artistalley · 9 months
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Chelsey (@pharaoh-ink)
I am Pharaoh-Ink, a digital illustrator as well as a resin craft maker. I create suncatchers, figurines, home decor, stickers, and jewelry. My shop can be found on Etsy.
@pharaoh-ink has graciously offered the code "TUMBLR15" for 15% off purchases from their store.
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j3ss3jam3s85 · 2 months
Evidence of Exodus
Many often wonder if there is any factual evidence proving the Bible being true.   What if I told you that not only can I point you to strong evidence of the old testament Exodus being real, I can point you to a person in Exodus who has a real life replica of himself. Being possibly the only person mentioned in the Bible that we can truly see how they appeared.  (With the exception of Vladimir Putin's recent 2024 claim that he has an original painting of Jesus Christ that has been in Russia).
bNow, if you're not familiar with the book of Exodus (chapters 1-14), I suggest you taking a moment to read it. Otherwise, what I'm about to say may not make much Sense. Or, read this and then read Exodus, and things might make more sense to you as it's being read.  Either way, I highly recommend reading it.
Archeologically, we're able to prove many things within the Bible, however, Exodus is not one of them. Matter of fact, some of the things are extremely questionable.  For example, where are all these Israelites coming from mentioned? There are no records of a man named Moses in Egypt. Many movies depict the enslaved Israelites were building the pyramids, however, The pyramids were built long before the Israelites were enslaved. There are many things that people question in the book of Exodus, you might as well. Maybe I can help with any doubt that you may have. In hopes to open your eyes as to the possibility that these things really could have, and did indeed happen.
Let's go back to the story of  Joseph. Joseph is one of the 12 sons of Jacob, also named Israel. (Remember God changed his name to Israel because of his faith in willing to sacrifice his son). They fell into a Great famine Aunt resources grew very slim, so they went searching for a better life elsewhere. Can you guess where they ended up? That's right, Egypt! This is where we get "The children of Israel", also known as, the Israelites.
Joseph's gift from God was the ability to interpret dreams. In doing so, he was able to interpret the Pharaoh's dream which ultimately helped save Egypt from a great famine.  So how did his people, his family, end up in bondage?  Answer is, the Israelites were living and the delta and we're living a pretty prosperous existence. Up until the moment a new pharaoh becomes in charge. This Pharaoh knows nothing about Joseph.  For none other than narcissistic  reasons, the new pharaoh is upset that the Israelites are living such a lavish life.  He ordered task masters to watch over them, which is when they became enslaved.  This Pharaoh is historically documented saying  to his midwives, "watch the two stones." Meaning, Egyptian women often give birth while sitting straight up to let gravity help them with the birthing process. Often, they would sit on two stones to help assist them during  labor. This correlates with the Bible when pharaoh ordered the death of all the Israelite males that were being born.  This is around the time that Moses was born. With Moses's mom afraid of him being murdered, she sent him away, down the river, for a chance at life.
Another questionable biblical text says that the pharaohs daughter finds Moses and the river and takes him in as her own. An Egyptian naming their child Moses, which is Hebrew is not very likely. Leaving some skepticism. Let me push that skepticism aside. 
Remember, Moses is sent down river, so when he's found, he's found in the reeds. Now the Hebrew word massa (משא) means brought out.  However Moses, Moses is actually a pure Egyptian name, which means Born. Just think about Ra-Moses, Ra means God and Moses means birth in Egyptian, God is Born. Another common Egyptian term is  Toth-Moses.  So therefore, just because the name Moses doesn't appear as someone's name being an actual person, it does not mean he did not exist. Moses literally means birth and Egyptian. Something someone would say or call a newborn baby. 
Moses later has an encounter with God through a burning bush. God tells Moses that he is going to be the one to help set the Israelites free and lead them into the promised land. Moses, brings his brother Aaron with him to go speak to the pharaoh. Moses performs many miraculous wonders and so do the pharaohs magic wielders. So it's like they're in competition for a moment. Moses has a staff and he throws it down and it turns into a snake. Then Pharaoh has his people throw a staff and they also turn into snakes.  It was almost like this was something that they've seen before, and we're unimpressed.  Now you can take it exactly how it was written and think that a staff was thrown down and turned into a snake and both parties were able to do so. What I think happened is, the staff happened to be a cobra snake that was stiff like a staff with the head as the handle. When you throw the snake down onto the ground it then is able to slither away. This is a known practice and Egypt then and even today which would explain why people wouldn't be impressed.  Moses and Aaron came back time and time again with  9 different plagues. Trying to convince Pharaoh to let his people go. Pharaoh gets annoyed and Now orders that the Israelites are no longer going to be given prepared straw to mix with their bricks. Leaving them to cut their own straw to mix with clay in order to make their own bricks. Giving double work with the same deadline. None of the plagues presented so far didn't seem to phase the Egyptians whatsoever. By this point, God says enough is enough and lets the pharaoh know that if he does not cooperate, he will take all the firstborns of families who do not have a blood sacrifice over their door frame.  Of course Pharaoh did not take this threat seriously, so there was no blood sacrifice and he ended up losing his son. This is what makes pharaoh say okay, You can have your freedom, you can go.
When the Israelites leave, the Egyptians are all mourning the deaths of their firstborns. So, when the Israelites asked for gold and silver upon leaving, they just handed it over with no issues. So the Israelites are able to leave rich with gold and silver.  Rightfully so in my opinion. They just spent approximately 430 years, in slavery and are now heading to the promised lands.
As the Israelites were on their way, Pharaoh quickly changed his mind and decided to go after the Israelites and bring them back. This is when the famous part of Exodus happens that most people are familiar with. Did the Israelites really cross the Red Sea on dry land? While the Egyptians get swallowed whole by the water? There is a lot of skepticism about rather or not they truly did part the Red Sea.
Here the Israelites are leaving on foot with all this gold and silver. We know that they lived in the Delta part of Egypt so we can kind of figure out the route that they took. They don't take the Philistine route because Palestine is highly guarded with watchtowers. So what they do is go through the marsh. Now the misconception lies with where exactly they crossed at. Which they actually crossed through the Sea of Reeds and not the Red Sea. Now in the Bible it says that  Pharaoh's chariots were clogged. Sounds like they were going through mud. If you ask me. Which if I'm on foot I can get through but if I'm in a chariot I cannot. So Pharaoh's men ended up perishing while God helped the Israelites make it through safely.
In playing devil's advocate, if this story is true then why is there no record other than what is mentioned in the Bible of this particular situation? The answer is Egyptians were horrible at record keeping in general. Their record keeping is mainly made up of what is written in tombs or on Stella's. Which never mentioned anything about any of their defeats. Egyptians only kept records of victories. Honestly, this entire situation only really mattered to the Israelites. No one else really cared. But this was the beginning of their entire religion.
Biblically they never say who the pharaoh actually was. Historically, Egypt didn't even have a pharaoh at this time. Who ever was in charge would technically be a king. So where does the Bible get Pharaoh from?  It's actually a conjunction of 2 Egyptian words, that meant house, great. Which Pharaoh meant the one who lived in a great house. Fitting for someone living in a palace.
A clue in the Bible as to who this pharaoh may be is when they speak of the Israelites building the store cities  with bricks. Is it a coincidence that one of the cities names is Pi-Ramess?  They are using bricks, which historically we can narrow down the time frame in which bricks began being used to build the storehouse in these 2 cities mentioned.
i'm going to agree with Bob Brier, an egyptologist who suggested the Pharaoh in the book of Exodus is...... Ramesses the Great. Why?
Ramesses' built his capitol right beside the Delta, which would be close enough to the Israelites. Especially during the times Moses and Aaron were traveling back and forth trying to convince him to let his people go. The Israelite slaves built the city of Ramesses out of brick and he was the one who built these cities.  There is a sentence written on a Papyrus that explains grain ratios to be handed out to the soldiers and apperu (now I know I butchered inthe spelling of this word, but I spelled it the way it sounded).  Which The translation is thought to mean Hebrew. Many scholars believe that this is our Israelites. Other scholars believe that Merneptah was the ruler over The Exodus. They believe this because the first time Israel is mentioned is during the reign of Merneptah, which is Rameses 13th son and his successor. However, when Merneptah mentions Israel on his Stella. It is referred to as a people and not a country or a foreign land. Meaning around this time the Israelites were still wondering. Therefore, if they are wandering at this time, that means they must have left right before he began his reign.  Biblical scholars believe The Exodus happened in year 20 of rameses reign.  Guess what else happens right around this time? Ramesses loses his firstborn son, Amonhirkhopshef.
In the Egyptian museum, you can now see the mummy of Ramesses the Great. Which very well may be the only face you can look upon that is a real biblical figure.  I love it when science, history and the Bible correlate. 
Brier, Bob. The history of ancient Egypt. (2013). The great courses.
Exodus 1+14
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peterkothe · 8 months
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Inktober 2023 Day 19-DA MUMMY
Some monsters don’t get the pleasure of waking up on their own terms. Ancient royalty often, finds itself being awoken, rudely, by the occasional trespassers and graverobbers, who soon learn a new meaning to the term: NO TRESPASSING!!
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jusagi91 · 8 months
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Day 6: GOLDEN 💛
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No Rules Inktober, Day 20 Original: The Mummy
Other than aiming for a Pharaoh aesthetic, I didn't think that much on how I wanted my interpretation to look. But I did like the idea of his bandages being tattered, along with his cane-staff being bladed and having unnecessary bandages wrapped around it
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flamingfalcon3 · 6 months
The Sibuna gang all come back to work at Amun after college to fulfill their role as the next generation of school faculty in a weird cult
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the-turts · 2 years
Late is better than never
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arseniy-arsenicum33 · 4 months
Alter-ego pack for Hermitcraft TCG just dropped!
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Having models for all the Hermits opens possibilities to play dress up with them... Once again, huge thanks to Ink-Ghoul for their original minecraft models...
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First of all, two Boss-battles, which are technically not in alter-ego packs... I've got very lucky with Hero Forge already having Pharaoh costume... With some modifications (Cub is wearing long sleeve crop top) I've got a pretty convincing season 7 Cub... I've debated in my head for the longest time, should I make a completely different cooler-looking DoomGuy armour for Evil X with spikes and skulls... OR, and hear me out, would it be more in character for Xisuma to make his dark and twisted edgelord persona by just putting angry eyebrows on the visior and bathe in red paint... You can see which interpretation won in my head...
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As I stated in previous post, I was making WelsKnight with the full intent of making HelsKnight as well, not just a recolour, but a full seperate armour-set, kinda like this piece by Kiwi... He is more beat up and sharp, all bark no bite...
Jevin, but GREEN... from the time he was a goon of Evil X in season 8... My guy is glowing!
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While working on this HotGuy pose, I discovered that both the TCG-card and one of HotGuy calendars are made using the same render... Pretty cool... PoultryMan, who is the man behind the Chicken mask?
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Beetlejhost uses a new and exciting Hero Forge feature - transparent plastic! It's fantastic! Yeah, yeah, a pen instead of a flower...
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Peace, Love & Plants (and soul-harvesting) for these two fellas...
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For a PG-server, hermitcraft sure does have a lot of mafiosos... Who are also furries... Strange, how that happens...
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Cubfan got two models... Our lucky winner... That's pretty much all of my backlog... Posting this right now, before the start of season 10... I am so ready to experience new season with a community! I've been watching from season 6, but because of language barrier, had no one to talk about it... Until now!
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blueiskewl · 1 year
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The 52-Foot-Long Book of the Dead Papyrus from Ancient Egypt
Egypt has released photos of a newly discovered Book of the Dead from more than 2,000 years ago.
Egyptian officials have released photos of an ancient scroll, the 52-foot-long (16 meters) Book of the Dead papyrus recently discovered in Saqqara. The 10 images show ancient illustrations of gods and scenes from the afterlife, as well as text on the document, which is more than 2,000 years old.
Archaeologists discovered the Book of the Dead papyrus within a coffin in a tomb near the Step Pyramid of Djoser and announced the discovery on Jan. 14 for Egyptian Archaeologists Day, but this is the first time they've released images of the scroll to the public.
It was not unusual for ancient Egyptians to bury the Book of the Dead with the deceased, but they didn't call it that at the time. Rather, modern archaeologists coined the term "Book of the Dead" to refer to a collection of texts that ancient Egyptians thought would help guide the dead in the afterlife.
Papyrus for the dead
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The 52-foot-long scroll was found at Saqqara in May 2022. It contains chapters from the Book of the Dead. It was recently restored and translated into Arabic and is now on display at The Egyptian Museum in Cairo. The text is written in hieratic, a script derived from hieroglyphs.
All rolled up
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The papyrus was found rolled up in a coffin belonging to a man named Ahmose (not to be confused with a pharaoh who lived in earlier times). The man's name is mentioned in the papyrus about 260 times, the researchers said. He lived around 300 B.C., near the beginning of the Ptolemaic dynasty, a dynasty of pharaohs descended from one of Alexander the Great's generals.
Carefully unrolled
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A team of researchers performed extensive conservation work so they could unroll the papyrus. Ahmose's tomb is located south of the step pyramid, built for Djoser, a pharaoh from the third dynasty who ruled from about 2630 B.C. to 2611 B.C. While this pyramid was built long before the time of Ahmose, it wasn't unusual to find Ahmose's tomb there, as people in ancient Egypt sometimes liked to be buried near the pyramids of long dead pharaohs.
Analyzing the scroll
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The unrolled papyrus is seen here. It was written in black and red ink, and the quality of the writing indicates that it was written by a professional, researchers said. Despite the size of the scroll, there are longer Book of the Dead texts known from Egypt. For instance, a Book of the Dead papyrus, which is now in the British Museum, was originally 121 feet (37 m) long.
Book of the Dead on display
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The unrolled papyrus on display at The Egyptian Museum in Cairo.
Ancient illustrations
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This Book of the Dead text also contains illustrations. This image appears to show Osiris, the ancient Egyptian god of the underworld. In Egyptian mythology, Osiris' life was ritually restored after he died — something that ancient Egyptians hoped would happen to them in the afterlife.
The deity Osiris
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This image shows more details about Osiris. He is shown sitting on a throne while wearing an "Atef" crown, a type of crown often gracing the head of Osiris. There appear to be offerings before him, as well as a creature who may be Ammit, a deity who consumed anyone who was not worthy of being ritually restored in the afterlife.
Husband and wife
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This image appears to depict offerings and a scene of a couple venerating Egyptian deities. This couple may be Ahmose and his wife (whose name is not known). Not much is known of Ahmose, but he was wealthy enough to have an elaborate copy of the Book of the Dead made for him.
Leading the cow
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A number of scenes are illustrated in this section of the Book of the Dead. At the far left, a cow appears to be led somewhere — perhaps to be given as an offering. A number of images depict boats, which could be used to navigate the underworld.
Weighing against a feather
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This close-up shows a creature, possibly Ammit, sitting before Osiris. In ancient Egyptian mythology, the heart of the deceased is weighed against the feather of Maat, a god associated with truth, justice and order. If the person's bad deeds in life were great, their heart would be heavier than the feather, and Ammit would devour the deceased.
By Owen Jarus.
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quarrybee · 2 months
I heard WOF deity talk, and I came running.
-MudWings that believe that they were formed from the earth itself, partaking in festivals that celebrate the environment and stuff like that.
-SeaWings that worship oceanic gods, and have artwork depicting their deities like the Polynesians do, inking their scales with giant squid ink.
-SandWings worshipping gods similarly to Egyptian mythology, with ancient SandWing queens being like the pharaohs of old, and buried with treasures in long forgotten tombs in the SandWing Kingdom.
-A Rainwing civilization that worships jungle related gods and spirits, leaving offerings, and some of the older RainWings believed that the disappearances of the other RainWings was a sign that the spirits were angered by their queen’s laziness.
-SilkWings that believe in a butterfly deity, and that if one sees a butterfly, it’s a sign that their deity is watching over them, hence why a lot of SilkWings have butterfly related names.
augh . I forgot to post this but yea!!
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haritonseldonshusband · 4 months
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I couldn’t help myself fkgjfdgkj
This is another piece I did for the book @pharaoh-ink and I are working on! It’s one of a lot of experimental pieces I hope to add into it while I do some exploration with my art.
Here’s what I was basing it on:
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artistalley · 9 months
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Marzipan Frog Sticker
Pictured above is an illustration by me turned into a sticker featuring a frog sitting on cake.
@pharaoh-ink has graciously offered the code "TUMBLR15" for 15% off purchases from their store.
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shinayashipper · 1 year
Ten After Nine - Fancomic ver (reupload)
Original Fanfic by beloved @pharaoh-ink​ who’s always so supportive for me <3
Check out the fic HERE to get more details of the story! I added some little stuff myself for this art so maybe you can enjoy them both? hehe
I decided to upload them all again here in one post to make it easier to find and to read. It’s been a while since I did “serious” comic stuff (serious as in actually lining it up etc etc LOL) so it would be Nice if you would see it and maybe tell me what you think <3 Thank you very much!
Total 8 Pages
⚠ Sick!Yugi ⚠ Rivalshipping
⚠ Red Enhancing the shoujo-manga-ness Just Because (so it kinda seem ooc maybe to some of you)
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When’s Kaiba gonna Admit he feels Feelings? Maybe, a century later! But it’s okay, because Yugi knows! (even if Kaiba usually caught him off-guard!)
I hope you enjoyed them, please read the fic also
Here’s Bonus of Mama Mutou and Grandpa witnessing a Sight (rare Kaiba in the kitchen):
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sashi-ya · 2 years
Sashi! Your latest event looks really intriguing; I hope you have a lot of fun writing for it. I'm really excited to see what you create for us.
If you haven't received too many requests for him, could I request Pharaoh Law x F!reader NSFW and arranged marriage? Whether you accept this request or not, thank you so much for the wonderful content you provide!
Hiii baby!! thank u so much for your support you are amazing!! I hope you like this little twist of the prompt!! It's been challenging and I LOVED IT! I hope you do too! 💖💖
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👑Oh, Royal Lust Event ~ Royals AU event.
𝕟𝕤𝕗𝕨 ~ ℙ𝕙𝕒𝕣𝕒𝕠𝕙! 𝕃𝕒𝕨 𝕩 𝔽! ℝ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣 ~ 𝕆𝕣𝕒𝕔𝕝𝕖 𝔻𝕖𝕤𝕚𝕣𝕖𝕤
tw: nsfw. inspired in Ancient Egypt culture, pure research as I'm not an expert much less a descendant, please forgive me if there are any mistakes. It's in no way intented to disrispect any culture. Law is a virgin (Pharaohs ruled when they were pretty young, tho he is 18+ of course, it's up to you to imagine how old he was) Reader is a slave so expect to read some whipping on your back and hot sand on your feet. Also, can you guess in which OP character I based the Oracle? 👐
wc: 3.2k
specific vocab: Nun ➡ the equivalent to the sky for the egyptians. Heqa ➡ typical Egyptian crosier that Pharaohs wore, let's say Law's Kikkoku.
Nemes ➡ were pieces of striped headcloth worn by pharaohs in ancient Egypt. It covered the whole crown and behind of the head and nape of the neck
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His caramel skin covered in beautiful kohl paintings; his hips move as he climbs the stairs of the sacred oracle and with them the white fine linen of his royal clothes. The gold that covers his body shine with a setting sun that hides behind endless desert dunes and the atmosphere feels hot and heavy.
“Oracle, I’ve come to hear your predictions” he says, hitting his black, red, and white heqa against the floor. The pharaoh lays over the stone bed where he will wait for the deity to reveal the truth of his next steps.
His body rests over the rock, his inked hands over his stomach. He is ready to leave the real world behind. His eyes slowly close and his consciousness floats away to a sacred domain.
In between silky purple clothes the silhouette of an ethereal being appears, it calls him to walk further with the sweetest voice ever. “Come, Law… Come”
And he walks towards it, the being begins to take the form of a naked woman. Untouchable, dancing like a snake to the melody of darbukas playing.
And just like flowers, hands, many hands sprout from the woman. His blue eyes fixing on the Pharaoh aureate ones. The many hands touch his golden covered skin. She is the only who can touch him. His temples, and cheeks, his neck, his chest, his abs, down, down. Sexily grazing every inch of the king of the land crossed by the Nile river.
The woman giggles, and smiles at him. Her dark, dark hair goes up to the small of her back. “The Pharaoh has grown, and it’s consumed by lust…” she whispers in his ear, making him shiver.
“But the Pharaoh doesn’t want any of the royal wives…”
Her hands go down, down to his sex. And they graze, they play with it. Hard, hard the king becomes.
“Indeed, you are consumed by lust… you want to fulfil this need, don’t you?” 
He moans, the many hands around his body are making him weak. He wants what she says, he feels the extreme need to bury himself inside the warm folds of a woman.
“It’s done… The Pharaoh will marry a slave… search for her, her eyes will guide you, and she will satisfy every itch your majesty has… she is consumed by lust, she is consumed by need, she wants your body as much as you want hers…”
His eyes suddenly open, they fix in the ceiling of the sacred Flower temple. Law, the Pharaoh, is panting, sweating, hard. Dilated pupils, high in exhilaration and desire. The reddish colours of a new day tint the sand that seems suspended in the air.
The Oracle has spoken, he will have to marry a slave…
Hot breeze, a sun blazing your skin.
Kohl lining your eyes and the marks of a whip in your back.  
“Move, keep working!” they say, the leathery infernal pain flogging on your skin is barely compared to sun turning it into a dry cracked one. But you still are the most beautiful woman around, your eyes, your hair, everything of you…
To the side of the Nile, you pick the Lotus flower that symbolized purity and light, one by one. You were brought there because your hands were little and delicate, as well as your whole image and so that’s what they needed… but you were still painfully punished if you dared to stop.
As you cut the long stem of a beautiful pinkish tinted petals lotus, you hear bustling around. You stop for a second, just to look back, just to see what was all about.
“Who told you to stop, disgusting slave?” a guard shouts at you, and the sound of the whip cutting the air announces you, you were about to experience another scolding pain on your back. But you don’t. The leather never touches your skin.
You cover the back of your head, maybe waiting for some other type of hit, but as the previous, never comes.
“Slave, turn around” a new voice, husky, and peaceful orders you. Slowly and scared you turn around to appreciate the most beautiful man you have ever seen in your life, covered in gold and jewels, wearing royal clothes.
Is he… is he… the Pharaoh?
Your face, covered in some mud stains and still beautiful make the Pharaoh instantly widen his impressive, lined eyes. He smirks, as he had finally found what he had been looking for, for so long. “What’s your name, Slave?” he asks to a startled you.
You instantly bow before him; your eyes immediately fix on the humid ground above you. Who are you to look at the King in the eyes? Nobody. But he is asking for your name…
“My name is (----), my Pharaoh!” you quickly respond, pressing your forehead in the mud as a sign of utmost respect. You can hear him play with the name in his mouth, whispering it over and over. A growing smirk on his face that you can’t see, but you can feel.
The guard, that had been scourging you nonstop, is taken away pleading for mercy by his royal guards and under the aghast looks of the rest of the slaves around you, you hear words you will never forget coming from the Pharaoh’s mouth;
“Slave, you will be taken to the Oracle. And she will tell me if you are the chosen one to be my Queen”
You can’t help but look up at him, his Queen? What? 
“Your eyes are the ones I’ve been looking for through this vast desert, you will be mine. I’m sure” he says and offers you his inked hand to stand up. You blink repeatedly, you are sure you had passed away and now this is just your imagination or even a dream while you walk into the Underworld where Osiris rules.
But his hand feels extremely real, and when his fingers graze your chin up you can already taste a glimpse of your new life. A miracle just happened to you, and now you are sitting next to the maximum ruler of your life.
“Servers, water!” he demands and soon as he asks for it his servants give a vessel full of beautiful and so needed clean water. But he does not drink it and instead he takes the water to your cracked lips. “Drink” he orders and spills the fluid in your mouth. Water you don’t waste a single drop of it, and it feels so incredibly refreshing, it feels like walking into the doors of Nun.
It takes little time until you arrive to the boat that will take you to the palace. Getting into the sacred boat, something you have only seen from a far it’s enough reason for you to gasp in awe. The Pharaoh looks at you and in his chronic sever frown a glimpse of sweetness draws.
“Sit here” he commands, pointing at a fine wood seat. Surrounded by the most luxurious gold details you accomplish your first mission, obey your king. He sits right by your side and scans the many marks on your back as the boat begins to sail to the north. The papyrus leaves move as the ship makes its way into the Nile, and you smile at them as you think the flowers are saluting you.
The golden bangles chime when he moves his arms, and you flinch as you are used to protecting your head. But Law is not gonna hit you. “Don’t worry, I’m not going to hurt you. I wanna take a look at your wounds” he whispers, low so low so nobody outside could hear him. “I will take care myself of those, not only I’m a king but I’m also a surgeon with the power of the Gods”
You look at him, still scared but amazed. He is not only the most beautiful man you have ever seen in your life, not only the king of this land, but also a God and a Surgeon?! “You are amazing, my Pharaoh” you mumble, taking a further look to his well-trained abs. His skin has become caramel, sun kissed as the inclemency of the desert likes to do with its habitants, but his eyes are golden, and they shine so bright like the sun.
He smirks, he looks intimidating, but he is not bad. He is good and his fingertips graze your back so subtly, almost barely touching not to hurt you. Your hair gets brushed to the side over your shoulder, and as he takes his time to inspect every inch of your flesh you remain silent fighting against the bumpy skin forming when he touches you.
“You… are beautiful” he exclaims, looking at your hurt still cover in mud palms. You widen your eyes, still unbelievably seeing how a sacred person like him is touching scum like you. But he keeps going as if he was looking straight into the image of a Goddess.
Soon, the ship docks at a port you have never seen nor even Imagined. “Welcome to Luxor” he says, when the curtains open and the shine of prosperity and wealthiness hit your eyes. “This place is called Malkata” Law informs you, as you cannot say a word because your mouth is occupied being opened in awe. “Our palace”.
He helps you descend the boat before startled eyes of his royal guards. Your mud-stained ragged clothes don’t belong in here, but still the Pharaoh insists on calling you his next queen.
Coming at you slaves and guards come to surround the Pharaoh from you. “Who is this?” one of his guards, white hair and chubby cheeks asks inspecting you up and down but with a sweet smile. “The woman that should be present to the Oracle, her eyes are what the sacred goddess told me to search for” Law says, whispering but sure of his own words.
Two more guards come at you, dark hair and red-haired men with white coverings and spears salute you. “Please, follow us” they say at unison, and you instantly look at Law for approval. “Let’s go” he says in a rather serious tone but nodding. You begin to walk, even if the heat of the stone under your soles is way hotter than the sand and you are not wearing anything to cover up. But you endure the pain, as you have always done.
You walk inside, beautiful gardens, water so much water. Damsels giggling and saluting the Pharaoh as he passes, ignoring you as if you were invisible. The joyful sound of melodies you haven’t ever listened. The smell of food you haven’t ever tasted.
“Pharaoh! Let us take care of her!” a sudden woman voice stops you all. Beautiful older women surround you, taking a closer look at your poor state. But Law doesn’t seem to allow anybody to touch you and he hits his heqa against the ground. “I will take care of her myself. I will prepare her to see the Oracle this night”.
And as the Pharaoh says, it’s done. They quickly disappear bowing, scared. Law speaks a little more aggressive than he had actually talked to you to the rest of the people.
“Follow me” he commands, talking only to you and just you. His lined eyes fixed on yours, no need to say anything else. His guards dissipate in a matter of seconds, and you are left alone with him at the entrance of the biggest building in front of you, the Pharaoh’s palace.
Inside it’s fresher, the smell of lilies invading the place. Surrounded by huge columns and beautiful architecture so weird and imponent for you a big tub of crystalline water awaits. Law smiles at your amazement and begins to undress. Out his royal pieces of clothing, nemes head off, the piece of leopard skin that was resting over his right shoulder too. And finally, the kilt that surrounded his hips.
The protrusion of his hip bones, the single vein showing on the tight skin of his sculpted V at the end of his stomach, even his sex… everything flashed before you. You, blink several times. His long black locks that are now visible falling over his shoulders, the many drawings over his sacred skin, the perfection of a God in the mere Earth right in front of you.
You quickly turn around; you are sure you are gonna get beheaded if you keep looking. “I’m sorry my King I didn’t mean to…” you try to excuse yourself, but you are cut short. His hands rest over your shoulders so ready to strip you from the rests of clothes that once were new.
“Let me undress you, we have to clean these wounds and take care of them” he says from behind, making you shiver. You nod, allowing him to untuck the little pin that held your rags together. They fall into the ground, as your old life did the moment, he called your name.
Law turns you around, silently, you can only feel the sound of the water rumbling as it falls from a little built-in cascade. He takes a look at your nudity for the first time, his lips apart, golden eyes scanning you. “Come on…” he commands, so sweetly pulling from your hand into the water.
The refreshing feeling turns into stinging sensations when the whip marks on your back touch the water, but soon it eases. Law sits behind you and begins to wet your back more and more with some water his beautiful hands collect. The water around tints maroon, and you can sense Law grimacing to imagine how much pain you must have suffered.
A soapy material then slides on your skin, you have never experienced that feeling but it’s smells amazing. “This is Natron, it’s a mineral mixed with oils to clean your flesh and wounds” he informs you, proudly using it on you. And you smile, you don’t know what it is to be cured or even treated like a human.
When Law finishes his procedure, he can’t stop himself and plants a kiss on your shoulder. “It’s all done” he says, looking at you after the peck. You blink, should you thank him? Of course, you should.
But he doesn’t allow you to do so, and instead he swims to face you. His hair dripping and thrown back and the kohl around his eyes a little smudged as well as yours. Everything feels peaceful and Law seems happy. “I’ve been looking for you for so long” he says, looking straight into your eyes.
“Were you?” you whisper back, lips apart allowing his body to come closer to yours. His thumb grazing your lips attracted by your beauty, by your skin. “They told me I should wait, that we should present ourselves before the Oracle and she will tell us if you are my future wife… but I can’t wait, what if the god doesn’t allow you to marry me?” he says, with a deep pain in his voice.
“Then try me now, my Pharaoh… use me now” you mumble as your skin burns, itches, dies to be touched by his inked hands.
He sighs, the building up desire for your meat is unbearable for him and he doesn’t care to be punished, he doesn’t care to be forbidden from the sacred positions when he passes to world of the death. His hand snatches your neck and pulls you so close your lips are about to touch.
“You have the face of a goddess, the body of one, you can’t be a sin” he whispers with his lips pressed on yours, turning that kiss into a violating tongue dance inside your mouth. Law’s arduous desire for a woman it’s unleashed, and he doesn’t wait a single second to sit you over his lap. The water splashes around you two and he kisses and bites your lips. He bites and pulls and then sucks on your neck, down, down to your nipples.
He lifts you up, like a beast drooling for more. His mouth reaches your belly, your belly button too. “Sit here” he says, using strong arms to put you over the edge of the huge tub. “Spread” he commands, separating your thighs to fit inside. He kisses the inner side of your legs, worshipping you as if you were his queen. Bites that leave marks, this time not from torture but from pure lust. A little peck over your labia, a little lick in between your slit.
“Let me taste you” he moans, attacking your sex with his tongue. Separating your anatomy he devours you, up and down and around. He knows exactly what he does, the little button of pleasure you rarely touched is now being attacked by him. And it’s wet, wet, and dripping. And you throw your head back, pressing your heels against his shoulder blades. But he is not mad, he is desperate, more and more for your reactions.
Law smiles, he even moans muzzled by your sex. I wanted to do this to a woman, you are so delicious I could …. I could do this for ages” he says, trying to stick his index inside you, too.
At this point you feel an electricity coming from your sex taking over your whole body, confused you let your nerves explode. Climax, that’s what it is. “This is an orgasm!” Law chimes like a crazy scientist cheering you up to finally make a woman experience something he learned in the Ebers Papyrus.
“Law…” you whine and scream coming so perfectly into his mouth. You fall back, panting feeling your heart jumping out of your chest, but Law is not satisfied yet, of course he isn’t.
He uses his arms to get out of the bathtub too and lies next to your still spasming body. “You… so perfect” he says, grazing your cheek looking at your eyelids fall sloppily halfway over your eyes. You smile lovingly, receiving even more needy lips on yours.
“I can’t stop myself, you are so perfect” he says, helping you lay on your side to look straight into your eyes. “My Pharaoh… you are absolutely amazing…” you moan, wrapping your leg over his waist as a sign of wanting more, of wanting him to dive deep into you without any waiting.
His hard, throbbing sex graze your still sensitive entrance, his nails carving on your thigh. “Can I-?” he asks, he knows he should ask, but he does it either way… it’s Law’s first time.
“Don’t ask me any longer, my King. Do me as many times as you want” you tell him, this time kissing him with pure love. “My Queen…” he whispers, penetrating you and saying goodbye to both purities. Sin committed, sin so unchaste, so lascivious. In and out, pounding in you. Breathing into each other’s mouths, pressing foreheads, like serpents tangling into each other.
Soon that amazing sensation hits you again, the heat, the electric feeling, pure pleasure. Law opens his eyes, and moans repeatedly, he is getting there too and as he does you feel him bathing your tremoring walls with his release.
Trembling bodies, exhausted, delighted. Both falling into reverie states, cuddling, naked, wet.  
“Did I commit an unforgivable sin, Goddess?”
“You did just as I predicted. Good Job, Pharaoh… You have found her… now both rule this reign”
“We will, Oracle”
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soxcietyy · 1 year
Hawks x reader
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Very old…pharaoh hawks au.
You sat in a rolling chair with a black pen in your mouth as you analyzed a script. It was about the one of the best soldiers of Egypt back in the 3100 BCE. But you've been stuck on it for days. You where a archaeologists who was in the look for answers about a great soldier and Anubis who was a Egyptian god. Anubis was worshipped as the god of the dead but when Osiris took on this role, Anubis became the god of mummification. The only odd thing about this though was that there was only one story told about them and it was how they met.
Keigo Takami one of the greatest soldiers alive at that time was known for his fierce red wings and for being one of the pharaohs personal soldiers. He was guarding a room which happened to be the kings who was dying from an illness at the time. He stood their with another guard day and night until one stormy night he was doing his daily routine chatting with his friend until something caught his eye. A shadow appear creeping up from the corner. Putting his weapon up he walked towards the person until he was met with a tall, slim figure with a dark dog head. During this time they where at war and the last thing they needed was the kings death. So Keigo knew what he had to do. He had to fight, or to stall so he wouldn't be taken away. His precious king needed to live.
And that's where it ended, no traces of Keigo was ever found and the person to witness it all went missing a few days later as he carved the painting. what you couldn't figure out was what happened after. Their was no more records of Keigo after what you've studied. The only thing found was the kings body which they later on buried.
You breath out heavily in frustration not knowing where to go after this. Being very bothered you didn't noticed that the pen had exploded in your mouth until you tasted the ink.
"Gah!" You yell running to the sink spitting everything out. "Squawk!" Your pet bird yelled as he watched. Today was going to be a long day. As you rinsed You mouth with water you phone began ringing. You fumbled around trying to turn the faucet off while looking back at your table.
"Hello?" You say drying your hands up.
"Y/N! I can't figure it out, this is impossible theirs nothing that talks about Keigo." Your friends cries.
She was one of your colleagues that was also in search for the same answer. This was her seventh time picking this research up.
"How do you think I feel Olva?Iv looked at almost every painting and script possible and still no answers." You sigh looking at your desk filled with notes and coffee. Maybe some rest will make you feel better or some actual food other than sugar cookies.
"Let's go to the museum and look around to see if they have something to help us. They could have secret scripts!" She giggled, "oh and it will be fun plus they have the actual tomb of the king." She added on.
It didn't seem like a bad idea at all. It also gave you a reason to go out for the first time in weeks. You've been too busy with the research making you be all cooped up in here like a chicken.
"Fine but only if you pay for lunch." You smirk.
"It's a deal, see you tomorrow y/n." She laughed and hung up.
Finally some rest! You throw your phone onto the bed and rest in your chair spinning yourself around. This was going to be the best sleep you've ever had. You never knew how much you needed it until you accidentally fell asleep in the shower two days ago.
Standing up you take your clothes off and sluggish got ready for bed. As you finished you walk up to your bird. "Hungry? Here's some dinner," You give him seeds and a fruit. He was your green and red love bird. He's been with you ever since high school and was your best friend. After giving him goodnight you walk to your bed And the he second you head hit the pillow you fell into a deep sleep.
"Beep! Beep! Beep!" Your phone alarm rang loudly. You groan not wanting your rest to end here. When would you be able to have another chance like this? You would be going back to your sad sleeping schedule. You managed to pull yourself together and sit up grabbing your phone to stop the alarm. You quickly get ready for your day until you realized the time 6:45pm.
"Oh fuck," You panic and run out the door with a bag in your hand. You shove your hand in your bag and take out your phone. Tons of missing calls and messages appeared. She was totally going to scold you for that. You hesitate but call and brought the phone to your ear.
"Olva! I'm so sorry my alarm was set for 6pm and I'm currently running to the museum that closes at 8." You say while running to your car. Their was a few minutes of silence until you heard her, "y/n if you don't get here I'm 20 minutes I will end you!" She yelled causing you to pull your phone away from your ear.
"Yes ma'am!" You Yelp and shoving the keys in and speeding off. When Olva was mad it was no joke. It was as if you angered the sea. You pull up to the museum in 15 minutes. You've never ran so fast in your life till now. Eventually you made it up the stairs and into the building showing the security guard your pass. Being a archaeologists gave you discounts and free passes to things such as this. As he scanned it and checked your belongings you thought about how you hadn't eaten all day.
"Welcome you have 38 minutes ," the officer says letting you go in. You nod and followed the signs that directed you to your destination. You made it there quite fast seeing her in the distance looking at her watch.
"Olva!" You yell in the distance, the place was almost empty with people leaving the place.
"Your late," she says crossing her arms.
"I know I know but I made other though." You pant resting your hands on your knees. She rolls her eyes and continues to walk to the pharaohs tomb. You follow along behind her analyzing everything in the room.
In there laid the tomb with dim lights on it. It was tall and tan color with the shape of the king. The tombs where carved by people for the king when he died. But before they did that his organs would be taken out and put in a jar. During the funeral Anubis would come and take out a scale with a feather and the dead persons heart. This would determine if they would go to the after world. They took this very seriously since it was believed that not just anyone could go there. If the heart weighed heavier he would not be allowed to go and be cursed a second death.
It was fascinating seeing the tomb up close. It made you wonder how he looked inside. Would taking a peek hurt? Nobody was around but you two. "Olva Im going to open this," You say getting closer.
"What are you crazy? Their going to kick us out!" She whispered aggressively as she grabbed your hand.
"What if this helps us uncover something? We would be the one of greatest archeologists! Almost every person has tired to figure this out and failed Olva. We can be the ones to find the answers." You say pulling your arm away. You put your hands on the tomb pulling it up with all of your force  opening it a bit. Before you could open it fully you heard someone near by. "The museum is now closed! If anyone's here please leave!" You heard in the distance. It was a guard walking around. You grab Olva and pushed her behind the Tomb that was on a stone table. Putting your finger up to your lip. You close up the casket causing something to come out. It was a red feather. You caught it as it floated in the air and ran behind the tomb. You saw Olva panic and shakily get up scared of staying during closing hours. If they see her here they will look for you too and it would get both of you in trouble. You shoved her back down making your body tower over hers. Your face was inches from hers making you look away as you covered her mouth. It was now Silent except for his foot step that walk into the room you where in. They became louder as he walked towards you guys. Your breath hitched as he stoped at your direction. You look back down to see her shaking her head.
"Are you serious?" You hear him say. Your heart stopped, you've been caught and you couldn't run leaving your friend behind. You pull the courage to stand up until he said something else.
"Brats left their bag here." He says as he shuffled around and left. A sigh of relief came to you as you peaked and saw nobody.
"Are you crazy?! How are we supposed to leave now? Oh sorry we where hiding but now we want to leave?" She says poking you repeatedly.
"Olva you don't understand this is for research! We will be the greatest of them all! All of those days without sleep won't be needed anymore. We're going to be rich!" You shake her and get back on your feet. The lights where now turned off except for one that shined in the middle making everything dim. You wave your hand for Olva to come over who hesitates but had no choice since she was already here.
Both of you pull with all your mighty force. You could feel the sweat roll down on your forehead as you pulled even harder. Your fingers hurt and your legs buckled until eventually it opened. You stumble back trying to catch your breath from holding it in.
"Y/n check this out..." she says shocked. You could see her eyes widen in shock. You comply and approached her to take a look. Inside was a mummy wrapped in bandages but it had something standing out. On the head their was a golden thin paper with a word carved on it. You couldn't really read it due to it being dark so you took it off and walked to the light.
Olva had her mouth wide open not wanting to believe you where this dumb. "We should leave now y/n I don't feel good about this." You hear her say worriedly in the background.
"Yea yea let me just read this it's kinda dirty and rusty." You wave her off and continue reading until you hear a quick whoosh and the light flickered. "Stupid light don't you see I'm busy here?" You mumbled and turn back around to see the body missing.
You freeze looking around until you feel someone grab your shoulder pulling you back and placing something sharp on your neck, the gold paper fell to the floor as you didn't dare to move. Olvas face was a clear as day, she was mortified.
"Where am I? Where is the king? Who are you people?" His deep voice said as he clenched your shoulder tighter.
"What are you talking about?" You say confused and turning around you see a man with blonde hair, jewelry that reached from his neck to his shoulders, a shirt made out of white clothes and red wings painted gold at the ends. He seemed to be wearing familiar clothes you’ve laid your eyes on before. Clothes of an ancient person…
This was undoubtedly Keigo Takami.
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monstrousturtles · 1 year
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Me and @pharaoh-ink have been fumbling our way through Sons of the Forest where we mostly make poor choices. But one thing we did right was give Virginia a pistol and shotgun.
Turns out she does, in fact, eat rotted limbs.
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