mlobsters · 4 months
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You look like you got attacked by some PCP crazed strippers.
acrylic on paper 8x11", painting video below
song: birds of a feather by billie eilish
my other supernatural art
okay so! second attempt at traditional painting. tried to set myself up for success by picking padalecki's face which i generally have less issues painting and a profile view which is much easier for my spatially not-adept brain to process. i also made more efforts to make sure the grid on the paper i drew on matched up proportionally with the grid in photoshop that i was using as a reference for the photo, which allowed to figure out wtf was wrong with his face there at the beginning (always *always* eyes too high, mouth too low)
i thought it'd be fun too, to have the option to add some actual glitter at the end. i used some old sally hansen chunky purple glitter nail polish over the painted on glittery patches. it's not super noticeable but i think it's a fun little detail.
i really enjoy working with actual paint, and i've always wanted to paint traditionally (forever really but due to my limitations i thought i wasn't able to the way i wanted) but man, the commitment! at least with acrylic, i can go over sections to fix them, within reason. if i'd been doing this digitally, i would have gone for way more detail in his face and fixed the clothes more, especially the lighter parts of his jacket. but the more i tried to fix it, the worse it was getting so i decided to just accept it as it was and move on.
so i think that's the big difference for me ultimately, not being able to work it to death and have something refined at the end. anyway, i'm happy with how this came out.
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shipping-world1994 · 11 months
Jesse, covered in glitter: Go ahead, say it.
Leon, leaning on Vince, laughing: You look like you got attacked by some PCP-crazed strippers."
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so-get--this · 3 years
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“You look like you got attacked by some PCP-crazed strippers.”
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ali-kitkat · 3 years
so my brain thought of this, as i was exacting petty vengeance upon my stepdad. he said stupid shit so now he gets to look like he stepped out an art room.
Marinette watched as Dick strutted down the hallway, like it was his own personal runway, in horror. She didn't think this prank through. She should've known that he was like a goddamned peacock.
Dick was covered head to toe in brightly colored glitter, Damian was as well. At least he looked appropriately miserable compared to his brother. Her boyfriend's face twisted into a scowl at Dick's posing.
She continued her staring until she heard footsteps approaching, then Jason turned the corner and stopped dead in his tracks. Staring at his brothers in horrified awe and started laughing.
"I'm sorry," he wheezed, "you both look like you got attacked by some PCP crazed strippers!"
She choked on a laugh and Damian glared at her.
"Shit, he's right!" she howled, and collapsed in on herself, letting out the laugh she was trying to muffle.
"I hate you both," Damian grumbled and stomped into his room. Only his affront spurred more laughter.
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idabbleincrazy · 4 years
Top five favorite SPN moments.
oof that’s a toughie. i’ll try not to make them all shippy:
Sam giving Gabriel the Winchester ‘I love you’ to snap him out of his trauma-induced catatonia in Bring ‘Em Back Alive
The Loki/Gabriel face-off
“Sweet set of rims you got there, Sam.”
Cas flash-banging his way into Dean’s (love)life
Dean freaking out over the cat-locker in Yellow Fever tied with Sam’s pcp-crazed stripper look in Plucky Pennywhistle’s Magical Menagerie.
thanx for the ask!
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stripperlecki · 5 years
Dean loves pcp crazed strippers? Holy crap, I'm sorry I wasn't on Tumblr to see that url. 😂😂😂😂😂
Lmaoo 😂😂😂 2012 was one hell of a year lol
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weborntobesad · 5 years
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"I'm sorry, you look like got attacked by some pcp crazed strippers"
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taronunwin · 6 years
{gif game} "*giggles* I'm sorry...but you look like you got attacked by some pcp-crazed strippers...."
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mycasandstarrs · 6 years
SPN 7x14: “Plucky Pennywhistle’s Magic Menagerie”
THEN: Dean’s downspiraling. Sam hates clowns. 
Right into the crazy!
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“If it bleeds, you can kill it.”
To be fair, those clowns are terrifying.
Special title card.
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60:00:00 Earlier.
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“I am the eggman.” 
Germaphobe Dean Winchester.
“So, we got dick on Dick?” Sam’s puns about Dick are great.
“No bars. No booze – no hot chicks of any kind.” Who knew Dean Winchester would ever say that?
Wichita, Kansas.
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“So what are we looking for? An octovamp? A vamptopus?” Octopire!
The victim’s wife is pinning it on the nanny. Well then.
“Mom, dad, nanny – boy, that is a love triangle right out of Casa Erotica. 'Course, in those, the jealous wife tends to channel her feelings more productively.” Is Dean confusing porn with reality again?
Dean remembers Plucky’s.
The next lead is the victim's daughter.
RIP second victim. Killed by a unicorn.
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NOW. Sam’s fight with the clowns ain’t going too great.
36:36:08 Earlier.
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You liar.
“Just know that 99.99% of all clowns can’t kill you. Okay? And if it bleeds, you can kill it.”
Poor Moose.
“Where All Your Dreams Are Good” :D
What would the “truly evil stuff” be??
Jean Holiday. Shift manager, cool name.
“The place mat is a safe way to get kids to talk about their fears. You know, we get them to sketch it in a little box, and – voila! – Plucky magically transforms it into rainbows and candy. Personally, I think it's a load of hooey, but they say that if these fears run wild, then it affects kids long into their adulthood.” pfft.
Conniption? [After episode edit: Conniption, definition: a fit of rage and hysterics.]
The janitor’s got secrets to spill.
“Close, but no Seabiscuit.” hardy har har
RIP janitor. Killed by a shark in the ball pit.
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Tyler and his robot drawings.
NOW. Again. Sam’s fight is still going badly.
4:34:12 Earlier.
“Guy in his thirties hanging out at Plucky's alone – that's normal. That's not pervy at all.” lmao.
Bad Cop Sam.
Giant rainbow slinky!
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“So, uh, was there a lot of competition for the gig?” Sam was going in the right direction, but with the wrong person.
“High Times not our gal.”
Where did Sam learn to be bad cop??
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Dean’s a sweetheart.
“She's exhausted. You should take pity on the old. And, hey, free grub.”
“That stuff tastes like butt.”
“What? Come on, it can’t be that bad. Let’s see here.”
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*spits it back out.*
“That is butt.”
That is the best chase I’ve seen on this show.
“Please. This is the best job I ever had.” Cliff has pretty hair and low standards.
“You ever shroom in a ball pit?” lmaoo. That sounds mildly dope.
Tyler’s missing his place mat.
Howard. Our true perp.
“What, are you gonna shoot me, Howard? You really want a body on your hands? Blood everywhere?” He technically already has bodies on his hands.
RIGHT FRIGGIN’ NOW. Sam’s fight with the clowns gets progressively worse.
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“Plucky helps kids. It's all I ever wanted to do.” Killing their parents is helping them????
I tend to forget the extremely dark turn this episode takes.
RIP Howard. Drowned.
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Oh my god, Sam’s just covered in glitter.
“Go ahead. Say it.”
“I’m sorry. You look like you got attacked by some PCP-crazed strippers.”
“Dude, one of them sprayed me with seltzer from his flower.”
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Jensen’s real laugh. :’) My soul is cleansed.
“Sam... I'm sorry for... psychologically scarring you.”
“...Which time?”
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Dean, you jerk. “You can think of it as a... clown phobia sobriety chip.”
Oh fuck you, show.
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rowanspn · 3 years
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In honor of last night’s events, have a pcp-crazed strippers sunday featuring Dean’s gleeful laugh
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Season 7 Episode 14: Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie
I’M HERE!!! AT LAST!!!! THIS IS THE EPISODE THAT STARTED IT ALL!!!! I had been refusing to watch SPN despite some of my friends’ valiant attempts to get me to watch it for years. And then one day I was at the gym and I couldn’t change the channel, and THIS EPISODE was airing. It was like, 10 minutes into it maybe. So then, resigned, I decided to watch it. I knew about the show; I’d tried to watch it before and got through 2 episodes before giving up. And I’d never laughed harder and been more enthralled by a show. And that’s when I decided so just sit the fuck down and watch it. AND NOW I’M HERE! So on to commenting on an episode that I’ve already seen, but now with the background of SEVEN SEASONS of character development!
- HAHAHAHAHA!!!! OMG!!! SAM AND HIS FEAR OF CLOWNS! “It’s okay. It can’t hurt you. If it bleeds, you can kill it. If it bleeds, you can kill it.” This from someone who has faced down THE DEVIL HIMSELF!
- LOOOOL!!!!! THE “SUPERNATURAL” TITLE BURST WITH GLITTER!!! Fuck, glitter is the worst. 
- Sam is having way too much fun with Dick jokes. LOOOL!!!! Dean is off bars and chicks. “You spawn a monster baby see how quick you want to dive back in the pool.”
- “Vamptopus” “Octovamp” LOL! “I thought you said no hot chicks.” “You don’t know that she’s hot.” Uh huh. But you’re hoping that she is. Oh, look at that! She is!
- And there’s their octovamp, drawn on the sidewalk! 
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- HAHAHAHA!!!!! SAM’S FACE AT THE NAME PLUCKY PENNYWHISTLE’S!!!! Clearly he remembers it and clearly he does not have good memories of it. OH DEAN! “Okay, don’t have one of your episode.” Now it makes sense, he’s referring to Lucifer episodes. Awh Sam. Dean is on to you. This entire scene is perfect. 
Dean: Look, why don’t you go check the local Plucky’s and ask about this Billy kid? Sam: Look man, w-why don’t I just... Uh... Why don’t I just wait for you to get back? Dean: No can do, hermano. I’m on my way to talk to little Billy. Sam:; Wh-why-- Why-- Why don’t I talk to Billy... Right now? Dean: Wait wait wait. This isn’t about your, uh, your clown thing, is it? Sam: *totally doing a piss poor job at hiding how totally about the clown thing it is* What?? No! Dean: Sammy. Sam: *freaking out* No. Dean: Yeah, what in the world did they do to you? All right, you know what? Nevermind, Just know that 99.99% of all clowns can’t hurt you. Okay? If it bleeds, you can kill it.
- Sam is freaking out SO MUCH!!!! “If it bleeds, you can kill it.” OMG! POOR SAM! His phobia is so bad! God, Dean is fucking enjoying this. I suppose Sam dealing with a clown phobia is seen as better than dealing with his Lucifer hallucinations. 
- Oh I remember this. Dude dies from a shark in the ball pit! HAHAHA!! “Do they have a theory?” “Yah, they think the ball washer did it.” “The what?” “The ball washer.” “The what?” “The--” *Sam lifts his arms exasperated. LOOOOL!!!! “Shark week, man. How do you not watch that? Whole week of sharks.”
- Hahaha!!! “What’s my cover?” “I don’t know. Just hang back. Act normal.” “Yeah, yeah. Guy in his 30s hanging out at Plucky’s alone-- That’s normal. Not pervy at all.”
- I remember that dude is the one dabbling in witchcraft. The one who doesn’t want to sell the giant slinky to Dean. 
- Oh, I remember this kid. “Besides, free grub.” “That stuff tastes like butt.” “What? Come on, it can’t be that bad. Let’s see here. *spits it all out* That is butt.” SEE??? SAM TOLD YOU IT WAS AWFUL! And you left him there so you could chase tail. 
- HAHAHA!! Sam stopped dead in his tracks because a clown got in his way. 
- Ooooh!!! He got Sam’s fake FBI card. That’s right. That’s how he managed to summon the clowns after him. LOL! Evil witch guy is too nice the word Bitch. 
- LOL! “RIGHT FRIGGIN’ NOW” This episode is one of the best in a looooooong time. 
- The end is actually really sad :( The guy lost his brother in a drowning accident and never got over it. And now he died the same way. 
- AND SAM GOT GLITTER ALL OVER HIM!!!!! The only thing I can say is that Dean should thank his lucky stars they’re not driving around the Impala because that shit is impossible to clean and gets fucking everywhere! It would have been all over the fucking car for WEEKS if not MONTHS!
- Sam is so resigned and Dean is just fucking losing it. “I’m sorry. You look like you were attacked by some PCP-crazed strippers.”
- OMG! That’s such a brother thing to say. “Sam, I’m sorry for psychologically scarring you.” “Which time?” Dean you asshole! Giving Sam a clown doll!! He is clearly not over it enough. 
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HAHAHAHAHA!!!! Man, this episode is still fucking amazing. I’m really glad that was the episode that was playing when I went to the gym that day. I mean, what are the chances? It’s a filler episode with no spoilers (except for Dean’s throw away line of Sam having an episode) and it is fucking HILARIOUS! 
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authoressskr · 7 years
Engaged in Frivolity
Written for: @mamaredd123 Mama’s 100 Quotes of Supernatural Challenge
Pairing: Gabriel x Reader
Characters: Reader (Hey, that’s you!), Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Castiel, Gabriel, Balthazar, Mary Winchester (mentioned), Memphis (OFC), Holly (OFC), Mera (OFC)
Quote: “You look like you got attacked by some PCP crazed strippers.” (Bolded below in text)
Warnings: Language, Drinking, Idk…maybe subpar writing and no beta.
Summary: When you get some down time, Gabriel and Balthazar know just how to fill it.
Tagging: @mamaredd123 @lyndsay88  @sdavid09  @thewhiterabbit42
*No posting on other platforms without my permission*
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“Come on! Dancing, drinking, mischief - what more could a human want for the autumn equinox?  All on a Friday, which will surely lead well into Saturday and/or Sunday.  It’s very hard to keep track of time when one is -”
“Hammered?” You supply, putting the book on mass hauntings back on the shelf as you shoot Balthazar a look.
“Engaged in frivolity.”
“Oooh. Frivolity.” Dean mocks as he pushes away from the library table. “I don’t think you should be taking her to a giant party where everyone will mistake her for an entrée.” Sam’s eyebrows shoot up at his brother’s words, but then he gives a little half shrug and nod combo that strengthens your resolve not to go.
On the other hand…
“Oh pluu-ease!  Like me and Balthy would let anything happen to our favorite human.” Gabriel held up his forefinger. “Also, Balthazar invited you goons simply to be nice. We don’t want to see you dancing or carousing around with beautiful nymphs, goddesses, demi-gods, spirits - let alone embarrassing me.”
“Us embarrass you?” You snicker at Dean’s words before the thought of super-drunk Dean attempting to shuffle out a dance is suddenly filling your head.  You had only seen him do dramatic hand gestures while driving Baby so you weren’t too clear on his actual abilities, but seeing how adamant he was about not dancing - dude was practically the preacher from Footloose - the image just got funnier until you had to clamp a hand over your mouth to stop the unruly giggles. Gabriel just quirks an eyebrow at you before looking at Balthazar with a smirk. They’d promised long ago not to snoop on your thoughts.
You quickly project the image to the angels, watching carefully as Cas’s forehead wrinkled at the awkward dance number you’d conjured up. Dean glares at you and you turn quickly back towards the bookcase, shelving another book on necromancy.
“All I’m saying is it seems like I know how this is gonna pan out.  Kinda like Indiana?”  Dean brings up the last time they were surrounded by pagan gods, gesturing wide with both his hands and his own raised eyebrows.
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“One, Lucifer isn’t hunting you two down. Two, none of the gods - except Kali - survived that night. So no one knows I’m me.  And Kali isn’t a party person.”
“Unless it’s in an underground cave over a fiery pit with some glowing stones.”  You offer, moving to stand beside Dean who raises his hand for a high five.
“A plus Indy reference.”
“Thank you, Dean.” Gabriel rolls his eyes at the exchange between you two as Balthazar rises from the wingback chair by the liquor cart to stand beside the archangel.
“As I was saying… three, equinoxes and other pagan celebratory dates are usually no-kill instances. The gods eat beforehand and then we party for a few days then, ya know, everything goes back to normal.”
“And we’d be there to watch over her.”  Balthazar assures the room, flashing you a big smile.
“Think of it as an autumn weekend in Las Vegas. Except no gambling. Just music, booze, all you can eat desserts, dancing and an occasional wild animal running through the festivities.” Dean’s mouth downturns and he nods, like this has happened to him before and you stare at him bewildered and curious.
“What the hell do you do in Vegas?” Dean chuckles and is about to answer when Sam shakes his shaggy head and assures you that you do not want to know. You turn to Gabriel, who is giving you his version of puppy eyes, goldenrod orbs wide and beckoning. Shit.
“Not the eyes, Gabe.” You sigh out, a small smile worming itself onto your face.
“YES!” He shouts triumphantly. “Don’t worry, sweetness. This is going to be fantastic!”
“No. No. Noooo. No. NO.” Dean turns, taking your shoulders in his grip, meeting your gaze. “Come on, you don’t gotta do this. Don’t succumb to peer pressure.”  When you just keep smiling at him he drops his hands, huffing out an irritated breath. “Fine. But we aren’t going to have fun.  Me and Sam and Cas are going to watch out for Y/N.”
“Okay.” Gabriel replies brightly.
“Dress to move.” Balthazar orders before gently pushing you towards the archway, his eyes dancing with excitement already.
Ten minutes later, you’re dressed in your best skinny jeans, a loose fitting silky black tank and your trusty old vans, maroon hoodie in hand.
“Is this okay?”
“Isn’t that what you were just wearing?” Cas asks as Dean looks you up and down.
“No.”  You look at Gabriel. “Does it look like what I just had on?” Gabe shrugs.
“Looks like you just changed your top, cupcake.”
“Well how am I supposed to know how to dress for an equinox celebration?”  Balthazar chuckles at your tone.
“We’ll just let the nymphs, naiads and such dress her once we get there.”
“I still want clothes, Balthazar.”
“And you shall have them, darling.”
“Alrighty!”  Gabriel rubs his hands together once Sam returns, his whole face alight. “Does everyone have their exit buddies?!” Balthazar appears beside you, wrapping an arm tightly around your waist. “No fair! She was my exit buddy.”
“Guess you are stuck with Samantha.”
“Boys.” You warn.  “Are we going or not?”
When the tug by your belly button and a sharp sense of momentary motion sickness passed, you were on the edge of a huge clearing with towering evergreen trees acting as sentinel guards for the celebration.
“Loki!” A handful of women and men shouted merrily, rushing forward.
“Hiya! Now, sugar cube, this is Memphis. She’ll help dress you more appropriately.” He motions a beautiful woman forward with the most gorgeous black tight black curls, so black it was blue in the starlight.
“Bitchin’ name. Is that because you are the naiad of the river Memphis?”
“Ooh, our dear Trickster has found a smart one. Come on.” Her bright white smile was so welcoming and when she held her hand out, you took it with little hesitation. “See you in a few!”
Memphis led you across the clearing, her mahogany skin - you swear to whatever gods are in the clearing - is giving off this soft glow that you can’t help but be draw to. You fully understood the lure of naiads, nymphs and others now. You would gladly camp out by her river to hope to catch a glimpse again. She stopped abruptly in front of a white and blue fabric tent, pulling a white panel back.
“Go ahead.” She encourages you with a nod, letting you ease into the tent. “Loki didn’t mention your name.” She utters as she heads to the far side of the brightly lit tent, shooting you a reassuring smile.
“It’s Y/N.” You answer, looking at the scraps - emphasis on scraps - of fabric she was picking up and examining on a long table. A loud bout of giggles erupted from behind an opaque blue panel before a tiny woman stepped into the main room, her bright peridot eyes taking you in as if you were the most interesting thing she’d encountered in the last century or so.
“Y/N, this is Holly. She’s a Gaelic pixie. Y/N is Loki’s wife.”
“Oh, no - uh, Loki and I - uh, we aren’t married.” Memphis looks from the tiny yellow band of fabric to you.
“She just assumed cause you smell like him and you are wearing his favors.”  The petite brunette points to the bracelet and then to the necklace you wore. “So, the dark haired one in the coat? He single?” Her accent is soft and alluring as she wiggles her eyebrows suggestively.
“Yes. And awkward.”
“Just how I like ‘em! Ooh, darlin’ I like you. So, Memp, what are we doin’ to her?”
“Dressing her more for the festivities.”
“I love me a sexy makeover! I’ll help.” Memphis rolls her sand colored eyes good-naturedly before holding up a soft pink halter top that looked like something from a pirate film. “Look at her face!  Dontcha wear pink out there, with the other humans?” You shake your head no before shuffling from one foot to the other nervously.
“And I’d like it to cover my stomach.” Both women stop to stare at you, perplexed.
“All women’s shapes and sizes, colors and creeds are beautiful.”  Memphis’s words feel like a soft spoken battle cry.
“I know. I know! And I totally am all for that. But, uh…”
“She’s self-conscious, not lookin’ fer a lecture.”
“No, no! It’s fine! Just wanted to give you a basis, ya know?”
“We will cover where you have asked but other areas must now compensate for that.” Memphis’s smooth voice is full of promise and you realize it’s like bargaining with Gabe. Damnit. A look at Holly tells you how much trouble you’re in when she holds up a dark green tank top with a pair of black stretchy shorts with golden thread. So screwed. So very, very screwed.
Dean is watching the tent like a hawk, nodding at Sam’s ramblings but not paying attention. Which they both know.
“We’re so boned. Uber-boned.” Gabriel mutters to Balthazar as a gaggle of women approach. Dean’s head snaps to the group, Sam stopping mid-sentence to watch.
They part, revealing Memphis and Holly, who step forward with giant, knowing smiles plastered on their gorgeous faces. The paused a second, relishing the wait before stepping to the side to reveal Y/N.
All five men’s jaws dropped.
The dark green tank scooped low to reveal a healthy amount of décolletage, while the black short shorts revealed her smooth, long legs. Her hair is decorated with purple myrtle flowers and baby’s breath woven throughout and she is smiling nervously at the ground. When her eyes did flicker up, darting from Dean to Sam to Cas, finally pausing on Balthazar before meeting Gabriel’s gaze.
“So, uh, what do we do now?” Y/N asks brightly, before Memphis leans forward to whisper something then glides away towards a small group of dancers.
“Drink!” Holly shout triumphantly, dragging her towards a few giant wine barrels while the men all still stared.
“You can keep repeating ‘She’s a little sister to me’ all you want, Sam. Isn’t going to change much.” Balthazar teases, taking a healthy sip from his whiskey.
“Don’t read my mind.” Sam hisses, his cheeks a faint pink.
“You’re projecting.” Cas replies easily, moving from their group to join Y/N, Balthazar right behind him.
“What’re we drinking ladies?” Balthazar questions, a bright mischievous smile spread out on his face.
Four hours, two cups of mead and half a dozen jello shots later, you are feeling awesome.  Whoever organized this knew their music, weaving lilting tunes that fireflies bobbed in time with to Journey to EDM then back to those intoxicating songs of old.
Memphis, Holly, and an apsaras (A Cambodian dance nymph) named Mera all guided you around the open space, dancing as you all saw fit, following whichever beat called to you. You knew the boys were still around, they stopped you ever so often to make sure you nibbled at something or drank some water - okay that was mostly Sam and Cas - but you didn’t want to stop dancing. So, you would worm your way out of wherever they happened to be sat - table, mound of cushions, giant plush couch - and rejoin the dancing group, relishing in the feeling of letting go.
The world of hunting was draining. Find monster, stop it from killing more people, kill monster, repeat. Very little down time, long days and nights of research, travel, crap motel rooms, and crap food.
But tonight, oh tonight, you could be free. At least for a little while. To dance and drink and eat, watching the tree tops sway along gently when a softer song echoed out and then blur as a faster song came on, letting the nymphs and deities twirl you around.
No matter where you went though, you could always feel them.
Those honey colored eyes that chased you around also provided you with the safety you only felt in his presence.
You shook your head to clear any of those thought away. Gabriel was Gabriel.  And you were human; small, temporary, boring. But now wasn’t the time to think about that! Now was the time to shake, roll, shimmy, sway, twirl and leap away all the burdens you had been carrying around since you were 19 years old.
Holly cupped your face in her hands, almost sensing your overthinking, rubbing her nose against your own before releasing you with a loud drunken giggle and flitting off towards a tall blonde man who was wearing a blue sparkly speedo.
It was nearly an hour later before your legs were screaming for a break that you stumbled over to where Gabriel was lounging in the middle of an array of dark red plush cushions, Cas sat beside him at a little table lining up shots to outdo Balthazar.
“She returns!” Balthazar calls out merrily before you ease yourself down onto a pillow between the three angels. Your grin is wide before you look over your shoulder to Gabriel.
“What do you have?” Gabriel moves the cup from your reach.
“No, no, no, no, no, little cumquat. This isn’t for you. You’re proving to be a lightweight.” Gabriel tuts at you before taking a sip and moving it once again from your reach.
“You said I could have a good time. That should mean you share. And I’m not a lightweight, I am pacing myself!” Balthazar snickers behind you as he finishes his line of shots.
“Y/N does not have the alcohol tolerance that Dean does. Do not give her -”  But you had launched yourself at Gabriel, straddling his chest in order to reach the cup he held aloft.
“Sugar.” Gabriel growled, the feeling reverberating through your thighs and core as the sweet liquid passed over your lips. The world shifted inhumanly fast, you blinked and suddenly you were sitting where Gabriel had just been with him kneeling beside you, his fingertips digging slightly into your left thigh. His touch lightened, just resting there against your skin. His free hand snapped fingers before your eyes, yanking you from the nice floaty place you were descending into.
“I said, that was made to waste gods. Your pretty little mortal self isn’t made for it, cupcake.”
“Humm. But I feel reaaaally nice now.”  You move to rise, but your limbs aren’t quite cooperating now. Balthazar snorts into his drink, trying to hide his laughter as Cas leans over to place two fingers against your forehead to heal you. The foggy, floating feeling disappears and you’re both relieved and upset. Dean is suddenly in your bubble, his handsome face so close to your own.
“Are you alright? Is she alright?” His hand is on the back of your neck, tilting it back so he can look in your eyes.
“She’s fine. She was warned not to drink from my cup, but she did it anyways.  Toasted her in a handful of milliseconds.”  Gabriel knocks Dean’s hands away, helping you up before swatting your ass playfully. “Get back out there!” You stick your tongue out but turn and run into Memphis’s arms, letting her draw you back into the ever-growing dance group.
By the early morning hours, the rising sun filtering through the dense trees surrounding the clearing, Gabriel’s favorite human was so beyond drunk it wasn’t funny. Well that wasn’t exactly true, he thought it was hilarious. Dean and Sam were sitting slumped slightly at the table Cas and Balthazar had occupied earlier when Y/N came bouncing up, looking good enough to eat. Her eyes were glassy and her smile was easy, with something just behind it he couldn’t place immediately. She tossed her sexy, scantily clad body down face-first onto the pile of cushions, before propping herself up on her elbows, looking up at the Winchesters.
“Tired?” She sighed the question, before rolling onto her back and letting her eyes flutter closed, one hand flung up by her head, fingertips brushing against his knee.
“Yes, I need my four hours.” Dean muttered, rubbing a hand over his face. Sam nodded his agreement, before smiling down at your relaxed form.
“Mmmhmm. I’m sure that Cas or Balthazar would drop you back at the bunker.”
“We aren’t leaving you.”
“Loki and Balthazar, maybe Cas if Holly has her way, will be here to watch after me.”
“Breakfast!” Mera calls, appearing beside you to drag you up from the cushy resting place and over to a massive dark wood table laden with every sort of breakfast food anyone could imagine. Gabriel looked from where Mera dragged you to Dean and Sam, Cas appearing beside him.
“Your mother has found a pair of poltergeists a few towns over. She asked if you would help.” Dean reluctantly nods, rising in tandem with his brother. “Ga-Loki and Balthazar are more than capable of watching over Y/N.” Dean pulls a face before pointing at Gabe.
“If anything happens to her -”
“She’s my favorite human. I’m not going to let anything happen to her, you asshat.” He sassed, rolling his eyes as Cas clapped a hand onto each brother’s shoulder and disappeared.
“Thank whoever that they’re gone. They were really killing the mood.”
“That seems to be a Winchester superpower.” He watches as you sit cross-legged on the pillow, popping a grape into your mouth as one of the Sumerian demi-goddesses add a few small braids to your hair, entwining more purple myrtle flowers into the strands.
“I’m more than a little surprised you didn’t smite Sam or Dean with all those projected thoughts.”
If they would have made a move, I would have. Balthazar nods at his brother’s words.
You should just tell her.
Tell her what?
Really, Gabriel? That you want to screw her over any available surface. Give her more expensive gifts. Whisper sweet nothings in her ear. Preferably while thrusting into her as hard as her little human body can handle. Gabriel didn’t answer, but shot his little brother a scathing look before Y/N joined them.
“Nap?” She asked with a sleepy smile, her eyes clearer but tired.
“Come to my parlor.” Balthazar quoted, gesturing at the small dark green tent a few dozen feet away. Y/N padded after Balthazar, Gabriel’s hand a whispered touch at her back. She stretched tall and let out a heavy sigh, seeing the plush mattress on the floor with silky gray sheets, missing the deep breath that Gabriel sucked in.
“Go ahead, sweet pea.” Gabriel watched as she dragged herself to the left side of the bed, pulling the covers back before slipping under. A little contented moan left her lips before she closed her eyes and smiled wide at the two of them.
“You know,” She yawned and shuffled down more in the bed, “They all think I’m your girlfriend. Or wife. Some things get lost in translation. One of the sprites told me these,” She waves her left arm, the gold bracelet he’d given her nearly seven months ago sliding up and down her wrist as she yawns again. “Are like a declaration. Is that -” Another yawn. “Is that why you said I should wear them often? So you could keep track and no one would hurt me?” She hasn’t opened her eyes this entire time, sleep tugging harder at her subconscious.
“Yeah, sweetness, it’s to keep you as safe as possible.”
“Mmmm. So pretty.” Neither angel knows what she’s saying is so pretty, but it’s the last words she gets out before sleep consumes her.
By the time Sam, Dean, Mary and Cas finish with the poltergiests - Jesus, that took forever - and return to the Bunker, Dean is sleepy, bruised and on-edge. Y/N had texted nearly seven hours before, saying she’d woken up and she hoped the hunt was going well and a “No need to worry, Mom. I’m having fun at camp.” All three hunters showered and ate, Mary heading off to bed while Sam sat with his laptop in front of him while Dean nursed his second beer and waited like the overprotective dad of a teenager. Cas joined them a few hours later, informing the brothers that they should be prepared to wait. Gabriel and Balthazar were in no hurry now that Y/N was enjoying herself.
Sunday passed with a few texts from Y/N, none of which mentioned what time she’d be coming home, which just frustrated Dean further, sending the elder Winchester brother to the gun range a couple times that day.
Monday, three am.
That’s when Balthazar and Gabriel appeared, each with an arm around Y/N.
”You look like you got attacked by some PCP crazed strippers.” Dean snorted, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips minutely. Y/N pulled her arm from around Balthazar’s shoulder, a big, bright, drunken smile plastered on her face.
“Dean! Dean! Sam! Cassiiiiie! Happy Autumn!” She leaned more into Gabriel as she wobbles slightly. “I celebrated the equinox! Hard. Like, real hard. We switched from the pretty flowers to leaves!” She gestured to her hair, the red and orange leaves mixed into the yellow-green ivy tangled in her hair. “You missed - Gabriel, he got me some apple mead - it was delirious.”
“Delicious.” Sam corrected, chuckling at the carefree air around her.
“That’s what I said, Sam. And then they body painted me in red and gold, but Holly said I needed more colors. So then we were,” She starts giggling uncontrollably. “We were - uhh, we were throwing the paint powder stuff at each other like it was Holi!”
“Like what was holy?” Dean asks, looking at the grinning angels for help.
“Not holy!” She waved her free hand at Balthazar first then Gabriel. “Holi, with an I. The Hindu spring festival of colors and love?” She looked at Gabriel, her little eye roll at Dean forgotten, pulling her arm away from him, reaching for something just behind his shoulder. “They’re so pretty. Always want to tell you. Almost match my bracelet and gold body dust - uh powder. Paint. Stuff.” Gabriel had time to tilt his head before her fingers slipped into his feathers, before she mumbled “So pretty” once more before slumping forward into his arms, her hand sliding down the rest of his plumage.
“Holy shit.” Balthazar breaths out, looking at the passed out girl wrapped tightly in Gabriel’s arms. “Your fake wife is your mate.” Gabriel just grins, adjusting Y/N so he held her bridal style, before heading for her bedroom at a leisurely pace, whistling lightly.
“Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!” Dean hollers after the archangel before exchanging a look with Sam.
“That’s a pretty short list, Dean.”
“Shut up.”
Gabriel settled you into bed, snapping to clean you up and change you into pajamas before tucking the blankets in.
“Don’t go.” Y/N whispered, freeing her arm from the covers to grasp his forearm.
“Oh ho. You aren’t getting rid of me now, sweet cheeks.” He shrugged off his jacket, toed off his shoes and slipped into bed. She slid closer, moving her head to rest on his chest while his arm wrapped around her tightly. Gabriel sighed contentedly before dropping a kiss to the top of her head.
“Good. I am, after all, your fake wife and mate.”
“We’ll talk about it when your sober.” Gabriel chuckles.
“When’s the next equinox?”
The four men in the Bunker could hear Gabriel’s laughter echoing down the hallway.
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mamaredd123 · 7 years
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Welcome to Mama’s 100 Quotes of Supernatural Challenge!!!
Wow! I am truly amazed at all of you wonderful people in Tumblr land. After 1 year on here I have 2000 followers!!!! (OK, so I know my blog is not a big ole bomb of excitement the majority of time but I am still tickled pink!)
So to celebrate my 1 year blog anniversary, I am going to do a 2-part thing. I put a poll out a few weeks ago to see what all of you would like and the 2 popular responses were a challenge and for me to do some more blog promo’s. You asked so shall you receive!!
I have searched and searched for some of the most memorable, funniest, best quotes from our beloved characters of Supernatural. Below the cut you will find the list. I have tried to include at least 1 quote from just about everyone (well, from a whole bunch of them anyways) but the majority of the quotes do belong to our sexy Dean, Sam, and Castiel! So keep on reading to see the list and the rules for this challenge!!
(And feel free to hop on over to my other part of this challenge, Mama’s “Spread The Love” Blog Promo’s and shoot me some suggestions!)
I have to give a HHUUUGGGEEEEE shout out to @atc74 for her help with my challenge image and for her assistance with some of these quotes!!!! Couldn’t have done this without you!
The rules are about as basic and easy as I can make them:
*This is a follower celebration so obviously, I would need you to be following me. However, if you have stumbled upon this challenge and would like to join, it is so super easy…. Just go click that follow button up there on the right!
*I need you to send me an Ask with your 1st and 2nd choice of quotes. It will be first come, first serve. BUT if by some holy miracle all 100 get taken, I am sure I can come up with some more to add to this list. AND you can chose up to 3 quotes if you would like to work ALL THREE into one story. (As a side note, if after a week I still have a ton of quotes not chosen, I will modify the challenge a little and allow you to send in your choice of quote/character)
*As for you fic, just keep it in the SPN fandom and make sure to highlight your quote(s) wherever you place it in the story. Just in case there is any confusion, the person you chose a quote from does NOT have to be the main character in your fic. For example, you may just really like a particular quote listed here from, say Balthazar, but you have a Dean x Reader fic in mind. That’s perfectly fine. Just make sure to have Balthazar in your story (with the quote) somewhere.
*This challenge is open to any and all ships and genres. I want y’all to write whatever inspires you when you see the quote of your choice.
*As usual, drabbles all the way to series are welcome. Just remember, anything over 500 words, add the KEEP READING line or, and I’m sorry, but I won’t reblog it. We all need to do our part not to overcrowd everyone’s dashboards.
*Deadline will be September 30th. I am giving everyone 2 months to do this. Beginning in Sept, I will occasionally start posting reminder posts to try to help everyone remember about their challenge deadline. I am well aware how we all take on a little too much sometimes and things get lost in the shuffle.
*When you get ready to post, make sure to tag me in your A/N and use the #mama’s100quoteschallenge in your tags. As usual, if I haven’t liked/reblogged within a day or two, please feel free to shoot me a message and let me know you posted it. I truly do try to go through all my notification everyday, but, well, you know, life gets in the way of all the fun things sometimes.
Ok, that’s it. Easy peasy, right? Well you made it this far with me so come a little further and read the quotes, pick your favorite, and send me your Ask! Most importantly, enjoy yourself and have fun writing your next masterpiece!!
1. I wanna punch something in the face. (Sam)   @destiel-addict-forever 2. Straight “Shawshank” this bitch!  (Dean)    @myloveforyouxx 3. I may be many things, but I’m not stupid. (Mr. Ketch)   @capsheadquaters 4. I gave everything for you! And this is what you give me?! (Cas) 5. I kinda always wanted to punch the devil in the face. (Mary)   @justanotherdeangirl 6. This is what you do when I'm not here. Type? (Crowley)  @percussiongirl2017 7. And after awhile... that starts to weigh on you. (Benny) 8. I am not someone that you should put your faith in. (Castiel) 9. I believe you're drawn to danger. (Mr. Ketch)    @uniquewerewolfsuit 10. Dude, don't compliment the bad guys. (Dean)   @docharleythegeekqueen 11. Things are not just black and white out here. (Dean) 12. I’m still gonna peel off your skin and eat your soul. (Lucifer) 13. It's your professionalism that I respect.  (Alastair) 14. We'll just tie up the bonny lad. Could be fun. (Rowena) 15. You idiots. You’re all going to die. (Crowley) 16. Things like “cosmic consequences” have a habit of biting us in the ass. (Dean)     @maximumkillshot 17. If I plan to do anything else stupid, I’ll let you know. (Castiel)   @skyedoes-things 18. I am doing all I can, to slightly lessen the spread of... of genital herpes. (Sam)   @samwinjarpad 19. Okay if you don't like, uh, reckless I could use insouciant maybe? (Cas)   @beccafgs 20. You've just been Garth-ed. (Garth)    @wayward-mirage 21. Weird, creepy, off-the-grid "Children of the Corn" people? Yeah, I’m in. (Dean)    @deanandsamsbitch 22. For me, having you here, it fills in the biggest blank. (Sam) @sea040561 23. I want to stop losing people we love (John) 24. Damn right, REO. Kevin Cronin sings from the heart! (Jo) 25. Yeah, and Hannibal Lecter's a good psychiatrist. (Ellen)     @maximumkillshot 26. Don’t make things needlessly complicated as you humans tend to do. (Castiel)    @sea040561 27. I’ve been tortured by the devil himself so you, you’re just an accent in a pantsuit. What can you do to me? (Sam) 28. I don't think you can handle my rod. (Crowley)   @roxy-davenport 29. You two have the most unhealthy, tangled-up, crazy thing I’ve ever seen. (Lisa) 30. Your unclean… in the biblical sense. (Billie) 31. I'm tired Sam. I'm tired of this job...this life. This weight on my shoulders. Man I'm tired of it. (Dean)     @deanandsamsbitch 32. I told you that roadhouse chili was a bad idea. (Sam) 33. You can't save everyone. (Rufus) 34. You're like a walking encyclopedia of weirdness. (Dean)    @skyedoes-things 35. I'm worried about my boys. (Bobby) 36. As long as everyone wears a condom we'll be fine. (Jody)     @queencflair 37. I don’t sweat under any circumstances. (Castiel)    @beccafgs 38. I suggest we imbibe copious quantities of alcohol... just wait for the inevitable blast wave. (Cas) 39. Get the hell out of hell. (Crowley) 40. I mean, clearly, I have a type, but no, thank you, ma'am. Won't be once bitten, twice Doug'd. (Donna)
41. We talking misdemeanor kind of trouble? Or, uh…’squeal like a pig’s kind of trouble? (Dean)   @maximumkillshot 42. Do you have any idea how much stuff I had to steal, then pawn, to pay for that? (Metatron) 43. Fatherhood changes a man. (Crowley)    @roxy-davenport 44. I lie. I don't get lied to. (Benny)    @docharleythegeekqueen 45. We’re far from perfect. But we are good. (Sam)   @impalaimagining 46. I'm not a witch. I'm a nerd. (Charlie)   @wi-deangirl77 47. Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in. (Bobby) 48. Kick it in the ass. (Bobby) 49. Wanna try that again like you mean it? (Sam)    @atc74 50. Maybe one day. But today you're my little bitch. (Cas) 51. You got me here now.  (Benny) 52. You Winchester boys and your talk. Blah blah blah repressed feelings. Blah blah blah passive aggression. (Charlie) 53. Come on in darling, the water's warm. (Sam)   @impalaimagining 54. I’ll give you a pass on account of the whole ‘raised by monsters’ thing. (Jody) 55. Why not go get washed up for the orgy?... All is so beautiful. (Cas) 56. You mean 'protection against a demon' salt or 'oops I split the popcorn' salt? (Dean) 57. But for your own good I strongly suggest you get a life. (Chuck) 58. You can't take the trick out of the trickster. (Gabriel)   @wideawakeandwriting 59. Is there such thing as a monster magnet? (Charlie) 60. I lied. I do that. (Crowley)    @winsister91 61. Please, accept this sandwich as a gesture of solidarity. (Cas) 62. You realize I'm not asking. (Benny) 63. Your password is "winning" with two "1's"? Fail. (Charlie) 64. Everything is supposed to end. (Dean)   @captainemwinchester 65. I will not apologize for being a career woman. (Rowena) 66. So which one are you? Grumpy, Sleepy, or Douchy? (Sam) 67. It's just.. I just want this over. (John) 68. You look like you got attacked by some PCP crazed strippers. (Dean) 69. You know, you pitched this whole dewy-eyed bromance thing, but the truth is, I'm on lockdown, aren't I? (Adam) 70. You boys have serious abandonment issues, don't you? (Meg) 71. Where'd you get the holy oil? (Gabriel) 72. Yeah well, there's one thing you have that he didn't. You're a Winchester. I forgive you Dean. (Charlie) 73. You fudging touch me again, I'll fudging kill you! (Dean)  @captainemwinchester 74. I got your message. It was long your message. I find the sound of your voice grating. (Cas) 75. I should be asking you the same thing. (Ruby) 76. You don't know me. You never did, and you never will. (Sam) 77. Did someone slip a mickey in your power shake? (Gabriel) 78. No doubt - endings are hard. But then again... nothing ever really ends, does it? (Chuck)     @hannahindie 79. Sorry you have me confused with that other angel. You know the one in the dirty trench coat who is in love with you. (Balthazar)     @skyedoes-things 80. Shouldn't trust run both ways? (Castiel) 81. Unleash the Kraken. See you tomorrow morning. (Sam)   @4401lnc 82. I don't usually drink beer. It messes with my depth perception especially when I'm skinny dipping. (Garth) 83. No. Sweetheart, if this is our last night on earth, then I'm going to spend it with a little thing I call self-respect. (Jo) 84. I think you're a hero. (Rowena) 85. I can't live in the desert. I'm applying to Princeton. (Kevin) 86. This is my voicemail, make your voice … a mail. (Castiel)   @goofynerd-67babylove 87. You give a girl all sorts of nasty ideas. (Abaddon)   @lucilepiewhiskey 88. Was that your Batman voice? (Charlie) 89. Your life is one big poop storm isn't it? (Donna) 90. I guess because every woman I've ever had relations with... it hasn't ended well. (Sam)     @goldenolaf25 91. Dragons? Those are a thing? (Jody) 92. We’ll always be bound. You helped me. We will always help each other. (Amara) 93. Wait a second. Did he drunk dial you? (Sam)   @mrsbatesmotel53 94. I'm a man of my word. (Dean)   @deanwinchester-smut 95. I mean nothing ever really gets deleted from the Internet. (Sam) 96. This is a den of iniquity. I should not be here. (Castiel)   @thecuriouscrusader 97. Dude, she wants me to meet her parents. I don't do parents. (Dean) 98. Wow. I must be the star of this thing. (Sam)   @melbelle45 99. I’ve never seen so much porn. (Chuck)     @winsister91 100. Well, call it personal experience, but nobody gets that angry unless they're talkin' about their own family. (Dean)   @chaos-and-the-calm67
Tagging any and everyone I can think of cause I’m just so excited about reaching 2K!!!!
@megansescape @madamelibrarian @chelsea072498 @jayankles @feelmyroarrrr @docharleythegeekqueen @crowleysdemonknight @motleymoose @sumara62 @mrstheorossix3 @evansrogerskitten @waywardjoy   @dwaynii @jensen-jarpad   @deathtonormalcy56 @ruprecht0420 @charliebradbury1104 @relmi-llorrac @wonderange @sandlee44 @tom-is-in-my-tardis @kmb99t @summer-binging-spn @posiemax @ohmychuckitssamanddean @thedevilinthedetails @bohowitch @tmccarney @dragon-tail @suli155 @mrsbatesmotel53 @petrovadixon @thewalkingmombie @mogaruke @spontaneousam @uniquewerewolfsuit @firstlady36 @goldenolaf25 @lunarsaturn88 @spn-hetalian-from-hogwarts @carribear31  @captainemwinchester’ @babypieandwhiskey @impala-dreamer @frenchybell  @idreamofhazel @nichelle-my-belle @moonlitskinwalker @redlipstickandplaid @taste-of-dean @avasmommy224 @you-are-not-in-my-contacts-list  @p-b-and-cas @supernatural-jackles @treasurecastiel @calicat79 @beccafgs @mysteriouslyme81 @chaos-and-the-calm67 @sis-tafics @benjerry707 @impalaimagining @sdavid09 @meganlpie @whispersandwhiskerburn @authoressskr @deanwinchesterforpromqueen @beccatigger @leatherwhiskeycoffeeplaid @buckysmetallicstump @breeannhausler @sazrahlovesbooks @unfortunately-a @clinicalkayla @maddieburcham1 @ilostmyshoe-79 @roxy-davenport @eve05glee @jensenacklesfuckmeyes @ladyxdezi @catackles16 @wi-deangirl77 @dang-meddling-winchesters   @donnaintx @jdhillons @tiffanycaruso @pureawesomeness001 @notateenbeachmovie @deanlovespiebabyandmeloljkiwish @omgspnfanfiction @leonepanda @grimes-ft-winchester @thatshellfiredean @deanandsamsbitch @straitsupernaturalmalefan @farewell--sanity @lauramerrell1 @trustnobodyshootfirst @doro7winchester @mariairwin666 @tankcupcakes @atc74  @like-a-bag-of-potatoes @iwantthedean @paintrider13-blog @d-s-winchester @death2thevirgin @just-a-touch-of-sass-and-fandoms @ellen-reincarnated1967 @just-another-busy-fangirl @waywardjoy @winchesterprincessbride @sea040561 @my-favorite-fanfiction67 @watercolor31 @nichelle-my-belle @kittenofdoomage @clairese1980 @shamelesslydean @dean-winchester69 @disconnectedartist @destiel-addict-forever @samwinlover @capsheadquaters @tardis-full-of-fallen-angels  @not-moose-one-shots @notnaturalanahi @hopeewilsonn @fanfreak07 @juanitadiann @captainemwinchester @imgetting2old4diss @hollygopossum @impalapiegirl67 @percussiongirl2017 @kael-the-author
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krvivino · 7 years
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Sam Winchester in Every Episode: 7x14 - Plucky Pennywhistle’s Magical Menagerie
“I’m sorry - I mean, you look like you got attacked by some PCP crazed strippers.”
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As you all know I have a fairly non-standard favourite episode of the entire show, eschewing drama for “this is literally why I watch this nonsense” and that is 7x14, specifically because the bit where Sam gets beaten up by clowns is so hilariously well done. Anyway, bearing in mind how many times I go watch that for a pick me up, I was deeply amused to recognise the kind of staging and mood back here, where the Trickster makes almost the same “ooh that has to hurt” noises as the clowns and laughs as he watches Dean getting beaten up. Again, figments, again, conjured specifically for the person they’re beating the snot out of. And then @mittensmorgul had to go and remind me of this line from the clown episode:
DEAN: You look like you got attacked by some PCP-crazed strippers.
And I just... I’m making connections I probably shouldn’t. Come and help me figure out why clowns dragged from the depths of Sam’s childhood nightmares are directly paralleled to this moment when Dean gets beaten up by imaginary women. Like, is there some deep psychological connection? What’s the fear? Can we write this off as some self-awareness about how sexist and weird this all was? Dean’s very shame at being attracted to the imaginary babes conjured to distract him turned against him in violence? Something about deep down his fears about women which mean in 2x20, not far off, his perfect girl is the El Sol advertisement girl made flesh? Like what is going on here. Is he being beaten up by his own fear of commitment? Talk to me :P
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hijkata · 10 years
dear scalene triangle,
dear scalene triangle, 
fuck me
love, kit kat
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