#perhaps i should make a studyblr...
puzzlehat · 2 months
okay so the wifi i'm on right now is shitting itself despite this being a popular study spot on campus but REGARDLESS i'm studying for my third organic chemistry midterm right now (my class grade is a 90.2% so i'm barely hovering around an A and i'd REALLY like to keep it that way as unrealistic as that may be) and as much as i am absolutely loving this class i'm struggling a little with remembering all of the mechanisms (final exam review sheet posted by professor indicates 40 different reactions we need to know).
granted, a lot of them share the same patterns, but i don't know what format i'll need to compare-contrast all of them in in order to have them down pat for may 2. so right now i'm just focusing on this exam, where we've gotta know
radical substitution of alkanes and allylic substitution, the funky alkyl halide ones with the fishhook arrows. the simplified mechanism looks like halogenation except these are done with heat/light. these go through three stages: initiation from nonradical to radical, propagation from radical to radical, and termination from radical to nonradical. you get your radical intermediate via homolytic cleavage, you react it with a hydrogen coming off of the most substituted carbon, you get your next radical intermediate once the hydrogen is gone, you react all your radicals together to tie things up nicely. if your radical is on a carbon that neighbors a double bond, you have a nice stable allylic radical (thank you resonance), but if your radical is on a double bond, that's a vinyl radical and we don't like those... you also gotta pay attention to where your alkene is because that'll affect your stability too. if you're happening to do your reaction with peroxides, you'll be reacting your intermediate with the less substituted area. a halogen? on MY terminal end?
elimination and substitution reactions Sn1/Sn2/E1/E2. these are silly and complicated and i need to make a chart to understand them better, but the substitution reactions will substitute a nucleophile in for the leaving group, and the elimination reactions will make an alkene out of an alkane using a base, and the 2-reactions are concerted with steric barriers while the 1- reactions have a carbocation intermediate with stability as the barrier.
alkyne reactions, including deprotonation (basically acid-base shit), alkyne formation (using acetylene, which makes good internal alkenes and looks like Sn2, or dibromides, which looks like two E2 reactions and can be done with bromides on the same carbon or on adjacent carbons), halogenation (nonregioselective concerted anti-addition of halogens using Br2/Cl2), hydrohalogenation (markovnikov addition of Br, can happen twice if you have two equivalents of HBr, carbocation intermediate), hydration and hydroboration-oxidation (markov and anti-markov reactions, respectively; adding a hydrogen and an OH, keto-enol tautomerism where you end up with the double bond on the oxygen), and three reduction reactions (Pd/C yields alkane, Lindlar/H2 yields a cis(z)alkene, Na/NH3 yields a trans(E) alkene).
anyway i have practice problems to do and the sn1/sn2/e1/e2 reaction comparison chart to make but i'm drinking my first monster energy (ultra paradise. it's good) and i'm getting dinner w at least one of my friends in 25 minutes... calc homework still due tonight but i think i'll be able to get it... exam in 3 hours... feeling good!
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studywave · 5 months
PDF Readers: What Do You Want? What Do You Need?
Hey all! I promised a series of posts on resources that have helped me during undergrad, and I'm going to start with the basics: how to read your coursework. I'm going to tag a few people who mentioned being interested in this series, but please let me know if you'd like to be untagged!
@anyto @wocinstem @youneedtostudyives @studyblr-perhaps
Now, I'm an English major, so I can't speak on behalf of the sciences, but almost all of my course materials have been given to me in the form of PDFs. I also download almost all my research in PDF format, and when I find books for free online, they're usually PDFs. Clearly, this means I need some easy way to read and edit PDFs. Below the cut, you'll find information on how to choose a PDF reader that's right for you, as well as information on Xodo, my personal favorite reader.
What should you consider when choosing a PDF reader?
Well, first, there's cost. There are all kinds of PDF readers at all kinds of price points. Xodo, my favorite, is free. I've never used the paid version, because for my purposes, the free version is more than enough. Now, let's talk about those purposes.
As an English student, I'm mostly concerned with annotation. I want to be able to mark my documents up, highlight them, write on them, leave comments, all that good stuff. However, what I need might not be what you need. Do you need to sign a lot of documents? Do you need to build PDFs from scratch? Are you more concerned with appearance, or with functionality?
Once you've answered these questions, you'll be able to search online for reviews dealing with the specific kinds of functionality you need.
Why should you use Xodo?
Well, for starters, the free version has more than I will ever need. I can edit, I can annotate, I can sign, I can highlight. I can do pretty much anything my English major heart desires, and I can use my Apple pencil to do it (I'll make another post about ipads and Apple pencils and link it here once it's finished).
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This screenshot shows a lot of my favorite parts of Xodo. I can highlight in different colors (I use green to make information on further reading stand out) and I can write (also in different colors) with my Apple pencil, all while scrolling and navigating with my hand. I don't have to constantly click back and forth between marking and scrolling like I do with some apps, and I can lay my hand on the screen without disturbing anything. This, the ability to confine the text marking to the pencil, is really important to me. I don't like to be constantly clicking around and making accidental marks.
I've also been able to read almost every PDF I've put on here without much trouble. Between the size of my ipad screen (which will be the subject of another post), the high resolution, and the ability to zoom and scroll at the same time, I can read even pretty low-quality PDFs with very little trouble.
You might also notice the little box with the "4" in it in the upper right corner. This indicates the number of tabs I have open because yes, you can have multiple tabs open in Xodo. I've had over ten tabs open at a time, some containing 300+ page documents, and I've never had lagging or glitching problems.
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Here's a selection of other actions Xodo allows. I've never scanned anything to PDF using it, but if the rest of the app is anything to go by, it probably works just fine.
I've had the occasional problem with glitching (maybe once per every five hours of reading I do, if that) which usually just involves a section of the text going black and can be solved by closing and reopening the app. Closing and reopening is no problem, either, because Xodo saves your place.
All this to say, I've used Xodo for a little over a year now, and I have no complaints. I cannot recommend it highly enough, and I'm sure the paid version is even better. That's all for now. Happy reading!
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elegance-and-grit · 9 months
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3/100 days of productivity
🚶 1 hour of movement (45 minutes of biking and 15-minute walk, counts. Let's see how I'll approach this once I am living closer to uni and don't have to bike that much anymore. 0.0)
🏊‍♀️ 30 mins of sports (Went for a short 20-minute run, but I am letting this count. I trained for a Tough Mudder 10k at the end of august; it was a great success and fun. However, after 7k my knee started hurting so bad, that I had to stop or risk again not being able to even walk without pain for a few weeks (been there, done that). Was quite frustrating, because I had the condition, I just didn't have the properly trained knees. So the plan now is to run a lot but short intervals and increase them slooooowly. The method for now is: September 20mins, October 25 mins, November 30 mins and so on. Let's see if it will help!)
🧘 Yoga (any duration)
🥗 Somewhat healthy food (well, i am giving myself half a point here. Managed three and a half proper and healthy meals, but drank far to sweet coffees and ate two slices of cake, which might be a lot of sugar.)
Study & Work
📚 Read 30 minutes (Nope :/)
✍️ Wrote 30 minutes (Nope :/)
💭 Thought 30 minutes (Nope :/)
💻 Concentrated work for 6 hours (I tried really hard, but yesterday wasn't a good day. Got close to 6 hours but can't really say that it was concentrated.)
I also got far too stuck on some setup issues to debug my patch. Not really sure what the hell I spent my time on there. Feels not well invested. (And that happens to me sometimes, I think I need to start be more pragmatic about what is actually the goal/measure of success and how to reach it). But the setup is now running, so today I can actually tackle the challenge!
I am sitting in a coffee shop writing this, but it's really not romantic, man. The music is far too loud and the customers are somehow really impolite and that makes me very uncomfortable. But hey, got a good coffee first thing in the morning! And now my headphones stopped working.
Fixed the headphones thing with a small power charge, I am a certified engineer after all! But noise-cancelling headphones are sometimes really a life-changer!
The 3-small tasks a day thing is working great for me! Would be funny if this simple approach finally solves my continuous problems with my doom pile. But I am ready for funny.
(My doom pile issues are really not so good, I keep delaying a few tasks one really should not delay, and feel really blocked on tackling them. Not sure why. But I feel good about this three tasks a-day thing. 3 tasks fit nicely on a post-it and the "doom" feeling that happens when I look at my list, doesn't set in.) Even today I realized when I looked at my three points of today, that I was daunted by two of them, but like it was manageable? Maybe my brain was just disillusioned before, always convincing myself that I would get this mountain down in one very productive day. Again, funny.
Had a really nice lunch with a good friend (and a coffee and a walk). If I sometimes ask myself why I don't manage 8 productive hours a day, maybe it's mainly because of 2 1/2 hours lunch breaks or other breaks like this. But not decided on what to do - I like those breaks. Anyone having any suggestions? How do you manage to get your number of productive hours in?
Had a really nice evening with my boyfriend, too. I think we're both becoming more relaxed and it's great. I think this type of evening (with the same kinda setup) would have perhaps been stressful before, but now we managed to make it really nice. Proud of myself here!
Feeling really good and I am grateful for that. Also - I am really happy about every like and follow and more blogs to discover and follow myself. Thank you all lovely studyblr people! So far studyblr really is having a positive impact. <3
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welcome to the secret valentines exchange 2023!
the aim of this exchange is to spread some valentines cheer and help people make some new studyblr friends
how will this work?
once everyone’s signed up, you will be assigned your secret valentine recipient
starting on the 7th of february, you can start sending your recipient anonymous asks to get to know them
be kind and have some fun starting a new friendship!
on valentine’s day (14th) you can reveal yourself, perhaps with a little valentine’s gift (e.g. a moodboard, playlist, icon set, recipe etc.)
you should have your own secret valentine sending you asks and a valentine’s gift
you must be an active studyblr (or writeblr or langblr etc.) to take part
please have anonymous asks on from the 7th of february, and after you’ve signed up allow messages from people who aren’t following you so i can send you your match
try and interact with your recipient as much as possible! this is only fun if everyone is active and takes part
please be kind and respectful to everyone involved
tag your replies to your valentines asks with #studyblr valentines 2023
have fun!
sign up
please use this form to sign up with the url of the blog you want asks to be sent to
sign ups are open until the 5th of february so i can give matches out on the 6th
please follow this blog for any further rule changes or announcements
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hideerie · 8 months
some reflections (taken from my journal)...
21/10/23 -- i've officially been at uni for 5 weeks now.
it still hasn't quite hit me that i am a uni student now, let alone a med student. for some reason my brain thinks it's still ok to "wing it" and get through each week with as little effort as possible, just the bare minimum (- something you'd never expect a med student to admit publicly on studyblr).
i'm enjoying this new city and have been exploring whenever i have free time. sometimes it feels like i teleported into the world of pinterest (or the aesthetic sides of tumblr).
however, one thing that is still very much there is:
imposter syndrome.
i kind of knew i'd have imposter syndrome once i start uni but i didn't realise how much it can affect you. thankfully, i've talked to people about it from the get-go which definitely helped, but perhaps it was too soon to overshare like that. oh well, it helped me make friends? + i realised that literally everyone around me felt the exact same, so i think that helped all of us. we're all in the same boat after all, it's important to remember that.
2 weeks ago, the opening line in my journal was all about "information overload, [...] many new experiences in such little time" but now i feel like uni is already quite... underwhelming? i've grown used to this life already; i call my flat "home" and thinking about going back to my actual HOME home feels strange.
i'm glad i've settled in (i think?) but with that comes comfort, which in turns makes the old bad habits resurface again; sleeping late 🡢 waking up late 🡢 barely making it to lectures on time (so much for trying to be early and making a good impression...) and mainly, letting work pile up because i'm too "busy" scrolling on social media, yikes.
at least i've kept my good habit of journaling. regular reflection is important in medicine so it's nice that ive been doing it for years already. if you're an aspiring medic i definitely recommend getting into the habit of journaling in preparation for uni, if not for your own mental wellbeing.
tldr; uni's going well but i havent been focusing on academia as much as i should be. advice for people starting uni: don't let your work pile up, especially online lectures - it's very easy to lose track of it all and ending up overwhelmed. also, join societies - helps with making friends and networking!
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arianestudying · 2 years
Hello, old friend.
I don’t think I’ve posted on here since my first year of my Bachelor’s degree. Happy to report I graduated with 1st class Honours. It was a grand ole time, though not without hardships. 
I’m about to start grad school in a few weeks. I’ve moved to Canada for my masters. It should be exciting but I’m feeling a lot of dread. Perhaps because so much of the admin work is still uncertain compared to when I first moved to the UK. I’m trying to keep calm and just take it a day at a time. It’s been good to look back at the end of the day or at the beginning of a new one knowing that I’ve at least gotten things done in little increments. 
Within the last year, I’ve gotten a little more clarity on my neurodivergency--which has made many high school and university memories related to academic work make a lot more sense! I have ADHD, and finding that out as an adult is both a relief and a bizarre little journey unfolding in front of you. Thankfully, my symptoms aren’t as severe and I’ve managed the last few months without medication (getting back on them was weird, I think I need to re-titrate but that’s a whole other post in itself). 
The biggest thing I’ve learned over the last few years isn’t to find or create systems that work for me as catch-all solutions, it’s to find a rhythm. Rhythms work for me. Like, I’m in a bit of a groove now. I know I should be writing my newsletter or my slate of other writing projects, but this little update is part of the rhythm that will propel me into doing bits of those projects. I’ve always thought myself to be a little odd for not being able to sit still or just commit to one thing, or not being able concentrate on a single task or project for too long, or even the opposite!  I’ve always thought them major character flaws. They’re just the way I’m wired, and I have to figure out either a way to work with it or work around it. 
And maybe a month, a week, or even an hour from now I’ll feel differently about this, but I’m glad I’ve gotten this version of thoughts on record. This draft of Ari is now available for you to read. 
I hope reviving this blog with zero pressure will help me in this grad school journey I’m about to embark on. I started this studyblr when I was 16. Now, I’m 24. This move has taken a bit of a toll on me, but I hope this can be an outlet when I need it. 
Alright, that’s it for now. 
Catch ya later. All my love, 
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myhoneststudyblr · 3 years
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i recently got asked how i get such bright lighting for my posts and i thought it would be a good opportunity to tell you all how i edit my pictures! i’ve recently changed how i edit my pictures and it works so well so why not share! it was inspired by how one of my favourite studygram accounts (tasneemstudying) edits her pictures! check out her account and she has a highlight on her profile where it shows how she edits her pictures!
if you have anymore questions, feel free to send me an ask! and make sure to check out my masterpost with all my other advice!
i use the app snapseed
in the past i’ve used VSCO but i’e found that you can do a lot more with snapseed and the pictures always turn out better
i wouldn’t necessarily recommend using filters or presets for editing because in my experience every photo needs to be edited differently
for example, i always edit each photo individually 
try to get as much natural lighting as possible 
i know it can be difficult in winter so i would recommend that when you have decent lighting, take as many pictures as possible when it is good
take multiple pictures of the same notes/set up but from different angles so you have options when editing
1. Curve Function
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open the snapseed app
insert the picture that you want to edit
crop/rotate etc. if needed
use the curve function to change the lighting and make it brighter (this is particularly useful in winter when lighting isn’t as good)
you just need to play around with it until you are happy with it
2. Decrease Saturation
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next go to the tune image tool
scroll to saturation
reduce the saturation completely to -100
it should be black and white now
3. Return Saturation to Certain Areas
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this is perhaps the confusing bit but it’s very important:
return to the main screen
in the top right hand corner, click the button with the layered squares and the arrow
then click view edits
this will take you to the point shown in the lefthand picture
tap on the ‘tune image’
click on the paintbrush option
then click the invert button and the mask button
this should get you to the point shown in the righthand picture
this means that the paper and handwriting in black will be very defined and not have their colour distorted by any editing
but at the same time you can erase the low saturation to make colourful parts of the notes stand out
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make sure the brush setting is at zero
start going over the areas with colour
the red will go away and the colour will no longer be black and white
make sure to zoom in close so you can get really close the the edges of the coloured areas
do this for all areas of colour
if you make a mistake, you can simply increase the brush setting to 100, paint over the area with the mistake and this will make it unsaturated again
4. Increase Brightness
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then return to the tools menu and click on the ‘selective’ tool
select a spot that you want to brighten and tap to add the spot
swipe left and right to change the brightness
you are probably going to want to increase the brightness, particularly of the background
add more selective points wherever needed and repeat with the brightness
if you want to change the extent of the selective effect do a pinching movement
5. Add the Watermark
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return to the tools page
click on the text tool
type in your watermark or name
choose the font and colour
place on your photo
6. Save!
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save your picture!
and you are done
Here are some more tips from my answer to an ask about how to take studyblr pictures
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cs-blr · 4 years
Reflections on my first internship
Hey friends. I feel like I’ve been gone from this blog for ages, and it made me forget why I liked to share my thoughts in the first place. I love the community that this studyblr brings, and the aura of inspiration and support. I don’t want to lose that. 
The last time I really posted was almost two months ago now, where I was approaching the end of my summer internship (and first ever job) and I promised I would share how it went. 
For context, I was a software engineering intern as an API platform developer for a healthcare distribution company. Essentially, I worked in the IT department as tech support, but we also made productized software. The internship was virtual, but the team still had daily stand-ups and weekly socials so that we could connect. And lastly, not that it should matter, but I was the only female on a team of 9, and sometimes that made me feel both oddly powerful, yet vastly overlooked. 
So now that it’s over, and I’ve had a month to reflect, how do I feel? The truth is, I feel extremely conflicted. Maybe it was the virtual format of the internship, maybe it was the team I was on, or maybe it was the type of work I was doing - but I feel like even though I worked really hard and tried to do as many tasks as I could achieve, I did not really enjoy it. When I try to pinpoint my source of unhappiness, I can’t really put a finger on it. Holistically, there wasn’t really anything wrong. My team was supportive, I gained a lot of technical skill really quickly, I networked with incredible and accomplished humans and I built close relationships with my team and friends. And yet, when I think about working that IT job again in the future, and even for the rest of my life, all I feel is this vast abyss of dread. 
I come from an Indian family, where there isn’t really an expectation to achieve fulfilment from the work that you do. Putting your head down and doing the job, getting that paycheck, and then providing for your loved ones is the norm and the expectation. And so every time I think about my future job prospects, and I feel that dread of unfulfillment, I feel so selfish. I worked hard in all of high-school, and all of college thus far to get a competitive, challenging, and well-paying role as a software engineer, and it wasn’t enough. And it makes me wonder, what will be enough? Will I ever be satisfied with what I am doing, or am I fated to constantly be searching for that inner joy, for that personal fulfilment? Not to go on a complete rant, but yeah, that’s how I’ve been feeling.
And so, I suppose my conclusion is this. Although my platform is called cs-blr, and is supposed to be focused on my journey within computer science, I don’t know if I want to be doing this long term. I don’t know if I will graduate college and go into a software engineering or IT role, and that makes my degree feel like a waste, and this blog feel fraudulent. I don’t know what I enjoy, or where I am going. They say that internships are supposed to teach you want you enjoy in the professional world, but no one ever told me what the next steps were if you didn’t like it. I am way more technically proficient that I was a month ago, but all I feel in my heart is a growing sense of dread. Perhaps this is the regular junior-in-college struggle, I don’t really know. Nevertheless, that’s where I’m at today. Stay tuned for more. As always, love M. 
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ranaeissance · 4 years
Hi! So I was wondering if you had any tips on staying motivated to take good notes and study, cause I’m having trouble staying organized and motivated. Thanks!
hey there 💞✨ i do have some tips that you can find here, although there’s additional tips for discipline (which is important to note once motivation starts waning).
additional tips on motivation
i mentioned this in the last post but understand why. this one’s a big one. to stay motivated / keep motivated even on low days you have to have a why. a reason for doing this, a reason to keep you going. this can be in the form of goals, to make yourself proud, to get your shit together, anything. find your purpose
surround yourself with likeminded people / positive people / beacons of inspiration - doesn’t necessarily mean befriend people (though that would be nice) but simply be around people who can be forms of inspiration to keep you going. perhaps you have a friend who’s always on the top of their game and you realise ‘woah, i should try that out?’ or maybe you follow a studyblr who’s constantly getting their shit done even on hard days. don’t think of it as a competition, simply inspiration to do better yourself
if the topic is not of your interest, study in spite of it - hate the subject? take revenge by studying and doing well, let that subject know it won’t bring you down!!! hate the teacher? show them that you are good at what you do and exceed their expectations
make studying fun!! - studying can feel like a chore that’s understandable but it would feel less so if you do little things to put a smile on yourself while you trudge through 3782 pages of work.
how to make studying fun (mini masterpost)
listen to danceable / boppable music
speaking of music, dance if u need to, get that energy through your bones
have a plant buddy, stuff animal to study with you
or study with friends, online or irl, by simply being in their presence
fill your break times with snacks or small videos (if you can manage)
draw little doodles on the side of your notes to keep you company
write notes down that you can understand even if that means using slang, stan twitter language, emojis etc etc etccc
good notes + studying
small manageable chunks - i’ll always standby the pomodoro technique as it makes me realise how productive i can be in a dedicated 45minutes (or however you want to modify it)
know what you’re doing at each study - change study chemistry to study pages 1-5 of x textbook and finish the worksheet
studyblr style notes aren’t always ‘good’ notes - don’t hold yourself to the same standards as studyblr notes with the fancy headers, mildliner highlighters and adorable handwriting. they’re for some, not everyone.
things that constitute of good notes are
readable, clear and concise headings for each topic and subtopic - know what you’re talking about
consistent formatting - you’ll be able to find information quickly and easily. be able to differentiate between the relevant and irrelevant content
content of notes is relevant and plainly set out - you’ll be able to recall the information come exam time
content is not relevant but interesting - learning isn’t always about exams exams exams
summary - summarise what you learnt / quiz yourself
staying organised
once you receive a file, handout, or worksheet file it immediately - you’ll quickly forget where you placed you chemistry worksheet from week 3 unless you filed it immediately
rename the file if needed - be as descriptive as possible so you can use the search feature without going through folders
have an everything folder to hold your handouts before you file them - best if they have tabs
keep notes in one place - if a subject has digital notes keep it all digital, if all handwritten keep it all handwritten. e.g chem - handwritten, literature - digital
utilise a calendar / planner - trust me.
if you’d like anymore specific tips don’t be afraid to pop in my inbox or my dms 💘 hope i helped!!
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wilstudies · 4 years
I have mocks in a week and a half and I’m going to be self isolating right until the final couple of days before it. This is so really bad because I need a teachers help to do well and mocks are so important because they’ll contribute to my final grade if exams are cancelled. I’m doing higher in pretty much all my tiered subjects (I got the highest score in the class for listening so my teacher is letting me do higher!) which makes things a lot harder. Do you have any advice on how to cope?
I had the same worries going into A-Level with COVID threatening my contact time with teachers, so before the academic year started, I came up with a few notes-to-self, which I’ll share with you! :)
1. Use multiple resources. Quite often in class, you’ll find yourself working with textbooks, worksheets, videos and discussing it with teachers, however, when it comes to being set work outside of school, teachers tend to direct you towards one resource for your online work. I’d say, it’d be better to use multiple resources to mimic the way that in-classroom teaching consolidates knowledge. Perhaps find someone to talk to and discuss the content with as well, whether it’s a friend from school or someone on a GCSE discord server.
2. The specification is your Bible. If you are in doubt at all, reference your specification and learn only what it covers - it’s a pretty straight-forward and precise checklist of all of the content you should be learning.
3. Be as pro-active as possible. The main goal, if you’re struggling to do well without a teacher, is to consolidate as much knowledge as possible. This might mean taking a minute to sit down, breathe and think about the organ system processes and visualise them happening in your body, or perhaps talking to yourself in your target language in the shower. Or, maybe, it’s just a case of doing a variety of practice questions from textbooks, revision guides, practice papers, Seneca etc. For me, I find it sticks more if I say processes etc. aloud whilst visualising them. Try to build on your personal learning style.
4. Keep the right mindset. Obviously, you can tell that I was pretty preoccupied with the fear of having to “teach myself” the content if I were to isolate, but that’s not the case. Your teachers are still there to help you, just not in the same means. Also, this isn’t a common situation - until the time comes, I won’t know how well I get on with self-study at home, so I’m trying not to worry myself about it. I suggest the best thing to do is to put your head down and try to get into the zone - this might mean continuing to stick to your timetable, or creating your own one for your brain’s more productive hours (e.g. over weekends I’ve found that I’m really productive from 10am to 2pm, then I’m in a bit of a slump until 4pm, when I can get my head back in the game again).
I hope this helps! Let me know how you get on, or if you need any more support! <3
here are some extra tips from other studyblrs:
how to get started studying - a neurodivergent’s guide
how to deal with a lack of motivation
how to study when everything sucks
study tips for different learning styles
how to take notes from a textbook
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deep-studies · 4 years
personal update!
i started this account over a year ago and so . much . has happened over this period and i havent nearly been active enough here so i thought i should give an update on myself & perhaps become more AcTivE to motivate myself through the last year of high school!
about me:
• my family lives in shanghai, china, but i’m going onto my second year in a boarding school in wales! it’ll be my last year of high school and i am HIGHKEY STRESSED
• i take ib diploma: hl bio chem econ, sl eng A french B math AA. no, not an aspiring med student, though i’ve thought about it
• i bullet journal (minimalistically) to keep my anxiety down and just genuinely to stay organized - my life depends on it literally
• fluent: cantonese, english, mandarin; learning: french (b1), korean, japanese
• coffee addiCT ☕️
• kpop follower (but falling behind recently from stuff going on)
things i like:
• dogs
• golden retrievers especially
• but really just dogs
• other animals also highly appreciated
• languages are really cool
• i love biology & psychology
• piano
• specific genres of nonfiction
• baking, sometimes cooking too
• teaching / tutoring
• unhealthy youtube binge watching
that’s about it, thank you for reading this far! this account is all mostly to track my own growth & share what motivates me to go on. follow me on my journey and i hope to make more friends in the studyblr community! ✨
p.s. pls do drop some asks !! i just figured out how to check those (lmao) and i would love to talk to y’all more 🥺
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Zoomester Studyblr Challenge
This is a challenge from @progressaesthetics​
This challenge is starting on March 1st and contains 31 prompts (one per day of the month) but feel free to take part at any given time!
I initially aimed this challenge for all my struggling last semester/grad school/ thesis writing people BUT honestly, whatever your grade, this zoomester is crazy as it is.
If you do the challenge, use the tag #zoomester studyblr challenge so that it is easier for me to track posts and that way other people can also track and reblog!
This is lowkey my way of getting to know some more of you beautiful hardworking people.
Times are still hard so perhaps participating and getting to know people from the tags can be comforting for some people.
It really doesn’t matter if you’re new to the studyblr community or have been on here for a while and would like a safe space to insert yourself, here it is.
If you want to do this challenge, please reblog this post
There are daily prompts for 31 days but challenges should not be a burden to the way you post so you can post as frequently as you like/are able to.
Please be respectful. If some of the prompts ask for personal insights please have in mind that everyone has had different experiences and POVs.
Day 1- Introduce yourself! What’s some basic info you’d like to share about yourself? Also! What are you studying? (If you’re in college, what’s your major? which semester are you in?)
Day 2- If you’ve chosen a major, why did you decide on it? If you’re in any other grade , what field/major interests you the most?
Day 3- Have you done a challenge before? If so, how was it? If not, what are you expecting to get out of this experience?
Day 4- For my researching fellows, what are you researching on? If you’re not currently researching, what is the topic within your field that you’re most passionate about?
Day 5- Tag 3 studyblrs that you like seeing on your dashboard.
Day 6- Quickly! tag urself!
five am. ice cold water. watching the sunrise. healthy smoothies. skincare. reads often. friends with everyone.
ten am. iced coffees. always in a hurry. golden hour aesthetic. remembers the little details. loves old movies.
midday. mom jeans. picnic dates. thrift-shopping. pinterest. low-key insecure. obssessed with photography.
three pm. the color yellow. walks everywhere barefoot. oversized t-shirts. can make anyone laugh. a bit crazy.
five pm. warm smiles. classy. aesthetic instagram feed. anklets. soft music. yoga. face masks.
eight pm.  netflix. cuddles warm sheets. indoors life. loves singing but can’t. sweats. never sleeps.
midnight. driving at night. flirty. neon lights. wears a lot of red. neon lights. big sunglasses. karaoke.
three am. tired eyes. small sketchbooks. pressed flowers. stargazing from the window.
Day 7-  Some of your music faves right now (let’s say up to 5)
Day 8- International Women’s Day! What’s your take on feminism?
Day 9- Write something that you’d like to tell yourself.
Day 10- Tag someone whose aesthetic you love seeing on your feed.
Day 11- What’s something that you’ve always wanted to do but haven’t got the chance to do so?
Day 12- Are you more into plant or flowers? What’s your fave type?
Day 13- Tell us the most eye-opening book you’ve read.
Day 14-  What are some of the reasons you love yourself/should love yourself?
Day 15- Tag someone who you think would get along just right with you.
Day 16- What’s you go-to coffee/tea/beverage order?
Day 17- Share with us your feel good playlist.
Day 18- Tag someone who’s blog you constantly check.
Day 19- Tell us about your online experience (is it sometimes overwhelming? Do you feel like its a great way to get in touch with people? What’s something that you love seeing on here?)
Day 20- What are three things that inspire you?
Day 21- Share a quote that speaks to you.
Day 22- What’s your comfort food/ comfort routine for sad days?
Day 23- What’s some random miscellaneous piece of information that you just happen to know?
Day 24- Share with us your favorite word (it can be in any language)
Day 25- Tag someone who has great text posts
Day 26- What has been your best zoomester experience so far?
Day 27- If you’re about to graduate, what’s something that you’ll miss from school? If you aren’t about to graduate, tell us something you really love about school.
Day 28- Spill the tea about the things that you’ve done during the zoomester (Online shopping, courses taken, any hobby)
Day 29- Quick! Name your own aesthetic! or alternatively, what’s an aesthetic you’d like to try out?
Day 30- What’s the best advice someone has given you?
Day 31-  Send three people some uplifting messages!
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cel-studies-stuff · 4 years
hi there! i’m a high schooler and i’m seriously considering majoring in computer science when the time comes. do you think you could maybe talk a little bit about what it’s like studying comp sci? if you can. i hope you’re having a great day
hope you’re having a great day too!
What my first year of studying computer science was like
obligatory preface that courses differ between universities and colleges. i study in australia.
The biggest challenge I faced per se going into comp sci was how nothing I did at school prepared me for it. The kind of content I’ve learnt wasn’t similiar to school and the assignments have been very different. No analytical essays and scientific reports for me (there has been essays and reports tho). In my school IT class I learnt basic HTML and CSS which was the only programming knowledge I went into comp sci with. (Id also gotten pretty far on khan academy’s JavaScript course in like year ten but I’ve forgotten all of that now lol).
I have four units a semester and have completed my first year (of 3, although I’m taking less units this year so I’ll finish in 3.5 years).
What I actually did in my first year:
Semester 1 (pre-major picking, two of these were for the other major option)
Learnt general computer hardware and how it functions. The assignment was using a raspberry pi to do something that used hardware (the pi), software (basic code) and the internet (I used twitter). My project is on Twitter at SunsetIFB102
Group project app design stages. Like drawing the layouts, getting feedback, then digital sketches then semi fancy looking sketches (not comp sci major)
Python! I really liked this. Taught the basics of python and in general programming. It was kind of intimidating how many people had coded before so I had to focus on ignoring them and learning for myself. Also really salty I was 1% off a high distinction for the whole unit AGH
Databases and SQL. This would’ve been a useful unit if the lecturer was, how do I put this kindly, good at his job. (Not comp sci major, although definitely use databases later on)
Semester two (all comp sci major)
C# , basics of object oriented programming principles. Which is a fancy way of saying it taught how you should write your code so it’s laid out effectively.
C, how to program microprocessors. Basically how to program hardware machines. C is mostly used for machines like ATMs, a fridge perhaps, probably a roomba and other single purpose kind of things. Also from this I can program arduinos and read arduino code easier since arduino code is a C/C++ hybrid. (This and the previous unit had high fail rates and were honestly Tough)
Information security (apart of network security minor) This unit talked about processes of protecting information in organisations and on a single person level. Basics of cryptography was discussed and hashes and how ways information is kept secure when transferring between objects (like over the internet)
Computation mathematics (apart of intelligent systems minor). This was a weird unit to me and was mostly math majors. It taught all these different equations which allow you to make approximations. Honestly confused how it’s used for computers but we learnt MATLAB and it’s a pre requisite for an intro to robotics unit I’m taking this year :)
So yeah, that’s an account of what I actually studied. Reading over it it seems way more impressive than it probably was. Computer science isn’t easy (well, unless you want to scrape a pass each time) but it isn’t horribly difficult. It’s how different it is to high school work that can trip you up. I can’t make aesthetic studyblr notes on paper because its all on my computer and can’t turn it off when studying because I need it.
My assignments are typically big coding projects, exams (multiple choice if a coding unit) and essays if it deals with theory (like info sec did).
This coming semester I’m learning Java and GUI’s (graphical user interfaces), JavaScript and HTML and whatever else for web applications, and discrete maths which seems to be for notation used later on... it looks very strange.
Hope this helps! If you have any more questions feel free to DM me!
Also if anyone else wants to add their experiences, feel free to reblog with your tips.
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anaeishops-blog · 4 years
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10 Top Products To Sell Online
Ecommerce can be tough if you have zero idea about how this vast marketplace works, but with the right mindset and analogy you can succeed and earn enormously high profits within the first six months!
The changing working norms are growing in popularity and also promoting maximum working industries to have virtual business setups. All the new entrants in selling services and products online need to research the potential target market thoroughly.
For starters, you need to have patience and an attitude to thrive and learn from your mistakes to survive in this competitive online business industry for long time. Let us begin with the three most important rules for ecommerce: you must have an undying thirst for success, a vast skillset for business and marketing, lastly – most importantly – sell the most sought-after products.
Too many product ideas can cause confusion, but this article has enlisted the most profitable items for you already.
Just read along and get going!
Before finding products, do some research to see which industry is growing in popularity, what is the competition like? Gather some data on your competitors, any suppliers, or manufacturers you might need, and make up a rough image of what your costs will be like.
Find a niche that has low competition and know its price points so that you can begin selling products online at lowest price and then make your way to the higher prices – the loss leader approach.
Now, the products.
Clothes are that one thing for which the demand is never going down, in fact, new trends and fashion styles have only uplifted this gigantic industry. According to Statista, the online clothing industry is expected to reach USD 872 billion by 2023. From shapewear and athleisure to formal and semi-formal clothes everything is in-demand.
However, the industry is fairly competitive, and it might be difficult to find a spot as a new entrant. But worry not, there is always a buyer for a product. Keep studying market trends, your target buyer’s choice and preferences, their purchasing power and all other important aspects that can help you list the best products on your online selling store.
Teeth whitening products
You might have noticed the sudden surge in the endorsement of teeth whitening kits; this industry is expected to reach 7.4 billion USD by 2024. The plus point is, you do not even have to heavily market it, it is already in-demand by so many consumers, much thanks to sponsored posts by influencers and celebrities on social media. As the beauty industry is growing all the affiliated industries are also getting a bigger market share in their businesses. The consumers for teeth care-products are increasing prodigiously. Now is the time to start investing in these products and get most benefit out of this opportunity.
Technology gear
With the rise in technology and increasing usage of the internet, tech gear is high in-demand. These products are not age specific, almost every age group is in excessive use of such tech gear items in some way of their life. But the products that are not suitable for kids, their specific age versions are also available in the market and are selling like hot cake. From smart watches and tablets to wireless speakers and Bluetooth devices, everything is in-demand. Gaming laptops, computers, Cell phone and car accessories, like pop socket, phone cases, portable chargers and trackers for car are a very profitable niche in this industry. Especially for those looking for drop shipping in ecommerce.
Digital Products
Internet and technology have surely paved the way for tech gear, but it has also created a new industry for digital products. From software, online streaming services, games to digital art, eBooks, and online courses – which are even higher in demand due to CoVID-19. Although you do need a specific skillset for entering this industry, but there are so many online resources available for you to learn from and create a product to sell online.
Medical and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
The global pandemic has boosted the medical and PPE industry, and expect to reach USD 85.72 billion by 2026. More and more people are entering in online business for medical supplies. From thermometers, pulse oximeters, nebulizers, face masks, sanitizers, medicines, everything is crucially high in-demand right now.
Baby and Maternity items
It is for sure that items for babies and maternal care are never going out of demand, just like clothes. All the parents get so excited for their child even if he’s not the first one, so be sure, the market demand for your items is always the sky-high. And perhaps due to this, the industry is pretty saturated now, but still profitable for newcomers who want to dropship items to their customers. There is a rise in “mommy bloggers” and many are looking to promote your products at very low prices. As a content marketer, you can surely benefit from these.
Vegan, Cruelty-free and Organic
Many consumers are switching to more eco-friendly items, thanks to veganism, the Minimalism movement, and the increasing awareness about climate change. Fashion bloggers and lifestyle influencers are promoting ethical and sustainable fashion brands, trend for thrifting is increasing, organic food items, cleaning supplies, skin care and beauty products are also popular.
The global market size for this type of industry was USD 12.9 billion in 2017, and it is expected to increase, so it would be a good investment. For example, cruelty-free beauty products, plastic-free containers, as well as ethically sourced jewellery and clothes. You can start your online business of beauty products on Eishops that is offering free marketing and listing services to all the sellers.
Pet Industry
Just like the baby items industry, pet accessories are forever in-demand. According to AVMA, 63.8% households in the USA own either a cat, dog, or both. With this high percentage, there is no dropping of the demand for pet food, litter boxes, flea repellents, grooming products, toys etc.
In fact, the industry in America alone, was estimated at $72 billion near the end of 2019. The target audience for pet items are millennials, and they are high in population in the entire world, so you have customers ready, just begin selling!
LED Light
I am pretty sure you have seen those Tik Tok videos of influencers showing off their rooms decorated with colourful LED light strips and how they got those online stores at cheap rates. Well, LED lights are among the trending items for millennials and Generation Z consumers, but if you plan on investing in this market, go big!
Try to sell LED lights not just for indoors, but for outdoors, maybe for cars too. No wonder this industry was estimated at USD 54 billion in 2019 and is expected to rise 13.4% in the current decade.
In 2018, the global stationery industry had a value of USD 90.6 billion and it was estimated to grow by 5% each year, following 2018. There is also a rise in online communities like the Studyblr, or the Bullet Journal Community; they thrive on stationery items and art supplies. With a large social media following, marketing for such products will be relatively easy too – influencers and artists are always looking for sponsorship deals.
Ecommerce business may not be a piece of cake, but it is surely a profiting industry. The search volume for your preferred industry and its competitive niches, products, should be high. You also want to think about your preferred ecommerce method, whether you are looking for business to consumer, business to business, direct to consumer, wholesaling or drop shipping.
You need to calculate all costs before actually setting up your ecommerce store. If you want to create a new product, think of the design, bring new product ideas, get a prototype built by a manufacturer and then look for potential investors, and get going. If this is costing you too much, go for drop shipping.
There are so many options available for you to begin your online business, all you have to do is start thinking, and Eishops will take care of the rest. Since it is a relatively new ecommerce business platform, there is not much competition and you can conduct your business rather smoothly. Eishops provides best SEO and marketing tools to attract your target audience and generate maximum customers for you. There is no registration fee and you can start your business without any hassle!
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harry-leroy · 4 years
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Jan. 18th, 2020 // Opera, and Huxley, and new semesters, oh my! 
Going to be trying a thing on Fridays where I give a little academic update for the week. Kinda studyblr-esque but not exactly since I don’t really consider this blog to be a studyblr in a strict sense. Also a lot of my mutuals on here are also academics (or maybe some of y’all out there are looking forward to studying at university and want something to look into for some insight?), so I figured that this might be fun (or at the very least perhaps something for my own records). 
This isn’t meant to be rantish, but I’m gonna give an honest viewpoint into university life from my perspective (with all of its ups and downs and in-betweens), so buckle up and as I like to say on my blog, on y va! 
This week was the first week back at university for the spring semester of my second year, and it was a weird week for sure. I feel like most people have felt this way about this week, (and about this year tbh). I’m beginning to realize that I’ve got an academic niche, and perhaps that’s a good thing, but it might be too early to tell. Currently, I’m taking a class on Modern Britain and I feel so out of my depth. The class is terribly small (twelve of us in that class!) so the professor is able to keep track of participation pretty well, and my brain just isn’t grasping onto this subject as well as I thought it would. It’s frustrating to say the least. I’m also taking the second half of my two-semester honors class after taking a break last semester to take some theatre classes, and we’re hitting it right off with some Spinoza. Class discussion has been slow, but I’m hoping that more people will participate so I don’t feel like the only one talking! The first week always has me feeling incredibly scattered, and it always gets better fairly quick into the semester, but I’m hoping that feeling of security in my abilities and focus comes soon! 
English classes have started off pretty well and I’m trying to wrap my head around some honors projects that I want to undertake this semester. For my premodern lit class I’m thinking about something involving a study of how the law functions in Shakespeare’s Love’s Labour’s Lost. I’ve noticed that while the law sounds strict in its original detail, it doesn’t actually become that strict in practice, which might be something to look into. I’m also going to be reading Robert Louis Stevenson’s novel The Black Arrow and doing a project on it for my Victorian Young-Adult lit class. That project will become more detailed once I read it. My professor for my Victorian lit class (who was the same professor I worked on #ProjectAriel with) realizes that Victorian lit isn’t really my area, and I was like ‘yeah, you’re right’. It isn’t my area. 
I decided over break that I want to pursue grad school (after some several semesters of debating it), but I want to get into a good grad school. I’ll be totally honest: I don’t love the university that I’m at now. So far, I have not been challenged much academically and nearly everything has been an easy A+ (and I’ve taken several classes in the 400 level for my major - and if I got an A it was only because that professor didn’t give any A+s to anyone) *knocks on wood though, just in case*. At the same time, my university is notoriously easy to get into, so I have no idea how I’d rank against other students who are in perhaps more difficult programs than I am. I’ve had professors who have offered to write me rec letters for grad school, which is encouraging (like, I didn’t have to ask them for it!). My Shakespeare professor from last year offered to do this for me, and he studied for his undergrad and graduate degrees at Cambridge, so I guess that’s good? Again, I have no idea where that puts me, because of the  notoriously easy school that I’m at. It also probably doesn’t help that the amount of professors in the English department who specialize in Early Modern lit is a rather small number. (But we’ve got Ayanna Thompson and that’s all that matters :’) )  - she said that she was interested in my thesis work for when the time came around (again, I’ve got about another year before that will start up). If any of y’all are in English grad programs, any advice or direction would be wonderful. And just to make it clear, this isn’t to show off my accomplishments in any way. I feel incredibly unstable in this process because I don’t really have any other students my age at my university to compare myself to. This whole thing has my brain in like 9,000 different pieces. I’m in sore need to guidance and direction. 
On that note, I was debating doing a history minor, but based on how this Modern Britain class is going right now and the fact that the minor itself is quite broad, I decided against it. So I’m just going to be a lit major, which has me feeling like I’m not doing enough, but then again, I think I’ve found my niche. I’ve found what I like to study, and the broadness of this history minor doesn’t really fit into that. I’m hoping it’s the right choice! 
Currently wrapping up Huxley’s Crome Yellow (which I’m tempted to turn into a little script adaptation for its 100th anniversary coming up next year). The book is incredibly humorous, but also incredibly long-winded, even in the shorter length of the novel itself. It would require a bit of moving things around to make it more dramatically interesting, but I’m up to the challenge. I also just finished Puccini’s Madama Butterfly. I would love to possibly do a study into Madama Butterfly herself, along with Nora from A Doll’s House, Lady Windermere and Mrs. Erlynne from Lady Windermere’s Fan, and Rachel from A Woman of No Importance and examine the agency they took against their somewhat similar situations in their stories. They all come from works of the 1870s-1910s, so that’s where my brain went. Next Friday, I should have watched Billy Budd (which I am incredibly excited to watch after listening to Ian Bostridge and Sir Simon Keenlyside talk about it). Speaking of Ian Bostridge, he’s having a concert next week in my state like two hours south of me that’s free so that’s fun. I won’t be able to go, but I’m hoping that there will be another opportunity to hear him live! 
Anyway, this probably became somewhat rantish, but these are most of the things moving around in my academic world right now! 
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lanaeishops · 4 years
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10 Top Products To Sell Online
Ecommerce can be tough if you have zero idea about how this vast marketplace works, but with the right mindset and analogy you can succeed and earn enormously high profits within the first six months!
The changing working norms are growing in popularity and also promoting maximum working industries to have virtual business setups. All the new entrants in selling services and products online need to research the potential target market thoroughly.
For starters, you need to have patience and an attitude to thrive and learn from your mistakes to survive in this competitive online business industry for long time. Let us begin with the three most important rules for ecommerce: you must have an undying thirst for success, a vast skillset for business and marketing, lastly – most importantly – sell the most sought-after products.
Too many product ideas can cause confusion, but this article has enlisted the most profitable items for you already.
Just read along and get going!
Before finding products, do some research to see which industry is growing in popularity, what is the competition like? Gather some data on your competitors, any suppliers, or manufacturers you might need, and make up a rough image of what your costs will be like.
Find a niche that has low competition and know its price points so that you can begin selling products online at lowest price and then make your way to the higher prices – the loss leader approach.
Now, the products.
Clothes are that one thing for which the demand is never going down, in fact, new trends and fashion styles have only uplifted this gigantic industry. According to Statista, the online clothing industry is expected to reach USD 872 billion by 2023. From shapewear and athleisure to formal and semi-formal clothes everything is in-demand.
However, the industry is fairly competitive, and it might be difficult to find a spot as a new entrant. But worry not, there is always a buyer for a product. Keep studying market trends, your target buyer’s choice and preferences, their purchasing power and all other important aspects that can help you list the best products on your online selling store.
Teeth whitening products
You might have noticed the sudden surge in the endorsement of teeth whitening kits; this industry is expected to reach 7.4 billion USD by 2024. The plus point is, you do not even have to heavily market it, it is already in-demand by so many consumers, much thanks to sponsored posts by influencers and celebrities on social media. As the beauty industry is growing all the affiliated industries are also getting a bigger market share in their businesses. The consumers for teeth care-products are increasing prodigiously. Now is the time to start investing in these products and get most benefit out of this opportunity.
Technology gear
With the rise in technology and increasing usage of the internet, tech gear is high in-demand. These products are not age specific, almost every age group is in excessive use of such tech gear items in some way of their life. But the products that are not suitable for kids, their specific age versions are also available in the market and are selling like hot cake. From smart watches and tablets to wireless speakers and Bluetooth devices, everything is in-demand. Gaming laptops, computers, Cell phone and car accessories, like pop socket, phone cases, portable chargers and trackers for car are a very profitable niche in this industry. Especially for those looking for drop shipping in ecommerce.
Digital Products
Internet and technology have surely paved the way for tech gear, but it has also created a new industry for digital products. From software, online streaming services, games to digital art, eBooks, and online courses – which are even higher in demand due to CoVID-19. Although you do need a specific skillset for entering this industry, but there are so many online resources available for you to learn from and create a product to sell online.
Medical and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
The global pandemic has boosted the medical and PPE industry, and expect to reach USD 85.72 billion by 2026. More and more people are entering in online business for medical supplies. From thermometers, pulse oximeters, nebulizers, face masks, sanitizers, medicines, everything is crucially high in-demand right now.
Baby and Maternity items
It is for sure that items for babies and maternal care are never going out of demand, just like clothes. All the parents get so excited for their child even if he’s not the first one, so be sure, the market demand for your items is always the sky-high. And perhaps due to this, the industry is pretty saturated now, but still profitable for newcomers who want to dropship items to their customers. There is a rise in “mommy bloggers” and many are looking to promote your products at very low prices. As a content marketer, you can surely benefit from these.
Vegan, Cruelty-free and Organic
Many consumers are switching to more eco-friendly items, thanks to veganism, the Minimalism movement, and the increasing awareness about climate change. Fashion bloggers and lifestyle influencers are promoting ethical and sustainable fashion brands, trend for thrifting is increasing, organic food items, cleaning supplies, skin care and beauty products are also popular.
The global market size for this type of industry was USD 12.9 billion in 2017, and it is expected to increase, so it would be a good investment. For example, cruelty-free beauty products, plastic-free containers, as well as ethically sourced jewellery and clothes. You can start your online business of beauty products on Eishops that is offering free marketing and listing services to all the sellers.
Pet Industry
Just like the baby items industry, pet accessories are forever in-demand. According to AVMA, 63.8% households in the USA own either a cat, dog, or both. With this high percentage, there is no dropping of the demand for pet food, litter boxes, flea repellents, grooming products, toys etc.
In fact, the industry in America alone, was estimated at $72 billion near the end of 2019. The target audience for pet items are millennials, and they are high in population in the entire world, so you have customers ready, just begin selling!
LED Light
I am pretty sure you have seen those Tik Tok videos of influencers showing off their rooms decorated with colourful LED light strips and how they got those online stores at cheap rates. Well, LED lights are among the trending items for millennials and Generation Z consumers, but if you plan on investing in this market, go big!
Try to sell LED lights not just for indoors, but for outdoors, maybe for cars too. No wonder this industry was estimated at USD 54 billion in 2019 and is expected to rise 13.4% in the current decade.
In 2018, the global stationery industry had a value of USD 90.6 billion and it was estimated to grow by 5% each year, following 2018. There is also a rise in online communities like the Studyblr, or the Bullet Journal Community; they thrive on stationery items and art supplies. With a large social media following, marketing for such products will be relatively easy too – influencers and artists are always looking for sponsorship deals.
Ecommerce business may not be a piece of cake, but it is surely a profiting industry. The search volume for your preferred industry and its competitive niches, products, should be high. You also want to think about your preferred ecommerce method, whether you are looking for business to consumer, business to business, direct to consumer, wholesaling or drop shipping.
You need to calculate all costs before actually setting up your ecommerce store. If you want to create a new product, think of the design, bring new product ideas, get a prototype built by a manufacturer and then look for potential investors, and get going. If this is costing you too much, go for drop shipping.
There are so many options available for you to begin your online business, all you have to do is start thinking, and Eishops will take care of the rest. Since it is a relatively new ecommerce business platform, there is not much competition and you can conduct your business rather smoothly. Eishops provides best SEO and marketing tools to attract your target audience and generate maximum customers for you. There is no registration fee and you can start your business without any hassle!
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