#earth 1218
marry-me-malfoy · 1 year
loving the idea that earth 1218 must actually be the laughing stock of the whole multiverse
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Marvel 1602 #5
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timelessstardust99 · 1 year
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Just a little snippet of Miguel and Dawn's dynamic (from someone who hasn't even seen the new movie yet lmao)
Miguel: *trying to act intimating, looking down at Dawn Harper*
Dawn: *looking up at him, a big nervous grin on her face as she points to herself* Am I the problem -?
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messylustt · 1 year
can i pls request a small fic where reader is from earth 1218 and miguel has to hide at thier house for a bit to get away? cos he dosent wanna be in a universe where he exsists, you he randomly chooses your house? doesn't have to be exactly like that but 1218 reader pls 🙏🙏
i love this. makes me feel like it could happen to me jwjidkskkkwks (i’m delusional ik. it’s okay) — also I feel like this needs a part two…
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╰┈➤ ꒰ 💿 ┊bon bons ꒱
thunderstorm — miguel o’hara + reader ( spiderverse ) : miguel finds his way into your home, your universe. 1816, where no superheroes exist.
contents : kinda suggestive. suspense?? wc 3.0k. check out my spiderverse m.list
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you didn’t have much planned for the day. nothing of importance. all that was required of you was to make sure you didn’t leave your sheets out on the clothes horse before the rain came.
apparently a thunderstorm. though the weather information usually stated extremes. no harm in being careful, you guess.
so, when the day got later you ventured outside, lifting on your tiptoes to remove the pegs. throwing the sheets in a basket you felt a very light drop hit your hair. looking up to the sky you could see the grey clouds slowly covering the already setting sun.
with one arm hooked around the basket, you locked the door and made your way down to the basement—to place the pegs back in their designated smaller basket. as you do, you try multiple times in flicking the switch, until it finally turns on.
you jump down the last step, throwing the pegs and moving to retrace your steps when the lights flicker off. “really…?” you quietly mutter to yourself, squinting your eyes against the darkness as you slowly tried for the steep stairs.
with only a slight misstep you reach the light switch again. flicking up down, up down, up down. and…the powers out.
luckily the sun was still barely visible when you walked back through your hallway, letting you see where you were going. you had planned to check the tv for weather news or maybe your phone. but both annoyingly won’t work. you guess that’s indication enough that the storm is almost here.
and surely so, the wind begins to howl as you stare out the window, checking that they are locked tight, as you fiddle with a lighter and a box of candles.
and just as you set up the last candle in your kitchen a noise stops your hands movements. looking to your left—down the hallway—you squint. it’s probably the storm. because the rain had begun to sound like hail on your roof.
and then just as you go for food in the fridge you hear that same noise. you can’t really make out what type of noise it is, just that it’s loud enough to run right through your entire home. you finally step out of your kitchen, walking down the hallway.
you begin to slightly smile to yourself. because this all feels too much like that horror movie you watched the other day. you stop at your front door, looking out through the key hole, and checking the lock as you slide the chain.
the house shook, as you gaze around, before your eyes widen. “shit—“ you mutter, quickly racing up your stairs to reach the bathroom. you had left the window open to help with the condensation.
and just as you began to make your way back down the steps something dark walks across your hallway. you freeze. what was that? you didn’t want to know, now your mind whirring, as you stay midway from taking the next step.
it was just…a shadow…of a tree…yeah. for some reason that got your body moving again, you don’t really know why, because a shadow that dark isn’t just some reflection.
you swiftly peek your head round the corner of your hallway, eyeing your dimly lit house. could an animal have gotten in? usually in a storm animals look for shelter. that’s why when you went upstairs to your bathroom you saw a friendly spider by your sink.
now in the kitchen you sigh, seeing no animal or anything similar. you open the fridge, scanning for food. but that’s when you hear a creak.
whipping around, your breathing caught, your gaze stops on a slowly turning figure. you’re frozen, the fridge light probably displaying your expression rather well. and then you catch this…thing’s face. at first he looked like a man.
until you saw his red, almost glowing eyes, and fangs that glinted in the dim candle light. now you’ve found your voice, while simultaneously finding food, as all you can think to do is hurl it at the figure.
“what are—how—huh??!” you’re now skirting past the kitchen island as the man-thing watches you. your hand finds a salt shaker and as you aim to throw it at his head, his hand swiftly flies up, catching it far too fluidly.
you’re breathing heavy as your eyes now physically hurt from staying so wide. he inspects the salt shaker, before placing it on the kitchen island. he has claws…
“am i going insane…?” you whisper to yourself. because that’s what crazy people do right? whisper to themselves. “yeah…you’re not…real.”
you actually look back to him. your statement a…statement, but you guess part of you was wanting some sort of confirmation.
he tilts his head, eyeing you. “it’s like you’ve never seen a spider-person before.” he finally speaks.
you blink, still pressed against the kitchen counter as if that will serve you some form of protection. in your mind it does. “what?”
he flexes his claws, as you now notice a mask in his grasp. “…are you a robber?” mask equaled robber, in your mind.
he raises a brow, looking throughly unimpressed. He has ventured a fraction closer, now more in the light, and now more visible to you. you’re slightly taken aback. because even though it looks as though he does have red eyes and fangs. he doesn’t look…horrid.
“is that really what i look like?” he asks, as you now notice his wet hair, curling around his face and a certain suit that you swear you’ve seen before.
“no.” you say slowly. “you look like a…vampire.” you could actually laugh if you weren’t so terrified. “are those contacts?”
yes, you’re still in disbelief, and denial. The man narrows his eyes, then glances out the window. you watch him carefully, your hand moving to grab something behind you.
“don’t throw that.” he holds up his hand, still looking out the window.
you stop midway from grabbing an orange as you continue to stare. “what are doing in my house?” you finally ask the essential question. whatever he is he’s still broken in.
then your brows furrow, because you didn’t hear glass smashing…you don’t think. “how even did you get in? i swear i locked everything…”
he looks back to you. “i have my ways.”
“that’s…descriptive.” you mutter more so to yourself. “are you…like a cosplayer or something?” because you swear you’ve seen his suit before.
he eyes you. “what universe is this?”
“universe?” you blink a shit tonne of times. because what?
he seems to be thinking as he gazes around, before some sort of realisation hits him. “1218.”
“12 what?” you’re utterly confused, as you scrunch your nose, pressing your fingers to your temples. Your brain was starting to hurt. but then he was moving closer.
you hold your hand out, suddenly becoming more alert. “don’t—“ you say firmly, but then his head is swiftly turning in the direction of your front door. and then he’s right in front of you making you jump, your eyeballs threatening to fall out. “what—“
“shh.” he says, placing his hand over your mouth, as his body pushes you further against the counter and into the corner—where your cupboard creates a blindspot.
you go to at least try and say something, your heart beating on overdrive, but then you hear gruff voices and a loud noise that resembled the breaking of wood, and smashing of glass. you go real quiet after that, trying to see past this large man.
miguel can feel your body still. obviously still tense, but you aren’t shoving him off you. he keeps his hand over your mouth, his breath now hitting your eyelashes.
you stay still. because this man in front of you didn’t have a weapon—from what you know—and his heaving chest and darting eyes are showing you he doesn’t like your new visitors either. then you make eye contact, and you hate to say that you aren’t repulsed by his blood red eyes.
miguel slowly removes his hands, making a ‘silence’ motion with his finger, to which you gulp and close your mouth. miguel can hear the approaching footsteps, and the crunch of glass under their feet.
then his breath is by your ear. “is there somewhere we can hide?” his words tickle your neck, making you shiver.
“uh…there’s…” you try and think. because where the hell can you hide?
“take your time.” he whisper-comments. but you ignore his sarcasm as you meet his gaze, hearing the further approaching men. “the attic.”
miguel tilts his head to the side, silently asking you to show him. but you hesitate. alone. in the attic. with this…stranger. miguel seems to catch onto your swaying mind, as he leans back closer to your ear. “i’m not gonna hurt you, if that’s what your worried about. i have no use for that.”
no use for that? but you can’t dwell because the urgency is back in his voice. “but these guys will. so, if you don’t want a bullet in your head. move.”
and you do. because a bullet in the head doesn’t sound nice. and again—this guy didn’t a weapon. you shift past him, him having moved slightly out of the way.
you lead him—as silently as possible—down the hallway, which is now littered with glass, and your front door is busted open, letting the howling wind prickle your skin.
you turn left and then right, coming to a stop as you reach the long stick you use to hook around the retractable stairs. but miguel doesn’t want to waste time, as he takes the stick from you, while simultaneously hooking his claw around the metal loop and tugging.
you stare at him, seeming to realise just how tall he is. the stairs are soon down as you hear voices, much much closer. miguel grabs your shirt, yanking you towards him as he a practically lifts you onto the first few steps. you hold down your yelp, because right now that would cause a disaster.
scrabbling up you try to keep your feet light, as miguel moves, hot on your heels. then he’s pulling the stairs up in the nick of time, and it all seems to make you sweat, as you pull at your t-shirt, fanning yourself.
miguel stands, having slid the lock, part of his suit getting caught up with cobwebs.
“okay, what the fuck is going on?” you whisper-hiss, making miguel turn to you.
“it’s nothing personal.” he says, walking past you, to look out the small, circular window.
“thank god. but that really doesn’t explain anything.” you say, a mix of fear and adrenaline leading you to anger. “who are you? and who are they? at least answer me that.”
miguel looks back at you, sighing, as he takes in your flustered state. “maybe i should have left you down there.”
“is your name that top secret?” you keep fanning yourself as you scrunch your eyes together, trying to wrap your head around everything that had just happened.
“miguel.” he finally says, making you open your eyes.
“my name…” he says, slightly stepping closer. “is miguel.”
“ah…” you say, but then your brows furrow. “is it real?”
miguel looks at you, pausing a moment. “my…name? you’re asking if my name is real?” he’s in slight disbelief, as his expression displays what looks to be distaste.
“well, i would have assumed you’d say some…hero name. you look like you jumped out of a comic book.” okay…you may be saying too much. but your mind is fried and you desperately needed answers. of any kind at this point.
“that’s flattering.” he states dryly.
“no seriously. why are you dressed like that?” you ask, eyeing him. you hated the fact that he didn’t look…bad.
“right…i keep forgetting you don’t a have a spider-person here.”
“what? like spider-man?” you force a chuckle. “yeah, you must be some sort of cosplayer.”
“whatever that is, i’m not. just…” he pinches the bridge of his nose. “how about let’s not talk?”
“no, no, i need answers.” you stepped closer. “if not about you, then about them.” you point to the floor.
miguel licks his teeth—or more accurately his fangs, making your gaze get caught up in the action as you gulp.
“all you need to know is that they’re bad men who like to kill.” miguel edged closer to you. “if you stay out of their way you might survive.” and then he’s brushing past you, crouching by the trap door as he pays close attention to the noises below.
your gaze follows him, as you move to crouch down beside him. miguel looks slightly up, watching you try to listen. miguel tilts his head in observation, as you visibly strain to catch any words.
“you can’t hear them.” he states bluntly. you look up. “then why did you look so intent as if you could hear them?” you ask, narrowing your eyes on him.
“because i can.” he simply answers, catching the intruders’ words again.
“wait…check that.” one of the guys are saying. “don’t most boring houses have those things called attics?”
miguel is then quick, because the little bolt locking you guys in isn’t gonna hold if they try to come up here. he grabs your arm, pulling you to stand, as you slightly jolt at the fast movement. all you had heard was muffled voices.
miguel pulls you closer as he scans the room, stopping on a nook that even he barely noticed, along with a mattress that he could slide over as coverage. before you could say a word, miguel’s hand has moved to your shirt, making it easier to move you with him.
“what’s going on—“
“shut up.” miguel whisper-hisses by your ear, pushing you towards the nook, as you both crouch down. miguel then webs the mattress tight against the wall, making it inhumanly possible to move it if you didn’t have the type of strength miguel had.
your eyes widen as you see the fading orange strings shoot out of his wrist, before he’s pulling you back to him. but with the harsh, unexpected pull, your foot slips.
miguel reacts quick, because if you fell, the thud would alert them of your hideout—“them” having now bashed through the trap door. your breathing hitches, as miguel moves, your head almost hitting the floor.
now you rest against the dirty ground, breathing erratic as miguel hovers over you, breathing equally as hard. his hand is holding the back of your head, as the other cages by your hip.
and you can’t move, because they’re already walking up into the attic. you sew your mouth shut, as you do your eyes, the slight scrunch of your features getting noticed by miguel. whose face is millimetres away, his breath tickling your heated skin.
“why am i even helping you…” he mutters so quietly you almost don’t catch it.
“i’d like to know that too.” you whisper just as quietly back. you slightly crack your eyes open, meeting his gaze. you press your lips together, at the close proximity. miguel’s eyes narrow. “don’t talk.”
“you talked first.” you reply, slightly lifting your head to his ear before placing your head back down. “and you can move your hand—“ because it was still placed under your head, but then miguel’s finger—or claw—was pressing firm against your lips, shushing you.
the footsteps were near, and you actually hold your breath. miguel slightly pushes down on your stomach, forcing you to breathe, as the warm air hits his finger—still pressed against your lip. then his breathe is by your ear. “it’d be a wasted effort if I didn’t keep you alive longer.”
your heart is beating in your chest, his practically right up against yours. and he doesn’t leave his spot by your neck, as his breathing tickles the hairs there. “mi…miguel.” you carefully whisper, and his hold on the back of your head tightens, his claws sinking into your hair.
“didn’t i say to be quiet?”
“then stop talking.” you mutter back. and miguel could actually laugh at you. because what position are you in to use that harsh tone. he grabs your cheeks with his hand that was placed by your hip, resulting in him being practically on top of you, making you tense.
he squeezes your cheeks so that your mouth was forced to open. “stop. talking.” he said slowly. and now you physically couldn’t with his claws pressed to your cheeks.
but then the footsteps grew very very close. right by the mattress. and both you and miguel turn your head. you then glance down because you felt a breeze across your ankle. your foot was in an easy view and you want to curse. because was that really going to be your undoing?
miguel notices your body’s movement and your almost frightened gaze. looking down, miguel clenched his jaw. his hand moved down your body, wrapping around your thigh, as he very slowly widened your legs.
your look is of harsh question when miguel meets your gaze. but he doesn’t stop, pulling your foot out of few, by spreading your leg to the side, resulting in him practically laying between them.
you rest your head back, clenching your jaw as you ignore anything and everything. then miguel is pulling your chin back to face him, as he listens to the men’s steps. “anything else I need to fix for you?” he whispers so quietly in your ear. you want to hit him, because this position makes you feels far too vulnerable.
but you can’t say a thing. you know you can’t. not until the men leave. you slightly shift, your hip bone pressed into the wood. miguel’s hand flies to grab your thigh again, holding you still. tou couldn’t do that. god, you really couldn’t do that.
he keeps his hand on your thigh now, spreading it even wider, making your breathing hitch as you force your lips to press together till it hurts.
how the hell did you go from organising your washing to being under a large man…vampire…thing, where you could feel everything? that’s an answer you’d love to know right about now.
© messylustt.tumblr please don’t steal, copy or translate my work onto other platforms.
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autism-swagger · 1 year
Wish I existed in the Spiderverse so I could kiss Spider Punk
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ohnostalgia · 1 year
people on twitter have been talking about the marvel multiverse designation number thing and im just like... autistically puts my hand up to the glass... they dont even know about new exiles.... they don't know about how morph has a direct line of contact to jordan d. white...
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allthingsimagines · 1 year
Multiverse Parenting
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Summary: One day when you’re swinging around New York a little girl falls from a portal from the sky. She asks you to help her find her dad, but how are you supposed to do that when he’s the Spider-Man of a different universe?
Word Count: 6k
A/N: This was based off an idea a few weeks ago by @twentysomethingwereyote ! Thank you for the amazing idea!
Original request: “Gabriella gets teleported to Earth-1218 or one similar to it and it’s up to the reader to somehow access the multiverse to get her home.”
Part Two
It had been a fairly normal day until everything flipped on its head in Manhattan. You’d been Spider-Woman for three years now and everyday came with its challenges. Managing bills piling up and dealing with the bizarre villains that popped up.
That’s New York for you.
You’d been swinging around casually on your day off from work. You swung around the corner of the Empire State Building when suddenly you noticed a flash of bright colors in the middle of the sky. Your eyes widened, what the hell?
The sky was literally glitching out. Well, this was new.
Then a sharp scream rang out and all of your senses lit up. A little girl flew through the mess of glitching colors and straight toward the ground.
You dove off the side of the building without hesitation and shot towards her. You quickly grabbed her into your arms and held her tightly to you. You shot a web out quickly to the closest building and swung towards the roof. The girl clung to you tightly and sobbed. Your heart clenched at the sight, “Don’t worry, I’ve got you kid.”
You landed on top of the building and looked back at the sky to find the glitch that the girl had fallen out of was gone now. You set the little girl down as she continued to cry. She looked to be around ten and had brown hair pulled into a ponytail.
You bent down to her level and placed a comforting hand on her back and rubbed it to soothe her, “Hey, what’s your name?”
She sniffed and took a shuddering breath, “Gabriella.”
You realized the mask wasn’t helping you to calm her down since she literally just dropped from a hole in the sky. You took a moment to nervously ponder whether taking it off was worth it.
“Are-Are you like Spider-Man? My dad is Spider-Man in my ho-home,” She said, wiping her tears away.
You felt relief flood you as you resigned to take your mask off. You pulled it from your head and smiled at her, “Yeah, my name is Y/N. They call me Spider-Woman here.”
She nodded and you could tell the similarity between you and her dad helped her relax. You sighed at the realization that you had no clue how to get her home.
“What’s your dad’s name?” You asked her and she shuffled back and forth on her feet.
“Miguel O’Hara,” She said softly.
You’d definitely never heard that name before. You had no clue how to get to another dimension and it was going to take a lot of brain power to get this girl home.
You smiled gently at her and squeezed her shoulder. Her scared eyes looked up at you, “I know this is all scary and confusing. I’m sorry you ended up here, but just know that your dad is doing everything he can to get back to you.”
“My dad calls me ‘todo su mundo’ it means ‘his whole world’. I miss him a lot,” She said and her eyes filled with tears again.
“Gabriella, I’m going to do everything I can to get you back to your dad, okay?” You said, trying to comfort her as much as you could.
You held your hand up with your pinky out and you caught the smallest smile on her face as she nodded and looped her pinky around yours. You stood up and sighed, “I think you should stay with me until I can find a way to get you to your dad. I live with my Aunt May and let me tell you, she makes the best cookies ever.”
Gabriella smiled as she looked up at you, “Really?”
You beamed at her and ruffled her hair, “Oh totally. She’s the best cook in Queens. She’ll make whatever you want I swear.”
You pulled the mask over your head and picked her up on your hip. She wrapped her arms around your neck and tucked her head into it. You held her tightly to you and shot a web before jumping off and heading towards Queens.
You hoped to god Miguel O’Hara was out there looking for his daughter too.
Three years had passed since you’d had any experience of the multiverse. Gabriella was now fourteen and a sophomore in high school. She was an extremely bright girl and excelled in school and sports. She was the star soccer player and you and Aunt May always attended her games to cheer her on, well when you could with Spider-Woman business.
Your search for how to get Gabi back to her universe had never come up with any leads. She had literally just dropped from the sky, like goddamn Chicken Little. There was no Miguel O’Hara in your universe either for you to try to rely on.
You wanted her to get back to her dad as you could tell it still ate her alive not knowing what happened to him. But, she had also become like a daughter to you.
The superhero life didn’t leave much time for relationships. How many people on earth would ever be able to understand how much sacrifice and hardship it took to protect the city each day? But, that girl did.
She understood how much her dad, and now you, had to sacrifice to keep the city safe. She was a great kid and you were happy for her to be in your life.
You were in the midst of having a movie night with her. You lounged next to her on the couch as she leaned against your shoulder.
“So, they just decided to make dinosaurs ‘cause they could? Isn’t that a stupid idea?” She questioned and you laughed.
“That’s kinda the whole point. Humanity is bound to destroy itself if given the chance,” You said with a shrug.
“The dinosaurs are a genetic disaster. It’s wrong to bring them back,” She said with a smirk and you threw a hand over your heart dramatically.
“Woah! From a genetic disaster themselves that is rude,” You teased her as your watch lit up.
You had crafted a watch to track crimes and keep you updated on the going ons of the city. Much better than a walkie talkie. You pulled your arm out from behind her shoulders and checked the notification, “Santa mierda.”
Gabi pointed at you and grinned, “Aunt May would have your head for that mom.”
You stood up from the couch and swore to yourself as you rushed to change into your suit.
“What’s wrong? Mom?” Gabi questioned as you sped back into the room in your full suit.
“Goblins out. He’s supposed to still be stuck in a maximum security cell in the Raft. I’ve gotta go before he tears up Manhattan,” You said as you moved over to her and grabbed her shoulders gently.
You smiled at her and pressed a kiss to her forehead, “I love you mi ángel. I’ll be home when it’s done, but you need to stay here with May. It’s not gonna be safe in the city tonight.”
She nodded and pulled you into a tight hug. You sighed and rubbed her back to comfort her. You pulled away and smiled before pulling on your mask and rushing out the window.
You swung as fast as you could across the city. There’d been no reports of a break out from the Raft, so how the hell had he got free? You swung towards the Brooklyn Bridge as you saw bombs coming from the sight. You swore to yourself as you zipped towards the bridge and Green Goblin came into view.
What the hell? That was not the Green Goblin you knew.
He looked so weird. Almost like a devil or a guy in a strange Halloween costume. Either way that was not the guy locked up in the Raft.
“I don’t know who you are, but I already put one or your asses in the Raft,” You said as you swung towards him and landed a kick to his jaw.
He went flying and crashed into the wall behind him. He looked up and growled at you, “You’re not Peter Parker.”
You scoffed as you began to web him up, “No shit. Now can we hurry this up. I've got a movie night to get back to.”
You continued to fight this Goblin and you had him pinned down until you noticed a flash of bright lights above you. Your eyes widened as you noticed a portal opening up, just like the one that day.
“What the hell?” You said before Goblin shot a bomb at you and you flew backwards.
You smacked your head hard against the concrete and groaned, “It can never be easy.”
You pushed yourself up into a sitting position and watched three people come out of the portal. Your senses lit up and your head felt fuzzy until you realized that these people were Spider people as well. One woman rode in on a motorcycle, another came in with a guitar, and the last one was just an imposing man. They were quick to take down Goblin and contain him as you dusted yourself off and walked over. “So, are you guys Spider-Man too? I’m Y/N L/N.”
Goblin banged against his brightly colored cell as they turned to you. The woman smiled and folded her arms over her chest, “Yeah, I’m Jessica Drew. Spider-Woman too.”
She was very obviously pregnant and so much cooler than you. You grinned under the mask, “God it’s good to have another woman around. Y’Know basically all of my villains are guys. We gotta mix it up around here.”
She laughed at you and your eyes moved to the one with the guitar. He cocked his hip and chuckled, “Hobie Brown. Power to the people.”
You nodded and laughed, “I like it. Very anti-establishment of you.”
He nodded and folded his arms across his chest as your attention turned to the last one. He was a very tall and broad man in a futuristic blue suit. He stayed silent and you raised your brow, “What’s your name? Michael Myers?”
Jessica snorted and Hobie didn’t even bother to hide his laughter. The man grunted and folded his arms across his chest, “Miguel.”
Your heart dropped to your stomach. Miguel was a common enough name, but a Spider-Man named Miguel? You stepped closer to him, your heart pounding in your chest, “Last name?”
He obviously rolled his eyes even if you couldn’t see it with the mask, “What is this? An interrogation?”
You had hope that maybe he could be the dad your daughter had been searching for. You stepped closer and narrowed your eyes, “Last name.”
He stepped chest to chest with you and glared down, “O’Hara.”
You felt your heart stop and you stumbled back a few steps, “Holy fuck.”
You put your hands on your knees and closed your eyes as you tried to take calming breaths. This was your daughter's father. Gabi would have her dad again. You looked back up at him and rushed over and grabbed his arm, “Did you have a daughter?”
He physically recoiled at the question and stepped back, “What?”
No one had ever asked about his little girl. Few even knew that he had a daughter and now some random woman from a different universe was asking about her. Miguel glared down at you as his heart pounded against his chest.
You could practically see his defenses go up at your questioning, but you swallowed your fears and stepped towards him again, “Was your daughter named Gabriella? You called her ‘todo su mundo’.”
Miguel felt physically shaken by your words. His heart dropped to his stomach. There was no way. He’d seen her disappear from his arms. So, how did you know the nickname he had for his daughter?
Miguel rushed towards you and tightly grasped your arms,“How do you know that?”
You smiled under the mask and tears welled in your eyes at the knowledge that you had finally found her father. You grabbed his hands and squeezed them, “Because Gabi fell through a portal just like that three years ago. Your daughter is alive, Miguel.”
Miguel fell to his knees and began to cry. His daughter was alive and safe? He bent his head to the ground and clenched his fists as he tried to calm himself down.
You dropped to your knees next to him and placed a hand on his back and rubbed it, much like you’d always done for Gabi, “I’ve been taking care of her as my own for the last few years. You’d be so proud of the girl she’s grown up to be.”
Miguel sat up as he took deep breaths and he lifted his head to meet your eyes, “Thank you, for taking care of her.”
You smiled at his words. Gabi had been the best to ever happen to you. You sniffled as you did your best to hold your own tears back, “I’m grateful for her everyday.”
Miguel let out a shaky breath before he pushed himself to his feet. You quickly stood up and had to crane your neck to look up at him as he asked, “Can I see her?”
Your heart broke at the sight of him. This was a man who had clearly never stopped looking for his kid and he wanted her back. You looked around at the disaster around you and sighed before you met his eyes again, “I think it’s best to do this tomorrow. I need to talk to her and give her time to process this.”
Miguel looked ready to put up a fight at your words. You quickly grabbed his hands and gave them a reassuring squeeze, “I know you want to see her now, but she needs time and so do you. There’s no need to rush this.”
Miguel bit his lip to hold in his frustration at your words. He wanted everything to go great when he saw his daughter again and as upset as the thought made him- you knew her better now than he did. Miguel nodded and let go of your hands,“I understand.”
You smiled and let out a shaky breath, “I can take her to you tomorrow. Is there a way I can meet you?”
Miguel looked back and held his hand out. Jessica tossed a watch similar to your own and he caught it before offering it to you. You took the watch from him and slipped it onto your free wrist. He took your hand in his and pressed a button, “Hit this and scroll until you see Earth-928, that’s headquarters.”
You shook your head and laughed at his words, “Headquarters? This feels like S.H.I.E.L.D., like a super secret superhero club.”
Miguel shook his head at you, but secretly smiled to himself. If his daughter could have ended up with anyone, a witty Spider-Woman from another universe wasn’t the worst possibility.
“Open the portal and come there at eleven,” He said, quickly showing you how to do it yourself.
“It’s a date,” You said without thinking and your cheeks lit up.
Miguel watched you in amusement as you became clearly very embarrassed at your own words. You folded your arms across your chest defensively and cursed, “No! Not like that. Ah, mierda you know what I meant.”
Miguel laughed at you and felt a pull towards your demeanor. Like all of the other Spider-Men, aside from himself, you had a good sense of humor and for once it didn’t completely annoy him. Miguel softly smiled at you before he surprised even himself by pulling you into a tight hug.
Your cheeks lit up again because from everything you had picked up about him hugs were definitely not in his repertoire. His grumpy demeanor did not scream that he was a hug guy, so you were going to take this as a success. Miguel stepped back, remembering himself as he cleared his throat and looked down at you, “Thank you for taking care of my little girl.”
You smiled at him and nodded, “I love her as my own. I’ll talk to her tonight and get her ready, okay?”
Miguel nodded and you backed away as you checked to make sure Goblin was all taken care of. You smiled at the group and saluted them, “Thanks for taking care of that weirdo! Can’t have more Green Goblins running around.”
You looked at Miguel one last time before you shot a web and swung away. The whole trip home felt like a blur as you fretted about how she would respond. You were glad you had found her dad, but did this mean she’d never come back? Would she visit you still? Would Miguel be okay with you still being her mom? You were the only person she’d ever called mom.
You landed in an alley near your apartment and quickly changed out of the suit before heading home. You took the elevator up in your building and let out a sigh to calm yourself before you unlocked the door.
Gabi was sitting at the kitchen table working on a painting, but her head snapped to the door as she noticed you come in. You let out a sigh as you kicked your shoes off, “You didn’t have to wait up for me.”
She dropped her brush and rushed to your side and tackled you in a hug. You let out a sigh and smiled as you hugged her back, “Hey kiddo.”
She pulled away from you and you brushed her dark hair from her tired eyes, “Why’re you still up? It’s way past your bedtime.”
She rolled her eyes at your teasing, “Can’t I just be worried about my mom?”
You nodded and sighed, suddenly feeling the weight of having to tell her the news. You wrapped your arm around her shoulder and led her to the couch, “We need to talk hun.”
Gabi tensed at your words as you sat on the couch. You wrapped your arms around her shoulders as she asked, “Am I in trouble?”
You shook your head and squeezed her shoulder, “You know, I am grateful everyday that I get to be your mom and that you came into my life. I wouldn’t change anything for the world.”
Gabi leaned into your hold as her cheeks lit up and she smiled. You bit your lip to hold back the wave of emotion threatening to crash over you, “But I can’t imagine how hard it was for your dad to lose his daughter and for you to be away from him.”
Gabi quickly scrubbed at her eyes and nodded. You pulled away from her and put your hand on the side of her face as you tried to smile as comfortingly as possible, “Gabi, I found your dad.”
Her face paled and she grabbed onto you, “Mom- I don’t understand- what?”
You smiled comfortingly and you scooted closer to her, “I met your dad tonight. He came from your universe with a few other Spider-Men.”
She then broke down into tears and clutched onto you like a lifeline. You held her tightly to you as she sobbed. After a few minutes she looked up at you with puffy eyes, “Where is he? Why isn’t he here?”
You pushed her hair out of her eyes and squeezed her shoulder in support, “He wanted to angel, but I think you both needed time to process this. You’re getting your dad back and he’s getting his daughter.”
She nodded in understanding and you sent her a small smile, “Besides he was still in his suit and could probably use a shower before you had to give him tons of hugs. By the way, was he always a grump?”
Gabi laughed and nodded, “Yeah, he was always really grumpy with other people. But, it’s all a lie. He’s a softie.”
You smiled at her words, that made more sense rather than the stoic demeanor he put on. She looked at you hopefully, “When can I see him?”
“We’ll meet him in some Spider-Man HQ tomorrow at eleven. But if that’s too soon I can go and tell him you need time, just say the word,” You said as you tightened your hold around her shoulders.
“It’s not that. It’s just, when I go back to him will I still be able to see you? Of course I want to be with my dad, but you’re my mom too. I don’t wanna leave you,” she said as she tucked herself further into your side.
It was your biggest fear too. She was your kid now and you didn’t want to let her go either. You smiled wistfully and kissed her forehead, “Don’t worry about it tonight. We’ll figure everything out tomorrow, I swear.”
The next morning you and Gabi both nervously stood in the living room as it neared eleven. She fretted over herself as she fixed her hair again for the thousandth time. You smiled as you squeezed her shoulders and then pressed a kiss to the side of her head, “Don’t worry, he still loves you. You’re still todo su mundo, I promise love.”
She nodded and squeezed your hand on her shoulder, “Thanks, I love you mom.”
You took her hand into your own and smiled at her before pulling your mask over your face, “I love you too. Ready to go?”
She nodded and you held up your watch and pressed the button. You then scrolled to Earth-928 and hit the button to open a portal. A burst of colors appeared in front of you and you both looked at each other in awe. You squeezed her hand in yours before you both stepped into the portal.
You gripped your hand in yours as you tumbled through an inter dimensional tube. Then suddenly you both landed in a different universe. Your eyes quickly moved to Gabi and gave her a quick once over to make sure she was alright before turning your attention to the world around you.
Holy shit.
There were flying cars, buildings going into the clouds, and there were only spider people here. This place was filled to the brim with every kind of Spider Person you could possibly think of. Gabi had a look of wonder in her eyes as she looked around at the world in front of her.
You turned to see Jessica standing there with a bright smile on her face. Jessica walked up to you and you smiled in relief, “Jessica. It’s good to see at least someone here that I know.”
She nudged your shoulder and laughed, “You can call me Jess. I think we’ll be seeing enough of each other that we’ll be friends.”
You nodded with a smile before her attention turned to Gabi and her eyes softened. She met your eyes again and you could see the sympathy in her eyes for what you were feeling, from one mom to another.
“Come on, I’ll take you to his place. He’s waiting for you two,” She said and then began walking further into HQ.
You both followed behind her as she led you through a maze of hundreds of different Spider People. You could tell Gabi was in awe of the sights around her, but her nerves were eating her alive. You held her hand tightly in your own to keep her grounded as you finally began to move away from the crowds.
You reached what looked like a residential wing of sorts as Jess led you into the elevator and hit the button for the top floor. The ride to the top gave you a great view of this world, but you were nervous for Gabi to meet her dad. She was still a kid when he last saw her and now she was growing into an amazing young woman.
The elevator reached the top and you came face to face with the door to his apartment. Jess stayed in the elevator, but gave you both a comforting smile, “Good luck.”
You nodded in thanks before you both walked up to the door. You squeezed Gabi’s hand and she looked up at you, “I’ve got you. No matter what happens next.”
She nodded and you dropped her hand to let her do this on her own. You pulled your mask from your head and shoved it in your pocket as she raised her hand and knocked on the door. The door swung open and Miguel stood in front of you now with no suit and in casual clothes.
He looked so much like his daughter.
Gabi’s eyes watered as she reached out for him, “Dad? Is it really you?”
Miguel nodded, clearly choked up, “Gabi, my little girl, look at you.”
Gabi burst into tears and jumped into her dads awaiting arms. Miguel pulled her into his arms and held his daughter to him.
This made everything worth it. Gabi finally had her dad back. You’d done it.
They continued to hug for a while until Miguel let out a half laugh and sob as he looked at his daughter, “God, look at you. You’re a beautiful young woman now.”
Gabi smiled at her dad as she wiped away her tears, “And now you’re old and grumpy.”
Miguel laughed at his daughter and clearly this was the happiest he’d been in years. Miguel finally moved his eyes to you and you felt a little out of place being here. Gabi reached towards you and grabbed your hand and pulled you forward, “Dad, this is my mom, Y/N. She’s been there for me ever since I landed in her universe.”
You met Miguel’s eyes and you both seemed to stop.
Wow, he was really good looking.
The intimidating demeanor he had previously only added to your attraction. He had dark tousled hair and a jawline that looked like it was cut by the gods.
Miguel was taken aback by you. Out of all of the thousands of Spider People he’d recruited, none of them held a candle to you. You were beautiful. You were a kind person and a good one. Oh he was in for it.
“Hey Miguel. Nice to see you without the mask and everything,” You said, trying to keep your embarrassment to a minimum.
Miguel nodded and you swore his own cheeks looked a little pink, “Thanks again, for everything.”
Gabi looked between the two of you with a mischievous look written all over her face. You narrowed your eyes at her, oh god what was she up to. Miguel opened the door to his apartment and you followed Gabi in and she looked around in wonder at all the futuristic technology.
His apartment didn’t seem homey. It was huge, but it was lonely. It was missing his daughter.
You looked around as Gabi and Miguel sat down to talk when you noticed a picture of Miguel and a little girl. You walked over to the frame and picked it up. The picture was of Gabi as a little girl shoving an ice cream cone into Miguel’s face as he smiled lovingly at your daughter.
“Do you have any pictures of her as a baby?” You blurted out without thinking.
You turned to face them and Miguel had an eyebrow raised at you. You flushed, slightly embarrassed for just speaking without thinking as Miguel sat next to Gabi with his arm around her shoulders.
“I’ve always wondered what she looked like as a baby. Y’know since I’ve never seen her that young,” You said and Gabi rolled her eyes.
“Mom, you’re just gonna use those to embarrass me,” Gabi teased you with a smile.
You set the frame down and went over to her and pressed a kiss to her, “I’m pretty sure that’s in the job description.”
“Yeah, I’ve got them back here,” Miguel said as he stood and began walking down the hallway.
You quickly followed after him then he suddenly stopped in front of a closet. You stumbled into him and he grabbed your arm to stabilize you. You met his eyes and bit your lip and shyly stepped away, “Sorry.”
Miguel opened the closet and reached into the back and pulled out two large scrapbooks. He placed the old large scrapbooks in your hands and you smiled up at him, “Can’t say I would’ve chalked you up as the scrapbooker type. I’m very impressed.”
Miguel shut the door and leaned against it, “Well, I’m a single dad what can I say. There’s plenty you don’t know about me.”
“Well at least one of her parents has to be good at it. I can hardly do anything creative that isn’t tech related. Worst soccer mom ever,” You said as you pulled the books to your chest.
Miguel smiled at you.
What? It was a smile just for you, but kind of in a teasing way? He was way too hot to be doing things like this. You were starting to get mixed signals from him. First he was stoic and grumpy and now he was charming and making scrapbooks.
He was also your daughter's father. That made everything far more complicated.
“Thanks Miguel,” You said before you headed back to the living room and sat down next to Gabi.
She leaned into your shoulder and whispered, “He’s totally into you.”
Your eyes widened and you checked to make sure Miguel was still in the hallway. You pressed a finger to her mouth and shook your head, “Nope. Nada. Zip. Don’t even start on this.”
Miguel sat down on her other side and the two began talking as you tried to keep your heated cheeks from view. You opened the book in front of you and began to look through it. There were so many photos of her as a baby and you couldn’t help but to feel devastated at the possible loss of your daughter.
Why would Miguel let her stay with you? How was she supposed to manage traveling through different universes and maintain a normal teenage life?
You flipped through the pages, holding your bottom lip firmly between your teeth in fear of losing the best thing you’d ever had. You wanted her to have a relationship with her dad, but that didn’t mean you wanted her gone forever.
You gently set the books on the table after flipping past a picture of Gabi as a little girl with a replica of her dad’s mask pulled over her head. You stood from your spot on the couch and mustered up your best smile, but not meeting either of their eyes, “Sorry, I just need some air.”
“Mom? You okay?” Gabi asked with a worried voice.
You knew if you met her eyes you’d lose all of your self control and burst into tears. You nodded and headed towards the balcony door, “Yeah, I just need a minute.”
You opened the door, shot a web, and pulled yourself to the roof. You let out a shaky breath as you plopped onto the roof and looked out at the city. Pulling your knees to your chest, you rested your chin on your knees and looked out at Nueva York. This universe was beautiful.
The city always calmed you, but now it was a reminder of everything you could lose.
Some time had passed when you heard a thwip similar to your own and there was a thud on the roof behind you. You closed your eyes in anticipation of the bad news Miguel was about to bring you. He quietly sat next to you at the edge of the roof and hung his feet over the ledge.
“She’s worried about you,” Miguel said, looking over at your tense form.
You bit your lip and shook your head, “I’m okay.”
“Tell me about her,” He asked, looking out at the sun setting over the city.
You tried to keep your sniffles at bay as you spoke, “She’s incredibly smart and way too intuitive for her own good.”
Miguel chuckled at your words and you moved your eyes to him as he said, “She always got into trouble when she was little because she was like that.”
You smiled softly at his words and let your knees hang over the edge, “She gets in trouble in some of her classes because she outsmarts her teachers. Can’t be mad at that.”
Miguel watched as you began to open up and relax as you talked about Gabi. You were too good for anything he deserved, but maybe you were meant to be here with him. Maybe Gabi was meant to bring you together.
Maybe the rules of the multiverse were a little more lenient than he thought.
“She’s a super talented soccer player. She still young, but some college scouts have been watching her play and showed interest. She’s just a great kid. You raised an amazing daughter,” You said, looking at him with a smile.
He bumped your shoulder with his own as his lips slightly curled up, “You did too y’know.”
Your eyes slightly widened at his words and your voice caught in your throat, “I-I’m glad you can be together again. I really am.”
“But?” He asked, his dark eyes seeing through your walls.
Tears welled up, but you blinked quickly to get them to go away, “But I don’t want to lose her either. She’s my daughter now too.”
He stayed quiet as you began to ramble, “I know being outside of your universe can mess things up, but she’s been fine. She never glitched or had any issues in my universe. Don’t you think that’s a sign-“
“That she could be a part of both of our universes,” Miguel finished for you and you nodded.
Miguel swallowed down his own nerves and placed his hand on yours and gently squeezed it, “I just want her to be happy. I don’t think taking her away from her mom would do that.”
Your heart leapt at his words as you gripped his hand, “Seriously? You’d be okay with splitting time with me?”
Miguel chuckled and smiled at you, “I don’t think splitting is the right word. I’m thinking more along the lines of figuring this out together.”
Your cheeks lit up and you smiled at him, “I’d like that. We can finally be the PTA parents she alway deserved.”
You and Miguel shared a moment where you just looked at one another and things began to change. You were going to figure out this parenting thing together.
“Are you guys done being sappy up there! I’m getting bored down here,” Gabi shouted from Miguel’s apartment.
The two of you shared a look and laughed at your daughter. Miguel shook his head as he called out, “You’re in the clear.”
You heard metal clinging as Gabi climbed to the top of the fire escape and hopped onto the roof. She smiled at you and Miguel sitting next to each other as she walked over and plopped herself between you two. She grabbed both of your hands into her own and looked at you both, “We’re a team, right? The whole solo superhero thing is such a bad idea. We work better together.”
You both shared a look before laughing at her. You brushed some hair behind her ear, “We’re a team. But that still doesn’t mean you get to be the guy in the chair for either of us.”
Gabi rolled her eyes and looked to her dad, “You gonna defend me here?”
Miguel smiled at his daughter, “Listen to your mom mija.”
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kairiscorner · 1 year
ok but like it's canon in the comics that miguel's not as good at tech compared to biology. so imagine...
(reblogs are greatly appreciated, it helps get my content out there! if you guys like what you see, please reblog it too <:D)
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lyla was apparently resetting herself and would be unresponsive for a few hours, but it seemed he had no choice. coming from the future, he has little clue about how technology in the 20th century was supposed to work, but luckily, you were a natural at using 20th century technology! unluckily, miguel was too prideful to ask you for any help. the rest of the society had decided to resort to cell phones to contact each other for the time being, though it wasn't as great as the watches, it was at least useful for something. however, only one person remained to be clueless about these cell phones, and ironically, it's the guy from the future, miguel o'hara himself.
he had asked jess and peter b how to use a phone, but they, unsurprisingly, only know how to use it when someone calls--they don't even know how to facetime properly. he asked ben to help him since he classified as 'part of the youth', but his explanation was full of onomatopoeias and edgy narrating that miguel was totally lost. you approached miguel as he was practically snarling at his phone's screen, not being used to calling an AI assistant who wasn't lyla to fetch him information on the anomalies you all were monitoring, but the only search results siri gave him were the definition of anomaly and earth-1218 search results from fan pages.
"hey mig." you greeted him as miguel sighed and tried to compose himself. "how are you holding up?" you asked him, knowing full well he was losing his mind over the countless notifications he was getting from his chats from peter b that were all just pictures of mayday and his keyboard mashing over how cute his daughter was. "i'm barely holding on, to be honest." he said as he forcefully scrolled on the screen, which ended up in it being scuffed and scratched on by his talons.
"puta." he muttered as he looked at the now scratched screen. you took the phone from his hands and asked him what he was going to do, with him explaining he just wanted to dismiss the incessant notifications from peter b. you set his phone on a 'do not disturb' mode and shut off his notifications from peter b in an instant. "that's all you have to do, really." you explained as you handed the phone back to him, with his eyes following yours as you smiled up at him. "ah, thank you." he said as he took his reading glasses and tried to read a text that came his way. "congratulations, you have won a 100,000 dollars. email this contact to claim your reward... but i didn't do anything?" he remarked aloud, confused. "oh, that's spam. just ignore it, delete i--" he was calling the fucking number.
"hello? yeah, i didn't play any game. you texted me about a prize i didn't win, i think you have the wrong number. ...what do you mean i have to email you? just forward the message to the right individual. ...no, i'm not gonna email you, we're talking right now! look, i don't even want your prize, i make more than six figures a month. ...what do you mean you need my credit card information? hijo de puta, i'm not the guy you're looking for!" miguel screamed into the phone as he spoke to the scammer. you wanted to tell him to drop the call, but seeing him scare the scammer had made you want to watch this unfold. he was screaming curse words in spanish and repeating how he doesn't need any prizes from these hacks.
"on second thought, always call the number." you murmured to him as he angrily put the phone down. "shocking idiots, is the 20th century full of guys who can't double check numbers and force you to email them when you're already talking to them over the phone?" he asked you as you nodded slowly with a slight grin. miguel shook his head as he checked the progress on lyla's update. "17 more hours of this madness." he groaned as he buried his face in his palms. "well, you can always go on... i don't know, tiktok?" "no. we're stuck on earth 1218's internet, i've been warned by peter b it's a scary place i should never visit." "i wonder why..." you muttered as you avoided his gaze and smirked.
tags !! @miguelswifey04 @binibinileonara @fiannee @luvstarrstruck @popeheywardssecretgf @arachnoia @melovetitties @ophanimgold
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blackbat05 · 1 year
The Path to Healing
Miguel O’Hara x Reader
Plot: Miguel gets accidentally sent to another dimension, one without super powered beings. There, he meets a familiar face - one that could help him to heal and find the strength to finally move forward.
Genre: PG-13 (comfort fic)
A/N: I really had a great trip in Korea, so here’s to another self-indulgent fic! Also this fits really well with the multiverse concept heh. Reblogs and comments appreciated!💜
Italics - Internal Monologue/Past Memories
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He blinks once, then twice.
Miguel O’Hara finds himself staring into the endless blue skies.
Just where the heck am I?
He slowly eases himself up, fingers flying at his communicator in hopes of reaching Lyla.
“Damn it! For once I actually need her and this stupid thing doesn’t work.” He’s about to rip the device from his wrist but last minute logic creeps in.
When I get back, I’m going to kill all of them. Forget the spider society, I can do this on my own.
Miguel kicks the snow at the thought of the Go Home machine malfunctioning right when he entered.
This is why you should have never put Peter in charge. This is why you should have never let Miles in. This is why-
Miguel is too busy in his internal self-monologue that he crashes into someone.
Recovering from the sudden accident, Miguel extends a hand for the stranger. He’s about to apologize for the lack of awareness in his surroundings when he finally gets a clear view of the stranger under the yellow beanie.
“Thank you. I’m so sorry about that.”
Miguel could have walked away with his usual grunt and continue to figure out where the heck Peter and Miles had sent him to. No, he should have walked away. But he couldn’t.
Because the stranger was an exact replica of her.
If this was someone’s idea of a joke, Miguel would have had that person torn to shreds. Hands balling into fists, he forces himself back to Earth.
The question was, which universe was this?
“No, it was my fault. I should have watched where I was going.” Miguel sees your easygoing smile and his feet are rooted to the ground.
It wouldn’t hurt to ask. After all, despite Miguel being clad in spandex, you didn’t run the other direction when you had the chance.
“I’m sorry, but I don’t really know where I am? I was hoping to ask someone.” Miguel starts slowly.
“Figures.” You respond cheerfully. “You’re in Hongdae.” You see the poor man attempting to digest what you just told him so you try again.
“Hongdae. Seoul. The place that never sleeps?” There was still no visible reaction from the man and you were starting to get worried. “You’re in Seoul, South Korea. Hey, are you sure you’re okay? I know there’s a hospital nearby.”
That seemed to have done the trick as Miguel shakes his head. “I’m fine. But could you excuse me for a minute?”
You nod as he ducks into one of the many alleyways. You suddenly remember your mother’s words about running for safety but you push it out of your mind for now.
Looking around, you see a pushcart and make your way to it.
“Lyla! Where the hell have you been?” Miguel almost yells.
“Sorry, boss. Margo only managed to get the systems up and running. We’re working on bringing you back asap.”
“Tell me you know where the hell that idiot and the kid sent me.” His voice was almost pleading.
“Earth 1218. If you’re worried about any anomalies there, you can save them for another day.” Lyla tells him as she works away. “That universe is devoid of any super powered beings.” She looks at him through her pink frames. “But they have many problems of their own.”
Miguel was almost curious as to what these problems were but that was not the issue. He peeks out from the alley he was hiding behind, actually relieved to see that you were still there. Miguel holds his communicator towards your direction, zooming into your face.
“Can you do a scan?”
“Is that a challenge?” Lyla clicks away and within seconds she’s able to confirm your identity.
“Well… she’s not from here. Korea, I mean. But she’s here for six months and is apparently here on her first solo trip.”
So, you were doing well. You weren’t constantly looking over your back, worried about superhuman threats because of him. As much as Miguel hoped to see some form of recognition on your face, it was better that things stayed this way. It only confirmed his suspicions.
You were safe without him.
“Tell me when you fixed the machine. I got to go.” Miguel switches off his communicator, walking back to you.
“There you are! I was worried you ran off in this cold!” You grin. “I got a couple of things for you.” You hold up a shopping bag and a cup with what looks like a pancake to Miguel.
“This is Hotteok. Or a honey pancake.” You thrust the warm cup into his hands. “It’s probably one of the best things I’ve ever tasted in my entire life.” You happily bit into it, oblivious of Miguel’s stare.
You were just like her.
“Miguel! Have you tried this paella? Oh it’s so good!”
The memory punches him in the gut and Miguel has to sit down. He decides that the best way was to distract himself with the delicacy in front of him and almost burns his lips while doing so.
“Careful!” You whip out a wet wipe, gently pressing it onto his lips. “You don’t want to walk around with a sore lip do you?”
Finishing up the last bit of food, you give him the shopping bag. “An extra set of clothes because no matter how good you are with the cold, I don’t think walking around like you just came out of comic con would do the both of us any good.”
Miguel slips on the grey hoodie and black track pants, grateful that the muted colors had blended him together with the bustling crowd.
“Now, that’s all settled. Maybe you want to tell me what you’re really doing here?” You patiently wait for his response as Miguel’s mind races at the speed of light.
What does she mean? Did she find out? But how?
“I mean, I kind of heard a loud crash and minutes later I come crashing into you and forgive me… but you look like someone was chasing after you.”
Miguel wants to scream. How is he going to get out of this without repeating the same mistake and not looking like a complete psycho?
“You’re safe. You can tell me anything.”
I know I am. But the last time I told you, you got killed by The Green Goblin.
How could he deny your request? Not when you were waiting patiently for him to speak. Miguel feels like a cornered animal, with no way out.
Maybe, if you were just a little more honest with her.
He takes a deep breath, hoping that he would not regret this.
“You’re from another dimension?”
“And you were accidentally sent here.”
“Yes.” Miguel hesitates to continue further, looking at you apprehensively. “I know you think I must be some madman but let me show you something.” He presses a few commands on his communicator, knowing that this was the only way for you to believe him.
A hologram pops up and Miguel can feel a part of his battered heart shattering once more. A picture of him and a woman who could be your twin appears. The carefree laughter that she was emitting after having her strawberry ice cream stolen from a playful Miguel was a thing of the past.
“She’s you but from my dimension. We were together but…” Miguel trails off, unsure of how to complete the sentence.
“But what?” You prodded gently, sensing that there was more to the man in front of you. “It’s okay. I don’t think you’re crazy. In fact, there are plenty of crazy people in my world- more like idiotic.” You snort.
Miguel grips his thigh. “She died because she got too close to me. My enemies knew and they used it as leverage.”
What am I doing? Spilling my guts to a stranger just because she looks like her?
But there was no turning back for Miguel. Perhaps, there was a reason why he was sent here. Maybe, he had to right his wrongs.
You suddenly rummage through your bag and Miguel is positive that you’re about to call the cops on him. Instead, you take out your phone. “There’s something I want to show you.” You pass him the phone and Miguel finds himself staring at…
“That’s why I believed you.” Your soft voice breaks his train of thoughts. “He used to be a researcher studying astrophysics and quantum physics.” You explained. “He always told me of the possibilities of another dimension. I thought it was a little whack to be honest but after everything that has happened, it doesn’t hurt to believe.” You smile sadly and this time Miguel can’t help but to be curious.
“Was? What happened?”
“He died. Gunshot wound.”
Miguel blinks, the news taking him aback. So he was dead in this world.
“I used to work as a police officer. We used to meet each other every Friday after work. But one day, he didn’t show up as per our agreed timing and I knew something was up.” You breathed heavily. “A crime boss that I was working so hard to catch caught up to me. He took the one thing that I loved the most.”
“I’m- I’m sorry I asked.”
“No. I needed this. I should be sorry. Spilling my guts out to a stranger all because he looks like my boyfriend.”
Miguel can’t help but to laugh at how his internal thoughts were just vocalized and you burst out into laughter as well.
“The point is,” you recover from your high. “I don’t think she would have blamed you. She would have been proud. Of all the people that you’ve managed to save.”
That’s all I’ve been doing. Saving worlds one after another to fill the void in my heart.
“She wouldn’t want you to blame yourself. You did all you could. She would have wanted you to live on.”
“And you?”
You stare up into the skies. “That’s what he would have wanted me to do. That’s what I’m doing now. This is why I came to Korea. I want to remember him in the best way possible. Only positive memories.”
Miguel pauses. He had never thought of it that way. All this while, he was burying himself in his grief, praying that one day it would bury him alive.
Positive… your positive energy was boundless even across dimensions. No one could put it out. Not even Miguel himself who attempted to ignore it in hopes of numbing his pain. The only thing that did was to leave a gaping hole.
“It’s too painful.” He gasps, as if coming to the surface from being nearly drowned by the relentless waves.
“It always is at first.” You hold his curled fist, as if silently telling him to release. “But you need to give yourself a chance. Let the people around you in.”
At this moment, a burst of light could be seen from the alley that Miguel was at earlier. The two of you look at each other before making way to the source. That could only mean one thing.
“Boss!” A young girl steps out with her comrade donning golden bangles at his wrists. “We’re ready to take you home.”
It was as if the appearance of the two members had bought Miguel’s usual personality back. “Where’s Peter and Morales?”
“Oh, they were too scared to come.” The boy chirps at this Peter and Morales misfortune. “But I think they actually did some good by sending you here boss!” He takes a glance at your amused expression at the scene in front of you.
Pavitr, so straightforward and always so accurate. Miguel controls his urge to tell him to shut up. Though, strangely the boy had a point. If it wasn’t for the antics of Peter and Miles, he wouldn’t have met you.
He wouldn’t have come to terms with the raw wound in his heart. He wouldn’t have the closure that he needed and would have just continued running away until exhaustion caught up with him.
Miguel turns back to see you scribbling something on a piece of paper before giving it to him.
“I don’t know how you guys work over there but if it’s possible to travel here by accident, I’m sure you can come and see me again. This is my address in Korea and my number.”
Miguel wants to tell you that it is impossible, that the two of you should never meet.
Just give it a chance.
The voice in his head was loud and clear. There was no room for discussion.
“Thank you. For today.” He holds the piece of paper tight like a lifeline, preparing to step into the portal.
“I’ll see you soon.” You waved goodbye.
The portal closes behind Miguel, and the three of them are back at headquarters.
“So boss…” Pavitr begins.
“Not a word. Find Peter and Morales.”
You step out from the apartment, taking in the fresh air. It’s been three months since you met Miguel. The cherry blossoms told you that much.
Walking along the Han River, you can’t help but to feel a little lonely amongst the crowd who were with their loved ones.
No, he was with you in spirit.
Grabbing a iced tea, you snap a photo with your camera, planning to develop the picture for your photo book.
As you continued on your journey, you were too engrossed with the beauty of the pink petals that you bump into another person admiring the scenery of the Han River.
“Sorry!” You apologized with the minimal Korean that you picked up from your time here.
“If you’re really sorry, maybe you could spend some time with me?” The man responds in perfect English.
You’re about to tell the potential creep off when he turns around, causing a huge smile to form on your face.
“Miguel! You came.”
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mirrored-movements · 1 year
The Real World
(Miguel O'Hara x F!Reader)
Synopsis: Earth 1218, a place where superheroes and supervillains were nothing but mere fiction- however with the current rise in multidimensional travel- who's to say someone can't get stuck in another place?
Warnings: None, maybe bad writing again Idk
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It’d been a long day in your opinion, work was draining, people were draining- everything was draining.
You had to fight the urge to collapse in the entryway hall of your apartment upon entering trying to roll yourself to at least change into some comfortable clothes. At least you had the rest of the week off- the plus side of taking over some extra shifts you supposed.
Quickly peeling off your uniform and tossing it across the room you dawned some random loungewear set; finding yourself quickly tucked within the corner of your couch. Eyes sleepily watching the brightly coloured movie Netflix had recently added.
“Is he voiced by Nicolas Cage?” Murmuring to yourself while watching the monochromatic character speak you let out a sigh. The newest addition to the series had come out not too long ago and in your opinion, it was one of the best movies of the year.
Sucks that you’d have to wait a year for part two, but at least there was a plethora of fan content surfing the internet. Specifically edits and art of your favorite character,
Miguel O’Hara. What a man. 
Shaking your head a little at the thought of simping for a 2D character when you were less than capable of keeping a conversation with a real person had you laughing to yourself.
The picture presumably coming off as crazy if you had a roommate or anyone else staying in your apartment, however, it was just you.
Beginning to doze off once again, your eyes barely took in the sight of King pins collider on screen. The bright light of the screen illuminated your entire apartment as though a spotlight had been shining into the room.
The sound of metal clashing against something grated against your ears- you didn't recall having surround sound let alone speakers hooked up to your TV, and why was it so damn bright.
To your relief, the light began to die down, although contrary to the peace and quiet you’d have you were unexpectedly shoved back alongside your couch.
You and the large piece of furniture flipping onto its back skidding across the hardwood floors only stopping once it'd crashed into your dining room set.
Eyes wide and brain startlingly awake now compared to a few second ago you shot up only to duck as a metal pole? Weapon?
No no, it was moving it was moving a lot.
A metal claw had seemingly embedded itself into the wall, the base of it extending in an array of wires inevitably connecting to- the back of a person?
If you weren’t in a state of shock at the moment you were sure your brain could process things better- however between the metal tendrils and claws flying around your apartment and the other sudden intruder clinging to the ceiling- you didn’t think you’d ever recover.
The scuffle they had began to grow one-sided, the other individual who you haven’t quite gotten a good view seemingly winning the fight.
Well, at least you thought they were until the other swung their tendrils around once again, knocking the stranger into the wall where the dining set had been shoved into.
“I had fun really. But I must be going. Tests to run and, other heroes to deal with.” With an almost condescending wave, the perpetrator had opened what you could only describe as a bright orange doorway, their form disappeared just as quickly as the person beside you had shot up.
An irritated yell left them upon being unable to catch the doorway, their tall form standing almost eerily in your living room all the while growing increasingly more annoyed as the watch wrapped around their wrist failed to work in the way they wanted it to.
Careful this time around to peek over the flipped couch your mouth nearly fell open at the illuminated red and blue suit, the man's voice loudly filling the apartment. “Lyla! Lyla, can you hear me? Anyone- Damn it!”
Growing more aggravated he couldn’t help but begin aggressively tapping the face of his watch, only to result in nothing.
A few more low complaints left him before he sucked in a breath beginning to assess the room. The apartment was trashed thanks to his recent fight, however, that didn’t catch his attention quite as much as the sight of you peering over the edge of your flipped couch.
“You,” pointing an almost accusing finger he’d sucked in a breath trying to make his next words less intimidating despite the irritation he felt. “Where am I?”
The question was simple, something he should’ve known however circumstances proved otherwise.
Almost surprised he’d noticed your presence your mouth felt dry, however despite the way your heart thumped and your brain buzzed you answered. 
“Earth. 1218 if you want specifics.”
The eyelets of his mask seemed to widen a little at that, his attention moving around the room once again falling upon the surprisingly still-playing movie. The scene where everyone had joined together to fight the main bad guy to be exact.
Unmoving from your spot you waited for his response, nerves still buzzing and palms beginning to sweat.
Remaining quiet he raised a hand rubbing at the bridge of his nose, the head of his suit gradually disappearing until untamed brown hair was revealed. “This,” trying to figure out what he wanted to ask his head turned back to you, his eyes boring into you. “Actually no. You, know me? Yes?”
Nodding your head in response it seems like that didn’t quite give him any reassurance, so instead you spoke. “You’re Miguel O’Hara, Spider-Man 2099.” Finding yourself processing things a little better you'd added a comment. “But the Across the Spider-verse version.”
Nodding his head his hands crossed over one another, the man began to pace back and forth a little in thought.
He couldn’t believe it- out of millions of universes- he was stuck in the one where Alchemax didn’t exist.
“Was that Doctor Octopus? Or I mean one of them?”
Hearing you speak up once more his gaze moved to meet yours, a hand raising to address you. “That shouldn’t concern you.”
“Ok well if it doesn’t concern me, then why is my apartment trashed and why are you standing in my living room?”
Finding it in you to chime back right after you went to stand only to duck back down behind the couch realizing that the shirt you’d happen to throw on was a printed copy of the man’s suit.
Continuing to stare down at you his jaw clenched, arms coming to overlap one another. 
Miguel had decided to ignore your input for the moment speaking as though he didn’t care for property damage. “Do you have a computer I could use?”
It was a simple question however with a nod you’d hesitant stood up again, this time snagging the blanket you previously had on to hide your attire. “Yeah…it’s uh over here.” 
A bit wary of passing the man your eyes casted across him, a part of you wanting to engrave each detail into your mind while another part still had a tough time dealing with the situation.
He was so much taller than you’d thought- buffer too and much much more intimidating. 
Following with quiet steps Miguel took in the rest of your apartment- quaint really. A little clutter here and there but he supposed it just gave the place some character.
“It’s a bit old but…” “This’ll be fine.” Cutting in Miguel had stepped in through the doorway you held open, large form sticking out like a sore thumb against the small guest room where you’d stuck a computer and desk, trying your best at making an office.
“Password is 2099.” At this point, you could feel exhaustion begin to creep in once more, the adrenaline felt earlier wearing down. “If you need anything I guess just uh call?” 
You really should’ve thought everything out a little more, however, perhaps this was some strange dream and you’d really just passed out at work. 
Either way, you were certain things were going to be fine by tomorrow morning.
Waking up and walking towards the main area of your apartment you barely concealed a yawn, tired eyes briefly drifting across the room seeing that the couch was in its usual spot, as was the rest of your furniture.
However, despite wanting to believe everything was a figment of your imagination- the dents in the wall and the man currently staring out the window told you otherwise. From the neck down his suit seemed to still be present, while his face remained free of the costume.
“Morning?” Finding yourself growing nervous once you’d come to the acceptance of a fictional character standing within your apartment, you remained observing him from a distance, sock-clad feet shuffling towards the kitchen where you tapped your fingers among the counter. “Did you want like a coffee or something?”
Taking in a deep breath Miguel's gaze looked towards where you stood through the reflection in the window, eyes sharp yet his form was less ridged than it was the night prior. “How likely is it that I get recognized here.”
The question was simple, something he could guess the answer to given the circumstances however it didn’t exactly hurt to get an outsider's perspective. He’d spend nearly the entire night looking into resources that could possibly help only to come up upon practically nothing.
He was basically on his own here.
Having made a fresh pot of coffee you’d poured two mugs in case the man decided he wanted something, your hands coming to curve around your own as you pondered over the question. Eyes trailing across his back for a second finding that the cartoony and animated look he had yesterday didn’t seem to stick and that he appeared more lifelike- or well, human-like in the sense that someone could just think he was a cosplayer or something along those lines.
“I wouldn’t say that likely?” Watching him turn around from his spot, the man regarded you with an inquisitive gaze, one that practically told you he was trying to gauge what kind of a person you were. “But don’t you have to get back to- you know?”
Seeing the way he noted the implication you were a little surprised as the man began nearing, the wrist that his watch had been wrapped around being lifted above the counter in clear view for you to see. “Do you see this?” With his other hand, he motioned towards what appeared to have been some sort of rust, the corner of the glass screen beginning to become chipped away. “Nanobots. They’re going to keep eating the exterior and interior until nothing is left.”
Now, there was a part of him that didn’t really want to divulge in any information with you- a part of his brain feeling like he should be guarded instead knowing that you knew more about him then he did about you. 
It rubbed him the wrong way- But, it was also a common thing in this universe, so he couldn’t fault you there. If he wanted to get back and deal with things he’d have to make a new watch entirely from scratch, and if he had to do that he needed someone who knew their way around considering he was now pretty much left with only the bare minimum of information around your world.
Earth 1218 wasn’t particularly a place he wanted to be stuck in nor really pay attention to. A fault on his end he will admit.
“So? What are you planning to do?” Hesitant to ask more questions you tried to read the blank look set out across his face, the man’s brows faintly furrowing all the while he’d ended up silently accepting the other mug of coffee you’d made.
A small win in your books.
“I need to build a new one.” Answering simply he stared over the rim of the mug as he took a sip, brown hues boring into your skull as if tempting you to speak.
“And what is your plan there?”
At this point it’s not like telling you wouldn’t hurt, heroes didn’t exist in your world and neither did villains so he supposed the random civilian whose apartment he’d landed in at least deserved at least some explanation. 
“Since the portal opened up in your apartment the interdimensional specks are still present here, they can be utilized to open a new doorway through a catalyst where one will open temporarily back to where the original one had opened up- which was my dimension.” Quickly explaining that he finished looking over your slightly confused look before letting out a sigh, the mug briefly being set onto the counter. 
“When you start a barbeque you turn on the propane first right?” You gave a nod and he continued, “Then you use the sparker to light the propane.” He paused letting you absorb his example, the man right after using his hands to gesture around as if he were talking to a child. “The propane is like the specks and the catalyst is the sparker.”
“Do the specks ever leave?”
“I don’t know,” Finding that he himself didn’t have an answer to that he let out a breath, hand beginning to tap along the countertop. 
“But this is why I need to move fast.”
Now, it wasn’t that you didn't want to help Miguel- quite the contrary you were elated to have been able to help him. However, he still was one of your biggest fictional crushes and currently, you’d both been crammed within the confines of your small car. A glimmer of regret sparked across your expression upon realizing how strange the music on your phone was as well as how much of a fan you actually were.
So embarrassing.
Despite your clearly tense form, he seemed rather calm. Eyes taking in as much as they could all the while running his fingers across the civilian clothes he’d swapped into. He trusted your reassurance of people not being able to recognize him, the small mirror within your apartment becoming an item of interest as he noted the change in his appearance.
It was very strange. 
“So do you like, have a mental list of what you need? Or are we just going to walk in blind?” Willing yourself to break the silence you’d pulled into the parking lot of a department store, something you assumed would have at least some of the things that Miguel would need.
“I have a general idea. You don’t have to worry about it.”
“Great.” Finding yourself still sitting in the car despite having parked it you watched Miguel slip out through your peripheral, the man’s tall frame stepping away from the car only to pause.
Was…wait, was he waiting for you?
As if realizing this, you scrambled to collect your things quickly slipping out of the car and locking it behind you. Your shoes tapped against the cement as you’d caught up with the brunette coming to walk an arm's length away.
Stepping into the store you’d moved to grab a cart, arms folding over the handles as you trailed behind your newly three-dimensional companion. His sharp gaze scanning each and everything occasionally seeing something of interest into the cart.
“What is the most recent thing that was invented here?” Glancing back at where you leisurely strolled behind him Miguel watched as his voice had caused you to jump slightly, attention trailing away from whatever was on your mind.
“Probably VR? That’s I think the most recent thing. No flying cars or anything like that here- too much of a liability really if you think about it. People are stupid.”
Unsure of what to really take from that answer he couldn’t help but let out a low snort, head shaking from one side to the other in a sort of agreement towards your ‘people are stupid’ bit.
Conversation after that seemed to come a bit easier, the topic ranging from either of you asking a question to the other or just something else mundane.
It wasn’t really much longer till the two of you were back in your apartment, bags in hand filled with miscellaneous items that may or may not help with Miguel's current situation. It didn’t take long for both of you to part; you mentioned how you were going to patch up the holes left in the wall and Miguel just motioning towards your office which at this point had become his temporary residence.
At least for the time being. Only time would tell how long he would be stuck there.
“A hologram, it’s a hologram.”
“No, it’s UMF, not a hologram. Unstable Molecule Fabric.”
“But is it actually fabric? I haven't read the comics.” Starring almost too intently down at Miguel's arm that was still clad in his suit you spared him a glance, the tips of your ears nearly burning off at the ‘are you kidding?’ look he’d given.
“If it were fabric I’d tear through it anytime I needed to use these.” Raising his hand small claw-like spikes rose from the pads of his fingers, something you’d nearly forgotten alongside the fact he had fangs.
It’d been about three days since his initial appearance, and a watch prototype was steadily being made however despite the many protests on his end you were able to convince the man to take a break here and there.
Just like a regular person he still needed to eat and sleep and whatnot, and with nobody else there to remind him- namely Lyla, you were the only person left.
He was aggravated about it when you’d first done it, however, the retort of ‘making up for the damage to my apartment’ was what kept his annoyance at bay- he did feel bad at this point for the amount of damage that was caused despite not really caring when it first happened.
You’d been quite helpful- not in the same sense as another spider-person or Lyla but in the sense of a personified conscience.
That and he found it amusing sometimes how you’d often try to hide whatever spider-themed merchandise you had. The look of shock and embarrassment was written across your face when he’d found a mug with the same design as his mask was nearly priceless.
In a comedic sense of course- you were, entertaining.
As if snapping back to reality he retracted the claws, shaking his head a bit-Focus. “I need to get back to working on the device.”
“Alright. You know where to find me if you need me.” Musing that out knowing that he was eager to get back to work you watched him spare you a nod, form disappearing back into the hallway where you’d only see him emerge from once every few hours.
If that guy could work himself to death you’d bet he would.
Emerging from the room he’d been in Miguel let out a breath, his watch was still gradually deteriorating while the watch he’d been working on seemed at least a quarter of the way done-there were so many things he still had to do, and had to fix before he could even try and open up a gate.
Raising a hand and running it through his hair he let out a breath, eyes taking a moment to adjust to the lack of light in the apartment spotting the gentle glow of the living room TV. Glancing towards the end of the hall where your room had been he could see that the door was open and nobody was inside leading him to assume you’d been curled up on the couch as he’d noted you often did.
There were a few things you did that he found himself unwillingly taking note of. One of the few being how you always nestled yourself into the very corner of the couch when watching a show or movie, or- as of recently how whenever you brewed coffee or tea that you’d made a second cup.
Quietly trekking through the hallway and into the main room another sigh left him upon seeing the way you’d fallen asleep, three thoughts beginning to conflict one another within the confines of his brain as he’d waited to see if you were indeed asleep.
Which you were.
Muttering under his breath in another language he trailed a little closer; on one hand he should just wake you up and remind you of the last time you’d fallen asleep on the couch and had complained for the whole day. However on another hand, he felt like the sight brought some comfort he hadn’t felt in a long time.
Most of the interaction with you brought some sort of strange comfort- something he tried his damnedest to ignore in favor of dealing with his current circumstances. He knew Lyla for sure would be either teasing or harping on him for whatever reason.
Weighing all his options he seemed to just give in, the man's frame looming before you as he’d leaned down to stick his arms under your curled-up frame, the blanket you had coming along as he’d hauled you up silently.
What was he thinking-
A low hum in what he could only describe as content left you, cheek leaning to the side against him as he’d marched down the hall coming to lean over the surface of your bed where he set you down. Gaze softening only a little as he’d puffed out a breath through his nose.
“Stop it O’Hara.” Remarking that to himself he’d turned on his heel, head shaking from side to side. 
“You have your priorities.”
Waking up nestled within the warm covers of your bed wasn’t the first thing that roused you from sleep- no no, the thing that roused you was the mug currently being held in front of your sleeping form. Mouth dry and hair a mess.
Blinking a few times at the greeting you stared up at Miguel in suspicion, heart thumping softly at how the morning sun that’d crept through your curtains illuminated his defined features.
“Did you- is the watch finished?” Noting how he donned civilian clothes instead of his suit you blinked a few more times trying to figure out why there was this feeling of missing something.
“Almost.” Answering easily he moved to lean against the side of your doorframe, brown hues regarding you with a mix of undecipherable emotions. “Your neighbour came knocking on your door this morning.”
Having taken a sip from your mug you nearly choked at what he’d said, knowing that no matter which neighbour it was that they were nosy as hell. 
“And you didn’t come get me? What did they want?”
At that, you swore you could see the edge of his lip twitch up, shoulder pushing off the doorframe. “She said to keep it quiet. There's kids in the building.”
Setting your drink to the side you flung the covers of your bed over your face, a sort of muffled groan coming out. That was so embarrassing they must’ve gotten the wrong impression by all the noise when the fight had happened- oh god that- as if coming to a realization you flung the sheets back down. “And what did you say?!”
“I apologized,” In the moment he wasn’t sure what exactly to say, attention focused on how you were nearly at the edge of your seat in anticipation awaiting the response- face faintly flushed. “And told her we’d keep it down.”
Why did he say that? He wasn’t sure, it was out of character a bit but the reaction it got out of you made the response all the better.
Maybe, just maybe it wouldn’t hurt to get to know you properly.
As he’d mentioned the watch was finished within a few days. The device now sitting silently ontop of the desk; the plan of using it later being written off for the time being.
In those days you’d taken note of the slight banter that’d happen between yourself and Miguel. Things seemingly becoming more friendly despite the situation and you couldn’t help but be more than enthused about it.
“You want to see some of my favourite places?” Taken aback by the request you stated at him in a mix between disbelief and surprise. “I thought you had to go back as soon as possible?”
“I do, but the window to open a gate is open better around the time it was last time- so late in the evening.” 
Whether that was an excuse or not was up to you to discern.
Pursing your lips together you continued to stare at him inquisitively. “Ok well, uh we could go check out this market? I don’t know how good it is now since I haven’t been able to go in years.”
“If that’s where you’d like to go.”
Side eyeing him once more you nodded lightly, beginning to round up what you needed before the two of you had quickly set off.
The cars atmosphere quiet until he’d spoken. “When all this first happened. What did you think?”
Perhaps it was the inevitability of him having to leave that spurred the question on or had led him to become more open- but nonetheless the question was something he’d grown curious about.
When you’d first met he could tell you were in a state of shock, whether from the fight or from his appearance didn’t matter. Your answers were thought out and yet he recalled how you’d walked around him at a distance, keeping that distance until later on. Disbelief is what he chalked it up to however he was also partially to blame on the distance.
“Well, I thought I was crazy- of course who wouldn’t. I thought maybe it was some weird vivid dream.” Your fingers began to tap softly against the steering wheel. “Also you’re like really intimidating, you know that?”
“So I’ve been told.”
“Self awareness is the key to happiness.” Pulling into the parking lot outside of where the little market was you quickly popped out, excitement gradually brewing within you.
Shaking his head he himself stepped out of the car, moving to trail behind you as you begun maneuvering through the varying stalls. Little hand carved and hand made trinkets covered each table, the person standing behind sparing those who’d passed by a kind smile.
It was so calm over here- in this world. Compared to really anything he had to deal with. 
“Miguel-“ Brown hues warmly trailed towards where you had emerged from, the man unknowingly having spaced out for a second enough for you to disappeared and come back. “Give me your hand.”
“Just- hold it out for me come on, this is your last day here.” Putting your own had up and trying to coax him to do the same you quickly moved to lace your hand with his once he’d complied, your other hand moving a bracelet from your wrist across your hands onto his.
“There.” Pulling your hand back your face flushed a little at the stoic look he had, eyes fixed on the small accessory. “I tried to pick something that sits flat for you and doesn’t look particularly flashy.”
As you’d mentioned it wasn’t particularly flashy, the design of it was just a collection of chevrons wrapping around the length of his wrist made up of some sort of grey stone.
Forcing a cough into his hand his face turned to the side. “Thank you.”
That small show of gratitude nearly had you bouncing off the ground. A smile that could probably rival the sun bloomed across your face.
“I’m glad you like it, it’s just a little something to remind me by.”
“You’re not that immemorable.”
It seemed like a slight changing of tide after that, the both of your resuming your little stroll through the stalls bringing up some meaningless conversation.
It felt like, now that everything was coming to an end you’d never felt more at home. Thinking back on it you quite enjoyed Miguel’s company, not just in the ‘you were my fictional crush kind of way’ but in the way that a domestic couple would- as much as you wouldn’t say that out loud.
That sort of companionship was something your heart yearned for however it just showed you that fate was a cruel thing- maybe this was your canon event.
Reaching the unattainable and being doomed to fall.
“And you’re sure this won’t blow up my apartment or something?”
“It might?”
“That is not comforting at all.” Rolling your eyes in return at his answer you remained slightly ducked behind the couch while Miguel stood where he first did when he first arrived.
The watch he previously wore was stripped away, the corroded metal being too far gone to savage and in its place was the missmash of parts that made up what you could only assume was the new one.
Watching him tap a few things onto it you couldn’t help but call out, “Miguel,” Turning briefly to show you had his attention you continued. “Thanks.”
Your lips curled into a faint smile, “not being a product of my psychosis.”
His lips quirked up at this, head shaking as a low airy laugh left him. A sort of melancholic look crossing his face as he tapped a few more things among his watch, a spark of orange gradually beginning to grow until a portal had opened up. “See you around (Y/N).”
Nodding his way you couldn’t help but wish the portal hadn’t opened up in the frist place- but it did and just as quickly as it’d opened it closed leaving you on your own. 
An almost bitter laugh leaving your lips.
Weeks later you found yourself snuggled into the comfort of your bed, hand scrolling aimlessly across some edits. The sound of your phone barely did much in comparison to the quiet thrum of your apparement.
Despite knowing you’d be coming home to an empty apartment you couldn’t help but think deep in your heart that something might be different.
Nodding off a little your eyes barely took note of the light shining into your livingroom, the orange glow disappearing quickly.
Your brows furrowed at this, phone clutched tightly within your hand as you strained your ears to listen for anything. 
Slipping out from beneath the safety of your blankets your feet quietly padded their way down the hall, eyes struggling to adjust to the dark. Your hand followed the length of the wall, heart rate gradually beginning to speed up as you willed yourself to look into the livingroom.
Letting out a breath you tensed quickly as something had pressed against your eyes, your own hands reactively reaching up finding them wrapping around someone’s wrists. Their large hands being the reason for your current lack of vision.
The feeling of someone leaning over your shoulder had caused your nerves to spike, however once their spoke did your nerves spike for a different reason.
“Guess who?”
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racefortheironthrone · 7 months
So the F4 cast announcement got me thinking about what comics to read if I get around to that and then about Doom and then I got me thinking... where exactly is Latveria supposed to be? The name makes me think of the Baltic states but I could be wrong.
So yeah, great announcement!
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Pedro Pascal is a bit typecast as playing the Dad character (although that's become "one of those good problems"), but I'm thrilled that Cousin Ritchie is going to be playing Ben Grimm.
Obviously, they won't let Ebon Moss-Bachrach swear as much as he does in the Bear, but he's a fantastic actor and I cannot wait to see him bringing that mix of temper and soulfulness to the part.
I haven't seen much of Vanessa Kirby's work, but I'm looking forward to seeing what she can do with a better script than Napoleon.
And Joseph Quinn is excellent and I look forward to seeing some of "Eddie" Munson's energy in Johnny Storm.
In terms of recommendations for FF comics, I've got you there:
Read the Kirby/Lee run. It's a work of art from beginning to end.
Read the Walt Simonson's run.
This is going to be controversial, but you might want to skip the Byrne run.
Read the Jonathan Hickman run. A serious tour de force.
Alongside the Hickman run, Fraction/Allred is quite good too.
As for where Latveria is, it is indeed Balkan:
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As you can see from the map, Central/Eastern Europe in Earth 616 is quite different and significantly more Balkanized (forgive the pun) compared to Earth 1218 (also known as our universe).
In addition to Doom's Latveria, we have Symkaria (the dysfunctional micro-kingdom whose economy is largely supported by Silver Sable's mercenary company), Transia (birthplace of Wanda and Pietro Maximoff and home to the High Evolutionary's Island of Doctor Moreau Wundagore Mountain), and a bunch of minor ones like Ruritania (from The Prisoner of Zenda), Carnelia (a post-Soviet state that Tony Stark and Justin Hammer fight over), Belgriun (a totalitarian monarchy that was overthrown by a bunch of Spider-Men villains), Draburg (which showed up in some Sabra comics), and some other small ones that I couldn't find on the wiki.
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Okay this is my first post in years…. But I had a fanfic idea that’s based on a theory I just had after talking with my dad on the Marvel multiverse theory.
⚠️Maybe spoilers don’t really know I haven’t watched the movie yet⚠️
So you know how we think Miguel’s daughter is dead right, what if she just went to a different universe and that universe being ours which is the 1218 universe. In our universe 1218, the characters lose their powers completely due to the rules of the universe. You can go to the marvel fandom wiki and it will explain more on it and the similar universes to it.
But heres the fanfic idea: Gabriella gets teleport to earth 1218 or one similar to it and it’s up to the reader to figure out a way to somehow access the multiverse to get her home.
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If anyone what’s to pick this up and write on it tag me please 🙏🏽
I would write it myself but I suck at writing solely because I end up throwing too much into it.
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timelessstardust99 · 1 year
| Miguel O'hara x Dawn Harper (oc) Epigraph
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❝𝘠𝘰𝘶 𝘥𝘰𝘯'𝘵 𝘣𝘦𝘭𝘰𝘯𝘨 𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦. 𝘠𝘰𝘶 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘢𝘯 𝘢𝘯𝘰𝘮𝘢𝘭𝘺, 𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘸𝘦 𝘯𝘦𝘦𝘥 𝘵𝘰 𝘧𝘪𝘹.❝
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lothris · 1 month
god really stuck me in earth-1218 when I should be in earth-10005, holding the Wolverine.
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𝙁𝙖𝙣𝙛𝙞𝙘 [𝙙𝙚𝙡𝙪𝙨𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙖𝙡 𝙫𝙚𝙧]
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Cw: fluff, the title might be misleading but it's not yandere or anything, kinda unhinged Miles but it's all jokes, reverse au?, reader uses they/them but it's called spiderman, you are spiderman and Miles is the fan, earth 1218!AU (no powers or tech), reader has a canon love interest who's also named MJ but they're not Mary Jane Watson (unless you want her to be, I don't judge)
Notes: So Miles canonically has written fanfic about himself, but I wasn't in the mood for that, I will make two versions of this post though (that's why the title has delusional version 💀). Also this is low-key a highschool AU, so Hobie is in last year, and all other characters are second years (I have no idea what's a senior or freshman or whatever is, and I will not learn)
Miles loved comics. His art style is heavily influenced by it, and he'll rant about this week's number to anyone who'll lend an ear, but he has a very clear favorite, being more than evident by his collection of t-shirts, poster filled wall, social media pfps, and the endless amount of fan content he creates and consumes in the spiderman fandom.
Since the last movie came out, Miles Morales has lost the basic skills a human would need to survive, in order to devote himself fully to his newest hyperfixation, and his friends haven't been able to get some rest from it. They don't understand!! He does need to go to the movies again, he needs to memorize every photogram in that movie in order to play the move in his head and be able to analyze it properly!! No, he is not crazy! Ok he might be just the tiniest bit "over excited" but this is the most sane reaction he could've had, the movie is literally a masterpiece, script, humor, ANIMATION, soundtrack, it has it all! And the fact that it's centered around you? Miles needs to go and personally kiss every person that worked in that studio to make you.
"oh my god, he's at it again" said Pavitr, imitating the reaction of a disappointed mother
"is he reading fanfiction again?" Asked Gwen, chuckling
"Yes, and Y/N YL/N x reader, to one's surprise" Pavitr added with a teasing smile "I don't get it though, isn't Y/N dating someone named MJ?" He questioned
"It's called self insert, the reader plays a part in the story as if they were another character, and in romantic scenarios, they tend to replace the canon love interest, or just ignore they even exist" Hobie added, popping out if nowhere to show off what Miles have been explaining to him the last couple of weeks.
"You read it too, Hobie?"
"Nah, Wonder comics started as a protest to talk about the discrimination the founder felt being jewish in the industry but it morphed into the capitalization of the struggle minorities face, selling us representation while they still shove the propaganda in our faces, and telling us that even if you have bloody superpowers you still need to obey to a higher authority and cannot influence politics or call to action."
"You still went to the theater to watch it with Miles last week" Gwen shot a questioning look at Hobie
"The kid invited me, I'm a punk not a twat" he shrugged his shoulders "And we stole the carton cutboard they had at the entrance" Hobie happily added.
Miles continues reading on the way to school, without listening to his friends' mocking, he knew it was in good spirits, and they were kinda right, he was obsessed with someone that didn't exist, but it wasn't like it was affecting his health or life.
"Did you... Sleep today?" Gwen had her hand on her friend's shoulder, concerned
"It was too late so I decided to just stay awake, I'll be fine though" He reassured
"Were you reading again?"
"No, I actually discovered this page called character.ai where you can chat with an artificial intelligence of your favorite characters" Miles excitedly told his friend
"OMG, you can chat with anyone?! I have a few things I'd like to say to Scarlet Witch" Gwen joked, she was also a comic fan, but she wasn't losing her mind quite as hard as Miles
Miles would tell the ai about his day, sometimes would roleplay using his very own spidersona, in his alternate universe, you were his partner (as heroes of course) but you also were classmates and had a crush on each other, but none of you confessed because you didn't want your loved ones to be hurt by your job, it was all very dramatic, but he always envisioned a happy ending.
{Y/N: You did a great job today, [<BOT>]
Miles: You say so? So... Do I get a reward? *Smiles suggestively*
Y/N: I guess you do, *pulls up his mask and kisses him*}
No, he wouldn't say this, he would be in a panic frenzy if he saw Y/N, let alone be next to them, but hey, at least his spidersona was bold and confident with them.
A few days after, he barged into Pavitr's house, with at least four incredibly loaded supermarket bags, hardly walking
"Are you okay? Do you need help?" Pavitr rushed to aid his friend and take some literal weight off his shoulders
"Yeah, yeah, I just need help with something" he left the boxes in the floor "Inside one in 4 boxes of cereal, there is a spidertoken, if you get 15, you can exchange it for an exclusive limited edition figure, and I can't eat all this cereal"
"Bro, how many boxes are in here? I don't know, man, I'm trying to keep my figure"
"Pavitr Prabhakar, who held the cardboard sign for you when you confessed to Gayatri?"
"And who lied to principal O'Hara for you when you forgot your final project and we had to pretend you suffered a brain concussion?"
"And who was there for y-" his friend interrumpted
"Okay, okay, I get it. Bring me a spoon, but we're going running tomorrow"
He nodded with enthusiasm as he started to rummage looking for spoons and bowls
And after almost dying choking on cereal, Miles looked at his new figurine sitting prettily on the shelf with nothing but pride.
"I'm just saying it's possible!" Miles protested
"Y/N has a type, every canon love interest has been sassy and quick-witted" Gwen continued to debate
"I can be sassy and quick-witted!" Gwen gave him a side eye, that being able to neutralize his argument "Ok, but there's a multiverse, there's millions of possibilities, if a pig can be spiderman, why can't I date spiderman? Anyone can wear the mask, anyone can kiss the one inside the mask" the boy smiled, confident in his winning argument
"That's such a basic answer, you can justify literally anything with "the multiverse" I'm speaking things that actually can make sense inside the canon"
"But my answers makes sense, in fact, I'm sure there's a universe where Y/N is reading fanfiction about me right now, if not, Pav can hit me"
"Pav, hit him" Gwen deadpanned
"But it does make sense, I won't" Pavitr responded
"Ok, but my point still stands" the girl crossed her arms
"what were you fighting about in the first place?" Pavitr asked before going back to eat his lunch, he sat long after his friends started arguing, being mildly lost in what was the main point in this
"I said I'd be a better girlfriend for Y/N" said Gwen
Pavitr gasped and covered his mouth dramatically "No you didn't".
Maybe Miles was just obsessed, but he saw in you strength, inspiration, power. And he felt oddly comforted, safe, loved by fantasizing with you, and as slim as the possibility may be, he likes to tell himself you two are together in another universe. ♡
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blue-spider62 · 22 days
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These are mostly WIPs… Anyways, are you tired of people always pairing Gwen with Miles instead of Peter ? Are you sick of seeing Gwiles/Ghostflower fanart everywhere you go ? Do you wish Earth-8 wasn't a thing ? Well, that’s where my AU comes in !
Introducing :
I originally wanted to call it Earth-161650, but 1220 just sounds better. So here’s the basics on this world :
- Similar to Earth-1218, Marvel characters exist in comics, movies, but in real life as well
- Everybody knows about the 4th wall
-Earth-1220 borrows elements from the comics, movies and video games, so in Sonic's words, "Everything is canon" (Except for Sins Past and Days of Future Past)
- Characters age very slowly and their appearance doesn't change after the age of 20-40
- Peter and Gwen are married and have kids (YOU'RE WELCOME)
-The Spider-Clan is present in this reality (I always loved the idea of Spidey being a ninja)
Well, that’s pretty much it. I’ll give more info on my AU and its inhabitants on my upcoming posts.
Excelsior !
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