#pbs word girl
noperopesaredope · 9 months
My New Word-Girl Villain OC
Simple Matter, also known as Susan, is a somewhat minor (but consistently reoccurring and frequent) villain in Word Girl. She appears about as frequently as Lady Redundant Woman, having a couple episodes all her own, but mostly appearing in episodes related to other villains, often with a non-speaking role.
The daughter of a very minor superhero (who sadly died when Susan was a baby, so she never felt much attachment to heroes), Susan was born with the power to simplify things. By that, I mean that she is a tiny bit similar to Molly from Epithet Erased, specifically the part where she can “dumb things down” into nothing. Susan can essentially “break things down” to their basic components, which is a bit conceptually horrifying at times, but ignore that part. If Susan were to use her powers on, say, a ceramic sink, she could essentially simplify it into being a metal pipe attached to a hunk of ceramic.
If she used her power on a painting, all the details would essentially be smeared out, and the picture would look like just some globs of color. If she simplifies something enough, it can just become a series of atoms. Luckily for her, Susan can control what aspect of something she wants to simplify, so she hasn’t killed or horribly maimed anyone yet. I am yet to decide if her powers can be reversed.
Susan is very autism-coded and heavily implied to struggle with receptive LPD, showing multiple symptoms throughout her time on screen. She can have difficulties understanding certain abstract concepts and ideas, which is why she appreciates the way Word Girl takes the time to define and explain a word in a way that Susan can understand. There have been a few times where she’s asked Word Girl to re-explain a word or remind her of it, but Word Girl has been quite patient, especially once Susan mentioned that her brain has a hard time with language processing.
The funny thing is that Susan, despite having difficulties understanding words, legitimately likes them. Similar to the Butcher wanting to butcher words less, Susan does enjoy learning new words, even if she gets a bit confused along the way. She will eagerly listen to someone make a fancy speech with fancy words, and then afterwards ask her friends to re-explain it to her. She doesn’t mind it when Word Girl mildly corrects her on a word, as she knows that the young superhero is just passionate about the subject and trying to be helpful– in her own way.
Despite fighting her often, Susan does respect Word Girl and likes her, they just so happen to be on opposite sides most of the time.
In terms of autism, Susan struggles with various sensory issues, such as getting easily overwhelmed when hearing multiple sounds at once and not being able to concentrate when that is occurring. She also has a hatred of various textures, and mostly only eats “bland” food or food with few clashing flavors/textures. Susan will actually sometimes use her powers on food before she eats it, making sure it doesn’t taste too “complicated.”
A major example of Susan’s sensory issues, and the one we see most frequently throughout the show, is her issues with color hypersensitivity. She can’t stand “loud” or bright colors, and the easiest way to incapacitate her is via showing her one of those messy abstract paintings, as she can also get overwhelmed by certain complex visual stuff like that. This is all why Susan is a minimalist: for sensory reasons.
She also has plenty of social difficulties as well, due to having both autism and receptive LPD. Susan consistently speaks in a flat affect similar to Abed from Community (my favorite example of autistic representation), rarely notices more subtle body language/facial expressions, strongly dislikes looking at people while holding conversations, and is often unintentionally “rude.”
Susan has very few friends, preferring to have small, tight-knit circles of friends rather than larger groups. However, despite having difficulties with socializing and understanding other people, Susan feels closely connected to the villain community of Fair City and has found a good support network with it. The others are honestly pretty understanding when it comes to some struggles she may experience, like her poor communication skills and difficulties reading social cues. Overtime, everyone has begun to figure out how to communicate with her in a way both sides can understand.
Now, onto the crimes:
Simple Matter first became a criminal when she got incredibly mad at a public sculpture for being confusing and ugly, and she decided that the best way to handle this dilemma was to destroy it beyond repair. She somehow managed to get away with this, and slowly developed a small habit of destroying things she hated, like annoying billboards, sirens, more public art, etc. The media then proceeded to label her as a new and upcoming villain. Susan at first tried to deny the title, but the same week she was labeled a villain, Susan ended up running into a crime duo while they were robbing a store.
One member of the duo, Kaleidoscoper, immediately recognised Susan as “that cool new villain who destroys stuff, like me!” She congratulated her on her debut, and welcomed her to the villain community, even asking Susan if she wanted to help them out with the robbery. Susan was caught off guard by Kaleidoscoper’s friendliness, and decided “eh, why not just roll with it.” So she did, thus solidifying her status as a villain. She was also surprised to find herself legitimately enjoying the whole thing, enjoying some of the thrill. So she officially declared herself now a villain, and with some help from her new friends, came up with the name “Simple Matter.”
So now Simple Matter mainly commits two types of crimes: vandalizing anything she particularly hates and robbing places like everyone else. Most of her crimes are done out of either pettiness, boredom, or a desire to hang out with her villain friends. Simple Matter is actually known for being quite chill, and outside of vandalism, she’s not very aggressive. Witnesses have actually said that while she could be a bit “rude” and blunt, she consistently treated them fairly, and they never felt like she was threatening them. Overall, Simple Matter is a more pleasant villain to be around, and easier to deal with than most. However, she will put up a fight, depending on the day and situation.
Simple Matter uses a big wooden staff as a weapon (keeping with the simplicity theme), and she is actually very good at using it in battle. She is often seen playing around with it when bored or in a more idle position, spinning it around, tossing it back and forth between her hands, fidgeting, etc. There is an episode in one of the later seasons where Kaleidoscoper mentions that she’s been helping Simple Matter design a more “fun and flattering” villain outfit. 
The next time we see Simple Matter, she is wearing a more notable outfit that clearly differs from her previous more civilian-like attire. It has a much more clear theme, with loosely fitting pale blue robes (that might take a tiny bit of inspiration from Buddhist nun robes, but not so much as to be appropriation) and a strap to attach the staff to her back. When in villain mode (and sometimes even on small errands in civilian mode), Simple Matter will be seen wearing this outfit for the rest of the series.
So, I believe that that’s all you need to know about Simple Matter/Susan for now! Hope you find her endearing/interesting, since I worked really hard on writing her out.
Oh, one more small detail: she and Kaleidoscoper at totally dating by the mid-point in the series, they just never explicitly say it. It’s more implied.
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halfa-failure · 2 months
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little-the-rat · 9 months
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friday-is-unfunny · 7 months
"cheese is the most stolen food in the world" factoid actually just a statistical error. average person steals zero cheese per year. Dr. Two-Brains, who is part mouse & steals over 10,000 pounds of cheese each day, is an outlier adn should not have been counted
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imfinewhosamity · 9 months
Most of the Wordgirl episodes on YouTube have been blocked. I’m not happy.
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randomwordgirlquotes · 7 months
Tobey: Do you care if I take the skin off this Furby?
Tobey: I want to make him a god. Once he is free of his sinful flesh, he can begin a path towards enlightenment. He will take care of us.
Tobey: I also want to softhack his circuits.
Becky: I literally could not care less but never say anything as frightening as that ever again.
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chrisdoesanart · 8 months
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Or even just when they have a normal conversation like in the episode Becky’s Birthday, I think it was !!!
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25stars · 8 months
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sneedlier · 2 months
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Also the one with Steven is a past one. They used to be colleagues also Hudson didn't have sharp teeth cause he got burned in like this radioactive fire later one
My fav one undercut w/ headcanons :3
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Idk I feel like Hudson would be Wordgirl's like mentor. Like he pretends he isn't but then gives he like binders full of info about the villains. Their dynamic is kinda like Cedric's and Sofia from Sofia the 1st.Also he does know her identity (since Steven does) but is decent enough to not reveal it.
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twilighttrekkie · 4 months
becky botsford moment
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hey wordgirl fandom. i come bringing you an offering of "what if becky had slight alien traits like oddly-colored freckles and occasionally speaking in lexiconian without realizing it" :3
oh also chuck and whammer are here and queer don't worry about it
(for becky's alien speech i used the alternian language from HS, and what becky is saying boils down to "geez, chuck and whammer are so gay")
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saliosis · 11 months
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some more (background) wordgirl kids because i have no self control
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sugarstimz7 · 1 year
Dr Two Brains stimboard for @littlesliceoftoast !! Thanks for the request!!
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stimboard-with-mainly-greens/amp https://sushi-stims.tumblr.com/post/189966057041/cheese-stimboard-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x/amp
blinkie by me!!
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prettyboyhere · 6 months
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oh my fucking god this is just for me. i want this still specifically. violent chesting binding is actually something that can be so personal
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"Best friends" my ass these bitches gay
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imfinewhosamity · 10 months
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randomwordgirlquotes · 7 months
I know it's not an incorrect quote but I needed to make this... Enjoy (if you guys don't mind this type of post from time to time, I'll make an effort to try making edits like this lol)
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