#people even sent me meme characters 💀
darkbluekies · 5 months
I don't people realize how hard it is to deal wit real obsessive people 💀💀
Guys if someone is seriously obsessed with you to the point theyd dump all their friends, flirt with you even thought it makes you uncomfortable, and stalk you plus your Socials, do not stay with them. I added some text here justify to show y'all some red flags. I will def not be showing y'all the worse messages they've sent to me
I get 100+ missed phone calls from her daily at some point you just learn to be dismissive although it is easier to leave these types of people so they can find some help they constantly yell at me or responding a little to late don't let peoples life rely on just you its not healthy
If you ever feel stuck in this situation please reach out to people for help either or you are the other person involved
please be careful when dating somethings should stay in the imagination blue writes some fantastic stories but don't let people treat you like that irl it will don't a toll on you mentally
stay safe my loves y'all are very special and deserve a happy and healthy life 🫶🫶🫶
anyways sorry for the rant I just want everyone to stay safe before I make more memes
(also Alan is from MDHM)
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I have been clear that you should not idolize my characters, that they're only for fiction and that you should not want someone like them in real life. You have to be able to separate real life from fiction. And you shouldn't read my stories in case you do idolize these kinds of behaviors. I don't want you reading my stuff if you do.
Take these messages as a warning (especially before it becomes too late). You can't fix people, you can't give them second chances. It is not worth it.
You wrote this better than me so i will let your message be the warning ans I'm sorry you went through that mess, hopefully it resolves itself sooner than later♡
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ice-sculptures · 9 months
#stucky#i'm putting them here even tho i never needed them to get together#bc endgame's existence is a loss all on its own
So real and true! I could not have phrased this better myself. there are quite a few ships that I actually prefer in fanfic (for worry that the canon writers would do them dirty) but endgame... that was a travesty. *insert that Nick Fury meme about electing to ignore canon*
-TWS anon
P.S. sorry if this sends multiple times. Tumblr was being a butt so I'm not sure if this came through the first few times.
oh don’t worry, it only sent once!!
and yeah…i love steve and bucky’s friendship in canon, and i never needed it to be romantic in the source material because it’s a marvel property, for starters, so hoping for that is totally out of the question (and bc i know a million fanfic writers who could do it better, lol) but i’d genuinely hoped for the writers and directors to respect the bond that They built themselves — like, it still fucking blows my mind that TWS and endgame were created by the same people….the downgrade, lol 💀
i feel like a lot of people think stucky shippers are mad about steve ending up with a woman, but imo that’s ridiculous. if steve had married a woman at the end of endgame, but had stayed in the future, and his relationships with bucky and sam had been treated with respect? i would have been overjoyed. my problem isn’t with the steve/peggy of it all, it’s with him going back in time and a) leaving behind everyone he knows, especially his best friends and b) living in a world where he knows about all of the atrocities happening, including bucky being tortured for 70+ years, and doesn’t do jack shit to stop them. however tired he is, however strong his desire for a peaceful life is, the steve rogers i know would never stand by and just let it all happen and i hate that endgame gave me a version of steve that is the total antithesis of the character i loved for so long.
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YEAH!! I've seen people have 0 asks posted, but have so much interaction on their actual account. Personally, I would LOVE to interact with my community. Yk if I could muster up the courage to actually post 💀
Honestly we should just switch, cause I used to be up 24/7, got like 3 hours of sleep and I'd be up bright and early just living life, twas the best
But now I fear that I sleep like an elderly man 😞 I take naps all the time, for several hours, then sleep around 9-10 pm, if my friends call max is about 1:30 am AND THEN I SLEEP UNTIL 3 IN THE AFTERNOON TO MAKE UP FOR IT?? It's crazy FR.
AND YOU'RE SO RIGHT, megumi isn't megumi without his persistent denies, it just fits him 🤞😋
No but seriously, I'm considering writing something and posting it but I'm TERRIFIED of criticism, and I am BALLS at writing 😭 Though I might post artwork, been storing for winter 😽
It's 15 mins after 9, and I am afraid that my friend will call me as soon as I answer this "hi" they sent.. 😣
Xoxo 👽 (Feeling the extra happiness, so I'm gonna quickly tell you how much I love how you wrote Megumi, like I love his angsty teen energy, and the sonic memes fit him so well 💀 You're BRILLIANTLY talented at fitting characters personalities. CAN'T WAIT FOR TOMORROW, SPELLBOUND MAKES ME EXCITED TO WAKE UP 😽)
that’s actually crazy omg… anons and asks r like what makes tumblr for me LMFAO i love interacting with ppl… i mean i guess i could slightly understand if ur getting like ur ask box flooded everyday but like NOTHING???? NONE OF THEM???
YOU SLEEP LIKE AN ELDERLY MAN KFMAOAOOA i used to sleep like that too don’t worry!! it happens to the best of us i fear…
NOOOO U SHOULD POST UR WRITING!!!! i’m also terrified of criticism and somehow i have.. gotten none in the time of been here?? idk i feel like i don’t see a lot of ppl get criticism here or if it is it’s not even about the writing it’s about like posting schedule and wanting them to post faster or smth…. ANYWAY U WONT KNOW UNLESS U TRY BUT REGARDLESS OF IF U DO OR DONT ILL SUPPORT U ! (heh is choso somewhere in ur art… cause if so sign me up…)
BYE thank god none of my friends like calling amen 🙏
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ben linus for the headcanon meme!
sexuality headcanon: abstain. i can't even begin to parse what's going on with ben. gay man?? maybe??? but he did have a crush on juliet that one time (presumably the writers were setting up something with his dead wife—annie? idk she only existed in the writers' minds—but they forgor 💀 so "you look just like her" could only be about his dead mother, the literal only other important woman in ben's life. i'm not going to unpack all that). i dont think hes ever come close to a romantic relationship. i think he and john locke had an awful sexual encounter in jacob's cabin on december 25 2004
otp: benlocke. nobody is doing it like them. ben manipulates locke until he kills him. and then locke comes back from the dead (or does he?!) and manipulates ben until he kills jacob. and i think that's beautiful
brotp: ben and hurley <3 theyre so sweet... when hurley shares the apollo bar with him augh augh ough.... and then they TAKE CARE OF THE ISLAND TOGETHER... AND HURLEY IS SEMI-IMMORTAL BUT BEN ISN'T.... i can't even talk about it. they're besties. hugo reyes <3
notp: ben and juliet. stay away from her freak. ive never seen anyone ship this though
first headcanon that pops into my head: i think sometimes richard would bring CDs or records back from his trips off the island and share them with alex. so she would be in her room (teenager) listening to nine inch nails or radiohead or something and ben would knock on her door like "hey kiddo what are you listening to" and she would be like "UGH DAD. it's not STRAUSS you wouldn't LIKE IT." and he would be like "yeah you're probably right." and leave. father of the year
favorite line from this character: "i'm a pisces." he is a legend he is the moment he moment he is a liar <3
one way in which I relate to this character: oh i dont relate to him im normal <- lying
thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character: LITERALLY EVERYTHING but his crush on juliet is easily his most embarrassing moment. "you're mine" I will kill you. Freak. it was funny when he sent goodwin to his death because he was jealous though
cinnamon roll or problematic fave? hes killed quite a lot of people.
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recurring-polynya · 2 years
For the Ask Meme!
For Byakuya: 🤡🤔🎲
For Renruki: 🎮 💀🎢
My screen totally went blank and I'm not sure if my previous one was sent (if so, please delete it, it's garbage, I wasn't done editing it lmao). Also the Ask screen is so different in the desktop vs phone/Ipad ugh...
(this is the only version I received, so fear not. Also, I know how Tumblr is)
🤡 - What’s something dumb they’re embarrassed about?
Byakuya does not generally get embarrassed, for the simple reason that he does not do things that he is not proud of, easy peasy. If you asked him what his most embarrassing moment was, he would instantly reply it was the time he failed to protect Soul Society (by getting his guts ripped out) and had to ask Ichigo for help. I think very few people would classify this as “dumb.”
However, lately (epilogue-era), there is one thing, which is that he occasionally accidentally reveals himself to have a Wikipedia-level knowledge of the late Captain Ukitake’s series of children’s books, Sōgyō's Refusal!
Byakuya is a classic hyperfixater, but he’s also well-aware that falls under “things he is not proud of”, so he tries to cultivate interests that make you sound smart and cultured to talk about at length (history, poetry, art, orchids) and has also carefully calibrated the depth to which he can talk about certain borderline topics (swordsmanship, kidou, shogi). If he reads a book and gets excited about it, he will carefully craft an “official take” on it, so if he is asked socially what he thought of it, he will respond in a normal, controlled way. Byakuya actually talking about a thing that he loves is a sign that he has either identified you as a like-minded individual (this is the basis of his friendship with Hitsugaya, and also a lot of what he likes about Renji) or just that he cares for someone deeply (Rukia, once she figured out what was going on, loves to hear Byakuya in this mode).
To that end, Sōgyō's Refusal! is among Ichika’s favorite things. Rukia has a bit of trouble with it, emotionally, so Byakuya took this on as a thing he does with his niece. He has read her all of the books, multiple times. He has played the role of nearly every character in imaginary games. He has answered every possible variation of “who would win in a fight?” and “what is every character’s favorite food?” He has drawn numerous comics starring Sōgyō (he often works the Wakame Ambassador and Ichika herself into these). He would do this because he loves his niece, of course, but the fact is... the books are kind of good?? Like, Ukitake was an educated and well-read man, and there are many references to the classic epics of Soul Society and allusions to historic events? The swordplay is always masterful, and Byakuya is really impressed with the simplicity of the descriptions, making it accessible to children? The are filled with a lot of legitimately funny absurdist humor?
Anyway, he’s slipped a couple of times, once to another noble who was also a parent, and once to Kensei, when the Bulletin was doing a reprint series. It was pretty mortifying both times, but not nearly as bad as he remembered the sensation of embarrassment to be. Both times, he just got a funny look and then they went on with their life. And anyway, there is nothing this man will not endure for the sake of his family.
🤔 - What’s something they’ll never understand?
Why the Ninth Squadron has no sleeves on their uniforms, not even in the winter. It seems foolishness.
(”It’s for the aesthetic, Captain.”
“I hear what you are saying, Lieutenant, but the aesthetic in question is horrible.”)
He also does not understand Lieutenant Hisagi’s facial tattoo and no one, not even Rukia, is willing to try and explain it to him.
🎲 - Pick a random question to answer from this list.
I used a random number generator for this gave me ->
🧑‍🍼 - How do they feel about kids? Byakuya tends to regard children as just small, incompetent adults. On one hand, this means he is often impatient with them and doesn’t understand their limitations, but on the other, he tends to treat children with far more respect than many adults do.
Rukia and Renji are very intentional about keeping him updated on Ichika’s developmental stages and what their goals and intentions are toward her. He finds the developmental stuff really interesting, and this framing is really helpful for him in terms of tempering his expectations of her capabilities. He respects their parenting values for the most part, but if he wishes to buy a four-year old an eye-wateringly expensive kimono and take her out to a fancy sushi restaurant, is this not his prerogative as uncle? (Rukia and Renji knew he was going to be like this and they just deal with it)
🎮 - What’s their favorite game?
They both love football and are the worst trashtalkers in the Gotei-13 futsal league. Renji plays defender for Squad 6, Rukia plays pivot (the primary offensive position) for Squad 13. They holler at each other on the field for forty minutes straight and then have to go straight home afterwards because they’re so horny for each other.
They also love any and all games that straddle the line between games and sports and that they can play together in order to humiliate their enemies. The Kuchiki family New Year’s hanetsuki (badminton) match is a bloodbath.
Rukia is a skilled shogi player and enjoys playing with both her brother and her captain.
Renji does not care for board games, and he especially does not care for the nightmare version of Candyland that Nemuri 8 and Ichika always make him play with them.
💀 - How do they feel about horror movies?
Rukia loooooves horror movies, of all varieties, it is her favorite genre, actually. Rukia is the kind of person who if you say, “hey, you wanna see something fucked up?” she will respond “YES” immediately. Renji likes some horror movies. He doesn’t care for torture porn, for example, and while doesn’t mind splatterfests, it is possible to gross him out. His favorite kind of horror is the more straightforward kind where some people are being chased by or possibly trying to stop a murderer or some sort of monster. He will often offer his opinion of what he would do in various situations. It’s not any sort of judgment on the characters in the movie, and he has no issues with idiotic characters, he just treats horror movies like Choose Your Own Adventures. Rukia does not mind this at all, she loves to hear Renji’s utterly unhinged survival schemes, even though she knows he would definitely die, just, immediately.
Renji gets choked up during Train to Busan.
🎢 - Do they like amusement parks? What’s their favorite ride?
They love amusement parks. As per the Momo version of this question, they got to go to one once on a class trip, but they’ve also been more recently with the Karakura Kids (probably to that place where Chad and Keigo went on a date once). Their actually favorite part of amusement parks is the food, and they are also both very fond of games where you can show off and win cute stuffed animals for Chad. Rukia’s taste in rides is very similar to Momo’s, but she has a slight preference for going fast over big drops, so roller coasters are her favorite. Renji is less impressed by thrill rides. He likes them okay, but if he wants to get a rush, he’d rather just jump off a cliff or ride a cart of questionable structural stability down a hill. The ride he really likes is the Gravitron. If you’re not familiar with it, it’s a spaceship-looking thing that spins around really fast so that you get smashed into the walls with centripetal force. Sometimes a guy just likes the sensation of being a refrigerator magnet, okay? Both Rukia and Renji also love the extremely cheesy haunted house ride at the Karakura park, but they laugh so hard at it that Ichigo refuses to go on it with them anymore. 
For the record, Rukia felt much the same way about the Ferris Wheel that Momo did-- she loved the sensation of being high above the Earth, feeling simultaneously insignificant and transcendent. Renji does not remember any of that, but he also looks back on that Ferris Wheel ride with great fondness.
(original meme)
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klugpuuo · 2 years
I was gonna ask you earlier but I forgor 💀 BUT did you read the fics I sent you yesterday 😁😁😁😁
they were so bad.
first fic.thoughtz....
this is bad. Why didn't they just write the characters together normally like eitherw ay. Does op realize they made it like super gay or....
Also there's absolutely no logic. None. What is going on
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^ tis is all the writing sounded like to me which is good cause it's one of my favorite memes but it's bad wriimg
shoutot to foxy in the comments only thing keeping me sane 👍🏻
anyway the whole Infinite lock being easily broken thing is hilarious to me specifically also BC in he/they polycule the only thing stopping my source from making a key that unlocked every single thing ever was acco being homophobic.
Glad there's only one fic made by this person after this one and I almost hope they never write ahian
Fic two: bad
bad time
Bad anatomy . Incorrect even . With everything.
Title sucks.
Incorrect characterization on multiple parts. The twins would have just straight up killed ai if he was actually like that . Which he isnt
Ai isn't a chihuahua..
i wish i never read the words "strange klug x reader lemon"
still upsetting how almost all x readers are like afab!feminine!female!woman!reader
Wattpad writing good as usual I see
Witch is in character at least
Incorrect about Grampa yet again . He is not an alternate form of me. How are people this STUPID-
I headcanon Aya would nt pay child support
0/20 for effort
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g0reoz · 3 years
i am sending u beyburst for ask game hi hello
hi ova!! sorry this took so long to answer 💀 it’s been sitting in my drafts for a few days now actually lmao
anyways, hellsite meme word kin assignment for beyburst :)
blorbo- easy. kensuke has been my go-to blorbo since before having blorbos was even a thing. i had a picture of him taped to the back of all my middle school sketchbooks. if you asked me about beyburst back then, i would tell you about the Relatable Puppet Man and explain basically his entire character arc. top tier guy; i wish they at least let him make a cameo in chouzetsu or something :(
before i continue, let me first preface this by saying part of the prompt mentioned the experience of cuteness aggression. until recently, i didn’t fully realize that this was a Real Thing that Actually Happens To People (recently had an extensive conversation with my friend on the subject). what the hell !! you’re telling me y’all have the Destroy Squish Squeeze instinct instead of the I Need To Hold It instinct when you see something you find intensely cute?? there is nothing wrong with that and i’ve read enough about it to know it’s just A Feeling That Happens, but i find it hilarious that i’ve never experienced anything like it >_<
anyways xhaka is the fuckign scrunkly of all time. top tier character design overall and that outfit is full of transgender swag ^^
scrimblo bimblo- HOJI KONDA MY BELOVED💞💐🌻 he’s sorta underappreciated in the fanbase and the show itself, and his interactions with rantaro in the Wakiya’s Not-So-Cottagecore Adventure arc were just 🤌 chef’s kiss. fantástico.
glup shitto- y’all remember heinrich? guy from Top Wand in season 2? long green hair, a suit, and a big metal visor-looking thing on his head? well i do <3
poor little meow meow: >:] if you’ve known me for awhile, you know that yugo is my bestie, my worstie, my everything, the bane of my existence, my poor little meow meow, and the wettest kleenex to ever walk the earth. he’s awful and pathetic but in a way that i personally find entertaining🥰
horse plinko- i am dangling kyle over the pit as we speak
eeby deeby- Bael Gets Sent To Super Hell Via Roundhouse Kick (colorized, 2021)
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jayflrt · 3 years
I'm prolly bothering you but here are some of my favourite moments cuz I'm a simp for your humor like 😵😵😵😵
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BAHSUQJWIWIS turns out Jake actually had 5 other girls besides y/n
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Jisung is like, literally my favourite character constantly throughout the whole thing 🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂
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SNJSKSKDKSKDKSKDK HEE REMINDS ME OF THOSE WEIRDLY SPIRITUAL PEOPLE (dw I'm spiritual alr, I just think some people who claim they saw God are...exaggerating) WHO CLAIM THEY WENT TO HEAVEN AND CAME BACK TO EARTH 😭💀💀
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Jisung being my favourite character part. 2
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Jisung being my favourite character part. 3 (still going...)
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Because, first off, it's Park Jisung, how do you not already love him? Amirite? Second off, the sarcastic YET FUNNY AND SMART responses ARE LIKE PEAK COMEDY.
And like man, I'm a sucker for people who are funny as hell so like yes.
Park jisung was the main character in my eyes
(OH and also, Jisung being my favourite character part. 4)
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Jisung best character agenda, me thinks (also best writer award goes to you, me thinks)
(*cough* Jisung. Being. My. Favourite. Character. Part. 5 *cough*)
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don't be surprised if I actually use this as a meme template
apologizing for doing jake like that 😁 maybe if he stopped flirting with every single fan he looked at 🤚🤚 AHAHAH IM GLAD YOU LIKED JISUNG THO !! he’s my fav character too :’)) i’m actually making an nct dream smau and he’s the exact same in that 😭 sorry jisung i swear this isn’t my actual perception of u 🤲
omg jisung main character energy even when he’s not the main character !! 🤩🤩 glad he stood out to you tho 💞 also tysm for calling me best writer that’s so sweet D;
BUT I HOPE YOURE DOING WELL TOO ANON !! take care and i hope you have a great day/night ♡ and happy new years/new years eve 🥰🌷
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sab-teraa · 2 years
I know you dont watch Aziz but i just wanted to share some thoughts if thats okay. Damlas fans were annoyed for several reasons, one of them being that she actually wasn't part of the main couple in Aziz (aka with Murat) as the show and production company heavily promoted it like she would be. The show is actually based off a famous show called poldark and so her character was never going to be part of the main couple anyway. Obviously ph/show tv did it purposely just because she's obviously mega famous. Also another reason her fans were annoyed was because the original screenwriter (Aziz has a new one) made her character really awful and honestly all over the place (i mean the whole script was awful to be honest). It honestly seemed like they couldn't decide on whether she was going to be a villian or not and so kept going back and forth every other episode. I understand why her fans were annoyed as they rarely posted about her on social media either (or even promotional pictures). However, that's not an excuse for the way some of her fans treated Simay Barlas (her costar). Simay Barlas has been abused on social media because she was actually part of the main couple (along side murat). She has been sent the most vile things, horrific comments from her appearance to other disturbing things. So as much as Damla's fans can be rightfully annoyed at how she was treated, at least Damla can just move on to another new project. She didn't have to deal with ANY of the stuff Simay Barlas had to face. Sorry I just went off on a tangent here 😅 didn't mean to write such a long post.
Hey hey my lovely <3 omg! Please feel free to share your thoughts and feelings with me 🤍 this is a safe spaceeeeee! 🥰🐣
Ooooooo! I totally understand damla fans in this regard. Like Damla, Nesrin is super super famous … and we too were sold a character that we never got. Till Nesrin spoke up about it 🙊
Omfg I HATE it when fans do such nonsense 💀 like??? No one deserves to be treated that way. Celebrity or not. Ugh I feel for her :( especially as a Nesrin fan, I’ve seen the vile comments thrown towards her regarding her relationship, her weight, her age (especially her age) and it’s just so 😷😷😷. Like?? Nesrin would post an advert or a random meme and people would comment/tweet such vile things?? And I’m like?? Y’all know that sahika was just a role right? 😭 we don’t really know how she is irl to be saying such. Also, I’ve also seen some so called nesrin fans throw hate to other actresses - and yeah that’s not on either.
Personally, such environments make me not want to watch anything associated with the actress/actor.
Also, no need for apologies 🥰 my replies are always so long 😭😭
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