#people can't do the bare fucking minimun
pointsfortrying · 5 months
Continues to be fucking insane to me the state of the world
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renah · 11 months
what the fuck happened to the desktop layout what
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opinated-user · 2 years
this entire thread of responses from LO is a perfect example of what bootlicking looks like. it can't be that Disney as a company is capitalizing on pinkwashing to get easy money from somewhat progressive audiences while at the same time making that "representation" so insignificant that it can be edited out for countries with queerphobic governments, on top of giving out that money from their audience to the pockets of actively queerphobic politicians. or even that the queer people inside the company had to fight like hell to get the bare minimun possible. no, it has to be that everyone else in the mainstream media just wants "catchy headlines" without doing proper research and Disney doesn't correct anyone because they felt lazy that day or they're too nice. it reminds me to people like Ben Shapiro or Matt Walsh insisting that the mainstream media is brainwashing everyone into becoming trans. the same lack of any actual logic. i especially find so funny that she brings out amity of an example of a Disney gay teenager character... as if the entire reason why the third season will be only three especials wasn't exactly because Disney thought that queer teenagers characters wasn't "on brand" for them. i also like how LO is explicitely told that this movie has recieved barely advertisement at all and her response is "spending movie on making a movie and then not advertise it so it fails would be stupid" which... is not really a response. she didn't adressed the question. does she think that the movie has gotten enough advertisement and everyone else is exaggerating just to have something against Disney? or that it hasn't gotten enough advertisement but Disney is just feeling a bit lazy and it has nothing to do with the movie itself? more than that, Disney has done exactly that LO thinks would be too stupid. treasure planet remains today one of the ocassion in which Disney made one movie purely out of obligation to keep their money makers happy and then they didn't helped to the success of the movie at all. the same thing that happened to TP is what is happening with Strange World.
https://youtu.be/b9sycdSkngA Treasure Planet - Disney's Biggest Mistake i have seen some reviews about Strange World and it's possible that the lack of support wasn't only because "the first teenage gay character", but nobody really knows. only the executives at Disney can say why they took that choice. LO's doing nothing to question even herself about it. btw, the TP video that LO has is barely about the movie itself and more "jokingly" kinkshaming MO for... liking a character. no mention anywhere that i could find about why it failed. it was just as boring as all her other types of videos like this. when someone told her about how they eliminated a line from the movie that explicitely said a male character gave birth to his children with his female partners, the only thing she had as a response was "i really do not fucking care." of course she doesn't care. because that would imply thinking about disney critically and LO can't do that for whatever reason.
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tifamex · 1 year
The thing is i use self shipping stuff to cope with my very difficult life. It's my main coping mechanism. I need SOME form of it in order to not be miserable. Currently the main character i ship with doesn't get content bc he's from a media that doesn't really have a fandom, and the people that ARE fans like other characters. I don't have the money for comms bc I'm extremely extremely poor.
If i can't create myself, and can't rely on the content of others, what am I supposed to do to get the comfort that keeps me from being miserable every day?
TW bad mental health talk under the cut.
I have depression and suicidal ideations, there's days i barely leave my bed and have to pester my parents (or pretty much anyone) to be close to me cuz i'm afraid that, if i'm left alone for too long, i'll do something bad to myself because my head is that fucked up at the moment.
Those, ofc, also affect my art, and make it worse if not impossible to do the minimun, that's one of the reasons i don't do comms, i dont trust my brain to keep a regular schedule there. I can't also rely on comms (even tho i'd love to) cuz I don't earn that much in my day job.
Still I do what I can to improve, to make the content I want to make myself happy and keep going cuz no one else would. Turning to AI for instant gratification may feel good at the moment but it's just gonna hurt actual artists who are already being affected by it, and then it's gonna affect you cuz you are being delusional if you think AI tools are gonna stay free forever.
At the end of the day, it's up to you, and whatever I say, you'll find a way to excuse your actions. You do you, but don't get surprised when people get mad at you for insisting on AI.
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Hey im just going to make a quick post now and then dive into it later but START DRAWING JINX WITH MUSCLES, AT THE BARE MINIMUN WITH APPARENT BACK MUSCLES, you can actually see in Arcane how at FUCKING 15 she has apparent muscles pre Singed even if she's very slim(again, kudos for arcane's superior character design) she also canonically goes around doing parkour on zaun and piltover just like Vi, both in Arcane and in lol, all that while carrying both pow pow and fishbones AND on top of all that being a stupidly fast and strong Singed experiment, but that's just lore bits im going to make a post about muscles later because it has been driving me insane :D
Im not even saying "she's as big as vi" NOT EVEN FUCKING CLOSE, BUT she's supposed to be at least toned.
But i think none of us even stop to think HOW STUPIDLY STRONG she is
And we can't even use the "OH BUT IN THE GAME" excuse cause Vi herself in game has the noodliest arms ever and the worst case of Barbie waist i have ever seen, current in game models are NOT to be used as base
But then again people can draw characters however they want, but i leave here my Idea based on canon facts of the character, maybe, JUST MAYBE, Jinx should have more muscles, im not saying she would be buff like vi, but (specially as an adult, which Arcane Jinx still isn't) she should technically have a body more on the sides of what Ekko has for example, taking female video game characters examples she should be more like Aloy from Horizon zero dawn, Lara Croft from the reboot games and as an adult i risk to go as far as saying she should have a body more like Grace from Terminator... that's the hill i will die on btw, open for criticism but i ain't changing my mind :D
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jungkookjaan · 4 years
I expected absolutely nothing for today so I can't say i'm surprised, but I hate how people are making it seem like it's our fault for "hyping it up", as if they didn't tease robbe's surprise and made us believe we would get something more than basic, faceless ig stories. they wanted us to think something big was coming only to leave us high and dry. Again. Just how they did for halloween and ardennes. They don't "owe" us anything, but as a fanbase we are allowed to ask for the bare minimun lol
I'm sorry but they do owe it to us. We are their fucking audience. We give them those views, those likes, those comments. We hype up their show and characters, make them trend for hours on end, create content for it, art for it, all of this benefits them eventually. Specially us active fans who didn't let this show die in the previous painfully long hiatus because of our love and attention. If we stop giving a fuck, they'll literally have nothing left. So they owe it to us.
And it's literally embarrassing on their part that so many fans have reached the point where they have literally zero expectations attached to them now. Like that's the quality they have dropped to. Literally who would want to come online and consume such low quality bs when there's hundred shows out there putting out top notch content. BUT WE ARE FUCKING ATTACHED TO THESE CHARACTERS.
And it's so unfair to ask fans to not attach expectations???? What else are we supposed to do lol???? Sit here and just praise them for the bare minimum??? Kiss their asses for not respecting and doing justice to our beloved characters???? The characters so many of us are here for still because I swear I wouldn't have wasted my time on any other show had it done what wtfock did with their s4.
And I'm sorry but these are literally the basics of tv entertainment industry. That's how you engage with the fans. That's how you make them care. You indulge the fuck out of them because there's nothing more powerful than a loyal fanbase. But you need to fucking feed them with substance and quality and you'll get the return with fucking 50% profit.
And NO we did not hype it up on our own. They have known for two months that we wanted an anniversary video, we were fucking loud about how we needed top notch NEW meaningful content on their anniversary because it means a fucking lot to us. They knew we were expecting it and they fucking used it to create the hype for a surprise that kept them in the trends for hours and well they got what they wanted so who cares about the fans lol right? Literally fuck off with your candles and food. By the time they posted those candles they fucking knew we were expecting at least something of substance, but they refused to do it.
If you're so fucking bent on ruining your own fucking show and alienating whatever's left of your fanbase too then you do you i guess 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
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