#peak zee look
hannahhook7744 · 1 month
Stormbringer Crew Incorrect Quotes (Part 5);
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Harry Hook: You fight like my sister!
Luke Tremaine-Westergaard, being a smart ass: I've fought your sisters. That's a compliment!
Barnaby Teach, son of Black Beard *Jumps out of nowhere* We meet again!
Hannah Hook: I saw you three hours ago!
Hannah Hook: Hello Captain Beardless.
Hannah Hook: And I told you to pick on someone your own age.
Hannah Hook, drunk on soda: I'm telling you man, she digs ya.
Luke Tremaine-Westergaard, also drunk on soda, groans: Another graveyard joke?
Hannah: Shut up, we both know you thought it was funny.
Luke: And we both know you have a thing for the prince of Arendelle yet you haven't done anything.
Hannah: Don't throw stones in glass houses.
Luke: That's not even how that saying goes!
Darcy *stares at all nine of her siblings, who are gathered in the 'med room' suspiciously* What do you want?
Alex, playing with a knife: You gotta help us doc, we've tried nothing and we're all out of ideas
Darcy: Help you with WHAT?
River Le Beak, holding his beanie to his chest as he stands on a sinking rowboat: Looks like we've shivered our last Timbers, mateys.
Hannah, shooting him a disgusted look: I'm revoking your pirate card.
River, gasping dramatically and hugging Luke: No captain! Please, anything but that!
Luke, playing along: Not the pirate card! What are you gonna do next? Give us the black spot?
Skia, glares with water up to her ankles: if she doesn't, will.
Zee, five inches are on the dock: You guys know you can just step onto the docs right?
All *shushes her*
Zee, looks to Peachy and Remi: would it be a mutiny if I tossed a cannon ball in their rowboat to make it go down quicker?
Peachy: YES!
Remi, grabbing his guitar: Oh there once was a row boat that went to sea, that got on the wrong side of a pirate named Zee~~
*Dodges rotten tomato*
Joy Foxworth, pointing at Tulip with a squirt gun: You've yeed your last haw!
Tulip, pointing back at her with own squirt gun: No I haven't, partner.
Hannah Hook, baffled from the tree, forgetting she's supposed to be hiding: WHAT LANGUAGE ARE YOU GUYS SPEAKING?!
Peter Pan, sprays her with a water cannon filled with something that is not water causing her to fall out of the tree: COWBOY!
Random AK: Having Vks in Auradon is all fun and games until they're on the opposing dodgeball team!
Kyle White: That sounds like a skill issue to me.
Hannah, confused: What are you referring to?
Amira: Aziz said you told him a story about your childhood—
Hannah, realizing what she's talking about: Oh I stabbed a kidnapper with a fork when I was three.
Hannah: Yeah, hasn't everyone nearly been kidnapped at one point?
Amira: NO!
Hannah, not believing her: Oh sure. Next thing you're gonna tell me is that there isn't a Creeps Peak and Cannibal Cove everywhere-
Hannah: And that not everyone gets death threats as children-
Amira, eye twitching: Stay here, I need to go take my Tiger for a walk to Beast Castle.
Hannah*laughing* That's a funny joke Amira- hey where'd she go?
Tulip Rossi, Zee Snoops, Evie, and Luke Tremaine-Westergaard: SURPISE MAKEOVER!!
Hannah Hook, running: NO NO NO NO!
Hannah, half asleep and looking through her spy glass: SWOGGLE MY EYES IT'S MERMAIDS!
Moxie, amused: Describe 'em.
Hannah: There's a tan one with a gold and black tail that looks like sequins and one with a blue and black tail and an afro, a buoy grave, and a baby one-
Rian Frankenstein-Van Helsing, not even bothering to look up from his marine biology book: That's just Misty, River, Shania, and Toby, captain.
Hannah, embarrased: Oh.
Hannah at 3am: Do you guys think other types of bending exist that were forgotten to history? Like bone bending?
Luke at the end of the bed: I think that's just breaking bones.
Drizella, who came to check on Luke: When on earth did you get here?
Hannah: about 11?
Luke: Hey Darcy, are you Christmas? Because I wanna marry you.
Luke: I'm guessing that's a no until I propose in a non corny way?
Darcy, nodds:
Hannah off screen: I told you she was gonna say no if you did it that way!
Luke: SHHH!
Kyle, in a silly voice: Yarr, I be a pirate, maties. Arrrg!
Hannah, looking at him as if he just shit in her cereal: I can't belive you've done this.
Moxxie laying on a beanbag: Christmas gets so much harder the older you get. What do you want for Christmas? I don't know! Financial security? To not almost die for a week? Socks? I don't know! What about you guys?
Rian: I want to be as smart as I was before I got brought back to life.
Eduardo Frollo: My father dead.
Parker McLeach: A gun.
Hannah: To be normal.
Haul Bjorgman: My depression to go away.
Hook: Okay which one of you gave my daughter a real golden sword and who taught her slang?
Hades, drinking out of a gauntlet: She won a ship, I thought she deserved a reward.
Hook: Did you teach her the slang?!
Morgie: What slang did she use?
Uliana, amused: And how does this slang relate to the sword?
Hook: She named it the nut slicer!
Hades *does a spit take*
Persephone *chokes on her cereal*
*Meanwhile elsewhere, Maleficent can be heard cackling*
Hannah, near tears: Alex I did something terrible!
Alex, the son of Helga Sinclair and Hades: Don't worry, I have a shovel! *Taps ground with shovel*
Hannah, vaguely terrified: Wait what? What do you think I did?
Alex, a mad glint in his eye and a wild smile on his face: It doesn't matter because no one will ever find out.
Kidnapper: We have your son.
Haul, confused: I don't have a son.
Kidnapper: Then who watering and talking to my plants while blasting heavy metal music?
Haul: Oh my god you have Noah. His siblings are going to kill you.
Kidnapper: Hey buddy don't you threaten me.
Haul: I'm not threatening, I'm warning-
*A loud crash rings out over the phone followed by glass breaking, swearing, and screaming*
Darcy: Hey Haul.
Haul: Hey Darcy, Hannah told me to tell you and the guys to be at the ship tonight because we're having a party.
Darcy: Will be there.
*Phone hangs up*
Haul: Well I did warn them.
Olivia, Gaston's daughter: In hindsight, having an abusive parent is funny because it's like 'Daddy why you have beef with me, I'm literally three years old and I love you'.
Eduardo, Frollo's son: Ugh, don't remind me. One time my dad yelled at me for drawing too loud.
Luke, confused: How do you draw too loud?
Darcy: I've got a date with destiny and it ain't gonna end with a kiss.
Noah, confused: Who's destiny?
Darcy: It's just an expression, brother.
Hans: We have a front door you know.
Hannah, who came in through Luke's window like normal: I know.
Hans *sighs*
The kids in Hannah's crew: I wanna be just like you when I grow up!
Twenty year old Hannah, suddenly getting flashbacks to every dangerous thing she's ever done *spit take*
Hannah, internally: NO GODS, PLEASE. GODS NO!
Elara's birth parents *try to take their daughter back after abandoning her on the barrage and causing her to grow up on the isle*
Hannah, pushes the elf girl behind her and glares: SHE'S NOT YOURS, SHE'S MINE!
Hannah *shooting up in her bed in the middle of the night and accidentally knocking Skia, Luke, and River who she was having a sleepover with out of it*
Luke: OW!
Skia: Hey!
River: Hannah, what the hell?
Hannah, getting horrible flashbacks to her family's partners violent attempts to flirt: HAVE MACON WEST AND OLGA HEARTS BEEN FLIRTING WITH ME THIS WHOLE TIME?!
*Momentarily silence followed by a loud explosion of noise as the other three question if that is the case*
Hannah: When I was younger I used to set toilet paper on fire and flush it down the toilet for fun and only stopped because I burnt the seat.
Eduardo Frollo: Again, weird but not a sin.
Luke: One time when I was a kid the toaster caught fire, so I went over to my dad who was arguing with my grandmother and tugged on his sleeve for six minutes till I had his attention and calmly told him the toaster was on fire.
Hannah: Oh yeah I remember that. He was all like 'WHAT? AHHH!' and your grandma asked why we didn't say anything lol.
Kyle: why do you remember that?
Hannah: Oh I was there.
Kyle: ?
Hannah, fondly sighs: Good times.
Lady Tremaine, impatiently: And if I wanted to sit around all day going nowhere, I’d be a teacher!
Luke, fed up *hits the gas and starts driving recklessly* Got it.
Lady Tremaine to Luke: You’re not fit to be king of … name a place
Luke: and you're not fit to be a mother, let alone a hair stylist.
*five minutes later*
Luke runs and hides behind Drizella: MOM! GRANDMA'S TRYING TO KILL ME!
Lady Tremaine, regarding Luke: My third biggest fear: He brings home a whore and says, ‘We’re married!’ Oh, and the whore has bangs.
Darcy: I'm literally right here.
Lady Tremaine, drinking: And I wish you weren't.
Darcy: And I wish you were dead but we can't all have what we want.
Luke: Your point being- *freezes in horror*
Hannah *staring at him wide eyed*
Haul: Uh... What's wrong?
Luke: You know, when I was little I used to pretend you weren't my grandmother.
Lady Tremaine: Me too.
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softguarnere · 6 months
Like A Girl (Like A Man)
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Shifty Powers x OFC
Chapter 38: Falling Into Place
Summary: They found their way back to each other, but now they have to find their way back to themselves as well. A/N: This took me way too long to write, because I just couldn't get it right, even though I knew what I wanted to happen. But next is the epilogue, and I'm ✨very pleased✨ with that, so hopefully it all balances out Warnings: symptoms of PTSD Taglist: @latibvles @liebgotts-lovergirl @dcyllom @ithinkabouttzu @mads-weasley @mrs-murder-daddy @lieutenant-speirs
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Virginia, 1946
Their first week in Clinchco is probably the closest thing that they ever get to a proper honeymoon.
Although Shifty is sometimes in pain, he insists on going into the woods, reacquainting himself with the places that raised him. Despite the winter chill, they climb Frying Pan together and watch the sprawl of blue mountains before them in silence, drinking it all in. These are not the same mountains that cradled Zenie growing up, but she squints out at them, familiarizing herself with their peaks and crevices, already calling them home.
The blanks do not easily fill themselves in, completing the story and wrapping it up in a nice bow. The universe has spent too long throwing them curveballs to stop now.
On the coldest winter nights, Zenie sometimes jerks awake, heart racing, convinced that she’ll open her eyes and find herself back in her foxhole in Bastogne – afraid that the past year has all been a dream and that she never made it out of those woods.
Shifty is usually awake, staring at the ceiling. She curls into his warmth and listens to his heartbeat, trying to drift back to sleep.
On nights when it eludes her and Shifty still dozes, she sneaks into the kitchen and places late night phone calls to Philadelphia and chats with Bill or Babe, neither of who seem to be getting much sleep, either.
It’s on one of those sleepless nights that Babe dredges up ancient history.
“Zee,” his voice crackles through the receiver. “I just realized something.”
“What is it?”
“You remember that night back in England where you danced with that girl in the pub?”
Zenie has to rifle through memories until she comes up with the correct one. There had been a girl, she vaguely recalls, who moved like a fox that allowed her a dance after Babe encouraged her not to waste her night on the sidelines. “I think so.”
“You made me look like an idiot!”
“Because I was such a good dancer?” Zenie croons quietly, smirking to herself in the darkness of the kitchen.
Babe gasps, mock offended. “No! Because I said that it was too bad you weren’t a girl – since if you were, we would have made a hell of a jitterbug team.”
She has to muffle her laugh with her hand so that she doesn’t wake up everyone in the Powers’ house. He had said that. With no clue.
“Anyway, you better get your ass to Philly to come visit me and Bill,” Babe continues. “And when you do, we’re gonna go dancing!”
“Is that a promise, or a threat?”
But in the end, they go nowhere. Not for a while, at least.
Shifty borrows the truck one day to drive into the next town over, eager to go visit an old friend. Zenie kisses him goodbye at the door, then heads out into town to see if she can find a job. Their time at home relaxing has been fun, but she’s spent too long being busy to get used to it. (Besides, the lingering memories of her father never raising a finger haunt her; she refuses to be anything like him.) They need money, at some point, anyway, to get their own house.
She returns home an hour later, smiling in triumph after securing herself a job at the local diner. But it fades as soon as she walks into the yard and sees Shifty sitting on the front step, frowning down at his feet.
He looks up, startled. His dark eyes are deep with something that Zenie doesn’t recognize.
“You’re home early.”
He shakes his head. “I didn’t go.”
“What?” He had been so excited, even though he was only going a town over.
“I couldn’t go,” Shifty corrects himself slowly. He stands, shaking his head, brow furrowed. “I – I don’t know. I was going down the road, and it was like all the air just left my chest. Had to pull over to catch a breath. And then I just . . . came home.”
“Oh, Shifty.”  She opens her arms, and he falls into them. His breathing is heavy, and Zenie rubs his back. They stay like that for a while, still making up for lost time, still making up for all those months where they didn’t get to hold each other like this. When Zenie speaks, she keeps her voice low, afraid to upset the delicate balance of the little universe that exists between just the two of them in this moment. “Do you want to talk about it?”
There’s a moment of hesitation before she feels Shifty shake his head. “No,” he says, breaking their embrace. He sighs. “I don’t even know what there is to say.”
He’s right. What is there to say?
The words for what the end of the war leaves in them remain just out of reach, like a plane passing over in the evening sky, or too deeply entrenched in their hearts to remove, like pieces of shrapnel lodged in a soldier’s flesh. Every time that Zenie thinks she’s found the words, they ultimately fall flat. She always thinks of David Webster, and how he could wax poetic about anything and everything. It makes her wish that she was like that.
But she’s not. So she has to find other ways to express herself. And sometimes the only way she can find to do that is to grab hold of Shifty’s hand and squeeze it like she’s gripping a lifeline. Shifty, for his part, often wraps his arms around her and just holds her, neither of them speaking – just the two of them huddled together, as if they’re the only people in the whole universe.
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Things don’t magically fall into place the way that Zenie had once expected them to. Their new lives take some adjusting as new routines develop. They found their way back to each other, but now they have to find their way back to themselves as well.
Shifty disappears into the woods most afternoons. Sometimes he takes Zenie with him. They sit on top of Frying Pan, gazing out at the hazy mountains, their hands intwined. It’s on one of these days that Shifty makes a confession.
“I can’t hunt anymore,” he says quietly.
Startled by his sudden speech, Zenie tears her eyes away from the scene before her. It takes a minute for his words to sink in.
“I can’t hunt anymore,” Shifty repeats. He’s still gazing out at the mountains, but a wrinkle appears between his brows as he furrows them in thought. “I’ve tried, but it’s not the same.”
Come to think of it, Shifty usually has his rifle with him when he heads into the woods. But he never comes back with any game. He used to love to hunt.
“I’m sorry,” Zenie says for lack of anything better.
Shifty turns to her, offers her a sad smile. He plants a kiss on her cheek. “Not your fault, Zena. Some things are just different now, and this is one of them.” He exhales, a hard sigh through his nose. “We just have to get used to them.”
And they do.
Slowly, Shifty starts to venture further than the woods. He surprises Zenie by visiting her at the diner one afternoon, and she takes her break so that they can share a slice of pie – blueberry, just like they talked about back in Haguenau – and watch people pass by on the street. When she returns home from work that evening, Shifty surprises her again by announcing that he got a job after he left the diner.
“With the coal company,” he explains. “They aren’t hiring mechanics, but they signed me on to pick slate. It’s a start.”
He doesn’t sound disappointed, but he doesn’t sound thrilled about the menial work, either.
“Shifty,” Zenie says, squeezing his hand. “You don’t have to go back to work if you don’t feel ready.”
“No,” he says, shaking his head. “I’m ready. There are only so many days a man can sit around at home or walk by the same trees in the woods. Besides, I –“ He stops, bites his lip. He shakes his head again. “Never mind.”
This catches Zenie’s attention. “What?”
An awkward pause ensues in which they stare at each other, Shifty looking like a man who has just painted himself into a corner.
Finally, he sighs. “I’m not goin’ to be the type of man your father is. Sittin’ around at home all day, I mean.”
“Oh.” He’s doing this for her. No one has ever forced themselves to do something just for Zenie’s own benefit or happiness before. She leans forward and presses a kiss to her husband’s smooth cheek. Just by considering her feelings, he’s already leaps and bounds ahead of her father. Her last conversation with Matthew applies here, too. “Don’t worry, Shifty. You’re nothing like him.”
Shifty nods in agreement. “And we never will be. Not if I have anything to say about it.”
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Slowly, spring comes into bloom all around them. Green buds and colorful shoots reintroduce themselves to the landscape, creeping through the mountains and valleys like a spilled watercolor set staining fresh paper. With the rising temperatures, thoughts of Bastogne and long, miserable days in frozen foxholes subside. Zenie’s sleepless nights ebb away. Shifty begins to smile and talk more. Even though it’s their first spring together in the States as a couple, it feels like they’re returning to themselves as things begin to fall into place.
It's late March. Shifty’s birthday has come and gone, and her own is on the horizon. As the days pass, Zenie finds herself watching the calendar more and more, keeping track of dates as she makes private calculations and risk assessments as she secretly practices speeches that she needs to deliver to Shifty.
The afternoon is clear and bright. Blooming jonquils perfume the air, giving it a sweet quality that Zenie can’t get enough of. A whole company of the yellow flowers rests behind the house, guarding the little creek that runs past. Zenie paces along their ranks as she waits for Shifty to return home from work.
When the rumbling of the truck’s engine comes into earshot, Zenie has to shield her eyes from the sun as she looks up to watch her husband pull into the driveway. He’s going faster than usual. The second he spots her coming towards him, he leans out the window, smiling wide as he waves her over to his parking spot.
“Got a surprise for you,” he announces as he leaps out of the truck. “A couple, actually.”
“I have something for you, too,” Zenie admits.
“I hope it’s pie,” Shifty says. “Because that’s the only thing that could make this day any better.”
“Hmm, I don’t know. It might be better than pie.”
Shifty quirks an eyebrow. “Better than pie? That’s some big talk.” He circles to the back of his truck, smile never wavering in his excitement. “Do you remember what we talked about back in Haguenau?”
They talked about a lot of things back in Haguenau. Many plans were made in those haunted shells of buildings. But for the sake of conversation, Zenie just nods. “Yes.”
“Well, you never said what kind of dog you wanted, so I took a chance – “ Shifty opens the back door of the truck and removes a box from the back seat. Almost immediately, a small, dark nose framed with fiery fur peeps over the rim and gives the air a sniff. A glossy auburn head soon follows, and a puppy stares out at Zenie, who tentatively reaches out a hand to scratch it between the eyebrows.
“A guy at work said his dog unexpectedly had some puppies, and I told him I wanted to buy one,” Shifty explains. “Irish Setter.” He tilts his head as he watches Zenie run the puppy’s silky ears between her fingers. “I think he’s cute.”
“Beautiful,” Zenie agrees. “Does he have a name?”
Shifty beams when he tells her, “That privilege belongs to you.”
The puppy is small, but his eyes are large, soulful things. Sunlight glints off his red fur the way that it used to shine off Matthew’s auburn hair on summer days – bright, like a new penny. Bright like the sun, like Shifty’s smile. Nvda means sun, and agaliha means it’s sunny, but none of those seem quite right in explaining how he looks; the color of his fur is deeper, redder . . .
“Degvliga,” she decides.
“Wildfire,” Shifty translates. He inspects the dog, who perks up at the name. “Hey, I think he likes it.”
They get so caught up in playing with Wildfire, watching him roam the yard and telling him that he’s an osda ghili usdi that Zenie almost forgets what she was thinking about before Shifty arrived, and he forgets that he promised her a second surprise.
It’s not until they’re lying awake in bed that night, legs entangled and watching their fingers in- and untwine in the moonlight that reality seems to set in again.
“Adeljuhlvi,” Shifty says dreamily. “California.”
“What about it?” Zenie’s eyes are already half closed. For all she knows, she might have only dreamed that he said that.
The mattress dips as Shifty rolls onto his side so that he can look at her. “I forgot to tell you. A mechanic’s job opened up, but the boss wants to send me to California for it.”
Tired or not, now Zenie’s eyes open wide at the news. She props herself up on one elbow, like looking at her husband from a slightly different angle will make everything clearer. “That’s so far away!”
Shifty nods. “I know. But I’ve been thinkin’ . . . It’s also a lot warmer there. It might be nice, you know, to take a break from winter for a while.”
All the recent sunny days they’ve experienced with the onset of spring have caused her memories of winter to melt away like thawed snow. Now that she considers it, though . . . won’t they just come back with the first cold snap? Who can predict that type of thing?
Even the thought of snow sends a shiver down her spine. Memories of ice and explosions flash through her mind, quick as the shrapnel that tore so easily through the forest every day and every night. At night she sometimes wakes with the images echoing through her mind the same way that screams and gunshots echoed across that frozen wasteland they called Bastogne.
She never wants to look winter in the face again. So she makes up her mind then and there.
“I’m game if you are.” Her voice is strong, steady. “It’s your job, though, so it’s your decision.”
In the moonlight, Shifty studies her for a moment. The slightest incline of his head indicates a nod of agreement. “I think it would be best for us. For now, at least.”
“A new adventure.” Zenie settles back down onto her pillow, relaxed by the decision. “I’ll miss this place, though.”
“I know. But our mountains will always be here.”
“They’ll wait for us.”
Funny, she thought the same thing the day she ran away. And when she left home for the last time to come here, to her new home. Maybe she’s destined to think it every time. A reminder of sorts. But a fact – they have been here since time immemorial, and they will be here long after Zenie has come and gone.
“ – to tell me?” Shifty’s voice drags her out of her half-asleep state.
“When I got home, you said that you had something for me.” He nudges her affectionately. “And there was no pie at dinner.”
A giggle works its way up Zenie’s throat. It sounds loud and bright in the moonlight and the quiet of the night around them. Through the darkness, she finds Shifty’s hand again and drags it toward her, until his warm palm is pressed against the flat of her stomach.
If all goes well, there are two new adventures that they’ll be going into – together. 
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hughjidiot · 6 months
Total Drama Level Up: Chapter Five Sneak Peak
ETA on chapter five of Total Drama Level Up will be sometime next week. So here's a sneak peak for anyone interested.
On the other side of the warehouse, the seven Turtles rode off: Nichelle and Caleb to the south, Julia and Raj to the center, and the remaining three into the north. The low rumbling of wheels and tires on cement echoed as Zee, MK and Lauren looked around, carefully scanning the skatepark set pieces for any glowing lights and finding none.
“We should probably further split up if we want to cover more ground,” Lauren said after a few seconds.
“Good call, but let’s not go far,” Zee said, nodding in one direction. “I’ll check over that-a way.”
He angled his body to turn, pushing himself along the ground to give him more speed as he rounded a free-standing wooden wall.
“I’ll check this way,” MK said, steering her bike towards a cluster of smooth metal picnic tables. As she rode off, out of the corner of her eye she saw Lauren gliding along next to her. “Hey, you got any idea where they hid those t-shirt canons?”
Lauren shook her head. “’Fraid not. They must’ve placed those while I was messing with the equipment.”
“Damn. Ah well.” MK kept pedaling towards the picnic tables. She noticed that Lauren was still rolling in the same direction with her. “Thought we were splitting up. Did you uh, need something?”
Lauren hummed and shrugged. “We’re partners now, right? This the part where we get to know each other, or…?”
“You expecting us to braid each other’s hair while we gossip about boys, or some crap like that?” MK asked flatly. She shook her head. “We may be in an alliance, but don’t think that makes us friends. I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but I don’t do the whole ‘buddy’ business.”
“Oh?” Lauren kept smiling as she quirked an eyebrow. “You seem to get along just fine with Julia.”
MK snorted. “That’s ‘cause she’s cool, unlike the rest of you losers.”
“Heh, it was fun watching the last seasons back and seeing her mess with everyone,” Lauren admitted.
By now the girls reached the picnic tables, spaced randomly apart and sitting at different angles. The girls rode between them, watching to see if any were glowing.
“So question, from one girl to another,” Lauren said, “what’s the deal with you and Julia anyways?”
Now it was MK’s turn to look at her quizzically. “Deal? We’re friends, what else is there to know? We make a sick team and ran the island for most of season two.”
“And you’ve been hanging out in person after season two,” Lauren stated.
“You haven’t been stalking us again, have you?” MK asked right away, giving her a slightly-disturbed look.
Lauren rolled her eyes. “Oh relax, I’m talking about your Let’s Plays and livestreams. Heard through the fandom grapevine about your gaming channel and checked out your horror playthroughs. Loved your Sweet Home VII series by the way, very nice work.”
“Check me out @mkplays,” MK said in the confessional closest. “What? If Chase, Emma and Julia can shamelessly promote themselves then so can I, dammit.”
“Oh.” MK blinked in pleasant surprise. “Well thanks. Yeah, turned out me and Jules both lived in the greater Toronto area so we… started hanging out. There some law of reality TV against contestants keeping in touch?”
“Not at all, I know for a fact a bunch of us do. But from what I’ve seen on social media at least, only a few go out of their way to meet up in person, not counting the Hockey Bros of course. Bowie and Raj, Caleb and Priya, Ripper and Axel, you and Julia…” Lauren trailed off and shrugged again. “Just an interesting pattern I noticed, that’s all.”
With that Lauren finally veered away from MK, rolling off. MK brought her bike to a stop, a perplexed look on her face.
“… the hell she talking about? Pattern?” MK muttered. She ran through the list of names in her head. “I mean those other three are just-”
Her eyebrows shot up as realization struck like a speeding freight train. She narrowed her eyes at the back of Lauren’s head.
Lauren gave a brief glance over her shoulder, her smile morphing into a smirk for a fraction of a second.
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sleepdeprivedsimp234 · 10 months
And, dear York, you would fall, and turn the white snow red as strawberries~
Ships: None!
Warnings: getting shot, inaccurately described historical events (the Boston Massacre), and the way that my age sh*t works is a little wonky (lets just say that NY is maybe a teenager here?).
Genre: Hurt/Comfort I guess-
Title is inspired by: “White Winter Hymnal” by the Fleet Foxes.
March 5th, 1770
Massachusetts gently held New York’s hand as the walked along the Boston Harbor, and New happily walked next to him, lost in his own little world. Mass chuckled fondly but quietly at the child like wonder in NY’s eyes as the slightly taller colony looked out onto the ocean. After a few more minutes of walking, the two colonies decided to take a break, and each took a seat on the edge of the harbor, their legs hanging over the side. He yet again chuckled at the childish wonder in NY’s eyes along with the slight spark that he had thought was long gone.
"Like what ya see Yorkie?" Mass teased, smirking when NY jumped a tiny bit.
"H-huh? Oh- uh- yeah it’s pretty I guess." NY said before turning back to look at the vast ocean. Mass couldn’t help but frown slightly at the faint-but-still-visible bruise on NY’s cheek from England.
The two just sat there in silence for a little bit lost in their own thoughts, until Massachusetts heard a small giggle from his little brother. He turned to York with a small smirk.
"What’s so funny Yo-" Mass was cut off by a splash of water hitting him directly in the face. He spluttered a little as he tried to regain his composure. He opened his eyes and smiled evilly at New York, who chuckled nervously. “Oh you little sh*t!-"
Massachusetts splashed a bit of water at New York before tackling, pinning and tickling him. He smiled when his little brother’s laughter filled the air, and he eventually stopped, gently rubbing the feeling off York’s torso. He ruffled the taller’s hair and grinned "That’s whatcha get for messin’ wit’ me Yorkie!~”
"Yeah yeah whateva’…." NY said, curling up next to his big brother.
“Hey Matthew!! Cmere!"
Massachusetts turned around at hearing the use of his human name. "Ey Yorkie I’m bein’ called i think. Ya wanna come wit’ me or do ya wanna stay here?”
"I’ll stay here." NY said, though he was obviously too busy playing with a seagull that had come to say hello.
Mass snorted a bit. "Okay then. By the way, those things bite. Just sayin’." he said before walking off in the direction he heard his name be called from.
[half an hour later]
NY had been busy playing with a seagull and a crow that resided at the Boston Harbor, and had ever so fondly given them the names Kraai (the Dutch word for crow), and Zee (short the Dutch word: Zeemeeuw, which means seagull). Animals, especially birds and cats, had always brought him a weird amount of happiness. One that he rarely ever got nowadays. He chuckled a little when Kraai jumped on his shoulder and squawked. York did his best to mimic the sound, but it sounded more like an angry cat. Kraai gave him a gentle wack with her wing and squawked at him, sounding a lot like a mother lecturing a child.
"Okay okay I know, I know that was terrible…." NY said with a small chuckle. A sudden gunshot pierced the air, making the young colony flinch. He got up and started running to where he heard the gunshot, in case of Massachusetts being hurt. That would be bad….. Zee and Kraai followed him, flying high in the air.
He got to the city square and hid behind a building, peaking his head out. What he saw was utter chaos. There were people, mainly colonists, all running around in a frenzy as about……nine??? soldiers shot at them. NY frantically looked through the crowd, trying to find his big brother. He eventually caught sight of him and sighed exasperatedly when he saw Massachusetts with a chaotic grin on his face. He jumped a tiny bit when a body dropped behind him.
"Mass!!" He shouted, desperately trying to get the older’s attention.
Massachusetts turned his head at the sound of his name, and the grin quickly faded when he saw his little brother, who was standing in the middle of it all. Sh*t sh*t sh*t he never meant for York to be a part of this! Fun was over, Operation: Get NY out here had begun.
"York?? What’re you doin’ ere’?! Are ya crazy?!?!" He yelled, running over to New York, who looked kinda scared.
"I could be askin’ you the same damn question dumbass!!” York shouted, covering his ears a little. He had never liked loud noises.
"Get outta ere’!! Are you tryin’ to get shot?!?" Mass shouted, hugging the taller colony close.
"I came ere’ lookin’ for you!! I was worried that you had gotten shot dumbass!!" New York responded, burying his face in Mass’s hair.
Mass’s face softened slightly at that as he started to escort York and himself out of the city square. Suddenly, New York threw himself in front of Massachusetts, and in turn the soon-to-be Bay State’s face paled a ghostly white as he looked down in front of him. New York was curled up gasping slightly and coughing in pain as he clutched his stomach. Mass didn’t even have to be told anything to know that NY had been shot. Especially when he saw the snow beneath them be died as red as strawberries in the summer time. DAMMIT.
He quickly picked up NY and ran behind a building, muttering an apology when he heard a whimper and yelp from the younger. Mass waited till he was sure that there were no witnesses to teleport into a clearing in the woods. He gently laid his injured brother on the ground and wrapped his jacket around the wound to try and stop the bleeding, and then closed his eyes to try and summon one of the other colonies to help. Dammit. It wouldn’t work. He was too stressed to focus. God NY’s breathing had slowed down a lot….. Wait- why wasn’t NY moving anymore?? Mass checked his pulse, and sighed in mild relief when he felt a pulse. He took off NY’s coat and pressed it against the wound, wincing when NY gasped in pain and coughed, blood spluttering on his lips. Mass cried quietly and hugged his brother close, fully convinced that this would be his brother’s next painful death. That was, until, he heard the caw of a crow above him.
Massachusetts looked up to see Kraai flying above them, and was about to swat her away until he noticed that Kraai seemed to be releasing worried-sounding coos and nudging at NY’s arm with her wing. God he couldn’t believe what he was about to do…..
"Hey uh-" Damn. Is he really talking to a bird right now? "Can ya- umm…. I doubt that you can understand me….. but if you can, NY is hurt and he needs help, can you go get help?" Mass was really hoping that this worked, even if it was ridiculous that he was talking to a bird.
Kraai tilted her head a bit before doing her best to do what somewhat resembled a nod and flying away. It worked! It actually worked! Holy sh*t! Mass could cry tears of joy and he nearly did. He hugged his little brother close, whispering reassuring words into his ears.
"Everything’s gonna be alright…..helps on the way….."
My fellow NY simps: @stawpny @misery-has-no-company-now @alaskashigh @kyledoesstuff-09 <3
And you cuz yes: @jazzyfrog <333
We love Kraai (the crow) and Zee (the seagull) here (they are original characters maybe-)
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sipsteainanxiety · 2 years
HELLO HELLO MY DEAR i just went searching and there are some fic recs in this ask and this ask as well!! also since u r a die hard bkg stan like me i went searching in my likes!! some of these fics are fcking old - like from 2018/2020 - but they r the ones that i would recommend!! ALSO NOTE THE ONES THAT CONTAIN NSFW AND BE MINDFUL PLS!!!
pit stop by hollowedpurple
charade by ihatebnha (caitie hi) nd him being sweaty
i will always return by crikeygatormate (outlaw bkg!! multiple parts + has nsfw be careful!)
breath of a dragon by moonbelt (dragon king bkg!! also has nsfw!!) this fic changed my life
pumpkin spice & everything nice by petrichorium (hi lori ily)
your biggest fan by simplybakugou (hi mira) (thats a smau!!) and also shut up and kiss me, turn back time, off the deep end (mermaid reader!)
movement by unbreakableleeji (PIRATE BKG & MERMAID READER!!)
angel with a shotgun by gemstoneconstellations (multiple parts) ALSO RLY GOOD!! and this is a kiri fic but hero by another name is part of the same universe and is so. so good!!! (badass firefighter reader!!)
number neighbor by myherowritings (smau!, sof isnt active anymore but her bkg >>>) and alsoooo the language of flowers
ua's freaky friday by kaistarus and will you social distance with me? (THAT HIT ME SO HARD BC IT WAS PEAK COVID TIMES)
happier by iguessilovebakugou (multiple parts) THIS IS SOOO GOOD
and these are fics in my likes that i've saved but havent read yet that looked good!:
whispers of the heart by k-atsukidayo, and also wonder love, stained in gold, the biography of a heart
stare by nekokoafanfictions
you suck at cooking by cellotonin (cookie return to tumblr WHEN?!) and alsooo finding love (and finding you there)
strength comes in many forms by reddriot (fantasy au!!) HI MISS ZEE WHERES PT 2 ALREADY!!!
sunflowers don't grow in the city by eremikan (mind the warnings!!!)
god bkg and goddess reader by hanji-is-life
the dragon raid by dienamights (fantasy au!, multichap)
the forbidden flame by vampyrsm (fantasy au!! has smut!)
tall buildings blinking to airplanes in the snow by princematcha
reader wearing bkg's costume by professionally-unprofessional and selfless
sick by spicyness
kiss & tell by simpliheavenli (multichap!)
to save a dragon by strawberry-nugget (fantasu au!! mind the warnings)
it rains, so then you drown me by diesukitsuki
lunar captivity by ghoulraki (mermaid au)
reader w a mind reading quirk by katsushimaa
strawberry jam by smashboxgirl26 (cowboy bkg!!)
wrong number, asshole by not-me-simping-for-blasty (smau i think?? multiple parts)
prince bkg and maid reader by aikugo
excalibur blue by bluebellhairpin (pacific rim au!)
we should just kiss! by sems-diarie
the regent by azerlinsblog
i'd also go look thru my shay's treasure hoard tag since thats where i rb a lot of fics i like!!
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thunder-threnodies · 7 months
🌹 ( @waterlogged-detective ) Detective Doe very taken but he likes making friends! And getting ideas for poems by listening to people's romantic stories. I have a short explanation/character sheet/personality thing in my pinned comment but I can also send more if you'd like!
There was a Song. Interesting as songs are words aren't they? Not Words, tho. But words nonetheless.
Jonathin was roaming the streets of Spite, rumor has it something strange started to happen some time ago and he decided to look into the matter. Not that anyone asked them directly or hired him but there was something about this case that was amusing: lyrics of an Unkown Song started to appear on Spite's houses walls, seemingly without a regular or predictable pattern.
Doe was fascinated by this. The words appeared on walls and various other surfaces written in a bright, slightly luminous Apocyan.
Sometimes it smelled like ozone, like as if a thunder struck them into being but the Storm and his thunder were quite silent lately. So what could have caused this?
The false-night creeped in, so he heads to the Medusa's Head to check on the local stories: who's a better source of stories than criminals, dockers and general landlubbers?
The air in there is dense and difficult to breath, but the mood is absolutely sparkling; dances, fights, card games and a pirate violinist sitting on a barrel playing a delightful tune. Jonathin takes a sit in a decently lit table, close to the bar.
The singing and the violin started to sound familiar around the time the drink he ordered lost all it's bubbles and has grown stale.
Is it?
Is it the song appearing written on the walls?
It is!
Doe followed the lyrics all through Spite to Wolfstack Dock and at Zee after that, too. It lead him to the Mourns, something deep stirring within him. Not Words, mind you but he was sort of mumbling and singing to himself the tune of the mysterious song.
Up and up from the shores goes Jonathin, flocks of Blue Prophets circling high above, nearer to the Roof than to the Zee, the feeling of an invisible wind pulling and pushing him higher and higher.
At the very summit of the Mourn, a makeshift route made of ropes leads to another peak, secluded from the main one, and there, a circle of many, many figures.
Pirates! So many!
And in the middle a bonefire and a very strange pair of performers: an Unfinished Woman, her skin completely covered in ink and writing, and a Captain, blond-red hairs and Cosmogone spectacles. The woman is enacting a tale as she sings it, and the Captain is playing the violin.
A pitch black surface behind them, like an obscured mirror, lights up from now and then, especially when the two sing the same lyrics.
Remembrances, ghosts in Apocyan, dance in the air as the two sing and dance and play.
Jonathin takes a seat amongst the zailors, the light of the fires lit and alive in the false-night.
Tales! So many tales! Of romance, lost love, lost treasures!
A Drownie falling in love with a Pirate!? Oh how hauntingly sweet it is, when the very same Drownies rise up from down down down below, from the deep Zee to add their point of view to this story!
The Words are alive! Oh such a wonderful place to be, to feel warm and listen to such inspirational material!
The Violinist looks at Doe and he notices their eyes are the same deep colour of the depths of the Unterzee! They bow down to Doe and smile, changing tune. Silvery lyrics appear on the rocks all around this wild gathering, telling a story:
Long ago, there was a Sailor. And a Chess Player. The Sailor loved her so much but never told her. She played a game but not any game: a Great Game.
They departed and never seen each other again as a City Fell. Fell? From above they say, betrayed and sold!
The Sailor made friends and loved and searched for her far and wide.
A mountain! A mountain made of light? Oh beautiful visions of light and love! But it also takes. Love can take away not just give.
Ten years lost to the Light, the Apocyan ghost turning Violant now, dancing with the Violinist Captain, telling about their struggles, now!
Struggle with the light to let them go, to return to Violant eyes and auburn locks of golden hair! Are these belonging to the same person? Or not?
A reunion! A Lost one, killed for a Cup of blood. And seven dead love stories! It rings a bell and Jonathin cannot help but shiver a little remembering his own fights.
Ghosts of a young lady of golden Cosmogone and one in Peligin of the Violinst but younger, less scarred, dance as the Pirate Poet and the Captain sing the last verse. The ghosts bow to the audience, hug each other and disappear in a shower of cosmogone and peligin sparks like a firework in the night.
The Captain catches Doe's eye and silently form a few words, directed at him alone:
"Welcome to the Requiem, Jonathin Doe."
On the returning trip to London, a Violant Winged Bat will bring him a small book, Apocyan in colour, with an inscription:
"Take the stories of tonight with you, Poet and make them yours. My Words for your Words. May this be the beginning of a wonderful friendship. Yours truly, Captain Francis Dargor Morgan"
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Comics this week ?
Superman #18 - Farewell Campbell, I loved your art on this book when you were actually able to draw it. Most enjoyable part of the Absolute Power event was this tie-in, rarely get to see Supes and Zee team up. Do need to reiterate that all the writers who make a big deal that "Superman never lies/Superman is bad at lying" are making themselves look foolish. Waid at least has tried to justify it in interviews by saying *his* Superman never directly lies as Superman, but Clark is a proficient liar no matter how you try and spin it.
World's Finest #31 - Boring start. Waid defied my expectations with the Imp arc, but this appears like it will live down to my expectations of being half-assed. Reads like Waid is sleepwriting, Eclipso and the JSA have never held my interest and this doesn't appear set to change that. I do want to shout out Gutierrez, his art is fantastic. He's great at drawing facial expressions to sell the comedy bits and he's great at fight scenes.
Wonder Woman #13 - Diana blocking bullets despite being powerless was awesome and the Diana/Steve flirting here was cute. Otherwise this sucked like the last two issues did. I finally get why people hate Damian, he is insufferable here. Normally his bluster is entertaining but here the stilted delivery King writes his dialogue in irritates me. At least it's finally over and we can get back to the main storyline.
Jenny Sparks #2 - Jenny being this emotionally affected by 9/11 is the most ridiculous thing since Doom cried over the Twin Towers. She's done plenty of genocides all by herself, knocking down two buildings is her equivalent to a cat getting stuck in a tree. All the grawlixes need to go, King overuses them to the point it's hard to follow what the characters are actually saying. That said, Jenny and Clark having had a fling in their past is perfect and everyone who got mad at that can get bent. Another $820 billion to Tom King for a Superman mini with Jenny in it please.
Incredible Hulk #17 - First time since Immortal Hulk where I've let out several "holy shit" reactions. Don't think this book will surpass GL: WJ as the peak of PKJ's cape work, but I'm back to being eager for the next issue like I was during the Warworld Saga.
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quackle · 9 months
How would you rank the first 8 episodes of season 2 if you had to?
hmmmm, i'd have to go in this order, from best to worst: 7, 4, 2, 3, 1, 5, 6, 8. long rambling reasonings below cut:
7: because holy shit this ep was so fucking funny for no reason. definitely a perfect ep. to me. we got mkulia looking soooo real here. we got peak damien finding the immunity idol. we got a hilarious challenge with that whole hilarious ass hunger games-esque segment. we got ripaxel (and lost them, which... pfft sorry i laughed a little even though i also felt bad). and we got OWEN!!!!! like.... idc this has been the best ep by farrrrrr.
4: hated the elimination so much but everything else was kinda sorta really perfect. the challenge gives this ep soooo many bonus points like i LOVED learning character lore. and that cheating plot? the internal struggle within team skunk butt?? especially bowie's internal struggle after lying to his boyfriend??? CHEF'S KISS. also ripaxel made me cry laughing so there's that.
2: i also really loved this challenge. like when julia joined the clogged toilet with raj, wayne, and bowie, and she was like "SOMEBODY. HELPPPP ☹️" or every time someone hit the damn basketball rim. or wayne's laugh at julia's scream. or when chris counted the bear as a point for team skunk butt, just because. ugh it was soooo total drama. i love this show.
3: ok the rat faces + that whole ripaxel moment were admittedly less interesting here to me, but i loved the cheat vs no cheat side of skunk butts. it was SO enjoyable to watch this unstable ass team, and the intro to bowie's dilemma was sooooo good. and those mkulia moments... ugh fun fun fun!!!! (also nichelle ladonna slayed and my fav rare pair duo damichelle was born sooooooo yippee!!!)
1: this ep was a nice intro to the season. drama was at an all time high. granny ax was an absolute icon. nichelle ladonna GAGGED EVERYONE. so fun. (also i'm personally biased to this ep because i'm always thinking about the short lived parallel between scary girl and nichelle in particular, but that's a topic i can ramble about elsewhere lol)
5: FUCK THIS ELIMINATION (hashtag i'm biased). otherwise an okay ep. team rat face was sooooo found family here. to me. and the cheating plot was once again fun to see unfold. and this was quite possibly the only time we got to see ripper participate with his team without axel as a distraction and... i kinda wish we got to see that more from him? but alas.
6: i... personally don't care much for the priya/caleb plot? and a lot of this ep had that. so. eh. damien got immunity tho and that whole "juliaaaaaa, i'm your partnerrrrr 😈" bit from wayne had me rolling and that rajbow moment where they carried the canoe was sooooo cute. so it gets a bonus point for all that (hashtag i'm biased).
8: i... didn't really care for this challenge at all actually. and once again, a lot of priya/caleb. like. most of this ep had me going "oh. miscommunication incoming. how fun. 🫤" did i wish caleb went home instead of zee? uh. yes actually, if only to escape miscommunication! if i could cut a plot point this season, that would be number one. but that's another ramble for another time.
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artzyxartzz · 10 months
Not me Constantly struggling with the color for the Russian girl....well she finally has a name now tho-.... Her name is Ailyn!
-Deffenetly not struggling with colors and jusy casually looking at Paintings for Inspo.
-I'ma probably Keep this current one, IDK!.
-also Lore info about Dreamlocket if you want to know! (HERE and HERE)
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-Also Ailyn is one of the serious characters, and literally is Like Zooble from TADC! but Russian Lmao
-FunFact: when Ailyn is feeling Happy her Red side which is her Current aka nutural emotion, Will turn Yellow! But if she is Sad it will be blue, but if she was mad....that side would becomw A little dark red, a Ruby Red color!
-Also she gets mad VERY easly! she also hates a specific character who i Will soon draw ^^
Also here is a sneak peak how the main character aka, Mix will look like!
(This just a sketch lol!)
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-Btw, Mix has two persona, one is named Zee which is the one on thw right, and the one on the left is Ary (idk how to say them) but their basically two sides of her that she can't control much, but thats why she got a friend who helps her with that!
-Her friend i'll draw soon, i'm just forcusing on the characters that are hard to design lmao
I think i'm going insane, but at the same time it just feels like i know what am doing
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daedalusdavinci · 1 year
Eridave Fic Recs
im 99% sure ive already offered my fic recs for eridave but im going to do it again. i havent gone through the tag in a couple of years and it seems like its gotten more popular than it was back in the day, but heres my list of top fics
Lee Shore
by JumpingJackFlash (@jumpingjacktrash on tumblr i think?)
"I asked Egbert to ask you if you have Ampora's new contact information." "No, man, I didn't even know the old info was old. How can you not have a contact for him? It's not like he changed his chumhandle, email, and phone number all at once." "As a matter of fact, that is apparently exactly what he did. And deleted his Facebook and his photo blog." "Dramariffic." In the years after the game, the twelve trolls and eight humans have tried to stick together, because no one else would understand. When Eridan misses one of their yearly reunions, Dave makes an impulsive decision to go find him.
starting off so strong with THE eridave fic. i have reread this one very recently actually so i can tell you w complete confidence that this is the best one. this is THE one. if you only ever read one eridave fic make it this one. and then come back and read mine no but like im being so real rn its so good. eridans pretentious and a dickwipe and juuust whiny enough and daves complete no bullshit attitude with him works so well. their dynamic is peak in this, like. its everything.
Prince Unicorn (If There's Anything More Important Than My Ego Around, I Want It Caught And Shot Now)
by spritezee
After years spent mastering his job-hopping skills on the interplanetary level, a combination of chance and fortunate family ties lands one Dave Strider a job as a personal bodyguard to Eridan Ampora, prince and heir to an almost unparalleled fiscal empire. He assumes it’ll be just another job he’ll be able to leave behind when the time comes, another story to tell on slow nights where the man with the most tales is the king of the universe, but as all things in life, nothing is ever quite that simple.
spritezee writes some of the best eridave fics out there. this one in particular is my favorite. its not only a space au but its really a love letter to the scifi genre and you can tell just reading through it that a lot of care went into the worldbuilding. dave and bros relationship is a total mess in a way thats honestly really interesting, and zee always writes a great dynamic for eridan and dave. plus, you HAVE to admit thats a great fucking title
Little Brother
by spritezee
When John asked you if you were feeling any better yet earlier you told him you were fucking lonely as balls and considering changing your occupation to prostitute so you could find your own personal Edward Lewis to pay you loads of money for standing around and looking pretty. Then you told him you’d always wanted to have sex on a piano, so it’d all work out fine. The reference went straight over his head, which in hindsight should not have surprised you in the least because Pretty Woman isn’t really John’s usual genre, and even if it had been it’s not anywhere near obscure and shitty enough to catch his eye. When Rose asked you the same thing a few minutes later you told her you discovered the small store at the far side of your street carries penis-shaped candles and that you now swore by watching them slowly burn down right to the waxen ballsack as a therapeutic relaxation technique.
again, always a great eridan and dave dynamic w this author. if it wasnt really clear by the summary, this fic in particular is fucking hilarious and dave and his wandering metaphors are a lot of fun in it.
other than that, tho, all of my recommendations are just going to be more of spritezees fics, so i REALLY recommend that you just save me the time and go check out their stuff yourself. if i ever delve back into the eridave tag ill make sure to let yall know if i find any bangers
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total-drama-atlas · 1 year
I was warned about ep5 being not so good
So anyway episode five time!!
Millie asking Chris to stfu about her possibly being dishonest? Girl I was liking you. Don’t tell me you lied my girl Priya she didn’t deserve that. Neither did my beloved lauren :((
New intro is seeming less bad hmm
Damien complimenting Priya and then she gets all flustered? That is ADORABLE
although the way they show Priya’s blush seems… off. I dont think realistically it would be that saturated on her skin tone, or that light. The color isn’t quite right for the red shade of her blush I don’t think, but I’m obv not an expert and I still think it’s cute
ZEE I LOVE YOU SO MUCH I hope he’s a merger
the way zee was drinking his soda after pricking the side of the can was so funny for literally no reason.
Wayne and Raj are so stupid and adorable and I love them so much
now I see why Julia specifically said beans. this is peak comedy /s
“Ew! Are flirting with me over my farts???” “Yes, I am😏” ripper that was the one funny thing you have contributed so far. Other than the alfalfa male thing that was funny too
“So you don’t get eaten by the raptors.” “THE BASKETBALL TEAM?!? “ raj you are so sweet
Does chase not realize not everybody is a total asshole or??
The raptors are a downgrade from the total drama bears :/ glasses bear my beloved
Zee is so great y’all
WAYNE IS SO PRECIOUS “I just thought of something!” “Rajie, you can tell me ANYTHING. Anything you need to get off your chest about your feelings or who you are or anything at all. I am here for you and I care for you. I will never judge you.” (Confessional: “He’s telling me! I’m so excited!!) “you got any hockey tape?” (“Nvm”)
I didn’t notice Emma’s undercut… hmm…
MK is a schemer. She’s everything noah could be. I love her and would die for her.
Emma has every right to hate chase. He’s awful. I hope she gets to commit a crime at him
“I KILLED ZEE 😭😭😭😭” “sup” “OH MY GOD IM SO SORRY ZEE 😭😭😭” “it’s fine bro idc”
Damien being a little bit of a nerd is so cute to me. I honestly love that for him
Ripper is so gross and not in the way that I can look past his brand of physical comedy and appreciate his character. it’s in the repulsive way
Then discussing how possible it would be for a raptor to open a door while one opens the door is a tiny bit funny
Bowie and I are on the same page here
guys MK’s jaundice is back I think
Priya is so sweet I love her “DAMIEN! You’re the love of my life!” “I am????” “NO BUT I WANTED TO SAY THAT TO SOMEONE BEFORE I DIE”
Wow they just. Blew up the mess hall. Wowzers.
Id ripper doesn’t leave this ep I will be SO upset
If Damien gets eliminated I am going to cry
okay but the reason is wholesome
not a good episode but at least I knew what I was getting myself into. I pity anyone who watches it without at least a warning of how awful it is
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zeehva · 2 years
Sealed and stamped with the insignia of Sen'jin, a package somehow finds its way to Zeehva's caravan. Petrified jungle orchids accompany a selection of fine chocolates and ground cacao, grown in the heart of Zandalar. A handwritten note, signed by Ahuatli, reads: "Endlessly looking forward to our next adventure. All my love to you and yours."
It was another beautiful morning, the sun peaking its way through the cracks of her caravan as Zeehva finally rolled out of bed. Leaving Ikhaara to continue resting.
Stepping out of the caravan, her bare feet touched the slightly wet grass. Her toes curling in reaction to the mildly cold ground. "Aaah.. good morning, Lu.." Zeehva yawned out before blinking her eyes at the Alpaca who was seemingly distracted by something. "Did you get breakfast already?" Zee asked suspiciously as she approached LuLu.
"Lulu!!" She bellowed upon finding the carnage of half-eaten chocolates. Zee quickly snatched everything up, wagging a disappointed finger at the Alpaca before trying to see who all this was actually for.
Her heart burst as she read the note. There were still a handful of chocolates left. Though she dreaded the thought of LuLu having ate as many as she did. The caravan will likely be moving slow today, she thought. The orchids were her favorite. Flowers were by and far her favorite thing. If she hadn't become an adventurer, she would have been a florist. But that doesn't pay nearly as well, nor is it quite as fun.
She put the flowers on one of her many shelves within the caravan. Eyeing them with a wide smile. "Those look nice.." Whispered Ikhaara as he propped his head up on his hand. "Don't they? A gift from my best friend.. You've got competition now. She's going to wisk me away if you can't keep up with how good she treats me." Zeehva winked at him as she moved to write her a quick note back.
"The next adventure will be happening soon. Thank you endlessly. The orchids look lovely in the caravan. I miss you!
Until our paths cross again, be well.
P.S. You should be receiving a little something in the mail as well. Oh and LuLu thanks you for the chocolate.. she ate half of it.. Greedy animal she is!"
Thank you @darkspear-dancers you're literally the best ♡
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hughjidiot · 4 months
Total Drama Level Up Chapter Ten Sneak Peak
Chapter ten is coming along nicely, and I hope to have it published by mid June. Here's a little taste of what's to come.
In the middle of the warehouse stood a modest two-story Victorian-style manor home, surrounded by a sparse forest of fake trees. The contestants took in the steep gable roofs and bay windows framed by decorative trim as Chris led them down a stone walkway, past a wrought-iron fence and up a spacious porch. An intern in a suit stood at the front door; he nodded as Chris approached and opened the door.
One by one the teens filed into a spacious foyer. An ornate rug stretched across the floor, oil paintings of landscapes lined the walls, and a crystalline chandelier hung from the ceiling. A grand staircase led to a second story, and archways opened to different rooms on the ground level.
“Welcome, one and all, to McLean Manor,” Chris said to the assembled teens. He motioned to a framed map on the wall next to the stairs, showing an overhead view of each floor. “We have a wide variety of amenities for your enjoyment. You can relax in the lounge, grab a bite to eat in the dining room, take a stroll through the garden, enjoy the peace and quiet of the library, shoot some pool in the billiards room, and of course dance in the ballroom. Oh, and on that note…”
Chris walked to a plain door next to the stairs that seemed to blend into the wall. It opened to a long room with racks full of fancy clothing, a row of mirrored vanities against one wall and changing booths in the back corner. Various masks hung from wall hooks: simple black domino masks, white masks with gold trim, masks styled in the shape of animals, and more.
“Since this is a masquerade ball, we’ve provided you with formal wear,” Chris said. “Suit up and we’ll get the party started.”
“I’m still positive Chris has something horrible planned for us later on, and this is just to lull us into a false sense of security,” MK said in the confessional closet. She shrugged. “But for now I might as well try to relax and enjoy myself. After what I’ve been through this season so far, I think I’ve earned it.”
After several minutes passed, the contestants and their guests gradually filed out of the dressing room. The men (as well as Axel and MK) wore three-piece suits ranging from solid black to shades of gray and blue, vests and ties providing splashes of color. The rest of the women wore either full dresses or blouse-skirt combos, in a wide spectrum of colors and styles. Rounding out their ensembles, each wore a mask over the upper half of their faces.
Chris, who’d been looking down at his phone, smiled and nodded at the assembled teens.
“All right, everyone’s looking good,” he said. “And you got done right on time, because the last of our guests have just arrived.”
“Wait, more guests?” Zee asked, the others looking equally confused. “Who else is left?”
As if in response, footsteps were heard coming up the porch.
The front door opened, and a heavyset blonde man in a mustard yellow suit entered. The black domino mask he wore over his eyes did nothing to hide his identity from those among the contestants who recognized him.
“Hey, it’s Owen!” Raj said, waving.
“Hey, what’s up everyone?!” Owen asked exuberantly.
“Uh, and he is…?” Emma asked, raising an eyebrow.
“From Total Drama’s first generation of campers and winner of the original season one,” Priya said instantly.
“He also was a guest judge during the cooking challenge last season,” Axel said.
“That’s right,” Chris said, “and he didn’t come alone!”
One by one, by more people – two men, three women, all of them around Owen’s age – stepped into the foyer.
A short woman whose ghostly pale skin contrasted sharply with her black dress, matching domino mask, and shoulder-length raven hair streaked with teal, blue and green.
A tall Asian woman in a deep red dress, a long slit running up one leg. Her black hair was done up in a bun, and piercing gray eyes stared from behind a stylized fox max.
A smiling woman with her blonde hair in a braid, her white mask lined with glistening with faux sapphires. The skirt portion of her deep blue dress seemed to flow like ocean waves.
A shorter man who practically swaggered in, smirking beneath his sparrow’s mask, wearing a garishly-stylish purple vest under his suit.
And finally, a bored-looking Indian man with plane white semi-circle mask over his eyes and nose, hands shoved in the pockets of his greenish-gray suit.
“Gonna go out on a limb and say these are more past contestants,” Bowie said.
“Brilliant deduction, Sherlock,” the Indian man said flatly.
“Ooh, I like him already,” MK said.
“Correct-o-mundo, Bowie,” Chris said. “Introducing Gwen! Heather! Bridgette, Cody and Noah!”
“That’s right folks, the Code-Meister is back!” Cody said, a cocky grin on his face as he bowed.
“I’m sure your tens of fans are thrilled,” Gwen snarked.
“So these are the new guys, huh?” Heather asked, regarding the assembled teenagers with a critical eye. “Hmph. Not nearly as iconic as us, but leagues above the freakshows from seasons four and six.”
“Be nice now, Heather,” Bridgette said. “They’ve got enough to deal with being on Total Drama.”
Noah also looked over the cast, and a single eyebrow rose above his mask. “What’s her deal?”
The contestants turned to look. Priya’s eyes were practically bulging out of her head, her mouth opening and closing.
“I-i-it’s them! It’s really-!” Priya stammered. “Gwen and –! And Noah –! And H-Heather!”
“Whoa, she’s gonna faint!” Damien said when Priya started swaying on her feet. “Somebody catch her!”
“I gotcha!” Wayne said, rushing behind Priya with his arms outstretched. “Fall into my arms!”
Priya’s eyes slipped shut as she tilted back-
-and abruptly pitched face-first onto the floor.
“Season one champion, ladies and gentlemen,” Julia snarked.
As Wayne helped a woozy Priya to her feet, Chris clapped to get everyone’s attention.
“Well, now that introductions have been taken care of,” he said, “Let the McLean Manor Masquerade officially begin!”
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danceswithsporks · 2 years
On the 5th day of Batchmas I have to all of yoooouuu
I’ve decided to make little ficlets leading up until our boys get back from their super secret spy mission…err season 2.
Now this will take place in the universe I’ve built for my fic A Star Above the Rest! Some may be sneak peaks at future events, little glimpses into past events, or things I wanted to do but couldn’t work into the story! I hope you all enjoy them and Happy Holidays!
As this is an 18+ blog there may sometimes be adult content. DNI if you are a minor!
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“Hey, what are you doing out here alone?” The crunching sound of boots in the snow filled the crisp night air of the uncharted snow planet they'd rendezvoused on. Zirena stepped next to Echo and looked at him. “Doesn’t all that metal make you cold?” She poked a pink gloves hand at his head.
“Just thinking.” He playfully nudged her back before staring back at the star filled sky. Streaks of blue, purple, pink and gold covered the sky in ribbons of Aurora Borealis.
Zirena leaned her head to the side and rested it on his shoulder. “What are you thinking about?” How long had it been since she’d had some quiet time like this with her dearest friend?
“Everything that’s led us to this. Standing on this frozen planet, you with a padawan and a fiancé. Me looking like this.” Motioning with his hand he pointed to her hand that would have the ring in it as well as himself. “It’s just mind blowing how fast everything changed once you joined us.”
Moving her head, she looked up at him. “That’s a compliment right?”
Echo nodded before pulling her back into him. “Of course. It’s just hard to believe I guess. If you hadn’t joined us then maybe I wouldn’t have been taken. Which meant I wouldn’t have joined the batch.”
“Do you regret joining them?” If he said yes then maybe he could come back to Coruscant with her?
“Mmm, I kinda did in the beginning. I missed you, missed Fives and the crew. But I found something here. I found a closer bond than I expected. I’ve had more adventures than I thought possible. Plus, I’ve been able to help you so much more.” Leaning over he kissed the top of her head.
Her eyes closed at the feeling and she hummed softly. “I have seen you a lot more lately.” At least she was seeing one of her boys frequently. “It’s still so weird to go back to the Resolute and you not be there. Fives misses you fiercely.” Surprisingly everyone missed him.
“I talked to Rex the other day. He said Fives could come train with us for a bit.” Echos hand rubbed her arm gently. The padding of her jacket moving back and forth.
Zirena chuckled at the news. “ Oh I bet Crosshair is going to love that.” Knowing the sniper, he’d start bitching two weeks prior.
“Oh he’s already cranky. But he’ll get over it.” It had taken some time, but Echo had finally learned to tune Cross out whenever he got cranky.
“I wanna know everything when that happens, pictures included please.” She elbowed him gently before looking across the pristine snow. “Hey, remember what we used to do in my room on the Resolute?”
Echo raised an eyebrow in thought. “Debate?”
Rolling her eyes, Zirena stepped away from him and held her hand out. “No silly, how we used to practice dancing.” She’d helped him update his dance moves for 79’s. Which everyone was thankful for.
How could he forget such great memories? The closest he’d ever get to holding her that close was during those sessions. She found it relaxing and fun, he found it the closest to heaven possible. “I almost forgot.” Liar.
“Well let’s see if you atleast remember some of the moves.” She led him a little farther out into the snow, holding his hand tightly.
“W-wait. Zee.” He hadnt done this with her since he’d been changed. How could he hold her the same way? Or dip her? Caramel eyes watched as she stopped and turned to look at him, snowflakes falling onto her as a light dusting began. He inhaled slowly at the sight of her, the way she smiled brightly at him and the snowflakes rested on her eyelashes.
“What’s up? Scared to dance?” She smirked at him with a giggle. “I’m sure you won’t step on me again.” She raised her boot towards him. “These heels finally get me close to your height.”
He couldn’t tell her that he was self conscious about how he looked now. They’d discuss this so many times already and every step she’d reassured him that it didn’t matter how he looked. But at the end of the day it kinda did. How could he hold her the right way when they danced? His scomp was probably freezing, what if it was too cold for her? Or worse! What if it froze to her somehow? But the way those emerald orbs stared at him filled with happiness and joy, he couldn’t say anything. “Is Omega asleep?”
Well that was out of nowhere. “Uh yeah. Her and Cal are curled up under Techs pilot seat. BD is watching them.” Or more likely sleeping as well. “Everyone’s asleep so don’t worry. They won’t notice you stepping on me.” She playfully stuck her tongue out to him before pulling him towards her. “Now come on, let’s see what you remember.”
Echo swallowed carefully as she pulled him into her and placed his hand on her waist. “Which one?”
Zirena hummed in thought as they simply swayed for a moment. “Oh! How about the one we were working on? Right before Chandrila?”
It took Echo a moment to remember before he nodded. “What about the music?”
Zirena tapped her temple before tapping his. “All we need is here.”
“Can you at least hum the beginning?”
“Of course.” Her soft hum began as the sound of their crunching boots echoed around them.
Echo held her hand carefully as they stepped away from each other then forward. The simple steps were repeated once more before Echo twirled her under his arm. He swallowed as her hair whipped through the air and she was pulled back into him. An easy foxtrot box step began and the two spun for a while in the falling snow. He knew what would come at the end of this, the dip that he adored so much. “Zee, how do I?”
“Don’t worry about it. Just do it.” She wasn’t stupid, she knew that the dip would come and with his shorter arm he may be worried about pulling it off. But she’s already planned for it.
Echo spun her out one more time before carefully bringing her back in. His scomp went under her to try and support her but he found it unnecessary. Her hand raised and she used the force to support her, a satisfied smile on her face. Snowflakes landed on her red cheeks and he watched as they melted from her warmth. He’d missed this and a part of him wondered if she’d missed it as well.
“I missed this.” Zirena smiled at him as she stood back up. “I forgot how good of a dancer you actually are. Once you figured it out of course.”
“Thank you, Zee.” The words had escaped before he could stop them.
Zirena gave him a confused look as she tried to figure out what for. “For what?”
No point in hiding it from her. “For making me feel normal again.”
What did he mean ‘normal’? “You are normal, Echo.”
“No, I’m not. I have a scomp for a hand, metal in my head and throughout my body. I’m lighter than my brothers and I don’t sleep as well as I used to.” He placed a hand on her cheek gently. “But for the first time in a long time. I feel normal.”
She wasn’t sure how many times they’d need to have this conversation, but she’d be there for him every single time. Resting her head into his hand, she sighed softly. “Anytime, Echo. Whenever you need to feel normal. Just give me a call.” Reaching up she took his hand and placed a kiss on the palm. “Now, up for another dance?”
Echo chuckled and nodded. “Yeah.”
From the window of the Marauder, Cal and Omega watched the two spin in the snow while BD recorded the two.
“Grownups are weird. Why are they dancing in the snow?” Omega tilted her head to the side as she watched Zirena giggle as Echo almost dropped her.
Cal simply shrugged. “My Master is weirder than most. But she’s fun.” He watched the smile on her face, feeling the happiness she felt through the force. It was the first time he’d felt this level of happiness from her since she came back from Kamino. “Wanna try?”
Omega turned and smiled at him. “I was hoping you’d ask.”
Zirena chuckled suddenly as she felt Cals happiness spike. “I think we have an audience.” She tilted her head towards the ramp of the ship. In the glow of the ship lights, Cal and Omega tried to copy their movements.
Echo followed her gaze and smirked. “Does Cal have a crush on her?”
“If he didn’t before, he does now.”
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thehikingviking · 2 years
Table Mountain (N) via Tyee Lakes, 2022 Sierra Challenge Day 8
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There are two Table Mountains within in the Sierra Nevada. The southern Table Mountain lies on the Great Western Divide and is a very difficult peak to day hike. The northern Table Mountain lies between South Lake and Lake Sabrina east of the Sierra Crest and relatively speaking is a very easy peak to day hike. Day 8 of the 2022 Sierra Challenge was designed to be an active rest day, sandwiched between the two toughest days of the The Citadel and Mt Torchbearer. Therefore, the northern Table Mountain seemed like a good fit. Bob surprisingly encouraged this selection, as there had never been a Sierra Challenge outing starting from Tyee Lakes Trailhead.
I woke up in my motel room somehow motivated to keep in the running for the Yellow Jersey. I drove through the darkness and arrived at the Tyee Lakes Trailhead as the dawn light began to fill the sky. As with most easy days, we had a big crowd for the day's outing. I was disorganized, rushing and awkwardly reintroduced myself to Andrew Schaper. While I had met him many times before, I had never seen him without his hat and sunglasses. I took the trailhead photo and we set off. I immediately dropped to the back of the pack and maintained a very slow pace with Mike. His Achilles was giving him trouble, but he quickly found that my pace was too slow even for him so let left me. My legs were in great pain following the previous day's outing and I suffered more than I expected. I was at least able to pass 77 year old Ron Hudson and his 68 year old girlfriend Karen Anderson, so I guess my pace could have been slower. After about two miles I reached the first of the Tyee Lakes where I caught up to Iris who was fishing and also nursing an injured knee.
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We passed by four lakes that day, with each of them getting more and more beautiful as we climbed.
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After 3 miles the trail left the lake basin and began switching back up to the plateau that was Table Mountain.
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I spotted a large group on the top. I wished that I could have been part of the fun, but today was not the day.
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A couple large snowshoe hares darted across the barren plateau. There were humans approaching from all directions!
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I passed some people heading down, and I watched as others made their way to other points atop the plateau. There were some pines in between me and the summit, so I took a roundabout way that lent itself to no bushwhacking.
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I found a surprisingly fun summit block. I took a challenging route up and sat on the summit. Emma and Megan were basking on one of the rocks below.
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To the southwest were Mt Powell and Point Powell.
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To the northwest were Mt Emerson and Mt Humphreys.
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To the southeast were Cloudripper and Mt Agassiz.
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There was another point to the northwest that looked nearly as tall, so I decided to go visit it. It was about three quarters of a mile away, but it looked closer. Others had already headed that way so I decided to follow. Sandy slopes took me to another interesting set of summit boulders. This peak did not qualify as a bonus peak, but it made for a worthwhile detour. Besides, I'm a purist. Looking back was the first summit.
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There were a couple possible high points at this location so I scrambled up both piles of rocks. Again they were fun class 3.
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To the south was Thompson Ridge. Some of the more eager participants had continued towards this challenging 13er.
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I then continued a half mile southeast to a third and final point on the plateau. Mason had mentioned finding a Smatko register on this summit previously, but not I, nor anyone else, found it.
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I headed cross country down sandy slopes back to the trail where I found Zee. We chatted for a bit then I stopped at the lake for a refreshing swim. Iris was out and about fly fishing, a true outdoors woman.
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With a mile left to go, I ran into a challenge participant who was just starting. It was almost noon, but he still had plenty of time being that it was an easy day. He immediately asked me if I had any food. I said no, but this was a lie. I wasn't willing to share my dwindling snack reserves with an adult who could easily buy their own. Later that night, that same participant locked his keys in his car at Copper Top in Big Pine. Luckily, I had already left to investigate the Shepherd Pass Trailhead conditions, so I didn't have to waste my energy with that ordeal.
Official Summary:
Active rest day.
A 6am start was a little early following an arduous day 7, but many were at the trailhead on time. Today was a good day for fishermen and lake swimmers. The summit block was a fun class 3 scramble.
I went to all three points of Table Mountain that were marked on the topo. My feet are starting to hurt really bad so I'm worried about tomorrow. Let's see what my body can handle.
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starfriday · 1 year
*Zee Studios shares a special video, revealing how they restored the biggest blockbuster Gadar: Ek Prem Katha*
_Gadar: Ek Prem Katha to have a multi-city premiere in Mumbai, Delhi, and Jaipur on 9th June_
_Check out the video link:_
Zee Studios recently announced the re-release of the iconic film "Gadar: Ek Prem Katha", starring Sunny Deol and Ameesha Patel. In no time, the news took social media by storm and exhilarated the fans to a whole new peak. The makers also announced that the film will be released in 4K Resolution and Dolby Atmos audio format. This special edition of the film will bring back the magic of this beloved classic with enhanced visual quality and an immersive viewing experience. The film is all set to be re-release in theatres on 9th June 2023.
Zee Studios has been one of the leading productions houses in the industry since decades, known for entertaining the masses by their unique and unconventional content, the video shared by the production house showcases how they went above and beyond by adding new features to the film to give an extravagant cinematic experience to the fans.”
Speaking about this, CBO of Zee Studios Shariq Patel said, "Gadar: Ek Prem Katha holds a special place in the hearts of Indian cinema lovers. By adding the advancements in the technical aspects of the film, we wanted to give the fans a chance to relive the iconic film with a visually astonishing and larger-than-life experience. We are extremely excited to present 'Gadar: Ek Prem Katha' in 4K resolution and Dolby Atmos audio format, it will allow fans across the nation to witness the magic and power of this timeless classic before they witness the continuation of the story in Gadar 2 on 11th August 2023.”
Helmed by Anil Sharma, Gadar: Ek Prem Katha showcases the powerful love story set against the backdrop of the partition of India and Pakistan.
The visual effects were carefully integrated to enhance the visual experience without compromising the film's nostalgic essence, the sound of "Gadar" underwent a thorough restoration process. All the footage, visual effects shots, sound, and background music were compiled and rendered into the final 4K version.
Since 2001, Gadar: Ek Prem Katha has achieved a cult classic status and paved its way in the hearts of millions of people. With the decision of the 4K resolution upgrade, Zee Studios will preserve this iconic blockbuster in cinematic history, making it more refreshing and even more visually pleasing for the older as well as the newer generations.
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