#pending prompts
fountainpenguin · 28 days
Riddle watches New Wish - Post #28
The Battle of Big Wand
Part 3 of reacting to this episode (spoiler-free)!
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They locked the boy who has a darkness phobia in the deep dark pit, ARE YOU KIDDING ME?
omfg, OF COURSE the first thing he does is ask for a drink... Good to know that even 8 years ago, I clocked him as growing up to be a guy who relies on the things that get Fairies drunk (sugar and carbonation) to block out his excessive trauma. oh geez, dude...
How long's he been losing his mind down here? He was fine a few episodes ago in "Growing Pains"! D: He was hanging out at his parents' place!
- Oh, I SO called Peri with magical back-up. He's having a rough go of it... Wowza, he's hallucinating about Dev. That's dark. - I really hope they don't send Foop on a bathroom break or my anxiety is going to spike through the roof. Even if Hazel did use her rule-free wish to revive them, would that be f'd up if they killed Peri and Irep off the way the Grim Reaper told Foop he'd die back in "Man's Worst Friend" or what?
I think ginger ale is good for nausea, which is why Peri's asking for it, but it's still funny because... canonically, he can get drunk if he has enough of that.
I like the rainbow sickness. This feels more correct and enjoyable than the rapid inflation and explosion of the OG series. You can tell Peri is sick and gradually expanding as his magic backs up, but I like that we get to see it, especially since it's set up as death in this universe (rather than easy to recover from in the OG).
I like seeing that Peri is VERY clearly ill and definitely not in a mental or physical place to "push through the pain and escape."
I definitely would say "This is dark," and this loops back to what I said watching "Fearless" and "28 Puddings Later" that A New Wish is definitely a tone shift from the OG. I wouldn't say it's Invader Zim dark, but I think the only episode that gave me vibes this dark was "Channel Chasers" during the scenes that were aiming for "gritty adult action with buff hero characters.
I know Poof and Foop got torn out of reality in "Timmy's Secret Wish," but that's still cute and fluffy to me... lmao.
sldkjfsdklfj, I made a joke during my "Lost in Fairy World" liveblog about how Cosmo and Wanda were going to get ants with all that candy in their room. I know Hazel is lying about ants, but I like it.
Her landlord's hair reminds me of Remy's. that's... a unique style.
/glances tiredly and uneasily at my list of Remy's many runaway uncles who scampered off since they weren't their parents' heir and are still pretty messed up...
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I enjoy Wanda comforting her dying son while Cosmo's taking it hard off to the side. Cosmo wanting a moment to himself feels right.
Peri and Irep must not be synced up, presumably because Irep is using magic to grant wishes. Or Anti-Fairies don't get back-up.
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There he is~ Anti-Cosmo "literally only here because I was told I might score a godkid" Anti-Cosma. I hate him! (affectionate).
Anti-Wanda looks like she would bite me and I would let her.
Something is so very wrong with Dev "Instead of wishing my lactose intolerance went away, I'm going to delete lactose from the universe" Dimmadome.
I enjoy Irep constantly bouncing or lightly kicking his feet as he waits for Dev to give him new wishes. He definitely gets that from his dad.
Absolutely on the floor that I clocked Anti-Cosmo as hanging back while Irep runs the show with Dev. They've literally not changed and I'm so happy!!!!
I spent over a year worried they were going to reboot A.C. into some take-charge, full-steam-ahead takeover villain, and you're telling me the local confrontation-avoider is still avoiding conflict??
Take me out now; it's never getting better than this. (The sequel.) I'm gonna be riding this high for months.
I was expecting to see Tibecuador on that map, but they cleverly have the Americas on the other side of the globe. I assume that disappeared when Timmy aged out of Fairies, though we know it wasn't unwished after Season 5 (It gets a mention in Season 6).
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I like that both Dev and Irep enjoy dancing to "So proud of my son" lyrics. They're vibin'. Irep has daddy issues too.
sdlkfjsd, when Jorgen undid Dev's "king of America" wish a few episodes ago, he didn't erase anyone's minds?? I like that the news refers to Dev as "former king of America."
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??? Did Dev and Trev break their friendship after Episode 1 because they both like Bev? That's hilarious!
The news report specifically says "couples are breaking up" due to Anti-Fairy influence, without implying that Anti-Fairies caused these two to get together in the first place. WERE they together? That's silly.
I am once again disappointed we were robbed of the Trev-Dev-Bev friend squad. But this is funny too.
Another waning crescent.
I'mma be honest, but Hazel saying she's had her fairies for about a year just makes me even more confused as to why we're doing a "get a rule-free wish after 1 million" instead of the previously established "get a rule-free wish after 1 year."
I... am gonna un-canonize her 1 million wishes in 'fic unless this ends up being incredibly important. Sorry to keep bringing it up, but I just can't wrap my head around this. "Timmy's Secret Wish" was kind of a big deal. It was a movie and not just a one-off episode, and it's been referenced several times in A New Wish already. Timmy took so much flak for being allegedly wasteful, dangerous, or overly reliant on his wishes. He did make some wild ones, but I'm SO curious to know what Hazel wished for. I wish we'd see flashbacks like we did in that movie, but again... recognizing the limits of a 20-minute episode.
I'm so glad Jasmine told Hazel she wasn't shocked by the reveal that Hazel had fairy godparents, seeing as in Post #10, I said she'd expressed suspicions towards Hazel twice but it didn't seem to be going anywhere and I was disappointed. That's a good callback.
Winn: Your apartment was a hotel and then it wasn't.
That's the other thing I was wondering about! Thanks, Winn. You're my favorite.
It drives me wild that Antony's not going to talk to Hazel about whether she has issues because he doesn't have the context to know fairies get assigned to miserable children. I feel like he'd really want to hear about that.
Antony knows Cosmo and Wanda? Maybe they DID have dinner together. I hope he met Peri. I think they'd be friends. I'll have to look back and see if he was introduced to them by name in "Rattleconda Racers," but... I don't think I noticed he'd clocked them as her neighbors.
They probably crossed paths offscreen while he was home for the holidays. I haven't settled on a timeline yet, but he could've been home for a whole month for winter, so it's likely they've met and he saw Hazel interact with them.
There is something so funny about Winn saying they sussed Cosmo and Wanda out as fairies because of their pink and green hair when they look like this:
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I enjoy Hazel being familiar enough with Dev, Cosmo, and Wanda to know their clothes by heart, but she blanked on Irep-
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- implication being that she remembered his giant square head and not much else. Not even wings.
Hazel 🤝 Chloe Remembering Foop's hair, mustache, and crown, but forgetting he wears clothes
I'm surprised Hazel's friends are ready to go to war against an entire race of evil magical beings famed for bad luck and torture, and they don't have any questions about this? I feel like one of them would want to talk to their parents. Jasmine said she was a fraidy-cat early on, but I guess facing her fears in "Fearless" turned that around more than I expected.
Oh no, Jorgen's in a pit.
??? If we're in Jorgen's office, where was Peri held before the takeover?
I like how Anti-Cosmo clicks his heels.
New shirt design for Anti-Wanda?? That was on my reboot bucket list! I had my fingers crossed for a fancy dress, sweater, or jacket, but I'll take it! This is clever because it's close to her old design.
... I don't look forward to drawing it :'D
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I am OBSESSED with their energy. Anti-Cosmo is so fancy and Anti-Wanda looks like she showed up in pajamas or party clothes. And he loves her so much. That's always been their thing, but it's good to get a reminder since he spends so much of their 1-on-1 time in the OG series screaming and running around. I missed him... It's been 11 years...
... Actually, that makes this my first time ever seeing new (canon) Anti-Cosmo content drop since he was outtie by the time I got to the fandom (back in 2016 when Season 10 was just starting). Exciting!
I actually have an AU called "King Me" that I started in 2016 but have never posted anything for, but it's about Anti-Wanda being raised from birth as the leader of the Anti-Fairies and getting betrothed to some nerd, and seeing them new and shiny and dressed like this makes me want to finish it, because I love Anti-Wanda being in charge when she's so casual and silly. It's one of my favorites <3
omg, it's an anti-Fairy shirt... OH, this makes the fact I portray Anti-Wanda as giggly over puns and wordplay even better...
Anti-Wanda shopping, pointing at the crossed-out crown: It's me.
I like how while Anti-Cosmo is bragging that Anti-Fairies are masters of torture who know all their counterparts' weaknesses, Cosmo looks like this:
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Anti-Cosmo: I'm a master of torture... I know your biggest weakness~ Cosmo: I don't believe you for a second, but go off I guess
Irep knew exactly what he was doing when he sent Peri to the dark pit... u can't make me believe it was an accident he was hyperventilating and rocking back and forth with crossed eyes when Cosmo and Wanda got to him...
Wheezing at the fact that I'm pretty sure neither A.C. nor Anti-Wanda has been addressed by name because the writers gave us Irep and Lezah... They can't drop the anti-names on us and don't want to call them Omsoc and Adnaw.
I DID wonder where that set-up was going, but I think their names not being not acknowledged at all is the funniest direction.
Like?? POV, New Wish is your only exposure to Anti-Cosmo and Anti-Wanda, but you don't engage with the fandom so you sus out for yourself what their backwards names would be and that's how you grow up thinking of them.
I personally have Anti-Fairy kids using names picked by their parents and they only switch to using their anti-names when they become adults, so... if we were to assume Irep is just slightly too young to use the name Anti-Peri, that headcanon would still track in New Wish for him and Lezah. Which is interesting.
..... If Peri is short for Periwinkle, is Irep's full name Elkniwirep, because ouch. I understand where he was coming from when he complained his new name was "much more difficult to pronounce" than Foop.
I like the implication that Anti-Fairy nicknames would come from the end of their names rather than the beginning. Though looking at that name, I think Noir would also be an appropriate nickname for him.
Irep when he has to sign for a package for his parents: Eh, you can come back next week.
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Anti-Cosmo's clothes are spot-on. It's him!! ... Except for his monocle being on the wrong side. I personally made him blind in one eye in 'fics, but I'm pretty sure a real monocle can be used on either eye.
It's kind of funny to me they did that. It must be easier to model this way, but the OG series never depicted him switching to the other eye even when he turned his head. Kind of interesting in an "I wonder if modern fanart will portray it interchangeably or if the right eye is deemed consistent" kind of way.
!!!! They kept his big ol' giant fangs!!! Irep definitely gets most of his personality from his mom, but he's got Dad's fangs <3
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This makes me want to practice drawing him more. A.C. is the hardest for me to draw (between his clothes, hat, hair, and having bat-like ears in Cloudlands AU), but I really like his cravat here and would like to take another whack at him, I think.
skldjf, I'm glad Anti-Cosmo is still Mr. "super weird about needing to hold things in his left hand." Nobody cares, but I care
In the OG show, he threw his wand off-screen so he could switch his teacup to his left hand after picking it up... He does this in multiple episodes, shifting things to his left for no reason even if he picks them up in his right. I'm sure it means nothing, but... why did they draw him doing that? He keeps his wineglass on his left despite Anti-Wanda being depicted with hers on her right... Sometimes he'll even stand next to other characters and hold an item in his left even though his neighbor is holding the same item in their right. why.
?? Anti-Cosmo had to look up "discombobulated" in the dictionary? Wouldn't the taunting have been stronger to prove he doesn't have to look it up?
I like Anti-Cosmo bracing his legs beneath the dictionary the same way Peri did when he was looking at Da Rules.
Heavy book; need better weight distribution or it's killer on the back.
sdfkljsd... oh, poor Cosmo... Listen..... LISTEN........ I know there's no way in heck they would bring back the "77 Secrets of the Fairly OddParents (Revealed)" lore that Cosmo's deepest secret is that he's an "author of distinction" who's written oodles of books, including Astrophysics for Morons from the episode "Shelf Life," but...
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This is SO MEAN... I have a 'fic ("Repeat") where we learn Cosmo's been erasing his own memories for ages because people wanted him in jail or worse for writing about astrophysics when Fairy culture pushes the idea that stars are ancient Fairies (à la "Wishology") and this is how he's protecting himself. My interpretation of him is that he gets upset sometimes because "He used to know what these words mean," like... that is an actual scene I've written, and I'm dying...
Corporate needs you to find the difference between these scenes... lmao.
"We knew it wouldn't be easy, not following the old beliefs… but we're on enough thin ice with the Fairy Council as it is. Let's… not tip the scales by making wild claims about the stars. But if it's any consolation… You can tell me about astrophysics any time of week." "Mm…" He didn't even know what 'consolation' meant. He did once, though… Didn't he? When he read his old diaries, they made no sense because he used to know so many words. His handwriting. His memories. But not all the words made sense anymore. Robin Cosma would be so disappointed in his son. How funny that your father can be a poet known across the cloudlands… and you can't remember how to spell "tinnitus."
Anti-Cosmo, you are being SO mean in my lore right now... Thanks, I hate it. But I like that physical torture wasn't the option they went for. This feels very right to me (Mental torments, preying on fears and paranoia instead of just attacking... This feels right for their species since they're supposed to be dark and creepy).
-> I mean, I don't know what I expected from Anti-Cosmo "avoids confrontation if he might get hurt" Anti-Cosma, but... lol.
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Anti-Wanda: /shoves A.C. out of the way and takes his book Anti-Cosmo: :(
If Anti-Cosmo has to confront anyone while he's in slapping range, he will die, actually. Wait, what did I write at the start of this liveblog?
OG series Anti-Cosmo doesn't even want to take over Fairy World; he wants a godkid. His shtick is "I will literally do anything for a godkid even if it's stupid and I make a fool of myself." And then he makes a fool of himself; it's great. [...] Taking over means confronting magical people, and Anti-Cosmo doesn't, like... do that. He taunts people IF he holds a blatant advantage (like them being locked up or them being a human who can't jump and grab him), but he's also a huge coward <3 He's Mr. Buddy System. He needs his Anti-Fairies. So... He might be here, yeah! But I do get major Irep vibes. Irep's totally leading, and I don't see Anti-Cosmo's aesthetic here, so I think he's playing a small supporting role if he's here at all. [...] He DOES have smug energy and cool lines sometimes… but he's also a tantrum-throwing brat who's scared to stand up to people, and in this house, we love him for it!! [...] I just want Anti-Cosmo to be an awkward nerd pretending to be confident, but also he likes to run around and goof off, but he should also look at people like he's confused they kicked his puppy.
sdlkfjsfdjkl??? oh my fluffin' gee. This is beat for beat "Anti-Cosmo taunting people when he's trapped them under a butterfly net in "Fairly Odd Baby" and then backing the heck down as soon as H.P. tells him "Yeah, we're not doing that." ... This is the same energy as Jorgen's slideshow when he specifically labels H.P., not Anti-Cosmo, the more influential parent of the anti-fairy child they raised to be evil way back when... He's the same person... He's such a sheep <3
I was so worried they'd change you, my doormat nephew, and for WHAT?!! Go king; give us nothing!!!
They didn't give him oodles of sass? That's what I thought for SURE they'd reboot him with. I'm losing it. He really is "just there doing his best" without being the main villain. He's minimally helpful. Basically not at all. I can finally embrace him without a hint of hesitation... My windblown tissue of a boy has come home!!
This is the best! spitting, crying. I cannot believe this. I can finally stop second-guessing if I even read him right in the OG series. He's so cringefail loserboy and always has been and I can finally stop lying low about it! I LOVE HIM!!
I genuinely could not fathom a world where they brought him back and he was still just Like That... How ?? did they do this?? I was so SURE they'd put him in charge and only present his "smug, confident" façade and I'd just shrug it off and try to squint for the parts of him I enjoy the most… omfg… Our anxious, dorky coward actually made the jump?
He's like Anatole Kuragin... Anti-Cosmo would be flawless in the role of "Okay, sing these two songs like you're the sexiest and most confident man alive. And for this other song, cower on the floor wailing about how you're a man of honor and the old man calling you a scoundrel should take it back because it hurts your feelings. You just tried to kidnap the girl you like, but got spooked and ran away. btw, you're everyone's most specialist boy in the world."
The Natasha, Pierre, & the Great Comet of 1812 AU nobody asked for but we know we deserve:
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btw, after years of waiting, I had the opportunity to see this musical (<3) and words cannot express how I felt when - after listening to the soundtrack and always wondering why Anatole backs off so fast when Marya shoos him from the courtyard - I got to experience the shock of Marya bursting onstage with a gun.
I am in such shock that I read Anti-Cosmo right. Like ?? I don't know why that's bizarre to me- I've taken so many notes on him and I was very confident in what I thought about him. I just ?? can't believe he's still set up to be a soggy dishrag?
No one ??? ever portrays him like this ?? We don't do that here! That's not on his Fandom Wiki page, which calls him a "ruthless criminal mastermind" and "far more devious than most other villains in the show." People don't remember him like this... I'm dreaming...
I gotta lie down. What the FLIP do they have written for him in the story bible, if anything?
-> I gotta read the OG series story bible @zachbrightside sent me. I've been putting it off 'til after New Wish, but maybe I'll liveblog my reactions to that too.
-> Fun fact, I collect story bibles due to my days of combing Scribd for early scripts... But the OG series story bible for FOP is one I never thought I'd see in my LIFE. I'm excited.
Okay, I totally got impatient and took a sneak peak at the New Wish story bible for fun (something I glimpsed super briefly about a year and a half ago and then put away because I wanted to wait and see the show for myself, so I didn't see more than a glimpse of Hazel, Winn, and Whispers Fred, but I don't want to look at the OG series bible until I'm properly liveblogging). AND!!!!
Guess who didn't misremember the rumor about the Pixies coming back! I'll talk about that more in a separate liveblog, I'm sure, but oh gosh; oh goodness...
They didn't reboot Anti-Cosmo with sass AND they have a note here about the Pixies "potentially aligning their interests with tech magnate Dale Dimmadome..." Do you understand how close that gets us to H.P. coming back as his sassy, in-charge self... My most beloved character in the series, still snarky... I want him so much... I can taste it... He's one chump door away...
I won't get my hopes up since Season 2 isn't confirmed, but do u understand... Yes I know they might kill him and replace him with Sanderson and it'd shatter me, but do u understand how close we are to the funky guy who's haunted my mind every day for the last nearly 9 years...
Dale, I have GREAT NEWS for you... The prophecy... H.P. and Dale together... My 7-year dream fulfilled at last...
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what are Ben Stein's rates and can we get him for another movie. I think Pixies & Dale would be the thing that does me in; it's never getting better than that... Can you even IMAGINE if we had Musical 2.0. for some inexplicable reason...... My favorite episode, oh goodness... Just let H.P. dunk on Anti-Cosmo again and I'm done; I'm out. retired. deceased.
It's SO over for y'all if they do bring back the Pixies. Unfollow me then because it's all I'll talk about for the rest of my life.
Hey wait a sec- I'VE BEEN ROBBED!!!! They WERE supposed to be here! Dale WAS supposed to be the finale antagonist!
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?? I was RIGHT in my initial assumption that Dale had been set up for this plot. I'm totally justified for going into this finale thinking we were gonna fight Dale. That's... way funny, because I have a whole note over here I was gonna address when I'm done watching about how I don't feel like Dale stalking Hazel and all those notes about Fairy World left on his board even went anywhere...
Did they drop the "Dale stalking Hazel" plot point & this Pixie route because they figured Anti-Fairies would bait viewers in and Pixies wouldn't? So, like... did we only have that scene to upset Dev, and now we're not following through with the implications? :'D I am dev-astated on both accounts...
I probably would've done the same thing in their position (Write the finale for Anti-Fairies instead) because the Pixies aren't as well known (I think) and don't have the same opposite vibe as counterparts (which makes for dramatic storytelling), and maybe increased excited viewers increases chance of Season 2, but...
I've been robbed blind!! D: OH, this hurts so much more than when it was "just a rumor" to me that the Pixies were meant to appear "in the latter half of the season." skdljf, I shouldn't have looked at this; what've I done... PLEASE give us a Season 2 with Pixies in it... I'm beggin'... I've seen behind the curtain and I cannot be reborn in my innocence.
- Extremely funny to me that the Pixies not showing up implies they're not making a move because it hasn't been 37 years since their last big takeover plan. It's the OCD... - HEY WAIT A MINUTE, back at the start, I told y'all taking over Fairy World wasn't Anti-Cosmo's thing and it was actually H.P.'s... oh, this is FUNNY... I wish I had someone I could rub this in the face of. Oh my feathers, I'm SO glad I know H.P. and Anti-Cosmo well enough that I nailed them both like butterflies on display and didn't make a fool of myself [in my mind], sldkfj... #Not a fake fan... You don't spend 8 years writing 1 million words worth of 'fics about each of them without knowing your boys!!! I'm sorry, I just... This has been extremely funny to liveblog. I didn't peek ahead... I didn't know for sure if Anti-Cosmo was gonna be here to take over Fairy World - I really thought they'd reboot him to be confident and suave because why would they read him as an anxious coward?? nobody does that - but I sure as heck knew an Anti-Cosmo based closely on the OG wouldn't be leading the charge! He's a pushover <3 And the fact the Pixies were supposed to be here is KILLING me. Of course it was a plot meant for Pixies... because Anti-Cosmo doesn't do this and H.P. does. That's SO funny... I can't believe this... I'm dying, squirtle... I can't breathe... Please let me infodump about how despite everything I've said about H.P. going against the Pixie stereotype, he is actually implied to have OCD, and by his own admittance seems to want to take over Fairy World because Fairy World's disorder just drives him up a wall... I miss him... I lied about loving Anti-Cosmo; please come back, beloved... Please send him on a time travel vacation so he can come back feeling like he waited his obsessive 37 years... oh my glory, he's within my grasp... It's been 16 years... - The file name on this thing is "FOP Reboot Series Bible Draft 7..." oh, my boys lived up to 7 drafts... oh, my babies...
Oh my GOSH, they pitched an episode where Hazel's parents come over for dinner game night and Cosmo and Wanda are struggling to appear normal... That's the exact kind of episode I was sad we hadn't had yet back when I was saying post-Episode 1 Cosmo and Wanda were giving me sexy lamp vibes! I'm sad we didn't get this one.
Okay... I've seen too much. I won't read anything else in here and I'll save it for a future arc of liveblogging all these resources. Oh, this stings. The finale's cool and all, but I just miss my boys so much, and I want them to come back as their glorious, snarky, finger-gunning, drunk-on-the-job selves so a new generation can fall in love with them like I have, and they are SO CLOSE...... D: Nobody knows the trouble I've seen... nobody knows my
Ooh, what?
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Big Daddy!? Mark Chang? Mama Cosma? Juandissimo?? omg-
IRVING?? They found you too?
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No one is safe...
79 notes · View notes
sad-endings-suck · 8 months
“Why would you even ship that character with anybody?! He’s basically irredeemable to me—“
TO YOU!! He’s irredeemable to you. But some of us are silly geese that like our men to be the sexy, sad, feral, pathetic wet cats that they really are deep down, because we aren’t allergic to joy.
Is that okay with you??!? Is that permissible in the eyes of the Chronically Online Board of Hypothetical Ethics and Human Resources for Fictional Characters That Are Not Real™️®️.
You can go enjoy your curated selection of stale two dimensional wonderbread men in the corner, like the misguided pitiful lost soul that you are. the rest of us will be enjoying ourselves as our pathetic wet rag himbos and twinks kneel on the ground and beg to taste pussy/cock so hard they nearly come, like real men. just as god herself intended.
151 notes · View notes
14dayswithyou · 1 year
the “i will always love you even when you don’t think it’s a possibility”
but with
angel trying to get ren to be himself (emo boy <3) around them instead of playing to their interests
Soft spot prompts | No longer accepting !!
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"Y-You say that, but..."
He wants to believe you, truly he does. But in all his years of living, no one has ever preferred the real and honest side of Ren — nor have they ever bothered to stick around long enough to learn.
But this side of him; the soft aesthetic and timid behaviour... You always looked so happy seeing it. Ren could practically feel it whenever he'd put on the familiar cardigan, or style his pink hair a certain way, or even whenever he'd listen to you gush about the latest Attack On Giant episode for hours on end.
Seeing you glow with happiness made him happy in return.
"But you really like Haruko, don't you? It's okay... I-I don't mind— This is who I am now. This is the side you like, right?"
212 notes · View notes
Plurality and Telepathy
before we start this all started from a discord server @derinthescarletpescatarian server has the best and weirdest conversations we love it there (and we love @kim-poce and @moonfall-collective, also @skeletalprism and @stars-says-fuck are also wonderful) what happens when Plurality meets telepathy so many thoughts and these were our contributions:
ok cracks knuckles lets fucking GO so i really like the it depends on how deep into the mind you go thought, so if you're just going surface level thoughts aka front youll get whoever is fronting so if you check in later on and its someone else fronting it feels like a different person maybe even a slightly different mind and it could be incredibly disorienting for the telepath as well "hold up this??? is a different person??? but how???" angst potential there especially if the systems egg carton hasn't been cracked yet [meaning they dont know theyre a system], say a little deeper into a mind of a system and it starts to get noisy, overlapping voices, different volumes, different ages, different genders, its loud and overwhelming all coming from one mind you know the trope of going fully into someone's mind seeing the inner workings, like a mind palace or whatever structure they use in the setting? they see the inner world and the telepath is just shocked to see it having other people in it, full people not wisps of memories of people but people, people they've never met yet they can feel so familiar (have fronted around them before) people who wear the body's face but feel entirely foreign maybe theyre even a child version of the body and yet they have never felt this mind before yet this is the one that looks like the body (maybe doesnt front, maybe just hasnt fronted around them) and assuming theyve never heard of DID before and say are known for being good at mind shit, theyre confused, shocked have no idea how to handle this and for once theyre the ones being led around by someone else maybe they have a really well put together inner world and its the most put together mind they've seen and theyre shocked cuz "i thought you hadnt done any insert mind magic/telepathy shit here??? how can your mind be so ordered without having done any?" also id imagine it wouldnt be a "ive always had this power" but they trained to have telepathy and are still learning about the different ways minds can form and be however they dont think they are cuz well i have all this experience (in reality its maybe only a few years)
also maybe they know how to quiet their mind around telepaths who cant turn it off because well they know how annoying it is to have someone screaming in their mind and oh sorry about Tim he has a song stuck in his head we can have him go further into the innerworld so its quieter for you, they do this without help or training from the telepath, whos shocked cuz everyone needs a few tips to keep theyre secrets from them yet they can do it without any help at all, they have practice after all, hiding surprises from each other, (hiding pranks too) the first ever person to manage to surprise them with a gift, jaw dropping surprise they have no idea how the system did it but they did (just kept it locked away in the inner world, someone pointedly didnt know what it was or made themself forget presented it) they dont fear the telepath the first ever to not hold any fear of their powers not because they can hide without question (tho that does help with some things) no but BECAUSE they can hear their mind, because they can hear the other voices too the telepath can laugh at the jokes the others make that they cant quite explain to a non telepath because the joke wasnt made in words but vibes and pictures, because the telepath can understand them better because they have multiple thought types and communication is hard as fuck normally a telepath thats unsettled by the innerworld only because they know what it means they do know DID and they know how its most often formed but cant help but be impressed at the organization of the mind and feeling sick because of it all knowing they didnt put conscious work into it like non systems would have to do rapid switching is like whiplash and telepaths have no idea how the system is still standing??? but theyre still carrying on a conversation like nothing is happening (i just think this one is funny)
another into the mind: a system so excited to have their telepath friend/partner to dive into their innerworld so they can show them how everyone looks so they can see the differences proper and a system being able to still walk around and do things when the telepath dived into their mind where most would "go to sleep" and be down for the count until they re-surfaced but instead someone else just took front (we're specifically thinking of DC for this one and the Martian Manhunter mainly cuz i think there was a time they had to have him do a dive in on another hero taking them both out mid battle however that may also just be his memories and not actually canon im not bothering to fact check him rn) (unsurprisingly our in system telepaths have a lot to give on this topic) a system learning telepathy and they develop headmates that just steal the abilty and others find they just cant no matter how hard they try (Charles Xavier has submitted this and is laughing at Erik Lehnsherr so im guessing this is aimed at him) we have run out of brain cells to send more thoughts (for now)
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coollyinterferes · 8 months
*taps mic; a certain gentleman is standing right beside him*
"Good evenin', everyone!! We're back!! Hope you didn't miss us much!"
"It sure hasn't been that long.... has it....?"
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diageticaromantic · 2 years
He comes to awareness without any conscious intention of doing so. 
With a dull ache thrumming throughout his body, and something icy cold and slick trailing its way up his left ankle. A barely there tapping against his skin that quickly turns to harsher nudging when the figure doesn’t see him move. Moments later, buzzing from the tips of his fingers to deep within his chest, he feels a wholly awakening sense of panic. 
A panic that is not his own. He makes an attempt to crack open his eyes, twitching numb toes in a belated response to the tendril cautiously writhing it’s way between his skin and the manacle that circles it. His body feels like lead, a heavy deadweight he cannot separate himself from -but something at his very core is tearing at his inability to comfort whatever has distressed the being.
The entity struggles with the restraint for just a moment longer before moving on, snarling out an inhuman whine as it moves up his body to where his arms lie, stretched taught by the cuffs at the head of the cold surface he lays on. A returning chitter rises from his throat, he has to help -has to let it know that it’s okay. It gives one last harsh tug at his restraints.
 And it’s at this point that Danny realizes where exactly he is. 
The entity, the shadow-y figure encircling him, is Johnny's Shadow. Johnny’s Shadow who shouldn’t be anywhere near here, because god forbid the one ‘heroic’ thing Danny did- he can’t even do it right. 
But that doesn’t matter right now.
What matters is that Shadow has to leave. Danny makes another attempt at opening his eyes, head lolling with the effort to shake whatever it is that's making him feel so heavy. “Sss...shhhghh.h...” He starts, and stops instantly from the sharp pain that follows. Shadow practically radiates relief at his response. Growling and chittering and projecting okay okay awake awake as it crowds in closer to him. Now directing its efforts to pet at and poke his face, pushing his eyelids up and nudging his head side to side. 
It would be almost endearing in any other situation but now it just leaves Danny panicked and dizzy. Talking isn’t really something he wants to take another shot at, ‘Which is,,, okay,,’ he tells himself. ‘It’s probably because I haven’t had anyone to speak to in a little while’ and not for any other more horrifying reason that he can’t even feel, let alone want to remember at the moment. 
His core sputters okay okay here why in response but Shadow, assured from the pat-down he’d given to Danny’s head, moves away. 
Danny jerks to follow. Panicked nonono-s and a litany of paranoid what if’s echoing in his head. ‘What if Shadow sets off something, what if he gets hurt, what if they come back’. Blinking his eyes open, he is greeted by pitch darkness. With only the faint outlines of tables and medical instruments backlit by an emergency light in the corner of the room. ‘Great,’ he thinks. ‘Ancients,, just have to locate the shadow monster in a dark, dangerous lab’. 
Taking in a deep, stabilizing breath. He suddenly smells a tang of iron and the smooth, cold surface of the operation table slowly becomes rough and flaky beneath his body. The metal growing spotty and warped, ‘how unlucky’ he thinks, realizing what Shadow has done. The table abruptly drops, and Danny barely has time to panic before he’s falling with it. 
The metal of the table screeches as it folds in on itself and crumbles. One leg snaps -quicker than the others, and Danny is briefly airborne. His restraints becoming laughably breakable with the rapid oxidation. Danny flips over himself, like a gymnast's first backbend, and sluggishly raises his now free arms up to try and catch himself. 
Obviously, this does not go well. Danny crumples to the ground, knocking his head on the unforgiving tile, and promptly blacks out.
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demcnsinmymind · 4 months
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@bloodsalted sent : [ surprise ] for your muse to show up at mine’s house without explanation | nonverbal memes | Accepting!
Who would've thought that playing bait would be so.....boring.
He's been inside his old house for a few days now, keeping an eye out, kind of hoping for some of them to turn up while also not wanting them to. And it's really been a stay just filled with surprises. First : it's almost comical. How no one even seems to give much of a shit that he's here.
And sure enough, it's not like he put up a great big sign out there. Lance Preston, back in town, bitches! Not when so many people of all sorts are after him. Cultists, cops, doctors, old friends and neighbors, the whole package. Oh no. He's being extra careful. Staying away from the windows for the most part, not turning on any lights at night (who would've thought that spending a few months/years? in never ending darkness came with perks? It's almost crazy how bright the night still is out here all thanks to streetlights and moonlight and just overall light pollution). For all intents and purposes, his childhood home still looks more or less abandoned from the outside. Intact, but devoid of people.
But still. One would think that the neighbors would continue to be all over it. Oh so nosy as ever. Keeping an eye on it. Might notice that someone's back in the old house. The one that belonged to the sweet old lady with alzheimers, who's now somewhere else in full-time care. The one who lost her husband to cancer, followed by the ever so sudden and mysterious disappearance of her only son not long after.
So far though? Nothing. Just him, all alone in here. Unbothered. In silence. Going through some of the stuff that's been left behind. Because the house is still in limbo. Just like him. And his mom. Because with them not quite dead , it technically still belongs to the Preston family. Can't be sold to the a new family. And it really continues to be almost surreal. How all of it's still there. After all these years. His old old stuff. High school yearbooks. Photos. Books. Music. Movies. Almost...comforting. Like a pillow fort made of brick and mortar. A shell wrapped up nice and tightly all around him. Almost makes him forget why he's really here. Not for comfort. But for closure. Betting on the fact that people are on the lookout for him. Eager to finish things just like him.
Huh. Bang on the dot. Isn't it eerie.
Black car. Old. Vintage. One you don't see every day anymore. One you don't hear every day. Certainly not in this neighborhood. Having driven past his little cocoon of a house now. Twice. Yes. He's being extra careful. So he catches on to the sound. The irregular regularity of it. And he knows something's up with that. Turning off the TV and ducking out of the room and into the hall, Lance tries to get a good view of what's happening outside. And yep. There it is. Black Chevrolet. A figure inside. Off center. With enough distance. Discretely parked and almost out of sight, away from prying eyes. But it's there. Again. How the..Who the fuck?
He doubts these cultist weirdos would just drive up to his house. Not these guys at least. Cops? Doubts that they drive a car like that either. Whoever it is, this is out of the ordinary. This is shady. This is dangerous. Yet for some weird fucking reason, probably because his entire stay has been so anticlimactically boring and weird so far...Lance suddenly pulls the front door open. Walks outside. Crosses the street. Walks over to the car....And knocks on the window.
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"Hey. This is my wife's spot. She'll be home with the kids soon. Go park somewhere else."
Dumb speech and most certainly a lie, but he figures that this'll make things harder for this guy. Out in the open, where everyone can hear them, see them. And if it's just some dude, he'll be able to tell by his reaction, too.
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faejilly · 1 year
so I have been really really enjoying @alexanderlightweight's Wednesday Prompts, and it reminds me of the Olden Days when I used to write on here all the time?
Because I have been making pretty much 0 progress on the writing/WIPs front for uh... *glances at dates on AO3* 😬😬😬
(I have posted maybe a dozen ficlets in three years? Ouch.)
And I was trying to think if I wanted to attempt something similar so I stop fixating on all the old shit that's bogging me down, and if so how I'd set it up, and if I'd need any caveats about the stuff I do or don't write (and mostly decided no, I just need a disclaimer that whatever happens might bear NO RELATION TO THE ACTUAL PROMPT, it was just inspired by said prompt in some weird way because Magpie Brains Are Like That™️
but in the process of figuring out what my FAQs might need to be, I think I figured out why my priest!kink fic never worked, so uh.
Now I'm all, should I open up for prompts or should I work on that?
But then I think about MerMay and my BB piece and then I'm right back where I've been for the last three years and I think someone needs to Gibbs-Slap my brain. 🙄
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kaizsche · 2 years
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There is a hesitation in her step, “Hey if you’re down, I’d love to stay for a while.” She tells him, bottom lip tucked underneath her teeth.
He can hear her heart hammering within her chest cavity. Sometimes, Elena forgets that he’s a vampire. Oftentimes, she treats him like her equal—a frail human capable of feeling emotions. She’s just that kind of girl, compassionate to a fault.
Elijah doesn’t blame her. She hadn’t yet seen the world as it truly is, hidden behind her rose-colored lenses. 
Yet still, his heart longs for her. The company she affords him is a great deal of relief to him. It eases his regrets and lifts the burden off his shoulders—allowing a momentary reprieve from his past. 
She is his heart.
(And he will not be as foolish as he once was.)
“Of course, lovely Elena. Please make yourself comfortable.”
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"That's not going to work on me."
Charles saying something and Erik sees right through the bullshit
Charles could feel the attraction radiating off of Erik since he first came back to the school. If only he could bring himself to do something about it. The only problem was, he couldn’t see how Erik could still feel that way about him.
Not now, not the man he had become.
He no longer looked the way he once did. Skinny legs, flat ass, bald. He was hardly the quote unquote adorable man he has been decades prior.
And yet, Erik still looked at him like he was the most beautiful man in the world. Charles wondered if he was just choosing to ignore the flaws or if he was truly blind to him.
Eventually though, an idea came to mind. He could simply make himself look the way he had at one time, pull a trick from Miss. Frost’s book.
So, that evening, when Erik walked into his room, Charles was waiting for him. A version of Charles, anyway, there decades younger, the way Charles had been when they were last lovers.
“Charles?” Erik asked, confusion in his voice, brows drawn tight as his hair lingered on the hair and then his eyes widened as he watched Charles stand and walk over to him.
“See something you like, Darling?” Charles asked with his most charming smile, his hand going to Erik’s chest.
“You’re beautiful,” Erik replied, “But Liebling, this isn’t going to work on me.”
“Wh-what?” Charles asked, his arms crossing over his bare chest, glad that he decided to leave his underwear at least on.
“This. I love this version of you, but this projection thing isn’t going to work on me. Where are you at?” He diverted his eyes to look around the room,
“I don’t want this version of you. I want the real you. You were beautiful when we first met, don’t get me wrong, but we’ve both changed and grown since then. I want my version of you.”
“You-you do?” Charles asked, the version of him he was projected flickered and then left entirely.
“Of course I do. Come out here. I want to show you how much,” Erik replied, sitting on the edge of the bed.
It only took Charles a moment to roll into the room with a deep breath. He was nervous, terrified, but it was Erik, he trusted him.
“There you are,” Erik whispered with a smile, leaning in and kissing Charles softly. “Perfect,” he mumbled against his lips. And Charles wondered if he could believe him.
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sacrligium · 5 months
okay, cleaned this blog. so consider this a fancy starter call *
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does trunks want kids? bc that was a dad worthy joke right there
The answer is complicated.
He's not completely opposed to the idea of either adopting kids or having them the biological way, he's just really shaken at the idea of it.
He's had so much taken away from him, his mentor, his mother, his entire world- It's left him terribly uncertain at the idea that things will remain safe. That the things he loves will remain in this world.
Hell, even if we're talking Z-era stuff, he'd be more open to the idea, but still unsure about it.
He doesn't mention that he's terrified of losing any more in his life, as he's felt despair at the repeated failure to keep those he treasured alive and well.
He feels that if he ever had a kid and lost them, he'd snap mentally. He knows just wouldn't be able to handle the toll.
Unless his partner can give him that sense of ease and security that everything's gonna be okay, the idea of it all is going to be met with immense hesitation.
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14dayswithyou · 1 year
From the prompt post, from me to [REDACTED]:
‘  i could listen to you talk about the things you love forever.  ’
‘  i want to bury my face in the crook of your neck until we both fall asleep.  ’
‘  you’re not just your mistakes  &  you deserve to be happy.  ’
I'm not sure if it was okay to send in more than one, but if not, just the last one please!
Thank you, and have an amazing week!
Soft spot prompts | No longer accepting !!
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"Not cold, are you?"
Despite his words, your dark-haired boyfriend pulls the comforter snuggly around your body nonetheless. He doesn't mind that his long legs are sticking out, for he found more than enough warmth in your presence alone. A beat passes, before he feels you shift your head into the crook of his neck and mumble something else.
At that, a soft smile pulls at his pierced features, and he couldn't help but feel genuine appreciation in that moment. As if to return the favour, he pulls you tighter against his chest and presses a kiss to the crown of your head.
"I don't know if I deserve t'be happy after everything I've done, but I can't help but feel that way whenever you're around. I know it's selfish to ask, but please..." He pulls you even closer, "Please don't leave my side."
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jaguarhabit · 1 year
@truedarkhcld | "Oh, how I wish he was." Wanda hated discussing him to other people. Especially ones who weren't familiar with magic or demonic creatures. "He was once a legend long ago, but then it turned out to be real. He was an Elder God. The demon of all demons."
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                     ❝ has the bitch bled in them stories? ❞ killmonger quizzed, his brow lifted in suspicion as he sneers. who do you think you talkin' to? was posed and etched across his features without needing to ask it aloud. the topic was perceptibly disturbing for her to touch, but this wasn't the time nor place to be possessed by archaic spookisms. coming from a place that strongly upheld his and his people's experiences and customs, hell is the earth itself. demons moved in smooth motion amongst them freely like water. yet, here he sat, chillin' like an afrikan that never felt a lick off a whip. his loc'd head canting, with a catlike focus that's anticipating the next part of this morbid fable-turned-nonfiction.
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287aus · 2 years
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canon prompt summary: soobin goes to the shared hotel room, but hears soemthing off in the hallway. not thinking much about it he uses his keycard anyway and finds yeonjun fucking someone. the thing is, he doesn’t stop, he shares a smirk in soobins direction the entire time. soobin has these sudden urges and feelings but doesn’t understand why it’s happening. and then… feeling/identity exploration/realization ensues, or a fun rilled up pwp no feelings.
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demcnsinmymind · 2 years
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@innerwar sent: FAVOR : for one muse to owe the other a favor. - from aziraphale | from the depths of my meme tag | Always Open!
"Prove it to me then" Lance demands, an undecipherable expression on his face as he does so. "If you really are what you say you are. Prove it. Bring them back. Let me talk to them."
Matt. Houston. T.C. Sasha. Dear god, Sasha.
Just the thought of them alone makes him so furious with the other. The things they went through. The things that were done to them. The fact that they died way too fucking young.
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"You owe us this. You owe them. Because I cannot for the life of me understand how something like you could exist and just let all of this happen to them."
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