#peep my crochet hooks
urlmysunshine · 2 years
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i thought tonight I would share w u my irl kawhe time ☕️🤎
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Made a case for my ever growing collection of crochet hooks! I'm so proud of this thing and it only took me an afternoon to sew! The pattern is based off my dissecting tools roll up case with a few modifications, namely the top flap being longer. It's padded with batting to give some nice cushion and structure to the case, and the top flips down to keep in the hooks when it's all closed.
The front pocket is lined with cotton velveteen with the nap pointed toward the top to make inserting the Clover hooks easier and to add a layer of sturdiness to the pocket since it's going to be a high wear area. I need to run to Joann to buy a snap for the tab so everything stays closed, but otherwise it's done!
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iknityounot · 6 months
I am going to make this a separate post, since the other one got so long.
So, like I mentioned there, I sent my grandma's granny squares off to my Loose Ends "finisher" with the intent of giving my mother the blanket when it was complete. I had NO thoughts in my head at all for saving something for myself.
When I received the box in August with the completed blanket, it had two additional things in it. It had a letter and a bag. The bag had two and a half skeins of left over yarn (please peep the picture of all they yarn I sent this lady, I was SO surprised she was able to use so much of it!) my grandmother's crochet hook, and a single granny square. In the letter, my finisher, Katherine, wrote that she set aside one of the original squares my grandma made--she specifically said the one she guessed may have been one of the first--in order to put it in a central place in the finished blanket. But then she forgot about it when she went to put the blank together, so now there was one left over. She said she sent it along with the blanket, hoping it would still find a home.
So, like I said in my last post, I gathered up the blanket and brought it to my mom....but I kept that lone granny square for myself. I immediately knew what I wanted to do with it:
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I bought this little shadow box on Amazon, pinned in the granny square, and added my grandma's hook. I plan on hanging it in my little crafting zone in my apartment ❤️
Just another reason why the Loose Ends Project has my heart in a chokehold. There was so much thought and kindness that went into what Katherine did--for both me and my mom.
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robo-dino-puppies · 6 months
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i was taking some pics so i thought i'd share a few seasonal tree decorations i've made over the years with you tumblr peeps :)
the eggs feature foraminifera and/or other microscopic beasties illustrated by Ernst Haeckel in Kunst-Formen der Natur from 1899 (<- internet archive link to the pdf because if you haven't seen it it's really cool and you should check it out!!!)
i honestly have no idea how i crocheted the snowflakes. XD i can crochet if i follow instructions very closely, and then everything leaks out of my head the second i put the hook down ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
and the origami is previously-used wrapping paper! (metallic, so couldn't be recycled)
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witchthatcrafts · 2 years
the realization in the end of this tiktok that i posted today- have i actually been gauge swatching all this time?? LOL
crochet and knit peeps! can someone please confirm? did i finally figure out gauge swatching without knowing?
i started working on a sweater and i couldn’t get the sizing right whatsoever, so i decided to go full math mode and used the info on the yarn label (that i, after over a year of crocheting, had no idea had to do with gauge🙃) and felt so smart figuring out that my tension is too loose and that sizing down my hook size solves the problem!
so… am i actually doing this gauge swatching thing right?
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acanvasofabillionsuns · 4 months
no thoughts head empty only music go through brain
listened to so many fun tunes today y'all <3
got to hang out with rac a bit!!! not as long as i would've liked bc i got v busy this afternoon/evening but i'm glad we got even a little bit :-]
wearing v cozy pajamas rn!! they have little gnomes on them :-]
and ofc i had a cute outfit today
did a bit of room organization!!! i got a hanging net for my plushies so now there's a bit more floor space + they look cute
working on a scarf!!! finished the crochet gloves i mentioned a few days ago alksdjfl;sj they turned out great and now i am working on this scarf that i got a decent bit into and then decided to frog and restart with a bigger hook 😎
talked with some peeps!!! in a bigger server so i wasn't close friends with them but it was a fun convo!!!
did some dishes!!!
had a frozen meal that's like one of my faves for lunch and there's another one that looks interesting that i'm going to try tomorrow 👀
dinner was really good!!! cube steak, mashed potatoes, cornbread, and peas <3
helped my sister with some homework <3 it was kinda fun akldjsf;akj i made her take a dance break like an hour in and we danced to that like 2000s song dynamite al;kdsjf;salkjf
i started kennie jd's love is blind s6 video last night and finished it today and like. man are allos wild. could not be me but it was a fun watch
went to the grocery store! specifically a store that i've only been in once before and that was kind of a stressful experience so it was nice to get a more pleasant experience in
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lets-getcrocheting · 5 months
Hey everyone!
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𓍢ִ໋🌷͙֒I'm Emili, your spirit guide to the world of crochet. Welcome to my cozy corner of yarn dreams and hook magic. Let me spill the yarn ya'll☕,when I first picked up crocheting, it was like trying to decode an alien language. Total beginner chaos! YouTube tutorials felt like secret codes, and my chains were more like knots of confusion. 
But guess what? I never gave up. Oh no, I embraced that tangled mess, drowned in trial and error, and navigated through the maze of confusing tutorials on YouTube. Let me tell you, it was an experience. But here's the thing: I came out on top, with my hooks in hand, and a new hobby to calm my mind.  
So, why this blog? Because I've been in the crochet battle bus, and I know the pain. Now that I've somewhat cracked the code, I'm here to be your crochet fairy godmother🧚. No more head-scratching tutorials and confusing terms. So, fear not, my crochet peeps, because this blog is your safe space for all things hook and yarn. Whether you're a crochet prodigy or a newbie with dreams of crafting a cute wardrobe, we're in this together. 
Expect easy-peasy tutorials that won't make you feel like you need a PhD in yarnology. We're going to unravel the secrets together, one chain at a time. I'm laying it all out. So, grab your hooks and let's embark on this crochet journey, where the yarn is our canvas, and mistakes are just happy little accidents.୭🧶✧˚.ᵎᵎ🎀
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savinglivesmatters · 2 years
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Right now on my hook! These skeins will make a gorgeous full size throw for your favorite hunter/ fishermen in your life! We take order requests. You can choose with us. Customize today however you want your order. We make to order. ‘Tis the season for holiday crafts! Heidi’s working on something special too! We will post our progress along the way! We will throw sneaks of our work as we crochet our way through the holidays. Heidi has been seeking work opportunities for the season. It hasn’t been easy for her to keep her jobs as they feel intimidated by her professional resume. They pretty much ask her “why don’t you own your own business by now?” or demanding questions like “you’re too overqualified for this position!” Her last job fired her for no reason after 3 days of being hired in. Some people are so mean, cruel and rude since COVID happened! What’s happened to humanity peeps?!
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littlewalken · 2 years
Jun 13
All the sewing for Britches is done. I'm declaring her needing to be measured again from scratch because something in the draft of her bloomers was off. It's all on me as I did the measuring and it's been forever since I did a pattern draft.
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Totally not the pest pic perhaps or perhaps it is but...
If any of my doll peeps out there would like to collaborate on a doll pattern making book I have a system of measuring and drafting that works on any doll any body type any scale. I also know how to plan basic knit and crochet patterns for your doll once you have a pattern for it. This includes catsuits.
I even published a pattern drafting book at a print on demand place, have sold a few copies, and the feedback I got was good. I've been meaning to make an updated version for awhile but shit and life happens.
Thing is I am not that great at laying out and designing things like books in an attractive manor and my sewing is only slightly better.
But with someone who can fill in where I have holes we could come up with something together so let me know.
It's a sort of I got the idea thing I just don't know completely what to do with it.
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But yeah, I was somehow able to teach myself how to draft because there was no way in any form of Hell I was ever going to pay more for doll clothes than my own.
And the last guy is proof of concept or whatever that my method worked to do a Spidey suit before I made one for the Obitsu 60 body.
The crochet outfit is on a Dollkot Fairy who's shorter than a ball point pen. I wanted the sleeve straps different, derped on that part, but size 20 thread and a 1 mm hook later it proves my method transfers to crochet.
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emperorsfoot · 3 years
Five things meme
I was tagged by @niuniente thank you! <3
five things you’d find in my bag:
spare mask
acrylic pill box
3 TAP cards
five things you’d find in my apartment
a mess
empty cardboard boxes
sewing machine
crochet hooks
five of my favourite things:
my wife
my cats
the computer I am typing this on
warm beaches / cold waves
taro with boba
five of my habits:
starting projects then never finishing them
watching Futurama on a loop
walking into a room and immediately forgetting what I went in there for
getting coffee before work
thinking too hard about fictional things
five things about my personality/traits that I like:
bold of you
to assume
there's anything
I like
about myself
five things I want for this year: ·
financial stability
mental stability
get my fucking "no tattoos" tattoo!
Tagging 5 peeps, feel free to ignore:
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coffeecomicsgalore · 5 years
25 Days of Adrien (+ 6 of Marinette)
A little Marichat moment.
Part of the MLHolidays2k19 Prompt.
Chapter 6 – Scarves
Strips of fabric strewn across the room. A partially sewn dress was pinned against the mannequin. Sitting on the table was a half-finished sweater with knitting needles stabbed in the center of the ball of yarn.  Dozens of crumbled pieces of paper lay around her sketchbook, which was flipped open to a new crochet pattern that was currently in the works.
There she was sitting in her chaise, her hands meticulously crocheting the newest design. You could always tell when she was hyper focused; her tongue liked to poke out of the side of her mouth as she concentrated.
Oh man, how he loves it when she gets this way. She was busy working, one hand held the yarn while the other weaved the crochet hook fed with black yarn in and out of loops.
She was so focused that she didn’t notice a special little feline that was laying on her bed, hands propped up to hold his chin as he stared at her as she worked.  
He loves watching her work. While it is always so nice to see his girlfriend as Adrien, he also loved transforming into Chat Noir just to continue the fun friendship they developed over the years. It was his little secret, and he enjoyed seeing this side of her that is specifically reserved for friendships.  
He was so enamored in watching her, that he didn’t realize he let out a loving sigh. This promptly made Marinette stop her movement and subtly peep through her fringe only to see the silly cat laying on her bed.
Marinette went back to crocheting, smirking a bit before responding. “Look what the cat dragged in. I didn’t realize the mangy stray needed a warm home.”
Chat, realizing he had been caught, became wide-eyed. “Sorry to come in uninvited, princess, but this purrfectly well fed kitty just thought he would come by and see one of his favorite civilians.”
She stifled a laugh. “You know you are always welcomed here, kitty, but please knock next time. You wouldn’t want to see me in something less...” she looked up at him, “impractical.”
He quickly sat up and blushed at the thought. “Yeah. Sorry. Won’t do it again.” He lifts up two fingers and places it over his heart. “Cat’s honors.”
She giggles as she goes back to her design, finishing the last few lines of the black color before moving on to the red.
“What are you making, Marinette?”
“I am making a scarf for my best friend. She’s getting something Ladybug and Chat Noir inspired that I came up with earlier.”
He smiled. Her love of design always came across in her eyes; those beautiful, bluebell eyes that make it look like you’re swimming in the ocean when you look deeply into it.  
“For Alya, right?” He asked like he was remembering as Chat.
“Yep.” Popping the “p” as she said it. “The girl that runs the Ladyblog and is proud over it. You know, she still ships both you and Ladybug together no matter how many times I tell her you guys are best friends. She also collects anything that represents them in any way. So I designed a black scarf with red polka dots and green paw prints all over it.”
“Can I see the design?”
“Sure.” She quickly glances the sketchbook from her seat to see if the design of the present she was making for him was on the page. When she concluded it was safe, she motioned for him to go over and see it.
“Woah, Marinette. This is so cool!” Chat beamed.
“Thanks. I came up with the design earlier while I was working on my dad’s present. I had to stop what I was doing to get started on the design.”
All too quickly, and in a joking manner, he gestures to all the unfinished projects. “I can see that starting and stalling is one of your favorite things to do.”
“Shush you, or you won’t get your present this year.”  
Chat places his palm over his mouth, mock shocked over her empty threat. “Rude.”
“Says you.”
He crosses his arms and moves his nose to the air. She only snorts in response.
After seeing all the half-done projects and the fact that she barely stopped her crocheting to have an actual conversation, he thought it would be best to leave. He knew she was busy and didn’t want to interrupt her with their usual banter, snacks, and video game sessions when he was here, but he didn’t want to leave either. He just wishes he could flirt with her properly.
An idea crosses his mind. “Could you- could you show me how to make a scarf?”
Marinette stopped crocheting and slowly dropped the yarn and hook into her lap. She stares at him for a moment before smiling.  
“I would love to make one for my girlfriend for Christmas.” He says slyly. Really, he would just keep it with him until the day he could finally tell Marinette he was Chat Noir.
She was excited to help him. It was so sweet of him to make something for his girlfriend. She’s been treating him so good lately that she deserved a handmade gift. And it would be something that he made? Swoon. She would love it. She would show him the easiest pattern, something that even a novice wouldn’t be able to mess up.  
“What’s her favorite color?” she asks as she walks towards her closet for supplies.
“Pink. Kind of like the pink of your walls, actually.” He looks around the room.  
Marinette sorts through her piles of yarn and pulls out three shades of pink. One of them has a tri-color affect to the yarn, giving more personality once the maker creates a few feet of length. The second is just a plain pastel pink. The third has a pink with a thin silver tinsel streak in it.  She shows Chat the three kinds for him to choose.
“Which one do you like the most?” Chat asked.  
“I personally love this one.” She grabs the one with the silver tinsel.
“Then that’s the one I’ll choose.”
She places the unchosen yarn back in the closet and grabs a loom of black yarn for demonstration. She grabs two crochet hooks and hands one over to him. They sit on her chaise as she shows him how to work the yarn.
“So hold you yarn like this and create a loop.” She starts. “Then you want to grab some of the yarn by twisting the hook and bringing it through the loop you just made.”
Chat loops the yarn a bit and then watches her intently, copying her movements as she went along.
She weaves the first line, being careful to count how many squares she created.
“You always want to count to make sure you don’t mess up your lines.”
When Chat completed making the first row of boxes, he looked up to her to move on to the next step.
Marinette spent the next 20 minutes teaching him and watching him work the rows, helping remove any mishaps that he created.
She was very skillful at crocheting this simple pattern and before long, she finished the scarf while Chat had only completed a third of the scarf. She moved back over to Alya’s gift, working in the green yarn to create the paw prints.
Every so often, Marinette looked over to Chat to see how he was doing. A smile crept upon her lips in amusement when his concentration brought out his tongue. His brows furrowed when he realized an error and needed to go back a few boxes.
Soon enough, a smile beamed across Chat’s face when he picked up his completed scarf and showed Marinette.
“Chat, it looks great!” Marinette beamed along with him. “She’s going to love it.”
“Thanks Marinette. I know she will.” He looked over to look at the time. “I would love to stay and make another scarf, but alas, it is my time to leave. Thank you for the lesson.” He grabs the pink scarf and makes his way towards the skylight.
“Chat, wait.” Marinette called out as he walked up the ladder. “Here, I made the black scarf for you to match hers.”  
He smiled. “You’re seriously the best, Marinette. Merry Christmas if I don’t see you before then.”
“Merry Christmas, kitty.”
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jaimistoryteller · 6 years
First Line Meme
@ato-the-bean thanks for the tag! 
Rules: List the first lines of your last 10 published stories. 👀 if there are any patterns yourself, or have other people say what they notice. Tag up to 10 friends!
I’m going to stick with fandom for this, rather than the collection of short stories I just published in my first book. Going from oldest to newest
Valentine’s Planning - With Valentine’s Day just a week away, he is trying to get his current mission wrapped up.
Crocheting - Sometimes, when it’s late at night and most of the minions are gone for the day, he’ll get out the yarn and crochet hook. 
Vacation Time - His best friends are going insane. 
Conversion and Bonding - He smiles as he watches his bonded walk around the house, getting a feel for where everything is at. 
Second Bet - He lost the last bet which led to Q buggering him and leaving him pleasantly sore the following morning.
Partnership & Missions - It was purely by luck that he discovered that the Archangelsk mission was a set up for an undercover op. 
Rising - Feet pound the pavement, rushing towards him.
Second Encounter - He remembers falling asleep with Q, planning on seeing if he could get into the dark haired man’s phone since the laptop was left at the club.
Challenge Accepted - Nearly a week after his last encounter with Alec, the one at Blacklight where they definitely christened his office, the computer alert system notifies him that his pianist is being sent into the field with his partner, James, and why they are going.
Playful Stress Relief -  Mason’s warm laughter fills the air as the artificer dances with James around their front room.
I like actions and reflection.
Lets see, tagging some writer peeps: @castillon02 @leavesdancing @lady-redshield-writes @hums-happily @incandescent-creativity @jxhniarty
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iamshadow21 · 6 years
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Hooking my way into 2018. Going to the yarn store yesterday 20 mins before closing was a GOOD IDEA because I'm no longer destroying my hands and I'm 22 rows into Mini Rings of Change (which may turn into the massive paid version if my yarn stocks and patience hold out). So yeah, starting 2018 by redirecting self-harming stims and crocheting a massive fuck-off rainbow doily that may in the end cover our whole double bed. *devil horns* I know how to ring the changes, peeps. Rock on.
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arcticharecrochet · 4 years
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Hello peeps, and here comes my second crochet pattern, just in time for Father's Day! Made it for my Dad especially, and he liked it so much I thought I'd share the good vibes 🎙🎶 Yes, it's a vinyl record, perfect as a placemat or just as decoration 😃 You can get it on @lovecraftscom 👉https://www.lovecrafts.com/en-gb/p/vinyl-record-placemat-crochet-pattern-by-arctic-hare-crochet #crochet #crochetpatterns #crochetersofinstagram #handmade #handmadegifts #decor #vintage #steviewonder #goodvibes #vinyl #retro #fathersday #fathersdaygifts #hooked #häkeln #crochetplacemats #crochetdoily #crocheting #crochetlove #crochetaddict https://www.instagram.com/p/CBbPS6LB8Hv/?igshid=ufdxc8i0cy65
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laymans-crochet · 7 years
Taught some peeps how to crochet at a De-Stress event my school had today!! 💕 My club volunteered to do an activity/craft and a bunch of the other eboard members wanted to learn to crochet so I spent p much the rest of our Fall budget buying yarn & hooks & scissors.
I️ could only stay a little over an hour because I️ had class, but while I️ was there a p decent amount of ppl set up at our table and I️ got all of them & the other club members through chains & sc 👍👍
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I was tagged by @95inkjet
Rules: tag some people at the end of this challenge.
I tag (but are not obligated to do this): No one! By all means do it if you wish.
Five things you’ll find in my bag
- A small notebook
- Books (right now they are all death/mortuary related)
- Pens
- Lip balm
- Yarn and crochet hook
Five things you’ll find in my bedroom
- More books
- A weighted blanket
- A dragon statue
- Medications
- A teapot lamp
Five things I’ve always wanted to do
- Start walking in one direction and not stop
- See the night sky in an area free of light pollution
- Travel to state parks all across the US
- Go to Japan
- Have my own vegetable garden
Five things that make me happy
- Sneks
- Peeps
- Yarn
- Big trees
- Giving handmade items to others
Five things I’m currently into
- Knitting/crochet/cross-stitch
- Mortuary sciences
- Piercings
- Cacti and succulents
- Lighting candles while I work (I grew up without using candles because of my grandmas sensitivity towards artificial fragrances so I’m finally letting myself enjoy them)
Five things on my to-do list
- Learn Japanese
- Get more piercings and tattoos
- Re-pot all of my cacti and succulents
- Get the proper setup for a snek
- Buy rainbow jewelry to wear at work while Joel Osteen and all his fans are there for a book signing
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