#penis inspection
thedman0310 · 10 months
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ruthimages · 9 months
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funnyshark · 9 months
People in 2123 be like: literally 2077
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cemeterything · 17 days
I have been afflicted with the idea of Press Secretary Carson somehow getting his hands on the phrase 'Slays absolute penis', possibly using it in reference to an especially heinous idea during the summit. I need to inflict this suffering on someone else in hopes it will leave me be.
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thanks i guess
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ra-assputin · 1 year
Hmmm... I think a sausage exam is what Greg gives alex backstage...
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attachablepenis · 1 year
in honor of pride month im putting together a gay sex playlist. all songs gotta be explicitly about gay sex, the kinker and raunchier the better. all about sucking and fucking!! pls submit songs so i can listen to this in public
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they gave me a penis inspection at the airport today
TSA agent didn’t seem into it, though. he patted down my pockets and hemline, but barely touched the front
buddy! that’s where the red dot was! you need to give me a dick patdown. that’s your only job
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28dayslater · 1 year
If the brexit gollorius does start tonight we’re winning 5-0 btw
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gothgaymoth · 5 months
whoops that furry art had a penis
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voredere · 6 months
also the genital preference bullshit is so telling because like. you just assume every trans person is pre op and perisex? you just assume every cis person is perisex? you just assume every trans person who IS pre op and perisex will want to use their genitalia in whatever way your imagination has defaulted to (or at all for that matter! plenty of trans people prefer toys/straps, or only like anal/oral or non penetrative sex, or are service tops)? you need to unlearn the idea that knowing if someone is trans (regardless of if they use agab or xtx or or tma/tme) tells you anything at all about their genitals or how they have sex. and stop being so god damn nosy while you're at it. grow the fuck up and stop trying to normalise penis inspection day.
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Man the last post is good I guess but I cannot fucking stand talking about anti-trans sports laws like "the first targets will be girls who aren't feminine, girls of color, intersex girls" like actually no the first target is, was, and will remain trans girls in case you fucking forgot that gential exams were put in place to weed us out. If you think it's traumatizing for a young girl to have her vagina inspected so she can play sports, do you think it's any less fucking traumatic for a young girl to have her penis inspected and then subsequently outed to her school and kicked out of the sport? Did you forget that thats the point of the law? To traumatize us and weed us out? Why do you always have to make it about yourselves to care about us?
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captaintrio · 1 year
link 2 the very 1st go 2 penis i wish 2 see the evidence
I am reasonably sure this (x) is the v first go 2 penis, there have been a couple since but this was the earliest one I could find.
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joeygallo · 2 years
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girlballs · 4 days
INSPECT her PENIS while she's in the MAID UNIFORM
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foxy-eva · 11 months
Slippery Slope
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Summary: Spencer slips in the shower. His roommate comes to his rescue.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
Category: Fluff, Smut
Content Warning: (18+, minors DNI) Spencer fractures his arm, hospital mention, embarrassment, awkwardness, nudity, heavy kissing, unprotected penetrative sex 
Word Count: 2.5k
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Ever since you had Spencer as a roommate, your life became a lot more predictable. You knew that his morning showers lasted exactly thirteen minutes, just enough time for you to prepare your usual Sunday breakfast. 
That was until your routine was disrupted by Spencer calling for help. You were quick to head over to the bathroom, not hesitating to step in when you heard his whimpers. The water was still running and the shower curtain was closed when you asked what was going on. 
"I slipped and I think I broke my arm," the poor boy whined. 
Without thinking about it, you quickly opened the shower curtain to find your completely bare roommate lying in the tub, somewhat resembling a wet puppy. 
"Wait!" He squeaked before covering his privates with his good hand.
It was too late though, you had already seen everything he so desperately tried to hide now. You couldn't hold back the smirk forming on your face while you reached over to turn the water off. 
Although you already knew the answer, you asked anyway, "Are you okay?"
"No," he sighed. "Could you please hand me a towel?"
You did what he asked for and turned away to give him a chance to cover up. When he had somehow managed to wrap the towel around his hips, he reached his good arm out for you. You took his hand to help him get up but of course the towel slipped.
He let go of you to catch the fabric, almost tumbling over once again. With your hands on his shoulders you hindered him from falling a second time. 
"Spencer, I'm just trying to help you," you reminded him when he whined again, this time clearly because he was embarrassed. 
"I know," he whispered. "I just didn't want you to see me like that."
"Yeah, no kidding," you laughed. "If it's any consolation, you don't look too bad naked."
That was the understatement of the century.
With more sarcasm than you ever heard from him, he mumbled, "Thanks."
With joined forces you managed to get him out of the tub at last and inspected his arm for a moment. 
"I should take you to the hospital," you told him. 
He nodded and walked to his bedroom with you following him. When he struggled to keep his towel in place while picking out clothes with only one arm to use, you told him to sit on the bed so you could do it for him instead. 
Standing in front of his closet, you thought about which clothes would be the easiest to put on. 
"Don't you have shorts or something," you wondered as you looked over the clothing options. 
He pointed at the top shelf and said, "Just this one pair."
You pulled out the tiniest, most ridiculous gym shorts you had ever seen. 
"Oh my god, why have I never seen them on you?" You laughed. 
"To avoid this exact reaction."
To not embarrass him further you put the shorts back and handed him underwear and sweatpants instead. You were ready to help him get dressed but he just stared at you for a moment. 
When he finally found his voice again, he muttered, "Could you please turn around?" 
And so you did, although you already knew that he would most likely need your help. When he began groaning and swearing as he tried to get dressed, you almost begged him, "Will you please let me help you?" 
"No!" He protested before cursing some more. 
"Spencer, you don't need to hide from me. I have already seen your… penis."
"Don't remind me!" He whined. 
You turned around to find him looking even more pathetic than before with his face buried in his hands. 
"Here," you softly spoke as you crouched down to help him put his clothes on. "Let me help you."
Defeated, he finally accepted your assistance. The situation was more than awkward but you tried as well as you could to make up for it with your kindness. After helping him put on a dress shirt, you reached for the hem to close it. 
Standing in front of him while closing the buttons somehow felt more intimate than anything you had ever experienced before. You dared to search for his eyes and found him looking at you with the softest expression you had ever seen. 
"Thank you," he whispered when you reached the last button. 
With a genuine smile forming on your face, you just nodded before stepping away from him. 
It was confirmed at the hospital that Spencer's arm was fractured. He got a cast he would have to wear for the next few weeks. 
Back at home, Spencer sat down on the couch in the living room and groaned, "I can't believe I broke my arm. I won't be able to join my team in the field for weeks."
After a brief moment of silence you got a pen and sat down beside him. He watched every move as you began drawing on his cast. After just a few minutes it was covered with a variety of little flowers. 
You locked eyes with him and snickered, "See, now at least it looks cute!" 
For the first time today Spencer smiled at you. It warmed your heart to know that you managed to lighten up his mood a little bit. 
"I love it," he said and added, "Thank you for helping me. I really appreciate it."
"Of course. You would have done the same for me." 
You noticed a light rosy shade spreading over his cheeks when he told you, "I can't believe you saw me naked though. That's so embarrassing."
His words made you giggle, "Believe it or not but I have seen a naked man before."
He joined in your laughter, "Yeah but that wasn't me!"
The joyous sounds simmered down when you whispered, "Unfortunately."
It took Spencer a moment to realize what you implied. When his brain caught up with your words, he breathed, "What?"
You realized then that this would be the right moment to finally confess what has been occupying your mind for months. 
"I always thought seeing you naked for the first time would be under very different circumstances."
Once again it took Spencer longer than expected to understand the meaning behind your words. Finally, he mumbled, "You thought about that?" 
"Don't tell me you have never imagined how I look without clothes on," you snickered. 
Very unconvincingly, he squeaked, "What? No, of course not!" 
"You're a terrible liar."
His eyes fell to the floor when he breathed, "Yeah, I know."
Although he had basically already admitted it, you still wanted to hear him say it.
"So you have thought about it?" You asked. 
The truth was that he had thought about it a lot, more often and with more details than he would ever admit. Anytime you'd walk through your apartment wearing just a little top and pajama shorts, he had to try very hard to not let his thoughts wander to all those impure things he'd like to do with you. 
When you didn't respond to his confession, he was worried that he might have said something wrong. 
Concern was clearly audible in his tone when he wanted to know, "Did I make you uncomfortable?" 
You smiled at him and breathed, "No," before you got up from the couch to stand in front of him.
Locking eyes with Spencer, you slowly took your shirt off. 
He quickly turned away and asked, "What are you doing?!" 
"I know you feel awkward about what happened so I thought I'd let you see me, too. So we're even." 
Spencer still didn't dare to look at you, so you practically demanded, "Look at me, Spencer."
His eyes found yours before dropping to your revealed skin. 
"You don't…," he mumbled but paused once you reached back to unclasp your bra. "...have to do that."
The piece of fabric fell to the floor and Spencer couldn't hold back anymore. Blatantly, he stared at the swell of your breasts while his eyes widened. 
"Don't you like what you see?" You purred. 
His words were barely understandable when he muttered, "You're so beautiful."
His eyes stared at your hands as they began undoing your pants before pulling them down. He followed each of your motions until you stood completely bare in front of him. As if he was trying to save this image in his mind forever, he looked you up and down several times before locking eyes with you once more. 
You reached out your hand. He didn't hesitate to take it. He got up from the couch and moved with you as you slowly began ridding him of his clothes as well. The both of you took a few moments to just stare at each other in awe before you couldn't hold back any longer. 
You lifted your hand and let your fingertips ghost over his good arm. His skin broke out in goosebumps before you even made contact. His hardness made it obvious that he was just as excited as you were but you still wanted to make sure when you asked, "Can I touch you?"
"Yes," he breathed. "Please."
Your palm made contact with his skin, moving along it until it found his shoulder. As you stepped closer to him, you felt his hands touching your waist, a silent gasp falling from your lips as a response. 
When there was no more distance to be found between the two of you, you closed the gap between your mouths as well. His lips felt soft and heated against your own, moving with you as if you had done that a million times before. Spencer was the one who deepened the kiss, his tongue seeking entrance at the same time his good hand started moving over your back. 
Your hands became curious as well, touching almost everything within reach before settling in the nape of his neck. When you playfully tugged on one of his curls, Spencer smiled into the kiss. He became more greedy when his palm descended down your back to grab the curve of your backside, making you moan into the kiss. 
The extent of his desire was firmly pressed against your hip and you couldn't stop thinking about how good it would feel somewhere else. With your hands on his shoulder you moved Spencer back to the couch without ever breaking your kiss. When you pushed hard enough for him to have to sit down, he made it obvious that he wasn’t done kissing you yet. 
Still standing in front of him, he wrapped his arm around your hips to pull you closer before you even had a chance to find your home in his lap. He didn't let you sit down though, instead he began kissing your lower stomach and hips, his lips moving over every patch of skin he could reach. He only pulled back when he noticed your knees getting weaker by the second. 
He looked up at you with a smirk painted over his face and you smiled back at him. You felt his fingertips moving up your inner thigh until they reached your center, making you gasp at the sudden contact. He carefully parted your folds and you noticed how his pupils widened when he felt your wetness basically dripping into his palm.
He didn't get a chance to fully explore all the glory your body had to offer as your knees finally gave out and you almost fell forward, only stopping yourself with your hand on his shoulder. Spencer leaned back to make room for you as you hurriedly and with very little grace climbed into his lap. 
Your lips were on his within a split second, continuing your kiss with more fervor than before. You reached between your bodies to find his hardness, your fingertips moving carefully along his velvety skin. 
You leaned back to find his eyes and purred, "Don't worry, I'll be gentle."
"Don't hold back," Spencer chuckled in response. 
Before you did what your entire body longed for, you wanted to make sure of something.
"You're not in pain, are you?" You wondered as your sight fell to his cast. 
"No, I'm alright," he said before smirking. "Besides, sex is known to relieve pain."
"Yeah?" You snickered as you wrapped your hand around his erection. "Then let me take care of you."
"Please," he sighed when his tip made contact with your slick folds. 
Slowly you sank down on him, relishing the sensation of being completely filled out by him. When he was at your deepest point, you took a moment to feel his heartbeat deep inside you. It became impossible to tell where his body ended and yours began. You felt him twitching against your tight walls and answered him by clenching around him.
Hungry lips connected once more as you began moving your hips against his. He swung his good arm around your waist to press your body even closer against his, moving with you as best as he could. Together you chased the sweet relief, your motions becoming faster and more erratic by the second.
When you left his lips to gasp for air, Spencer was quick to kiss down your neck, nipping and sucking on the sensitive skin of your pulse point. His breath felt hot against even more heated skin as you entered a state of pure bliss. The moment he felt you pulsing around his length, he got lost in the pleasure as well. 
He bucked his hips upwards to push into you, mewls and moans falling from his lips as he shared his essence with you. When you collapsed into his arms you could still feel him throbbing inside you before he let his head fall back against the backrest of the couch. 
When your breathing had evened out, you sat back up and began showering his face with little kisses. He chuckled at your display of affection and turned his head just enough to capture your lips in a brief but sweet kiss. 
When he found your eyes again, you softly asked, "Are you okay?"
"Never been better," he chuckled. "I think I'm healed." 
You joined him in his laughter. "That's a shame. I was hoping we could do that again sometime." 
"Now that you mention it, my arm hurts terribly," he joked. 
You rolled your eyes and got up from the couch to go clean up in the bathroom. When you stepped back into the living room, Spencer had covered himself with a blanket. 
He looked at his clothes on the floor and mumbled, "I really need to figure out how to put clothes on with a broken arm." 
You sat down on the couch beside him and lifted the blanket to curl into his side. 
"Or not," you giggled. "This is fun, too."
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If you enjoyed reading this story you should check out the other fics in my NSFW Masterlist!
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dirtyvulture · 11 months
The Inspection
Natasha Romanoff x Beefy!Sergeant!Reader
18+ only read at your own risk
Summary: It’s time for your first uniform inspection, and of course Natasha will not make it easy for you.
Word count: 2210
AN: Reader has a penis, no pronouns used.
This is Part 2 in my Sergeant Beef series. Read Part 1 here.
“Where have you been?” Sam Wilson asks, almost knocking you down as he rushes down the hall. 
“Uh, just…Sergeant Romanoff wanted to see me,” you answer, tugging down the front of your shirt and making sure the button placket of your shirt lines up with your belt buckle and zipper.
“You spend a lot of time in her office,” Sam notes, narrowing his eyes at you. You shrug helplessly. “Well, whatever, just make sure you’re not late for inspection.”
You check your watch panickedly. You still have ten minutes, but you don’t have time to go back to your bunker and freshen up. Instead, you stop off at the bathroom, splashing your face with water and wiping off the brass name tag on your chest. You button the wrists of your sleeves, trying not to move too fast because of how tightly your biceps stretch out the fabric, but you prefer a tighter uniform because of how much bigger it makes you look. Making sure that all the creases in your uniform look extra crisp and lined up, you’re ready to head out when you suddenly double over like you’ve been punched in the stomach by an invisible man.
“Oh God,” you gasp, reaching for your belt and hastily undoing it. You pull down your pants, not even thinking about how you’re ruining the creases, and hear a low buzzing sound emanating from your boxers.
“You are not going to touch this or take this off until I say so. Do you understand?” Natasha says, pulling your cock through a tight silicone ring until it sits snugly at the base of your shaft. 
“Yes, ma’am,” you whimper, your eyes glued to her hands as they gently put your cock back in your underwear and zip your pants up. Natasha holds up a remote control.
“If you do well in your inspection today, I won’t keep it on for too long,” she says, and you gulp. “But no promises.”
“Y-Yes, ma’am,” you respond, standing on trembling legs. The cock ring isn’t even on yet and your head is already spinning at the thought of being completely at your staff sergeant’s mercy. 
“Good. Now get the hell out of my office.”
You feel the cock ring vibrating around you, strongly enough to make your dick swell to attention. The sensations practically take your breath away and you see a spot of wetness on your boxers already. 
How in the world are you going to get through an entire uniform inspection with this on?
You back into a stall to sit down on the toilet, barely able to stay standing, when the cock ring suddenly turns off and you breathe a huge sigh of relief. Natasha must be somewhere close by, unless the ring has unlimited range, which you don’t doubt. You pull your pants back up, doing your best to rub out the new wrinkles on your thighs, but not having the capacity to care for long. You don’t want to be late to the inspection.
You practically run down the hall to the classroom where the inspection is being held, finding many of your colleagues already waiting there.
“Where did you go off to now?” Sam asks, coming over to you. “And why are you so sweaty?”
“I…I…just don’t feel too well,” you say, which isn’t a complete lie.
“You better go lie down after this,” he responds. “Tell Sergeant Romanoff to leave you alone for five minutes,” he adds with a chuckle, but you’re not laughing. While your cock ring is off for now, you already have a feeling Natasha is going to turn it on at the worst time imaginable.
Everyone lines up and stands at attention just in time for the brass to stroll in with heavy footsteps: Captain Rogers, Staff Sergeant Romanoff, Commander Hill, and General Fury. They break up and start going after individuals, nitpicking the tiniest specks of dirt or invisible wrinkles on their uniforms. 
You stare straight ahead as General Fury approaches Sam, clenching your jaw as the general tears your friend a new one, knowing that you’re about to be next as he goes down the line. 
“Sergeant Y/N!” General Fury barks. “What are you smiling at?”
The color drains from your face. “Sir, I’m not smiling, sir!” you shout, continuing to look straight ahead.
“You think it’s funny that Wilson has dandruff that’s flaking all over his uniform?” General Fury asks.
“Sir, no, sir!”
“You better start sharing your shampoo with him, or he’s going to have a greater snowfall than the Swiss Alps!”
“Sir, yes, sir!” You think your jaw is going to crack from not laughing, but you hold it back. General Fury moves down the line and you relax, having been spared from his intense scrutiny. Suddenly, the vibrating in your pants starts again and you squeeze your legs together, trying to subtly move your cock into a position where the ring isn’t affecting it so much, but it’s a waste of effort. 
“Sergeant Y/N!” Natasha shouts, the top of her head barely coming into your field of view because she’s shorter than you. You stare over her, clenching your fists tighter by your sides. Blood rushes down between your legs at the constant stimulation and you try not to let your panicked breathing show.
“What’s wrong with your pants, Sergeant?” Natasha asks, and for a moment you wonder if she’s asking about what’s inside of them rather than what’s on the outside.
“My p-pants, ma’am?” you respond, your voice cracking when the vibrating intensifies. You’re at full hardness in seconds and your cock pokes uncomfortably against the back of your zipper, threatening to split it open. Natasha steps closer to you and you can feel her breath on your neck. 
“You look like a slob,” Natasha says. “You’re setting a very poor example for your trainees, Sergeant.”
You don’t know if you should apologize or just keep your mouth shut. Sweat pops on your forehead as arousal builds in your stomach that you can do nothing to relieve. Your cock is aching for release so badly it hurts. 
You feel Natasha touch the pant wrinkles on your thighs, and then her hand brushes across your bulge on purpose and you almost explode right there. 
“Sergeant,” you choke, trying to consider your next words carefully, but the task is much more difficult at hand when you can’t focus on anything but the sensation of the cock ring. “Please, I–”
“What?” Natasha snaps. 
You swallow, noticing that your legs are shaking. “I’m sorry for setting a poor example, Sergeant!” 
“I’m not looking for an apology,” Natasha says. “I want to see you back in my office after this.” You go light-headed at the thought. Maybe she’ll have mercy on you, or she might be more ruthless than ever. “Tsk, tsk, Sergeant. Very embarrassing to fail your first uniform inspection. This is not going to look good on your record.”
“I’m sorry, Sergeant!” you squeak, but Natasha is already walking away. 
She doesn’t turn the cock ring off, but leaves it on at a lower setting, just enough to keep you throbbing and aching. 
“Why do you look like you’re going to pass out, Sergeant?” Commander Hill asks, attacking you next.
“I…I…” you respond weakly, not sure what to say.
“Stop locking your legs.” Commander Hill nudges your boot with hers, scuffing the toe, and you bend your knees exaggeratedly, trying to relieve the pressure in your groin. She offers you no other criticism and moves on. 
You can barely listen to Captain Rogers giving the entire room a verbal lashing on the importance of grooming and appearance, feeling like you are truly on the verge of passing out. You wonder if Sam or anyone else in your vicinity can hear the buzzing of your cock ring, but the layers of your boxers and pants muffle the sound. When Captain Rogers finally dismisses the group, you’re practically pushing people out of the way as you run towards Natasha’s office. As desperate as you are, you still take the time to knock and wait for her to let you in.
“Get in here, Sergeant Y/N,” she snarls from the other side, and you don’t hesitate to help yourself. Natasha is waiting on the other side of the door and she grabs you by the collar, roughly pushing you onto her couch. 
“You are such a disappointment,” she says, her hands clawing down your uniform and popping the buttons, misaligning the ribbons on your chest. 
“Please Sergeant,” you beg, all formalities going out the window. She straddles your lap and your hands automatically go to her hips, but she swats you away roughly.
“Did I give you permission to touch me?” she snaps.
“No, ma’am,” you groan with frustration, keeping your arms to the sides and holding onto handfuls of couch cushions to stop yourself from touching her again.
“You’re an embarrassment,” Natasha says, pushing off the outer layer of your uniform and then yanking the white undershirt over your head and tossing it away. “Your superiors stuck their necks out for you to get approval for your promotion, and then you go and show up to your first inspection like a day-one recruit?” 
“I…I’m sorry, ma’am,” you pant. Her hands are hot against your bare chest, and her hand wraps around the chain of your dog tags, jerking your neck up at an angle where you’re forced to look into her fierce green eyes.
“I’m not the one you should be apologizing to.” In her other hand, she holds up the remote that controls your cock ring. “I hope you know that I’ll have to punish you for your performance today.”
“I know,” you squeak, although privately you wonder if she’s humiliated you enough today. 
“I’m going to fuck you now, and you are not to cum until I give you permission. Do you understand?” Natasha says, with the same authority she uses when addressing the recruits.
“Yes, Sergeant!”
“Don’t let me down more than you already have.”
You watch while holding your breath as Natasha undresses herself, then undoes your belt and zipper, pulling your pants and boxers down to free your cock. Even you’ve never seen yourself so hard before, the tip a dark red and leaking pre-cum, the veins on the sides visibly pulsing. You hold back a moan when Natasha takes you in her hand, stroking you lightly and you bite on your lip to focus on not cumming already.  
The cock ring vibrates harder, causing your hips to jerk off the couch. You desperately try to keep still as Natasha glares at you, not speaking as she lines her entrance up with the head of your cock. You already know that the combination of the cock ring and being inside of her will be too much for you; you’ve been teased enough today and have been on edge for hours. If Natasha is going to punish you for cumming too early, you’re completely willing to accept it at this point.
“S-Sergeant,” you pant, quieting the second she sinks down on you.
“Oh fuck!” Natasha moans as you fill her, your size stretching her out pleasurably. Your thighs flex as you use every muscle in your legs to keep yourself grounded on the couch. Natasha lifts herself until only your head is inside of her before she slides down again, taking you all the way until she can directly feel the vibrations of your cock ring against the insides of her thighs.
“Sergeant, I can’t,” you beg, the coil in your stomach ready to snap at any second.
“Yes, you can,” Natasha demands, yanking on your dog tags like they’re a leash. The metal bites into your neck and the pain is just enough to keep you from tumbling off the cliff. “I get to cum first.”
“Y-Yes. Yes, ma’am.”
Natasha bounces on your waist, using you like a toy of her own, as you lay there, tensed to your breaking point trying not to cum before she says you can. Your pre-cum lubes up your own cock and the vibrations from the cock ring stimulate her as well, so all you have to do is hold on long enough for Natasha to catch up.
“Are you going to fail your next uniform inspection, Sergeant?” she asks, moving her hips sloppily. She lets go of your dog tags, digging her nails into your shoulders. 
“No, Sergeant!”
“Good.” Her walls flutter around you and you know she’s close. “Are you ready to cum?”
“Oh God, yes.”
“Go ahead. I want every drop inside of me.”
Your vision goes white as you lose control, spilling into Natasha in hard, heavy spurts. Your entire body is shaking as you empty yourself and you don’t think you’ve ever cum more in your life. You don’t even notice Natasha reach her own orgasm at the same time you do, so focused on finally getting your release, that it isn’t until you’re slumped back on her couch, your thighs coated in your combined body fluids, that you realize what happened. 
Natasha gets off your lap, removing the cock ring and patting your limp cock. 
“I can’t wait to use this again,” she smirks.
AN: Please like, reblog, and comment! Follow for more content. 🥰
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