#peak mental state
tcfactory · 2 months
An idea I will need to flesh out more for a daemon AU:
Whatever injury someone suffers will leave a mark on their daemon too. Scars, tattoos, slave brands, you know, all kinds of things will appear on the hide of the daemon. With high enough cultivation it is possible to hide these marks on someone's body, but only the highest level cultivators can make them disappear from their daemon.
Shen Qingqiu is not nearly high enough in his cultivation to heal his daemon. So he hides it instead - people know that his daemon is a wolf, but it hardly ever appears in anybody's sight, capable of wandering at seemingly endless distances of its human.
Shen Yuan transmigrates from a world that didn't have daemons and the System isn't quite cruel enough to split his soul in half like that, so he gets placed in the body of a senior cultivator who has suffered grievous trauma and a severe qi deviation after he lost his daemon in a night hunt. Shen Yuan remembers this plot point in passing, a nameless Qing Jing hallmaster who had to leave the mountain because he never recovered. He eventually died seeking shelter in Huan Hua Palace, but only after confiding in the Old Palace Master that it was Shen Qingqiu who killed his daemon out of jealousy.
Shen Yuan has all the excuse to be a little weird and people are really worried about his well-being, but all that worrying gets stifling really fast, so he takes to wandering the bamboo forest to get a bit of peace and quiet. When he meets the scarred, silent wolf in the forest "oh that must be a daemon" is not his first or even his fifth thought. The beast is matted and skittish enough that after some thinking he concludes that is must be a neglected spiritual beast. Perhaps one that was left to roam the forest alone after his master died. He can't tell what kind of wolf beast it is though - he really wants to get close enough to puzzle out what the coat pattern is supposed to be under all those scars - so he keeps trying to follow and befriend the wolf.
He thinks it's going great. He got close enough to bemoan not having anything on hand to give the wolf a good brushing once! But then he is called to the bamboo house one evening and he thinks this is it, I'm going to be sent packing today.
Shen Qingqiu doesn't send him away. He gestures instead at the very familiar giant wolf sleeping on an old mattress and the grooming equipment laid out on a nearby table. "He said you wanted to brush him. No need to be shy now, shidi."
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oncemorewithqueering · 6 months
i truly do believe, or want to believe, that the ending of twin peaks is positive. that laura screams and kills Judy, that laura screams and she can ascend to the white lodge, where she belongs and will always belong. that she is happy, and safe, and will never have to scream again. i truly do believe, or want to believe, that the ending of twin peaks is positive. that coop finds his way home, back to Harry, the two are synonymous. that they go for coffee and go fishing and can sit in the quiet of the lake , even only for a few months. that coop won’t mourn harry when he dies, but rather thank whomever he believes in that he got that time with harry.
i truly do believe, or want to believe, that the ending of twin peaks is positive. that audrey wakes from a dissociative episode and returns to twin peaks. that coop can tell her that the man she trusted, the only man, didn’t take advantage of her. that she can trust people. that her dad is a better person now.
i truly do believe, or want to believe, that the ending of twin peaks is positive. and even if you don’t, it’s a nice thought, isn’t it?
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aroceu · 2 months
my mindset toward myself has recently gone from "I'm an unlikable person" to "it is normal for not everyone to like me - as well as it is normal for there to be people who dislike me - when I am unapologetic about who I am" and honestly I love that for me
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narwhalandchill · 4 months
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85 surgically implanted psychiatry degrees and still lost the fight against clinical depression and existential nihilism day 1. everyone point and laugh please
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fingertipsmp3 · 1 month
Should I end my tolerance break tonight or should I continue and see how long this can go on for
#full disclosure it’s only been two days#i’ll be honest kitten; daddy might have a fucking problem#look it’s not even… weed is not addictive. obviously#BUT i am not in the greatest mental state right now. i am not exactly a shining example of perfect mental health#i’m a 28 year old loser who peaked in undergrad and is a self employed freelancer BUT is too lazy to make decent money freelancing#i really need a manager breathing down my neck to get me to do the bare minimum or more consistently#i’m also super not doing well regarding 1) my dad’s deathiversary 2) my ongoing grief over mabel (yes she was a dog but if you say she was#‘just a dog’ i will come to your house and throw up in your walls DON’T DO IT. DON’T TRY IT. I LOVED HER)#and also just. the crushing weight of it all.#if i have edibles i don’t have to think about the fact i thought i’d either be dead or successful by now and instead i’m alive and mediocre#am i really supposed to freeball THIS reality. THIS ONE???#but then it’s like it creates a vicious cycle because is the weed making me unproductive or do i want the weed BECAUSE i’m unproductive#and it helps me forget that i’m a complete and utter loser. 🧐#listen i’ve gotten less done during this tolerance break than i did last week when i pretty much had a weed gummy every night#i’m not saying there’s a correlation but what i AM saying is it’s suspicious#i could continue the break until the weekend. that seems like the best plan#personal
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rayvven · 8 months
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never be sorry for rambling in my tags ur so right for this. i know a lot of people have gripes with the ss arcs for like the dumb major plot points they're supposed to hit but i think if you just take them as explorations of unit dynamics they're still really good at that aspect. like 2wink and undead both had to confront a lot of their issues here what with adonis speaking up a lot more and being more active within undead's activities here than he was in nightless city live (i have not read many undead stories so i cannot comment too much on them but he does seem to be very down on himself a lot and it was nice to see him branching out finally because rei was having to do his own introspection about the situation and also was unable to communicate regularly) + what you said in ur tags. and for 2wink having them separated and yuta trying to take control is very. telling on his part the types of plans he wanted to commit to and the ones hinata wanted and how that just highlights how differently they see the world. hinata wants to choose to be kind despite everything and yuta is focused on advancing his position in life after feeling slighted for his circumstances at birth and while neither of them are necessarily wrong on their feelings and why they came about, its certainly going to create conflict when hinata wants to help undead and yuta wants them eliminated because he sees them as a threat to their own status in the competition. etc etc its getting late and i need to go to bed so. take this
i think the reason sandstorm works so well is that while it has the usual crazy ss high stakes plot(looks at rei secret order) it revolves much more around the characters dynamics. and oh boy do undead and 2wink have alot of history to work with (setsubun haunting every story). everyone's Miserable and we see their flaws much more exaggeratedly than normal, ranging in intensity from koga snapping at adonis to yuutas Villan Era. and its them letting out their frustrations in a very painful and hurtful and realistic for their characters way!(esp yuuta). one of my favorite es!! stories probably
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mondaymelon · 9 months
………i have no idea whats happening w u and @/anonbinaryweirdo and atp im too afraid to ask 😰
....you see theres this silly little fic they wrote about a silly little reader and a silly little childe in which reader C O N S U M E S childe. like they take the man and shove them into their mouth nom nom and then swallow em and hes just. residing. in their stomach.
i am so sorry
but it had to be said. the reason of my rage should be known to the world. of course im not so foolish and stupid to put the link here. that would only rupture the eyes of the innocent
however if you truly do wish to read... that... itll be found where it should be seeked.
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foolishnpd · 2 months
turns out I have zero narcissistic traits during times in which I am: not stressed, not around other people, not feeling ignored or triggered
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the-soul-eclectic · 5 months
{moooommmm soul is being a sentimental bitch again}
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lnane · 6 months
ur #1 song from spotify wrapped 👀
easy peasy ive been obsessing over this
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crystallizabethine · 2 years
My girlfriend loves me so much...
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I'm totally not going to bury this in the backyard and light the very ground on fire...
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cupidlakes · 1 year
if i ever put a bad taste in ur guys mouth for whatever reason i’m sry abt that (genuine)
#i started posting when my mh was really at the peak of its. awfulness#the mess of covid and quarantine and losing my job at the time and breaking up w my girlfriend of 2 years had me feeling like i lost#EVERYTHING damn 😭#but that meant i started posting and found#community & friends in a time that i was feeling so lonely and low#i’m grateful for that#and i’ll never understate that#but like me mental state really influenced how i interacted with content and people#which is why i sometimes reacted to stuff w pure rage and agony#and defensiveness#especially over unimportant dissenting opinions#i wasn’t used to the attention#+ the rsd kicked in full force#<- not necessarily an excuse bc needless cruelty can always rub ppl the wrong way#regardless of the reason#i remember someone once anonymously told me to just chill and i was like wait. rly i should chill JFKDJDKDHD#i’m too sensitive#thanks nonna#and i started to spend more time offline despite the vested interest#i just be feeling bad in hindsight#i don’t wanna come across as a mean girl or like As i don’t post anymore#have people have that memory of me#i realise i rly have a problem healthily engaging with things i’m interested in#rly i should stick to the fictional bc it is detrimental to me to spend my days analysing and thinking abt real ppl so intensely and#thinking i have Any insight into their lives tbh#or personalities and relationships#i’m forcing myself to learn how to detach#i just feel so cringe abt coming across as a big bad when i earnestly didn’t mean to#sry for the book 🫶🏻 i just had feelings#i hope everyone is still doing good and i’m sorry for my absence and the lack of george posting have a laurvely day if u read this monster🤍
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malhare-archive · 2 years
I didn't have a fnaf "phase", I haven't known peace since August 8th, 2014
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mug-of-shark · 9 months
For that ask meme: a mix of AAAAAAAAAA and Seafoam (idk why)
mostly accurate actually :) except i dont cry that often
#i am def in a pretty constant state of AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA#i also once went on a nature walk w my family and i was in the peak of my mental health crash (like. what? bit over half a year ago now?)#and basically#i just went silent. 3 hours#no noise#my mom my brother and my dad all had very different ideas on what was going on#my dad thought it was because i was trans and afraid to tell them (which like. thanks for ur concern but that wasnt the issue at the time)#my mom thought it was either me being suicidal and afraid to speak bc then i would say it or it was just a choice#my brother thought i was being bitchy for no reason#the weird thing is i didnt just suddenly shut up#for like 20 some-odd minutes before i was getting mad overwhelmed with them being loud and talky and i just slowly got more quiet#even when i did talk i was barely speaking above a whisper which i didnt quite get even then#it really solidified that i was not going to speak when i just kinda went ahead of them and sat on a riverbank to just chill in the sand an#not quite cry but i certainly felt like doing so#and i was like i am so out of energy. i cannot. im just tired and i want to be alone and vibe and not have to be on this long nature walk#but i couldnt explain that to my parents bc. well. i couldnt talk#i tried to about 3 or so hours in and i genuinely dont know why but i was terrified and couldnt even make like a small word. just a small#squeak#my mom was getting mad/scared and i was having a shit time and it was. it was an event ill give it that#anyways#this was a rant thing i wasnt expecting to go on today but like- yeah. now u know of the time i just Could Not Speak for 3-5 hours
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munamania · 1 year
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sorry but i worked in a barnes and noble and it’s just so offputting to see him in the shelves there like. hello
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clouffymovedd · 2 years
my rooms a mess right now but I feel like if you saw the whole room you'd prob be like. yeah that makes sense for you. it all lines up
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