b-galleria · 3 months
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Appe Leppänen: Realms 
B-gallerian päätila 11.7.-28.7.2024
Realms-näyttely kuvaa rinnakkaisia maailmoja sekoittamalla houkutukseen ja karkotukseen liittyviä
asioita luonnosta ja taikauskosta. Työskentelyssä olen pohtinut näiden asioiden välisiä yhteyksiä ja
vastaavuuksia. Teoksia varten olen tutkinut hyönteisten ja kasvien kuviointeja ja muotoja,
taikauskoon liittyviä esineitä ja symboleja sekä nettikirjoituksia perho-onginnasta.
Onkija houkuttelee kaloja perhoilla, jotka on valmistettu muistuttamaan veden pinnalle pudonneita
maahyönteisiä. Ajatus tuosta kahden maailman tai valtakunnan välissä ajelehtivasta keinotekoisesta
syötistä on innoittanut teoskokonaisuuden syntymistä. Realms-näyttely käsittelee sitä miten tai
millaiset asiat ja kuviot vaikuttavat tapahtumissa ja muovaavat ympäröiviä todellisuuksia.
Realms exhibition depicts parallel worlds by mixing things related to lure and expell from nature and
superstition. In working I have pondered the analogy between these two. In the process I have
studied the patterns and forms of insects and plants, superstitious objects and symbols, and online
articles about fly fishing.
An angler attracts fish with flies that are made to imitate terrestrial insects fallen on the water
surface. The thought of that artificial bait drifting between two worlds or kingdoms has inspired the
body of work. Realms exhibition deals with how or what kind of things and patterns affect events and
shape the surrounding realities.
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pipariperho · 1 year
How do you pronounce your url I’ve been following you for years and at this point I’m too afraid to ask
Hi! No reason to be afraid, my url is Finnish so I get not many people outside Finland knows how to say it.
So, basically my url is combination of 2 words, pipari and perho, links go to wiktionary if you wanna see the spelling written but I didn't see audio there, google translate can help you more with how to say the individual words, I checked and they sound correct.
Basically the meaning of this url (as I the one who chose it can definitely say it) is gingerbread butterfly but I see now there's always been another meaning I haven't realised before this
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rjoisu · 1 month
Time with You by rjoisu
Chapter 1
Halos nangbingi ako sa mga sinasabi niya, Mom always care what I will show to everyone, kung maganda o hindi ba ang ugaling pinapakita ko, ang respeto na binibigay but she cannot even do that to her own daughter.
Unconsciously my tears fell from my face, the only time I felt it was after it dropped from my face. I cannot hear anything from what my mother keeps saying to my father, even my brother joined their argument but his hands hold tightly on my arms.
“Mom, enough! Perho pa rin ang mangyayari, Isa will always be at her fault!” kuya shouted.
I grip my hands as firmly as I can, take a deep breath, close my eyes, and cover my ears by my palms.
“Shut the hell up!” I looked at my mother, taking courage by gripping my own hands. “How can you say that? Puro nalang kung anong sasabihin ng tao sa’yo ang inaalala mo! Have you ever asked me what I felt sa mga sinasabi nila? Diba hindi?! Cause you never asked if I am okay or not! You only care sa image mo sa kanila but even a single question if I’m okay ay wala akong natanggap!”
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helsinki2024 · 5 months
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27.04.2024 Lunch at Ravintola Perho
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urduzz · 10 months
لوگ مر بھی تو جاتے ہیں۔۔
میں ایسےجی رہا ہوں تو کیا۔۔۔
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kodittomat · 2 years
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Perho MAU! Pörröinen Perho etsii omaa kotia!
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torillatavataan · 3 years
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Porasen tuvan väkikivi Perho, 1928
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legendariium · 3 years
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art credit
Perhó is a Maia of Oromë, and an ex-hunter of the Vala’s company. Their form is based off of a barn owl, and they can shift into an actual little barn owl. In their harpy form they’re somewhat smaller in stature than most Maiar. Their arms are attached to their wings, and their feet are talons. While in Oromë’s woods they wear no clothes, but outside the woods they wrap fabric around their waist like a makeshift skirt because they’ve been told they probablyyyy should.
They were once a scout and hunter for Oromë, but during the years of the Trees they got into a terrible incident on a hunt. A great void demon they were hunting took hold of their wing while they were making a swoop at it, and it attempted to eat Perhó whole. Anything lost or consumed by the Void is gone forever - Perhó was lucky to have a loyal band of hunters with them that were able to free them.
However, the exposure and damage from the shadow beast was too great. By the time the demon was killed, Perhó was in so much pain they couldn’t think; their left wing was wrapped in tendrils of shadow and smoke, charred black and rotting. But the damage was spreading, and spreading quick. One other hunter had been lost this way before, and Oromë knew what had to be done to save the Maia’s very existence. It pained the Vala almost as much as Perhó to amputate their wing and arm, but everyone was relieved to see the shadows could indeed spread no longer. Except Perhó. They were having a really horrible time
Afterwards, Perhó was quite obviously traumatized by the incident. The near-death was one thing, but to lose their wing and entire purpose and joy? Perhó wondered if they’d have rather let the void consume them. Once physically healed they ended up going to live in Vána’s gardens, and joined her maiar there with their tasks. It helped Perhó find a semblance of purpose and stay distracted. They also weren’t ready to face the other hunters, or that life yet.
It took quite a few years for Perhó to feel ready enough to return to Oromë’s woods and be reminded of the things that had been lost to them. But when they did, Oromë said that he and Aulë would like to work with Perhó on making them a custom prosthetic wing. Perhó was scared but delighted to, and over the course of a few years the three Ainur worked on making the wing and training with it. However, Perhó continued their work with Vána. They returned back to their nest in Oromë’s woods, but never returned to hunting.
Perhó is still very new to me so I’m still working on their personality in character. They’ll be developed through my roleplay and asks. That’s how they came to exist in the first place! thanks again anon
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awesomehellu · 5 years
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Digitalisaatio – maailma muuttuu
Opiskelen Haaga-Helian liiketalouden linjalla ja meneillään Uuden kehittäjä -moduuli ja toimeksiantona perustaa Blogi liittyen Digitaalisaatioon.
Digitaalisaatio tarkoittaa digitekniikan käyttöön ottoa joka osa-alueelle. Digitalisaatio on sijoitus tulevaisuuteen. Väistämättä Digitalisaatio myös johtaa työpaikkojen menetykseen, varsinkin niissä missä tehdään manuaalista työtä. Jotta sinä pysyt ajanhermoilla, paras vakuutus on jatkuva itsensä kehittäminen. Tämä aihe tulee enemmän kuin tarpeeseen ja on erittäin mielenkiintoinen ja haluankin täällä jakaa miten tulemme käyttämään kyseistä työkalua meidän tehtävässä.
Ryhmälle on annettu toimeksianto luoda palveluinnovaatio Green City Farmin pellolle opetus ja virkistyskäyttöön. Farmi sijaitsee keskellä Helsinkiä, Malmilla. Tämän projektin aikaansaannokset ja loistavat ideat tulevat enemmän kuin tarpeeseen Farmille. Ihmeellistä on se, että olen käynyt tunneilla Malmilla ja Pasilassa vuoden ajan enkä ole tiennyt mitään, että Green City Farmi sijaitsee koulun takana.
Huomenna olemmekin menossa yhdessä ryhmämme jäsenen Saran kanssa katsomaan itse tilaa, jotta saamme paremman kuvan itse toiminnasta. Todella mielenkiintoista mitä ryhmämme saakaan aikaiseksi.
Tiesitkö sinä, että keskellä Helsinkiä (Malmilla) on Green City Farmi?
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Perho, Finland ca. 1927
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viinistajavieresta · 4 years
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Loma, on se rankkaa #spo #semit #perho #olutta #suomenparasolut2020 (paikassa Perho Liiketalousopisto) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDi6MIZBlVT/?igshid=7qrfvl2rhp8c
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allergmds · 6 years
Musta Väkäsetön Liitsi
Musta Väkäsetön Liitsi Uppoperho
Musta pienemmän kokoluokan liitsi väkäsettömään jigi koukkuun.
Koukkuna Akitan #8
Painotettu kultaisella tungsten kuulalla.
from Tuotteet – Perho Kauppa http://bit.ly/2X3GhSW
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mapsontheweb · 2 years
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Names of some Finnish municipalities (current and former) translated literally to English.
by u/Rascally_Raccoon
Automobile Accident – Kolari Barren Rock – Luoto Barren Rock With Riding Crops – Raippaluoto Barren Rock With Sharks – Hailuoto Beating Hill – Pieksämäki Big-stick-ville – Karttula Bludgeon Country – Nuijamaa Bone Hill – Luumäki Bottom – Pohja Candyville – Karkkila Candyville – Mellilä Cougarville – Puumala Creating Maternal Uncles – Enontekiö Death Lake – Kuolemajärvi Drool Lake – Kuolajärvi Fishing Lure – Perho Gulf Of Lapland – Lapinlahti Hatville – Hattula Hazel Hen With A Crown – Kruunupyy Health Care Island – Vårdö Hill Of Forty Squirrel Furs – Kiihtelysvaara Injuryville – Vammala Landslide – Vieremä Lapland – Lappi Limb Country – Lemland Mallet – Kurikka Maternal Uncle – Eno Maternal Uncle’s Rapids – Enonkoski Pitchfork – Hanko Preaching Band – Liperi Predator Bay – Petolahti Puttyville – Kittilä Real Bay – Aitolahti River of Totally Yes – Juupajoki Rule By Brushes – Harjavalta Sea Lake – Merijärvi Stink – Lemu Theft – Varkaus Tight – Tiukka Twice – Kakskerta Viper Lake – Kyyjärvi Virgin Bay – Impilahti War Town – Sodankylä Weird Hill – Outokumpu Wienerville – Nakkila
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helsinki2024 · 5 months
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26.04.2024 Ravintola Perho
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urduzz · 10 months
نہ گنواؤ ناوک نیم کش دل ریزہ ریزہ گنوا دیا
جو بچے ہیں سنگ سمیٹ لو تن داغ داغ لٹا دیا
مرے چارہ گرکو نوید ہو صف دشمناں کو خبر کرو
وہ جو قرض رکھتے تھے جان پر وہ حساب آج چکا دیا
کرو کج جبیں پہ سر کفن مرے قاتلوں کو گماں نہ ہو
کہ غرور عشق کا بانکپن پس مرگ ہم نے بھلا دیا
ا دھر ایک حرف کے کشتنی یہاں لاکھ عذر تھا گفتنی
جو کہا تو ہنس کے اڑا دیا جو لکھا تو پڑھ کے مٹا دیا
جو رکے تو کوہ گراں تھے ہم جو چلے تو جاں سے گزر گئے
رہ یار ہم نے قدم قدم تجھے یاد گار بنا دیا
فیض احمد فیض
kuch acha perho
#urduz #urduqoutes #urdushayari #urduwood #UrduNews #urdulovers #urdu #urdupoetry #awqalezareen
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purplehoodiesimon · 3 years
okay i know i promised more butterflies and i'm very sorry but i went down another rabbit hole again and hopefully it's another thing you'll be interested in (if you know this already i'm sorry i promise i'll be back with another butterfly for you soon). once again i tried my best but some of it might be incorrect.
on to today's topic: in 2000, there was a somewhat controversial article written about the linguistics of the word "butterfly" across different languages (the elusive butterfly), written by william o. beeman, an anthropologist, who claimed that, contrary to most words, "butterfly" shares few/no roots from language to language. he's controversial mostly in that his focus isn't actually historical linguistics - it's anthropology. and within the article, he cites other, also controversial, researchers. in any case, some people agree with him, some people disagree with him, but at least on a surface level, many of the words for "butterfly" do appear unique. the gist of his research (i did not read his article i read a bunch of articles about his article) is that "butterfly" does not follow the typical cognate rules - i think within the romance languages (?) - because they should all be similar to the Latin word, papilio, and most of them, with the exception of French, aren't. even a lot of the other related languages have entirely different words.
this really isn't about beeman's research at all, although that's what got me onto the topic originally. mostly this is just about the etymology of the different words for butterfly. English: butterfly
comes from old English buttorfleoge, literally just butter and fly. this could be because butterflies were thought to have liked butter, because their poop is the color of butter, or because of the common butter-yellow color of some butterflies in England. in middle English it becomes buterflie, which evolved into the word we use today.
French: papillon
again, this is the one with a clear root word - papilio, in Latin becomes the French papillon.
Italian: farfalla
apparently, this comes from the Lombardic parpaja, which originated in northern Italy/southern Germany. (i don't know how accurate this actually is - every website seems to have a different answer, this one just made the most sense to me. alternatively, it comes from the Old Italian parpaglione, which does come from the Latin papilio.)
Maltese: farfetta
the other possibility i saw for farfalla is that it came from this word, but i don't know which came first. i can't (easily) find an origin for this word.
Spanish: mariposa
this comes from the phrase (?) "María pósate, descansa en el suelo," shortened to "María pósate," meaning "Mary, alight."
Portuguese: borboleta
in Latin, bellus means beautiful. with Vulgar Latin, it becomes belbellita, which becomes (now Portuguese) belbeleta, then berbeleta, then borboleta.
German: schmetterling
this one is simple. it comes from schmetten, meaning cream, because it was believed that witches transformed into butterflies to steal cream (sorry i missed that in the mythology ask), and the diminutive suffix -ling.
Dutch: vlinder
unfortunately this one is also unclear. the best i could find is that it is possibly related to the Proto-Germanic fî-faldrôn and/or fifaldǭ.
Swedish: fjäril
definitely related to the Proto-Germanic words above. those turn into fífrildi (Old Norse) and then into fiädhal (Old Swedish), before you get the current fjäril.
Danish: sommerfugl
literally "summer bird"
Russian: babochka
a diminutive of "old woman" or "grandmother." this also gets me a different result on the mythology front - it says that the Russians believed women/people turned into butterflies after they died.
Polish: motyl
from the Proto-Slavic motyljь‎.
Finnish: perhonen
perho is a fishing lure, supposedly. with the diminutive suffix -nen it makes the word for butterfly. other sources show liippo as an alternate word as well.
Hungarian: lepke, pillangó
from the Proto-Uralic lëppᴈ. it is a cognate of the Finnish liippo listed above.
from the word pillog, meaning 'to blink or flicker'. it uses the pillang variant with the -ó suffix.
Greek: petaloúda (πεταλούδα)
likely either from petilís, meaning 'locust', or petánnumi, meaning 'spread out'. i would guess the second over the first, but i really don't know.
Hebrew: parpar
originally, the word tziporet or tziporet kramim (meaning bird/vineyard bird) was used in place of an actual word for butterfly. in a poem written in 1904, tziporet was used alongside the word for flutter - pirper. deciding that a word solely for butterfly was necessary, someone in the Ben-Yehuda family (not sure who) took inspiration from pirper along with the Pharpar River and the French papillon to create the word parpar, first appearing in a 1910 poem and eventually becoming popularized.
Albanian: flutur
possibly from the Proto-Albanian flugtur, or the Latin fluctuare (to the Vulgar Latin fluctulāre, to the Albanian fluturoj - meaning 'to fly')
Romanian: fluture
borrowed from the Albanian flutur
Irish: féileacán
most likely from the Old Irish etelachán, which comes from the word etelach, meaning 'flying'.
Turkish: kelebek
from the Proto-Turkic kepelek.
and a few words that i couldn't find etymology for but still liked anyway: kipepeo (Swahili), fithrildi (Icelandic), peperuda/пеперуда (Bulgarian), and liblikas (Estonian).
(obviously this is not every language that exists - most of the articles i looked at had lists of languages and their word for butterfly, so that's where i got all these from, give or take a couple.)
sign languages do not reflect this difference - the vast majority use the same sign, although some have a different movement (ASL flutters the hands in place, BSL flutters upwards and left, LSF flutters upwards and right - those are the main variations). the other most common version of the sign for butterfly is the one used by Estonian, Italian, Spanish (Argentina), and Japanese sign languages: (please forgive my descriptions from here out) palms facing outward, thumbs overlapping at the nail, both hands form an open-b, with a repeated movement from open-b to flat-b. some of these signs include a secondary movement like BSL and LSF do, but some are stationary like ASL. of all the sign languages available for this word on spreadthesign, only Belarusian and Croatian have a distinctly different sign. Belarusian crosses the arms at the wrist and flaps the whole hand (palms down), and Croatian holds both hands shoulder-height (palms out, hands tilted so the fingers point off to the left and right but not entirely horizontal) and flutters the fingers.
this ask is a whole ass essay, i'm sorry. i put it into google docs to make sure i wouldn't lose it and it came out to ~1100 words. my apologies to everyone who has to see this and/or scroll past it.
Okay I just read that paper and your ask and that is fascinating. The way that so many of those words were completely different from each other, even among languages with similar origins like, everyone really did look at the butterfly and decide on a different word for it. I've always known that "butterfly" and "mariposa" were very different sounding but figured it was just one of those ones where English ended up with a Germanic based word for it instead of a Latin based word that would be similar to the Spanish. Did NOT expect it to be a weird one across lots of languages like that though. That is such an interesting phenomenon though like why did so many languages end up with such different words for butterfly, even when a lot of them share words/roots? I do have to say, after reading that entire list, I think mariposa is still my favorite word for the little creatures. It just sounds so elegant, like them.
As for the sign thing, that does make to sense to me. A lot sign languages had some mixing and matching during their establishments, like people often learned from other people in other countries that already had a sign language and so on and on. And it makes sense like, visually? Like you know, a lot of animal signs have to do with the appearance/movement of the animal (think like spider, turtle, snake in ASL) so it makes sense to me that an animal that generally just flies around flapping its wings and looking pretty would be shown with a hand flapping movement across the world in sign. THEN AGAIN, you'd also think etymologically similar spoken languages would have similar words for it so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I'm gonna be up for the rest of my entire fucking life thinking about this. I have so many thoughts. So many. So many questions. A million, honestly.
Also every little nugget of information you give me about butterflies I am putting in a notes folder and figuring out how to work into butterfly Wille so keep them coming. I swear it's coming along. Slowly, but it is. These are amazing.
Please note: I am not an actual linguist or historian, just a languages nerd taking a lot of language classes, and if there's terminology or information in here that's inaccurate, I'm sorry, just let me know and I'll make the corrections.
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