our-stars-graveside · 2 years
Febuwhump prompt >> February 5
“that’s gonna scar”
leverage | 1,177 words | peliot
warnings: none needed as far as i can tell except there is a very brief mention of blood at the start
~ honestly i very much intended to complete more of the febuwhump prompts but this past month did not go at all as planned, so i’m just editing the ones i have and posting each one as i get through them. just so you know, they are not meant to be grammatically correct. in fact i promise you none of them are. probably. hope you like this one!!
parker stared at her arm, at the gash that seemed deeper every moment blood welled up and spilled from her veins.
what did i do?
eliot was angry, that was certain. he fell to his knees in front of her frozen form, growled at the weeping cut and snarled into the comms that he was with parker, that he was taking care of her even if she had fucked up…
but when parker flinched, just a tiny jerk of her head, cursing herself internally for the reaction (he won't hurt her, he wouldn’t do that to her) eliot’s flicked his eyes up, cataloging her movement. his voice lowered, now a soothing rumble murmuring ‘sit still, this won’t take long’ and his stance softened, less sharp shoulder blades and yanking hands, less hard angles. she couldn’t complain when the hydrogen peroxide was soaked into the wound, after all it was her fault, and it wasn't as if she hadn’t poked eliot’s injuries many a time before. (for a second she almost felt bad, but there was no point. she was mostly just interested in his reaction anyhow, as always, just to see how people really worked. to see how he worked. it wasn’t like she hadn’t felt worse before, and recently too.)
his coarse fingertips brushed over the unblemished skin on her arm, wrapping a strip of gauze around the wound, and she finally raised her eyes for a single moment. his bowed head had the mat of hair covering his expression, but parker couldn’t doubt he was still angry. she had jeopardized the mission, she had injured herself..their thief, their asset, their plan, and yet…
“parker. hey. parker!”
she found her head lifted by a gentle, calloused hand, and so her mind from the grim thoughts that followed her everywhere no matter how she tried to avoid them, outrun them.
light blue eyes coaxed deep blue skyward and parker finally relented, but not without closing the doors to all her favorite moments with the team. all her happy memories pushing hardison off buildings, dragging sophie through festivals, pestering nate about people things, slipping into eliot’s apartment on those dark, cold, bad mind days where it didn’t matter what the sunset looked like from her favorite skyscraper views, she couldn’t bear to watch it alone.
because this time, the next time, the next after that. what if she wasn’t enough? or what if she was too much? what if her mistakes told them she wasn’t needed anymore, what then?
even after all those times, startling eliot in his kitchen, makeshift gym, roof garden…no longer being able to scare the so-called invulnerable hitter because he learned to read her unspoken cues, her expressions and behaviors and the cases that hit hardest. he knew where she’d be. would it matter now?
he’d leave a glass of chocolate milk for her the days he knew she wouldn’t talk, wouldn’t even let him see her there but he knew she was somewhere in his apartment, curled up and mentally comatose. chocolate milk he only bought for her, because he knew she liked it. other, better days they would sit together on the sofa, almost mindlessly watching some sports channel except that parker would vibrate with contained confusion and energy until she couldn’t take it anymore or eliot prompted her to ask her hundreds of questions of why? how does that work? and who came up with that terrible idea? why don’t they just…
if she was lucky and she stuck around all night, whether on the couch, tucked away in the linen closet, or hung upside down from the ceiling harness setup eliot begrudgingly allowed her to add to the gym, he’d cook for her in the morning. a warm omelet or sweet, tender blueberry muffins with just the right amount of crumble topping, and neither of them said so, but both their days were made all the better for it. (one time, she thanked him, just a ducked head, a quick word before she vanished into the city. she barely caught eliot’s small smile before she rounded the corner; they both knew she wasn’t only talking about breakfast. for once, someone knew what parker was thinking, even when she didn’t, and she knew what they were thinking. it was usually so hard, but with eliot, it worked. it almost made sense. and if she didn’t understand, he’d make it clear in short order. of course this was usually when he was angry, but still. he was a nicer sort of angry around parker and it meant something to her.)
the only time she was ever allowed in eliot’s bedroom was after a particularly rough case, when parker was silent and shaking and showed up on the doorstep but for once couldn’t make herself open the door. eliot had been waiting, and opened it for her. he was like that, making things easier to say and do, making it less trouble and effort to just be.
he’d given her privacy to get into a change of clothes, an old, soft t-shirt and loose pajama bottoms so well-worn they felt like silk on her skin. she stood blinking in the dim lamplight, then he led her to the bed where they lay, wrapped around each other, him whispering quiet words of comfort and safety and trust for the rest of the night and into the morning, when at dawn she’d slipped out. out of the solace of his arms and away, back into her world. he’d never notice his missing clothes anyway, or at least mention them, she hoped. she was keeping them regardless, because it wasn't like she wouldn't be back soon anyhow. maybe next week, when they could both pretend this had never happened.
now and then, eliot had let her help with his garden. she would work among the prized vegetables and spices, tend to the tomatoes and plant the okra, listening closely to him explaining the best way to choose the ripest peppers and strawberries, and smile just a little when he asked her to clip parsley and oregano for that night’s meal…she hadn’t known companionship like this ever in her life. then again, nothing had been quite like before since the team. since him. sometimes, it hurt and sometimes it scared her.
but when eliot smiled one of his rare smiles when she asked an oblivious question — one of those special ones he seemed to love — and even as he answered it, the amused laughter-lines on his face clearly said what he had spoken many times before (don’t ever change, parker) she finally heard what he’d been saying all along. i love you.
‘that’s going to scar,’ eliot said, voice soft, eyes searching.
parker knew not to question it, and still she had to ask.
‘but it’ll be okay?’
even now, barely calm, he nodded, all clear gaze and ready hands, though he knew she could catch her own fall. just in case.
and only for her, ‘it’ll be fine.’
lmk what y’all think (for real any and all comments are welcome) & thank ya for reading!! :D✨
@motionlessblackveilbride welcome to peliot. pardison is currently secondary…
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abominationvault · 3 months
Session 41: Sat 29 Jun 2024 BAR FIGHT!!!
Skabb’s spell DC has gone up to 21 with her level up - wait, the DM isn’t sure. Yes it is! Wait - is it? Yes! Hartvig hasn’t levelled up, we all laugh because we knew he’d forget.
For the duration of the fight we are no longer a party, though we can team up if we want. There are prizes on the line - last man standing gets a prize, and another for most inventive fighting style. There is a -2 penalty for improvised weapons, unless we have a feat. Anyone who has been drinking has to make Fortitude save before we start. Jorg’ath crit-fails his, uh oh. He starts off Clumsy 2. Nadia and Hartvig are fine, and Skabb wasn’t drinking yet.
The rules: no damaging magic, no weapons.
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There are some other patrons who will also join in, like Skampi the goblin:
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Jorg’ath starts us off. What does Skampi have in his hands? A tankard of ale. Jorg’ath will use his Disarming Tongue to whip the tankard out of Skampi’s hands, then smash him over the head with his tail. He gets the tankard but the attack misses.
(Skabb announces that she isn’t an especially willing participant of this fight, but she will join in.)
Moro Peliot, a halfling who was peacefully playing the piano when Jorg’ath started the fight, will wander up and smash his tankard into Jorg’ath’s head - well, he tries but misses.
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Then a dwarf, Balun Stonesinger, joins in by beaning his tankard at the lizard’s head - but misses. He strides over to shove Jorg’ath into the bar - athletics versus Jorgy’s Fortitude. He fails miserably, and Jorg’ath laughs.
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Hartvig has never been in a bar fight before and is terribly excited. He scrambles up inelegantly onto the piano, invents jazz by scrambling around on the keyboard, and bodyslams the halfling. He misses and takes 3 bludgeoning damage as he face plants the floor. He grabs the halfling’s legs to try and tackle him to the ground, but Moro hops out of the way.
Nadia legsweeps the halfling but misses, pistol whips him for 5 bludgeoning damage, and tries to hop over him. She crit-fails that and he shoves her to the floor, where she lands prone.
Jorg’ath got a free turn at the start and gets missed off the turn order; he goes now. He wants to pick up the new goblin and bludgeon the halfling with it. Grapple first, athletics versus his Fortitude - he rolls a 31 to Skampi’s 11, going well so far. 6 damage to the dwarf and 7 to the goblin as well! DM, laughing: “Poor Skampi!” Jorg’ath swings him around and flings him across the room into the piano. Skampi rolls into a ball in the air and bounces harmlessly off it.
Borus, a human, moves toward Skabb and Jorg’ath, and picks up a crate to smash over Jorg’ath’s head but he misses. He takes a swing instead, and crits for 11 bludgeoning to the lizard.
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Skabb gives Grabby a move, so he (He’s a he now?) will fly up to the ceiling out of the way. Skabb scuttles under a table and “chews all the business out of the back of this ‘ere fella’s ankle.” It is pointed out that this probably counts as fighting dirty, but Skabb is indifferent. Finally convinced, she agrees to bite his toes off instead. He has leather shoes on, so that’s also a no go. Annoyed, she just bites his leg - 22 to hit with her Grill, and 5 piercing damage. All we see is her disappearing, and then the half orc she has savaged gives a shriek. Another bite, and he takes 6 more damage. Skabb licks her lips.
Old Lady Mirabelle stands up from her glass of wine, and dives under the table after Skabb to punch her in the face. 4 to attack so she goes again for an actual, bone fide -1 to hit. That’s not her mod, that's her whole score. Ooof.
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Skampi scurries out of the bar room. Hmm.
Rein, the half-orc, picks up a crate to fling at Hartvig. “Am I hard to hit since I’m on the floor in a pile of my own blood and teeth?” No, and 15 now hits him for 5 bludgeoning damage. The orc throws his drink at Jorg’ath - just the liquid, not the whole tankard. 17 Reflex save from Jorgy, and dodges out of the way. “Bitch.”
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The halfling, seeing that Nadia is on the floor, takes advantage and kicks her in the face. He crit fails the attack - and Nadia catches his foot. He tries to draw back - contested Reflex. He fails, and she flips him onto his back, laughing the whole time; he crawls away from her.
The dwarf will try and punch Jorg’ath - 19 misses, ha. Misses some more!
Jorg’ath goes for a return punch, delighted to find out that 15 hits! Bops him again with a 17, then trips his with his tail. Success, and the dwarf is prone. It’s a crit! He does 20 damage and the dwarf is out.
Hartvig. “Right. Prepare to be… unconscious.” He stands up. As a youngster he read more books and saw more puppet shows than had real life experience, and heard something about a People’s Elbow; he scrambles back onto the piano, runs down the keyboard, uses the halfling as a springboard, bounces off the sofa and back into the halfling. Well, he tries, but rolls a 6. Since the halfling is prone he takes 8 damage anyway! The 6 means Hartvig lands on his ass as he hits the sofa. He has two actions left! He stands up again, and sheepishly kicks the halfling in the shins. Boot! He misses. “Shit.”
Nadia, feeling that this has all been very us vs them so far, flips onto the bar and tries to jump on Jorg’ath, but he sees her coming and manages to shove her back over the bar where she lands in a heap, still laughing, takes 2 damage and picks up a bottle to use next turn.
Borus takes an action to shove Jorg’ath, who gets a Fortitude save - he beats the human’s attack. Borus picks up a bar stool to wallop the lizard with it, but five is a miss, friendo.
Skabb is next to skanky old Mirabelle, isn’t she? She leans forward and says something about Rein saying that she sucked him off under the table?? I didn’t know we were allowed to use psychological warfare! “He said you took your teeth out and everything.” 29 Performance and Mirabelle is livid. Skabb pats her shoulder. “Us girls got to stick together.” The halfling grabs at her as she goes past but misses, and Skabb goes in search of the goblin that disappeared. She listens at a door and prepares her teeth for anyone stupid enough to come through it. Grabby uses her movement to grab something and fly back up to the ceiling.
Mirabelle stands up, and strides over to Rein to swing her drink at his face, misses, punches him and smacks his square in the jaw for 6 damage.
Skampi hits Skabb with a tankard and goes for a grapple. Goblin showdown! She aces her save and shrugs him off like it ain’t nothin’.
Rein slams his drink off Mirabelle’s head but misses all his attacks.
The halfling gets up and swings for Hartvig - 23 to attack, and 4 damage. 16 misses.
Jorg’ath returns the favour of the chair to his face, uses his Oversized Throw feat to chuck a piano at Borus. He makes a ranged attack but crit fails… He picks up the piano and drops it, smashing it to pieces. Wait - Hero Point? Yeah! 20 is much better, for 10 damage. The human makes his save and isn’t knocked prone, however. Booh.
Hartvig spends a turn just assuming the classic boxer stance, using the technique he saw in a woodcut once. 16 misses, as does 11, as does the -2. He’s tired by the third swing. “This is shit!” we hear from across the room. “This is not how they said it would go!”
Nadia scrambles back onto the bar, and smashes her bottle over Borus’ head for 7 damage! He swings at her legs to try and trip her, Athletics versus her Reflex, he loses. He tries to shove her instead and misses, but she intentionally fails her save and falls off the bar. She takes some damage, but the good news is that he has shoved her into Yinyasmera, which is a really dumb move.
Yinyasmera makes a really annoyed noise, and rolls initiative… A door to the kitchen opens, and Nadia sees Big Moyra…
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Borus makes a break for it, but disturbs three more angry-looking people…
Skabb grabs her goblin chum by the ears, flips him over and tries to slam him into the floor - there is a tie. 23 each. The DM lets her have it, and she can roll a d8 damage plus her STR mod. 7 damage! Nice. She stamps on his head with her sharp little feet. 9 misses, lucky for him. Grabby glances around to see if anyone needs healing - 27 Perception. The half orc looks pretty hurt and he’s right there; she launches a tankard at his head.
Skampi does a feint with his fist - Skabb makes a Perception check to spot the fake attack, 28. He goes for another punch. “That’s fair, I pulled his ears.” He misses. She hisses in his face as a free action.
Rein goes for a shove against Mirabelle, but she saves. He moves away, and Mirabelle gets an attack of opportunity. I miss the outcome because I’m planning. Rein punches someone.
The halfling does a feint at Hartvig, who spots it! All those boxing videos have paid off. He blows a raspberry at the halfling, who punches him. “But I outfoxed you!” The halfling misses.
Jorg’ath takes some swings at somebody, but misses.
Yinyasmera jumps over the bar and strides toward the door and punches - Borus, I think? She then goes back behind the bar. She’s done, until someone else pisses her off.
Xamila Silverflow hides. Does 17 hit Hartvig? No, it does not. Yay! Xamila crawls back under her table.
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Moyra moves, and hits the half orc with her rolling pin, and he’s down!
Hartvig rugby tackles the halfling into the wreckage of the piano, rolls a 3, and backs up. He aims a kick at his shins - 16 misses. Can he surreptitiously grab Jorg’ath’s tail to trip him if he moves? Contested Reflex and Hartvig rolls a critical fail… Jorg’ath knows exactly what’s going on. Hartvig shrugs and tries to laugh it off.
Nadia casts Charm on Big Moyra but fails, and not badly enough to piss her off unfortunately. She jumps on the bar.
Kayara appears and, in spite of the drill through her hand:
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manages to shout, “Trash panda!” and fling a barstool at Grabby Cat. She misses and throws a drink at her, misses again.
Fynn appears and throws a tankard, but misses the back of Jorg’ath’s head:
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“Can Grabby Cat piss? Just as a question,” Skabb asks. It’s up to her, she’s told. She will piss in Kayara’s eyes. She flies over and rains piss down en route to the other side of the bar. 30 to attack, which is a critical, and Kayara is blinded for 2 rounds! Skabblet would like to… Hmm. Is this gobbo wearing undergarments? She would like to wedgie him please. Skampi saves, sadly, so she pokes him in the eyes a la Bottom.
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(Couldn't find Bottom, will have to do you a Three Stooges instead)
23 hits, so Skampi takes 1 Bludgeoning damage and is blinded for 2 rounds. Skabb wallops him with her staff. The good thing is, he can’t see her to know that she misses.
Mirabelle comes over to Hartvig to punch him - 21 hits! Beaten up by an old lady, the shame. She shoves him as he’s reeling back. Then she shoves him away ten feet with a critical success, and strides after him. Skabb: “You’ve finally pulled!”
Skampi swings for Skabber, even though he’s blinded. He misses and goes again, misses again.
The halfling sees that Hartvig is prone, and kicks him in the head while he’s down. 19 hits, 3 damage. Wait, is Hartvig Flat Footed? Yes he is, which is brilliant news… for the DM. He takes an extra 1 sneak attack damage, the indignity. He’ll kick him again - but misses. Hartvig points and laughs. This is a grudge match now. The halfling goes again and hits for 10 bludgeoning and 5 sneak attack…
Jorg’ath sees his grey friend taking a kicking, so he uses Oversize Throw on Moyra - short pause while we all piss ourselves laughing - he rolls a Ranged attack, 24 hits. Moyra does 3d10 damage to the halfling, who is now down for the count. “Is she prone? On top of him like a pancake?” We just see the halfling’s little shoes poking out from under her. “You’re welcome grey man!”
Xamila jumps onto the bar next to Nadia and swings a tankard of beer at her, and misses - wait, the DM clicked ‘ranged’. 16 still misses.
Moyra advances on Skabb, rolling pin in hand, and misses. She swings for the other goblin, and misses him as well.
Hartvig stands up and casts Heal on himself for 16+11 hp back.
Nadia picks up the gnome and headbutts her, misses, legsweeps her off the bar instead. With a war cry, she leaps at the blinded, covered-in-piss lady. (Skabb and Hartvig both try to warn her about the piss. “I cannot stress this enough. Nadia does not care about the piss.”) She hits her, knocking her into the table and breaking it, dealing her 5 damage. She claws at Nadia’s eyes as they’re both prone now, and misses all three attempts.
Fynn feints at Jorg’ath, just winning the contest. Jorg’ath is flat-footed. Fynn hits him a bunch of times and does some Sneak Attack damage as well.
Can Skabber do a flying kick at the other goblin, and use him as a springboard to jump on Moyra and pull her chef’s hat down over her eyes? Critical fail 11 says no. “… Interesting.” She could Hero Point it, but doesn’t want to. She uses her second attack to try again, after an awkward laugh. 17 is better. She makes an unarmed attack on the goblin - 23! Now an Acrobatics check - 16. She lands the other side of Moyra. Skabb is pleased. She hoofs the door closed behind her as she goes.
Grabblington would like to move into the kitchen to hunt for weapons, and grab a pot if she can find one.
Mirabelle comes over to kick both Nadia and Kayara in the face - 16 misses Nadia, 2 misses Kayara.
Skampi feints at Moyra, who falls for it and is flat-footed. He punches her in the gunt, but misses.
BigBoy Jorg’ath Rages, because he’s angry that this hot hot man has offended him. He slots Fynn in the chops but the second attack misses.
Xamila gets up from behind the bar, and does a flying elbow on Nadia who is still rolling on the floor with Kayara. She misses, and lands on the floor doing more damage to herself.
Moyra lifts her hat from her eyes, and sees one goblin in front of her. She goes for a rolling pin attack on Skampi - 26 to hit for 5 damage. 20 also hits for 7 more, and he is down! Skabb: “Awww, I’ll miss him.”
Hartvig stands up, sees the aggressively attractive man with the dreads and attempt to - Jorg’ath: “Kiss him.” Hartvig: “Pick up Skabb and swing her at him.” Skabb: “Oh, you are going to regret this…” 14 athletics to grab her, Skabb saves with a 16 Fortitude. He groans. Perhaps she is too greasy to grab…? He goes again and crits! She needs a crit to beat him but a 23 won’t do it. They both make an attack roll - Hartvig unarmed, Skabb a bite attack, 11 and 16 respectively - and it misses, and even the DM is disappointed. Skabb kisses Fynn on the cheek instead as she flies past his head. But Hartvig still has her, he can swing again! And he does, and Skabb’s little teeth sink in on the way past. “It’s a love bite,” she whispers as she releases her jaws.
Nadia rolls onto her back and kicks Mirabelle and crits everything for 18 damage, knocking her out cold! She feels really bad, she didn’t mean to one-shot a nana, so she tucks a healing potion into her pocket for when she wakes up. With one action left, she drags the gnome to her feet.
Kayara rolls over, wipes the piss out of her eyes, picks up the granny by the ankles and swings her at Nadia and I can’t type because I’m laughing too hard…
Fynn attacks Skabb but misses, which she takes as a green light for the budding romance. Skabb jumps on a table and starts flinging plates, the last one at her honeylove just so he doesn’t forget about her. Grabby finds some fruit and vegetables, or there are pots and pans? She finds a nice ripe gourd and flies back out to the bar room to drop it on someone’s head. She hits, but only rolls a 1 for damage. “Gourd-dammit,” Skabb says, causing everyone psychic damage.
It’s getting late, so the next round will be double damage and then we’ll call it.
What is the bulk of a gnome, Jorg’ath wants to know? It’s Light, the DM decides, and he does Lightning Tongue at the gnome that Nadia has just dragged to her feet. 27 hits, and he drags her toward him. Tail whip, and she’s down!
Moyra comes barrelling back into the bar, and shoves Hartvig into a wall. He gets a Fortitude save, 27! “Oooh! Hello,” he says, surprised and pleased, and is not knocked prone. And he is up! He grabs a bit of shattered piano and swings it at Moyra. 17 hits for 8 whole damage! Nice, he made her bleed! The power’s going to his head now, and he whiffs the last one. He looks at the lump of piano as if it was its fault.
Nadia clotheslines Kayara and jump-shoves her onto the floor in a wrestling classic, punches her but misses, headbutts and KO’s her! Yeah!
Fynn feints at Hartvig, and succeeds. Hartvig is now flat-footed. He crit-fails his attacks, though.
Skabb is last up. She comes over to Hartvig, picks him up and swings him at Moyra! She fails the contested roll, so she has another go. 20 to his 17! They both make unarmed attacks, and both fail - Hartvig Hero Points his but misses again. He bounces off her gut, looking faintly disgusted.
With that, the fight is over. There is a tie - we must vote for who we thought was the most entertaining, Skabb versus Nadia. Nadia wins! Jorg’ath knocked out the most people so 'most damage' replaces 'last man standing' as a category and he wins! Several of our opponents were Osprey Club members, and Jorg'ath did more damage than even they did. We both win a +1 armour rune!
Skabb toddles to the bar to buy two shots, and hands one to Handsome Fynn. Shoot your shot, why not. Hartvig buys a round. Since we were nice, and paid money, and gave out a healing potion to a battered granny, we have improved our relationship with Yinyasmera. Ace.
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peliot smooching commission from a friend on twitter 🥰
commission info
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bunnykitty13 · 5 years
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i dont have an excuse my brain is just large and my ocs are dumb and gay
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bitchesoffillory · 4 years
most controversial headcanon would have to be that penny was pining after eliot during s1-2, that's why he picked on q so much bc he could see that eliot was more attracted to q than him (but eliot definitely had feelings penny too, they just weren't as strong as the ones he had for quentin) and that's why he has That Look on his face when eliot is crowning q (also penny's reactions to the eliot/fen thing reads as him being jealous of fen even though there's no need to at points)
Anon you really said Peliot rights AND I CANNOT BLAME YOU!!!
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demiromanticmickey · 5 years
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PennyRoyal nation lemme hear you make some noise!
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adalynnlove · 2 years
Back to the 80s & 90s
Back to the 80s & 90s...
This outfit today is a bit of a mix between these two decades. But for anyone who grew up the end of the 20th century, you may remember a lot of the things I’m wearing. What was/is your favorite part of the 80s and 90s? My sponsors for this post are Melody and XX. The pink pants and yellow top are from Azahara D Ferrer (azahara.venus) of Melody. It is called Stroyer and comes with the mesh top…
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ramjam · 7 years
whats more scary seeing an internet friend who lives over seas break into your house and use your coffee maker or a1 pictures ruining the peliot-armando plot line so badly the anime wont recover.
well i wouldn't be scared if a friend broke into my house. all friends have 24/7 access to my house and coffee maker.
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Orange warns subscribers that BFM TV may soon be cut
Orange warns subscribers that BFM TV may soon be cut
Orange's boss, Stéphane Richard, on May 16, 2019. PEliot Blondet / ABACAPRESS.COM
Orange takes the same path as Free. The incumbent operator, through its CEO Stéphane Richard, had signaled that it was planning to cut the signal for the free channels of the Altice group – BFM TV, RMC Découverte and RMC Story. Stopping the distribution of these channels seems to materialize. Orange broadcasts…
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arikuosmanen · 7 years
Mikrotytöt avasivat nousujohteisesti (Sydän-Hämeen Lehti)
Lue alkuperäinen artikkeli tältä sivulta: this site
Mikrotyttöjen läntisen alueen l-divisioona polkaistiin käyntiin viikonloppuna myös Pälkäneen vuonna 2008 syntyneiden osalta. Alun perin joukkuetta oli kaavailtu 2-divisioonaan, mutta avausturnaus osoitti rahkeiden riittävän myös ykkösdivisioonajoukkueiden haastamiseen. Ensimmäinen peli isokokoista Pyrintöä vastaan oli odotetun vaikea; Pyrintö oli jo aiemmin ehtinyt höykyttää BC Nokian joukkuetta 66–2. Pälkäneläisjoukkue ei päässyt sen kevyemmällä mankelilla, vaan Pyrintö jyräsi 82–15-voittoon Luja-Lukon urheasta yrityksestä huolimatta. Lopputuloksesta huolimatta kentällä nähtiin paljon onnistuneita pälkäneläissuorituksia, kuten Elsi Jokisen sinnikäs puolustuspeli ja esimerkiksi Sonja Tuholan ja Taimi Raivion onnistuneet heitot.
Joukkueen sisu ei kadonnut avauspelin jälkeen mihinkään. Luja-Lukko lähti tiukasti haastamaan BC Nokiaa, joka tiedettiinkin ennalta Pyrintöä tasaväkisemmäksi vastukseksi. Kumpikin joukkue puolusti tiukasti, ja koreja nähtiin harvakseltaan: puoliajalla tilanne oli vasta 8–8. Neljännen jakson hyvä peliote ei riittänyt kirimään kiinni kolmannella jaksolla syntynyttä kuuden pisteen eroa, joten pälkäneläisittäin kirvelevästi voitto Nokialle 23–26. Pisteiden makuun pääsi Luja-Lukosta kuusi eri pelaajaa.
Mikrotyttöjen joukkueessa on kaikkiaan 15 pelaajaa. Heistä viisi on syntynyt vuonna 2008, seitsemän vuonna 2009 ja kolme vuonna 2010. Syksyn sarjapelejä pelataan aina kymmenen pelaajan voimin.
Mikrotytöt aloittivat pelinsä Nokialla.
from WordPress http://ift.tt/2yfQyS8 via IFTTT
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ofbrokenmagic · 8 years
Thoughts on Eliot x Penny
                    SEND A SHIP FOR RATING & OPINION⌲                                    MARGO sent in  PELIOT?!
                                              ( FILED UNDER | ooc )
( ♛ ) —
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                5/10 romance i mean it’s possible i guess? im neutral on it. i don’t really have an opinion on it? i don’t have a problem with it if it’s a thing, i just don’t have it as a thing. 10/10 would broship any day tho.
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whoatemykebab-blog · 6 years
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Peace: Eliot, I’m pregnant..!
Eliot: Is it.. my baby..?
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bunnykitty13 · 5 years
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thumbnail for a potential next animatic after the one im working on is finished >w> ....
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cephalopod-werecat · 8 years
Eliot's bored. Things are always trouble when he's bored. Tonight his sights are set on Penny, despite Penny's best efforts to encourage him elsewhere. Lucky for him, Penny's very good at reading people. Literally and figuratively; all Eliot has to do is let him see what's on his mind, and Penny knows what he's asking for. He doesn't ask it of very many people- not enough he can trust, not like this, but Penny... well. He's just drunk enough to take his chances, and Penny's both very attractive and probably willing to keep his mouth shut.
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brakebillskids · 9 years
i see now why ppl are going on about Peliot xD
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bunnykitty13 · 5 years
merry christmas everyone (and happy holidays)!!! i’ve been working on this in between commissions and it kept me sane so here’s the final product!! ( bonus fave panels under the cut! )
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