#perusing the funnies
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Marvel Universe: Avengers - Earth’s Mightiest Heroes #3
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netherfeildren · 4 months
dearest mother vic,
i’ve been going thru ur #vic replies tag and saw u mention multiple times that u have a javi story in the works for ages and i just wanna let u know that i would give u all my earthly possessions in exchange for ur maybe javi fic and i would wait forever and ever and ever…
you are easily one of my fave writers from all fandoms that i’ve been in, and i love you and love you and love you
🧎🏻‍♀️‍➡️vic’s javi fic🧎🏻‍♀️
that is literally my longest running idea, I just checked and I have 54 pages of notes for it. a while back I was actually writing it forreal and did like the first two chapters, and then I stopped or got distracted or intimidated or something. he's hard to write!!!!!!! but I do hope one day I'll be able to add more to it or finish it or give you all something anything Javi related
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blorbobot · 1 year
I let it slip to one of my coworkers, because they are also pretty chronically online in a similar way I am, that I think GLaDOS is hot and it went like "oh. You don't know portal... uhm... please don't assume things by just looking at the picture, you gotta actually play the game it uh, it's her voice y'know? Her personality? Don't-" while my coworker was already typing on their keyboard, hit enter, and had realization hit them like a truck.
They had their screen connected to this huge TV so it was my coworker staring at a big screen of pictures of GLaDOS, back to me, and then back to GLaDOS with the most confused look on their face.
I had to sit there and pretend that I *don't* find GLaDOS' metal chandelier-esque contraption of a body obscenely hot. I had to pretend that I'm normal about women who are huge metal creatures and instead talk up her personality. I really hope they don't actually play the game and realize what her personality actually is, that'll open up a whole different can of worms 😭😭😭 I will never recover
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bonefall · 2 years
Previous anon, I just want to suggest that if you really want the cats to have cinnamon, you can have SkyClan steal it
Oh absolutely! I can always rely on my SkyClan to steal a particular thing I need-- but I try to limit the things they steal to the sorts of things that are obviously useful.
Like, let's imagine My Boy Reedclaw is breaking into a house for fun. Perfect scenario, too, the humans are gone, he has as much time as he needs and isn't trying to bolt quickly. He even remembered his basket that day!
He still has a limit, he can't fleece the whole house. He can't haul away anything too large or too heavy. He starts rooting through the cubbards and finds their spice rack... with no idea what is in these little plastic containers. He can recognize rosemary, THAT looks like dried parsley, and... is that cloves? He knows THAT is extremely toxic.
What kind of horrors do twolegs do on the daily if they have poisons in their spice supply? And there's dusts and powders of all scents and flavors. Something red, something yellow, he picks up the cinnamon shaker, gives it a lick, and starts gagging. Cinnamon challenge in real time. Ick!
At this point, Reedclaw would have just moved on. But, today he decides he wants to bring this back. He shoves the whole supply into his basket and ducks back out the way he came.
In front of SkyClan, he shakes out his haul.
The rosemary, parsley, they know what to do with that. But why would they even risk using the brown-coughpowder? They notice right away that cloves are part of this haul, any one of these unknown herbs could be a poison.
They could trial-and-error it, but that does risk Clanmates' health and safety. They don't know about the medicinal benefits before they do that. Lastly, it's a limited supply. You never know if the house you're going to break into is going to have cinnamon in the spice rack, if you did find out its uses.
No, SkyClan agrees that stealing from humans is a luxury, not something they should rely on.
There IS a medicine I like to imagine does get stolen from humans though... antibiotics. Kittypets learn quickly that some of the pills fed to them make them stop being sick, and they learn fast that this is something that Clan cats will trade for.
But it's something Clan cats have to be wary of; they can't tell pills apart from each other, and it's always a possibility that a kittypet lies and just exchanges any stolen bottle of vitamins for special food.
I like to think BloodClan actually has this down to a science, knowing exactly where to steal from, organizing raids, and most importantly, having its patrol leaders learn how to read, just a tiny bit
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another GOOD fuckin day!
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spent the morning doing more organizing/downsizing, then a friend stopped by and we went on an impromptu thrift store trip to exchange a jacket from yesterday, and instead I got a cute windbreaker and an old brown leather belt!
after that i went to a small ecology workshop, and it wasn’t a lot of new stuff, but it was a fun refresher, and the class was mostly older women who are involved in like community gardening and stuff. three of them stopped to talk to me afterwards, and one runs a local ‘gardening for beginners’ workshop in her free time, but professionally she’s a vegan chef from Japan!
anyway much cool stuff, i think i handled the socializing really well. in fact, i must’ve looked extra friendly today bc i was stopped three times on my walk home, twice by people looking for directions, and once by an older man looking for his escape artist cat (he was on his patio just asking if i’d seen him. i had not, unfortunately. he said if i saw him he WILL NOT respond to his name but if you make little noises at him he’ll come over for pets.)
anyway. that’s me using this as my journal again.
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bisonofyesterday · 4 months
"ohh we should put gaslighting on the top shelf until y'all realize how to use it." Completely correct, however. y'know what. i think we should take Memes from people. it's an excellent word, units of culture spreading over time, internet memes being the comedic image equivalent (which i have no problem with existing and being the most common form of the word but hear me out), the idea of "you stole my meme!" is such a ludicrous thought because BY NAME it is meant to spread, it is meant to be changed, it is meant to be integrated, these cultural units, these memes. They will outlive genes, memes prove that "but you won't ever have kids..." means jack shit because you can pass on your ideas and facets of your personality to your friends, and they to their other friends, maybe even their own kids, you are essentially immortal, religion has managed to persist for millennia for a reason, this is LITERALLY the fucking life lesson of Metal Gear Solid 2 and yet everyone fucking talks about the internet prediction scene. Everyone laughed at "OHHH HAHA MEMES DNA OF THE SOUL!!!!!!" but it's literally factually true i'll kill you all
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raindropsonwhiskers · 2 months
Cousin Theseus 🤝 Baron from the Baronies
Horrible little bone-masked shadow-aligned bastards who haunt their preferred target (a very stressed, repressed, and well-dressed Voice Of Reason to their group of friends who unwittingly caused said bastard to be metaphysically attached to them) obsessively with methods up to and including attempted possession, who have attempted to have a major confrontation in the form of a freaky bone spider monster only to be promptly thwarted with very little fanfare
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charlotterenaissance · 6 months
taking screenshots of my own posts and edits that i made here for tumblr so i can sort them nicely on pinterest but making sure to keep my handle on it because i believe in crediting artists
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Marvel 1602 #5
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lelianasbong · 8 months
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bruh this poll is so sad. the people did my girl dirty and not in the fun way 😔
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aquickstart · 9 months
guys its happening. it was severely affected and hindered by various factors such as employment but brideshead revisited triggered it back on track. the dark academification of my brain is progressing. i am reading the secret history
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gibbearish · 9 months
oh psa but if you're in an industry that checks IDs and the person in front of you is clearly trans, don't make comments about anything on that ID. for instance saying "OMG your middle name's Danielle? that's my name too!!!" to someone 5 feet tall with a full beard is perhaps not the best choice one could make if one didn't want to put a neon glowing sign above that person's head saying "THIS IS A TRANSGENDER" to everyone they're with
#it is p funny tho going out places with cis / nb-and-always-presented-as-agab friends and always getting singles out abt my#id in Some Way and them always being like ??? wtf that was so weird what was up with that#and i have to be the one to be like 'remember that my id has an f on it' and theyre like :0 ....... >:0!!!!#like fuckin. the time i got id'd at goddamn jack in the box????#she was like 'yeah we have to check it on all orders over $25' which had never happened before and has never happened since because#its fucking jack in the box so every stupid order is over $25#for important context i was driving and bf in passenger seat was paying so id handed her his card and was way less passing than now#so once we left travis was like yo wtf that was so weird why on earth would they id someone at jack in the box?????#and im like well because i look like this and i handed her a credit card with the name travis on it and people making#up reasons to check trans-looking peoples ids to verify if theyre trans or not is unfortunately not an uncommon occurance#and he was completely floored that that was even a possibility#which like mood when i was doing bev steward literally the only thing i was thinking about on those ids was birthdays#course i was working at a theme park so we had ids from all over the country#and world but nonamericans had passports which are much more consistent than state ids#so id get handed someones id and just be like ugh ok where do they hide it on this one i have 50 people in line i dont have time for this#like why would i be wasting time casually perusing their gender marker yknow i have shit to do#so the fact that there are people who will feel the need to know that so bad that theyll do that is just wild to me and presumably him too#(working there was how we met and he ended up being bars lead then full water park sup after i left the job)#but yeah after he had his 'wait people actually do that?' realization he was just like '....well then good thing it was my card so we had to#give her my id so she'll never get to know for sure‚ get fucked' LMAO#ooh or when me and a friend went to trader joes and bought drinks cause i collect cool drink cans and when the cashier was checking#my id i made a joke to ny friend abt my picture looking like bobby hill and the cashier was like 'GASP dont say that about yourself youre#beautiful!!' which i believe i did have the beard by this point so it was a pretty obvious dig#and the picture super does look like bobby hill by the way like ill show yall if anyone's curious but literally no one irl has disagreed#except this one random woman lmao. but we get out and my friends like ????????? that was so weird#why did she say that????? and im like. well it has an f on it remember#and once again the :0 -> >:0 transformation#like it sucks having it happen but there is smth really funny abt watching friends so inclusive something like that never even#occured to them realize that thats a thing people will do and it just happened right in front of them#shoutout to my roommates friend tho who has worked at a sex shop and weed shop and changed my rewards account name for both to chosen name
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zombinary · 1 year
thinking abt date time...remembering that modern au my friend and i chatted about once.
aka melissa n morris' diskettes are found in some random ass thrift store box by this lgr type person. old computer software n game enthusiast.
melissa does her whole spiel but... she's within an emulator thing. the most she does during her reveal?
changes their wallpaper.
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infizero · 1 year
sorry i got momentarily distracted due to my brother informing me my indie horror fan noelle art got shared on r/deltarune and is one of the current top posts today 😭😭
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glamjrwi · 2 years
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starghouls · 2 years
i just remembered that i read all of chainsaw man in 3 days... that was not a good decision
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