#paying much attention to u to judge u
pikkish · 3 months
I always want to send people asks but I’m always too afraid to send them, hell even now I’m too afraid to come off anon, do you have any advice for people who are still a bit afraid of sending asks?
Also sorry if this is a weird/sucky ask I also suck at thinking of things to ask lol
Now, the thing you need to remember when trying to work up the courage to send an ask is, generally speaking, at least in my experience, no one really cares who you are. With the exception of "as long as you're not being a jerk/harassing the person/etc," you're not going to be judged or scrutinized somehow for sending in an ask, you're not going to have a callout post made at you for sending an ask, you're not going to be ostracized or blocked or anything.
Think about when you see someone else answering an ask. How much attention do you ever pay to the person who sent the ask, aside from the actual content of the ask? I'm willing to bet the answer there is "very little." The same is also very true for the person you're sending the ask to- if you send me an ask off-anon, I'm mostly going to be going "oh! An ask! :DDD How should I answer this?" I have never gone "oh ew look at this idiot, sending an ASK, how cringe," or anything like that, and I don't think anyone who chooses to keep asks on and encourages people to send stuff in would do that. Mostly, I'm happy to have the interaction and happy to know someone's interested in whatever it is I'm talking about, and mostly more focused on answering the ask, and not judging you for whatever reason.
As for what to ask, given that most of tumblr's userbase is neurodivergent and/or into some fandom or other, you can typically pretty easily ask yourself "what would I like to be asked about my hyperfixation/fandom/current project" and then just apply that to whatever it is they're doing instead. Most people are generally pretty happy to be given any reason to ramble about something they're interested in with only slight prompting!
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artcalledoddities · 1 month
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The trunks with wires get a LIFE Sink deep to water No fluoride Old roots The drink capped The trunks with wires get a LIFE Before chemical toxic release Lead pipes still sitting present Wire going inbetween We grow around Those in Captured lines Present folks Twist and pull off The trunks with wires get a Life Before chemical toxic release Lead pipes still sitting present Wire going inbetween We grow around Bass not needed Bass not needed From roots in the grounds From roots in the grounds Up above pictured Ohh TUMBLR AEIO’U The frantic Filling dispositions Thee all knowing Pry opening The trunks with wires get a life Before chemical toxic release Lead pipes still sitting present Wire going inbetween We grow around Drinking yet again from the tap Will it be harmful! Or will I have do without? Mostly all countries drink from cap……. Before chemical toxic release Lead pipes still sitting present Wire going inbetween We grow around
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phefics · 6 months
i’m sorry if you’re bored of the hg boys but i fear they are taking up all my brain space and you write them so well 😔
hg boys reacting to reader walking around their place naked/in underwear (i’m sorry if you’ve written something like this pooks i fear i am also very forgetful)
omg thank u!! i do get a lot of requests for them lol but i’m happy to do this for you!! (also “pooks” took me out /pos😭)
peeta would find it so hot, just having you comfortable enough to prance around in little to no clothes. he isn’t easily flustered about nudity, he mentions this in canon a few times i believe, so he would just find it sexy and also kind of sweet that you feel safe with him. it also makes it easy for him to make you cum in many different places around the house.
gale doesn’t pay much attention to it, honestly. if he’s in the mood, your lack of clothes makes it easy, but if he isn’t, he just lets you do your thing. nudity isn’t inherently sexual to him, if you wanna walk around naked he won’t judge you, but he also isn’t going to take it as a hint.
finnick is like peeta, just happy that you feel comfortable around him. nudity is nothing to him, after all he’s been through, a naked body isn’t embarrassing or even shocking to him. but when it’s your body…it definitely riles him up. he likes to sneak up behind you and press his half-hard cock against your ass, whispering dirty words in your ear.
coriolanus likes it, it makes him feel a sense of pride and ownership over you, having you walk around in skimpy outfits (or nothing at all) in his house. his girl in his house, showing off the body that he gets to fuck whenever he pleases.
sejanus finds it so hot, omg. he just constantly wants to bend you over any surface and fuck you. sometimes, it flusters him, only because he's nervous that someone will come by (like his ma) and catch you making breakfast in nothing but a pair of panties, but overall, he is a huge fan.
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wwinterwitch · 7 months
cowboy like me — coriolanus snow
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summary: it takes one to know one. you and him were exactly alike, which explains why you were inevitably drawn to each other
pairing: coriolanus snow x fem!reader
word count: 2k
tags: you can't fix him you're as awful as him, being delusional together, fluff??? (not really but u guys are in love and happy and married), mentions of/implied murder and being bad people, romanticizing everything
notes: idk where i was going with this i just had this idea in my head and taylor inspired me to write it. i'm also absolutely feral for young!snow it's not even funny at this point, i needed to find ways to cope lmao
i'd really appreciate a comment or reblog if you enjoy my work.
masterlists | read on ao3
A smile appears on your face the second you feel a hand on your lower back, turning around to meet your husband's loving gaze.
He stands directly in front of you, staring down at you in a way that to this day makes you feel butterflies in your stomach, like you're nothing but a teenage girl who's unlucky enough to have developed a blinding crush on a guy too charming for his own good— the thought of it makes you feel almost nostalgic, looking back at the early stages of your relationship.
Coriolanus Snow has always been a familiar face. Growing up together, you two have known each other for ages. You might've interacted a few times, but nothing beyond brief conversations between classmates.
You had a boyfriend at the time. A much too sweet and caring guy that made the big mistake of falling irrevocably in love with you. In all fairness, it was hard for him not to trail behind you like a lost puppy all the time when you were so good at making foolish boys believe you were the girl of their dreams.
Love is not a word you would use to describe your relationship. He was tolerable and clearly obsessed with you, so it made sense for you to stay with him. He learned with time that buying you very expensive gifts would get you to pay more attention to him, so that became his way of showing his affection for you.
In his mind this was perfectly reasonable. His girl likes being spoiled, so that's exactly what he did. The adoration for you blinded him enough to ignore the truth: you're just sticking around for the money. Some people warned him you were bad news, but you always managed to find a way to make him worship you all over again. Maybe you could've felt sorry for him at some point...if only he didn't have such good taste to pick things out for you.
But then Coriolanus happened. You started to notice him more and more until you inevitably started having feelings for him. How could you not fall for a guy like him? Especially after he started his quick ascend as one of the best Game makers in history.
Maybe it was the way he so fervently claimed his interest in you, willing to pursue you even when your boyfriend was still in the picture. Or perhaps it had to do with his growing popularity and power. After all, you can't deny how attracted you are to guys with ambition.
And Coriolanus is not exactly sure what made him fall for you either. There's many things he loves about you, that's for sure, but he can't say which came first. Was it your captivating beauty and intelligence, or the news that you recently became the only heir to one of the wealthiest families in the Capitol?
Whatever force pulled the two of you together, it really doesn't matter at this point. What matters is that he loves you with every fiber of his being, willing to do whatever is in his power to make sure you're happy (and what isn't, he'll do anything to get). And you love him too, of course, offering him a companionship he always craved— undying fidelity, the purest honesty and understanding.
You've never once judged him for being who he is. If anything, you seem to admire his strength to do whatever it takes to secure his place in society. No one has ever been this loving and accepting, almost encouraging him to be as determined as ever to get the two of you on top.
Whatever he did or didn't do is already in the past. Why should the past matter? Shouldn't you enjoy the present with your loving and successful husband? Be proud of the work the two of you have done to get where you are?
No, the past is gone. It already happened. There’s no need to look back at things you can't change and decisions you can't take back. It all brought you here. Every tiny little decision led the two of you to this moment; married, in love, happy, powerful. It was meant to be like this.
He didn't seem to mind about your own past either. Any other person would've judged you for the difficult decisions you had to make in order to become the wealthiest woman in all of Panem. You've seen it in the face of ex friends and lovers. They never understood your hunger for what you so rightfully deserve.
Good things don't happen to people because they're good. They happen because you make them happen. You fight, you take, you conquer. It's what life is, and it's something you and Coriolanus understand perfectly. That's why the two of you make sense. Why it feels so right to be together. You understand him and he understands you— understands you like no one else has in your entire life.
It was him the one who held you that night when you just couldn't hold it in anymore, and he sat with you while you cried and cried about your beloved sister, because even after all those years you still missed her and wished things could've been different.
If only your parents made it easier for you. They shouldn't have played favorites from the moment you were born. And they really shouldn't mess with something as important as inheritance. It's your goddamn birthright! How could they be so cruel to you? If they corner you against the wall with no apparent way to escape, it was a matter of time before you decided to stand your ground.
It's a shame your poor sister had to suffer the consequences, though. You really do love her...
Coriolanus couldn't judge you even if he tried. He could see himself in your tear-filled eyes and hear his own inconsolable sobs through your voice. It took him back to a particularly difficult point in his life where he had to make a similar choice.
He pours his heart out to you as he holds you tight against his body, revealing all the unfortunate things he was forced to do because it's all that was left. An act-or-die situation that kept repeating itself until he had no other choice but to do the unspeakable. What else was he supposed to do? What else were you supposed to do?
The regret in his voice is evident, and you know he does regret it because he’s a good person with a heart of gold. One of the best people you’ve ever met in your life. He’s good, and brave, and passionate…enough to sacrifice what he loves if the circumstances require that of him. Not many people have the privilege to claim to be as great as him.
"You did what you had to," your voice came out in a soft whisper, still affected by your sudden outburst with the thought of your sister engraved deep inside your brain. At the time you thought you were trying to ease his conscience, but maybe your statement was falling from your lips in a weak attempt to ease your own inner conflict too. "Life has been so unfair to us, Coriolanus. Is it too bad that we want just a little bit of peace?"
He stays quiet for a bit, stroking your hair in hopes to bring you some comfort as he processes your hopeless, pain-filled statement. That's probably the hardest thing about loving you; caring so much that he cannot possibly function if he knows you're hurting, and cursing himself for not being able to take that pain away. 
"We'll have peace," he eventually assures you. His voice is soft, yet fiercely determined. There's no room for discussion. He'll make it happen for the two of you. What's a few more difficult choices when he's so far gone now? When he knows it has worked perfectly before and it made all his dreams come true?
In that moment, snuggled up to his chest with his arms tightly wrapped around you, it was clear. That sense of familiarity you only get when you look back in the mirror, or when you quickly scan a room when someone speaks your name. He has suffered as much as you. He knows what it's like to be mistreated in life, and how difficult it is sometimes to live with the fact that you had to leave people behind to finally taste a drop of happiness.
The guilt comes and goes. Sometimes it's easier to remember you had no choice, but other times all you can think about is what life could've been if you weren't forced to take such drastic measures. Perhaps now that you have someone who truly understands, you'll learn to always remember you deserve all you managed to achieve.
When you move back from him to look up into his welcoming and comforting blue eyes, you knew you'd never be alone again. You'll never get to experience this free-fall, soul-consuming feeling with anyone else. And why would you even want to waste your time like that, when you already found the one person who sees the world exactly like you do? 
A love like this is hard to find. Most people spend a lifetime trying to find a love decent enough to make them feel like they're losing their minds. Like the air is missing from their lungs and everything looks much darker when the other is not around. Like they're willing to do anything to make the other happy. Like the fear of being consumed entirely by it is the sweetest of fates.
You thought you could only experience affection in the form of luxurious jewelry, fancy clothing and all that came with the important status your ex boyfriend provided. At one point, you could say you almost needed him. Or least needed his money. He provided a safety net you desperately needed after your stupid parents decided to leave everything to your annoyingly perfect sister.
After becoming the only heir in your family (it really is a shame that your sister was gone so soon, poor thing), your boyfriend was no longer a necessity, but a way of distracting yourself when you needed it. It's not like you're going to refuse his gifts and attention anytime soon, right?
But that was it. The furthest it can get to what being in love should look like. And that was what your relationship with Coriolanus should have been when you decided to make your way into his heart. Never in a million years would you have expected to meet a soul that matches yours in even the tiniest of details, that loves so deeply and cares enough to act like it's required to survive. 
With his arms still surrounding your body in a protective and comforting manner, you knew he’d be the guy you’d spend the rest of your life with. You knew it long before the day he got down on one knee, professing his undying love for you and offering the most beautiful engagement ring you have ever seen in your life. You pledged to always be there for him and, in return, he vowed to give you the world— he'd find a way to reach the night sky and collect every single star for you if that's what you ask of him. You kept each other's deepest secrets like they were your own. Two smart and ambitious people joining together in their search for greatness.
The hand on your lower back now rests against your cheek, tracing your skin in such a delicate manner that it almost makes you shiver. The white rose attached to his impeccable burgundy suit is slightly tilted to the right, fixing it with your hands as soon as your eyes notice that detail.
He smiles wider after your gesture, leaning down to capture your lips in an affectionate kiss to show his gratitude. You wish the moment could last longer, but you know it's impossible to stay behind these walls for longer when there's a loud crowd out there chanting your husband's name.
There's the briefest of interactions when he breaks the kiss, the two of you standing in front of each other with a smile of pure conspiracy— a silent recognition of the work individually done to get here, an unspoken ‘thank you’ to one another for the team effort, and the promise of a never-ending companionship that would only take you higher.
He grabs your hand, intertwining his fingers with yours before finally stepping outside to the marble balcony. Before you, a sea of people cheer and welcome the new President and First Lady of Panem.
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yunhoszn · 3 months
horses are still overrated
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pairing jeong yunho x f!reader word count 2k genres fluff﹒smut warnings 18+ MINORS DO NOT INTERACT, mature language, established relationship, mentions of voyeurism, dirty talk, marking-ish, mutual masturbation, kissing, slight cum eating shhhhh don’t say anything, pet names: baby, babe, princess
summary new relationships always have room for experimenting, and well, you and yunho are no exception.
more ok so i tried doing these in ask format but i didn’t like it so we’re back to our regularly scheduled programming with a little update :P anyway,, this was for this request! it’s meant to be an extension of save a horse, ride a cowboy but can totally be read as a standalone! i kinda strayed from the initial req, but i hope this is still good… it’s still yunho day so <3 ALSO @bro-atz thank u for betaing my love i appreciate u so big!! pls reblog if u enjoyed!
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The few weeks that have passed since you and Yunho have confessed to each other have been nothing short of blissful. 
He makes you feel like you’re soaring, ensuring that your happiness is the top priority. He embraces you in a way that’s not only physical, but emotional too. Like his feelings for you are their own special hug of warmth that envelopes you when you need it most. You could never get tired of him, could never return to your life back home like this summer never happened. 
Because in all honesty, this summer was the best thing that could’ve ever happened to you. 
You have a small smile on your face as you reminisce about the wonderful time you’ve spent here so far, leaning back into the bench on the farmhouse porch. Initially, you were sitting here to openly gawk after Yunho as he rounded up the cattle, but now you were too giddy to pay attention to that. You don’t notice him walking towards you directly, Yeoreum tailing behind him. 
“What’s got you so cheesy today?” 
You blink at his question, feeling a bit bashful. You’ll never get used to this view. “I was just thinking about us, and how happy you make me.”
“That’s cute,” he mirrors your expression, one hand on the back of the bench to hold his weight and the other coming up to cup your jaw, lips pecking yours gently. “Ready for dinner?”
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“I have a confession to make,” you start as you’re washing the dishes after dinner. 
“What’s up?” Yunho asks you from the other side of the kitchen, putting away the leftovers. He shuts the refrigerator and leans against it, arms crossed over his chest. You swallow thickly. 
“I’ve just had this on my chest for so long and I need to get it off before I explode,” you ramble, avoiding his eyes as you scrub a plate. “Promise you won’t judge?”
“I promise,” he chuckles, and you can hear his footsteps as he gets closer. “I won’t judge you.”
Your sigh comes out as more of a shudder, Yunho’s arms wrapping around your middle and his chin resting on your shoulder. The new proximity makes you ten times more nervous to say your piece, your heart beating erratically behind your rib cage. This is fine. This is great actually. (No it’s not!)
“Do— um— do you remember the day before Seojun and I broke up?” Your hands are trembling slightly. 
“When you gave Yeoreum a bath, right?” He nods, the movement bothering you slightly because it has his chin digging into your shoulder uncomfortably. “What about it?”
”So…” You have to pause the dishes, your hands clamming up so much that you think the handle of your sponge will fly out of your grasp. “That night, when my lightbulb went out, I actually went out to go grab you. But— uh— I saw something… else… instead…”
Your eyes squeeze shut, entirely too mortified to even think about what his reaction could be. It’s been a minute since the ordeal played out, so really you didn’t have to say anything. Part of you felt like you couldn’t continue this relationship in good conscience without being totally honest, though. 
Strong hands wrap gently around your wrists, turning you around to face him. He tsks, “Open your eyes, princess.”
His eyes are soft, no hint of disappointment or disgust on his features as he stares back at you. His lips curl into a smug smile after a couple seconds, cupping your jaw and caressing your cheek with his thumb. You blink at him, a little confused by the shift in atmosphere, but not complaining. 
“You’re not—?” 
“You watched me fuck my fist, is that right?” Yunho asks so bluntly, so vulgarly. “Tell me, what did you do after that?”
It’s easy to divert your gaze again, focusing on how interesting the material of his button up suddenly is. It’s one thing to admit that you stood there and watched for a bit, it’s another to admit you stuffed yourself with your own fingers not even fifteen minutes later. But you think he already knows that, based on your behavior and some good ol’ context clues. 
“I… I touched myself,” you whimper, ashamed of how you’re getting turned on. The worst part is the fact that he’s enjoying this. He’s enjoying the way he has you folding for him so quickly. “To the thought of you…”
Yunho’s grip on your chin tightens and his eyes flutter shut with a groan. “Fuck, baby, that’s so hot…”
You weren’t sure how this would go, and a piece of you genuinely thought he might even end things with you. Any other person would think you were sick and perverted, but not him. It makes you feel a lot better and a lot more secure in your relationship. 
Your tongue pokes out of the corner of your mouth, grazing the pad of his thumb. He hisses, cursing under his breath, letting you wrap your lips around and suck the finger. Yunho stares with not a single coherent thought behind his eyes. He’s losing his composure, pressing his thumb down on your tongue. 
“Do you think you can tell me? How exactly did you touch yourself?” He purses his lips, his free hand slipping into the opening of your overalls, dragging his finger along the exposed skin of your waist. You shake your head with a whine.
”Yun… That’s embarrassing…” 
He pulls his hand out of your overalls, hooking the digit into your belt loop and yanking you closer. His mouth is dangerously near your own, lips brushing yours when he speaks. “I wanna know. Need to picture my pretty princess fucking herself desperately ‘cause her fingers aren’t enough to get her off.”
Your legs feel like jelly, your cunt clenching around nothing just by his words alone. Yunho had always done such a good job at being the sweet and doting partner everyone wanted. He was attentive, praised you like you were a living, breathing goddess. But this dirty side of him is different. And you like it a lot more than you should.
“O-Okay…” You swallow thickly, and suddenly he’s spinning you so his chest is to your back. He urges you towards the bedroom, attaching his lips to your neck and sucking the supple skin gently, tenderly.
”Go on,” he says between kisses, still pushing you until you’re standing in the middle of his room. Your eyes already feel heavy and you haven’t done anything yet. “Tell me.”
”I— um— I thought about your hands and how big they are,” your tone is shaky, and you hope you don’t sound stupid. “Thought about how good it would feel to have them all over me. I pictured that it was your fingers inside of me. Imagined your cock, and how big it is.”
“Is that so? I’m just not getting the visual, babe. I think I need you to show me.” He hums, a hint of amusement in his voice. As if this couldn’t get more embarrassing, now he wants you to finger yourself in front of him? You’re about to protest, but he’s pressing your lower back to the mattress and talking against the corner of your mouth again, teasing you because he knows he can. “If you’re good for me, I’ll fuck you so well, you won’t be able to forget the shape of my cock.”
You nod with a whimper, hopping onto the bed and scooting all the way up to the pillows. Your hands are wobbly as you undress yourself, unbuckling your overalls and kicking them off your feet. Of course you chose the worst day to dress the part. Yunho sits at the edge, watching you with an unreadable expression. 
When you’re in nothing but your top and panties, he clears his throat, leaning back onto his palms. His tongue darts out to wet his lips. “Move your underwear to the side for me, princess. Let me see your pretty pussy.”
It’s almost impossible to hold back a moan, following his instructions. You glide your middle finger through your folds, showcasing how you’re practically dripping for him in the amount of time it’s taken you to get from the kitchen to here. He exhales through his nose, legs spreading to give you a glimpse of an uncomfortable looking bulge in his pants. 
You sigh deeply at the sight, circling your finger around your clit slowly. The thought of being the cause behind it, of getting Yunho so hot and bothered, drives you crazy and has you curling your toes. 
“Just like that,” he encourages, tossing his denim button up to the floor. He palms over his erection, tilting his head slightly. “Can you do some more for me?”
“Mhm,” is all you can manage to force out, doing what he asked. You shove your ring and middle fingers inside of yourself, finally releasing a moan at the intrusion. You keep pressure on your clit with the heel of your palm. There’s silence between you save for the occasional whine.
Yunho shivers, shimmying out of his pants so he can stroke himself freely. You gawk at him with bated breath, biting your lip as your fingers pick up their pace. There’s a knot that settles in the pit of your stomach, tightening and tightening in preparation for that special moment. 
The view of him spread out in front of you, fucking up into his hand with hooded eyes trained on your own playing with your cunt, is too much. He’s wearing that same godforsaken white tank top as he was the night you saw him, the muscles in his forearm and bicep flexing with each twist of his wrist, each pump of his cock. 
You feel like you’re drooling, ogling at him like he was a piece of meat. But you couldn’t help it. Yunho was the most attractive man you’d ever laid eyes on. The longer you stare, the further you fall. That’s a conclusion you’ve come to a little too late. 
“‘M close, Yun,” you moan, arching your back off of the pillows, head almost clunking against the headboard. “Wanna cum with you.”
“I’m almost there, too, baby,” he grunts, teeth gritted as he runs his thumb over his slit. That has a loud whine spilling from your lips, your feet digging into the mattress. You don’t know how much longer you can last. 
Your fingers try to reach that spongy, sensitive spot deep in your cunt, but you can’t. It seems that only Yunho’s long, thick fingers could accomplish that feat. No wonder you were so obsessed with his hands.
You opt for using the fingers of your free hand to swipe quickly at your clit while the others curl and thrust into you, inching you toward that steep cliff that has stars decorating your vision. Judging by the volume of his sounds getting higher and higher, you can tell Yunho’s right there with you. 
One particular absentminded curse from him has your brain short circuiting, that promise of release washing over you almost violently. Your body aches and quivers, orgasming harder than you ever had just with your own hand. (You’d like to think the presence of a certain cowboy had everything to do with it.)
He groans and follows behind shortly after, painting his hand in milky white. The two of you try to catch your breaths, laying there for a couple moments to recuperate. After a while, Yunho leans over to kiss you gently, squeezing your cheeks with his cum covered hand. You scrunch your nose. 
“You’re getting it on my face!”
“That was the goal,” he laughs, pressing another sweet kiss to your lips. You roll your eyes, licking away whatever was near your mouth. He groans again. “Fuck, are you trying to kill me? Purposely?”
“Maybe,” you shrug. “I remember being told you’d fuck me if I did good for you. Where’s my reward?”
“Trust me, I didn’t forget.”
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© yunhoszn. do not steal, claim, or repost.
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lasirenatarot · 7 months
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“ LOOKS-MAXXING ” pick-a-card reading.💝
Your next glow up.
What can you do in order to have a big glow up?
Pick a pink 90s magazine cover:
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—>Pile 1
Your next glow up will most likely be related to getting « in peace » with your s€xuality prior to glowing up both physically and mentally. What I mean by this is you will probably need to get rid of any self doubts about your looks, any shame around your $£xual side due to past traumas or for some the way you were raised, some may have been raised in a controlling or conservative family.
One of the ways you can make this glow up happen is if you really enjoy your life and what you do. Try to practice your hobbies more and work on bettering your natural talents, by doing that you may find your purpose in this world and this will lead to the biggest glow up ever.. for some it may lead them to their dream career.
Something which appears in the cards is that you may need to forgive your parents or parental figures for the way they treated you in order to reach peace within yourself and your physical body. Forgive yourself as well for not acting in the « right way » or not looking a certain way, this is the best you could do at that point of your life . It is all in the past.
As for a physical glow up: judging by the pictures shown on the cards that fell, maybe start focusing on a regular work out routine, focusing on legs, butt or whatever you feel like you need to improve. Updating your clothing style may benefit you a lot. Stop caring about what others would say and pick clothes which give you freedom of expression, be yourself shamelessly. Some of you who chose this pile may have some creative vision which they may have been scared to express - do it. Meditation may help with your « glow up » in some form as well. Try bolder makeup looks and outfit choices.
Moodboard/Vibes for pile 1:
The vibes I get from this pile is totally Julia Fox as a persona,not only style wise. She’s unapologetically herself, maybe for some she’s a bit weird. But the main point is, despite people’s opinions and perceptions of her, she has always followed her own rules and expressed herself. Before she got famous she was a dominatrix, did a photobook, an art exhibition aand starred in a famous movie in which her character was inspired by her real life . All this happened because she was authentic,lived her life the way she wanted and followed her heart, exactly what u should do as well,pile 1.
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Songs which remind me of this pile’s vibe:
—>Pile 2
Pile 2, you’re going through or will go through a huge transformation.. luck will definitely be on your side and you may find out answers for things which you’ve always wanted to know about. ( it can be pretty much about anything. If we are talkibg about a physical glow up exclusively, you may learn some very good beauty hacks soon. It can be about makeup, diet, exercise, skin care, personal development etc.. this is a general reading so I cannot be exact but whatever your case is it will lead to a HUGE glow up. Two of the cards are talking about some « secret knowledge » so whatever it is it will be significant for you.
This pile is very different from the first one as the glow up that appears here is not just about one or two things in your life or looks, it’s about everything. The things you can do in order to glow up faster, pile2, is maybe start watching makeup tutorials and pay attention to new techniques or products you haven’t heared before, ask people for where they shop they may tell you some secret thrift store with really cool clothes which can uplift your style.. anything which can help you get this « secret knowledge » which appeared in the cards. Another thing I can say for this pile is: focus on manifestation, envision the changes in your looks or life as a whole you would like to have and act accordingly in your 3D universe in order to get to where you want to be. Positive affirmations and subliminals (as in subliminals I mean not the crazy unrealistic ones, but those about self concept, confidence and beauty in general) may also be helpful in your case.
Moodboard/Vibes for pile 2:
The vibes I get here are Fran from “The Nanny” and Maddy from “Euphoria”. Fashionable, bold, colourful. Radiating confidence. Crystals, glitter, sparkle, feathers, bold and colourful makeup, everything of that sort. Do not dim your own light to make someone else feel better about themselves if they are insecure.
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Songs which remind me of this pile’s vibe:
—>Pile 3
Pile 3: I think you would definitely be bettering your financial situation sooner than you may have even expected, this may help you get a glow up. You would be able to afford nicer things, skincare, clothes, procedures etc.. If you’re not already on a path to improve your finances, then you would definitely be motivated to start working on this problem soon and be very committed on your mission of « glowing up » in every way possible. Physically, mentally, spiritually even. You will be finding yourself after a long period of feeling lost and unlike your true self.
You would become much more intuitive, confident and cut throat even, you won’t let energy vampires use you as they may have done in the past and this would lead to a more beautiful and healthy version of you, because you would not have to deal with others’ negativity anymore. When it comes to relationships you would not be satisfied with with mediocrity, you will be finally standing your ground and being true to your standards and what you deserve. You will be getting your justice if you’ve been mistreated in the past.
This pile has huuuge « femme fatale » « dark feminine » vibe. This may be the energy you will be channeling after you have your glow up. Doing classic makeup like red lipstick+ black eyeliner, black smokey eyes and nude lips combo might help you channel this energy that i am seeing here better. Wearing colours like: red, black, gold and nude might help you elevate your look. Also wearing jewelry, lace and high heels. Don’t be scared to embrace your « dark side » which you may have ignored in the past in order to fit in with the crowd.
May sound trivial, but follow your intuition and do what makes you happy, it will make you glow in ways which you have not expected..
Moodboard/Vibes for pile 3:
The vibes I’m getting here are as I said in previous paragraphes: femme fatale, dark feminine energy,monica bellucci core type of look/aesthetics..
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Songs which remind me of this pile’s vibe:
That was all from today’s PAC. It was a bit different from previous ones and I myself did not expect it to turn out the way it did, but sometimes completely different information pops up in readings because someone needs to hear a certain thing.. Hope you enjoyed it!!
Leave a comment/feedback if it resonated, share and follow for more.
Thank you for reading!
- La Sirena💋
Decks used: ‘$£xual magic’ oracle deck by Lo Scarabeo; ‘Manara’ €rotic tarot deck by Milo Manara/ Lo Scarabeo;
Photos are from pinterest; all credits to their respective owners.
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heehoonieluvs · 8 months
hello!! i really loved ‘the locker rooms’ with hee, and i was wondering if i could request a short drabble in that series/universe lol (if that is okay!) of hee and the readers first time together? especially since hee is so down bad for them 😩
also i love love!! how u write heeseung 😩 idk it just hits diff i love it lolol
First time
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Basketball captain Heeseung x reader
Fluff, smut
The way that the members are depicted in this story has nothing to do with how they really are or how I feel they are. It is all solely for the storyline so please bear that in mind 🫶
Tysm for sending in this request 🩵 I do apologise that it’s a lot longer than expected but I got too carried away 😅
Warnings: MDNI, cursing, pet names, loss of virginity, oral (f & m receiving), fingering (please let me know if I need to add any more 🤍)
Series masterlist
It had been about 3 months since Heeseung had finally asked you to be his girlfriend. It was safe to say that it had been the best 3 months your life, full of the best cuddles, kisses, the cutest dates and so much more. And for Heeseung it was the same… except he was fighting his inner demons so hard to not devour you every moment you two were together.
He kept his sinful thoughts to himself as he didn’t want to scare you off with the filthy things he wanted to do with you. There were times where he was close to getting a taste of you but you always stopped him before things went too far as you were a virgin. The first time you told him, he lifted your head by your chin and left delicate pecks on your bright red cheeks, reassuring you that there was nothing to be embarrassed about. So every time you got nervous from his touches, he’d never push you to do anything and end the night with the biggest cuddles.
The truth was that you were just as needy for him as he was for you. But knowing his reputation before you got together, it made you worry that you wouldn’t be able to satisfy him the way that he wanted. It felt embarrassing that you were in your second year and still hadn’t slept with anyone. So instead, you resorted to touching yourself to the thought of your gorgeous boyfriend whenever he wasn’t around. You knew that he would never judge you for being a virgin but you didn’t want to make a fool out of yourself and make him want to go back to the way he was before.
It was a Sunday night at Heeseung’s flat and you had just submitted your essay. You could’ve gotten it done quicker if it weren’t for your needy boyfriend kissing your neck and begging you to pay him some attention. Once you shut your laptop, you turned to your boyfriend who was sat on his bed with a cheeky grin on his face. Seeing how snuggly he looked, you bounced over to straddle his lap and engulfed him in the biggest bear hug
“Ah finally! My baby is paying attention to meeee” he whined into your neck
His fluffy hair tickled your face so you brought your hand up to run your fingers through the strands. He hummed in satisfaction as you played with his hair and rocked you side to side
“How about we put on a movie and I’ll get us a takeaway? Does that sound good my princess? He asked as he rubbed his nose on yours before giving you a kiss
“Are you sure darling? You’ve got a game coming up tomorrow and I don’t want your coach to have a go at you”
You could barely keep eye contact with him as he gazed up at you with so much love in his eyes, making your stomach feel like it was doing flips
“Don’t worry baby, what he doesn’t know won’t hurt him. And anyways, it’s to celebrate my pretty girl for being so smart and beautiful” he teased
You rolled your eyes jokingly “Babe, I submitted one assignment. I don’t think that makes me that smart” you giggled at his goofiness
“Yes it does babyyyyy! And we should always celebrate the fact that I have the most gorgeous princess in the whole world to myself” he started to brag with a smug smile
He ordered you both all of your favourite foods from the takeaway around the corner and you snuggled under the covers whilst watching a movie you had been looking forward to. His arm was draped around you and he pulled your legs over his lap so it almost looked like he was cradling you like his baby. As he looked down to stare at your face, he couldn’t help but wonder how he got so lucky despite how much of a dick he was in the past.
It was like you were some kind of angel sent for him when you entered his life. Before you, his grades had started to decline as he only focused on basketball and getting his dick wet. But once you blessed him with your presence, it was like he became a new person. He wanted to be a better person to prove to you that he was capable of being the man that you deserved to worship you for the rest of your life. And now that he’s yours, he could never even think about any other woman apart from you.
You looked so adorable, snuggled under the covers in his favourite hoodie. You were so invested in the film so he took his time to concentrate on every part of your beautiful face. From the way your eyes sparkled in awe, the way you slightly pouted in concentration whenever something interesting was being said, and the way your adorable nose would scrunch up whenever the actors said something outrageous.
He was in such a daze that he barely picked up on the moans coming from the TV as an intimate scene came up. The scene was extremely realistic and intense, even to him. And when he looked back at you, your eyes slightly dropped from embarrassment but he picked up on your legs slightly squeezing together
Even though he always tried to avoid it, he couldn’t help but tease you because he found it so cute. He leaned down to whisper softly into your ear
“Are you enjoying it princess?”
Your doe eyes widened as you looked at him with your bottom lip jutted out
“U- uh no what do you mean?” You turned away from his teasing gaze
He pulled you in closer to rub his nose on your warm cheek
“It’s ok princess I’m only teasing. You know it’s not something to be embarrassed about?”
By the way your legs carried on moving over his lap, he felt that he could test the waters a bit more, but not enough to make you feel uncomfortable. So he brought his left hand up to your upper thigh soothe your shaking legs. As he stroked you turned your face towards him again but kept your line of vision down, at his hand on you. Your fingers played with your bottom lip (a habit that you did whenever you were nervous and drove your boyfriend crazy). The hand that was on your lap delicately pulled your fingers away from your lips before he kissed them
“Pretty girl, you know I can’t resist you whenever you play with your soft lips like that. It almost makes me jealous that I’m not the one doing it to you” he interlocked your fingers and brought his face closer to yours
Sensing the closer proximity, your looked back up to him and the two of you looked into each others eyes and lips. It was like the was an invisible force that pulled you both together as you leaned in for a kiss.
You guys had kissed many times before, but this one felt different. He cradled your face gently to angle it perfectly and you rested your hands by his shoulders. The two of you moved your heads in sync to deepen the kiss and each movement made it feel more and more intense. Heeseung wanted more so he ran his tongue on your bottom lip to ask you permission to open your mouth. When you granted him access, he wasted no time to stick his tongue in your mouth to play with yours. As the two of you engaged in a wet french kiss, you felt his hand run down your body to land on your ass. All of a sudden a rush of panic washed over you and you pulled away
“I’m so sorry princess did I go too far?” Heeseung questioned with so much worry written on his face
“No. No I promise you didn’t. It’s just me” you said timidly “I do want to do it with you, I promise baby. I’m just scared”
“What is it that you’re afraid of pretty baby? Is it me?” He asked
You panicked “No! You could never scare me bambi. I just… I guess I’m just scared that I won’t satisfy you and I can’t compare to all the girls you’ve been with”
He let out a sigh of relief but also sadness. He didn’t realise that you had been feeling this way and was frustrated at himself for not picking up on your insecurities earlier
“Oh baby, is that what’s been holding you back all this time?”
You nodded your head slightly, not wanting to speak in case your voice trembled
“Look at me my baby. That’s it, show me that pretty face. No one, and I mean no one, will ever be able to satisfy me the way you do. You could just look at me and that would make me so much more fulfilled than any other person could make me. You have no idea how much I crave you every second of the day. I’m having to hold back from touching you in such dirty ways and make you feel so fucking good and it’s absolute torture baby. Ever since I saw you for the first time, I’ve been wanting to devour you but I will only do it if you are absolutely sure that you want me to do it. If whatever’s holding you back is because of the nobodies that were a part of the past, then please don’t worry your pretty head about it princess. Just think of how good I can make you feel”
He nibble your ear and proceeded to press kissed from your cheek, to your nose and finally your lips
“Wait Hee. I- um, well I- I haven’t shaved… down there though” you whispering shyly
God Heeseung thought he was going to bust a nut from how fucking adorable you were right now
“Oh baby, you’re so fucking cute! You don’t have to worry about small things like that. Are you going to be bothered about me not being shaved down there?”
You shook your head no
“Well there you go baby. You’re not bothered by my body hair and I am most definitely not bothered by yours. And anyways, just thinking about your cute little bush hiding your wet pussy is enough to make me cum right now” he growled at the end
Your eyes widened at his vulgar words. It was obvious now just how much he had been holding in this entire time and you felt a bit daft for doubting how much he wanted you this entire time
He brought his hand back up to cradle your face again to stroke your cheek
“Do you want to carry on baby? Because trust me, I want nothing more than to be buried in you but you have to tell me that you want this too”
“Yes I want it Hee. Please?”
“Oh fuck yes baby thank you”
Not wanting to waste another second, he pulled you in for the sloppiest kiss you guys ever shared. He ran his tongue all over your mouth, sucking your tongue and licking your saliva up. You wanted to feel his skin on yours so you tugged at the bottom of his tank top to hint at him. He pulled away from you and lifted his arms
“Strip me baby”
You climbed off his lap and peeled every barrier of clothing away to reveal his gorgeous body. Before you got to his boxers, you sat back on your knees to admire his sculpted figure. He would be lying if he said he didn’t go to the gym more than usual to distract him from wanting to use you has his cardio workout
The way his muscles were flexing made you drip and wonder what they’d feel like rubbing on your pussy. His hair trailed down from under his belly button and moved down under the last item of clothing that hid his prized possession
“Please take it off princess, I can’t wait any longer” he begged with his round eyes
You slowly pulled his boxers down and his red throbbing cock bounced out and tapped you on your chin. You gasped as the tip leaked with his pre cum onto your face. He giggled at your surprise face and the way you looked so tiny by his dick. It was safe to say that you were both impressed and nervous when you saw just how much you boyfriend had been packing this entire time. You quickly sat back up to strip off your clothes before he grabbed your hands to stop you
“No baby, that’s my job”
He flipped you around so you were laying on the bed and carefully stripped off your (his) clothes piece by piece, admiring your body the entire time. He was practically drooling when he got to your underwear, not knowing which one he wanted to take off first. His hands delicately reached under your back and he unclasped your bra.
When he pulled the cups away, he stared at your perky boobs. Your hardened nipples looked so inviting that he felt the urge to suck on them. You gasped as his warm mouth surrounded them and you let out a small moan which caused him to involuntarily grind into his bed. The tip of his tongue flicked over your sensitive nipple on your left breast and his thumb rub over your right one. After a few more licks, he swapped side to give the same treatment to your other breast
“Please give me more” you whined
“Ok ok princess. Bubba will give you more” he cooed
He started to litter kisses all the way down to your crotch where he was met with the sweet smell of your arousal. His fingers hooked over the side of the crotch to reveal your wetness. The way your juices spread all over your lips made him want to go feral. He pealed your damp panties from you and made himself comfortable between your spread legs
“Can I have a taste pretty baby? I promise it will feel good”
You turned away in embarrassment
“That’s dirty though” you whined
He chuckled “No baby it’s sexy. I want nothing more than to bury my face between your legs till you’re creaming in my mouth. Will you please let me do it?” He begged
You shyly nodded at him and he looked like a kid who just got his favourite lollipop
He went straight in to lick at your entrance to get as much of your juices as possible. It was so sweet and he knew from that moment that he would need to taste you every day no matter what. He pulled back from you to spread your lips apart and reveal your swollen clit. His lips went to suck and lick the tiny button, which made you scrunch your legs up to move away from the overwhelming feeling of pleasure. But there was no way Heeseung was going to let you deprive him from your taste again
He grabbed onto your thighs to pull you even closer so your couldn’t move away
“Don’t run away from me baby. Feel the way I suck on your cute pussy”
His head shook side to side with his tongue stuck out full. The wetness from your pussy mixed with his saliva had spread all over his face and your thighs. Each lick made you let out such pornographic sounds that you didn’t realise you were capable of making. It turned him on so much, seeing you in so much pleasure. His hips at this point were humping his bed rapidly to simulate how he wanted to fuck you
“Oh fuck dadd- oh” you clasped your hand over your mouth from the slip up
Your boyfriend stopped his actions and you were worried that you had just screwed everything else
“Say that again princess”
“I said. Say. That. Again” he growled
“Oh fuck yes princess say it again”
As he stared into your eyes, his face lowered back down to stick his tongue back into your soaking hole
“Ah shit daddy!”
“Fucking yes princess. Carry on calling for daddy. Give me your hands. Whenever you feel something really good, push daddy’s head into your cunt” and with that, he went back to torturing your pussy with his mouth
Whenever he sucked on your clit, you tugged at his roots and raised your hips to grind yourself onto his perfect face. You planted your feet flat onto his bed to hump up onto him even more. Your boyfriend’s eyes rolled to the back of his head with each roll of your hips. It turned him on so much that he was giving you so much pleasure that you have never received from anyone.
A sudden feeling of possessiveness overcame him as he had a small thought of you ever being with someone else. So your poor self was lifted so your shoulders remained on the bed and your legs were hooked over Heeseung’s broad shoulders and he got on his knees. Your hips were completely lifted off the bed so he towered over you with your pussy still in his face.
“I promise you baby, I am going to make love to you everyday for the rest of your life.”
He carried on eating you out and slurping your pussy and in all honesty, he was getting more pleasure from it than you
You felt your orgasm coming and you panicked from the overwhelming feeling
“Wait baby! I think I’m going to cum”
“Ok princess, cum all over my face” he moaned into your centre
“No it’s ok you can stop! That’s dirty!” You screamed
He lowered you back onto the bed and you though he was going to stop, but he layed back down and carried on sucking your clit
“Fucking cum baby. You’ve been holding me back from tasting your sweet cum for too long and there’s no way you’ll take it away from me again. Now give me your cum NOW!”
You had no choice but to grab onto the back of his head and hump his face vigorously till you finally creamed all over his mouth
He whispered about how amazing you tasted as he pecked all over your pussy. Your legs were shaking from the overstimulation so you gently pushed his head away from your core
Seeing how dazed you were, he crawled up to kiss you softly and nuzzled your noses together
“Thank you baby, you tasted so good. How do you feel?” He whispered in your ear
“So good bubba. Thank you”
You started to catch you breath so you brought you hand to his throbbing cock which had been leaking onto your stomach. He hissed from your soft, tiny fingers wrapping around him. When you started to rub up and down, he choked on his moans
“Can I have a taste Hee?”
“You don’t have to baby”
“But I want to. Please daddy?” You pouted at him
How could he say no to that?
He sat with his back against the headboard and made himself comfortable as you situated yourself between his legs
“Take your time princess. Don’t push yourself too much ok?”
“I promise daddy. Could you help me?”
“Of course I can darling. Just give it a little lick. There you go”
You leaned down and gave his hard cock some kitten licks. When his moans get louder, you add in some kisses and small sucks as well to test how he’d react. And from the way he threw his head back, you could tell that you were doing something right.
You brought your hands up to help your mouth. As they ran up and down his shaft, you carried on sucking on him
“That feels so fucking good baby. Can you suck on the tip? And use you hand to rub on my balls. Oh fuck YES”
You did exactly as he asked and you swear you’ve never seen something so hot in your entire life. You now understood why your boyfriend got off from giving you pleasure as the sight of your boyfriend right now was enough to make you cream again
You dipped your tongue into his slit and he let out a moan you’d expect to only hear in porn. He launched forward from the headboard from the feeling, and swung back to throw his head back against the bed. Seeing this reaction, you got greedy and wanted to see more of it. So you puckered your lips to left a glob of spit dribble onto his fat cock and carried on sticking your tongue onto his tip. One hand jerked him off vigorously whilst the other fondled his heavy balls
“Baby! Baby! Fuck yes! Please suck my tip. Suck it!”
You wrapped your lips around his leaking red tip and sucked as hard as you could. He warned you that he was about to cum so your sucked harder and stroked him faster and faster till his load bursted into your mouth. You kept him in your mouth and took him in a bit more to suck up every drop of his cum
Never in a million years would your past self think about putting a guy’s dick in your mouth. But with your boyfriend, you were more than willing to swallow all of his hot cum as his legs twitched around you
Heeseung thought he had blacked out from the most mind boggling orgasm he had every experienced. It felt like he was seeing stars once the pleasure washed over him, and seeing that it was you who gave it to him made it feel like he was living in a dream. Despite the dirty act you just did, you looked so innocent and cute between his legs and he thought he could nut again just from that sight.
The two of you layed side by side and made out for about 20 minutes as he praised you for how well you did
“Did it feel good princess? I didn’t push you too much did I? I promise I wanted our first to be more romantic and slow but I just couldn’t resist you” his lips remained on yours as he spoke to you
“It was perfect bambi. But you still haven’t been inside me yet so we can still have our romantic first time together” you teased
You didn’t think that he still had any energy left in him but as soon as you said that, he jumped up to fish into his bedside table to get a condom from a new box
“Well aren’t you prepared handsome” you giggled as his fast hands struggled to take the plastic film off the box
“I’ve been waiting for this to happen for so long baby. I had to be prepared for whenever you were ready”
He looked so cute trying to enthusiastically get a condom out but his palms were too sweaty to get a hold of them. Seeing you giggle at him, he started whining
“Please help me baby! I can’t do it” he looked like a sad puppy from being frustrated
You took the box from him and opened the box with ease before taking a condom out and ripping the package open. He took the condom from you and swiftly slid it onto his hardened cock
“Are you ready for me princess? We’ll take it very slow” he pumped himself a few times whilst looking at you lovingly
You smiled back and gave him a firm nod. Now that he had your consent, he stuck his middle and ring fingers in his mouth and sucked on them before bringing them to rub around your entrance. A gasp left your lips as he pressed a digit in and slowly eased it into you. Given that you were already soaking wet, his fingers slipped into you with a slight stretch
“Do you ever finger yourself babygirl?”
“Really? What do you think about darling?”
He groaned at your response and curled his fingers up to find your g spot, making you gasp in shock
“Oh did I find your sweet spot baby? I bet your cute fingers are too tiny to find this spot aren’t they? Only daddy could ever make you feel like this. Tell me love, what do you imagine daddy doing to you?”
“Daddy fucks me till I cum all over him” you were too lost in pleasure to feel embarrassed about what you were confessing to your boyfriend. But your boyfriend thought it was the hottest thing he’s ever heard
“Yea? Do you want daddy to fuck you now? Have him stretch your tiny pussy with his thick, hard, throbbing cock”
“Yes please daddy. Fuck me”
He lined his tip up with your entrance and slowly rocked into you
“Tell me if it’s too much princess. I don’t ever want to hurt you” he stroked the apple of your cheek
You turned your head to kiss his palm and pulled him down by the neck to kiss him on the lips
“It’s ok I trust you. Just keep going”
He fucked you nice and slow, making sure to angle his hips perfectly to hit your spot. Your mouths hung open as you let out breathy moans.
“Please go harder Hee” you begged
“Anything for you princess”
His hips snapped harder and his tip hit deeper than thought was already possible. He felt like he was on cloud 9 right now. Seeing his angel moan for him and receiving pleasure from him. With his past hookups, he was never vocal. It was one thing that the past girls complained about. But with you, he couldn’t contain that pornographic sounds from coming out. Your tightness made him feel so overwhelmed with pleasure he’s never experienced before. He was sure his neighbours would be able to hear him moan out for you with the volume he was moaning at. But he didn’t care at all
Feeling the need to suck your tits, he flipped you so you could ride him at your own pace
“Come on baby, ride me. Use me any way you want”
You moved your hips at a pace that had you both almost in tears from how good it felt. He lips were like magnets onto your breasts as he slobbered all over them. His wondering hands went down to your ass and spread your cheeks apart. You gasped when you felt a light pressure on your puckered rim
“Oho does baby like that? Does baby want daddy to play with her little hole? Trust me baby, daddy wants nothing more than to kiss and lick all over your cute asshole but we can try that next time ok? I still need to stretch out your perfect pussy before we get to your other hole”
The filthy words coming out of his mouth pushed you closer to the edge. So you started to speed up your hips and the closeness of your bodies caused you to grind your clit onto his pelvis. Your eyes rolled back and Heeseung swore that he was going to cum just from that
You carried on riding him till you both reached your climax. He grabbed your faced and smashed his lips onto yours to swallow your moans as you milked each other’s orgasms. You hugged each other close and rocked on him, wishing the feeling could last longer
The kisses carried on for a few more minutes as your orgasms die down. His delicate fingers stroked your spine to calm you down and he pressed kisses wherever he could reach. The ticklish feeling made you giggle and it warmed his heart. God you were absolutely perfect for him
He helped you off him and threw his condom away before getting a bath ready for the two of you. You were pampered by him for the rest of the night and it ended with the two of you cuddled up in his bed, admiring each other’s faces
“Such a good baby. I love you so much” his eyes never left your face as he rambled on about how much he loved you
“I love you more my bambi”
He laughed shyly at your response
“Not possible princess”
Author’s note: Once again tysm for sending in this request! I hope you all enjoyed it! Please feel free to leave requests in my inbox and I’ll try my best to get through them!
Thank you so much for taking the time to read through my work and I hope you look forward to more 🩵
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elsweetheart · 1 year
Pls write about clingy!reader wanting ellie's attention when she's playing video games and just like climbing into her lap and all that cute stuff.. youre writng is good <3 xoxo
this is so me….. giggles ….. (and thank u <3)
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console yourself — clingy!reader
🎀 just fluff with a tiny bit of suggestiveness if you squint? reader bein clingy n ellie being cute :)
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• you missed ellie. you pouted into the bed sheets as you lay faced down, leg pulled up beside you, spreading yourself out (rather dramatically, you might add.) on the bed. your favourite pyjama shorts were jostled at your hips as you sigh with your face buried into ellie’s pillow. she was supposed to be right here besides you, holding you. but instead, she was far, far away. 
• “motherfucker.” ellie cursed quietly as her on screen character died and her game restarted. okay, maybe she wasn’t that far away — but she was far enough. what wasn’t helping, was that she looked so cozy on that day. she was bundled in a hoodie and sweatpant material shorts that were grey and fell just above her knee. half of her short hair was pulled back into its usual half-do messy bun and she was slouched down in her seat, legs spread and her controller resting at her stomach where she aggressively thumbed the joystick, brow creased in concentration.
• “ellieeeeuhhhhh.” you whined, and one might think judging by the devastation in your voice that you were severely injured or frightened- however ellie knew you all too well, and even without lending you any of her concentration she knew that you were simply suffering from a severe case of clingy girlfriend syndrome.
• “one minute, babe.” she responded, a few seconds delayed as her eyes zeroed in on her screen target. you huffed, unsatisfied by the response and rolled over to watch her. deciding to take matters into your own actions you stood up, walking over to her with determination (and yet you ended up giggling.) and climbing onto her leg, seating yourself on her lap.
• she barely reacts, simply weaving her head past and over yours when you were getting situated so that she could still see the screen. if she was going to ignore you for her game, she might aswell do it with you on her lap. “hey.” she greets casually and you giggle some more at how focused she is on the game. at your laugh, the corners of her own mouth subconsciously turn up without realising as she continues mashing the joystick.
• you try your best to not disturb her too much, snuggling into her with your arms around her neck, burying your face into her as she leans back with you on her comfortably. she sighs in frustration at the game as it restarts again. “why can’t i fucking get past this part?” she mutters under her breath and you turn your cheek, your warm breath heating the skin of her neck.
• “maybe it’s a sign from the universe that you should pay attention to your girlfriend.” you held back a smile at your cheeky response to her rhetorical question and she briefly took her eyes off the screen to side eye you, making you snigger.
• she played a few more rounds before you noticed the repetitive music from the old game halted and both of her hands were on your waist. “alright, i’m all yours.” she smiled, briefly taking her hands away to stretch her arms, leaning back as she did so and glancing at the clock - guiltily wondering how much time she’d spent accidentally neglecting you.
• you sat back on her lap and smiled at her, crinkling your nose when she poked it. “i missed you.” you complained quietly, busying yourself with playing with her hoodie drawstring.
• “can you reeeeally miss someone if they’re in the same room?” she smirked, pushing your hair back with her hand, letting it slide over your head til she was cupping the back of your neck. you looked up at her with a serious expression, scrunching your nose in fake anger. “yes.” you answered and she chuckled, nodding as if to say ‘alright, alright.’
• “oh, right. i guess i missed you too then.” she smiled coyly, pulling you in by the neck and bringing your mouth to hers. you melted into the kiss, feeling relieved and satisfied by the affection you were craving so badly. “wish i could throw your console out the window sometimes.” you admit against her mouth and she pulled away to gasp, an offended hand on her chest.
• “you take that back, missy.” she poked a finger into your chest and you giggled, chasing her mouth for another kiss.
• “i doooo! i’m sorry!” you had fallen into a giggle fit as the two of you continued to kiss through the disruption before finally pulling away for a breather.
• “i think you’d like it if you tried it.” after gazing at you for a moment she spoke with a fond smile, fiddling with the ends of your pyjama shorts that were bunched up at your thigh crease.
• “i’m not playing that girlfriend-thieving game. don’t try and corrupt me.” you closed your eyes stubbornly as if you could block her out and she chuckled, leaning back a little more in her chair and nudging you suggestively with her own hips, bouncing you once on her lap.
• “little late for that, don’t you think?” her smirk only got more sly and you opened your eyes just to widen them, feeling your face heat up. “how about this,” she took your hands in hers, running her thumb over your knuckles absentmindedly.
• “i’m listening.” you raised an eyebrow.
• “i’ll teach you how to play. you can stay right here on my lap, because i know you’re clingy like that.” she tilted her head slightly in a loving way as she stared at you on her lap. you pretended to think before clambering up to swivel round in her lap.
• “fine... i am not clingy.” you denied with a proud grin.
• “and the sky isn’t blue.” she teased, pretending to say it under her breath making you gasp and lightly swat at her before getting comfortable in her lap, her hands resting over yours on the controller. maybe this wouldn’t be so bad after all.
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munsonsbabygirl · 2 years
pretty hot
part 2: even hotter | part 3: hotter than ever
Pairing: Eddie Munson x fem!reader
Summary: You want the lead guitarist of the new band playing The Hideout, and he wants you too. 
Warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI, some plot but mainly smut, p in v sex, handjob, oral (m receiving), face fucking, semi public sex, kinda rough sex, cum eating?? idk (lmk if i missed anything!)
wc: 3.9k
a/n: my first smutfic!!! pls let me know what u think, feedback is highly appreciated! other than that, enjoy my horny late night thoughts.
(photos found on pinterest)
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You don’t really care much for the live bands that your boss hired to play at the bar most nights. Most of them are mediocre at best, just teenagers looking for some extra money, or washed up old timers trying to relive their glory days. 
But judging them isn’t your job, your job is to serve shitty bar food to drunk patrons, occasionally flashing a little more skin to bring in more money. It’s not your dream job, but every so often, you come off a shift with a nice wad of tips that would most likely go towards rent and bills. 
You don’t care much for any of the bands, except this new one—Corroded Coffin. Mainly their lead guitarist. 
You're restocking napkins before opening when the band stumbles in loudly, arms laden with music equipment.
Normally, you don't pay the bands any mind, but when you happen to glance over, you clock in on one of the members immediately. He's taller than the rest of his bandmates, broad-shouldered with a head of wild dark hair and equally as dark eyes that meet yours from across the dingy bar in a split second. 
"Hi," He calls, raising a ringed hand in greeting. "We're supposed to be playing here tonight?" 
You merely shrug, jerking your chin over at the tiny stage area. "You guys can set up over there. do whatever you need to." 
He nods curtly, gaze lingering on yours for a tad longer before offering you a wicked grin and herding his bandmates towards where you'd gestured at. 
You try not to watch him as he moves smoothly around the cramped space, plugging in amps, testing mics, tuning guitars, all while fooling around with his bandmates and looking strangely attractive doing it.
But you can't help it. your eyes drift back over to him every so often. He's different from all the sleazy, greasy drunks you've seen in this dump of a bar, as cliche as it sounds, and that's what piques your interest. You're not sure if it's the ripped jeans or the leather jacket, or even the wild mane of hair framing his face, but your attention is caught.
But you can't help it. your eyes drift back over to him every so often. He's different from all the sleazy, greasy drunks you've seen in this dump of a bar, as cliche as it sounds, and that's what piques your interest. You're not sure if it's the ripped jeans or the leather jacket, or even the wild mane of hair framing his face, but your attention is caught.
But you can't help it. your eyes drift back over to him every so often. He's different from all the sleazy, greasy drunks you've seen in this dump of a bar, as cliche as it sounds, and that's what piques your interest. You're not sure if it's the ripped jeans or the leather jacket, or even the wild mane of hair framing his face, but your attention is caught.
No, he's definitely hot.
"Uh, excuse me?" You're so deep in your own thoughts you don't notice that he's made his way from the stage to where you've been refilling ketchup bottles behind the bar until you hear his voice from right in front of you. Your eyes flick to meet his kohl lined ones, and your first thought is how fucking good he looks with eyeliner. Maybe even better than yourself. "Hi."
"Hi." You echo, praying that you don't sound too breathless. "What's up?"
"I'm Eddie. Munson.”
“Nice to meet you. Y/N.” You reply, arching an eyebrow at him. “Can I help you with something?”
“Me? Nah, I just wanted to introduce myself to the hottest girl in here.” He smirks, leaning on the sticky countertop.
You look around at the dim bar. Eddie’s band is goofing off in the corner, and your coworkers are out back taking a smoke break before opening, so his effort at being suave kind of falls flat. “I’m the only girl in here, Eddie Munson.” 
“Yeah, I see that now,” He cringes, head hanging low in defeat for a split second before popping back up. “There goes my attempt at impressing you with my witty charm, huh?” 
“Charm, not so much. Wit? I’ll give you a solid B plus for delivery.” You laugh, and he perks up instantly, beaming proudly. He seems into you. That’s good. You mirror his propped up position on the counter, although your low cut top proves a worthy distraction for Eddie’s attention. You notice his not-so-subtle glance down at your tits, then the bob of his Adam’s apple as he gulps and tries to make it look like he wasn’t looking at them. “So. You’re in a band. Tell me about it.” 
“Well, we’re, uh, we’re called Corroded Coffin. We’re mainly heavy metal, but we can do a few classic rock songs. Mainly just covers for now since we’re still in the writing phases.” 
“I can’t say that I know much heavy metal.” 
“Maybe we—maybe I can teach you some things.” 
“Maybe you can,” You hum, tilting your head innocently at him. You’re not talking about heavy metal anymore, and you both know it. 
Eddie’s cheeks turn pink, but he does his best to hide it. Clearing his throat forcefully, he raps his knuckles on the bar, then jerks his thumb over to the stage area. “I should—I’m gonna…soundcheck.” 
“Go ahead.” You shrug, but your eyes tell a different story. Your eyes are saying things that he knows he can’t say out loud. (hint: you want him. Double hint: he wants you too.)
“I’ll be back.” 
“I’ll be here.” 
Eddie’s eyes barely leave yours during Corroded Coffin’s set, and even less so as the band is packing up their instruments. It only takes them a few minutes to get everything squared up and tucked away, but it’s agony to wait until everyone trickles out of the bar. 
One of his bandmates orders a round of celebratory beers that you get to bring over to them, purposely reaching across Eddie to pass one down and giving him a full view of your chest. You even go so far as to let yourself brush against him on your way back, which he damn near chokes on his drink at. 
You keep tabs on him as you mill around clearing tables, watching as he constantly shifts around in order to hide the hard on you can definitely see from here. He somehow convinces his bandmates to leave without him, muttering some bull excuse about needing to stay to iron out some money details before next week, and they eat it up without a second thought. 
When they finally leave, Eddie beelines towards you instantly, only coming to an antsy stop mere inches from you as you clear off a table. As soon as you’re done, he pushes his way between you and the next table, snatching the dish tub out of your hands and shoving it haphazardly behind him. 
“Did you like it?” He asks breathlessly, letting his fingers sneak under the hem of your shirt. 
You nod. “‘S good.” 
“Good. I’m glad.” He mumbles, leaving no room for further discussion before he pulls you flush against him. You can feel his boner against your bare thigh, and you smirk, grabbing his hand and pulling him in the direction of the back exit. 
He's so pretty, you think, as you're stumbling out the back door with Eddie pressed against your back. The fenced area behind the bar is secluded, so you probably won't get caught unless someone made it a point to come out here, which nobody ever did. Even so, there's just something about fucking Eddie out in the open air that seems exhilarating. Maybe it's the thrill of possibly being caught, or maybe it's just because you haven't gotten laid in a while. Either way, Eddie's the perfect solution to all your problems. 
He's really fucking pretty, you think, as he pushes you gently against the brick wall of the bar and cages you in with an arm on either side of your head. As his dark brown eyes glint in the moonlight and the smell of musky cologne, sweat, and a tinge of cigarette smoke invades your senses.  
No, he's really fucking hot, you think, as his mouth finally closes in over yours in a searing kiss, all teeth and tongue with no hesitation. You can taste the beer he'd downed right before this, and also something minty. Gum, maybe. 
You don't have time to contemplate it any further before Eddie's kissing down the column of your throat, the warmth of his lips against your cold skin sending a shiver through you. One of his hands manages to trap both your wrists, and he presses them above your head as he sucks a bruise onto your neck. His tongue darts out to soothe the tender spot right after, and you can't help but let out a shaky breath. He's good. He knows what he's doing. 
You know what you're doing too. You want to show him. 
You tug him away from your neck, enjoying the way his brows crease in confusion when you do. Sinking down on your knees, you drag your hands down his chest, along his stomach, all the way until you’re eye level with his handcuff belt buckle, fingers immediately going to undo it. 
"What—what are you doing?" He mumbles. 
"Gonna suck you off." You say casually, looking up at him innocently through your lashes. Eddie's mouth falls open just the slightest bit. "Is that okay?" 
"Yeah. yes, that's—shit, that's definitely okay." 
"Good." You manage to loosen his belt enough to pull his jeans down around his thighs. There's more tattoos here, you notice, each of them more interesting than the last. Maybe you'll ask him about them another time, if there ever is another time. His boxers are sporting a rather prominent bulge, and you ghost your fingers over it gently, a smile curving your lips when it twitches at your touch. "I've barely touched you, Eddie." You tsk, voice teasing. 
"Can't help it. You're hot.” His answer is so simple, yet sends a flutter through your cunt. 
You finally tug the offending material down and his cock springs out, slapping against his stomach. He's bigger than you thought he'd be. It looks painful, all angry red and rock hard, beads of precum already gathering around the tip. Eddie curses when you run a finger along the vein running almost his entire length, his hips involuntarily bucking. 
"Such a pretty cock." You hum, tapping the base of it with a cheeky grin. 
"Thank you. Now can you—can you do something? please???" 
"Whatever you want, rockstar." 
You wrap a hand around his length, pumping him quickly. Eddie's eyes squeeze shut with a hitched breath. 
"Fuck," He breathes, his hands forming into fists at his sides. Barely ten seconds into a handjob and Eddie feels like he could explode. Not cool, dude, he thinks, keep it together. You rub your thumb across the slit of his dick, smearing the precum along his tip before licking it—not too hard, but just enough to send another jolt through him. 
Your hand works him expertly for a while before ceasing in jacking him off, and Eddie's cock jumps, both at the loss of contact and the cold night air now that the warmth of your hand is gone. His eyes fly open, glancing down at you with a frustrated expletive threatening to fall from his lips. 
You take his whole cock into your mouth without warning, and he cries out at the feeling, throwing his head back against the brick. He's warm and heavy against your tongue, almost too long to fit into your mouth entirely, but you make it work. His grunts and moans are making you wet—you can feel your arousal dampening your panties the longer you suck him off. 
Eddie's fingers come to grip the back of your head, holding you firmly in place as he bucks his hips against your mouth suddenly. Not expecting it, you gag, one hand flying up to clutch at the rough denim of his jeans as his tip hits the back of your throat. He retreats instantly, loosening his grip on your hair. 
"Shit, sorry, i didn't mean to—" 
"Do it again." You mumble, dragging your nails lightly down the backs of his thighs. 
"Fuck my mouth, Eddie." 
He gulps, gaze taking in your wide doe eyes looking up at him whilst your spit slick lips are hollowed around half his cock. "Yeah. Okay. I can—sure." 
Eddie thrusts into your mouth again, tentatively at first, like he's testing out the waters, then with more enthusiasm when he sees that you're really, really enjoying it. After that, it's like his hips have a mind of its own with they way he fucks your mouth. Spit bubbles around your lips as he does, sloppy, wet sounds only spurring him on even more. 
Your eyes water, your nose nudges against the smattering of coarse, dark hair at the base of him, but honestly, you don't hate it. Especially not with the way his eyes are blissfully squeezed shut. 
"Jesus fucking Christ, you're good—ah, shit, shit, fuck, Y/N. Baby," He moans in rhythm with his every thrust. He's the one doing the work, but he's giving you all the credit, which is fine by you. 
Baby. The pet name makes your thighs clench, even more so with the rasp in his voice as he utters it over and over again. 
It doesn't take long for Eddie to shoot his load, and he does it without warning, warm ropes of his cum painting the back of your throat as his hips stutter to a stop. He pries his eyes open to see you gazing up at him through your lashes, milky white on your tongue for a split second before you swallow it. He thinks he might cum again at the sight of it. 
You inch your way up his body, straightening up to your full height before mashing your lips on his in a rough kiss. He tastes himself on your tongue as your mouth moves against his fiercely, and he's instantly hard as a rock again. 
"D'you have a condom?" You ask breathlessly, trailing down to bite at a soft spot right under the sharp angle of his jaw. Eddie doesn't even hasten a response, just fumbles in his pocket for his wallet and pulls out a wrinkled foil packet. You can't help but stifle a snort of amusement at his eagerness, plucking it out of his hand. "Didn't think you'd actually have one." 
"Well, you know what they say. wrap it before you tap it." He mumbles sheepishly, tongue darting out to lick his kiss-swollen lips. 
"Wrap it before—you're a dork. Shut up." You order, meeting his lust-blown gaze with a smirk as you tear the packet open with your teeth. Eddie shuts up instantly. His breath hitches even more so when your hand wraps around his dick again, pumping it a few times before expertly sliding the condom on.
His fingers hook into the waistband of your skirt, but linger. "Wait, I just—are you sure you're okay with this?" 
No matter how much Eddie wants to fuck you into oblivion, he won't until you give him the go ahead. 
"Eddie. I just gave you head, and let you fuck my mouth. I don't know how much clearer I can be." 
"I know, but—" 
You fix him to the spot with a pointed look. "I need you inside me. now." 
Shit, you don't have to tell him twice. 
Eddie shifts your panties to the side (thank Ozzy for skirts, one less piece of clothing he has to get through), lining himself up with your entrance and taking in a deep breath that comes back out as a sharp exhale as he sheathes himself inside you slowly. It feels...well, Eddie can't quite come up with the words to describe how you feel, that's how good you feel.
He bottoms out, balls pressed flush against the slickness of your cunt, and he stays there, sinewy muscles taut as he braces himself against the wall behind you. 
"Oh, fuck," He bites out, feeling your fingers link around the back of his neck. "Okay, going now."
He really is the biggest dork, telling you when he's finally about to start fucking you, but you don't mind. You think it's cute. Or, you would think it's cute if he weren't balls deep inside you right now. 
"Eddie," You whimper, his name falling from your lips more like a plea than anything else as he rocks into you. His pace is immediately relentless, hips snapping against yours so quickly you think you might collapse if not for his hands pinning you against the rough brick wall, fingers digging into the soft skin of your hips.
There would probably be bruises where his hands gripped you, but if it meant he'd keep fucking you like this, you couldn't bring yourself to care. 
"You like that, huh?" He hums. You just clench around him in response, making him let out a deep, guttural groan. "Jesus, you feel fucking amazing. Squeezing around me like that." 
Your mind is so scrambled you can't even produce a coherent response as he fucks you mercilessly, so you resort to giving his dark curls a harsh tug. 
Big mistake. 
"Oh, you want it harder?" Eddie growls. "I can do that." Without wasting a second, he shifts his feet into a wider stance, one hand coming down under your thigh to wrap your leg around his waist. It allows him to plow deeper into you, so deep that you're sure you can feel him in your stomach, his cock nudging against the spongy spot inside you that had you seeing stars. 
The other hand shoves under your shirt, under your bra, and squeezes your tit, the rough pad of his thumb circling over your beaded nipple over and over. It sends a spasm straight down to your cunt, which just makes you clench around him even more. Eddie groans, in heaven from the feel of your velvety walls tightening around his cock deliciously. 
"Fuck, Eddie, you're so big—oh my god, yes, yes, right there," Your moans only egg him on even further, encouraging words giving him the strength he needs to fuck up into you even faster, so fast that his balls slap against your skin with every thrust. Your arousal makes a lewd squelching sound every time they do, and Eddie swears it's the hottest thing he’s ever heard. 
You don’t even know how long he fucks you for, the only thing your mind is focused on is how fucking good it feels. How completely inappropriate this is. How much you don’t want to stop. 
“You’re just a horny little thing, aren’t you, baby? Yeah, you just want me to fuck you til you forget your own name, don’t you?” He mewls against the junction of your neck where his face is shoved into, nipping at the sweaty skin until you let out another borderline pornographic moan.
The feeling of his teeth biting into you, coupled with the intensity and speed of his cock spearing into you, it’s enough for you to start inching your way to your climax. 
“I—I’m almost, oh my fuck, I’m gonna—I’m gonna cum,” You cry, tears pricking at the corners of your eyes at the pure pleasure of it all. Eddie inhales a sharp breath when your cunt squeezes him again, because shit, he’s almost there too. But he’s dead set on making you cum before he does, so he starts to rut against you faster, harder, with more determination than he’s ever had in his life.
You let out a strangled scream, fingers scrabbling for purchase on the flexing planes of his back to find something, anything to hold onto as he fucks you ruthlessly. “Please, please let me—feels so good, Eddie, please!” 
You're ascending into the astral plane, you've died and gone to heaven (or hell, probably), you're going up, up, up, until— 
"I'm gonna—shit, fuck, I’m coming—" Eddie’s low grunts are punctuated with shorter, sharper thrusts as he reaches his high, flooding the condom with his warm seed, so warm that you can feel it inside you. And that's what sends you over the edge, like a roller coaster finally going over its biggest drop. "Oh, baby, c'mon. Come for me, you got it. Let go." 
Your eyes roll up into the back of your head in unbridled ecstasy, legs trembling with the force of your orgasm whilst Eddie continues to fuck you through it. When you've finally reached the bottom, you can't even bring yourself to open your eyes, head lolling onto Eddie's shoulder in exhaustion. He slides his palm over the nape of your neck, up the back of your head, supporting it even though he's weak now too. 
"That was..." You mumble, voice muffled against his jacket. You don't even have words to describe it. 
"Yeah," He agrees, chest heaving against yours. The two of you stay like this for a while, Eddie still sheathed inside you as you both recover from what just happened. 
When Eddie finally does pull out, you instantly feel empty. You can also feel your cum rolling down your leg, but he's quick to scoop it up with two fingers, taking them into his mouth hungrily before sliding your panties back over your wrecked cunt. They’re absolutely soaked now, but it’s not something he needs to concern himself with. "You taste heavenly, baby." 
A shudder runs through your body at his filthy words, but you’re still too exhausted to formulate a witty retort. All you can do is lean away from him in a fruitless attempt to fix your extremely disheveled hair. 
Eddie tries again, ducking down to meet your downturned gaze. "You look real pretty all fucked out like this, y'know," He croons, trailing a pale hand down your flushed cheek. His cold rings feel nice on your hot skin. You give in, rolling your eyes at him playfully. 
"Shut up." 
He just chuckles, kissing the side of your head softly, surprisingly soft for someone who just fucked you into the next lifetime. “We should do this again sometime.” 
“We should.” You agree, extracting yourself from the cage of his arms with a pat to his leather clothed chest. “I’ll see you next week, Eddie Munson.” 
“Wait, that’s it? I just had the best sex of my life and all I get is a ‘see you next week’?” He splutters, nearly tripping over himself as he yanks his pants back up around his waist. “That’s so not fair, Y/N, come on.” 
“I have to get back inside to close up. Sorry.” You say simply, but the pleased smirk gracing your lips tells him you’re enjoying his floundering a little too much. Eddie huffs, raking a hand through his sweaty hair. 
“I see how it is. Okay.” He straightens out his jacket, frowning, and you know he’s a little upset, so you close the distance between the two of you (very shakily, you might add—you’re a little unsteady on your legs from the sheer size of him), slotting your mouth against his in a kiss. It’s softer than the ones during sex, but still firm.
Eddie’s hand immediately slides around the back of your neck again, biting at your lip and taking your gasp as an opportunity to slip his tongue in your mouth. 
You pull away from him before it can get too heated, loosening your grip on the front of his shirt with a dazed smile. 
Fishing the pen out from behind your ear (how it managed not to fall out during your escapade with Eddie, you have no godly clue), you wrap your hand around Eddie’s wrist, scrawling your phone number up his forearm messily. “Call me. Before next week, preferably. But if you choose not to, I’ll just see you then.” 
“I’ll call you.” He says quickly—too quickly. Damnit, Munson, play it cool! 
“Good to know. Bye, Eddie.” 
“I’ll be back.” He repeats his words from earlier, although this time, they mean something different this time. I’ll be back for you.
“I’ll be here.” I’ll be here for you too.
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nightqueen1221 · 1 year
hi!! can i ask for hanako, kou, tsukasa, nene, teru, and sakura reacting to y/n who bops their head like they're listening to music when they're happy? like there could be dead silence and then we have y/n bopping their head happily. and if its not too much to ask can it be a gn y/n? im so sorry for the long ask <//3 if u dont wanna take this request thats fine! love ur work :D! - 🐝
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Hello my first emoji ayon! Apologies for this being late. This was also the only image I could find with all of them.
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Hanako/Amane Yugi
-He finds it cute.
-Honestly, he really likes it since he can tease about it later.
-Every once in a while he'll float over to you and lift the headphones out or lightly tug on your earbuds to pull them out.
-"Whatchu listening to?" He asks.
-He's not really looking for answer, he just wants your attention.
-If you close your eyes while listening, he'll go in for a kiss just to see your surprised face.
-If you wear earbuds he'll ask if you can share.
-If you're ok with it, he gives comments about the music you listen to.
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Nene Yashiro
-Honestly, she doesn't really judge you since she's just so happy she actully got a relationship, so when she sees you listening to music and bopping your head, she doesn't mind.
-She might every once in a while ask what song it is.
-If she knows the song she'll either talk about it or fawn over the band members/singer.
-You introduced her to a lot of diffrent types of music along with new bands and singers.
-Every once in a while she gets a sticky notes and writes songs she likes so you can listen to them. (Along with a few doodles in the corner.)
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Kou Minamoto
-He's concerned.
-He thinks you're going to hit your head or something else since your not really paying attention to your surroundings.
-He usually has a hand wrapped around your waist just to make sure your safe.
-If you offer to listen to music with him, he'll accept. Perhaps you could dance together.
-I don't think he'd be a very good dancer so you might have to teach him if you know.
-If neither of you know, well you can just look like two idiots having fun.
-When you two dance im the school (if ever) Hanako is going to intervene. He'll probably trip Kou so he'll fall on you making him look like a pervert. And nobody else can see Hanako so they Kou is in the wrong.
-Hanako truly doesn't mean any harm by it, he's just trying to poke some fun.
-As long as you tell Kou he doesn't need to worry about you and you can handle your surroundings, he's a lot more comfortable.
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Teru Minamoto
-Same thing with his brother, he worries you're going to get hurt and tries to avoid anything happening to you.
-He always had a ton of fangirls and the fact he choose means you matter to him more than you could imagine. (Same thing with his fans if you know what I mean.)
-He might even go as far as taking you things away if you don't listen to him.
-Don't worry, just give him puppy dog eyes and he'll give in faster than the speed of sound.
-Or cry, if you can cry on command good lord. He HATES to see a person he cares for in pain, so he'll do almost anything to make it stop.
-If you walk around while listening to music, he's right behind you with his hands on your shoulders to make sure you're safe. This does not change if your eyes are open.
-And if you do happen to have someone bump into you, are they going to have an earful from your boyfriend.
-So, just be careful around him and when you listen to music.
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Sakura Nanamie
-It doesn't bother her in the slightest.
-She enjoys the stillness of sound, she's usually caught up with Tsukasa being loud, so just being in the same room as you, but not talking makes her enjoy these times together.
-She knows your not paying attention so she sometimes go up behind you and give a little kiss on your cheek. (Or on the lips depending on how far the relationship has gone.)
-When she wants your attention for either a question or because she simply wants affection, she'll lightly tap your shoulder or rub the back of your hand.
-She ALWAYS asks if you can give her attention beforehand, since she is very much aware of what it's like for someone to be forced into it.
-This also makes it very rare for her to ask for anything, but I'm getting off track.
-It's not a huge part of her life but she still thinks it kinda cute you do it
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Tsukasa Yugi
-All he can think is, "Perfect opportunity".
-You're distracted AND can't hear him. He wants to prank or surprise you as much as possible. Having your attention on something else other than him (Which he is a bit offended by) Gives him the chance to shock you.
-At this point, it's not as surprising. The most shocking part is what he tries and do to gain your focus.
-He's given you things he's killed, which the offer is nice, the corpse is not.
-He'll incessantly bother you asking if he can listen to music with you.
-If you refuse, he'll do one of three things.
- 1. Continue to cry and complain
- 2. Take whatever you're listening to music on.
- 3. Get Sakura involved. Which ends up with your device getting confiscated.
-As fun as it is to mess with you, he gets super annoyed if you ignore him completely. And that leads to one of the items above.
-Just as long as you devote your time to mostly him, he's fine with whatever else you do.
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0rgan1c · 10 days
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Bradley Uppercrust III
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We need more Bradley Uppercrust fanfics😞 ・゚゚・。☆
Art by @scr4mbl3deggz on TikTok
“ CHUG!”
“ CHUG!”
“ CHUG!”
“ CHUG!”
There he was. Bradley Uppercrust, the most egotistical, self-centered incel that has ever met the face of the Earth. He was the fly in your soup- the eyelash in your eye and there he was; making sure all the attention was on him as usual as he gulped down the last ounce of beer that was remaining in the funnel. The roaring commotion around you merged with the booming sound of the song Everybody by the Backstreet Boys was deafening. The fact that you had to stand there in the mass of intoxicated college kids and watch people hype up your degenerate of a classmate wasn’t making the situation any better.
This totally wasn’t the type of place you would be in- I mean- you didn’t even know why you let Bradley convince you to come. Maybe it was the persuasiveness of his voice or how insistent he was on having you at his party; but you couldn’t say no. Now sure, you could’ve just not went, but where’s the fun in that?
Snapping back into the scene in front of you, you realized the aggravating man that once stood in the middle of the crowd of people had vanished; and for some reason all of a sudden you felt lonelier than ever. It felt kind of silly to come to that realization, especially considering the fact that you two had hated each other ever since you had laid eyes on one another. You maneuvered your way through the crowd and to the kitchen of the Gamma Mu Mu frat house when-
“ Didn’t expect to see you here.”
You whipped your head around and saw the same person you had despised your entire freshman year.
“ You invited me?” You remarked
“ I know.”
“ So what’s the issue?”
“ Welll I kinda got the feeling you didn’t like me.” He flashed a small grin at you.
Well I mean he wasn’t wrong, you never thought he’d payed much attention to you though. He’d just seemed like one of those boys who peaked in Highschool and used his “rich-boy” status to get whatever he wanted. He was everything you hated.
“ You’d be right about that.”
“ Then why’d you show?”
You hesitated for a moment.
“ Just bored I guess.”
That was half true. Sure, you didn’t have much to do, but you could’ve just stayed home and watched movie or something. There was something in you that wanted to see him.
An awkward silence fell between the both of you.
“ You wanna get outta here?”
“ What about your party?”
“ Tank and the rest of them will take care of it.”
“ And where do u plan on going?”
He fell into silence for a moment.
“ D’you skate by any chance?”
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The chilling night air fell upon your skin as he lead you out the door, and you almost didn’t catch how his hand ghosted your lower back.
“ I’ve never skated before.”
“ That’s why I’m teaching you”
You honestly weren’t completely sure if you trusted him, but the way he looked at you made you feel safe. The way he took your hand into his and guided you onto the skateboard, and how he nerded out about all the tricks he knew how to do. He was so gentle and patient with you that you almost forgot how much you hated him, although I guess you can’t really call it hate now. I mean, what type of person hates someone and then learns how to skate with them. Besides, you came to realize you may have been too quick to judge. Maybe you were projecting, who knows🤷‍♀️
“ Hey I think I finally got it!-“
You turned around and smiled at him when u hadn’t even realized how softy he was staring at you, and there was something in his eyes you couldn’t pinpoint; something you’ve never seen before. It felt like time had stopped for a moment, and his eyes never left yours. Before you could react, his lips were on yours and he’d pulled you in and off his skateboard. All you could focus on was the way his hands grasped your waist, the way he treated you so gently, the way-
“ Bradley- you’re drunk.” You detached your lips from him in an instant when you realized the truth of the situation. The beer chugging, the weird amount of kindness he was showing you, it all made sense. He was drunk.
“ Let’s go home. It’s pretty late out” Stupid. that’s was the best way to define you right now. It’s stupid that you would consider that he liked you, and you weren’t even sure why you cared.
“ No ‘m not” His crimson tinted cheeks and slurred speech told you otherwise.
“ y/n” he took hold of your hand before you could walk away from him
“ I need you.” He mumbled, and he weakly moved your hair out of your face before kissing your neck and slowly going lower
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Unsurprisingly, you both ended up back at the Gamma Mu Mu frat, hickeys littering each other’s necks. His hands grasped any part of you he could as he hungrily kissed you.
“ you’re so cute…” he managed to mumble out mid hickey. Even in his drunken daze, you could still see some truth in what he said.
“ Bradley…”
“ Hm?”
“ You really mean that?”
“ I known it ever since I’ve seen you.”
Before you could advance any further with Bradley
Holy shit it’s Max. How the fuck did he get in here anyway??
“ what the fuck”
“ sorry he’s my brother…” you whispered to Bradley.
“ No way”
“ YES WAY. Dude I gotta hide”
In that very second I was stuffed into the back of Bradley’s closet, and for the moment, it kinda made me reflect. This whole entire time I’ve been going on and on about how much I hated him, yet here I am in the back of his closet trying to hide after making out with him.
“ What?”
“ Listen- it’s pretty late so if you’re hallucinating I understand-“
“ I’m not dumb where the fuck are they” Max shoved his way past Bradley, checking around his room to find you.
“ Check my room if you want, but I can assure you that you won’t find anything”
“ I could’ve sworn I saw them come here with you…”
“ I don’t know where your sibling is and I don’t care. Go check someone else’s place or something just get out of here.”
You watch as your brother begrudgingly walks out of the bedroom, you let out a sigh of relief.
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slashingdisneypasta · 3 months
Erik Destler x Fem!StageActress!Reader || Would Include...
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Erik Destler always learning your on-stage romantic interests part totally and then 'dispatching' of the poor guy just before he's meant to go on so he then can always taking his place would include...
Warnings: Contemporary musical references, I don't care, shoot me. Also just basic Erik creepiness; murder and not-super-consensual kissing/touches (dub con at most).
Tagging: @marinerainbow and @masqueradeball .
🥀 Erik falling for you almost the moment you entered the Palais Garnier for the first time. He has no chill, we know this. He's like a Disney Princess. One song and he's fallen hopelessly in love.
🥀 Erik always keeping an eye on the cast lists when they come out- checking who you are and if you have a romantic interest. If you do, that person is now his main target. He may not kill them immediately, he'll wait until the final show on the final night, but there is a big red bullseye on their back now.
🥀 Erik practising 'his' lines (The lines of your on-stage romance) in his sewer room, reciting them to a dummy wearing some... familiar clothing. What? No, he didn't sneak into your chambers in the middle of the night and steal them from you! No, no! Absolutely not!... though you are missing a dress exactly like the one the doll is wearing. *cough*
🥀 Erik treating that doll of you with the utmost care. Almost as much as he'd treat you, the real you, with (Or, how he'd like to treat you. Only the lord knows if Erik could actually be gentle if given the chance to hold you). Its really creepy. Imagine his fingertips only grazing the dolls cheek very gently, but his eyes drift downwards (even though, again, its JUST A DOLL- ITS JUST STUFFING, ERIK!- Y O U ' R E T H E O N E W H O S T U F F E D I T- ) with very desire-filled eyes. Imagine him on one knee before the doll, holding its hand in his, its dead-eyes staring off into space while he professes deep speeches about love that are supposed to be romantic but just come out wrong and infatuated off Erik's tongue. Imagine Erik's hand wandering in the middle of a particularly heated scene; completely lost to his imagination.
🥀 Erik n e v e r, ever stealing the part of a villain. Even if that villain gets much more heated, or charged scenes with you then your actual love interest (Duke Monroth, Professor Callahan, Judge Turpin, Scar, etc). He wants to be your hero. Your prince, your true love.
🥀 Erik watching your every show, in his special box 5, studying you with eyes so hot you swear you can feel them on your skin every night. Paying so close attention, so he knows exactly how to compliment you on stage; how to be your perfect stage partner. This is why your scenes in every last show at the Palais Garnier are so impossibly electrifying to the audience- and, to you.
🥀 Erik allowing your casted partner to appear in the first few scenes with you during that last performance on that last night, so you never really know when its going to stop being the one guy and start being Erik- you're on your toes. Waiting the whole performance for the hand you grab onto to be Erik's. (He's waiting for the perfect moment to step in. The moment when you're really, really in character; lost to your art.)
🥀 Erik being the Christian to your Satine during 'El Tango De Roxanne' (His eyes upon your face. His hand upon your hand. His lips caress your skin. It's more than I can stand), 'Crazy Rolling' (See how I leave with every piece of you. Don't underestimate the things I will do), and 'Your Song Reprise' (Look at me... Satine... Why else live, if not for love?) in Moulin Rouge.
🥀 Erik being the Fiyero to your Elphaba during that super fucking charged 'As Long As You're Mine' scene in Wicked. You know? With you both on your knees on the stage surrounded by dramatic mist and you cant keep your hands off eachother?? *cough cough* I mean, with you both on your knees on the stage surrounded by dramatic mist and Fiyero and Elphaba cant keep their hands off eachother??? XD (Kiss me too fiercely, Hold me too tight; I need help believing, You're with me tonight, My wildest dreamings, Could not foresee, Lying beside you, With you wanting me // Every moment, As long as you're mine, I'll wake up my body, And make up for lost time.)
🥀 Erik being the Prince to your Sleeping Beauty, Snow White during the True Love's Kiss Scene. Oh yes, he definitely goes there. Did you doubt it?
🥀 Erik never appearing at the end of the production to bow- he cant. You know that. So he makes his last moments on stage with you last, because honestly- who knows when the next time will be?? Its not like he can come call on you like a normal person... 🙄he's a dramatic freak. He holds your hand a few moments longer then necessary, or a little tighter. He kisses you one more time even though its not scripted.
🥀 Erik leaving you a bouquet of flowers in your dressing room after that last show on that last night. Signed simply, ceaselessly yours.
🥀 You tell yourself every time that the show must go on. You tell yourself, that thats why you don't stop it; Don't do anything.
🥀 You are lying to yourself. You cant deny the electricity crackling all over your skin every time you see Erik on stage with you, every time Erik touches you under fake pretences. You've never felt quite the same on stage then when he's there with you; you feel like you're really the characters... and there is nothing on earth like that feeling. No one else can give you this. No one but him.
🥀 You expect it now and anxiously await the moment when your practise partner (Just Erik's understudy. Thats what you're thinking of them now; the men who are actually cast) dematerialises from the stage and its Erik.
🥀 You always leave the flowers from Erik at the grave of the man who died. Its sick, the game (?? habit?? r e l a t i o n s h i p??) you're in, but you cant stop. And you cant apologise, so you can only do this.
🥀 You working extra hard to get lead roles at the Palais Garnier. As soon as one show is over, you have a hunger to do it again. Get another part, get Erik back on that stage with you.
Its like an addiction.
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cannedbeefaroni · 8 months
I just wanted to say you have the most correct and true and real and based brain ever.
also ..
what if we were one of eddie’s coworkers “helping him out” under his cubical desk? he’d be so embarrassed… or would he want them to see?
thank u!
(also nsfw under the cut. gender neutral reader. handjob under the table and stuff.)
also i think being edward's coworker would be interesting, considering no one else would want to be around him. seemingly, he doesn't want to talk to anyone, and when he has to, he has a stick up his ass about it. he's presumes the worst in everyone, effectively isolating himself before he has the chance to be ostracized by others. most people find him creepy. the quiet, short tempered type are always a case waiting to happen to those people.
all that is to say getting close to him would be difficult. he'd be rude and dismissive meeting you for the first time, being not much for conversation. he's shocked when the next day, you still try talking to him, offering kindness once again. after the first few days, he thinks you're just wasting your time, but after weeks of you trying to get along with him, he feels sick with anxiety. he doesn't understand what you want, and it's impossible for him to let himself think you actually like him. he looks forward to seeing you everyday, and on the rare occasion you don't show up to work, he feels lost and alone. only from simple acts of friendship, he's become obsessed with you.
since you and edward had become close, even more rumors spread. especially one that said you were too nice and felt bad for edward, like he was some sick pathetic animal. many people judged the way he'd act around you. he stares at you from across the office when you aren't looking. when he wants to talk to you, he'll stand behind you silently for longer than necessary, until either you notice him or he builds up the courage to say something. sometimes he'll even follow you around, but you don't mind it.
eventually one day you'd have issues with your pc and ask eddie for help. he sits at your desk as he works on it, and you'd stand behind him, over his shoulder watching. it's the perfect excuse to be physically closer to him, and he's extremely nervous as you lean over his shoulder. you pull up a chair and sit up close to him, barely paying attention as he explains what the problem is and how he's trying to fix it.
you already knew he often gets nervous around you, but now that you're up close, you can see the extent of that. he's pitching a tent, if you know what i mean. although his face is deadpan, he's trying to come across as innocuous as possible, hoping you don't notice whats in plain sight under the desk. he gasps when your hand slowly moves to his thigh, caressing the fabric of his pants. several agonizing minutes pass of edward trying to focus on his task as your hand moves agonizingly up and down his thigh, threatening to inch closer to the heat between his legs.
you're getting him too pent up, and he grabs your wrist. you fully expect him to push you away, but he brings your palm directly to his bulge. at first, he's silent, then he exhales heavily through his nose as you feel him up, shocked at how huge and rock hard his cock is. you grab his bulge and stroke it over his pants slowly. you look around, making sure no one can see, but edward is only focused on your touch. his hips buck slightly into your palm, begging you to go faster. he's trying so hard not to make a sound, but his breaths are heavy and shallow. you look him in the eyes, and for what feels like the first time, he looks back at you.
do you wanna go out sometime? you ask, still leaned over him, letting him hump your hand.
what? he stutters a whisper, taken aback.
i wanna go out with you, eddie, you clarify in a soft voice.
really? he gasps, a sudden rush of energy coursing through his body.
yeah, i like you a lot, you confess to him, and he suddenly gasps sharply, his legs going tense and shaking. he's panting as you feel a wet spot forming on his pants. he quickly gets up and leaves the office heading for the bathroom before you get the chance to apologize. you had no idea that asking him out would make him cum instantly.
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lasirenatarot · 2 years
Hello darlings!!💋 This is my first ever PAC reading, hope you like it! If traditional gender roles aren’t applicable to you convert to feminine/masculine energy.
{18+} Your person’s hidden $€xual fantasies about you and will they reveal them to you.
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—>Pile 1
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9 pentacles; 8pentacles; 6cups; high priestess; the empress; 9 of swords reversed; and more from other decks.
First of all let me just mention: do not shoot the messenger if you do not like what is being said.I am getting kinda weird vibes from your person pile 1! ( i don’t judge tho lololol)
Briefly, the whole vibe I’m getting can be described with this Weeknd song “Professional” or “Six feet under”, again by The Weeknd,  where he sings about a girl who does SW professionally if I can say it like that. The image I’m getting is red lights district if u know what I meannn..
«…You're professional, won’t treat it like it's personal
No, 'cause this is just love, it always makes its way back around…
'Cause everything you've been through made you stronger and every day you learn about yourself..
Depending on somebody else's wealth
But now you know the value of a dollar
And girl I make enough of it to spend
I love the way you've put yourself together.. »
Nowww, I am not saying this man’s fantasies are to cheat with a S*x worker if y’all are in a committed relationship *you can switch the word to masculine energy if it is not applicable to your situation*, I think he will be onto some role-playing sh*t where the feminine is the dominant one and he is PAYING to be dominated, take this how u want. I do not see anything aggressive tho, more like a soft fem-dom, although he may like being restricted in a way as I’m getting Saturn energy. Blindfolding, spending money..
His fantasy is an independent, detached woman who is ALL about her money, an Empress with a man-eater typa energy. The masculine energy from this pile may be dominant in his job/life as a whole, and that is why he would like the exact opposite in bed. He may be very busy and tired as well from his work and this would be another reason for him to like the woman to take the lead. I am also getting cowgirl, riding and some form of exhibitionism (or even str**pers, lap dancing etc.) as additional details. He may like this role playing thing because he sees it as a game which helps him escape some sort of melancholy. Mutual pleasure is a thing for him as well, he likes to work for the feminine’s approval, serving her in a way. Some may not like this as well but I’ll say it anyway- physical beauty and foreign women *fem energy* may be a turn on for this person. He has wounds from his past he should face is sth else I am getting. He may also like to appear as a savior to this fantasy woman I described, a knight on a white horse if u will..
« She don't depend on anybody, know just what to do with her own body..Countin' all that money like a hobby..she don’t give a f**ck about nobody..
She don't need nobody waitin' back home, she got it..
She lick it up just like a candy, She wanna make 'em leave they family
She tryna live a life so fancy, she wanna pull up in a Bentley..
She ain't got time for lovin' , Louis Vuitton her husband, she’d rather die in lustin' ..»
However, I do not think he would openly admit his fantasies, he would like them to stay a secret.
Placements: aquarius venus; Capricorn; scorpio sun; fire placements, possibly leo; mars in gemini. – aqua venus/leo may be for the femme, while Capricorn and scorpio for the masc. or vice versa.
—>Pile 2
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This pile will probably be the most romantic one out of the three. I am not getting much s**ual details, besides some sort of very light bondage, more likely handcuffs.
This person’s fantasy is to build a life with you basically, they want to share both the good and the bad moments in life with you, focusing on the good, as a lot of cups fell which gives me party vibes. The masculine energy would like things to start veeeery slow, he is a person who pays a lot of attention to detail, even too much. This person would like to know everything about you, your interests, hardships and opinions. He would be the type to actually listen to what you say and remember little details about you and what you like. I think the connection y’all (people who choose pile2) have is pretty new.
You and your person might still be in the “courtship” stages even. This person is the type to write love letters, send flowers, presents, wine&dine typa man - everything romantic and sweet overall.  I am getting lots of cuddles, hugs etc. -I must say I am very jealous of you pile 2 ahahahh🧿🧿🧿
 His hidden fantasy is to be romantic, give all the love he has to you, and get the same energy back. The reason why is ‘hidden’ I think lies in the fact that he may have been betrayed by past partners, not having got the same amount of energy/love he was giving OR he may have been raised in a family in which emotional people were looked upon as weak ORRR both. I think currently this person has an open heart or is on a mission to become more vulnerable and openly emotional with those he loves, which I think is a very sweet thing.
This person would def share his fantasies about you with you. He would want you to remember the intercourses y’all are having, maybe even be “the best u ever had”, this person also loves and worships your body and is the type to praise/compliment you in bed. Would also love to see you dressing up for him in lingerie, nice dress, full glam and all. This person loves just seeing you shining and happy, would want to make you come every time.
I am also getting they have been waiting looong time for a person like you to come into his life, even if he was in another relationship prior to getting with you. He was probably feeling his soul was “sick” or like something was missing in previous connections. And there was sth missing – the chemistry, conversations and intimacy you two currently have. Some people are meant to be, some not,  and that’s just life.- Astrological placements: Sagittarius, scorpio, venus in pisces, mercury in pisces, embodiment of leo energy for the feminine, I am not getting leo placements tho. The attention to detail is giving virgo moon for some reason to me, although it did not appear in the cards.
—>Pile 3
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This may definitely be the k*inky pile. First thing I get is that this person likes taking risks, adventures and is very spontaneous in nature. This person needs constant changes in their s*x life. I feel like they’d try everything taboo you can think of, at least once, and would be open to anything.
The only particular theme I get would be a “fantasy” for this person is power dynamics in which the masculine is the dominant one, while the feminine is very submi$$ive. Also ro**ugh/aggre$$ive s*x. This of course would be consensual and I also get they’d get pleasure from pleasing their partner as well, getting them to experience “a little d€ath”.
Ch*king and heavy BD$M theme, the whole act is a game for them. Their main fantasy would be to tame *metaphorical* in bed an independent woman who would be submissive only for him.
It’s giving you can be the boss by lana del rey
This person may be jealous and possessive tho. (if you are not okay with any of this and feel like they cross a line – LEAVE them).
I also get they maybe have some insecurities in themselves. This may not be applicable for all, but this is a collective reading after all.
They like having a trophy wife typa woman?? /fem.  
I think this person would be open with you about their fantasies.
Astrological placements: aquarius, gemini sun, libra moon, aries, aries mars.
I hope you liked it!! I also added songs which remind me of the vibes I got while reading the cards. Please give me feedback and follow me, and just know that more is coming 🔜🔜
- La Sirena🥀🥀🥀
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asmallpinkfan3 · 6 months
Hobie brown and young! troubled teen reader hcs (more like oneshot)
Note-this is the first time I’ve tried writing for him and if u get his personality wrong please forgive me.
TW: reader has issues, swearing, slight mentions of sucidal feelings. Also I’m not British so idk any slang. So if anyone is British out there I’m sorry. And I dunno if I’m gonna write more for him I gotta figure it out.
GN reader, also reader is a younger teen like 13-16
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You had met him purely by accident, you ran into him while not paying attention in the spider society headquarters, he didn’t get upset really seeing that you did it by accident but it did catch his attention when you were apologizing like you had ran into Miguel.
He noticed the way your hands gripped your sleeve almost as if you were mentally beating yourself up because you ran into someone. “It’s fine”. He said with a small smile trying to assure you he wouldn’t body slam you into the concrete like your mind had overreacted because of bumping into him.
He saw you a couple more times around headquarters, spacing out,fiddling with your hands, etc. he also noticed how you stayed at headquarters a lot not seeming to wanna go home for whatever reason.
The time that you had actually got a proper introduction to him and not bumping into him or catch him looking at you was when Gwen befriended you and introduced you to him.
Overtime he kinda saw the way you would try to be near him without saying anything almost like his presence gave you comfort. He never pointed it out nor did he seem to mind when you went to his place to be around miles, Gwen, and Pav you would always sit near him.
Sometimes he caught you staring at his stuff, posters, pins, wall decor, all that. You seem to like how his place was decorated and he felt a little flattered.
The first time you had started talking to him and showing interest in his stuff by speaking was when you asked where his pins were from. “Made them myself.” He replied with a smile and you nodded in understanding. One time you had watched him play his guitar and you kinda just stood there and watched amazed at his playing, he didn’t mind. It’s not like you were being a bother just by watching with big eyes and being completely focused on it.
The first time you opened up was when you had a fight with your parents about something so small and for some reason you went to his universe. “Y/n? Mate what you-“ “can I stay here for tonight?” You cut him off before he could finish, and he noticed the tears in your eyes as it’s obvious you’re not doing too good.
“The couch is free you can sleep there for tonight.” He replied softly as he threw a blanket to you. “You caught it with a tight grip and nodded as a thanks and went to the couch and laid on it, you did have to move a pair of shoes out the way but other wise it was pretty comfortable.
In the morning you woke up to Hobie making himself some breakfast and you sat up and walked over to him, blanket still wrapped around you.
“Thank you for letting me stay the night”. You thanked him as he gave you a soft smile, he then took a sip of his coffee . “No problem mate, you wanna talk about what happened?” He asked and you sighed as you explained everything from your parents being assholes and constantly feeling like you wanna end it all.
He put his coffee down as he stared at you with a concerned look as tears started falling. “Mate, you need a hug?” He asked softly as it’s pretty much the only thing he can offer as he watched a young teen just tell him everything on why they feel like shit constantly.
You nodded as he then gave you a massive hug mainly cause he’s 6’5 and you felt safe, protected, like nothing could harm you. “I’m just tired of everything and my parents don’t help, and being a spider person it just-“ you sobbed into him as he rubbed your back keeping his voice soft and low. “Shh mate it’s ok, it’s alright your parents aren’t here and I’m not gonna judge ya, ok?”
He didn’t move or let go till you did and when you stopped crying he wanted to make sure you felt at least a little better so he tried to think. “How about this, we go get ya cleaned up and go somewhere, you ever had fish and chips?”
You shook your head as you looked up at him and he only smirked a little trying to lighten your mood. “There’s this small shop around here we can go get some, plus their food is really good not like that rubbish that big company’s produce.” He explained as it got a small smile from you. “I would like that”. You responded as you put the blanket that’s currently wrapped around you on the couch.
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5st4rde · 2 months
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⭐️CL16 “Belle nuit”
Charles Leclerc x oc reader!
Summary: You went on a vacation trip with a close friend to Monaco and while you were there, you had a bit too much fun.
Tag: fluff, oral sex, head top, vanilla sex, edging, rough sex, fucking your brains out, 18+ content.
Just a bunch of small weird-looking cars zooming down the track with watchers getting hyped up, this screams out rich and expensive but who are you to judge when this didn’t come out of your pocket.
Harry managed to get you both VIP tickets that included sitting in the lounge with champagne and meals being served to you which was your favorite part but most of was for him to meet the drivers after the race but mainly because he has a friend that happens to be one of the drivers so he came out to support like the good pal he is plus who who are you to pass up a free way to ticket to Monaco, not this bitch.
You palmed your chest when the lounge area ran wild- Harry leaping out of his chair in pure joy as he applauded and hollered, dabbing the others that were also in the lounge area, from this you assumed someone won from how lively the crowd had gotten. You remained muted then applauded quietly with a small smile, you chugged your champagne down and soon each driver who finished the race stood on the podium. Hmm, all of them were cute.
One in a fully red suit with a Ferrari logo who you guessed came in first coming in second was a caramel-skinned man with locs and a nose piercing- damn he was fine. you didn’t pay much attention to the dude in the orange suit but those two gentlemen caught your eyes.
“That’s Lewis, the friend who I came to support” Harry says pointing at the caramel skinned man, sounding so proud of his friend's victory. You smiled and drowned the remaining last champagne down as you focused on the two good-looking men, Harry led you two downstairs to where all of the drivers would be located after the race.
A few were being questioned and so and so. Harry would stop by every driver he sees congratulating them on their race then follow up on a 20-minute chit-chat talking about sports blah blah blah and there’s you who hardly knows anything about the sport, you only came because you were promised parties and yachts.
“Harry, sorry to bug you but when we-”
Before you could finish your sentence, you were cut short when a male voice called out Harry's name. You sigh annoyingly but straighten your posture when you see who it is- Lewis is the name, you approach you two with a wide smile revealing his gap.
“What a heck of a race out there, mate” Harry dabs him up.
You took the moment to fully study his features, he was slightly tall not the least to Harry. He was tattooed down from head to toe and you have to admit it was the sexiest thing ever, his locs were tied in a back ponytail. He was dressed in a baggy t-shirt with the Mercedes logo printed on it, stylish jeans, and a pair of sneakers. It was then that you realized you were gawking a bit too much once he darted his brown eyes onto you. You were about to extend your hands out to greet yourself but...
“Sorry hun, not doing autographs at the moment” Lewis says.
You lift a brow with your arms folded, and you grimace at the thought of you being desperate for a simple autograph from a man you hardly knew. He practically disregarded whatever you were going to say then returned back to your friend Harry.
“Excuse me?” I asked feeling a bit offended. I shot Harry a hard glare gesturing for him to get his boy before my mouth made a scene and I’m pretty sure Harry had seen that side of me before.
“U-Uhm Lewis, this was the friend I was telling you about who I brought along” Harry was quick to say, Lewis eyed you up and down with a speck of attitude on his face as a light chuckle escaped from his mouth. You deepened your brows even more with your arms crossed not believing what you were seeing.
“So what, you too good to have manners now” You remarked with a scoff, he furrowed his brows at the statement as he stepped closer attempting to look intimidating. He doesn’t know where you're from for him to be pulling that kind of stunt, he’d get shot up real quick.
“Says the little lady that came here with a bitchy ass attitude… Harry, you should know better to bring someone-”
“Listen here you big melon forehead, I hardly know you unless God himself or my momma is saying shit about me so I suggest you tone that shit down or-” You spat before you were getting ready to end your sentence.
“My Goodness! what’s all of the ruckus about” A deep voice spoke, all of the anger that was building in your muscles suddenly vanished when a man a lot taller than Harry and Mr Melon came into the picture with a lingering smirk on his face. He wore a white button shirt with the Mercedes logo on it, his sleeves were rolled up allowing you to get a glimpse of his arm, and can’t forget how perfectly that top hugged his biceps.
“Lewis, what are you still standing here for, go on now”
Lewis grunts storming off while penetrating a deep glare at you as he walks off, a moment of pause before the three of you all burst out a tear of laughter. He looks like a toddler who just threw a tantrum from someone telling him no. Harry did his bickering before he politely introduced me to the man- hmm, let alone how incredibly charming he is from head to toe.
“Hi, I’m Mel” You greeted with a smile.
“I’m Toto Wolff but you can just call me Toto, doll” He took your hand and slowly turned it around to lay a peck as he set a glare on you. You lightly blushed at the nickname he had already given you, he winked and smiled so widely causing you to return a smile.
"Nice meeting you, Mel. I hope to see you two at the party tonight, no?" He says, directing at Harry “Mel, I’ll be looking forward to seeing you” He smirks, walking backward as his eyes lock in with yours feeling chills coursing down your spine. He winks then proceeds to make his exit leaving the two of us alone, you sense the skeptical stare shooting your way from Harry. You shrugged it off and mouthed ‘what’ as you both took your leave.
You were in your hotel room getting ready for tonight, Harry knew a few people to assure us of a luxurious hotel room that included a wide balcony view of the beach side with a nice jacuzzi. The bathroom was massive with a larger mirror that was practically the size of your room back home and a slide-in door shower. You glared at yourself in the mirror admiring how well the dress hugged every crack and bone of your shape. It'll have people in a chokehold at the way you look right now.
“Mel are you-” Harry nearly choked on his words as he walked in, he took a moment to gaze at the dress. You fluffed out the curls of your hair, trying to manage to keep this wig on for spare time but you relished how good your hairstylist melted down your edges.
“I'm ready” You assured, grabbing your phone. Harry was still eyeing you, he's seen you dressed up before but he couldn't figure out when was the last you were ever dressed up big like this. Usually, you'd just throw on a simple shirt and jeans with your hair in jumbo braids be done with. College really took a poll on you. You hurriedly slipped on your lace-up heels and you looked majestic, after you were one, he led you two into the elevator.
"The chauffeur is here" He declares, tapping on his Apple watch.
You slightly widened your eyes at the fact he said you two were going to be escorted by a chauffeur. Now that's a move, you thought. Harry offered his arm and you grinned up at him when you happily interlocked yours with his. As of right now, you two were receiving episodes of glares from all around the lobby curious as to who were two were. Nonetheless, it was more of a compliment knowing the both of you looked damn good tonight. You both settled in real quick once you got in and immediately drove off and just a few minutes you arrived. You furrowed your brows and shot Harry a glare when you noticed how incredibly long the line was.
Harry lent a hand to help you out, adjusting your dress a bit before you two walked up to the bouncer. Harry had gone up to speak with the man and in just a blink of an eye, you were already in. The music was so loud, that you could feel it vibrating in your chest, and could hardly get through this hungry crowd but Harry made sure to hold your hand just so he didn't lose you. It wasn’t until you released a heavy scoff followed by an eye roll melon head came into your view dabbing up Harry. His whole expression died down as soon as he darted his eyes to you, seizing you up and down with a look of disgrace.
“I see you brought little miss fiesty” He remarks.
“Harry, control your little pest” You spat, growing agitated at the sight of him, and the longer he was in your presence the more you just want to rip those damn locs out from his scalp. Harry notices your expression and pulls you aside turning his back towards him, melon head assures Harry where he was going to be if he ever wants to find him.
“I’m really sorry about him, do you want a drink?”
“You know what, go enjoy yourself with your friends, I’ll be okay” You said to him, your eyes never leaving the mysterious man who had already dominated the eye contact with a smirk on his face from across the room. At first, Harry was uncertain whether or not it was a good idea to leave you by yourself but you assured him that you'll be okay. He pecks your forehead and watches him fly upstairs to his friend with a wide smile spreading across his face. You walked over to the bar and sat on the stool, you were startled when someone breathed fan over your ears.
“My, you have such beauty on you”
You followed the direction of the voice and locked in with a pair of blue eyes. He had to bend down to level with you which indicates he was a lot taller than you. Your brain functioned a bit later when you recognized he was on the podium and my my my, you had to admit he was breathtaking up close. He's miraculously charming.
“Why did your boyfriend leave you alone, he should know men tend to thirst for pretty women like you”
“Boyfriend? I don’t have a boyfriend but I appreciate the compliment” You chuckled with a smile suddenly feeling hot from the intense eye contact he had on you, licking his lips in the process as he raked them up and down on your dress.
“So am I lucky enough to buy the beautiful woman a drink? ” He asks, smiling softly exposing his dimples.
You nodded and he whistled for the bartender's attention to start on his order, you scanned around the dance floor and noticed how hyped everyone seemed to be. Most of the drivers up located in the VIP lounges, surprised enough he's the only one down here hitting on a girl like yourself- consider it to be lucky. You hadn't realized he was already gawking at you with a smile on his face, his doe eyes peered into yours the moment you looked back at him.
“Do you have a name I can call you apart from beautiful?” He asks, earning a chuckle from you. You politely grab the drink and thank him.
“Mel, what about you, handsome?” You asked softly, taking a sip of the drink.
“Charles, so now that I got the beautiful lady a drink and her name, would she at least come dance with me?” He asks, you chugged your drink down immediately and he quirks his brows up slightly taken back from the sight of this, quite impressive while at it. He tugs your hand and leads you both to the center of the floor.
Get Low by Lil Jon & The East Side Boyz starts playing.
A bottle of adrenaline sparked in your bones the minute you heard the first few beats, you instantly start grinding your hip on him while his hands slowly travels down to cup your ass. He bit his lips at how majestic and soft your cheeks felt in his hand, he never had anything like this before. You smirked at this when he began to caress it, he then spins you around leaving your ass directly on his crotch.
You let him dominate your body all night and here you are worrying if he knew how to dance or not but it seemed to you he got a little bit of spice in him from the way he was moving. In one swift motion, you were facing him, and oh, those eyes made you melt even more. You lost track of the amount of times he rubbed on your ass but he loved every second of it. His hand gently laced around your neck slowly leaning in to crash his lips on yours, tasting the sweet but bitter alcohol around your lips. You were driving him crazy. He parted his mouth allowing you to invite your tongue as you started dominating the kiss not knowing you woke up a beast inside of him.
No woman he's kissed before ever felt so delicate and passionate as you.
You pulled away and had to slap the senses back into your head that you two were making out in the middle of the floor. To him, he couldn't care less but the fact kissing you was enough to light the ignition inside of him said otherwise. He licks his swollen lips as he gazes down at you with droopy low eyes, the red light flashing on him giving him that luscious look- almost as if he wanted to ravage you.
"You want to hit back at my place?" You ask, showering pecks all over his neck. The small gesture made him shudder instantly. He nodded his head and you pulled his wrist through the crowd making one final stop before you. guys leave.
“Harry!” You tried to call out, Harry's ears flicked when he heard your voice and quickly came to rush over to your side. His cheeks were beet red from the amount of alcohol he consumed but it was good to know he's still sober to be aware of his surroundings. His eyes widened when noted that Charles flushed his body against yours.
"I see you met my dear friend" Harry says to Charles, the two laugh and dab each other.
"You never told me how gorgeous and fine your friend is, Harry" Charles smiles directing his gaze at you, returning a smile back at him. Your eyes glowered around the area but paused for a while when it landed on melon head who was already looking in your way with a menacing glare.
“Careful Leclerc, this one might bite” He makes a slick comment, sipping out of his bottle.
“You sound pathetic as hell” I shot back with an eye roll. He chuckles amusingly with a smirk on his face.
“I sound pathetic… that dress looks more pathetic maybe because it’s on you” His voice spiked with frustration, might’ve hit a nerve in that spot, it was kind of funny if you really looked at it that way.
“So does that big melon head of yours” You countered.
He abruptly stood up tossing the bottle somewhere with a deep frown on his face and here you were being bold and big when you nearly forgot how tall he was but you took that back as soon as Charles stepped in between scooting you behind him, his hand never leaving your waist and you must admit, you can feel your panties dampening from how hot he looks.
“I wouldn’t do that if I was you, mate” Charles warned in a deep voice you never knew sounded more attractive.
“Lewis… let’s air this outside but not in here” Harry pulled his arm back. Lewis's brows deepened as he formed a fist nearly piping a vein, you could radiate a very serious rage coming out of him from that hard glare he was shooting your way as Charles made sure he wouldn’t dare pull a stunt.
“Tell your girl to not tempt me because I tend to get reckless with my mouth, let this be a final warning, shit won't be sweet” His tone was light than before, and you felt a small breeze brush past you when he stormed off sensing an incredible rush of anger coming from him.
“I apologize for-”
“No worries, I’m quite used to his attitude anyways” He brushed it off releasing a breathless laugh with Harry. Harry averted his gaze from you, checking to see if you were alright like the overprotective brother he had always been.
“Don’t think just because you’re a driver doesn’t mean you get to harm her, I’m armed…” He harshly warned with his words being slurred. You do hope Lewis keeps on a watch for this man but he’s such a jerk and so uptight you can’t even say not one word without him mean mugging.
“Harry, you’re harassing the man already. I’ll be fine, just please ease up on the drinking and be careful” You said, removing the bottle from his hand but thankfully his other friend came to his side reassuring you he’d keep a good eye on him. You graciously thanked him with a wide smile and rushed out of the club with Charles trailing behind closely.
Once the room card is inserted, the small pad flashes green allowing the door to fly open with him trailing behind you. He just couldn’t wait any further to crash his soft lips onto yours, he was more than ready to have you tonight. Your legs levitated from the ground wrapping themselves around him as you have no clue where he was taking the both of you. You felt a soft cushion against your back leaving him on top, your kisses deepened passionately with the intrusion of yall tongues, and boy was your cunt throbbing already, when he moves to another spot, it sent electric shocks all over your body wanting him more.
He cups your right breast then starts sensually sucking and biting on certain parts of your neck, your eyes shut feeling every satisfaction aching in your bone. You grew anticipated when he suddenly stopped but then you realized he was hovering over you when you opened your eyes to meet his bright blue doe eyes- he was yearning for you just as much you are for him, his hair was fluff out from the tugging you did, his face flushing pink and his lips swollen and red from the sucking you've been doing.
“You are absolutely gorgeous” He whispers in that accent you so loved. He pulls down your strap to expose your breast, feeling the cold breeze fan on your nipples. He darts his eyes down at your exposed boobs licking his lips as he relishes in the sight of them beautifully sitting on your chest. Nothing makes your cunt cries out more than a man that truly takes his time to admire you. You push him aside to stand in front of him removing the remains of your dress, you sashay his hips towards him throwing your leg over as you sit on him.
“Putain de merde”
“You can do whatever you want with me tonight, I’m all yours” You said, leaving wet kisses all over his ear as your hands began to travel, you had no idea why he still had on clothes so you lent a hand to remove his clothes for him only leaving him in his boxers where a tent was visible. His face flushed a redder shade embarrassed that he was already hard rock solid. You grinned lightly when the little jumper sprung out of his boxers, your mouth was watery as you took the time to stare at it. It was a pretty pink color with precum decorating the tip like little balls of pearls.
“It hurts… real bad” He whimpers. A jumpstart to quake the ground down there.
Your hands can hardly wrap around his jumper which requires the use of two hands. His eyes were shut urging for you to take him in already, he was more than yearning for your pretty lips to wrap around the throbbing jumper. You started showering it with kisses all while stroking slowly and his facial expression became your favorite part. Playing with his jumper and watching as he got excited quirked up your adrenaline, you decided to stop playing tricks with him and took him whole in your head as you bopped your head continuously twirling your tongue in the process. His moans were music to your ears that you hit replay all day, it’s so soft yet sweet which urged you to touch yourself as you fasten up the pace.
“M-Mel… Putain d'enfer ” He choked out, his lips parted open as his head leaned all the way back.
He sings in your ears with his alluring moans and just as you expect he explodes in your mouth, not that it bothers you but it was so warm against your tongue. You pulled away and looked up at him with his mess all over your face as his juice dripped down on my tits. Despite looking like a total mess, he wraps his hand around your neck and pulls you into a kiss as he leads you onto his lap where you feel his tip tempting your core. His hands wander their way in between my thigh and you melted the moment his cold fingers start caressing my clit you urged to grind my hips let alone a moan that escaped from your mouth as he paced faster.
Before you could even run away, he switched position leaving you underneath as he continued flickering your most sensitive part. you were moaning like a mess careless to whoever could’ve heard you, your arms were pinned above your head rather harshly. You gasped and scrunched your face when he pushed another finger in, his thumb rubbing on your clit sensually. You leaned your head back feeling that sweet sensation coursing all over your vein once he found that spot.
“Look at me, mon amour”
His voice was like bittersweet milk in your ears.
“Vous avez un goût délicieux”
You knew it was a bad idea to look into his alluring eyes, he leans down inserting his tongue into your mouth. He pulls away trailing kisses down until he gets in between your thighs, tracing wet kisses along your ankle and you could’ve felt his warm breath fanning against your opening that was itching to be raw fucked. You felt your heart skip through the bottom depths of your ass from the lingering stare he had on you combined with the pecks he planted on your ankles, he grabbed your legs and placed them on his shoulders where you could see a glimpse of his biceps flexing.
You arched your back when you felt his wet tongue against your folds, if you knew one thing about him, he wouldn’t miss a show to watch his effect on you. Every lick he does fires up the engine in you and he loves the sound that comes out of you, a tear sheds down your cheeks as you can't hold the pressure that's growing in your cunt. He restrained your legs from moving, and you couldn’t do anything but squirm underneath him as he practically made out with your desperate wet lips that were aching to be touched. Just the sight of his head moving practically making out with your pussy did it all for you as you arrived at your peak.
You rolled your eyes and pulled his hair even tighter due to the fact he was still devouring your aching cunt even though you had come to your peak which made you squirm underneath, your moans were becoming louder and louder as he dived deep into your core. Your breathing was hyperventilated with your lips parted, you could hear the sound of him slurping every droplet of your juice as you were coming to your second release.
He pulls away and you couldn't help but smile from the sight of the connected strip of your juice on his lips as well the mess all over his face from you squirting. He makes his way back up to you and then holds your face before he kisses you slowly and delicately, slightly taken back from how good you tasted off his tongue but then you interrupt the kiss with a moan when he suddenly enters you sparking up the flame down your spine, he started with slow strokes as he was allowing you to adjust to him. You can't lie, it did sting a bit considering the fact you hadn't done anything in a while now. He nuzzled his head into the crook of your neck as one hand held your waist down in place and the other one pinned both of your wrists above your head rolling his hips into yours.
"C'mon baby, you got to let me go" His voice strained.
You felt a fireball glazing over you after each thrust he made, in one blink of an eye, you were flipped over laying flat on your stomach. His voice, his intoxicating scent, his touch- all were driving you insane. He knew how to fuck you good, he loves seeing that face you make whenever he hits that sweet spot of yours, you gripped the fabric of the carpet holding on to your dear life as he relentlessly stroked your desperate pussy.
"Fuckkkk..." You cried out.
He slips out a deep groan mixing in with your moans as he loved the sight of his shaft combining with your juice, he knew you had arrived at your release but of course that didn't stop him from working you out. He grabbed a hold of your neck bringing you up until your back was flushed against his toned chest. Two of his fingers began to rub your clit while he sensually pounded into you at an incredible pace and the other hand fondled one of your breasts, he sucked and toyed with your neck leaving your brain fucked. The lovely music of y'all skin slapping and you singing in his ears was just the sweetest thing.
He held your face making you look into his, the sight of the lustful frown on his sweaty face made you even drunker around his cock. He lingered the eye contact as he rammed vigorously inside of you, he halted in between his thrusts making sure you felt how violently he was to your G-spot. Your toes bent and curled as your body quivered hinting you were coming to your peak, he beats your pussy rather slow and hard as you made a mess on his wet glaze shaft. You were struggling with your words and he was enjoying every last of it, amused at how weak and fragile you looked underneath him.
He trembled but he didn't pull out as you felt his warm juice released inside you, just the view of his sweaty pack and stringy hair that was sticking against his forehead was beating you up surely as for him your body covered in his release was a bonus look on you. He fixes his eyes on you acknowledging your beautiful sculpture as the moonlight peeks through the blinds shining on you, he looks at you like you're the finest jewel he laid his hands upon. Tracing curves and lines of every part of your body, you became shy from the intense gaze he had on you.
“Tu es belle ma jolie fille”
It sounded so vanilla and sweet, that you hardly could've kept your eyes open as you slowly drifted off to sleep. He carries you in a bridal style over to the bed gently bringing the sheets over your sore body, he joins you and soon rests his eyes, nuzzling his arms around you. You squirmed a bit until you were comfortably underneath him and you both slept throughout the entire night with his arms wrapped around you til the next morning.
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