#peacefull aesthetic
pangeen · 1 year
“ Escape “ // © Nate Dodge
Original Audio
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joeswildlifephotos · 2 years
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Wild Camping
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morimatea · 2 years
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Within a luxurious setting of serenity and pure tranquillity, you are cocooned in total comfort and refinement, away from the frenzy and madding chaos of the city life outside.
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freyatarotreadings8 · 11 months
Important Self Coaching Questions:
📌What is important to you in life? Success, inspiration, comfort, aesthetic, travels, nature, art, peacefull mind. It's so important to turn dreams into reality
📌What makes your heart beat faster? Cinema, psychology, spirituality, hypnosis
📌What's pissing you off? Wars all over the world. Irresponsible individuals. Also it's such a torture to wait someone/something. Faux spirituality.
📌When do you feel most alive? When I laugh. Pain also is a powerful emotion
📌What do you value most in your friends? Honesty, loyalty, similar goals/interests
📌How do family/friends describe you? Who are you in their eyes?Stubborn, goal oriented, confident, strategic, a great teacher, a good listener, an enlightening person
📌What do you value in your work? I enjoy connecting with people. I'm so glad that I'm able to change lives of others for better. I provide life changing experiences via hypnotherapy and coaching. Also I give so may insights to others as a tarot reader
📌What are you saying “Yes” to? “No” to what? YES to strategies, self improvement, studies I need to say more YES to sport NO to toxic people
📌What touches you deeply? Powerful life stories of others. 📌What inspires you? My own experience. The way I saved myself, found a life purpose and decided to start a healing journey. Biographies of historical figures and influencers.
📌What do you care about? Mental health, healthy relationships, self love, spirituality, healing
📌Which of these questions means the most to you? What is important to you in life? What do you value in your work? What inspires you? Feel free to answer these questions! I'm tagging you guys: @psychicbyspirituality @julyourwitch @mayeeshahf @llavenderlover34 @blueeyesboba @uranusdelight @kp1330 @theladybrownstarot
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simyona · 1 year
Before Reading open this ❤️👇🏼
Hello and welcome to my blog! 💜
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My ocs💜
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My AU's💜
Batim (bendy and the ink machine) AU
Doors AU
Hero AU
Sonic AU
Uwo(underworld office) AU
Southpark AU
About me💜
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My name is Simyona but I prefer to be called Simy
My height=120-125 cm
My zodiac sign is Gemini
I'm 15 years old
My personality is peacefull(usually)
My favorite colors are purple and black
My favourite snacks are chocolate cookies
My favourite Games are Starry Flowers,Toca Life and UWO(underworld Office)
My favourite book series is Warriors/Warrior Cats
I like Aesthetic,creppy and cute things
My favorite art is Abstract Art
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On this blog💖:
No 18+
No p3rvs/p3dos
No p*** bots
No homophobes No anti furries
No racists
No karens
No bullying
No insults
No pashafenko
Sometimes it's violence
Sometimes it's swearing
Anons are welcome
Feel free to speak whit me Furries are welcome
Black ppl are welcome
LGBT ppl are welcome
Black ppl are Respected
LGBT is Respected
Free hugs
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What i post💜:
Gacha ocs in my style
Cats(especially on @simyona-simyskittycat )
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My Friends💜:
And many others!
My sis 💜(Not irl) is @2laffy2
Followers are called bugs
Check out my collab blog @bestbuddies3 with my friends @cutebendy and @neko-sufis-world
And my other accout @simyona-simyskittycat
I do take art requests(the art is made irl)
feel free to ask me or Alan anything!
That's all 💜
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satoshy12 · 1 year
The Epic Journey of Ned and Bobby B.
From Targaryen to Tumble
Ned: (grunting) Robert, are you sure about this? I mean, it's the Iron Throne we're talking about here. It's not exactly a piece of furniture you toss around like a sack of potatoes."
Robert: (straining) "Damn it, Ned! This throne is cursed. Targaryen legacy, my ass! We're rid of it, and that's final. We're go to toss it into the bloody ocean if we have to."
Ned: (pausing to catch his breath) Robert, I understand your frustration, but we need to think this through. Dragon Fire forged the Iron Throne, and it's almost as tall as the room itself. Moving it would require breaking half the Red Keep walls. Plus, who's in charge of paying for damages?
Robert: (sweating) Ned, my friend, I am the king! I won't pay for these things. The realm can deal with it. Now, help me with these ropes. We're getting this ugly Targaryen chair out of here."
"Alright, Robert, on the count of three, we're going to give it everything we've got," Ned said, his voice strained with effort.
Robert nodded; his muscles tensed. "Aye, Ned. We'll show this damned Targaryen chair what happens when you mess with us!"
They took a deep breath and synchronized their movements. "One, two, three!" they shouted in unison, pulling with all their might. The ropes strained under the tremendous weight, and the Iron Throne creaked and groaned as it began to tilt.
Slowly but surely, the massive chair shifted, teetering precariously on its side. Ned and Robert's faces lit up with excitement, a spark of triumph glimmering in their eyes. They exchanged a look of disbelief, amazed that their audacious plan was actually working, as the massive chair tipped and fell to the ground with a loud sound. Both had to run away before they got hit by it.
The loud banging sound that sounded throughout the Red Keep. The sound of approaching footsteps echoed through the Throne Room. Ned's heart sank, and Robert's face twisted into frustration and amusement.
Jon Arryn, the Hand of the King, entered the room, followed by a small group of nobles. His eyes widened in shock as he saw the sight before him—the Iron Throne lying on its side. Ned and Robert desperately tried to extract it from the room while both did not looking at Jon.
"What in the Seven Hells is transpiring on here?" Jon Arryn exclaimed, his voice a mixture of astonishment coupled with a sense of anger.
Ned and Robert froze, their expressions sheepish. Ned cleared his throat, searching for an explanation: "Jon, it's just... well, we thought it was time for a change. The Iron Throne doesn't exactly fit our aesthetic, and we were trying to relocate it."
Jon Arryn's gaze shifted to his foster sons. He couldn't help but laugh; this brought him back to the time peacefull times in Vale. "Well, you certainly have a knack for making a grand statement; I'll give you that. But next time you redecorate, perhaps you could consult with me or the small council beforehand."
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reinekes-fox · 11 months
Avistrions Wing
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Going through my pictures and wanting to make some more aesthetics.
The Wing, the youth organisation in Hawks and Doves MC is a member of.
Be it proud or not, a fanatic follower or not... join special units, depending on what you will choose you can end up in a tiny peacefull village... with ten children who depend on you for survival, navigating through a war torn country and trying to uphold what you believe in.
There will be the oppurtunity to sacrifice everything for a high rank, or sacrifice everything to do the right thing. Or try and do both. Join the Court of the Night or remain human.
Now... I just have to write all this. And I cant wait.
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jstawowy · 2 years
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Colors of personality, 03.2023
A series of 16 spray-painted paintings on a 20 x 20 cm board, each of them contains different artifacts symbolizing a given type of personality according to MBTI theory. Although we rarely think about it and take it for granted as part of the scenery of our lives, colors aren't neutral at all. They have a number of cultural meanings, the symbolism of colors was used in painting to express hidden messages, and most importantly, the colors we surround ourselves with affect our mood. Usually, we don't care why some colors feel peacefull, while others feel annoying. Subconsciously, we lean towards certain of them, not being able to say what lays behind our choices. The same applies to personality – in everyday life, hardly anyone reflects on why people behave in a certain way. We don't care why some of us are more alike than others. We often don't understand why we like some people and others annoy us. We're used to attribute the negative features to those, who seems irritating to us, not understanding that usually our assessment is purely subjective and results from a mismatch in terms of the way we consume energy, collect information about the world, make decisions or organize environment. Knowing how our mind works can help us choose our surroundings more consciously, as well as build understanding and empathy towards the world around us. The work can be presented in its entirety, but also in parts, consisting of several objects.
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ENTJ (Te Ni Se Fi) The ultra-minimalist composition composed only of wire symbolizes the strong, combative personality of ENTJ, equipped with strong convictions. The wire used in the artwork is the thickest of the metal elements of the series, impossible to bend with bare hands, just like ENTJs seem to be impossible to bend only with the help of other people's mental or physical strength – sophisticated shapes were given to it with a bender. The lack of breaks in the continuity of the wire, its holistic character indicates the specific character of ENTJs, who usually go through life witha a clearly marked out by themselves path, regardless of other people's assessments. Chaotic bends symbolize difficulties in expressing one's own emotions and, sometimes, also understanding other people's emotions, rationalizing feelings. Due to the fact that yellow is usually well noticeable, it's perfect to draw the attention of anyone nearby (a warning color both in nature and in urban space – warning road signs, reflective vests). It's the color of self-confident, brave people, the color that stimulates the brain and improves memory. On the other hand, it's also identified with mental disorders and madness, as well as jealousy. Yellow color is usually associated positively, but its excess in the environment can cause discomfort in some people.
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INTJ (Ni Te Fi Se) The minimalist composition consists of only two diagonal directions - the grid lying at the very bottom indicates one of them, pieces of wire and knife the other. Despite this rather radical simplification, the pieces of wire are not arranged with exaggerated precision, they lie as if they were scattered rather than arranged, which indicates a concentration of this type of personality on principles, not details - despite their highly organized nature (J), INTJs like see the world from a broader perspective, sometimes they deliberately ignore details to follow a larger, fixed path (Ni). The metal mesh is a reference to the organized mental structure of this type of personality, the creation of a systematized network of connections between data collected from the environment (Ni), a passion for arranging things and creating minimalist, but aesthetically coherent compositions (Te). The plastic knife symbolizes the precision of the cut and the sharpness of the thoughts and words of INTJs, who are known for their sarcastic, sharp tongue. In combination with the wire cut into pieces, the knife shows an analytical, willing to cut/break down problems into smaller pieces in order to see the situation from all sides and propose an objective, holistic solution (Ni-Te). The combination of a knife and pieces of wire can also bring to mind the INTJ's often inconspicuous appearance and their stubbornness – could such an inconspicuous tool as a plastic knife be able to cut a metal wire with the right strength and motivation? Black and white have opposite cultural meanings – although both are perceived as elegant, they are also associated with the symbolism of death (in Western culture black is the funeral color, in Eastern culture it is white). Black can be warm or cold depending on the environment in which it is found, just as INTJs, who usually appear cold, distant and dark, become warm and caring to a small group of people who are really important to them.
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INFJ (Ni Fe Ti Se) A minimalist artwork, composed of two types of elements (J) – an abrasive sponge and five antique columns, each of a different order (Doric, Corinthian, Ionic, Tuscan, Composite). The columns symbolize respect for history, traditions and human rituals (Fe) – despite their future-oriented (N) and introverted nature (I), INFJs often perform most of the minor everyday rituals established by the culture in which they are brought up, fitting in with the group to which they belong (Fe). Additional value is added by the fact that the columns are handmade, from clay – on the one hand, it is a reference to the INFJ’s respect for human work, on the other hand, it symbolizes the effort they put into the commitments they undertake, regardless of whether they concern their career or relationships with other people. At the same time, the abrasive sponge indicates a secretly hardy and rough character of this type – INFJs are considered generous and kind, but they are not weak and do not bend to every request or coercion; they can be rough when needed. The sponge also symbolizes the logic behind the INFJ’s behavior, their tendency to coolly analyze the facts (Ti), despite making decisions mainly based on feeling (Fe). Gold is synonymous with nobility and wealth, and in the case of INFJ also generosity to others (Fe). It’s also the color of royalty, associated with power and wealth. It can be associated with hedonism (Se). 
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ENFJ (Fe Ni Se Ti)
The dynamic composition, composed of metal elements connected with a string into elements that are incomprehensible, but having a certain code, is intended to illustrate the complicated process of ENFJ’s reasoning (Fe Ni). Sharp edges refer to the sharpness of thinking, but also to hidden stubbornness. Circles cut in metal, similarly spaced apart, refer to the need to control the environment and create it according to one’s own will, in a way that would be good for the group (Fe Se). It also indicates precision (Ti). Red is the color of strong emotions, whether love or anger, or hate, which refers to focusing on feelings and making decisions based on them (Fe). It’s also the color of blood, which is intended to symbolize the surprising stubbornness and toughness of the usually perceived as nice and soft ENFJ.
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ESFJ (Fe Si Ne Ti)
The presence of a fork symbolizes generosity. A syringe and a bandage for dressings, identified with the health service, mean a willingness to help and a willingness to make sacrifices for others, on the rubber band stuck around it is written “it’s nice to help”. The fineliners refer to the surprisingly frequent artistic abilities of ESFJs, who usually place great value on the aesthetic qualities of things and have good taste. Red is the color of blood, passion and strong emotions, in the case of ESFJ it is a warm, metallic red, which is intended to emphasize the nature of this type ready to sacrifice for others at the expense of yourself. Blood may be a reference to one of the four personality types according to Hippocrates, the sanguine that seems to be most common among cheerful, extroverted ESFJs. Also metallic red is a warm color, opposite to ESTJ’s green.
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ISFJ (Si Fe Ti Ne)
The thread appears in two forms: in the center of the composition it’s chaotic and unraveled, in its corner the thread is arranged, rolled into a skein, which refers to the emotional, feeling-focused nature of ISFJ and acting according to what one feels (F/Fe). Paper clips thrown into the threadlike space symbolize clumps of metal that are hard to swallow for those who consider the ISFJ being week – because Fe is a function called by Jung rational (meaning that it not only perceives reality, but also evaluates it, submits it to judgment) usually nice and kind ISFJs can get their way and have very strong, unbreakable beliefs about a given topic, which they aren’t usually associated with. The paper clips arranged in one line in the corner of the composition symbolize order and a tendency to like routine, ease of finding oneself in situations and places that are hierarchical. Light beige is pleasing to the eye. It’s also a great base for other color accents, due to its delicacy and neutrality, it fits most colors.
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ISTJ (Si Te Fi Ne) The sparing composition, composed only of a metal plate and a few gloves, indicates a tendency to simplify and catalog information, to create clear divisions that don't take into account intermediate situations (Te). The gloves intertwined in a chaotic pose refer to the distance in interpersonal contacts and difficulties in opening up to other people (Fi), while following the usual etiquette, such as shaking hands or using polite expressions (Si) – the glove separates the hand from the hand of another person, it's also a symbol of elegance and many situations related to history/culture. In the early Middle Ages, gloves became part of the coronation and liturgical attire of kings and bishops, began to be considered a symbol of dignity and power. Throwing the glove is provoking someone to react, fight, compete, polemic – ISTJs who value peace (I) rarely enter into open confrontations, but they are never afraid of them, and when someone offends their internal value system (Fi) they're able to challenge him to a duel, defending their honor (or someone important to them) and knightly dignity. A metal plaque with cut-out symbols of the largest religious systems and atheism indicates the great respect that ISTJs have for tradition, and at the same time the difficulty of breaking away from them and the frequent reluctance to change the existing paradigms (Si). At the same time, copper, as a metal characterized by high plasticity and the only metal that is covered with verdigris (patina) over time, symbolizes that the seemingly unchanging, fierce in its views ISTJ also sometimes changes over time, especially if he sees logical explanations for change and novelty (Te). 
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ESTJ (Te Si Ne Fi)
Most of the elements of the composition are well organized, the whole space is filled, the composition seems to be static except for the element extending beyond the edge, which (as well as the crushed, quite chaotic in that organized composition tubes of glue) symbolizes the ESTJ’s tendency to break the rules, if ESTJ believes they are illogical and stupid. Tall, cylindrical elements refer to the multi-level nature of ESTJs, usually paradoxically portrayed as shallow and bossy – lying in fourth place Fi makes ESTJ people with a strong internal moral code and beliefs, who will do anything to fulfill their duties. Also despite a strong Te and leadership tendencies they’re also strongly connected with people whom they respect, their loved ones and willing to sacrifice a lot for them. Deep green is a natural, eye-friendly color that provides peace and a sense of comfort – the gigantic organizational skills of ESTJs provide their loved ones with a sense of security, being well taken care of, they are also salutary in the workspace. When they’re too high, ESTJ can stress people around them, but when they’re optimal, ESTJs bring to the space they find themselves in invigorating and necessary order.
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ESTP (Se Ti Fe Ni) The artwork is composed of depicting, realistic elements (S). The jaw cast pieces symbolize the five human senses, thus referring to the highly experience-focused nature of ESTP (Se). The detail of the casts indicates the ability to notice changes in reality that are elusive for other personality types – ESTP will easily notice subtle changes in the expression of the interlocutor's face or a changes in the interior design. Seemingly trivial office clips (because they are sometimes used by students of the art department to hold large sheets of paper to boards, and in their original purpose they are used, among others, to organize office work by fastening segregated documents together) symbolize a high sense of aesthetics which, although not usually associated with ESTP, often accompanies this type of personality. The arranged structure (T/Ti) is disturbed by an abstract metal element resembling a section of a network of connections, some incomprehensible structure (N/Ni). Bright green has an paradoxical meaning – in nature, bright colors serve to deter potential predators, inform about the venomousness of the individual equipped with them, while green itself is perceived as a soothing color, associated with life-giving vegetation. The shade of fluorescent green seems to not exist in nature, to be artificial and unnatural – at the same time it is intriguing and emanates with strength. Despite its apparent unnaturalness, green of this type occurs in nature in the form of, for example, uranium compounds or bioluminescence (which gives ESTP in this approach only additional, interesting meanings).
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ISTP (Ti Se Ni Fe)
The minimalist composition symbolizes the sparing nature of ISTPs, for whom actions are usually more important than talking about emotions. The circular arrangement of the chain is interrupted by straight lines of plastic bands, indicating a tendency to break the rules and bravery (or sometimes recklesness). The chain and plastic bands refer to the ease of analyzing and solving problems of a technical and pragmatic nature. The materials they are made of refer to hardness and logic. White is the color of purity in Western culture, but in the East it is also a funeral color, which is intended to symbolize the dualistic nature of the ISTP.
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ISFP (Fi Se Ni Te)
Chisels and brushes refer to creative, non-standard solutions that generate ISFP (Ni Te). Their arrangement symbolizes a good aesthetic sense and attention to the appearance of things (Se). A soft tangle of threads thrown chaotically on top deliberately disturbs the arrangement, introducing features that escape control. In this way, he refers to the nature of ISFP focused on one’s own interior and emotions (Fi). Violet stimulates the imagination and creativity. It is also the color of the monarchy, the most difficult to obtain by natural methods, and therefore the most expensive. Light purple is often used in beauty products because of the calmness and sense of harmony it brings.
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ESFP (Se Fi Te Ni)
The central arrangement of elements refers to the recognizable character of ESFP that brings a lot of movement to any environment. Chaotically arranged, small, round elements around the dominant suggest a tendency to disorganization (P). Bubble wrap is a symbol of fun and lightheartedness. A metal rod bent into a circle refers to the ability to logically analyze problems and solve them in a concrete way, which, although not identified with ESFP, lie dormant inside them (Te). Unnatural, bright, neon pink symbolizes the large amounts of energy. The choice of a warm color (opposite to ESTP) indicates concentration on emotions and feelings, and making decisions based on them (Fi).
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ENFP (Ne Fi Te Si)
The asymmetric, diagonal, border-crossing composition symbolizes originality, originality, sympathy for novelty (N/Ne). Chaotically folded duct tape is a symbol of lack of organization, doing things at the last minute, which sometimes happens to ENFPs (P). At the same time, this element doesn’t dominate the composition, because despite the chaotic nature, ENFPs are conscientious people, who fulfill their duties very well. A large, triangular building composed of wooden elements, the dominant feature, is a reference to generating a large number of abstract ideas (Ne). Pink is an energetic and warm color, which is identified with love, trust and hope (F/Fi).
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INFP (Fi Ne Si Te)
The composition, made of glass and partly demolished, indicates the quiet, but at the same time full of storms and storms nature of the INFP (I). The glass is delicate, it is easy to break, which symbolizes sensitivity to the world and other people (F/Fi). At the same time, broken pieces can be used to build something beautiful, which in turn refers to creativity and the ease of generating abstract ideas (N/Ne). Broken glass forms sharp edges that are sometimes easy to cut, as does the internally concrete, logical, result-oriented mind of the INFP (Y/Th). Blue is the color of peace and sadness. It is soothing and natural, pleasant to the eye (blue sea, ocean, sky), and staying in it reduces stress.
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INTP (Ti Ne Si Fe)
Structures built of seemingly disorganized, triangular shapes symbolize sympathy and ease of understanding abstract concepts and theories. The test tube in the center of the composition is a symbol of an analytical, logical approach to solving problems (Ti), as is the silver color, which is associated with metal and also with coolness. The silver foil appeals to the intrinsically soft, secretly sensitive nature of the INTP.
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ENTP (Ne Ti Fe Si)
Geometric figures indicate the nature that likes and easily understands abstraction (N). The chaotic composition is intended to emphasise the dispersal and the ability to multitask (Ne), but the beginnings of a building can be found in it, which alludes to the ease of starting projects and combining seemingly unconnectable elements into structures (Ti). Metal caps symbolize a logical, mentally focused personality, not willing to talk about emotions unless it is their analysis (Ne Ti). Gray is a neutral color, it symbolizes the need for balance and calm without manifesting feelings outside. It’s sometimes the color of hidden emotions, improves communication and means opening to substantive, emotionless discussion.
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acourtofthought · 2 years
There is that one artwork that got me into writing this ask:
Nothing against the artist, all I have to say about this art is that it's really beautiful and it took me a few days to figure out that It's actually Feysand.
It's not just this fanart but many other fanarts that take me time to realize wether It's Feysand or El/riel. I took this fanart as an example because this took me way longer. I found it on tumblr and realized it only a few days after when I went through the artist's page to see more of their art. The point is that Feysand and El/riel are just so similar in many ways. Not just aesthetically. When I see fanarts of Nessian, Elucien, Gwynriel etc. I can tell immediatly, not because they don't look like Feysand, but I also can tell just by their mood and expressions. But El/riel? Their mood is either like... shy and nice, or tough and dark. It's similar to Feysand.
Aesthetically they're the same:
Feyre and Elain = brown hair, light skin,  Full of light, but are also dark (since they always claim Elain is dark), associate with flowers in some or many ways, peacefull, both were described as fawns, warm etc.
Rhys and Azriel= black hair, dark skin, wings, very dark, mysterious, scary in some or many ways, associate with shadows, cold etc.
And their stories are also identical, if some or many el/riel theories end up being correct:
MC turns from light to dark -> Feyre lived in the spring court and had loved it's high lord + Elain associates with flowers and sunshine, people around her claim she would love the SP and her mate is heavily connected to that court. They turn from girls who are peaceful to bad girls that wear suits/armour, swing daggers and murder people. Their love interests are literal death who steal/seduce their brides from the spring dudes. Spring dudes get possesive and overprotective, they do everything to get who they think belongs to them meanwhile the dark dudes are more caring and pro- choice. The girls accept darkness and adore it, become their lovers' equals and share their positions (high lady/high lord, spies) and the spring dudes get rejected etc.
Feysand and El/riel are too similar. Even el/riels forget Feysand it the Hades&Persephone retelling, not El/riel. Sarah confirmed that.
Though, El/riel seems like a cheap version of Feysand ever since we got Azriel's POV and it became canon that he does not actually love Elain like Rhys did for Feyre from the start.
Feysand didn't really have a forbidden love story, but so doesn't El/riel. There are many reasons as to why they don't. If El/riel stans claim the bonus chapter is not important than so is their suppose forbidden love, because it literally only exists thanks to the bonus chapter..
But anyway, that's one of the reasons why I don't want an El/riel book. 
I would have bet that art was E/riel too at first glance.
I actually love what the artist did with Feyre's dress, it's such a clever way to transition her from having been in Spring to her finding her place in the Night Court but I agree, if Elain ends up remaining in the NC, her transition would look identical.
"Elain starting off in pink and flowery things (as Feyre wore in Spring) only to transition into NC Black in order to show she's now where she belongs".
The problem with that was the transition fit Feyre as she always seemed a bit out of place in Spring. You always got the vibe that that Court was like a shoe that was two sizes too tight on her.
For me, it's the reverse for Elain. She's trying on her Night Court shoe wearing black and claiming she's part of the Court and though she's insisting it's a good fit, you can tell her toes are squashed up inside of there and it's not going to be long before she's complaining of foot pain.
Honestly, ignore me because I'm not sure why I'm bringing out shoe analogies here 😂
But Azriel is Rhys 2.0. Rhys even admits as much in ACOFAS, that he's more like Az than most realize. The thing is, Elain is not like Feyre at all. And I don't mean that as an insult because I like Feyre and I like her where she's at and who she's with. But I don't want Elain to lose who she is to be better suited for Az. And that's what she'd have to become. She would not only match the aesthetic of Feysand if she were to become a spy with Az (golden brown hair, donning the Illyrian leathers, paired off with one of the "prettier" of the Bat Boys with short hair, (just like Rhys) who controls shadows the way Rhys controls night but if Rhys = Az and Rhys is a match for Feyre than whoever Az is with will have to be more like Feyre to be his match too. And absolutely nothing in the series indicates Elain and Feyre are remotely similar. If anything, Feyre and Nesta are more alike.
Seriously, all three golden brown haired sisters wearing NC black with their matching Bat Boys is becoming redundant.
Wouldn't it be a little odd for all three sisters, one who is vastly different from the other two, to not only be turned into Fae creatures but all be destined to end up in the exact same Court, with three brothers working for the same people?
Sorry but it's just difficult to believe at least one of the sisters isn't meant to shake up that picture.
It's time for some ginger representation to find its way into the mix.
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marina-is-dead · 3 years
The view from my backyard✨🌼
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artsyolivia · 5 years
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piiko · 4 years
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xxlumos · 4 years
11? 👉👈
11. Which planet would you want to call home?
Sorgan! It just gives off Cottagecore vibes and I am all here for it (and I can drink spotchka all day)
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aesthetik133 · 5 years
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Love is f r e s h
But I'm a f r a i d
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nannadacruz · 4 years
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Seek after the light 
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euphoniousvisuals · 4 years
MAde my first Cinemagraph!
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