#patterson x rich
rainbow--edits · 2 years
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rt-lots · 1 year
hiii um i wrote a hypnospace outlaw thingy... ive never shared my writing before so i am VERY nervous and i dont know how common this'll be 4 me but ya 👍
au where zane n corey paul r in the same school and also friends... in a mildly gay way
just fyi this isnt my usual writing style. unless you like it then actually i write like this exclusively and also all the time
word count is 1275 hope u likey 🙏
Zane has never heard of a tuba cover before. To him, it sounds pretty freaking stupid.
The tuba is not an instrument Zane has ever had any conscious thought about. To him, it's solely a background instrument for nerds in band to play at school assemblies. It's not really music- not like sick-as-crap electric guitar, bass or drums. It's the instrument you take out for marches, raising school spirit, and looking really lame.
Corey Paul, of course, feels differently.
The tuba is a beautiful instrument, both in sound and aesthetic. He likes how the gold tube wraps in on and around itself, almost making art with its function. It looks purposeful, because it is, and that air of maturity makes for good art. Corey also likes the sound of the tuba. He'd never really been an outgoing kid. His voice cracks under pressure or when he laughs too much and he's never had anything important enough to say with confidence. The tuba, though, is loud by default. Its sound is rich and deep, filling the room and demanding your attention. Corey likes that; he likes that the tuba knows what it wants, and both looks and sounds good doing it.
Zane's never really had much of a reason to give a crap what Corey thinks, though. They're friends, sure, but they both know where their interests lie. Corey had once tried bridging the gap by asking Zane if he could tuba him a song for his game, but quickly shut that down after being laughed at in his face.
Point is- it was fine. Corey could be a class clown comedian with an ugly instrument and Zane could be the X-Slayer game developer with all around superior tastes. Neither needed to change the other's mind.
…Which is why Corey's next move confuses him.
Corey stops Zane after his last class, doing that thing he does where he bounces on his heels in excitement. Corey and Zane have a schedule of hanging out every Thursday after school, and it's Monday, so he's not expecting him to come barreling into Mrs. Patterson's classroom, wheezing with excess energy, like he was rushing to see him. He doesn't expect Corey, someone usually so uptight about his personal space, to eagerly grab his shoulder, either, but he does that too, and it isn't terrible.
Through the breaths of an unathletic teenager who just ran down two flights of stairs and through a hall, Corey explains he has a surprise for Zane, something he's been working really hard on, and he just finished it so he has to come see it right now. Although confused, Zane doesn't have any gripes with this, and he tells Corey to just wait a minute for him to pack his things and he'll come see. Corey's hand retreats from his shoulder like a wounded animal, but he's still smiling as he says OK.
Zane thinks it's gross Corey's taking him to the Band Hall, otherwise known in his mind as Nerdface Central, but he reminds himself that Corey apparently worked hard on something for him, so he should hold back on any unsavory comments- just for a little bit.
Corey leads him to the center of the hall, up an elevated stage platform and to a white soor on the left. Zane feels some apprehension going in, like Corey's just asked him to walk straight into a teacher's lounge, but Corey opens the door and holds it for him, and the gesture is so homey that it'd feel wrong to do anything other than walk straight in.
The room past the door is significantly smaller, and seems to be some kind of closet. The room is entirely cleared out save for a small speaker, Corey's tuba case on the ground, and two chairs around it. Given that the chair furthest from him is right behind the tuba case, Zane assumes the other chair is for him, and slides his backpack off his shoulder, letting it fall to the ground before he sits in his seat.
The door shuts behind him and Corey hurries over to the speaker. Zane asks him what's the surprise but Corey unsurprisingly tells him to be patient. There's a small MP3 player attached to the speaker, and Corey fiddles with it some before pressing play. No sound comes out, but Corey doesn't seem alarmed, instead simply reaching down to his case and setting up his Tuba. He gently hauls it up into his lap and adjusts it accordingly, ready to be played. Zane feels a weird sort of antsy about it, and asks Corey again why exactly he's here. This time, Corey just smiles, and answers: "I found a Nothing Left For Me instrumental online."
Suddenly, the music starts.
Zane would recognize that intro anywhere, even when scraped to just its fundamentals. The realization is sudden, but interrupted by the deep tone of Corey's tuba. Zane almost can't hear the music over the tuba at first, but he's quick to notice how the instrumental and Corey's playing interact with eachother; they're meant to be the same song
Corey is playing him a tuba cover of Nothing Left For Me.
That sentence is about the lamest string of words Zane can possibly think of, but it really doesn't feel that way in the moment. Zane knows about Seepage- everything about Seepage- and he knows they don't post tutorials on how to play tuba covers of their music. For Corey to be playing a cover of Zane's favorite song, for him, on the freaking tuba, he'd have to have come up with the composition himself.
Usually, when receiving a gift, Zane doesn't feel much beyond a vague sense of hype and excitement. But imagining Corey listening to Nothing Left For Me for hours, reimagining it in a medium he could replicate, just to play it for Zane? He feels… flattered, which isn't a feeling he's used to.
A part of the back of Zane's mind is still arguing whether or not he likes this gift. Throwing Seepage's electric metal awesomeness into the ringer only for it to come out the end of a tuba should be a disgrace to Seepage itself, it says, and Zane agrees… just only in theory. Because maybe Corey didn't just listen to the song, maybe he had an understanding of what made it so awesome to Zane in the first place. And maybe that's why it manages to sound pretty good- even with a tuba.
Zane honestly didn't realize Corey liked him that much. As much as his cool punk persona was totally based in reality, he'd never had all that many friends. Not close ones, anyway. He hung out with dudes, they hung out with him, and that was about the end of it. None of his other buddies would make him a gift, nevertheless perform it for him. Does this mean something, then? Had Corey put nearly as much thought into this as Zane is thinking he did? The confrontation of this sudden fondness is confusing, and Zane doesn't know much of what to do with it.
Conveniently, of course, the music stops then, leaving a small bit of silence where Zane isn't totally snapped out of whatever train of thought Corey's sent him on. Corey either doesn't notice or doesn't care, and simply moves the interaction along with a "So? Did you like it?"
Zane looks Corey in the eye, past his square wire frame glasses and dorky grin. He smiles, all teeth, and a quick laugh escapes him, entirely gratitude and nerves as his ears burn a little behind him.
"Dude, you're really good!"
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Character Description: Ana Patterson
Fandom: Batman
Pairing: Jonathan Crane x OC
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Gender: Female
Full Name: Ana Louise Patterson
Alises: Patient No. 1
Affiliation: Civilian
Age: Twenty–five
Nationality: American
Race: Human
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Birthday: September 15th
Zodiac Sign (Astrology): Virgo
Blood Type: A
· Pickpocket / Receiver
Social Class: Low
Scent: Lilac
Most Fitting Song for Theme Song: Sweet Sacrifice by Evanescence
Portrayed by: Michelle Trachtenberg
Initial Impression: Like she's timid.
Height: 139 centimeters; 5 foot 5 inches
Weight: 54 kilograms; 120 pounds
Body Type: Slim with little or no muscle mass.
Face Shape: Oval 
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Hair Style: Long and wavy, frequently kept in a ponytail.
Hair Thickness: Normal
Eye Color: Green
Complexion: Pale
Best Physical Feature: Her eyes.
Worst Physical Feature: In her opinion, her worst physical feature would be her freckles. They are light, but she has a few across the bridge of her nose and on her cheeks. She feels that the feature makes her look young.
Physical Quirks / Abnormalities: Cracks fingers increasingly. Thrives in hot weather, hates cold weather.
Scars: She has a scar line from a stab wound on her lower abdominal area.
Civilian Dress Style: Cotton, often torn. Her outfits are primarily thick, presumably for warmth.
Accessories: A message locket shaped like a gold ball that reads: Family. A link to the past and a bridge to our future.
· Beginning: She uses none.
Initial Impression: Brave
Most Endearing Trait: Calmness
Least Endearing Trait: Anger
General Attitude Towards Characters: Sociable unless there is a strong dislike for them.
Annoying Habits: Unable to sit motionless for long amounts of time.
Good Habits: She shows compassion.
Hobbies: Listening to music, taking walks, singing.
Skills: Blending in, gaining the trust of others, good listening skills, lying, strategic thinking, sleight–of–hand, survival skills, swift–footedness, and self–defense.
Accent: New York City accent.
General Likes: Chocolate, literature, being up high.
General Dislikes: Violence, bullies.
General Fears: Snakes, spiders, needles.
Greatest Fear: Death/blood
Would Love to Fight: The criminals who pick on the less fortunate.
Would Hate to Fight: The Rogue's Gallery; any of them.
Family: None
Friends: Yes, but only a handful of ones that she trusts.
Rivals: None
Enemies: None
Acquaintances: Rebekah Cross, Jesse Collins, Andrew Lawton, Natalie Bell, and Lenore Anderson. 
Most Common Expression: Blithe
Favorite Color: Purple
Favorite Food: Pasta
Least Favorite Food: Anything spicy.
Educational Background: Home Schooled
Family Background: Was raised by George and Melissa Patterson up until they were murdered, then she stayed with a foster family for a couple of months before she ran away. She joined a Fence and was taught to survive out on the streets.
Full Biography: She was born in Bludhaven, New York to George and Melissa Patterson. When she was sixteen, a group of burglars broke into her home and attacked her family. Her mother and father were killed, and Ana was stabbed. She survived but was put in foster care for the time being. Her new family were farmers who were not ideal people. The final straw for Ana was when she fell into a pit of slaughtered animals and after a long sweltering day she was rescued. She ran away and ended up on the streets of Gotham we're she met Lenore and Rebekah.
Relationship with Cannon Cast
· Bruce Wayne (as Batman): She has different values on the Dark Knight per the way he conducts himself. She thinks that what he stands for is justice for the people of Gotham, but she doesn't value his way of doing so in high regard. To her, Batman is an angry kid with a hammer and everything he sees is a nail.
· Bruce Wayne (as himself): Having not met him, other than the few times she's seen him on television, Ana admires Bruce. Unlike the other rich occupants of Gotham, he seems the most concerned with the outcome of the city.
· Dick Grayson (as Robin): Much like her views of Batman, Ana neither likes nor dislikes Robin.
Relationship with Non-Cannon Cast
· Rebekah Cross: Her voice of reason. She feels obligated to protect her.
· Lenore Anderson: The teacher. She respects Lenore for her knowledge of the life they live. As an older sister figure, Ana looks up to her.
· Andrew Lawton: A strange, yet interesting man. Ana envies his imagination.
· Natalie Bell: Ana neither likes nor dislikes her. She understands her attitude toward the situation but doesn't appreciate the negative approach she uses.
· Jesse Collins: An optimist. She likes him the most because of his friendly nature.
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show of your choice for tv show asks game
Thank you! I'll do Blindspot, cuz I don't think I have!
Favourite character: tie between Jane and Zapata Funniest character: even harder to choose... Patterson, Rich and Weitz Best-looking character: ROMAN! 3 favourite ships: jeller, repata, Patterson x Roman Least favourite character: Weller Least favourite ship: ... Patterson x Rich Reason why I watch it: it has good mystery (especially in seasons 1 and 2) and it has great characters for the most part. I love puzzles, so this show was great for me and it became a comfort show really fast. Plus, Patterson is crazy about board games and I finally had good nerd representation lol Why I started watching it: um, my dad was in surgery and I was home, because he could only have one person waiting for him and that was my mom. My aunt was going to stay over, because she was out with a friend in my area and she lives a little further away, and this way I wouldn't have to spend the night alone with the dogs. But I texted her while I was having dinner and she recommended it. And I rolled my eyes because the trailer that always popped up on Netflix (which is the streaming service that has it up in my country, though it's on Hulu in the US) always made it look like a fucking sci-fi show and I'm not a sci-fi type of girl. But then she promised it wasn't sci-fi and that it was just my kind of show and I started it. And couldn't stop. Ended up staying up the whole night watching it lol
Send me a tv show and I'll answer these :)
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bestofpatterson · 6 years
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Episode 4x15, “Frequently Recurring Struggle For Existence”.
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weareinastormoffuck · 5 years
I honestly ship rich and Patterson so hard and I got so excited when bill assumed they were dating. Like yesss I’m not the only one that sees it!
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chardwic · 7 years
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Favorite Current Female TV Characters 2018: PATTERSON
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kasinonightlife · 2 years
*Patterson recording whilst Rich and Boston are arguing*
Patterson: *Wheezes like a tea kettle*
Boston: *Pulling out a knife* I'm gonna stab him.
Boston: It's my favorite movi-
Boston: I'm not fighting with you, I'm not fighting with y-
Patterson: *Cry-laughing* How did the three of us get married?!
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florchis · 3 years
Why do I keep getting sucked into OT3s that are a canon ship + someone else? 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️ I am generally super cool with my ships not being canon, but something about it being so close but not quite makes me go insane.
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love-is-fiction · 4 years
Honestly, the way the Blindspot writers designed every episode title to reveal a clue about the season finale - in every season - is so underrated. Like that’s so cool and creative!! A top tier show
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Still thinking about that Patterson rich crossover
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rainbow--edits · 2 years
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jareauxprentiss · 4 years
i just finished blind spot and need to know
are patterson, rich, and boston in a poly relationship? because um sign me the fuck up
i’m still patterson/zapata trash but like POLY
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This is the English version of my Italian fic "Non succederà più". It's a Blindspot fanfiction, the pairing is Rich Dotcom/Boston.
I hope you'll enjoy it!
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sparkles-bitch25 · 5 years
Incorrect blindspot quote
Weller, to Patterson and Rich: You two! get in here!
Patterson and Rich: *desperately look at Jane for help.*
Jane: You're in God's hands now. Goodbye.
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kendalroys · 6 years
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