#pay to win minecraft servers
bloodchapell · 24 days
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he loves to hear you yap - armin a.
brief summary: just thinking about how cute armin is and him loving to listen to EVERY word you say
what to expect: alt and very nerdy reader, equally nerdy armin, mutual pinning
your sword’s note: really just thinking of how attentive and good of a listener he would be and I ACHE for it. all past and future parts of this au series available in my mistresslist
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A month or so had passed since the semester started. Normally after philosophy class you would go to the library with Armin. He had convinced you to play Minecraft and you had convinced him to play Dress to Impress.
“Agh!!!” You screamed and turned off your iPad.
“Shut the hell up!” Pieck, your roommate, yelled at you.
“Sorry I forgot that not all of us have to wake up at 6 am to deliver a calf…” You apologized and she sighed.
“I will say the same when you are trying to finish up some jacket or whatever it is that fashion designers do.” She joked half asleep. “Why did you scream either way? The Sleeping Beauty nightmare again?”
“That is a very serious nightmare!” You argued. “No it wasn’t that, Armin just gifted me VIP in Dress to Impress…”
“That is so cute… now get married and let me go back to sleep, that 75 pound baby calf isn’t going to deliver itself.”
<WHATTT THANKS MIN😭> you. 2:47 am
<It’s okay! I just really liked your vkei theme outfit and was very conflicted when seeing that you didn’t win… They really should made an “only pros” server, these people do not know what vkei is.> armin 👼🏼. 2:48 am
That made you laugh. He had only learned about vkei the day before, when you guys hanged out and he asked what vkei entailed.
After some more rounds of playing, you decided it was time to go to sleep, you said good night to Armin and left the electronics in the table by your bed. But before you could actually fall asleep your mind stared thinking about Armin. The wandering thoughts regarding the blonde would fall like a current that cannot be stopped, the way in which his hands would softly write in his notebook and his handwriting was so small and dainty, the way in which his slender fingers would hold the black pen, the way he would always pay attention and participate in class, his comments always so educated, organized and concise, like he had some inside knowledge and some inside understanding about it all; yes he was a little timid regarding social interactions, but when it came to scholarly matters, he was an eminence and his words would flow out of his pretty plump pale pink lips like it was just any other topic. He was so smart and so attractive when rambling about the ambiguity of morals and religion and science and politics, his bangs and longish hair framing his face and his lashes deepening the gaze of his eyes. Goddamnit was he handsome.
“Is Malice Mizer not on Spotify?” With his phone in hand Armin asked in class the next day, following like a robot Eren’s recommendations on how to behave normally when having such a fat crush.
“How do you know that?” You asked whispering in class.
“I liked the songs you showed me.” He mentioned still holding his phone. Your heart almost ran out of your chest when hearing that; not only he he understood vkei fashion to know that the fellow Dress to Impress players were ass, but was also interested in it beyond what you had explained.
And he was interested, not only because he would have the opportunity to have a topic of conversation with you, but because he trusted in your judgement so much that he understood that if you liked vkei as a subculture, it was for a valid and good reason and therefore he must check it out.
“Yeah sadly they are not in Spotify… I can recommend you some other bands if you want though.” You said and he nodded immediately, saying he would be delighted. You typed Sito Magus, SHAZNA, Gulu Gulu, Kaya and MEJIBRAY on his notes app. “Some of them can be a little heavy, I don’t know if you like that.”
“I don’t mind.” He smiled sweetly; he didn’t really mind because he was used to Eren and Mikasa blasting death black evil obscure metal.
Armin was trying his absolute best to not dissolve into a mass of anxiety and embarrassment, he kept thinking about every recommendation Eren gave him and even though sometimes it seemed like nothing he could do was powerful enough to mask his feelings, he trusted logic and knew that up to a point it could work.
"You said you had a playlist with all your favorite songs ever right? Can we listen to them together while you explain to me why you like them maybe?" He asked impulsively without stopping to think, almost immediately regretting the request before seeing your eyes glimmering like eyes do in cartoons and seeing you nod. Truth be told he was also fascinated with the way you spoke about your interests, you were so passionate and analytic of the things you liked that he could be convinced to do almost anything if you described it like you do with the things you love.
So after class you invite him to your dorm and you both sit on the carpeted floor while you go over every song and he listens to your comments and tries to hear the songs as beautifully as you do.
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24hlevi · 9 months
hiii can i request some fluff headcanons of gaku with a s/o that also likes to play video games?
as someone who also loves video games i love this req, thank you very much 🫶
— Gaku W/ An S/o Who Likes To Play Video Games
gaku (sakamoto days) x gn!reader
warnings: none
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- obviously gaku loves video games, so when you first told him that you also play video games likely a little too much, he was internally ecstatic about it
- he definitely makes you play all the resident evil games with him, number 6 you guys co-op together, though he doesn't really like the newer ones with the first person pov and he thinks ethan is annoying in the game
- if you have a vr headset he will be using it constantly, if you don't move your furniture beforehand he will bump into things and claim it's not his fault he was so immersed in the game
- you made him try minecraft for the first time and he almost died out of boredom, until you introduced him to servers and mini games
- gaku seems like a xbox kinda guy so he definitely has the series x and pays for the game pass, though he has a ps4 and ps5 to play final fantasy
- playing horror games together and both of you freaking the fuck out whenever anything scary happens and then proceeding to turn it off and watch tv instead
- if you play the sims gaku will just sit next to you watching you complete your little tasks and occasionally set the house on fire, he doesn't advise you on anything, he just sits in silence
- the only game you win at every time is mario kart, gaku switches characters and cars every match to see if it changes anything but you still win and he gets so pouty cause it's the only one he consistently loses at
- sometimes gaku will just lay his head on your lap if you're playing a game alone in bed or on the couch, most of the time he accidentally falls asleep there and you unfortunately cannot move because of him
- he definitely used to play call of duty and battlefield knowing a bunch of trick shots and will only play them now on the main campaign cause kids these days are crazy playing multiplayer
- gaku does get pissed off when he realizes he has to go do something in the middle of a game, like if you ask him to do anything he will just sigh and say okay and do it but if anyone else tries he will literally tell them no it can wait until he's done
- buying each other video games or merch for christmas and birthdays happens every year
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ivorycello · 1 year
also if anyone is interested in getting into lifesteal, s5 starts a week from today (the day this poll ends)
please reblog for more answers
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wildpeachfarm · 4 months
Hi, Moku!
It’s been a while. Life has been a whirlwind of hurricanes and tornadoes mixed with occasional sunshine and rainbows recently, and I’ve been tackling everything I can. (Congrats on making it through another academic year, and for completing finals).
Not to beat a dead horse here, but I just wanted to input my thoughts on the q.smp bs happening.
Obviously, I hope all the workers who were wronged and never fairly compensated for their free labor, win their lawsuit and get more than what they’re owed for dealing with that narcissistic, egotistical, clout-chasing fuck. Now that I’ve said that, moving on to my thoughts.
I’ve seen discussion on how many servers are popping up post-dsmp era, and I have some thoughts on that.
Pre-dsmp, the only other SMP I heard of was Hermit-craft SMP. Then, we went through a deadly, lengthy, life-altering, and generational changing pandemic, which forced the world inside. The dsmp arose out of that, cause with everyone being at home, there wasn’t much to do. The gaming sphere/streaming sphere was dominant in a way I’d never seen it before, and it was incredible to witness. Minecraft especially experienced a resurgence, and Mr. Greenman himself was a huge part of that-through manhunts and the dsmp.
Unlike the nature of the q.smp, and some of these other short-lived smps, the dsmp started authentically. It was originally a server meant for Dteam to play on together and just have fun with each other. Then Dream added some of his friends and those friends knew people who they thought would enjoy the server and it just kept growing. Eventually, when all these people were added, the lore started, and that took the server to new heights and popularity (everyone loves a good story, regardless of the method of storytelling).
Dream himself never streamed his perspective, so as not to take away viewers from the notably smaller streamers on the SMP (which is opposite of a certain duckwhodoesntquack who only streams his perspective). He was also an active member in creating the lore/storylines of not only his character, but others as well (a certain unapologetic abusive cc was a big part, as well but we don’t talk about “Bruno”). Again, this is opposite of the q.smp, as the owner had people write the lore for him, and then was also never satisfied with what was written.
I think one of the biggest differences was the dsmp wasnt meant to be a roleplay server. It happened cause the people occupying the server wanted to do it, and made that decision on their own. It wasn’t marketed as a “passion project” so there wasn’t much build-up and hype for its release/existence (until after the lore started, and then it became more hyped). There was no competing server of its kind, cause the only other one that most people knew about had long since been established-the notoriety, popularity, and clout was already there, and didn’t need to be earned.
And the biggest difference of them all, no one got payed. There were not “workers” meant to move the server along; everything happened via the streamers themselves. So although there were some communication issues, there were no legal issues cause no one was being payed, unless you streamed playing it on a streaming site and made the money through donos.
It breaks my heart watching the q.smp play out like this, cause if it was done in good faith and genuineness, it could’ve been so good-bridging language barrier gaps and creating endless opportunities to learn a language you don’t know, and/or a culture you also don’t know-but it fell victim to a greedy owner and all good qualities were made null. I hate that this is how it transpired, especially for those that were working for free, and everyone who got doxxed/swatted over this.
TLDR; dsmp’s authenticity, genuineness, lack of greed from the owner played into what made it so successful. They’re also the reason it can’t be replicated, because it wasn’t manufactured- it just happened. And that’s why all these other servers have failed before they started, only lasted a bit of time, or ended up buckling under the consequences of the decisions of the owner. Dsmp is THAT girl and she will always be.
I’m sorry this was so long; has a lot of thoughts. Thanks for reading this anyway, and I hope this finds you well.
Have an amazing day, and don’t forget to be kind to yourself!
-L :)
Yeah I 100% agree i think something that a lot of newer servers lack is genuine authenticity that isn't built off of an expectation or hope of fame. the dsmp was never even supposed to be something other than a chill server between the dteam so obviously their intentions when just starting out were nothing but pure. However, there is no denying that anyone who made a server after that had the fame of the dsmp in the back of their mind- it's just impossible with how famous the server got.
And with how sterile the qsmp felt with how much the rp was pushed onto the streamers and the fact that there was essentially a business being run through the server, it killed the authentic feeling of everything (if it was even there to begin with)
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moon-alight · 1 year
hii!! hope you doing well, i reaaaaally love your writing, thank you for always feeed my delulu self 🤧🤧💓💓
can i request &team hyung line having a gamer gf? like who's most likely get sulky bcs their gf always playing game and have no time for them? or maybe who's really don't mind?
thank you!! <3
As a gamer (yes I can😘)
&Team with a Gamer Girlfriend
Warnings: none
Word Count: 826
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-Sulky #1
-Loves that you like games as much as he does but you know what he likes more than a gf who enjoys games? That's right; Attention.
-Gets incredibly sulky after about 20 minutes of you only focusing on the game instead of him and will find ways for you to turn your attention way from the screen.
-It's easy if you were gaming on a Nintendo Switch because then he could just take the device away from your hands but a pc is harder.
-He would totally rest his head on your shoulder and began to kiss your neck just for you to get worked up so he can easily become your number 1 priority again.
-Unbothered #1
-Has absolutely no trouble in letting you play your games while he does something else or (most of the time) he would just join you
-Likes to watch you play games and especially if it is on pc so he can watch your fingers on the keyboard
-Smiles unconciously whenever you win a match and is there to comfort you whenever you lose.
-He is the kind of guy to get you snacks during your game and then eat all of them without letting you touch the damn snacks. Lol.
-He is 100% convinced he is better than you at every game you mention just for him to lose like 90% of the time.
-Gets incredibly competetive and sulks whenever he loses. (you will have to kiss his pout away)
-You'd find him up around 3 AM playing games just to practice so he can finally beat you
-Don't get me wrong, he likes it that you like games but he is just too competetive for his own good.
-Unbothered #2
-Again, he really likes it but he would not mind if you were playing long games instead of cuddling him. . .
-Except on some days when he is just really soft and wants all your attention.
-Will take your hands away from the keyboard - console and hold them in his.
-Asks if you can just cuddle him and when you do he gets so so happy. ☺️
-Competetive #2
-Is just like Nicholas but instead of constantly losing to you, he is the one who almost always wins.
-Rubs it in your face every single time lol
-Watch him do stupid victory dances and then brag about how easy it was to win from you but whenever you stop playing because of his childish behavior he gets very soft and pulls you back for another round.
-The only time he lets you win and smiles when you get happy.
-Sulky #2
-Likes games but likes hanging out with you more so he gets sulky whenever you pay more attention to stupid games rather than him
-Will just sit in silence and sulk by himself rather than telling you about this. He is very hesistant and thinks he might be too clingy.
-After you realize how quiet he has been and pay a bit more attention to him, you realize how his mood changed from sulky to happy.
-It's not hard to piece it all together and you tell him to be more upfront with his emotions because you cannot read his mind.
-Surprisingly unbothered.
-Actually makes tons of pictures of you whenever you game and spends his time making the weirdest (yet funniest) memes out of it.
-Enjoys sending them to you and laughs at your reaction
-With Harua, you're the sulky one lol
-He also sends his memes to the &Team groupchat and watches how you cave and finally walk away from the game to pay more attention to him.
-He is insanely smart about this tbh
-A mix between sulky and unbothered lol
-He likes gaming with you but whenever you game alone, I swear. . . he will get incredibly sulky and might plan to kill you (in game ofc)
-Especially in minecraft you enjoy setting traps together for the other boys that play on the same server
-Gaming with Taki is therapy which is why he gets sulky whenever you play alone and pay more attention to your game than to him.
-Would rest his head against your shoulder to grab your attention and of course it always works
-Curses in three different languages whenever he loses a game.
-There is one exception, though. If he loses a game to you, he is the cutest and most supportive bf ever.
-Congratulates you and cuddles you whenever you win a game from him which makes the other boys very annoyed and jealous
-Whenever you pay more attention to the game instead of him, he will make candid pictures of you because you just look so pretty
-Has an entire album in his gallery dedicated to pictures of you just playing games and it makes Maki happy whenever he looks at them.
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riki-shenanigans · 4 months
what the enha members would do on their school computers 🤓 💻 📚
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ALSO HELLO?? THEIR NEW RELEASE IS SO FREAKING GOOD. 😵 I literally needed this in my life. we fr starting the week off RIGHT
- he’s def one of those people that bring a whole ass headset, mouse & mousepad to school
- he also knows all the commands to switching tabs and stuff like that
- he’s just a true gamer fr
- he plays the nyt sudoku with jay
- he also tries to help jake with the wordle but he mostly just types in gibberish hoping that it’s a word 😄
- him and ni-ki compete against each other in slope and try to get the highest score
- he’s really good at geometry dash and has passed all the levels
- he downloaded a sketchy vpn for the school laptop so he can play LoL and fortnite 😈
- one time an admin came up behind him and jump scared him while he was playing fortnite though
- he got his laptop taken away and he had to do all his assignments on paper for a week 😔
- but dw he downloaded the vpn again once he got a new computer
- in their shared minecraft server, heeseung always goes exploring with ni-ki
- they always fight any mob.. including hitting the villagers (they laugh so hard)
- he loves watching game hacks on youtube
- he’s prob really good at google snake
- he has played every mode and it’s just his go-to game
- him and ni-ki regularly try to beat each others wpm’s on monkey type (heeseung normally wins)
- he also loves playing basketball stars
- for some reason he bought a laptop case for his school computer LOL
- he’s on his second computer though cuz he accidentally broke his first one tryna fold it into tablet mode..
- I think he would have all his bookmarks and files organized nicely
- he likes nyt games like jake but he mostly plays connections, the mini, and the sudoku
- he takes a really long time on the sudoku’s cuz he refuses to use autocomplete
- he LOCKS IN with sudoku and gets annoyed when heeseung gets it before him
- he won’t pay the subscription for the crossword though LOL
- jay is always mining & crafting in minecraft, as well as trading with the villagers
- he either watches cooking videos or game strategies on youtube
- he also loves minesweeper cuz he saw ni-ki playing it and decided to try it (he hasn’t looked back since)
- he would prob play poker unblocked against randos online
- occasionally he can convince everyone to play 8ball pool too!!
- google solitaire is one of his og games fr
- OH and he’d def have a chess.com account that he’s had since like 2016
- he’s super good and can beat most of the bots
- him and ni-ki were prob fooling around one time and now his laptop screen is super cracked and on the top corner u can literally see the inside of the laptop
- his wallpaper is def layla
- he plays the most nyt games out of all the members
- he plays all the ones involving spelling like the wordle, the spelling bee, and the letter boxed
- he tries to convince the others to play but no one wants to (cuz he just has too big of an advantage lol) 😞
- he’s completed every fireboy and watergirl level with ni-ki (in every version too)
- btw he’s watergirl DUH 😛
- jake is def just playing with the animals in minecraft (he has a whole pack of wolves)
- but he also accompanies jay in mining and heeseung and ni-ki during their adventures
- he’s the only one that plays the pbs kids games but it’s ok cuz ANYTHING FOR THE WILD KRATT BROTHERS 🔥🙏💯
- he prob watches gaming streams on youtube and has the funniest reactions
- he would also watch those building a primitive house in the woods with sunghoon HAHA
- every year that there’s the fifa world cup, him and ni-ki are always updated and they watch the matches during class (learning can wait)
- him and ni-ki prob play baseball 9 during boring ass lectures
- no DOUBT he plays subway surfers LMAOO
- first thing he does when he opens his school computer is look at himself in the reflection of the black screen LOL
- he has to make sure his hair is looking good (it always is)
- just to fool the others, he switches the letter keys on his keyboard LMAO
- he’s def one of those students that doesn’t have anything bookmarked or organized and just types in the name of the website everytime he needs it
- the only nyt game he plays is tiles because it’s so rewarding for him when he finishes it perfectly
- he’ll get really mad if he messes up his streak though
- he starts playing run 3 cuz of jungwon
- (although it takes him awhile to complete the stages)
- sunghoon wears the default steve skin in minecraft and proud of it 😜
- he willingly collects resources for everyone
- like mining with jay and jake
- and chopping down trees for sunoo’s builds
- sometimes he gets bored and just moves around the items in the chests over and over again
- he is mesmerized by the youtube primitive house building videos and the channel.. when he found out they were fake he was devastated LMAO
- he’ll always watch kdramas with sunoo on pirating websites too ☺️
- google pacman is prob his fave game
- sometimes he plays temple run and jake always tries to tell him that subway surfers is better
- I bet he decorates his laptop with cute stickers hehe
- he loves taking pictures with the other members on the laptop camera
- he will make short vlogs on the camera too!!
- I think he’d have a pretty google wallpaper with all those cool google extensions
- his favorite game is probably papa’s scooperia and is amazing at remembering which customers ordered which order
- sunoo is always building those aesthetic cottages in minecraft
- he def has those pretty texture packs
- he makes everyone stop what they’re doing while he gives a tour of his builds
- he loves watching mukbang vids on youtube
- him and ni-ki are the only ones that play roblox on the school computer LOL
- he’s literally the highest level in dress to impress‼️sunoo don’t come to play.
- sunoo is the one who finds all the pirating websites 💀
- everytime one gets taken down or blocked he just finds another one HELP
- school can’t get in the way of watching new kdrama eps that come out 🙄
- he probably goes online shopping and browsing a lot
- always adding to the cart but never actually buying anything (so real for that)
- OMG he would totally play the cupcake 2048 game too
- he’s the only member who was able to keep one laptop throughout the whole year (the other members are prob on their second or third laptop)
- he prob has group tabs for every subject
- he has organized bookmarks like jay but he def overdoes it and has bookmark GROUPS with groups inside of those groups
- he always locks in for blooket and is millions ahead of the others at the end LOL
- he plays the nyt strands even though he doesn’t understand what the words means 😭
- he just connects random letters and can somehow figure it out..
- he’s really good at run 3 and has all the characters!!!
- he also got sunghoon onto it
- jungwon has those super realistic but also creepy minecraft packs
- everyone freaks out when they see his screen
- he also has the alex skin by accident but he lowkey fucks w it
- he doesn’t mind cheating sometimes with the admin commands 😉
- jungwon ALWAYS plays smoothed brown noise during class cuz he said it helps him focus..
- he got everyone else hooked on it though and everyone expects him to play it
- he prob watches youtube shorts on the school computer 😭😭
- he always has cookie clicker open
- he made a chess.com account to play with jay even though he always loses
- sometimes he wins without realizing the genius play he made and surprises both jay and himself
- he gets really anxious about getting caught using his phone at school so he plays the computer ver of the watermelon game 😇
- he prob plays motox3m a lot too
- he’s GOATED at flappy bird btw
ni-ki (riki)
- first of all, he MOST DEFINITELY has those obnoxious looking big-ass custom mouse cursors LMAO
- and his computer is literally never charged and he has to ask the other members to borrow their chargers
- I wouldn’t be surprised if he always had a countdown tab open that counted the amount of days until school is over 😭
- he always has the goofiest kahoot names that makes the class crack up when he wins 1st place
- he finished all the nyt vertex’s and memorized how to complete them
- he still replays them though!!
- he’s the only one that plays costcodle but he loves it ☺️
- he likes playing slope against heeseung and going ontop of the tunnels
- his favorite papa’s game is either papa’s sushiria or papa’s freezeria
- he replays the fireboy and watergirl levels with jake but he always forgets to press the button for him 😔
- his fave game is DEF duck life 😊😊
- he always plays it during his free time and during class time LMAO
- he is literally never in the normal world in minecraft
- his first instinct when joining is to create a nether portal and to go fight the mobs 😄
- he’s also a pro at beating the ender dragon
- jake convinced him to play wild kratts with him but he gets addicted to the odd squad games instead 😭
- he loves watching asmr slime vids on youtube (especially the cloud slimes!! he finds it so satisfying)
- he def trolls 5 year olds in adopt me 💀
- he also secretly plays royale high and roleplays in the old campus..🤫
- him and jake always get in trouble for yelling and shouting while watching the fifa world cup 😪
- he got jay hooked onto minesweeper
- he’s really good at it too 😮‍💨 the hard maps are light work for him
- even though he literally has a phone he likes connecting his airpods to his school computer and playing spotify from there
- he’s the one who found monkey type but he can never beat heeseung’s wpm 😖
- sometimes he purposefully turns off his wifi so he can play the google dinosaur game
- him and jake always play baseball 9 that it’s literally bookmarked on his computer
ummm elephant in the room.. I haven’t posted since christmas LMAO 😄😆😂🤣🥲.. I wrote the lost school ID story for fun and didn’t expect it to get any traction,,,, BUT YALL ATE THAT SHIT UP AND UR COMMENTS AND REBLOGS WERE SO SWEET OMG.!!! i’m definitely not a writer so I only post when something comes to mind so that’s why i’ve come back to post this ☺️ I hope u guys enjoyed and had some good giggles el o ellll BYE
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thateldribitch · 1 year
Oddly Specific Red Flags: Dazai
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Chronically on the internet
Has so many Reddit accounts
Listens to r/NiceGuy videos "for reference"
Proudly tells everyone he's a Discord mod
Owns a pay-to-win Minecraft server
Bought a coffin off Facebook Marketplace
Says "mood" every time you pass a graveyard
Pretends to be a "Pick Me Girl" on 4Chan Forums just to piss men off; has a whole hour dedicated to this on the weekends.
Definitely has planted bugs on you; so many. And has told you you will never find all of them.
Does not tell you about his job, no matter how many times you ask.
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comradeboyhalo · 1 year
to win, qbad just has to lean really close into the mic and say “i have some experience with paying for minecraft servers”
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gatitties · 2 years
Please please please part 10 of the seijoh manager!!!
Manager Miniseries
��Aoba Josai x fem!reader
─Summary: you were trying to have a relaxing afternoon playing minecraft with the team and ended up making a new friend
─Warnings: none
It's your lucky day because I was thinking of updating this miniseries soon so… 👀
9 < 10 > 11
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You sat on your chair, turning around a couple of times until decided that you should enter the Discord voice chat that you shared with the guys on the team, you didn't use it much, but it was fine when you all had to discuss some things about training. But today you weren't here for any of that. You clicked on the group icon, immediately being greeted by different voices.
"Are we all here?"
"I don't understand why I'm doing this."
"It will be fun Iwa-chan!"
You sighed silencing the group until you could enter the game,you had been very addicted these last few days playing Minecraft, so much so that you proposed to create a server to be able to connect with friends and play. You clicked on the logo waiting several minutes, when it was loaded you went back to Discord to let them know that they could enter the world now but you only heard screams and screams from your classmates calling you.
"(Nn)? Have you forsaken us?"
"She's been online the whole time."
"Is she muted? It doesn't surprise who would want to listen to shittikawa?""
"Hey! shut up, I'll make a better house than yours and then I'll hunt you Iwa-chan!"
"That, that! Show him who's boss Oikawa."
Matsukawa's laughter was heard, encouraging the rivalry between friends.
"I don't think Iwaizumi will be defeated so easily, right?"
"I'll kill that idiot and have the best house."
"I bet on Oikawa."
"Huh? Really Makki? then I go for Iwaizumi."
"Oi don't bet on us!"
"Makki you have made a good choice! but what exactly are we betting?"
"Mmh, now that you mention it I don't know, any ideas guys?"
"Whoever loses pays for a dinner for the whole team."
Both parts agreed with the proposal that Kunimi had made, immediately reaching a deal, chaos would return to the chat if it weren't for a grunt and a blow, creating a silence, which you took advantage of to speak.
"Guys, you can join the server now."
"I'll win against Iwa-chan so that he and Mattsun pay!"
"I don't think it was a good idea to agree to join."
"Yahaba, don't be so negative, I'll help you with your house and get materials."
"Thank you (N), I really adore you."
"Could I also have some help?"
"Sure Kindaichi, I guess I'll have to help you with the main thing."
You all started with the basics, gather some wood, kill a couple of sheep, create a small house until it got dark. Right now you were playing alone without using voice chat, you were concentrating on mining until you heard an explosion followed by a message in the in-game chat.
[King_Oikawa has been blown up by a creeper]
You couldn't help but giggle as watched your companions foolishly die one after the other because of the creatures of the night.
[Makkinotfound has been killed by a zombie]
[Yahaba_pro has tried swimming in lava]
[xXKentaroXx has drowned]
[Mattsun777 exploded]
[Iwaplay has fallen from a very high place]
You came out of your house armed with a stone sword, killing some zombies and skeletons, you met the first year boys who were trying not to get killed by a mini zombie that was running around like a demon. You got into a voice chat where only the three of you were, you were trying to help them.
"Help us please, we haven't finished the house yet."
"Sure, what do you need?"
"How do you make a torch?"
"Oh, Kunimi, let me guide you while Kindaichi finishes filling that hole with this."
You tossed Kindaichi some wood, then you explain to his partner how to craft some things, Kunimi really got interested in how to build a bed while the turnip boy was trying not to get hit by arrows. After a long while and ending up helping the third year pranksters a bit as well, you muted the voice chat again. You frowned looking at the game screen where a new message had appeared, apparently no one had noticed that another person had entered the game.
[Applepie has entered]
'I forgot to put a password to the server? what if they're a hacker or something? Nah.'
[(N): hello??]
[Applepie: oh I think I got the wrong serv]
[(N): don't worry, at least you're not a hacker or something]
[(N): or so I hope…]
[Applepie: I'm not]
[Applepie: Some servers are down and I thought this would be fine, your IP was open]
[(N): well it's just a server between friends, but you can stay and play :)]
[Applepie: thanks]
[Applepie: I think I'll stay, no lag here]
[(N): feel comfortable in Seijoland]
[Applepie: I will]
[(N): maybe we could talk on discord? If you don't mind of course]
[(N): I would like to have a internet friend]
[Applepie: ok]
You practically spent the whole afternoon playing with the boy named Kenma, you both had a good time, apparently had some things in common.
"Then he left me in the tree for an hour."
"I should meet your friends, they seem interesting."
You laughed at Kenma's story, according to a very tall boy from his club, he left him on the branch of a tree to take a picture of him as if he were a kitten but forgot to come back for him.
"Your friends also seem… curious."
"Believe me, you couldn't bear to spend much time with them."
[King_Oikawa: i just finished my house]
[King_Oikawa: mattsun and Iwa will be paying the team a dinner!!]
[Mattsun777: sorry dude, i don't think so]
A 'tss' followed by an in-game explosion was heard, the characters of Kenma and you looked at each other silently wondering the same thing in their minds.
"Did they just blow up the house of that 'King Oikawa'?"
"Yeah, they're betting."
"I guess they take it very seriously."
"No one wants to pay a dinner for the entire team."
You two continued to ignore the boys chatting about Oikawa's house, while you asked your online friend for help to build something like an area so they could fight for that dinner. The rest of the team seemed to be starting to understand the game more so they were exploring everything without any help from their manager.
"Kenma, are you playing again?"
A faint voice came over the call, as Kenma's character stopped.
"Don't you have to bother Lev or something?"
"No, I like to bother you." the voice was getting closer to the microphone "Are you playing with someone else?"
You laughed at the clear irritation of your recent friend, catching the newcomer's attention.
"Hey? Are you playing with a girl?"
"Yeah, and she's listening to you, so shut up."
"Hello! I'm Ku-"
There was a blow followed by curses, several whispers, and finally Kenma spoke again, irritation spilling over his tone.
"I'm disconnecting now, my friend is very annoying."
"Okay, see you Kenma."
"Bye (N)."
Before he could hang up you heard a scream over the line.
"Now I know her name!"
Returning to your team who were still arguing over who should pay, you decided that was enough. You went through all the houses not understanding how Mattsun and Makki had built a bunker out of diamond blocks, Kunimi and Kindaichi had accidentally burned down their house for trying to make a Nether portal, or how Kyotani was chasing Yahaba with a bucket of lava because apparently he had accidentally killed Kentaro's dog. You blinked a few times to laugh out loud hitting your desk and inadvertently joining the voice call again.
"What is (N) laughing at?"
"From your trash home Iwa-chan."
"The only garbage here is you."
[Iwaplay has killed King_Oikawa]
"Hey! That's cheating."
When your laughing fit stopped, you were able to speak correctly, still with a mocking smile on face, trying to stabilize yourself, since it began to hurt your chest from laughing so much.
"Guys, why are your houses totally blown up?"
Apparently neither Iwaizumi nor Oikawa were near their houses because just hearing what you said they screamed in surprise.
"NOO my house dude!"
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shower-racoon · 2 months
Pay 2 Win Minecraft Servers: the Board Game is an idea that I'm putting more thought into than it deserves. like, it could be a funny gag, I'll give it that, but does it really need to exist?
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maforyu · 1 year
I was bored so here yall have it: Les Mis if they played in a Minecraft SMP.
Courfeyrac: the second most trigger-happy player in the server. Only in half netherite though, he claims to have used all his netherite for his tools but is sported with an iron axe and a stone shovel on multiple occasions. His ign is _Courf.
Grantaire: potion boy, but is a nuisance about it. He stole all the netherwart from the nearest 10 nether fortresses (it made everyone give up finding netherwart themselves) and used his potions to troll people. He also sells them either for dirt-cheap or ridiculously expensive prices. His ign is GrandR.
Combeferre: Has the ign "FerreMan". Has a huge amassing army of villagers. Built a HUGE STRUCTURE containing EVERY SINGLE LIBRARIAN AND THEIR BOOKS IN EXISTENCE, with a toggleable raid farm in the centre (so as to grind for emeralds and totems, and getting hero of the village for the villager trades). Joly helped.
Joly: His ign is "doctorjoly", set by Bossuet. Freakishly good with redstone. Says that since he's studying medicinal science, he's attracted to anything remotely like science. Bossuet called out his bullshit, but it's probably true. Once caught him watching a 5-hour essay on redstone over his textbooks. Musichetta killed him that day.
Bossuet: Has the ign "BossGirlie". He just does whatever the hell he wants. Good on him, honestly.
Feuilly: The server's go-to for most, if not all things decoration. He took a special interest in banners and armour (he was DELIGHTED at the armour trim update), and is a texture/resource pack encyclopedia. He interior-designed almost every single house, building and structure in the SMP, and the others pay him handsomely for his services. Has the ign Feuilly, kindly given to him by someone online.
Bahorel: Has an ongoing war with Courfeyrac. The most trigger-happy player in the server. Unlike Courfeyrac, he has the gear. The two of them has killed each other more times than anyone has died in the server. If he's not fighting it out with Courf, he's grinding for more riches, trying to catch up to Jehan. His ign is "BawHorel".
Jehan: Strangely the richest and most geared player in the server. At first, he was suspected to having cheated in his gear, but seeing as he did not have administrator powers at all, he was proven innocent. (Grantaire, on one of his Spying™ moments, once witnessed Jehan continuously mining for 6 hours. He subsequently summoned the entire Amis IRL to pull him away from his computer and take him out for dinner.) Has the ign "Poet". How did he get it? Nobody will ever know.
Enjolras: He has a Minecraft account but dOeSnT wAnT tO wAsTe hiS TiMe pLaYiNg, saying that he has better things to do. Musichetta reported that Enjolras sometimes lurked in invis/spectator mode, when many of the players were online. His ign is "MrEnjolras".
Musichetta: Server admin. That's all that needs to be said... Ign "Chetta__".
Gavroche: Other than having the ign "Gavroche" and a Minecon Cape (Jesus Christ, Gav, how did you get this account? Cosette's dad, he'd say), he doesn't get on often since he's most of the time playing on Hypixel, but when he does, everyone simultaneously screams in chat.
Éponine: She's similar to Gavroche, only she is a leading figure in the anti-p2w community-
Her ign is "_epo9".
Cosette: Has the ign "CosetteF". Gets on when Marius gets on, just like how Marius gets on when Cosette gets on. There is a collective agreement to give Cosette as much as possible whenever she comes online.
Marius: Has the ign "MariusP", matching with Cosette. Gets on when Cosette gets on, just like how Cosette gets on when Marius gets on. There is a collective agreement to kill and bully him as much as possible, until Cosette tells them to stop.
(Bonus): Jean Valjean: Has two separate accounts, "Madeleine" and "Valjean" (both of them probably cost tens of thousands of dollars, he would swear to you that he got the igns when he created his two accounts). He has joined the server on three occasions: the first time on his Madeleine account (he was immediately banned by Musichetta and subsequently unbanned when people said that it was Cosette's dad), he joined back and hung around in the server directly after, and joined on his Valjean account the third time, and he was banned again. (He gave up after this.) (A note: he was whitelisted on both accounts, but was still banned on both occasions of joining with his accounts.)
(Bonus) Javert: Has the ign "Jav3rt", cuz some bastard took the name "Javert" before him. Got 200 stars in hypixel bedwars within one and a half years of playing (for reference, it took me 2+ years to get to 150). Is some sort of local micro-celebrity, due to his rank in the police force and the Amis leaking his ign on Twitter. On the SMP, he 1v2ed Bahorel and Courfeyrac and won due to the strategic use of potions and raw skills. You probably should not mess around with Javert.
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Videos about "pay to win" Minecraft servers talk about inflation in their economies and that has me thinking about a lot of things. Like how I do find economics interesting to some extent. The fact that inflation can arise in a relatively artificial and isolated economy like that (it still depends on some players spending real money on items and server-specific currency).
And also Spice and Wolf! I had trouble following some of the financial plots but I was never bored them either (was Kraft Lawrence trying to crash the pyrite market? I can't remember how that would help him 'win back' Holo either).
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sootwilb · 6 months
I know that Wilbur Mod ask was from another blog, but seriously when this first all went down that was my biggest "Are you frigging serious???"
Like...it was a moment where I was like 'that is literally toxic behavior we should not support that, why are people applauding them?' because if I remember they acted long before Wilbur reacted and that warranted immediate disgust from me. Whether I believed him guilty or not, if I had people I trusted who I hired decide I was a tool before I even spoke with them--my trust would be decimated.
They were so obviously malicious it made me think "Actually, I can guess what happened". Let me put on my conspiracy hat 🕵️
Picture an incredibly biased discord server conversation where people who were already growing distant from Wilbur who worked for him are talking. Some are fans of Shubble and some are exactly her kind of girlie. They've bemoaned Wilbur being gone, theorized—but in DMs, because they're not obsessed with him!—about his relationship before. They're 'special.' They're 'not like those other fan girls!'
Imagine being a beloved streamer mod, you get to work for your favorite streamer--except he hasn't streamed in awhile/barely streams, so you barely get to do the job. Maybe there's no pay now or if you volunteered you miss it, and you get he's touring, but you're annoyed.
Oh, the drama. Your more devoted fellow mods who care more about Shubble are up in arms already. They're furious and the chat descends into a "Fuck Wilbur, what a POS" and at this time there isn't even a statement out.
Whether you're neutral or not your fellow mods you like are bloodthirsty. The man has been absent and you haven't had to really do anything for months—and no comment right away!
And then we end up with this mess.
They definitely worsened it. And again, no proof. Hey, maybe they had really thought and provactive discussions and one of them definitely didn't go "Actually, I know Shubble really well, and you guys should know I know something you don't and Wilbur is a POS" before she even went live.
Again, speculating. But if I get it right, Apollo plays to win. Minecraft related discord dramas play out beat for beat the same way again and again.
Also, in those groups you just know if one person was like, "let's take a calmer approach" they'd be the first person ousted and shadowbanned across Twitter for not being a harsh enough critic.
Anyway, as a reminder for how little streamers talk to anyone who works for them, there's a funny AF animation video for how an animator who worked for Schlatt describes Schlatt just barely commenting and sending emojis and monkey pictures. Some people severely are over estimating autistic white men who weren't even socialized's ability to choose and govern their own mods and not end up choosing insane fans /half-sarcasm. Or hell, QSMP also shows how that kind of break down happens with 0 communication between streamer and who works for them.
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fountainpenguin · 1 year
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“I come to you with all my secrets... And you never, ever judge.” (x)
New Dog's Life chapter today!
Chapter 11 - “Phantom Hour (Martyn, Joel, Honey)”
Read on AO3
Start from Chapter 1
End of Session 1
Martyn gets called into work, but drops by Scott on the way. Scott's fighting through his own problems that not a single one of his friends can relate to. Meanwhile, Joel invites Grian to Empires to visit Hermes- Y'know, that kid Joel insists is real and Grian claimed was an armor stand last chapter.
Lastly, Grian returns to his wife on their home server. Their marriage may be arranged and awkward, but he's locked in offline status with her for another month straight, so he may as well get cozy...
(First 1,000 words under the cut)
- Card-carrying member of the Broken Hearts Club
- Kept hungry on purpose for nights like this
💚  💛  ❤️
If you're not hearing James Turner cry out "Aww, bat too!" every time Pearl swoops down on his head with wings unfurled, or listening to the constant hum of bee wings in your ear, are you even in Simmers' Quarter? Martyn spreads his arms and wings for balance, meandering across the copper rod rail that spans between the rooftop of one building and the next. Oh, sure… Flapping your wings is easy, but that sort of takes away the thrill and the rush of the tightrope, doesn't it?
Funny joke. I've got 24/7 vertigo anyway.
He takes every step with his eyes shut, tongue sticking out from one corner of his lips. Technically this is the Australian Quarter, but literally no one ever calls it that. Not even Pearl, and she's an Australian Minecrafter. It's just that all the Simmers live together down in this corner: not because they have to (or even because their time zones match up), but because they're such good friends.
Simmers' Quarter also happens to be the edge of the perimeter where Scott assigns housing to the accounts played by fairly young creators who are still learning their way around Minecraft. Basically, you'll never find any fewer than a hundred babies running around, and if you ask Martyn, the Simmers always look exhausted, like managing their needs in mere proximity of noisy children leaves them drained. But if they really didn't like it, they could file the paperwork to move, right?
I mean, they're Simmers… Maybe some of them still think we pay for things with consistent currency instead of doodles and build tips.
Martyn wobbles in an imaginary breeze. His vertigo kicks on a little stronger, a little more demanding. It swirls his stomach and guts in circles like he's mixing homemade ice cream. Whoa. Martyn keeps his eyes pinned shut. He doesn't peek. He only breathes.
I am not falling.
He balances on the copper rod, which Scott probably installed here for the many bat hybrids that call this area their home. Besides little rods and decorative bits like these, everything in Simmers' Quarter is built from wood and chiseled stone. The block palettes are pretty simple, but it works… The young, newbie builders don't often care for fancy designs (and setting them up with pretty stone and wood is a good way to guarantee they won't settle for less tasteful blocks like cobblestone or emerald). Most of the Simmers dump a few leaf blocks down for bushes, but largely prefer interiors, so in the end? It's a win-win.
Martyn's not here to talk to any Simmers. Or any of the hundred kids. At the end of the copper rail, he swings down and drops with a thump on the landing pad. The door's not locked. He waltzes right in. Just without a waltzing partner.
Ah, I'd love a waltzing partner. I oughta talk to Skizz.
The hallway's lit with golden lanterns. He's on the top floor. Nobody else is wandering. Martyn strolls along until he finds Room 810. He sifts through his pockets, digs out his spare key, and pushes it in the lock.
"There we are…"
Home bitter home.
The flat's a lot tidier since Scott packed his things and moved out. That's not to say Scott caused a big mess when he lived here. Jimmy just… never redecorated. Martyn can't even blame him. He's not redecorated in, eeeehhhh… Probably getting close to 300 years at this point. Definitely over 250. Dunno, honestly. Math is hard and everyone's brains are scrambled. There's not really much point in decorating, is there? Jimmy's the one who spends the most time in it, and while Jimmy and Scott were dating, Martyn hadn't seen a reason to get in the way. He keeps his stuff and private portal in his room, but so much of his station time is spent at the flock roost or else combing the perimeter. The flat is…
… Martyn only has a flat at all because of the people he came to stay with.
Martyn kicks his crocs at the front door, sliding into his slippers instead. All the lanterns are off. Jimmy's not home yet, still at the first of many late-night parties. All their games are gone too. There's no food here that Martyn's anivore body will get any pleasure from. And Scott took the blankets and throw pillows. He left the printscreens now framed along their walls - even had the decency not to crop his own face out when he left - but Martyn glances at exactly none of them. He'd just… rather not right now.
His room's the left one at the end of the hall. Jimmy's and Scott's (Jimmy's) is the right. The third door, straight ahead, is the one he came here for. As he walks, Martyn reaches into his pocket and withdraws a letter. He wrote it over break while they were killing time, waiting for Grian and Etho to account for Scar's glitch. Martyn swats it several times against his palm and opens the last door. The purple, wooden N hanging on its front clacks as he pushes through. This room never had a bed. The old occupant never saw the point in one, seeing as you can't sleep in the Between dimension.
It's not as quiet in this abandoned room as Martyn would like. He can hear screeching children playing in the road outside. He can hear Gluon's distinctive bee wings humming very, very near the edge of the apartment. Martyn makes a mental note to take him and his fez out first next time he gets the chance.
Ah, well… It's Simmers' Quarter. Whatcha gonna do?
He gives a little love-tap to the sugar glider hoodie hanging abandoned on the hook behind the door. Hasn't been worn in a few hundred years, but it's nice to know it's still there. No matter how hungry Martyn's gotten… he's never been hungry enough to eat that.
[Full chapter on AO3 - Link at top]
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citizenoftmrrwlnd · 1 year
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⛓️🧨requested by 🖤🎼anon
1. Griefing and ruining a pay-to-win minecraft server by straight up destroying it (owner rages) 2. All The Warden Scenes - Minecraft: Story Mode Season 2 Episode 3: Jailhouse Block 3. [ASMR/AMBIENCE] Prison Hallway Ambience Sounds | 1HOUR 4. The ART of Minecraft Griefing... 5. Ultra Realistic Minecraft Explosion
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skojukebox · 5 months
Tangle: Pretty casual gamer. Loves a lot of big named Nintendo stuff. Surprisingly bad at multiplayer games but still loves them purely because she likes doing things with friends. Keeps trying to use her tail to use controllers, but that's still a work in progress.
Jewel: Loves slow paced but complicated games. Thousands of hours in a bunch of Paradox games that the rest of the cast thinks just look like weird maps and spreadsheets. Has a long standing Minecraft server that Tangle has burned down at least nine times entirely on accident.
Whisper: Everyone expects her to be a big FPS player but in reality she's actually completely dreadful with the controller, and doesn't like shooting her friends when they rope her into playing them anyway. Mostly plays emotional little indie RPGs and cries a lot.
Surge: Plays a lot of competitive fighting games. Not actually very good at any of them but loves to think she's total hot shit. Whenever she wins it's obviously solely because of her amazing skill and whenever she loses it's obviously because the other person was cheating or got lucky. Has a nice arcade stick (she stole it), but only has a really junky pack-in Xbox 360 headset mic (she stole it) which she uses to scream profanity unto the internet with.
Kit: Makes flash games for newgrounds where you shoot Sonic and Tails with an assault rifle. Surge thinks it's the funniest thing in the world, everyone else is just kind of nervous.
Lanolin: Why the hell are all of you playing video games? Get back to work! What? No, mobile games don't count as video games. What do you mean gacha is gambling? It's just a way to blow off steam. It's perfectly healthy! By the way, Miss Director, can I get an advance on my pay this month? Jeanne Alter's banner is up again and-
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