depairt · 3 years
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Update: look at this fic doee -> CLICKcliCKlick <- ?? I got so damn many spoons reading this lemme tell ya, it's so close to what I envisioned with this piece. LOVE LOVE. Humbled. ------------ Y'know when Dean is casually being a hitman and Castiel is an FBI agent? And they married w/o Cas knowing about it? And then Dean just yeeted when Cas found out -- but one night comes back like one year later because the dude really wants his Cas? //And sees Cas is still wearing his wedding ring, after all// Ah, yes. That. *happy whistling*
'Sup, I'm alive y'all. BARELY. Plz, send me 100 million spoons. Also, appreciate the highlight on Dean's bubble butt, dayum son, what a curve.
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javocjovian · 3 years
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Happy Exchange, @sxlcouthgeek !!! I hope you like it! I went with the tropes bamf Cas, bottom!Dean, royalty au, and of course the theme of the exchange: feast *winkwink*
“Prince Dean thought that receiving lessons in knighthood was a waste of time. He was a prince, after all — He'd been hunting and handling weapons since he was a child, and no horse could outrun Baby. He didn’t need a Commander, Celestial or otherwise, to tell him what to do.
That is, until he met Sir Castiel.” 
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klayr-de-gall · 3 years
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Our House filled with Colors
A Soulmarks AU
Pairing: Destiel
Tags: Alternate Universe - Soulmarks, Alternate Universe - No Monsters, Background Relationships, Platonic Soulmarks, Family Soulmarks, Romantic Soulmarks, a different kind of soulmate fic,Found Family, Cas POV but Dean centric, A lot of colors, strangers to friend to lovers, 5+1 Things
Definition from “Soulbonds and their forms” by Marien Wick “A soulmark is the physical manifestation of the soulbond between two people. It is formed when they develop a deep affection for each other, often taking on the form of the first hand-to-skin touch after that feelings have been developed. It does not differ between a familiar bond, a platonic bond, or a romantical bond. Each person leaves a different colored mark, said to be a manifestation of the color of their soul. On the rare occasions where a deeper soulbond is formed, often referred to as a “Lifebond”, people have described the as feeling similar to an electric shock. While a person can form an indefinite number of Soulbonds, a Lifebond only occurs once.”
After the death of his eldest brother, Castiel finds himself in charge of his nephew Jack and an apartment building he has inherited. Moving across the state and starting a new life there only seems reasonable.
[read on Ao3]
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This Story and Artwork was created for the “Feast” Gift Exchange on the PB Server!
Made for lawful_feral_merit who asked for Soulmates, AUs and Found Family besides other things. I tried my best to cover all the bases as close as possible XD
I started the above art as a sketch, so I had an easier time to keep track of all the Soulmarks on Dean. But is anyone surprised I ended up coloring this? Naaa.
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nickelkeep · 3 years
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When You’re Lyin’ Here in My Arms
Pairing: Dean/Cas (background pairings too) Rating: Teen and Up Word Count: 7240 Warnings: Idiots to Lovers. Fake Dating. Written For: @blueeyesandpie​, for @profoundnet​‘s PB Exchange: Feast On Ao3
Preview: “What?” Dean leaned forward, trying to look at the card. When Cas pulled it away, Dean pouted. “How am I supposed to help you out if you won’t even let me know what’s going on?” He snatched the card from Cas’ hand and read it over. “Oh.”
“Yeah, ‘Oh.’” Cas huffed out of frustration. “I guess they conveniently forgot that I broke up with Inais a few months ago.”
Dean shrugged. “Or you just got the reservation card everyone else got.”
“You know my family, Dean. That gets returned without a checkmark in it; I’m not going to hear the end of it.” Cas dragged a hand down his face. “It’s Hannah’s wedding. Gabe and Meg are together and going strong. Balthazar’s bringing their significant other home for the first time, which means it’s serious. And me? I’m going to be the one who’s alone. Sticking out like a sore thumb.”
“It’s not necessarily a bad thing, Cas. There’ll be single friends there, right?”
“I don’t know much about Bartholemew’s family or guests, but it’s a small wedding. Family and a couple of friends. They’re doing the whole streaming thing for the ceremony for those who want to see it.” Cas shook his head. “I said I was taking a break after Inias. I need to stick to it.”
“Good for you. And you can tell that to your family or anyone who bugs you for being single.”
Cas couldn’t stop the groan that fell from his lips. “And now I’m stuck. I really don’t want to have to explain myself over and over again.”
“You act like you’re going to have to explain yourself over and over again. Your family will drop it if you tell them to, and any strangers, well… They’re just assholes if they come up to you wanting to know why you’re single.” Dean stood up and crossed to the fridge. He pulled two beers out and came back, handing one to Cas before sitting down. “It’s not as big of a deal as you’re making it out to be.”
“I’m going to be miserable for a week. I think it’s a pretty big deal. And you’re just going to let me suffer.” An epiphany slapped Cas in the face. “You don’t want me to suffer, right?”
“You’re not going to suffer, Cas.”
“Because you’re coming with me.”
Dean shook his head vehemently. “Nope. I’m not invited. Pretty sure I would have gotten one of those fancy invites all for myself. Besides, you said family and friends of the bride and groom. I get along with Hannah, sure. But I wouldn’t call myself a close friend.”
“Maybe not, but you’re my best friend. And my family does consider you family.” Cas attempted to pout, doing his best to plead with Dean. “Come and pretend to be my boyfriend. Please?”
“Woah!” Dean shot up and backed away from the table. “It’s one thing to come as your friend, Cas. But your boyfriend? Your family’s going to see right through that.”
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aishitara · 3 years
The absolutely amazing tiamatv wrote this lovely story for me for the PB Gift Exchange this year. Please go give it a read! It's fluffy, there's beer, creature!Cas and certified bisexual disaster Dean Winchester, and lots of weirdly deconstructed food. ^_^;
Go give Tia some love!
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goldenraeofsun · 3 years
His Right Hand Man
Rating: M
Length: 17k
For @darkwings17 !
After Sam runs away from home, tired of his life on their failing estate, Dean naturally charges after him - right onto a pirate ship.
Dean doesn't feel the call of the sea or crave the adventure of piracy like Sam, but he can grin and bear it. He can do anything as long as Sam stays safe.
Then again, Dean might even come around to Sam's way of thinking, provided he can spend more time with The Seraph's mysterious captain.
Read here!
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casdeanpie · 3 years
For my giftee @ashdeancas during profound bond gift exchange. Previously posed on Ao3 I forgot to post on here!
I tired to incorporate the theme as interestingly as possible as well as your desires. I hope you enjoy the read! It was so much fun to make!! ❤️❤️❤️
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countingcranes · 3 years
anywhere else is hollow
Rating: Explicit. Pairing: Castiel/Dean Winchester. Warnings: Handjobs, Oral Sex, Mutual Pining, implied past Mpreg. Tags: Endverse AU, Fallen Castiel, On and Off Relationship.
Comments: Written for the Profound Bond Exchange, for WeAreTheLuckyOnes.
The moment Dean opens the door and sees Cas standing there, he shuts the door so fast the whole cabin rattles.
And yet, just meters away from him his infant daughter sleeps, blissfully unaware of whatever bullshit is going on with her parents. Not for the first time, Dean wishes to be a baby cradled in his mother’s arms, just sucking his thumb and minding his own fucking business, zombie apocalypse and fallen angels be damned.
Read @AO3.
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rathskitten · 3 years
Author: raths_kitten
Title: Non-Performer
Pairing: Dean/Castiel
Rating: Teen
Written for @bowlegsandbiceps
Word Count: 6.080
Summary: Even though he hates the system, Dean is forced to buy a slave to keep in business with his old-school partners. He ends up buying Castiel, a proud, stubborn angel slave. Castiel will not perform for anyone. But if he’s being treated kindly, maybe he will return the favor.
“You paid too much for me.” The angel said, sitting up straighter.
“What?” Dean almost swerved the car but caught himself just in time. “I thought it was below value.” Dean had haggled Crowley down from what he assumed was already a low starting price.
“He’s not gonna buy me back for less than half of that.” The angel informed him.
“What makes you think I’m going to give you back?” Dean asked.
“They always do.” The angel replied. “You heard him. I don’t perform. You may lock me into your dungeon, but just know that I will not make it easy on you.”
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firefly124-writing · 3 years
Title: Slice of Heaven Fandom: SPN Ship: Dean/Cas Rating: Teen Warnings: None Summary: All Dean wants for his birthday is for Cas to be happy. And possibly to develop better taste in beer. Notes: Written for the ProfoundBondExchange for @hisbrokenrainbowwings Happy day-after-Dean's-birthday, @hisbrokenrainbowwings! I hope you enjoy this story. It was much fun to write, even if these two idjits insisted on taking things in their own direction, as they do. This is an AU in which 15x19 made sense and 15x20 never happened.
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sxlcouthgeek · 3 years
My gift for the wonderful @readingprofoundbonds! I hope you enjoy!
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countingcranes · 3 years
The Meat It Feeds On
Rating: Explicit. Pairing: Castiel/Dean Winchester. Warnings: Misunderstandings, jealousy, sex parties. Tags: Season 13, Mutual Pining, Miscommunication, Fake relationship, background Sam/Rowena.
Comments: Written for the Profound Bond Exchange, for @doralaexplora.
Before Cas returned from the Empty, Dean would fall asleep to Cas’ voicemail, and wake up to Cas’ shitty FBI picture and consider. Consider the idea of living with half his heart missing.
And now he was back, and Dean was being stupid and horny about it.
Sam found them a hunt at a goddamn sex convention, Rowena had the most annoying ideas, hot people kept hitting on Cas and Dean was completely unable to deal.)
Read @ AO3.
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