#personally I enjoy when this happens and either Cross or Killer (loyal Right Hand) play enforcer and convince the others to listen to boss
spotaus · 5 months
Hi. I love those ideas for fics where Nightmare somehow gets reverted to his original shape (be that Becoming Child him, Goop Shenanigans, or Shapeshifting) and the rest of his men have to figure out how to deal with that.
Like, your big scary boss man is 4 ft tall and very much could be squashed? He's trying to be mean and scary but he's just too Baby to really listen to? Is he gonna be pissed when he gets to normal? Will he get back to normal? Does someone play along or does everyone go rogue? Like... dang :)
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timtimmersdrake · 4 years
Stray Bullet - Tim Drake x Reader
Well, look at this, I’m writing another one. Like I said in my last, this isn’t a regular thing. This is only my second imagine, but you guys seemed to really enjoy the last one so *shrugs* here we go?
Summary: You’ve been struck by a stray bullet as a civilian, and you decide instead of being the damsel, you hide it from Tim. I’m thinking this is set after the Red Robin comics, everyone is alive and Tim is starting to relax after being a tense hero for so long. (Pre-52) Warning for a little blood, not very graphic though.
In retrospect, you should have known it was going to happen eventually. You live in Gotham City after all. You just didn’t expect for it to catch you off guard like this.
You expected immediate medical attention. Maybe a vigilante or two already on the scene.
Not this chaotic.
But when has Gotham ever conformed to the norm? She liked to rear her ugly, unexpected head when it inconvenienced you the most.
And now you’ve been shot.
Stupid Penguin. Stupid underground gun market I’m not even supposed to know about. Stupid me.
Hissing, you leaned up against the brick wall, not daring to look down at the bullet wound. A stray gunshot in the sudden gang fight that had broken out on the street you had been walking on to get to the nearest crossing to summon a taxi home.
Around you everyone was screaming, guns were still firing rounds and you were trying you’re best not to let the panic rise.
Your boyfriend was a vigilante, but dammit, you were not going to be a damsel in distress.
Closing your eyes, you focused on breathing in through your mouth and out through your nose. This proved to be two mistakes, the first being that deep breaths hurt and the second is now your eyes knew the world was spinning and didn’t want to open again.
Do. Not. Panic.
Tim would be here soon, or someone from his family. You just had to be patient…and not lose too much blood while waiting. You would not let them see you as the civilian you were. Tim worried enough as it was, and if he saw you panic he would go berserk. Leaving the apartment the two of you shared alone would never happen again.
Digging into your bag you pulled out your keychain, one that had many gadgets Tim insisted you carried on your person at all times. Fumbling through a flashlight, a portable charger, pepper spray, and the keys you finally grabbed the pocket knife.
I liked this shirt too.
Gritting teeth, you ripped the edge of your camisole, the undershirt tearing with a few tugs; you had a makeshift bandage.
Bullet just grazed my hip, but damn it took a chunk of me with it.
Tying the fabric around your waist as tight as you could stand to keep pressure on it, dizziness took over.
Hands bloody, you reached back into the bag and pulled out your next trick; a bottle of Tylenol. Something to help until Tim could give you something better. Just to hold you till whichever bat would show up.
A bat would show up, right?
The cell phone that had been in your hand when the incident had occurred lay innocently on the ground. Maybe you shouldn’t call him.
Don’t be stupid, he’d want you too.
But you were a big girl, you lived in Gotham. You were dating Tim Drake-Wayne, one of the richest men in the city and also on the top ten most wanted for criminals bartering tool.
It was in the middle of the day, and there wasn’t a cape in sight.
Sucking in the deepest breath you could manage, you resigned yourself to the inevitable solo trip to the hospital. Walking down the alleyway you had slipped down to the next street over, pulling your coat closer so no one could see the blood soaking though, you hailed a cab.
“Where too, miss?”
The driver didn’t even bother to look at you, simply chewed on a toothpick and kept messing with his radio.
Opening your mouth you almost spat out the name of the closest hospital before realizing if your plan was to not call Tim, he would be angrier if you went to the hospital without telling him either.
“Leslie Thompkins Medical Practice, please, the one near crime alley.”
You had only met the woman a handful of times, all of them when Tim had been hurt on his night job and you were visiting. She had been a formidable role-model, caring and loyal. She would have you good as new, and hopefully, if you played your cards right, a certain pretty boy in your life would never know you were there.
Learning long ago that trying to cook dinner for Tim was an unwinnable battle, his schedule too unpredictable, you settled on leaving the take-out menus on the table for when he got home.
You had stolen Tim’s biggest sweater, hiding your frame to the best of your ability, and hopefully the bandage. Tim would find out eventually, but you were aiming to play your cards right enough that it wouldn’t be till long after it had healed to where it didn’t look as bad as it did.
Leslie promised not to say anything; oh how the glorious patient confidentiality had been to your advantage.
The door opened, jerking you from your thoughts as Tim’s voice echoed down the hall.
“Y/N, dear, I’m back!”
Smiling, you inwardly chuckled at the pet name. Tim had liked to use it when he was being sarcastic with you, but eventually, it became a habit.
“You’re back early, what time is it? 10:30?”
Tim entered the living room of your renovated theater apartment, grinning at the sight of you.
“Scandalous,” he commented, coming over to gently tilt your chin up and place a kiss before turning his attention to the scattered menus. “I’m starving, what are you in the mood for?”
Relieved that Tim was adequately distracted from you, you took advantage of the situation.
“You choose,” You smiled. Had it not been for the anesthetic, adrenaline, and pain, you might have been able to give more to the conversation, but you were exhausted.
“Something quick,” Tim stated, rifling through restaurant choices. “Told Dick I’d help him with a lead on a gang turf war going on.”
Spine stiffening, you played it cool.
“Oh? The one involving Penguin’s underground illegal arms trading with Bludhaven?”
Tim nodded, a suddenly serious expression crossing his face.
“I don’t like how close they got to where you work today. Promise me you’ll be careful.”
Ah, there it was. Every person you had ever met that dated a vigilante like you all had the same inevitable experience. The ‘be safe, I’m protecting you I promise’ speech. You hated the fact that Tim meant it so earnestly too, about wanting you to be safe. It made you feel like a helpless damsel in distress all the time.
If I make a fuss, he’ll get suspicious. You reminded yourself.
Instead of grumbling, you opted to nod.
“Of course, you taught me everything I know after all. Pepper spray in hand, phone in other.”
“That reminds me, I need to give you Jason’s new number.”
“Oh? Are we talking to him as part of the family again?” You ask, taking the menu of a small burger joint down the road from his outstretched hand.
Your boyfriend rolled his eyes.
“We’ll see how long it lasts. You know how it is. Jason’s morals have always been questionable and his decisions switch faster than whiplash.”
Humming, you took a seat next to him as he pulled out his laptop. Thankfully, the action made it so he missed the wince of pain you habited.
“Says the guy who broke him out of prison, once.”
Tim didn’t seem to want to get into it.
“You order? I got some W. E. work to jump on while I can.”
Far too used to this routine, you only nod once more.
It was almost too easy to pull your secret under his nose.
He’ll find out eventually, but not tonight.
You managed a week. It wasn’t long, but when you were hiding it from arguably the world’s greatest detective, a week should have earned you a gold medal. Or some more recognition than you were probably going to get.
You just wish it wasn’t the tiny stupid mistake that it was that gave you away.
“Y/N, can I borrow your portable charger?”
“What happened to yours?” You asked, idly scrolling through your phone. “Take it apart again?”
“Damaged in a fight actually,” He smiled sheepishly.
“It’s in my bag,” You answered with a humble roll of your eyes.
He left the living room for a moment, the peaceful calm of Saturday morning blissful once more. You hadn’t even thought twice about letting Tim rummage through your bag when he was marching back into the room dropping it on the coffee table in front of you.
“What the h- “
“Why is there dried blood on your stuff?”
Tim had a habit of wiggling his nose when he was upset, something you thought was adorable until you saw the furious eyes behind them. His nose may have been cute, but his eyes were well trained to be terrifying when riled up.
“I didn’t kill someone,” You blurt out in a panic.
Granted that wasn’t your best moment. Of course, Tim didn’t think you murdered someone. Did he?
“Then it’s good that wasn’t my conclusion,” He answered, holding up an orange bottle in his hand instead.
He had found the pain killers. No denying them, your name was printed very clearly.
“What. Happened.”
Shame on anyone who thought Tim couldn’t be intimidating. The boy had been trained around the world by the best, including Lady Shiva. He had picked up tips from the League of Assassins, studied the Council of Spiders. Tim Drake maintained a cool demeanor, but he knew just as well how to be scary without raising his voice.
“It was an accident.”
He didn’t interrupt, but his brows furrowed just a tad more.
“I got shot?”
He gripped the back of the couch, looking away from you for a moment before taking a breath.
“Last Friday, on my way home from work.”
You could see the wheels working in his head, running through all the scenarios. Which was more likely, where it had happened, who the culprit could be. It took him only a few seconds before…
“The gang fight, Penguins’ men.”
It wasn’t a question.
You nodded, accepting defeat.
“Stray bullet,” you admitted.
“Did you- “His voice sounded strained. “Did you at least go to the hospital?”
“I went to Leslie,” You sighed, gently prying the pill bottle from his hand. Placing it on the table you watched his face give nothing away to how he was feeling.
“So, you were trying to hide it from me?”
Did you mention your boyfriend wasn’t an idiot?
“I didn’t want to worry you,” You mumbled, playing with the strings of a Gotham University hoodie you had stolen from him a year ago and never given back.
“This is so much worse, where? Where did it get you?”
Finally, he was looking at you again. His face twisted in a mixture of worry and frustration, maybe even a bit of anger still.
Gently, you pulled up the side of your shirt, revealing the angry red stitching that was still in the process of healing. The bandages had been removed a while ago, but you almost wished you still had them on to hide how bad the stitches made the wound look.
“It was just a graze,” You tried to appease him. “I handled it just fine. Leslie said I was lucky. If I take care of it well, the scar won’t even be that bad.”
His thumb gently rubbed over it, analyzing. You wished you were privy to what he was thinking, but he kept them carefully concealed.
“This could have hit a major organ,” He finally breathed.
“It didn’t.”
He frowned.
“Y/N, why didn’t you call me?”
“Because I was fine!” You snapped, picking at your shirt more aggressively, avoiding eye contact. “I didn’t panic. I stayed completely calm; I immediately used my shirt to tie over it. I put pressure on it like you showed me. Then I went to Leslie. There wasn’t anything you could do.”
“Wasn’t anything-There was a million things I could have done! I could have helped. I could have been there! Isn’t that my job?”
Don’t turn this into a fight. Do not turn this into a fight.
“I didn’t want to be the damsel in distress,” You admitted calmly. “For once, I didn’t want to be the girl completely reliant on a superhero swinging in to save her. Do you know how embarrassing that is? Barbara doesn’t need Dick to save her, Stephanie doesn’t need anyone to save her. Neither does Cass, Helena or Kate! I’m the only girl in the family that doesn’t wear spandex.”
Tim was staring at you, apparently surprised.
“But I like the fact you’re not a vigilante.”
You bristled.
“What? You like me being feeble and meek?”
“No!” Tim quickly backtracked. “No, you know that’s not what I mean. It’s just not who you are. That doesn’t mean your anything less. I live with a bunch of them, trust me, dating outside of the job is refreshing. I’m sorry you had the impression that you needed to be. But Y/N, not even we try to tough out a bullet. You should hear Dick, he swears like a sailor for days when he’s been shot.”
You look at him skeptically.
“You guys get shot all the time, but you still don’t baby each other. I want the same treatment.”
“You don’t get shot regularly,” Tim argued. “Allow me to be a little worried. It was your first time, and please, for the sake of my sanity, let it be the last time.”
You look at him.
“What sanity?” You ask innocently.
He blinked, then rolled his eyes.
“Haha,” He came around the couch, wrapping his arms around your waist, far gentler than it had been the past few days. His chin rested on your head.
“You owe me for all the sanity you keep taking when you do things like this. The Office marathon? It’s a tradition whenever one of us gets seriously injured.”
“I’m not seriously-“
He poked your side that wasn’t hurt. You let out a laugh, pulling free.
“Fine! But you have to make popcorn with extra butter.”
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seokiloquy · 4 years
Ready. Aim. Fire? Pt 2 - Sugawara & Sawamura
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AU: Gang
Gender Neutral Reader 
Word Count: 2.4K+
Disclaimer: contains violent themes and suggestions, gun violence(? Kind of) all of this is fiction and I don’t condone violence...anyways enjoy lol
Pt 1 | Pt 2 | Pt 3
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Your childhood wasn’t the most ideal. Growing up in the Gang business, you and Kiyoko didn’t have time to play around or make friends with the other kids in the neighbourhood. In fact, you thought that the other kids were scared of you and your sister. It wasn’t a secret that the both of you were children of a gang boss and the people who spoke to you either wanted something from you or for small talk so that they wouldn’t be on your “hit list”. 
All of your days were spent with your sister training to eventually take over the Karasuno gang business. However, there was an unspoken rule, only one of you would become the next leader and the other one would be their first kill. 
It was supposed to be decided when both of you were above 18, but you found out when you were 16. One night you couldn’t sleep and went downstairs for a snack. You heard parents talking and apparently you were in the lead to take over. They tried to prevent it from happening, but it was a family tradition and when they argued against it, it was shot down quickly by your grandfather. Your father was lucky, he was an only child, and that was your parent’s plan too, but from what you heard, you were an accidental baby. 
How could you kill your own sister? The person who you grew up with? Probably the only other person who understood what your life was like. You made a choice. 
You failed every test and trial your trainers gave you. You skipped practice and let your sister win matches between the two of you. However, sometimes people are born with a natural talent for things, drawing, music, and you were born with the talent to be a leader and trained to be a killer. People would listen to you without much persuasion and despite you ruining your weekly tests, it didn’t erase the past ones you did. 
Now it was different, back then, you did them without knowing the price you would have to pay if you won. 
The week before your eighteenth birthday, before they would officially decide, you confronted your parents. 
“I know that one of us is going to die at the end,” you said during dinner. Kiyoko was out doing something, probably getting in extra training with her training buddy Sawamura, using up the one free pass your parents gave you each month to do whatever you wanted. 
Your mother dropped her fork. “(Y/N)...” 
You looked up at them. Your mother’s eyes were already glistening. Sometimes you wondered how she became a part of the family. She was sweet and compassionate, everything you’d expect to not be associated with the gang business, a bleeding heart. Your father was a little more ruthless, but you knew that he was loyal, especially to his family. 
“I heard you two talking a couple of years ago,” you continued. “And I tried to not do well with our trainers, but I overheard one of the security guards talking about it and…” 
“You’re the choice my dad wants,” your father said, putting down his fork.  
You nodded. For a while, nobody said anything and all of the food was left untouched. 
“I don’t want my sister to die,” You said. “Pick her.” 
“That….that means you'll die….” Your mother whispered. 
You took her hand. “It’s okay.” 
“It’s not,” your father said. 
You sighed. “Is there any other way? Can’t one of us just not take it? Or leave?” 
“It doesn’t work that way,” your father said, looking down. “If they choose you to be the leader, you kill the person you’re competing with. If you don’t, then they would have the next family in line kill them. Either way, one of you dies.” 
“I don’t believe that,” you said. 
The door opened. 
“Is there still dinner?” Kiyoko said, poking her head around the wall towards the dinner table. “Yes! I’m not too late!” 
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You would have one more day, your birthday, before you left. You would let your mom bake you a cake, your father would force himself the day off and your sister would give you something nice. 
You had it all planned out. After the cake and the meal, you would leave and never come back into Karasuno territory. You already let one of the guards know that you were using your free pass at around 3 am to train, so they wouldn’t suspect anything. Thankfully, it went as designed, except that your mother caught you at the front door. 
“You weren’t going to say goodbye?” 
You smiled at her. “It’s easier this way. I can’t let you know where I’m going. I don’t even know. At least we’ll all survive.” 
Your mother took a step towards you and took you in her arms. “Stay safe? Okay? I mean it.” 
You pulled her closer. “Of course. You too.” 
Your mother pulled away and reached into her pocket, pulling out a wad of cash. “I saw the way you looked at dinner. It’s all I had in the house.” 
You took the money, put it in your pocket, and leaned over to kiss your mom on the cheek. “I’ll be okay. I love you, mom.” 
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One month after, you got word of your parent’s death. You moved into Neokma territory and started from there. They didn’t have any deathly family traditions and were more open around the general public. All of the secrecy you learned from your training in Karasuno was useless. They were bonded together by trust instead of loyalty. 
Kuroo told you. He caught wind of what happened and told you over lunch, not knowing that they were your parents. With the news of that, came the new head of the Karasuno clan, Kiyoko. 
All you heard were rumours. Rumours about yourself, how the mystery second child of Karasuno had gone missing, thankfully no one disclosed anything else about you, but the worst ones were about your parents. The rumours of how they died mostly stayed the same: The former leader killed them. 
You couldn’t go to Karasuno territory to see for yourself if it was true, so you asked Kuroo. He did it with hesitation, but did it nonetheless. He came back to you with confirmation that it was true. 
He told you that it had something to do with the mystery daughter leaving and you stopped him before he could tell you the rest. 
You kept your ear out for a little bit after that, making sure that the information that Kuroo gave was correct. 
It was. 
The week after you found out, he became your first unofficial kill. 
Your grandfather. 
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“Hey!” Kiyoko shouted. 
You turned your head from the one way glass. 
“Good day isn’t it.” 
Kiyoko went up to you and shoved you hard into the glass. “What’s wrong with you? You could have killed Koushi and for what? To look cool? I should kill you myself.” 
“Woah,” Sugawara said, stepping in between you two. “I’m alive thanks to (Y/N).” 
“The person was coming up from behind him,” you said, straightening out your shirt. “He would’ve known something if I said anything. He was close by.” 
“He?” Kiyoko asked. 
You pointed behind you through the one way glass. A man sat in the middle of the room. His hands were tied behind the back and his legs were bound to the chairs. His shirt was stained with dry blood both from his face and the shot you took at his right shoulder. His head hung low, but you could see the bruising and wet blood spots on his face. Kuroo was standing in front of him with a crowbar, leaning it on his shoulder like a baseball player getting ready to bat. 
“You’re torturing him?” Sugawara asked, his voice small. 
“He probably has information,” Kiyoko said. 
You raised your eyebrows. It’s no secret that every clan of gang has their own way of getting information, most of the time involving inhumane ways to do it too. You knew Karasuno’s way to a T, but you weren’t going to tell anyone that. No one really knew you were originally from Karasuno except for Kiyoko and probably Sawamura if he could put it together. 
 “Couldn’t you ask him?” Sugawara suggested. 
“Sure,” you laughed. “And I’ll make him a nice lunch too.” 
Kiyoko looked at her phone. “Koushi, could you go get Daichi? He’s at the garage door facing the back alleyway.” 
“I don’t know where that is...” he said. 
“I’ll go,” you told them, already moving from your spot. 
Kiyoko grabbed your arm. “No,” she told him. “Go ask someone.” 
Sugawara nodded and caught your eye before leaving to find Sawamura.
You glared at her. “Do you only enlist bleeding hearts into Karasuno?” 
“You could’ve hired anyone you wanted if you stayed,” she said, crossing her arms. “But you ran away. Probably like how you handle most things. I wonder what would be the trigger for Neokma.” 
You swallowed. This never came up between the two of you. The first time you saw each other after the night you left was at the monthly Karasuno and Neokma meeting, that time to introduce the new leader of Neokma, you. You saw the moment of shock on her face and then the business face a moment later. 
Lesson #10 you learn in Karasuno, never give your enemies or people you don’t trust any reaction. They don’t deserve it. 
Now, you were the surprised one. You always assumed that your parents or your grandfather, before you killed him, told her the tradition in the change of leadership. Another rule that Karasuno had, things had to go on as normal. Even if the leader died or someone important did, it would be business as usual and that’s exactly how it was when your grandfather died. 
“Do you know how our parents died?” You asked. 
Kiyoko took a hastily step back like she was being shot. She turned to face Kuroo and the man again, actively avoiding your eye contact. “Grandfather said it was a crossfire, but there were no meetings or anything that night. I checked. He wouldn’t let me see them.” 
Kiyoko was in the dark about everything. 
“Kiyoko, I have—” 
“Where’s Koushi with Daichi?” She interrupted. “They should’ve been back by now?” 
Kuroo opened the door and swung the crowbar like it was a golf club. “He wants to talk to you now.” 
“Who?” Kiyoko asked. 
“Both of you.” He opened the door further and gestured both of you into the room. 
He was coughing up blood, his teeth covered in blood as he gave you a smile. “My favourite people are here!” 
You looked at Kiyoko. 
“You know us?” You asked. 
“Of course I know you! You two don’t really look alike though which I think is a shame. If I had a sibling I would want them to look like me.” 
“How vain,” Kiyoko said. 
“You're siblings?” Kuroo asked, furrowing his brow. 
The man coughed. “Right? I couldn’t really believe it at first too.” 
“What do you want?” You sneered. 
“Things were supposed to go quietly,” he rambled, shaking his head. “You should have just let me shoot you and that Sugawara person. It would’ve been one more dead body then asked, but I don't think they would mind.” 
You froze. 
“Who would mind?” Kiyoko demanded. 
Kuroo took a step closer to you. 
“I wonder what you had to do to make them hate you so much,” he laughed. “I didn’t expect you to see me, though. Then BAM! I’m shot and now I’m here.” 
“What are you talking about?” Kuroo said, kicking the man in the leg. The man flinched in pain and started coughing up more blood. 
“I thought we talked about not killing them until they told us something,” you said, glaring at Kruoo. 
“And I listened. I didn’t do anything that would kill him.” 
“I think it’s poison,” Kiyoko said, taking a step closer to him. 
“And we have a winner!” He said laughing. He was shaking a little bit and blood rain down his chin like a river. 
“Poison?” Kuroo asked. “I didn’t do it.” 
“No,” you said, shaking your head. “Sometimes when you get sent to do something dangerous that shouldn't take long, people in a gang will give you a slow acting poison to make sure that if you’re captured you would die before you could say anything.” 
“It’s kind of a pride thing though,” Kiyoko added. “Most leaders don’t implicate it because they believe they train their members well enough that they wouldn’t need the poison, that they would be able to resist it on their own. It’s also risky. Everyone reacts to different poisons so they might die before they even get a chance to do it.” 
Your blood went cold and you took a step back. 
“(Y/N)?” Kuroo asked. 
“That person’s got it…” The man chuckled and then slumped into the chair. 
You looked over to Kiyoko with wide eyes. “Aoba Johsai uses it.” 
Kiyoko stopped and then rushed out. You followed quickly after her. You knew the one place that she was thinking of. 
The door to the garage alleyway was wide opened by the time the three of you got there. The Karasuno car had the driver's seat door opened and droplets of blood on the floor. 
On the hood of the car were words spray painted a light teal: Let the games begin. 
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So my one shot is late again….what's new? Sorry about that!!! 
The next part of this is probably going to be long so wait for that please!! 
One thing I kind of regret though is that it’s not really a romantic x reader? Like it’s not really heavy on Daichi x reader x Sugawara? Sorry about that :( I’ll try my best for the next one!! 
I think the dynamic I was going for was that they remind the reader of their mom who was like that ( a bleeding heart in the gang business) and has grown attached to them in that way? 
Anyways...I hope that you enjoyed it!! - Kiwi
Posted: 03/07/2020
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ba-responds · 5 years
Catharsis (Villain!Deku x Fem!Reader) Chapter Ten
A/n: Wassup? Here’s a new chapter, a little later than expected, but oh well. Two weeks really passed back quick! Also, I think I’m going to post some old imagines I wrote a couple years ago for other fandoms, so look for that. Anyway, Enjoy!
This story will contain dark themes! Please read the warning!
Summary: An unexpected death of a loved one can lead to a sudden influx of emotions. Those same emotions can become repressed, as denial and disbelief comes into play. In this time, one would seek a means of catharsis, a release from those strong, repressed emotions. But what would you do if that means of catharsis, the same release you sought so hard for, becomes addicting? To the extent, that you feel you can not live without it? What if it can’t live without you? **WARNING: This story MAY contain; bullying, suicide, depression, torture, manipulation, mentions of sexual assault, and MORE! You have been warned.
Prologue II Chpt 1 II Chpt 2 II Chpt 3 II Chpt 4 II Chpt 5 II Chpt 6 II Chpt 7 II Chpt 8 II Chpt 9 II Chpt 10 II Check Masterlist for more (nothing yet, but there will be)!
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Chapter Ten: Police Questionings and Heartfelt Reunions
You clenched your teeth as you stood silently beside Shigaraki, eyeing the group of villains who stood in a loose cluster near the door that led outside. There were around 15 of them, all with varying quirks and levels of intimidation. Shigaraki sat on a bar stool, lazily hunched as he caressed the glass in his hand, his ‘Father’ hand covering his face. 
“We will meet Thursday morning at the Warehouse on the corner of Otomocho street, there I will reiterate the plan on how we’re going to kill All Might,” Shigaraki muttered out, as you watched the reactions of the low-time villains that he somehow managed to recruit. A few of them stared at you, no doubt recognizing you from the news stories that have been plaguing the T.V. for the last week, ever since the video surfaced. You rolled your eyes, shaking your head at the unwanted attention, but not daring to move, as Izuku asked you specifically to remain at Shigaraki’s side while he went to gather more of his ‘loyal followers’ to buff up the crowd you would take to the Unforeseen Simulation Joint to deal with whatever heroes and students who would be present during the trip.
During your time here, you came to realize that Izuku was protective of Shigaraki, as he was the one to ‘save’ him, apparently. You haven’t gotten the chance to get Izuku to elaborate on exactly what happened, and how he ended up here as a villain, but if he trusted you to stand as Shigaraki’s personal babysitter bodyguard while he and Kurogiri was away, you would do so. Your attention was brought back onto the group of mediocre villains when a woman spoke up.
“How the hell are we supposed to trust you when you have one of their bitches standing right here?” she scoffed, glaring at you and taking a threatening step closer, only to pause when you moved slightly in front of Shigaraki. You glared at her menacingly, feeling the collar around your neck pulse, as if activated by your emotions. 
“Move the fuck back,” you hissed, ready to activate your quirk if needed. You were irked by the fact that she has the audacity to call you a bitch, but seeing as she clearly has some type of mutation quirk by the small blades that replaced her fingernails, you knew that if the chance came, you would definitely be able to take her; Control the rings on one hand of hers, and you could easily make her slit her own throat with those disgusting nails. 
“Back down, (Y/n). As you can see, she’s on our side. The video that came out was very misleading, it was simply the passion-filled reunion of two lovers,” A new voice spoke up, before Izuku made his appearance from the archway of the hall behind you, with Kurogiri trailing not far behind. You instantly took a step back as told, before relaxing as Izuku laced his fingers with yours, his shadows emerging and connecting ever so gently with your collar, making you release a small content sigh. Your eyes then dragged back over to the group, observing their slightly shocked, giddy expressions at the appearance of the famed Deku.
“We know where her loyalties lie, but how will we know where’s yours? Prove them by coming with us to finally destroy All Might on Thursday afternoon,” Shigaraki announced, his glass clanking on the wooden bar as he straightened up, finally making eye contact with the group, with a sense of finality to his voice. The group all paused, before a few muttered words of affirmation, while others nodded. 
It was a few minutes later that a majority of the batch had found their way out, a couple stranglers coming closer to talk to Deku, who was seemingly rising in popularity along with a villain called ‘The Hero Killer’. While Deku chatted animatedly with them, you instead decided to sit at the bar with Shigaraki, not liking the looks the others were giving you. Their either looked at you distrustingly, or with some weird sense of admiration for being so close to Deku. 
“Are the Nomu things ready?” You questioned Shigaraki quietly, taking a sip of the water Kurogiri handed you.
“One of them,” He gruffed out, playing with the fresh glass Kurogiri had given him, not wanting to take off ‘Father’ in order to drink while there was still others around.
“What? Only one? We plan on attacking in four days, how long will the others take?”
“We only need one. They’re made so one of them will be able to surpass All Might’s power. We focused on making one strong enough to deal with him, the others aren’t capable yet. One’s enough.” 
“I know you said All Might has been getting weaker, but when I saw him a few weeks ago, he seemed perfectly fin--”
“We only need one.”
Deciding that you didn’t feel like arguing, you just silently shook your head with a roll of your eyes. If everything went to shit, you’ll make sure Kurogiri gets the four of you out safe. A hand rested itself on your shoulder, shifting your attention from Shigaraki to the person. Izuku stood there, a conflicted look in his eyes.
“Love, come with me. I think it's time we go talk to someone.”
Class was cancelled the week following the emergence of the video of (Y/n) (L/n)’s kidnapping. However, that didn’t stop a police officer from knocking on the door to the Bakugo residence, accompanied by Shota Aizawa, principal Nezu, and All Might himself. 
Mitsuki Bakugo was the one to answer the door, with a grim look on her face. She didn’t speak as she opened the door wider, encouraging the entourage inside and into the living room. Her gaze locked onto her husband, Masaru, who silently nodded and went to fetch their son. Mitsuki felt the ache in her chest broaden at the thought of her son. She knew the disappearance of his childhood friends affected him in ways he wouldn’t admit, but there was little she felt she could do to get through to him. It was only a week before, that the video emerged, and it was only a short time ago that she awoke to the sound of Katsuki having a major panic attack after discovering it. She consoled him the best she could before he calmed enough for him to kick her out of his room, not showing his face at all the next morning. In fact, this will be the first time he left his room since, at least to her knowledge. It was the start of many afternoons, in what could easily be, ever that the Bakugou household wasn’t filled with loud ruckus as all members were present.
It was a few hours prior that U.A. held another press conference, confessing to their knowledge of  (Y/n)’s kidnapping, but using the excuse of them discreetly trying to find her before the public knew, as a way of ensuring her potential safety so the villains who kidnapped her wouldn’t feel threatened enough to dispose of her quickly. They claimed that they were close to finding her whereabouts, but the release of the video could potentially be a major stepback, as the villains will know they were on their trail. This was enough of an explanation to placate majority of the nay-sayers, but Mitsuki couldn’t help but feel a pit in her stomach thinking about the poor girl. If what they said was true, it will only be a matter of time before her dead body will be found.
Offering the waiting group a small forced smile, she gestured towards the couch and chairs in the room.
“Please sit. Can I get any of you anything?” 
“No thank you, Ms. Bakugo. We apologize for the intrusion, but we thought Katsuki would feel most comfortable in his own home, and not down at the police station.” Nezu spoke up as he climbed up one of the chairs that was facing the empty couch. Mitsuki nodded, looking towards the steps as two pairs of footsteps sounded. Moments later, Masaru come into view, followed by a disheveled Katsuki. 
“Now, we will like both you and your husband to stay, but we need to make it clear that this is an important matter, and you must not interrupt. Katsuki, you will not be punished for anything that you tell us, we just want a better understanding of what has been happening,” Nezu continued, clearly taking the lead in the questioning. “This is Naomasa Tsukauchi, he is a detective with the police force. Please answer all of our questions honestly, we just want information.”
Katsuki nodded silently, before plopping down onto the couch across from the rodent-looking being. He crossed his arms defensively, not meeting the gaze of any adults in the room, instead seeming to find an interest in the floor. After a pregnant pause, Nezu spoke up once again,
“The day that (Y/n) disappeared, she ran from the school after an argument with you. According to reports from your fellow classmates, (Y/n) had sustained a head injury--”
“She wasn’t the only one hurt. I got a gash on the back of my head too,” Katsuki interrupted gruffly, before falling silent again.
“Yes. Recovery Girl informed me that Eijiro Kirishima took you to her office afterwards and that you had a mild concussion. Now, what could you two have been arguing about that caused you to hurt each other like that?”
Katsuki gritted his teeth in hesitation before answering.
“The night before. There was a news report of the Deku attack in Kanagawa. I knew she saw it too. Deku.... The identity of Deku is Izuku Midoriya.”
Mitsuki gasped from her spot across the room, her hands coming up to cover her mouth in realization. When she saw the video of the kidnapping, well the clip of it that was shown on the news, she completely ignored the face of the villain, instead the poor girl’s terrified face haunted her enough that she couldn’t even look back at it after the first glimpse. Masaru wrapped her in his arms as Katsuki continued speaking.
“T-That fucking bastard. Deku was something I used to call him to tease him-I never thought--I didn’t….” He said, his crossed arms tightening to the point it looked as if he was hugging himself for comfort, his head still hanging down, but by the choked up sound he was making, he was near tears. “I knew it was him the moment I saw him on the news.”
“Did (Y/n) know as well?” Nezu questioned gently, trying to persuade the boy to continue talking.
“O-Of fucking course she did! The bastard was her best friend and boyfriend! I tried to talk to her, but she kept fucking denying it, saying that he was dead. Her dumbass was in denial.”
“How did that lead to you both getting hurt?”
“She-She looked guilty. What the fuck did she have to be guilty about? It made me think…. I-I thought… how could she not have known? How-How could she not have known that he didn’t kill himself? Out of anybody, it would be her that would know. I-I thought… I…” Katsuki said, his voice cracking as he forced himself to breath. “...I accused her of knowing this entire time. Of lying. I thought this was planned, I didn’t know how or why, but it was. She tried to walk away, and I-I thought this proved her guilty. I didn’t mean to hurt her, I was trying to stop her from walking away and I-I banged her head against the stupid wall. I yelled at her. Accused her. Fuck. I-I think it was too much… she was crying… she lost control of her quirk, and sent me flying into the opposite wall…”
“Then what happened?”
“She fucking ran. Grabbed her shit from the classroom, knocked down everyone and everything in her way. And- she fucking ran right into the fucking attack---FUCK!” Katsuki cried, his hands coming up to grip his hair. “She didn’t fucking know--She wasn’t a part of it until she ran- until she ran from me- FUCK! IT'S NOT MY FAULT- I DIDN’T KNOW--”
“Young Bakugo, please calm down. No, this isn’t your fault. You didn’t know. You were traumatized. You just found out that a childhood friends, someone you thought killed himself, became a villain. You weren’t in the right mindset.” All Might spoke up, his signature smile wiped from his face as he watched the young boy hold back his sobs the best he could manage tears dripping from his red eyes onto his lap.
“Why didn’t you come forth with this information when we first questioned you about the fight?” Aizawa spoke up for once, ignoring the side-eye All Might sent him for his blunt question. Katsuki’s head shot up, as he leapt to his feet, rage filling his tearfilled eyes, his quirk sending small explosions into the air from his hands. 
“BECAUSE ITS NOT MY FUCKING FAULT. THE BASTARD CHOSE THIS LIFE HIS DAMN SELF. I DIDN’T--IT’S NOT MY FUCKING FAULT HE DID WHAT HE DID.  OR WHAT SHE DID! THE BITCH DIDN’T HAVE TO RUN AWAY! IT’S NOT-” Katsuki shouted, before being muffled by his mother’s shoulder as she pulled him into a tight hug, where he crumbled to his knees, tears falling down his face, but the sobs staying stuck in his chest.
Not my fault.
You took in a sharp breath as the floor under your feet creaked, wincing as you paused your steps. You glanced to your side where Izuku stood, his green eyes glowing dimly, as both of you listening intently for any sign that you were heard. After waiting a few more moments with no such sign, the both of you continued forwards slowly, your eyes trained in front of you, as you willed your eyes to see better in the dark. You crouched low as you came to a doorway, peaking your head around the corner as you looked for any movement in the pitch dark. With a small nudge behind you from Izuku, you proceeded forward, staying low to make sure you stay out of sight. As you crept out of the room you were in, you were met with an equally dark hallway. The two of you moved forward, passed two doors, and finally to the one at the end of the hall. Once outside of the closed door, you straightened, before looking behind you to Izuku. He nodded silently, urging you to slowly open the door. You did as wanted of you, quietly turning the handle and opening the door.
Pausing a second while the door creaked open, you tilted your head inside, eyes easily peering through the dark. It was a bedroom, a large queen-sized bed to the left, a dresser to the right. The windows straight across from you, which would normally let in light from the streetlights outside, were covered with thick curtains, only allowing a small sliver of light to pour onto the still figure on the bed. When the figure made no sign of moving, you edge further into the room, Izuku only a step behind. Stopping at the foot of the bed, with Izuku right at your side, you watched as Izuku’s shadows emerged, still visible despite the dark the room was bathed in, as if they were a completely different color black as everything else. 
The shadows slithered towards the figure on the bed, almost seeming threatening in the intensity of the way they moved. Your collar sent small pulses through your body, Izuku clearly being excited.
Excited, or nervous? You couldn’t quite tell.
The shadows finally reached the figure, before they gently shook it, awakening the figure who shot up in fear. The person tossed themselves on their side quickly, hand snagging ahold of the pull chain of the bedside lamp. Before the room could be bathed in light however, you activated your quirk, quickly snatching the lamp from their grasp, gently settling it on the floor as you moved closer. The person backed away from you, audibly hitting the headboard in their frantic motions, their breathing shaky as if they were close to tears. Your heart clenched at the thought, causing you to move even closer, reaching the side of the bed with an outstretched hand, trying to get ahold of them for comfort.
“Mama Midoriya?” you muttered quietly, making the person freeze. You finally found what you were looking for in the dark, grabbing ahold of her hand, and pulling her closer so she could clearly see your face in the dark. Her wide green eyes stared at you in awe, before she yanked you down into a bear-crushing hug, as loud sobs escaped her. You smiled warmly as tears fell down your cheeks. Movement from behind you caught your attention, making you pull your head up to see. You felt Mama Midoriya flinch at the noise, before her body tensed up once again as it seemed like she wanted to steal all the oxygen in the world with how hard she gasped.
“Mom?” Izuku muttered quietly, shuffling closer to the two of you. You shifted to the side as her hand reached out in disbelief.
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dragoneye01 · 7 years
Snake King
Snake Charmer Part 3 of 3
Snake Charmer Part 2 of 3
Snake Charmer Part 1 of 3
Sweet Pea x Reader
Summary: North and South side collide as Archie Andrews wrongs the Serpents in more ways in one. How will you react when you’re thrown in to the middle?
Word Count: 4,600
Tagging: @ju-gg , @ladymormontlyanna, @lovingirwinandbarnes
Notes: Last part of the Trilogy! I hope you enjoy! I love seeing comments if you have any.
Even though you had your own Serpents jacket, you still stole Sweet Pea’s every now and then. It was bigger than yours and normally warmer. You were cold and wrapped up in his jacket as you curled on your bed with a book. It was mandatory for your English class and you had gotten a couple chapters behind.
“I want my jacket back, you snake.” Sweet Pea said, leaning against your bed as you both read. He was reading “A Clockwork Orange”, while you read “Frankenstein”. Two very different books.
“How can you even read that book? The writing is so weird.” You said, looking over his shoulder, taking the jacket off.
“Frankenstein is weird. It’s all old writing.” Sweet Pea shook his head and scoffed.
“Fuck off.” You laughed.
“Make me.” Sweet Pea smirked.
“You wish.” You pinched his ear, handing him his jacket.
“Get up already. We already missed the first two periods of the day. You at least need to go to school.” He said, putting on his jacket.
“Wow, you care a lot about school all of a sudden.” You commented, pulling a sweater on and then throwing your books in your bag.
“I don’t. I care about you, asshole.” Sweet Pea rolled his eyes, picking up your bag and his.
“Well, I care about you, too. Can you give me a ride? I rather not walk.” You said.
“Let’s go, then.” Sweet Pea pulled on your hand and you followed him out of your house.
“By the way, you know that new kid, Jughead?” You brought up.
“I’m aware of him.” Sweet Pea clicked his teeth.
“Toni and I were going to do homework with him and his friends tonight. I thought I’d tell you.” You warned him.
“I don’t like him. He’s flaky.” Sweet Pea huffed, obviously disliking him.
“Well, Toni will be there and between us we could take all those northsiders.” You said, livid. “It’ll be fine, Sweets. I’ll tell you about it when I get back, ok?” You watched Sweet Pea start up his bike.
“Ok.” He nodded, kissing you before getting on. “As long as Toni’s there.” He said, handing you your helmet.
“As long as Toni’s there.” You nodded, getting on after him and going to school. You had met Jughead his first day of school. Toni had introduced the two of you when she was giving him the grand tour of South Side High. Jughead was a bit strange, but everyone was strange at this school. Hell, you hung out with a rattlesnake at a bar when you and Sweet Pea had an argument. It was the surest way he couldn’t come near you without being bit. Extreme? Maybe. But he also threw your notebook into a fire when you sketched an unflattering picture of him. You didn’t blame him for that one.
“Hey, Jughead.” You had a math class with him. “For studying today, are we studying or studying?” You tried your best to wink. It took Jughead a couple minutes to understand what you mean, but then nodded.
“Both.” He nodded his head. “Do you know any good books about.  .  . our topic?” He asked, his voice low.
“You really need to ask?” You grinned, but remembered you both just met. “I mean, yeah, a lot. Where are we meeting? I can bring my books by.” You offered.
“My friends house. Since my other friends are going to be there, it might get crowded for the trailer. Here, I can give you his address.” Jughead took one of your notebooks and started to scribble on the back of it. You stared at the address, realizing it was in the north side. You kinda figured, but still.
“Ok. I’ll be a little late, but I’ll be there. Toni will be with you, right? Sweet Pea. . . doesn’t like you too much.” You admitted.
“I noticed.” Jughead grumbled.
“I know he can be an ass sometimes, but he’s good. Loyal. And he doesn’t like us hanging out without Toni. Even though we’re both dating people, he can be a bit jealous.” You explained.
“Well, you’re not my type so you don’t have to worry.” Jughead smiled.
“You aren’t either. I’m more likely to date Toni than you.” You laughed. “I’ll see you after school, though. Your friends place.” You said before actually taking a look at the work laid out in front of you. Mmmmm, polynomials.
You went to your house after school, grabbing as many books as you could find on serial killers, which was scarily a lot. You’d have to thank your mom’s obsession with true crime later. You decided to walk to the north side, even though it was a long way. Your backpack was heavy on your shoulders as you made your way down the street, earning looks from a lot of people who were scared of the snake on your back. You found the address and knocked on the door, checking out the large house. The door opened and you came face to face with an attractive young red-head.
“Are you.  .  . a friend of Jugs?” He asked, looking you up and down.
“(Y/n). You must be Jughead’s friend. What’s your name, so I don’t have to keep calling you “Jughead’s friend” the rest of the night?” You asked, smiling kindly.
“Archie.” He smiled back. “Archie Andrews. Come in. Everybody’s already here.” He opened the door wider and let you in.
“Thanks. Sorry I came late. I was picking up a few books for Jughead’s hunt.” You explained, following Archie into the livingroom. Everyone was already sitting in a circle, making room as you and Archie came in.
“I brought those books for you.” You told Jughead, pulling out four hardcover books on serial killers.
“Thanks. This is my girlfriend, Betty.” He introduced and you smiled, shaking her hand.
“Nice to meet you. I’m (Y/n).” You said.
“I’ve heard about you.” She nodded, shaking your hand. “This is Kevin, by the way.” You looked over to the other boy hanging out between Betty and Toni.
“Big fan of you and you’re.  .  .” Kevin gestured to your whole being and you just smiled at him.
“Well, I’m honored. Wait, you dated Joaquin, didn’t you?” You exclaimed. Toni looked up, curiously. Kevin blushed a little and nodded.
“Any friend of his is a friend of mine. That extends to all of you, by the way.” You said, sitting down beside Archie.
“Bookworm?” He asked, seeing all the textbooks and others you had in your bag.
“Just a bit.” You laughed. “My house is basically a library. Your place seems nice, too, though. Very.  .  . roomy.”
“It’s not too bad. I like having friends over, especially when my dad works late.” He explained.
“Ah. My mom works really late, too. What does your dad do?” You asked.
“Construction. Your mom?”
“Automotives. I know a bit, too. Over the summer I’m basically her second hand.” You laughed.
“Really? I work for my dad over the summer, too.” He said. Archie was nice and he was keenly interested in your life on the south side. Just as much as you were interested in life on the north side. You wondered if he knew you and Toni were serpents but decided you didn’t care. Archie was helping you on some of your history work (since Sweet Pea kept distracting you in class) when you decided you were hungry.
“Got any food around here?” You asked as a couple people were leaving.
“Yeah, follow me.” Archie got up, walking to his kitchen. Toni had been watching you and didn’t like the way Archie was looking at you. He was getting a bit too friendly. In the kitchen, Archie started making you a sandwich, which you thought was very sweet.
“I was just feeling snacky. No need to make me a whole meal.” You teased, bumping your hip against his as he put turkey on the bread.
“Well, it’s past dinner time, so I expect you wanted a little something more than chips.” He smiled, looking sideways at you. You were leaning on the countertop, arms crossed, watching Archi move.
“What’s it like being the golden boy of the north side?” You asked, leaning over to get a good look at the sandwich. Archie scoffed.
“What’s it like being a gang member?” He asked.
“Not as interesting as it seems.” You laughed as Archie looked up at you. “I get to play with snakes and babysit a dog. Yeah, there’s some drug and violence, but you get over it. I’m like a rose. I got my thorns.” You winked. Before you knew what was happening, Archie had leaned forward to kiss you. You were frozen in your place from surprise. When Archie moved to cup your face, you shoved him back.
“What the fuck, man?” You hissed, wiping at your mouth.
“I.  .  . I just thought-”
“I have a boyfriend. Who would kill you if he found out you kissed me.” You said.
“(Y/n), wait. Please. I didn’t mean.  .  . I did, but-” He was fumbling with his words, walking towards you.
“Stop.” You put your hand on his chest. “I need to go.” You left the kitchen and went in the living room, grabbing your textbook and backpack.
“(Y/n), are you ok?” Toni looked up in concern.
“Yeah, yeah. I was just supposed to be home an hour ago. Thanks for having me over.” You said quickly, slinging your bag over your back and leaving the house before anyone could say anything. It was dark outside as you walked down the streets, your backpack hanging off one shoulder. It was cold and you zipped your leather jacket up to keep warm. Your feet started to hurt once you got halfway to south side and a black car slowed down beside you. Your hand touched the knife in your pocket, heart racing in case it was some creep. The window rolled down to show two familiar men.
“Malachai, what the fuck, you scared me.” You sighed, letting go of your knife. You hated Ghoulies as much as the next person, but Malachai was one of your mom’s usuals. He wasn’t that bad when you got to know him.
“Lonely out here, kid. Need a ride?” He offered across his dark friend. You looked out at the road, back to Malachai and felt the soreness in your shoulders.
“Yeah, I’ll take a ride. No detours, though. I want to go straight home.” You said, getting into the back of the black car.
“So, when’d you become a Serpent?” Malachai asked as he got the car back on the road. “I always thought I could get you on our side.” He grinned.
“After your guy tried killing me? No way. I haven’t been a Serpent long, but I’m dating another one.” You told him.
“Really? Must run in your family to spread your legs for snakes.” Malachai looked into the mirror. You rolled your eyes.
“Yeah, it’s genetic. I got it from my two gay moms who totally gave birth to me.” You said, sarcastically.
“Watch that tongue of yours, girl. My favorite part of you, but it’s like a knife.” He said, turning to glance at you before looking back at the road. Him and his friend were wearing metal studded jackets and chains and silver rings. The classic Ghoulie look.
“Thanks. I personally think your hair is your best feature. I don’t know anyway with better hair.” You told him, leaning back in the seat.
“You flatter me, too much, girl. Here’s your house.” He pulled up, coming to a stop. You were surprised to see Sweet Pea sitting out on your porch, waiting for you.
“Thanks for the ride. I owe you one.” You opened up the door.
“No.” You slammed the door and let the two Ghoulies drive off in the night. Sweet Pea had his brows furrowed, obviously not happy.
“I’ve been texting you all night.” He said, standing up from where he was sitting.
“I was a bit busy.” You said in return.
“You let those Ghoulies give you a ride home? Why didn’t you call me?” Sweet Pea asked, arms crossed. He was definitely not happy, especially after getting a text from Toni telling him that you stormed out in a hurry.
“I was.  .  .” You felt your cheeks heat up.
“You know that ginger of Jughead’s?” You asked, walking up to the steps. Sweet Pea narrowed his eyes further, lips tight.
“He pulled a gun on me when we caught him spray painting on our terf.” He said, tensely.
“He what?!” You exclaimed. “Tonight, he fucking kissed me.”
“What?!” Sweet Pea yelled, anger seething from his voice. He looked like he was going to kill someone.
“I pushed him off when he did. I walked home because I couldn’t face you after that. I don’t want you to think I’m a cheater or something because I’m not.” You started to speak really fast. Sweet pea put his hands on your shoulders, looking down at you.
“I’m going to beat his ass into the pavement. You hear me? No one touches my girl and gets away with it.” He hissed.
“Sweets, he pointed a gun at you! You know what’ll happen if you hurt him? You’ll get arrested!” You exclaimed, grabbing Sweet Pea’s arm. “Those police officers don’t care about people like us! They look at Archie and see a golden boy who had a mental break! They look at us see thugs and people who belong behind bars. I can’t.  .  . I can’t lose you to this system.” You said, desperately. Sweet Pea stared at you and pulled you against his chest, holding you.
“I need to take care of this.” He said, which you understood. You couldn’t control what he did; only manage it in a way.
“Whatever you do.  .  .” You looked up at him. “I want to be there.”
“No, you’ll just get hurt.” Sweets shook his head.
“I don’t get hurt.” You told him, jaw clenched. Sweet Pea sighed, trying to keep the smile off his face.
“I’m going to fight Archie one way or another. Whatever happens, I’ll give you a place and a time.” He told you.
“Ok.” You nodded. “Agreed.” You squeezed his arm. “Do you.  .  . want to come in?” You asked him. Sweet Pea looked at your house, then back at you.
“Actually, I have some Serpent stuff to do. I just wanted to make sure you were ok.” Sweet Pea said, taking a step back.
“Ok. I’ll see you tomorrow morning, ok?” You asked, worried.
“‘Course.” He nodded, kissing your cheek before getting on his bike and leaving. Your head hurt when you got in your house, going directly towards your room. You barely got any work done because of Archie distracting you and you had homework due tomorrow. In an act of annoyance, you fell asleep with several notebooks out.
You woke up to the sound of pebbles hitting your windowsill. It was light out and you weren’t wearing any pants as you walked over to your window. You opened it right when a pebble came up and hit your shoulder. Sweet Pea was standing below.
“Why don’t you just come up instead of throwing rocks at me?” You called down.
“Doors locked.” He shrugged. You groaned, telling him it’d be just a sec as you pulled your clothes on and went downstairs.
“Morning to you, too.” You said, opening up the doors. Sweet Pea just stood there.
“Are you ready to go or.  .  ?” He trailed off, hands in his pockets. You nodded, grabbing your bag and keys to lock up.
“I must’ve slept in. Sorry about that.” You shook your head. Sweet Pea looked you up and down.
“Still shaken up?” He asked.
“A bit. I just.  .  . still feel awful.” You admitted, walking over to his bike.
“Don’t.” Sweet Pea wrapped an arm around your shoulders. You sighed, leaning into his side.
At school, you had to stop Sweet pea from hitting Jughead right away, since he thought it was partially his fault. You apologized to both sides, explaining that Jughead had nothing to do with it.
“Geez, control your boyfriend.” Jughead commented in your math class when you sat with him.
“Control your Archie. Did he tell you what he did?” You asked him, seriously.
“Did what? What’d Archie do?” Jughead asked, crinkling his nose and furrowing his eyebrows.
“Sweet Pea’s pissed off because Archie kissed me in his kitchen.” You explained.
“You told Sweet Pea?” Jughead leaned across the table. “Shit, that explains a lot.” He leaned back and ran his hands over his face.
“Explains what?” You asked, feeling worried now.
“Sweet Pea and the Serpents want to pick a fight with the Red Circle tonight.” Jughead told you.
“He’s picking a fight and he didn’t tell me?!” You exclaimed. “He’s going to get a piece of my mind.” You growled, taking out your phone and starting to type angrily.
When are you fighting Archie?
SP: Stay home.
I will not!
SP: You’re going to get hurt.
You promised you’d take me with.
SP: I’ll pick you up, but you stay out of the fight.
SP: Deal.
“What a fucking idiot.” You grumbled, still typing on your phone.
“You don’t have to tell me twice.” Jughead rolled his eyes.
“I’m serious. Like hell I’m just going to sit around on my ass while he’s making a jerk of himself. I mean, it’s totally reasonable, but still.” You huffed, crossing your arms.
“What are you going to do?” Jughead rose a brow.
“I’m joining this fight, that’s what.” You decided.
Sweet Pea was nowhere to be found after school. Usually, you hung out or he gave you a ride home, so not seeing him was weird. You groaned, walking home to drop off your bag before going to the Whyte Wyrm to look for your boyfriend. What you saw when you got home wasn’t what you were expecting. Sweet Pea was leaning against his motorcycle with five other guys, including Fangs. They were all over your porch, backpacks resting on the steps.
“What.  .  . is this?” You asked, curiously.
“You wanted to come with. We were just waiting for you.” Sweet Pea said, nodding his head towards the other boys.
“My one rule.” You declared, looking at each guy there. “You let me talk to him first. And.  .  . please put your backpacks under the porch because I heard it’s going to rain and Tall Boy will literally beat your ass if your grades get any worse.” You said, feeling like the mom in the group.
“Sounds good. You heard her, boys.” Sweet Pea nodded. Each boy picked up his backpack and let you put it on your porch instead of the stairs, so if it rained it wouldn’t get wet. Sweet Pea grabbed your hand and pulled you over to his bike.
“You have a plan on what you’re going to say to that rat bastard?” Sweet Pea whispered.
“Yeah, I do. Just a warning. I don’t want to get in the middle of this fight.” You told him, taking the helmet that was yours. “Can you do me one thing, though?”
“Anything.” Sweet Pea squeezed your hand.
“If there’s a gun, you run.” You said, seriously.
“If there’s a gun, we run.” He promised, starting up his bike. You got on the back, wrapping your hands around his waist as he rode off to the north side. The sun was setting and you could feel the electricity in the air. It was the calm before the storm. You could smell the chemicals in the air meaning it was going to rain soon. Always a pleasant smell, but today your stomach was in knots and it was not helping. There were cars outside of Archie’s house and you were worried. That meant people could be over. It didn’t matter if they were friends of his or maybe friends of his dad’s, It meant trouble.
As the sun fell behind the houses, the Serpents parked their bikes in the streets, looking up at the crackling sky. Sweet Pea adjusted his jacket, hanging his helmet on the handlebars of his bike.
“You wanted to talk to him first.” Sweet Pea said, letting you walk in front of the formation of gang members. You felt powerful. Like Sweet Pea was the king and you were his queen. You knocked on the door, not even having to wait that long for someone to answer.
“(Y/n)?” Archie said in utter astonishment, looking behind you at the dark, leather clad gang members.
“Let’s be civil.” You started, digging your hands in your jacket pockets. “You can’t come in to the south side and tag stuff that isn’t yours. That’s asking to start a fight.” You explained.
“Yeah, stay on your own side of the tracks, dipshit. You think you can come to my turf and wave a fucking gun around without consequences?” Sweet Pea stood by your side, making you seem a lot smaller. Archie looked between the two of you and how your stances were in sync.
“Wait.  .  . this is your boyfriend?” Archie scoffed. Out of nowhere, jocks started to appear behind Archie. “You’re dating this douche?”
“Watch your mouth.” Both you and Sweet Pea said at the same time.
“Oh ho ho, this is the serpent slut you scored with?” A tall boy wrapped an arm around Archie’s shoulder. Archie winced, about to argue with that, but Sweet Pea got to it first.
“You talk about my girl like that?!” He yelled, lunging forward to attack. You stood in his way, trying to block them from fighting in the doorway. “You’re a sad piece of chickenshit, Andrews. Why don’t you go fuck that broad whose parents have been hiring us?” Sweet Pea spat.
“Don’t talk about Veronica like that!” Archie fumed.
“Both of you, stop-” You threw yourself right in the way as Archie threw a punch, catching your cheek. The hit surprised you and you lost balance, falling back against Sweet Pea’s chest. You hissed in pain and Archie’s face fell, apologies spilling out of Archie’s mouth. Sweet Pea was about to pull out his knife when you pushed yourself up and hit Archie as hard as you could. The rings on your finger made a good size cut along Archie’s cheekbone.
“No weapons.” You looked over to see a very pretty, dark-haired girl. Someone who was way out of Archie’s league and you’d totally hit on her if you weren’t taken. “You fight clean or not at all.” She announced and both groups seemed to agree. A light sprinkle was starting and street lights turned on.
“Come out and fight unless you’re a bitch.” Sweet Pea spat, pulling you to his side and walking down the steps to the street. His face was close to yours and you heard him whisper. “Stay by the bikes.” He said.
“I want to fight.” You hissed back.
“We need someone to keep an eye out for cops and I trust you the most. Please.” He was pleading with you now. You swallowed your pride and kissed his cheek.
“Knock him down, Sweets.” You said against his cheek as you walked over to the bikes. The rain was getting harder as you watched the boys line up. Archie was the first one to throw a hit and you had to close your eyes when Sweet Pea fell down. The boys screamed and ran at each other, throwing fists, elbows, knees and feet. It was a war zone. People were crumpling down, soaking wet. Sweet Pea had overtaken Archie, driving his foot into his ribs, water dripping down his face.
Your eyes widened when you saw a knife. One of those stupid north side boys. You were about to scream when a gunshot was heard. Your heart stopped, seeing Archie’s girlfriend with a gun in the air.
“Get out of there!” You screamed, running into the crowd of fighting boys. You started pulling Serpents up left and right, pushing them towards their bikes. You were hanging off of Fangs’ jacket when Sweet Pea grabbed your arm, running to the bike. His grip hurt and you could practically hear his thundering heartbeat as you got on the bike. The rain hit hard and you didn’t look back as the bike started. Your arms were anchored around Sweet Pea’s waist as he rode off. All the Serpents split up and went in different directions, planning on meeting up the next day. Your eyes were held shut and you didn’t even notice when the bike slowed down. You were shaking.
“(Y/n).  .  .” You heard his voice over the rain. “C’mon, get off. We have to get inside. Text your mom and tell her we’re at the Whyte Wyrm.”Sweet Pea said, wrapping an arm around you in an attempt to shield you from the rain. You weren’t at your house. You were at his trailer. You noticed the limp Sweet Pea had, probably from taking a hit in the leg. He opened the door, no one home as usual. He peeled the wet jackets off, throwing them to the floor. Your red t-shirt was practically see through now and your hair stuck to your neck.
“Hey, wake up.” Sweet Pea snapped his fingers in front of your face, making you fall back into your body.
“Are you ok?” You asked, suddenly, reaching up to cup his face. “Baby, your face.  .  . that dick.  .  . let me go get an ice pack.” You said, jogging into the kitchen and going through the freezer. You grabbed a bag of frozen peas and walked back, seeing Sweet Pea pulling his wet shirt off and setting a towel on the couch. You sat next to him, pressing the peas against his eye. He hissed in pain, holding it there himself. He looked at the bruise forming on your cheek.
“I should’ve killed him for hitting you.  .  .” Sweet Pea growled, cupping your face. You sighed, standing up.
“Can I change?” You whispered.
“Of course. You know where my clothes are.” Sweet Pea nodded, watching you get up to walk to his room. Your wet clothes laid in the shower and you changed into a green shirt and a pair of boxers. When you came back out Sweet Pea was leaning back against the couch.
“God, why do you have to look so hot after all this?” Sweet Pea teased, lifting up his arm and letting you lean into his side. You ran your fingers through his wet hair.
“Watching you kick the shit of Andrews was pretty hot, too.” You told him, intertwining your fingers.
“You left a pretty good mark on his face. My queen.  .  .” He whispered, kissing the corner of your mouth as he laid down, bringing you with him. You laid on his chest, moving his hair out of his face.
“If I’m the queen, then you’re the snake king.” You laughed, putting your hand on his chest. You liked the way it rose and fell with each breath. The sign that he was alive and well. Mostly.
“I can get behind that.” Sweet Pea chuckled deeply, his hand falling on your head. “You’re going to get a bruise in the morning.” He muttered.
“And you’ll have a black eye. Keep those veggies on it.” You said.
“Deja vu, right?” Sweet Pea smirked, seeing the label on the package.
“Deja vu.” You nodded, resting easily with Sweet Pea, worries of tomorrow absent from your mind. You’d deal with that tomorrow.
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agentelmo · 7 years
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The X-Files MSR Analysis Series: Season 1 Episode 3
Previous episode analysis - 1x02 Deep Throat.
This episode is basically How to Lose Friends and Alienate People - Mulder and Scully edition.  Mulder is forced to confront the fact his FBI colleagues mistrust and mockery of him makes it difficult to work with others, whereas Scully is beginning to feel tainted by association and has to examine where her loyalties lie.  Oh and some dude can squeeze his way through tiny holes to murder people.  That happens too.
So we start with Scully having lunch with an old Academy friend - Tom “Scumbag” Colton who insinuates that Scully should be focusing on progressing her career rather than toiling away in the basement looking for aliens with Mulder.  Now I don’t say he’s a scumbag for ragging on Mulder, I say he’s a scumbag because one of the first things out of his mouth is to tear down a supposed friend for getting a promotion before him.  Hey Colton if this “Marty” guy is such a loser, what does that make you? HUH? HUH?
Also, he ragged on Mulder.  What a butt nugget.
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Dude, shows what you know.  20-odd years later and she’ll still be tapping that spooky ass.
Now in a rare moment of vulnerability, Mulder uses sarcastic, mock-shock humour to act oblivious to the fact he has any kind of negative “reputation”.  But it’s a front - a defence mechanism to deflect the fact he actually is, at least a little, bothered by being labelled “Spooky Mulder” - seen as a kook; him and his work never being taken seriously.  
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It was no doubt a painful fall to go from the FBI’s most lauded profiler, to being considered a madman and a laughing stock.  So he has become the master of deflection using deadpan sarcasm, when he feels vulnerable, to shield himself from the kinds of comments he anticipates Scully’s academy friends have expressed to her.  But just for a moment, he doesn’t shield himself.  He is openly vulnerable when he reveals to her that he does care by asking if she thinks of him that way too.  
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He’s looking for some kind of reassurance from her, and I think she sees that - she softens as he asks the question, which we don’t get an answer to, but we all know that she doesn’t think that way about him.   As much as she hates to admit it, she clearly finds him quite endearing; hot and endearing... Mulder, for the love of God, stop pouting.  The woman has to concentrate.
Also, roll it back a second... is Mulder checking Scully out for a moment before they start talking?  His eyes are roaming... seriously, look.
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Yeah, he’s deffo checking her out.  Again, I really don’t think he’s especially conscious of doing it - which makes me love it even more.
Something else that happens in this scene, which unfortunately for Mulder, plays right into Scully’s building inner conflict about her career path, is his outright embarrassing her in front of Colton by playing up to his stereotype of being an E.T. loving nut bag.  
This coming hot off the heels of Scully defending Mulder to Colton.  She gets that he’s joking, but look at the way she widens her eyes when she realises what Mulder is doing.  Poor Scully.  She get’s his deadpan delivery is a joke - Colton somehow doesn’t.  Oops.
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I’m British, it’s spelt grey. FIGHT ME.
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Poor Scully, look at her face at the end, apologising to Colton with her eyes.  She’s mortified and Colton has just had his opinion of Mulder set in granite.
The next scene in their basement office is quite interesting to watch because it sets the blueprint of so many of their future interactions.  They are feeling their way around each other, and learning how their polar opposite methodologies can work together effectively.  
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This episode is especially important in that regard, because Scully is clearly torn between wanting to do it Colton’s way - “by the book” and Mulder’s way - following the truth no matter where it leads, even if things turn to the fantastic and unconventional.
She’s drawn to Mulder in that regard, just as he’s drawn to her.  She’s a woman of science, after all, and any scientist worth their salt has to be open to all the evidence no matter how challenging, but boy does she ever find it challenging.  
She has moments - moments of awe at how Mulder puts the pieces together, and then it’s like she catches herself, remembering that they have to answer to the FBI, and her inner sceptic emerges to keep them both on the straight and narrow.  As Mulder himself will later proclaim in Fight the Future - her strict rationalism and science repeatedly saves his ass and keeps him honest.  So while it might be a frustrating process at times, it’s a necessary one, and Mulder appreciates that.
I also love that this scene introduces the Scully classic preamble.  “Are you suggesting...”
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Ok before we move on, a couple things to add.  
One.  Personal space again.  Mulder, can you please stand closer?
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Her face.  Seriously, she must be able to feel his body heat from that distance
Two.  I love how when Scully mockingly comes up with a crackpot theory based on what Mulder is saying, she actually hits the nail on the head more often than not.  She gets better and better at this over the years, to the point she really does know what he’s thinking as he’s thinking it.  
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The final piece of dialogue in this scene is interesting, because Scully tells Mulder he’s not wanted on the case, that his theories are the reason he’s hidden away in the basement, to which Mulder retorts that she’s in the basement with him too.  
Careful, Mulder.
That comment seems to hit a little too close to home for Scully. After Colton’s ribbing and Mulder embarrassing her in front of him, she does appear to be seriously considering if she wants to be Mrs. Spooky for the long haul.  With the possibility of reassignment lingering in her thoughts, she can’t help but wonder if doing this with Mulder down in the basement is what she really wants.  
Oi.  Mind. Gutter. Out.
Mulder suggests that they have their own investigation separate from Colton and you can see the cogs turning for Scully.  
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She knows she will have to make a choice soon, and poor cute!Mulder has no idea, he’s placed his trust in this new, unexpectedly wonderful partner and the idea that she might ditch him doesn’t appear to have crossed his mind in the slightest.  
But ditch him, she does.
So little side note, isn’t it weird that Scully is asked to come up with a profile for the killer?  She has no background in profiling that I am aware of.  So the fact that she comes up with a behavioural profile for Colton’s investigative team is kind of odd, right?  I mean, I’m British so what do I know of how the FBI works, and I’m a psychotherapist not a psychologist (there’s a difference) so equally what do I know of building a forensic psychological profile - but I found that strange.  Especially since Mulder is the hot-shot profiler between the two of them.
Still, as strange as it is - what’s stranger is watching Scully present her profile to VCS team.  
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This career-driven side of Scully is not something we often see.  She clearly enjoys the recognition and praise from her colleagues but the conflict shes feeling only deepens when they allude to her using her success on this case as a way to ditch Mulder and the X-Files.  She has a loyalty to Mulder now, that she cannot ignore, and hearing their comments bothers her.  They don’t know him like she does - she’s becoming protective of him; and of their partnership.  
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Her change in body language says it all really.  As much as she’s questioning whether she wants to remain working with Mulder, I think she’s also now questioning if this is where she belongs too, with people as small minded and closed off as this.  Mulder has opened her eyes to something, and as frustrating as he can be, his boundless passion and willingness to challenge convention appeals to her much more than conformity does.  You only have to take one look at her rebellious decision to join the FBI to understand that about her.
Now it’s time for Mulder to act a little insecure... Scully didn’t agree to Mulder’s suggestion that they investigate separately.  She decided to ditch Mulder and work with Colton and the VCS.  You think Mulder might have been a teenie bit wounded by that?  Just a lil bit?
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Watch out Scully, there’s a lost puppy following you.
Think about it, they’re at the location of previous murders.  This is the office building from the opening of the episode, right?  So why is Mulder there at all if he doesn’t believe the murderer has any reason to revisit the location of past murders?  
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He is specifically there for Scully, and to make this point to her - that she’s made the wrong choice in working with them; that she’s wrong about the case, and that she’d have half a clue if she’d read the X-File.  Read between the lines here - she’d have half a clue if she’d stuck with him instead of them.  He’s half trying to win her over and half resentful of her choice to ditch him.
It’d be kind of sweet really if it wasn’t so arrogant.  Because turns out, Scully was actually right.
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I like how Mulder doesn’t make a fuss over admitting he was wrong either.  He isn’t defensive or put out, he simply states it as a matter of fact.  Someone raised that boy right.  
Hmm... well, kinda.
The next scene is great - MSR gold.  In fact, it’s a breakthrough for the Mulder-Scully relationship.  It’s where she makes her choice and decides to remain loyal to Mulder and their partnership - she chooses him over them, and it’s not hard to see why.
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I’ll let you take a moment.  Deep breaths...
All done?
Years after the show ended, this image of him with a dark, brooding look on his face as Colton suggests taking Scully away from him lived on, clear as a bell, in my shipper heart.
It’s not hard to see why Scully chooses Mulder over the VCS.  They’re closed minded, and unwilling to even hear let alone investigate alternative theories.  As sceptical as Scully can be, she at least hears Mulder out and applies her scientific brain to the theories he presents.  Whereas these guys dismiss Mulder out-of-hand.  That’s not the kind of scientist - nor the kind of investigator Scully wants to be.
Also, those guys were being douchbags towards this man she feels protective over now.  As previously mentioned, she knows him in a way these guys don’t and so even when maybe Colton and his cronies have a point, she and Mulder are in a bubble together where she feels she is the only one who hears him, and she feels a responsibility to him now.  This develops deeper and deeper as their relationship grows.  To the point where they outright confess to each other repeatedly that they are the only one they feel this way towards “you are the only one I trust” etc.  This scene, is the genesis of those grand declarations in later seasons of the show.  
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Colton, bless him, tries to act as Scully’s protector; thinking she’s still on his side but she rejects him - he’s the one on the outside now, not Mulder.
We’ve heard people’s opinions of Mulder when he’s not been there, but to see first hand what I imagine Mulder has had to deal with for quite some time, it makes you as the viewer protective of Mulder too.  Scully is the audiences’ champion, throwing her lot in with Mulder - they’re a team, and this is the first time she makes it clear to the FBI world that she’s not just following orders - she’s on Mulder’s side.
Go girl.
Now it’s time for your shipper hearts to go a flutter... It’s Mulder vs. personal space again.  Coupled with a rare admission of attachment to Scully.
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So wait, wait... back up.  Did Mulder just admit that he was winding those guys up because he felt threatened by their attempts at taking her away from him?
That’s... like... quite unlike him, isn’t it?  To outright admit he is attached to her.  I mean, he struggles to acknowledge his feelings generally, so to just admit this to her like this feels oddly out of character.  I mean, I love it - I will take what I can get, but look at Scully’s face when he reaches for her pendant and she realises what he’s saying.  
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We need to see that expression in hi-res.
Again, on the page it might not have meant to sound like Mulder was admitting he has an emotional attachment to her now, and Scully on the page, might not have meant to react like she’s just been told she’s the only woman in the world, but the acting by these two conjures up an undeniable sexually tension behind the words.
Isn’t it glorious?
Then that is immediately followed by Scully telling Mulder in not so many words, “I’m team Spooky.”
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I love you, Scully.  Look how happy Mulder is.  Again they are in their bubble together - she’s the only one who hears him and is willing to open her mind to his way of thinking.  At this moment, Colton and a conventional FBI career has lost.  She chooses Mulder.  It’s over.  She’s a card carrying member of team Spooky now.
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They’re finally on the same page, working together and when that happens it’s magic.  Straight away they corroborate their theory that the murderer is Tooms.  Oh right, I haven’t mentioned that guy yet, huh.
They’re so great together as investigators, it’s fun to just watch them put the pieces together, challenging each other to refine their theories, never intellectually threatening one another, only raising each other up.
I love how Mulder sums up Scully’s theory of introjected sociopathic values being passed down through the generations of Tooms’ family.
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They go to investigate Tooms old apartment and there’s some great classic moments here, not necessarily MSR, but certainly a few great character moments.  Also, this iconic shot.
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So character moments, the first one is with Scully being a total badass and going down into the creepy murder dungeon first.  She doesn’t even flinch - she’s straight down that ladder... also, her hair touches Mulder’s face.  
Not that I think such trivial things are important at all.  *whistles*
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Not to mention this classic Mulder-ism.  
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Glen Morgan and James Wong certainly have a way with dialogue.
Things progress quickly from here, Tooms steals Scully’s necklace right from around her neck as he dangles from the ceiling of the murder dungeon, which sets her up as his next liver and onions victim.
Mulder thankfully works this out and rushes to Scully’s apartment, arriving just as Tooms attacks.
This is another dynamic that will oft be repeated in the show.  Some crazy psychotic killer targeting Scully, and Mulder arriving just in the nick of time to save her.  It’s a little cliché, but I have to admit, it also brings the two of them together and delivers on some great MSR moments, and it’s not like Scully doesn’t do her own fair share of saving.  It’s just not usually because some mad man has decided to target Mulder and murder him in his bathroom.  
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People seem to try to murder Scully in her bathroom all the time.  I always wondered why she never moved.  So many creepy things have happened in that apartment.
Also, since Tooms’ ability is to contort his body to fit through small spaces, why doesn’t he just slip out of the handcuffs?  I mean, it makes sense that he doesn’t since Mulder is pointing a gun at him, but he’s yanking away at the cuffs, presumably to get free, but we know that he can easily do it if he wanted to.  Weird.
Then we come to the end, with Mulder musing about how people spend so much money on security systems trying to feel safe, but that when he looks at Tooms he realises that it’s not enough.  He’s disturbed by him, and Scully notices this.
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It’s here we see one of the first examples of how they comfort each other with touch.  Whether its a rub of the arm, a hand hold, a hug, a kiss to the forehead... they develop this language of reassurance and care towards one another, and this is one of the first times we see it.  
It’s kind of amazing to go back and watch these episodes and see all of these firsts.
And that’s it for Squeeze.  Wow, seems each episode I do the longer these get!  But this was a pretty special episode, in that it’s a true classic of the series, the first truly golden episode that, amongst many others, is held up as one of the best in the entire show’s run.  I hope that my next episode won’t be quite this monstrously long, but hey, I hope you guys enjoy reading it all the same, because I have such fun writing it.
Next up... 1x04 - Conduit.
Edit: FYI, I slightly altered my analysis from the original post with the help of this fantastic Anon’s feedback.
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