#perfect like so many in his position tend to do. god just. i love him.
texasbama · 4 months
so much of the world right now is showcasing a polished version of themselves. And to be honest, I did it myself for so long that I've become tired of it. And I never want to present myself as a person that does everything great because there's so many things I suck at. So I think there's an opportunity within that rawness to invite others to become raw themselves. And for us to see that, you know, we're not competing with each other. We're competing with ourself and our own image of ourself.
- Ryan on how he strives to form real connection with people.
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shadykazama · 7 days
Sun Wukong/The destined one (mostly relationship) headcanons!
The people have spoken and the people crave monkey business. So let's get down to it!
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Post journey Wukong is a wiser, stronger monkey, but don't let him fool you he's still a trickster at heart.
When you first meet, he has you refer to him as 'Great Sage'.
Earning the right to say his given name isn't so much a big moment as it is just him beginning to care for you. You slip up, whether it be because you were sick or injured or just not thinking, and he doesn't correct you. In fact he kind of likes it.
He doesn't make a big deal out of it, but if you watch closely you can see his tail twitch and his eyes lost in thought.
One character flaw you'll have to deal with, even when you're just friends, is Wukong thinks he knows what's best. He's old and wisened and POWERFUL; if he thinks he knows something will be best for you, he'll do it without so much as telling you.
Credit to Hanibalistic! Their one shot about Wukong and stealing an immortal peach for a mortal reader was perfect and exactly how I think he'd act! That impulsive, "I care about this person and will do what I think is best for them regardless of the consequences or their opinion" is very... him.
Hey, we all have our flaws. (Just don't tell him that.)
On the positive side, he wouldn't let a scratch befall you. At some point you'll stop instinctually defending yourself because of how safe you feel with him. Which is heavily ironic considering how often he himself will put you in dangerous situations just to pull a prank.
But besides your poor heart from getting scared so often, you have nothing to worry about. Wukong won't leave room for even one mistake to slip by him.
Expect him to never call you by your name, almost ever. He chronically tends to call people by titles or nicknames. From calling the tang monk, master, or how he'd call Bajie 'idiot' for most of the book- just expect something. He'd only refer to you by name if he were really serious.
Something I personally find really funny that isn't represented in many medias with him is that he's OLD. He's old as hell and he knows it. In the book he'll often refer to basically everyone as 'nephew' or 'little brother' which is oddly endearing and also really funny.
I feel as though most people don't utilize how heavy he is- even in movies and stuff. His staff is like thousands of pounds! You aren't moving him unless he wants you to. God forbid you end up cuddling. Even while resting I never think he'd put his full weight on you, but you'd definitely be stuck.
Will never refuse to help you, but will tease you endlessly for needing it. "Helpless little thing aren't you?"
His love language is gift giving and acts of service.
He's impulsive with words, but look at how he treats you and you'll see how he cares.
Considering his connections, expect to have the world at your fingertips. He'll never leave you wanting, you'll always be satisfied. There is no gift beyond his reach. Just be careful what you ask for, because he WILL get it one way or another.
He is a king, a leader- it's basically second nature to be serviced, and that's why it's so important how he acts toward you. For you, he stays vigilant, ready to catch you if you fall or feed you when you're hungry. For you, he'll carry you in his arms if you're tired. For you he'd put himself in servitude.
Monkeys also show affection to one another by grabbing at each other for attention, and grooming one another's hair.
I don't think he'd have any trouble getting your attention, he's very vocal! So he'd focus more on your hair. Don't be surprised if he randomly starts combing through with his fingers or just playing with it. It's calming for him, and another form of affection.
You've changed him for the better... And for the worse. He happier, more content and occupied (which is good for everyone). BUT, should you ever disappear or get stolen from him he would surely devastate heaven and earth to get you back. The last thing anyone needs is another, more wrathful, Wukong rampage.
Expect to get shown off at every convenience! You're his king/queen and he'll make sure everyone knows it.
You have the BIGGEST wedding. And I think the best part would've been the Chuangmen, which is a wedding game tradition, usually meant for the groom to prove his loyalty, devotion, and desire to marry the bride by completing tests made by her bridesmaids. There are a ton of really interesting Chinese wedding traditions that I would recommend reading about, but with the sheer power of Wukong, these challenges in particular could've been absolutely ridiculous!
Wukong isn't jealous, no that would be ridiculous, he has nothing to fear. That by no means doesn't mean that he doesn't get offended on your behalf. He's gotten upset at not being greeted properly, there's no way in HELL he doesn't get pissed if someone were to flirt with you. They're lucky if all he does is kill them.
Feel free to make fun of him for not being able to swim. He'll absolutely make you regret it, but do it anyway it'll be funny.
Am I the only one that thinks he'd be great with kids? 🤚
Like COME ON- the dude probably helps take care of the baby monkeys on his mountain. He tells them cool stories to get them riled up. Will lay down and let them play with his hair while you read or sing to him.
Give this man kids I dare you.
That's a topic for a different post 😌
Likes kissing you on the top of the head, will also lay his forehead against yours just to be close to you.
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These two designs I really like for him! Y'all let me know in the comments which version is your favorite <3
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The destined one may look like Wukong, but they're certainly different in... most areas.
Being selectively mute makes things a good share more difficult to communicate with him than Wukong, but it has it's charms.
You'd just been... tagging along with him. He didn't mind, unlike the wolves and undead he'd been beating through, you proved no threat to him.
He figured you would just leave on your own- or die. But by some miracle even he didn't understand, you stuck by him through rain and dust storms alike. By the time you made it to the New West he felt obligated to keep you around.
For the first time since you started following him, you were actually in danger. And to both of your surprises, he dropped what he was doing to protect you.
Don't bother asking him why. Whether you do, or simply tell him thank you, he'll just wave you off. But you notice him walking closer to you than normal after that. No longer were you left to catch up with him while he sprinted off; he'd keep stride with you now, glancing at you every now and then.
He CAN talk, and he probably surprises you the first time he does. It's not even for something important. It's just one fateful night where you happen to decide to mess with his hair. You'd pull away after a moment and he'd rumble out a little, "Don't stop."
Now that you KNOW he can talk, it's even more annoying when he refuses to answer you.
He finds it amusing when you get frustrated with him about it. He can't help it. The whole time you're grumbling or ranting at him, he's just staring at you with his stoic face... thinking about how cute you are.
Feel free to give him a name. Not like he'll argue with whatever you pick-
But really, please call him something other than "the destined one". He'd never really needed a name before, but he'd treasure whatever you decide to call him.
He probably has a nickname for you too, he just only says it in his head...
Will click his tongue at you to get your attention. (Absolutely does the 'tsk tsk tsk' thing people do to call their cats)
Speaking of getting your attention- ^ remember how monkeys show affection by just kind of grabbing each other and squeezing and pressing their head against each other?
Yeeeeah. He's a touchy monkey. He won't ask for affection, so he kind of just does it himself. Will rub his head on you, not unlike how cats or rabbits do to mark things they like. Except he's just doing it to be affectionate.
Gets cuteness aggression and WILL just grab you.
If it wasn't obvious, his love languages are physical touch and quality time.
Doesn't need help putting armor on, but if you want to help he won't stop you. (The closeness makes his heart beat fast)
If you were ever both in a bad spot- being threatened and not in a place to put up a good fight, he'd cover your body with his and bare his fangs at whatever was trying to hurt you guys to intimidate it. (It probably wouldn't work- but it's an instinctual response.)
If your feet got cold in the snow in the New West he'd pick you up and let you rest on his back for awhile.
Likes when you rely on him like that, it makes him feel stronger. And besides it just "being his destiny", knowing you'll get hurt if he loses helps him focus during fights.
Terribly jealous individual.
The glare he would give someone is straight up deadly. Watch out for how his tail flicks around when he's irritated too 🤭.
Absolutely adores the sound of your voice, it could bring him out of a coma fr.
Doesn't mind being little or big spoon, he just likes cuddling. Wraps his tail around you when you do.
Always always makes sure you eat before he does, even though he's the one doing all the fighting.
Will let you win play fights (most of the time).
Hearing him laugh is the cutest thing ever I swear- It probably took you off guard the first time you manage it.
Doesn't know how to take compliments.
Probably short circuited the first time you complimented his appearance.
Very gentle, slow kisser. Likes having you in his lap, but will grab cheeky kisses every now and then too. Will tilt your chin up when you kiss, every time.
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Art by @marcu-bug
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ariestarfairy · 1 year
Did Mystra Groom Gale?
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My answer to that is, it's complicated, or perhaps not in the conventional way that people tend to think grooming happens. When I see posts about Gale being groomed it's accompanied by the assertion that Mystra found Gale when he was a child and was his mentor first. From a timeline perspective this doesn't make sense, we would have to throw out so much lore. Mystra was murdered by Cyric in 1385 initiating the Spellplague, she didn't come back until the events of the Sundering, so around 1479. Baldur's Gate 3 takes place in 1492. The earliest she could have met Gale would have been 1479/1480 which gives us a time frame of their relationship possibly being around 11-12 years. If we conclude that Gale is ~30 years old then the youngest Gale could have been is 17. If we conclude that Gale is ~35 years old then the youngest Gale could have been is 22. This lines up with Gale referring to himself as a very young man, not a child, when the events of their relationship took place. Also Gale makes another comment that suggests that he likely wasn't a child during his relationship with Mystra. If you romance Gale, he remarks that he had lovers before Mystra, but not after. If we assume that Gale met Mystra as a child then Gale would have to be much younger than we think he is. Now onto the subject of Mystra and Gale's relationship, adult grooming is a thing and the power imbalance is very real. A teacher getting into a relationship with a student is also problematic in any relationship where there is a teacher and student dynamic. Mystra has a history of changing and removing abilities from her servants and chosen, often times without their consent. This clearly illustrates an exploitative relationship. Also Gale, in all of his naivety of youth, perceived his relationship with Mystra way differently than Mystra did. Mystra has many chosen and most of them do not know one another. He thought she loved him, but he was amusement for her for a time until he messed up and she denounced him. Not only that but in order to maybe, possibly, earn her "forgiveness" Gale has to kill himself and even then forgiveness isn't assured. That's a steep price to pay. If you think Mystra is a good soul and Gale is a horrible person who stomped all over her boundaries, then you you need to learn more about Mystra's gross meddling with mortals. She is by no means innocent and has not only stomped on boundaries, she has done things that cross way over into non-consensual. The Gods are gross, Mystra is not an exception because she's a Goddess and presents as a woman, she's not vulnerable nor is she helpless. She is in the position to exploit and demand and she does it frequently. What also really gets me is how Gale gets labeled as being manipulative and abusive and Astarion is a beacon of perfection. He's not, he targets your character just to manipulate them, and that is his MO for a huge chunk of the game. His tragedy and changing over the course of the game doesn't reverse that, but it's somehow overlooked? Of course you have to view a person in terms of a snapshot. Looking at Gale based on a snapshot within his relationship with Mystra does not make him toxic and it does not mean that he was the abuser. Of course because Astarion was abused by a man, it's a different story, but Gale is a male character stepping on a woman's (Goddess) boundary, so he's necessarily toxic. It doesn't occur to people who play BG3, who have very little knowledge when it comes to the Gods in Faerun that Mystra is truly toxic and that a man can be abused and manipulated by a woman (Goddess) . Don't misunderstand, I love Astarion just as much as I love Gale, but I think it's a double standard to vilify Gale (who WAS mistreated by Mystra) and lionize Astarion while ignoring his machinations towards you in the beginning. Astarion is a classic case of hurt people hurt people, it explains his behavior but it shouldn't be ignored in criticisms of other characters. He's not perfect, if he were he would be boring and not nearly as interesting.
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eldritch-spouse · 7 months
How would Belo be with a cult leader s/o?
She already has followers consisting of both monsters and humans who rave about how perfect she is, and they think Belo is a testament to that.
I mean, not just anyone can receive the affection of an angel; she must be akin to a god!
There is a hierarchy in the cult, and Belo is at the top of it. He can rest his head on her lap and watch as the others worship the very ground his lady walks on (he doesn't have a choice; the leader demands it this physical contact, otherwise she will be unhappy the whole day).
They validate Belo in every thought he has of his lady and also obey him as he is basically the leader's right hand (or so he believes, but in reality, they respect him so much because he is their leader's precious).
And what if more angels started coming out of the woodwork to serve his lady? If he was able to handle the cultists, surely this would be a stretch.
I can just imagine the cultists praising Belo as they dress him up in lingerie fitting to their leader's taste, then tie him up, mindful of his wings, and leave him in his lady's quarters. His lady comes in and gets on top of him, caressing his wings and whispering something about being her 'pretty little canary' and 'give yourself to me, show me your devotion.'.
This is the ideal situation for Belo.
Unlike most angels, who tend to have a mindset favorable to sharing with other celestials, Belo gets intoxicated when he realizes he's the only holy entity in a location, that he no longer has to share, that his tier hardly matters because he's the only celestial present and automatically the authority in a plethora of matters. He feels special in a way he never has before and his ego swells almost incomprehensibly.
Which is exactly why he's living his best life in this situation. Not only are you a sacred being, your generosity blinds you to the misdeeds of your own following. My Lady they are clumsy, obliviously disrespectful, they hold no discipline! Someone who is built to serve and protect needs to teach them how to behave, how to conduct themselves before you and how to make sure that your love is not for naught.
It's only right that Belo be the only one allowed to touch you. His holy nature makes him incapable of corrupting you, and others live through him their own lecherous, selfish fantasies of being your favored.
With him at the helm of many secondary areas and tasks, your cult blossoms like the loveliest lotus and gains a level of steadfast efficiency previously unforeseen.
The arrival of other angels... Complicates things. They're immediately perceived as threats to Belo's position.
You may not know this, but he's only a power. If there's a dominion, throne or, Eden forbid, a seraphim... By their own laws, Belo could have to step down and allow the worshiper-tiers to overrule him in the hierarchy.
And he goes half-mad at the idea.
That's not happening.
No tier can understand and service you better than him, and Belo will personally confront the more powerful celestials about this. There is a very special balance here, in your wonderful garden of light, where the rank of an angel is not what makes them worthy of your love and guidance. Belo may be just a power outside of these blessed grounds, but in them, he is your second in command, your favored, your fighter, your whorshiper, your guardian. He's your everything.
And though he may celebrate the arrival of more angels beside you, he makes sure they always remember their place.
He's determined to keep this perfect balance.
In your name, he thinks as he placidly remains in position, bottom eye counting the patterns on his service gown and the jewelry on his spread wings, everything in your name.
This won't be like before. He's doing so much better now, the cultists are behaving perfectly, the workflow is stable and satisfactory, the other angels are impeccable. You wouldn't leave them. Not when everything is immaculate, when mistakes are non-existent. This time will he different.
You enter the room, and his thoughts vanish.
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lovelytsunoda · 17 days
chateau ( feel alright ) | kyle kirkwood
summary: powers out in andretti house. stuck working together on a project for their business marketing class, kyle and yn find themselves stuck in his dorm with no lights and no heating
pairing: college!kyle kirkwood x college! reader
warnings: you’ve heard of only one bed, get ready for only one ✨blanket✨ santino slander (and rightly so). kyle is such a himbo my lordy I love him. kinda slow burn since they don’t kiss right until the end (sort like in my other Kyle fic lmao)
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there was a certain kind of charm to kyle kirkwoods dorm room at andretti house.
sure, the florida panthers jersey hung above the couch screamed ‘frat boy’ and he had an impressive collection of shot glasses lined up underneath the tv, and since he and his roommate were both hockey players, the main room tended to stink of sweaty locker room as they liked their gear in a corner, but it was proof that people lived there.
kyle never would have been her first choice as partner for this assignment, but she didn’t have many friends left in the program, and they’d all paired up with each other. lest she get paired with santino, who was so much of an asshole that she would rather get hit by a bus than work on a mid term with him, she’d turned to the boy who was sitting behind her and asked if he had a partner yet.
kyle thought he was crazy for saying yes. typically he paired with colton and the two of them somehow wrangled their way to an a-minus. everybody knew that professor rahal was a hardass, so every choice in partner counted.
but when he saw her pretty, pleading eyes behind those wire rimmed glasses, he couldn’t find it in him to turn her down.
“according to the simulation, social media interaction including view counts is higher when we post reel-like content.”
kyle was barely listening, watching as her delicate fingers tracked across the keyboard. her earrings were little gold pumpkins, they complimented her skin nicely. everything about her was warm and inviting.
he’d let her connect to the dorms small speaker system, and she’d chosen a britpop playlist, an early oasis song playing softly in the background. it wasn’t something he’d thought she’d listen to, but now that he could see her tapping her fingernails on the keyboard while she hummed along, it just seemed to make perfect sense, fitting in perfectly with his vision of her.
kyle kirkwood was totally and utterly infatuated with her.
“kyle?” she asked softly “are you listening to me?”
he blinked rapidly, trying to remember what she had asked. “yes, right, you were talking about short form video content and engagement.”
“I’m impressed.” she smiled. “you’re smarter than you look, kirkwood.”
“I aim to please.”
“good. now give me a hand with this next bit.”
she beckoned kyle over with two fingers, making space for him in the rug next to the coffee table. their mismatched dollar-store mugs of coffee were empty on the table behind her laptop, papers and notebooks spread out across the table.
“now, for this part here-“ she was cut off by an ominous beep, all the lights in the dormitory shutting off one by one.
the clocks on the stovetop and microwave shut off soon after, the living room illuminated only by her laptop, which now proudly displayed the “no internet” message.
“shit.” she cursed, leaning back against the couch. “the outage crashed the simulation.”
“well,” kyle tried to stay positive. “there’s got to be something that we can do in the meantime. truth or dare? never have i ever?”
she laughed, head in her hands. she could smell his cologne from here. well, she was sure it more like aerosol deodorant. something strong, like axe or lynx.
“what are you, five?”
all kyle could smell was her. vanilla and cinnamon. she was intoxicating.
“yeah. five heads taller than you.”
she paused, looking at him with a confused glance before she burst out laughing. god, he loved hearing her laugh. “kyle, that’s so bad!”
kyle laughed along with her until he felt the temperature in the flat had dropped markedly. he could see her shiver, his protective instincts jumping out.
he pushed himself up from the floor, disappearing into his small room. there wasn’t much in there. just some hockey gear, a desk, a twin bed and a rickety bookshelf. there was a plush blanket folded up at the foot of the bed, which he grabbed after pulling a cable knit sweater over his head.
he went back into the living room, gently draping the blanket over he shoulders.
“better?” he asked quietly, feeling some kind of intimacy that definitely wasn’t there before. his hand still rested on her upper back, warm and grounding through the blanket as she pulled it around her shoulders.
“warmer, yeah.” she turned to face him, rubbing at the corner of her eye. “what do we do now?”
“we could watch a movie or something until the power comes back on.” kyle suggested. “logan isn’t supposed to be back until later, you can stay as long as you want.”
he really didn’t want her to leave. in fact, he wanted her to stay forever, turn his silly dorm into a home. he wanted to be with her for as long as possible.
“I suppose so. It’s not like we can do anything constructive, and I don’t want the night to be a total write off. do you have a dvd player?”
Kyle raised an eyebrow. “you do?”
“it’s to watch my criminal minds box set.”
“I was just going to use my cell phone data. I have unlimited.” kyle said, switching on netflix. “what did you want to see?”
“how much do you like matthew mcconaughey and have you ever heard of the lincoln lawyer?” she grinned. “it’s one of my favourite legal thrillers.”
Kyle pulled up the movie as she shut her laptop, propping the phone up against one of the empty mugs. they settled in next to each other, hands resting on the ground with a conspicuous gap between them.
she yearned to reach over and take Kyle’s hand in hers, but the idea of being flirted with just made her fell so awkward and uncomfy. she just wanted a warm, comfortable love, but she supposed she had to start somewhere.
she inches her pink in finger towards Kyle’s multiple times before eventually bringing her hand back and settling it in her lap, pulling the blanket tighter.
Kyle turned to look at her, the way her face was illuminated in the soft blue light. on the screen, tv lawyer mickey haller was meeting with a new client in the county lockup. Kyle was mesmerized at the soft concentration on her face, the way her face was gently scrunched with focus.
a shiver ran through his body, and he found himself reaching for a corner of the blanket.
“Kyle.” she laughed. god, Kyle would do anything to hear that laugh again. “this is my blanket. go get your own.”
he was so fucking whipped.
“what if I miss something important?” he tried to give her his best impression at puppy dog eyes. “you’d have to explain the whole movie to me, I’d be so lost.”
she smiled, rolling her eyes. “fine.” she unwrapped herself, tossing one end of the panthers blanket to the man next to her. “but don’t be a blanket hog.”
“I make no promises.”
they had to move closer together to be able to properly share the blanket with each other. their Jean clad legs were almost touching, a nervous energy surrounding the duo as they kept their eyes trained on kyle’s iphone.
“Kyle?” she asked quietly, voice barely audible. “would it be strange if I said I wanted to kiss you right now?”
Kyle turned to face her, reaching over to pause the movie. “I’d actually like that a lot.” he smiled nervously, reaching out to hold her face.
her skin was soft, and she keener into his touch, biting back a sigh.
when he kissed her, it felt warm and inviting. a comforting addition to her life, rather than fireworks and burst of electricity that would have disrupted it. his lips were soft as they moved against hers, and it felt like coming home.
she sighed under his touch, reaching out to gently run her fingers through his hair.
she didn’t want to stop kissing him.
and he didn’t want to stop kissing her.
Kyle’s face was rosy, or it would have been if she could see anything.
“you’re really good at that.” he whispered into the dark, totally in awe of the woman in front of him.
“I dunno, I think I need a bit more practice.” she joked, hand resting on his knee. “maybe you could help me out.”
“gladly.” he beamed, leaning in to kiss her again.
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princelylove · 4 months
Hello prince, long time no see
Actually I always here, reading your work everyday and adore how perfect and beautiful your writing is 🌹
Since your request box is open now, can I ask for some spicy headcanon for Pucci please? I know he is a man of god but he can has some dark side too right. I think he has virgin kink and corrupted kink. Maybe size kink because why not (in the anime, his height actually the same with Jotaro). I'd love to hear your opinion about him, thank you so much your highness 🙇‍♀️
~ 🏵️ anon ~
Hii, dear 🏵️ anon. Drop by more often, won't you?
Virginity kinks and corruption kinks are commonly placed onto priests and other religious types- but Enrico is someone that doesn't mind getting his own hands dirty. I don't think he looks for his partner- well, his darling- to be the most pristine either. His relationship with DIO wasn't built on pinky promises and hush-hush conversations, it was built on Enrico fully knowing his wrongdoings and accepting him anyway.
Enrico's relationship with Perla is different. He wanted to shelter her, to protect her, but he's aware that she's only human and going to grow up one day.
Just, not today. And neither are you.
It depends on the sort of darling Enrico finds himself enamored with. Enrico could develop a number of relationships- he finds himself preoccupied with DIO, but what if he found someone like him? What if he found someone else to put on a pedestal, what if he found a new way of life?
Enrico has a bit of a thing for service, despite comfortably telling DIO "no" on the regular. It's not that he thinks he's lower than him or his darling, it's more so about the action of taking care of someone. It's intimate, it's a wonderful feeling to provide for someone else to the point where they forget why outside is off-limits.
To Enrico, there's no better feeling. He can keep you enriched in your enclosure. Chess, philosophy, religious discussion, there's plenty of things to do and talk about. You're just a little angel, aren't you? This is much better than trying to wrangle someone that was never going to listen to him... oh, never mind that.
Enrico is pleased with your curiosity and willingness to at least humor him. He has to bite his tongue whenever you blindly trust him- he lies fairly often, most times just to get a reaction, and yet here you are, practically eating out of his hand.
Maybe he does have a bit of a thing for innocence. Perhaps he does have a thing for sheltering his darling, finally getting to keep his obsession in one place, safe and sound. He just finds the idea to be cute.
Enrico does not have very many fetishes or kinks, he doesn't really think of sex that often. It's human to participate or not participate, it's just not something he thinks about prior to being with his darling.
No matter how tempting he finds you to be, he will abstain until you're husband and spouse. He tends to prefer positions like missionary for traditional, penetrative sex, but he doesn't mind getting on his knees to service you just one bit.
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winterstellars · 2 years
sins of the son | aemond targaryen
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15,179w | aemond x fem!reader (can also be read as nameless oc) | 12.7.22 | part 2 here
Aemond does not know how long she has been in King’s Landing. She could have been living in the capitol for years without him knowing. One day she practically does not exist, and the next, she does. Almost as if she has materialized out of nothingness.
He notices her at prayers first. She sits next to one of his mother’s ladies-in-waiting. While the other girl sits with closed eyes and a bowed head, her eyes are wide open. She stares at the candles that surround the altar, so still that he swears she could be made of marble until her eyelids waver just slightly. He has not prayed since the Gods rejected his pleas for them to restore his eye, so he watches her. Out of boredom. Out of intrigue. They seem to be the only ones present in the sept; everyone else is wrapped up in the Gods. When she catches him staring, she stares right back.
Aegon knows nothing about her—his attentions lie elsewhere, they have never taken an interest in the same woman—but Helaena does.
“Her family sent her here to be legitimized,” she tells him. “She helps me with the babies. Jaehaera loves her.”
He fills in the pieces that his sister is too sweet to say: that a highborn parent with a guilty conscience likely sent her to the capitol to be kept out of sight. It would explain her lack of standing, her relegation to the ends of lines and edges of gatherings. Common, but not really. Noble, but not quite.
When the ladies of the court convene in the gardens for an embroidery session, he catches a glimpse of her. He does not mean to linger, having intended to go down to the rocky shore at the foot of the Red Keep where Vhagar often rests, but he studies her from a distance. The flowers and greenery bob in the wind, obscuring her profile. He can just make out a fern taking shape on her fabric.
Her hand jolts and his heart squeezes in his chest. It feels as though his spying is the cause, even if it is only a needle prick. She brings her finger to her mouth and sucks the blood away. He has to force himself to continue walking.
Flying tends to clear his head. Today is an exception. As Vhagar swoops above King’s Landing, he finds himself thinking about his blood. He has tasted it many times during sparring accidents. He remembers the warmth of it when his nephew slashed his eye out. There was so much of it that it ran down his face and gathered on his lips. He wonders what her blood would taste like. If it would be different from his.
It is evening, weeks later, when they cross paths in one of the lower corridors in the Red Keep. She stands aside for him but does not hide her face as others do. He knows he ought to keep walking. This. . . curiosity is not wise. He stops anyway. One conversation will not harm him.
“My lady.”
“Prince Aemond.” She holds a small bunch of flowers, little pink blooms with petals that seem to open in perfect geometric patterns.
“A gift from a suitor?” He gestures to the little bouquet.
“Oh, yes. I’m positively besieged by them.”
A grin plays at the corners of her mouth. People do not speak to him this way. Servants try to address him in as few words as possible and his family has their set habits: his mother’s clipped sentences that seem to end just short of what she wants to say, Helaena and her little riddles, his grandfather and his careful candor. Wry humor is not their way, and he can remember all too well the years when he functioned as the target of his brother’s and nephews’ jokes. Criston Cole may be a decent sparring partner in the training yard, but he is not much for sparring with words.
“What is it that the Gods advise?” He may not be as religious as his mother, but he has always had a gift for memorizing bits of text. “Let no maiden be tempted by wanton attentions, lest her thoughts become sinful and her flesh tainted.”
���Well, who am I to argue with the Gods? Consider me warned.” She offers a brief, practiced curtsy. “Good evening to you, my prince.”
She has not taken two steps when he calls after her. “I will escort you.”
“That is kind of you, but there is no need.” She points to a door at the end of the hallway, presumably her chambers. “Though I hear the city is lawless, I truly doubt I will be attacked between here and there.”
“As you wish.” He turns as she does, though he pauses and looks over his shoulder until she reaches her destination.
Disappointment settles in his stomach, which he immediately reprimands himself for. At most, he could have insisted on accompanying her and bought himself a few extra moments in her presence. Enough to ask about the flowers or her embroidery. It is trivial, he tells himself. Naturalized though she may be, she is a bastard girl and he is a prince and a dragonrider. The more she sees of him, the sooner he will frighten her away.
When he is trying to fall asleep, he sees her eyes piercing into him from across the sept. His entire body crawls at the sensation of it. She is undoing him, opening him, turning him inside out. He sleeps without dreams and wakes up wanting more.
read the rest on AO3
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mask131 · 1 year
not sure if you're still doing the mieruko-chan ghost analyses, but an idea for if/when you cover the horse living room ghost again: I believe it's ANOTHER spirit form of her late father. Just as the more human form represents his love and humanity, the horse spirit could express his negative qualities (duty and independence to a fault, and the great deformity expressive of his untold woes/regrets). It'd also casually explain why it lingers in Miko's house specifically, seems to fixate on the wife's cooking, generally isn't hostile towards Miko nor her father's spirit, and also why Mamoru himself seems to be so casual with it! There's a lot of symbolism in horses in japan/shinto religion too, far too much to cover in this ask, so I'd be curious to see your thoughts on that when you have the time :) Also, I love deep dive analyses like the stuff you put out. Earned a follower.
Hi! Thank you very much. I unfortunately placed the series on hiatus for now - my series of post, not the manga series of course X) I still read the chapters faithfully, but having to list down all the ghosts, constantly thinking about every of them to link all of them together, and editing each scan, can take a lot of effort. There are just so many spirits and ghosts and clues throughout this manga - I find myself forgetting half of it some times X)
That being said your theory is quite interesting. I never thought of the idea that a ghost could be "split" into two, especially since most of those we saw before were "whole"... But we have so many strange things happening, anything is possible.
My personal inclination would be that maybe this horse entity is some sort of agent of death or minor afterlife spirit - similar in nature to the butler tending the "waiting lines", or to the grim reaper that has recently popped up in the latest chapters, or the monstrous entity that was pulling the wheelchair in the hospital. One of the "shinigami" entities, so to speak. I mostly thought of this due to the protectiveness he expressed towards the dad's ghost, coupled with how he could interact in a dominating position against the entity covering Michiru, whatever this thing is. It reminded me of how the other "shinigami" creatures truly gave no shit about the other ghosts no matter how hostile they are. This, superposed with Miko's latest question raised in the new chapter "Why is my father here? What holds him back here?" makes me think the horse-creature might be some sort of "guardian angel" or "protective spirit" here to escort him/accompany him/guard him until he has done whatever he has to do... But again, things are not so clear-cut because we also saw positive ghosts do the same with malevolent entities - such as how the ghost of the dead child told the river-god-like entity to just feck off when it tried to (devour?) Hana.
But again, I guess I personally lean more towards the "otherwordly" spirit theory because for me the horse and ghosts association when it comes to Japan is "Horse Face", from the "Horse Face and Ox Head" duo. This horse creature could be some sort of take on this mythological entity, being a reversed "Horse Face" as rather a human-faced horse-like creature... But I am just theorizing and rambling X)
I do want to continue and go back to my ghost analysis of Mieruko-Chan because this world is so fascinating - and it works as a perfect homage to the J-horror movies involving ghosts - but I don't think a "case by case, chapter by chapter" analisys truly works. I was thinking of maybe switching it to more "general" rules and trends we can notice, now that we have a pretty big number of chapters and volumes. I'll see how things go!
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psych0-str1ngs · 1 year
blunts and tarot - Sam Kiszka x f!reader
Authors Note: Ik they made the tarot video awhile but the vid has come up on my tt fyp so many times and I have yet to write for sam so... Yeah.
Warnings: No smut, weed involved, and cursing
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Now, you and Sam have been dating for a while now, 4 years to be exact. He of course knew your involvedness in the occult, he understood that tarot, and other witchy things were almost an esoteric topic. He always showed interest in it, and listened to your little rants about what you had seen in your meditation sessions and such. Of course, he couldn't really understand, but he always tried his best.
He'd sit next to you on the bed, watching your hands shuffle one of your many tarot decks, honestly he just enjoyed having the pleasure of watching you focus. The way your eyebrows furrowed, and the way you bit the inside of your cheek made his bubbly inside. Tonight, he finally asked for a tarot card reading.
"You know babe," Sam started, pausing to take a long drag from the blunt you had rolled. "You should give me a tarot card reading"
You giggled, taking the blunt from his long slightly calloused fingers.
"Finally, the all seeing Sam Kiszka has asked for a reading," You took a puff from the sunshine roll. Of course you weren't gonna admit it, but you always loved that he showed interest and support for your hobbies.
You handed the blunt back to Sam and got off the bed, taking a short few steps to the drawer where you kept your oracle and tarot cards. Eyes scanning the deep drawer, you set your eyes on the perfect deck, smiling you pick up the deck.
You walked back over to the bed, sitting with your legs crossed in front of your boyfriend. He looked at you, eyes half open, skin slightly glowing an orange hue from the candle lit bedroom. Opening the deck of cards, you start shuffling them. He stares at your tiny hands, splitting the deck, and shuffling them together again. You look up for a second, making direct eye contact with Sam, his deep brown eyes glistening with a spark of pure love. You felt your stomach fill with butterflies. You giggled out loud.
"What?" Sam smiled.
"You make me feel like a school girl sometimes," You said leaning over the cards to peck him lightly. He pulled back and smirked.
"I tend to have that affect on women," He laughed.
"Oh yeah," You laughed and rolled your eyes.
You splayed out the cards on the duvet, looking up at Sam.
"Pick a card," You said, taking a drag off of the almost dead blunt.
He leaned forward from his spot on the fluffy pillows. Sam ran his finger tips over each of the cards, carefully considering each card, his hand stopped, picking up a card.
"Do I look at it?" He asked, connecting his eyes with yours again.
"Mhm" you hummed.
the chariot
He stared at the card, not knowing what it meant, "The Chariot?" He said in a questioning manner.
"Ah," You smiled "Basically it means you've reached a good balance, you're extremely successful."
He smiled, putting the card back with the others, gathering the cards into a pile. At some point, you had moved from your position on the bed to go look at the full moon. Sam walked up behind you, wrapping his lanky arms around your waist and setting his head on your shoulder.
"She's so beautiful," You said, looking at the lunar body in the sky.
"Just like you," He mumbled kissing your neck. "I'm hungry"
"Me too," You giggled.
Walking over to the bed you grab the cards, putting them back into the box and putting them back into the door. You blew out the candles and walked out to the kitchen with Sam.
"woah now, we aint cooking," He said
"What, why not?" You turned, eyes drooping, you were too high.
"I dont think either one of us is sober enough to even think about cooking." He flashed a dopey smile "Let's doordash something."
Your eyes widened at the idea. "You are a gift sent from god my love." You kissed his cheek and grabbed your phone out of your pocket. Both of you plopped on the couch, choosing what to eat. Fifty dollars, and 20 minutes in, you had ordered food from about three resteraunts. Sushi, pizza, pasta, everything. You placed the order and set your phone down. Resting your head on Sam's shoulder, you grabbed a blanket and the remote from the coffee table.
You waited for about thirty minutes, and at some point Sam's mouth was dangling open slightly, soft snores escaping past his 'O' shaped lips. You giggled before hearing the doorbell ring. Sam perked up immediately, almost like a dog.
"Is that the food?" He asked, immediately wide awake.
You full on laughed at the fact that he was dead asleep just a second ago. You nodded and opened the door, grabbing the bags of food off of the door step.
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stregoniconiconii · 1 year
steve for the the character ask <3
1: sexuality headcanon: I received a message from god in 2016 when Steve appeared on my screen. the message was that he was bisexual. and I never doubt god's good word ! anyway I dont think Steve is particularly angsty about being bisexual? like I think he was always somewhat aware of his attraction to both but knew stepping outside of the box would be dangerous . tbhh I think he prefers women most of the time and it takes a minute for him to upgrade from hooking up with men to dating men. most of all he's kind of a slut <3 matching with robin he is also a bit gender weird ! mostly cool with being a hot guy but on some level she is also a hot girl. sometimes that level is sometimes a girl, sometimes it's always a girl . depends on what im feeling <3
2: otp: I do enjoy a good steddie thank u Eddie for being a canon male character that I can actually see Steve with <3 there's also this one omc...Henry Sinclair you will always be famous. sometimes I forget that ur not canon...in my head one of his more long term girlfriends/maybe wife?? in adulthood is this really cool and hot paramedic called Lucille <3 she was his boss lol
3: brotp: now I wonder....it's robin it's always robin . platonically married he'd carry her kids if he had the equipment for it and they are everything to each other ! also I desperately want stobickie to be a fun little trio in s5 pls happen <3 ofc there are many platonic relationships for Steve that I love, his brotherly relationship with dustin and max is so <3 and he's a lil mentor to Lucas and bullied by erica <3 in my heart he is also part of the Byers-Hopper clan, particularly a fatherly relationship with hopper. I WISH stoncy actually developed a strong friendship but maybe there's still a chance in s5. also. I will forever be intrigued by his friendship with Tommy and carol I know they got up to some insane shit
4: notp: harringrove mostly I just think Steve finds racism extremely unattractive . I'd say stancy but the truth is I kinda like them in a fail marriage way. nobody gets them tho
5: first headcanon that pops into my head: mommy issues Steve my beloved <3 I think steve's relationship with his mother ended up informing so many of his future relationships. specifically I see a sort of emotional incest between them where Steve ended up kind of playing the role of husband to his mom since his dad was away being a bad husband. obviously not a good situation for a kid to be in with their parent bc it robs them of being a kid. but basically this put Steve in a position of providing even to the point of hurting himself, which ended up opening him up to being vulnerable to codependent relationships. I think elements of codependency follow Steve in a lot of his relationships, especially can see it with his friendship to Tommy and carol, a little bit with Nancy, and also a bit with robin too (I tend to exaggerate it with robin bc I think its fun lol)
6: favorite line from this character: aaaah one of my favourite Steve moments is s2 Steve with the kids at the junkyard I love him <3 also he's so funny I can't just pick one line
7: one way in which I relate to this character: I also miss a lot of stuff when ppl are speaking auditory processing disorder my beloved <3
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character: nothing he's perfect and he's earnest and he's full of love
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?: problematic fave in the sense that he's done some problematic things but cinnamon roll because actually he's done nothing wrong ever
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silvanils · 2 years
a ward against the wind’s chill
a prompt fill for @nirnwrote​​
Relationships: Farkas x Aril, Aril & Vilkas, Vilkas & Farkas Rating: G Content Warnings: none! this is pure fluff!
This takes place fairly early in their relationship - not long after Farkas has started spending more nights at Aril’s place than his quarters at Jorrvaskr, and a while before Aril joins the Circle.
If you’d prefer to read on Ao3, you can find the story here!
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Farkas awakened just after dawn to  the warm, sweet scent of Aril’s favorite spiced tea drifting up from the kitchen. He couldn’t hold back a grin as he got up and tugged on one of Aril’s soft, fluffy robes — his heart felt warm and soft today, too.
As he made his way down the stairs, the morning light was starting to drift in through the cottage’s windows. One ray of light fell across the back of Aril’s bowed head, illuminating his snow-bright hair… and Farkas went still without even meaning to, appreciating the beauty of the moment.
Aril was sitting in a strange position, one leg curled up to hold the cloth he was working on — a grey-wool scarf, it looked like, still in-progress. He had a strand of yarn looped around his right-hand while his left was busy working with a hooked needle, growing the cloth a little more with each swift-stitch.
His lips quirked into a little smile as he glanced up from his work, his sky-blue gaze just as soft and warm as the morning sun. “Good morning,” Aril said. “I made enough tea for two.”
Farkas grinned as he made his way over to the stove. An empty cup was already sitting by the kettle, waiting for him, and as he filled it with tea he felt the joy and affection in his heart spill-over.
Gods, I love this man.
“How did I get so lucky?” he asked aloud, beaming as he turned to face Aril again. “I didn’t know you could knit! Is there anything you can’t do?”
Aril laughed, shaking his head. “This is crochet, dear. Ironically, knitting is something I could never wrap my head around. Two needles was too many for me.” He tugged more yarn up, sighing contently. “I find this work is more forgiving of the occasional mistake, too. I’m far from perfect.”
“I beg to differ,” Farkas scoffed quietly, taking a seat across from him. Aril was blushing, now, and that was absolutely adorable. “I mean, look at that! That’s amazing. I wish I could make my own scarves!”
Aril’s ears perked up just a little as he smirked, in the impish way Farkas was beginning to realize meant he was being coy about something. He arched one of his eyebrows and leaned in. “Alright, spill it.”
“This scarf isn’t for me,” Aril admitted. “It’s a gift. For someone’s birthday. Of course, I had made one already, but… I didn’t want the other twin to feel left out, so…”
Farkas blinked, the puzzle pieces finally falling into place. “Wait — ”
Before he could say more, however, Aril had paused his work to pull a neatly-folded scarf out from behind his back. It was made of grey wool, too, but embellished with little stripes of the lovely periwinkle-blue he’d begun to associate with Aril.
“Happy birthday, love,” Aril said. “I hope it keeps you a little warmer in these cold months.”
Around noon, Aril and Farkas finally left home and meandered through the Whiterun market as they made their way to Jorrvaskr — and Aril smiled each time his eyes fell on Farkas, taking in the sight of him wearing his new gift.
A ward against the wind’s chill.
It was an old belief his grandmother passed on to him: that there is a special kind of magic in the act of crafting something with your own hands for someone you love. Each step of the creation becomes a prayer.
Stay safe. Stay warm. I love you.
In his hands, those prayers do tend to become enchantments. Both the scarf Farkas now wore and the newly-finished one Aril had tucked in his pack had mild wards against chill and magic worked into them. After all, no matter what the nords might claim… Aril’s sure they are not completely immune to winter’s cold.
His own heart was warmed, now, seeing Farkas wear his gift with such pride.
“That’s a pretty scarf,” Carlotta said, smiling as Farkas perused her stand. “It suits you.”
“Thanks,” Farkas said, grinning as he gestured toward Aril. “He made it!”
Aril knew he was blushing, now — the awe and praise in that simple statement was too much for him to handle, and the way Carlotta’s expression softened as she looked at them, now, together…
“How sweet,” she said, chuckling as she passed each of them a fresh apple. “Here. These are on the house, today.”
The whole city was bustling with activity and the scents of baking — the last big harvest was well underway, now, and Aril was astonished by how efficiently the people of Whiterun were preparing for winter.
When Farkas gave him a curious look, Aril reached out to thread their arms together and smiled up at him. “I was just recalling harvest-time in Anvil. It was never this busy, but… winters there are milder, and the sea provides bounty year-round.”
Farkas placed one of his hands over Aril’s, and it felt like a promise. “Don’t worry,” Farkas said, his voice soft. “I’ll make sure you…”
Before he could finish, though, his brother’s voice rang out from the steps leading to the mead hall. “Farkas! There you are! I was wondering when you’d show up!” As Farkas turned to face Vilkas, he didn’t release Aril’s hand — and Aril, already blushing, flushed more as the way he was tugged along by the motion made him stumble a little.
Vilkas raised his eyebrows. “I see you brought Aril, too.”
“Hello, Vilkas,” Aril said, clearing his throat. As close as he’d grown to Farkas these past few weeks, Vilkas remained distant and aloof. Aril wasn’t sure how to change that. “It’s, ah, good to see you?”
“He has something for you,” Farkas cut in, gently nudging Aril to step forward. “A gift.”
Vilkas raised his eyebrows even more. “Oh? Really? Now this I must see.”
Aril reluctantly let go of Farkas so he could take the little scarf-bundle out of his pack. He’d tied a bright blue ribbon around it, but the soft grey-wool of the scarf was still clearly visible. Bundled up inside it were a few extra surprises — a book he knew Vilkas had been wanting to add to his collection, and a sachet filled with a herbal tea blend of his own making.
“Happy birthday, Vilkas,” Aril said, holding it out. “I hope you like it.”When Vilkas took it, he held it as though it were some priceless artifact. After he tugged the cloth open to see what was inside, his expression grew softer than Aril had ever seen it — and the resemblance between him and Farkas was undeniably clear.
“Thank you,” Vilkas sighed. “This is… very thoughtful.”
And as he draped the scarf around his neck, Aril felt as sense of calm wash over him, as though he’d finally left behind a rocky, turbulent sea.
Stay warm. Stay safe. I love you, too.
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theabysscomeshome · 2 years
For the meme, Venti, Zhongli, Ei, and Nahida. Archon squad let's goooo
I'll do my best.
Sexuality Headcanon: Who even knows. Does wind have sex? Does he still think about sex the way a wind spirit would? Did he just adopt his bard friend's sexuality as his own and move on? We just don't know. Gender Headcanon: Pretty sure that if Venti ever thinks about gender it's only to think up ways he can make it as chaotic and unorthodox as possible, because Something Something Freedom, amirite? A ship I have with said character: Venti/Xiao is pretty cute. Just the mental image of him going out of his way to play in a place where Xiao can hear it. For no reason other than to bring some peace to his soul ;o; A BROTP I have with said character: [shrug] The previous image does work just as well as a brotp. A NOTP I have with said character: [shrug] A random headcanon: Not a headcanon exactly (I... don't have many headcanons for Venti) but I've always wondered just how much Venti knows about why Kaeya is in Mondstadt, where Kaeya is from, and/or anything about his family slash the group that sent him (if different from the Abyss Order). General Opinion over said character: I'm gonna be honest, Venti is fine and all but I have always had basically zero interest in him as a character, oops.
Sexuality Headcanon: I am wide open. Willing to go with absolutely anything. Heck, maybe he's switched over the millenia. Gender Headcanon: I tend to go along with the fanon that he's been other genders before and just goes with what he feels like when he mingles with the humans. A ship I have with said character: I'm very fond of Zhongli/Childe, as I think most of my friends know. Zhongli/Venti can also be very fun. Haven't given a lot of thought to anything else. A BROTP I have with said character: Zhongli and Childe is way up there as a brotp I love. I also vastly prefer Zhongli & Guizhong as a platonic lifepartner ruling pair rather than a couple. A NOTP I have with said character: Again, don't think there's any particularly hated ones I've come across. Even Zhongli/Guizhong I don't hate, it's just not my preferred configuration. A random headcanon: He's kept in contact with every (or almost every) generation of funeral directors in Hu Tao's family, and in the past (when humanity was less removed from the gods and the adepti by necessity) has even collaborated with some as either Rex Lapis or a powerful adeptus, and this is the source of some of their knowledge of the spiritual world. General Opinion over said character: I like him. I don't spend a huge amount of time thinking about him, but when I do it's generally positive it's just not 'I will now spend a month fixating' kind of positive.
Sexuality Headcanon: Lesbian, probably. Sapphic definitely, given Miko. Gender Headcanon: Funnily enough the only time I've really thought about gender-adjacent things with Ei was in an ABO au where Ei just does not realize that a large part of her discomfort in trying to model being the perfect omega leader in place of her sister, is that she isn't an omega. But she's spent so long first as her sister's double and then as her replacement, that that whole feeling is intricately woven up into all the other ways she differs from Makoto. Anyway idk exactly how I would translate that into a non-ABO verse, but I feel like I'd want to bring over at least some of it, just because it does open up fun new layers with makoto and also dissolving her body and making new ones and possibly even the way she treats those bodies afterward. A ship I have with said character: I am fully in support of Ei/Miko, they deserve each other (said both affectionately and exasperatedly), and I tbh haven't thought that much about other ships, especially since I prefer Sara/Shogun over Sara/Ei. A BROTP I have with said character: With Miko again, naturally, and I'm also very curious about her old party (and Chiyo). A NOTP I have with said character: [shrug] Ei/Shogun maybe? But even then if you wrote it right (i.e. not ignoring their canon dynamic and power difference and agency issues) I might enjoy it. A random headcanon: I wonder sometimes if she never really felt she was qualified to run Inazuma, and her clones were (partly, initially) an attempt to make someone better that she could pretend was Makoto having things under control as always. (But they were never close, because she didn't really understand why Makoto did things or what she wanted, and so how could she ever recreate something similar?) General Opinion over said character: Pretty indifferent tbh. I haven't really been hooked by her character in general.
Sexuality Headcanon: Man, she's a 500 year old kid whose entire knowledge of the world comes through people's dreams. She's either not thought about it at all before, or she's spent a lot of time watching people's wet dreams and documenting all the fascinatingly weird things humans dream up in them, and either way I have no idea how that translates into the first time she tries out something irl. Her previous self was probably bi tho. Gender Headcanon: Radish. A ship I have with said character: The goddess of flowers in her past life, definitely. Possibly a drama-filled ot3 with the two of them and Deshret. I haven't finished the archon quest yet but I'm shipping it even if it's jossed. In present-day idk. A BROTP I have with said character: [shrug] Fandom's really running with Nahida and Scaramouche rn, but idk if I'm feeling the dynamic most people are going with. We'll see how it plays out. A NOTP I have with said character: [shrug] A random headcanon: The first chunk of questline we get regarding her had me thinking she was actually created by Rukkhadevata as part of the Akasha system, and I'm still very fond of that. It's been jossed of course and no longer works at all with Genshin's storyline but there are, I think, some very fun things you could do with the concept in, say, a sci fi au where the Akasha system is some kind of galaxy spanning AI network. General Opinion over said character: There are parts of her I like and parts I'm indifferent to. I didn't end up liking her enough to pull in the end, so there's that. She does make an extremely cute radish.
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existentialflirt · 1 year
Finished s2 of Good Omens and I am UNWELL. Because I need to yell about it, I'm very sorry. It is going under a cut if anyone who is following me hasn't finished and is allergic to spoilers. Idek. Idek. I have been a wreak. I woke up early and binged the last two and uggggh the end. Fuck. Right. Under the cut we go.
So....so uh, where to start that won't get me angry again? To say that I have ISSUES with the ending is an understatement because look fucking look, this is not about the ship. I mean it is but it isn't, it's about the fact that it does not make sense for Aziraphale. Is does not and I'm going to unpack that in a second but first i want to talk about the canonization of an apparent rare pair (I don't know. I don't tend to lurk in single fandom spaces much and I'm pretty new to Good Omens, but Mo has been and he mentioned the fandom quite fancied Beelzebub and Gabriel as an item so fine). I do not understand it as an arc if it wasn't supposed to twig something in our angel's pretty little head like oh hey, this seems familiar. I understand it's a way to free up the head angel position in heaven and that's all well and good but the writing is usually so much tighter than that so I call it sloppy. AND I DO GET THAT THIS ISN'T THE END BUT SEASON 3 IS A LONG WAY OFF AND WHO KNOWS WITH THIS STRIKE AND THE STUDIOS BEING MONSTERS LIKE FUCK. FUCK. FUCK. I mean yes Neil has promised if he cannot get it renewed as a series, he will get it done another way and I trust him. gdi, i trust him because that ending destroyed me.
Right so, I'm getting incoherent, sorry.
Now, if we want to talk rationally, it does make sense for Aziraphale to get sweet talked by Metatron (and presumably God, by that measure). I do. He gave him coffee and talked like a dear old man, really playing up the freedom he'd have to continue to associate with Crowley. Combined with that, Aziraphale having a lot of doubts about what's going on in heaven, since oh you know, the whole Job incident (loved that whole story, my god, the end murdered me and set me down in a shallow grave. In a good way), and that's partially from Crowley's influence. But why in heaven would he think that offering Crowley to be reinstated as an angel would please him at all?????
Crowley has made it extremely clear since he fell that he doesn't give two shits about any side but his (which in time extended to theirs, Aziraphale and him against the world. At one point almost literally). So why??? Why would he think it's something he'd want, even with a nice coat of paint? I mean, maybe it could be said that he was blinded by Crowley's acts of kindness and mercy and thought that maybe if he spun it as they can go up there and change things, that Crowley's distaste toward heaven has to do with the fact that he could run it together. It wasn't. He was mad about unanswered questions and the prospect of the universe, which he played a part in creating, being destroyed. (I have a lengthier head canon about that, tbh, which is will pen in time). It just doesn't serve any narrative for the characters aside from we're setting up for the third season on a cliffhanger (and yes, yes, Neil couldn't have predicted the WGA/SAG-AFRA strike. He says he had been working on it but stopped for the strike, which good on him. We stan, but also god what piss poor timing to destroy the fans with this angst)
Now look, the performances are gorgeous. Always perfect. David and Micheal are incredible together and I would have been FINE been FINE with that argument in the store, Crowley practically begging Aziraphale to run away together and that desperate fucking kiss, but I don't understand Azirapale remaining resolute. I don't. I really don't. He should have done....well, so many things instead that would have been a better close to this particularly romantic arc.
Argh. Anyway Mo and I will be mostly sticking with season 1/Book canon and cherry picking from season 2 because we are coping or diverting that ending so they can have their US TIME god fucking dammit.
As a side note: I did not appreciate Maggie and Nina lecturing Crowley about him needing to be more emotionally cognizant about his feelings toward Aziraphale. Like, I'm sorry. I'm not trying to be obnoxious here, but Crowley is as clearly in love with Aziraphale as anyone can be. He makes time for him, indulges the angel, and is very protective. In season one he also begged Aziraphale to run away with him. He literally wants nothing but his car and to be with Aziraphale and he rarely appeared too conflicted about it. Yes, he has demurred about them being together but that has nothing to do with his feelings and everything to do with the fact that Aziraphale is rather oblivious when it comes to his own emotions. Crowley is the one that has emotional intelligence. Aziraphale needs to be walloped over the head about it. Hell, I would have preferred Maggie and Nina talk to Aziraphale and Metatron talk to Crowley as a bit of an inversion. Could you imagine, God knowing how Crowley is really not great with this whole being evil thing deep down and maybe even feeling a bit bad about casting him out, so sends Metatron to offer him a job (that would have been fitting of his former rank, to boot). Crowley tells him to eat shit, he and Aziraphale have a moment in the bookstore, Crowley ranting and raving about the offer and they should maybe fuck off for awhile and Aziraphale finally opening up that big box of feelings and realizing what Crowley has given up for him, risked for him, and oh my god, I should save this for a thread idea.
Anyway, whew sorry for this. I just needed to get it out in words.
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spotlightstudios · 2 years
Just woke up and I feel like ranting about ✨️Ichor✨️. So if you don't wanna read an analysis post, then just scroll on by!
I think the hardest thing for me to do is look back on old characters and bring them back to the present.
My fursona(s?) Heavily tied into Animal Jam and my time in that community. My batim ocs? Existed in batim, and I don't have the energy ir willpower to update them for batdr. My undertake aus? I adore them, but they've all mostly got their set paths. Dnd characters? Their worlds are on pause for eternity, and I think of them fondly as old friends that I've distanced from.
I just think it's really silly of me to think deeply about it, but I was just trying to write something about Ichor (a beloved undertale oc). The thing I realized was, this guy was one of my punching bag ocs, and at some point, I decided to give him a happy ending. He gets to live peacefully, his adopted sons visit him, and he's not entirely okay, but he's finally getting rest. I just tucked away his story as finished somewhere in my head, and all I can do is alter and add to what I already had.
Like, he loved koi fish, and he worked out every day because, while he was a God, his replacement arm required normal care to keep it strong as it was. He was a lover, not a fighter, but he ended up fighting regardless because that's the positions he was placed in, and it would tear him up to have to leave his loved ones in order to protect them. He hated his job, and his home, but he adored mortals, because they were so true in the best and worst ways. They could change, where he was unable. No matter how many times he'd get hurt by a mortal, he'd always return, because he knew there was hope (his brother got that sentiment from him).
It's just, Ichor, I built as a fully fleshed out character. I gave him vices, and weaknesses, and real importance to who his is and how he reacted in a setting. He wasn't just a fun voice piece to indirectly put myself in a story, he eventually just became something new. That's why it's so hard for me to do anything else with him, he'd always be the same, and it's perfect.
An entire narrative arc that I've share with almost no one. An entire arc I'm not sure people would be interested in if I only wrote it out. It's a sans from undertale, and I know there is still a fan base, but new aus rarely become popular or are acknowledged. It's silly to feel like I can't share him because of the backgrounds of his origin, despite the fact that he was so important to my development in character design, drawing, storytelling, everything.
Idk, just tired moring thoughts, but I could and would write am essay just defining how much my ocs tend to mean to me in the long run.
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plaidpyjamas · 4 months
Good morning, for today's Thirsty Thoughts, I should like to ponder Dark's void tentacles. I love the idea of him having them. The very first NSFW fic I ever wrote for Dark was him using void tentacles on the reader. (That was a long time ago, and it's... outdated. I should revisit the concept properly one day.)
Anyway... I always like to picture them as sleek, inky black things, shadow manifest as flesh. An extension of Dark's void-driven power, but something more primal and uncontrolled to them too. I suspect they'd tend to be driven far more by Dark's emotions and subconscious whims... and, in this case, his arousal. I would also suspect they accord to need, so in sexual situations they'd be capable of oozing lubricating fluids, somewhere between ichor and a thin mucus.
They would be extremely strong and dexterous, making them perfect for manhandling Dark's partners. Whether that is to drag them closer to him, manipulate their body into whatever position Dark pleases for his pleasure and theirs, or pin them down and hold them in place whilst Dark ruts into them... all are good options.
The feel of them would be exquisite. The way they move, firm, roiling muscle massaging into the flesh they wrap around. Delicious constriction, like living bondage. And even more delicious when that sleek, powerful touch is directed to more sensitive areas.
Of course, with so many of them, that touch could be in a multitude of places all at once. Some wrapped around your arms, keeping them pinned behind your back. Some teasing nipples with their clever, dexterous tips. One or two tentacles sliding between your legs, a teasing pressure to goad you into rocking your hips and grinding against them with rapidly escalating arousal. Another sliding between your lips to muffle your moans.
So much stimulation, all at the same time... so many different pleasures, so easy to be overwhelmed by them.
And that's before they even get to the penetration; Dark would have you overstimulated and begging to be filled up.
Finally, one of the tentacles presses insistently against your hole. A teasing grind, just enough pressure for the slightest give... testing, spreading its slickness, so that when it finally sinks inside properly, it's a slow, steady, smooth slide. But unrelenting, until it's fully seated as deep as it can comfortably go.
The slick limb, all firm, flexible muscle, rubbing against you from the inside in a way impossible for anything else. Disturbingly alien. Yet immeasurably stimulating. It could curl inside you, find every single sensitive spot. It could pound into you tirelessly. God, and don't even get me started on what he could do with two of them twined around each other, fucking you together until they drag an orgasm from you that has you seeing stars. Quite possibly more than one. Until you're a trembling, sweat-slick, panting mess.
Just. Dark using his void tentacles to absolutely wreck you, in the best way possible. Yes.
Good morning Thirsty Dark Anon ☺️
I wish I had words for this but I legit just woke up and you've reduced me to a puddle 🤤🤤
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kai-wanted-doa · 9 months
Ok so like I just watched love actually foe the first time today and I am sooooo infuriated about how FUCKING MUCH I HATE THIS MOVIE HOW IS THIS MOVIE AS POPULAR AS IT IS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wrote A LOT I FICKING HATE THIS MOVIE I DONT LIKE TJAY IRS SOO POPUQLR
THIS IS LITERALLY JUST SOME TERRIBLE MAN'S FANTASY!!!!!?!?!?!??!?!?!!!!! there's so many red flags here. Most of the women look years younger than the men they fall in love with. There's even a scene where the prime ministers sister tells his secretary(?) (who he's in love with) that -had she been 20yrs younger, she'd definitely be his type.- also the secretary was constantly called chubby by different ppl and the prime minister was like ?????? Every time, until the end, he says "God you weigh a lot" when he catches her in his arms. Like passing this up as a joke is....not a good joke considering everyone else puts her down for it (i.e. one of their other coworkers called her -the chubby girl-, shes shared a personal story about how her ex DUMPED HER FOR BEING FAT and her DAD CALLS HER PLUMPY) LIKE YOURE SUPPOSED TO BE HER SAFE HAVEN, TEASING HER ABOUT SOMETHING EVERYONE PUTS HER DOWN FOR IS A SORE SPOT, WHY TF WOULD U POKE AT IT. also I'm assuming it was a male director, it's so toxic that they pinned her as chubby COS SHES NOT AT ALL, AND THIS IS JUST INSTILLING THE IDEA IN FEMALE VIEWERS THAT SHE IS WHAT IS CONSIDERED FAT. AND THATS CRAZY. COS SHE LOOK FINE. AND EVEN IF SHE DID HAVE MORE WEIGHT ON HER, WHO FUCKING CARES!!!!!!!
ALSO THE SCENE WHERE THE ENGLISH BOY GOES TO AMERICA AND HITS UP A RANDOM BAR AND IMMEDIATELY THERE ARE 3 WOMEN WHO AUTOMATICALLY THIRST AFTER HIM JUST BCOS HES ENGLISH AND THEY basically threw themselves at him saying stuff like -would u like to come back to our place we live together in a small spot we don't have much money so we sleep together in one bed, can't even afford pj's so we sleep naked- LIKE?!?!?!?!!! Yeah let's put some broke girls in the mix huh like literally (like 2 of the main girl characters are secretaries, one is maybe a house wife??, another i believe is tending to her phone all day for when her male boss calls her to take care of something for him work related, another worked as the main male characters maid and then she worked as a waitress so basically a lot of these roles were parts where women took care of men or their not put in higher positions in the workforce) ANYWAY BACK TO THE ENGLISH BOY IN THE BAR, THEN HE GOES BACK HOME TO ENGLAND WITH ONE OF THE GIRLS AND ANOTHER AMERICAN GIRL FOR HIS ENGLISH BUDDY, AND WITHOUT MUCH OF ANY CONTEXT, THE AMERICAN GIRL STARTS MAKING OUT WITH THE ENGLISH BUDDY RIGHT ON THE SPOT AND SAYS SOME SHIT LIKE -oo u are as handsome as they said u would be- LIKE???? WOMEN ARE COMPLETE ACCESSORIES FOR SEX IN THIS MOVIE!!!! there's barley any deeper conversation of getting to know any of the womens' personality, values, likes/dislikes, quality attributes, talent IN THIS MOVIE. it's like BODY FIRST, THEN JUMP RIGHT INTO "LOVE" WHICH IS FEELING A LOT MORE LIKE DUDES JUST NEEDING TO LET OFF STEAM FOR LUST AND SEX. it's so focused on the female body (nude scenes and one of the girls taking off her clothes before jumping into a lake while the man is just gawking at her).
And the young assistant tempting professor Snape into cheating on his wife 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ the most we saw him do was buy a gold necklace for the young assistant (which the wife found out about) THE WIFE IS DEPICTED AS A DEDICATED MOTHER TO HER FAMILY TO THEIR TWO KIDS LIKE IM WATCHING IT AND THERES LITERALLY NO REASON TO CHEAT ON HER, AND AT THE END he apologizes and SHE JUST FORGIVES HIM WITHOUT AN EXPLANATION???? the director thought, ahhh yes, the perfect wife and mother to my children, would simply forgive me after I apologize once. And she wouldn't even want to talk about it anymore, and we can go right back to the way things were. NO BITCH!!!!!! WHY ARE U BUYING NICE SHIT FOR OTHER WOMEN!!!!!!!!!+++++
AND RICK RIMES WHOS DEPICTED AS THE GOOD GUY, TELLS HIS BEST FRIENDS WIFE THAT HE HAS FEELINGS FOR HER AFTER HES BEEN COLD TO HER THIS WHOLE TIME, HE DID IT IN THE NAME OF BEING HONEST ON CHRISTMAS, AND SHE RUNS TO KISS HIM. ?????????? director man said -nah, he's a good guy, he expressed his feelings without hope or agenda, he's been cold to his best friends wife this whole time. He did his part. The wife literally PRESSED him about it. So, He deserves to still get a piece of his best friend's woman. Let him have it. It's just one kiss, and that'll be enough for him.- HE IS NOT A GOOD GUY. HE WOULD NOT HAVE DONE THAT TO HIS BEST FRIEND. like why did she even feel compelled to kiss him. Because he's good looking and he recorded tapes of her (literally focused on just her on the wedding day) and she was moved by that???. He's been brushing her off this whole time, what could even pull her towards him to tempt her to cheat on her husband like that. She did it, for nothing. Just because he looked her way 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ its not in the movie but U KNOW WHAT HAPPENS AFTER THAT ONE KISS??? THEY START HAVING SEX 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️and that's really so fucked up for her to do to her husband and for Rick rimes to do to his best friend 😮‍💨
In the name of christmas I guess 🤦🏻‍♀️ if this is ACTUALLY what LOVE is, I don't fucking want it LMAOOOO
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