#peanut butter m&m's >>>>>> reese's pieces
kingandrewburnap · 8 months
A truly cozy interview.
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fullcravings · 7 months
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Monster Cookie Bars
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Sundae Tropes - Milestone Event - CLOSED 🍨
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Well, hello everyone! I can’t believe it’s finally happened but we’re celebrating a milestone! 300 followers?! Like what? I want to thank each and every single one of you for supporting my little blog. I love the interaction and going forward, hope to have more engagement with everyone. To celebrate, I thought I’d throw together a little event. This is intended to be an 18+ event, so minors MDNI. Welcome to Sundae Tropes! Open to all my followers and moots!
Give it up for the talented @actuallysaiyan for the super cute banner!
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🍨 Make your sundae!
1. Pick a flavor of ice cream 2. Choose 1 or 2 toppings - One per group 3. Pick a man (or woman) from either Bleach or JJK 4. Please note the waffle cone option if none of the toppings appeal to you
So for example, your request could look something like Chocolate with whipped cream and caramel with Renji.
🍨Please note: Since this is meant to celebrate my moots and followers, I will not be accepting anon requests. Anyone who follows me and wants to submit a request, but are shy to have their name show up, please DM me, and I will add your request to the list and reach out to you separately when I’m done writing, without responding to the ask publicly. 
🍨 The reader will by default be written as female unless specified otherwise. Please have a look at my rules for characters I don’t write. All characters are either written as adults or aged up.
🍨Also, since each fandom has certain characters more popular than others, I’m capping the number of requests I receive for these characters. 
🍨This will be open for a week (closing April 12th). 
🍨I will be writing a good number of these and will be feeding all requests into a random generator to pick what order I’m writing these in. 
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Vanilla - High school sweethearts 
Chocolate - Boss/secretary
Strawberry -  Enemies to Lovers 
Rocky Road - Teacher/student
Cookie dough - Strangers in a foreign city
Coffee - Friends to lovers
Moose Tracks - Fake dating
Mint chocolate chip - Soulmates
Butterscotch - Forced proximity
Cookies and Cream - Marriage pact
Fudge - Captor/Captive
Peanut butter - Secret Billionaire
Butter Pecan- Love Triangle (pick 2 characters)
Birthday cake- Amnesia/Mistaken identity 
Cotton Candy- Secret Admirer 
Cherry- Return to hometown/reunion love 
Toppings (pick up to 2 - one from each group)
Group 1
Sprinkles - Threesome (pick 2 characters)
Whipped cream - Creampie, Breeding Kink
Crushed Oreos - Clit spanking, Nipple play, Bondage
Marshmallow -  Teasing, Edging, Toys
Kit Kats - Exhibitionism, Dirty talk, Hair pulling
Maraschino Cherries - Praise kink, Lingerie, Blowjob
Strawberries - Passionate/romantic sex, Emotional bond
M&Ms - Virginity loss, Soft sex, Sweet talking
Group 2
Banana - Doggystyle
Reeses Pieces- Cowgirl
Chocolate-covered pretzels - Missionary
Nutella - Butterfly Position
Caramel - Thirst Position
Gummy bears - Facesitting
Brownie bits - 69
Chocolate chips -  Lotus position
Kinks and fetishes not your thing? Want something fluffy and SFW? Add a waffle cone to any flavor! Pick a waffle cone prompt from the list below:
A waffle cone request could look like: Vanilla waffle cone #4 with Gojo
"I'm going on a blind date." "In hopes of them actually being blind?"
"Is there something I can do to make it easier?"
“Don’t you dare walk away right now!”
“Do you miss us?”
"I trust you with all of my heart."
“I have the feeling that you’re trying not to kiss me and I give you permission to just do it.”
“Do you want my jacket?”
"You're all my favorite things about the world concentrated into one person”
"You hugged me like your personal pillow."
“Oh, just shut up, I’m not blushing!”
“Morning cuddles are the best part of the day.”
“Of course I know the way you like your coffee.”
"My heart dances every time I look at you."
Why is your stupid face just so kissable?”
“Your laugh is contagious.”
"I never believed in love at first sight before I met you."
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all dividers by @/ cafekitsune Prompts from @/ creativepromptsforwriting
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pedge-stuff · 11 months
PLEASE WRITE A PART 2 for accident! I’m obsessed
I hadn't planned on it, but... this has been arranged.
accident p. 2 (pedro pascal x gn/m!reader)
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a/n: same vague universe as “marked," as always.
summary: you let him fuss.
It's well past midnight as you key into the apartment. Pedro busies himself by getting you settled, although his movements are almost as sluggish and haggard as your own. Six hours in the ER had taken its toll.
"Why don't you head up?"
You'd sat on the chair by the door, intent on untying your shoes, but had apparently been staring at them for the last few moments. Without a second thought, Pedro kneeled before you. "I'm gonna take the dogs around the block, and then I'll close up down here."
You are struck, not for the first time this evening, by an overwhelming wave of gratitude. How did you get so lucky?
He jingles the leashes, pausing to kiss your forehead before heading out.
It takes you way too long to get up. Some combination of exhaustion and low-dose Vicodin have you zoning out, effectively sleepwalking without Pedro to move you along. There is a pharmacy baggy on the counter, but by the sluggishness of your thoughts, the remainder of the prescription might need to go untouched.
Eventually, you drag yourself upstairs.
Everything feels dirty. The loaned scrub pants come off easily, shed in the doorway of the ensuite, to be dealt with later. (Thrown away, burned, ripped to shreds... Dealer's choice. Anything to be rid of them and put the whole evening behind you.)
You want to take the hottest shower possible, and scrub off the invisible hospital residue until your skin is raw. But the prospect of standing for long enough to get clean is... logistically impossible.
At least your dominant hand is uninjured. You reach around, fumbling with the buckle on the back of the sling. For a broken bone, it wasn't very high tech— just a few pieces of fabric holding the two halves of your left clavicle in place. But the damn thing may as well have been a rubik's cube, for how impossible it was to unstrap.
That's about where Pedro finds you: back down to your underwear, hunched on the closed lid of the toilet, frustrated to tears.
"This is so stupid."
"Baby," he starts softly. His dinner attire has been pared down to slacks and an undershirt. "Please let me do this for you."
A brown paper bag is set on the counter, so he can gently remove the sling, followed by the scrub top. Eyes closed, you wilt on the lid. Pedro reaches to plug the tub, without asking, though you nod slowly as he looks back.
The man busies himself as you watch on: changes into a well-loved pair of flannel pajama bottoms, tosses some lavender epsom salt into the slowly-filling water, swears a blue streak doing something suspiciously loud in the other room.
When he returns, slightly red in the face, the bath has been filled.
A not-insignificant part of you had hoped he'd be joining, but Pedro chooses instead to perch on the side, running a hand through your hair as you settle against the porcelain. From within the paper bag, a bag of mini Reeses cups are presented.
"Bodega dinner," he says proudly, adding, "you gotta eat something, baby."
"I'm okay," you whisper, though you're not talking about the peanut butter, at all.
"But you almost weren't," he says hoarsely. "I keep replaying that phone call over and over again in my mind. I think my heart stopped for a second. I just..."
You can only nod, mutely. The feverish, borderline frantic look in his eyes traps any response in your throat. (Honestly, he'd been looking at you like that all night. Hasn't really taken his eyes off you since he found you in the hospital hallway.)
So, you let him fuss.
Out of the tub, you lightly dread bedtime, though you've been fantasizing about sleep now for hours. The doctor had specifically warned against sleeping on either your side or back, instead sending you home with a diagram of how to sleep sitting up. Which sounds worse than a car accident, frankly.
But, upon entering, you discover the bedroom has... transformed? Your bed, normally centered, has been pushed into the corner. One nightstand has been abandoned in the middle of the room.
"I'll move that later," Pedro says sheepishly.
All the pillows on the bed, and from the chaise in the opposite corner of the room, have been gathered in a clumsy pile. The dogs have already assumed their positions against the footer.
Pedro shucks off his undershirt, and crawls into the makeshift nest. With pillows to support his often-fragile back, he reclines against the wall corner. Pats the mattress.
"You can't lay down," he warns, as you shift onto the bed. "The doctor was really particular about that."
"Sitting up," you echo. Although, at this point, you'd crash standing up if it meant you could finally fucking sleep.
Pedro splays his legs. "Come here."
Carefully, one-handed, you maneuver yourself according to his gesturing. Settling, back-to-chest, against him; legs between his legs. Propped up like a rag doll. As if on autopilot, Pedro's arm comes up to wrap across your stomach.
"This can't possibly be comfortable for you," you protest.
His lips brush your temple. "I promise." His grip tightens; you are a human teddy bear, which feels appropriate, since your brain is full of stuffing.
Each rise and fall of Pedro's chest presses warmly against you. There is nothing to wake up for tomorrow, no alarm to set— you'd cancelled your Sunday Brunch plans sometime between the IV and the x-ray.
"Hey." You loll your head against his shoulder. Can't meet his eyes, from this angle, but in the darkness of the bedroom, it doesn't really matter.
Your fingers lace with his, where they clutch around your side. "I love you."
"Mm." His chin hooks over the top of your head. "You have no idea, sweetheart."
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jungle-angel · 7 months
Joint Lessons in History (Bob Floyd x Reader)
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Summary: You and Bob love the days when you guys can lay back and enjoy the show with your classes
Tagging: @sebsxphia @bobfloydsbabe @bradleybeachbabe Helena my love, I heard you were having a bit of a rough evening and I figured you could use a little pick-me-up. I wanna write more of this AU down the road so if you wanna be on a mini taglist let me know
Friday afternoons before school vacations were always the best, because for you and Bob, it meant a joint history and literature class together. You always loved days like this, because not only would you be with Bob, but it meant shenanigans with your students before having to go home and tend to the house. Luckily for you, your mother and father-in-law were there to help keep things in order, making it easier on you and Bob.
"Alright my freaky little aliens, everybody up on those desks!" Bob announced.
The group of sixteen and seventeen year olds were excited as ever. The day before winter break was always the most exciting with Bob making it easy on them by doing review games for whatever the main lesson block was that week. This week's rewards were pieces of the endless arrays of candy and chocolate-peanut butter fudge that Bob kept in the desk drawers.
Up on the desks they went, sitting cross-legged or with their legs dangling over the edge before your class entered the room to join them.
"How goes Mrs. Floyd?" Bob mumbled before he kissed you.
"We might need to stop for coffee on the ride back," you answered. "I've had more than enough water and I'm exhausted."
"We've got the next two hours to decide where we're gonna stop," Bob told you, pressing a kiss to your forehead. "Momma called earlier, she and Dad made us dinner for when we get home."
"Oh thank God," you sighed, relieved that your mother-in-law had done so.
Bob took his place at the front while you hopped up onto the edge of his desk, making yourself right at home on your favorite little perch.
"Pop quiz guys," Bob announced. "Rulers of Lothlorien in Fellowship of the Ring, who were they?"
"Celeborn and Galadriel!" Deshawn answered.
"Awesome dude!" Bob said, tossing Deshawn a mini kit-kat bar. "Speak friend and enter, what's the elvish word for friend?"
"Mellon!" Kelsey answered.
"Young lady, ya'll have just earned yourself a Mr. Goodbar!" Bob answered enthusiastically, reaching into the drawer of his desk and tossing the mini chocolate bar to Kelsey, the girl in the navy blue and orange varsity jacket.
"Alright, lets see if Mrs. Floyd can stump you guys," Bob said.
"Aragorn's nickname is what?" you asked.
Every possible name for the character was shouted through the room until Justin threw both of his hands up in the air. "The dude who never showers!" he blurted out.
"Justin Daly sit your ass down this instant!" Bob laughed.
You and Bob couldn't help but laugh. "Alright who's got the real nickname, c'mon, don't be shy," you told the kids.
As soon as Birdy O'Connor shouted out "Strider", a mini packet of M+Ms went flying in her direction. You and Bob were able to waste the last two hours of the day playing the game with hardly a break in between.
"Gandalf's famous words to the Balrog?!" Bob called out loudly.
"YOU SHALL NOT PASS!!!!!" the kids chorused together.
"Alright guys everybody's getting a piece for that one!"
Everyone laughed as you and Bob tossed the mini chocolate bars, packets of gummies, Nerds, Reese's peanut butter cups and mini packets of Skittles and M+Ms to your students when they answered correctly. The enjoyment of the game however, was interrupted by one of the admins ringing the handbell to signal the end of the day.
"Alright guys, you know the drill," Bob announced. "Chairs up, bags packed up and make sure nobody slips on their way out to the parking lot. It's slippery out there!"
The clatter of wood on wood echoed throughout the room as students picked up their chairs and turned them over to put them on the desk, packing up their backpacks with whatever they needed for the duration of school vacation.
"Wanna make a run to grab coffee?" Bob asked as you walked out into the freshly falling snow.
"Why not?" you asked with a cheeky little grin. "I hear they have that new chocolate-peppermint flavor you love so much."
Bob pressed a sweet kiss to your lips. "Love you Mrs. Floyd."
"Love you too Mr. Floyd," you answered, eagerly returning the kiss before you hopped into the truck and pulled out of the dirt parking lot, the heat blasting and waring you both up.
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magdelanesingerin · 7 months
Milk Duds Are Terrible Candy
Geralt comes into the kitchen to find Jaskier leaned over the counter, rifling through an enormous, open bag of Halloween candy with a focused expression. Beside him on the counter is a pile of little yellow boxes. 
He’s momentarily distracted by his boyfriend’s costume–the sparkly silver mini skirt that shows off his long legs hugged by white stockings, the matching bra, the platform shoes. The straps of his garter belt disappear under the fabric in a way that is extremely distracting indeed. It’s barely 5pm, though; there are many hours to go before Geralt can peel that costume off him, so he tears his eyes away and tries to focus. 
“What are you doing?”
“Picking out all the Milk Duds,” he says without looking up, tongue sticking out in concentration between darkly painted lips. Geralt is almost afraid to ask, but he can’t resist.
“Because I hate them, Geralt,” he says as though it’s obvious, and continues to jiggle the bag around, peering into the brightly-colored depths to pluck out any hiding boxes. “It’s right there in the name: these little bastards are DUDS. Gross tacky caramel, too sweet, they stick in your teeth…ugh. And this is our bag of Backup Candy, and if we don’t wind up needing to dig into this bag, I don’t want to risk getting stuck with a whole heap of little boxes of disappointment that will sit around in the pantry for six months before I throw them out. Soooooo, I’m pulling out all the shit candy and adding it to the bowl.”
Geralt blinks. “Why not just buy a bag without Milk Duds then?”
Jaskier huffs and rolls his eyes like Geralt is the one being unreasonable, tossing the poofy white wig out of his face. Geralt can’t help the fond smile that breaks over his face watching his ridiculous boyfriend. “Becaaaause, this is the bag that has the Reeses Pieces and Whoppers! But those great candies come at a price, and that price is Milk Duds. Thus, my very smart plan is to ditch them in the bowl for the trick or treaters.” 
“Sure. For the kids.”
“Kids are stupid, Geralt, and have notoriously bad taste in candy.” Jaskier dumps a double handful of Milk Duds over the top of the pile of candy in their biggest mixing bowl, then stands back with his hands on his hips and regards it skeptically before leaning back in to stir up the contents a bit and disguise his candy crimes among miniature Snickers and little packages of M&Ms. “As long as it’s sugar, they’re happy. They eat Smarties, for fuck's sake. And candy corn. Hell, I used to eat those black and orange taffy things with the chalky peanut butter in the middle when I was a kid, and those are only barely candy.”
Geralt shakes his head at the rambling, smiling helplessly, and picks up the big bowl of candy to take to the porch. Jaskier snags a Twix out of the bowl as he takes it away. This is their first year living together, and somehow, despite knowing each other for a decade and dating for two years before moving in together, it’s still been a journey of discovery sharing these little moments with Jaskier. He loves it.
“Stop eating candy, Jaskier. You’ll make yourself sick. Eat some real food.”
Jaskier squawks indignantly. It's one of Geralt's favorite sounds. “I’ve only had, like…three pieces!”
“I can see the pile of wrappers in the trash. Unless Roach has been eating chocolate? Do we need to go to the vet instead of handing out candy?” he asks dryly as he leaves the room.
“No. FINE, I’ll eat some cheese or something.” He can hear the pout in his boyfriend’s voice. It’s adorable.
“Put on the ears, Geralt!” Jaskier calls after him. “And the tail! Without them you’re just wearing all black, and that is not a costume.” Geralt rolls his eyes and groans, but snags the cat-hear headband and the long tail off the entryway table on his way outside anyway. Despite his grumbling, he loves giving out candy to the kids in his neighborhood, though he’s never dressed up before. He plops into one of the chairs on their broad front porch and settles the cat ears onto his head with a soft smile, ready for trick or treaters.
on ao3 here
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adventuresasmrsfindley · 11 months
Peanut butter M&Ms are better than Reese's Pieces. Agree or disagree in the comments.
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ren-054 · 3 months
Favorite candy? And head-canons for what you think would be the dca's favorite candy would be? 🤨
Hrmmm either those strawberry baby bottle pops (hear me out awkjsks)
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These bad boys
Or those holiday exclusive Reese’s chocolates where they try to make the candy a specific shape but it just ends up being one delicious blob of peanut butter wrapped in chocolate
For the scrimblos,,,
Sun - sour candies of all kinds, keeps him alert
Anything with like a very intense flavor to it, really
Moon - Skittles, M&Ms, candies that come in little pieces that you can just shove into your mouth like an animal,
if it didn’t fuck up his hardware he’d be all over Gushers
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dxzziie · 3 months
Which is better, Skittles, M&M's, or Reese's Pieces?
And which one would you feed Nana?
i like peanut butter m&ms the best
and nana doesnt really like candy all that much so 🤷‍♀️
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sadboyanonymous · 5 months
gm my lil reese's pieces or m&ms if you don't like or are allergic to peanut butter ✨
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fullcravings · 2 years
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Leftover Halloween Candy Cookies Recipe
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Aren’t Reese’s PIECES just the peanut butter filled brown, orange, and yellow little circles (like M&M’s)? ☠️
yeah, they are. i made a mistake, should i just delete my blog? 🙄
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tizniz · 4 months
Peanut Butter M&Ms or Reese’s Pieces? 🤨
Reese’s Pieces.
But peanut M&M’s are superior, followed closely by mini M&M’s that come in the tube.
Also I’m Canadian so our chocolate can vary slightly sometimes.
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indynerdgirl · 2 years
I saw someone mention in the tags the other day that there isn't enough Bob - Fanboy friendship posts and I have to agree!
Now I'm imagining Bob & Mickey having all kinds of debates.
Star Wars vs Star Trek Marvel vs DC Coke vs Pepsi sour candy vs sweet candy Reeses Pieces vs peanut butter M&Ms remakes/reboots vs originals physical books vs audiobooks/ebooks dogs vs cats pirates vs ninjas SEC vs Big Ten
Just all kinds of debates.
And Bob really doesn't care when it comes to most of these debates (except when it comes to the SEC vs Big Ten debate. Bob is a southern boy and the SEC is the superior college sports conference thank you very much and anyone who says otherwise is just wrong and he will defend it with his dying breath), he just loves to rile up his fellow WSO.
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bylertruther · 2 years
not to be corny but will loving reese's pieces aka peanut butter n mike loving m&ms aka chocolate .... what more proof of by|er endgame + them being soulmates do u even need at this point tbh 🤨
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kiirotoao · 1 year
S2 rewatch highlights!
(this is like my 7th time rewatching the show and I’m still finding things lmao)
Episode 1
Omg there are a lot of vans in this show, huh? Kali’s gang, Hopper’s police van, Argyle’s van lol
AWW Mews oh no baby
Dustin the mediator, calling all the boys haha
Will’s so tiny AHWGHGEHF 
Hop’s pretending to be clueless about Murray for El oh my heart 🥺
Also I feel like I had no idea what Murray was talking about but now in hindsight I do lmao
AWWWHAJHJHJ Joyce was sewing the Ghostbuster’s costume in the store I missed that OHIFHKD so sweet
OH Bob I miss him. I legit do. He made Joyce happy. :((((((
AWW Nancy already anticipates what Jonathan’s going to do on Halloween night!! Oh the sweet intimacy they’re learning about each other
Also HMMM a slight parallel as Nancy pushes Steve away to stop kissing her like Mike does to El in the beginning of s3?
“I don’t know. He’s quiet today.” MY BABY
OH that car ride with Joyce and Will hurts so much. Can we start a #hugsforWillByers or something I need it
“Peanut butter and chocolate, hard to beat that” - hold up, Owens, Reese’s Pieces are just peanut butter. (However, M&Ms are chocolate. And I wonder what Mike’s favorite candy is…)
Eulogy and Barb ahdjhfdhfjkdfd - and with Mike as he looks over at El’s hideout… my god Mike thinks she’s dead
HAAH I like how Dustin parks his bike like it’s a car
AWHHH it’s Jonathan’s night to pick but he lets Will pick - I bet he does that every time
Hmm I wonder why the Byers’ house interior wasn’t covered in vines when Will had that second vision. Was it always like that? Last we saw briefly in s1, the bathroom had vines. Maybe it’s just Henry being dramatic, but the inconsistency around the Byers’ house might be important? Idk
Episode 2
I wonder how in the world the gash in the chalkboard from the demogorgon was explained lol. Eh whatever, I’m sure the boys found some crazy excuse.
HOLY- Mike’s complicated grief just hit me. Like he saw her, he did, but it could have very well been a trick of the light as far as he knew, and so I really think he was going through depression here as he thought El was dead holy shit
OH the way that the slight scare of Will being gone got me - the emphasis of Joyce’s anxiety was really poignantly done here!!!
AWH Will being the mediator in The Party
Oh my gosh wow, I missed that Joyce took Will to Chicago. I can only imagine how many places she tried to go to help Will. Will must be so tired :(((((
AW Jopper in high school <3
Tell me why I look at Joyce and just want to cry. Every time this season. #hugsforJoyceByers too pLEASE
Oooo the light between Nancy and Steve in that private library room! It’s like they’re so close but so far, a light divides them and is ironically separating them despite being a “light” in between them
Lucas and Dustin are SO iconic omg, both of them made me guffaw this episode
HAHA AW Dustin warning the guys “don’t cross the streams” - reminds me of how Dustin yells at the random student “wear a helmet!” In s4 lol
Oh my heart. Bob doesn’t minimize Joyce’s feelings, and he thinks about her word and her worries, wanting to take her away from the town full of trauma. Just <33333
I literally have nothing to say about the crazy together scene other than they’re boyfriends, your honor. Literally this scene had me on their radar.
UGH Jonathan’s such a gentleman, taking off Nancy’s shoes
Interesting how Mike didn’t stay in the hideout! Did he not really see El??? Mike???
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