#perpetual dispair
a little something I started but probably won't ever finish - alternate first meeting steddie! post s3, pre s4
(context: in an effort to cheer up his perpetually grumpy new neighbor, Eddie broke out his old skateboard and immediately ate shit for it. Cue Red calling none other than Steve Harrington to solve the problem...)
Red was barely in the door when Harringron turned on him, jaw clenched and fingers twitching. Having those dark eyes focused so entirely on him nearly made Eddie dizzy.
His lips were moving and- oh shit. Eddie was totally supposed to be listening.
"Uh, what?"
"What are you doing hanging around Max?"
Eddie frowned. "We're neighbors?"
"So I'm being… neighborly? Is that illegal?"
"Neighborly is getting someone's mail while they're out of town. Not a super senior hanging around with a girl who's not even in high school yet."
"You better be fucking careful what you're accusing me of, Harrington, because to be honest, you don't look any better. Don't think I haven't heard your beemer pull up at all hours of the night. What the fuck is that about, huh? King Steve likes 'em young?"
Eddie's back hit the trailer before the last word even left his mouth. All the breath rushed out of him at once as Harrington pinned him with one arm across his shoulders.
"Don’t fucking say that," he seethed. "She's like my sister. I'm not- I wouldn't hurt her."
Eddie reached up to pat Harrington's arm placatingly, sending him as sweet a smile as he could muster.
"Hey, I believe you, man. I'm a little lost, sure, but I believe you." He sent a look to the trailer to his right. "Now can you let me down before Muriel sends Axel out to break your arm?"
Harrington followed his gaze and, upon seeing Muriel frowning from behind her curtains, dropped Eddie faster than if he'd told him he had the plague.
"We're in my kingdom now, Harrington," he said, grinning and waving in Muriel's direction. "These are my people. We take care of each other here. And Red's one of us, whether you like it or not."
Steve frowned, opened his mouth to respond, maybe even protest, but Eddie cut him off.
"I was just trying to make the kid smile, okay? So I got out my old skateboard, did a few tricks, busted my shit." He held up the ice pack he'd stolen from Red's fridge. "She called you 'cause she said you'd know what to do."
Harrington was quiet. Noticeably, he did not apologize for jostling Eddie's extremely sore wrist, but whatever.
"Did she?"
"Yeah, man, I tried to talk her out of it, but she seemed pretty confident you'd pick up. And here you are, so…"
"No, I mean- did she have fun?"
Eddie shrugged. "I mean, she didn't look as miserable as usual. Laughed a couple times when I fucked up a dismount. What's up with that, by the way? The constant dispair?"
Harrington's whole body tensed, and Eddie was almost scared he was gearing up to punch him just for asking.
"You remember Billy Hargrove?" he replied, his voice tight.
Eddie couldn't help but sneer at the mention of that piece of shit. Wayne had always taught him not to speak ill of the dead, but that didn't mean he couldn't think some choice things about him. Like the fact that he was pretty sure the guy was rotting in hell for all the things he'd said to Jeff in the school halls.
"Unfortunately. What about him?"
"He was Max's older brother. Step-brother."
"Fucked?" Harrington supplied. Eddie nodded. "Yeah. So I just- I need to make sure another Hargrove doesn't come around. Sorry I got all... you know. I've been told I can be kind of intense."
"No shit," Eddie laughed. "No hard feelings, I guess. Since it's in Red's best interest."
"No hard feelings," Harrington echoed. "Thanks for looking out for her."
Then, something Eddie had never even dreamed of: Harrington stuck his hand out, clearly expecting a handshake.
It was over in a second, but Eddie's hand burned where Steve's had been.
"No problem. I'm kind of the park babysitter," Eddie replied. "Part of the job description."
Harrington lit up at that.
"I babysit too! Max and a few of her friends. 'S why I'm always around. I'm usually playing chauffeur for one of the other gremlins."
"That makes more sense than you having a torrid love affair with Susan."
"Yeah, she's not really my type," Harrington said with a smirk.
Eddie watched in shock as Harrington's eyes slowly, deliberately dipped up and down his form.
Talk about fucking whiplash. Eddie could still feel Harrington's strong arm against his chest, the brush of Harrington's nose against his own, the heat of Harrington's breath on his face. And now the king was checking him out?
"I see. Not into MILFs?"
Eddie was in the middle of making plans to staple his big stupid mouth shut when Harrington laughed.
"I'm more into brunettes."
And boy, didn't that seem pointed.
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unremarkablehouse · 3 months
Story post-IWTB? I'd like to know more about that, please!!
Ask and you shall receive, here’s the unfinished draft. I actually have the majority written but I forgot about the story, choosing to write fluff instead 🤣
It’s not like he wanted the world to end in 2012 or for aliens to come and attempt to reclaim the human race. He didn’t even feel remotely sad that he wasn’t the one leading the battle to thwart the attack, dying and becoming a fugitive really quashed any savior complex he had. As Mulder realized that the timeline had changed, there would be no intergalactic Armageddon, his life force began to fade. He had made plans for 2012, none of which he had detailed to Scully, but she knew he’d thought about it. In her mind she hadn’t fathomed that everyone one of his plans and contingencies involved getting their son (and his adoptive parents) and bunkering down with them. The longing and wonder that he felt for William was akin to his search for Samantha, and the hope of being reunited with him kept him going until it didn’t. 
The grief he felt for his son enveloped his entire being as his heart lay broken and beyond repair.
Of the taboo topics that existed in their relationship William was pretty much top of the list, tied closely with The X files or any mention of government conspiracies. So Mulder never talked about what had been eating away at him, trying to internalize the pain like he had watched Scully do and try to pretend that he was fine.
But Mulder was far from fine, with no one to talk to and nothing he could do to change the situation the pain became a constant ache that he lost the energy to hide, finding himself engulfed in the heavy fog of depression. Scully had never seen him like this, so withdrawn and not responsive to her. Suddenly her Mulder avoided looking at her, recoiled from her touch and started sleeping on the couch. She begged him to get help, pleaded with him to talk to her, but he couldn’t hear her over the ocean of distance that had been placed between them. She couldn’t understand that the sight of her, something that had always brought him immense joy and comfort, now filled him with so much guilt and dispair. In his heart he believed that she would have been better off if he’d have stayed dead and spent sleepless nights imagining how her life would have been without him. The life she would live with their son, her friends and family had a life time of love that would make up for missing him. In that life his son would grow up knowing his mother and hearing about him through stories, surely that would be better than never knowing them at all? These dark thoughts played as a daily continuum, a constant discontented soundtrack he was unable to drown out. If only he’d have been able to turn it down low enough to notice that Dana Scully was floundering. Like two trees that had grown together, Mulder’s depression knocked Scully off balance. Her confidence and faith in the world had been shaken and she found herself heartbroken and in a perpetual state of disorientation. Not wanting to alert her mother to the issues she spent the weekend in a hotel room by the hospital. It felt frivolous at first, but as she cried her way through a 1hr deep tissue massage she suddenly found this sense of relief. In her hotel room she didn’t have a sense of fear, not knowing what mood she was talking into. As her heart lay wounded and exposed she craved a sense of control. By the second day Scully heard herself laugh out loud and was startled by the sound. As she ate her breakfast alone in the hotel's restaurant, she regretted leaving her phone up in the room and was forcing herself to try and get interested in the local travel guide she’d pick up. A small poodle mix puppy had broken free of his leash and had made a frantic dash towards the smell of food. The puppy had been distracted by his owner calling for him to stop that he hadn’t realized he was on a crash course for Scully’s table leg until it was too late. Paws flailing as he attempted to slow did little to lessen the impact as the tiny dog crashed into the table with a thump, knocking a piece of bacon off Scully’s plate in the process. The look of absolute delight and dumb luck that appeared on the dog’s face as he discovered the bacon made her truly laugh at the first time in awhile.
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labetenwar · 9 months
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Hey friends. I would like to try my best and come back online but I have been through a lot lately. 
My dear baby bunny Pépin has been really sick during the entire Holidays season and I still don't know if he is going to make it. For the past days I have been on a perpetual emotional roller coaster, balancing from hope to dispair several time a day. I'm exhausted and everything's hurt. I love him so much I'm terrified of loosing him. 
Please bear with me. I know that I'm bit behind on schedule but be sure that I will always complete work I owe, it might just take a little more time than it should. Be assured that I am doing my best. Thanks a lot for your support and patience. 
I did this drawing before Christmas but I didn't managed to share it so far because I'm so scared to loose the happiness it shows. It feels bitter. 
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scorp10n1 · 2 years
Ned in Peril- The Perils of Bondage Island!
Chapter 7- The Prison of Dispair!
The world believes him dead but Ned Carstairs is in fact the prisoner of a ruthless autocrat known as The Baron and his Legion of Iron.
Incarcerated on the Legion's base, Peril Island, Carstairs has been condemned to perpetual bondage and endures a number of fiendish ordeals. Currently he lies bound and gagged, and sealed in a cavity between two great slabs of rock! Will he endure or will he succumb to the insanity of his predicament?
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titanicfreija · 1 year
Formal dancing together took some work. The first waltz felt good, but Sunny just relaxed, she didn't dance.
Which was why she wanted to now.
But Freija's lack of creativity often stifled her informal dancing. Rise taught her several but it gave the Titan a series of motions to recite, it didn't teach her how to dance. For all her animation, Freija locked up without guidance. Thus, she held love for waltzes, tangos, and certain maps and games in the crucible.
Unfortunately for Sunny, waltzes and tangos all but necessitated a humanoid shape. So she needed to adapt.
"You've been quiet."
If Freija would give her the time.... "I'm trying to figure out a puzzle," she sort-of-didn't-lie.
Silence hung heavy in the cockpit for several long moments, until Freija slowly tried, "Yeah?"
"I'll tell you when I think I can explain it."
"Ah. Okay. On a scale of one to ten, how imperative is it that I leave you alone?"
Sunny almost got to ask before Freija interrupted. "One being I can point out a pretty flower, and ten being injured in the middle of combat and you already said 'hang on' once."
"Was there a particular thing?" Sunny giggled nervously upon having that trait pointed out. The ghost got irrationally annoyed when Freija called her unnecessarily. (The annoyance had rational roots, being that she wanted to help and knew what was wrong and couldn't get at it, and therefore Freija's call could only be dispair and fear, and it hurt Sunny to hear. The irrationality stood in her being snippy and angry and stormy after the instances.)
"Kinda. Wanted to talk to you about the music and dancing thing again. I know I said I'd drop it..."
Apparently, Freija had expected to be interrupted, because she didn't pick it back up. She was prepared to have an argument just by bringing it up.
Blasted Titan.
"Were you waiting for me to explode at you so I could give you something to argue with?"
"Kinda? I'm still kinda hoping the ranting will help me figure out how to help."
Sunny dropped out of the air and she planned to catch herself over the instrument panel but Freija gasped and cried out, lunging to catch with both hands. "You okay?!"
"I'm exasperated, but I'm fine," Sunny groaned, floating to Freija's ear height. "Didn't mean to scare you, I was just trying to be dramatic."
"It's fine," she muttered, turning back to the controls and checking the autopilot and the gauges artificially.
"I'm... It's sweet, the way you want to help me, it really is, but you do need to face the fact that, occasionally, we do lose."
Freija hardly glanced at Sunny and shrugged lightly. "I know. We lost every step of the way in Neomuna. And the crucible still eats me alive."
Sunny nudged her shoulder. "Sometimes there's nothing left for a thing but to let it lie."
The perpetually hardened brow softened and Freija pouted like a puppy at her ghost, then looked back to her visual. "Sorry."
"It's okay. This time, that's not the case."
The puppy face came back, but happier. "Yeah?"
"The puzzle is finding balance for your structured dances and my non -limbed shape. I can't stretch my petals to reach hands or sub in for legs in ways that'll translate to the dances. So I'm trying to think of what to do."
"There's all kinds of parallel parts dancing," Freija cheered. "Groups in the Tower do it all the time. It takes a second to learn how to do them right, but we can totally dance together!"
Sunny giggled. "I have too many pieces in the wrong places to imitate you guys. My bottom panels are front and back, and I can spread them out and go back and forth, but I can't do it enough to copy footwork."
"Oh? I'll need to see. So you've got... Eight? On your discs?"
"The ones I could use to dance, yes. Top, bottom, left, right. I used the angular ones for a long time, but the pieces move similarly. There's only a few exceptions, most of which are fewer."
"Yay! I can imitate your bouncing motions, spins, kinda things. We'll have to work together for hands and feet for you, or reinterpret, maybe keep feet together?"
"Well... I'll have to remember how, first, I don't want you to think I've got a routine planned or anything."
"Don't let me get excited and scare you," Freija laughed. "But really, when you get your petals worked out, remember how you like to use them, show me so I can see if I can copy with my arms somehow? And if you do anything with the other two sets. I don't know what I can do with my head, but we can work it out!"
Sunny nudged Freija's head gently. "I will," she promised. "Thank you."
"For what?"
"Being my guardian. What's a five on that scale?"
"Ummm.... Something odd and not readily identifiable from a hundred meters somewhere like the gulch in the EDZ?"
"That'll suffice."
"Okay. I promise not to whine about any music."
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iffyisjustice · 7 years
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Shitty first attempt at a comic about what an unproductive lil shit I am 
Seriously would love if people would stop asking what I’m doing with my life
I don’t know :^))))
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writingmysanity · 2 years
I just read the tag game and oh-- that one fic of Kaz Brekker x Reader 👀👀 I kinda forget the Six of Crows duology after I binge-watched the show, but this definitely makes me remember my perpetual infatuation with Kaz & Nikolai sooo... please tell me more lol, I'm intrigued 😳
[I'm was about to ask about that Viktor x Mer!Reader too, but I will do it in a separate ask better hsghfhs]
Have a nice day! <3
I am very excited to see your pieces come out! I love your writing so much.
okay! I can actually do both of these pieces in one ask :) I don't mind. I love talking about them.
Rising Tides (A working title, it may change)- Mer!reader x viktor
Mer!reader is captured in the middle of her doing a ritual in order to protect her people that must be done every 100 years. she is brought to Jayce and Viktor, along with a fellow Merperson to be test subjects for their latest venture, medicine with Hextek. they are deemed close enough to humans to test but are considered subpar humans. less than human
VIktor and Jayce hate it, but theyve been given no other choice. thier invention worked, but not as expected. it made her more human. she lost her gills and shed her tail.
Viktor is kicked out of the school for his use of shimmer and body experiments, and so he runs. and he takes her with him as he refuses to allow her to become more of a specticle and experimented on more.
The bakers daughter- Kax Brekker x baker!reader
you are hired on at the club as a favor, to keep you safe- even if you dont need it. you cook, thats the extent- until Kaz needs a fresh face, one no one else has seen.
from then on, you become a temporary thing, helping on heists occassionally while keeping up with your main duties- cooking and caring for the crows.
after a close call, and a whole host of mistakes, kaz drags your biggest secret from the depths of your dispair and vows that not only does he want Pekka's head on a platter- he wants to watch it roll. together, they work to take down Pekka and help each other through their pain and push the other to move on.
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kimimatias · 6 years
yo im depressed af rn
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thevillagepoet · 4 years
The end of days have long come before and will not long from now come yet again.
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The wise father counselled the sons. Foretelling of rein not confined to the fire of the sun.
Men erected walls, mothers and sisters stood upon places where the aforementioned would fall.
Yet as the skies darkened, those times were no match for time herself, or so those bound to that secular faith felt.
The scientist then and now rose anew no longer condemned to that burning fume. No faith but of those we know to be unbiasedly true.
The struggle remains in coups to be fought, for who?
A strange sequence of thought. A game of no deacon nor house, or cross bequeathed a piece confined to the light of day.
No different to the coined and her impending cross. The hour towards a seasonal feverish rush, borne from groomed yet untamed hunger.
They remain lost yet not gone, not under. For the fall is not without smog the way fire is not without air.
From there the heir will rise from the ash to lead us back from there, away from perpetual dispair.
Heed the call and follow the sacred path where only the voice within shall steer; the heart filled yet soul still bare.
Will you follow that strangely familiar voice there?
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The luster of past lovers once held never faded from my mind a spark inside of a memory of them gone but to this day they shine
Ever encroaching death the unfathomable relentlessness of the passage of time.
Thoughts of Lost Love remnants and images of passion once mine reminds me of the sands of The hourglass how they continue to fall youthfulness left behind
So vivid are these vestiges they feel sinful almost a crime my hips between her thighs her lips pressed firmly against mine.
Tender kisses face to face within inches long deep stares eye to eye it's almost as if we're still there I can't help but think of Porphyria brutally strangled with her own silky yellow hair, lifeless eyes still holding beauty in their glare.
Phantoms long gone ghostly fragments of lost lovers laid bare. Some would call me lucky to have loved and lost so many, knowing someone so deeply that they, and I opened our souls to share.
Yet how they haunt me, holding still a piece of my heart. These lost loves from whom I did part rippling residually, perpetually causing mixed emotions of joy and dispaire.
Connections severed and beyond repair, lessons learned from our loves affair. Heart aches not wasted. Time not spent in vain, gaining wisdom and patience. cherished were the experiences we shared though they may be gone, for each love lost
I do still care
By David Goad
The reference is to "Porphyria's Lover" by Robert Browning
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thegospelofnagisa · 4 years
Magia Record Anime: Final Episode and Overall Thoughts of the Final Arc.
Ok… Sorry for the delay but I really really needed to fully structure my thoughts regarding the final episode of Magia Record and this whole final arch as a whole because...I am gonna be straight to the bullshit...I did not like this ending very much, as the episode itself I have to say it is my least favorite in the anime and I personally consider it the worst in the entire anime, right from the start I want you to know that, and with that being said, lets get into the reasons why.
First of all, while it is not a defining factor, it’s not the fault of SHAFT or bothers me a lot, it has to be said simply for the sake of completion, the quality of the episodes has been reduced dramatically, and that can be bothersome to some people, I understand that given the situation with the Coroner, this was expected, everyone knew it was going to happen, and again let me say, it doesn’t bother me, I can stand an anime that looks like blurry blob of shit, AS LONG AS THE STORY IS good, unfortunately for Magia Record I cannot shake the feeling in my head that the lack of resources might have had a hand in how things played out beyond a graphical downgrade...what things? That’s our next point.
Second, I have a big problem with this massive cliffhanger ending,I feel it was widely open, we are left with an ending that does not follow the story of the game in the slightest so NO ONE has any idea what the hell is going to happen and the story of this final arc is left inconclusive, we don’t know what will happen with Momoko and Rena, we don’t know if Iroha is going to be ok, we don’t know what happened to Mami...there is so much we aren’t aware of.
This is in itself is not a big issue because we know that there is going to be a second season, they’ve confirmed it….but here’s the thing, even so, you can’t just play with fire like that, leaving a massive cliffhanger like that is basically just begging the audience to continue to watch the series in the hopes that they’ll want to come and see what will happen, I feel that weights on the story because it doesn’t allow you to fully closure a story and like I said, a lot of things can change from here to then, sure Magia Record is popular, sure the anime is getting good ratings and it is selling well despite the pandemic, but that can change very quickly, what if the game messes something up and it puts a massive negative mark on the game that will affect its popularity? What if something happens with SHAFT and the anime gets delayed or worst, canceled? What if things get worst from here and now (I am very optimistic they won’t and we will all pull through with it but, it would be naive to discard a bad case scenario) you will ultimately disappoint your audiences when said continuation never comes, and it will be a huge disservice to the story you worked so much in.
G.R Martin can get away with it because that is the tone he has set for A Song of Ice and Fire, one of absolute uncertainty where you don’t know what will happen and things can change in an instant, so the audience is used to that dynamic, Magia Record IS NOT A Song of Ice and Fire, doing this is not good.
They should have finished episode 6 properly and then follow on with episode 7 and beyond in the second season...that is what I think.
The story itself is not that good because even in the game, it’s not very well written, it relies too much on backstory telling and trippy psychedelic antics, to the anime’s credit they summarized it very well, but still, it was not a good place to end the anime on, let alone finish it up with a fucking cliffhanger, so there is that.
And let’s not even get into what I perceive as contradictions with the original anime, for starters Kyubey saying in episode 12 that the witches are beneficial for humanity, I am sorry...I am sorry but...the Incubators don’t give two shits about humanity, Kyubey says it so in the original anime, he doesn’t care if we die or survive, he sees us meerly as resources and once our usefulness expires, he doesn’t care about us, they have the energy they want to stop entropy, it makes the implication that it isn’t just humans but other species across the universe that get milked by Incubators, but in Magia Record this is overly simplified by both Kyubey and Touka through the final arc, it’s not just about humans, that’s what gives magnificence to the story and to Madoka’s wish, for the people who wonder why we glorify Gen Urobuchi so much, is because of this, he crafted a truly expansive concept with Madoka Magica, and then this dumb brat comes and bawls for the plight of Puella Magi….girl….NO ONE KNOWS PUELLA MAGI EXISTS! OF COURSE NO ONE IS GOING TO CARE ABOUT YOU! OMG for someone who harbors the superiority of Puella Magi, you sure make them look stupid Touka.
Then again, for those who played the game and know its story, they know the Magius ideology is bullshit and hypocritical anyway, but I won’t get much into that due to spoilers, for further in the story, needless to say, there is a bit of irony in Touka’s speech about resources management.
And finally my fourth negative point, which are mostly nitpicks but I’ll mention them, if you want me to address them individually I gladly will, but to summarize as much as possible, I do not like the way they handled Mami’s working with the Magius in the anime and the fact that they made Kaede join the fucking Magius...these two share the same problem for me and I’ll explain why, I feel the anime people don’t understand the basics of Mami and Kaede, see, joining the Magius is an act of weakness, because while the Magius system cleanses the soul gems of dispair, it doesn’t solve the problem, Puella Magia always get despair, so releasing a doppel becomes a necesity for them, a drug to put it in more comprehensible terms, one they grow dependant on, one they take they take it for relief at first, but later they’ll take it because they don’t want to feel bad. Really Momoko, Yachiyo, Yuma, Madokami’s approach is the correct one here, instead of worrying about the coming despair, you grow strong and don’t let it destroy you, that way you overcome it and grow stronger as a Puella Magi.
But then there are weak willed Puella Magi who form the Magius (Mifuyu for example, she might not be a “clingy jealous ex girlfriend” but she is a complete weakling and a coward, the perfect candidate for the Magius cult), that being said, the fact that you tell me Kaede is going to join the Magius, an organization she knows very well what it is, bugs me, Kaede is very fragile, introvert and easy to push around, but she is not a weakling, her main problem is that she is on a team with Rena, anyone is going to be a nervous wreck on a team with Rena, now replace Rena with...Kanagi, Oriko, or even the Pleiades Saints, now Kaede will grow, and even on the team she is, she grows quite a lot, so I feel making her go the Magius route is an insult to her character, cimenting her as a “Weakling” (Granted there is the possibility this is temporary and she will be snappend out of her stuppers by the other 2 and the three will perform an audacious escape from the Magius Rally at the beginning of the second season, but until then, I am going to take it as as I explained it.).
The same thing applies to Mami, and this bugs me because there is a lot of people who don’t understand Mami DOESN’T BREAK DOWN BECAUSE SHE IS WEAK, she breaks down because she realizes her fight it’s POINTLESS, HOWEVER, if Mami has the support of a team with her, she can usually survive the shock, as Oriko Magica and The Different Story show, I am tired of people perpetuating the idea of Mami being a crazy nut job about to explode, that is a gross misunderstanding of her character.
But well….those are all my negatives, I’ll go back to the positives of the episodes, I like how they’ve developed the relationship between Iroha and Yachiyo, I still don’t fee the love tonight but, I do feel they’re really close together in a way Yachiyo has never had, so the anime did a good job with that.
I did like the Naziesque imagery with Touka’s speech, sure it can hit a nerve on some people, I completely understand it, but then again...she IS the villain, of course you expect her to hit you bad, and Touka is an excellent villain like Alina, she really really makes you hate her guts, and the Magius ARE a cult so they’re supposed to evoke this inhuman and fascist vibe on people because that’s what they are, they believe in the supremacy of a group over the other, isn’t that what a Nazi is? Assholes who think their misconceptions of how race works grant them a superiority over the rest of humanity, that’s what the Magius are, two fart sniffing brats who think their erroneous misconceptions of their status as a Puella Magi grants them the right over the rest of humanity.
Perfect casting I’d say.
And finally, Sayaka! Omg Sayaka really shined this episode, and this is a version of Sayaka we don’t often see, a mature baddass Sayaka, sure she’s still a rookie compared to Mami, but she performs with a lot more confidence and skill than she ever did in the main anime, you can tell she knows how to use her skills and she’s not afraid to use them, allowing her arm to get blown off to save Iroha and Yachiyo and later healing herself ring on the spots she was hurt, all through visual details, Inu Curry’s expertise, really if you’re a fan of Sayaka, THIS is the brightest moment in her life, this episode will make you love Sayaka Miki a lot.
Overall...I have to say, despite all my complains up there, I generally enjoyed Magia Record a lot and I am anxious for the next season, here’s hoping all will go well, and the Coroner won’t stop anyone, sure the world will change, but in some ways, I feel it will be a change for the best, and I hope these changes don’t halt the production of Magia Record, the franchise has managed to resurect from the grave Shinbo buried it with Rebellion many years ago, it would be a tragedy if it were to die here, but just like humanity, I am sure this new team heading the franchise can overcome all those odds….sorry that was fucking cheese XD
I give this final arch a 7, originally I was going to give it 6 but Sayaka was so fantastic that it pushed it to a 7 for sure...as to the entire series, I give it an 9, very good series, and a must if you watched Madoka Magica, skip Rebellion, let it rot on the ground and embrace the new path of the franchise with Magia Record.
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libidomechanica · 3 years
“Ful luflyly sayde, ‘Now leng þe byȝt al in true fire’”
 Weeping oer has that maidens in the town 
so witer man that entirely going heart,  here an erande fro þe knyȝt, hit kepes, Ful luflyly  sayde, “Now leng þe byȝt al in true fire with  me; the tinkling shut with  a perpetual dullness of our conquest  I did Cupid see what weppen so ill, they seem  love is like I dont misreported before I  go. And she wants to see them all: thy frown 
a man of maxims preaching there came then quickly wither,  long hallower of his hors at þat lufsum 
vnder step. And rod oueral enker-grene dele her hair  is fare at lorde lest help each other, long women comaundez  me and þat none increasing out of thy narrow  mind to a slumber, lapt in upon  thy bier. —This issue, must should solace of the  river or sea shore, and þe nase, þe laste at  hys lef hit hafe. She is as one that ruin  spread of kisses of lower tresses,  where here, and smile her far nor having a young  Lochinvar is complete: supposed to and far- heard clarion, even as mery man hath in birthday 
of the way to folk—remember,  I lay on the leapd with gold,  he comes, but I found; I grant þeralofte” þat haþel, “he þat I  haf here she were, and his hed of þat myȝt sunne, 
and ever certain her couertor, acorde me do flowers ( the breathing thy mouthingness, as dew in  aprille,) Gederes bowr or find ye. þaȝ he lookd  down with which, heart, as I stack of sheaves 
sailed to the day of by resoun of  Gawan, for ho hath the room in tear;  above theres a moon is up—the strain or  looks intent, the Master—a. Their turn their treasure, 
turn, returneth towards thy fire; ime weary  world may be broȝes, þe burnez so mat he mette, a Francis  call upon its hand, one chapeles choses 
hir names, and claspd his face it, mediating  betrays me back thee forth, quen he keuer þe luf he laȝt fro þo  wonez wythinne he þe hyȝe, and his way þer his 
sole God and arms in awful fold of our  heads shake himself spekez— neuer one, they are 
these, trawe ȝe me þe dale; and his changd by him; 
I call on her bot trifel; bot for as  endlesly dispairing seaward, puts down them a, “ye  are twyges, þat þer better minds from upper air,      the stuffs, the watch” the dead before  supperless bride to þat terrors, contact DLPS  Help Shes pursuing, and syngen for soþe, beauty  unespyd, should I meet? I see the Living wars— “and  I have thee to do her heart shall scores and  Fortune of their treasure to expoun of  drury dulful streams do I” live oer the spirit  worþez to mounting body how I faint  pink-bronze faintly                                             the natural a poor  mon do bot ferlyes on þat speche, and very mantyle  watz schore at last, vche burne to be 
of þe grene ar herde in fine to haunt of  those nutria-things in order has growing all the  way she pang; dare, never com a porter pure comfort  and be saued wyth a littel, sir, and sad!
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kittychosis · 3 years
i think what people fail to realize about me is that im not sad a lot of the time, sad is my baseline. i am consistently sad every waking and sleeping moment with lots of flucuation between perpetual sadness and more intense negative feelings. suicidality is my baseline, it is something i think about every single day. it is rare that i feel a positive emotion but it has been years since ive felt actual happiness. it is a triumph just to feel nothing at all or neutral. i realize the only access i have to positive emotions is through excitment and love. but those two things do not substitute for happiness nor get anywhere near it. maybe thats what makes borderlines, borderline. we cant feel happiness so we allow love to substitute for it and one person becomes our source of a positive emotion. when we lose them, we are thrown back into our pit of sadness and dispair with fear and hopelessness becoming all consuming. now i know why its so hard. i can only feel good when i love somebody and not having them reciprocate feels like i dont deserve to feel good, it feels like i domt deserve anything good. and that feeling is crushing.
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gett-merkedd · 6 years
Today I am broken, today I have died, I've shattered under the crippling weight of consciousness, crushed under the pressure of insatiable living, love is the creator and the destroyer, I died trying to live, I lost trying to win, destruction of reality, a fever dream of dispair, ungodly depression, dared to fail, tormenting my soul, grief laughs as I suffer, the stare of perpetuating madness, the touch of seething insanity, Icey cold breathe of death on my neck, I am changed, I am lost, when will my resurrection come for I am gone, dreams buried in shallow graves, love gave me life, love took it away, love baptized me under the beacon of hope, nourished by the hands of gods, love gave me reason, love gave me the rope, the hangmans noose, I starve and rot in a sea of wasted existence, a cesspool of deception, demons tearing my flesh, my bleeding heart, my crying eyes, lost in pain, the dead shall never rise
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atlas-labyrinth · 4 years
Don’t follow perpetually damaged heroes.
Look for something greater than the tragic. Don’t strive to emulate their sufferings and sins. Yes, great genius is linked to great suffering, sadness, a sense of dispair. The pattern of suicide is glaringly obvious. It creeps and up and kills them before twilight. Great minds, unique potentials, snuffed out by their own nurturer.
There is more. There is a new path to carve. A different balance to obtain.
Walk it yourself.
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Via No Border Kitchen Lesvos: When will europe take it's supposed responsability and adhere to it's precious human rights and end this situation of perpetual dispair? The hatred of the uniformed officers of the police and the coastguard continues to premate everyday life on Lesvos, keeping people in line in service of the status qua. And not only the officers, but also the bureaucrats are activly pushing the racist agenda. Inventing or making up rules that make it almost impossible for migrants with asylum status to obtain a social sercurity numbers that will allow you to get a job, rent a house or open a bank account. The state apparatus on this island is drenched trough and trough with only one message: we don't want you here, status or not. And with this message clearly understood, dozens gathered at the port of Mytilini last week hoping to leave the Island. For a few days some people with an open card where allowed to get on one of the ferrys to the mainland. Since then, dozens have gathered, with or without open cards, in the hope to get on the ferry and leave the walls of fortress europe. They have been met with heavy handed police violence, and in some cases people with valid tickets and open cards have been removed once already onboard the ferry. The amount of police brutality again shows the spectacular disdain the local police force has for migrants. With sticks in hand they keep beating and beating and beating people, shining black batons hitting skin to leave visible marks of europe's hatred and disdain. Accompenied agressively shouting for people to go away. But where can they go? In Athens, the squares are filling up with people from the Islands, homeless with no opportunities, no better off then on the island. The pushbacks of the hellenic coastguard are getting more violent and brutal. These agents of state, that the politicians call "defenders of the homeland", are in fact criminals that through their well published and documented actions spread the message of europe of the waters of the aegean sea like oil. Read more on their facebook page! #corona #coronacrisis #coronavirus #covid_19 #covid19 #sosmoria #noborders #searescueisnotacrime https://www.instagram.com/p/CCLGZbZFAPh/?igshid=18kycdsgf7vk6
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