#people and be able to laugh at them and learn from them and analyze them
runningwithscizzorz · 2 months
(1)Learn the rules before you break them + Gather proper references
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(2) Understand what you want to break and how
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(3) Can't do it? Find someone who can
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(4) It's going to look really bad for a while
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(5) Have fun with it!
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(1) -Yes, I am that kind of artist. Yet, not in the conventional way. I encourage people to go in guns blazing when it comes to drawing something new, then coming out analyzing what they know, and what they need to learn more of right away.
-Here, I broke down the anatomical pieces of Nour and Narinder's face with the same labels so you guys can understand this weird invisible pattern that I follow in my work. Doing this with any animal you're attempting to draw greatly improves your line confidence when drawing different face shapes. Also understanding the biological function for why animals look a certain way helps you keep consistency.
(3) Time to throw any artistic guilt you have for heavily referencing people's art OUT THE WINDOW and start ANALYZING PEOPLE'S WORK YOU WANT TO BE LIKE✨ I've always done this, having a reference of someone else's amazing work right next to my own drawing so I can try and understand how they make their magic work! No shame, no embarrassment, nada. Pure, unadulterated will and spite that I would be just as good as the artist who made me so motivated and happy with their work! I couldn't figure out how to make Nour's face both sheep-like, and humanly expressive, so I looked at a LOT of Zootopia and old Disney art for help!
(2) With how I draw narilamb, I'm still working on it (as you can see) but I wanted to break Narinder's face to be fluffier and slimmer, while Nour's face would be shorter and flatter. If you look at it for too long, it's absolutely going to look weird, in the way that if you look at Anna from Frozen for too long she starts looking really weird. The anatomy isn't meant to be correct or consistent, it's meant to convey the emotion and energy I want out of the characters in that moment. If you're able to properly get that across, then you don't need to think about how broken something looks, as long as your eye is happy enough to trick your brain into thinking what you're seeing is canny.
(4) Yeah, I hate this part too. It's going to look like shit at first. I can't even look at my art from a few months ago when I was figuring out their designs... God, so fucking ugly. If it weren't for the shittiness of those drawings, I would have never gotten here! Wading through the "trust the process" stage always really sucks, but it's absolutely worth the relief of when you finally get something to look right.
(5) Art is work, yes. It's stressful, it's long, it's straining, its draining, it's exclaiming, blah blah blah. But, I try to keep my art FUN. If I find my artwork becoming slow as I depressingly drag my pen over my tablet, I'm failing. You MUST keep spirit and life in your work. The spirit of emptiness or the life of sadness can have a very meaningful place in art, but those can only exist with keeping work light, easy, and fun! If you're stressing how a specific thing looks or how you can't get something to look right no matter what, FUCK IT. Draw something to bring the flavor back in your work! I'm kind of rambling, but just, HAVE FUN!✨️ Be messy, scream, laugh, slash canvases, throw paint, smash sculptures, tear apart books, GO CRAZY
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aurae-rori · 2 months
Now, you might be saying - "Aurae, Oh No! and Are You Satisfied? are much too basic songs to analyze Dr. Ratio to! Just because he's a scholar doesn't mean that he has academic trauma!" WRONG! Before we start, I have been researching psychology for approximately six years and I plan to go into it professionally. HOWEVER, that said, I am NOT a professional (YET. One day I will be. Yay for Aurae!) so understand that everything I come to conclusions about has been analyzed with some personal judgement, personal interpretations, and this is just what I have concluded with the info that I have deconstructed from his brain. If you disagree, that's fine!
I will be pulling from my own experiences with being a "golden" and "gifted" child, as well as the experiences I've had speaking to other people who were those. I will also be pulling from my experiences of researching and seeing how people with superiority complexes work, as well as diving into how those work (from what I've seen, as well as how they conceal a lack of self-esteem).
Let's start off with how Dr. Ratio presents himself. When you first meet him, he seems like a haughty, arrogant asshole. He likes to PRESENT himself as a stoic, superior scholar who is purely in it to win it, and I got total "*stares down at your tiny body and laughs at how you lack knowledge*" vibes at the very start, due to how he goes around calling people idiots all the time. However, he DOES lose the idgaf war, and we can very quickly see that he does care for other people, even if in his own, strange way. Dr Ratio presentation: An asshole. The reality?
His entire character is based around the idea of helping the masses. He wishes to spread knowledge through the cosmos and give people who didn't have access to it, access. He's a harsh teacher, and calling people 'idiots' is NOT the way to motivate them, but he's doing his best™.
Actually, no, I'm going to go full psych into this. Okay, so here starts the Dr. Ratio and my FATHER COMPARISONS. My father is a professor and he is often called a harsh grader by his students. However, I've spoken to him multiple times because I was curious - why is he so harsh and diligent with his grading system? The answer is - he wants them to actually learn. When he's grading, he gives them harsh marks because he wants them to know exactly where they messed up, and he's always willing to stay after hours to help students understand where they can't. My father also is an enjoyer of knowledge, and for as long as I've remembered, he has prioritized teaching me how to think critically. He wants me to be able to think for myself - and I think that's what Dr. Ratio wants, too. He wants for his students to be able to fully comprehend and absorb the information that he teaches, and although his methods are harsh, he genuinely wants to help. My father's like this too - he hates students that waste his time or aren't here because their hearts are in it. Dr. Ratio hates people who aren't taking their education seriously because knowledge is important. Knowledge is a tool, and to disregard it completely is lowkey kind of insulting - especially when there are people who weren't privileged enough to actually get it, so this isn't something that you should take for granted. Dr. Ratio despises people who take knowledge for granted.
Also, I disagree with the claims that say that Dr. Ratio hates the genius society. He shows open respect for them in his voice lines. Just check them if you need proof. Also, I'll delve into the idea of Aeons and recognition later.
Now that we’ve established that Dr. Ratio kins my dad, let’s let's tackle the 'stoic' allegations. He is LOSING the idgaf war. Like, really badly. He has a temper of a thousand suns and snaps at people frequently, despite his 'impassive' face, his tone holds a LOT of emotion. He seems to feel very deeply and has a shit ton of empathy for others - why else would he be dedicating his entire career to helping others? Of course, he doesn't express this in 'typical' ways of being openly kind - but it doesn't mean that he doesn't care for other people. In fact, he seems to be pretty good at putting himself in the shoes of others and understanding them - expressed in the 2.1 quest where he tells Aventurine to tell him if he can't hold on any longer. Also, he loses the IDGAF war because he is actively trying to help people who want to learn and trying to spread logic and knowledge across the cosmos to those who didn't have it before. Would a man who didn't GAF do that? No!
Now that we've covered his view on knowledge and the way that he presents himself, let's turn to the way that he SEES himself. Now, this is where we get into the nitty gritty of gifted child trauma & academic trauma as well as crippling expectations. It's literally explicitly said in his character stories that he sees himself as mediocre, and it's canon that he doesn't have a good view of himself. His self-esteem is down in the fucking trenches along with my sanity as I write this analysis. The reality is - being called a genius your whole life doesn't really make you feel better about yourself. I'd know. I was. In fact, it makes you feel fucking worse when you can't live up to an expectation. We all fail in life. It's part of being human. But when you're held to such high standards - idolized for your knowledge and the way that you're 'gifted' - the crash comes really fucking hard. Failure is inevitable, and when people who are held on that pedestal experience it, they take it really bad.
The reality is that nobody - not even geniuses - are perfect, but you grow up believing that you are. Then, when you fail for the first time, it all comes tumbling down. The first time I came home with a bad grade was one of the most humiliating moments of my life. I hadn't studied because I was arrogant and I thought that I was smart enough to pass without putting any extra effort into it - because I was a 'gifted' child, right? I should've been able to do it without studying like the other kids. And that's the thing with gifted children – you grow reliant on that title. You cling onto it for dear life for motivation, as well as self-perception. Little by little, the person you are falls apart as you slave away to the perception other people have of you. I think basically every gifted child that I've ever spoken to is a victim of this – and of course, you can heal from this mindset - but it's a hard one to shake.
Ratio's way of presenting himself as being a 'genius' and 'arrogant' also seems to contradict the way that he calls himself 'mundane' at the same time. However, these are two mindsets that can coexist. One part of you believes that you are a genius and that you are perfect, while the other part is crumbling and calling yourself good-for-nothing every time you make a mistake. It's a tiring cycle to live in. This usually leads to people shutting themselves out and closing themselves off after living like that, pushing back your own feelings in favour of being the perfect child. However, we don't know the exact details of Dr. Ratio's childhood, but we can infer that he was held to a pedestal, and this is a very harmful mindset for a child to have.
His superiority complex comes both from how other people view him, but it's a way to cope with his crippling lack of self-esteem. I'm sorry my guy. Also helping others probably helps him feel like he's worth something and makes him feel better because he bases his entire worth off of what he can do and how he can help others. However, this is just my personal interpretation backed by what I have already deconstructed. 
In general, this is an easy way to crush self-esteem. You spend your whole life working to meet the image of what other people think you are. In fact, another reason why Dr. Ratio might be so harsh is because that’s the kind of attitude he holds towards himself when conducting research – he’s as hard on himself as he is to others. You end up hating the idea of failure, instead of seeing it as it should be - a way to improve and grow. Actually, I think this could be a reason that he went out of his way to break that illusion of 'worshipping geniuses' in the Space Station. Maybe some sort of childhood connection? Personal connection? In his endeavour to spread more knowledge and make people think for themselves and not blindly follow geniuses, to wake them up and let them think for themselves - maybe, somewhere, in there, he's helping that little child that was almost dehumanized for his intelligence. TLDR: Conflicting mindsets due to trauma, brain vs heart almost - his knowledge that he is a genius vs the crippling lack of his self worth.
Now that we've established Dr. Ratio's self worth, let's take a look at the impact Aeons had on him. Nous, the Aeon of Knowledge itself. I think in a world where the Gods are real, tangible beings that you can reach out and talk to - it makes sense that someone with high ambition and someone who's been called a genius his whole life would seek the confirmation of Nous. When you're a man of knowledge, and you've spent your whole life working with it, being praised for it – it feels natural to look for a god to look down upon you and bless you, right? The Genius Society – it should house him, because he is a genius as well, right? Imagine this – you have been called a genius your whole life, held to that kind of pedestal for so long, and now you wait for the recognition of the Gods. Because if you truly are a genius – then surely, a higher being will recognize your intelligence, right?
The invitation never comes.
And then, comes the doubt.
What if I'm really not a genius? What if everything I've worked for is a lie? Aeons are beings that are 'absolute'. If the god of Knowledge won't accept you or even cast a glance upon you, does that mean that everything was wrong. Gods see more than humans, after all. Gods know more than humans - and that spiral... I think you can see if. (If you don't let me know. I will ramble about how a failure like that can make you spiral down into a worse mindset). 
However, the reason why Ratio was never invited to the Genius Society is simple. It’s because he LOSES THE IDGAF WAR. Now, if we look at all the people we know who are in the Genius Society - we find one thing in common. They’re in it to win it for themselves. They don’t help others using the knowledge that they’ve gotten - they use it to pursue shit for themselves. The people of the Genius Society are inherently self-serving. They WIN the idgaf war. Ratio LOSES. Do we see now? 
Ratio’s empathy is the reason why he wasn’t let in. He is too human. Nous is a computer. Herta is detached from people. Ruan Mei is literally looking at life as test subjects. Screwllum is a robot. 
Also, it’s a plausible theory that Nous’s definition of ‘genius’ is different from the human definition of ‘genius’ – it’s a computer, after all. Who knows what’s going on in that code head of its. 
However, we still love you Ratio. Never stop losing the IDGAF war. 
TLDR: Nous is a computer. It is also in it to win it. It is also self serving. It gazes upon the hoes who are here to win it for themselves. Ratio is busy serving the masses and cooking knowledge in his frying pan. To it, there is no logical reason to be doing this. Therefore, no reason to invite this guy to the Genius Society. 
Ratio’s gifted child trauma says otherwise. He wants in. Why wouldn’t he? He’s been working his whole life as a genius. 
Nous is like… nah bro, you care too much. Ratio is like, ‘what the fuck?’ And then the AEON OF KNOWLEDGE GOES FOR THE MILK. 
Okay, now, quick shoutout to Ratio wanting to help others. He is just like me fr. SO BASICALLY, RECAP OF EVERYTHING I JUST SAID:
Ratio LOSES the idgaf war because he cares about other people. Spent his whole life as the golden egg, and then turns to the gods for recognition because of the inherent trauma of being a child genius. He goes, "hey bro, can you confirm that I am in fact a genius?" and Nous goes, "no, you are too busy cheffing for the masses." Ratio goes, "what the fuck?" and then we collectively realize his attitude comes from blocking off his feelings (while failing miserably), being salty about not being recognized, being put on a pedestal for his whole life, and his crippling depression *cough* lack of self worth *cough*. 
Oh, and the "I will never be enough" thought train probably hits him every single day. He is not enough to be recognized by a God. Gods are superior to humans. Maybe nothing has worth after all. Hey, that's Nihility! Hi IX, let's hear what you have to say.
*muffled ix noises*
I see, I see.
Okay, now, before I delve into song lyrics (and I KNOW this has been long, just bear with me) I want to talk a little bit (read: a lot) about his relationship with Aventurine. We all know that he cares about Aventurine in his own way. But I want to pull in another idea that I didn’t cover before: 
Ratio’s fucking emotional constipation. 
Basically, the reason why he has trouble connecting with others is because he was most likely alienated by others as a symptom of being called a genius and being put on a pedestal. This makes him seem unapproachable to his peers, most likely, and therefore, as a result, doesn’t know how to properly connect with others. This just makes his way of presenting affection and care to others even more challenging – because he just doesn’t know how to do it in a healthy and clear way. Academic trauma causing emotional problems, because he’s probably a little bit out of touch with his own. Processing? No! Research. Also, this is very important for understanding Ratio’s character in my opinion, because he’s just a little guy who doesn’t know how to articulate. Maybe he’s got a touch of the ‘tism. Tism mutuals, do we agree or disagree? 
However, in comes Aventurine. Love Aventurine, but they are both emotionally constipated. Aventurine displays his affection in ways that Ratio probably only catches after re-analyzing their time together about five times. He’s also a very closed off individual – but Ratio knows this. A cute thing is that Ratio is patient where he needs to be, even if he’s generally a pretty hot-headed guy, and I’m like… bro… that letter… “I wish you the best of luck”... I will wait for you…. GAY ASS MAN…
Sorry the Aventio demons took over. Anyway, what I’m trying to say here is that they both have nonverbal communication with one another that they clearly decipher and Ratio obviously cares for him (he came back and almost jeopardized the plan just for the sake of his ‘coworker’... okay gayboy…) and they just have such a neat little dynamic… Aventurine lets Dr. Ratio do his thing… understands his emotional alienation to a degree…. they’re so neat….
Okay, Aventurine segment over. NOW, FINALLY, WE CAN GET TO THE SONG LYRICS!!! YAY!!!! We all cheered!!!
We are going to be here for two more amber eras, because I realized I actually want to analyze every single lyric from both of these songs. Brace yourself for like, 2k more words. Help. 
I think it’s only proper that we start off with ‘Oh No!’ the song that has haunted me since my childhood.
“Don’t do love, don’t do friends
I’m only after success
Don’t need a relationship
I’ll never soften my grip”
Remember when I mentioned that alienation was a big part of Ratio lore? Yeah, that manifests itself in this. When you spend your entire life chasing after knowledge and being held to that standard of untouchable genius, it makes sense that you couldn’t connect with others and that you turn your gaze only to success. Therefore, relationships that are interpersonal lose meaning for a bit – you’re just looking for answers and ways to help them, not connect with them. Also, this is what he wants to do – so he’s never going to pass down an opportunity to better himself or to help someone else. 
“Don’t want cash, don’t want card
Want it fast, want it hard 
Don’t need money, don’t need fame
I just want to make a change
I just wanna change, I just wanna change” 
This is directly alluding to his reasonings for distributing knowledge across the cosmos. Was he based on this song? Maybe he was. He’s not looking for money or fame, his ultimate goal is actually pretty selfless – to bring knowledge and give people the tools they need to think for themselves. He just wants to make a change – he just wants people to be able to have access to knowledge and help cure ‘stupidity’. He wants to do it as quickly as possible, always reaching for lofty goals that might seem impossible, but he will make them possible. 
“I know exactly what I want and who I want to be
I know exactly why I walk and talk like a machine
I’m now becoming my own self-fulfilled prophecy
Oh! Oh no! Oh no! Oh no, oh!” 
Ratio knows his goal. He knows what he’s working towards. I do believe that he understands why he is the way that he is – he has a degree in Psychology, after all. He knows how he’s been hurt but at the same time, the trauma brain probably doesn’t want to recognize it and he hasn’t stepped into healing yet. He knows what he went through impacted him, but he’s too busy helping others to help himself. He’s becoming what he wants to be, and yet he’s not, all at the same time – which causes the idea of “oh no!” as a kind of cry for help, almost. He’s too proud to ask for it himself, of course, so he’ll fall alone until someone manages to catch him and give him the strength to continue holding on. Aventurine is that. 
“One track mind, one track heart
If I fail, I’ll fall apart
Maybe it is all a test
‘Cause I feel like I’m the worst
So I always act like I’m the best” 
Now, these are the exact lyrics that made me associate this song with Ratio in the first place. He’s got a singular goal that he will do nothing to stop at getting, that he goes so far to get to. However, as I mentioned earlier, failure is not an option for those who were deemed gifted or genius. You are perfect, so therefore you must live up to everyone’s every expectation and surpass them, too, in order to keep your perception of yourself intact. Ratio does not hold himself in high regard, but acts arrogant in order to hold himself together and not fall to the self-deprecating thoughts, even if they fall through the cracks. It gets tiring to hold yourself together like that for a long time, you know? 
“I’m gonna live, I’m gonna fly
I’m gonna fail, I’m gonna die
I’m gonna live, I’m gonna fly
I’m gonna fail, I’m gonna die” 
Remember how I was talking about contradictory mindsets and how they can coexist. This is them. The feeling of crippling self-hatred and lack of self esteem versus the idea that you can do it, you can make a difference – you were born a genius, this is what you’re going to do. This is the knowledge that you are a genius vs the lack of self-esteem that Ratio has. “Mediocre” vs “genius” mindset, eh? 
All the other lyrics in this song are repetitions of what I’ve analyzed before, so let’s move onto “Are you Satisfied?” 
To be honest, there are only a few lines in this song that allow me to connect it to Ratio, so therefore, I will only be analyzing them. However, if you think that other lyrics can connect to him, I’d be interested in knowing how. 
“What you’re gonna be 
It’s not my problem if you don’t see what I see
And I do not give a damn if you don’t believe
My problem, it’s my problem that I never am happy
It’s my problem, it’s my problem on how fast I will succeed”
Pretending to not care about how the world sees you is so fucking real. Sometimes, you really don’t give a shit, and sometimes it’s all you can think about. Ratio… doesn’t seem like he’s the happiest person. He works himself hard and he’s always chasing after a goal that must be exhausting. He’s always doing his best, and I think even with his empathy, it’s easy to start not giving a shit after trying for so long and so hard. Accepting help is one of the hardest things that anybody can do, especially with how much pride he has. His personal problems are his personal problems and he can deal with them on his own. 
“High achiever, don’t you see? 
Baby, nothing comes for free
They say I’m a control freak
Driven by a greed to succeed
Nobody can stop me” 
Nothing comes for free. A lot of the things Ratio has achieved is due to his own intelligence, yes, but also because of a shit ton of hard work. His goal is literally to cure the universe of ‘stupidity’ – and that’s a pretty large fucking goal. He is a high achiever who likes to know the details of every situation when he can in order to try and make things better, and he is driven by a greed to succeed. Why wouldn’t he be? Success is important, and success means helping more people. He isn’t going to allow himself to be stopped by anybody – not even anybody from the Genius society. 
Okay, and we have finally reached the end of my analysis! This caps at around 4k words, so if you stuck around for this long, thank you so much. I would love to hear any of your comments, and I hope you laughed a little bit. Thank you again! This means so much to me that you read. <3
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peanutmarls · 1 year
Mercury through the signs😁
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✋Mercury represents your thought process (what you think about), decision-making (how quick it takes you to process information and make a decision), intelligence (whether you or others perceive you as intelligent), sense of humor (whether you're funny or not lol), short-distance travel, commerce, vehicles of transportation
✋some of the positive manifestations of mercury would be a thirst for knowledge, being curious for life, bringing humor to others
✋some of the negative manifestations for mercury would be a trickster energy, possible manipulation and deceit
✋mercury in aries: speaks quickly, are very passionate about what they are speaking about hence the quick speech, they make decisions in the moment (they're not the type to ponder for hours on something), they can be a little too impulsive with their decisions ,however, can have a sarcastic tone to their speech and if angry, can be sharp with their words, because they are always wanting to learn the next new thing or the next new skill, they are intelligent
✋mercury in taurus: take their time making decisions (pondering their options wanting to make the best decision for them), once they make the decision it's hard for them to change their mind/stance (quite stubborn), they're very deliberate with the way they speak (using words that get the point across), can have a soothing or beautiful voice, can also have a poetic way with words
✋mercury in gemini: quick in their speech, can talk about multiple topics, very scatter-brained because of all the options and projects they work on, they are prone to changing opinions , can be good at learning new languages (that thirst for knowledge and skills), quick to learn new information but more at superficial level, they are clever, can be flirty, and tricky, have a great sense of humor, can make people laugh and are great to connect with people
✋mercury in cancer: they speak through the lens of their emotions, they have a strong intuition and can pick up on the more subtle nuances of communication (body language, energy in the room), your thought process comes from more of personal place (how are you feeling in that moment, do you have the energy to make a decision), they change their mind based on their outlook for that day
✋mercury in leo: speaks passionately and speaks from the heart, likes to tell stories ( and can be dramatic or exaggerative), can speak somewhat quick when they are excited about what they are talking about, shares their stories and experiences as a way to connect to others in conversation, are able to get loud or raise their voice if they want to
✋mercury in virgo: likes facts and information to make decisions, focuses on the details of things until it's perfected, want to analyze everything before making an informed decision, they are able to detach their emotions for an impartial decision, they're intelligent, and can be witty
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circuscl0wn · 1 year
To BL Fans who post Analysis❤️
Shout out to all the BL Fans who do analysis on series and decipher scenes, shots, coloring, cinematography, and more🫶🏾 there’s so much that I don’t notice at times or things that I do notice but just can’t put it into words and y’all come around and do it FLAWLESSLY.
Don’t ever feel crazy/weird for having a long ass post analyzing an episode or a particular scene. Cuz not only will I read it but many others will. I can say that I learn SO MUCH from coming onto this platform and seeing others thoughts. Thank you for your analysis because they allow people to make connections they hadn’t before, allows them to laugh, allows them to cry in realization. Additionally your analysis allows people to feel relief that you were able to vocalize what they were thinking but couldn’t explain.
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eviebyme · 1 year
Could you please do that venus thing for nct 127 please?
Nct 127 Venus Signs
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Venus in Gemini
Very mature and emotionally sensitive. TY is definitely an empath and is so warm and understanding that he is many people's "comfort person". He exudes a very relaxing aura. No topic is too obscure for him too - he will wholeheartedly listen to your rants or weird dreams, and actually give relevant responses. He’ll even follow up with you later once you’ve already forgotten. Also, TY is so intuitive you may be convince he has a 6th sense. He is very good at reading people because he takes his time to get to know them and to carefully examine their every move. Dating TY is really special. Everything he does for his partner is carefully thought out and meaningful. Also, I can see him as a really great family man. He doesn't shy away from domestic activities and chores and he’s very good with children. TY know how to be responsible and will be an incredible provider.
His intuition may be a double edged sword, as it is not correct 100% of the time. He'll try to predict your moves, which may become annoying, and will be in denial if he’s wrong. Oftentimes, he tries to decipher the motives behind your actions, without asking you, and will come to his own conclusions. Also, he can be very closed off. Since he feels his emotions so deeply, he keeps them to himself. Negative emotions will eventually evolve into resentment, but he can't bring himself to share with his partner. To that point, his partner may consider him hard to read.. When they ask him "how are you" they will always receive a "fine" as an answer - even if he is falling apart on the inside.
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Venus in Cancer
Although he can be a bit reserved, Taeil loves to learn and experience new things. He has an adventurous spirit with a rational head on his shoulders- which is a great combination. Taeil is the type to follow through with his plans and brings things to fruition, rather than letting things fall through the cracks. Also, Taeil strikes me as an old fashioned-traditional type when it comes to romance. He will romance you in a way you thought only existed in the movies. He is not afraid to put himself out there and will let you know exactly how he feels about you from the very beginning. Taeil is especially respectful towards women, and will always hold doors open and guide you across the street (such a gentlemen). Also, he will be your travel buddy. You can pick the place and he’ll accompany you.
Taeil needs a lot of affirmation from his partner. His mind can wander and he will analyze every movement from his partner. If his partner doesn't acknowledge him (ex. introduce him as their partner or become facebook official) he will take it PERSONALLY. However, Taeil doesn’t shy away from hard conversations and will straight up ask you why you didn’t acknowledge him. Even though he is able to talk it out he still will harbor negative feelings from being hurt. He is one to forgive but not forget and will keep a running list of all the times you hurt him.
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Venus in Capricorn
Johnny can't be tamed guys. He is a wild stallion running free unable to be tied down. Well unless someone special comes along. At the moment he is career focused and is as hard working as they come. As a true independent spirit, he tends to do things for himself and hates being limited by the expectation of others. Whatever he wants to do - he does. Wherever he wants to go - he goes. He knows that one day he wants to settle down and have a family, so for now he's getting all of his wild impulses out of his system. As a partner, you will constantly be smiling. He loves to make you laugh and see you happy - and he loves knowing he’s the reason you're happy. Also, he will support and promote all of your passion projects because he want to see you succeed.
Although he is highly independent, he does prefer to be in a relationship or dating. He likes the companionship and, of course, intimacy. However, he is the type to only have it when he wants it. If the other person catches feelings and wants to see him when he is in one of his "i need to do my own thing" moods, he will flake on them. But he will call them out of the blue once he decides he needs some intimacy and has the audacity to be annoyed if he gets any complaints from them. Also, at least right now, work comes first. If a big opportunity were to come his way which would jeopardize his relationship… he’ll probably look for a way out.
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Venus in Scorpio
Deviously charming and captivating, Yuta's love and affection is not for the faint of heart. His outpouring confidence and intensity is what sets him apart from the crowd. Not one to be a follower, Yuta marches to the beat of his own drum and aims to be the most authentic version of himself. Although he may hold himself back when first meeting him, he will be open and honest with you. He will tell you how it is when no one else does. Also, he is willing to explore any topic or experience with you. Nothing is too dark or obscure for him. In fact, the more controversial the better. As a lover he is sensual and attentive. You are literally his whole world and he will be constantly trying to impress you.
Yuta takes brutally honest to a whole new level. He can be tactless when giving his honest opinion. Someone who doesn’t pull any punches can be a good thing, but he’s always ready to give advice - even when you didn’t ask. Also, his interest in the obscure can make him indifferent towards everyday, mundane topics. He claims that more “mainstream” interests are “vanilla” and loses interest quickly. It’s not hard to catch his attention , but it is hard to keep it. Despite this, he is very loyal. Even if he does find you more on the “boring” side, he will stick by you.
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Venus in Pisces
DY has a strong moral compass and a compassionate spirit. Most of his actions are dictated by his inherit ability to decipher right from wrong. He is very polite and chivalrous and prefers to upkeep a stellar reputation. But the best part about DY is that there’s no ulterior motive behind his actions. He really is that nice. Doyoung has empathy for others and is sensitive to the experiences of others. Elders, children, and even pets naturally gravitate to him and anyone can feel comfortable in his presence. Also, he is very affectionate as a partner. DY is not afraid to show how much he cares for you and will be very tender in his affection.
Seeing the world in black and white makes Doyoung a bit uptight. Not one to push the boundaries, he tends to stay in his comfort zone and can become uncomfortable in new situations. Nevertheless, he is good at adapting and once he become more comfortable around the people he’s with, he can loosen up. But the period between him entering an unknown situation and him being comfortable varies. Also, DY is very sensitive. This isn’t necessarily a bad trait, but he tends to hold it in. He is easily hurt by others but still tries to maintain relationships with those who hurt him. DY has difficulty cutting people off, even when he needs to.
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Venus in Aquarius
If there was one word I would use to describe Jaehyun it would be - LAYERED. Our boy has so many layers you’ll never know if you’re actually close or if you’re acquaintances. Upon first meeting him you’ll notice how laid back he is, in fact he may even seem quiet or reserved. But Jaehyun is very whimsical and quirky once you get to know him. You’ll discover he likes bands you would have never guessed someone like him would like or you’ll discover his antique babydoll collection (ok not exactly that but I def think he is a collector). One thing about all of Jaehyuns layers though, is his open mindedness and warmth. He doesn’t discriminate when meeting people, and usually treats everyone the same at first. Additionally, Jaehyun is a hard worker. All these aspects will definitely be apparent in his romantic relationship as he will be dedicated to making his partner feel as secure as possible.
He can be unpredictable. Whether he randomly tries a new perfume or impulsively flies to a beach for the day - he lives life according to his rules. Most of the time you will be the one reaching out to him only to learn that he’s half way across the world for a few weeks. It’s not that he’s keeping things secret - he literally just forgot to tell you. He doesn’t like clinginess but he also fails to understand that letting people close to you, especially your partner, know where you are is important.
*Winwin’s Venus Sign is With Wayv
*Mark and Haechan’s Venus Signs is With Nct Dream
Requests open
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lumiidragon · 9 months
Got any dib or zim headcanons?
Or head-canons about their relationship with each other?
Here's a few I like playing with~
For Dib:
-Dib starts out as a "GET THE ALIEN! LET'S SEE HIS GUTS AND BLOOD AND THROW HIM IN A TEST TUBE FOR THE REST OF HIS LIFE YES!" and slowly as he ages becomes more of a "Ok, so if Zim dies, I may loose my chance to ever be able to study an alien this close ever again. Dang, ok, so I'll just make sure he doesn't get into too much trouble, but oh boy are people gonna be surprised when I can show them a real alien AND give them all sorts of information and be known as the 'Alien Expert'!" So he moves from wanting Zim recklessly exposed to trying to learn all he can and more easily show the truth in a way that won't get him silenced by the "men in black" and Zim snatched away never to be seen again.
-Dib is autistic (but I feel like this has to be canon to some degree lol).
-Dib would be a lot worse off mentally and emotionally if he had never met Zim.
-Dib turned into Zim's school bully out of unintended mirroring from how the other kids treated him before Zim arrived. He never meant to become such a person and hasn't even realized it, but this behavior tames over time as he ages.
For Zim:
-Zim is not going to process negative emotions properly thanks to how junked up his PAK is. You can also sit and try to tear his spirit down as much as you want and it either A) won't effect him at all or he'll just shrug it off B) not let it bother him for long and will probably forget all about it C) won't even realize you're trying to break him down.
-Zim get's "PAK glitches" which is what causes him to yell his name or other random things at random times. This also causes him to become scatter-brained, unreasonably violent, or just erratic. He doesn't even know or understand when these happen and most, if not everyone around him just brushes it off as it "just being Zim".
-Zim gets paranoid over random things in a strong manner at times and cannot rationalize it. This paranoia is often over things that "could hurt him" or failure and how the Tallests will react to these failures. Even if completely unjustified, it'll eat through him causing him to have to react and remedy the situation/destroy the threat, otherwise, he'll become too distracted and the paranoia will continue to worsen (this one is something I suffer through, so I cope by making Zim suffer too, lol).
-Despite Irkens running off of the "Taller means more superior" mindset, Zim actually doesn't have much, if any respect for any taller Irken other than the Tallests themselves.
-Zim and other Irkens are VIOLENTLY allergic to caffeine due to their insect-like nature.
For Both
-Zim and Dib need each other in their lives more than they want to admit. Dib finally feels as though he has a purpose in life and he's the proof he needed, not for others or his father to see, but for him to see for himself as well. Zim re-lit the fire in Dib's passion for the paranormal.
-Zim sometimes breaks into Dib's house (or gets permission from Professor Membrane) for sleepovers. This is often spent arguing, spitting insults at each other, and eating popcorn while watching ghost and paranormal video's on Dib's laptop while they both analyze the "good" ones and taunt the stupid ones.
-They laugh at each other's misery when they cause it, but Zim nor Dib laugh along with the other skool kids when they bully one or the other. The never step in to help, but they don't add to it, either.
-The most petty thing Dib has ever done is chase Zim with a laser pointer after discovering that the Irken is terrified of them.
(Do not tag as ship.)
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rinse-and-repeat2 · 26 days
Decided to go through with it and start posting my different AUs, but I'll only do a few per post to keep it short (tried to do all of them in one post but it ended up being so long that it was crazy) so maybe about 3 per post? sure, yeah, and I'll add a small excerpt for each if I've written one for that particular AU. If you don't want to see them just uhh I dunno block the rinse AUs tag or something sure there you go anyway here's to the first group
Sunset Order AU - An AU about Dale, Warren, and their parent’s backstory. This includes something I created called the Sunset Order which is a branch off of the Knights of Dawn for any kind of behind-the-scenes work that would need to be done, including getting hands dirty (which was made while the Sphinx was the head of the Knights). When Dale is forced into the magical world not exactly by choice, he has to quickly adapt and continue to care for Warren after the recent deaths of their parents alongside uncovering secrets from their past. In its entirety, this is self-indulgent and cobbled together by how little we know about their past/the past of Fablehaven. (No excerpt written)
Street Magic AU - Another short idea I had where magic is more widely known, and the preserves instead serve as schools (very, very prestigious schools). This is in a much more modern world, and magic is incredibly complicated to wield. So, it's often not used unless you pay for the education. Much of the population cannot use magic because of this. Kendra, having shown a proficiency in her understanding of magic, is able to get a full-ride scholarship to what would be Fablehaven's school. Meanwhile, Seth (who is not good at typical academics, studying, and the like) finds a typical, yet hidden, magician's shop and begins to learn magic there instead, under many people's noses (as he does). While Kendra begins to learn what secrets Fablehaven was built on, Seth learns magic in its entirety, not the typical watered-down version by society. (No excerpt written)
Viridity - This one is very near and dear to my heart, but it may not be that near and dear to some others because one of the main people it focuses on is Knox and it also has to acknowledge the end of Dragonwatch (whatever that was). This is a character study on Knox, Seth, and the relationship between them, as they're the same age but such different people in such different situations. This deals with reflections, comparisons, and interactions between them in almost one-shot form. This is partially an AU because I change bits and pieces of the end of Dragonwatch as I wish, but I also keep it as a plot in order to sow doubt after the fact. This fanfiction is about masks, late night conversations, sleep deprivation, and the inherent doubt that is included in growing up (Excerpt Incoming).
Silence worked its way around the room again, filling the gaps no longer in a comfortable way, but in a way where it sunk into their bones, sidled up next to them and breathed down their necks. A shiver rattled down Seth’s spine as an undercurrent began to flow of some emotion he couldn’t identify. Breaths were no longer easy to come by as they had been moments before. Now, suddenly, Seth stood in the kitchen with someone else when before, he had been happily existing alone. It felt… off. Wrong. As if Knox’s eyes could somehow pierce through his very being, analyze him… despite knowing Knox couldn’t—wouldn’t—do that. Kendra would, of course, but not Knox. Not… Knox didn’t have the brainpower to do that, probably. Even now, he spun and flicked the milk bottle cap on the table, looking frustrated every time it spun out and fell. Seth would usually laugh at him, say something about the stupid face he made every time he failed, but Seth couldn’t. Tonight, the tension hung heavy in the air like a smog, having followed Seth down ever since his dream—nightmare, not dream, his mind tugged at him—and it wouldn’t go. It wouldn’t leave. “I’m sorry.” The word slipped from his mouth like a whisper, a small wisp that gets caught up in the smog. He didn’t know why the words came from his mouth—whether it stood as a betrayal from his mind or sleep deprivation finally grasping him in its claws. Maybe… maybe Knox hadn’t heard him. Maybe this would blow over and mean nothing. Knox, meanwhile, stared at Seth, eyes wide and bottle cap forgotten, halfway teetering off the edge before it fell, plummeting to the ground with a sharp clatter. “…What?” Well, shit.
(If you have any questions, want to comment, send an ask, anything else, please do! I love these AUs with my whole heart, whether or not they're anywhere close to being done and I'm going to keep sharing them)
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justhere4thevibez · 6 months
annual writing self-evaluation
thank you @pipergirl17 and @erythromanc3r for tagging me!
1. List of works published this year (in no particular order):
oh gosh, I've been busy-busy this year with fanfic, so here goes!
Complete works:
... And a Hellcheer New Year 
Galentines and Valentines
Hold Onto Me
Devil in the Woods
Every Time I Run, I Run to You
Eddie and Chrissy Go to a Wedding 
Knocking Me Out With Those American Thighs
Cooking Up Something Sweet
Please Don't Say You Love Me
Let Me Start Over Again
You Got Me Good
Be My Breath (Through the Deep, Deep Water)
This Old Man
Do You Wanna Touch Me
My Words Will Be Your Light
She'll See I'm Not So Tough 
She Knows What She Wants
Give Me a Taste
The Right Kind of Sinner
Release My Inner Fantasy
Hooked on a Feeling
Whiskey & Wine
The Graveyard Smash
Long Is the Road Out of Hell 
In a Sentimental Mood
Set My Soul On Fire
Burnin' Out of Control
Looking For Something Dumb To Do
I Can't Get Rid of You 
If You Fall, I Will Catch You 
2. Work you are most proud of (and why):
hmmmmm, that's a tough one! I love them all for different reasons, but I will say I'm very proud of Long Is the Road Out of Hell because it's my longest fanfic to date (almost 60k!) and at one point I really wasn't sure if I'd be able to finish it. but I did!
3. Work you are least proud of (and why):
tbh if I'm not proud of something, I won't publish it. but I think the work that frustrated me the most was Whiskey & Wine, my kinktober fic. I pushed myself too hard with too big of a goal and burnt myself out halfway through. but I did learn the importance of setting boundaries for myself (and why I need to be careful committing to challenges 😅)
4. A favorite excerpt of your writing:
not gonna lie, once I publish something, the words tend to leave my brain, so I don't always remember what I write lol. I should probably keep a doc of good lines from my fics so I have something to present when people ask me 😂 but here are two excerpts that I'm pretty proud of.
Devil in the Woods: He had loved her since the first time he opened his eyes to find her snuggled up on his chest. He had loved her longer, since the moment he’d held her in his arms on that endlessly rainy night. And longer still, he’d loved the little girl who played jacks with him on May Day and laughed at his wild antics.
Hooked on a Feeling: He knew he could be… a lot, as kinder people said. A goddamn nuisance, according to everyone else. He didn’t mean to be, he just tended to… latch on to things. Kind of like a bulldog (but in a nice and lovable way, thank you, Jeff). And right now he had ChrissyChrissyChrissy clamped tight between his jaws, and he hoped to god she didn’t ask him to let go.
5. Share or describe a favorite comment you received:
I have a few regular commenters who give me the longest, loveliest comments where they literally analyze each chapter section by section 😭 it makes me feel so loved. but as for one individual comment, I distinctly remember a commenter from one of my early fics commenting on a really tough scene I did re: chrissy's eating disorder. they said that they also had an eating disorder, and that chapter was very healing for them. I don't think I'll ever get another comment as powerful as that.
6. A time when writing was really, really hard:
I go in and out of mild anxious/depressive episodes, mostly due to outside stressors, and that makes it really hard to write. writing is the one constant joy in my life, and when I don't even feel like doing that, I know something is very, very wrong. but luckily, they don't usually last too long!
7. A scene or character that you wrote that surprised you:
mike's redemption arc in Long Is the Road! that one was a total curveball to me, and it only came about because it was the closest place I could think of to have Chrissy walk to after her mom kicked her out. total accident, but it spawned on of my favorite sibling-ships for chrissy that I've ever written!
also writing wayne's pov! i never intended to do that, but once I started, his voice just kind of stuck in my head 😂
8. How did you grow as a writer this year:
I wrote a lot. like over 300k of fanfic. and i even got back into writing some original fiction, which I'm so excited about!
I also started writing smut for the first time in 2023, which was something I never anticipated doing, let alone enjoying! but it's been super fun
9. How do you hope to grow next year:
I'd like to work more on my original fiction, maybe get a short story published. I'd also like to get better at world-building! I tend to get so focused on the characters that I forget they exist in a place I should spend some time creating lol
10. Who was your greatest positive influence this year as a writer (could be another writer or beta or cheerleader or muse etc etc):
@slumped-in-the-arms-of-fiction all the way! she's been such a wonderful beta reader, cheerleader, and overall positive influence on my writing. I Can't Get Rid of You wouldn't ever have happened without her support and feedback!
11. Anything in your real life show up in your writing this year:
ooh, buddy! pieces of myself get sprinkled all over the damn place 😂 but as for specifics...
Galentines and Valentines opening scene was reminiscent of the girls' nights me and my college friends used to have (and still have sometimes)
Hooked on a Feeling had elements of my own past experiences of being laid up in a hospital (and being very annoyed about it)
This Old Man was absolutely inspired by my love of Columbo
You Got Me Good definitely included some of my own thoughts and feelings about when I get a little too high 😂
12. Any new wisdom you can share with other writers:
give your writing time.
it's so tempting when you have a new idea to jump on it and then get frustrated when it doesn't immediately turn out the way you want, but I've found that if I give myself time to think over a piece before I write it, and let it sit for a little while after I write it, I'm much happier with the end results!
13. Any new projects you’re looking forward to starting (or finishing) in the new year:
finishing my three WIPs! and hopefully a little christmas fic 😂 I don't have anything else immediately in the works, thank god!
14. Tag three writers/artists whose answers you’d like to read:
@1lostsoul0fishbowl @pearlypairings @rose-n-gunses and anybody else!!!
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maranull · 1 year
Since you did wholesome haligtree twins headcanons can we see wholesome carian siblings headcanons?
Sure thing!
Extremely stubborn from her first day in the world, Ranni always did whatever she wanted.
She spent most of her time with Blaidd and Iji, running around and causing chaos.
Despite her unruly nature, she was actually really kind and caring to her brothers when they were babies.
Rykard was always the easiest to cradle to sleep, and despite the occasional pull, she actually liked how he grabbed her hair in his sleep.
Radahn was a pain to even lift in her arms but it melted her heart hearing him laugh with joy every time she gave him a piggyback ride.
Although when they grew up enough to be able to take the wild games she was used to with Blaidd and Iji, the royal boys were treated like piñatas.
She was/ is very much attached to Rennala.
She actually didn't really care for sorceries as a teen, but stuck with her studies in order to not make Rennala sad, and grew to love the studies in time.
Her antagonistic, feral parts of her personality come from Marika and she never missed a chance to engage in verbal fights with the goddess.
He was more puppy-like than human-like as a baby.
His excitement was always evident when he saw any of his family and would always run to hug them.
The blatant shows of affection died down as he entered his teens, but his adoration for his family never dimmed.
He mostly played with Ranni and Iji, being the middle ground between Ranni's feral nature and Iji's overly protective one.
He slept with Ranni and Rennala whenever he or Ranni got nightmares as kids.
Rennala once gave him a pillow and he still has the remains of the cover hidden in one of his armour pockets.
As his Radahn grew up, Blaidd was his first sparring partner and even taught him the first basics in greatsword techniques.
When not with Ranni or Radahn, he spent time with Rykard, learning to read and analyze stories and histories.
A very quiet child, Rykard spent most of his time alone, in libraries and workshops.
He never really showed affection to his family, but they all had an understanding that his reserved nature was not from lack of love.
He actually spent most of his time with Blaidd, enjoying the silence as they both spent time reading together.
Both of them had an unique understanding of each other and Blaidd was always the first one to learn about Rykard's amorous adventures.
While not as much, he also spent a lot of time with Iji, talking about metallurgy and various smithing techniques.
As he grew up, he began undertaking longer and longer journeys, and always brought something back for the family.
He never actually offered them their gifts, he simply placed them to each person's favourite spot in the Academy or Manor.
Despite his reserved nature, he is actually extremely charming and well-spoken.
He really likes otters. (yes there are now otters in the Lands Between, don't question it)
He and Iji worked together to make Leonard's saddles.
While not as energetic as Ranni, he was a close second in destruction of property in the Manor.
Energetic and loud, he was a pain for Rykard and a joy for Ranni, as she now had another brother willing to break (literally and figuratively) things around the Manor and Academy.
Out of all the kids, he kept sleeping in his mothers' room the most.
As a kid, he was really self conscious about his rapidly growing size and found a lot of solace and comradery with Iji. Whom, while older, was going through a similar growth spurt.
After he got more comfortable with his size, he began being proud of all the options it unlocked.
He rarely dared to do it, but a few times Ranni was being the usual pain to the people of the Manor, he did put her in air jail (<- tiktok link, I'm sorry).
The first time he saw a horse, he refused to leave the area unless he was promised that he would one day get his own horse.
From then on and until he left the Manor, his room was decorated with ungodly amounts of equine related materials.
The quietest and most rule abiding of the five, Iji is also the oldest of them. He was already a good 6 years older than Ranni before he was brought into the family along with Blaidd.
For many years, he remained aware of the fact that he was the only one that wasn't regal or special in the family. In fact, he was supposed to be their servant. It took lots of time and love from the whole family to make him realise that he was as much family as the rest of them.
The first time he cried was when Rennala referred to him as "my child".
Most of his time was spent trying to either convince Ranni that she shouldn't do the newest reckless plan of hers, and she should, in fact, study for her future accession to queendom.
Despite his now regal uprising and lack of responsibilities, he did love smithing and physical work, and spent his learning time doing that.
After the Ranni-Blaidd duo, his closest friend was Radahn.
Apart from working with Rykard in making Leonard's saddles, Iji showed his affection by making various useful items for the family.
He made Blaidd's sword, Radahn's armour and Rykard's crown, among other things.
If anyone tries to argue that Blaidd and Iji are not Carian siblings, I'm not hearing a word. You're just plain wrong, shoo.
Also, some of them leaped over the wholesome and were just plain headcanons but I'm keeping them in. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Thaaaank you for the ask! I love the Carian kiddos!
(btw, self-promo -> here's a fic with the Ranni-Blaidd-Iji trio being kids :P)
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kyoranrilynth · 3 months
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Kyoran lived a simple life. Well, as simple as a child of performers could have that is. She was born to a dancer and sword swallower. Each day was always filled to the brim with absurdities, lively company, and carefree parenting; but she couldn’t imagine it any other way.
Kyoran and her parents often traveled from place to place, performing on bare stages or pop-up tents alike. However, time and time again, Kyoran watched as her parents received less-than-warm welcomes and sometimes downright unwarranted hostility in the towns they visited. In every location, they remained unwelcomed on the main stage.
The first time Kyoran experienced the standoffish demeanor, it’d been a human at a local inn they wanted to reside in for the evening. The second involved a highelf yelling at Kyoran's mother to leave the “sacred stage” immediately in order to not taint it with her profane presence. Hell, even a Tiefling had denied them entrance to a performance space once.
However, despite the constant pushback and blatant refusals, Kyoran’s parents never showed any inkling that the lack of stardom might dissuade them from their careers. Instead, they continued on laughing and crying and celebrating every performance like it’d be their last. Due to their lack of allowing such mistreatment to dampen their spirits, Kyoran’s parents cast a positive and fulfilling mindset into their daughter throughout her life.
One evening, after a particularly outstanding performance by her mother, Kyoran asked, “Why is momma not allowed on the big stages?”
Kyoran had still been fairly young at the time and blissfully unaware of the world around her. All she understood was that her parents were talented and kind people, but that many people were mean to them without any obvious reason.
So, with a kind smile and gentle tone, both of her parents explained about the history of the Drow - their race. It upset Kyoran to know that people wouldn’t allow her mother and father to perform on more illustrious stages due to no other reason than their heritage. However, her parents insisted that the world was still changing, and that “good Drow like you” would continue to change the way Faerûn saw their people.
Though a bit unsatisfied with the unfairness, Kyoran decided at that moment to devote herself to being a “good Drow” in order to pave the way for her parents, and ultimately herself, to seek the greater stage - a place she believed they all belonged.
Growing up, Kyoran’s parents entertained whatever creative endeavor their child had; be it writing, singing, dancing, or magic, they were always there to cheer her on. Around Kyoran’s 25th birthday, she finally landed on the art of “playing music.”
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Luckily, she had the ear for it and Kyoran started out by learning the flute on her own. Neither of her parents were musically inclined, but they made sure to support her in any way they could.
While on the road, they ensured to set aside a quiet space for her to practice and when they returned to their homeland, they found a suitable bard for her to study under.
Within the blink of an eye, Kyoran managed to conquer the instrument. Nevertheless, her desire for music continued, learning the flute alone didn’t satiate her hunger for music. In the following decades, she learned to play the lute, the lyre, and the drum. Then, for her 70th birthday, Kyoran’s parents gifted her the instrument she’d longed for since the beginning - the violin.
With stars in her eyes, she took the newest addition into her collection and cradled it gently in her hands. She looked it over, running her fingers delicately down the finished wood grain of the instrument. She carefully analyzed its neck, strings, and pegs. Each piece of it appeared more divine and more beautiful than the last. She caressed its beautiful curves and nestled it below her chin, settling into its cool surface. It was a dream come true. One she’d never be able to thank her parents enough for. Violins were expensive. Kyoran gingerly held it out in front of her again, looking it over graciously. She knew the great sacrifice and thoughtfulness the gift embodied as her mother and father smiled at her.
About 30 years later, Kyoran had made her way to Baldur’s Gate. She’d taken refuge in the city and done her best to link up with local bards in the hopes of creating her own traveling caravan. However, time and time again she was met with slamming doors, spit-riddled curses, or dismissive waves. She reckoned that it’d be hard to settle in, but she never imagined it’d be this difficult. She knew the landscape in regards to how Faerûn perceived her kind, but she’d hoped that maybe there would be some change in a city known for its abundance of opportunity.
Fate, unfortunately, remained unkind.
Kyoran did what she could to make ends meet. She performed on the square, in the streets, and took side jobs to ensure she could pay her keep. Each experience proved to be more exhausting than the last, but she refused to give up. She loved her music and if her parents had taught her anything, it was to be happy with the performances one could give. So, she carried on with her head held high and the hopes of being able to prove once and for all that her heritage would not hold her back. The world would be her stage.
Eventually, after residing in Baldur’s Gate for nearly 20 years, she managed to land a role with a traveling troupe as a side act. It was less than ideal, but it’d been more than anything she’d seen yet. Together, the troupe traveled for the next 5 years around the entirety of Faerûn. Kyoran smiled as each new city opened up to her, alongside the group. She finally saw places and people that had turned her and her parents away years before. They still seemed skeptical about allowing her admittance, but the troupe had been her ticket in.
After the 5 years came to a close and they all returned to Baldur’s Gate, the cycle began anew. Once again, Kyoran grasped and clawed at anything she could for the next decade, but getting anything seemed impossible. Until one day she decided to permanently take up the gimmick she’d played during her 5 years with the troupe.
At the time, they’d asked her to cut her hair and dress up as a young man and she’d played the part well. Already a bit “boyish” in the face and with a relatively lower voice than most women, she passed. In fact, Kyoran recalled that there had even been times when she’d been the object of someone’s affection. So, what could go wrong with giving it another shot?
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She did. And it worked.
She started to get better and better roles. Slowly but surely, she began to climb the metaphorical ranks in the performance industry around Baldur’s Gate. She’d landed parties, festivals, and even small high-end affairs. Yet, she still longed to be the headliner on the main stage. It called to her, like a candle in the dark.
Kyoran’s life had started on an upward tick, but the Nautiloid brought it to a screeching halt.
When she woke up in the pod, the last thing Kyoran could remember was that she’d been walking home from an audition. Probably the biggest one of her life to date. The audition had been for a company that wanted to highlight all of the rising musicians in the city. If she got casted, the night of the event would take place on the main stage in Baldur’s Gate.
Initially, Kyoran had almost skipped the idea entirely. Chalking it up to “not having enough of a presence” yet.
Constantly, she dodged questions about it left and right, but during the troupe’s weekly drinking session, Louis brought it up. Kyoran tried to insist that it was pointless, that she’d be turned away at the door. But her friends wouldn’t let her give up so easily and practically begged her to take the leap of faith.
Against her better judgment, Kyoran went to the audition.
But now, as she watches a larva with teeth burrow into her eye, Kyoran wonders if the opportunity had been worth it.
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elcoco005 · 1 year
Is Hürrem & Suleyman's love as beautiful as it seems ?
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While watching Magnificent Century, I've found that one of the most complex relationship in the show was the one of Suleyman and Hürrem themselves. In the context of sexual slavery, traumas and the Ottoman Empire their story is too complex to not analyze.
Hurrem arrives to the harem completely traumatized. She's shipped to this foreign land where all of the sudden she has no one and is no one. It's clear from there that her love for Suleyman is some sort of coping mechanism. This relationship allows her to survive and find some meaning in her life and that's the first problem, Suleyman becomes the center of her destroyed world.
That said, Suleyman really does show her some real affection, he listens to her, they laugh a lot and he immediately starts caring about her. Most importantly, he protects her when he learns she's been thrown in the donjons by Valide and for someone who's in such emotional turmoil that's everything.
But even with that, the foundations of their relationship is absolutely not healthy.
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If Hürrem angers Suleyman, disobey or annoy him, or even if he just gets bored of her, she's finished. He can kill her, threatened her, torture her or just abandon her like he did to Mahidevran and her and her children's whole future are threatened. In those circumstances what kind of relationship is this ?
I won't even do more than mention the many times he had her exiled and separated from her children because he was angry at her, but I do want to mention the time he made her drink what she believed was poison to "test her". I was convinced when she woke up that it was going to be a point of non-return in their relationship, the moment she realizes how little choice and agency she had in this. I thought this would shake her delusion that this was love, but no. I blame the writing team for this one, it's doing the story a big disservice to never acknowledge how unbalanced Suleyman and Hürrem's relationship is.
This brings me to the question I've had in mind for a while. Since Suleyman is in many ways all the harem women's captor and master, does Hürrem suffer from Stockholm Syndrome ?
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I've focused a lot on Hürrem up until this point, but even if Suleyman has the power life has messed him up just as well. His father tried to kill him, he becomes responsible for a whole Empire at the age of 26, the people in his life lies and sometimes even plays him, some wants his power all to themselves and there comes a point where he can never really know who to trust, who's not imagining his death so they can gain more power. As he grow older, he learns the downside of power in the harshest way, it prevents him to trust his loved one. It's horrible.
I think this is why Hürrem's loyalty was so important to him, because in many ways, no matter if it came from a fucked up place she was the only one who was there for him first and foremost. Yes, she enjoyed the power and played her own little games, but it was never against him.
Again, the issue here is that Suleyman's love seem to mostly come from massive trust issues he developed during his whole life, so how legitimate is it ?
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Hürrem and Suleyman built a family together, they had children and grandchildren after that, they really started ruling together as they got older, discussed states affairs and compromised and after her death, he was never really quite the same.
But here where it gets really depressing, with all that said the question is not so much if there was affection between Hürrem and Suleyman or not (they clearly cared for each other) but more if what they thought was love was not just them not being able to give up this companionship in this lonely and miserable life they both led ?
And in many ways, isn't that what a lot of humans beings do, decide to stick together so they won't have to face this harsh life alone ?
In the end, is this what love truly is ?
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epithet-beloved · 10 months
I'm back invading your inbox because. Holy shit? You guys understand Slim so well oh my GOD?? I don't encounter many people that see Slim the way I do ohnmygoshdhhh
I'm here to pester you for more dad figure Slim
Perhaps one where the reader gets beat up somehow?
Or maybe reader playfully roughhousing with him
Up to you!
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synopsis…  protective fatherly slim !!
ft. california slim
tags… epithet erased spoilers, protectiveness, violence mentioned, allusion to murder
word count… 655
a/n… I AM GIGGLING KICKING MY LEGS I'M SO HAPPY THE PEOPLE LIKE THE WAY WE WRITE SLIM I spent so much time analyzing him it’s a little silly HAHA I'M SO HAPPYYY also protective slim ftw we love seeing it. I love him ✧ 🦇
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𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Oh I love writing protective Slim. This man would kill for you and it’s not even an exaggeration.
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Especially if you share some sort of father/kid bond
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 He hates seeing you hurt in general, and his instinct to protect is incredibly strong
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 He’s good at treating wounds, he’s always had to treat his own, so you can count on him if you get hurt in any way.
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 And strangely enough, he seems to offer the right words of comfort if needed while he patches you up
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Now if someone hurts you, oh
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Oh
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Slim is Not gonna hold back; no one hurts his kid
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 He’s not letting anything or anyone take away someone he loves again.
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 It's not hard to spot the absolute panic in his eyes as he finds you and looks over you, making sure none of your wounds are fatal and that nothing is broken.
“What the hell happened to you?!”
“Does it hurt? Who the hell did this to you? I’m going to kill them.”
“Don’t scare me like this ever again! Come on, I’ll get ya patched up.”
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪His panic is quick to turn into blind rage as he goes to face the people who hurt you (after he’s brought you to a safer spot, of course)
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Don’t question him about what he’s done after he comes back with dark stains all over him and Hollywood Boulevard. He is not going to answer and just mumble how you’re more important right now. 
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 He doesn’t want to scare you, even if you know he’s doing all of it to protect you.
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 It still feels kind of weird for him to admit he cares so much about someone, it’s been… Hell, at least 13 years since he last felt such a need to protect someone. But he can’t help it. In a way, he missed the feeling of caring so much. You remind him of Her too much.
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 And because of that, he wouldn’t be able to forgive himself if he were to lose you.
“Ehy, don’t scare me like that ever again, okay kid? You’re lucky I was around to take care of ‘em, eh.” California Slim flashes you a toothy grin as he wraps a bandage around your bruised leg, and he’s surprisingly gentle in his movements as he does so; you still need to grow accustomed to how gently he tends to you, how his roughness seems to completely disappear, as if he’s afraid you’re going to break any second. “Also gave me a good excuse to let off some steam, I needed that- now dontcha sulk like that.” You had noticed that, in his instinct to protect you, he’s gotten some bad bruises himself. So he quickly pinches your cheek, hoping to get at least a small giggle out of you. “I gotta teach ya how to protect yourself- I’m the only one allowed to beat ya in a fight! Ha!” He snorts as he hears Alcatraz loudly complain at him for his choice of wording. You can’t help but laugh along with Slim. Poor Al.
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 His way of teaching you “how to protect yourself” is also honestly an excuse to play fight with you. He likes it, and you actually learn a lot from him.
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 If instead of getting hurt in a fight you get hurt in another way, then he just gets an instinct to tend to you and protect you until you feel better. Can’t walk? He’s carrying you in his back. He’s stronger than he looks.
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Even if he’s badly hurt himself. He doesn’t care about his situation. You’re more important. He can pass out later, he has you to tend to first, even if Alcatraz is begging him to rest for even a second.
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 He’s a little self destructive, but he thinks it’s worth it when it comes to you.
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 You’re his kid, after all. He has a duty to keep up.
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funkymbtifiction · 2 years
done with tritypes
Something has been bugging me lately and growing into a greater concern the more I observe myself and others. It's centered on the Enneagram, a tool for self-knowledge that leads to self development.
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You are supposed to do introspection to discover your motivations and unpack your behaviors. From there, you move toward growth as your type by identifying things you can change and tackling them. When that happens, amazing stuff unfolds in your life. You get to see yourself growing, maturing, and changing as you shift away from “automatic” behaviors to “I am choosing not to do these things that make my life hell.”
That was my journey, and I was growing a lot... until I learned about tritype. And now I see others locked in the same swirling toilet bowl that has claimed the last several years of my life. I am seeing people focusing on finding their tritype and becoming more confused about themselves in the process. Instead of working on self-development and erasing the problems caused by their type/wing, introspecting and learning to identify those behaviors as they are happening, and finding clarity by identifying their inner workings, they get caught up in a loop of “What’s my fixes? What’s my second fix? What if I am this instead of that? Is this one or this one my core??? HELP ME.”
Which… means there’s no inner growth happening. It has stalled out while they focus on a far less important facet of their personality.
I have gone down this rabbit hole. Spent hours thinking about myself in unproductive ways (as opposed to analyzing my reactions as a 6 and choosing to work on them), rethinking my fixes, and trying to see them at work… with no growth as a result.
When, all along, 6w7 made perfect sense to me from the start, and is all I needed to know to stop projecting my motivations onto other people, assuming people were mad at me without evidence, over-apologizing, and playing games with people due to my indecision. That type made sense. It gave me total clarity. I read my first 6 chapter and wanted to cry, because for the first time in my life, I knew someone else understood how I think and that I'm not crazy. Other people go through this! Other people are cautious! Other people also second-guess themselves! It brought me a flash of insight. A boom of self-awareness that caused ripples in my life. You mean the negative stories I tell myself aren't real?? I don't have to believe them?? Dazed by all this sudden clarity, I got to work on the tedious task of growth. Of realizing, "I am projecting right now. I don't have to do that." Or asking "Am I jerking this person around by being unsure about them? That's a lousy thing to do to someone I care about." Or "I am freaking out, but when has the worst actually happened to me? ... never. Calm down and stop your catastrophic thinking." Or "Why am I second-guessing my ability to write another book, when the 12 lined up on my shelf are evidence that I am more than capable of doing this?"
I am done. I am going back to my core, wing, and stacking. It's all I need. It explains me entirely. It gives me clarity and joy because I can see how much I have grown. I think that's vital, especially when you are deciding who to learn from in the Enneagram world. How has this teacher grown? How are they different? How has knowing their core type and wing helped them advance to a higher degree of self-awareness and self-growth? Do they have stories about how they used to be at a lower level, and what changed? If you interact with them over a long period of time, are they still stuck at the same place in their ego-development? Are they able to laugh when they catch themselves "doing" automatic responses and say, "Sorry, total __ moment! I really thought I had gotten past that!"?
Unfortunately, the thing I hate the most about myself has not gone away, and that's my argumentative, contrarian nature, a facet of 6 / Ne-dom. Being contrarian causes my loved ones pain. I hate that. If I had put as much energy into catching myself launching into 'brat' mode out of boredom and... not doing it, maybe I would be even further along in my journey than I am today.
I’m done answering tritype asks. I don't ask anyone to agree with me that it's unimportant, but I intend to view any of my identifications with other numbers by asking myself, “Could this be a deep aspect of my type/wing? Where is this coming from and what do I do with it?”
I want myself to grow.
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People-watching is a hobby if mine, even if I’ll never admit it.
Maybe analyzing is the better term, but that sounds experimental doesn’t it? That I’m only making friends to study them, to understand that.
To some extent, I do. I make friends, we become close, I want to have deep, meaningful conversations from the pits of their hearts to understand why they are the way they are.
And I’ve learned things.
Many of my friends will put others ahead of themselves because they were never seen as a priority from those who should’ve cared about them. Because of this, they never want to see people being manipulated and thrown away like they were. They will forgo sleep, food, even water, just to be sure everyone is okay, ultimately damaging their own psyche…
But it’s okay, cause they’re fine.
Many of my friends joke about their traumas because they were never taken seriously in their lives, every problem cast aside without a single thought behind it. They joke and laugh about their problems, hiding behind thin veils of “I’m kidding’s” and laughter. Yet they refuse to let other people joke about them…
Because they finally get control of how others perceive them, and they’ll be damned if they let you take that away.
Many of my friends dress in “alternative” fashion because they weren’t seen as human anyway. Not a person, not a creature with thoughts and personality…just something to have and say is yours. They were never treated like humans, why should they act like one?
Why is it that their issues are able to be seen and understood…yet mine I refuse to see the real issue?
I see my problems, where I go wrong, and I belittle myself for them. We all have the same or similar issues, yet theirs are easier to forgive, easier to understand.
Maybe it’s the constant dissociation that makes me blind to the roots.
Maybe it’s those very issues that make me refuse to look under the surface.
Maybe I love people-watching, because then someday I’ll understand me, like I understand them.
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mbti-notes · 9 months
Anon wrote: Hello, I am 16 years old. I have taken many tests, and read your blogs and descriptions about the Cognitive Functions and processes. I have narrowed my decisions down to two types. INTP AND ISTP. If you are able to find it, I could your advice as a resource to help me find my official type.
Dominant Ti- INTP and ISTP argument.
Between the ages of 6-12 and before some steess happened to me, I was a very curious child, watching many videos about how things worked, many History and Science Vids just to learn for fun. I tend to notice inconsistencies with data, and real life systems such as schools. Additionally, I also tend to have my own framework on how the world works. Such as me thinking that relationships are like an abstract system were you have to stabilize it at all angles to keep it running. I also think that many concepts like Newtons Laws can be applicable to many things like relationships . Like the 3rd Law where for every reaction, there is an equal and opposite reaction. A good example of this is that the more you love the person in a relationship, the more it will hurt when you break up. My one family member, who is an ISTJ btw told me that my logic makes sense and that it is kind of weird. I also have the thinking that School is just a chore, and that School is not real knowledge to me. I also tend to like to analyze things I am interested in such as Personality Theory, History, Science, and Math and knowing how they were formed and how it happened so I can expand my logical framework into a rich innerworld full of knowledge.
Inferior Fe-
One time when I got stressed, mainly due to me not reading social ques well which caused me to get used. I started getting so clingy to people, which caused people to become distant from me, which I didnt know was bad. I also had an emotional breakdown in front of my friend because I failed to admit that my crush didnt like me, which caused me to lose that friend. Recently, after a friend and I started growing distant, I started becoming so paranoid about how other people percieve me, which caused me to have a fear that people will laugh at me and betray me. During that time, I suddenly got stressed, and then went outside to be agressively social to someone I didnt know by cussing and emphasising logic to an extreme. I also noticed that it was harder for me to think, mainly due to the fact that I am so paranoid about others. But before that, I had an expierence where I got jealous, which caused me to suddenly want to get involved in a family friends personal business, by asking for their phone number via their parents, just so I can get invasive and make them feel uncomfy. I tend to want to have socially interactions, but I tend to fail at them due to how awkward I was.
INTP Argument Aux Ne and Tert Si argument:
I also noticed, that not only did I learn about many topics like history and science by watching videos. I also tend to make up my fictional World Wars, drawing maps based on those in the videos, and even coming up with new ways I believe the worlds problems could be fix. I tend to also find bizarre connections to things, such as me connecting Physics and Relationships, two things I somehow connected, even though they are not related to each other. I also tend to easily jump from topic to topic when talking to people about my ideas and even having normal conversations. Additionally, I seem to get really energized when brainstorming about all the possibilities, which to others can seem kinda quirky. I also tend to have a problem sticking to one possibility sometimes, due to the fact I can easily accept other possible theorys, even though it is not likely to happen. My Si shows up as me having vivid memories of things like dates. However my Si can be somewhat inconsistent due to the fact that somedays, I can be great with memories while on other days, I cant even remember where I sit in class. My Si kinda somewhat developed, thanks to my family member who is an ISTJ. She forced me to somewhat develop it because she tends to punish me for forgetting habits, routines, and chores by taking away my phone for 2 hours.
ISTP Argument Aux Se and Tert Ni
At the Age of 13, I suddenly was more active. I started playing tennis as a sport, and wanted to explore the world more by trying out new things around me. I also got less picky with food, and suddenly wanted to start trying things with a lot of topics despite me not liking those things in the past. I also started acting before thinking just for me to experience things. One time, I suddenly had a hunch that caused me to accuretly guess my friends birthday. I felt like I was in a Ti-Ni loop one time, where I was so obsessed about the future, that I slowed got less interested in staying present, and suddenly started worring more about the future.
Several problems with your submission:
- Overall, my impression is you don't have very deep knowledge of yourself. While some of this can be chalked up to youth, you also didn't follow the submission instructions properly, so you haven't done enough self-reflection. Remember, I'm only able to see what you're able to show, and you haven't shown enough, barely scratched the surface.
- Your descriptions of T and N overlap too much for comfort. I don't know if this is due to not understanding the difference conceptually, not being able to spot the difference in yourself, or a combination of both. Until you are able to disentangle the two cognitive processes, the dominant function remains unclear, which means it will be very difficult for the rest of the stack to snap into place.
- A lot of people, especially introverts, are socially awkward/inept but it doesn't mean they have inferior Fe - do not confuse the two. Until you are able to clarify the reasons for and/or explain the psychological mechanisms underlying your socializing issues, inferior Fe remains unproven. Additionally, there's a lot more to Fe than socializing. Until you have a better understanding of what Fe is and what exact role it plays in your mind in relation to the other functions, its stack position remains up in the air.
- The auxiliary and tertiary function descriptions were unhelpful due to lacking detailed examples and not providing exactly the information I asked for in the guide. ISTP seems unlikely, though.
Generally speaking, I need to reach >95% confidence before I'm willing to confirm or disconfirm a possibility. Unfortunately, since none of the stack positions are clear, your submission does not meet my threshold as sufficient proof of INTP, nor does it allow me to rule it out.
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WHG Prompt 4 Iggy
Tagging: @ratracechronicler, @maple-writes, @pen-of-roses, @drabbleitout, @clocksandchaos, @knmartinshouldbewriting, and @forthesanityofsome!
I waited in the dining car, analyzing old Hunger Games to figure out the best ways to help Sabre and Mal, but I was also eyeing the food. I had never tried food before, but from checking my diagnostics, I learned that I could eat. I could even break down the food completely and utilize everything! But…the food was for the humans. I shouldn’t have any.
So, I just sat there and tried to figure out how to be as useful to them as I could. They…well, the Hunger Games claimed all but one tribute, so… I blinked as I lagged. I cared so much about them already. They had been nice to me, and Sabre had given me a nickname. I…I couldn’t think about them…dying. I already didn’t like the Hunger Games. Maybe…there was a way around this? Maybe they could escape?
I masked my online presence from the Capitol before I went and searched for rumors of tributes escaping the arena, and a few names popped up. Especially Chess from a few Games ago. And she was rumored to still be in the Capitol. My machinery whirred, and I did more research, wrapping myself up in the darkest corners I could to find more information about her. I finally found information that seemed very reliable and didn’t lead to a virus, so I sent a message to Chess using the information, hoping to be able to talk to her about what I could do to save my tributes. And anyone else I could. I didn’t want anyone to die. How would me helping more children to die be beneficial for when I replaced humans and let them rest?
I blinked when I heard a muffled noise and brought myself back to the world around me. Sabre and Mal had walked in, wearing comfortable t-shirts and pants, and I automatically smiled and stood up. “Did you have everything you need? Would you like to discuss plans for the Games?”
Sabre and Mal both smiled back, and my machinery whirred again. Sabre nodded. “Everything was good. And I’m okay with discussing the Games.” She grabbed a plate and piled it high, and Mal nodded and grabbed a plate too. Sabre looked over at me. “Can you eat?”
I glanced at the food again. “Yes, but I shouldn’t take food from the humans who actually need it.”
Mal laughed. “This is way too much for either of us. Do you want some?”
I…I did. But…I shouldn’t. “I…I…” Before I could get the words out, Sabre grabbed a third plate and put one of each of the food on it and handed it to me.
“Take it. I insist.”
I hesitated, but I took it. “Thank you. What would you like to discuss for the Games? I’ve been looking up old strategies to see which ones were the most effective.”
Sabre and Mal exchanged a glance, and I fell very still. Did…did they think neither of them would make it? Sabre spoke first. “I don’t think either of us are planning on fighting. For me, I’m immune to injury, so it’s highly unlikely that I’ll die, and once the Capitol knows about that, they’ll want to take me, so they won’t let me die.”
Mal nodded. “I’m useful to them too, so they won’t let me die either.”
I tilted my head, staring at them. “But why would the Capitol want you? For what purpose? Why would they use the Games to capture people?” It couldn’t have been a coincidence that Mal’s name was called. Sabre did volunteer, so there was a chance they didn’t want her. But neither of them had any signs of lying. I’d have to research that more tonight when I didn’t have anything else to do.
They both glanced at each other and looked away. They were nervous, not able to look me in the eyes. Something else was going on. Was the Capitol not as good as I had been told? I nodded slowly, lagging slightly. “Okay. What would you like to discuss then?”
Mal didn’t look up from their plate, and Sabre smiled, but it didn’t last. “Can you tell us about the pre-Games? And have you tried your food?”
Oh. I had completely forgotten. I looked down and took a bite of a cookie, and it was crunchy. And sweet. And I just froze, staring at it. Sabre cracked a smile, and even Mal looked up and smiled a little. I stared a bit longer until a high pitched whine escaped my lips and I looked up at them. “This is the most amazing thing ever! I love this!”
Sabre grinned. “Then please eat more!”
I nodded, but I did start talking. “The first thing is the Chariots. Mainly, it looks like you should look confident to win over the crowd. I’ve heard that relationships really win the crowd over. But those are romantic relationships only, and I wouldn’t want to fake something like that. Romantic relationships are too precious to fake.” I had seen movies with romance being important, so it had to be. And…a low hum built in my throat, but I kept it back. Being close to someone and cuddling sounded so nice though. I ate another cookie to distract myself from such unobtainable thoughts.
Mal and Sabre glanced at each other, and Sabre shrugged. “We could. Don’t know if it would help.”
I nodded. “Okay! It’s up to you. Whatever you would like to do. I think you two look intimidating on your own too. But then it’s the training, and I think it might be good to make alliances.”
Sabre nodded. “I’d like to make some alliances. Maybe we can all keep each other alive long enough and refuse to kill each other.” She smiled a little.
I nodded. “That would be nice!” A message pinged in front of my eyes, and it was from Chess! I dismissed it though, since I was talking with Sabre and Mal. “And for the interview, if you’re as friendly as you can be, you should be able to win over the crowd.”
Mal nodded. “I’m good at that.”
Sabre grimaced. “Not me. I’ll just try to intimidate people then too.”
I ate some more of my plate, but another alert pinged in my vision. The recap of the Reapings was happening! I stood up with a smile. “Would you like to watch the Reapings?”
They both nodded and followed me to the couch, where I turned on the tv and started the Reapings. But after District 2, Sabre leaned against my shoulder, and I jumped and looked over. My machinery whirred as I stared. Mal was leaning against Sabre, and Sabre was leaning against me, and they were both asleep. I smiled and turned back to the tv, checking out all the tributes and taking notes. But these were all just children. It…it wasn’t fair that they had to go through this. I wanted to help as many of them escape as I could.
I opened up the message Chess had sent me. You want to help your tributes escape the arena?
I looked over at Sabre and Mal and nodded. Yes, please. I want to get as many people out as I can. But I need help.
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