#pdf anyone? epub even?
cannibalismpdf · 2 years
ok i have to read the dreamer trilogy goddamn
0 notes
I’m confused about the app thing. I currently use Speechify to listen to fanfiction for accessibility reasons. It’s not uploaded and published anywhere for anyone else to access. I listen to it privately and it’s stored on my phone until I delete them when I’m finished. I still leave kudos and comments on AO3 and reblog fics on Tumblr. I took a look at the TikTok page and she said it does not host peoples work publicly, that it’s just a text to speech app that you can use to listen to fanfiction. It sounds like essentially the same thing I do now. There are also already lots of other existing apps/programs/websites that do the exact same thing. We all have text to speech we can use in the accessibility features on our phone right now. I have a disability and would not physically be able to read the amount that I currently do without text to speech technology. I feel like I’m missing something? I don’t understand what the issue is.
the main issue is not the TTS feature of the app.
per lore.fm Terms of Service they have the right to "utilize, retain and share" anything that is uploaded to their app.
They also have the right to make "unauthorized alterations to any content uploaded"
So this means that anyone with a registered ao3 account can go to my profile and download any of my works and upload them to this app. that user is innocently thinking that this app will do nothing more than read the text aloud to them. But by them uploading my work to this app they are giving the app permission to share and alter my hard work.
The creator of this app has been linked to several other apps including one that uses AI software to generate self-insert stories.
By someone uploading my work to this app they are giving the app permission to share my work, which includes feeding it into the AI software of the other apps owned by the parent company.
Beyond all of that, the only way to deny permission for your work to be used is to send the company an email opting out. but again, anyone with a registered ao3 account can download a pdf or epub of my fic and upload it to this app.
i wouldn't have an issue with this if it were in partnership with ao3 perhaps, or a browser extension or something like that. but this app is touted as being completely free and also ad free. the money for that has to come from somewhere and this creator being linked to shady AI apps makes me very suspicious of their motivations. I believe that I, as the writer, have the right to say how and where my work is used. I don't like the fact that someone else is able to give permission for my hard work to be shared or altered.
i don't like the fact that fic writers are increasingly seen as "content producers" and people are constantly trying to profit off of our hard work even though we legally cannot. we don't create fanworks to profit we create them out of love for the fandom and to foster community.
i would love for fic to be accessible for everyone and I would be supportive of something similar to this if it weren't tied to other AI story generating apps and perhaps made by someone within our community that would have the desire to maintain the integrity necessary to operate in accordance with the legal gray area that fanworks exist in.
i hope this helps explain why people are upset. I can guarantee you it is not because they don't want their work to be accessible to everyone!
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illuminatedferret · 2 months
So I've been trying to do a bit of detective work regarding the origin of the "E-ming reopens wounds" translation. TL;DR I think it may have come from an early version of Suika's translation, and is likely a mistranslation.
Most translations I could find online (including Deep Dream translation group, several bootleg novel sites that have stolen Suika or Deep Dream's translations, and a couple of machine translations) have that passage in line with the official translation - that simply, E-ming is dangerous, forging it took a cruel ritual, and touching it would have terrible consequences.
I did however find a pdf containing the webnovel chapters 12-43, with the following:
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precisely the excerpt I submitted before. At the top of this pdf is a note:
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The link in this note leads to a 404 error, but is one that was shared around a lot before the Sevenseas' official release. I found a tumblr post from 2019 which identifies this link as Suika's (now deleted) translation.
So, it looks like this is a old document of Suika's, and I can only assume the "reopens wounds" thing was a mistranslation that Suika later corrected.
The TGCF epub I have on hand is an amalgamation of sakhyulations' (up to ch 23) and Suika's (ch 24 and beyond) fan translations. Well, it doesn't actually say it's using Suika's work, but, it does link the source of the ch 24+ translations, that being the above google drive link. I'm not sure who made the epub or when it was made, but they must have taken Suika's work before it had been properly edited.
IIRC this was an epub that was circulating tumblr a while back. I don't know how widespread the "reopens wounds" fanon is, but if it's popular on tumblr, I guess this explains why.
Sorry for such a long ask!! I think that covers almost everything I found. Oh, there was one single bootleg novel site that did have the passage:
"The wounds inflicted by the evil sword of E-Ming are all cursed. Even when the wound is healed, if Hua Cheng wants it, it will bleed once more." Jun Wu answered.
which is slightly different from the above passage from that pdf. But I couldn't find any real source for this translation, so I'm thinking it might just be based on the above passage, with words switched around to disguise the fact it's stolen.
wow!!!! don't apologize for the long ask, this is some awesome digging you did!!! thank you SO much for sharing all your hard work!!
E-ming reopening old wounds being a mistranslation of some sort does make more sense to me than anything else, just because it's so specific and yet the official translation makes no mention of it, but it being from one of Suika's earlier translations is interesting. I'm still curious what the original raws read like. I wonder, considering Xie Lian's arm injury doesn't heal without special medicine, if the raw says something about wounds being slow to heal or not closing, and that's where the mistranslation initially occurred.
'E-ming reopening wounds' isn't a fanon I see discussed much, but I've read more than one fic that uses the idea, and I've mentioned it to friends before in the past without anyone questioning it until recently. So, it coming from an old translation that was probably one of the initial ways people read TGCF makes a LOT of sense- people read it, internalized it, and stopped thinking about it when more accurate translations rolled around, while still keeping the idea in their head.
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klaineccfanficlibrary · 3 months
Hi. I love the library. I just want to say I'm I'm so grateful that it's still here even though the show has been over for awhile. I was wondering if anyone knows of a fic where Klaine are not together, but they make a pact that if neither of them are married by a certain age, they say they will marry each other. Artie and Tina had a pact like this. Are there any stories where Klaine doesn't get back together like they did in the show, but they get married because of a pact?
Thank you for loving the library!!
I know of this one, where they agree to marry, when they were friends. ~Jen
Ten Years later by nadiacreek
 Right after the Supreme Court’s ruling on same sex marriage in 2015, best friends Kurt and Blaine make a pact that if they aren’t seeing anyone by the time they turn 30, they’ll get married. 30 comes and it’s time to own up to the deal and secret crushes. (This was the prompt for the fic exchange.)
and a pact, but not to marry...
This Side by  flyblckbirdfly
Kurt and Blaine have been best friends since the day Kurt stopped Blaine on the stairs at Dalton, but never anything more. This is why Blaine is more than a little shocked when Kurt suggests that they lose their virginity to one another before they head off to New York for college.
Read at:  LJ (there are 12 separate chapters - the link takes you to twelve so just scroll down to the first one)
Download the PDF or EPUB
So Hold My Hand I’ll Walk With You My Dear by downtowndystopia
Kurt and Blaine are childhood best friends. At the age of 16 they make a pact wherein if both of them are virgins by graduation, they’ll have sex with each other.
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fourswordsannotated · 10 months
re: reading the manga
hello to anyone who is interested in this very weird little manga! if you’re wondering how you can read the legend of zelda: four swords, this post is for you.
obviously, the best thing to do in my opinion is acquire the physical book. you can purchase the definitive “legendary edition” online or in person (outside of specialty shops, i think the b&n manga section has some of himekawa’s work). the library is also an option, you never know what they might have!
that said, i get how both options can be unfeasible. i do have a pdf of the legendary edition, but i’m not sure what the best way would be to share it. i don’t love the idea of having a google drive file indefinitely available to anyone who has the link. would be people be comfortable requesting access instead? and does this cross into, like, harmful distribution of media? i mean no disrespect to these authors or their work.
the other wrinkle with the pdf is that it is a very large file. i also have an epub which is much smaller, but lower quality. i would ideally like to share both so everyone has options.
i also want to acknowledge that there is a fan translation floating around online, but i see no upside to reading it instead of the official english translation. no disrespect to the fan translation, but it is pretty much always better to consume the official version of a text. even if it isn’t in the original language, it’s a translation produced and approved by the company releasing the manga itself. i assume there is at least some communication between the company, if not the translators themselves, about the intentions of their work.
please let me know your thoughts about everything above! i would love if more people were able to enjoy this weird little manga in its most ideal form.
- @hey-adora
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panelshowsource · 9 months
UPDATES: 📖books📖 on googledrive, panelist collection additions, misc. uploads
hello again everyone :) apologies for the long post incoming, but there is some fun new content on the googledrive i'd like to share!
with quite a few books coming out and quite a few requests in my inbox for some comedians' writing, i've put most of my personal ebook & audiobook collection on google drive!
you can find the link on the secondary masterpost here under books :)
on drive, you'll be able to browse by author or by book type:
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some books are available in both formats while others are ebook or audiobook only. i renamed all of the files so they should show up chronologically per author + audiobook files names will also show who is narrating:
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(bob & sally💙)
note: nearly all of the ebooks are in epub format and nearly all of the audiobooks are in m4b format, both of which will automatically open in apple books, google play books, adobe digital, calibre, etc. — whatever is default on your device. you shouldn't have any issues with these files, but in case you do you can use the following website to convert the epub to pdf or m4b to mp3 (totally free and very fast!)
it's not a very big collection — about 50 books — but hopefully this will help anyone who wants to take a further plunge into their fave comedians :) enjoy!
as i mentioned earlier this month, i started rolling out panelist "collection" folders, which include not only the panel show episodes someone has appeared on but also deeper cuts and content like radio sitcoms/dramas, non-panel show light entertainment, late night appearances, podcasts, audiobooks, and more!
while i don't plan to upload every last piece of content in the world to a panelist's collection, i know how convenient it would be if nearly everything was in one place, so along with the files you'll find in a folder there is also a docx file with additional working links:
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even though these collections still aren't "complete", at least they're closer to complete lol i have added these docs for alex horne, joe wilkinson, john kearns, and vcm! i'll continue adding to these docs when i can
i got requests for collections for david & victoria, mike wozniak, and nish, so i'll keep working on those!
new content on the masterposts:
new buzzcocks
new rhod gilbert's growing pains
no more jockeys — complete series
standup from frankie boyle & hal cruttenden
audiobook 'egg and soldiers' by damien trench (main character of in and out of the kitchen) (read by miles jupp)
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moonlit-tulip · 9 months
What's your favorite ebook-compatible reading software? Firefox EPUBReader isn't great, but I'm not what, if anything, works better.
Very short answer: for EPUBs, on Windows I use and recommend the Calibre reader, and on iOS I use Marvin but it's dying and no longer downloadable so my fallback recommendation is the native Apple Books app; for PDFs, on Windows I use Sumatra, and on iOS I use GoodReader; for CBZs, I use CDisplayEx on Windows and YACReader on iOS; and I don't use other platforms very often, so I can't speak as authoritatively about those, although Calibre's reader is cross-platform for Windows/Mac/Linux, and YACReader for Windows/Mac/Linux/iOS/Android, so they can serve as at least a minimum baseline of quality against which alternatives can be compared for those platforms.
Longer answer:
First off, I will say: yeah, Firefox EPUBReader isn't great. Neither, really, are most ebook readers. I have yet to find a single one that I'm fully satisfied with. I have an in-progress project to make one that I'm fully satisfied with, but it's been slow, probably isn't going to hit 1.0.0 release before next year at current rates, and isn't going to be actually definitively the best reader on the market for probably months or years post-release even assuming I succeed in my plans to keep up its development. So, for now, selection-of-ebook-readers tends to be very much a matter of choosing the best among a variety of imperfect options.
Formats-wise, there are a lot of ebook formats, but I'm going to collapse my answers down to focusing on just three, for simplicity. Namely: EPUB, PDF, and CBZ.
EPUB is the best representative of the general "reflowable-text ebook designed to display well on a wide variety of screens" genre. Other formats of similar nature exist—Kindle's MOBI and AZW3 formats, for instance (the latter of which is, in essence, just an EPUB in a proprietary Amazon wrapper)—but conversion between formats-in-this-broad-genre is generally pretty easy and not excessively lossy, so you're generally safe to convert to EPUB as needed if you've got different formats-in-this-genre and a reader that doesn't support those formats directly. (And it's rare for a program made by anyone other than Amazon to work for non-EPUB formats-in-this-genre and not for EPUBs.)
PDF is a pretty unique / distinctive format without any widely-used alternatives I'm aware of, unless you count AZW4 (which is a PDF in a proprietary Amazon wrapper). It's the best format I'm aware of for representations of books with rigid non-reflowable text-formatting, as with e.g. TTRPG rulebooks which do complicated things with their art-inserts and sidebars.
And CBZ serves here as a stand-in for the general category of "bunch of images in an archive file of some sort, ordered by filename", which is a common format for comics. CBZ is zip-based, CBR is RAR-based, CB7 is 7-zip-based, et cetera; but they're easy to convert between one another just by extracting one and then re-archiving it in one's preferred format, and CBZ is the most commonly distributed and the most commonly supported by readers, so it's the one I'm going to focus on.
With those prefaces out of the way, here are my comprehensive answers by (platform, format) pair:
Browser, EPUB
I'm unaware of any good currently-available browser-based readers for any of the big ebook formats. I've tried out EPUBReader for Firefox, as well as some other smaller Firefox-based reader extensions, and none of them have impressed me. I haven't tested any Chrome-based readers particularly extensively, but based on some superficial testing I don't have the sense that options are particularly great there either.
This state of affairs feels intuitively wrong to me. The browser is, in a significant sense, the natural home for EPUB-like reflowable-text ebooks, to a greater degree than it's the natural home for a great many of the other things people manage to warp it into being used for; after all, EPUBs are underlyingly made of HTML-file-trees. My own reader-in-progress will be browser-based. But nonetheless, for now, my advice for browser-based readers boils down to "don't use them unless you really need to".
If you do have to use one, EPUBReader is the best extension-based one I've encountered. I have yet to find a good non-extension-based website-based one, but am currently actively in the market for such a thing for slightly-high-context reasons I'll put in the tags.
Browser, PDF
Firefox and Chrome both have built-in PDF readers which are, like, basically functional and fine, even if not actively notably-good. I'm unaware of any browser-based PDF-reading options better than those two.
Browser, CBZ
If there exist any good options here, I'm not aware of them.
Windows, EPUB
Calibre's reader is, unfortunately, the best on the market right now. It doesn't have a very good scrolled display mode, which is a mark against it by my standards, and it's a bit slow to open books and has a general sense of background-clunkiness to its UI, but in terms of the quality with which it displays its content in paginated mode—including relatively-uncommon sorts of content that most readers get wrong, like vertical text—it's pretty unparalleled, and moreover it's got a generally wider range of features and UI-customization options than most readers offer. So overall it's my top recommendation on most axes, despite my issues with it.
There's also Sigil. I very emphatically don't actually recommend Sigil as a reader for most purposes—it's marketed as an EPUB editor, lacks various features one would want in a reader, and has a much higher-clutter UI than one would generally want in a reader—but its preview pane's display engine is even more powerful than Calibre's for certain purposes—it can successfully handle EPUBs which contain video content, for instance, which Calibre falls down on—so it can be a useful backup to have on hand for cases where Calibre's display-capabilities break down.
Windows, PDF
I use SumatraPDF and think it's pretty good. It's very much built for reading, rather than editing / formfilling / etc.; it's fast-to-launch, fast-to-load-pages, not too hard to configure to look nice on most PDFs, and generally lightweight in its UI.
When I need to do fancier things, I fall back on Adobe Reader, which is much more clunky on pretty much every axis for purposes of reading but which supports form-filling and suchlike pretty comprehensively.
(But I haven't explored this field in huge amounts of depth; plausibly there exist better options that I'm unaware of, particularly on the Adobe-reader-ish side of things. (I'd be a bit more surprised if there were something better than SumatraPDF within its niche, for Windows, and very interested in hearing about any such thing if it does exist.))
Windows, CBZ
My usual CBZ-reader for day-to-day use—which I also use for PDF-based comics, since it has various features which are better than SumatraPDF for the comic-reading use case in particular—is an ancient one called CDisplayEx which, despite its age, still manages to be a solid contender for best in its field; it's reasonably performant, it has most of the features I need (good handling of spreads, a toggle for left-to-right versus right-to-left reading, a good set of options for setting how the pages are fit into the monitor, the ability to force it forward by just one page when it's otherwise in two-page mode, et cetera), and in general it's a solid functional bit of software, at least by the standards of its field.
The reason I describe CDisplayEx as only "a solid contender for" best in its field, though, is: recently I had cause to try out YACReader, a reader I tried years ago on Windows and dismissed at the time, on Linux; and it was actually really good, like basically as good as CDisplayEx is on Windows. I haven't tried the more recent versions of YACReader on Windows directly, yet; but it seems pretty plausible that my issues with the older version are now resolved, that the modern Windows version is comparable to the Linux version, and therefore that it's on basically the same level as CDisplayEx quality-wise.
I don't use Mac often enough to have opinions here beyond "start with whatever cross-platform thing is good elsewhere, as a baseline, and go on from there". Don't settle for any EPUB reader on Mac worse than the Calibre one, since Calibre works on Mac. (I've heard vague good things about Apple's native one; maybe it's actually a viable option?) Don't settle for any CBZ reader on Mac worse than YACReader, since YACReader works on Mac. Et cetera. (For PDFs I don't have any advice on what to use even as baseline, unfortunately; for whatever reason, PDF readers, or at least the better ones, seem to tend not to be natively cross-platform.)
Linux, EPUB
For the most part, my advice is the same as Windows: just go with the Calibre reader (and maybe use Sigil as a backup for edge cases). However, if you, like me, prefer scrolled EPUB-reading over paginated EPUB-reading, I'd also suggest checking out Foliate; while it's less powerful than the Calibre reader overall, with fewer features and more propensity towards breaking in edge cases, it's basically functional for normal books lacking unusual/tricky formatting, and, unlike Calibre, it has an actually-good scrolled display mode.
Linux, PDF
I have yet to find any options I'm fully satisfied with here, for the "fast launch and fast rendering and functional lightweight UI" niche that I use SumatraPDF for on Windows. Among the less-good-but-still-functional options I've tried out: SumatraPDF launched via Wine takes a while to start up, but once launched it has the usual nice SumatraPDF featureset. Zathura with the MuPDF backend is very pleasantly-fast, but has a somewhat-unintuitive keyboard-centric control scheme and is hard to configure. And qpdfview offers a nice general-purpose PDF-reading UI, including being quick to launch, but its rendering backend is slower than either Sumatra's or Zathura's so it's less good for paging quickly through large/heavy PDFs.
Linux, CBZ
YACReader, as mentioned previously in the Windows section, is pretty definitively the best option I've found here, and its Linux version is a solid ~equal to CDisplayEx's Windows version. Like CDisplayEx, it's also better than more traditional PDF readers for reading PDF-based comics.
My current main reading app is Marvin. However, it hasn't been updated in years, and is no longer available on the app store, so I'm currently in the process of getting ready to migrate elsewhere in anticipation of Marvin's likely permanent breakage some time in the next few years. Thus I will omit detailed discussion of Marvin and instead discuss the various other at-least-vaguely-comparably-good options on the market.
For general-purpose reading, including scrolled reading if that's your thing, Apple's first-party Books app turns out to be surprisingly good. It's not the best in terms of customization of display-style, but it's basically solidly functional, moreso than the vast majority of the apps on the market.
For reading of books with vertical text in particular, meanwhile, I use Yomu, which is literally the only reader I've encountered to date on any platform which has what I'd consider to be a sensible and high-quality way of handling scrolled reading of vertical-text-containing books. While I don't recommend it for more general purposes, due to awkward handling of EPUBs' tables of contents (namely, kind of ignoring them and doing its own alternate table-of-contents thing it thinks is better), it is extremely good for that particular niche, as well as being more generally solid-aside-from-the-TOC-thing.
I use GoodReader. I don't know if it's the best in the market, but it's very solidly good enough for everything I've tried to do with it thus far. It's fast; its UI is good at getting out of my way, while still packing in all the features I want as options when I go looking for them (most frequently switching between two-page-with-front-cover and two-page-without-front-cover display for a given book); also in theory it has a bunch of fancy PDF-editing features for good measure, although in practice I never use those and can't comment on their quality. But, as a reader, it's very solidly good enough for me, and I wish I could get a reader like it for desktop.
YACReader has an iOS version; following the death of my former favorite comic reader for iOS (ComicRack), it's very solidly the best option I'm aware of on the market. (And honestly would be pretty competitive even if ComicRack were still around.) I recommend it here as I do on Linux.
It's been years since I've had an Android device, and accordingly have very little substantial advice here. (I'm expecting to move back to Android for my next phone-and-maybe-also-tablet, out of general preferring-open-hardware-and-software-when-practical feelings, but it'll plausibly be a while, because Apple is much better at long-lasting hardware and software than any Android manufacturers I'm aware of.) For EPUB, I recall Moon+ reader was the best option I could find back circa 2015ish, but that's long enough ago that plausibly things have changed substantially at this point. For CBZ, both YACReader and CDisplayEx have Android versions, although I haven't tried either and so can't comment on their quality. For PDF, you're on your own; I have no memories or insights there.
...and that's it. If there are other major platforms on which ebook-reader software can be chosen, I'm failing to think of them currently, and this is what I've got for all platforms I have managed to think of.
In the future... well, I hope my own reader-in-development (slated for 1.0.0 release as a Firefox extension with only EPUB support, with ambitions of eventually expanding to cover other platforms and other formats) will one day join this recommendation-pile, but it's currently not yet in anything resembling a recommendable form. And I hope that there are lots of good reader-development projects in progress that I currently don't know about; but, if there are, I currently don't know about them.
So, overall, this is all I've got! I hope it's helpful.
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joannafaustus · 2 months
You said you wanted to read Tiān Guān Cì Fú/Heaven Official's Blessing in english and I don't know if you found it yet since it was a few days ago but if not then jnovels has all of it up for free, it should be the first result if you look up "jnovels heaven official's blessing". You can download them in pdf or epub formats. Obviously I will say please support the author if you're able, you can find physical and digital copies of it sold online (amazon, barns&noble, etc.) Though even the digital copies aren't exactly cheap, especially when counting for 8 books in total. I hope you enjoy the series. :)
Thank you so much for this answer!! I actually bought all the official books in English 😊 I’ve finished up to 6 now on to read 7 and 8! I am ridiculously obsessed I’m not sure I’ve been so into a show since I was a teenager.
What I really want to know is, if anyone knows where the manhua can be read in English now that it seems billibilli has closed their English translation? I read about half of it on mangadex but it doesn’t have all of it. And I’ve seen you can purchase books of the manhua but I’ve only seen them in Chinese. I’d even happily read a fan translation.
Also I’ve heard MXTX is releasing new versions of the novels with changes and new scenes? I’m guessing those have not been translated into English yet…
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teawaffles · 1 year
my stance on e-pub versions of the light novel TLs
Recently, I've noticed an increasing number of asks about turning my light novel translations into epub/PDF versions for offline reading. As such, I've decided to clarify my stance on this upfront:
📌 My stance on offline versions
I'm alright with others compiling the translations into offline versions (epubs, PDFs etc.), as long as the following conditions are respected:
The files are not shared publicly, whether online or physically;
The files are not monetised (i.e. you are not making any money from their creation and/or distribution);
Credit is given to teawaffles.tumblr.com within the files themselves
A brief rationale for this
No public sharing
The light novel TLs are still being updated, especially now that the serialisation of The Remains gives me an opportunity to relook the TL and fix mistakes. Publicly sharing the epub files will only lead to more people reading an outdated version of the translations :(
While I do appreciate that there are some who prefer to read the novels offline, please remember that this work isn't yours to distribute! A lot of time and effort was poured into writing the translations — and then to have that work turned into files and publicly distributed by someone else (even with the best of intentions) honestly feels awful 😢
Lastly, it is not strictly legal to post fan-translations online. Publicly distributing the fan-TLs as files can cause a whole lot of trouble, especially in the event that the novels become licensed in English 😥
That said, I would like to draw your attention to the emphasis on public sharing — it's okay if you want to share your epub versions of the TLs with friends on private channels! The key thing I want to avoid is a situation where anyone can simply do a Google search for epub versions of the TLs, and download them.
No monetisation
These translations were shared freely so that more people can read these stories — they are not for you to profit from 🙏 I hope you can respect the intent with which the TLs were shared with you, and pay it forward should you wish to distribute your epub versions privately.
Credit within the files
This one should be straightforward: leaving the credit within the files themselves will ensure proper attribution whenever the files are shared. In addition, leaving a direct link back to this blog will allow the reader to find the latest version of the TLs.
A closing note
In conclusion, as long as you respect the above conditions, there is no need to contact me separately should you wish to turn the light novel TLs into epubs 🙏
Also, I wanted to highlight that I personally maintain backups of the light novel TLs (and all other Yuumori TLs too), so there is no need to archive the translations for the sole purpose of preventing them from vanishing |・ω・)
If that is a concern for you, you may wish to find private fandom discussion channels where such material is archived off the public web...
And that's it from me!
If you have any further questions, do feel free to DM this blog or send an ask 💜 I will likely take a while to reply (working life is really quite hectic), but rest assured that I will get to it^^
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fag4dykestobin · 7 months
my favorite little pirating site doesn't have flight of icarus yet does anyone have an epub 😛 or pdf even
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Hi, sorry to interrupt, but I was looking at your fics, which are really good, and I came across something that I see in a lot of other fanfics and I don't know how to do it. How did you manage to set it indented?
hello! thank you for reading my fics, it means a lot!
I need to know what you mean by "indented." do you mean something like this summary?
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tumblr editor calls this "indented" for some reason, but what it's really called are "blockquotes." you don't need fancy css for this since it's available with just html. you can code it using the blockquote tag.
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on the other hand, maybe you mean indenting as in adding spacing like in this chat?
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in this case, then yes you do need to add css to your workskin. here are the relevant parts of the code.
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so the important things here are:
put your elements inside a container with the .chat class (or any other class name of your choosing)
make sure .chat has margin set to auto and width set to less than 100%.
I hope I was able to answer your question! I'm not sure if there are other examples of indenting that I used in fics; if you meant something else, just let me know so I can answer the question properly! 🙇🏻
the rest of my workskin code is always available to use as a reference (copy paste if you want): AO3 demo, html code, css code.
something extra under the cut:
the above is a modified version of what I'm doing. I actually combined both methods in one, but that gets a little bit more complicated and it's probably more than what you need. I'll add the full code here under the cut if anyone's interested.
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to note:
notice that I replaced the div containers with blockquote in the html. however, with workskins turned on, you won't see it! that's because I'm hiding it specifically when workskin is turned on.
but if someone reads my fic with workskins turned off (the "hide creator's style" button AO3 provides at the top of the fic), then none of my styling will show up. I still want to make the grouping of the chat text and timestamp clear though, so I put them in blockquotes for this purpose.
here's how it looks like with and without workskins. I want to make sure that my fics are readable even if someone turns off workskins, or if they download my fic as an epub/pdf (which IIRC removes all the css styling as well).
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boltlightning · 10 days
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hello friends. you can already read my dragon fics on your phone on ao3 of course, but i am pleased to announce you can now download them as
an epub
a print-format, but screen reader-friendly PDF
access them at this link here!
featuring the well-paraded art by @emily-e-draws for the cover :)
to note:
the spacing on the epub is a little tight but you should be able to adjust font size without issue. plus, it's dark mode compatible!
outside of the chapter start pages, the print PDF is styled exactly like the temeraire trade paperbacks. if you even care.
i'll update this when i finish the series. in like 400 years. but it will happen
did anyone ask for this? no. was this useless given these are already hosted on a website? a little. but did it waste multiple hours of my workday? absolutely. and really, isn't that what truly matters?
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klaineccfanficlibrary · 9 months
Does anyone have PDFs for the AO3 author danvernite. I recently discovered they deleted their works. :(
@hkvoyage has the first three stories in the author’s "14 days of QuaranKlaine” series. We're not sure whether or not more stories were posted in the series. ~Lynne
Past Stains by danvernite [PDF] [EPUB]
"I was asking about that young man who talks to me sometimes and brings me coffee. He's very nice, even if his bowties are sometimes hideous."
Pining On Top of the Pyramid by danvernite [PDF] [EPUB]
"It's not my fault he has a perfect ass." Written for Day 2 of Quaranklaine, with the prompt "Cheerios!Klaine". Kurt hates Blaine, but Blaine doesn't even know.
The Prom Night Lament by danvernite [PDF] [EPUB]
In the skanks, there's one rule: never fall in love with a hookup. Kurt didn't count on Blaine Anderson though.
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trans-kafka · 1 year
I just read The Art of Starving by Sam J. Miller. It has a gay Jewish protagonist with an eating disorder. It's amazing and I think I would be a different person if I'd had it as a young person.
I found it very triggering BUT the first half was by far the worst and I managed to enjoy the book without reviving some very bad habits by 1. Reading it all the way thru in one day so that if I couldn't eat while reading it, it would just be a short fast, and 2. Having a friend with experience peer counseling others with eating disorders to talk about it with.
I very much recommend this book to anyone, especially boys and young men, who feels at war with their body. It helped me start to work thru stuff I should have done during first puberty.
Again PLEASE make sure you are in a place mentally where you can read triggering content related to disordered eating. It's in diary format, with calorie counts on each day and each chapter begins in second person. But it's so worth the struggle of reading it. The prose is of a quality that makes it feel like a long-form Siken poem in the form of a tortured teen diary. Enjoy and take care of yourself.
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zlibrarybook · 8 months
Zlibrary Book Depository: Your Gateway to a World of Knowledge
In an age where technology has transformed the way we access information, online libraries have become indispensable resources for avid readers, researchers, and knowledge seekers. One such digital treasure trove is the Zlibrary Book Depository, a platform that offers access to an extensive collection of books in digital format. In this article, we will delve into the world of Zlibrary, exploring its features, benefits, and how to make the most of this online repository.
The Importance of Online Libraries
Online libraries have revolutionized the way we read and acquire knowledge. Unlike traditional libraries, online platforms like Zlibrary offer unparalleled convenience. You can access a vast array of books from the comfort of your home, 24/7. Whether you're an avid reader or a student conducting research, Zlibrary is a game-changer.
How Zlibrary Book Depository Works
Zlibrary operates on a simple yet effective premise. It provides access to an enormous database of books, covering a multitude of genres, from fiction to academic texts. The platform offers a user-friendly search feature, allowing you to find books with ease. Once you've located your desired book, you can choose to read it online or download it for offline access.
Searching for Books on Zlibrary
Searching for books on Zlibrary is a breeze. You can enter the book's title, author, or keywords in the search bar, and the platform will provide you with a list of relevant results. The advanced search filters further assist in narrowing down your options, ensuring you find exactly what you're looking for.
Downloading Books from Zlibrary
For those who prefer to read offline or on e-readers, Zlibrary allows you to download books in various formats, including PDF and ePub. This feature is particularly useful for students, researchers, and anyone who wishes to access their favorite books without an internet connection.
Benefits of Using Zlibrary
Zlibrary offers several advantages, including:
Extensive Collection: The platform boasts a vast collection of books, ensuring there's something for everyone.
Cost-Free Access: Most books on Zlibrary are available for free, making it an excellent resource for those on a budget.
No Due Dates: Say goodbye to late fees and overdue books. Zlibrary books are always available.
Global Access: Zlibrary is accessible from anywhere in the world, making it a truly global library.
Is Zlibrary Legal?
A common concern among users is the legality of Zlibrary. While the platform provides access to copyrighted books, it's essential to note that Zlibrary itself doesn't host these files. Users upload and share content, which can blur the lines of legality. To ensure you're on the right side of the law, it's advisable to use the platform responsibly and consider copyright laws in your region.
Alternatives to Zlibrary
If Zlibrary doesn't meet your needs, several alternatives offer similar services. Websites like Project Gutenberg, Open Library, and Google Books are worth exploring. Each has its unique features and collections, catering to different preferences. Visit scihub.help site
User Experience and Interface
Zlibrary's user interface is straightforward and intuitive. The platform is designed to provide a seamless experience, even for those who aren't tech-savvy. Its minimalist design ensures that you can focus on your reading without distractions.
Staying Safe While Using Zlibrary
When using Zlibrary, it's essential to stay safe online. Be cautious about downloading files and ensure your computer is protected with updated antivirus software. Additionally, avoid sharing personal information on the platform.
Zlibrary for Academics and Research
Zlibrary is not just for leisure reading. It's a valuable resource for academics and researchers. With its extensive collection of academic papers, journals, and textbooks, it's a go-to platform for students and scholars alike.
Conclusion: The Convenience of Zlibrary
Zlibrary Book Depository offers an incredible opportunity to access a vast world of knowledge. Whether you're a bookworm, a student, or a researcher, Zlibrary caters to your needs with its extensive collection and user-friendly interface. While staying within the bounds of copyright laws is crucial, Zlibrary remains a valuable resource for those looking to expand their literary horizons.
Is Zlibrary safe to use?
Zlibrary is generally safe to use, but exercise caution when downloading files and avoid sharing personal information.
Are all books on Zlibrary free?
Most books on Zlibrary are available for free, but some may require a premium membership or purchase.
Is Zlibrary legal?
Zlibrary itself operates in a legal gray area. While it provides access to copyrighted content, it doesn't host the files. Users upload and share content, so it's essential to use the platform responsibly.
Can I access Zlibrary from any location?
Yes, Zlibrary is accessible from anywhere in the world, provided you have an internet connection.
What are some alternatives to Zlibrary?
Alternatives to Zlibrary include Project Gutenberg, Open Library, and Google Books, each with its unique collection and features.
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caffiend-queen · 2 years
Hey! 🥰
I love your work and was wondering if you have any tips for someone hoping to get their book published? I’ve written something but haven’t a clue how to go about copy write/who to approach. Any help would be amazing. Your stories always help me escape when I need it so thank you for that 😘
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I'm so glad you're thinking of publishing! I'd be happy to help, though there's certainly more successful authors here. My experience is only through self-publishing, so that’s what I can share with you.
I'll list out as many sources as I can, this might get a little long... Tumblr besties, feel free to share with anyone thinking about publishing their books, or please offer advice that’s helped you succeed. I'm not an expert, but I can share what worked for me.
Your first step is deciding where you want to publish it. Kindle Books on Amazon.com has given me 99% of my sales. It might be worth trying it out first and putting your book into KDP Select, which means you can only sell through Amazon for a 90-day period, but you have a more favorable search algorithm with Amazon and access to Kindle promotions. Start an author account on KDP.com. You can format your book for publication through their free app Kindle Create. There's lots of answers to your questions here.
When you're ready to move into other book sites, or maybe you don't want to be bound to Kindle alone, there's several others that have great potential. Rather than setting up an account on each one, you can get a free account with Draft2Digital They can help you convert your manuscript from Word.doc or PDF to ePub and MOBI and then help you distribute your books to several different outlets, like Barnes & Noble, Apple Books, KOBO, etc. So much easier!
Your second step: have you thought about a cover? Your cover and your "back cover blurb" are hugely important to your success. KDP does have a free cover maker, but if you want something higher quality, think about Fiverr.com. Check out their book cover designers. Pick one that is familiar with Kindle book formatting. Most cover artists there are very quick and very inexpensive. Mine never cost more than $20-$30.
It helps to go on Amazon and take a look at the competition. What do the books look like in the category you want to sell in? How do they write their blurbs? Kindlepreneur.com has excellent free courses on categories, covers, and a million other helpful topics. PS: you will find out that categories are KEY to book sales and visibility.
Your third step: when you do finally launch your book ask everyone you know to review your book or at least leave a rating. This is one I'm still struggling with, but reviews and ratings are really, REALLY crucial to your success. It helps to add an author's account on Goodreads.com, which is associated with Amazon and is very popular with readers. It's another good way to start your fanbase. (I even nag my sisters into reading and reviewing, though it kills me to know they’re reading my smut. They usually give me five stars, aside from one sister who will NEVER give me higher than four stars because, “she doesn’t want it to look like she’s giving me an easy five because we’re related.” She is pure evil.)
Your fourth step: advertising? Personally, I find most advertising didn't work for me, It was also very expensive. You're better off building an email list and collaborating to build your audience base. Nick Stephenson has some free videos and tutorials that were really helpful for me.
So... hopefully, that'll get you started and help you on your way. Please let me know when you're getting ready to launch. It's really helpful to have your book listed for free for two or three days when you launch to push your book higher in the category search. And please alert me, so I can read it and review and share with everyone here.
Good luck! You got this, baby!
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