#paul popowich
eddiestattoos · 2 months
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Chuck I get, but I need the backstory on how he got Puke as a nickname
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movie-titlecards · 1 year
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Vampires Anonymous (2003)
My rating: 4/10
The most remarkable thing about this is how much it resembles Twilight, both in its protagonist's appearance and in the general plot structure, to the point where I half suspected it to have been made as a direct response/parody to that - except it came out several years earlier, which leaves two possibilities: Either they were both drawing heavily from a secret, third source, or Stephenie Meyer was writing Vampires Anonymous fix fic the whole time and nobody realized. Anyway, this isn't very good, but it remains not the worst thing involving a pretty boy vampire affecting a vague 1950s aesthetic and his human girlfriend, set in a small rural American town, that I have ever experienced.
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getacluedrew · 4 years
Joe Hardy
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Joesph “Joe” Hardy
-1950 “Micky Mouse Club” Tommy Kirk 
- 1967 {not shown} “The Mystery of the Chinese Junk”  Tim Matthieson
-1969  “Filmation Hardy Boys” Byron Kane
-1977 “Nancy Drew Hardy Boys Mysteries” Shaun Cassidy
-1995 “Hardy Boys” Paul Popowich
-2002-2020 “Her Interactive” Robert Jones
-2008 “The Hidden Theft” Cody Linley
-2020 “CW Nancy Drew” “Ace” Alex Saxon
To all those who have played our favorite Cheeseburger loving, ghost hunting, singing, hot head we salute you. 
Ace is in here for good measure cause, come on CW you aint foolin’ NO BODY he’s Joe and we know it. 
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summerspn · 5 years
One Starry Christmas (2014)
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Though you could probably figure out what was going to happen...
I had some notes put aside & completely forgot about this. I watched this movie in December and I just have to say...
This movie drives me batshit!
The acting was fine. Some actors were better than others of course.
Sarah Carter is actually a really good actress. She shows a lot of range on past work like Smallville & White Collar. In this movie her lines are silly & the script is boring but she did a great job at portraying a Stepford-wife type. Grinning like an idiot all the time at the cowboy. That’s purely the director telling her to look like a Prozac chugging imbecile though. Not her doing, she’s just doing her job.
Paul Popowich is probably the best performance wise in this movie. He’s also a really good actor. I loved him in Twice in a Lifetime & Cracked. Even in this boring movie he showed a lot of subtle glances & his body language shifted as if he were actually really uncomfortable with the girlfriend eyeing the cowboy.
Kudos to both of them for doing their jobs well.
This movie is predictable in a lot of ways of course but the description was a little different so I got sucked in.
This is basically what happened:
Girlfriend & boyfriend seem happy & he just finds out he’s been requested to work on a big case/deal for work but the client is demanding his time at Christmas. He knows she can’t stand flying so they agree to celebrate Christmas when he gets back from New York. She already misses him so she buys a bus ticket to surprise him in NYC (her parents coincidentally live there).
During the ride the bus breaks down & she talks to this cowboy. She calls boyfriend but he’s half asleep & doesn’t think he could pick her up & get back in time for his early morning meeting. She’s not thrilled...this part has me go ‘what’ for the first time because she wanted her boyfriend to drive a few hours out of New York then a few hours back.
The bus company would have gotten a replacement bus or set them up somewhere to stay for the night. And driving sleepy is really bad...So yeah I get why he didn’t volunteer for that. And if I were him I’d be really anxious about the important job & end up sick to my stomach so I guess I related to him there & his hesitation.
Anyways girlfriend & cowboy share a car to drive the last few hours to New York.
Immediately the parents start dropping hints that cowboy is super hot (I don’t see it). They suggest having dinner with them the next day.
Dinner comes. Boyfriend eager to see girlfriend & greets the parents nicely while they drool over the cowboy. Boyfriend is confused & a little self conscious because of the cowboy . But he lets it go. There’s some tension when his girlfriend grins like a loon at the cowboy but that’s it.
Parents tell cowboy he & his brother could go there for Christmas dinner the next day. Boyfriend looks uncomfortable but anything he says (which isn’t much) is ignored.
Girlfriend is disappointed her boyfriend can’t take the day off work (he’s there on a business trip!!!) to do Christmas shopping with her. She’s clearly an idiot. So cowboy agrees to go with her the next day (aka Christmas Eve day).
Next morning- girlfriend & cowboy are in Central Park riding horses, skating, & frolicking like a couple of lobotomized bunnies...& I must have blinked because I didn’t notice any shopping going on...
Christmas dinner- boyfriend shows up before the others. Gives hugs & nice greetings to parents. The dad is fine but the mother gives a bitchy ‘how dare you not be the super hot cowboy’ look.
Boyfriend is starting to feel uncomfortable with girlfriends relationship with the cowboy. Understandably.
Cowboy’s brother sings some annoying country song (I don’t mind country but I found this song really boring). Boyfriend is clearly the only one with taste as he seems as uncomfortable as I was.
Afterwards Boyfriend reminds girlfriend about the work party he told her about. She apparently agreed to go. But he said he swung 2 more invites so her parents could go so they could continue celebrating Christmas all together the rest of the night. (I thought that was really cool of him).
Father throws his back out & the mom brings cowboy as her date. Boyfriend isn’t thrilled but he goes along with it.
At party the boyfriend is relieved to have closed the deal but because he’s Type A he clearly isn’t as comfortable there as other people - particularly the cowboy who is now bffs with boyfriend/lawyer’s client...and every woman there.
But wait, the cowboy only has eyes for the girlfriend! It’s like star crossed lovers ! Destiny! Cue the twinkle music! 😞
Yes, she’s there with her boyfriend of 3 years in which they had talked about marriage & making a life together...she dances with the cowboy & looks about ready to jump him right there & hump him on the dance floor. Grinning like a lunatic.
Boyfriend comes back with a couple drinks for them & looks shocked & sad. He realizes he’s losing her so he makes a desperate move & proposes right there. When they leave he seems satisfied that he gave her what she wanted. And since she never once (presumably) had any issues or problems with their relationship in three years, he assumes everything is okay.
But as soon as they get out of the car she breaks up with him....on Christmas Eve! And she acts like he shouldn’t be surprised! Like it’s somehow his fault! HE was happy so why do people assume they’re going to magically know their partner isn’t? Seriously if you are happy one minute then miserable the next - and NEVER talk about your problems obviously he’s gonna be confused!!!
At this point I was like what the actual fuck?!
She had a few moments with the cowboy though the movie where they talked but nothing remotely was interesting...but you guessed it she’s in love with the cowboy.
Now I obviously saw it coming but I was hoping for a different twist or a different message.
Why? Because the way everyone talked the boyfriend was supposed to be the jerk..really?
He boasted about his promotion a couple times & one time he mentioned the money he’d make. Not exactly classy but he was uncomfortable with cowboy there & mentioned it in a short lived pissing contest type of way.
But really if you do a million years of school (probably working several crap jobs to get there) & work 70 hrs a week as many lawyers do you earned every right to brag about why you love your job. But he literally said it once in the movie. Big whoop.
I know people that bragged about finding a job that pays $20/hr here because there aren’t that many here anymore. (And considering the cost of living is so high that’s not that much.) Never once did I shun them though, I went ‘good for you! You deserve it!’
What gets me is that the boyfriend actually is a good guy. He pays attention to what she likes. He doesn’t fully understand her passion for the place she works at (I don’t either tbh) - he figures she’d be happy at any observatory. Is that so wrong?
She’s an astronomer & scientists are often Type A personalities too so you’d think they’d be a good match.
Scientists also tend to try to work where they can do their jobs the best. Sure this lady was attached to her work (in Chicago) but New York would have as many opportunities, maybe more. ...and do you really think she’d be living her best career life on some ranch? No because there aren’t many observatories in the middle of nowhere. Except SETI but she’s too boring to go there...however if they had introduced the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence maybe the movie would be more interesting. 🤷‍♀️
Boyfriend is really nice to the parents & seems to be grateful to have them around.
He includes her in his work...sharing it with her. He’s excited about it.
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He’s not afraid to commit but he wants to do things in a certain way. Type A personality remember.
Even without a ring he seems determined to be with her & be committed.
I may have missed it but I’m fairly certain the boyfriend didn’t have any other person to spend Christmas with. I can see that he probably spent his whole life getting to that point so he didn’t worry about staying in touch with friends...or maybe his friends are on the other end if the country. 🤷‍♀️
It made me wonder if he literally has no one else. No parents? No siblings?
If that’s true this lady (emotionally) cheated on her boyfriend, made him look like a fool in front of his coworkers, then dumped him...who has no one to help him through it. Ouch.
The woman leaves her good life for a guy we know practically nothing about. What if he collects bags of toenail clippings or dyes his pubes pink?!
The ‘fantasy’ of a cowboy (which admittedly I just don’t get) is that- a fantasy. In a few years that girl will realize she has had enough of the cowboy...he’s boring & not much of an intellectual conversationalist. She’ll be on mat leave with 2 kids running around & the cowboy will be sitting on his ass while he waits for another rodeo to open somewhere across country...which he’ll have to leave to attend. It won’t be so charming when your kids are starving & have nothing to eat.
Or maybe cowboy will be taking care of a ranch & the woman will just drink all day.
The parents in this - especially the mother- are terrible. They encourage their to cheat & to break up with her boyfriend of 3 years (usually that means one really likes the person) for some random dude with a cowboy hat on.
This movie drives me crazy because at most, what the boyfriend did required a conversation or argument. Not a full on dumping. He’s allowed to make mistakes & have flaws he’s human! The woman acts like a horny teenage ditz in the movie & emotionally cheats on him. She strings him a long when she clearly knows she’s done with him. And she basically humiliated him in at the party - well maybe that’s too strong a word but it didn’t look good.
So to be honest I don’t understand why everyone treated the boyfriend like he was repulsive. He acted better than the parents & the girlfriend. And the cowboy should have backed off. That’s the decent thing to do when you realize someone is married. He just met her so back off & move along.
I’m curious though does anyone like this movie?
To be honest I found everyone in the movie vile except the boyfriend who basically started out super excited for his life with girlfriend & his job then he had his bubble burst & was all alone. Why? Because he was satisfied in his career & life? He was punished for that... great message to be sending. 🙄
To restate, she dumps boyfriend of three years to immediately pounce on the cowboy with zero regard for any emotions involved on Christmas Eve!
Merry flippin’ Christmas to you too!
I know this is a Hallmark movie & it’s hardly Shakespeare but come on, have some standards!
I’m just glad at least Popowich was in this because it gave me some eye candy to focus on while I felt my soul dying.
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the-expanse-fashion · 9 years
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Darren, The Expanse, Season 1, Episode 9
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[Joe and Frank are bickering about whether or not the other helped to their fullest extent on the case]
Nancy: GUYS! I just wanted to tell you that I learned something truly valuable working with you both!
Frank: [Incredulous] Really?
Joe: [Pleased] Yeah?
Joe and Frank: What's that?
Nancy: I'm really lucky to be an only child.
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90smovies · 6 years
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Children of the Corn 666 Isaac's Return
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ropermike · 5 years
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Paul Popowich in The Hardy Boys - "The Debt Collectors". More pics here.
In this episode of the '90s series, Joe is kidnapped while house-sitting for a bank president.
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demonsee2 · 4 years
Vampires Anonymous. Another movie i love that no one has ever heard of.
A vampire (Paul Popowich) enrolls in a 12-step program designed to help the undead control their appetite for human blood.
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ocscape · 5 years
Faceclaim Fridays
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Daniel Day Lewis, Paul Popowich, Stephen Moyer
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Antonia Thomas, Alisha Boe, Helena Howard
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Elizabeth Marvel, Allison Janey
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Lola Kirke, Merrit Weaver, Jenna Fischer
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Hilary Swank, Missy Peregrym, Cobie Smulders
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Young Fairuza Baulk, Sophia Lillis, Amy Adams
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page58-blog1 · 8 years
To Survive Noomi Rapace Must Learn to Face her Fears in Sci-Fi Fantasy Thriler 'Rupture' Terrifying (Trailer)
To Survive Noomi Rapace Must Learn to Face her Fears in Sci-Fi Fantasy Thriler ‘Rupture’ Terrifying (Trailer)
    “Want some help?” “That’s okay I’ve changed tires before.” The sci-fi fantasy adventure thriller ‘Rupture’ follows a single mom Renee Morgan (Noomi Rapace) who while in route to meet up with a friend is violently kidnapped by a group of strangers and tries to break free from the mysterious organization that has abducted her. After enduring intense yet strange questioning and examinations, her…
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jamieroxx · 5 years
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★ Watch The Movie Trailer Video below:⬇ ✔ Mark your Calendars! Friday July 26, 2019, on Jamie Roxx’s Pop Roxx Radio Talk Show & Podcast w/ Featured Guest: Bea Santos ​ (#actress: #Blindsided #Movie / #Film: #Horror | #Thriller) 2pm EST, 1CST, 12MST, 11am PST .. 1900 GMT UK or catch the #Podcast anytime you would like after. ☎ Lines will be open (347) 850.8598 So call in with your Questions and Comments Live on the Air. ● Click here to Set a Reminder: http://tobtr.com/11408279
Click to Watch the Video Blindsided - Trailer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=krc3D1mCSCI #PopArt Painter #JamieRoxx (www.JamieRoxx.us) welcomes #BEASANTOS (actress: Blindsided / Film: Horror | Thriller) to the Show! ● www.riverbankpictures.com Canadian Actress, Bea Santos is famously known for her role on TRUE DETECTIVE, is also known for her portrayal in Kodachrome and Stockholm. She is promoting her starring role in the new revenge thriller Blindsided, out on DVD and Digital August 13, 2019 from Uncork'd Entertainment. Sloan Carter is a young girl who has recently been blinded. Her father leaves for the weekend and her two best friends, returning home from University, keep her company. A protege of her father's, passing through town, also spends the night. The peaceful weekend is interrupted by a shadowy threat and the safe country getaway turns into a fight for survival. Eric Knudsen (Scream 4), Atticus Mitchell (“Killjoys”), Melinda Shankar (“Slasher”), and Paul Popowich (“Hemlock Grove”) also star.
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cinematic-anarchy · 2 years
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THE CLUB: AKA PROM NIGHT V 1994 Horror Though technically not billed as “Prom Night V” anywhere but in a Japanese video box release, this particular installment holds true to some of the pun laced fun of sequels two and three. Midnight strikes at the prom, and slowly five teens and a particularly homicidal teacher realize that time has stopped and they are trapped within the cathedral where the prom was taking place. Now they must face themselves and their own worst fears, or an even worse fate when time resumes. J.H.Wyman - John Rotman Kim Coates - Mr. Carver Andrea Roth – Amy Rino Romano – Evan Zack Ward – Kyle Kelli Taylor – Laura Matthew Ferguson - Darren Spencer Paul Popowich - Greg #500filmchallenge #promnight5 #promnight #horror #horrormovies #vhsclassics #straighttovhs #movies #filmreviewpodcast #podcast #podcastersofinstagram #podcastjunkie #podcastlife #podcasters (at Haverhill, Massachusetts) https://www.instagram.com/p/CdI2V5OOuOx/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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kwebtv · 6 years
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Acceptable Risk  -  Acorn / RTE  -  9/24/2017  -  Present
Drama (6 episodes to date)
Running Time:  60 minutes
Elaine Cassidy  as Sarah Manning
Morten Suurballe  as  Hans Werner Hoffman
Angeline Ball  as  DS Emer Byrne
Lisa Dwyer Hogg   as  Nuala Mulvaney
Geordie Johnson  as  Detective Desquene
Paul Popowich  as  Lee Manning
Risteárd Cooper  as  Barry Lehane
Kate Moran  as  Anna Coyle
Rory Nolan  as  Morrice O'Hanlon
Gloria Cramer Curtis  as Rose Manning    
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[Nancy, Joe, and Frank pull up to a hotel which they were told was charming little place but it is actually a large château]
Joe: [Sarcastically] Oh this is quaint.
Frank: Maybe they were quoting Marie Antoinette.
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90smovies · 6 years
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Children of the Corn 666 Isaac's Return
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