#pete venkman
mrs-jake-blues · 8 months
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Fall Out Boy’s Love From The Other Side (2023) / Ghostbusters (1984)
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psykicks · 2 years
"I don't approve of murder, but if you're going to do it, at least do it randomly."
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arsonyte · 2 years
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mysticspectrum · 2 months
If a horny bastard like Pete Venkman can resist Dana Barrett while she’s possessed because he knows she can’t consent, there is no excuse for any other man.
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shelbgrey · 1 year
Hello 👋
If you’re still talking requests, Can I request 16 and 21 for Egon Spengler please ?
Hold on, I love you (Egon spengler)
Paring: Egon spengler x Fem!Reader
Summary: Egon and y/n have never had the guts to admit their feelings in fear of ruining the friendship that's dear to them, but why dose it take an accident during a call for him to tell y/n he loves her.
A/n: jeez, I write one original flash-fic in my creative writing class and I re-enter my Angst era. This is lossly based off one of my assignments in creative writing. And this is way longer than I anticipated, I just sorta blacked out and had this, the beginning sucks but it gets better, I promise.
1.6) “I need to know if it's possible that two people can stay happy together forever.” - “in my opinion, the best thing you can do is find a person who loves you for exactly what you are”
2.1) “i love you in every universe”
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Egon was a man of little words most of the time, it never bothered him or his friends. That was until y/n showed up, she was the younger cousin of Peter Venkman. Unlike her older cousin she was very soft spoken, happy, and the kindest person any of the Ghostbusters ever met. She also knew a butt load of supernatural stuff so there was no question about it when she joined the team.
When she joined she was immediately welcomed with open arms and it was as if she was there from the very beginning, she soon found a best friend in Ray and Winston.
What the team would have never anticipated was the life that she awoke in Egon, the two bonded over science and snacks and soon the two were glued to the hip. Peter had a hay day with that. Egon just seemed more happier and less robotic when she was around. Then it seemed everyone knew they liked each other except the two of them.
They would sneak loving glances at one another and Peter or Winston would always catch them. Then it just became something the team had to ride through, the bet they all set wasn't even fun anymore.
Fast forward to today, it's a normal day at the firehouse. Of course the day starts off with the gentle smiles and glances between y/n and Egon or as Peter puts it 'their mind numbing mating ritual.
Anyway, what the team called normal was not even getting through breakfast before they were called in a case. The call wasn't totally unusual but after y/n did her usual 'Sam Winchester' research hour they anticipated the poltergeist isn't like anything they dealt with before, sure poltergeists weren't unusual but this one might be more powerful and be classified as a vengeful spirit.
The call was from a real estate company. They were trying to sell an old mansion just outside of New York but when they went to clean and remodel they ran into the poltergeist. They were apparently threatened with a lawsuit if they didn't get rid of the ghost.
~~~~~~~~(1st pov)~~~~~~~~
“this poltergeist is a lot more powerful than what we dealt with before so be careful everyone…” Egon said climbing out of Ecto-1, Peter clapped his hands together and rubbed them together like a villain would in a poorly made cartoon. “ooh, I like them feisty”
I rolled my eyes as I let a chuckle slip past my lips “and please for the love of God don't tease the ghost” I said unloading my protonpack.
Peter slapped his hand over his heart, acting offended. “Miss. L/n, how dare you accuse me of such accusations… I Do not do that”
“oh yeah, remember what happened last call?” Winston said.
“yeah, like when you said you were gonna pretend to be a priest” I said with my fist on my hip.
“and quoted the exorcist a dozen times” Ray added.
“not my fault Casper didn't want to talk about JC”
Peter walked in front of us and stared down the dark hallway “don't piss the ghost off too much pete” I mumbled as I scanned the area with my EMF meter.
Peter gave me a cheeky grin and turned to the back of the dark room. “Oh, boy!” he hollered. “I'm sooo lost, I hope there isn't some ancient supernatural poltergeist that could possibly gobble my sexy body here”
“really?” Winston asked with a crooked eyebrow.
“it amazes me you have a wife” I added with a chuckle as Egon strung some kinda trip wire, It would act similar to a salt circle.
The dark Hallway rumbled and hissed. Peter smirked again. “Come on Honey, don't be shy!” The pitch black hallway rumbled and shook as the poltergeist charged forward, it stood ten feet tall and had a black hooded-roab that covered its unnatural form. It also had four red eyes and sharp claws. When is snarled you cold see dozens of sharp teeth covered in saliva and blood.
The poltergeist tried to charge at Peter with its claws but it was whipped back due to the proton-line Egon set up. Peter snorted and covered his laugh with his hand as the poltergeist floated around angry.
“Change of plans honey, you ain't snakin' on me” Peter joked then looked over his shoulder at us. “I'm just too handsome to be eaten”
Before he could turn back around the poltergeist coughed up a chunk of slime, Peter quickly dodged it, preventing days of scrubbing slime out of his hair. “ha, not today sucker!”
Peter started laughing, the rest of us just rolled our eyes and turned on the protonpack. “stay behind us,” Egon said to me. I rolled my eyes, I knew he was just trying to protect me(along with the rest of the boys) but it got annoying sometimes.
“Peter, just release the line,” Winston said, pointing his gun towards the poltergeist.
Peter nodded as his laughter died down. “Okay, okay, look alive soldiers!”
Peter and Winston quickly got their proton streams knotted around the poltergeist with a perfect ame. The poltergeist shrieked and yelled as it lunged at Ray, baring its bloody teeth. Ray quickly dodges the hit, as he falls on his back he turns the gun to full power.
Peter started singing 'why can't we be friends' under his breath while he leaned back, trying to control the poltergeist's movement. “Almost got it” Winston added with a grunt as he and Egon shielded the way that led to my direction, I quickly turned mine. Now all five streams were tangled on the poltergeist.
“N/n, get the trap!” Winston shouted, I turned my gun off and went after it. I got it and sat on the ground before sliding it on the ground to the boys.
Just seconds later the poltergeist breaks free from the stream and rushes towards Ray and Peter, they both immediately ducked, making the poltergeist miss them. Ray jumped back to his feet and pulled out one of the hand held proton guns and shot the poltergeist as it charged towards my direction.
The poltergeist shrieks and flies around like the Tasmanian devil. It pushes through the pain and lunges out of the stream before charging at me, claws bared. I pulled out the same gun Ray used, before I could pull the trigger the poltergeist’s huge claws slash down missing me just by a hair after I quickly dodged it. The poltergeist swang again and this time it left four brutal gashes from my right breast down to my stomach, these scratches were deep and painful, it made me gag. I felt the blood leak out at a thicker pace, the nauseating pain shouts through my entire anatomy. The sight of four diagonal gashes on my jumpsuit nearly knocks me over in a fit of panic.
“y/n!” I heard Egon shout, I coughed due to the taste of blood and felt my knees buckle. Before I could hit the broken tile floor Egon caught me.
“OVER HERE YOU SON OF A BITCH!” Peter shouted, the poltergeist wiped around with a hiss and charged towards Peter and Winston, claws out.
—(3rd pov)---
“Egon” she coughed, she desperately tried to swallow and clear the irony taste of blood on her tongue. Egon felt her gentle hands weakly cling to him as he sank to the ground, he fell to his knees and held her in his lap. Egon felt his throat constrict, every organ in his stomach twist and turned, he was unable to breathe as he stared at her battered body.
“she's loosing too much blood, control the bleeding” his mind races. There's so much blood and she's dying, no he couldn't think like that.
The poltergeist turns its attention to Peter in the distance, as Egon puts pressure on her cuts. His panic only ensues as the blood wouldn't let up, his freezes as she locks eyes with him.
“Egon…” she reached up and placed her hand on his cheek, it limply slid down smearing a red hand print on his cheek.
“Shh… Just stay with me, please” he said, stumbling over his words as he ripped the fabric of your pants leg to keep the blood from flowing out of the wounds.
The blood kept flowing and this time he didn't know what to do, he was now absolutely immobilized with fear.
“Ray!” Egon shouts. “Ray, help me!” Ray whips around, his eyes widened as he sees his best friend bleeding out in Egon's arms. Ray sprints over to them and drops to his knees. “Oh God, y-you're gonna be okay N/n, okay” He said placing his hand on her cheek then quickly grabbing the first-aid kit that was strapped to his proton pack, they added it years ago after Peter almost got castrated by class IV spirit.
Ray quickly tears open a package of gause with his teeth and places it over her chest. “Okay, I'm gonna lift her up and you need to wrap her. '' Ray looked up and saw Egon trembling and not moving, Ray pushed his shoulder while he fought his own tears. “Egon! She needs you right now”
Egon quickly shook his head and fumbled with the med-tape, Ray gently lifted her torso up while her arms limply held on to his neck. Egon tries desperately to concentrate enough as he wraps med-tape around her torso tightly.
Ray looked up, shaking his head desperately. “W-we need to call 911, this isn't gonna help her”
“Hey, Darling, I need you to stay with us. Stay with me,” His voice quivers with fear as he tightens the wrap on her chest, after he was done Ray gently layed her back in Egon's lap. “You’re gonna be alright. Just keep breathing.”
The three are drenched in her blood, Egon looks down and gulps when he sees that his hands are nothing but pure red from her blood. Everything Is drenched in her blood, Ray's jumpsuit, Egon's entire body, everything was just red.
In the distance, Peter and Winston are fighting the poltergeist. Winston stepped back and whipped the stream back to try and weaken the ghost, for a split second Winston wondered where the rest of his team was. He made the mistake and looked back.
“Y/N!” he shouted in anguish. Just out of instinct and pure love for the girl he dropped the stream and ran to her.
“oh my god” he placed his hand over his mouth when he saw all the blood. His stomach couldn't take it and he turned away and vomited out everything he had in his stomach.
“Winston, get on the radio and call for an ambulance” Ray said in a shaky voice, Winston wiped his mouth and ran out to Ecto-1. You could hear his voice from the distance and as he barked orders with a shaky voice. He came running back into the building seconds later.
“we got about 30 minutes give or take” Winston said as his nausea came bubbling back at the sight over drenched in red and unresponsive.
“GOD DAMMIT! WHERE ARE IDIOTS DOING!” Peter shouted over the proton stream and the screams of the poltergeist, he was totally unaware of the bloodbath the woman he considered a sister was setting in.
The screams of the poltergeist only got louder but Peter had no problem shouting over them in anger. “WINSTON! QUIT JERKING OFF AND GET OVER HERE!”
Winston did snap out of it and the nausea was replaced by pure rage. “this just got personal you bastard” he was at Peter's side in seconds turning his proton pack back on.
Peter tosses the trap under the area the poltergeist was floating and jerking around.
Their streams knotted around the thrashing ghost, struggling to contain it as Peter avoids looking in there direction, deep down he knew something was wrong but he was too pissed because he was ditched.
“Egon! Guys! Snap out of it, bud! I really need your help here!” Peter and Winston were both drenched in sweat and slime as they started to lose their balance.
“YOU GO STRAIGHT BACK TO HELL YOU SON OF A BITCH!” Winston yelled as his boots started sliding across the concrete.
“Damit! Hang on Winny” Peter said, pulling his arms back but the poltergeist jumped back, pulling harder.
“Goddamnit! Spengler! Ray! get off your asses and help!” Peter shouted, he was still oblivious to what was going on in the distance.
Egon's watery eyes darted up and stared at Peter and Winston. Egon stayed completely still, eyes wide and fearful as his big brain refused to process what Peter was saying.
As Winston ramps up his stream to full power light cast over everything, Peter looked over his shoulder about to yell at Egon and Ray but his words got caught in his throat when the light of the proton stream shined on Egon and Y/n.
“You gotta be shitting me” Peter grunts and slams his foot on the trigger pedal, then yanks the weakened ghost towards the glowing trap. The poltergeist shrieks in pain as it's sucked in and the ghost disappears.
The trap shuts and Winston drops his gun immediately, he runs back to Egon, Ray, and y/n. “Oh God, honey” he whispered as he took her limp hand.
Winston tried to take her into his arms but Egon just shot him a treating look and held her tighter. Peter was still trying to catch his breath, he was dubbed over with his hands on his knees. He breathed in and out until his lungs were ready for him to function correctly, he set up straight and looked towards his team.
He felt nothing but fear and anger when he saw her. His jaw clenched. “DAMIT” He shouts and kicks the trap across the asphalt. It clatters along the ground and crashes into the brick wall, he's lucky it didn't shatter everywhere.
Tears pricked his eyes as he got down on one knee next to Egon, like Winston he reached for the girl. Egon flinched back and held her closer still trying to stop the bleeding. Damn… She's lost so much.
“You touch her, I'll kill you” he said with tears streaming down his face. “this is all my fault” he sobbed into her hair.
For a moment Peter stood there shocked, he's never seen the doctor cry. Hell he's never seen Egon show any type of emotion until y/n showed up into their lives.
Egon only cried harder when the sounds of sirens was heard and ambulance lights flashed through the broken windows.
“We got you Honey” Winston whispered as he, and the other three boys gently lifted her up and met the paramedics outside.
The paramedics drove off seconds later driving like a bat out of hell trying to get to the hospital. When the sirens died down Peter felt his anger bubble over like an over filled boiling pot, hot and aggressive. He turns to
He then turns to Egon and seizes Egon by the lapels of his jumpsuit. Despite the Height difference, Peter was able to harshly slam the taller man into the side of the mansion. Egon winced in pain when his back hit the brick wall. Sure it hurt, but it wasn't as painful as it was to see y/n covered in blood. “What the fuck is your problem?! Huh?! Do you want her to die! Is that what you want!” Peter shouted as he jerked Egon forward and slammed him into the wall again, his glass fell lose hanging down on tip of his nose.
“Peter” Ray croaked out, he was ignored while Peter let out all his anger.
“You love her huh?! Could have fooled me. You just let that damn thing destroy her insides!” he threw a punch this time, Egon fell to the ground as Winston and Ray pulled them away from each other. Egon sinks to the ground. His throat constricts, he's unable to breathe as tonight events flashed in his mind on repeat.
“It's no one's fault!” Ray shouted as he placed his hand on Peter's chest and pushed him backwards. “Tonight was an accident! A terrible, terrible accident!”
“Do you think she would have wanted us to tear each other apart over her?” Winston asked, kneeling down to help Egon up. “I could have happened to any of us”
Peter clenched his fist. “but it's not supposed to happen to her! Our job is not only to get rid of the ghost but to keep her safe too!”
Tears spill down Peter’s face as his rage melts into pure sorrow and he falls to his knees next to Ray. Peter screws his eyes shut as he busts into uncontrollable sobs, Ray put a comforting hand on his shoulder.
After the team got done grieving and losing their shit, they loaded Ecto-1 up. Egon was silently sitting on the curb, back to his usual unemotional self. It killed Ray to see him so blank again, but then again he could see every ounce of pain that Egon was feeling.
Ray came up to egon and smiled softly. “I got a call from one of the nurses, y/n is still in surgery but they have high hopes she'll pull through… she had a blood transfusion too”
Egon didn't say anything, only slightly nodded and picked at the fabric of his jumpsuit. Ray sighed and rubbed his shoulder. “let's get cleaned up and we'll go see her”
Egon didn't move, Ray sighed and tugged him up. “come on buddy”
As Ray lifed egon up a pair of head lights appeared, it was Dana. Ray smiled at her softly as she got out of the car quietly, Oscar was fast asleep on his car seat.
“oh no” she whispered. Ray didn't say anything and told her to take Peter back to their apartment.
Dana silently and gently got Peter in the back seat of her car, he immediately gave Oscar and gentle hug and kiss his forehead. Dana shut the door and pulled Ray and Egon into a tight hug, not caring they were covered in blood and filth.
“get home safe and keep me updated with Y/n” she whispered and kissed Egon on the cheek. She got in the car and took her boys home. Winston sighed and walked over to be with his friends. “everything is loaded up”
Ray sighed and rubbed his forehead, it's been and long night and he never wants to live anything similar to this in the future at any given moment. He gripped Egon's shoulder and the three piled into Ecto-1 without another word, Winston drove since he was the only one who felt 'okay' to drive at the moment.
~at the Firehouse~
When the boys got home they silently put their equipment away and separated, Winston grabed his car keys and started his journey to the hospital while Egon and Ray went upstairs to clean up.
As Egon walked through the pitch black bedroom he couldn't help but brush his fingers over the bed she slept in, it was the nicest in the room, draped in soft blankets and fluffy pillows. It was always made nice and had a panda bear plushie Ray gave her long ago.
Egon let out a tired sigh and continued his journey to the shower room, since their home was an old fire house there was dozen shower heads in the room and they all had privacy cubicles and harsh forlecent lights.
Egon looked down at studyed his curnt state, covered in the blood of the woman he loves, he continues to question himself why he didn't just tell her when he had the chance. Egon agressevelly tries to break free of confines of the jumpsuit, it felt too constricting now. He ripped it off, breaking the zipper in the process.
Egon slames the ruby stained clothing to the bottom of the trash can, jumpsuit and all, and turns on the shower to it's hottest Temperature. After taking off his bent up glasses, he steps in and watches the first layer her blood run off of his body and fall down the drain. He opens his eyes and staired at his hands, the blood was still there. His chest heaves in panic as he scrubbed his hands raw. They were a hint of pink from the blood and so was his chest, he couldn't get the blood off. Dispite the scolding water a shiver went down his spine as he slumped against the cubicle wall.
“the blood…” he croaked out to Ray after he got out of the shower, he stood in front of Ray holding his shaky hands out infront of him. Ray looked up and saw his pink hands and since egon only put a pair of pajama pants on he saw his chest was stained with blood as well. “it won't come off Ray”
Ray didn't know what to say, he stood up and gave him a hug. “you should get some rest” he whispered, Egon flinched out of his arms and looked at Ray like he had three heads. “We're supposed go to the hospital”
Ray took a deep breath. “Egon your exhausted, scared… I promise we'll go in the morning, Winston is in the hospital waiting room as we speak”
Egon didn't protest so Ray went to take his turn in the shower. “I need to know if it's possible that two people can stay happy together forever.” Egon said softly.
Ray turned around and shrugged, he gave him a serious look and said, “in my opinion, the best thing you can do is find a person who loves you for exactly what you are”
Egon nodded soulfully, “I just wish I had the brain capacity to tell her I loved her”
“It's not about brain capacity, but if you ask me y/n loves you for who you are” Ray said as he left to take his shower Egon's eyes trailed back to y/n's bed. The warmth of it and hint of her perfume beckoned him over. He silently crawled under her soft blankets and holds her stuffed bear to his chest. He buried his face into it and let the tears fall freely when her sent fully engolfed him.
He felt so exhausted but couldn't bring himself to go to sleep. Instead, he stares blankly at her night stand. It was small and neatly cluttered, it had small desk lamp she painted flowers on it and copy of The Outsiders and To kill a mockingbird. Next to the novels was a small picture frame that held a photo with all five of them. In the photo they were all standing infront of Ecto-1, y/n was setting on the hood while Ray and Egon set on either side of her. She hand her arms around the both of them while Peter stood next to Ray holding up devil horns and Winston stood next to Egon with his big goofy smile. Those boys ment everything to her.
Even with all the joyful things on her desk he could be looking at, his eyes just stared at the red telaphone was was in the open nightstand drawer, he waited for a call.. A call from anyone to tell him she was okay. He didn't know when he fell asleep, but when his eyes closed they didn't opened back up. When Ray got out of the shower(blood stained like Egon) Egon was fast asleep.
It was barely 6 o'clock in the morning when Egon woke Ray up so they could go to the hospital. Sun was barely up when Ecto-1 drove down the partly empty street, the city wasn't even awake yet. The car was completely silent, the only sounds was Ray's loud yawns as he silently drove down the street.
Egon just wanted to see you, the hospital probably wasn't even opened yet but that didn't matter. By the time the hospital comes into view, the sky was a mixture of purples and orange as the sun slowly peaked from behind the tall buildings of new York.
The two men were completely ignored when the walked into the hospital, the nurse who was at the front desk let them pass by as she fought to stay awake during her shift. The two men went into the waiting room and saw Winston and Peter fast asleep, they were both in the uncomfortable chairs snoring away. Winston had his arms crossed over his chest and his legs were propped up on the tiny coffee table, Peter had his head tilted back and was using his coat as a blanket.
“I'm gonna find y/n's room” Egon said bluntly and left Ray with the snoring men, Ray sighed and just slumped on the couch that felt like it was made of bricks and plastic, it didn't matter how uncomfortable it was because he was out like a light again.
Egon walked down the quiet hallway, it was deserted and there was no night shifters in sight to kick him out. He didn't relize how nervous he was until his hands touched the door knob of her room, his fingers flinched away as he feared the worst. He didn't want to see her all battered up with wires sticking out of her, he only hope she was just resting peaceful on the other side of the door.
He gently knocked and peaked behind the door, he sighed when he saw her peaceful sleeping with a dopey Black dog plushie. Winston got it for her no doubt. Not wanting to wake her, he silently pulled a chair next to her bed the pulled her cold hand to his lips, he kissed it softly then gently held it.
Y/n shifted softly, the sudden movement make Egon fully alert.
“hi…” she smiled softly, he sighed in relief and rested his forehead on her leg. She tilted her head and gently brushed her cold fingers through his curls, the contact made his wall suddenly crumble. Tears of both gult and relief soaked her blanket. “I'm sorry… S-so sorry”
“Eggie… It's okay… Egon Everything is okay now” she cood. It was the first time ever she's seen him cry and she held no judgment. The only judgment was the one he was pushing on himself. “this is all my fault… I'm sorry”
“it's not your fault Egon…We're both safe now” y/n rested her hand on his cheek and he immediately nuzzled his face closer basking In her touch. His hand rested on top of hers and kissed her palm. “I love you”
The statement took her by surprise, but she wasn't disappointed. Egon didn't know how long she's been waiting to hear that and if she wasn't hurting and looking like a Freddy Kruger victim, she's be jumping into his arms or dancing around.
She smiled and pulled him closer, he got the message and leaned over to her making sure he didn't put any of his wight on her aching body. Their lips brushed up against each and this time there was no interruptions. The kiss was so gentle and held so much passion, he kissed her like it was the last time he'd every be able to do it. He pulled away and rested his forehead on hers.
She smiled softly. “I love you in every universe”
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myveryownfanfiction · 28 days
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tags: @illiana-mystery
AN: thank u @iobsessoverfictionalmen for this idea haha
warnings: swearing, mention of smut, mention of daddy kink
I leaned against the counter as I watched ray shelve the new books that had come in. A small smile grew as ray hefted the box in his arms, muscles flexing with the movement. Peter was in the back looking through the ghostbusters merchandise for his students.
“enjoying the show?” Ray asked, snapping me out of my daze. I jumped slightly and he chuckled. “I’ll take that as a yes.”
“Shut up ray.” I muttered. Ray tossed the box behind the counter and wrapped his arms around my waist. He kissed me softly and I pressed my hands against his chest.
“what were you thinking for lunch?” he asked. I shrugged. Ray rubbed my hips as he waited for an answer.
“I don’t know daddy.” I whispered. Rays eyes darted towards the back room before his smile grew. “Maybe you could pick for us.” Ray hummed deep in his chest before dipping me slightly and kissing me deeply. “Should we kick Pete out?” I asked. Ray nodded, pulling me back up before heading into the back room. Peter came out with a box and was laughing at something ray said.
“enjoy lunch you two!” He called as he headed out. I waved as ray locked the door.
“what did you say to him?” I asked as ray grabbed my hand and pulled me upstairs to our apartment.
“just we were closing up for lunch and if he didn’t want to he locked in here he better leave.” Ray laughed.
“that would do it.” I laughed as he tugged me onto the bed. About a week later, we were at the firehouse. Ray and Peter had gone out on a low level bust at the Sedgwick. They just came back, ray groaning as he got out of the ecto. “Ray!” I called as I ran over to him, hugging him as Peter grabbed the traps from the back.
“He’s had a long hard day.” Peter chuckled. Ray rolled his eyes before kissing me softly. I rubbed his chest and smiled at him when he pulled away. “I think daddy’s gonna need some loving tonight.” My hand froze on rays chest and my eyes went wide, staring at the patch that said stantz. Rays grip on me tightened.
“what was that Pete?” Ray asked, voice shaky. Peter gave ray a wink and smirked at me.
“ain’t that right (Y/N)?” Peter asked. “Gonna give your daddy all the love he deserves?”
“venkman.” I groaned. Peter laughed as he headed downstairs to take care of the traps.
“he isn’t wrong though.” Ray whispered. “Some loving would be nice.” I sighed and looked at ray. He broke away and handed the paperwork to Callie. She nodded before going to file it.
“when venkman is good and far from us.” I agreed. “I am not dealing with his teasing.”
“he won’t let up. You know that.” Ray pointed out as he took my hand and led me out onto the street. "He teased me for years when he found out I got a blowjob from a ghost. And that I fell out of bed because I had a dream about it."
"You never told me about falling out of bed." I laughed. Ray rolled his eyes and drew me closer.
"Oh daddy!" We heard from behind us. Ray rolled his eyes as Peter came running up.
"I thought you said he couldn't hear us in the backroom." I muttered. Ray sighed.
"That's what I thought." He whispered back. "What do you want Venkman?"
"Oh nothing daddy." Peter teased, throwing his arm around Ray's shoulders. "Just thought I could walk home with you two lovebirds." Ray groaned and I felt my face heat up. I looked away from the two. Ray kept a tight hold on my hand, keeping me from walking away from the two friends.
"Peter, cut it out." Ray said, blushing a deep shade of red. "What happens in our bedroom is none of your business."
"Then it should have stayed in your bedroom." Peter snickered. "Never took you for one to be into the whole daddy thing Raymond." He smirked. "Given how much of a cinnamon roll you were back in the day. Couldn't even stay in bed when you were dreaming about getting a blow..." Ray shoved Peter and rounded on him.
"Shut the fuck up Peter." Ray growled. Peter's eyes went wide and he smirked at Ray.
"Oh you didn't tell them about that?" Peter asked, eyes flickering over to me. "You really should. In case it happens again, daddy." Ray shoved Peter again.
"I said shut up Venkman!" Ray's voice got deeper and he looked like he was about ready to kill Peter. "Leave it!" Peter looked over at me before looking at Ray again. Ray was shaking with anger.
"Ray." I whispered, pulling my hand out of his and placing it on his arm instead. "Peter's just an asshole. Let's go home." Peter watched us carefully. "He's just trying to get a rise out of you. Come on." Ray took a deep breath and looked back at me. He nodded and turned away.
"What? Can't take a little teasing? Egon isn't here to keep you at bay so your little play thing has to?" Peter called after us. "Isn't that right daddy?"
"RAY!" I yelled as he turned back towards Peter. I grabbed his arm just before Ray could hit Peter. "He's just getting a rise out of you! You said it yourself. He won't let it go! Leave it alone." Peter stared at Ray.
"What the fuck Ray?" Peter squeaked out. "I'm just giving you a hard time. You know that. I do it all the time." Ray was breathing heavily in his anger.
"Wouldn't kill you to leave the one thing alone Pete." Ray breathed out. "Just leave this alone. This is between me and (Y/N). Leave it alone." Peter nodded.
"Ok. I'll leave it alone." He said. Peter rubbed the back of his neck. "And I'm sorry about the dig at Egon. I didn't mean that." Ray nodded and took my hand again.
"Let's go." Ray muttered as he started off towards home again. I looked back at Peter over my shoulder. He was watching us as we left. "He's not going to let it go."
"No he won't." I agreed. "But you can't just go and fight him every time he brings it up." Ray sighed.
"No I can't." He agreed. "I want to but I can't. I'm just going to have to get used to it aren't I?" I nodded and hugged his arm.
"Sorry Ray." I said. He kissed my head.
"Not your fault." Ray said. "He shouldn't have been listening in." I nodded in agreement. "How about next time he tries to listen in, we give him something to listen in to? What do you say to that little one?" I laughed as Ray tugged me closer.
"Oh you're incorrigible daddy." I said, kissing Ray on the cheek.
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───── ❝ multifandom masterlist ❞ ─────
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supernatural drabbles -> link
(requests closed: dean, sam, castiel, gabriel, crowley, lucifer)
gorillaz drabbles -> link
(requests closed: murdoc, 2D, noodle, russel)
the umbrella academy drabbles -> link
(requests closed: luther, diego, allison, klaus, five, ben, viktor)
the outsiders drabbles -> link
(requests closed: dallas winston, two-bit matthews, sodapop curtis, ponyboy curtis, darey curtis, johnny cade)
xmen drabbles -> link
(requests closed: charles xavier, erik lehnsherr, peter maximoff, nightcrawler, hank mcoy, logan howlett, marie lebeau, raven)
the boys drabbles -> link
(requests closed: butcher, hughie, soldier boy, frenchie, kimiko, mothers milk, starlight, homelander)
ghostbusters drabbles -> link
(requests closed: lars pinfield, egon spengler, winston zeddemore, peter venkman, dana barrymore, ray stanz)
tf2 drabbles -> link
(requests closed: scout, spy, sniper, medic, heavy, demoman, soldier, pyro, engineer, saxton hale, miss pauling)
total drama drabbles -> link
(requests closed: mike, mal, manitoba, vito, svetlana, zoey, alejandro, duncan, gwen, heather, cody)
the walking dead drabbles -> link
(requests closed: daryl, glenn, rick, michonne)
community drabbles -> link
(requests closed: abed, troy, ian duncan)
gotham drabbles -> link
(requests closed: edward nygma/the riddler)
tmmt drabbles -> link
(requests closed: rottmnt, 2012 tmnt, bayverse turtles, donnie, leo, mikey, raph, casey, april)
dc drabbles -> link
(requests closed: battinson, dano!riddler, cillian!jonathan crane, catwoman)
doctor who drabbles -> link
(requests closed: the tenth doctor, rose)
hazbin hotel drabbles -> link
(requests closed: alastor)
good omens drabbles -> link
(requests closed: crowley, azriaphale)
spiderverse drabbles -> link
(requests closed: miguel, hobie, miles, gwen, pavitr)
buzzfeed unsolved/watcher drabbles -> link
(requests closed: shane, ryan, cc. tinsley, ricky goldsworth)
slimecicle cinematic universe drabbles -> link
(requests closed: charlie, jschlatt, tommy/zommy, the bachelor (wilbur), the bachelor of blood (quackity), florida man, mad scientist, ronald, and the wizard)
chuckle sandwich drabbles -> link
(requests closed: jschlatt, charlie slimecicle, ted nivison)
dsmp/mcyt drabbles -> link
(requests: closed: see list of people i write for in pinned post)
daredevil drabbles -> link
(requests closed: matt murdock, foggy nelson, karen page, frank castle)
the mandalorian drabbles -> link
(requests closed: din darjin/the mandalorian)
potc drabbles -> link
(requests closed: jack sparrow, william turner, elizabeth swann)
bullet train drabbles -> link
(requests closed: tangerine, lemon, ladybug, maria, carver, the prince, the hornet)
suicide squad one & two drabbles -> link
(requests closed: harley quinn, captian boomerang, katana, june moon, the enchantress, the joker, el diablo, cleo cazo, abner krill)
breaking bad drabbles -> link
(requests closed: jesse, badger, skinny pete, jane, saul, gus)
better call saul drabbles -> link
(requests closed: lalo, nacho, saul/jimmy, domingo/krazy 8, howard, gus)
what we do in the shadows drabbles -> link
(requests closed: guillermo, laszlo, nadja, nandor)
star wars drabbles -> link
(requests closed: obi wan kenobi, ashoka, anakin skywalker, padame, lea skywalker, luke skywalker, han solo)
markiplier drabbles -> link
(requests closed: markiplier, darkiplier, wilford, yancy, actor, night, google, host, engineer, pornipliers, damien, eric)
jacksepticeye drabbles -> link
(requests closed: jacksepticeye, anti, henrik, marvin, chase, jj, robbie, greg)
sally face drabbles -> link
(requests closed: sal, larry, ash)
★ > ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ < ★
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toriisasimp · 5 months
Chapter 3 of ?: Crunch Bar
An Egon Spengler x fem!reader mini series!
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Chapter 2: https://www.tumblr.com/toriisasimp/747191124399210496/chapter-2-of-unwelcome-guests?source=share
Chapter 1: https://www.tumblr.com/toriisasimp/747108978172018688/chapter-1-of-just-ask?source=share
Prompt: You and Egon are caught red handed the morning after the gala! After recalling the events of the night before, you begin looking into exactly what caused the inflammation of ghosts the night before.
Warnings: None! Some Egon fluff then Gozer infodump later. I tried my hardest.
A/N: A short chapter! I was going to write some more, but I liked it the way it was. Enjoy!!
“Aww, look at them.”
You stir, and are brought to consciousness by the sound of shuffling and the click of a polaroid camera.
Your eyes squint open, and you are greeted by Ray and Peter, who are standing over your bed. You grumble, and begin to move- before you notice the pair of arms wrapped around you from behind.
Craning your head just enough to look behind you, you spot a sleeping Egon- glasses abandoned on the bedside table. Still in his parts of his tux from the night before- the white button down with rolled up sleeves and the top two buttons undone, his black slacks and black dress socks. He looks ethereal curled up next to you, the blanket only covering some of his legs. Most of it was over you, keeping you warm.
“Good morning, sunshine!” Peter greets, and looks down at you with a grin that makes you want to slap him. Ray is holding a polaroid camera in one hand, the other flicking around a photo that was developing.. And you assumed it was one of the two of you.
“Fuck off, Venkman.” You grumble tiredly, shifting slightly in the bed. You feel Egon’s arms tighten around you, and he stirs slightly as well. 
“Listen to the woman, Pete. Both of you, scram.” Egon mumbles groggily, pulling you back down to rest back against his chest. His eyes remain shut, and you feel his thumb rub circles under the blanket over the soft skin of your bare stomach. You noticed you were only in a t-shirt, one of Egon’s black undershirts that he usually wore under his uniform.
“Sorry, you guys are just so adorable.” Ray shrugs.
“That’s great to hear, Ray. Now please, get out.” Egon shoos them out, the only sign of his consciousness being his voice. Your eyes flutter shut, and you hear two sets of footsteps shuffle out of the room, and the door shut quietly behind them.
“Sorry about them.” Egon murmurs into your hair.
“..’s alright.” You whisper, your hands moving to rest over his that were around your waist. As you lay there, awake but still- you try to recall the moments of the night before.
After you returned home from the gala, you made your way up to bed. A strike of interest shot through you, and you smirked to yourself as you abandoned your own dresser to wander over to Egon’s, glancing side to side before you opened the second drawer, where he kept his undershirts- and snatched one out, pulling it over your head. You shut the drawer and made sure everything was in its place, before you sunk into bed, feeling exhausted from the night’s events.
You heard the boys downstairs, talking and walking around as they cleaned up for the night. Ray, Peter and Egon all came into the bedroom, doing their best to try and be as quiet as possible so they didn’t bother you. Your heart fluttered at the thought that the three of them were trying not to wake you.
You eventually dozed off, and so did they. It was later in the night when you felt some rustling beside you, and you woke up and came to the realization that Egon was up from his bed, and was gently sliding into yours, settling beside you.
Your heart raced for just a moment, until you felt his arms sneak around your waist, his warm chest pressed against your back. His lips found the top of your head for a moment, and he murmured something before settling still.
Fast forward to later that morning, and you and Egon were both up. He was looking into some slime he collected from the ghosts they busted the night before, and you were doing some research on why those ghosts vaporized in the first place. What Egon didn’t know is that you had been sneaking around a Crunch bar all morning, trying to find the right moment to surprise him with it. You had been out of them for a couple of weeks, and Egon had been devastated by the lack of sugar in the fire house.
Sitting with a book and notepad in front of you, you glance up to see his back facing you, looking rather focused on his work.
“Pssst.” You whisper, trying to get his attention. “Spengler.” Egon turns his head. “What is it?” “I have a surprise.”
Egon tilts his head, furrowing his brows. “A surprise?” “Yes, a surprise. Come here.” You wiggle your finger to motion him to come closer, and with a soft sigh he obeys, striding around the work bench to stand next to the swivel chair you were in, and you turn to face him.
With no warning, you slip the Crunch bar out of your pocket and extend it towards him. You can see his eyes light up as he looks from you down to the candy bar, a small grin playing at his lips. “I thought we were out.” He states, reaching to take the Crunch bar.
“We are, and I was planning on sneaking this to you last night, but we were a bit occupied.” You state with a soft snort, and Egon laughs. “How nice of you. Thank you.” He smiles down at you, sliding the candy bar into his front pant pocket before he leans down to press a brief kiss to your forehead, before turning and walking around to go back to his work.
“I think I’ve figured out why those ghosts were vaporized, at the time of the gala.” You state, flipping through your notes. “Oh?” He turns to face you from across the table.
“Yeah. I’ve read up on all the information I could find about the Gozer exhibit, and it turns out there’s rumors of a Gozerian cult that meets in the exhibit hall. Summoning ghosts and the likes, chanting, trying to rebuild Gozer. Like, from the ground up.” “They’re trying to rebuild a god?” “Apparently. Or at least make something that is similar to him. Still gives me the creeps, I mean, people that worship a dead god.” You shiver slightly, turning the notepad around and sliding it across the workbench for him to take a look. He flips through, humming and mumbling a few “Interesting”s, before he returns the notes back to you. 
“I suggest we inform Ray. We could go take a look at the exhibit, see if there’s any evidence of their meetings. That being said, it would be wise to find out when they meet first.” You nod. “My thoughts exactly. We shouldn’t intrude on them until we know exactly what it is they do.” You glance down at the book, pointing to a paragraph.
“It says here they conduct lots of rituals, commit lots of kidnappings and public disturbances, and the only reason they haven’t been dealt with by the authorities is, well.. Nobody has caught them.” “A disappearing Gozerian cult that likes to kidnap people and summon ghosts. How lovely.” Egon folds his arms, and you snicker. “Just another day at work, eh? Hey Stantz!” You call Ray up to brief him on the discovery.
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ask-egonspengler · 2 days
I’ve noticed that Ray smokes a lot - do you ever get concerned for his health because of this habit?
Absolutely. Venkman and Winston quit shortly after the business tanked back in early ‘85. Ray’s had a little more difficulty with it.
He’s quit cigarettes and cigars entirely now. His resolution for the new year in 1990 was to smoke the last four cigarettes he had in the box and then call it quits on that particular form of tobacco.
The only thing he’s got left is his pipe, but he’s progressively weaning himself off it. He can’t quit cold turkey like Venkman did. I guess his cravings are too strong for that.
We’re all rooting for him and while I can’t relate to this particular addiction, Winston and Pete have given Ray lots of tips for quitting.
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ewsean · 4 months
As an active validation seeker, I wanted to post my current WIP for an upcoming Ghostbusters cross Spiderman fic? I've never once written Fanfic before (at least that I can remember?) and I wanted to take it to Tumblr to get the general community opinion. Fic Intro / Snippet Below !! (Is this something you'd be interested in reading? Feel free to ask question about it too ?? I'm just here to share my shit really LOL)
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Raymond Stantz was your normal New York student. No really, he was! He attended Columbia University, went out on the weekends with his friends, worked an honest part-timer down at a Comic Book Store about a subway’s stop away from his dorm. He was all completely normal- normal bar one thing.
He was New York’s one and only Spiderman.
And while you’ve probably heard that a lot before, Ray Stantz really was New York’s one and only Spiderman, and had been since he was 15 when an unfortunate incident had happened during an after-school science experiment that had gone wrong. He’d told himself to never feed untested food to insects without studying the ingredients, but curiosity got the best of him, and the rest was history.
It was less than ideal, really. It wasn’t like he had chosen this life. It was almost like destiny, or fate, as his close friend Peter would tell him. That was another thing that was less than ideal- Peter’s involvement. Ray had sworn to himself to never tell anyone, not even his parents, out of fear they thought he was absolutely nuts, or worse, got affected by his status as a ‘Hero’. Friends had been hard to keep throughout his High School life, despite his outgoing and bubbly personality. College wasn’t any different, until he hit the jackpot with one Peter Venkman. Peter would claim Ray attached himself to him, but truth be told, it was the other way around.  They found themselves as roommates in the first year and grew closer as friends the longer they spent together. It was hard to keep his secret identity hidden from his incredibly nosy friend, and it was only a matter of time before Peter found him out. All he could do was pray it wasn’t anytime soon. It was probably because Ray didn’t believe in any higher power that his prayers did not get answered, and three months into their friendship the bomb was dropped.
“Didn’t take you as a midnight bachelor, Stantzie.” Came Peter’s smooth and sleazy voice in the dark. Ray froze in his spot, one foot halfway through the window of their bathroom. It may be dark, but Ray swears he can see the mischievous twinkle in Pete’s eyes as his shit-eating grin expands, “Nice costume. Wanna tell me where you’ve been?”
Part of Ray thoroughly believes that if he stands still long enough holding his breath, Peter will get bored of waiting for an answer and fall back into his bed to sleep the night away. There’s no luck in this though, as his best friend’s voice carries through the air, accusatory, “Stop holding your breath, idiot. I can see you. I’m not mad.”
That was a good thing, at least? Ray was clutching at positives here, because in this very moment, all he could see was negative scenario after negative scenario. He always had had a problem with acting impulsively and dreading to deal with the consequences of his actions afterwards. “Stantz.” It’s met with silence. “Ray. Raymond, hello? Come on, you’re going to fall over.”
Well, if Peter wasn’t going to let this slide, he might as well let his body fall with the sweet release of gravity, finally pulling his other leg inside the building from the window and collapsing onto the floor in a large heap, softly groaning out at the abrupt hit of the ground.
“You’re a moron, you know that, right?” “Yeah .. You tell me every few days, Pete. I can’t forget.” Ray responds, though his words are muffled and it causes Peter to strain his hearing, finally getting up from his bed to pad into the bathroom where his friend laid, defeated. 
For a moment, they sat on the bathroom floor together, each contemplating what to say next. There were a lot of words that needed to be exchanged, but neither man could quite figure out how to get them out. For once in his life, Peter Venkman was stunned into silence. Ray would not be the first to speak first, subconsciously zip-locking his lips and throwing the key away into some dark cavern of his brain. The burden fell to Peter to speak once more.
And speak he did.
“So … I gotta’ find a new favourite Hero now that I found out mine was you after all this time.” 
Why was he like this .. ?
“Spiderman’s your favourite?” Ray asks, hopeful, chin tilting upwards just enough to peer out from the crook in his arms that he’d buried his head previously into to avoid Peter’s expectant look. 
“Was. Remember, I just said I needed to find a new one.” Ray knows Peter’s only joking, because he says it with that light tone of his and his eyebrows soften, a look Peter reserves for Ray and a handful of other people. With a study pat on his shoulder, Peter is up and hauling Ray to his feet, “Alrighty, pal. Let’s get you to bed. Seems like it’s been a rough night.” Ray can only snort. If Pete had any idea what he’d gone through. 
“Yeah. Thanks Pete, we’ll talk more about this in the morning.”
But they never did. Not like Peter hadn’t tried; In fact, it had become almost a daily occurrence. Ray couldn’t leave the dorm room without being asked where he was going, who he was seeing, or what trouble New York City had found itself in. Even waking up for class early, or to go study with a few of his classmates, Peter was hot on his tail, ready to catch any action that arose. The action never arose, though, at least not in Peter’s vicinity. And at least, not for a good three weeks.
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erikiara80 · 1 year
More on Will, dragons and Petergate
The disco ball is associated with the Mind Flayer/hive mind/Vecna. There is the one at the snow ball, when the Mind Flayer is looming over the school.
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Two in S4. One at the Rink-o-mania, where El remembers the massacre and we hear the clock ticking sound (I'm sure we’ll see that place in a vision in S5)
And one in Max’s memory, where Vecna attacks her.
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Oh, and when El throws him in the air, he’s exactly under the disco ball.
(gif credits to certifiably evil)
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But iirc, the first time we see a disco ball is in 2x01. At the Arcade. 
Where Will has the first vision of the Mind Flayer storm.
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And what are the kids doing there? They’re playing Dragon’s Lair.
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So Will, Mind Flayer/Vecna AND a dragon’s lair. Ok
In 3x03, at Castle Byers: two eagle upside down, two dragons (interesting, I have thoughts about that too), and Mike's voice: Something’s coming. Not to mention that the password to CB is Radagast, a reference to The Hobbit, a story with a red dragon.
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Then the drawings of Will the Wise and another dragon, in case for some reason we missed all the other references, lol
And in the same episode, in one of the lifeguards’s magazine there’s an article about Rick James, who released a new album in 1985, The Glow (analysis of 3x03 here)
The glow is also the power that a martial artist can develop in the movie The Last Dragon. 
Once you are able to use that power, a mystical energy that makes your hands and body glow (Will=lights) you become the last dragon (analysis here)
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So, in S3, mention of Rick James/the album The Glow. And in S4, the poster of the Last Dragon at Family Video (post here)
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But I noticed another poster with a dragon, on the opposite side of the Family video! Like the two eagles facing each other at Castle Byers.
Pete’s dragon. Another Peter! 
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Peter references so far: 
Fairy/Will in S1, Skull Rock, the light particles at the Wheelers’ and the clock chiming as a warning like the alarm clock in the crocodile’s stomach (Peter Pan). The two (Peter) Venkmans, Lucas and Mike, foreshadowing of Will and Max being targeted by Vecna. Owens’ son Peter and Henry/Peter Ballard. The Peters (plus keys) at the Warzone store. And the parallels ST shares with Fringe, where one of the main characters is Peter Bishop, who has a lot of parallels with Henry and Will.
Here another possible parallel: Will, dragons and the god Gozer (Ghostbusters)
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Pete’s dragon 
It’s the story of an orphan who flees his abusive foster family, with the assistance of an unseen force he calls Elliot. But Elliot is real, it’s a dragon that can turn invisible and helps children in trouble. In this story there is also memory loss and people who blames Peter for troubles that the invisible dragon causes... 
Much to think about!
Are there other Peters?
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[Ghostbusters] Brainwaves: Mini Bios (1984) Ghostbusters & Staff
Tagging @ariel-seagull-wings @spook-central and @soulman133 Let me know if you want to be tagged/untagged from Brainwaves posts. These are just bullet point bios for the main groups of characters, as in the female professors, Ghostbusters and Ghostbuster staff, the C.U.P.S students, Nova’s family and then the others™ (e.g. Dickless, Dana)
Following Characters:
Janine Melnitz
Louis Tully
Winston Zeddemore
Egon Spengler
Peter Venkman
Raymond Stantz
Long post so it's under the cut:
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Janine Melnitz:
Actress: Annie Potts
Full Name: Janine Ombeline Melnitz
AKA: Janie, Jan
32 in 1984. Born October 28th 1952 in Brooklyn. Lives in NY, NY
White, Female, Bisexual, Jewish, Scorpio
Speaks English and Hebrew
5'6" and 117 lbs, Blue eyes, Brown hair she dyes Red, Ears pierced
Didn't finish college
Has known the female professors since college
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Louis Tully. 'Lou':
Actor: Rick Moranis
Full Name: Louis Bertram Tully
AKA: Lou, Bert
31 in 1984. Born April 18th 1953 in Indiana. Lives in NY, NY
White, Male, Straight, Christian, Aries
Speaks English and some French
5'5" and 169 lbs, Blue eyes and Brown hair, clean shaven, hairy
Currently taking night classes in Law
Lives on the same floor as Dana, Mars, Nova & Kip
Somehow always locks himself out, Nova & Mars have spare keys
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Winston Zeddemore:
Actor: Ernie Hudson
Full Name: Winston Ramsey Zeddemore
Sergeant / Mr. AKA: Z, Zed / Zedd
39 in 1984. Born December 17th 1945 in North Carolina, lives in NY, NY
African-American, Male, Straight, Christian, Sagittarius, Smoker
Speaks English and Spanish
6'3" and 220 lbs, Brown eyes, Black hair, Moustache, body hair
Scars but no noticeable scars, mostly covered by his clothes
Was in the US Marines, Smart, Strong and an optimist
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Doctor Egon Spengler, PhD:
Actor: Harold Ramis
Full Name: Egon Malachi Spengler
Doctor / Professor / Mr. AKA: Egie, Spengs
40 in 1984. Born November 21st 1944 in Ohio. Lives in NY, NY
White, Male, Aromantic, Straight, Jewish, Scorpio
Speaks 11 languages to varying degrees, including English & Latin
6'5" and 175 lbs, Brown eyes and hair, clean-shaven, hairy
Undiagnosed but likely Autistic
Has 11 PhDs
The only Ghostbuster who doesn't smoke
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Doctor Peter Venkman, PhD. 'Pete':
Actor: Bill Murray
Full Name: Peter Charles Venkman
Doctor / Professor / Mr. AKA: Venks, Pete
34 in 1984. Born September 21st 1950 in Missouri. Lives in NY, NY
White, Male, Straight, Christian, Virgo, Smoker
Speaks English, some Spanish and some French
6'2" and 200 lbs, Blue eyes and Brown hair, clean shaven / stubble & body hair
On-Again, Off-Again with Dana Barrett
Parapsychology and Psychology PhDs
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Doctor Raymond Stantz, PhD. 'Ray':
Actor: Dan Aykroyd
Full Name: Raymond Francis Stantz
Doctor / Professor / Mr. AKA: Ray, Francine, Frank
32 in 1984. Born July 1st 1952 in Long Island. Lives in NY, NY
White, Male, Straight, Non-Religious, Former Christian, Cancer, Smoker
Speaks 9 Languages including English & Hebrew
6'0" and 200 lbs, Heterochromia Green & Brown eyes, Brown hair, Clean Shaven / stubble, Hairy
Undiagnosed but Autistic. Has 7 PhDs
Susceptible to being possessed
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tinyvesselhearts · 1 year
Nobody's here for Egon x Peter but it happened
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Peter pins him to the wall.
“Egon. Honey. Handsome. Sweetie. How long have we known each other?”
“Enough to have the talk, I presume.”
“Right. Tell me when was the last time you shared clothing with a woman.”
This again. Egon can't believe it.
“Kindergarten", he states. "My sister would regularly steal my sweatshirts.”
“Mm. And when was the last time a woman spent the night with you?”
Oh, this is brilliant. Egon smiles.
“Funny you should ask that. Dorothy May, the girl from Accounting you dated? She kipped in my room after she got drunk and passed out one night. She confused me for her roommate for some reason, which was strange because I am pretty sure I do not exhibit prominent female qualities. Nevertheless, she crashed on my bed and I tried to study all night. She left in the morning, cursing. It’s not my fondest memory.”
Peter is quiet for a moment. Whether its because he has no recollection of the girl or remembers her all too well, Egon can't decipher. What matters is, his mouth is shut for good fifteen seconds before Venkman sighs and says:
“Ah, yes. Dottie, a fever dream. Yeah, a real sweetheart. So, on the campus.”
“All those years without, say, borrowing pajamas? Sharing a bed? Cuddling? Sleeping together? All that… hormone- adjacent stuff?”
“You claim to know me, Venkman. Take a guess.”
Thing is, Egon’s stare is much stronger than Peter’s and he doesn’t feel like sharing the details of his private life out loud. There are lots of things they don’t know about each other— and it’s okay, it’s not like you should scrape every little thing out of your bestie’s past. With that in mind, Egon’s silence grinds forever and finally pushes Peter into submission.
“…Alright. Okay, I see what’s going on. I’m not preaching”, Pete sighs, then puts both hands on Egon’s shoulders. “But I’ll name what I see and I see this: the bags under your eyes are gone. Your cheeks are rosy. You fucking smile, Egie. You never smile! So I’m kinda petrified— but hey, who am I to judge. All I’m saying is: think about it. Yeah? Old uncle Pete’s advice. I’ve made many mistakes so that people like you can learn from them.”
“Done?” Egon asks, not even blinking. “Wonderful. Focus now. I need you downstairs in five. The subject is about to wake up. It requires a qualified parapsychologist with a particularly invasive personality.”
"I love you too, honey."
"Five minutes."
Peter blows him a kiss and disappears behind the corner.
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boozles · 3 months
So, the always wonderful @poonmitpakdee tagged me in this brilliant meme, which I have literally spent ages thinking about. (No joke, I was tagged in this days ago.)
Rules: choose 5 of your favorite characters from 5 pieces of media as options and let your tumblr pals decide which one suits your vibe.
So, like Jamie, I have chosen 10 characters (5 from Asian media, and 5 from Western media) and if that’s cheating, I don’t care :p
Also, I’m copying Jamie and putting my reasons for why I relate to these characters so much:
Ai Di (Kiseki: Dear to Me): little lunatic, will turn feral in an instant, don’t fuck with his friends |Apple (Turbo Kid): tries to always see the good things, loyal, never gives up || Ayan (The Eclipse): questions authority, stands up for what he believes in, loves hoodies || Spongebob Squarepants: loves his friends, always tries to be cheery, happy little weirdo || Pete (Dark Blue Kiss): short temper, loyal, honest || Peter Venkman (Ghostbusters): lame jokes, thinks he’s good with women (he is not, & neither am I), most annoying of the group || Pai (Cherry Magic): fangirl, will champion friend’s relationships and ignore own, tries to help friends as best she can || Pippin Took (LotR): clumsy, loyal to a fault, tries to be brave even when scared (also my namesake, for those that don’t know XD) || Dong Guerami (Extraordinary Attorney Woo): will be your pretend girlfriend to fuck with homophobes, ‘interesting’ fashion sense, friends are family || Peter Pan: refuses to grow up, wants to play all day, will flirt with mermaids all day long
I’m tagging: @firstkanaphans @tswizzlesfan @dramalets @forcebookish @lunatski and anyone else who wants to take part, just say I tagged you!
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@bixiebeet @spengnitzed @moonbeamelf @professorlehnsherr-almashy @themousefromfantasyland @amalthea9 
(Sigourney Weaver's poem read aloud at the Los Angeles Wrap Party, from the book Making Ghostbusters)
“I am a little Ghostbuster 
Sigourney is my name 
This picture cost a lot of bread 
Let's hope it makes the same 
I played the damsel in distress 
We know what that entails 
An icebox put the moves on me 
I woke up in a dog's entrails 
I was attacked by leaping eggs 
Molested by a chair 
Levitated more than once 
Laz, Bob, Joe - it's O.K. 
Blown away and barbecued 
Devoured by a terror pooch 
I crawled out of his haunches and 
Pete Venkman gave me such a smooch 
I think in every dangerous scene 
I had some part to play M
y thanks and affection to special effects 
You really blow me away 
I've always felt so much support 
And humor in this crew 
To each and every single one 
I'd like to say "Thank You" 
Our cast is an ensemble 
Ernie's nice and Anne's a honey 
Ivan is always quick to laugh 
Bill Atherton and I are never funny 
I have a crush on Harold 
And Danny is a dream 
Moranis is my demon 
And Ivan makes me scream 
He has me growl and pant and snarl 
And roll my eyes and more 
Perhaps this is the break I need 
To move into hard core 
I've spent so much time laughing 
In all my scenes with Bill 
He's teased me off the method 
Now my preparation's nil 
I think I'm very lucky 
Movies like this are far and few 
I've had a really wonderful time 
I'll miss it all...and you”
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bixiebeet · 1 year
Writing has taken longer than expected, per usual. 🫠 I’ve decided to start posting my newest story here—Winston’s first day at the firehouse. It imagines what happened right before Winston arrived at the firehouse, and his first introductions to the rest of the team. So think of it as a complement to those parts of Ghostbusters (1984).
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Chapter 1: You’re Hired
“If there’s a steady paycheck in it, I’ll believe anything you say.”
It wasn’t completely true. But Winston Zeddemore didn’t want to admit that he was genuinely intrigued by the idea of a ghost busting business. At least, he didn’t want to admit it right away. Better to sound purely professional and transactional, he told himself. A lifetime in the hustling, bustling Big Apple had taught him to keep his guard up. You never knew on first blush who was a conman and who was the real deal.
Winston had heard the buzz around the Ghostbusters. He’d seen the headlines in Time Magazine, The Atlantic, and even tabloids like the New York Post. Their faces were all over the news shows, too. Yet they were recruiting through a regular classified ad? He brought the newspaper to the interview to be sure that he hadn’t misread it. He still thought that the whole thing might be a scam.
He was pleasantly surprised when he met the team’s secretary. “Janine Melnitz,” said the nameplate on her desk, which sat beside a gold paperweight shaped like a whale. She didn’t seem like a scammer. If anything, she seemed disinterested. Or maybe exhausted? The phone was ringing non stop as he arrived; the only way that they could talk was for her to temporarily leave the receiver off the hook.
Winston explained why he was well suited for the job: he was disciplined and a team player, thanks to his years in the Army. He was a trained medic who knew how to deliver first aid—and more importantly, how to stay calm in hectic situations. He was good at problem solving and had physical endurance, thanks to his years working for his father’s construction company.
Janine took notes, but she said that her bosses would make the final hiring decision. The phone lit up when she put it back on the hook. She took a call while Winston tried to make himself comfortable in a quite uncomfortable chair. He felt like he was slouching, which he hated to do.
A large white car pulled into the firehouse garage. Winston had seen it on TV. The Ecto-something? It looked more beat up in person. Two men hopped out, cigarettes dangling from their lips as they chatted. They looked even more exhausted than Janine. Winston sat up straight and adjusted his blazer. It was definitely two of the guys whom he had seen in the Ghostbusters’ TV commercials.
“This is Winston Zeddemore, he’s here about the job,” Janine told them.
Winston stood up, figuring that he’d shake their hands before the interview began. He felt like he’d aced the pre-screening with Janine, but his heart was still racing.
“Beautiful, you’re hired. Ray Stantz,” one of the men said, pointing to himself. Then he motioned to the other man. “Pete Venkman.”
“Congratulations,” Peter said, shaking Winston’s hand.
“Can you help me please?” Ray said. He handed Winston two black boxes attached to cords. There was smoke coming from both of them. “Welcome aboard.”
The three men walked downstairs to a small room in the basement. Winston couldn’t quite believe what was happening. He’d spent all morning feeling like a ball of nerves before the interview–and he’d been hired on the spot! He was already getting on-the-job training…for a job that he knew very little about.
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