#people are the WORST
thatsbelievable · 1 year
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fly-the-pattern · 5 months
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doppleganger-rental · 4 months
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It’s impressive to foul up two parking spots at the same time.
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xcleanx · 2 years
i’m more than disappointed in everyone who has contributed to remove the scene where taylor steps on a scale and it says “fat” in the anti hero music video. it’s not fatphobic just because you are self centered and offended. it’s one of the realest and most important things taylor has ever done in her career and the first time ever she’s been so vulnerable and honest when it comes to her insecurities and the hell she’s been through. you’re calling her fatphobic but where were you when the media have body shamed her FOR YEARS? where were you when her body was constantly the only thing they talked about? this woman went through hell and back, being called too skinny or too fat ALL. THE. DAMN. TIME. she opened up about her eating disorder during the 1989 era, how she was starving herself and working out way too much and how she was looking at the pictures taken of her and hated her body and then when she started having a healthier relationship with her body and gained weight during reputation era YOU ALL WERE SAYING SHE WAS FAT AND STARTED COMPARING HER 2018 PHOTOS TO 2015 PHOTOS!!!!!!!! the scene in the anti hero music video was not fatphobic. i’m sorry taylor. you deserve much better and i hope you always know your real fans are by your side.
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tsuyoshikentsu · 10 months
You know what really sucks is, I had this cool idea for a Jewish TTRPG. I was all geared up to research a bunch of folklore (from different minchags, too!) and had a neat mechanic in mind that I used on that post from earlier this month.
And then I was just like... now I don't want to.
Like, I toyed with the idea of making it and just making it a rule that your GM has to be a practicing Jew. (Messianics aren't Jews.) But then I was like, "No, I don't want to put whatever Jewish person gets forced into running for their group through that." And I definitely don't want to make a game for a bunch of goyishe people to cosplay being Jewish without knowing what any of it means or feels like. I don't want to create a bunch of new monster designs for D&D to consume like it did golems.
Because like, looking around right now? This isn't a world that deserves that. This isn't a world I trust to treat that game with respect or even kindness.
Sorry, little game idea. I love you so much. Maybe in the World To Come.
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linn-vicious · 2 years
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fabiolajyx · 1 year
I need people to shut the f*ck up about Johnathan on Twitter or I'm gonna be violent. Seriously.
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amassofhumanity · 9 months
Me: I’m just worried and nervous about being around people again and socializing.
Psychiatrist: What do you mean by that.
Me: just…ugh, people.
Psychiatrist: laughter
Me: We’re the worst!
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ratmasacre · 5 months
for someone so violent and ill-natured im terrified of bugs
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illogicalghost · 3 months
why do people get dogs just to keep them outside all day? like tied to a post or in a tiny kennel or in their garage or whatever. do you even want a companion animal at that point, or do you just see it as a nuisance? you should get your animals taken away for that kind of shit.
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empyrean11 · 3 months
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With all the buffalo stuff, I missed this one... LINEUP!
Davis leading off again with all the lefties other than Varsh on the bench.
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missgrimm1 · 5 months
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How I feel everyday!
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holygroundsound · 1 year
twitter is ruining speak now surprises again so. i’m back
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sugashook · 7 months
i so understand why people fandom hop im like god these people suck
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akinachiri · 7 months
if you hate fushiguro megumi youre dead btw
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placetneplacet · 1 year
Ugh…this is why I never watched SoTUS, hazing gives me the big Ick. Is the whole episode hazing Kawi and Pear looking uncomfortable for inviting Kawi on a trip to be hazed?
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