she felt herself stiffen while scrubbing the dishes. She was definitely distracted with her thoughts, as she didn’t notice you creeping up behind her.
“You’ve been scrubbing the same cup for a while now.”
Kelvin yelped and made the mistake of turning around, revealing the small, barely noticeable —but still noticeable in your eyes— dark stain that hovered just above where her tip would be. Your eyes immediately lowered and noticed the stain garnering the bluenette’s little chef outfit, and the smirk that stretched across your lips caused Kelvin to shiver with delight.
“Oh, distracted were we?” You chuckled, causing Kelvin to squeak and cover her crotch area with her hands, face going bright red with shame as embarrassment settled in. “Ah, don’t cover yourself. You look adorable! Were you busying yourself with thoughts of me?”
Kelvin couldn’t make eye contact with you, but stiffly nodded as a show of honesty. 
“Awe, alright then. I’ve finished my popsicle while you were ‘distracted’ but I’m still hungry…” 
Kelvin’s breath hitched as you got down on your knees, resting your cheek on her leg and smiling up at her. “Care to give me another popsicle, Kelvin? I came down for some water earlier, but it seems I’m parched for something else…” 
Unable to overcome her lust, Kelvin gulped and just slid her tights down with ease.
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gay-as-fucking-hell · 4 months
Headcannons (NSFW) | Adela
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Rating : 18+ (Minors and Fetishsizers DNI!)
Fandom : Path to Nowhere
Pairing : Adela × Reader
(If I missed any, please tell me and I will fix it!)
CW : NSFW, Begging, Body Worship, Hair Pulling, Marking, Mommy Kink, Overstimulation, Praise Kink, Pregnant Sex, Scratching, Somnophilia, Teasing, and Transfem
Summary : My NSFW Headcannons of the character Adela from Path to Nowhere. This covers what role she plays in the bedroom, along with her kinks and her preferences.
Notes : This was made with a female reader in mind but it can be read as a GN reader and Adela is written as both AFAB and Transfem. Enjoy!
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Adela's role in the bedroom is a Dominant Top. She's a mix of a Service Top and a Pleasure Dom. She likes being in control and gets very aroused by being the source of pleasure for her S/O and loves drawing multiple orgasms out of them. She is a hard top and doesn't like bottoming. The reason for this is tied to various parts of her past but it is mainly a tendency she has of putting others' needs before her own. She would try to bottom for her S/O if they really want her to, but Adela would have a really hard time enjoying it. Especially if her partner isn't getting any physical pleasure from it.
During love making, Adela notes every little detail about your body and the reactions she prods out of it. She's one to meticulously memorize every part of you till she knows your body and mind like the back of her hand. Its honestly scary how well she's able memorize you as it gets to the point she knows your body better then you do and can play you like an instrument, one of which she's mastered.
Adela prefers to use her own body on you rather than using sex toys. This kinda stems from a place of jealousy as she sees it as you getting pleasure from something that isn't her. She will use things like straps and blindfolds pretty often but other stuff, not so much.
Adela's finger game is god tier and honestly, it makes a lot of sense for her to be so good at it.  Working as a hairdresser requires some pretty nimble fingers and when you take into account how long each digit is, it all starts to click. So yeah, don't be surprised when she uses them on you and you can't walk afterwards.
Adela is one to check-in during sex pretty often, especially if you're experimenting with something new in the bedroom. She just wants to make sure that her S/O is comfortable and not in any pain. If there is something wrong at any time, tell her. She wants her S/O to feel comfortable communicating anything with her, especially during sex. So if she finds out that you were uncomfortable or God forbid, experienced any type of unwanted pain, then she's going to beat herself up and worry you don't trust her or are even scared of her.
If this situation ever occurs, Adela will communicate her worries and ask if there was a reason you didn't say anything. She might look composed on the outside but she's crying, worried, hurt, and scared on the inside. Just communicate with her and everything will be resolved in a healthy manner.
Adela is one to have soft, sensual, and romantic sex with her partner, both slow and fast. She sees sex as a very intimate bonding experience so she usually isn't ready to have sex with her partner until 4 to 6 months into the relationship. First time sex with Adela is so tooth rottingly sweet, it's adorable. She's constantly checking-in with you, making sure you're as comfortable as you can be, with a lot of praising and kisses from her.
During sex, Adela has a tendency to maintain as much skin to skin contact with her partner as she possibly can. She likes being physically close whilst being intimately close, it's like her way of saying, "I'm doing this because I love you, not just for of the pleasure," She kinda struggles with showing her love and vulnerability so she makes up for it during this time. Sex is already so vulnerable for her, so she sees it as the perfect time to be even more vulnerable with you by pouring every last drop of her love and passion into it.
As I said, Adela enjoys soft sex but that doesn't mean she's not into rough sex. It depends on how long you've been dating and the amount of sex you guys have had. She won't bring rough sex into your relationship until a lot later, probably not until the 9 month mark. She'll bring up the idea to you and will proceed with it only if you want to. Even with your consent, Adela will still be holding back pretty hard as she's afraid of going to rough and hurting you. As the session goes on she'll ease up on her restraint and start going at you harder, but if you want her to cut the shit and get to it then a "Adela, stop holding back and fuck me properly already," should suffice. She'll still be holding back but she will be pretty rough with you.
When Adela does eventually let all of her self restraint go, she lets out her Overstimulation Kink. Remember how I said she's a pleasure dom? Yeah, I wasn't joking. Once she's comfortable with dropping her shackles of control, it's pure, non-stop, continuous orgasms. She'll have you so overwhelming fucked to the point your overstimulation will trigger overstimulation. There will even be sessions where Adela goes at you while you're floating in and out of consiousness or till you're on the brink of passing out. These are also one of the few times Adela will use a sex toy, that being a cockring. Her goal is to fuck as many orgasms out of you as she possibly can and a cockring allows for longer sessions by trapping more blood in her cock and making ejaculation harder. These sessions only take place on occasion though as her S/O is left pretty sore afterwards and there would be consequences if they occur too often.
Adela is huge on Body Worship. She genuinely sees her S/O as perfect in every way and wants them to know that, inside and outside the bedroom. If you have any insecurities about your body, wether that be scars, deformities, stretch marks, weight gain, infertility, body dysmorphia, gender dysphoria or anything else of the sort, expect to be bombarded with kisses, various love marks, uplifting praises, and gentle touches. She'll show her admiration through these means with passionate and loving sex or whilst simply holding you, which ever you prefer.
Has a HUGE Praise Kink. Adela is one to praise her partner a lot but absolutely melts if she receives any kind of praise from them. She finds it very reassuring and it eases her worries, so give her a lot.
Pregnant Sex is a definite yes for Adela. Even though I see her as one who would rather adopt a baby than make one, I can't deny that she'd love to have you while you're pregnant. Its probably the sweetest sex you'll ever have with her. She's just filled with so much pride and love that she can't help but want to softly thrust into you while caressing your swollen belly.
Hair Pulling is a kink that Adela found out she had after her S/O yanked her face into their shoulder while she was going at them from behind. Now, anytime her hair is messed with in a sexual manner it causes heat to pool with in her groin. There are even times when you're innocently playing with her hair and Adela will feel the familiar sensation of blood/heat rushing downwards.
She also finds arousal in messing with her partner's hair. As someone who works with hair, Adela has gained a unique fascination and appreciation for it. People use it as a way to express one's self and put great trust into another person to shape it for them. So being able to mess with her S/O's hair in a rougher way during sex fills her with euphoria and she sees it as huge show of trust. She loves being able to harshly grasp it, tangle her hands within it, stuff her face into it and maybe even lightly tug at it.
Scratching is another kink Adela found out she had because of her S/O. Being able to make you feel so good that you dig your nails into her flesh before dragging them across her skin fills her with so much pride and bliss. Burying your nails into her like they're talons and just gripping her flesh does it for her to. And the burning sensation that follows after feels so nice on her natrualy cold skin. She also loves the markings that are left behind. Seeing all of the red lines and welts littered on her body gives her a feeling security and fills her with love.
Adela enjoys teasing her S/O as it feeds into her Begging Kink. She likes hearing you beg and hearing how much you want her is a pretty big turn on for her. This kink kinda ties into some insecurities she has of her S/O leaving her after she allowed herself to form such a intimate relationship with them. It's reassuring to hear you begging for her affection and she correlates it to you saying you won't leave cause you need her.
Adela is very into Somnophilia. She originally used this kink to satisfy herself as she didn't want to bother her S/O. But now she finds herself taking them whilst they sleep to pacify her libido and because of how arousing she finds it. Remember how I said she'd fuck you till you pass out? Well if Adela's sex drive hasn't run out yet, she'll keep going at you whilst your unconscious until shes satisfied. Waking up with cum between your thighs becomes a regular occurence, along with waking up in the morning to feel Adela thrusting her cock/fingers into your cunt.
And finally, Adela has a Mommy Kink, I don't think I need to explain myself on this one.
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Notes : And that's it! I may add headcannons if any more come to mind but this is all I have for now. Anyways, thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed.
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sinsmockingbird · 5 months
Sumire lovers are asking for a prt 3 of the condom series with the graden members! (and maybe add adela and eleven in)
Sumire lovers will be Sumire havers. I mean- you'll be Garden havers in this case with a few additions. I love these women very much.
CW: Smut under the cut!
• Adela would be chuckling softly to herself when she sees you grab the XL sized condoms, but her face is flushing a light pink.
• Unlike a lot of the women, Adela keeps the most calm and doesn't address it. Fully, at least. She'll make a small, passing comment saying, "My, I didn't know you were that big."
• It'll make you pause and flush red as you duck your head in slight embarrassment, before watching her as she continues on shopping like she hadn't said anything.
• At home, she makes sure to take her sweet time with you. She wants the moment to be special and full of love, taking time to undress you and then herself.
• Coquelic is a huffing mess of embarrassment and arousal. She's red faced and slightly shaking when she realizes you grabbed the XL sized condoms. Knowing your that huge has her squeezing her thighs slightly together.
• She tries to be subtle about it, but you know her signs when she's aroused, and you can tell after sometime of shopping that she is.
• If you try to say something about it, be prepared for her to suddenly slap you, her face blooming even more red as she sputters out an excuse, before accusing you of being a pervent.
• Don't take anything she says to heart, she doesn't know how to handle the situation. But if it did bother you, make sure to make her drunk on your cock as you fuck any of her holes once you get home.
• Garofano can't help but laugh when she sees you grab the XL sized condoms, her past exes flashing in her head as she remembers how pathetic their cocks were.
• But know knowing what you were packing in your pants, she knows for a fact that you'll actually be able to pleasure her unlike them. She can just imagine how big you'll be spreading open her mature pussy.
• It gets her excited. It gets her... needy, something she rarely ever is. So don't mind if she's hooking your arms together as you finish shopping, pressing her breasts firmly against your arm as a silent way of telling you, "I can't wait to have you."
• Once home, Garofano will be taking the lead first, her experience coming out as she handles pleasuring you with expertise. But once you cum all over her hands, pin her to the bed and give her the best fucking she's ever had.
• Eleven will have a small smile tugging at her lips when she notices you placing the XL sized condoms into the basket. She'll glance between you and it for a few moments, but doesn't say anything further.
• It isn't until a little bit more into your shopping that she leans into your back, brushing her lips against your ear as she speaks so softly.
• It leaves you flustered and aroused, fidgeting with the basket as you intend to get shopping done quickly tp be able to get home soon.
• As soon as you are, Eleven will be voice recording the entire thing (with your permission), so she's able to listen back to the first night she took your big cock. Who knows, maybe she'll share it to her radio station.
• Poor Sumire gets so meek and timid, it's honestly surprising. The second she notices your hand even reaching for the XL sized condoms, she's shaking and can only imagine what your cock looks like.
• She's chewing her bottom lip, eyeing you as you continue shopping, acting like everything was okay. Which it was! Besides the aching pain between her legs that's just getting worse by the second.
• At some point she's tugging on your sleeve, hiding her flushed face into your shoulder as she mutters if you guys can leave early. If you question her, she'll subtly grind herself against your leg, giving you all the indication you need.
• Soon as you get home, Sumire finds a bit of her confidence again, pushing you against the bed and moving to pleasure you, wanting to get more familiar with your large cock before anything else goes further.
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dulcesiabits · 7 months
when the fog rolls in.
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summary: You try to piece together your scattered memories about a woman you once knew.
notes: 1.7k words, fic, author's notes, memory loss + nonlinear narrative, I just really wanted to play with form and perspective with this one!!!
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There is something you have to do.
There is something you have to do, and you do not remember what.
There is a memory, like a scrap of discolored silk, that you clutch in your numb fingers.
There are many memories, like faded pieces of fabric, too light and too loose for you to hold and to collect. They fall out of your hands just as you reach for them, so you can only hold one at a time.
You have to remember.
You cannot forget.
There is something you have to do, and you’re running out of time.
A woman runs light, gentle fingers through your hair, combing the unruly strands. She’s humming an Eastside lullaby that pools in your heart and all its crevices.
Your head is in her lap, and you snuggle against her like a cat. Her touch makes you melt boneless into her arms. 
You love her, you think. You have loved her for a long time. You love her gentle fingers and her soft voice and the way she looks at you like you’re the most precious thing in the world.
“Awake already?” she asks. Sharp sunlight cuts across her face, obscuring her features from you. “You should sleep some more.”
“But if I do, I won’t get to spend as much time as you,” you say drowsily.
Her laugh is a light mist that settles comfortably over you. You must have done this many times, you think. You must have whiled away countless hours in her warm arms, to be so comfortable here, so relaxed, so at peace.
Her fingers ghost across your eyelids, and you close them obediently. Her fingers trail down to your lips, tracing their outline. 
“Of course you do. We have all the time in the world,” she says, but there is a trace of sadness in her voice.
You want to ask her why. You want to hold her. You want to tell her you love her. But before you can open your eyes, she is already kissing you like a goodbye.
There is a woman you love.
Her name is [     ].
“Why do you cut hair?”
It is an idle question, posed when there are no more customers in the salon, and the woman is sweeping the floor. You sit in a rolling chair, twirling yourself around in planetary rotations.
“It was a dream I had when I was little,” she says. “I liked the idea of being able to soothe away people’s worries by cutting their hair and listening to them talk. In the end, a lot of people really just need a listening ear.”
“It’s sweet that you care so much about others,” you say, slowing to a stop. You peer up at the woman. You are always looking at her in stolen glimpses like this, stealing away memories to pocket and keep, to pour over when you’re by yourself.
She’s beautiful, with her long, slender fingers, and the silk of her hair brushing her shoulders. 
“Something catch your eye?” she says, without pausing in her work. “Want to talk about it?”
You flush. “No.”
“Well, if you ever need someone to hear your worries, my door is always open for you.”
“Then I’ll do the same for you!” you propose.
“What?” This time, the broom slows to a halt, a touch of astonishment in the woman’s eyes.
“I’ll listen to you. If you’re always listening to other people’s worries, then who’s going to listen to you? I can do that. If it’s not too presumptuous,” you add, embarrassed.
“It’s not,” she responds softly. “It’s not at all. Thank you. You’re a very kind person.”
“I don’t know if I’m that kind–”
“No. You are,” she says firmly. 
The broom clatters to the floor. The woman leans close to where you sit on the chair. You do not dare to stir when she cups her hands around your cheeks and kisses you on the forehead, like it is a spell that can be broken.
You move from house to house in the Eastside. You don’t know why. You’re looking for something, you think. But you can’t remember what.
You bring a bouquet to the woman one day, a fresh meadow of roses and lilies, pale and fragrant.
Her fingers graze against yours as she takes the flowers, her touch lingering just a second too long.
“They’re beautiful,” she says, fingering a petal.
“I wanted to surprise you,” you say nervously. “I thought you looked a little sad lately, and these flowers reminded me of you, so…”
“Sad? I looked sad?” she says, surprised.
“I mean, a little. I don’t know. I thought maybe it was because there’s less customers lately, and everyone is scared of the fog and that silly urban legend, so I wanted to cheer you up,” you begin.
There’s a kaleidoscope of emotions across her face, each one flitting by so quickly you can’t hope to decipher them. 
“I’m all right,” she says, but she still looks a little shaken. “I didn’t realize you could read me so well.”
“Well, I care about you. It would be weird if I didn’t pay attention to you, you know?” You twist your fingers nervously. “Sorry. Was this too much?”
“No. It’s lovely,” the woman says, but there’s a fog blanketing her eyes again, and she is a thousand miles away from you.
“If you’re worried about the rumors, don’t,” you say impulsively. “I’ll protect you.”
“You’ll protect me?” she says, and she is smiling, right where you can reach.
“I’ll walk you home if you want,” you offer.
The woman holds the bouquet to her face, breathing in deeply. “No. It’s okay. Stay home. Try not to go out after dark. Rumors are rumors, but you should try to stay safe, don’t you think?”
“Okay,” you say uncertainly. “Sure. But what if you–”
She smiles mischievously over the flowers. “I’ll be fine. No one will bother an ordinary hairdresser, don’t you think?” 
There is a woman on the streets with short black hair. You grab her arm without thinking.
“What are you doing?” she snaps, jerking her arm away.
“Sorry. I thought you looked like someone I knew,” you stammer, but she’s already hurrying away, and your hands are as lonely as ever.
Hair like a circle of moonlight on your pillow. Soft hands around your waist. Legs entwined like lovers.
In the inky sea of night, it is just the two of you, floating in the boat of your apartment bed.
“You’ve always lived here?” she whispers to you. “In Eastside?”
“Yes. What about you? Did you grow up around here?”
The woman falls silent, contemplating. “I move around quite a bit for work, so I’ve never had time to settle down anywhere.”
You pull her closer. “Why don’t you settle down here, then?”
“It would be nice,” she acknowledges.
“If you’re worried about business, I could help you drum up customers. Solicit random people in the streets. Maybe do some sort of street performance in front of your shop.”
“You? A street performer?”
“I always wanted to learn how to juggle,” you propose.
She laughs. “I don’t think you need to go that far. Or is it just that you want an excuse to juggle?”
“Maybe,” you say. “But you should stay here. It’s a nice neighborhood.”
“It is,” she says. “Very nice. It’s where you grew up, isn’t it?”
“You know, we could…” You lace your fingers together with her. “We could be a family here, too.”
“A family,” she repeats.
“We could be each other’s family,” you murmur again.
“I would like that,” she says quietly.
Her hand is cold and limp in yours. You squeeze it, once, in reassurance, trying to will warmth back into her touch.
There is a new hair salon in your shabby neighborhood. You do not remember when it opened, just that it suddenly sprang into existence between the space of one day and the next. It is a lovely little place, and everyday you pass by, you see a woman through the glass.
Some days she is snipping hair with her scissors. Some days she is bent by the sink, gently washing a customer’s hair. Other days, when it is slow, she is simply resting at the counter.
Once, when she sees you staring, she smiles and tilts her head, bangs falling across her forehead, and you look away before she can see you blush.
The next day, the door is propped open, and as you pass by, she pops her head out. “Hello. Are you interested in a haircut?”
“I don’t know. I don’t really cut it much.” You self-consciously touch the ends.
“You do have lovely hair.” She’s posing by the door, arms crossed over the other. 
“So do you,” you blurt out. “But, I, uh, guess that’s expected. Since you’re a hairdresser.”
She laughs, a sound like wind chimes in the light breeze. “Why, thank you. If you ever find yourself in need of my services, even for a little trim, don’t hesitate to come in.”
The day after that, you scrounge up what little money you have and head into the shop. When the woman sees you, she smiles like the sun. And you, like a flower, cannot help but bloom in her light.
A hand over your eyes. A familiar touch. Your body, sluggish and slow to respond.
“I’ve stayed too long.”
A voice, like a drop of starlight in the night.
“I should have moved on much, much sooner.”
A warmth, next to you.
“You made me selfish. I didn’t want to leave you.”
The shiver of steel in the air.
“But that’s no longer an option. I don’t want to become another worry for you.”
A cool kiss on your lips, a kiss as faint as frost. 
“You deserve to be happy.”
And then, a hollow yearning, stretching like a chasm in your mind, in the space where something should have been.
There is something you have to do.
There is something you have to do, and you are starting to remember what.
There is a memory, like a scrap of discolored silk, that you clutch in your numb fingers.
There are many memories, like faded pieces of fabric, and you collect them all in your hands, as many as you can. They are puzzle pieces, and you have to fit them all together, even if you can no longer tell what they are supposed to be.
You have to remember.
You cannot forget.
You have to remember, as many times as it takes. No matter how painful it is. No matter how difficult. No matter how lonely.
You cannot stop until you see her again.
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eeulysian · 5 months
can i plz request dating adela hcs?
summary: adela x reader and how its like to date this very beautiful blue haired S rank sinner
cw: none
a/n: i'm sorry if this is ooc and so short too! i don't have adela and i haven't played path to nowhere in a while now since hsr has been catching my attention the most lately. i hope i didn't disappoint!
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✦ she's definitely a teaser and a bully. she loves seeing your reactions, like when you get flustered or when you pout because you're angry at her. if you do end up taking her silly tactics to heart though, expect to get squeezed in by a hug as an apology
✦ adela loves pda. she likes to show you off to all the other sinners, officers and the chief by putting her arm around you, holding your hand, suddenly creeping up from behind and hug you when you're talking to other sinners or the officers
✦ and by that style of pda, you could tell she's very touchy. her top love language is physical contact. she will find every chance, and i mean EVERY. to hold you, hug you, play with your hair or squeeze your adorable face
✦ i wouldn't say she gets easily jealous. she puts all her trust in you because she knows you wouldn't do anything bad behind her back like cheating or seeing other people, so she can feel at ease. when she does get jealous tho, like someone is flirting with you and pushing your boundaries, she definitely has the capabilities of doing something shady and dark lol... so expect them to go missing the next day 🙊
✦ adela would try to get to know your preferences and interests because she wants to buy you a gift! or steal it... but that's fine, whether it's a chocolate bar or a kitten, she'll get it for you one way or another
✦ i think that adela is a cold person, like her body is physically cold, it's like she came back from fighting for her life in some snowy place. she knows that, so sometimes she would try to cuddle with you to feel your warmth. after all, you're the person that broke down the ice walls around her heart ♡
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© 𝗮𝗹𝗹 𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗸𝘀 𝗰𝗿𝗲𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗱 𝗯𝘆 𝗲𝗲𝘂𝗹𝘆𝘀𝗶𝗮𝗻. 𝗽𝗹𝗲𝗮𝘀𝗲 𝗱𝗼 𝗻𝗼𝘁 𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗮𝗹, 𝗿𝗲𝘄𝗿𝗶𝘁𝗲 𝗼𝗿 𝗿𝗲𝗽𝗼𝘀𝘁.
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Pookie, what do you think of ptn characters being self aware au?? I need another platonic for that😍😍😍
Pookie 😿 The way that I wanted to answer this right away, but I ended up thinking about it for half a day, since today I had to finish counting tears in a plastic bottle (life update, today was my GRD and they had me recite 50 STEPS 😀 Changing patient gown and iv infusion + insertion 😢 But I SLAYED because I got perfect and one mistake in the other 😎) - Idk about ya'll but... You probably found out about the game based on the ad that had MISS 🤭 MAAM 🥰 Zoya... You guys don't understand the GRIP 😩 it had on me when I saw the ad for the first time... So, after watching THE ad that saved LIVES 🤩 including mine ofc 😊 You downloaded the app, despite having ZERO experience playing a tower defense game... 😶 That was me, highkey projecting rn... 😔😔😔 - So after days of getting used to the game, you started watching the interrogation since you were quite curious about the sinners backstory... 🤔🤔🤔 After finishing part of Hella's interrogation, you started to notice weird things happening in the game.
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- If you put Zoya as your display character, she starts getting too real about asking you how your day was. And telling you stuff like; You better level me first 😤😤😤 because I'm the only who can protect you bbgirl... 🐺 Girl... This wasn't here before 🤨 so you definitely looked it up, but to no avail... So you probably felt special... 😍😍😍 Like, for me??? 🥺 Oh my gah 😱 I'm never letting you go POOKIE 🤭 Though you got jumpscared by the way Zoya suddenly responded with, That's right... I'm your pookie now... 😈 Making you press the home button on your phone due to how much you are FOLDING rn... 😳😳😳 Zoya canonically RIZZING you up pookie... *Sighs in not being able to relate because I'm not You pookie... 😞* But lmao imagine saying words like, Pookie 😍, Rizz 😏, and Bbgirl 🐺 to THE Zoya, like this is sending me rn... The way that I giggled a lil bit too hard writing this, feeling a lil EMBARAZZED picturing how Zoya would probably react to this... She's probably amused at you fangirling about her character, gives me FANSERVICE queen vibes like??? 😳 She knows how to play her role TOO well... 🥵
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If you decide to put Adela as your display chara... (Though, what you know about my POOKIE Adela??? 🤨 Maam, I probably need to see that I.D for verification that you are INDEED another Pookie of Adela's... 🧐🧐🧐 /j I SEE 👀 you that one Adela pookie in my comments rn... So, this one's for you 🥰 and a lil bit of a spoiler pooks, if you see this rn... I'm writing another installment to our fav hair stylist soon...) - Adela would DEFINITELY give you good advice about hair... Me thinks my girl Adela knows FASHION 💃 Because, you cannot convince ME that this girl doesn't know how to dress up, like??? Her default outfit? SLAYED THE BOOTS DOWN 👢💥 So, rest assured you guys chose the right girl to display because this girl DON'T play around with both SERVING looks and SLAYING in one setting like girl... Me thinks if you like asmr, and had it on playing in the background and she hears and sees how it relaxes you... She probably would replicate it, like girlie had a secret career brewing and thought that we didn't notice??? 😯 Pookie, at this point, if you want to sleep or just relax... Hop on the game rn... Adela's doing 💈✂ barber shop 💇‍♀️ asmr... 😴😴😴 Adela havers be having a good night sleep, being blessed every night with her calming atmosphere... (Average Adela fan spotted, I will YAP when I hear her name...) Her voice lines would make you feel that you guys were besties from the start, or it's either like she's your mom friend and you guys get to hanggg around when she's not too busy SERVING the customers 💅
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Not the soul siren 😭 but if you guys put her as your display character and you eat in front of her during a break... Sis will ROAST you like she's a copy of Gordon Ramsay, but more CUNTIER 💋 Girl acts like you are one of her 5 star chef and DEMANDS that you eat something else... 🙄 Babes really think you're rich 💳✨ and have MONEYYY to eat ✨exquisite✨ food... Only the best food for her caretaker. Girl really said that like you was her maid or something like??? WHAT? 😭😭😭 Lowkey judges you like you're BROKE or smth, same thing applies if you're actually not broke or like... College student tingssss, which makes it even WORSE because sister manages to convince you to buy her skins every time or pull copies of her... Pookie, I think she's a secret marketing agent of AISNO... 🤨 Girl WILL be obsessed with you the moment you max her, forfeit all moral possessions for her, and HER exclusively... 🤐🤐🤐 Sis does not leave you alone even after all that... She's hard to please 😞, in short but she warms up to you when you show significant improvement in your life... It's giving... Strict asian parents vibes 😶 Though, for realsys she isn't mean but like she's hard to predict pookie... I think she's kinda more on the practical side of things... When I mean practical, like your cooking skills... Critiques you as if you're in culinary school... 😃 Tough love for you pookie 💔 But dw, she'll change... When you manage to impress her with your cooking skills, of course 😇 Extra An: Pooks, if ya'll want more... 🤭 Comment which characters you want to see in this series or request other stuff that you want to see... The more KRAZY 🤪 it is, the more likely I am able to EAT 🍴 it up (Though, your pooks wouldn't be active much/still brewing some ideas 🧍‍♀️) TOODLES!
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lower-mkdr · 2 months
Touch starved, A few Adela x reader hcs
Oh, to be in her arms. Always so careful, pretty caring, and for once, it feels warm, because that's exactly the home she wants to build with you, one you could crave and enjoy every single time you think you'll need it.
It started with a certain look, and she's really good at reading it. She's been getting better and better through many years of servicing other's. The moment she knows there's something on with you, she takes the time to consider what is it, if she gets it, well, it's like her own prize, getting to know exactly what her dear lover just needs. If it's the opposite, and she doesn't knows, it's the cutest surprise she could ever get. It's better to voice out things, darling, she won't bite unless you want her to (and even if she attempts to, it would take a long time since she would never like to hurt you in any way).
This kind of gentle touch is one she didn't know she craved for years, always concentrated on pleasing others, but if there’s a change on the plans, and if you're willing to pay her back with it, believe me, she would be more happy than she could ever express. It's the soft and loving way one could express through a single touch, just a soft kiss, or even just leaning to cuddle for a bit, but it's something she never had for herself before. Making her trust through these kind of interactions surely would unlock her most sensitive and emotional side, considering you're the first one willing to make her understand how important she is to you to remember this.
Yes, her skin is usually quite cold, but when it warms up gently, through a hug or even the most gentle caress, she seems lost in thought, her heart beating the fastest while realizing how much she actually adores this. Keep it up, she wouldnt go anywhere nor doesn't plan on doing it. The closest she feel at home, the longer she's make sure to stay. Keep going, it looks pretty simple, almost something out of common sense, but it means the world to her.
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afterdulce · 5 months
hello liya it is i. adela anon. i’m fairly certain you do headcanons—and if not, feel free to ignore this!!—but do you have any general nsfw headcanons for adela? ;P shes so the silly ever
hi adela anon!! it's so nice to see you again <3 Adela really is the silly ever!!!!! I do have some nsfw thoughts for her <3 tried to leave the description of reader gn but it does veer towards afab. all under the cut!
service top. i don't think adela can handle the emotional intimacy of bottoming OR of subbing and letting someone take care of her, so she definitely prefers to have a bit more control. She wants to make you feel good!! Trust yourself with her!! She'll religiously memorize every sweet spot to evoke the best reactions!! only the best for you <3
she gives the best aftercare ever!! I think she enjoys cuddling and kissing away every love bite and having you stroke her hair more than the act itself. Definitely just wants to lounge and hold you and listen to your heartbeat. will apologize if the two of you got a little rough and you're sore haha
I think she's into marking. listen. it ties back into the need for control, and the fact she has a hard time admitting when she wants something. leaving hickeys? biting your neck? it's a way to say that you're hers in a physical manner that she can't quite manage verbally. definitely the sort to get jealous and randomly pull you into a closet to suck on your neck and smile the whole time like she's not SEETHING bc another woman made you smile (adela wins the award for most normal woman ever)
FINGERING QUEEN. She's so so so good with her hands <3 if you have a hand kink, she's a great partner, because her hands are so nice and soft, with pretty nails and long fingers, which can and WILL reach places inside you that you didn't realize existed. honestly think she could just finger you forever and never tire of it until you're like. i need to tap out i can't feel my thighs anymore LOL
on the flip side, i think she also likes it when you make a mess out of her. as much as she adores loving and gentle sex, i think she likes feeling needed. she likes feeling wanted. so mark her up in return. she's okay with a little pain, so bite her as much you want. pull her hair. let her know that you desire her as much as she desires you.
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gay-as-fucking-hell · 3 months
Thinking about a Modern AU for Path to Nowhere and I've got prompts! :D
Office romance with Eirene. She's the cold hearted CEO of Quinn Corporations who has never been in a relationship before and you're the overworked employee that has only ever been in toxic relationships.
Eirene interrupts a yelling your boss was giving you and that interaction soon leads to many more between the two of you. Through you, she finds out about the toxic work environment and mistreatment within her company. This leads to Eirene ordering an overhaul of each department with a multitude of firings of shitty employees occurring and a reworking of many systems.
The both of you grow closer to one another and soon feelings start to bloom. But there's a problem, Eirene's doesn't know a thing about romance and is to prideful to outright ask you out, and you're as dense as a rock and in denial with the possibility of her liking you.
Mafia romance with Zoya. She's the leader of the infamous gang The Legion and you're a forced stripper trying to work off the debt your parents accumulated from a different gang by working at their club.
Zoya was visiting the club to discuss gang matters with the owner when you come over to entertain her whilst she waited for them. She found herself enamoured by you. You looked so out of place, like you didn't belong in your current position and this peeked Zoya's interest. She starts coming to the club regularly, booking you for a few hours in a VIP lounge and eventually conversations start between the two of you.
You both become friends somewhat and you start looking forward to her visits. Zoya starts to get bold, becoming touchy with you and asking more personal questions. You do the same, wanting to know more about her and encouraging her touches whilst initiating your own. Soon the sexual tension becomes too thick to bare and you have sex with her. Afterwards, your boss tries to stop future appointments with Zoya but she doesn't plan on letting that happen.
Amnesia and Small Town romance with Adela. She's a well-known local of the area with a famous salon and you're a new resident who's settling into the area.
You end up moving into town after a nasty divorce with your ex-husband, just wanting to be away from him and to start fresh somewhere. As you're settling in, you start going out for things and talking to the locals. You are told about many things within the town along with a salon and its highly praised owner.
You soon decide to visit the salon for a haircut and now you cant shake the feeling of familiarity during or after your visit. Soon you start getting odd dreams and visions of a life within this small town with the most prominent ones being a fight with your father, a car accident, a mysterious lady, and a feminine voice with a britsh accent.
Anyone is free to use these prompts, but please tag me. I want credit and I want to read the fics!
I hope you enjoyed my brain rot!
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sinful-lanterns · 6 months
MWUAHAHAHHA ANGEY I KNEW IT… happy holidays—do you happen to have any adela headcanons (sfw or otherwise? 😊)
OOOO ADELA! She’s one of my favorite sinners, so ofc I have headcanons regarding her! (Both sfw and nsfw!)
This will be my first drabble on this blog too, so congratulations!
sfw and nsfw under the cut
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SFW Adela headcanons:
- Adela is allergic to animal fur. If you want to have a pet with her, it’d have to be hairless pet, a small, caged animal, or something that lives in the water!
- Adela’s body is naturally very cold, so cuddling with her might be a bit frigid 😅
- One time when you showed her the movie Edward Scissorhands, Adela attempted to learn how to cut bushes like him. It did not go well.
- Adela does not handle spicy food well at all. Maybe this is a direct callout to her being British (due to her accent and all) but she gets really red-faced and coughs quite easily 💕
- She likes to give her partner scalp massages. She thinks it’s a very intimate bonding experience.
- Adela is experienced in cutting hair for children. She’s very good at bonding with the child, and in turn she makes the haircut quick and easy, despite how much children hate haircuts <3
- Adela’s love language is words of affirmation and acts of service. She will pick up on the little things you like and do them for you, or constantly remind you how much she loves you :)
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NSFW Adela headcanons:
- Adela is a switch with a top/dom lean. Specifically a service top as she loves to please her partner 💖
- Sometimes i headcanon her as transfem, so there will be times she is amab in my fics/thirsts!
- Adela doesn’t use toys often. She prefers using her own body or a strap if you really want to use a toy.
- Her fingers are very long and nimble. They are perfect for reaching deep inside you and Adela uses this to her advantage.
- In terms of kinks, she’s pretty vanilla. However, she is very curious about light bondage (specifically binding your wrists together) and blindfolds since she likes surprising you when your senses are deprived.
- She’s one of those women that loves soft, intimate, and romantic sex. So very rarely will you do anything rough, as Adela likes to take her time with you 💕
- She is a goddess at aftercare. Expect warm tea, sweets, a warm meal, blankets, and more after you’re done having sex with Adela. She loves to please and she loves to please you especially!
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Adela as your hairdresser ✂💇‍♀️
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So, idk how you end up getting a hair cut, but you're getting one for today 🥰🥰🥰 FOR FREE?!?!?! 🤯 Sis appeared out of nowhere, and you stumbled 🎢 upon a cute vintage barber shop, that convinced you 💯💯💯percent to get a haircut 🤭 You didn't know about the 🌁🌁🌁 alley incident because frankly, you DIDN'T care 😎 It was just an urban legend... Right? 😈 So anyways! You know when a hairdresser is about to SERVE 💃 When she has a BOB 👷‍♀️ on, has FACE 🥰, and looks like she came out of a Vivienne Westwood fashion show like GIRL why is the hairdresser so FINE??? 🤨🤨🤨
She greets you as soon as you enter her shop, warm smiles, the smell of flowers is what the first thing that hits your nose... 😤🌷The first thing you ask her how she gets rid of the smell of hairspray, she answers she uses the trick of using flowers which explains why you smelled flowers as soon as you went inside... By the way, SIS had you giggling 🤭 the entire interaction because of how... Gorgas (I'm sorry I don't know how to spell it 😇) she is 😍 Pookie then leads you to your seat 🪑, and of course we SAT 🧎‍♀️ since the QUEEN said so 🤩
She tells you if you have any preferences that you wanted to do to your hair... But because this was an impulsive decision... Girlie ended up having to decide HERSELF 😳 remember when they said to trust your barber? When your barber looks like this... Sign me up, I'm SAT and definitely letting her cut my hair the way she wants because I trust her with my life 😊 Adela liked the fact that you seemed to have no worries, like you were just a silly gal getting a haircut... So no mind altering for YOU 😌 Oh bestie... You are so lucky, getting a haircut, not getting mind altercations from her, sitting in that chair, meeting ADELA??? at the same time??? Girl, I am 😡 jealous, that should be ME! 😭 You be living the life 💅
Timeskip to having one of the best💄💋 makeover that changed the trajectory of your life 😲 You and Adela stayed in touch, she ended up liking you so... You get to be a part of her "mundane" life now... 😿 CRYING because again, how??? 😔 How do you do it, POOKIE?!?? So of course, you end up becoming a regular in her cozy shop, making it a habit to drop by regardless of the constant change of location. When I say you WALK, you WALKED the whole Eastside just to see her 🥰 standing on business just to see your favorite hairdresser... 😩✊
You guys exchange letters, since Adela is kind of old school, so she sends you this beautiful 🌹, amazing 😲, mind-blowing 🤯, life changing letter that you keep in your drawers because of how MAJESTIC her penmanship is... Girl you better keep them in MINT condition, if not, I'm making your house as my rob list... Though, you wonder how she does it, changing locations like my GIRL has a walking hair salon that she can just fold her place and lay it out like a tri-fold brochure, with all the itinerary PACKED 💼 Sis acts as if she is a portable barber shop on the go that can magically appear in the blink of an eye... 👁‍🗨 Oh pookie... If only you knew...
Imagine your surprise receiving a letter that she got in JAIL like... My pookie didn't do wrong! 🤐🤐🤐 This is why you read the news and listen to people, but y'know stuff was boring to read anyways and you wasn't going to listen enough because, you don't like getting told what NOT to do! 💅💅💅 I fear 😰 you ✨SLAYED✨ with the response... So, of course like any sane pookie, you visited your favorite hairdresser to show some moral support with what she was going through... 🤧🤧🤧 *Sniffles* You are such a good pookie that you're making me EMOTIONAL
You met with the chief and her adjutant, they take you to a room that you can chat with Adela, but not you tryna defend pookie while also supporting women's wrongs at the same time because you couldn't go to her cozy vintage barber shop anymore so you protest and started a petition... ONLINE. 🤓 Girl, what is you doing..??? 😧 Both the chief and adjutant thought you were a CRAZED regular of Adela, them thinking you were brainwashed as well, but you explained to them that NO, pookie can't you see I'm grieving rn??? The way that ya'll can see her often but I CANT! Speaks a lot 😢😢😢 ahh dialogue
You sat there WAITING for your fav hairdresser, thinking if she got jumped by some prisoners, because if they did, sweetie... Your going to break in jail and whoop some ass... Even though you know nothing about fighting and have zero experience as well... 😃 Girl, don't be stupid 😭 I don't want to have an early funeral to host because YA'LL died early ⚰⚰⚰ I can't give out plot armor to my pookies too much 🤪🤪🤪 so value your life, but mood 🤩 So, finally pookie arrived, her FACE card never declining, as usual 🥱 You and pookie chat about how she got in jail, with her lowkey lying for a bit because sis didn't want to worry you... 🤧🤧🤧 Sobbing rn because of how sweet she is 😔 Adela, they can never make me hate you... 🥺🥺🥺
After having a sweet conversation with her, she exits the room due to the time limit... 👿 GRR why did they have to cut off the wholesome interaction... I am TWEAKING 🤬 for you guys... The chief then enters the room, wanting to conduct an interview with you. Of course, this makes you act defensive... 🙄🙄🙄 Of your pookie Adela, but the chief assures that she wouldn't be asking questions that are inappropriate... You were ready to make her catch some fists 🤛😠 if anything happens, though you ended up detailing on how you both met and ended up becoming her regular, to which the chief detailing about Adela's reason of imprisonment, and sharing some ILLEGAL 🤫🤫🤫 information that wasn't supposed to be shared to you...
After leaving the MBCC, you began to wonder why Adela kept you around, instead of cutting off contact just like the others. Could it be that you didn't appear to be THAT troubled which is why she didn't have to want alterations towards your memories...? Either way, you are thankful that she chose to stay in touch, because you got to have some fun interactions with her, and like touch grass at the same time! Pookie... I'm looking at some of ya'll who doesn't get enough sun... 😑 Like POOKIE... Go outside! AN: I can't decide if I want to have a part two on this one, but like an angsty, hurt-comfort, with a pinch of wholesomeness type of fic about this because I wanted to expand the LOREEE and yap about her backstory as well... (Can ya'll tell that I am an Adela fan?) But lmk if ya'll want one www but me thinks I'll end up writing it regardless to satisfy my NEED for more Adela content in this app... 😿 Where are all the Adela enjoyers at when you need them? 😔
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dulcesiabits · 6 months
okay the last anon mentioned the adela fic and tbat reminded me. i am incredibly curious as to how the other idea with reader receiving love letters and adela not being happy about it wouldve gone…care to elaborate on any tiny ideas you had for it????
(referencing this fic and these author notes)
Here's the meme idea before I proceed into a more serious breakdown of the plot I had concocted in my head:
reader: haha wow it sure is hard being so popular u_u people keep sending me love letters. I keep trying to get them to stop because it's really flooding my mailbox and causing issues with processing actual requests in the bureau
adela, eye twitching, remembering all the different vital points in a human's body: hahahaaaa yes that sure sounds like such a problem . hahahaha i am so sorry you have to go through with that . could you tell me the names and addresses of the people who are doing this.
reader: what
adela: what (goes home to scream into her pillow and tear it apart with her teeth)
ANYWAYS, the serious idea is that Adela is in love with you and volunteers to help you around the bureau with little tasks, and one of them involves helping you process the sheer volume of your mail.
During this fic, you complain about the sheer volumes of love letters you've been receiving (casual flex) and that makes Adela act. A bit weird. You bring up the fact you don't like the letters because you already have someone you're interested in, and she basically malfunctions at the news and goes through several stages of grief: denial, bargaining, etc etc, and contemplates both erasing your crush's memories, your memories, or just accepting the loss and helping you with your crush bc she promised to make you happy when you first found her again.
Either way, she grows a bit distant from you, and stops interacting with you beyond the bare necessity required by your job. You corner her one day, hurt and asking if you've done something wrong, when she let it slips that she can't be around you because she might do something untoward/slip back into her old habits because she can't support your newfound crush. And then you're like. YOU'RE THE PERSON I LIKE....
And then you and her kiss and it's all okay and now you write each other love letters instead <3
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dulcesiabits · 6 months
i ADORE the way you write adela!!! do you have any general headcanons for her, or little drabble notes to go along with your fic you wrote with her earlier? 😊
(referencing this fic)
Hi!! Thank you so much for reading my fic and adoring it <3 I do have author's notes where I discuss the thought process behind the fic, but if you're looking for something more comprehensive, then I'd be happy to share some of my headcanons for her!!! Under the cut for length <3
I feel like Adela is really good with her hands! As someone who cuts hair for a living, I think she'd take up other crafts that require a similar level of care and dedication to detail, like embroidering or lacemaking. Any sort of handiwork would flourish under her care. Her hands are quite pretty, too, and she takes care of them very well, since it's what she uses to ply her craft. She often uses a clear nail polish, or darker shades like navy blue or deep purple.
She's a meticulous and careful person. For some reason, I can see her making lists of tasks she needs to complete, and carrying around a planner and checking off every item when she finishes it, haha. She's never late to appointments, and she always arrives 10 minutes early for any plan she makes. She keeps a very consistent schedule!
This is just canon information, but she's polite, charismatic and a great listener. She could approach anyone and have them unloading their worries on her within a few minutes of meeting. It's just so easy to talk to her, and her attention is so genuine and honest. She really does want to hear about your life; it's not just lip service or small talk to her. A downside to this, however, is that Adela spends so long taking care of others that she doesn't really take care of herself. She may know everything about you, but you'll know very little about her in return.
Though she lives a life where it's easy for her to just pack and move on, and she doesn't want to carry around many items with her for ease of movement, I believe that she's actually very sentimental. She loves trinkets and tokens, and treasures presents from friends very dearly, because they serve as proof of her relationship with others. I don't think she's used to receiving things from others at all, either, which is why she values the things she does receive.
I don't think Adela is a very picky eater; she's practical, and she's used to getting by with very little. If you asked, however, I think she'd enjoy home-cooked food. Something warm, savory and comforting, that someone made with the recipient's comfort and happiness in mind.
As a lover, I think it's honestly a bit of a push and pull relationship with her at first. It takes a long time for her to trust you enough to open up to you at all, let alone to stay in the first place. To Adela, happiness feels like a trap, and she's always wary of the happiness that does come her way. It could so easily be lost. If you do manage to convince her to stay, then it takes time for her to settle in and feel comfortable around you. She might treat the relationship as transactional at first; if she makes you happy and takes care of you, then you won't leave. What can she give you? What can she do for you? It takes a bit more time to soothe her worries and convince her that you love her for her and don't necessarily expect her to take care of everything by herself. You won't leave her, and you will stay by her side for the rest of her life. It's a bit of a struggle for her to adjust to the idea of unconditional love.
In any case, Adela does have a habit of being overprotective. A part of it comes from the fact that she thinks she knows what's best for you, and another part of it comes from her genuine care and fear of losing you. A single scratch on your skin is an emergency that warrants a trip to the hospital. If anyone approaches you with ill intentions, then she's intervening before they can even speak a word to you. If anything were to happen to you, she'd lose her mind, so preventing any terrible situations from arising in the first place is the best solution she can think of.
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afterdulce · 3 months
hi liya! slightly weird question—do you have thoughts on abo stuff? slightly weirder question,,,,, i know sinners technically don’t have heats or ruts or anything but abo adela thoughts mwuahahahah…? i’m curious if you have any! 😊😊
To be quite honest, I've only recently gotten into abo lol. A few years ago I was like damn this kinda weird... not my thing but I won't judge people who fuck with it... but recently my eyes have been opened and I realized how fun and sexy abo dynamics can be (in terms of exploring power and relationships) and also I like making people go into heat <3
Anyways in an ideal world where people go into heat, I think it's always fun to make repressed people go through that particularly. Haha oh no... the desires you've always sought to hide and can't confront are quite literally fucking you up... I like the idea of Adela avoiding you and locking herself up in her room because she insists she can deal with it on her own and doesn't want to bother you even though she's quite literally consumed by thoughts of you and it's you she imagines touching her and she's biting her own hands pretending it's your flesh. she's so normal though guys dw
(she's lying btw she just doesn't want to confront her own growing desire for you. jacking off 1000 times is easier than facing your feelings!!!)
So yeah, you could just be minding your own business and Adela would literally be consumed by lust. Her heats or ruts or whatever would be like longer than average because like. she's always using suppressors and also waits until the last possible minute to deal with them if she doesn't, so her body isn't used to them !!!
And if you were to stumble upon her and offer a helping hand? She would be ripping your clothes off without a second thought to get to you, and even though she's telling you to go and to not bother with her, the hands all over your body and the kisses along every inch of your skin are not really dissuading you... She tries really hard to be gentle and good to you and to take care of you, but also like. she might lose the last shreds of her self control and just make you eat her out until your tongue is numb lol. all the while she has her hands working their magic on you which makes it hard to concentrate!!
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