#phew! i think that's all of them!
Open Prompts!
Hello folks! Writing Smoke and Ivy Part 2 is kicking my butt. I’d like to get back on the saddle with some shorter ficlets. So if you have any prompts for The Path fics, please reply to this post with what you’d like me to write! I’ll write just about anything, but I do have things I’m personally uncomfortable writing (i.e. any explicit sexual content, shipping Robin Rose Ruby or Carmen with their wolves, or shipping the Red siblings with each other). Otherwise, go wild!
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starflungwaddledee · 6 months
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from: @starflungwaddledee to: @post-it-notes7
message from santa: "happy holidays post-it-notes! 🎄🥳 i know you very politely only wished for a few modest things- characters high fiving, or struggling in christmas attire- but i hope you'll still enjoy this given that i kinda went the opposite direction entirely! i'm an enormous fan of your work and most times you post anything i wind up browsing your art tag from tip-to-tail in enraptured delight. as such, i thought it was only fair i give back something a little more significant in gratitude for all the joy your work has given me. i knew i wanted to do a comic, so i was thrilled you already had a whole storyverse for me to work from!! this scene seemed the most obvious choice (chapter 8 of "wishful thinking" on ao3) given that i enjoy a dramatic fight scene 😂 i tried to stick as beat-by-beat to the writing as i could and worked in as many details as possible; i hope it'll be fun to see it envisioned this way! merry christmas! ~starflung 🎀🔔 "
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sysig · 5 months
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Obviously I had to make it a thing (Patreon)
Spoilers for Handplates! Make sure you’re all caught up before continuing!
I ended up scene-picking around the timeline at pretty-much-random, whatever I thought fit the lyrics the best in the moment of blinding inspiration (lol), but now that I’ve got the basics down to paper, I think I’d more carefully choose in mostly-chronological order. That also means some would have to be cut, so I want to show them off here! :D I also drew them all from memory so if there’s inconsistencies, that’s why lol
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For example this is one of the very early lyrics, but the events take place well down the timeline! I’m sure I can find a good stand in - mostly I just wanted to draw Papyrus from this scene, ugh I love him ♥ And the lyrics do fit!
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Looking back to Sans for reassurance haha. I changed a few of the lyrics to be more Papyrus-specific -
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- also featured here! He’s got the Gaster pose going on here hehe, and cutting around in time of him in Snowdin and also back at Asgore’s, him reassuring Asgore about Sans’ HP is so cute, I had to make reference to it haha
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Happiest little sibling spinnies <3 <3 Probably the cutest panel of the whole bunch honestly haha ♥ Their little faces!! Ugh 💕
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One of those instances of the lyrical contradictions, and I think I would keep this jump forward - everything has changed! And they’re really not okay, but they have each other
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The one makes me laugh honestly, a bit dark lol. All their safe people, except for the two that take up the rear of each. I mean, technically it’s not inaccurate with Flowey’s, he won’t be alone! Unfortunately. The human, well
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Started settling into a rhythm by this point, and rather pleased for it :) Poor Papyrus! He didn’t do anything wrong and he still has all these sad feelings about it!
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All catching up to him :( You can only run from and ignore your problems for so long - this line feels so him, dealing with what their world is and all that entails, poorly
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I appreciate the fact that Papyrus has this dream several times, it fits lots of places! Gaster look what you did to him even when you don’t exist anymore
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Papyrus as an adult! Though he also is in the one with him and Sans dream-sharing. Things start breaking real bad for him, I’m still not over how good this song is lol
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I did admittedly go a little over-the-top with these, he was not crying this much but I just jsalfdjfds this scene is so- much. So much! The lyrics goaded me, blame them haha - and also the attention to his neck! Even if it’s not in reference to choking on tears specifically, still drawn to the same place! I love Sans going to comfort him as well as rally him ahhhhh
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I got his Soul glitches wrong haha, but seriously! This song, I swear!!
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A bit of irony - he’s being heard! So much! Just not listened to. I am so enamoured with his pose callbacks throughout the entire comic ugh, so beautifully done
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Handing off the song for a moment to someone who actually can rewind it - I don’t think I’ve ever drawn a Genocide Run human now that I think of it :0 It was so satisfying to draw Gaster kneeling on the ground like that haha, contact points were - on point ✨ for this doodle session hehehe
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Originally I had his glow coloured in purple but this was one that I actually went back to look at (because I love this scene so much hhgggg <3 <3 <3) and had to change to his natural colour - he deserves it!! He’s earned it!!
I’ve honestly fallen more in love with this song through him and vice versa haha ♪ It’d be quite a bit before/if I could make a full version, even just with what I’ve got here, but it was so fun to draw at all ♥
#Doodles#UT#Handplates#Papyrus#Sans#Gaster#And a bunch of others but only as cameos lol#Largely unedited because there's...a lot lol#The total ended up being 45 panels over the course of about five hours I think?#This was the project that really killed my hand#Honestly I don't even think it was drawing all of them so quickly - tho that didn't help lol#I think it was going back and forth between writing down the lyrics and drawing the accompanying art#I hold my pencil slightly differently between the two and I was in such a hurry to just get it all Out that I split the difference#Which actually just ended up in it being Just Wrong Enough for both to cramp up my hand pretty spectacularly#It actually still hurts a little a couple days later and I haven't drawn anything since lol#But it was worth it! It's not just floating around inside my head anymore! Phew!#Video-ifying it is a whole other thing tho...#But y'already know about that lol#I'm still going to give it a go but I don't exactly have a lot of hope lol#More than anything I'm just glad to have these down :) They're a very raw expression of the chemical soup Handplates made in my brain haha#Comparing the inspired-bys to their originals is interesting to me :0 These being like the shadow-print reading left on my mind hehe#Some things are more intense! Some less so - mostly to do with my ability to recreate them how they ''feel'' haha#It was a lot of fun :) Got a lot of Feelings out all at once! And all it took was my right hand hurting for a few days! Pfft#It's also kinda nice to edit a bit less - especially now that my paper is playing nice! Sheesh#Everything just out all at once hehe ♪#I do love to make in the same breath that I think up a concept! It keeps me energized! Keeps me moving forward! Feels good :)#So much better than just sitting on an idea until it's ''done right'' :P#I want to make pretty things of course! But sometimes I just want to Make
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buttercupshands · 2 months
Chapter 419 Analysis or "How to completely break Tenko Shimura" a manipulative guide from All For One (part 1)
This is mainly a character analysis of Shigaraki Tomura or Shimura Tenko, any other character present is there to help.
Chapter 419 was hard to comprehend even with just summaries right on April 4th. Some things need at least fan translation to fully make sense. Or just hurt more in that matter.
Warning of spoilers to the whole manga to the point of chapter 419! All of the warnings from the respective Tomura chapters are applicable.
So like... mentions of death, killing other people, manipulation, emotional abuse and many more!
This is Part 1 - See Part 2 for something less depressing
This is going to be long! So let's start, shall we?
First of all we'll need to take into understanding ALL the chapters that we'll need to remember/reread just make this chapter worse (skip if already familiar with them):
Chapter 222 - Tomura Shigaraki: Distortion
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Chapter 234 - Destruction Sense
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Chapter 235 - Tenko Shimura: Origins
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Chapter 236 - Tenko Shimura Origins, Part 2
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Chapter 237 - Tomura Shigaraki: Origins
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This is your "Tenko and Tomura understanding" starter pack, basically. Without them it's harder to even start unpacking what just happened with Tomura's perspective in mind
Well then.
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The chapter starts and we are immediately greeted by AFO semi-agreeing without wanting to, that Tomura was strong enough before Izuku started trying "saving" him in his own way and even succeeded making Tenko's will all the more fragile than it was when he returned using his hate to his advantage.
Even after Izuku holding Tenko's hands for the whole chapter he was still stubborn enough to continue even without that hate in his heart
And the thing that initial summaries missed was the fact that Tomura actually reacted to AFO reapperance.
Still not understanding why AFO was even saying that.
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Tenko was literally taught by AFO to follow "what he wants" in ch 237 with Tenko making his first decision to kill someone himself. And never actually hiding that Tomura just needed to never forget that hatred and those bad emotions that Tomura never really understood. And it took Izuku seconds to decipher them.
With AFO reassuring Tomura that he has no need in following morals of society and just should follow whatever he wants - his want to destroy everything that hurts him. And only AFO would accept and help him. He was constantly reminded of that.
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Even if Tenko was feeling sick from killing at first, even if hands that he wore were still making him sick 15 years later without him understanding anything. Decisions made while person is emotional are usually the ones that the person might regret the most and Tomura lived with those unstable emotions for years. Knowing that they hurt him and make him feel sick.
But Sensei said that it's okay to follow those emotions. That's it's actually great that he does it.
Everything was for his sake, everything was for Tomura Shigaraki and Tomura Shigaraki only. He was his Sensei's successor and no one should argue with it. He's the only one to be next ruler of the underground and the next king. And Tomura gladly accepted that as truth.
Since it was easier than facing his guilt.
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Because AFO just needed Tomura to have enough willpower to get OFA when the plan is ready. To make Gigantomachia to follow him while Garaki was watching knowing full well how the plan is going. Both knowing full well that Tomura is still holding himself back.
In this chapter however we finally see how all of the things AFO told and taught Tenko were just to make him so sure that HE was in control and allowed to do whatever he wants to completely break his worldview in the end "after he gets OFA" which is an unreachable goal now since OFA is gone for good.
By just saying that Tenko never had any choice to begin with.
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Tomura already knew that AFO manipulated him and he was just a pawn, needed only to get OFA and piss off All-Might he accepted and embraced it as something unimportant. It was his choice and he was free to do it and not feel bad about it. Since he's born to destroy.
Until suddenly it wasn't just his life after Decay that was manipulated.
But his whole life from birth. Just because AFO didn't get his hands on Hana sooner and she was happy while AFO needed someone hurt and broken. And Shimura's household wasn't as bad as he needed it to be at first with Kotaro loving his children, wife, in-laws and even his mother.
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And AFO destroyed it by creating so much conflict and even going out of his way to make sure Tenko's father knew that he was playing heroes with some kids. And even saved them by putting his own quirkless life in danger.
In some sense narrator-Tomura's words at the end of ch 236 still might hold true. AFO didn't just create his hate out of nowhere, to make it feel like even if Tenko remembers everything it's still he's doing not a villain appearing, not just some accident that it actually was.
Although AFO doesn't say anything about people who didn't help Tenko even though he he knew that it happened so he most probably was watching it happen until Tenko lost all hope entirely to finaly make him dependent on his help.
And he succeeded for the most part.
Tomura was making an assumption after he remembered everything that he "must've been yearning for that" and from that point onwards explains everything that happened as "I wanted it - I did it" and was clinging to it like a lifeline to explain everything.
He accepted that if Re-Destro is talking about his Decay quirk affecting him he exists only to destroy.
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And now it seems he found a false motivation for himself that AFO created by cruely manipulating everything from his quirk to his family. Making him believe he had a hand in it. Breaking one of "safe" truths that Tomura never doubted. They only made his decisions feel right.
Which makes that a hopeless loop of broken memories being staged just to let Tenko become Tomura who hates and destroys everything believing that it's his choice. Only choice at that.
And if destroying is him only choice because of his quirk... then what can a quirkless person do while having so many people dead from his own hands? Hands that were literally cursed to have destruction quirk in them not because he was born to do it. But because his own Sensei wanted that.
And he's "unwavering heart" is now nothing but an illusion that was destroyed by both Izuku and AFO together.
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There's no "Can I be a Hero?", because can he even be a Villain if most of the choices that were from Decay and the hatred in his heart weren't actually his own?
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upsidedowngrass · 8 months
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a bunch of art from the last few months!!
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theboxfort · 1 year
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OSC requests from Twitter (again) (because I hit 1.1k+ followers over there) (also because I wanted to draw objects LKJDLGDSG)
Bonus Jaseball and Live Grand Slams Reaction
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mcybree · 2 months
i wish that toxic fh was as popular as the people complaining about it think it is... what a beautiful world they live in
i wish for ten billion dollars
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cor-lapis · 1 year
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(2-ish prompt sets for formatting reasons) genshin's habit of extreme detail is a pain to simplify sometimes but it's worth it for Hu Tao and Lumine's cute accessories and how nice the flowy bits of their designs are! Hu Tao things = coupons of course, and the Traveler is taking a post-commission break in Jueyun Karst
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short anemo guys ft Qiqi from the req below! uh. I don't have the power in me rn to draw angst so family guy death pose Xiao about to get dragged through the marsh mud to bubu pharmacy ig. also Kazuha's intense polite young man energy despite being a (former) wanted criminal
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Xinyan really does!! Also I feel like I always draw Zhongli with his 'grandpa explaining things' expression lol.
Dawn Winery fam drawing inspiration from Kaeya's kind of sad birthday letter + that one event quest where Adelinde and Diluc tag team Kaeya into having a nice dinner with them again :')
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sometimes I wanna do this. live the dream kiddo
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bylertruther · 1 year
the usage of tentacles in stranger things is so graphic lol like 🤨 i know what u are, bro(s)......
#making them undulate and pump things and fucking . breed inside of ppl or whatever the fuck like hello for the love of god hello#and making it so that it IS henry. it's all Him. it's Always been him. a Man made monster. imposing his horde on innocent ppl#some of which were kids. and he calls himself a predator. like. HELLO?!#he's so yuckydisgusting and the fucking. jesus. the hellraiser inspo...... the primal fear inspo...#i go insane every time i think abt it all abt HIM he's so slimy....... (said while cackling evilly bc i can't wait for s5) 🔥😈🔥#literally so fucking dark like. HELLO?! [#thts why i scratch my head any time someone Still calls st a superficial flashy vapid show bc . literally what are u talking abt bro do u#not remember wht they did to my sweet boy william in seasons one and two................... the vine... the slugs.... the possession....#do u not think tht has like. ramifications. are u new to horror ......... do u not Think abt the things u watch and consume do u not Listen#he wore that boy like a glove and will REMEMBERS he still FEELS it in his body he felt it EVERYWHERE he tried to make it STOP he said GO#AWAY it had FOLLOWED him not just after he came back but before then too and it KEEPS coming back i jus. to be a gay boy in#the eighties and have tht all done to you by a man. will who clings to his childhood and the time from 'before' it all went to shit#will who hides and doesn't tell ppl how he feels will who is coming into his own finally in the same season tht they wage the final war#against the great evil like. stranger things the show that you are will byers the character tht you are i lov u both sm .#henry who had his autonomy taken away from his and so he takes it away from others henry who perpetuates the cycle of abuse i jus. AHHHHHH#this show................ PHEW#csa tw#rape tw
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startistdoodles · 1 year
Are there any headcanons you have in either the Kirby or Pokemon series that you’ve had but never had the right moment to mention?
I’ve wanted to do a Kirby’s Species headcanon list for a while but haven’t gotten around to it…until now.
(For the sake of simplicity, I’m just gonna call them ‘puffballs’ lol)
(Also see: Dark Matter Headcanons)
Kirby’s Species Headcanons
Puffballs consist primarily of light matter—the manifestation of positive (love) energy.
Their bodies can be practically any color and can range from being smooth and rubbery to very fluffy with long fur. Generally though, most puffballs have a very short layer of fluff on their bodies that makes them slightly fuzzy to the touch.
Puffballs are biologically genderless, but can use gendered pronouns if they want to. However, they are unable to reproduce. Instead, they are born on shooting stars that will fly to and land on planets at random. Adult Star Warriors make it their mission to retrieve infant puffballs as soon as they can.
The vast majority of puffballs have the power to use copy abilities when they are young, though it is quite rare for one puffball to be able to utilize every ability. Usually they can copy about 5-7 and will end up specializing in 1-2 primary abilities. Once they start maturing into teenagers, most puffballs lose their ability to copy and rely primarily on the powers they have been trained in.
Young puffballs utilize copy abilities as their primary way of defense. However, puffballs often rely on a guardian that will care for them and protect them until they are old enough and trained to defend themselves fully.
Puffballs have enormous appetites, especially when they are little. They will inhale to eat large quantities of food at a time, but generally that is a behavior they grow out of as adults. Though an adult can also inhale if they want to; it’s just seen as rude and improper while eating with others.
Puffball smooches contain a small amount of healing power (they really are just an actual ball of love energy <3). However, they can’t heal away super major injuries or Dark Matter infections. But a puffball smooch on a boo-boo will really make it feel better.
They are typically very social and familial by nature and thrive in groups. If a puffbull does not have any friends or is isolated for an extended period of time, they can grow extremely destructive and unable to control themselves. Younger puffballs may not be able to survive without receiving love from others.
Puffballs can sense each other’s presence within a short distance. Knowing that others of their kind are nearby offers them an immediate sense of peace and comfort.
Additionally, puffballs feel very happy when they cuddle with other puffballs by rubbing their cheeks together.
Puffballs that reach 200-250 years of age will start developing wings. These wings vary by the individual and are seemingly random, but the purity of the light matter they are made of can potentially have some amount of influence. (I really like these wing headcanons by @ferahntics so please check them out if you wanna know more about those in particular)
Similarly, when a puffball reaches 800-1,000+ years of age, they will start growing horns. Horns also vary by individual and their shape and design may occasionally be influenced by the puffball’s abilities. (Again, more headcanons by ferahntics that I love)
On very rare occasions, puffballs may not grow wings and/or horns. This can be due to a variety of factors, such as being in a poor and unsubstantial environment (a lack of love and friendship in their lives, lack of food) or simply just by chance.
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dollya-robinprotector · 4 months
Xīn nián kuài lè! Happy new year, and hope you have a happy vacation back home! 🐉
Goshhhhh thank youuuuuuu
But since we're all asian you know what is happening when we have to go back home before New Year, right? Yes, I'm talking about cleaning the house.
Now, imagine your mom is a hoarder.
That's what I'm facing right now, so I can't say for sure if I'm happy or not-
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gallawitchxx · 1 year
🖤 barber!mickey & (not so) shaggy!ian 🖤
here's the 44th installment for this week's @galladrabbles prompt: i lose, to watch you win by @energievie
catch up/read in full HERE -- updates weekly! [ read scenes one & two in their entirety ON AO3 ]
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Ian leans in again, pressing his lips to Mickey’s in a peck that lingers too long on the pull back.
Suddenly, a woman pushing a stroller passes on their right, her tiny tot giggling at a volume that pulls both of their attention; their limbs a flurry as they step back—the Southside having shaped them both.
This is part where Mickey’d clam up, take space, push away, but those demons are suspiciously silent, replaced with foolish notions of love and grandeur. Like he’d lose, just to watch Ian win.
He blushes, straightening his spine. “Alright, alright, I’m fucking starving.”
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starflungwaddledee · 6 months
offering three cookies 🍪🍪🍪
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(<< part 1)
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5mcsinatrenchcoat · 7 months
happily alive post-canon tavlach being silly in the kitchen and dancing together only for Karlach to suddenly flashback to her parents doing the same and tear up because holy shit she might not ever get them back but now she has the same happiness and peace they had so??? holy shit???
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happi-tree · 1 year
For the ship ask game hmmm... 😌 Well I already know you're not very into gothcleats but perhaps that one anyways! Otherwise... 😆 Ahaha can I ask a few?? How about hencedes, glennry, sparrow/nicky, and nark? No worries if you don't feel up for doing all of them! 💜
Hi, Bababird! Hope you're having a beautiful day 🖤🖤🖤 And yes ofc I can whip up some gothcleats for you! And the other ones!!! I am always willing to provide my silly little thoughts 😌
Alright (ha), as promised: gothcleats time!
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Honestly? I don't mind it! I think there's a lot of fun parallels and intertwining themes to be found in their extant relationship, and I definitely enjoy looking at the cute fanart I've seen of them on occasion. I probably would ship it if my lesbian Scary hc wasn't so real to me! I would absolutely adore seeing them in a qpr though - I actually really like the idea of the teens all being in a qpr together. Nobody comes between Scary and her boys 😤😤😤 Nonetheless, Link and Scary have such an interesting dynamic and I feel like it's very much been a highlight over the past few episodes - I mean, Link breaking the anchor of love as an act of solidarity with Scary? Link refusing to let Scary go even as she Eldritch Blasts him? The genuine fear in Scary's voice when she thinks she might've killed Link??? It's so much, truly it is. I'm SO excited for whatever Matt and Beth have planned with their characters going forward, and while it's not my personal cup of tea romantically, I truly do love the gothcleats relationship!
Okay next up: Hencedes!
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HENCEDES T4T BI4BI COUPLE OF ALL TIME!!!! NON-NEGOTIABLE!!! They are truly so much if I think about them too hard I will start crying!!! Everything about them is so fucking sweet and lovely and truly. Relationship goals fr!!! They're so strange and bizarre separately and even MORE strange and bizarre together and their devotion to each other is so so so very precious to me. Like. Their story makes me so unhinged actually I am so glad they exist. Mercedes really truly takes all of Henry's oddities in stride and he does the same for her,,, their cute little nicknames for each other,,, they would lay down their lives for each other without a second thought and I love them so much for that. I want nothing but happiness for them forever and ever and ever ok (looks pointedly at the current state of s2). I am a Hencedes stan first and a person second thank you <333
Okok next: Glennry!
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In case you haven't realized. *Slaps "HUGE MULTISHIPPER" sticker on my forehead* like yourself, Baba, I also contain multitudes 😌 Anyway Glennry is SO fun to rotate around in my head, personally. I think they could learn quite a bit from each other as partners - with Glenn, Henry could get a bit more in touch with his rebellious side, and Henry could help Glenn in his struggles with emotional vulnerability. Their friendship works well as is in canon, obviously (well, s1 canon since we're not entirely sure what's going on with s2 Henry yet), but the potential of them as romantic partners is so great and so fun! They should kiss. For funsies. At least to piss off Bear Ry'Oak, if anything else <3
Up next: Sparrow/Nicky (/Spark/lovesong/highjinx/whatever other fun names exist for these two)!
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And if I told you Spark was my latest obsession. What then. Literally I have been losing my mind over them for the past few days (thanks Nyx and Ivy <3) and I show no signs of regaining normalcy anytime soon!!! I just think there is SO much potential for exploring a romantic relationship between the two of them - or even something like a qpr, if you wanna go the Sparoace route! Literally could not get to sleep last night because I was thinking about them so hard. Similarly to Oakworthy, both Nick and Sparrow have such deep-seated issues regarding identity - Sparrow seems to define himself by being half of a matched set and doesn't really let himself be anything other than the Sparrow part of Lark-and-Sparrow. Nicky, of course, has. Gestures at the entire latter half of s1. And I think that if anyone can understand what either of them are going through, it's each other - and maybe they can just exist together. Without labels or expectations - not Nicholas, Jodie's son, or Sparrow, the more stable twin, or Nick, Glenn's son - just being Nicky and Sparrow and maybe also being in love. I also just think the imagery of it is wonderful - druid and demon, summer and winter, life and death, plant life and fire. Real Hades-and-Persephone type shit, which I personally love to see!
And lastly, finally, Nark!
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So sorry to all the Nark stans out there but Sparrow/Nick has so thoroughly taken over my brain. I do love the idea of this ship - not only the aesthetics (hehe the demonic savior and the fallen angel), but the tragedy of it all - how the love may have been there, and in another world it may have been enough, but that world isn't this one. I have read many a Nark fic and I'd be hard-pressed to find one I didn't like, but it's not my go-to ship, personally. On another note, though, I do think Nark has some hilarious comedic potential as well - especially when paired with other ships like Sparrow/Cassandra (thank you tumblr user llumimoon for that particular piece of fanart - you know the one, I'm pretty sure you still have it pinned, Baba). But yeah! Fun ship - not my personal fave, but one that's very, very neat to pick apart and analyze!
Annnnnnnd I think that about wraps up my thoughts - for anyone who read this far, I'm giving you forehead kisses /p because that was A Lot. Thanks for the ask, Bababird!!! 🖤
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werewolfpony · 2 years
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its been sooo long since i was able to draw, but i finally got a new computer and was able to draw aaall the ponies i wanted to but could only sketch :3
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bonus tank in his pjs :]
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