#tv show ask game
sinqueen69 · 2 months
favourite female character: Beverly
Favourite male character: Will & Hannibal are tied!
least favourite female character: Bedelia
least favourite male character: Jack
Favourite ship: Hannigram
least favourite ship: Will/Alana
Film/tv show rating: 10/10 - One of my all-time favourite shows!
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The Rookie *wink wink*
Favourite character: Lucy Chen
Funniest character: for me, it's a tie between Angela and Nyla
Best-looking character: Tim Bradford, hands down.
3 favourite ships: Chenford, Angela x Wesley, Nyla x James (I think they're cute, sue me)
Least favourite character: BAILEY!
Least favourite ship: John Nolan x Bailey
Reason why I watch it: it's a cute, lighthearted show with one of my favorite tv actors (Mr. Fillion)
Why I started watching it: It was something me and my dad could watch together and, well, Nathan Fillion.
Send me a tv show and I'll answer these questions about it!
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jojoblessed365 · 1 year
2, 21, 28
2 if I were to save a TV show from cancellation, which one would it be?
God, there are actually so many- Amy Sherman-Palladino's Bunheads, Prodigal Son, I Am Not Okay With This, Good Girls Revolt, My So Called Life, Buffy the Vampire Slayer (I hated that the rest of the show shifted to comic book format, and especially hated the cliffhanger)... And so many more, but I can't put my finger on it, but those are just a sample of many...
21 if I were to be a guest star, which show I'd like to be on?
I'd love to guest star on any of Amy Sherman-Palladino's shows, or even a sitcom- that'd be really fun. Honestly, as of recently, I would love to guest star on Rian Johnson's Poker Face- It'd be fun to share a scene with Charlie Cale/Natasha Lyonne.
28 Which star would I like to guest star on my favourite TV show?
Well.... The Company You Keep isn't exactly my favorite TV show (at least not yet), but after watching the Pilot, I really think that if they lean more into the family storylines, it'd be a true winner. I'm really loving the portrayal of the Nicolettis, and if I'm being honest, it would be so fun that Charlie gets a shock to have an estranged daughter come into his life- so, I'm thinking- maybe Charlie had fallen in love before, and had a one night stand with someone, which resulted in an unintentional pregnancy and the woman has a daughter named Nicolette (after Charlie's last name), Nic for short, and due to circumstances, Nic has tracked Charlie down and wants to bond with him, and he steps up to the plate. Because, let's be serious- Charlie is a 40 plus character, and it would be nice that Ollie has a cousin to bond with, and Leo and Polly to have another grandchild. And it would shake up the stakes to a great extent. It would also make right a storyline from Gilmore Girls that I actually liked if it was done right- the Luke-April storyline from S6. If this were the case, I'd love if Izabela Vidovic is cast as Nic, because she eerily looks too much like a young Milo Ventimiglia.
Here's proof-
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Anyway, thanks @milothirst for the ask! 😃
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aliverse · 1 year
Send me 📺 + an oc and I’ll tell you the ocs top 5 tv shows.
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hello-yue-here · 2 years
Zutara for the tv ask game
oh my god this is from ages ago and idk if i ever saw this but im gonna GUESS that this was for their guilty pleasure tv show yes? yes. if not well it is now
zutaras guilty pleasure tv show is love is blind. ive recently found out ab love is blind through my castmates from a play i was just in (sidenote best play i was ever in so much fun i loved my part moving on) and from what ive heard everyone is TERRIBLE. like absolutley awful awful people. they are like so narcissistic, vain, shallow, mean, and just annoying people ever. i think there are a few nices ones but they are heavily outnumbered by the jerks. and its hilarious. so for the reasons of they get to laugh they get to root for the one good pairing and they get to judge a dozen strangers for an hour an episode SIGN ZUTARA THE FUCK UP.
zuko likes to bash on the pairings and the players personalities specifically while katara goes straight for the personal shit. she will psychoanalyze them in seconds flat. zuko will read them to filth in .5 seconds. its beautiful.
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jessybarnes · 2 years
Hey Jessy! I don’t know if these have been answered but I’ve got some questions from the tv asks and flower asks :)
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Hey, bby❤️ Thank you so much for sending me this 🥰🥰
Garzania: What's something really important to you?
Oh, gosh... I have so many things! Of course, my family and friends are at the top of my list, but to name something other than my top two, I'd have to say it's a necklace with some of my best childhood friend's ashes in it. I lost her back in 2014.
Dahlia: Do you have a favorite scent?
I do... and it's whatever Sebastian was wearing at New York Comic Con last month... he had stopped using the plexiglass by the end of the day and he smelled fucking amazing 😫❤️
Orchid: What do you do to help with stress?
I write. 😊 Writing is my way to release whatever emotions I'm feeling. I just project them into the stories I write.
Tulip: Are you a dog or cat person?
Sarah asked me this one, but, of course, I don't mind answering again ❤️❤️🥰🥰
My Mom is scared of dogs, so growing up I was never allowed to have one. We only ever had cats, which ironically I'm allergic to. So I guess by default I'm a cat person, but I hope to someday have a dog ❤️
9. What's a show you only keep up with thru social media?
Hmm...I never watched Game of Thrones, but I know everything that happened because of my co-workers always talking about it and also seeing stuff all over my Facebook and Tumblr feeds.
10. What's a show you lost interest in, but came back to a few seasons later?
This one is hard because I normally watch something all the way thru. I'm going to go with the show Lost, and I still didn't like the ending lol.
11. What's a show you've finished, but can rewatch over and over?
Supernatural. Hands down. Lol. I started watching it back in 2005 when it first aired and watched it every week religiously. I can rewatch it over and over and never get tired of it. 🥰
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accidental-spice · 2 years
Parks and Rec? The Chosen?
YES!!!!!! You've guessed my number one!!! The Chosen!!!! That show makes me cry more than literally ANY other show! Not Parks and Rec, sadly. I STILL haven't finished that show!
1. The Chosen
2. SWR
3. AOS
7. Brooklyn Nine Nine
8. Hawkeye
9. Kenobi
11. TCW
12. Heartland
13. Lethal Weapon
14. Downton Abbey
Ask game
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kanerallels · 2 years
for the favorite shows game!
Rebels and Agents of SHIELD!!!
You got it, vod!!!
1. Star Wars Rebels
7. Agents of Shield
Ask game!!
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takaraphoenix · 2 years
for the tv series/movies ask "what if?" and "agent carter" by marvel
Thanks for playing!
What If:
Nah | haven’t seen yet | didn’t like/gave up | like it | love it | highly recommend.
a reason why: I watched the whole first season (sans the zombie episode for obvious zombie reasons), but after the finale I decided I'm not going to watch season 2. This could have been a fun thing if it were actual standalone episodes, but the fact that, once again, they're forcing everything to tie together... It's honestly exhausting? I would have enjoyed this as an unrelated fun thought experiment
Agent Carter:
Nah | haven’t seen yet | didn’t like/gave up | like it | love it | highly recommend.
a reason why: Genuinely, I loved that show. Still salty it got canned. The characters were great, the actors had great chemistry with each other. And sure, it was very obviously related to the MCU through Peggy, but it was pretty much just... its own thing and I found that refreshing. I loooved getting to meet Jarvis, as a character, as a person. I loved that Peggy picked her life back up after Steve died and didn't just... wither away all alone. She made friends, she found purpose in her job, she even found love again. Fuck Endgame.
And I am saying this as someone who hates spy-stuff. Spy-stuff bores me to death, for reasons I can't entirely explain. But this was really neat and the chemistry among the cast really made it work!
Kept hoping Disney would bring this back, since it does seem quite popular in fandom spaces?
TV Show Ask Game
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ruzekpearson · 1 year
I'll bite; 1, 2, 3, 4
1. if you could reboot one TV show, which one would it be?
I really wish the Lizzie McGuire reboot was still going to be a thing. But I completely respect Hilary's decision in fighting for it to be more of an adult show since it would be following her in her 30s. I don't want to watch another terrible reboot where it's catered to a younger audience who weren't even fans of the original.
2. if you could have saved one TV show from cancellation, which one would it be?
Hmmm, there are a lot of shows that I remember being upset about when they were cancelled but none that have really stuck with me until now that I can remember lol.
3. have you ever quit a show before it finished? why?
Yes, a few times and it was because I didn't like the direction it was heading in or a character/actor I really liked left the show. I didn't watch the final season of New Amsterdam and I'm not continuing with Manifest on Netflix. In my binge of The Office, I stopped watching with Michael's final episode. I know there are others, I just can't think of them at the moment.
4. are there any shows you wish could just be cancelled already?
No. I would never wish for a show to be cancelled just because I don't enjoy it anymore. These are people's lives and jobs and I know there are others out there that are still fans. I would just stop watching.
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habken · 1 month
you should rest if you're tired :(
No amount of rest in the world can fix the bone-deep fatigue that plagues me
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sinqueen69 · 2 months
So late but if you're still doing the fandom.asks, young justice and aot?
A touch late, but no worries!
Young Justice
favourite female character: Artemis!
favourite male character: Dick!
least favourite female character: M'gann wasn't a favourite, I also didn't iek they decided to add Tara to the YJ universe and in the way they did it so I didn't like her.
least favourite male character: There were just many new characters in every season after 1 that it was hard to keep track? I really didn't like Brion Marko.
favourite ship: Conner/Dick!
least favourite ship: Conner/M'gann
Film/tv show rating: Season 1 was like 9/10 but I really didn't like the other seasons so overall like 4/10?
Attack on Titan
-Let it be noted that I watched the first season back when it had just aired, then read the manga but stopped when it got to that weird time & place jump. SO it's been a long time and I don't remember much so my opinions are based on the little I recall from reading and watching it all those years ago [I sound so old?]
favourite female character: Hange Zoe
favourite male character: Levi
least favourite female character: Annie
least favourite male character: Jean
favourite ship: Eren/Levi
least favourite ship: Eren/Mikasa
Film/tv show rating: Season 1 was pretty epic [if not startling lol] so like 7/10?
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Lost (for the tv show questions :))
ive me a TV series and I’ll tell you:
Favourite character: Kate
Funniest character: Sawyer & Hurley, in different ways. Please don't make me choose.
Best-looking character: Kate, she's so pretty. I wish I looked like her but all I have is the wild kinda curly hair. And Jack... Jack's just my type. He's so handsome.
3 favourite ships: Jack x Kate, Sawyer x Kate, Sawyer x Juliet
Least favourite character: Charlie
Least favourite ship: PB&J
Reason why I watch it: I love shows with good characters and that really take the time to develop them. The mystery was fun and I like the pace of the show. It became one of my comfort shows, even if the sci fi stuff isn't my cup of tea, normally.
Why I started watching it: I traded with a college friend/coworker. I'd watch his comfort show if he would watch mine. He owes me and I won't let him forget it lol
Send me a tv show and I'll answer these :)
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jojoblessed365 · 1 year
Hiii 29 and 45 for the ask game!
29 do I quote from any TV show?
I have adapted Jess Mariano's "Oh zing I've been snapped"
45 do I own any TV shows on DVD?
Sadly, no. I do want a DVD of Veronica Mars season 1 though.
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aliverse · 1 year
ooo 📺 + Eden?
@eddiemunscns asked for Eden too!
The Good Place (it was very therapeutic for her)
Gilmore Girls
Grey’s Anatomy
Good Omens
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Send me 📺 + an oc and I’ll tell you their top 5 tv shoes!
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civetcider · 5 months
love your art. do you have any strong opinions on Donkey Kong or any of the Kongs? if you butchified funky kong i would be indebted to you forever
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so just normal funky kong? teehee
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