#pet regression behaviors
softpawpup · 6 months
wolf regressor behaviors !! 🐺
bites bites bites bites
destroys all chew toys
steals clothing
little stomps
lots of biiiiig stretches
shows off teeth
territorial !!!
staying up late
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dreamingdreamdrop · 1 year
this pup is daydreaming to survive
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marsthebabie · 2 months
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Hello there friends!!!
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solarwindsempire · 2 years
Is the term "source regression" a thing? Like, regressing to a state of mind or personality one had in source, and having more intense memories than typical?
Like- (sorry Simpbur you're being put on blast) Simpbur sometimes "reverts" to his mindset/emotions/even looks to an extent? That he once had in source, for him it's negative but we have people who love it-
Just kinda curious if it's a thing for anyone else!!!
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animaluploads · 5 months
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lostonmyroad · 2 months
Moments That I Want Tattooed On My Forehead From S-Classes That I Raised Chapters 50-70
As always, BEWARE OF SPOILERS!!! Future chapters may be referenced!!!
The insane amount of lore dropped in these chapters wow
Chapters 50-60
help its genuinely still so funny to see yoojin in the early chapters going: “all i have to do is complete this one (1) task and then i can live like a slacker” before he gives up (cries in cale henituse)
everyone referring to yoojin as “monster daddy” and asking him to raise their children is amazing. no notes 
ARRIVAL OF THE KING SUNG HYUNJAE!!! He's a bastard he's amazing he's always on my mind
"...no matter how amazing Sung Hyunjae might be, he wouldn't be able to notice it easily. He wouldn't press his nose against my body and smell me, like my idiot brother had, would he" um. ok??? yoojin's completely normal though process
sung hyunjae essentially telling yoojin “aren’t you tired of being nice? don’t you want to go apeshit” within 5 minutes of their first real conversation
i forgot shj gives him a pair of earrings!! (and a bone for Peace)
yoojin’s disguise to get to the f rank dungeon being a fucking sun protection hat…it’s giving marvel baseball cap and sunglasses…and he has this because he used to stage one man protests??? sir what were you protesting against
oh that’s right the dungeons will appear at a faster rate because “time was only reversed for yoojin” oops
Chirpie makes its debut!!
yoojin trying to hide where he got chirpie from “i found it in the hallway”. king if yoohyun wasn’t suspicious of you already that would do it
yoohyun yeeting Peace and mama yoojin scolding him
chef myungwoo :))
bleh bug dungeon. i’m with you yoojin that was disgusting
yoojin not wanting to use Last Repayment :((
Riette makes an entrance! do you think riette demonstrated girl power when she abused her brother until he became an s rank
yoojin thinking about how he had raised yoohyun and was so happy about sending him to college…saving money for his tuition…and just losing interest in riette :((
yoojin saves bak hayool!!
this is where we see peak yoojin mafia behavior. unhinged. but justified revenge?? this is why i don’t understand fan interpretations where he’s like a wallflower like this man has murdered multiple people quite violently 
chapter 60 is just so much. like. i cant even describe. yoojin you need so much therapy
the way he sees people’s last memories before they die ugh…
yoojin playing 3D chess while everyone else is playing checkers fr
him calling his friend who doesn’t remember him bc of the regression and telling them to live a happy life always gets me ufffff i wish we got to meet this character
Chapters 60-70
Yoojin and the Awakening center — a tragedy in the making. Pre-regression trauma galore
The Association rears its ugly head!!! Yoojin has an authority figure problem (but it’s completely justified)
love how chill Yoojin is about Chirpie. random F rank monster that’s cute as hell that’s eating Peace's weight in magic stones and was born from an error in the system??? ehh no big deal it’s my pet now and i’ll kill for it
love the absolutely random detail about seok hayan’s pineapple earrings. thank you geunseo you know what the people want
yoojin funding public research!! hero of the people and my heart
yerim refusing to praise yoohyun and myeongwoo to their faces hahahaha. all of them petty as hell
yoojin still trying to protect myungwoo i love them
yoojin: *is keeping secrets from yoohyun and putting himself in danger*
also yoojin: why is yoohyun being cold with me
everyone’s giving yoojin flowers today lmfao
sung hyunjae you’re everything to me. you’re so bizzare. the bouquet??? showing up in a 2-seater car?? bullying seok simyeong??
Shj reminding Yoojin to wear his seatbelt because he's an F rank HDJEKXIDKD
oh yoojin. “who’d want to place themselves through hardships on purpose” like SIR are u that un self aware
yerim listening to this bullshit, eyes falling out of her head: i’m literally going to crazy murder you with yoohyun
the dungeon ppl have the actual worst timing. yoohyun is going to McFreaking lose it
yoojin and yoohyun finally work things out we love to see it :))
chapter 65 starts the explanation of the 50 s ranks requirement!!! water droplet is going through it
so much is just casually dropped in this chapter like. yoohyun is a born s rank! the dungeon ppl are manually inputting things for yoojin! the world might end! anyways!
yoojin having such strong mom energy that the dungeon people forgot he was a dude
one of the moments ever when yoohyun and Peace burn down the dungeon in worry and yoojin’s just there like. ah. shit. my bad i fucked up there a little
grown up Peace my beloved
chapter 67 yoohyun my beloved. you are so crazy. “hold still while i chop off your arm and fake your dear so i can keep you safe” 
the han brothers finally having a real conversation. yoojin i love you but you really needed to do this sooner
Newcomer joins the battle
Chirpie turnin on the TV by itself and yoojin praising it like every proud parent ever
more monsters!!!
unicorns (white + black bc yoojin is terrible at naming) + gryphon (named Blue)
yoojin’s training method of using himself as a human chew toy is traumatizing for everyone around him.
same hyuna i would also be taking 10939392 photos
Peace and Blue WWE match. flex on em Peace
yoojin: wow myeongwoo is hot now
i love the monster shenanigans
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Possible weekly themes
Living Weapon Whump
Carewhumper/nice handler
Defiant Whumpee
For the greater good
emotion removal/repression
Orders and obedience
Intimate Whumper
Touch/physically affectionate whumper
Yandere whumper
Emotional manipulation
demanding behaviors/reciprocation from Whumpee
Creepy whumper
Abusive partner
Love confession/breakup
Mind control/Possession Whump
Telepathy/Mind-control powers
Tech-based mind control
Parasitic possession
Supernatural possession
Sick while with Whumper
Various illnesses/afflictions (i.e. the week can have a different sickness as each day's theme)
Trigger/activation words
Conditioned whumpee with Caretaker
Process of conditioning/getting conditioned
Post-conditioning/fully conditioned/brainwashed
Relearning/reclaiming things
trust & safety
Tied up/restraints
Sensory deprivation/restriction
Basement whump
Possessive whumper
non-physical restraints/control
Hero/Villain Whump
On the run
Stuck together
Overworked/pushed too hard
Alliances & enemies
disproportionate retribution
Superpower whump
Pet Whump
Institutionalized pet whump
Taking pet whumpee places/showing them off
gilded cage
Team Whump
Bound/trapped together
Hiding wounds
Unhealthy/harmful team dynamics
Magic Whump
Nonhuman whumpee/whumper
Magical whumper
Magic with side effects
Immortal whump
Used for their magic
Tiny whump
Magical/supernatural needs not being met
magic with a price
Role Changes
Submit ideas in the askbox! (Or anyplace where I'll be sure to see it.) I will update this as suggestions come in, so make sure you're looking at the root post to see the most recent version of the list.
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softpawpup · 7 months
fox pet regressor behaviors 🦊
stealing little things
fox screams
hiding in odd spacces
rolling around
giggling and smiling
rubbing against you
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criminalmindswhore · 9 months
I am lost.
TW: alcohol abuse, general sadness, depression
This is gonna be a long one, I don't feel like making it into different parts
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When you joined the BAU you were coming out of a pit of depression you didn't even know you were in. You didn't join in on jokes, go to Ross's for dinner, and rarely smiled. After a month or so you started to come out of your depression, finally feeling supported by those around you. Emily always made sure you had a full cup of coffee when she refilled hers. Reid always brought you a rock or something from his lunch break walks. Garcia would send you pictures of flowers after hard cases. Hotch even hugged you once. JJ became like an older sister to you. She was only a few years older than you but she became your main support. Emily and her went out of their way to make sure you three always shared a room on cases to make sure you slept and showered.
Recently you could feel the darkness creeping in on you again. You were working so hard to prove yourself to everyone, Strauss, Hotch, and most importantly your mom. The things that usually brought you joy, like running with Morgan, no longer brought you any joy. Morgan picked up on it when you started flaking on him most mornings. He would get a text at 3 a.m., "I'm not gonna make it to our run this morning, I think the takeout we got in Georgia isn't agreeing with me, sorry!" Reid noticed when you stopped bringing lunch to work, insisting you would eat a big dinner. You two always ate together after his walk, debriefing from the latest episode of Grey's Anatomy. He didn't like the show but he watched it to connect to you.
Emily noticed when you guys were in New York for a case. She texted you to let you know Hotch dismissed everyone for the night and she wanted to grab dinner with you. When you didn't answer by the time she got to the room she assumed you were in the shower, but the shower wasn't on. "Hey, have you seen Y/N?" JJ looked up from her book concerned, "No, she disappeared when we got back. I assumed she was meeting you or Morgan." Emily shook away the slight panic and picked up her phone and wallet. "I'm gonna go ask Morgan." JJ nodded, "Keep me updated." Emily nodded and bit her lip.
"No, she said she was gonna go grab a drink and head to bed." Morgan shrugged. Reid perked up behind him, "Is she okay? She's been acting weird." Emily sighed in their doorway, "I don't know. I'm gonna talk to her." Morgan smiled at her, "Just let me know if I need to do anything, princess." Emily took the comfort he was offering by using the pet name. She left their room and walked down to the hotel bar. Lo and behold there you were, sitting at the bar whiskey in hand looking empty. She sighed and walked over to you, taking her place on the stool next to you. You didn't acknowledge her just kept swirling your glass. "Y/N, what's going on?" She took the glass from your hands and asked the bartender for water. You sat up and looked at her offended, "Can I not just have a drink after a long day of tracking down this psycho?" Your tone was straight and a little mean. Emily knew the anger wasn't directed at her and her gaze softened seeing the bags under your eyes. "Y/N you need to talk to me," her tone was soft and gentle. "I don't know what to tell you, Emily. I'm fine, if you don't trust me to have a drink alone maybe you should check yourself." You snatched the glass off the bartop and shot it back, drinking it all in one go. Emily took a deep breath, "Everyone is worried about you. Your regressing back into the person we met when you joined the team. We study behavior for a living Y/N/N." You glared at her, "You all profiled me?" The bartender set down water and slid your tab over to you, exposing how much you've drank. Emily took notice of the 8 whiskeys on your tab and how you left a way too high tip. "Drink the water." Emily's tone was stern and you knew she wouldn't let you leave until you drank it all. The water was cold and kept the burning anger from taking over. "Emily I'm fine." You were completely dejected from her, not even looking at her now.
"That's a lie." Emily was not going to give it up tonight and you knew it. "Either you tell me, or I go to Hotch right now." There was too long of a pause and Emily went to stand. You grabbed her hand, "Fine, just don't get Hotch, please. Being taken off this case would make things so much worse." She sat back down and held onto your hand. You took a deep breath. Everything in you screamed not to tell her, to shut her out, but the look in her eyes pulled all your walls down. "My depression has been bad again and I've been drinking a lot. I've never drunk on the job or been intoxicated at work. I just needed something to make me less numb. I feel so empty all the time except when I'm at work or with you." Emily could see the pain in your eyes, "I think I slept with the director's daughter too but I don't remember. Obviously, it didn't help. It honestly made it worse because it solidified something I've been fighting for months." Emily's heart broke slightly hearing you slept with someone but she shoved it away. "Y/N you could've come to me or JJ or anyone. You are not a burden to us and we want you happy and healthy. Even if it means late-night talks or teary phone calls. We are here for you, don't shove us out. Do you know what triggered this?" You nodded sadly, gripping her hand tighter, "Hotch rejected three of my reports because I didn't write them properly one night when I was on hour 45 with no sleep. It sent me down a spiral of proving myself and overworking." Emily smiled at you, "Y/N, that happens to all of us, it doesn't make you any less of a good agent." You laughed, "Yeah logically, but my brain doesn't think logically when it comes to me. I can think logically about everyone else's issues, but never my own." Emily grabbed your chin and made you look at her, "You have nothing to prove, we all know you're amazing at this job. Y/N you need to get help with this beautiful brain of yours." She smiled sadly at you. Tears started slipping from your eyes, your drunken brain not realizing you were crying. She wiped a tear from your cheek, "Let's go to bed, and we game plan tomorrow okay?" You nodded at her.
She pulled you from your seat, never letting go of your hand. She took the time in the elevator to send Morgan a text, 'I got her. She's okay. Talk more in the morning.' You were swaying to the elevator music, feeling lighter now that you've told someone you were struggling. "You're gonna fall over." Emily laughed at your drunken state, and you shook your head. "Em, I got this." Just as the elevator stopped you slipped and she caught you by the waist. The closeness of your faces took you both back. Your breath hitched which didn't go unnoticed by the raven-haired beauty. You stood up and cleared your throat, Emily smiled to herself. You were so beautiful to her in every way. Even in all the darkness that swam in your eyes, she could see the goofy girl you were inside. She opened the room door for you and JJ perked up, "Y/N! I missed you! Wanna cuddle?" You laughed at her and pulled PJs from your bag. "Let me change first and then all 3 of us can lay together?" Your voice slurring was all she needed to know. While attempting to take your shirt off you almost toppled over. "Here let me help you Y/N." Emily grabbed the hem of your shirt, waiting for you to consent. You nodded and just stared at her face while she took off your shirt and helped you change. She was the most beautiful girl you have ever seen. After you were changed you wiggled into bed between Em and JJ. You turned on a movie but immediately fell asleep holding Emily like a teddy bear. JJ smiled at you, "Is she slipping again?" She asked, not really wanting to know the truth. "Yeah, she was 7 deep when I got there. She told me everything. She slept with the director's daughter." JJ grimaced and Emily had a look of horror on her face. "You told her yet?" JJ had a childlike excitement on her face, Emily giggled shaking her head, "Not yet, not while she's vulnerable like this. Soon though once we get our girl through this." JJ smiled, she genuinely loved the idea of her two best friends being together. Emily told her about her crush on you immediately encouraging her to tell you.
Emily came over when you got back from New York and helped you clear out the many, many, empty bottles of alcohol you had collected. "Y/N, this is a little absurd, I counted 4 bottles in the bathroom alone." You toyed with the hem of your slacks, "Yeah if you buy in bulk at the store on 34th street it's cheaper." A month later you felt like yourself again. Emily spent the night a lot when you felt dark, she would hold you while you cried and would make sure you ate. Morgan would start showing up at your apartment for runs instead of meeting, forcing you out of bed. JJ started sending you home with notes and drawings from the boys. Reid bought you a few crystals that he swears work with depression.
One night you, JJ, Garcia, and Emily were at your apartment watching movies and building a Lego set of a piano. It was getting late so you wished JJ and Garcia a good night before returning to Emily on the couch. You sat beside her and looked at her. She looked at you from her phone and saw tears forming in your eyes. She immediately set her phone down and grabbed your hands, "Hey, what's wrong?" She looked concerned, ready to jump into action, and then you smiled. "I just feel so loved and it's a new feeling for me. The whole team has done so much for me this month to help me. I just feel so much better and I can't thank you guys enough." Emily felt tears in her eyes, she was so happy you felt loved and better. "Y/N, we would give the world for you. At least I know I would." You turned to face her on the couch, now crisscross apple sauce. "Emily, thank you." You pressed a simple kiss on her cheek. She relished in the feeling, her cheeks turning bright red. You gaped at her, "Miss Prentiss are you blushing?" She closed her eyes and winced, "Yeah?" You cackled, "You're being so soft right now, who are you?" She opened her eyes and stared directly into yours, now was the right moment. You were stable, one month sober, and making jokes again.
"I'm a woman in love with you."
Your heart exploded, she loved you. Before you had time to think you cupped her face and kissed her. Her hands went to your waist. Your lips felt exactly as she imagined they would, soft, and plump and you tasted like strawberry lip balm. You pulled away but kept her face close, "Emily Prentiss, I love you." She smiled and a tear slipped down her cheek. At that moment, foreheads touching, the pieces of your life snapped into place. Her fingers traced patterns on your hips, her soft face in your hands.
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sleebybabie · 6 months
Hi! I'm in the process of making a danganronpa agere au, and I have the basics of what I want down, basically the school is now a giant nursery for regressors and cgs and Junko and Mukuro found regressing as a coping mechanism and never became the ultimate despair, I know it might not make a lot of sense but it makes me happy! Here are the basics of the characters and their roles! I may edit this as time goes on (also pls keep in mind I'm not a writer so I'm sorry if anything seems off)
Makoto Naegi - little leaning flip, soft regressor with little age around 1-4, kind of a pushover type of carer, lax about rules
Kyoko Kirigi - cg, likes parallel play and is a bit standoffish, gives rules and is strict about them but doesn't punish heavily
Byakuya Togami - cg leaning flip, gives rules and has punishments, handles brats easily, when regressed which is rare, he is semi verbal and easily overwhelmed, little age 0-2
Aoi Asahina - little, little age 2-6, hyper and energetic, loves snacks and playing, is in a romantic relationship with Sakura as her caregiver
Sakura Ogami - cg, gives rules and has appropriate punishments, plays along with her little one, rewards good behavior, in a relationship with Aoi as her little one
Toko Fukawa - little, little age 0-1, very shy and mostly nonverbal, crawls around, always has a paci and nonverbal cards clipped to her
Genocider Syo - flip, little age 3-6, when regressed somewhat independent, gets easily distracted, "no I'm big!", when a carer, she is fun and has no rules, plays with her little ones, takes on multiple littles at a time, a big sib type of carer
Kiyotaka Ishimaru - little, little age 1-5, very polite, stims a lot and gets overwhelmed easily, likes to have rules and a routine or gets stressed, in a poly relationship with mondo and chihiro
Mondo Oowada - cg, cool cg that lets you stay up past your bedtime on weekends, has rules but doesn't punish if they're broken, has two little ones (taka and chihiro)
Chihiro Fujisaki - little, little age 0-3, very soft spoken and shy, wears diapers, has a tangle toy with them at all times, in a poly relationship with taka and mondo
Celestia Ludenburg - flip, little age 4-7, when regressed, likes tea parties and spooky kids shows, is somewhat independent, can be a brat, when in carer mode, she calls her little one pet names, has rules that she's strict about 
Sayaka Maizono - little, little age 2-6, loves singing and dancing, playing dress up, is a "princess" type regressor and sweet as can be
Yasuhiro Hagakure - cg, lax about rules, silly and makes jokes for his little one, older brother type of carer
Hifumi Yamada - little, little age 4-9, likes reading comics and superhero movies, plays pretend a lot, tries to sneak around rules
Leon Kuwata - cg, doesn't have rules, likes to play music for his little one, gets kinda clingy
Junko Enoshima - little and one of the headmasters of the nursery, little age 1-7, very bratty and loves playing dress up and pretend, twin sis of mukuro
Mukuro Ikusaba - flip and one of the headmasters of the nursery, little age 3-10, somewhat quiet and can be a brat sometimes, as a carer she enforces rules and punishments, and has assigned routines for her littles
Monokuma- basically the nursery mascot and just walks around checking in on everyone making sure everyone is safe and happy :)
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nottapossum · 5 months
Ozzie the babysitter
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Summary:Stolas has to attend some meeting with his father and leaves Blitzø with Asmodeus.Notes:Tw: Bratty behavior, diapers mentioned, biting, attempted scratching, hissing, feeling neglected, jealousy, hiding, feeling scared, and feeling overwhelmed. Lmk if I should add.Takes place sometime before father knows best? Idk lol.
Playdates have become a normal phenomenon for Blitzø and Fizz. The original plan was to visit every month or every other week. But lately they’ve been hanging out every week due to the littles begging their caregivers for a playdate. 
Fizz tends to regress on Monday and Tuesday since he was exhausted from the weekend when he performs at Ozzie’s.
Blitzø used to regress on the weekend until they changed it to Sunday-Monday so he can play with Fizz. 
Every Sunday Blitzø would ask Stolas when they were going to see Fizzarolli. Seeing Fizz is something he looked forward to every week.
Stolas loved to see how much Blitzø has improved; Going from being anxious about going to Asmodeus’s place, to being extremely excited about it and discussing almost nothing else.
Every week he’d ask: “When are we gonna see Fizz?”
And Stolas would simply answer: “Tomorrow.”
It was like clockwork.
But, Stolas had a meeting to attend this Monday, one that he couldn't miss. 
With Blitzø’s regression, it was an adjustment in figuring out when Stolas had time to do his job; normally he could get it all done on Saturday before Blitzø came over, but there was no way to reschedule or miss this meeting. It was surely to be a bore and he'd much rather spend his time watching paint dry, but alas. He had this responsibility and needed to take it seriously.
Blitzø was happily playing with his horse figurines on the floor while Stolas was reading on the couch. It was rare when they got to have quiet moments like this, it was rather nice.
But the moment was over as quickly as it started when suddenly the little one crawled over to Stolas and peaked his head between the book and the owl: “When are we gonna see Fizz, Stolas?” Blitzø asks. 
Full sentences; this must mean Blitzø is around 4 or 5 at the moment. This surprised Stolas since he's usually not so calm when he's this old, his calmer side is usually when he's really small. 
Stolas set the book aside to pick up Blitzø and set him on his lap. “Well, I’m afraid we may not get to see Fizz this week, fireworm. I have some work to do tomorrow.” Stolas says.
“Aww! No fair! We can’t even see him for a little bit?” Blitzø asked.
“Well…I suppose we could. But we would need to leave by 3:00 and make sure you are big by then, otherwise I’ll have to get you a babysitter.”
Blitzø thinks about it. “A babysitter?”
“Yes, I could ask Asmodeus to watch you, or I could call Loona like last time. Does that sound okay?” Stolas asks.
“Yeah!” Blitzø says. “I just want to see Fizz!” He says.
“Then we will see Fizz tomorrow.” Stolas says.
“Ugh! Why is it always tomorrow?!” Blitzø complains.
Stolas chuckles and pets Blitzø's head. “Yes, I know it’s hard to wait, Spirit. But, tomorrow will be here before you know it.” He says.
“Mkay.” Blitzø says. “Can you play horses with me?” He asks. 
“Of course, darling.” Stolas says. He completely abandons his book. 
Spending time with Blitzø was far more interesting anyway.
~~~Tomorrow morning~~~
That morning Blitzø was big again, which was a relief to Stolas. 
They said their good mornings and the two of them got themselves ready for the day. 
Before Blitzø got dressed however, Stolas took his hand. “Wait, before you regress again, I want to ask you something.” Stolas says. 
“Okay?” Blitzø stayed where he was. “What's up?”
Stolas gestured to the bed, so the two of them sat down. “Do you remember when I told you I have a meeting today at three?” Stolas asks. 
Blitzø thinks about it, and he nods. “Yeah.”
“Good. I did suggest maybe letting Asmodeus watch you. But you have said before that you didn't want to be left with him.” Stolas explains. “I want to make sure I know how you feel about it before suggesting it again.” 
“It’s fine.”  Blitzø says, shrugging. “We're not friends exactly but I'm not uncomfortable with the idea.” Blitzø says. “He's…fine.” 
“Are you saying that Blitzø Buckzo actually trusts someone?” Stolas teases him. 
“I said I wasn't uncomfortable, it is not the same thing!” Blitzø says defensively. “It's only a couple hours at most right?”
“Then it's fine.” Blitzø says.
“So, Asmodeus could never be your caregiver?” Stolas asks.
Blitzø thought it was a weird question but he decided to answer. “Obviously not.” 
“Because you don't trust him?”  Stolas clarifies. 
“Right.” Blitzø confirms. 
“So, does that mean you trust me, Blitzy?” Stolas teased more.  
Blitzø blushed and scoffed, pushing Stolas away for embarrassing him. “Shut up you fucking dinosaur.” 
Stolas chuckles. “I'm only teasing, Darling.” He says. 
Blitzø rolls his eyes, he actually doesn't mind Stolas teasing him though. But he'd never actually admit it. 
“You sure you’ll be okay if Asmodeus has to watch you?” Stolas asks.
Blitzø nods. “Yeah, I’ll be fine. As long as it's okay with him, if he thinks he can handle it.” 
“And if he can't?” Stolas asks. 
“Call Loona?” Blitzø suggests. “She's been really good at pulling me out of my headspace lately.” 
“Sounds like a good plan to me.” Stolas says happily. “Hey, how come I can't get you out of your headspace so easily?” He asks.
“Because you're my caregiver, when you watch me it makes my little self want to stick around.” Blitzø explains. 
“Because you trust me!”~ Stolas teased, poking Blitzø's side. 
“I will bite you!” Blitzø threatens. 
Stolas hoots with laughter. “I'm sorry, you're just so fun to mess with.” Stolas says. 
“Yeah, yeah.” Blitzø mumbles. “I’m still going to bite you.”
Stolas just laughs as Blitzø gets off the bed. “Without a doubt, you bratty little imp.” He teases, then boops the center of the imps face.
They show up at Ozzie's at 10:00 as always.
Fizz and Blitzø played in the playroom and Stolas and Ozzie conversed as usual.
When 3:00 was near, Blitzø and Fizz were deeply regressed. Fizz and Blitzø were both 3. (Apparently having Blitzø around has made Fizz more comfortable and he’s been regressing to younger ages recently. It’s amazing how littles work.)
“Asmodeus, I have somewhere very important to be at the moment. If Blitzø is okay with it, do you think you can watch him for a bit? A couple hours at the most?” Stolas asks. He wants to check with little Blitzø again, just in case. 
Asmodeus nods. “Yeah, don’t worry about it, I can keep an eye on him.” He says.
“Are you sure? He can be a little…”
“No, Blitzø! No eats the table!” They hear Fizz jokingly yell as he laughs hysterically. “Nawww!!!”
“Spirited.” Stolas finished saying.
Asmodeus laughs. “Relax, Stolas. They’re only playing now, what could possibly go wrong?” 
Stolas wonders. “Thank you, Asmodeus. If he’s any trouble, just give me a call and I will handle everything.”
“It'll be fine.” Ozzie says.
“If he’s being bratty or acts up, give him a warning first, but it’s alright if you have to put him in a time out for a few minutes. He loves chocolate milk with hot sauce in it, it’s a good reward or bribe if you need it, also he has everything he needs in my bag. Chew toys, snacks, videos, coloring books-“
“I know how to take care of littles, Stolas.” Asmodeus says annoyed. “I take care of Fizz 24/7 in case you forgot.”
“Ah, but you know how to take care of Fizz. Blitzø is different.” Stolas argues. 
“Trust me, I know that, but I’ve observed you when taking care of him. Just relax, I promise I can handle the gremlin.” Asmodeus says.
Stolas nods. “Alright, just let me tell Blitzø what’s going on.” He says, walking over to the little imps. 
Asmodeus nods. Then picks up his magazine again.
“Blitzy, can you come here, please?” Stolas asks him.
Blitzø stands up and walks over to Stolas. “I in trouble?” He asks.
Stolas smiles and shakes his head. “No, darling. Of course not. I just wanted to talk. Do you remember when I told you I had work to do at 3:00?”
Blitzø sticks two of his fingers in his mouth anxiously as he nods.
Stolas removes Blitzø's fingers from his mouth. “None of that, Blitzy. You'll get sick.” He clips a pacifier clip on Blitzø's shirt. 
Blitzø whines. He just wants to go back to playing with Fizz! He looks away from Stolas and over to Fizz who was with Ozzie. 
“Blitzø, listen please? You have some options. Asmodeus says it’s fine if I leave you here, but I can call Loona if you’d feel more comfortable with her.” Stolas says.
Blitzø shrugs. “Mkay.”
“You need to pick, Blitzy. Loona or Asmodeus?” Stolas asks.
“I want to stay here wif Fizz.” Blitzø says.
“So, you want to stay with Ozzie?” He asks clarifying. 
Blitzø nods. 
Stolas nods back. “Okay then. I want you on your best behavior then, alright? That means No biting, no bratting out, no climbing on things, no eating the furniture, no cursing, no throwing things, no throwing tantrums. I need you to listen to Asmodeus.” 
“Mkay, Stowas.” Blitzø says.
“What did I say?” Stolas asks him.
“Be good an wisten to Ozzie.” Blitzø repeats.
“That’s my blitzy.” Stolas says, hugging the imp tightly and giving him a quick kiss. “I will miss you so much, darling. I know you’ll be very good for me.”
“Bye, Stowas.” Blitzø says.
“I'll be back soon, I promise.” Stolas says to Blitzø. He stands up and faces Asmodeus again. “Alright, I’ll be back as soon as possible, call me if there’s any problems at all.” 
“Will do, Stolas.” Asmodeus says. “Have fun.”
“Not likely.” Stolas mumbles as he walks through a portal to his very boring destination.
Blitzø and Fizz were having fun and playing as usual, things were pretty calm and they were having a great time!
Blitzø missed Stolas and every now and then he would look at the door, hoping he'd be back soon! It was taking him forever to come back! But at least he had Fizz to keep him company until then…
But then…Fizzarolli regressed younger, now being only 2 years old.
He's never been that young before, so he really just wanted Ozzie to hold him and protect him. He was scared and didn't understand why it happened. He just cried into Asmodeus's shoulder. 
“Shh, Fizzy. It's okay.” He whispered to the crying imp. “Everything's okay.” He gave Fizz a pacifier and rocked him back and forth slowly. 
So, Ozzie took care of Fizz, he carried him everywhere and never left his side, while Blitzø was practically left alone to do nothing! 
Blitzø was starting to get really bored…and then really lonely! He missed Stolas! He wanted Stolas to come back so he could have some attention! 
Asmodeus was too busy taking care of Fizz to notice Blitzø at all. And Blitzø felt like he was invisible. The feeling was far too familiar to just ignore.
“Daddy?” Fizz whines. “M'sowy.” He says, crying and feeling guilty for being so little. 
Blitzø rolls his eyes, two isn't even that little! At least he didn't have to wear diapers. Was Blitzø too little for Stolas to handle? Is that a thing? 
“I love you so much, Fizz.” Asmodeus says. “No matter how little you are. You're never too little for me, baby.”
“Yeah?” Fizz asks.
“Of course. Besides, you're always such a good little. So well behaved, not bratty at all. You being a little younger just gives me an excuse to baby you some more.” Asmodeus teases, tickling little Fizz who giggles adorably.
Blitzø whines, where’s Stolas?! He should be here by now. 
What if he left him for good? What if he was too much for him? What if Stolas is never ever coming back? What if he found a better little to take care of? One that wasn't too much work? Who was never bratty? 
He probably did, that's why Stolas was gone, he doesn't want to come back…
Blitzø wanted to cry, but he didn’t want to upset Fizz or Asmodeus. 
Blitzø looks up at Ozzie who was holding Fizzarolli in his arms. “Are you doing okay, little one?” 
Blitzø nods, he doesn’t know how to tell Ozzie that he felt alone. It wasn't Ozzie's problem. 
He's just gonna have to figure this out by himself.
Asmodeus looked like he didn't fully believe him, but didn't know what else he could do. “Alright, if you need anything just let me know, okay?” He asks.
Blitzø nods, not taking the offer seriously as Asmodeus returns his attention back to Fizz. 
Maybe a snack will help him feel better? Sometimes when he's upset Stolas will give him a cookie and it helps! 
And since Stolas abandoned him and Asmodeus was too busy, he just walked into the kitchen and hopped on the counter to help himself to the cookie jar Ozzie had.
“Blitzø?” He must have made more noise than he thought because Asmodeus walked into the kitchen, still holding Fizzarolli in his arms. “What are you doing?” He asks. 
Blitzø tried to get the jar opened, but it was impossible! He was so frustrated he didn't know what to do! But he was determined! He wasn't going to ask for help.
“Blitzø, get off the counter, please?” Asmodeus asks.
“No!” Blitzø answers, taking the jar and hitting it against the counter to try and open it. 
Asmodeus took the jar, using magic to move it away from Blitzø's reach. “Blitzø, if you wanted a cookie, you could have just asked me. But since you decided to be a brat instead, you can forget it.” Asmodeus says. 
Blitzø didn't want to talk to Ozzie! He wanted Stolas! Blitzø whines, it's so unfair! Why did Stolas leave him? 
“Blitzø,” Asmodeus said in a low register as he approached the imp. “Stolas packed some snacks for you, how about you get down and we can see what he has?” He suggests. 
“No!” Blitzø says.
“Blitzø…” Asmodeus warns.
Blitzø glared at Asmodeus and hissed at him loudly, attempting to scratch him with his hands.
“Blitzø, this behavior is not acceptable.” Asmodeus warns. “If this continues, you'll be getting a time out. And I know you don't want that.”
Blitzø growled as Ozzie who tried to reach for the imp to get him off the counter, the little one bit Asmodeus's hand hard.
 “Son of a- Blitzø!” Asmodeus scolded loudly, he lost his concentration and the jar fell on the floor making a loud “CRASH” sound. 
The loud noise startles little Fizz, and he starts crying hysterically against Asmodeus.
“Shh, Fizz. It's okay.” Asmodeus whispers to Fizzarolli to try and calm him down. 
Blitzø hissed again and ran away fast on all fours, he was too fast for Ozzie to catch up, especially while also holding a distressed Fizz. 
It was honestly for the best. Asmodeus didn't want to try and deal with Blitzø while feeling as riled up as he does. He didn't mean to scare Blitzø or yell at him like that, and he definitely doesn't want to mess up more by doing it again.
Stolas suddenly arrived back through the portal. “I'm back! How did it…go?” Stolas looked at Asmodeus who was holding a crying Fizz, the rooster had a look that clearly said it didn't go well. “Asmodeus, what happened?” Stolas asks.
“Blitzø was acting up.” Ozzie says. “He hissed at me after I told him he couldn’t have a cookie, then he bit me, ran off, and hid somewhere.” He explains. 
Stolas sighs. “Oh. I am so very sorry, Asmodeus. I will talk to him. Do you know where he is?” Stolas asks.
Asmodeus awkwardly ran a hand through his feathers. “He ran upstairs, I was just about to look for him after I calmed Fizz down and cleaned this up.” Ozzie says, gesturing to the ceramic pieces on the floor that was once a jar.
Stolas nods. “I see, don't worry, Asmodeus. I will find him.” He says.
Stolas looks at Asmodeus.
“This was on me. I messed up big time. I yelled at him, didn't mean to, I just lost it, I thought I could handle this, but I-” 
“I'm sure he's fine. Whatever happened, we'll figure it out.” Stolas promised. 
Asmodeus nods, not seeming less guilty, but at least he was done trying to explain, so Stolas walks up the stairs to find Blitzø.
~~~Asmodeus and Fizz:~~~
“Daddy?” Fizzarolli asks.
“Yeah, baby?”
“Bitz?” Fizz asks. 
“Blitzø will be okay, froggie. Stolas will take care of him.” Asmodeus promised. 
“Loud.” Fizz complains. 
“I know, baby. Daddy's sorry.” He says, rubbing Fizz's cheek. 
Fizzarolli nods slowly then snuggles up with Asmodeus closer. 
“How are you feeling?” Asmodeus asks.
“Mmgh, ‘ittle.” Fizz whines. “Too ‘itlle.”
Asmodeus kisses Fizz's head. “It'll be okay, froggie. Just relax. I won't let anything bad happen to you, I promise.” 
Fizzarolli smiles. “Wov you.”
“I love you too, Fizzy.” 
~~~Stolas and Blitzø:~~~
Stolas knew Blitzø pretty well, and his favorite places to hide were in closets, under beds, and in bathtubs.
Anywhere he can be cozy and feel safe, that’s where Blitzø had to be.
He searched six different rooms and he hadn’t found him yet. He could tell Blitzø didn’t want to be found, otherwise he’d pick the closest room…
Which means he’s either hurt or scared.
It took searching a few more rooms until he finally found Blitzø in a closet as expected, hidden under a blanket he had found.
“Blitzø…” Stolas crosses his arms.
“Stowes!” Blitzø shouted, happy to see Stolas was back at last!
“Blitzy. What did you do?” Stolas asks sternly, ready to scold and lecture the little one.
Blitzø dries his tears when he sees Stolas, the imp was quite obviously upset about something.
Stolas uncrosses his arms and looks at the imp with concern. “Blitzy-“
Blitzø climbs up Stolas, and hugs his neck tightly.
Stolas supports the young one. “What is it, Blitzy? What’s wrong?” He asks.
“Wan’ ed’ up.” Blitzø says.
Stolas can’t help it, a chuckle escapes him. “I can see that, darling. But why is Asmodeus saying you acted up today? What happened?”
Blitzø saddens more. “You wef me.” He mumbles. 
Stolas smiles sympathetically. “Darling, I told you I’d come back. You knew I wasn’t going away forever. I need you to tell me what happened with Asmodeus.”
“I bi’ed hims.” Blitzø mumbles.
“You bit him.” Stolas nods. “Why did you bite him? We’ve discussed this countless times, Blitzy. You know biting is never okay. I told you very specifically not to bite Ozzie today. Didn't I?” He asks.
Blitzø tears up and nuzzled into Stolas’s feathers.. “Bu’ Fizz..”
“Fizz?” Stolas asks.
“Ozzie wovs Fizz, you wov Fizz.” Blitzø starts to say, tears start pouring out of him suddenly.
Stolas tilts his head, what could he possibly mean by that?
“He da cute one, he da be’ah one den me!” He says.
“No, Blitzy. He is not better than you are, do you understand me?” Stolas asks.
Blitzø shakes his head. “No, you wike Fizz.” Blitzø argues.
“I do like Fizzarolli.” Stolas admits. “But I adore you! You’re one of my most favorite people in the whole world, darling. Don't you know that?”
“No.” Blitzø says. 
“Well, Blitzy. You are. You’re my special little one and I love you so much.” He says.
“No wov.” Blitzø whines. “No fo’ me.”
“Why do you say that, Blitzø?” Stolas asks.
“Da’ee saids. Fizz the best one. He wiked Fizz bet’ah, I twy, bu’ I no good, he da good one only!”
“Well, I don’t care what your father thinks, said, or did. Because I think you’re amazing just the way you are.” Stolas says.
“Why?” Blitzø asks.
“Well, because you are. You’re funny, adorable, you’re very clever, talented, so strong, you’re sweet when you want to be, and you care the most even whilst pretending you don’t care at all.” Stolas says. “I’ve seen the best parts of you, darling. And I adore who you are.”
“Bu’ Fizz do’s fips an…he good when I da bwat.”
“Fizz is Fizz. I don’t wish for you to behave like him. Be Blitzø only, I need you.” Stolas says, cupping his face gently in his hands. “I don’t want two Fizzarolli’s, I want my Blitzy. I need him.”
“Bu’ I bwat. Ozzie saids.” Blitzø says.
“Asmodeus said that?” Stolas asks.
Blitzø nods, as tears continue falling down his face. “You fink so too.” 
Stolas held Blitzø close to his chest and rubbed the back of the Imp’s head. “Listen, I don’t care if you are a brat sometimes, My Spirit. You’re only expressing yourself, and there’s nothing wrong with that.” Stolas says. “If you need an outlet, being a little bratty or needy is okay with me. I can handle it…and frankly I find it rather adorable.” Stolas smiles.
“Re’lly?” Blitzø asked.
Stolas nods. “Yup. You’re my itty bitty Blitzy.” Stolas' baby talks to him. “And nothing will ever change that.”
Blitzø hugs Stolas tight and starts to dry his tears, he’s never been told something like that before. 
Blitzø whines, he knew what was coming…
“I won’t tolerate you biting Asmodeus, Blitzy. I know you were upset, but that’s not how we handle our big feelings, is it?”
Blitzø shakes his head.
“How do we handle them, Blitzy?”
“Taught’ dem ou’, ow’ ea’ ice cream.” Blitzø says.
‘Talk them out, or eat ice cream. That sounds reasonable.’ Stolas thought. “That’s right, darling. You’re going to sit in time out for a couple minutes, then you’ll apologize to Asmodeus, okay?”
Blitzø whines again and starts rubbing his eyes. He doesn’t want a time out! He’s not bad, he’s good! Stolas said so!
“None of that, you know biting hurts people, why did you bite him?”
Blitzø shrugs.
“I wa’ mads, he wif Fizz an’ you was gone.”
“Were you feeling lonely?” Stolas asks.
Blitzø nods. “I wan’ed to be cluded, bu’ day’ was too busy fo me. So I goted a cookie.”
Stolas nods, understanding Blitzø’s reasoning.
“Den’ Ozzie says no, so’s I gots mads and bited him.” Blitzø finished explaining.
Stolas nods. “I see.”
Blitzø starts crying again. “I didn’ mean ta’ ba’, Stowes. I jus’ wan’ a’ cluded.”
Stolas nods. “I understand, Blitzø. But, you still need to understand that biting is not the solution. If it’s hard to talk, there are other ways to communicate.”
“How?” Blitzø asks.
“Well, we’re currently learning sign language.” Stolas says. “Fizzarolli knows sign language and he can normally help you. But I suppose that’ll take some more time to learn, hm? How about we make you some cards? You can hold them up and tell people exactly what you want without needing to speak?”
“Yeah!” Blitzø agrees.
“Then we’ll make them as soon as we get home.”
“Stowes?” Blitzø asks.
“Yes, darling?”
“I sowy I bite.” Blitzø says.
“I know, dear. It’s alright. Just remember to tell Asmodeus that.”
“Do I has to time out?” Blitzø asks.
Stolas thinks about it for a moment and nods. “Yes, I’m afraid so. But I’ll tell you what. I’ll sit with you and we can have a quiet time out together to think this over, okay?”
Blitzø nods. “Mtay.”
Stolas walked over to the bed and sat with Blitzø for a few minutes.
“Stowes?” Blitzø asks.
“Yes, darling?”
“Wha’ ifs, you fin’ed da goodest wittle who cute an’ bedda’ den me?” Blitzø asks.
“Well, that’s impossible, Blitzy. No one is gooder, better, or cuter than you.”
“Wha’ bout Fizz?” Blitzø asks.
“Fizz is the best for his caregiver, but you’re the best for me. Does that make sense?” 
Blitzø nods.
Stolas kisses Blitzø’s head. “Good. I want you to understand that I love every part of you. Brat and all. I never meant to hurt your feelings with my words.”
“It otay.” Blitzø says, snuggling up to Stolas more. “Jus’ don’ ‘eave me.” He says.
“Never.” Stolas promises. 
They were quiet for a few minutes, just calming down from everything that happened today. 
Stolas would have to discuss some things with Asmodeus if he ever wanted to watch Blitzø again. He hopes Asmodeus won't think of Blitzø differently because of this one day…they were doing so well!
Well, if he did, Stolas would just be careful and do whatever he could to keep his little one safe. He didn't really care what Asmodeus thought. 
Well…yes, he does actually. But Blitzø was his priority, not Asmodeus. 
~~~Stolas and Asmodeus:~~~
Blitzø fell asleep in Stolas’s arms almost instantly, their conversation must have taken a lot out of him. 
Stolas felt it would be a good idea to go talk to Asmodeus now before Blitzø woke up. He laid Blitzø down on the bed and quietly snuck out of the room.
Stolas walked downstairs and saw Fizzarolli asleep as well, being cradled by Asmodeus.
“Is he alright?” Asmodeus asks, sounding concerned.
Stolas nods. “Yes, He's fine. There's nothing to worry about. But..I think we should talk about what happened.”
Asmodeus nods. “Yeah, just let me put him in the nursery real quick first.”
Stolas nods.
Asmodeus left to put Fizz down in his crib, kissed his head gently, then he returned to discuss the issue.
“Blitzø was feeling a bit left out while I was gone, he felt abandoned. His actions had absolutely nothing to do with you.” Stolas explains.
Asmodeus sighs. “Of course that was the problem. I should have known, I was way too focused on Fizz that I completely neglected Blitzø.” He says. “Fizz regressed way younger than he normally does, he was really upset and I was trying to keep him calm.” Asmodeus explains.
“That does make sense.” Stolas says. “Poor Fizz.”
“Look, I understand if you're upset with me.” Asmodeus says.
“Asmodeus, I'm not upset, this was your first time watching Blitzø. I did not expect this to be easy. Do you have any idea how many people Blitzø has bitten?” Stolas asks.
Asmodeus shakes his head.
“Everyone he's ever interacted with while little. This is just how he is. Welcome to the reality of being Blitzø's friend.” Stolas laughs. 
Asmodeus sighs. “I'm still responsible though.”
“No, not completely. Something I said earlier was also bothering him. He also has abandonment issues and was worried I may not come back. He was acting the way he was because he needed an outlet, it had very little to do with you. Of course I understand if you'd be uncomfortable watching him again.” Stolas says. 
“I don’t feel uncomfortable, today was just chaos.” Asmodeus explains. “I never anticipated any of this would happen. Blitzø was just caught in the middle of it all. Besides, He didn't know that I don't let Fizzarolli on the counters when he's little, and I didn't know how to handle Blitzø or talk to him about any of this. It's a work in progress.” 
Stolas hummed. “Perhaps there is something we can do. What if we sat down with Blitzø and Fizz to discuss rules and guidelines specifically for here?” He suggests. “That way Blitzø and Fizz know what's expected, and we have a better understanding of each other’s rules as well.” Stolas explains. 
“That's not a bad idea.” Asmodeus says. “It may be better to wait until they're big again though.” Asmodeus says.
Stolas agrees.
~~~Later: Everyone~~~
Blitzø woke up feeling a lot better emotionally and physically…but he did feel bad about how he acted towards Asmodeus.
He got himself off the bed and slowly walked into the hallway. Then he crawls over to the staircase, waiting at the top, wondering if he should attempt to climb down on his own.
Suddenly the owl himself spots him at the bottom of the steps. “Blitzø, I was just about to check on you.” Stolas says, walking up the stairs and picking up Blitzø “How are you feeling?” He asks. 
Blitzø buries his head into Stolas's neck and shrugs.
“Mm, feeling nervous?” Stolas asks, walking back downstairs with the imp in his arms. 
Blitzø nods. 
“It will be alright, I promise Asmodeus isn't angry with you.” Stolas says.
Blitzø looks up at him. “No?”
“No, he does feel bad though, so I think you should still apologize.” Stolas says. 
“Mtay.” Blitzø agrees. 
Stolas walks into the living room with Blitzø where Asmodeus was reading. “Ozzie, Blitzø has something he wants to say.” Stolas sits down and sets Blitzø on his lap.
“What is it, little one?” Asmodeus asks as kindly as he can in hope to ease Blitzø's nerves. 
“M’sowy m’ bad, Ozzie.” Blitzø says. 
“Oh. Well, it's alright, lightning bug. I know you were just having a bad day. I'm sorry I made you feel bad for that, you're a great little, Blitzø. I just didn't know what to do and I made the wrong choice.” Asmodeus says. “I'm sorry for yelling at you.” 
“S'otay.” Blitzø says.
“You really are very good, Blitzø.” Asmodeus says. 
“You are, and so adorable.” Stolas agrees.
Blitzø hides himself in Stolas's neck again, causing the owl to hoot in emusent. 
Asmodeus chuckles, then leaves to go get Fizz. 
“Good job, darling.” Stolas says to Blitzø.
Blitzø smiles at Stolas and hugs him for a bit. 
After Fizzarolli was awake again, Asmodeus asks: “Well, what shall we do now?” 
 “How about we all play a game together? That could be fun.” Stolas suggests. 
Asmodeus and Blitzø agree. And though Fizz was too little to really play the game, he sat with Ozzie and watched with childish glee. 
Blitzø explained what was happening in the game to Fizz and even helped instruct him on what he should do in ways that were very easy for him to understand. 
Stolas and Asmodeus smiled at each other. 
They had some things to work out but…
Everything was gonna be okay in their little family.
Notes:Hope you all liked this one-shot! I've been writing this one since the beginning of FKB so I'm relieved to have it complete lol 😅Lmk what you think, I'd appreciate it!
Taglist: @todayimfour
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Hi, I’m Tommy. I am an age regressor. One of my friends and I made a discord server for age/pet regressors/dreamers and caregivers. Please feel free to join if you are able to follow the rules of our community listed below. We hope to have a nurturing and safe community.
1. 🍰NSFW Talk
All unsafe topics should be avoided completely, including anything involving s3x and/or s3xual context. our community is mostly minors and should be treated as such. all it does is make others uncomfortable, especially in a space with agere !! this being said, ANY mention of ABDL or DDLG related f3tish or k!nks will result in an immediate ban.
2. 🍪S3lf H4rm, E4ting D1s0rders
All mention of mental health struggles that could make someone uncomfortable or feel triggered should be avoided. This includes mentions of su1c1de, harming oneself via c7tting, b7rning, etc, trauma, and unhealthy behavior involving food OR mentioning oneself’s weight and size. This is for very obvious reasons. it is not appropriate in this community's setting, and many people involved in agere have mental health struggles that should be treated delicately and with care.
3.🍩 Venting
Please do not vent publicly on our server. Asking to talk to someone privately to vent to them is alright, if they agree to do so. The reason for this falls under the same reasons as rules 1 and 2, so that everyone can be comfortable without mentions of triggering topics. That being said, please do not join our server just to seek out people to vent to!! This server is meant to be a happy place for all people involved in SFW agere to meet others and make friends. It is best to avoid mentioning all together, so that our space can be as upbeat as possible.
4. 🎂 Bigotry
This is very simple; do not be disrespectful to others!! Any content that is made to disrespect a certain group of people is not acceptable. This includes racism, homophobia, transphobia, etc. Mentions of bigotry, even from the standpoint of someone who disagrees with it, should be avoided, so that no one can be triggered or made uncomfortable by it.
5. 🍨 Personal Information and Privacy
It is strongly enforced, for the safety of everyone, that no one should share their personal information. Anyone attempting to lure information out of others, including but not limited to their real/full name, where they live, or identifiable features and/or full images of their face, will be promptly banned. Everyone, keep yourself safe, and do not share any information that could compromise you at all! Images are allowed to be shared, WITH the obligation that your (or any other person’s featured) face is censored.
We hope to see you in the server!!!
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astral--horrorshow · 9 months
Dollhouse - Platonic Yandere Dastardly Danny x GN Reader
A/N: Sorry if the ending was rushed, I had to get it out quick because it's @katswritingcorner birthday today!! Happy, birthday, Kat! This has been in production since early July, so I hope it's okay.
I do not condone any of the behaviors found or done in this fic. This story is purely for entertainment purposes. If you or someone you know is being treated like this, please contact the authorities.
TW: Kidnapping, extreme babying/coddling (NOT AGE REGRESSION, nothing against it just wanted to make it clear) spinal injuries, non-consentual touching (NON-SEXUAL) this is strictly platonic
You gripped the end of the mitten with your teeth, pulling the end of it as hard as you could. Despite your hardest efforts, it didn't budge, leaving you in a state of distress. You had been trying for days to take off the mittens to no avail, Danny must've stuck them on your hands with magic.
It was extremely humiliating, being stripped of your independence. You could barely do anything by yourself with them on. Then again, he barely let you do anything by yourself, mittens or no mittens.
Maybe that was just your life now. Full of mittens and socks and being spoon-fed porridge by a criminal who had kidnapped you and also happened to be a giant rat. Was that sad or funny? You didn't know.
Speak of the Devil and he shall appear, or so they say, as you were caught up in your thoughts of your life with him, you didn't hear Danny's footsteps nor did you notice his presence behind you until he had set a hand on your shoulder, nearly making you jump out of your skin.
He chuckled, "Hi, honey. What are you doing in here?"
You looked up at him from your sitting position on one of the boxes in the storage room, a room that you hadn't had the chance to go in, until now. Danny pet the top of your head like one would to a cat, smiling at you patronizingly.
"Silly, there's nothing interesting in here. Why don't you come have some dinner?"
Danny didn't wait for you to speak at all, as he was already leaning down to pick you up before he even finished his sentence. He pulled you up into a sitting position in his arms, and you instinctivly wrapped your arms around his shoulders to stay steady.
Danny carried you to the kitchen, where he set you in a foldup chair at the table. His accomplice, Leonard, eyed you and him up with a furrowed brow. The other accomplice, Mickey, focused his eyes directly on you, not even trying to conceal his excitement at seeing you. Unfortunatly for you, he had a bit of an obession with humans.
Danny halted your train of thought by gently rubbing the top of your head and lifting up your chin with his fingers, "I'm going to get you a blanket. Will you wait here for me?" He spoke in a saccherine tone, and he smiled at you when you nodded.
"Good, good."
He strolled out of the kitchen, shooting Leonard and Mickey a stern look as if ordering them to play nice. All in vain, for as soon as his footsteps were distant, Mickey jumped up from his seat and rushed towards you.
You tried to dive under the table to avoid his grasp, but he merely wrapped his flippers around your waist and dragged you back out. He threw himself back onto the chair he was sitting on, pulling you onto his lap. You squirmed and whimpered, but he didn't let up. Mickey pinched and squeezed your cheeks while asking you various different questions about humans.
"What's it like on the topside, y'know, cause you don't have magic and all! How do you even fight? Or rob places? Or-"
Leonard snarled at him, his face twisted into a sort of grimace. He took a deep breath, and unconvincingly put on a calmer countinance.
"Leave the human alone."
"But why?"
Mickey whined, dragging out the word "why" for a few moments.
"Because, you goob, Danny'll get pissed at us! You know how much he likes that human!"
"Well, I don't care what Danny says! This is the only human I've ever me-"
Mickey cut himself off abrubtly, staring at the doorway. "Hi, Danny..."
Danny didn't say anything, opting to stand there, fuming. He looked like he was about to snap at his eel companion, but calmed himself down when he looked at you. He merely marched up to Mickey and scooped you up into his arms again, giving him a few moments to scramble back to his chair. Danny glared at him for a few seconds before setting you back down and wrapping you in the blanket he had retrived. His face softened as he cupped your chin in his hand, carefully pointing his sharp nails away from you. He went to the counter and brought back a bowl of pasta. Those bow-like things, as you knew them. Danny held the fork up to your mouth.
Danny finished buttoning up your pyjama shirt, careful not to scratch the fabric with his nails. When he was done, he stood up again to his normal height and smiled at you fondly.
"Time for bed, sweetness."
He lead you over to the bed in the corner of his bedroom, all for you. It was decorated with various blankets and pillows for the most comfort a dingy criminal hideout could provide. He pulled back the covers for you, and you crawled inside.
"I'll be in the living room. Tell me if you can't sleep. Alright, honey?"
Your eyes were already getting heavy. Maybe he'd conditioned you to feel sleepy whenever you got into that bed. When he had first taken you there, you couldn't sleep at all, even of you tried. Unfortunatly for you, Danny's solution to insomia were sleeping pills. Many, many, sleeping pills. He only had to slip them in a drink he gave you, and you would be out before you saw the bottom of the cup.
Danny chuckled, leaning down to kiss you on the forehead. "Goodnight, sweetheart."
He left you as you drifted off, turning out his bedroom light and not taking his eyes off of you until the door was shut.
He sighed when he shut the door, and strolled to the living room, where Leonard and Mickey were watching TV. The ogre yokāi side-eyed him as he sat down in his armchair, and his eye twitched when he saw him pull out a sewing kit and one of your shirts with a broken button.
"Why do you even like that human so much?"
Danny jerked his head up, but not in surprise. He knew the day he found you that Leonard would eventually ask that question. "I don't have to answer that, Leonard." If he had been naive, he would've been more snappish and aggressive. But he had mentally prepared himself, and was able to keep his temper under control. Besides, he had dealt with both Leonard and Mickey for a while. He was stern, not aggresive.
"Yes, you do! I'm the leader!"
"Not here, you aren't."
Leonard shut his mouth, but was clearly infuriated. Mickey continued to watch TV, used to Danny-Leonard arguments. Danny got up from his chair and left, taking his sewing project with him.
Leonard watched, but didn't say anything, still pissed at Danny but knowing he was kind of right. He was only the leader in missions and heists. He had no control over what his cohorts did in private, unfortunately for him. He could make Danny return that human he obviously stole. Why did he even want a human in the first place? It would only weigh them down. But, no. Danny insisted on treating the human like it was sentient doll or something. Leonard fell back into the couch, groaning and massaging his temple. He could bother himself with Danny later. Family Feud was on.
You stood on the toilet seat, your socks protecting your feet from the freezing porcelain. Tugging at the lock on the window with all your might, you were so desperate to get out of your captor's grasp. He had finally left with his cohorts on a heist, you overheard them say. Fortunately for you, the lock was flimsy enough to snap off with some pulling. Unfortunately for you, you no longer had something from keeping you from falling backwards.
You fell to the floor, landing on your back and knocking all the air out of your lungs. Despite the pain your spine was in, however, you picked yourself up off the ground. You had come this far. You couldn't give up now.
You squeezed yourself out of the winow, which was ground level, and stood up, looking around. It was a desolate alleyway, with trash and debris strewn around. Some sort of creature was eating the sludge out of a tipped-over garbage bin, and the whole alley gave an unpleasant smell.
As soon as you had taken in your surroundings, you immediately booked it down another alleyway. They could be home any minute, you weren't sticking around for that. Ignoring the awful pain your spine was in, you wouldn't stop moving your legs. Despite the coldness of the alleyways and the wind whipping at you, sweat ran down your body in buckets, soaking your shirt. The horrible mittens weren't helping, either.
You took a break from your running to sit behind a dumpster in a dead-end alley, gripping a mitten with your teeth again. But no matter how hard you pulled, it wouldn't budge off your wrist. You struggled and grunted, perking up the ears of someone passing by. You didn't hear the footsteps walking towards you, too focused on your mitten eviction efforts.
"Hello, little one. What are you doing here?"
You gasped and looked up in surprise. A monsterously tall and muscular cat mutant was gazing down at you. You backed up as far as you could against the wall, eyes widening. "Hey, hey. It's alright. I'm not going to hurt you. See? Here."
They held up their hands, trying to assure you that they had no tricks up their sleeves. You relaxed yourself cautiously, (tensing up only made your spine hurt more) but still had your arms wrapped around your body in vain protection.
"My name is Darby. Were you trying to get your gloves off?"
You nod, silent.
"I could help you with that, if you'd like."
You thought for a moment. On one hand, you didn't want them to get close. On the other hand, you really needed those mittens off, and Darby might be able to do it. You nodded, slowly, and Darby smiles gently. They walk over to you, and you give them your hands.
"Oh, this is just a simple binding spell."
They ran their finger across the edge of each mitten, and then pulled them off effortlessly. Your head turned up to them, and they smiled wider.
"Is that better?"
You nodded, and they stood up to their full, monsterous height. They didn't seem very scary after they helped you, though. For the first time in weeks, you smiled.
"Do you need help with anything else? I can help you, you know."
You shook your head. You didn't want to risk them getting in danger if Danny found out they helped you. "Are you sure? Isn't there something wrong?"
"No. It's okay. I'm okay."
The sound of your own voice surprised you. You didn't talk much these days. Darby frowned, but didn't come any closer. "Well, alright.. but if you need help, you always have a friend at the bar on 47th street. Keep yourself safe, now."
With that, they walked off, and you didn't stop gazing at them until they had turned a corner. You took a deep breath, and picked yourself up off of the floor again. You involuntary switched between stumbling along and akwardly jogging every few seconds. Jeez, did you sprain your legs in that fall, too? They were killing you.
Still, you pushed on. The pain was worth it to get away from Danny and that horrible, miserable, no-good bunker. You practically dragged yourself until you found a ladder leading up to a rooftop. You could climb it to get a good viewpoint of at least the area you were in. This wasn't New York, this was a mutant city. You needed to get to a vantage point.
You stumbled to the ladder, and took a deep breath. With your pained legs and possibly fractured spine, this wasn't going to be easy, but you needed to do it if you ever wanted to escape back to the topside. You flung yourself up and gripped the bars so hard you were probably going to have blisters later. You continued to clamber up the metal rings, heart stopping every time your foot slipped a bit.
You were making good progress, until you heard something that actually made your heart stop for longer than a second.
Someone was calling your name. Frantically.
The voice sounded all-too familiar.
You turned back to see Danny sprinting towards you.
All your pain was forgotten as you started to scale the wall with all of your speed and might, finally reaching the top of the building as Danny reached the base of the ladder.
Once you were standing on the rooftop, you frantically looked around for any sort of way out. Another ladder, a fire escape, awnings or balconies you could shimmy down.
Alas, nothing.
Danny's hand reached the top of the ladder, and he ran straight for you. You were sweapt up into a tight embrace that had you gasping for air. You started to sob as the adreneline wore off, you became aware of your injuries again, and the hopelessness of situation all came crashing down at you at once.
Danny shushed and hugged you, "Shhh, it's okay, you're okay."
A tear fell down your cheek and you gazed at the bright lights of the city.
Taglist: @yanteetle @oleander-nin @faetaiity @lucifernos2
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goldenlittleroyal · 3 months
Huzzah, Sanders Sides agere!
I see both Patton and Roman as flips, and ship them heavily, so here's a drabble of headcanons! 🌟
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cg!Patton and small!Roman
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roman is a flip, and regresses to either 2-4 or 7-9 depending on the day!
lots and lots of outdoor play and adventures! but also a lot of quiet time indoors in patton's room whenever roman is upset.
patton provides roman with limitless amounts of crayons, chalk, paint, and anything his heart desires to create with. roman is EXTRA creative when he's tiny, tapping into that childlike whimsy again.
roman goes up to patton wanting fairy-tales be read to him, as the prince he demands it! (even though patton would read them to him no matter what.) roman's favorite is the storybook version of disney's beauty and the beast.
roman loves to watch every disney animated movie in huge marathons, and patton makes them popcorn and snacks for sometimes weekend-long regression and film binging sessions.
roman and patton both wear their onsies when they spend time regressing!
roman can sometimes get angry or really sad, and he throws big loud tantrums that tire him out really badly. patton waits them out patiently, then swoops him up to take to bed for snuggles and comforting words. other caregivers might call that behavior bratty, but patton understands it too well to ever be mad at roman, especially when he's small.
patton loves to play toys with roman, whether it's plushies or paper dolls or action figures, he really enjoys indulging roman's storytelling drive!
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cg!Roman and small!Patton
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patton is a flip, and both an age regressor and a pet regressor! he regresses to around 6-8, and he's a frog regressor.
pat is a hyper, and i mean HYPER kiddo, and it's even worse when he's in froggie mode.
roman loves to set up 'dates of fun' where he plans a whole list of activities to keep patton busy the whole day. he includes arts and crafts enough to fill up hours at a time, movies, books to be read to him, and much more. patton's energy is always wiped out by the end!
patton loves the winnie the pooh books when he's small, they're immensely comforting to him.
patton is VERY cuddly and affectionate during regression, and roman is definitely not complaining about the extra love!
patton mostly wears even comfier clothes than usual, like big sweaters over shorts or his onesie! roman does like to draw him into games of dress-up in the imagination, though, dressing patton in very nice princely clothing for them to play games in.
patton can occasionally involuntarily regress as well, and those are much less happy times. he gets very, very sad and gloomy, tending to stay in bed the whole day curled around his blankets with his pacifier.
roman tries to give him space when he needs it, but the moment patton asks for comfort, roman jumps to action to brighten his day in any way he can manage. patton may be very nostalgic, but how much he loves and is loved by roman helps keep him grounded during the bad times.
roman will take patton to the imagination and imagine up a biiiig pond or pool for him to play in in his smaller lilypadton form! lots of things to hop on and dive through.
lilypadton will try to hit roman in the face with his tongue, 100% of the time, roman better keep his reflexes good.
roman gives in to little patton's puppy eyes so easily that he regularly accidentally lets him eat himself sick on sweets and baked goods. "mom i phrew up" moments directed at logan galore between the two of them.
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littlebunnywitch · 3 months
Fictional Agere Challenge Day 3
Day 3: a ship you hc as regressor x caregiver
I decided to go with CG Asmodeus and Little Fizzarolli from Helluva Boss; for today's characters
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💜 🩷 💚 - 🩵 ❤️‍🩹 🩶 - 💜 🩷 💚 (Icon made by me)
I don't have much to say about these two to explain. They are just so cute together. The Icon i made for this one has Fizzarolli using a pacifier that says Little Froggie <3
Random Thoughts~
Fizzarolli's involuntarily little age is on the younger side around 1 to 3 but he voluntarily regresses to around 4 to 10 (very wide age range)
He's is a HUGE cuddle bug, and will attack and just wrap himself around Ozzie.
Having his limbs off his or hat off his a HUGE negative trigger for him to the point were even though he's not suppose to wear his prosthetics to bed he often does not liking how helpless he feels without them on.
Fizzarolli loves "helping" Asmodeus cook or bake. Ozzie comes up with so many different distractions to keep Fizz away from the kitchen because Fizz is a chaos critter.
Asmodeus is a caregiver who has like one million little pet names for his little - Froggy is Fizzarolli's favorite.
Asmodeus' extra heads will often make cooing and other sounds at little Fizzarolli even if Ozzie is busy talking on the phone or something. They do keep an eye on Fizz and will let Asmodeus know if the little Imp is up to something.
He does not mind having Fizzarolli wrapped around him little while he works. But he does become very firm about his client's behavior around Fizzerolli when he's little.
When Asmodeus learned that Fizzarolli was fluent in sign language he learned it so if Fizzarolli little or not goes nonverbal he would still be able to understand his Frog.
Asmodeus makes it a point to not coddle or baby Fizzarolli when he's isn't regressed or in a older kid mindset because he is very concerned about being ablest or infantizing and upsetting Fizzarolli. So he is very firm on taking things at Fizz's pace.
Ozzie makes healthy versions of junk food for Fizzarolli
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roturo · 11 months
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# dni if you’re a racist, transphobic, anti of any of my likes, or a hater, -17, homophobic, xenophobic, pro-shippers, “”twt (bad tags obv), kinkshamer, fatphobic, sexist, cannot sperate fiction from reality, or any kind of disrespectful behavior towards others, this is blog is made for my horny reader and enjoyers. (basically basic dni)
# i have my taste in music, and it won't change just bc you tell me, if i don't want to do a request just bc of the song, i won't.
# minors get blocked. do not interact with my blog nor my writings if you’re not over the age of 17. literally it’s not difficult just putting some numbers on your bio and i’ll accept your interactions with my blog, even if you don’t believe i check most of the blogs who interact with mine.
# this is my blog, i write with what am I comfortable and have rules if you ever want to submit something, you just have to follow the things i won’t write for, act nice and mature. i want my safe space to be safe for anyone else to be part of and interact with eachother nicely.
#it may take a while to get to your ask/request. i have a life outside of this app.
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#dub/non-con, cnc, necro, vore, r^pe themes, mommy/daddy kink, watersports + p!ss kink, domestic abuse, brainwashing, mental health problems, furries, butt plugs, scat, cbt, snowballing, race play, pet play, knife play, m-preg, bestiality, eating disorders, sacrilege, kidnapping, drugging, character x character, somno, pegging, rim jobs, age regression, lolicon, ddlg, foot fetish, bukkake, non-con recording, g^ng bangs, stuckage, period s3x, lactation, breast feeding.
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→ we don't kink shame here! but I write everything based of how comfortable I am. most of my writings are unprotected-sex, don't be dumb and wrap it, take care of yourself!. everything is FICTIONAL, for all series & animes. if you want me to write smut for a real persona, then leave. this isn't the right blog for that. i'm okay with fluff and random images, and to find the masterlist, click jungkooks name!
→i won't write requests that i am not comfortable with. don't rush me with works/requests since i'm also a human and have a life outside my online persona. i also don't write for amab/male readers. my writings don't have an specific body type, race, skin color, sexuality of reader unless is stated otherwise.
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