#pharmacy shop
24hourpharmacyhub · 1 year
Pharmacy shop - 24 Hour Pharmacy Hub
Experience the ultimate in healthcare convenience with 24 Hour Pharmacy Hub, your premier pharmacy shop in the USA. Our online platform brings you a comprehensive selection of medical products and medications. From over-the-counter essentials to prescription medications, we cater to your diverse needs. With a user-friendly interface, shopping for healthcare has never been easier.
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anxietytabletuk · 1 year
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tj-crochets · 2 months
So it turns out there's a big craft guild organization thing only a few hours from where I live (I saw an ad for their craft fair), and I got like half my holiday shopping done on their website, and the box arrived today! The thing I was most excited to see in person is fragile, though, and it's really well wrapped in bubble wrap and I don't want it to break when I mail it to the friend it's for, so I am not unwrapping it, but oh man the temptation is there lol I also got myself a little metal bug made of a bottle cap and some wire. It lives on my little corkboard where I put postcards and thank you cards now
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padawansuggest · 2 months
Okay so once more, I ask of assistance. Not like… required but I’m not gonna lie, this could improve my life to such a significant degree that I’m asking anyways.
So. I have a lot of disabilities that make it hard to get around, but what I’m asking for is help with getting a bike… not really, I need a trike… I know that’s to embarrassing to say as an adult but with my instability I don’t have the ability to keep upright on a bike. I need a trike.
I live in a VERY bike friendly town. It’s small (tho I’m still limited to very small parts of the town because I can only walk for so long and in this heat that’s a very short amount of time) and we actually have dedicated bike lanes here. We even have started construction on multiple bike lanes with center dividers to keep cars out of them, that’s how much this town is friendly to bikes.
And frankly the price isn’t that high either. Like 280$ or so, and I can order one on Amazon (no I cannot buy a trike in this town) and they have them with the giant baskets in the back for groceries and I can get a personal shopping basket for the front of the cart and that would bet. Awesome.
So. Ultimately, I would like a better quality of life and being restricted to a very small part of town because of mobility is kind of sad… I will accept any help you guys wanna give and drop into my PayPal in the bio.
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emaadsidiki · 18 days
Piazza di San Giovanni 🎈👻
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liminalweirdo · 2 months
i need someone to open a pool near me but just for covid-cautious people, nobody else is allowed
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deltaruiner · 4 months
i love having a city friend because i ask her how shes doing and she sends me an entire heroic cycle about her odyssey to buying the one shampoo she really likes
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detentiontrack · 4 months
My mom said I can borrow her car but I have literally nowhere to go in my small town
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yixingsslipons · 6 months
shopping/unboxing haul (cvs, hello kitty 50th anniversary, and handmade candles)
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orcelito · 9 months
I am almost definitely going to regret getting 3 vaccines at once on Thursday but I haven't gotten a covid vaccine recently (the main purpose of the visit) & the website was like "do you want your flu shot too?" And like any responsible citizen that is able to get one, I was like "sure, yeah, I can do that"
And THEN it gave me a drop down list to select all the vaccines I'm going to take. With a limit of 3. And Well I don't believe I've had the HPV vaccine and I Am 26 (the maximum recommended age to get it), so
I am going to be cursing my life on Friday probably. But it's OK I arranged this purposefully bc I have both Thursday And Friday off this week. So if I end up laid flat by the vaccines (likely outcome) I will at least not have to work. Such is my design.
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girl-bateman · 22 days
Had an amazing week of perfect sleep and right when I started to believe I was back to normal and everything was getting better the insomnia came back in full force, yay !
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newtness532 · 2 months
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artemisbarnowl · 7 months
This culturally Christian attitude to Sundays has gotta stop (not talking about Russian orthodox Christian, I mean the gangs on other half of the schism).
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dreamofbecoming · 4 months
everybody clap for me i ran an errand ALL THE WAY DOWNTOWN in the SUN and the CROWDS and i didn’t even cry about it at ALL
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dullahandyke · 4 months
Discovered I dont need an antistatic bag I can just wrap my hdd in a ziplock bag and tinfoil 😏
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deus-ex-mona · 1 year
no one:
absolutely no one:
the radios of the most random of shops:
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