#penny rabbit and summer bear
eyelessdraws · 1 year
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penny rabbit and summer bear; lineart and alt. (august 2023)
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bodyhate · 10 months
Kishi Bashi's concert tonight was beautiful
we were on the second row
I almost got neck pain while watching the documentary
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Penny Rabbit and Summer Bear • F Delano • Marigolds • A Song For You • Angeline • Summer of '42 • Theme From Jerome (Forgotten Words) • A Meal for Leaves • Violin Tsunami • Annie, Heart Thief of the Sea
Spotify ♪ Bandcamp ♪ YouTube
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chiropteracupola · 2 years
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penny rabbit, summer bear
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Fake fic ask
🐑 Meet-Cute, Polyamory, Hostage Situations
🐝 Penny Rabbit & Summer Bear
hmmm fake fic summary FOR ! THOSE TAGS
I actually have two because I amuse myself
summary one:
Keeley Jones started the day with no boyfriends. One bank robbery, a corrupt judge, and a tube of poison lipstick later, she had two boyfriends, which was a pleasant surprise.
summary two:
Generally speaking, it's bad form for a reporter to fall in love with their subject. Or subjects, as it were. Especially when said subjects a) have kidnapped them, and b) are supervillains. To make matters worse, they're American. Trent is never going to live this down.
(that's inspired by a real au i already have, but not the exact same one lol. bc you BET i have a horny megamind tedependent au.)
and then for the title "Penny Rabbit & Summer Bear" (i'm going to assume that's one and not two) since I only got one ask anyway i'mma go ahead and do both here,
It is an unfortunate element of being an anonymous underground radio host that whatever callsign you are given by others tends to be the one that sticks. Trent can't even be mad that he's been declared "Penny Rabbit" when it's in that annoyingly endearing twang (it sounds affectionate coming from Ted), but still summarily (ha) declares him "Summer Bear" right back. No one else will get the joke--that he and Ted met on a summer night, that Ted is called Ted--but he and Ted get it, and that's enough.
...i have no idea why this is where my brain went. it went "stuffed animals for crimmlet and/or henry? [long pause] no. radio hosts." girl why. the first one made way more sense. i don't even know what underground radio host would mean in this context. what the hell
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braveclementine · 11 days
Tattoos Cheat Sheet
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Steve: Golden Retriever
Bucky: Baby bear
Sam: Falcon
Nat: Fox
Tony: Peacock
Loki: Snow Leopard
Stephen: Octopus
Clint: Hawk
Thor: Wolf
Penny: Red Panda
Elizabeth: Okapi & Cheetah
Wanda: Butterfly
Bruce: Sea Turtle
Vision: Parrot
Rhodey: Lion
Pietro: Otter
Elijah: Summer Tanager
Violetta: Panther
Lan: Chameleon
T'Challa: Black Panther
Fury: Shark
Maria: Whale Shark
Scott: Ant
Hope: Dove
Blonksy: Gorilla
Katya: Snow Leopard
Kate: Swan
Peter: Caterpillar
Mai: Penguin
Ahni: Tree Frog
Trang: Rabbit
Ghaida: Eagle
Josh: Panda
Kamala: Tarantula
Carol: Cat
Nebula: Cobra
Gamora: Hedgehog
Quil: Giraffee
Drax: Snapping Turtle
Mantis: Praying Mantis
Hogan: Pangolin
Volstagg: Squirrel 
Sif: Tiger
Fandral: Seahorse
Heimdall: Owl
Shuri: Otter
Okoye: Mountain Lion
Shang-Chi: Kangaroo
Sharon: Cuckoo Bird
Brock Rumlow: Alligator
Jackson Rumlow: Crocodile
Valerie: Heron
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The 3 Times I Said I Like You, 
And The 1 Time I Didn’t
By Penny Rabbit & Summer Bear
Word Count : 2830
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★ Homework Help ☆ 
This stupid, damn physics homework. I let out a heavy sigh and lay back in my seat, closing my eyes and feeling the sunlight. Listening to the cherry blossom trees rustle in the warm wind, while letting petals into the classroom through the open window. If I could just finish this one last question, I’d be set for the test without any worries. Heck, maybe I’d even go for a walk in the spring furnished campus before pulling an all nighter. 
That’s when I take a sneaky peak over at you. You look like you’re having it easy, humming to yourself and drawing a detailed caricature of our physics teacher on the side of your notebook. I curiously watch you sketch him for a while before my mind returns to physics. I open my mouth to speak, but hesitate. We’ve been desk mates for the entire semester and haven’t spoken a word to each other unless we were involved in some group activity or if our books accidentally went on the other person’s desk. 
I look at the teacher with pleading eyes, desperate for his time- but he seems to be busy and probably won’t take another student, since class ends in 5 minutes. It’s now or never. Just as you put the finishing touches onto his distasteful moustache, I blurt out- “Hey, do you get this question? It’s the last one on page 98, and I’ve spent, like, 30 minutes on it.” You swiftly turn your head in my direction, meeting my gaze. My stomach does a flip… I’ve never talked to you like this before. You express your surprise before quickly masking it with a reply.
“Well...um. Yeah, I can help you with that question.”
I cautiously show you my work(while scanning for any weird drawings I might have made), explaining what I did. You notice my visible confusion, and when I’m done, you start to talk while gesturing to my writing with your pencil. “Okay.. so, I get where you got this equation from, but since they are asking for the speed of sound, you need to use the temperature value to solve for that… And this over here is correct, so you don’t need to worry about that part.. Just watch for the number of harmonics so you can plug in those values.”
Ohhhhh. So that’s what I was supposed to do! I’m starting to understand where I went wrong when I watch you re-explain it just in case. Our seats are now facing each other, and we’ve been animatedly talking about the upcoming exam until I notice that the classroom has been emptied out. The teacher is collecting his things, motioning for us to exit the class. I quickly expressed my gratitude.
“Thanks for helping! You’re really smart for someone in our grade.”
You grin at me, and turn back to your desk. As you’re filing your books into your bag, I’m conscious of a warm feeling inside. My smile fades when I realize I’ve been smiling the whole time. I distractedly hurried out of the empty physics classroom, all while I kept reliving the moment in my head.
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☆ Sakura Season ★
The spring breeze feels so nice against my skin. Especially after that stupid physics exam. Never in my life have I ever questioned my motivation to take that course, but I guess it worked out well cause I met you. I take long, tired strides on the sidewalk near campus. I don't think I’m gonna be able to stay awake any longer, until I see a blurry image of your silhouette under the cherry blossom tree near the fountain on campus. We haven’t spoken in a while, and it seems like you’re alone. So I take my chances and happily walk over towards you. 
You have your back turned towards me, so I tap on your shoulder to gather your attention. “Oh! Umm… hi.” you say. I think I may have scared you, oops. “Sorry if I frightened you, I didn’t mean to cause any trouble.” I reply to you. Your scared face is so adorable. ‘No… stop, don’t get distracted.’ I tell myself. But I just can’t help it!
I don't want our interaction to be cut short, so I ask you “Is it okay if I sit beside you? I’m quite tired, but I don’t have the energy to go home and rest,” “Of course!” I remember you saying in a very enthusiastic tone. Seems like I’m not the only one who's excited. You shuffle your body to the side so you would give enough space to sit. “So… what were you doing sitting all alone?” I ask you.
Now that I think about it, that may have been a stupid question to ask. I’ve always seen you sit alone, in your own world of imagination. You were never the type to go out of your way to talk and make friends, which is why I’ve grown such a child-like curiosity when it comes to learning more about you. “I’m just finishing up a drawing I’ve been working on for the past few weeks.” you reply. If I took more time to pay attention to my surroundings, I would’ve noticed the sketchbook in your lap with a black micro-pen in your hand. But how could I notice that when I’m too busy admiring your pretty face. I turn my head to look at your drawing, and I’m stunned. The artistic talent you need to draw such a masterpiece is unbelievable. It also looks like someone familiar… but I quickly stop getting too far ahead of myself. “It’s not the best drawing I’ve done, but it’s still a work in progress.” you say. 
If this isn’t your best, I wonder what your best looks like. I look at your face, but you turn away, probably in embarrassment. “I think it looks really nice. No… I know it looks really nice. I mean look it at! It just looks like something you would see in a museum” I tell you, because I can’t handle you self-deprecating your beautiful art. I look back at your face, and see your cute face flushed with embarrassment. I can’t help but laugh at your shyness, which in turn makes you laugh as well.
“Maybe once you’re done you can show it to me.” I ask you. You reply.
“Yeah… I’d like that.” 
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★ Stay With Me ☆
It’s….. KARAOKE DANCE NIGHT! We make a bee-line towards the mall with ice cream bars in each of our hands. The night has only begun, and I look at your face with the corniest grin because I know it’s about to go down. As soon as the bars are finished, we zoom into the karaoke room and you slam 4 quarters into the coin slot while I do my 80s stretching routine, game faces on.  
Our opponents are in the other room, and those guys have been winning for consecutive days now. The screen blips before coming to life and the countdown to the song starts. We chant it as we face each other, positioned perfectly as our favourite band would be. The song is Stay with Me by Miki Matsubara, who happened to be your favourite artist. Don’t ask me how I knew that, it took a lot of detective skills on my part. 
*Stay With Me playing in the background*
As the music starts on cue, we dance to the beat. It’s a mix of Japanese city pop and a tune that's too familiar to our ears. It’s way too good to stop dancing. I’m dancing as best as I can, scanning the screen for mistakes on the other side while giving it my all to the microphone. Ha! Those sad eleven-year-old middle school jerks can go home drunk on Kool-Aid tonight! But as you move to the beat with the microphone in your hand, singing along to the song with a good sense of rhythm, I can’t help but feel like my heart is gonna burst and no one- not even you- would be able to save me. You, with… a good sense of humour and that disarming smile. 
It’s the craziest feeling… maybe too crazy. I mean.. It hasn’t even been a month since we became so close, right? Without a moment to process it, I trip on the cord of the mic and get ready to fall to my carpetty death until you come out of nowhere from your position in the song and hold me in your arms, close to your chest. I’m starting to feel that ‘hoodie fresh from the laundry’ is my favourite scent..
“Are you good?” 
We’re looking each other straight in the eyes, neither of us moving. I’ve never noticed how your eyes can look so uniquely concerned and intensely beautiful at the same time.. The music stops(or did it?). All sounds are blocked out from my head. I had barely made it out of a heart attack and here I am bombarded with the silliest thoughts. Unless it isn’t silly. I take a good look, because I might not get a chance to do so ever again. You suddenly break into a smile, as adorable as you can get.
“Pretty sure the kiddos won again.”
As you carefully ensure I'm alright, I quickly force myself to recover from my heart stutters and face you with a grin. 
“Come to my house later to practise this?”
“You bet.”
We're both smiling from ear to ear when the operator pokes her head in.
“Annnd.. the other team wins! Sorry about that, guys. We’re gonna hand the room over to our other players, so clear the room out in 30 seconds, okay?”
As I follow behind while holding onto your jacket hood, I'm smiling after you like a cheeseball, oblivious to my expressions.
I think I like you. 
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☆ Only You ★
Even though we’ve hung out so many times, I still get butterflies when you visit my home. I still can’t believe we’ve gotten so close in just a few months, but I don’t regret it one bit. Whenever I’m with you, I forget about everything, just so I could be focused on you. Just you. It doesn’t help that you seem so oblivious to the hints I keep showing. Are you really that unaware of the feeling you give me? Before I could continue my train of thought, your mellifluous voice pulled me out of it. “Hey.. Are you okay? You looked as if you were zoning out or something.” I hear you say. I can’t believe you caught me in such a state. “NO” I accidentally say in a loud voice. I couldn’t risk you finding out about my feelings. “Sorry, uh would you like anything to drink? I have apple juice, umm as well as a fruit smoothie. Or I could make you coffee or tea if you want that instead?’ I'll tell you. You reply, “Water is fine, don’t overexert yourself, you seem tired”. 
I couldn’t help but get a bit flustered, but I nod my head and went to the kitchen to get you a glass of water. Where is it? I wondered. I can’t find that special mug that I bought just for you. It’s a sakura pink mug, which reminds me of all the times we sat under the sakura tree, taking our whole lunch away. It has two cute paw prints on its side, since I know you love animals a lot. Maybe one day we could get a small pet and let it join us for our spring-time walks. I searched around all the cupboards, until I saw it. There you are! I grab the mug and bring it to the table, which is where you coincidentally seem to be near. As I walk towards the table to get to the pitcher of water, I accidentally trip on the trimming that divides the kitchen from the living room. This caused me to drop the special mug, which ended up shattering on impact. “Oh no!” I can’t believe I messed up such a simple task. I quickly bent down to pick up the shattered pieces, but I felt your calloused fingertips grab my hand, preventing me from picking up the broken mug. 
“Don’t do that, I’ll help. You should go get a paper towel.” you said. I can’t help but fall deeper and deeper into this never-ending tunnel of love. I got up and grabbed a tissue, until I heard a little ‘ow’ coming from you. I look over and I see you holding your hand, which seems to be stained red. I questioned your well-being, “ Are you okay?” I ask with worry. I looked at your face, which gave you a first hand look of pain, but you somehow turned into a smile. “I’m okay, though I think I need a bandaid” you reply. The blood from your hand seemed to get more red as I stared at you. I need the first aid kit. I swiftly stood up and went to the kitchen to get the first aid kit. 
Once I got it, I quickly ran over to you, and sat down in front of you. The paper towel you asked me to bring was now being used to hopefully prevent any more bleeding, though I don’t think it's much of a good job since it's almost fully stained red. I took some of the gauze pads and replaced the soiled paper towel. “I’m sorry if it hurts, but I have no choice but to stop you from bleeding” I told you while I focused on cleaning your wound. I couldn’t help but notice the way you stared at me while I was putting on a new sterile gauze of your now-clean wound. A look that radiated admiration, and an appreciation for what I’m doing. If I wasn’t so focused on wrapping your hand with the bigger bandages that were in the first aid kit, I would’ve been able to hear what you mumbled. “Did you say something?” I questioned you. By now, I finished wrapping your arm with the bandages, but I have yet to let go of your hand. I don’t want to. 
“I said that I liked you” you repeat yourself. What? I stare at you in confusion. I think I need to get my ears checked at the doctor’s office, because there is now way you said- “Hello??” you waved your hand in front of my dazed eyes. I blinked my eyes out of confusion, “Huh?” I replied. “I said that I liked you. I’ve actually liked you for a while now, I think it started when you complimented my drawing. I don’t know if you realised then, but that was supposed to be a drawing of you. I haven’t shown it to you yet, but if you want to see it you could always come over to my home and I’ll show it.” You stare at me with expectant eyes, probably because I haven't uttered a word since you confessed to me. 
“Throughout my life, I’ve always been someone of little to no importance, like being second place in a competition. I’ve always wanted to be the first in someone's life, maybe even their heart, and I would have never thought that someone would be you. I know at the beginning I may have been a bit closed-off and shy, but I didn’t mean for it to come off that way. I was just scared that maybe I was just a replacement for someone that left your life, but after being friends with you, I realised I was completely wrong. You aren’t like that. You never were, and I’m so grateful that you sucked at physics, ‘cause if you didn’t, I don’t think we would’ve been having this conversation. We would’ve been complete strangers for all I know. I know we have yet to experience a lot of our lives, but I really want to go through them with you, if you want to as well.”
The vulnerability and truth in your words when you told me all of this made me tear up. Never in my whole life would I have thought that I made someone feel this way. Someone who made me feel the same way. I thought this would've been too fast for anything to form, and that the little crush I had on you from the beginning would've disappeared into the sounds of our laughter, but it only made it stronger, which I’m happy it did. I’m still in a state of shock, but I didn’t want to leave you without confirming my feelings. 
“What do you say?” you eagerly asked. The next few words that came out were ones that did not come from my brain, but instead came from the endless tunnel of love and fondness I had accumulated since the beginning of our connection. 
“I’d like that.” 
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AN -:
Hi everyone! This is the first every short story we made, so it's not the most perfect but we really did put a lot of passion into writing it. Hopefully it is as cute and funny to you guys as we though it was to us. We did try and make the two characters involved as neutral as possible, with as little specific descriptors as possible.
Until then, signing off.
Penny Rabbit & Summer Bear
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matrose · 2 years
🎵 + legolas & gimli? i have tried and tried and cannot for the life of me pick out songs for either of them separately or together -_-
HIIIII hi hi hello hi:) i have approximately 104 songs for them but i will pick out the ones that fit the best of all of them RN‼️
the boat song (set sail)‼️‼️
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a love song about SAILING AWAY!!!!!
rule #13 - waterfall (fish in a birdcage)
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the great escape (woodkid)
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i also have penny rabbit and summer bear by kishi bashi on there but im almost embarassed to say this to a kishi bashi expert………i cant even explain that properly it just lodged itself in my brain together with them 😓
as for them individually, thats also so hard for me!!!! i feel like their characters and roles within their story are so intrinsically linked you cannot have one without the other (😭)
thus always to tyrants (the oh hellos) could work as a gimli song though of course with legolas there as well…..its difficult….and white winter hymnal (fleet foxes) for legolas…? auuuu
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askmissthunder · 11 months
Hey Miss Thunder, does your grandmother have any scary stories about her time as a superhero?
Miss Thunder: Hmmm...I don't recall her telling me anything spooky during my training or at least, nothing that really stood out.
Eli: How about we call her and ask?
Red Rabbit: Yeah! That'd be cool!
MT: We can't call her now! It's almost midnight in England! Besides, we're not all gonna hear the call, I don't have a speaker phone.
RR: I do! I can run to my place and get it!
MT: Oh, Cassie, you really don't-
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RR: I'm back!
MT: -have to.
*Ten minutes of setting up and dialing later*
*Ring ring!*
E: It's ringing!
Talon: Yes, we can hear that, Eli.
Nana: *Yawn!* Hello? Who's calling at this hour?
MT: Hello, hello, Nana!
N: *Gasp!* Penny! What a surprise! How are you, my Luv? Is everything all right?
MT: I'm good, Nana! Listen, you're on a speaker and I have my superhero friends here with me.
N: Oh?
RR: Hello, ma'am! I'm Red Rabbit, Penny's friend! I just want to say it's a real honor to speak with a veteran superhero!
T: *quietly* Tsk! Kiss-ass.
N: Oh, the honor is mine, dearie! You're the fast one, right?
RR: Hee hee, that's me!
N: And which one is the "Scary one" that Penny told me about?
T: I think that'd be me. Hello, I'm Talon.
N: Oh, you don't sound scary. You have a very lovely mature voice!
T: Oh, well...thank you?
N: And is there anyone else on the line? Oh! Listen to me! I sound like I'm on the radio! Ha ha!
E: HI! I guess we're sticking with code names but I'm Black Dog!
N: Well, hello there! I- wait.
MT: What, Nana?
N: "Black Dog"? As in...? *Gasp!*
MT: What?!
N: You're Penny's sweetheart! "Eli", I believe? Her mum told me about you!
E: *Blushing* Yeah, that's me. Hello, Ma'am.
N: Ohhh, it's so nice to speak with you, dearie! With all of you, really! Now, what can an old lady like me do for you lot? And Penny, aren't you going to get hit with a charge for international calls?
MT: Well, we had a question for you, Nan, what with it being Halloween time and all but we'll try to keep it quick. Do you have any scary stories during your time as Miss Thunder?
N: ..."Scary" as in how?
RR: Well, like, have you seen any ghosts or fought any monsters during your time in Ocean City?
N: Hmmmmm...let's see...I've never been one for ghosts. They're a dime a dozen.
T: Wait, so you've seen ghosts?
N: Oh, yes! Plenty! But they're not that exciting. You can't punch a ghost, though. I always have to use my connections to get somebody to get rid of it. They're more sad than scary, really. *Sighs*
MT: Nana, you can't just tell us you've seen multiple ghosts and act like it's nothing! We've never seen ghosts!
N: I've told you they're not that bad. Once you get past all the moaning and groaning, they're usually some sad soul who didn't realize they died. In fact, I'm shocked I didn't see one that one time I fought a werewolf.
MT, RR, T, E: WHAT?!?!
E: You fought a real werewolf?!
RR: Weren't we just talking about vampires being real?! If werewolves are real, then vampires have to be real!
N: Oh, yes, vampires are real, too. Nasty little buggers. Don't let the movies fool you. They're not nearly as pretty and they stink like a slaughterhouse. Still, it was funny whenever they tried to bite me and realized they couldn't. If a bullet can't even pierce all this blubber, what chance does a fang have?
T: What'd you do to it?
N: Well, he tried to bite me and I held him in a bear hug he couldn't get out of. I just held him for hours until the sun came up. Pretty simple, innit?
T: Huh. I guess your brother's friend's cousin wasn't full of shit after all.
RR: I told you so!
MT: What about the werewolf?
N: Oh! Yes! The Werewolf! It was the summer of '34 and there were reports of a killer on the streets of Ocean City. 6 women had been ripped to shreds by some fiend. I remember hearing that it was Jack the Ripper coming out of hiding in America but that was a load of bollocks. He would've been an old man if it was him and besides, these murders were WAY worse than the Ripper Killings. I had the misfortune of coming across one.
RR: *Gasp!* Oh no!
N: Oh, it was bloody awful! Literally! I was on patrol one night and well, I could smell it.
E: Eww!
N: I followed the smell and *Sighs* ...it looked like the woman had been, well, "torn apart" doesn't quite do it justice. More like someone had put a bomb inside a woman and her insides became outsides.
MT: Oh my god, Nana! That's horrible.
N: *Sighs* Yes, it truly was. I didn't even know this woman but...I just remember feeling so absolutely gutted. Gutted that I couldn't help her, that I was too late. And when the bobbies told me that the other murders were just like this one, well, I knew I had to do something.
T: What'd you do?
N: It took a lot of patience but I went on patrol every night for almost three weeks straight, keeping my head on a swivel for even the smallest hint of where he could be. Then, it happened.
E: What?
N: I heard a lady scream and I leaped like the Devil over to where she was. I just managed to catch her running into an old apartment building with some man chasing after her. I didn't waste any time and I smashed my way in. Crash! Right through the windows! I got lucky because my entrance distracted the man from his intended victim. "Go!", I told her, "Call the cops!". She ran out and the man slowly turned towards me. He was a big man with fair skin, ruddy hair, and a mustache, dressed like a dock worker. But those eyes. I'll never forget those eyes.
RR: Like a wolf's eyes?
N: Not just yet but they were savage looking. Like a feral animal. Full of bloodlust, they were. He snarled at me, "You made me lose my little lamb. For now, I guess I'll have to settle with a great fat pig."
MT: Did he transform?
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N: Mmm-hmm. I could see him growing taller. More wider. His skin was starting to get fuzzy, claws were popping out of his fingernails. i could see his face was starting to stretch out into a snout. The thing is, though, he was taking an awfully long time of actually transforming that I wondered "Why the bloody hell am I waiting for him to finish? Get him now!"
T: Did you?
N: Heh heh heh...I'll admit, seeing that shocked look on his face when I charged at him was soooooo satisfying. I suppose most women he killed were just paralyzed with fear, he never expected one to just go at him while he was in the middle of transforming. He also must've been new in town if he had no idea who I was. I grabbed him by the leg and I slammed the little bastard like a bloody rag doll.
MT, RR, T, E: Whooooaaa!
N: I slammed him on the floor, against the walls, up on the ceiling. That flat looked like a wrecking ball had gone through it. He kept trying to scramble away but I kept reeling him in for more. Eventually, the police did show up so I grabbed Mr. Werewolf by the throat, leaped out the window, and slammed him on the street from five stories up. Made for one hell of an entrance! He was just a mangled bloody mess but with his powers, he was still managing to heal his wounds.
E: Then what happened?
N: After the beating I gave him, the git had enough and practically crawled to the cops. "I DID IT!", he screamed, "I'M THE KILLER! LOCK ME UP! JUST KEEP ME AWAY FROM HER!!!"
MT: Ha!
N: No matter how vicious and cruel he was, at the end of the day, he was just another bully, going after those weaker than him. What I want you to learn from this, Penny, no, what I want ALL of you to learn from this is that no matter how scary a bully may seem, the instant someone comes up that can push back, they start legging it with their tails between their legs. So, never be afraid to stand up to a bully, you lot understand?
MT, RR, T, E: Yes, Ma'am!
N: All right, I'm off to bed, then. Thank you for calling, Penny! It was very nice to hear from you and your friends! Have a Happy Halloween!
MT: Thank you for answering our question and Happy Halloween, Nana! Love you!
N: I love you, too, sweetie! Bye bye, now!
RR: Wow! That was so rad! Your grandma seems so sweet! I want to meet her in person!
T: Yeah, your grandma's pretty cool, Penny. Now, I know what I have to do tomorrow.
E: What's that?
T: Stock up on silver knives. Can't be too careful now knowing both vampires AND werewolves are out there.
MT: That's very true!
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tabsnaomi · 1 year
🪆 hiii
hiiiii alex !!
absolute beginners by david bowie penny rabbit and summer bear by kishi bashi o children by nick cave & the bad seeds bang bang by dalida soulless creatures by aurora
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for @zillastar13​
are you even friends if you don’t make a collection of lyrics/poems that remind you of them and of your friendship?
In Trust, Thom Gunn / Penny Rabbit and Summer Bear, Kishi Bashi / 'Joy of my life, full oft for loving you', Edmund James Spencer / The Stranger, Lord Huron / Frozen Pines, Lord Huron / Futile Devices, Sufjan Stevens / Tamer and Hawk, Thom Gunn / 
(in order) 
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eyelessdraws · 1 year
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penny rabbit and summer bear (august 2023)
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sky-fortress · 2 years
@marinecorvid tagged me to do this and it looked like fun! i haven’t done a tag thing in a while tbh :O
Choose an artist you like & use the name of their songs to answer this as close as possible!
Name of the artist: kishi bashi What is your gender: wonder woman, wonder me How do you feel: every day is a sunday
If you could go anywhere, where would it be: manchester Describe your best friend: penny rabbit and summer bear Your favorite time of day: the sleeping moon If your life was a tv show, what would it be called: scooping leaves What life is like to you: philosophize in it! chemicalize with it! Relationship status: unicorns die when you leave What do you fear: ode to my next life
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plinkcat-gif · 3 months
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penny rabbit and summer bear
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wokeupwiththissong · 1 year
Penny Rabbit and Summer Bear - Kishi Bashi
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ohwaitwhatdamn · 1 year
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