wanderingsimsfinds · 5 days
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Introducing the Soft Nature Collection - 1500 Followers Gift
There are 45 seamless patterns included (SoftNature 1-45)
Found under THEMED
There are ZIPs for sims3packs & packages with PNGs included
There is a MERGED package file with all 45 patterns
DOWNLOAD (SFS) (MediaFire)
Source: Creative Fabrica, Spoonflower, Adobe
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firstsentence · 1 year
"I was neither astonished nor horror-stricken." 🍵
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roydeezed · 11 months
Hahaha the new Dr. stone side story has references to Back to the Future, Short Circuit and even Poe's Adventure of one Hans Pfall so far.
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carreteando · 10 months
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Crossing paths with the Man on the Moon
Here’s an idea! So, due to the friendlier relationship between the Caretakers and the ICS , and just about all of the other disgraced caretakers being on Probation, it’s decided to try and find and rescue some of the ‘Permanentl Indisposed’ ICS members. First on the list is Cyrano De Bergerac stuck on either the moon or a comet. They try the Moon First. They may or may not find De Bergerac. They do find various forms of life though (See literature about the Moon). They also find an old Some time Messenger Hans Pfall (whose been hiding on the Moon due to various crimes), an old associate of Pym and Poe (who joined Pym, Poe and Mary Shelley on an adventure in the Artic). And other stuff. Make of this what you will. Al, the Chronographing Cottager.
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thecomicsnexus · 6 years
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Aquaman and Aqualad return to Atlantis to encounter Ocean Master with Mera. After Ocean Master reveals that he knows he and Aquaman are brothers, he tells them that he has come to warn him about “them”. Before anything more can be said, a spacecraft and two aliens emerge from a space-warp near them and Aquaman is hit by a ray-blast that renders him unconscious. When he awakens, he is in another realm, where the atmosphere has the consistency of water. He saves a girl from a strange one-celled life-form and follows a telepathic trail to a city nearby, accompanied by the girl, who remains telepathically silent. After he fights his way past a guard, Aquaman enters a kind of church, filled with telepathic people. The girl, who enters behind him, explains that, by their beliefs, communication can only take place in this sacred place. However, she can only tell him that they are in “The City”, and she knows nothing except that and the wilderness beyond. Before much else can be said, they are confronted by the Citizens' leader, Brother Warnn.
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Deadman is sent by Rama Kushna to the submarine craft of Ocean Master, who meets with aliens bent on conquest of the Earth. Ocean Master reveals that his half of the bargain involves them killing Aquaman. In order to save the sea king, Deadman possesses Ocean Master, but finds one section of his mind seemingly walled off. Deadman concentrates his efforts on breaking through the barrier, and finally succeeds, though the effort so tires him that he has to depart Ocean Master's body for a “breather”. But his actions have freed Ocean Master's repressed memories, and he finally recalls that Aquaman is his brother. In remorse, he speeds off to Atlantis to warn him. Figuring that Aquaman will be safe now, Deadman returns to the aliens, and learns they are planting devices that will reduce the mentality of Earthlings by 25 percent. He takes over the body of Pfall, an alien, but inadvertently reveals his possession to the other aliens, who have experience with “non-entities”. The aliens release a "sddire", a “rat-cat” being whose strange psychic powers drive Deadman out of the alien's body and out of Earth's dimension.
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Mera reveals that, after determining the truth of Ocean Master's story, she let him go. But Atlantis is now menaced by Black Manta, and Mera, despairing, tries to will Aquaman to return. Meanwhile, in the other realm, Aquaman finds that Brother Warnn cannot help him. Despite the girl Citizen's attempts to induce him to stay in their church, Aquaman leaves, battling his way past guards, and is followed by the girl, who now regards him as her friend. Later, a long distance from the city, they encounter a tribe of caveman-type telepaths. The girl, offended that they use sacred telepathy outside a church, fires at them, though Aquaman deflects their shot. Her folly has now stirred the cave-tribe against them, and Aquaman prepares to do battle.
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Deadman finds himself in another dimension, in which he is a tangible being again, beside a beautiful girl named Tatsinda, who reveals to him that, in his home dimension, she was the sddire. She explains that the aliens capture her kind to deal with “non-entities”, that she was their prisoner for two years, and that she “rode” him to her homeworld. The two are soon joined by D'Ronal and Liana, Tatsinda's brother and sister, but are quickly menaced by riders of giant “Depth-Crabs”, who take Tatsinda prisoner. Deadman uses his acrobatic skill and strength to defeat the crab-riders and rescue Tatsinda. In gratitude, she “rides” him back to the Earth dimension.
Aquaman's and the girl's battle with the caveman tribe is cut short by the arrival of a spaceship controlled by alien slavers who transport the two of them inside their craft, intending to make them slaves. When he recovers, Aquaman is able to break free of the tube imprisoning him, and defeats the slavers in battle, though he has to leave the girl behind when he escapes. At that point he runs into the caveman tribe again, is knocked unconscious, and is bound for their “extermination chamber”. When he revives, he does battle with them again. At the same time, Mera is in consternation about the presence of Black Manta outside Atlantis's walls, and, when Prof. Vulko suggests what Aquaman would do if he were here, she shouts out a despairing command for her husband to return. Astonishingly, Aquaman finds himself growing in size, emerging from the realm in which he had been lost--a subatomic universe in Mera's ring--and rejoining Mera. After their reunion, Aquaman learns of Black Manta's presence, and prepares to send the villain an ultimatum.
Deadman and Tatsinda, in her sddire form, emerge on Earth near Ocean Master, who is bewailing his fate. Sighting the alien craft some distance away, Deadman possesses Ocean Master and enters the aliens' vessel, conversing with them and learning of their plot to conquer Earth by blasting it with intelligence-destroying rays. He also learns that, since they do not believe in taking life, they merely sent Aquaman into a subatomic universe in his wife Mera's ring. Deadman uses Ocean Master's body to attack them, but the aliens ray down Orm's body and place themselves in a trance, closing themselves to any possession attempts. Deadman rages for a moment, seeing the location of the ray-amplifiers on a globe of Earth, and knowing they are far from human habitation. However, he realizes that he can use the bodies of animals to destroy the amplifiers, and proceeds to do so. Still, the radiation device might still work without the amplifiers, and Deadman, seeking someone who can enter the alien ship, opts to bring back Aquaman. By possessing Prof. Vulko and making him remind Mera of Aquaman, he causes Mera to demand Aquaman's return...and her will is powerful enough to accomplish it. But the deadline for activation of the ray-device is at hand, and Deadman fears he is too late to stop the aliens. When he arrives on the scene, though, he finds that the device backfired and stupefied the aliens, who are barely able to pilot their ship back home. An indignant Tatsinda informs Deadman that, if she hadn't swum out to the ship and ripped through the device's cables, they would “all be gibbering idiots by now!”
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So... these two stories are two sides of the same one. But one of them doesn’t know about the other. Typical Deadman.
There is this small tribute in the form of all the artists involved in he title (I assume).
Other than that, I find the story not as interesting as Skeates and Adams imagined.
I still like this version of Jim Aparo, “a la Cardy”.
I give the arc a score of 6
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wilsonlibunc · 6 years
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Space Spiders, Lunatics, and Airships : Moon Voyage stories in Wilson Library
It’s a full moon tonight, so we thought that it would be a great time to feature our favorite moon voyage story in Wilson Library Special Collections--the only problem is, we couldn’t decide between these three amazing narratives!  So we need your help, Tumblr followers!  Read below, and help us decide which contender is the ultimate sci-fi adventure!
Contender 1: One of the earliest recorded moon voyage stories, Lucian’s “True History” was written in the second century AD in ancient Greece. This “true” history is filled with fantastic travel narratives, including the moon-voyage adventure in which a crew accidentally lands on the moon after their ship gets carried into the sky by an enormous gust of wind.  The men then take part in a fantastic space battle between the alien armies of the sun and moon.  (Bonus points: the space battle features giant spiders who spin web-bridges to lead their army across the sky).
Contender 2: A Trip to the Moon (1765) was written by sir Francis Gentleman under the very appropriate pseudonym, Humphrey Lunatic.  In this story, Humphrey falls asleep in a beautiful grove and (much to his surprise) wakes up in the Lunar world.  How does he get transported, you might ask? The pamphlets in Humphrey’s pockets (which were, apparently, originally conceived in the Lunar kingdom) attract a tractor-beam that pulls Humphrey up towards the moon. Full of tongue-in-cheek humor, this story is memorable both for its whimsy, and for its cutting social commentary.  (Bonus points to Francis Gentleman for both his amazing pen name, and also for including an elaborate family lineage for the “Lunatic” family that includes an ancestor named Whimsical Lunatic, Esq.).
Contender 3: Last but not least, Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Unparalleled Adventures of One Hans Pfall” (1835) features a slightly more technologically advanced means of conveyance. In this story, the protagonist takes an airship to the moon.  Not only is this story an interesting moon-voyage account in its own right, but in addition, it was in fact, originally created as a hoax. Shockingly, Poe’s tale was not the only moon hoax of 1835, but was second in renown to the “great moon hoax” of the same year.  In this moon hoax, the New York Sun (a tabloid newspaper) published a series of articles on fake “celestial discoveries”--which included the discovery of a species of intelligent lunar bipedal beavers.  (Bonus points to Poe for not only creating his moon-travel hoax, but also for dreaming up his 1844 balloon hoax--in which he convinced readers of the New York Sun that a man had crossed the Atlantic in just 3 days in a new form of airship).
Got opinions on which of these three is the best moon voyage story? Comment below to let us know your pick!
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goldcoins0 · 4 years
3M’s Mask-on Magic; Pfizer Pfalls; Caterpillar Crawls
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https://timorinvest.com/2020/04/28/3ms-mask-on-magic-pfizer-pfalls-caterpillar-crawls/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=3ms-mask-on-magic-pfizer-pfalls-caterpillar-crawls Timor Invest
from https://investingold0.wordpress.com/2020/04/28/3ms-mask-on-magic-pfizer-pfalls-caterpillar-crawls/
0 notes
wanderingsimsfinds · 10 months
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Introducing the Fall Fabric 2 Collection
There are 20 seamless patterns included (FallFabric 21-40)
Found under FABRIC
There are ZIPs for sims3packs, packages, and preview images
There is a MERGED package file with all 20 patterns
DOWNLOAD (SFS) (MediaFire)
Source: Creative Fabrica, Spoonflower
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cadejosni · 5 years
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Durante casi dos milenios, los narradores de historias 📖📃 han ideado algunos métodos ingeniosos para llevar a sus personajes a la Luna. 🌛 . . Aquí hay algunos puntos destacados: • Tromba de agua gigante: "True Story", luciana de Samosata, ca. Siglo 2 dC • Un “puente de sombra”: Somnium, Johannes Kepler, 1634 • Cohete de etapas múltiples *: Histoire Comique de la Lune, Cyrano de Bergerac, 1657 • Lunarium **: Un viaje a la luna, George Tucker, 1827 • Globo: "La incomparable aventura de un tal Hans Pfall", Edgar Allan Poe, 1835 • Cañón gigante: de la Tierra a la Luna, Julio Verne, 1865 • Metal antigravedad: Primeros hombres en la luna, H.G. Wells, 1901 * Esta es la primera mención de un cohete de múltiples etapas en la literatura. ** Un metal que es solo parcialmente antigravitacional: es rechazado por la Tierra pero atraído por la Luna. #apod #astrofisica #astrofoto #astrofotografia #astronomia #astronomy #astrophoto #astrophotography #astrophysics #cadejosni #ciencia #cosmos #esa #galaxia #galaxy #july #luna #moon #nasa #nicaragua #planets #science #sky #space #stargazing #stars #universe #universo #apollo50 Vía astronomy.com https://www.instagram.com/p/Bzn3tQ2gkXO/?igshid=zvbexakuakou
0 notes
goldira0 · 4 years
3M’s Mask-on Magic; Pfizer Pfalls; Caterpillar Crawls
3M’s Mask-on Magic; Pfizer Pfalls; Caterpillar Crawls:
Timor Invest #investing #goldinvestment
from https://investingold0.tumblr.com/post/616682718914363392
0 notes
preciousmetals0 · 4 years
3M’s Mask-on Magic; Pfizer Pfalls; Caterpillar Crawls
3M’s Mask-on Magic; Pfizer Pfalls; Caterpillar Crawls:
It’s Different This Time
It’s the mantra of the hopeful and the rally cry of bullish investors whenever the market takes a turn for the worse. As I scanned headlines in the financial media this morning, the simple truth of these words struck me.
Take this morning’s original MarketWatch headline for example: “Stocks rise for third session on easing of coronavirus lockdowns as earnings season hits stride.”
In typical MarketWatch fashion, the headline for this article shifted from “Dow rises 300 points” to “Dow rises 200 points” etcetera, ad nauseam for every 50 points the Dow jittered.
Tucked underneath that headline was one that read: “Nouriel Roubini on the coming Greater Depression of the 2020s.”
I’m picking on MarketWatch here, but this same pattern repeated itself across Bloomberg, CNBC, Yahoo Finance and every other major financial publication. It’s a pattern of acceptance, normalization and —most dangerous of all — hope.
Right now, Wall Street has hope that everything will quickly return to normal.
It has hope that the curve is flattening, even as we approach 1 million COVID-19 cases and 56,000 deaths in the U.S. It has hope that a cure and a vaccine will be found in short order. It has hope that the Federal Reserve’s great cash injection will keep the economy afloat. (Scratch that — it will keep stocks afloat.)
That hope is even prevalent among consumers. Today, the March consumer confidence index plunged to its lowest level since 2014. However, another index that gauges future expectations rose in March.
So, while nearly every economic indicator points toward a catastrophe on the scale of the Great Depression … while corporations continue to yank 2020 full-year guidance … while a vaccine and/or cure for COVID-19 is still months away … the market is on a three-day, hope-inspired winning streak.
It really is different this time.
The Takeaway:
Today’s situation brought two sayings to mind.
The first comes from my dad, who would always say: “Hope in one hand and crap in the other. See which one fills up first.”
He always had a way with words. You can see where I get my snarky attitude, honestly.
The second is a well-known market axiom: “Don’t fight the Fed.”
Given that the market continues to rally despite overwhelming economic odds, I think we have a clear winner between the two. Sorry, dad.
I still believe that a reckoning is coming for the market. But Fed-backed hope continues to push back the day of that reckoning. (Unlimited stimulus for the win!)
For example, if any company had unceremoniously yanked its full-year guidance just a year ago, its stock would’ve been red for days — weeks, even. Now? Because the Fed is on the case, there’s hope that guidance and profits will soon return … like the salmon returning to Capistrano.
In fact, I think there are now three classic blunders:
Never get in a land war in Asia.
Never go in against a Sicilian when death is on the line.
Never bet against the Fed.
Keep in mind that the last one is still being tested. I’m not willing to completely capitulate yet. I’m convinced you still need more than hope and Fed cash to foment a market recovery.
But enough about the Fed … let’s talk about you!
How are you feeling? What’s bouncing around in that brilliant mind of yours? (Seriously, tell us! We want to know: [email protected].)
What do you need to thrive in this market?
Well … more than hope and clever words, that’s for certain. (Though some of that Fed cash wouldn’t hurt.)
Maybe what you need is a new approach to investing.
After all, “buy and hold” is dead. It leaves your portfolio swinging in the breeze — especially during earnings season. But what does that leave you with? Timing the market? Not in this hope-y Fed-y mess.
But Banyan Hill’s own Chad Shoop has the answer, and he’s coming in stacked … Profit Stacked, that is. Chad’s “Profit Stacking” strategy shows you how to zero in on hidden market sectors that are primed to move. In the best-case scenario, all you’d have to do is get in, grab your profits and leave.
It’s how Chad was able to show his readers a 49.33% gain in 13 days, a 94.18% gain in six days and a 53% gain in as little as two days. And that’s without day trading or using options. Once you hear Chad explain how Profit Stacking works, you may never un-stack again. (Nice stack, man!)
Click here to learn more!
The Good: MMM, Good!
3M Co. (NYSE: MMM) reported stronger-than-expected first-quarter earnings. You’ll hear that “stronger-than-expected” line a lot this week. The Dow component beat the consensus earnings estimate by $0.13 per share and topped revenue expectations.
However, you’ll hear “pulls 2020 guidance” quite a bit this week. 3M isn’t the first to yank guidance, nor will it be the last. However, the company slashed its capital-spending plans and suspended its share buyback plans — all to preserve its dividend.
3M: putting investors first.
Well, that’s not completely fair. The company is churning out N95 masks as fast as it can. It’s a balancing act, really, and one that’s playing well with 3M investors. MMM shot up roughly 4% on the open, before settling on a gain of about 2% for the day.
The Bad: Pfoor Pfizer
So, we saw that investors will overlook quite a bit right now: pulling forecasts, missing earnings expectations … even lowered earnings expectations and price crashes in the product (I’m looking at you, oil companies).
But Dow pharmaceutical giant Pfizer Inc. (NYSE: PFE) stumbled upon one thing that investors won’t overlook: generic competition.
Pfizer reported stronger-than-expected first-quarter earnings and revenue (even though both figures fell year over year) and reiterated its full-year 2020 financial guidance. That last fact alone should’ve guaranteed a rally for PFE stock. Pfizer is in rarified air there.
However, the company said that it faced “two expected headwinds this quarter — generic competition for Lyrica in the U.S. and the nationwide expansion of the VBP program in China.”
Lyrica is a multibillion-dollar drug for Pfizer, so that one stings quite a bit. The Volume-Based Procurement (VBP) Program is China’s answer to high drug costs in the country. That one, too, could be painful for Pfizer’s overseas sales.
So, despite an otherwise stellar quarterly report, PFE shares fell roughly 1.5% today. If you own Pfizer, you probably shouldn’t be bothered too much for now, but keep an eye on the Lyrica and China situations going forward.
(Looking for a better way to break into biotech investing? You won’t want to miss what Jeff Yastine found… Click here ASAP.)
The Ugly: One Ugly Butterfly
When is a bellwether not a bellwether?
Seriously, I’d like to know.
U.S. economic bellwether Caterpillar Inc. (NYSE: CAT) just released one of the worst quarterly financial reports of the season.
Earnings plunged 46% to miss Wall Street’s targets. Revenue fell 21% to a three-year low, also missing consensus estimates. The company even pulled its 2020 guidance, though we’ve known that since March 26.
It could’ve been worse, I guess. The company did reaffirm its quarterly dividend, which it has paid every quarter since 1933. So, Caterpillar has that going for it, which is nice.
The thing about Caterpillar’s results that stands out the most is that, in practically every other earnings season, the financial media boasts the company’s results as a crucial indicator for the U.S. economy’s direction — and thereby the market’s direction as a whole.
The financial media’s silence on Caterpillar’s “economic bellwether” status today is deafening. Make of that what you will.
Six rhesus macaques received a vaccine produced by the Jenner Institute and the Oxford Vaccine Group. They were then exposed to heavy levels of the coronavirus that were known to have previously sickened other monkeys. These monkeys suffered no ill effects, however, and remained healthy at least 28 days later. — Bill Bostock for Business Insider
No, this isn’t from Karl Pilkington’s “Monkey News” … just your routine biotech race update.
Today’s Quote of the Week comes from the front line of the COVID-19 fight. Well, one of the many front lines, so to speak. Great Stuff has reported on the great biotech bonanza for a few weeks now … with everyone and their mother coming up with a vaccine, test or treatment.
As it stands, the most promising signs of vaccine progress comes from none other than the University of Oxford, which predates the Aztec empire, by the way … just a bit of Tuesday trivia for you.
With a testable vaccine at the ready — I, for one, am glad that someone sprang into action and prepared our brave primate testing crew. (The monkeys was doing a crazy dance … they put buggies in my underpants!)
Thinking back to my dad’s quote, the Montana monkey trials (as I plan on calling them) gives us some hope to start filling one hand … the monkeys could probably help you with the other.
Meanwhile, while researchers review rhesus results, what if I told you that you might already have the next COVID-19 treatment in your medicine cabinet? That’s right … some New York hospitals are reaching for the Pepcid … but it’s not Hot Pocket heartburn they’re testing it for.
You may still have the virus, but my oh my would you be gasless and acid reflux free. At least it’s better than pouring back a jug of disinfectant…
Great Stuff: Unleash the Beast
Now, you know what time it is…
It’s time to feed the beast!
Our mailbag has been light recently … well, light in a virtual sense. It’s Week Whatever of quarantine … I wouldn’t blame you if you’ve sworn off online communication completely and ran to the woods to rejoin nature.
So, how are you holding up these days, dear reader?
Send us a quick message at [email protected] and share what thoughts you’ve been chewing on or rants you’re stewing on.
In the meantime, don’t forget to check out Great Stuff on social media. If you can’t get enough meme-y market goodness, follow Great Stuff on Facebook and Twitter.
Until next time, be Great!
Joseph Hargett
Editor, Great Stuff
0 notes
Potential Messengers?
So, I’ve gone on about the Caretakers, The Mystorians, and others, but there’s two groups I haven’t mentioned much. One is that mysterious and vague Quorum thing that Coal joined (which I’m guessing includes other characters who have ascended beyond Stars and Angels...like say Galahad). More importantly, there’s the Mesengers. Basically field agents working for the Caretakers who have an intimate understanding of Time and Space, and how to Traverse it. Known Mesengers include Hank Morgan (from Twain’s Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court) Alvin Ransom (aka Elwin Ransom from C.S. Lewis’ Space Trilogy) Beatrice Rappicini (from Rappicini’s Daughter by Nathaniel Hawthorne) what adventures do you think they got up to? Arthur Gordon Pym (from Poe’s the Narative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket. No relation to Hank Pym as far as I know?). Possibly the End of Time, aka Theo? ( Is he a reference or allusion to anything in particular? I honestly don’t know). Dr. Raven ( Prince Coal, though I’m pretty Sure ‘Dr Raven’ is a reference to something I can’t put my finger on). So...who are other individuals who may be potential Mesengers? Those who are either experienced with Travel, whether Temporal, Spatial, Outer Spatial, or Inter Dimensional. I’m sure there are many possible canidates. I can think of perhaps three off the top of my Head. Hans Pfall from the unparalleled adventure of Hans Pfall by Poe. Basically any Verne protagonist ( I’m surprised there isn’t a Splinter Group made solely of Protagonists from Verne’s books), most notably Phileous Fogg. And, possibly, Ariel from the Tempest. I’m sure there’s plenty others that would be far more suitable than those three. Have at it Friends and make of it what you will. Also, feel free to point out if they’re a Fiction or not. We know Fictions are included among the Mesengers thanks to the tearful and unfortunate demise of the Late Hank Morgan.
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investingold0 · 4 years
Timor Invest #investing #goldinvestment
0 notes
goldira01 · 4 years
It’s Different This Time
It’s the mantra of the hopeful and the rally cry of bullish investors whenever the market takes a turn for the worse. As I scanned headlines in the financial media this morning, the simple truth of these words struck me.
Take this morning’s original MarketWatch headline for example: “Stocks rise for third session on easing of coronavirus lockdowns as earnings season hits stride.”
In typical MarketWatch fashion, the headline for this article shifted from “Dow rises 300 points” to “Dow rises 200 points” etcetera, ad nauseam for every 50 points the Dow jittered.
Tucked underneath that headline was one that read: “Nouriel Roubini on the coming Greater Depression of the 2020s.”
I’m picking on MarketWatch here, but this same pattern repeated itself across Bloomberg, CNBC, Yahoo Finance and every other major financial publication. It’s a pattern of acceptance, normalization and —most dangerous of all — hope.
Right now, Wall Street has hope that everything will quickly return to normal.
It has hope that the curve is flattening, even as we approach 1 million COVID-19 cases and 56,000 deaths in the U.S. It has hope that a cure and a vaccine will be found in short order. It has hope that the Federal Reserve’s great cash injection will keep the economy afloat. (Scratch that — it will keep stocks afloat.)
That hope is even prevalent among consumers. Today, the March consumer confidence index plunged to its lowest level since 2014. However, another index that gauges future expectations rose in March.
So, while nearly every economic indicator points toward a catastrophe on the scale of the Great Depression … while corporations continue to yank 2020 full-year guidance … while a vaccine and/or cure for COVID-19 is still months away … the market is on a three-day, hope-inspired winning streak.
It really is different this time.
The Takeaway:
Today’s situation brought two sayings to mind.
The first comes from my dad, who would always say: “Hope in one hand and crap in the other. See which one fills up first.”
He always had a way with words. You can see where I get my snarky attitude, honestly.
The second is a well-known market axiom: “Don’t fight the Fed.”
Given that the market continues to rally despite overwhelming economic odds, I think we have a clear winner between the two. Sorry, dad.
I still believe that a reckoning is coming for the market. But Fed-backed hope continues to push back the day of that reckoning. (Unlimited stimulus for the win!)
For example, if any company had unceremoniously yanked its full-year guidance just a year ago, its stock would’ve been red for days — weeks, even. Now? Because the Fed is on the case, there’s hope that guidance and profits will soon return … like the salmon returning to Capistrano.
In fact, I think there are now three classic blunders:
Never get in a land war in Asia.
Never go in against a Sicilian when death is on the line.
Never bet against the Fed.
Keep in mind that the last one is still being tested. I’m not willing to completely capitulate yet. I’m convinced you still need more than hope and Fed cash to foment a market recovery.
But enough about the Fed … let’s talk about you!
How are you feeling? What’s bouncing around in that brilliant mind of yours? (Seriously, tell us! We want to know: [email protected].)
What do you need to thrive in this market?
Well … more than hope and clever words, that’s for certain. (Though some of that Fed cash wouldn’t hurt.)
Maybe what you need is a new approach to investing.
After all, “buy and hold” is dead. It leaves your portfolio swinging in the breeze — especially during earnings season. But what does that leave you with? Timing the market? Not in this hope-y Fed-y mess.
But Banyan Hill’s own Chad Shoop has the answer, and he’s coming in stacked … Profit Stacked, that is. Chad’s “Profit Stacking” strategy shows you how to zero in on hidden market sectors that are primed to move. In the best-case scenario, all you’d have to do is get in, grab your profits and leave.
It’s how Chad was able to show his readers a 49.33% gain in 13 days, a 94.18% gain in six days and a 53% gain in as little as two days. And that’s without day trading or using options. Once you hear Chad explain how Profit Stacking works, you may never un-stack again. (Nice stack, man!)
Click here to learn more!
The Good: MMM, Good!
3M Co. (NYSE: MMM) reported stronger-than-expected first-quarter earnings. You’ll hear that “stronger-than-expected” line a lot this week. The Dow component beat the consensus earnings estimate by $0.13 per share and topped revenue expectations.
However, you’ll hear “pulls 2020 guidance” quite a bit this week. 3M isn’t the first to yank guidance, nor will it be the last. However, the company slashed its capital-spending plans and suspended its share buyback plans — all to preserve its dividend.
3M: putting investors first.
Well, that’s not completely fair. The company is churning out N95 masks as fast as it can. It’s a balancing act, really, and one that’s playing well with 3M investors. MMM shot up roughly 4% on the open, before settling on a gain of about 2% for the day.
The Bad: Pfoor Pfizer
So, we saw that investors will overlook quite a bit right now: pulling forecasts, missing earnings expectations … even lowered earnings expectations and price crashes in the product (I’m looking at you, oil companies).
But Dow pharmaceutical giant Pfizer Inc. (NYSE: PFE) stumbled upon one thing that investors won’t overlook: generic competition.
Pfizer reported stronger-than-expected first-quarter earnings and revenue (even though both figures fell year over year) and reiterated its full-year 2020 financial guidance. That last fact alone should’ve guaranteed a rally for PFE stock. Pfizer is in rarified air there.
However, the company said that it faced “two expected headwinds this quarter — generic competition for Lyrica in the U.S. and the nationwide expansion of the VBP program in China.”
Lyrica is a multibillion-dollar drug for Pfizer, so that one stings quite a bit. The Volume-Based Procurement (VBP) Program is China’s answer to high drug costs in the country. That one, too, could be painful for Pfizer’s overseas sales.
So, despite an otherwise stellar quarterly report, PFE shares fell roughly 1.5% today. If you own Pfizer, you probably shouldn’t be bothered too much for now, but keep an eye on the Lyrica and China situations going forward.
(Looking for a better way to break into biotech investing? You won’t want to miss what Jeff Yastine found… Click here ASAP.)
The Ugly: One Ugly Butterfly
When is a bellwether not a bellwether?
Seriously, I’d like to know.
U.S. economic bellwether Caterpillar Inc. (NYSE: CAT) just released one of the worst quarterly financial reports of the season.
Earnings plunged 46% to miss Wall Street’s targets. Revenue fell 21% to a three-year low, also missing consensus estimates. The company even pulled its 2020 guidance, though we’ve known that since March 26.
It could’ve been worse, I guess. The company did reaffirm its quarterly dividend, which it has paid every quarter since 1933. So, Caterpillar has that going for it, which is nice.
The thing about Caterpillar’s results that stands out the most is that, in practically every other earnings season, the financial media boasts the company’s results as a crucial indicator for the U.S. economy’s direction — and thereby the market’s direction as a whole.
The financial media’s silence on Caterpillar’s “economic bellwether” status today is deafening. Make of that what you will.
Six rhesus macaques received a vaccine produced by the Jenner Institute and the Oxford Vaccine Group. They were then exposed to heavy levels of the coronavirus that were known to have previously sickened other monkeys. These monkeys suffered no ill effects, however, and remained healthy at least 28 days later. — Bill Bostock for Business Insider
No, this isn’t from Karl Pilkington’s “Monkey News” … just your routine biotech race update.
Today’s Quote of the Week comes from the front line of the COVID-19 fight. Well, one of the many front lines, so to speak. Great Stuff has reported on the great biotech bonanza for a few weeks now … with everyone and their mother coming up with a vaccine, test or treatment.
As it stands, the most promising signs of vaccine progress comes from none other than the University of Oxford, which predates the Aztec empire, by the way … just a bit of Tuesday trivia for you.
With a testable vaccine at the ready — I, for one, am glad that someone sprang into action and prepared our brave primate testing crew. (The monkeys was doing a crazy dance … they put buggies in my underpants!)
Thinking back to my dad’s quote, the Montana monkey trials (as I plan on calling them) gives us some hope to start filling one hand … the monkeys could probably help you with the other.
Meanwhile, while researchers review rhesus results, what if I told you that you might already have the next COVID-19 treatment in your medicine cabinet? That’s right … some New York hospitals are reaching for the Pepcid … but it’s not Hot Pocket heartburn they’re testing it for.
You may still have the virus, but my oh my would you be gasless and acid reflux free. At least it’s better than pouring back a jug of disinfectant…
Great Stuff: Unleash the Beast
Now, you know what time it is…
It’s time to feed the beast!
Our mailbag has been light recently … well, light in a virtual sense. It’s Week Whatever of quarantine … I wouldn’t blame you if you’ve sworn off online communication completely and ran to the woods to rejoin nature.
So, how are you holding up these days, dear reader?
Send us a quick message at [email protected] and share what thoughts you’ve been chewing on or rants you’re stewing on.
In the meantime, don’t forget to check out Great Stuff on social media. If you can’t get enough meme-y market goodness, follow Great Stuff on Facebook and Twitter.
Until next time, be Great!
Joseph Hargett
Editor, Great Stuff
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