#pearlina hc
headcanon but like you know how in the concerts whenever Off The Hook perform Shark Bytes Pearl would like jump out of the stage? In some concerts she decides to just reefslide onto the stage
It's usually loved by the fans but the clean up crew and government hate it cause of the mess and the fact that she's using a special outside of the splatlands
oh I love this idea that would be so cool!!! imagine her reefsliding onto the stage and when it bursts, pink and teal ink go everywhere like those colored smoke bombs!! fans in the front rows will wear white shirts so when the ink splashes from the reefslider their shirts get colored with it and they have a unique piece of merch to remember the concert <3
i can absolutely see like the president or governor or ... king/ queen? whoever controls inkadia or something- the person in charge being like "we ought to fine you for use of a special weapon outside of a designated turf war area!" and pearl is like "oh my bad, how much?" and they say like 2,000 dollars or something and pearl hands it to them in CASH from her pocket, giving them a thumbs up and saying "I'll be sure to pay beforehand next time I do it! We run on a tight schedule, I don't wanna delay our flight handling stuff like this. See ya!"
They.... make an exception for Off the Hook, because it's clear a fine will not stop them and the fans like it a lot. Maybe they temporarily declare the stage a turf war area so there's like a legal loophole for pearl to use the reefslider without getting in trouble. Either way, pearl is rich and gives no fucks, she'll do whatever she wants even if she has to pay for it later.
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toytulini · 4 months
headcanoning Acht as aro and no one can stop me.
here is a list of well thought out reasons to really explain my thought process here:
1) I want to
2) theyre literally green. you cant stop me
3) Eight and Acht having aro solidarity ♤💚♤ 🤝 ♤💚♤ in that elevator while Pearl and Marina are disgustingly cute (good for them) is very fun
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nemopen · 4 months
OUGH I should rlly read 14 crush again...
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missnatzooie · 1 year
Pearl blushes when she looks at Marina, she can't get over how beautiful her girlfriend is, Pearl also loves Marina's wholesome personality and will become a flustered mess when Marina wraps her arms around her.
Bonus: Pearl and Marina will nuzzle their noses together, with Pearl then squeaking afterwards.
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2cake · 4 months
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pearlina body hcs
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blueskieswastaken · 2 years
Give us the propaganda hcs. Pearl takin care of marina when she’s expecting snd just being the best
woohoo!!! i will give you so so many.
this one also got very long oops.
they both cried when they found out marina was expecting, they were very happy. marina covered the test with a towel on the kitchen table and just sat there waiting until she and pearl were both ready to look at it
marina struggled a lot with morning sickness :(. pearl stayed with her all morning until her wife felt okay, and then she got up and got marina something really easy on her stomach to eat and/or drink, like fish broth or ramen.
all of a sudden marina had a lot of free time cause she was on maternity leave, so she did a lot of videogame streams. pearl still went to work because she wanted to support her wife but sometimes she shows up. 
despite that they both kept it really private and quiet. their excuse for marina not being at work? well she’s really sick please wish her well and hope she gets better…………. 
sometimes marina will have a super bad day and pearl stays at home and cuddles up with her. 
they told the squidsters and deep cut by inviting them to lunch at a bar, only for marina to refuse any alcohol when normally she’d at least have something with sake or wine in it. she just sipped on her iced tea until someone went “waaaait a second. you’re pregnant aren’t you?” it was doubly suspicious because big man was the designated driver, not marina. 
(and then everyone got super excited)
pearlie always kept track of all of marina’s cravings and always lovingly teases her when she craves something she normally doesn’t like.
“hang on lemme get this straight. im gonna make you some daifuku… and you want *tsubuan* anko.” 
“… you’re sure? you’ve told me you don’t like the texture before.”
“i want tsubuan.”
“alright then. but still, who are you and what’d you do with my reena?”
pearl works out to be able to pick marina up and carry her when she’s too tired to do anything. marina can’t change forms either, so she can’t turn octo to make it easier. pearl just works out even harder and gets even stronger. she can hoist marina up and carry her bridal style even days before she has the twins. 
the first time they feel a kick they both get super emotional. 
pearl has thousands upon thousands of photos of marina all throughout the entire pregnancy and she likes looking through it when she’s feeling sappy. even when she cleans out her photo gallery she never gets rid of any of them.
marina started to purr in her sleep. pearl has videos of it. 
she sleeps on her side too, so she ends up laying her stomach on top of pearl when the twins are big enough. pearl doesn’t mind, she likes knowing her babies are there :)
marina builds a nest on the bed out of pillows and blankets and they both get a little sad when she takes it all down. it’s alright though.
marina talks to her baby a lot. she talks to them in octarian and pearl does the same thing in inkling 
she also gets very sleepy very quickly.
pearl brags about how awesome and strong her wife is and how proud she is to her family all the time. her dads cried at the news because they too were so so happy
many thoughts head full (of pearlina moms)
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happy-little-worker · 2 years
Howdy! (it’s 1am for me rn goodness)
My name is Malcolm and this is my Splatoon blog! My pronouns are He/They and I’m 20 y/o. I’ve been a Splatoon fan since Splatoon 2 launched and I regret passing up on Splatoon 1. Now I’m a Splatoon lore and music junkie that obsessed over small details in the series!
I’m currently in my Mr. Grizz Apologist Era so please forgive me for that, it’s just one of them days. My favorite idol is Big Man, favorite group is Off The Hook, and I’m a fairly competitive Splatoon player when I’m not squealing over cute fanfic. I ship.. most of what every one else ships. Agent 24, Pearlina, Frye x Shiver is neat, Cuttletavio is underrated. M4rie is weird to me but some hc Agent 4 as an adult so it’s whatever.
Anyway I’m hoping to get to know some cool folks.
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polkadotts · 2 years
A lotta people have been doing pearlina moms content, esp on ao3. Do you have any headcannons for them as moms?
got damm you guys are rlly hitting me with questions i have to think about. I would just say "no" bc lol i dont have any good hcs at the moment but thats a little mean so ill ponder on this question the whole day (deranged)
.Pearl and Marina travel a lot and so does their little baby :) i feel like if the hotel/restaurant they go to has no food for The Tiny they will fight their way into the kitchen to cook, Marina does most of the cooking while Pearl talks with the staff
.Surprinsingly they are great moms and take very very good care of the baby and one another
.Pearl does not swear around their kid and has a very cute soft tone of when speaking to them
.They do lots of activites together, especially hiking
.videogame night is a special weekend night where the 3 of them play multiplayer games :) its mostly minecraft or smash
.Marina would be overprotective of their child but Pearl is there to reasure her that nothing bad will happen, even tough she sometimes feels the same sense of worry as Rina but she just shrugs it off and keeps going
.Pearl would totaly join The Tiny in making potions with dirt and water and rocks
.Marina would to and she would play along as the aprentice witch to the grand wise master (and also make sure no dirt rock water is actually consumed)
.if their kid should enter the rebelious phase and get piercings and dress in all black leather etc Pearl and Marina would be Super proud and, also completly humiliate them! like showing them photos of when they would dressed like that too, i mean they where both butch lesbians, theres no way a 16yr old is doing it better than Pearl Punk Rock Legend
mmm yeah thats it i could think of more but my 1 hour bus ride is coming to an end and im eepy tired
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blushiing-official · 2 years
nice to meet everyone ig
(thoughts connected to a topic will be separated by [//], and topics will be separated by [////////])
hello! I go by blushiing, hence the name lol :)
I am mostly multifandom, anything that interests me goes in my little trashcan of a brain 👍
I struggle a bit with my mental health so posting may vary from multiple posts a day to barely any posts in a week sometimes
this is where my fancontent and art will go, I suppose [fandoms I may post abt are in tags]
I'll also post stuff my friends ask me to draw as well cause they're great yk 👍
(spoiler alert it's so very silly and not straight. I also may post suggestive things here I think, any characters depicted will be over the age of 18 ofc)
splatoon 🦑🐙 :
I ship pearlina/marine/calpearl/frye x shiver/agent 8 x agent 4, and have my own agent ocs as well as normal splat ocs.
nsfw content for ships I draw will not be of any canon agents/characters that do not canonically have an age yet.
(pearl and marina are believed to be 26/23, and callie and marie are at least 24 as of splatoon 3. it is also believed that neo 3 is still 14/15, agents 4 and 8 may be 19 and 18, respectively, and captain 3 is now 21, but this has not been completely confirmed and therefore I will only be drawing sfw for them specifically. plus they're so silly and goofy why would anyone wanna sexualize some goofy ahh young adults)
for headcanons I hc that the squid sisters and pearl are black. I am okay with depicting all characters in their original skin tones, but if I post art that has to deal with my headcanons, I will not be going into petty arguments over fictional squid and octopus people.
super mario/nintendo 🟥🟩:
I ship luigi x daisy and bowigi, and I am not opposed to mario x peach.
I like to think that most of the characters (including bowser) like to be open with their identity and orientation.
luigi is depicted to like wearing peach's dress in an official comic, and mario even has a wedding gown outfit in odyssey. even if they're straight in canon or not, they're comfortable enough to wear things that are not seen as what 'typical men' would wear. I love that abt them.
luigi is my bf and nobody can take that away from me.
sonic 🦔💨:
I ship rouge x knuckles and sonic x shadow. idk how to truly feel about sonamy as sonic is 15 and amy is 12, but I see it as a cute puppy love kinda thing. (btw rouge is 18, knuckles is 16, and shadow is 17)
not much else to say here except I like the real-time fandubs go watch them love snapcube
self insert content 👤✅:
I have a self insert I will use for any visual novels/dating sims, their name is astrid. their age can vary, for example if they were in ddlc.
oc content ✏️📃:
a friend and I are working on projects regarding our ocs. one of my ocs, taryn, is in both projects. their appearance is different in each one.
taryn is over the age of 18, and their partners are as well. any mature content the three of them are drawn in and posted here will have a content warning.
I think that's everything for now, welcome! if you made it to the end, thanks :)
(I hope I got everything)
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jsheios · 5 years
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pearlina week day 1: mt. nantai
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How do you think Pearl’s family reacted to Pearl dating Marina? I assume they’re chill with it and I’m 100% gonna assume that they’re going to pay and go all out for their wedding (also maybe Pearlina wedding hcs?)
People tend to either think pearl's fam is chill af or terrible and i prefer the first option LOL, it's nice as an AU for plot angst and stuff but I think pearl is on good terms with her parents!! she's definitely a daddy's girl
When she told her mom she was dating marina her mom was like "Great, when will I meet her? Are you bringing her to family dinner on Sunday? How much food should I expect her to eat?"
Her dad was like "Cool." Which is actually dad speak for "I'm so proud of you and I can't wait to meet the love of your life."
The Houzuki family is rich as fuck so they will absolutely pay for all the expenses of their wedding and honeymoon, so they can literally do whatever they want. following this idea, here are some pearlina wedding hcs:
They have all their friends and family come of course, oth is popular so they invite all sorts of people they've become acquainted doing business with
Pearl's maid of honor is Callie, Marina's is Marie ofc
They both have some of the agents as their brides maids, agent 3 is one of Pearl's, agent 8 is one of Marina's, 4 and neo 3 are there too but not in the bridal parties (they haven't really met much yet so they are both invited bc NSS members but neither of them are close)
Pearl has a suit dress combination, a short, fluffy white wedding skirt with a pristine white blazer with teal accents. she has a teal tie on as well
Marina has a form fitting, shimmery, white dress that reaches the ground and has a high slit by her leg for mobility. It has really delicate, thin straps made of lace or beads, they're really just there for show instead of support but the beads have hints of pink in them
They have the most mushy and from the heart vows ever, Marina saying that Pearl saved her, gave her hope that inkopolis would be a home for her and she fell in love with the kindest most beautiful person ever. Pearl saying how Marina changed her, how she made her evaluate her actions and life choices and became such a better person because of her influence, and there was nobody she’d rather spend the rest of her life with than Marina. 
They have the most gorgeous wedding ring sets, Marina has a round blue sapphire with diamonds around the band of the ring, and a wedding band that fits over the ring to make it look like an infinity symbol. Pearl has a square (but its tilted on its side so its a diamond shape) pink diamond surrounded by smaller white diamonds, and a wedding band that points in the middle making the set look like a crown <3 
Pearl’s dad absolutely cries during their first dance, hes so proud of his daughter and he also gives Marina a dance because she doesn’t have family that she can do that with ;-; that makes Marina cry 
Pearl and Marina’s first dance is so emotional and they have a beautiful dance routine they practiced, a simple ballroom dance with lots of twirling and Marina dipping Pearl and kissing her. Everyone is just so happy for them and the two of them are so excited to spend the rest of their lives together
Their honeymoon is in like a tropical forest/island environment, somewhere they’re kind of secluded in a beautiful nature setting and can chill and relax as wives without worrying about being off the hook
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treker402 · 6 years
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Pearl knows that she isn’t the good one, and always be the mess up and fuck up everything in her life. She never expects someone to be with her
someone like Marina. 
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missnatzooie · 2 years
There’s a train station in Splatsville that’s currently inaccessible, what if that brings you to Pearl’s mansion in the DLC?
We’ll finally be able to visit Pearl & Marina’s home <3
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ev1lde4d · 6 years
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back at it again with the concept!pearl x marina au bonus wip:
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snailvibes · 2 years
do you have any headcanons about off the hook and/or pearl and marina individually? also do you agree they are gay?
HI sorry for taking forever to get to this, been very busy lately and forgot to answer this lmao
First of all yes I am actually nintendo themselves and they’re very gay mega gay pearlina canon the only reason they haven’t been in the splat3 trailers yet is Cus they’re on their honeymoon <3
Headcanons under the cut!
- marina is into competitive online video games except instead of being like the kids in COD lobbies she just messages you your IP and says “this u?”
- taking this as a chance to spread my favorite hc of “pearl is emperor and prince from the splatoon manga’s sister” because it’s amazing. Pearl goes to all of their matches and supports them no matter what (embarrasses emperor more than anything lol). They all argue a lot but pearl practically raised them so they’re super close still they love their big sis <3
- marina adores cats she visits the judds constantly and loves reading any human books about cats and cat facts she can find
- Pearl enjoys hanging out with the agents she has a “cool aunt” relationship with four and three
- marina has tons of things she likes to collect for fun ranging from manga to trading cards to merchandise of the bands she likes. Pearl actually collects stuffed animals but she tells everyone it’s Marina’s collection Cus she gets embarrassed
- around when marina first came to the surface she’d constantly drag pearl outside when it was raining because of how fascinated by it she was. Pearl went along with it just for her even when it was thundering but it was worth it to see marina smile so much. Nowadays marina won’t drag her outside anymore but she still asks her to watch it from outside a window with her and Pearl never says no
- pearl very much just wears only clothes from marina she’s stolen. Heck I think she’d buy marina a bunch of clothes just to steal them after she’s worn them. I very much think her hoodie from the octo expansion used to belong to marina ages ago and marina just eventually let Pearl keep it.
- Marina’s octo form is HUGE and she very much enjoys cuddling pearl in it
- Pearl’s shit at cooking but she’s been trying to learn to do nice things for marina like making her breakfast (which usually doesn’t work because marina wakes up before pearl lmao but it’s the thought that counts! Sometimes marina will just stay in bed and pretend to sleep when pearl wakes up because she knows pearl wants to make her breakfast) 
- obviously they’ve adopted agent 8 and are a happy family with her <3 they’re both good at helping out with any nightmares from the metro and taught her how to speak inkling better. Marina taught her how turfwars work and pearl took her everywhere around the city
- I believe in the gay cephlapods supremacy <3
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skullvins · 3 years
I am coming for your QueerPlatonic crown, your majesty. -An AceAro who is SICK AND TIRED of the only two known QPR HCs being from (beta)Team Purple
ITS TRAGIC I KNOW BUT!!!! a couple of points for u anon!
I largely don't shut up about qp skullvin and qp aviskull for kinnie reasons, but I DO have other aro hcs/qpr ish/alt relationship hcs
for example! I hc gloves and half rim to be in a sort of qpr? idk if this is a Thing people talk about as much these days, but there used to be a sort of concept where two people date, one aro and one allorom, and the relationship is romantic but the aro obviously Doesn't feel that. they do at least some romantic stuff, and the allorom has romantic feelings, but is fine with platonic feelings from their partner, and their partner is fine with romantic feelings from them whilst having platonic feelings in return. a case of who cares, we both care about each other, don't we? aro gloves and gay half rim babey!
I DO like gorai, but their relationship is 100% soft romo and can border on more qp stuff because rider is aroflux. a big point tho is rider's ok with most forms of affection but cannot handle mouth kisses At All
qp skullvin and to some extent qp aviskull I would argue have only really been popularised by, uh, me. from what I've seen, most people who ship it got it from me. people have defo shipped them romo before, but I decided to rub my aro hands all over it because me me kinnie
qp hcs in a fandom are. So fucking rare as is that I'm amazed people tollerate my bullshit at all. Like, some of my upcoming skullvin fics are VERY explicitly aro (one even has a whole section where a lot of terminology is casually discussed between skull and aloha, both because it makes sense in character and because I want to explain my hc for qp aviskullvin as well as explain elements of aro terminology to any readers who may be unfamiliar with more detailed terms). I'm actually very nervous to talk about this hc in more detail outside of my blog because I'm used to qp shipping being hated on or misinterpreted. I'd love to bring it up on the wiki but I am So Scared
I have seen other qp coroika content! only bits in passing, but I've defo seen qp poly S4 and that's such a good concept tbh
I do ship other qprs too for the games! I much prefer pearlina as a qpr (hot take: pearl's love of cake and marina's green: they're ace and aro lads) and qp agent 32 is always a must for my kinnie ass
I'm ACTUALLY starting to think about the possibility of qp diver/aloha. I think a lot of captain/co captain ships can end up with a qp vibe but I see mask and full moon and army and forge as more like siblings to each other, where as aloha and diver are emotional support dudes. also aro diver and super supportive allorom aloha kinda slaps
anyway, I would LOVE to see your qp coroika content anon!!! qp shipping offers a unique dynamic imo, but I think it can be hard to write if you're unfamiliar with qprs, which is the case for most allorom fans. then again, I've written kiss scenes, so who knows
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