#we have a copy in spanish but i wanna read it in english.......
cannibalismpdf · 2 years
ok i have to read the dreamer trilogy goddamn
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Ok I just read a poston the New SMP Dream has and read a bit of peoples opinions and honestly, I didn't know it was getting so much hate. (I don't use Twitter) So I wanna share my opinion. Now first of all, getting creators from all over the World to interact is always good and when I first heard of it I was really exited that I World maybe see some people on the SMP who I actually understand. I love QSMP, but I sadly don't speak spanish so I can' t watch some creators. I do however speak fluent german because I live there, croatian because my mom's from there and french because I had to learn it in school ( Also english because of school but that ones kinda obvious). So yeah Dreams SMP sounded awesome.
I do have some things to say about the mod tho. First: It's really impressiv. But also in my opinion it kinda feels like it discourages people from overcoming the languagebarrier and from learning other languages. Another problem is that slang language is just not gonna work. The Translation will just make it incredible weird. Like, alt of words just don't work in english. You can already see this when you take a look at the reviews of the german movie "Fack ju Göhte" or in english " Suck me Shakespeare". The reviews that come from people that are english and only watched it in english often don't understand the Film and don't like it. That's because the movie heavely relies on german slang and humor. It's not that successfull in Germany because of the script.
So yeah back to the original topic, I think this mod will just not work that well, especially with languages that don't Sound like english at all. (Also with how bin this is of a mod and with how many members there have zo be, am I the only one that thinks this Server will just crash one day?)
I don't know it kinda feels like dream needs a new cool project to stay relevant, because DSMP endet. He saw that QSMP was successfull and wanted to copy it. But also I do think we should give this a chance and not start gudging it alleeady wgen it hasn't even started. I understand that you feel angry beause it copys QSMP and will propably be more successfull, because Dream is very successfull, but saying things like "I will unfollow all the CC's that are Part of this SMP" or " This is just a cheap copy of QSMP" is a little bit unfair towarts this project. I mean who knows how good this project really is until it comes out. Also if you really don't like it, just don't watch it, if it really is that bad the hating it that much is just honna give it more cloud and attetion.
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kyliafanfiction · 3 months
The Rules of the Crazy Train™ v3.0
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In the case of a sudden increase in Discourse Saturation, masks will drop to provide you with soothing gifsets and cat pictures. If you are traveling with a small child(ren), please affix your own mask first and let the little buggers fend for themselves.
Do not fasten your seatbelt under any circumstances.
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Pot and beer are in the back. Feel free to have some, just make sure you don’t eat the last brownie. 
If you want harder drugs, you’ll have to bring them yourself. Please smoke within the designated smoking areas on the roof.
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And You Get a Problematic Fave!
Everybody Gets a Problematic Fave!
Ship and Let Ship, Stay In Your Own Lane, Tag Your Hate, Don’t Like Don’t Read, Your Kink Is Not My Kink
Snacks are available on request.
Unfortunately, we are out of Blue Jello.
Also Green Jello, Strawberry Yogurt and Burritos.
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There is No Cake, but there are cupcakes
Do not ask about the Forbidden Door
Don't Ask About Fight Club Either. We don't have one, and I'm tired of being asked about it.
If you ship one of my NOTPs - have a nice day. Just - not in front of me.
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I vague. A lot. It’s probably not about you.
And no, for the record, I don’t want to build a snowman.
I have two moods - thirsty, and bitter,
Sometimes Hate Is the Answer
Hate Is Cathartic
There Is No Spoon
I am Not the Fuckface Whisperer
It Is More Complicated Than That
History Has More Nuance Than That
Wishing death on real people is never okay, even when the desire is understandable.
Celebrating the death of someone is also generally not kosher.
There is a vast gulf between the desire for a thing being understandable and human, and that desire being okay, especially wrt acting on said desire. If you don't understand that, go away.
If I blocked you, I’ll unblock you on my own sweet time, if I feel like it.
If you feel like blocking me, go for it. Just know that all it will probably do is confuse me, so if you’re looking for something more, don’t expect it.
If you check your Logic with your Luggage, I have the right to kick you off the train.
Attempting to reduce your opponent’s arguments to “u wanna fuck X’ or ‘u just wanna get off to X’ or the like is checking your Logic
But please, be specific in your hate, or at least tell me what it is that bothered you enough to send me hate.
Trust me, you didn’t upset me.
all requests for @kyliafanfiction to shut up (or variations thereof) must be properly stamped and sealed by the ‘I Don’t Care What You Think™” Department, and the “It’s My Blog I’ll Say What I Want™” Desk. Then you must present your request, in triplicate, to the “Do You Really Think This Will Work?™” Office, which is located in the seventh basement, behind the stairs and through the trapdoor that’s guarded by a rabid tiger. Once it is received, it will be handed over to our specially trained team of infinite monkeys to copy out fifteen more times, buried in a snow bank for six years, and then dug out and finally, a formal advisory opinion will be issued by our “Director of No™­”.
That formal advisory opinion will then be translated into Latin, then Spanish, then Arabic, then Chinese, then back into English. It will be stamped and sealed by the "Seriously, No" Board and finally mailed back to you, along with an invoice for the postage.
And Finally - Enjoy the Ride!
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bigkpopstan · 2 years
my best tip when it comes to spanish is mainly find an accent that u like and try it, ik u have already tried that but is something that helped me when i was trying to do a better accent in english (i learned it back when i was 13 but decided to work on my speaking around 15)
personally my favourite accents in spanish are cuban and chilean (the spanish from Chile is so hard to understand if you aren't a native speaker but i just love it sm and they make everything sound funny lols)
my least favourite is the spanish from spain, and honestly every latino also hates its
also something that you should know is that when it comes to expressing ourselves Latinos use many words that come from dialects of their ancient languages therefore you need a little historical context to understand the way we express ourselves, personally I live in the only country in latinamerica that was able to maintain their native language even after colonization and currently knowing it is mandatory and honestly is one of the things that keeps us more connected to our roots so I think that starting to connect through language is something very intelligent bc it also links with history
(this is long sorry)
💌 anon
it’s okay that it’s long I enjoyed reading it!!
long again lmao
bro, even the basic things I know how to say in Spanish I can’t, like my brain and mouth can subconsciously on their own come out with a country or Australian accent bc ?? i think it comes from when I stim, I vocal stim a lot where I either pronounce a word every possible way my brain can come up with or copying accents (Jake bc I love his so so much) that it comes out when I lisp. like when I talk slow or “trip” over my words from talking to fast or smth idk why but it happens. but with Spanish I just !! i feel like i try, but then again maybe I’m not actually trying bc I think I’d be more disappointed if I tried so hard and it didn’t work. or like my family knows I can’t roll my r’s n sometimes (mainly my sister she knows more Spanish than me), or anyone who knows someone’s randomly “go roll your r’s just try” and ‘I’m just like *sweats* I can’t you know this’ .
I literally love any accent tbh, but I also have something against Spain Spanish and idk why I do 😭. I think I just need to practice more but even alone it’s embarrassing and I ahhh-that’s why I don’t do spiritually much bc I get embarrassed even when I’m alone ;-;.
I think some of that is why if I learn Spanish I want it to be, Mexican or Puerto Rican dialect bc that’s what I’m mixed with so I don’t wanna like-learn anything else much? bc it’s not like a big difference but it’s a difference enough ? you know?
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oonajaeadira · 2 years
Hey! Ok so this might me a lil long but you deserve to know this.
I learned how to speak English on my own, since it's not my first language (I'm from Argentina). I never took any classes as a kid, instead I did stuff like copy-pasting the lyrics of a song on Google Translate and trying to catch the words I learned on other new songs I heard.
And although I now consider myself somewhat fluent, I'm still learning everyday by reading online, watching movies, listening to podcasts, etc. And let me tell you, nothing has helped me as much as your fics these days. Specially the Ezra ones.
The thing about being self-taught is that you first learn a very casual, informal language (my English teachers at school would always say that I spoke only in slang), so if you really wanna expand your language without boring yourself with a dictionary, you gotta find stuff that are actually written or said in a more complicated language but are still interesting.
And your fics make learning and practicing SO FUN for me, I don't even notice how many new words I learn 'cause I am so invested in your writing and your art. I suck at expressing myself with words (at any language, including Spanish), so I'm sorry if I describe it poorly, but every time I read your work it seems that your brain was made to only fabricate beauty and magnificence; you take me to a place where I don't wanna leave, you make me flutter with even simple descriptions of things, and when you use a word that's new for me, I google it's meaning and when I read it the whole moment you're writing about becomes richer and I stand smiling foolishly at Google Translate. And even if I wasn't a fan of Ezra or Javi G or other characters, I'd still have the same reaction.
I want you to know that I'm not lying or exaggerating when I say that, on this site, your art is the only one that takes my breath away, from the immense creativity and originality of your plots to the divine and complex way you pick your words, making me feel like I'm listening to music whenever I read.
So thank you for giving us your talent for free. We don't deserve such thing. And thank you for helping me learn and practice a language in a way that makes me love it even more, even if you don't know it.
Besos!! 💖
Hello, my sweet, sweet friend. Please come sit next to me so I can take your hand and thank you with my whole soul.
I'm sorry it's taken me a couple of days to answer this. I think it's safe to say that I am completely overwhelmed by it; just an emotional wreck.
The fact that you like what I write, that it touches you and you have fun reading it? That has warmed my heart. Of course it has. That it is helpful to you? It is beyond words to express how I feel about that. Let's just say I am super touched.
But may I say.
I lived and taught in Korea for two years and I know that English is a SUPER difficult language to learn. We have so many irregular verbs, tenses, and idioms (omgts the VAST amount of idioms we use in everyday speech!!!--and different ones from each country!), and all of our incidentals and contractions and elisions and synonyms and homophones, all of our archaic spelling... All of that on top of the fact that our slang changes daily? I BOW DOWN TO YOU. I can speak snatches of languages here and there--phrases really. I can read and understand maybe one or two if I concentrate really hard. But I highly admire and envy anyone who can speak and write fluently in more than one language. I really really do. Especially if their second language is English, because I know it's hard.
Shall we talk about how my brain exploded when you said you were mainly SELF TAUGHT????? Holy balls. I see movies where characters learn English from songs and TV and I thought that was a myth. I spent a decade of my life watching subtitled anime and learned NOTHING. That you were tenacious about learning and worked hard? Wow, friend. You are a diety.
We need to address the part where you say you suck at expressing yourself with written words.
Setting aside all the naturalisms and proper grammatical things in your message, setting aside the fact that you write like you've been speaking it all your life, saying that someone's brain "was made to only fabricate beauty and magnificence" and "when you use a word that's new for me, I google it's meaning and when I read it the whole moment you're writing about becomes richer and I stand smiling foolishly at Google Translate" ... THAT'S BETTER THAN ANYTHING I COULD WRITE.
Look. I know you came here to deliver love. What I'm saying is that I'm honored, and oh, look at that, I HAVE A WHOLE BATCH OF MY OWN LOVE AND ADMIRATION TO SEND BACK TO YOU.
I think it's the absolute best that you're practicing by reading fic. I love that so much it hurts.
And the last thing I'll say is that Argentina is a place I've had a long interest in visiting and now you've got me yearning to look into it again.
Lies. The last thing I'll really say is that you're amazing and I wish all the love for you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for coming here to tell me this and expressing yourself so fkn beautifully. Keep it up. You're doing amazing, sweetie. <3
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mr-narrator · 2 years
In my first period class (Personal Development and all of the part with Mrs. H was French irl except for Karly)
Mrs. H: let’s make it a race, who can find what the word is first?
Everyone: *scrambling for their phones*
Anna: what’s the word again??
Karly: hey Siri what’s “nocifs” in English?
Evan: *turns to Amber* how’s your Spanish book?
Amber: *is reading an English copy of the French book we’re reading for class*
Me, internally: Baylor’s arm should not bend that way
*talking about projects about sexual harassment*
Georgia: *raises her hand for her group to cover the subject of sexting and pornography*
Evan: you look way too confident about that
Everyone: *competing over project topics*
Evan: *just wants to roll the dice*
Zoë, angry: oh we’re doing popcorn reading. great.
Evan: *reads choppily*
Zoë, to Evan: you could do the popcorn reading all on your own
Zoë, to me: d’you wanna read the back of it?
Evan: no
Zoë: no one asked you
Evan: Kaydie, do you want me to stay in high school forever?
Kaydie: I want you to be homeless
Evan: should I go get paper?
Evan: *starts crossing the room*
Amber: Evan wait
Evan, oblivious: *still walking*
Zoë: Evan no come back
Evan: *still walking*
Evan: I love WordReference
Zoë and I: *disagreeing*
Zoë and I: *in depth conversation about the translation apps we use*
Zoë, Evan, Amber and I: *moved our desks into a group of four to discuss our project*
Evan: we should just leave our desks like this
*class ends*
Zoë, Amber and I: *put our desks back in place*
Evan: *leaves his desk backwards*
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acecademia · 3 years
Have you heard or ever read people say that the Dewey Decimal Classification System shouldn't be used? I feel like it's a complex issue that I personally don't know very much about (but keep meaning to read more about). Do you have any of the Dewey Decimal Classification System memorized?
Hi, nonny!
The Dewey Decimal System has a lot of flaws. First and foremost, Melvil Dewey was racist and antisemetic and harassed women. So, obviously, we Do Not Stan.
There are also some issues surrounding the classification of different texts as "folklore" or something similar as opposed to "religion." You wanna guess where books related to Christianity are housed? Did you guess religion? Because you're right. But what about books related to indigenous religions? Did you guess folklore? Because that's where they usually are! The system is very much skewed toward Christianity. Some religions that are included in the religion section have to share a decimal point with other religions while Christianity (230 to roughly 289) has exponentially more space.
We also see something similar in the literature section of the Dewey Decimal System. We have certain languages (like English, French, Spanish, and German, among others) get large portions of the section devoted to them while other languages and regions of origin get just the 890s. We can continue this kind of examination in relation to gender and race as well. The privileged are prioritized under Dewey's system. LGBTQ+ topics are relegated and squeezed into 306.76 and subsequent decimal places (306.762 for asexuality, 306.765 for bisexuality, etc.).
Those are just a couple of the reasons I don't enjoy the Dewey Decimal System. I'm not as familiar with other classification systems outside of LCC, which I'm still learning about, but I do like LCC more than Dewey.
I did have to look up all of these numbers because I don't know 99% of the Dewey Decimal System off the top of my head. The ones I do know are:
800s - This is the literature section. Starts with American, goes to English, continues from there. Can you tell I was a literature major in undergrad?
641.5 - This is where the cookbooks live. I will never be able to forget this number because we had so many cookbooks at the library where I interned. One of my jobs was to go through and pull extra copies of the cookbooks from the shelves because we didn't have enough space to keep more than one or two copies of a book on the shelves at a time. I also frequently had to fix this section because the volunteers who shelved weren't great at decimals.
741.5 - This is technically where the comics & graphic novels go, but that's dumb so we put them in a comics & graphic novels section. The library where I interned had separate sections for manga, adult comics & graphic novels, teen comics, and children's comics.
910s - The travel books. I know this section well because the library where I interned had pulled them out of the nonfiction section and put them in their own special section, so every time I had to go pull one of them, I had to remember that it was on the other side of the library from where I expected it to be.
I knew a couple more off the top of my head while I was actively interning at a library because one of my daily tasks was router duty. I'd get a printout of all of the books that were needed for holds at our library and for interlibrary loan, and I'd take an empty cart, the list, and a pen and just start pulling books. On a light day, I would probably fill two or two-and-a-half carts completely full of books for the router. Usually, it was more like three or four, so I got really familiar with the layout of the library and started to instinctually know where certain books were and what topics were associated with specific decimals.
tl;dr: Fuck Melvil Dewey. He wasn't a good person and also his system privileges the privileged.
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seacollectsrivers · 3 years
@patrickian and i think also @whenwinterfell tagged me <3 (and also @railroad-charmer whose recent own post of this reminded me i had this in my drafts heh)
Nickname: None! Both bc i'm not gonna tell u but also like 1) we don't reeeaaallly do nicknames here and 2) both Bo and my birthname are too short for shortened versions. But ig Sea? No one has called me Sea yet but it's there!
Zodiac: Pisces. Moon? Sun? idk. i'm a March kid.
Height: 1.68m babeyyy
Last movie I saw: Rewatch of Dogma! Still good. Can deffo see their comedic influences from Good Omens and Douglas Adams. Since I drafted this my latest film was a first watch of Donnie Darko. I really liked it!!
Last thing I googled: The cast of Pride 2014, bc i forgot George MacKay's name and a dude in a youth party debate i was watching looked like an off brand version of him lol
Favourite Musician: Right now? Dizraeli
Song stuck in my head: Soldiers by Delara
Other blogs: Nada
Blogs following: 184
Amount of sleep: fuck if i know, my rhythm is whack atm
Lucky number: 9! also my favourite number. i love 9.
What am I wearing: a brown t-shirt that says "Fred, Kjærleik, og Resirkulering", a pair of woolen black shorts, and a black hoodie with my Folkehøyskole name & logo on.
Dream job: I do not know lmaoooo i don't really have long term dreams these days. Just vibing i guess. I do want a job, i just don't have a dream job.
Dream trip: I'm gonna copy Patrick and say New Zealand! Also wanna do another summer train trip but focus more on eastern Europe. And ofc go back to Ireland to visit friends, but that WILL happen, not really a dream. Just a plan!
Favourite food: Anything ovenbaked and cheesy. OOh and i genuinely love reindeer uh.... skav? For anyone who can read this: steike reinsdyrskav og løk og hvitløk, tilsette rømme, salt & pepper, kanskje timian hvis du har, føkkings MWAH fantastisk elsker det.
Play an instrument: I played the saxophone in a school band for 8+ years! reckon i still could, yeah. I still have my notes, just not a sax.
Languages: English and Norwegian. Passing knowledge of Danish and Swedish, can kind of read Icelandic given enough time, know very basic Spanish and Irish.
Favourite Songs: Right now?? Fuck uuuh.... I Freak Out by Dizraeli i guess.
Random fact: I used to collect elephant things. Little statues, keychains, whatever. Recently found a portion of them in my dad's basement, but they had been colonized by some kind of insect :(
Describe yourself as aesthetic things: Good, long, warm hugs, cool & dry winter mornings in the sun, lazy evenings doing nothing on a couch, pints at an old grubby pub while people watching, old heavy scrangly trams in cerulean blue, ticket stubs from 2005 when they cost 15kr, museum exhibitions meant for kids.
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lyssismagical · 4 years
Hi! Are you taking Parkner prompts? can you write one where Peter discovers he has to get glasses but is really insecure cause it reminds him of his pre spider bite days so Irondad and Harley reassure him with fluff? thanks!
Peter first got glasses when he moved in with Ben and May. He’d thought the strange blurry vision was just endless tears, the blurriness looked exactly like when he was crying and he had to squint through them to see the world clearly.
He didn’t realize he needed glasses until Ned pointed it out in their English class. His sister had glasses, so he knew how to spot the signs. It wasn’t too hard to tell anyway, Peter kept asking Ned to read the board for him and he was squinting to the point where his eyes were shut.
At first it wasn’t that bad.
He got glasses and he wore them without complaint, and he didn’t mind. It made life easier so there was no point in fighting it.
Until he reached high school.
It wasn’t really a big deal, there was plenty of people with glasses. The difference between him and everyone else was that he was also the biggest nerd. He was on Academic Decathlon, chess club, and robotics, he was kind of a teacher’s pet. Not by choice, just because he was nice and smart.
It got worse when he started getting shoved against the lockers or hit occasional by stray elbows.
May and Ben didn’t have the money for replacement glasses more than once a month, so he was left with cracked lenses, barely held together with tape.
When he got bit by the spider, everything changed. He suddenly didn’t need glasses, he didn’t have asthma, he could stand up for himself and help instead of feel helpless all the time.
He finally felt comfortable in his own skin.
And then, a year and a half later, it was ripped away from him.
He knows it’s not a big deal.
It’s just a pair of glasses. Black square-framed, not as strong of a prescription as he used to have, that he has to wear to see long distance.
But he hates it.
It’s a small thing, a small change, but it reminds of a time where he felt helpless, a time where he wasn’t comfortable being him, a time where his glasses got stepped on when he was shoved into lockers and teased relentlessly.
He hates it.
He doesn’t wear them.
It gives him godawful migraines at school, squinting at the board or taking photos to copy off his phone instead. The worst is leaning over to copy MJ’s notes in Spanish because he can’t possibly see the notes on the projector.
He shoves his glasses case into the bottom of duffel bag when he stays over at Tony’s. Harley’s living at the tower, and the last thing he wants is to wear the glasses in front of the two most important people in his life.
But it only takes a couple hours in the lab before he wants to tear his eyes out. A headache throbs behind his eyes as he squints up at his computer and down at his webshooters, vision foggy and worse than normal.
“You okay there, kid?” Tony asks.
Peter’s too far away to make out the expression on Tony’s face, but he nods anyways. “Just a little tired, is all. I think I might call it an early night, if that’s alright?”
Harley comes up behind him, hands resting on his waist as he presses a kiss to Peter’s cheek. “Let me walk you. You look like you’re one breath away from collapsing.”
He nods and lets Harley lead him out of the lab and to his bedroom.
He’s about to close the door behind him when Harley grabs his arm. “What’s going on? Is everything okay?”
“I’m just tired, Harls. I didn’t sleep well last night, I had that big chem lab due and I stayed up late to finish it. I’ll see you in the morning, okay?”
“Yeah, alright. I love you.” Harley kisses him quickly before flashing one of his dorky grins and stepping out of the way of the door.
“Love you too.”
When morning rolls around, Peter’s sick of not being able to see anything. His head still throbs angrily and he tries, despite himself, to blink away the unrelenting blur.
He can hear Harley and Tony in the kitchen already, coffee machine humming and pan sizzling.
So he figures he’ll bite the bullet.
He fishes his glasses out of his duffel and shoves them on, holding back the residual anger that makes him want to snap them.
He almost chickens out when he passes the mirror. He looks like the nerdy kid from before the spiderbite. The kid who had thick glasses and wore braces for all of his seventh year, the kid who got pushed around and teased and floated through middle school with only one friend. The kid who couldn’t run in gym class without needing his inhaler and who couldn’t go more than one class without talking about Star Wars.
Hair mussed from sleep, glasses sitting crookedly on his nose, wearing his old Hello Kitty pajama pants and one of Harley’s hoodies that make him look small and young.
He looks like a child, the one thing he was always trying to prove he wasn’t.
Bite the bullet, get it over with. He tries to convince himself he’d rather have vision and self-consciousness than to stumble through another day blindly.
So he steps out into the hallway and forces one foot in front of the other until he makes it to the kitchen.
He pretends to act nonchalant, moving straight for the fridge so he can try to cool his burning cheeks, waiting for the teasing to come, but when he turns around, he’s met with his boyfriend’s wide-eyed stare, and Tony just lifts an eyebrow at him.
“You need glasses?” Tony asks, taking a sip from his coffee.
“You weren’t wearing them yesterday.”
Peter shrugs, looking down at his socked feet, shuffling awkwardly. “I don’t like them.”
“You don’t like them?” Harley repeats incredulously. His eyes are almost comically wide as he shoves a hand through his bedhead, a failed attempt at flattening his wild curls. “Why would you ever try to hide this from me?”
He doesn’t know whether it’s a genuine question or not, if Harley’s really asking him to explain the reasons that’s kept him from wearing his glasses, but before he can even try to explain any of it, Tony speaks up, “Didn’t you used to wear glasses as a kid? May’s shown me a few pictures.”
“We thought the spiderbite cured it, but…” he trails off in confusion, part of him still tense as though waiting for someone to tear them off his face and throw them to the ground. He pushes his glasses up his nose and frowns. “I don’t like feeling like the kid from before.”
Tony nods as though he perfectly understands it all, he turns without a word and disappears down the hallway. A moment later, he reappears, a glasses case in hand.
“I, uh, I don’t really wear them all too much, but I suppose getting older sometimes means it’s necessary,” Tony explains. He opens his case and slides the glasses on. “Reading glasses.”
Warmth floods through Peter’s chest. He’s known glasses are normal, he knows there’s a huge number of people who needs them. But seeing Tony, a superhero, needing glasses, that’s a gamechanger.
The shock has Peter silent in return, gaping wordlessly at Tony like this is groundbreaking news.
“My little sister has glasses too,” Harley says, shrugging. “Long distance. She used to get teased in school for it, but pretty much everyone at school got teased for something.”
“Yeah, me too.” The self-consciousness is finally fading. He’s not particularly confident, but he feels a thousand times better knowing the people who’s opinions matter are perfectly happy with it. “Back before the spider, I used to get bullied a lot. I mean, I can’t really blame them, I was the easiest target. Asthma, glasses, dorky, tiny kid who wouldn’t tattle or fight back. I guess I was happy not having to be that kid anymore.”
Tony’s forehead creases, jaw clenching. He never takes that kind of information well, he looks just about ready to get in the Iron Man suit and murder the kids who used to bully him. “You never deserved to be treated like that, kid, and I swear, you don’t have to worry about that anymore. If anybody gives you trouble, you come to me or Harley and we’ll take care of it.”
Finally, a smile graces Peter’s face and he can feel the blush creeping up his cheeks. “Thank you. I know I’m being kinda irrational about all of this, so thank you. Really. It means a lot.”
Harley grins, arms sliding around Peter’s waist to tug him into a hug and he kisses Peter’s forehead.
Tony pretends to gag, like he always does whenever the boys are within a foot of each other, but he’s still smiling, shaking his head in amusement.
Taglist: @littlemissagrafina  @spideygirl2003 @romeoandjulietyouwish @c-artara @shadedrose01 @likeaphoenix13 @pj-hermes-tonystark-obsessed  @you-get-killed-walk-it-off @kitkatwinchester  @emo-girl10 @justme--emily {Let me know if you wanna be added or removed}
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goldenraeofsun · 4 years
we can follow the sparks
More of this verse!
As they sit down to lunch, Alicia asks in a hushed voice, “Have you guys seen the new Latin teacher?” 
Josephine shakes her head as she bends down to pull out her history textbook. She’s one of those miraculous people that can study, gossip, and eat all at the same time.
If Alicia tried that, she’d dump bits of tomato on her book, ask “what?” every two minutes, and absorb zero percent of the reading.
“I have Latin tomorrow,” Aidan says as he digs into a container of leftover spaghetti.
“Oh, you don’t count,” Alicia waves him off and nudges her brother with to pay attention. Max looks up from haggling with Krissy for half of her pastrami sandwich.
Aidan's brow furrows. “Why?”
“Because you’re straight,” Alicia dismisses.
Krissy dumps the pastrami in front of Max and grabs half of his grilled tofu and veggie sandwich and his kale chips in return. Max’s face falls.
Aidan scowls at Alicia. “What, is the new teacher hot or something?”
Alicia scoffs, “Or something.”
Max’s face lights up hopefully. “Hotter than Mr. Winchester?” 
“Mr. W isn’t hot,” Krissy points out, nose wrinkling.
Alicia rolls her eyes. “You are literally the only senior who thinks that.”
“The only student,” Max corrects as he takes a hearty bite of pastrami.
Alicia holds out her hand, which Max slaps obligingly. Thank god Alicia has her twin. 
“Maybe Kaia has had him,” Josephine points out as Kaia takes the only free seat at their lunch table, Claire close on her heels. They both squeeze in, content to practically sit in each others’ laps.
Alicia rounds on the newcomers. “Have you had Latin?”
“I take Spanish,” Kaia says, shrugging. “Why?”
With her nose already buried in her book, Josephine supplies, “Alicia says the new teacher is hot.”
Claire chokes on her own spit.
“I heard from Patience he also teaches French and Spanish too,” Max says in a hushed voice.
“Oh,” Kaia says with a sidelong glance at Claire, “I have Spanish tomorrow.”
Claire silently hands Kaia half of her wrap, saying, “I’m not taking a language this year.”
“You can do that?” Krissy asks.
Kaia passes Claire her yogurt without looking at her because they are truly the most disgusting couple ever. Claire shrugs. “I was taking Mandarin at my old school, but obviously I can’t do that here.”
“At Carver,” Aidan spits.
Claire ignores him. “I’m taking AP English and Creative Writing instead.”
“Nice,” Max raises his fist for her to bump, “double Mr. Winchester.”
Claire makes a face. “I’m with Krissy on this one. I don’t get the appeal.”
Max shakes his head despondently. “Of course you don’t. You’re a lesbian.”
“That doesn’t mean I don’t have eyes,” Claire snorts. “He’s old.”
“Nobody’s had Latin, French or Spanish yet?” Alicia asks, aghast.
“Hey!” Adian calls, “Alex!”
Alex looks up from the next table over where she’s squished between Patience and Tracy Bell. “What?” she demands, annoyed at the interruption.
Aidan smirks and says out of nowhere, “Do you think Mr. Novak is hot?”
Patience giggles and elbows Alex in the side as she splutters, “No!”
“That’s a yes,” Alicia says smugly.
* * *
Josephine approaches Mr. Novak’s desk cautiously, a little nervous to be talking to her new teacher one-on-one for the first time. She tries, “Professeur?”
Mr. Novak pauses wiping down the board. “Est-ce que tu as un problème avec les devoirs?”
Josephine shakes her head, saying slowly as she mentally translates, “Je n’ai pas ma copie de l'étranger. Je l’ai acheté le weekend dernier, mais il y a un… delay.”
“Retard,” Mr. Novak translates for her. He smiles and adds, “Pas de problème. Je garde toujours une autre copie dans mon bureau. Si tu voudrais bien me suivre.” He gestures for Josephine to follow him to the Language Office, but they stop short at the sight of Mr. Winchester standing in the doorway, staring at Mr. Novak with wide eyes.
“Dean,” Mr. Novak says in surprise. “Qu’est-ce qui s’passe?”
Mr. Winchester goes bright red. “Cas?” he asks weakly.
Mr. Novak gives his head a little shake. “My apologies. It’s been a long day. Is there something you need me for? I was just about to give Josephine my office copy of The Stranger.”
Mr. Winchester’s mouth opens and closes before he stutters, “N-no, it’s nothing. I’ll just… catch you later.” 
Josephine glances up at Mr. Novak as they turn the other way down the hall, towards the Language Office. “C’est bizarre,” she mutters.
Mr. Novak laughs lightly under his breath. “Peut-être il a oublié ce qu’il voulait me demander.”
Josephine inwardly frowns at the suggestion that Mr. Winchester “forgot” why he stopped by Mr. Novak’s classroom.
Josephine had Mr. Winchester for English as a freshman. He never forgot anything. He had an endless supply of Vonnegut quotes on hand, and he always remembered to ask Krissy how her dad was doing after he had a close call with cancer over spring break that year.
This time, he didn’t look like a man who couldn’t remember something; he looked embarrassed.
“Peut-etre,” Josephine echoes because she wasn’t about to just say all that to a new teacher. And in French.
In his office, Mr. Novak hands her a copy of Camus. “Voilà,” he says, completely straight faced. “Si tu as besoin d’autres choses, viens me voir.”
Josephine bobs a nod. “Merci beaucoup.”
“Au revoir,” he says with a little wave as she leaves the office.
Josephine meets up with Krissy by the front doors, half-heartedly fending off Aidan’s shitty flirting. “Hey,” she says. “Sorry I’m late.”
“No problem,” Krissy says easily. She pushes off the wall. “Aidan was keeping me company.” She smiles at him, and Aidan perks up like Pavlov’s dog hearing the dinner bell. “I’ll see you tomorrow, yeah?”
“Yeah,” Aidan says faintly as Krissy and Josephine take off towards Josephine’s car.
Josephine waits until Krissy is buckled in to say, “You’ll never believe what happened after French today.”
* * *
Krissy has never regretted taking German more in her life. Edlund’s a pretty small high school with a little over 500 students in total, so all anyone’s been talking about for the first two weeks in September is the new language teacher, Mr. Novak. 
Alicia and Max think he’s hot.
Josephine thinks he’s nice.
Aidan thinks he’s cool.
Kaia thinks… well, she’s been pretty mum on the subject, but she’s not the gossipy type, so Krissy isn’t surprised.
Only Claire rolls her eyes every time Mr. Novak’s name comes up.
Krissy hasn’t met the new language teacher. If she’s lucky, she can catch a glimpse of messy hair and a rumpled suit while she speed-walks from Calculus to World History.
While investigating Mr. Novak himself might be difficult, Krissy is close with Mr. W. 
She can still remember how Mr. W’s footsteps sounded down the hospital hallway in the oncology wing; how her heart pounded in her chest the first time she got in his car; how he talked for forty-minutes about “his baby” all the way to Josephine’s house.
Once a week for a month in freshman year, Mr. W chauffeured Krissy from the hospital on Tuesdays (Josephine’s parents took her on the weekends). Occasionally, he stopped in to talk to her dad, since they both went to Edlund High years ago. Edlunders, as Mr. W said, always took care of their own.
On the car ride to Josephine’s, they talked about Vonnegut, surrealist fiction, dystopian sagas… They only skipped over classic literature, since Mr. W thought everything written before the 20th century was boring as fuck. Mr. W did allow Shakespeare, though, because of all the dick jokes. 
Krissy knocks on the door to the Language Office three weeks into the school year. While she’d like to pretend to herself her visit is to get Mr. W’s opinion on Mr. Novak (his opinion would be more reliable than Alicia, Max, and Aidan combined, and on par with Josephine’s) she can’t pretend the mild haze of panic clouding her head has anything to do with a teacher she doesn’t even have on her schedule.
“Come in!” Mr. W’s voice calls.
Krissy steps inside, nodding to Frau Allen at her desk by the window. Otherwise, the office is empty.
“Hey, Krissy,” Mr. W says with a smile as she fiddles with the strap of her back, hovering by the door. “You wanna take a seat? Cas already left for the day.” He gestures to what Krissy assumes is Mr. Novak’s desk, next to his.
Krissy sits. “Thanks.”
Mr. W’s lighthearted expression turns serious as he reads her face. “Is everything okay? Your dad doing well?”
“Oh yeah,” Krissy says quickly, “still in remission. Everything’s looking good.”
“Good,” he says emphatically, and he means it, not like Ms. Masters or Mr. Trent after the news went around school that her dad was sick.
Krissy taps her fingers on Mr. Novak's vacated desk. “What happened to Mr. Turner? Did he finally retire?”
“Mm hm,” Mr. W hums. “He still goes fishing with Bobby - Principal Singer - so I heard he’s doing well.”
“How’s the new guy?” Krissy asks as she spins the seat around.
Mr. W frowns at her question. “He’s good,” he says as he pins her in place with a long look. “Why the interest? Don’t you take German?”
“I’ve been considering switching,” Krissy lies. Out of the corner of her eye, she sees Frau Allen make a face.
“Because that makes sense,” Mr. W says, clearly not believing a word. “Aren’t you in AP German?”
Krissy ignores the question. “I heard Mr. Novak came from Carver.”
“He did,” Mr. W says cautiously. “So what?”
“Maybe he’s a spy.”
“This is high school, not the USSR,” Mr. W says with a snort. “Plus, Cas was an Edlunder first.”
Krissy blinks. “He was?”
“He was a student in my year.” He smirks. “He actually tutored me in Latin, if you can believe it.”
Krissy mulls that over. “So you know him pretty well.”
“Well enough,” Mr. W says, back to being cagey as hell. “I know he’s a good teacher and this school’s lucky to have him.”
“Okay,” Krissy says dubiously.
Mr. W rolls his eyes. “Now we’ve got that out of the way, and god knows why you wanted to talk about Cas, why are you really here?”
“Everyone’s talking about him!” Krissy protests.
Mr. W leans back in his chair and surveys her with a cool eye. “Since when have you been interested in gossip?”
“That’s what I thought,” Mr. W says, satisfied. “Just spit it out, kid. I promise it can’t be that bad.”
“Would you write me a recommendation letter for college?” she asks in a rush. “Please.”
Whatever Mr. W had been expecting, it wasn’t that. He laughs, and Krissy almost dies of embarrassment before he says, “Well duh. I have a draft of the thing I’ve been sitting on for two years.”
“Really?” Krissy asks, her eyes round.
Mr. W nods. “After everything with your dad, I thought this might come up. And there were parts I didn’t want to forget so I wrote ‘em down.”
“Great,” Krissy says faintly. She shouldn’t be so surprised. Mr. W told her he always liked to be prepared. A true boy scout, he’d say before laughing to himself. 
When she’d voiced her confusion - Mr. W being a boy scout wasn’t all that outrageous, if you take away the minor swearing (he was a lot worse when she was a freshman). He said they didn’t take men like him.
Krissy tactfully changed the subject, but the next week she went to GSA for the first time.
It was worth giving up her Thursday lunch period to see Mr. W smile when she walked into his classroom for their weekly meeting. 
* * *
Max winces as Krissy elbows him in the ribs. He’s giving up his Thursday lunch hour for this?
Alan Corbett’s been going on and on for the past twenty minutes. Sure, he’s President of GSA, but that does not mean everything he says is worth listening to. It’s a shame. He’s too nice for anyone to tell him how boring he is. 
Kaia and Claire are playing footsie under the table.
Thank god Krissy gets it. As their only Straight rep of the Gay-Straight Alliance, Max was highly skeptical when she signed up at the end of freshman year. But Mr. Winchester liked her, so it was enough to convince Max not to give her the cold shoulder when she sat next to him. Plus, whatever Mr. Winchester says goes, since Max could listen to him read the dictionary with that ruggedly deep voice of his.
Max doubts Krissy’s heard a single word out of Alan’s mouth. Instead, her whole attention has been riveted on Mr. Novak, who’s attending his first GSA meeting. He sits off to the side, by the big poster of Game of Thrones (Mr. Winchester says it’s based on a book, so it counts).
Krissy scrawls in all caps on the back of a history assignment: HEART. EYES.
Max subtly shakes his head and picks up his pencil. WTF?
Look at how they’re looking at each other!
They’re not tho
Exactly! Krissy taps her last message forcefully. They keep look at each other when the other one is looking the other way
Why do you care?
Krissy frowns.
If I wanted gossip, I would’ve stayed in the cafeteria with Alicia
It’s Mr. W. I know you like him
I like to look at him Could care less about his love life I thought you were the same What gives?
You only pretend to be a shallow man whore I know you like him You started this club with him 3 years ago
How else could I find questioning dudes to fuck?
But all I ended up with was… Max nods at Alan in disgust.
Krissy hides her smile behind the fist propping up her chin. You have the best gaydar in the city limits. So does Mr. W have a chance with Mr. Novak?
Mr. W flipped a closeted Republican, so… And I’m not talking about politics.
You didn’t hear it from me
You don’t even like gossip Who the hell told you that?
Alicia. Who else? She knows everything.
Max smirks as he starts his next note.
It’s why her hair is so big. It’s full of secrets.
Krissy doesn’t manage to stifle her laugh in time.
Mr. Novak frowns disapprovingly, but Mr. Winchester doesn’t notice since he’s too busy staring at Mr. Novak.
Maybe Krissy’s onto something.
Max looks down at their notes to find another message: Josephine told me Mr. W has it bad for Mr. Novak
Max scrawls incredulously, Josephine??? Since when does she pay attention?
That’s what I’m saying He’s got it so bad even Josephine can see it
Aromantic Josephine, who took a year to figure out Aidan was into you
I bet they’ll be banging in 2 weeks
Can you not
$5 says I’m right
Make it $10. 
* * *
Aidan sulks against the wall of the gym. He finally got Krissy to agree to go to a dance - Homecoming! - and all she wants to do is hang with their friends.
And fine, it wasn’t like he expected them to sneak out and make out or do more stuff when they were alone… but he kind of did.
At least he got a couple of dances in. Before Krissy dragged him away, he even got to grind up against her. It was fucking magical.
Now, he’s at a table with Kaia and Josephine. Krissy is waving over Alicia, so Max can’t be far behind. Only Claire is a no-show, but Krissy told him a few minutes ago she was in the bathroom. Girls always take a bafflingly long time in there. Maybe there are snacks?
“Where’s Max?” Aidan asks loudly over the music. There’s only two of them; the Y chromosome reps gotta stick together. 
Alicia vaguely waves her hand toward the dance floor. “I think he mentioned something about Ennis Ross.” She spins the folding chair around to straddle it and rest her arms on the back.
Aidan draws up short. “Ennis is gay?”
Kaia snorts. “Does it matter?”
“Not to Max,” Krissy says with a grin. “You know he’s always happy to play the baking soda volcano.”
“Huh?” Aidan asks.
Krissy rolls her eyes. “He’s always happy to be someone’s experiment.”
Alicia’s lips purse but she doesn’t comment.
“Did you see Mr. Novak and Mr. W?” Krissy asks, tipping her head towards where the two teachers lean against the wall underneath one of the basketball hoops, talking with their heads bowed together.
“They are cute,” Alicia agrees, looking grateful for the subject change.
Mr. Novak dressed up for homecoming with a tie the school colors, and Mr. Winchester has Edlund's mascot, Peppy the Pigeon, painted on his cheek.
“Do you think if Aidan spikes the punch, it’ll,” Krissy waggles her eyebrows, “make things happen?”
Josephine frowns. “I don’t think Mr. Novak could ever be drunk enough to make a move in front of students.”
“But Mr. W for sure,” Krissy says.
“Oh yeah,” Alicia says.
“Hey,” Aidan protests, holding his hands up in the T formation for timeout. “I’m not giving up my booze.”
“Speaking of,” Alicia holds her hand out, “Gimme some.”
“What? No! Get your own.”
“How am I supposed to do that?” she asks, eyebrows raised. “Mom doesn’t even allow Coca Cola in the house because it brings ‘negative energy.’”
Krissy nudges Aidan in the ribs with a pointy elbow, and he sighs. He fishes his flask out of his suit pocket and hands it over. Alicia takes a swig and promptly passes it to Josephine, who gives it to Kaia.
“Hey, save some for the guy who brought it!” Aidan says as he snatches it back.
“Not too much,” Max’s voice says from behind him. He grins as Aidan jumps. “Whiskey dick is a real thing.”
“Hey,” Josephine greets. “No go with Ennis?”
“Got spooked right as we were getting to the good stuff,” Max says with a shrug.
“Sorry,” Kaia says sincerely.
“It’s alright,” Max says as he throws himself into the last empty chair. “I only got one more year here, and then there’s gonna be a whole freshman class of questioning dudes ripe for the taking.”
Krissy wrinkles her nose. “You do you, I guess.”
“Thank you, Kristine, I will,” Max says.
Alicia rolls her eyes.
“We were just talking about Mr. W and Mr. Novak,” Krissy says, jerking her head to the basketball hoop. “Huh,” she says, her eyes widening a she scans the gym, “Where’d they go?”
“Probably to go make out,” Aidan says bitterly with a significant look at Krissy. She frowns.
“We can only dream,” Alicia says wistfully.
The song changes to something with a thumping baseline and a catchy chorus, and there’s a deafening cheer from the dance floor.
Aidan glances around, but nobody at the table moves to join in. He taps his feet to the beat. A few of the teacher chaperones have meandered closer to the dancing group, eyes peeled for inappropriate activity.
“Wanna get some air?” Aidan says in a carrying undertone (the music is very loud) to Krissy.
Max groans. “Yes, please.”
Aidan glares.
“Where?” Alicia asks.
Adian's mood sours further. He is never going to touch Krissy’s tits at this rate.
Kaia sets her phone down on the table. “Claire’s already out by the football field. She says nobody’s there.”
“Alright then,” Josephine says as she gets to her feet and stretches.
Krissy holds her hand out to Aidan. “Come on, you,” Krissy says with a small smile, “This was your idea.”
Aidan grumbles but follows the group. The halls are weird in the dark, still festooned with banners and streamers from Spirit Week. Everyone is oddly quiet as their footsteps echo off the rows of closed lockers. They pass one of the lab rooms, and a shadow moves across the window, accompanied by a hushed giggle.
Max smirks. “Wanna bet how many are getting it on right now?”
“I’d steer clear of the supply closets,” Alicia says with a shudder.
“Talk about a cliche,” Krissy complains as they round the last corner before the large double doors to the field. “If I was sneaking around, the roof is the way to go. No one ever looks there.”
Aidan files that fact away for later.
The fall breeze hits them squarely in the face as they step outside. Aidan shrugs out of his jacket and puts it around Krissy’s shoulders, ignoring her eye roll and smiling at Josephine’s thumbs-up behind Krissy’s back.
Max gallantly gives Alicia his jacket too, and Josephine and Kaia huddle together as they pick their way across the field, stepping over bits of confetti, torn bits of streamers, and a few abandoned signs. The crowd had been particularly enthusiastic since they’d been playing Carver Preparatory.
Edlund High won, of course. For the fifteenth year in a row. Carver sucks.
They find Claire at the top of the bleachers, wearing her normal leather jacket over her midnight blue dress.
“Hey,” Kaia says, kissing her on the cheek. “What’re you doing up here?”
“I don’t like crowds,” Claire says, hugging her arms to her chest.
“Me either,” Josephine says as she sits next to Claire. 
“You didn’t have to bring the cavalry,” Claire complains to Kaia.
Kaia shrugs. “They wanted to come.”
“The dance was lame,” Max says as he bounds up two bleachers at a time.
“Because you’re too cool to do the electric slide,” Alicia says as she plops down on the row below.
Krissy wanders around, searching for the best spot to sit out of the wind, Aidan’s coat still wrapped tightly around her shoulders. “Hey,” she hisses, hand flapping in their direction. “Look!”
“What?” Alicia leans over to see what Krissy’s spotted. “Holy fuck,” she breathes.
Aidan, Max, and Josephine peer over the railings to see the shadowy area below, leaving Kaia and Claire to their whispered conversation.
Holy fuck is right. That’s Mr. Winchester. And Mr. Novak.
“What are they doing?” Aidan asks before he can stop himself. It’s not like he doesn’t know what a heavy duty make out looks like. 
Max snorts.
Alicia throws him a despairing look.
Krissy swivels around to face Claire. “Did you know they were down there?”
“Yeah? So what?” Claire says, frowning. “I wasn’t about to perv on a couple of teachers.”
Krissy’s mouth falls open as she stares at the group as a whole. “Do you think this is the first time?”
Max sneaks another peek. “Probably not,” he says critically. “Either that, or Mr. Novak’s way more randy than I ever gave him credit for. A real freak under that suit.”
Claire’s face spasms.
“Or maybe Mr. Winchester just brings it out in him -” Alicia starts.
* * *
“They’ve been dating for three years!” Claire explodes. 
Everyone turns to stare at her.
Two months. Two goddamn months of this. 
When she transferred to Edlund from Carver, she thought the worst part would be her family’s disapproval. They all told her it was stupid to throw away her future at a good school for a girl. They always said it like that, like Kaia didn’t have a name. At least Uncle Cas supported her, not that he had a single leg to stand on, since he was switching jobs and taking a pay cut to be with Dean. Claire would have preferred if her uncle didn’t follow her from school to school like the dorkiest duckling ever, but it was nice to have him in her corner.
But no, the absolute worst part was all the gossip she had to listen to. About Uncle Cas, aka the biggest doof on the planet.
Maybe Grandmother was right, and Edlund was filled with a bunch of idiots. Claire throws up her hands, saying through gritted teeth, “Castiel transferred from Carver to spend more time with Dean.” 
“How do you know that?” Krissy asks, her mouth falling open.
Claire purses her lips. “Castiel’s my uncle.”
“Your what?” Aidan gapes.
Claire rolls her eyes. “He’s my uncle. Dean’s his boyfriend. They’re gross together all the damn time - but not in school because Uncle Cas has opinions about it.”
“If Mr. Winchester could make out with him all the time, he’d do it,” Kaia adds because she’s had dinner at Uncle Cas’s way too many times and has seen it for herself.
Krissy leans over the railing. “Get it Mr. W!”
Alicia cackles as Dean and Uncle Cas jump apart, glancing around for the voice.
Dean’s Peppy face paint is nothing but a smear of grey and black on his cheek. Double gross. “Jesus Christ,” he mutters as he spots the group on top of the bleachers. “What the hell are you guys doing here?” 
“I wanted to make out with my girlfriend,” Aidan complains. Krissy rolls her eyes, but Claire doesn’t miss the regretful expression on her face before she turns back to the pair of teachers below.
“Just getting some air,” Josephine explains pleasantly as she aims a kick at Aidan’s shin.
“Don’t let us interrupt!” Max calls wickedly.
Dean runs a hand down his face and nudges Uncle Cas with his shoulder. “We should escort them back, right?”
Uncle Cas sighs. “It would be irresponsible not to.” He glares at Dean. And even in the dark, Claire can see how red his face is. “I told you sneaking off was a bad idea.”
“Be thankful we didn’t get to my real bad idea before the Scooby Gang found us,” Dean says, eyebrows waggling suggestively.
“We can still hear you,” Claire reminds them loudly.
“Alright, alright,” Dean says, flapping his hands at them like a giant mother hen. “Get down from there and back to the dance. I heard someone spiked the punch.”
“Really?” Aidan asks as he offers Krissy his hand to help her down.
“No,” Dean deadpans. He mutters to Uncle Cas, “I can’t believe we got cockblocked by a bunch of kids.”
Claire makes a noise of disgust as her feet hit the ground. “Are you incapable of whispering?”
Uncle Cas shoots Dean a warning look before saying calmly, “Nothing was going to happen. We were, ah, getting some air.”
“That’s not all you were gonna get,” Dean says in an undertone.
Claire groans.
“Stop,” Uncle Cas tells Dean reproachfully. “I know you’re goading her. It’s inappropriate.”
“I’ll show you inappropr-”
Uncle Cas actually slaps his hand over Dean’s mouth. “Not another word, Dean.”
They are the worst. Claire pretends to trip Dean up as they pass her, and Dean flips her the finger when Uncle Cas looks the other way.
Claire waits for Kaia and the rest of the group, dawdling after the pair of teachers. Bemused, she watches as Krissy, Max, Aidan, and Alicia hand Kaia money. “What’s going on?” Claire asks.
“Your girlfriend fleeced us,” Aidan complains as he pockets his wallet.
Claire raises her eyebrows.
Kaia shrugs, but her face is as smug as Claire has ever seen it. “I just bet everyone else was wrong.”
Claire’s mouth falls open. “Were you betting on them?” she hisses, pointing at Uncle Cas and Dean.
“I thought it would take them two weeks to sleep together,” Max says.
“I bet two months,” Krissy adds.
“One month,” Alicia supplies.
“A year,” Aidan says with a helpless sort of look.
Claire swivels to glance at Josephine. “What about you?”
Josephine raises her hands in a gesture of innocence. “I had no idea, which is why I didn’t get involved.” She studies the pair ahead of them for a few steps, her eyes narrowing as Dean reaches over to ruffle Uncle Cas’s hair. “I would’ve said something stupid like ten years.”
Claire bursts out laughing.
“What?” Krissy asks, annoyed.
Claire nudges Kaia, who looks stricken. “Come on, you know she nailed it.”
“I did?”
Claire snorts. “They got together after their high school reunion,” she says as Josephine’s face lights up. “It took ten years for those dumb fucks to get their shit together.”
Without missing a beat Uncle Cas calls over his shoulder, “Claire, language!”
Kaia smothers her giggles into Claire’s shoulder.
45 notes · View notes
purplesurveys · 3 years
The last time you washed your hair, did you use conditioner? Yeah, I’m pretty paranoid and always feel the need to use conditioner because of a bad rebonding job from like a decade ago that stiffened up my hair as soon as it would get wet. It lasted for around a year, so I formed the habit of always using conditioner every time I shower. I don’t think I’ve ever used just shampoo since then.
Do you prefer light or dark jeans?  Dark, but I suppose it would be nice to start experimenting with lighter shades as well.
When you listen to music, do you generally sing along, or just listen?  It depends if I know the lyrics or I’m feeling the song at the moment. Obviously with my new obsession with BTS I can’t really sing along to entire songs, but I do sing the few English lyrics they have per song, hahaha.
Do you have any of your exes as friends on Facebook?  Yeah but she’s been muted for like half a year already, as is the rest of her family. I do have plans to unfriend her entirely; I’m just not sure when I would push through with it, and I already gave Angela permission to log onto my account one of these days to be the one to do the unfriending.
Who was your first love? Do you ever miss that person?  Gabie. I miss the friendship sometimes; I don’t think I’ll have a friendship as deep and connected as the one we had, so I will always feel sorry about how that went to waste. But I don’t really think about our relationship anymore as I’m pretty good at blocking off certain memories, so I don’t miss her in that sense.
How many cars are parked at your house right now?  Two.
Do you have any Italian ancestry?  I highly doubt so. If anything there’s probably a tiny drop Spanish blood in there but that’s the most European I’ll ever get.
Do you prefer water to be ice cold or at room temperature?  Like, drinking water? Ice cold, always. I hate warm water.
Has anyone ever told you you’re a control freak?  Not to my face, but I know I’m one so I’m sure other people have said that about me at least behind my back.
Do you know anyone who has gone missing? If so, were they ever found?  Yes, my friend Mik and one of my aunts. They were both found eventually.
What was the spiciest thing you’ve ever eaten?  Eating ghost pepper instant noodles was a pain I would never want to go through again...I threw that shit out after my first forkful, lmao.
Do you need to talk to someone?  No, not in particular. In a more general sense I do wanna start gaining more friends though, so I’ve been meaning to expand my circle by creating a new Twitter account just for my BTS dump. In other words, I am a 23 year old with a stan Twitter HAHAHAHA
Is something confusing you at the moment?  No, I’m good.
When was the last time you had a real deep chat?  Maybe my conversation with Andi a couple of nights back. We were talking about a tricky situation with their ex-friend who turned out to be a real dick when they came out to him a year ago, and they just wanted to get my perspective on how I would handle it.
Who did you last see on webcam?  The PR manager for one of our clients, who we all despise because he doesn’t know how to do his job. Thankfully he’s resigning soon so we’re all just waiting for him to leave and finally meet a much more competent replacement.
What’s your best friend’s pet’s name(s)?  Angela has two dogs, Hailey and Kennedy. Andi had Apollo, who I wanted to meet so badly but sadly he passed away a week ago at 15.
Have you ever taken a picture while laying in the grass?  There are photos of me sitting on grass, but not lying in it. I would imagine that would feel very prickly and uncomfortable.
Who’s your favorite Disney character? Baymax or Flynn Rider.
Have you ever deliberately tried to get someone drunk?  I’ve made my friends chug drinks or down shots and it’s happened vice versa, but it was always in good fun and we never made each other harassed from it. It’s just your typical college rambunctiousness, and if anyone felt uncomfortable or iffy then we didn’t hesitate to move on.
When was the last time you used a pay phone and who were you calling?  I’ve only ever seen those in my first school, when I was in kindergarten. I never got to use it and they also took them out not long after.
Do you like being kissed on the neck?  Yessssssssss
Have you ever had sex with someone you weren’t dating (but had feelings for) in the hopes that they would ask you out later?  Nope. I don’t think I would have sex with anyone I wasn’t dating.
What’s the most you would be willing to spend on a good bra?  Probably a couple thousand bucks if I thought I looked good in it.
Do you have any of your teachers’ personal cell phone numbers saved in your contacts list?  I don’t think so. I never tried getting close with any of them, and I always tried to stay hidden as much as possible. I was just in class to get good grades and pass.
Do you ever stalk peoples’ personal blogs, even if you don’t know them very well?  I never really scroll through people’s Tumblrs anymore. That was more of a thing I did in like 2013, but these days going through my dashboard is enough.
What’s one thing about today’s generation that you just can’t stand?  Some social media trends done for clout make me revolted, especially when it has anything to do with wasting food. I also hate when they do extreme pranks that I know I wouldn’t find funny if I were ever the victim, like tossing someone’s phone into the ocean.
Be honest: how do you feel about abortion?  Pro-choice. 
Is there anyone you currently want to reach out to?  I would love to catch up with Katreen at some point, but I know we’re at different points in our lives now and it would probably never happen.
What is your favorite piece of art you own?  I commissioned my sister to make an artwork of the 2D1N cast, and she did a great job making it! I haven’t gotten to use it or promote it yet, but I will soon. It’s really well-done.
What’s the one thing you apologized for this month?  Replying late.
My favorite color is ______?  Pastel pink.
I wish I had _____?  Longer weekends.
What did you buy today? Nothing – I’d call that a success lmao, I’ve been spending money as if I had a million fucking bucks over the last week. I did have some packages arrive today though: my own copy of 2 Cool 4 Skool (my first physical BTS album!!!!!!); the official poster from their album BE; the Ivy Park sneakers I ordered earlier this month, and an Ivy Park bucket hat Bea had apparently gotten for me as a birthday present.
What has challenged your morals?  Vices.
What made you pick up the last book you started reading?  I had to read it in preparation for a one-on-one session with my employer’s CEO.
What about your life concerns you the most? Whether a stable future is in the cards for me.
What do you find particularly offensive? Would you say you’re easy or difficult to offend?  Probably Filipino-American comedians or influencers who use stereotyping of Filipino accents and habits as a punchline; they do more harm to the culture than good. I can tell you not one Filipino who lives in the Philippines actually finds those funny, and Bretman Rock is probably the only personality who’s able to flaunt the culture in an entertaining and hilarious yet classy way.
When it comes to being offended, I guess it depends on the context. My humor can get pretty dark and low-blowy, but I would have a problem with someone who I know has genuinely problematic views.
What was the last series you finished watching? Do you have any plans to begin another?  I think it may had still been Start-Up from last December. I’m not too big on Korean dramas since I find one episode waaaaaaayyyyyyy too long. I don’t think I’ll be starting on anything soon, Korean or otherwise.
What is one way in which you are different from a year ago? What is one way in which you are still the same?  I’m single now, for the first time in technically six years. I also think I’m doing better and happier, breakup notwithstanding. OH and I love wasabi now, hahah. As for what’s unchanged, I still like taking surveys and I’m still stuck at home, though the latter’s not really in my control anymore.
If you could learn about anything without the stress of grades or cost, what kind of classes would you take?  I’d just go back to UP for the free tuition. We also have the widest range of programs out of any university in the country, so it’s a damn good deal.
Name a song you’ve listened to today?  Fly To My Room - BTS
When you were younger, did you have a swing set or a playhouse in your backyard?  We didn’t; but one of our relatives that we’d regularly visit did have a playground that I’d use all the time. It’s still there, just very unmaintained since no one uses it anymore.
Is your mall nice?  Which one? We have five different malls nearby lol. Mall culture here is on another level.
Do you have a Sonic near you? If so, what’s your favorite drink from there?  No. I’m not so sure what they serve there, either. I’m guessing milkshakes?
Will you be voting in the presidential elections next time around?  I’ll always exercise my right to vote.
How do you feel about chocolate-covered strawberries?  I hate strawberries and I hate fruits, so even if you coat that shit in Nutella and cookie butter and chocolate syrup I still wouldn’t touch it.
Did you ever stop having feelings for someone and then started having those feelings again for them? No.
Do you hate the last guy you had a thing with?  I’ve never had a thing with guys.
To whom did you last give the finger?  I haven’t had to do that in a while.
What was the last musical instrument played in your presence?  My sister’s keyboard.
Do you like sprinkles on your ice cream?  Not particularly. They make things look cute, but they never taste like anything tbh so I never saw the point in paying extra just to have them on my desserts.
Honestly, have you ever crashed a party before?  Nah. I cringe thinking about that.
Do you know how to do the moon walk?  I don’t.
Has anybody ever told you that you have a good singing voice?  Never gotten that specific compliment before because I know I don’t have one.
Onion rings or french fries?  Onion rings.
Has anybody ever described you as a heart breaker? No.
Has anybody ever told you that you talk too fast?  I don’t think so, but I know I have the tendency to do so occasionally, especially while I’m presenting a deck. Once I notice it I make an effort to pace myself.
Who is the best cook that you know?  My dad and both my grandmas all deserve that title.
Which meal throughout the day do you skip the most?  I literally never have lunch ever.
What’s the largest amount that you can juggle at one time?  I can’t juggle.
What was your favorite thing to go on at the playground as a kid?  Sandboxes, since I liked the texture; the sandboxes in school were also often empty, which worked well for my introvert self. I find that it’s carried over to today, since I still enjoy touching things like slime and kinetic sand.
Do you know how much you weighed at birth? How much?  I think 5 or 6 lbs, I’m not exactly sure but it’s definitely somewhere in that small range.
Which aspect of your daily routine takes the most time? What do you do?  Work, for sure. I work a normal 9–6 so that’s already 8 hours out of my day, but I also OT a lot after hours, and I work throughout my lunch break as well so that technically makes it 9 hours. I also like getting up earlier and starting some work before my shift so that I would have less tasks on my plate for the day.
Do you enjoy buying gifts for others, or could you do without this?  I LOVE getting people gifts. Food is especially my love language, and I always get food delivery for my friends, family, and my team at work.
What is one thing you are expected to do, if anything?  I mean, I have work deadlines tomorrow so there’s that.
How do you tend to view driving? Monotonous or entertaining?  I love driving. I don’t think I ever complained about having to do it. It’s calming and relaxing when I’m doing it alone or with a partner; and it can be entertaining with the right set of people.
Do you enjoy talking about music with others? Not always. If I don’t listen to the artist then I can find the conversation quite boring, like if my friends would get into a full-blown discussion about Taylor Swift.
Is acting something you enjoy?  No. It wouldn’t even be something I’d be interested in doing.
When do you feel most accomplished?  Finishing a work day with no tasks left behind.
Do you think Manwich is amazing or completely gross?  Idk what that is.
How many best friends do you have?  Two.
Are you a smoker, drinker, pothead or none of the above?  I drink sometimes. I also kinda smoke, I guess.
If you have your ears pierced, when did you get them pierced?  My mom had them pierced when I was a month old.
Do you own any exercise machines?  My mom has this rowing equipment thingy. I don’t have any of my own, though.
On Facebook, do you have people listed as your siblings who aren’t really your siblings?  No.
Have you ever drawn or painted a self-portrait?  I remember having to draw one as a school assignment, but I’m pretty sure I half-assed that because I couldn’t care less for art class back then.
Who was your last voicemail from?  We don’t have voicemails.
Have you ever been falsely accused of something serious?  I don’t think so. That’s the sort of situation that would stick out in my memory if ever.
Did you ever set up a lemonade stand when you were a kid?  No, not a thing here.
When was the last time you spoke to someone in a different language?  Around an hour ago when I went downstairs and chatted with my sister briefly.
Have you ever received an anonymous gift?  Nope.
Have you ever camped out somewhere for an event the next day?  Nope but I definitely still wouldn’t be opposed to doing that haha.
When were you the saddest in your life? 2016 was fucking miserable. < I’d have to agree. 2017 was also awful.
Do you know anyone, personally, who is in an abusive relationship? Are you?  I used to know one but she got out of it. In a sense, I suppose I also was in one.
If you have siblings, have they moved out or do they still live with you?  Well they’re younger, so they definitely still live here, with our parents. I’m the first one expected to move out, but I’m taking my time.
Have you ever gotten searched by the cops?  No.
Do you like fried rice?  Of course. I like any kind of rice.
What was the last thing you drank?  Water.
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omoi-no-hoka · 4 years
Hey! I saw your blog today and I love it very much!! I see you're an open person so, I also have a question: HOW does one survive studying japanese at uni?? I'm in my first year and only my second (online haha) semester and we started out with Minna no nihongo 1 but we're supposed to finish Minna 2 by the end of this semester, same with Basic Kanji book 1 in the first sem and now Basic Kanji Book 2, all while also learning mostly of Japan's history and others in this semester. Exams will kill me
Hello! I’m glad you’re enjoying my blog! I am open to a fault lol. Let me recount my meandering journey through uni, illustrating my feelings through gifs of Noel Fielding because he is my celebrity crush.
Uni is such a difficult time for so many people, trying to figure out who you are now and who you want to be later. It wasn’t until my senior year that I realized what I wanted to do. I started writing out my university experience and it got super long, so allow me to just summarize my “Lessons Learned” here and you can read the rest if you want to know all the dirty deets lol. I double-majored in Japanese and English, so I think that my experience can perhaps be useful to people who are majoring in things other than Japanese as well. 
Hard-Learned Lessons from Uni
Do not choose a course of study because it is “practical.” Choose it because it is something you love. Seriously. Nothing is more important than this point. Do not choose a major because “I’ll make a lot of money” or “My parents are telling me this is good for me.” 
If you are learning multiple languages at once, you must give your brain time to organize what you learned from one language lesson before moving on to the next. You can do this by waiting a couple hours between lessons, getting up and walking around, studying one language in different space from the other, etc. Otherwise, it all becomes a terrible mess in your head.
It’s okay not to know what you want your career to be. It’s okay not to have a specific plan. Life works out one way or the other.
I know how expensive uni can be. (It’s been six years since I graduated and I’m still making hefty loan payments.) But don’t feel like you have to take a full courseload every single semester and graduated asap, particularly if the classes are hard and/or you are working. I took the maximum credit hours allowed every semester on top of working RIDICULOUS hours and it nearly killed me at one point. I’m not kidding. 
It is not unusual to have an identity crisis and/or mental breakdown. Take care of yourself. Know when you are nearing breaking point. Seek out the help of professionals. Most universities have psychiatrists and therapists that will see you very cheaply. 
Surround yourself with good people and look out for each other. 
Do not rely on substances to ease your suffering because sometimes the remedy becomes the malady. Not saying you should avoid all parties or anything square like that, but just don’t be one of those people that parties every night and gets in over their head. 
Let me preface this by stating that I’m an American, and our universities are stupid because they force us to take a ton of “general education” courses that are irrelevant to our majors, and many students spend their first couple years taking only a couple courses related to their majors and minors, and try to focus on getting those stupid gen eds out of the way. 
Year 1: Oh Shit, This Is Harder Than I Thought It Would Be
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I come from a town of less than 2600 people. Our high school prepared its students for the following career paths:
joining the military (boys only)
becoming a farmer (boys only)
welding, carpentry, or other practical jobs (boys only)
becoming a housewife (girls only)
So basically I coasted through high school never having to study anything because it was one great big joke, only I thought I was like super duper smart because I was in the top five of my graduating class of 48. LOLLLLLLLLL
I entered university as a German major, Japanese minor. (Japanese was not offered as a major at my uni). I had never studied German previously, but I studied Spanish and French in high school and I just had this feeling that German and Japanese were the languages for me. 
The first semester, I had Japanese 101 and German 101 back to back, in the EXACT SAME CLASSROOM. I can’t stress enough how much of a mindfuck it was to go from thinking about Japanese for 50 minutes, having a 10 minute break, and then trying to switch your brain to German. IN THE SAME ROOM. It actually gave me headaches to try and make that mental jump. Managed to pull through the year with A’s in both, but German was much more of a challenge to me than Japanese. Which was really unexpected. 
I also flunked several gen eds because I didn’t give a shit about them and skipped them and got placed on academic probation and was nearly kicked out of uni because of my poor grades
Basically, I was such a weeb that I had watched enough anime with subtitles and sung along to enough anime songs that I had absorbed about 90% of the first year’s worth of Japanese vocab and grammar through osmosis. I really did have the power of God and anime on my side.
Year 2: The Year of the Mid-Midlife Crisis and Mental Breakdown
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There really is no gif that will encapsulate the level of turmoil I went through that year. I looked really hard for one, trust me.
It became apparent very quickly that I could not keep up with German. I ended up dropping it early in the first semester, which meant I had to choose a new major. Thinking of what would be practical to pair with a Japanese minor, I went for International Business for a semester, took Accounting, and realized that I HATE The Man, corporate bullshit, and also numbers as a concept.
All I knew at this point was that I liked Japanese but couldn’t make it a major. I also knew I didn’t want to transfer universities. So I kept taking gen eds, just barely passing them because to this day I cannot bring myself to put effort into something I do not care about, and also taking more classes related to my Japanese minor. It was the Japanese classes that saved my GPA and kept me from getting kicked out of uni.
At the same time, I took a creative writing course because that’s been a hobby of mine since elementary school, and I kinda thought about an English major, but then was like, “Eww I don’t wanna be forced to read books I don’t give a shit about. And also, what will I do with that degree?”
Also, at the same time, I was working full time, and often getting stuck working from 2 pm to 7 am (Yes, 15-hour shifts, because the overnight dude would call in sick last minute and I’d be begged to cover his shift), and then dragging myself to classes and drooling on the desks because I’d fall asleep.
Also also, I started to have possible hallucinations? To this day I don’t know what was going on, but either I was legitimately going crazy, or there was a demon following me around and being quite rude to me, making light fixtures fall and shatter inches from my head, throwing papers around my room, opening and closing doors, turning lights off and on, coming to me in dreams and doing some really, really traumatic things to me in them, and just standing in corners staring at me at all hours of the night. Had me so scared that towards the end of the school year I was waiting to sleep until sunrise, when it would go away. And no, I was not using any mind-altering substances of any sort. Not even going out and getting drunk. 
So, yeah. Year Two was a hard one that I can’t believe I pushed through. Probably the darkest year of my life, I’d say. What got me through it? An unhealthy amount of energy drinks, friends, and my love of Japanese. Also Aerosmith.
Do I still see that demon? No. He vanished when the school year ended and I moved out of the dorms. Do I believe in the supernatural? Yes, to an extent. Do I think that what I was seeing was actually a demon? I honestly don’t know. I have had actual supernatural experiences verified by multiple witnesses, and a few years before Year 2, several friends and myself had seen an entity similar to what was following me around. But this one in Year 2 only did things when I was alone. So it could have all been in my head, and I will never know. 
Since then, I have been diagnosed with general anxiety and also a form of insomnia that keeps me from sleeping through the night, and I know that my anxiety manifests itself in psychosomatic ways. In other words, my mind will take my anxiety and turn it into a physical symptom that feels real in every way, but is actually not occurring. So far it’s manifested as: sensitivity to sunlight, the symptoms of a stroke or heart attack, half of my face going numb, and headaches in my left eye. Once I realize that the symptom is just my anxiety, I can force myself to ignore and overcome it. But then my anxiety finds a new form to manifest, and the cycle repeats a few months later. It could be that my stress caused me to see this demon for a while.
Should I have consulted a psychiatrist and gotten help? YEP. If you find yourself struggling like that, seek help please. 💕
Year 3: Adrift But Afloat
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I moved out of the dorms and into an apartment with my best friend, a Japanese girl I met in the dorms freshman year. I will call her Setsuko. Setsuko is basically the reason I graduated uni. She memorized my class schedules and took copies of exam dates, woke me up, forced me to go classes instead of skipping, forced me to go to the library and study with her, and cooked me dinner most days since she didn’t have to work like I did. I can’t express enough how much she did to improve my life outside of school and work, and how much that improved my mental health. She also acclimated me to lots of subtle things about Japanese culture just by living with her, and this helped me later when I moved to Japan. Thank you, Setsuko. 一生の恩人。
I was still doing those bullshit 15-hour overnight shifts way more than I should have, and also had the maximum courseload.
The Japanese classes got a lot more difficult in Year 3. But I loved them. They were the only classes I never skipped. I took more classes towards the minor like Buddhist Philosophy and Japanese History, which I really enjoyed. While polishing off more gen eds, I thought over what to do with my major. 
My family and friends all told me that I should become an English teacher. I had always been good at words and at explaining things. But I didn’t really like the idea of being a high school teacher. I became an English major, though, because I knew that I didn’t hate English. Took grammar classes and HOLY SHIT did I hit my stride.
I realized that I didn’t like English lit. I liked linguistics. So I focused heavily on all grammar and linguistics courses, taking the bare minimum of literature courses required for the major. My GPA improved substantially. 
Yet I still was consumed with this nagging fear. It was Year 3 and I still had no fucking idea what I wanted to do when I graduated.
Year 4: Clarity At The 11th Hour
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Urged on by my “Don’t you dare get one of those stupid arts degrees that won’t get you a paycheck” parents, I decided that the most “practical” degree would not be “English,” but “English Education.” I began taking the English Ed classes with linguistics, grammar, and second language acquisition classes. The goal was to become a qualified English high school teacher who could also do ESL (since I had Spanish and Japanese under my belt more or less). 
At the same time, I entered into Independent Study for Japanese with two other students. We were tasked with reading Izu no Odoriko, a classic short story. Independent study was its own beast. It required a lot more concentration and work on my part, obviously. But because Japanese was my first and foremost passion, I centered my efforts on those courses, and then on the others.
The process of getting certified to be an English teacher was lengthy and expensive in my state. This meant my graduation would be further prolonged, and I was worried about money, because I was already about $50,000 in debt at the time, despite working those fucking overnight shifts all the time that were eating me alive.
Then, during the summer vacation when my 4th year ended, I got a scholarship and went to Japan to study abroad. Education majors had the option to study abroad in several countries, and as luck would have it, one of them was Japan, and it was Setsuko’s HOMETOWN! The study abroad program itself was the first month of summer vacation, and Setsuko said, “Okay, just come stay at my house for the rest of summer vacation!”
Never have I said “yes” quicker in my entire life.
On the train headed from Sapporo to the town where I would be actually staying during my studies, I looked at the lush rice paddies and mountains in the distance and my entire heart just hummed with this “This is where you’re meant to be.” I knew then and there that I would move to Japan upon graduation.
What would I do there? Well, teach English, obviously.
My three months in Japan effectively aligned my entire life. My path had materialized before me. It was a roughly hacked, hard-to-see path through thick underbrush, but I could see it nonetheless. 
Year 5: Let’s Hurry It Up, I’m Ready To Live
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Come Year 5, all of my Japanese classmates that had been with me since freshman year were gone and I was alone. My professor taught me Classical Japanese through independent study, and it was the must grueling course I took my entire five years there. But I found it invaluable and am eternally grateful to him for teaching me, because you see Classical Japanese a lot more than you’d think you would in everyday life. Particularly in formal settings. 
I still wanted to get certified to teach English in American high schools, because while I knew I wanted to go to Japan for now, I didn’t know if I wanted to spend my entire life there and I wanted a solid job opportunity when I came back to the states at some point.
However, the more education courses I took, the more I saw that the American education system was just as full of red-tape and The Man’s bullshit as corporate America, something else I rebuke with every fiber of my being. I also realized I’d need to take a 6th year of university, and that just wasn’t financially feasible for me. So I switched to a plain old English major with a heavy focus on linguistics and second language acquisition, and continued classical Japanese. 
I took the remaining 3 gen eds online in the summer, graduated, popped up to Chicago to do a month-long intensive course to get the CELTA (Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages issued by Cambridge.) It’s the most widely accepted and revered certification for teaching English as a foreign language.
So in the span of five years, I graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in English with a focus in linguistics and SLA, and what is technically a major in Japanese Studies. 40 credit hours were required for a major, and I completed 42 credit hours tied to my minor, so while it isn’t listed on my diploma as a major, I did the coursework. I also got a CELTA Pass B, which only 20% of applicants achieve and never expires. The grand total for all of this was roughly $100,000 USD in loans.
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The week I came back to my hometown from Chicago with my CELTA in hand, I packed my suitcases, threw a going-away party, and then flew to Sapporo, where I began my first job after uni, teaching English to children aged 0-18 at a private English conversation school. I did that for three years before changing careers and becoming a Japanese-English translator/interpreter for a global company. 
So how useful have my choices during university proven to be?
I’m sure I don’t have to explain that studying Japanese helps me tons with translating Japanese to English or living in Japan lol
Studying English grammar, linguistics, sociolinguistics, and second language acquisition has allowed me to recognize minute nuances that can make the difference between a successful and unsuccessful business negotiation when interpretation is necessary.
My background in education also means that I know how to present information clearly, concisely, and in a way that engages the audience. I am known as “The PowerPoint Pro” at work lol. 
I also have a keen eye for performance evaluation, behavior analysis, and improvement action plans. 
I offered English conversation lessons to coworkers for over a year, and now that is being done in other branches across the company! (Well, they were before COVID haha.) 
I DO NOT RECOMMEND WORKING THE HOURS I WORKED WHILE IN SCHOOL. My grades suffered and I wish I had worked less and focused more on classes. However, by working 15-hour shifts and doing full days of classes, I developed a very good tolerance for overtime, which comes in handy in the Japanese workplace. Just last month I had three 15 hour days in the same week. Sweet, sweet overtime pay. 
All of these facets have culminated in me earning a pretty nice promotion to 正社員 seishain back in February, which means I get nice benefits and basically my job is guaranteed until I die or the company goes under.
Should I decide to return to America someday, I will probably not go into the education field. Too much red tape. I will likely continue translation/interpretation for companies, because it isn’t too difficult and pays well. Though ideally I’d love to just make a living sharing cool information about Japanese and stuff, and maybe writing those stories that are bouncing around in my head when I should be working haha.
Do I think the debt is worth it?
Well, I don’t think I had any other option than to take out those loans. I didn’t have the means to learn the things I wanted to learn unless I went to university. 
Unless Japanese work visa requirements have changed, you are required to have a bachelor’s degree in order to obtain my sub-type of work-visa, so I needed a degree of some kind no matter what. 
Frankly, if I hadn’t gone to that university and met my best friend Setsuko, I don’t think I’d be where I am right now, living the life I am now. So just having met her is worth any price to me. 
Paying off all the loans is daunting, especially when yen is weak to the dollar. There were months I had to ask my parents for help, especially early on. But now I’ve got multiple loans paid off, my salary has increased, and the “omg i have money and no supervision so I can buy whatever I want” idiocy has mostly gone away. But I did get a super sweet pair of blindingly silver Converses a couple days ago that I definitely didn’t need
Do I have any regrets regarding my time at university?
I still regret dropping Old English for a stupid English Ed class. Seriously, how cool would that have been? But I still have the textbook, workbook, and I contacted the professor last week and she was kind enough to send me a syllabus. God bless her. So now I’m working on that bit by bit, which is fun.
I wish I hadn’t been such a cocky, naive idiot my first year. Thinking I could just “show up for tests” was the stupidest thing. It messed up my GPA, and my parents forbade me from retaking classes so I couldn’t go back and fix my mistakes. I think I graduated with a 3.4 overall GPA out of 4, but my English major GPA was 3.9 and my Japanese GPA was 4.0. So it’s pretty frustrating to have those gen eds and my dumbfuckery mar my transcript like that.
I really didn’t party at all. Most all of my friends were straight-laced Japanese exchange students, and I was also working ridiculous hours so I just didn’t really have the time. A part of me feels like I missed out on that part of the college experience.
Recently I’ve been putting more effort into improving my creative writing by reading a lot of books on the subject. Not a small part of me wishes that I had gone with a Creative Writing major instead of English major, because I still would have studied all the grammar and linguistics. Then again, I do believe that creative writing can be self-taught.
I wish I hadn’t worked as much as I did. There were a lot of times I couldn’t complete assignments or I missed lectures because I was just so drained. It wasn’t even good money.
Well...I did not intend for this post to become as long as it has. I’ve been cooped up in my apartment with nothing but two goldfish for company for over a month now and I think I’m a bit stir-crazy. Thank you to anyone and everyone who bothered to read all of this and become my therapist for a bit haha. Love you all. Stay safe and well. 💖
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twistednuns · 3 years
February 2021
Irises and purple, lavender and white hyacinths. For merely three bucks. What a gorgeous bouquet.
My own thai curry recipe. It's THAT delicious.
A pep talk from Manu. Realising I really need to take more chances. And get rid of that dude I've been hanging out with. I've been feeling so stuck lately. I'm toying with the idea of giving it all up. Quitting my job. Leaving the country. Just to see what happens. Because I'm pretty sure I'll love what happens next. / Whatever worlds you live in, there are other worlds out there. If you are uninspired living life a certain way, it’s your duty to change. Nothing, not a relationship or job or housing situation, is worth sacrificing your ravenous hunger for life for. X
I feel my obsession with artificial cherry flavour creeping back up on me. Cherry-flavoured diet coke is one of my guiltiest pleasures.
I keep seeing those multicolour graffiti tags everywhere and I finally found out what kind of pen they use for this effect! I ordered one, I just had to, and it's fantastic. So beautiful and vibrant! I've already asked around how illegal it is to walk around the neighbourhood signing my tag on random surfaces...
Fresh pineapple.
The ocean. Talking about diving. Watching documentaries about marine life like My Octopus Teacher and Blue Planet. Drawing nautical objects, sea dragons and mollusks.
Learning more about apophenia.
It actually smells like spring in the forest and the days are already so much longer. I even saw a deer jumping over the path last night. I even got Frank to join my on my walk for the first time.
A little glimpse of summer. The south of France is my happy place I keep going back to. But there are more little reminders of the world out there, of travel and summer, that I thoroughly enjoy. Like watching Salt, Fat, Acid, Heat with Samin Nosrat. Not only do I really want to try making my own Tahdig now but I also kept smiling throughout the whole show because they filmed episodes in Italy, Japan and Mexico. Just imagine walking across a citrus market in the Yucatan right now. Or making Pesto Genovese with an Italian nonna in a Ligurian castle. Maybe even learning how to make your own miso in a remote corner of Japan. There is so much longing within me at the moment. What made my virtual culinary travels even better was Netflix's Street Food series. I especially enjoyed the episodes from Bolivia and Mexico.
I May Destroy You. Different, and very relevant.
This year's Valentine's Day happened to be pretty rad. So I've exchanged the boring nerd I had been dating with an exciting artist from Colombia. John is a painter, a poet, photographer and filmmaker who gave me a Spanish copy of an Oscar Wilde book with a poem he had written for me. My cold and cynical German heart is not used to wooing on this level but I love it. On Sunday we walked through the English Garden and Schwabing in the sunshine, took photos, looked at some art and antiquarian bookshop windows. We saw two cats inside the cat café, bought fancy macarons at Maelu and just kept talking. I even found a few interesting books about dream interpretation on my way home. John has a reference to Kleist's tragedy Penthesilea tattooed on his collarbone - Küsse/Bisse ("das reimt sich, und wer recht von Herzen liebt, kann schon das eine für das andre greifen"). He is a Scorpio with impeccable taste and sends me songs he plays for me on the guitar / Cocteau Twins tunes upon waking up. I really needed this.
Having my students create English comics with Pixton. I love how much their avatars actually look like them! I hope they had fun, too.
The smell of cherry-flavoured candy wafting through the air.
Semolina pudding with banana. The subtle heat does something to the bananas; the combination is simply delicious.
I watched the first season of Chef's Table and was really impressed by Francis Mallmann. I admire his courage and lifestyle. The constant change he craves. The way he speaks foreign languages and just bravely does his very own, unique thing. I want to live like that, too.
A crystal clear view of the Orion constellation.
Very fine snow powder against the sunlight. As if it was raining glitter.
Feeling cool and confident. A fleeting feeling but it makes such a big difference.
When we practice forgiveness, we let go of shame. Embedded in our shame is always a sense of being unworthy. It separates. Compassion and forgiveness reconnect us. / reading bell hooks' all about love.
Mustering up enough motivation to go through all my stuff in the basement and put a few items on eBay. I'd been putting this off for years now.
I'm amazed how good my phone camera is. I took some pictures in the pitch-black forest and you can make out the moonlight on the path and even see star constellations on the photo.
Spending quality time with a cuddly kitty boi.
Blue corn quesadillas prepared for me by a bloody gorgeous Mexican metalhead.
Writing that message I should have written weeks ago (letting Simon know that I wasn't particularly  interested in dating him anymore).
Trolli burgers. The best gummy candy out there. Arguably the most fun. I love being able to disassemble my food and eat it layer by layer.
John's story about that acid trip on a boat somewhere in the ocean off the Colombian coast. They lay under the bright moonlight and were suddenly surrounded by Gray whales communicating with each other through song.
The spicy smell of a fresh, moist loaf of rye bread. Eating it with soured butter and salt.
The first snowdrops of the year.
Another one about the moon: walking home late one evening there was a lunar corona in the fog. I loved how the light illuminated my arms in that cool, white light.
The morning after the worst weekend in months or maybe even years (with both a mental breakdown and a medical emergency because misery loves company, eh?) Waking up early, pain-free. With a little spark of excitement and motivation. Just lying around for an hour in the darkness. Meditating. Falling back asleep for a little while. Getting up eventually, brushing my teeth and hair, painting my nails.
Painting more. Just experimenting with colour, intuitively. Without putting pressure on myself. The other night I painted with oil pastels and chalky pastel crayons while watching Dawson's Creek (I successfully avoided this series for 20 years and now, in my thirties, I start watching it?).
Bananas with nut butter, dark chocolate and sea salt.
Meditating with the blanket covering my nose. Breathing in fresh laundry smell.
Riding home from school with Anastasia, talking about diving adventures.
Reading Jill Heinerth's book Into the Planet. Her career as an explorer and cave diver is breathtakingly exciting. I couldn't put that memoir down. And it made me even more antsy. I'm really unhappy and bored right now - I wanna go out and learn something new, explore, live a little more.
Going to work without make-up. In the last ten or even fifteen years I put on make-up every single day I went to school. I'm done. Lockdown made me come to terms with the look of my bare face.
Learning about Antarctica cruises. It only takes about 24hours to reach the area from Argentina! I'd really love to go but the cruises are crazy expensive.
My house plants sprouting new leaves.
The moment the pain suddenly stops and you can breathe again.
Tropical breakfast. Banana, kiwi, mango, pineapple. And plain yoghurt. Decidedly non-tropical.
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judesstfrancis · 3 years
so I was late to asking u things and I don't want u to have to repeat yourself so answer all the questions in the thing that you haven't already answered thank u 😌
the way I had to pull out my laptop to answer these bc I couldn’t keep them straight on my phone clipboard................ fdskjfsdkj I think I’m gonna put most of these under a read more so they don’t take up too much dash space. thank u!! <3
zinc white; how are you really feeling today? no one-word answers please!
honestly I’m great! it is currently almost 2 in the morning but my day was nice, I got some new clothes, did my laundry, made a good dinner...good vibes all around, loving it for me rn
yellow ochre; name an artist/band whom you just discovered & can’t get enough of!
I haven’t really listened to a lot of new music lately dkfjskj I think the most recent new artist I started listening to was orville peck?? but that was back in like february
naples yellow; where do you feel most at home?
uhh when I’m at home. yes I’m a homebody <3
raw sienna; with whom do you feel most at home? 
truly it’s with the thots I just feel so at ease
golden ochre; describe the relationship you have with your closest friend.
it’s just easy, u know? like no matter what we’re doing, even if we’re just vibing on our own together, it’s nice. I can tell them absolutely anything and it’s not weird and I don’t have to force it out at all
cadmium orange; what do you like to do on your days off?
ok first I always see if any of my friends are busy fkdjsfkj and if they aren’t I see if they wanna just chill or w/e but otherwise just like. turning some music up and sitting in my room with a book/a couple movies I love is ideal for me on a day off. I am very simple I just like to chill
orange lake; do you have anyone you can turn to when you’re sad?
yes! there are two whole people in this world that I spill absolutely everything to bc I trust them with my life and esp when I’m sad bc they always make me feel better. talking to them when I’m having A Day is like I vent and instantly I am normal again. they know who they are I’m sure but for transparency’s sake, it’s u (robin) and maya, no one else gets to unlock my tragic backstories <3
titans; do you prefer slow mornings or relaxing evenings? 
relaxing evenings!
shakhnazaryan red; are you currently binge-watching anything? 
actually I am currently rewatching cycles 1 through 22 of america’s next top model, I’m on like cycle 5 rn I think. having the time of my life, thanks for asking
red ochre; are you more right-brained (creative) or left-brained (analytical)?
I am very much more into creative endeavors, like work-wise, but I feel like the way I think about things is much more analytical. like I prefer Making things, writing or various crafts or what have u, but even when I create I think about the things I’m doing like analytically?? so ig left-brained
burnt sienna; is there a painting that brings you peace when you look at it? 
boy with squirrel by john singleton copley. I love him
english red; what animal do you relate to most?
interesting question! I have no idea. maybe birds? like a finch, maybe. they seem like they have fun
cadmium red; do you have a “type” when it comes to a significant other? 
this one is hard for me to answer bc like. I truly have no idea what a “type” is idk if that’s an ace thing or what. no? maybe? all the people I’ve had crushes on have been vastly different, in terms of like physical looks so probably not actually. I’m not attracted to muscular people tho bc I don’t think they have feelings <3
carmine; what does your ideal second date look like?
once again I have never pictured a date. I just want to hold hands! I think for the ideal first date question I said it just had to be going somewhere where we could Do things together, like walking around a museum or going through shops downtown or something, and that does still apply here, but for the sake of shaking it up, uhh...idk maybe staying in and watching a movie. like not at a theater no one needs to know my business like that but like. at a House. whoever’s, I’m not picky, again ideally I just want to hold hands.
madder lake red; would you ever kiss someone (or accept a kiss) on a first date?
yes. literally if the first thing u do is kiss me I am okay with it. I’m 23 someone just take the shot and kiss me already I’m going crazy over here
quinacridone rose; what’s something you’re really looking forward to? 
really looking forward to the holidays personally I got everyone some really good gifts this year and I can’t wait to hand them out. also my copy of 13 storeys is supposed to finally ship out this week, for real this time! so that’s exciting too
violet rose; what does your dream house look like? 
u know that idealized house with the yellow paint and the white trim? yes. just small and cute and homey
violet; is there any place in particular you’d like to settle down? 
I guess not?? I’d like to be somewhere near my mom bc she’s important to me but like. as long as I’m living with someone I love it doesn’t really matter where I don’t think
blue lake; what would you like to do/accomplish before you settle down?
uh. settling down to me equates to like falling in love and living together so honestly that could happen any time. I need to get a job before we live together so I can like Help Out but like. really any time
cobalt blue spectral; what is the most beautiful place you have ever been to?
I have not been to a lot of places! I’ve been to new york, and san diego, and like. phoenix outside of where I live so. actually if I can include like buildings in places I would like to say that one opera house I went to in new york. I learned I wasn’t a fan of operas BUT I also learned those chandeliers were cool as hell
ultramarine; when was the last time you were in a good mood? do you know/remember what sparked it?
I’m usually in a good mood, I think? my baseline mood is genuinely just like. happy/chill, pero I think the last time I felt Euphoria (tm) was a couple days ago when my mom and I made a really nice dinner together and my brother was there and we just played board games all night
blue; what’s the most recent dream you remember?
I have this recurring habit of waking up from dreams but only barely so when I fall back asleep it feels like I just woke up within the dream? anyway the last one was like that but in one of the times I ‘woke up’ I looked out the window and instead of outside there was like this. static photo of buffalo grazing in open fields?? and it was like green screened kinda, so when I move the image moved with my line of sight it was weird. that’s how I knew it was a dream and woke myself up again, only to immediately fall back asleep and feel like I was waking up from a dream within a dream again
bright blue; what does your dream family look like? any kids or pets? how many of each?
I think living with friends would be cool. like I want to have a significant other I live with but also if we lived with other friends that would be fun. kids, maybe! would be something I’d have to discuss with whatever partner I have in the future. if yes to kids, max two. also I don't want babies, preferably I would adopt older children. pets absolutely, however many doesn’t matter. I’m open to just living in a house with the love of my life and like twelve dogs, that’s ok with me
blue cobalt; do you like your name? would you give yourself a different name if you could?
I do like my name! I think it’s nice and it feels like it fits me. I don’t think I’d change it ever, but if I did I think maybe I’d go with jude bc yes I do love to project <3
prussian azure; what’s your favorite scent?
it’s a tie between suntan lotion and the lumber aisle of any hardware store
azure blue; what’s your favorite type of tea, if any?
vanilla rooibos tea supremacy!
turquoise blue; if you could start a garden, what would you plant?
lots of flowers, first of all. also some kitchen herbs. maybe some fruits!
cerulean blue; if you were guaranteed to have a viewership, would you start a youtube vlog?
yes <3 I want to force people to listen to my pretentious horror opinions and get paid for it
glauconite; describe your body without using any negative adjectives.
look I just have to say it: I’m hot. last night I took a photo and saw my nose from the side and went “omg who IS she” like it’s cute. I’M cute. I’ve seen my ass in the mirror and nothing can top it, sorry
yellow green; picture yourself walking in a field. what do you see & hear in this scenario?
all I’m getting is those scenes from horror movies where eerie whistling starts and like birds start going crazy
green light; are you in a comfortable place in life? if not, what do you think might make it better?
I think so?? I’d like to be more financially secure, pero. I think for the most part yeah I’m alright
green; name three countries you want to visit; do you have any actual plans in place to visit any of them?
ireland and greece for sure, ireland is the one I have most planned out in my head. ig maybe england for the third one, just bc I know my mom wants to go and also I’m very bad at geography so I don’t know what counts as a country. I had to look all these up, I do want to visit them tho, genuinely! esp ireland
emerald green; do you speak any languages besides english? are there any additional languages you want to learn?
the one I’m most fluent in is spanish! and I’m still cracking along at russian, currently I can hold a conversation with like a 4 year old and we can understand each other, it’s pretty cool. I really wanna get into learning irish!! I have a few resources downloaded onto my phone I just haven’t gotten around to it yet
oxide of chromium; what’s your favorite book?
a little life <3 yes I hate it when things are sad just to be sad yes this is my favorite book I contain multitudes
mars brown; what’s a movie that always puts a smile on your face/makes you laugh?
the burbs! I’ve seen it so many times but it always hits
burnt umber; what’s something you plan to do before the day is over to take care of yourself?
the day IS over it’s like two thirty am now but uh. drink some water before I sleep probably
voronezhskaya black; what or who is your go-to outlet for when you need to vent?
I post the “kirby’s fucking pissed” meme on twitter and then I ask u (robin) if I can yell for like five minutes and then I feel valid and then I am normal again
payne’s gray; describe your aesthetic?
it’s a little bit jock and it’s a little bit 1980s skater boy but the best way I can really Describe it is just “gay”
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xfulldreamerx · 5 years
Why it's important for Peru's youth to have a Skam remake
Disclaimer: This is an informal essay. I'm not basing any of this on scientific studies, but in my own and other's personal experiences and general knowledge as Peruvian teenagers.
Being a Peruvian teenager is hard, as in every other country in the world. There's few to no representation of the LGBT+ Community, and the Feminism is so criticized and forced on screen that true attempts to make it work are drowned by TV companies who just want to achieve a social agenda that will get them more viewers. We have grown up in a society where, thought it's true that working women are everywhere, a lot of them still think that their children have to ask the father for permission. The political crisis is bigger than ever, with a now non-existent Congress because it was mostly conformed by the opposition political party and didn't want to approve a law that would assure gender approach and sexual education on public and private schools (and that's only the peak of the iceberg). Religion has a great deal to do with that: it's influence is so big here that people can’t get proper education on important matters, such as sexuality, gender equality, civilism and social science.
However, youth is rising. When the Congress tried to approve a law that meant superior institutes students would work for free for almost three years, the march that prevented it was huge and unstoppable. When the most shameful judicial scandal of our history was unveiled, we young people were on the streets, demanding a reorganization of the National Court. Marches and protests are an essential and constantly present event on our daily lives now, even if not all of us participate in them. Chile and Bolivia - not to mention Venezuela - have bigger and and more notorious issues, but that doesn’t make our country invisible. You will never hear a single Peruvian saying that they’re proud of their country because of its Government. We all talk about our delicious food (‘Best culinary destiny of the world!’) and our breathtaking touristic places (Peru: the world’s catalog!’). We always complain about politics and society, thought. Peru is a racist, misogynist, homophobic country who says is inclusive and loves its culture, but has so much centralization that most people don’t know and don’t care about what’s happening outside the capital, Lima. We scream that we’re one of the most biodiverse countries on earth, but not that we're also the least ranked country in Latin America regarding education. In fewer words, were hypocrites.
Now imagine you’ve grown up in this environment: nationalism and occidentalization is everywhere, you say you’re proud of your country because that’s what your family taught you, and, suddenly, you’re thrown into reality. Peru is beautiful, but so wasted that you notice it’s all an act. Mining and external private investments represent the highest economic income, but that money is not well used and the contamination is killing children of blood and lungs diseases. Education in public primary and secondary schools is a joke. There’s a lot of good public colleges, but they’re so inside politics that corruption has rotten their roots and young people do whatever they can to attend private colleges instead.   We all wish to get out of this hellhole of a country, and our parents want us to - it's the least we can do, because Peru has no remedy. We're a third world, underdeveloped country, and that's never going to change because people is ignorant and do nothing to invest themselves into politics or society issues. It's sad, and frustrating, so you just want to finish studying, get a job and then fly out of here.
Daily life is another matter. Middle class is the biggest population here, with poverty close at 20 percent or something like that. That means some of us can afford food and some vanities, but not in excess. Supermarkets exist, but markets more common, often visited by middle-low class house wifes who only go to Metro and Plaza Vea - famous supermarkets chains here - when they want to show off or have additional income. Teenagers are so surrounded by American culture and European expectations that save money to shop on the mall and drink Starbucks. Believe me when I say those things are expensive here, because they are. We all want the most cliché stuff you can imagine: Adidas clothes, Converse shoes, Ariana Grande songs and Corona beers. I know that's a lot of generalization, but that's our perception of American and European culture: you're advanced, sophisticated and beautiful. Indigenous people leave their customs and traditions because they wish to be accepted by us, wanna-be's. We teach them to speak Spanish and then English, to dress 'properly' with t-shirts and pants, to not paint their faces and vanish their accent as much as possible. Teenagers are the firsts to fall for all that bullshit, because we think it will make us fit into society seamlessly.
Now, don't get me wrong. We have also learned to respect, but all the unconscious racists and homophobic comments are said too many times as joke to state that we've changed. As I mentioned before, education does anything for this, and a lot of families are very closed-minded. We're raised to believe in heteronormativity and white supremacy as if they were natural laws. Many of us are short, dark-skinned and dark-eyed, so every time we see a tall, blond and blue-eyed person we are awed and have this desire to be like them - they are more accepted, you know, cooler. Our indigenous heritage is something shameful, so that's why we say we're 'half-bloods': yes, we descend from the Incas, but also from Spanish conquerors, so it's all fine. Teenagers dance to reggaeton and pop, but almost none of them to huayno or saya, typical and amazing Peruvian dances. We value our culture, but distance ourselves from it. This new and modern generation is meant to be global, so we don't have to pay attention to them. We drink and smoke, we party and talk about Netflix shows. See? We're like you!
I don't know if my goal of making every person who reads this understand Peruvian context was accomplished. Nowadays, all TV is filled with the same Mexican Telenovelas copies, long, dramatic and unrealistic series that exaggerate society, and trash reality shows that are meant to give us pointless and cheap entertainment. All our pop culture (like going to a minimarket called Tambo and going home on microbuses) is forgotten, avoided, because they'll show the neglected streets, dirty sidewalks and all the other stuff that would put in evidence that we're not as pretty or exotic as the rest of the world thinks. A gay couple who dares to walk and kiss in public is told to leave that place. Sexual assault is diminished and not punished. Islam is almost non-existent and very judged. We need Skam because young people need the representation that awesome show would give us. They could talk about politics because we're also starting to, about feminism because the young women here are not ashamed of it anymore (for the most part), about the LGBT+ Community because homophobic marches and and gender discrimination are allowed and normalized, about other religions besides christianity because the church has to stop it's influence on the Government. My hope for Skam here comes from the wish of a country who is inclusive, multi-colored and respectful of it's multiculturalism. The need of something that shows us as we truly are, flawed but with the possibility of change, is bigger than ever.
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solange-lol · 5 years
got to get you into my life
AUctober Day 13 - High School AU (check out @solangeloweek for prompts)
Words: 2,836
Read on Ao3
Will Solace walked into the coffee shop on the corner of a road he’s never been down. It’s a little place called The Silver Kettle. He wasn’t surprised to see it was already full of students with laptops and textbooks, cradling cups of coffee like it’s their lifeline.
He was hoping that, since he had never heard of it, much less been there, that it might be emptier than the various Starbucks and libraries in and near his town. Unfortunately for him, not even going to study in the next town over can help him escape the hell that is midterms.
Will’s tests were scheduled twice a day, leading up to Christmas break, and had taken the courageous decision to not start studying yet. It was currently a Thursday, and his first two tests, Chemistry and Latin, were scheduled for that coming Monday. Which meant that Will was running out of time.
He spotted one open chair at what appeared to be an empty table, towards the back of the shop. He quickly pays for a large hot chocolate and a blueberry muffin (+1 point for the rainbow flag that was hanging on the wall behind the counter) and makes his way over there before the seat gets taken.
Will realizes, though, as he approaches the table, that he was wrong. Nearly blending in with the dark wood from the wall was a kid dressed in all black with dark hair. The boy had earbuds in, and like most of the other students, had a pile of notebooks, textbooks, and an accordion folder that was overflowing with study guides and miscellaneous paper.  The other chairs must have been taken and added to other tables for study groups because only the kid’s chair, and the chair that Will was planning to take remained at the table.
Will knew that, realistically, the boy wouldn’t care if he sat down and worked too, or at the very least would understand. Still, his heart pounded as he set down his cup on the table.
The boy glanced up for a moment, pulling an earbud out as Will opened his mouth to speak.
“Hey, uh, sorry. There’s only one seat left and I really need to study. Can I…?” he gestured towards the empty chair.
The boy just nodded, already putting his earbud back in. Will breathed a sigh of relief. Shrugging his heavy backpack and placing it down with a thud. He opened it, getting out his chemistry textbook, trying to put off his Latin work as long as possible.
After an hour or so, though, Will felt like he was drowning in element names and conversion equations. He still didn’t want to attempt his Latin work yet, so he procrastinated by fooling around on his phone for a while.
Eventually, as his phone battery dropped lower, as did his study time for the day before he had to get home, he decided to bite the bullet and pulled out his Latin notebook.
Latin was his first period class, meaning if he wasn’t half-asleep, he was probably joking around with Lou Ellen in the back of their class. (Giving into her requests was probably his biggest weakness; he probably should have just stuck with taking French).
“Is that Latin?” The boy across from Will spoke, startling him and snapping him out of his trance down at the paper. For the first time, Will got a good look at his face.
He had olive-toned skin with a slender jaw and chocolate eyes that shone like broken glass. His hair, so dark it was nearly black, was wavy with curls that hung in front of his eyes and around his ears.
He was gorgeous.
And he was also waiting for Will to answer his question.
“Huh? Oh, yeah, it is,” Will replied, shaking his head. “I’m completely useless at it though.”
“I could help you out if you want?” the boy offered. “Is it for a midterm?”
“Yeah, on Monday,” Will managed. It felt like his heart had leapt into his throat. “Do you take Latin too?”
The boy flushed slightly. “Oh, um, no, not exactly. Not anymore, at least,” he said shyly, shrugging as he spoke. “My dad made me learn it when I was younger.”
Will wanted to accept his invitation. He wanted nothing more than to spend the next few hours sitting next to this kid, working up the courage to ask for his number. Unfortunately, one glance at his phone confirmed that he really needed to get going soon.
“Can I take you up on that offer another day?” Will asked with a slight wince. “I really need to get home soon, but we could meet here tomorrow, same time if you can? I’ll buy you a coffee of a muffin or whatever you want-” Will rambled on, but was interrupted by the boy laughing.
“Tomorrow is fine, um-”  he said with another smile, then paused as Will realized he had never introduced himself.
“Will. Will Solace,” he said quickly
Nico smiled again, practically glowing in the soft afternoon sunlight that seeped through the window. “Nico di Angelo,” he said, sticking out a hand. Will stopped packing up his bag so he could shake it.
“See you tomorrow, Solace,” Nico said as they both stepped out of the building. He waved as he began to walk in the opposite direction of Will’s car.
Will just stood and waved back, catching one last glance of that smile before he turned around.
“So what you’re telling me is you flirted with some guy, planned a date, and then forgot to ask for his number?” Lou Ellen asks in a louder voice than necessary as they walked to lunch.
“Lou, be quiet, ” he hissed as a few heads turned to glance at them. He was out to essentially the entire school, but that didn’t mean they needed to know the details of his failed love life.
It was true, Will had realized that once he had gotten home. Now with no way to communicate with Nico, (Will had already searched for his Instagram,) he just had to pray that Nico would show up today.
“Besides, we didn’t flirt. And it’s not a date,” Will added as they sat down. “He just happens to be incredibly cute and also incredibly skilled in Latin.”
“Mhm,” Lou Ellen raised an eyebrow, taking a bite of her granola bar as she stared him down.
Will glared at her, trying to push away the heat spreading in his cheeks as he stabbed his salad with his fork. “Shut up.”
“I didn’t say anything,” she held up her hands in surrender. “Just, next time you find love at a coffee shop, make sure you bring me along.”
“I wasn’t sure if you were going to show up,” Will said, sliding an iced coffee across the table per Nico’s request. “But I’m glad you did.”
The shop was a little emptier than it was the previous day, which was good after Nico came nearly ten minutes after they had originally planned to meet. Though, to be fair, there was never really a set time.
Nico smiled. “Well, I did need a new charity case.” At Will’s glare, he just grinned wider. “I’m kidding! It’s not like I use my Latin skills on a daily basis. Only to help hopeless blonde boys who have terrible taste in baked goods.”
Will looked up from his muffin. (They were good, okay?) to see Nico wrinkling his nose. “What do you have against blueberry muffins?”
Nico rolled his eyes, ignoring Will’s question. “Let’s just get started.”
Their shoulders brushed as Nico sat down next to him, and sparks spread up Will’s arm and through his body.
Why did he think this would be a good idea?
Two hours and one muffin later, Will’s head was spinning.
Nico was still scanning Will’s notes (“your handwriting is atrocious, Solace,”) seemingly unfazed. “How would you say-”
“Can we take a break?” Will asked, rubbing his eyes.
Nico gave him a look. “Didn’t you say your test is on Monday?”
“Yeah, but,” Will took a deep breath, stretching as he did so. “If  I have to conjugate another verb I think I’m gonna lose it.”
Nico didn’t look entirely convinced; nevertheless, he closed Will’s notebook.
Will leaned back in his chair. “Wanna play twenty questions?”
Nico’s eyebrows furrowed, but an amused smile spread across his face. After a moment, he replied “Sure.”
“Alright. How many languages do you know?”
Nico laughed. “I don’t think this is how twenty questions works”
“Too bad. Answer the question,” Will smiled.
“Define know,” Nico asked.
“Know as in you can say at least two sentences in it.”
Nico looked up at the ceiling for a moment; he appeared to be counting on his fingers quietly. After a moment, he looked back at Will. “Six.”
Will look dumbfounded. “No way. What languages?”
“English, obviously, and then my mother was from Italy so I grew up learning Italian, my father made me learn Latin, I was required to take Spanish at school for eight years, I’m learning Greek now, and I’m in the ASL club at my school,” Nico listed off.
Will just sat there, wide-eyed. Of course, the beautiful kid he met at a random coffee shop was also extremely smart. Life wasn’t fair like that, and yet amazing at the same time.
“What about you?” Nico asked.
Will shrugged. “English. Some French, though I kind of forget a lot. Clearly not Latin. And I know a few ASL words, not enough to really know it.”
“Just enough to curse at friends without teachers or parents knowing what you’re saying?” Nico grinned, his head now leaning on his hand as he leaned closer to Will. It was intoxicating.
Will grinned, almost breathless. “Exactly.”
They continued to go back and forth as Will asked the next question. “Favorite subject?”
“English. You?”
“Chemistry. And stop copying my questions. Least favorite subject?”
“Creative, Solace. Math. What do you want to do with your life?”
“Medicine, probably. Or maybe some sort of teacher. You?”
“I thought we weren’t copying questions. And I have literally no idea. Any pets?”
“A dog. Can I have your number?”
They both stopped short at Will’s question. Nico’s face flushed as Will tried to figure out where the heck that confidence came from.
Will coughed. “In case I need a Latin tutor for finals, I mean.”
“Oh! Um, yeah, of course,” Nico nodded, and Will noticed some of his smile fades. Nevertheless, he held out his phone for Nico.
“So, um, should we get back to studying before they kick us out of here?” Nico asked, handing Will’s phone back.
Will had been back to The Silver Kettle a few times after his midterm was over. Each time he saw Nico, but the boy was so wrapped up in his schoolwork that he didn’t want to bother him. And, yeah, he could have texted him, but Will couldn’t ever work up the courage to do it. He wanted to see Nico in person again.
(And he had to do it soon before the store ran him broke. To be fair, their blueberry muffins were really good.)
“Why are you coming with me again?” Will sighed Lou Ellen as they walked across the street towards the shop.
“Because you'll wimp out if I don’t. And if you don’t do it now, then Nico is going to think you’re some sort of weirdo stalker.” Lou Ellen linked their arms. “And because I would love to find someone to tutor me. I do need some help in Chemistry.”
Will shoved her slightly. “I could help you with Chemistry.”
“Yeah, but it wouldn’t be half as fun as finding my true love in a random coffee shop.”
They unlinked their arms just in time to step into the shop together. Once again, Will immediately spotted Nico in the corner, once again at the same abandoned table. Hardly anyone was there this time, due to midterms being almost completely over, but the boy was still hunched over a notebook.
“Is that him?” Lou Ellen whispered. Will just nodded, shoving his hands into his coat pockets. “Well then what are you waiting for?” she asked, shoving him towards Nico. Will glanced back with fear in his eyes, but Lou just winked at him before getting on line.
Will took a deep breath, walking towards the table. Nico looked up once he got close, eyes sparkling as he pulled his earbuds out, much like when they first met. “To what do I owe the honor, Solace? I thought you were avoiding me.”
“No, um, not avoiding you,” Will said, laughing nervously. “Just busy. I got an 88  on my Latin midterm.”
“Hm. That probably could’ve been better if you actually paid attention while we were studying,” Nico said with an amused smile as he sipped his coffee.
“I don’t know about that. I was expecting a 70, so I really appreciate you helping me.”
“You’re welcome,” Nico smiled. “I guess this means you won’t need a tutor for your final?”
“Oh no, I definitely will. Plus, we never finished our game of twenty questions,” Will pointed out.
“You are right about that.”
“But, um,” Will took a deep breath. “I was thinking we could finish our game before that. Maybe somewhere besides this place? We could go out to lunch or something?”
Nico looked up, cheeks turning red all the way up to his ears. “Like a date?”
Will nodded. “Yeah, a date. Is that a yes”
“Yes. That would be good,” Nico smiled.
“Cool. I’ll text you. See you later, Nico.”
“Later, Will.”
Lou Ellen followed him on the way out, handing him a cup of hot chocolate on the way out. “Did you do it?”
“Yeah,” Will smiled. “Yeah, I did it.”
Six months later, Will found himself stepping into The Silver Kettle once again with a backpack full of study guides and textbooks. Though, this time, he knew he had someone waiting for him.
“Took you long enough,” Nico rolled his eyes as he slid iced tea and a muffin across the table to Will. Now with the June weather, it was too warm for Will to be ordering hot chocolate. However, blueberry muffins fit every season.
Nico still wrinkled his nose at them. It was only a few weeks into their relationship that he admitted he despised any sort of baked fruit, which Will stored away for later. Now he just smiled contently at his boyfriend.
“You do realize we still have to study, right?” Nico asked as he opened his laptop, glasses already perched on his nose. (It took a few months for him to get comfortable wearing them around Will, who thought he looked adorable.) “Your Latin final isn’t going to pass itself, and neither is my Chem exam.”
Will grinned wider. “Hold on,” he said, whipping out his phone to take a picture of the two of them. Nico pretended to scowl as he flipped off  the camera.
Once Will checked the photo, he laughed. “Hey! Can’t you do one nice one?”
Nico shook his head. “Nope, sorry.”
“You’re mean,” Will frowned, but there was no real sadness behind it. “Don’t you know that we met exactly six months ago?”
Nico smiled. “Yeah, and your Latin hasn’t improved at all.”
“Hey! At least now I’m passing!”
“Thanks to my help,” Nico pointed out, and Will just leaned over to kiss him. If they were anywhere else, Nico wouldn’t have let him (he wasn’t the biggest fan of PDA, although they did hold hands all the time). By this point, though, they were regulars at The Silver Kettle that nobody who worked there paid attention, much less cared.
“Should we play twenty questions in honor of us meeting?” Nico asked.
“Technically we didn’t play twenty questions until sixth months ago tomorrow,” Will said, to which Nico rolled his eyes. “But if it means we can put off studying, then of course. You go first.”
“Okay, if you had to get a tattoo of something right now, what would you get?”
Will smiled. “Your face.”
“You would not.”
“You’re right, I wouldn't,” Will laughed. “But it is a very pretty face.”
“Well thank you-” Nico started to say, but Will interrupted.
“Okay, my turn. I love you.”
This time around, Nico didn’t hesitate to speak. “You didn’t answer my question. And that’s not a question either,” he as pink spread across his cheeks.
“But, I love you too,” Nico said, surprising Will when he leaned over to kiss him. When they broke apart, Nico spoke again. “Now answer my question, or I’ll start quizzing you on Latin vocab.”
Will grinned. “A blueberry muffin.”
“Shut up. I take it back, I hate you.” Nico said, failing to hide a smile.
“No, you don’t” Will kissed his cheek.
“No,” Nico said, pulling him into another kiss that tasted of blueberries. “No, I don’t.”
Thanks for reading! Solangelo tag list below! (Message me to be added/removed! Sorry if I missed you, I forget to update this list)
@internallyexplodingrainbows @aleclight-ofmylife-wood @unicornsgomooo @anxiouswinter @soulangelou @number-of-fucks-i-give-0 @underworldystuff @theeloquentsnake @solangelover@thefandomsaretakingover @internallyexplodingrainbows​ @hairasuntouchedaspartoftheamazon​ @motivatedcryptidtamer @emilyfairchild @wherethewildthingsare-nt @my-face-is-a-potato @hetapeep41 @blavk-dahlia
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