#paz visla/you
sprout-fics · 1 year
I can’t believe Paz got us all pregnant like that
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Mando spoilers for S3E7 (you’ve been warned)
First it was Hevy
I literally cried because that was my first favorite clone and then he died
Then it was Hardcase
I straight up struggle watching the Umbara Arc because of his death
Then it was Thorn
And I’ll be honest with you: I will rewatch his last episode several times 1) because I love him and 2) I’m a masochist and 3) FOR THE REPUBLIC is the best last words a clone could have
And now
It’s PAZ
Paz Visla whom was one of my favorites since S1 and he goes out the same way my favorite clones go out
The same way the Hevy clones go out
Either way, I want Hevy, Hardcase, and Thorn to take Paz in as they all March on because fuck you and fuck this show and I’m crying and he deserved to live and godDAMN IT I’m so pissed off I love the Mandalorian show
Either way, raise your hand if you get traumatized when a Hevy trooper decides to sacrifice his life and go out in a badass way, taking down several enemies with them
Hevy 🤝 Hardcase 🤝 Thorn 🤝 Paz Visla
It’s the fact that it’s happened 4 times within Star Wars and I STILL didn’t see it coming
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mrs-mandalorian · 1 year
So do Mandalorians fuck with their helmets on??
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here without you
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Main Masterlist | Prompt Fill Masterlist | Din Djarin Masterlist
Prompt #942: "He didn’t want to care about the child. They had no connection to each other, he wasn’t obliged to care about it. But he still did."
Summary: Grogu has gone with Luke, but Din can't stop thinking about him.
Rating: T (but my blog is 18+)
Word Count: 504
He had completed his mission, fulfilled his quest, and he should be pleased with himself. But every time he closes his eyes, he’s haunted by the last time he saw him. In the arms of another man, a new father, off to a new life. A life without Din, The heavy doors slid closed with an air of finality that tore his heart in two. 
He hadn’t planned this, hadn’t even expected it. It was just a job. He was just a bounty. Until he wasn’t. Din had never been one to get attached to anyone before. Not since his parents died in the droid attack on Aq Vetina. The Mandalorians took him in, made him one of them, but he had never considered anyone his family before Grogu. 
Now, he lays in his bunk clad only in his boxer briefs, on the lowest level of Glavis Ringworld, and stares at the ceiling. A pile of beskar sits on the chair in his room. His helmet and the Darksaber on the small table next to his bunk. The satchel containing the chainmail shirt The Armorer made for Grogu lies on his bare chest. As he does nearly every night, he recalls the years the Foundling spent in his care, under his watchful gaze. The adventures they shared, even the close calls, are the memories Din holds closest to his heart. The nights they spent in hyperspace on the Crest, Din on his bunk and Grogu in his hammock, is the happiest Din had been since he was a child, 
Now, it’s all gone. Grogu, the Crest, even his Creed. He’s only allowed to be part of this covert because The Armorer and Paz Visla have not yet learned of his secret. He is sworn by Creed to tell the truth if asked, so he knows that his days here are numbered. He has been training with the Darksaber nearly every day without improvement. There is something ominous about the blade, something off. Din and Paz have never been friends, but the tension is thicker these days than it has ever been. Din notices the way his eyes follow him, follow the blade, as he practices. Something is coming. He can feel it. 
He stares down at the little satchel, finding Grogu’s face even there, and wonders if he’ll ever have the chance to give it to him. It’s been a year, maybe he has already forgotten Din. Ahsoka did warn him that in order to become a Jedi, one must forgo all emotional attachment. Maybe Skywalker had the ability to wipe his memory. 
Din has to believe that he will see his little guy again someday. Otherwise, he doesn’t know what he has to go on for. The chasm in his heart grows deeper by the day. Din sighs and turns onto his side. He places the Grogu-shaped satchel on his pillow and stares at it until his eyes grow heavy. He doesn’t even bother to wipe away the tears rolling down his face. 
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ruusaanrambles · 10 months
Thinking about how different individual mandalorians can be from eachother while still so clearly being mandalorian. I see this in fan made designs especially, mando cosplayers my beloved, it gives a great sense of camaraderie, but i see it in cannon media as well. For example, Paz Visla and Ursa Wren have massivly different armor designs, and yet they are both still so recognizable as mandalorian.
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Ursa has a more curved visor shape, no beskar'ta, very few sharp angles to her armor, a loincloth but no kama, and generally lighter armor.
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And then there's paz. most of his body is covered by his armor, and it is very bulky. his armor is mostly sharp angles, and he has a beskar'ta and standard t-shapeed visor. the only extra fabric besides his flightsuit and flack vest are things like his belt/belt pouches.
Both of them have a single peice for the top part of their chestplate, which is at odds with other mandalorians' three peice chestplates like boba fett has.
Not every mandalorian is human, not every mandalorian has a beskar'ta, not every mandalorian has a kama.
There are so many variables and yet you look at two mandalorians side by side and go, yep, there are two mandalorians in front of me, i should probably run.
It says a lot about them as a culture, to have such ways for each person to express themselves with their own beskar'gam.
Anyways i think it's cool i like the design freedom i get designing mando armor and i like wearing it to conventions and having armor that is both unique and fits into this group
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fangirlforeversthings · 8 months
Ok so about all the relationships in star wars:
Qui gon is obi wan's and anakins dad
Anakins biological father is the force and his mom is shmi
Obi wan and anakin are brothers obi wan the big and anakin the little brother,
But obi wan is also anakins dad,
Anakin and ahsoka are big brother and little sister and obi wan is their tired dad,
But obi wan and anakin adopted ahsoka together and are co-parenting her but anakin is not her father,
But obi wan is also ahsokas grandmaster what is basically her grandfather,
Ahsokas great grandmaster so her great grandfather is qui gon,
And Ahsokas real father is plo koon who is also adoptive father to the entire wolfpack
Obi wan and anakin also co-adopted R2D2 together without knowing
Anakin build C-3PO whick makes anakin his father
Padmé is ahsokas mother and married with anakin,
Obi wan and padmé are besties,
Padmé and bail organa are besties,
Obi wan and satine are deeply in love and were on the verge of getting married,
Obi wan also is korkies father and satine his mother while bo katan is his aunt,
Darth maul is obsessed with obi wan to a point where obi wan is the only reason maul is stil alive
obi wan and cody are in love
Rex is kind of ahsokas and anakins mom but also their brother
Rex and cody are Cousins aswell as the entire 501st and the entire 201st
Since count dooku was qui gons master he is obi wans and anakins grandmaster and therefore technically their grandfather
Yoda is dookus master that makes him the great grandfather/great grandmaster for this big chaotic familiy, that kind of great grandfather who teaches you dumb shit and tells dirty jokes at the dinner table
Next generation:
Lukes biological father is anakin,
Owen Lars is his adoptive father and his biological uncle,
Beru whitesun is his adoptive mother and his biological aunt,
Lukes biological mother is padmé,
Obi wan is lukes grandfather but also his uncle and his master,
Lukes real master is yoda
Luke and leia are brother and sister but also had a short relationship affair
C-3PO is lukes and leias big brother since mentioned before, anakin build him which makes him his father,
R2D2 is lukes and leias big brother too because also mentioned before, anakin and obi wan co-adopted R2,
C-3PO and R2 are bothers
Lukes lover is din djarin
Ahsoka is lukes aunt but Luke would much rather like to f*ck her,
Leia is married to han solo and Ben solo is their son,
Ahsoka is leias aunt,
Leias biological mother is padmé
Leias dad is bail organa while her biological father is anakin
Leias uncle but also her grandfather and also her emotional adopted father is obi wan,
Next generation:
Din djarin is the dad of grogu,
Grogus biological father is yoda, his biological mother is yaddle,
Grogus mom is bo katan
Grogus adoptive mother is omera the village lady on sorgan
Her daughter is winta which is also grogus adoptive sister,
Omera and din were in love once, before din met bo katan
Bo katan and din are married and are co-parenting grogu,
Luke is grogus master
Cara dune is grogus aunt while din and cara are brother and sister,
Fennek shand is also grogus aunt,
Boba fett is grogus uncle,
Boba and fennek are in love,
Grogus grandfather is greef carga, but he is not dins father,
Dins biological parents died of the seperatists battle droids, names unknown
Dins Master (if you wanna call it like that) is the armorer,
The armorer is grogus grandmother,
The frog lady is grogus adoptive grandmother,while grogus real grandmother is peli
IG-11 is grogus brother,
Paz visla and din are dadbesties and always fighting big brother and little brother
Axe wolfes and din are enemies but ('with benefits' definetly possible)
Boba and din are mando'bros
And last but not least kuill is grogus adoptive grandfather
That should sum it up entirely once and for all but this is just my opinion pls correct me where i'm wrong
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eliza1911o1 · 1 year
The Apostate s3 meta pt. 1
I think one of the reasons the initiation scene at the beginning of Chapter 17 feels like a flashback of Din is because, based on previous episodes, we’re assuming the show will start with Din, The Mandalorian. We’re an audience to his story and each season has begun by allowing us to get acquainted with and follow his narrative. But, instead, in Chapter 17 we take the role of an outsider, because Din is an outsider.
Din is no longer a Mandalorian, so the show finds itself in a paradox: if Din is no longer a Mandalorian, is the show still about him? If the show is still about him, must he be a Mandalorian?
Chapter 17 confirms the latter, so now we face the same question Din is now faced with: What is a Mandalorian?
In the beginning, Din Djarin appears to be the epitome of a Mandalorian. Up until the end of s1, Din's name is simply Mando or The Mandalorian. Unlike others such as Boba Fett or Paz Visla, his armor is very plain. Though we understand he had a different family once, he no longer has any connections outside of the tribe. Never having taken off his helmet in front of others, he is incredibly loyal to the creed, as if its word is law and apathetic to external events. His skills are basic to survival, encompassing combat, machinery, and navigation and he appears to have minimal preferences as he serves his life as a bounty hunter.
A template for the mysterious culture, Din's entire personal identity was attached to the concept of a Mandalorian, which appears to transcend religion or race as law. As a foundling and Child of the Watch, Din has not known anything other than the orthodox Mandalorian ways since he was a child (I'm not guessing an age cause I suck at that okay) and since we are following Din, that is all we know. In following the show, I assume we utilize his definition of a Mandalorian as our own, since he is our only source of knowledge on the subject, disregarding other media, and we are subject to his views. Therefore, Mandalorians appear to be defined by a strict creed and only by abiding by these rules are you considered a Mandalorian.
Then the rules don't seem so absolute
First, Din begins to challenge the Guild Code by asking after Grogu before breaking it altogether with his rescue of the child. He starts asking about the world, like what a jedi is, which leads to asking questions about his own culture. This culminates in the s1 finale where finally he finally challenges the boundaries of these laws, in part due to IG-11. Throughout s1, IG-11 is the clearest example of his shaken worldview, which was as simple as all droids are bad. In realizing a hunter droid could become a nursing droid -- reprogrammed -- he realizes things aren't so black and white. Up until this moment, Din would rather die than betray the creed, but the absolutes dissolve and a new grey area appears where no, he can never take off his helmet in front of another person except droids aren't a person. Maybe he was too concussed, maybe he didn't want to die, maybe he wanted to see Grogu -- the fact remains that Din removed his helmet and a new addendum has been created, which in and of itself had been previously unthinkable.
In his search for other Mandalorians, Din continues to struggle with laws that don't seem so unshakable. With Cobb Vanth, he recognizes that others can don the armor, though his perspective doesn't exactly shift until meeting Boba Fett. Though it doesn't outright change (Din again insists that Boba can't wear the armor if he isn't a Mandalorian), he creates another exception: though Boba isn't a Mandalorian, the armor belonged to his father, who was one, so he has a right to wear it. His definition of a Mandalorian is complicated further with Bo-Katan and her group, who not only desecrate the creed (and remove their helmets), but simultaneously have more right to the title, coming from, essentially, royalty and having extensive knowledge on their culture. They even renounce his conception of a Mandalorian as based on a variant, warped version of the truth.
Din's absolute definition, as well as the audience's definition, begins to crack, and when confronting the Imperial base on Morak, Mayfield directly addresses this internal conflict. Din not only changes into a storm trooper helmet, but subsequently takes off his helmet to access a terminal before sitting through an entire conversation with his face completely exposed. In the s2 finale, he again removes his helmet when saying goodbye to Grogu.
The instances Din willingly removes his helmet are a decision centered on the fact that something (someone) is more important than the creed.
These matters are not of life or death, nor are they even about him; remember in s1, Din would rather die than remove break the creed. Though Din has not addressed his changing values until now, when he decides to allow the terminal to scan his face, he consciously acknowledges the shift. He has come to realize that "rules start to change when you get desperate;" he knows Grogu's presence has altered his worldview. From the start, Grogu was the reason he broke the Guild Code and during Chapter 12, Din even partially removes his himself when eating in the presence of Grogu.
Din clearly does not think the creed is absolute, shown by the changes in Din's interpretation of the helmet rule:
Can't take off his helmet in front of someone else (Chapter 4)
Can't take off his helmet in front of living things (Chapter 8)
Can't show his face to other living things (Chapter 15)
However, although he accepts this change in values, Din still appears unwilling to face the fact that his interpretation of the creed is changing as well, though we, the audience, can sense it.
Din Djarin is still the Mandalorian, but what it means to be a Mandalorian is changing
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oonajaeadira · 1 year
today in mandalorian lore i learned...
The creatures that took Ragnar are called shriek-hawks. They are also the signet of the Visla clan!
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And they just adopted three of them into the covert. What if they become war steeds?
Because I’m telling you.
I will lose my everloving mind if this all comes to a head with a Mandalorian siege where Paz is riding on a shriek-hawk.
And Din on a mudhorn.
And Bo on a GD mythosaur.
My. Ever. Loving. Mind.
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wisefoxluminary · 1 year
Paz Visla: My hunch, my hunch! My lovely KC hunch! Come on Din, sing with me.
Din Djarin: That's not gonna happen. I will literally never....what you gonna do with all that hunch! All that hunch inside your brain.
Paz and Din: We're gonna solve, solve, solve this case. Solve this case right in your face!
Din: We should probably leave this prison.
Paz: Yep.
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vashti-lives · 1 year
My unpopular and uninteresting mandalorian season 3 opinion is that Bo Katan is fun and I don't hate the thought of a Din/Bo romance. Its not my favorite but I actually prefer it over the show writers clinging so tightly to the status quo, which is what they did for all of season 2 and what it looked like they were going to keep doing for season 3. I suspect it won't happen, but I wouldn't be mad if it did.
My unpopular but potentially more interesting hot take is that I don't think the Children of the Watch's actual behavior shows many signs of actual destructive cult shit and people's reaction to them as if they were a harmful cult is purely based on a) the line of a character who is clearly unreliable and has an axe to grind* and b) all the aesthetics that make them uncomfortable.
*and again I like Bo Katan, but she's not an unbiased source here.
When you look at their actual behavior? The first thing that happens is that Din shows up with a baby Jedi, the Armorer recognizes him as Jedi, and tasks Din with returning him to his people EVEN THOUGH the Jedi have been at odds with the Mandalorians for centuries. They must return him to his people, it is the morally correct thing to do, and they believe this SO MUCH that they straight up sacrifice everything to make it happen. They could just commit a little light cultural genocide and say, oh the Jedi are gone so he's a Mandalorian now. But they don't! Some of them straight up die to help a child OF THEIR ENEMY. I can tell you right now that fundie christians would fucking never. Even Paz Visla, who is constantly clashing with Din, is on board with helping the baby.
And yeah, the whole exile thing once Din removes his helmet sucks, and is definitely the closest they get to really negative cult-y behavior but even that kind of falls apart under a closer look. Like, even after Din is considered apostate he is allowed 1) to keep his ENTIRE SUIT of beskar armor even though it both has SIGNIFICANT religious value AND actual monetary value 2) KEEP THE FUCKING DARKSABER and 3) to take a fucking-- again beskar-- CHAIN MAIL BABY ONESIE for Grogu even though as far as they know Grogu is a Jedi now. Plus the task the armorer gives to Din is so easy its literally accomplished in one episode. I kinda low key think she knew the mines were accessible already and only said they weren't as a test.
Then once he left he was pretty clearly still in contact with them because the covert in season 3 is really obviously not located where Din shows up in BoBF. Like... this is not how being shunned from the group looks in fundie christian circles.
Once Din completes the task and proves it he's back in, no questions asked, no recriminations, no guilt trips. Not only that but Bo Katan is welcomed as well even though we know that previously the armorer knew of her and did not like or respect her. Bo Katan completed the ritual and that alone was enough. And yeah, she's in a vulnerable place right now that might make this sketchy but the invitation is extremely straightforward, includes immediately the fact that she can leave at any time, there's no reason to believe they know about the night owls leaving her, and they absolutely don't know her home has just been blown up.
They are absolutely pretty fanatical and aren't perfect by any means but I think a lot of the really negative impression people in fandom have about them is not actually supported by their actions in the show. This is a group of people that have been deeply traumatized by genocide and are reacting to it in perhaps unhealthy but honestly very logical ways. The DnD alignment chart has its issues but its hard not to see them as really hardcore lawful good here.
Also, although there's less textual evidence for this, I very strongly believe that they are a splinter group from Death Watch that left for moral and religious reasons, probably including rejecting the practice of kidnapping and indoctrinating children. (And I don't know how much of the legends backstory they're going to keep for Bo Katan but uh... yeah not an unbiased source of information about Children of the Watch IMO.)
Also I am aware that there are fundamentalist religious groups that aren't christian but since most of the fandom is western/American that's what I see people pull from the most and Children of the Watch are one million percent more ethical and less hypocritical than even the most mainline of evangelical christians are, let alone the ultra fundie groups.
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cameoamalthea · 1 year
Bo-Katan NEVER wanted to rule Mandalore
Bo-Katan is the younger child of the royal house, but she didn't join Death Watch to put her on the throne instead of her sister.
She wanted Paz Visla to take the throne because she thought he was best for Mandalore. Her sister's government was erasing the culture and tradition of her people, outlawing the old religion on the planet. Satine thought pacifism could stop wars and ensure her people would be safe, but being warriors is the heart of who Mandalorians are so it isn't a surprise there was rebellion.
Yes, Death Watch were terrorists, but I can understand why she'd join them. She thought Paz was right and so she should fight with him. She didn't believe her sister's new way could work. It was idealistic and would leave Mandalore defenseless and vulnerable. She trusted the old ways that Paz would restore.
After Paz Visla's death, Bo-Katan did not believe Maul, who was not a Mandalorian and did not care about Mandalore should rule. She led an insurgency to get rid of Maul.
Bo-Katan did not want to rule. Her only goal was to get rid of Maul to protect Mandalore.
After that's done Ahsoka says she should rule.
BO-KATAN: I wish I was good at something other than war.
She surveys the still smoking city.
AHSOKA: Your people need a new kind of leader.
Bo-Katan looks at Mandalorian civilians gathered nearby.
BO-KATAN: My sister tried that. I never understood her idealism.
Bo-Katan doesn't think she should lead or can lead, but her people need a leader.
Then the empire rises and they put a puppet government in charge. Bo-Katan could have stayed in power if she had done as the empire asked but she never wanted power. So she was deposed, and Saxon took charge.
Two decades later Sabine Wren defeats Saxon in single combat and, armed with the Dark Saber, leads a rebellion on Mandalore against the Empire.
Bo-Katan joins Sabine, who confirms that it was Ahsoka/the Jedi who put Bo-Katan in charge.
Sabine: Her sister, Satine, once ruled Mandalore. Bo-Katan was made regent by the Jedi before the end of the Clone War. She's still seen by many as Mandalore's rightful ruler.
Sabine offers her the Dark Saber because she sees her as the rightful ruler and Bo-Katan refuses.
Bo-Katan: I had my chance to rule, and I failed. I am not my sister. I am not the leader you seek.
After fighting alongside her, Sabine again asks her to rule.
Bo-Katan: This is only the beginning. The Empire will send everything they have to crush Mandalore.
Sabine: That is why you should lead us, my lady. You had the courage to make a difficult decision. With your guidance. You have the wisdom of a ruler. There's no one I trust to wield the Darksaber more than you. And I am not alone.
Gathered Mandalorians:
Clan Vizsla is with you.
Clan Rook is with you.
Clan Eldar is with you.
Clan Kryze is with you.
The Protectors are with you.
Clan Wren is with you.
Sabine: Now I understand why the saber came to me. It came to me so I could pass it to you.
Bo-Katan is essentially elected ruler by popular demand, it's a responsibility that's put her on and she accepts it.
Bo-Katan: I accept this sword for my sister, for my clan, and for all of Mandalore.
And Bo-Katan's rebellion fails, her home world is destroyed, and the majority of her people are killed. She sets out to get revenge on the one who did it, take back the Dark Saber and take back her Planet- because she was the leader, they chose her, she will be responsible and try to redeem herself.
She fails. Din Djarin defeats Gideon and takes the Dark Saber. Bo-Katan never wanted it to begin with, never wanted to rule. She's always had the responsibility of leadership put on her by people who believed in her more than she believed in herself. And everyone takes this as a sign that it's time to give up and Bo-Katan goes home and just wants to be left alone.
Then Din Djarin shows up, chastises her for giving up, and goes off on a religious pilgrimage to Mandalore where he gets in trouble and sends his child back to her. Because Din knows Bo-Katan is responsible and will look after Grogu as she, unlike the Children of the Watch, still see them as Mandalorian.
Bo-Katan takes one look at this child and springs into action. Din is in trouble and she is going to save him. After she saves him, she's going to take care of him, give him soup, and escort him on his pilgrimage. Even though she doesn't believe in the religion anymore and always thought his sect was too strict in their interpretation of the Way she is going to make sure he can do his ritual because she doesn't want him to get killed. She takes responsibility for him.
When he falls into an underwater cave system she dives in without hesitation. She looks after her people.
Bo-Katan joins his sect because she has nowhere else to go and they offer acceptance. When one of their children is taken she springs into action to track the thing that took the child and leads a war party to rescue him. Because it's her responsibility, to look after other Mandalorians, especially children.
She does not want to rule Mandalore. She does not think she should be the one to Unite all Mandalorians.
Other people do. People who see her fight for her people and believe in her volunteer for the role and she keeps accepting because she cannot refuse the responsibility if it is asked of her.
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sprout-fics · 2 years
I know you’re not thinking about Paz right now, but I reread Reverence for like the thousandth time now so I’m gonna throw this NSFW Saturday Thot at you so it gets out of my brain—
Paz’s bride in Reverence was a virgin— and since mandos typically try to avoid divorce; Paz isn’t just her first, but he’ll be her only. Which means 2 things.
1. That notion alone, of being the only person she’ll ever be with, feeds a million desires for him— it’s something primal, possessive and loving.
2. When it comes to literally any sexual activity, he’s going to have to teach her/they learn together, which again, feeds into some unintelligible primal feelings for him. The moment she’d ask to blow him for the first time he’d absolutely lose his mind.
The main point is, there are many firsts they get to experience together, which by itself is already profound and beautiful. But, it also made me think of the other side of that sort of dynamic— just how vulnerable it makes someone— having to entrust their entire breadth of experiences in another person, in the hopes that they have your best interests in mind— BUT also how you’ve written this man to show how good he is, how trustworthy and safe he could be, so much so that that vulnerability can offer intimacy rather than insecurity.
Just. Outstanding. Truly. You’re very good at writing these nuanced relationship dynamics.
Anyway, apologies for that out-of-pocket nonsense; I think about these metal men too much
Did not expect to tear up on this fine Saturday morning but here we are.
Anon I could write essays on these two, mainly because Reverence is a reflection on how I wished my first time could have gone (sans the arranged marriage part) and having a partner who is so open, so gentle, so patient and tender with you that it makes my heart bleed warmth.
Paz has so many feelings about his wife. Guilt over her not entirely having a choice, regret that he didn't properly court her first, that she didn't get to have many experiences before they married. Yet he adores her more than he can manage, more than there are stars in the sky. He wants to do anything and everything for her, and that primarily includes ensuring he's completely and totally receptive to her pleasure.
You're totally right though, man definitely has a virgin kink when it comes to his riduur. The idea that he's the first and only person to touch her life that does indeed make something primal in him go absolutely buck wild. She's so innocent and untouched that every time they're together is a new experience for her and he literally has to restrain himself from going wild at that thought. At the same time he's endlessly gentle with her when she wants to try new things. There's something about her shyness that makes him want to protect her, cherish her, hold her down by her hips and go to town on her pussy for days until she can only remember his name and then cuddle her
I just...have so many feelings about this series it's difficult to put into words. Paz is over the moon for his wife, and as scary and battle hardened as he is he's still unbelievably gentle with her, to the point where it brings me to tears. He's her only, he's her safety, her protector, her lover, her beloved, her riduur.
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feyhunter78 · 1 year
Fandom List!!!!
So I asked y'all if I should make a list of people/things I'd write for, and y'all said yes! Here's my list! It will change as time goes on, and if you don't see a fandom, or a character (and they're not listed under "will not write" then feel free to shoot me an ask about it!)
Also, I put the ones I'm less confident with in italics, but still feel free to request them!
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House Of The Dragon:
Aegon ii
Helaena (on occasion, I have to really like the prompt)
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Hobbit, LOTR, and TROP:
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Star Trek:
Jack Crusher (Picard)
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Star Wars:
Poe Dameron
Din Djarin
Paz Visla
Darth Maul
Savage Opress
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Steve Rodgers
Bucky Barnes
Pietro (Quicksilver)
Peter Parker
Miguel O’Hara
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Fantastic Beasts:
Newt Scamander
Theseus Scamander
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The Witcher:
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Any Ben Barnes character
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Any Ewan Mitchell character
Will not write:
Daemon, any minors, or Ettore. (This list will potentially get added too)
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I called it again.
Spoilers for Star Wars: Mandolorian, season 3.
Frickin buffy guy. Heavy infantry. Paz Visla.
He freakin did it too. He did the 'sacrifice self for the others' trope. Okay Star Wats, we get it; you like to kill our favourite characters and make your fans hate you but also love you more.
But, honestly, buffy guy? Did it have to be him? Yeah, it did...
But I was looking forward to that one guy from the Nite Owls and him going from rivals to frenemies to comrades. I mean, come on... Missed opportunity. And they just had to fight right before this.
Well, hey, I'm going to assume you guys at least know what you're doing.
RIP Paz.
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Fic Recs: "Special" Edition
All of these recs are crossovers, have multiple pairings, or group...stuff
As always, you are 100% responsible for the media you consume. Please check warnings before proceeding
Waiting Game (oneshot) din djarin x f!reader x ezra- by @northernbluess
Muddy Waters (series, ongoing) Joel x f!reader x ezra- by @bonezone44
Sharing Is Caring (oneshot) Frankie x f!reader x santi- by @walkintotheriveranddisappear
If You Wanna Be Wild (series, ongoing) javi p x f!reader x santi- by @romanarose
Catalyst (series, ongoing) Frankie x f!reader x Joel- by @ezrasbirdie
Caught On (series) Frankie x f!reader x santi- by @something-tofightfor
Homecoming (series) Frankie x f!reader x santi- by @astroboots
What Happens on Coruscant, Stays on Coruscant (series, complete) Din Djarin x Cassian Andor x Poe Dameron x f!reader- by @beskarandblasters
Friendly Competition (series, complete) Triple Frontier Boys x f!reader- by @absurdthirst & @storiesofthefandomlovers
Do I Really Have To Chart The Constellations In His Eyes? (mini series, complete) frankie x f!reader x Santi- by @moonknightly
Push & Shove (one shot) frankie x f!reader x Santi- by @ozarkthedog
Better Than A Date (one shot) frankie x f!reader x Santi- by @absurdthirst & @wardenparker
Lever de Soleil Cerise Mûre (mini series, complete) Din Djarin x f!reader x Paz Visla x Boba Fett- by killerbananas on a03
Me’dinuir (Share) (one shot) Din Djarin x f!reader x Paz Visla- by @absurdthirst
As always this list is ongoing. Feel free to recommend any fics you'd like to see on the list or any others!
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fuckedupsociety155 · 1 year
I don't like to be a downer but like, this season felt so conclusive yet so unearned??? Like, don't get me wrong, IN WORLD Din has gone through a lot and deserves to settle down in a little home with grogu as his son. But from a narrative standpoint this season felt so rushed, like everything and nothing at all was happening at the same time, and it drives me crazy. Cuz it's nice to see din adopt grogu, but I felt nothing. Literally nothing there made it feel like the emotional gutpunch that it should have been. It's nice to see Bo Katan light the forge, but it cuts right there and her arc feels more like a jump point for a spinoff than an actually fullfilled arc. It's nice to see the implication that Axe will keep Ragnar, BUT WE BARELY SAW HIM INTERACT WITH PAZ VISLA!!! They clashed a couple times and now Paz's sacrifice is supposed to be this GRAND THING even tho they have shown us mandalorians die by the dozen in smaller battles. WHAT WAS THIS SEASON??!?!?!?!!???!? IS THIS THE END OR WILL THERE BE SEASON 4???!?!?!??!!!?? DIN DIDN'T EVEN TAKE HIS HELMET OFF. JON, WHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS????!?!?!??!?!?!? WASN'T THE LION KING ENOUGH??!?!?!? WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?!??!?!
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