#phew I get myself in such a mess with time travel!
ujunxverse · 1 year
also I STILL WRITEEE !!! i kinda moved over to twitter/ao3 AND I WENT BACK TO WRITING SHIP FICS TOO FJWKDNBE ive kinda been working on a lot of things but i just 😭😭 cant focus on finishing ONE 😭😭😭
AND TELL ME ABOUT THE TAEHYUNxKAI WIPPPP AND SUNSUN PLSSSSS (ive lost my battle against sunghoon and have... begun to.. 🤒 bias 🤕 him...) AND SK8R BOI CHENJI 😭😭😭I AM HOLDING U TO THAT 😤😤
(I shouldve just dmed this to u fr 😭)
AWWW THAT'S SO GOOD TO HEAR !! honestly i wish i took a gap year before thrusting myself into uni :((( YOU'RE LIVING THE LIFE FR I'M SO JEALOUS AND EXTREMELY HAPPY FOR YOU FR !! CONCERT AFTER CONCERT IS A DREAM ESP IN THIS ECONOMY !!!! also omg you're lucky you get to experience frosh in first year cos it's MAGICAL FR !! like, you'll have the full package experience !! just go to the parties, let loose, and have fun while remembering to always opt out if you don't feel safe !!
LKASJDFLKASJ THE BIG TWO ZERO !!! but nah mad felt this economy is so brutal fr :"(( have you considered like a dorm ?? or does your uni not offer it ?? some of my friends who also went to school in the netherlands did student residence first, then moved out once they were able to get used to the country.
PLS YOU LEFT TUMBLR THAT'S SO GOOD FOR YOU THIS HELLSITE IS A MESS FR !! i tried my hand at ao3 but man idk what about the tagging system bothers me but ig i'm too used to tumblr ugh. LET ME KNOW ABT ALL YOUR WIPS HEHEHHE THIS IS JUST LIKE OLD TIMES FR I NEED TO KNOW BESTIE (also tell me your ao3 rn or else i'll pull up and pop pop skra skra)
omg okok so the gist of the taening fic (greenland is the title lOL) is that hyuka is from a long line of mushers (sledding dog sport) and he's a late bloomer because unlike his siblings, he grew up in hawaii, so he didn't really have time to adjust to the cold weather + has a soft spot for dogs like this mfer feels bad for keeping them on a leash LMAO. taehyun's family are polar explorers so he's used to traveling back and forth between the city and the arctic. absolutely hates it. meets hyuka as a kid and helps out the huening family take care of their huskies cos he's bored and his parents are busy doing science stuff. it's a slow burn f2l tale with soft bean hyuka who cries when taehyun yells at the dogs and taehyun having to remind hyuka that it's literally their job to be sled dogs LOL.
THE SUNSUN FIC AHHH WHERE DO I BEGIN i don't have a title for it yet but it's gonna be a soulmates!au thing where sunoo is literally obsessed with finding his soulmate and sunghoon being skeptical about that shit (this is a world where soulmates are just a superstition). sunoo is a dumbass and tries it all: tarot, crystals, palm reading, chinese numerology, sticks, and basically everything without realizing that sunghoon's right there the whole time. (also an ice skater au where sunghoon gets distracted every time he has to dance with a partner because all he sees is sunoo on his arms)
phew this was long neway may post these on my ao3 too cos ngl tumblr literally hates ship fics LOL
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littlehollyleaf · 5 years
he-is-lightning-in-a-bottle replied to your post: Avengers Endgame
I dislike alternate timelines. It works too much like Back to the Future, and although Doc explains it well, I still don’t understand why it works that way. I prefer when the time travel is done like season 2 of Star Trek Discovery or the TV version of 12 Monkeys (a closed time loop, for lack of a better way to explain it).
I mean, I haven’t seen 12 Monkeys, but neat and tidy closed time loops are ABSOLUTELY my preferred form of time travel. Star Trek Discovery S02 made me VERY HAPPY :)
Failing that I CAN ALSO enjoy versions where changing the past changes the future and thus the previous timeline is REPLACED by a new one. Though that is ofc fuzzier - if you change something relevant to you then there may need to be a way of explaining how you still remember the old timeline and/or a paradox isn’t created.
When changing the past creates alternate timelines though... eh... aside from the fuzzy logic of it (which I am not directly opposed to in itself...exactly) I just find it... LESS INTERESTING? Like, interacting with alternate versions of your past might make for some fun moments (eg. Cap fighting himself, which WAS lolz to be fair), but ultimately it’s.... kinda meaningless? Because it has no consequences for your future / your timeline? .......except when narratives decide that it DOES ofc (which is, potentially, what the Back to the Future logic tries to do), except then that DOESN’T MAKE SENSE :P
Not to knock Back to the Future however because I ADORE THOSE FILMS. And in fact I used to praise them for being perfect examples of time travel, because like you say Doc’s explanations seem to lay out the internal rules of the story’s specific brand of time travel very clearly and the narrative then sticks to those rules. But..... after consuming A LOT MORE time travel fiction I have slowly, over the years, come to the very sad realisation that actually maybe Back to the Future’s version of time travel kinda DOESN’T stick to its own internal time travel logic. Which is sad :( Because Doc talks about the alternate timeline model of time travel (just like in Avengers - despite the whole mocking/patronising ‘don’t be stupid this is nothing like Back to the Future’ commentary from Banner!)... only when things are changed in the past in the film it directly influences the present/future of the main characters eg. Marty starts fading from existence when he accidentally stops his parents dating. Which would surely be more the ‘changes in the past create a timeline that REPLACES the original one’ model....... unless the latter is what Doc’s explanations are in fact trying to describe, in which case we’re all still good... 
This is also not to say I don’t enjoy ‘fuzzy’ time travel at all - Doctor Who has been one of my favourite TV shows for YEARS AND YEARS, it would be completely hypocritical and inaccurate of me to say that I hate all ‘fuzzy’ time travel!
Basically - I’m usually cool with it as long as it’s made CLEAR that the rules are ‘fuzzy’ or at least that no part of the narrative claims the rules are rigid eg. the way the Doctor talks about stuff being ‘timey-wimey’ and all that. Legends of Tomorrow is another example of pretty loose, ridiculous time travel - but it’s never claimed otherwise, so I roll with it :p (The Flash time travel upsets me GREATLY because it started out with rather specific rules and then broke them... so I just have to not think about it...)
...I suppose Avengers DID make a big deal about the rules being ‘fuzzy’ to be fair, or at least Bruce laboured the point about how they didn’t know enough to be able to predict how time travel would work (except apparently knew enough to insist it wasn’t the same as other fictional versions of time travel - do I keep going on about that part? apparently I’m weirdly salty and somewhat offended by it idek!).....so....I SHOULD HAVE been cool with it? but.....I just didn’t GET they were working with an ‘alternate timeline’ model for so long and even when it was explained by The Ancient One, idk, I guess I just didn’t quite TRUST that explanation? Oy.
Anyway, sorry for the babble. I have a lot of ~FEELINGS about time travel in fiction!
(aside - don’t confuse my dislike of alternate timeline time travel with the general idea of alternate REALITIES! alternate realities/universes that exist without time travel involvement - eg. the different worlds in Into The Spiderverse - are a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT THING that I have COMPLETELY DIFFERENT FEELINGS about!)
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testingcheats0n · 3 years
Chapter 6
>Fuck the Magis and the mother who shat him into this world.
>He's genuinely a terrible person, all it took was half a sentence to remind me why I hate him. Also fuck him for being stupid and not packing enough food for the journey. He's a terrible planner and if I were the king I would have hung him for his incompetence.
>They actually can't see the ocean anymore and as someone who has lived by the sea for a long time, I feel vwry sad about the fact. It's pure projection, but it would be a neat bit of characterization of Gen were to miss it just as much. You don't understand the ammount of melancholy I got from a single line.
>Gen living a better life than Pol despite being a thief aka not very rich, puts into perspective how a super agressive external policy affects the citizens. Aside from a drain on public funds, it also exhausts supplies.
> Olive mention!!!!!!
>The SEA of Olives!!!!
>Don't tell me that the Magis didn't plan on how to get down, I'll shit myself.
>Phew, slow chapter innit? All my homies hate the Magis.
>The landscape the narrator is describing is literally what I see everytime I travel to the big city.
>I forgot these two were training with swords (Sophos and Ambiades)
>No offence meant at all, but I couldn't care less about the sword prowess of these two.
>Aw Ambiades is nice. Wonder if it will last.
>Does our titular thief know how to fight with a sword while judging others so harshly 🤨?
>"What is his weakness?" "His height." "Yes, Remember that." Pol you're being an awful sussy baka.
>Hol up, I might have to check on later but they suddenly got food? I thought they had to ration their stuff and it had been a while since the inn?? Gen said fresh bread and cheese. That's impossible? Eh, maybe a small error.
OR is it? *VSauce music*
>The Magis is a horrible human being and also stupid. Just because an accent is spoken by the low-classes it does NOT mean that it's undistinguishable from other low-class dialects- especially if they're so far geographically. He's once again, putting their very important mission to risk to satiate his own ego. Electric chair.
>They have compasses. Don't know if I mentioned it before, but they have those, very useful! But uh, again. The magis should know which way is north and which way is south, they have a sun right there. Still. Better to have than not.
>They let Sophos travel with an expesive cloak while undercover. Unreal.
>Get 'im, Gen. Get 'im!! (He told Ambiades to go fuck himself for his prejudices)(Though I know that he will become a class traitor) The lord of rags and tatters is right. He did get his ass whooped for it tho.
>At this point Gen could totally make a scene and get away with it. All he needs is to approach the first travellers they meet and start shouting that he's being kidnapped, he would get taken of course, but since his case would be taken to the queen he might've gotten away with it. Just tell her that he's held hostage and she'll probably forgive him. Also his bruises totally help, more proof that he was a poor kidnapped victim, help him trader-oniisama :((
>They have coffee 🤨, they live close enough to an equivalent of south america and are cultivating it enough to export to troops and soldiers who were stated to be in a bad economic position? 🤨 sus
>Double whammy. He's messing with Ambiades hardcore. Hahahahahahaha.
>And now Sophos got Gen back. Stupid. I take it back, he deserves every second of this mission.
>Gen has way too much empathy for Ambiades. Doflamingo headass. Also like- I'm happy that at least someone tried to stop the King and reinstating the Oligarchy. Honestly? Honestly? I hope that the King dies and the Grandpa's dream comes true even if by his grandson's indirect actions. What a Chad.
>○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●Get circled.
>Oh no, not fucking mythology again.... . So Eugenides the OG underdog. Lann the Clever, Loki, Prometheus type beat, self-made man, that gets godly attributes, yadda, yadda, yadda. He goes flying like the horse plinko but up to heaven instead of hell. He also stole the thunderbolts literally like in Percy Jackson, if I were Zeus- I mean, totally not Zeus, but the sky god(s), I would've manifested into human form and strangled him myself.
>Anyway Hestia = the Queen who will win because every power she has was stolen and given to her by someone else, and the Magis is honestly as smoothbrained as they come for being happy with the story.
>Oh and before I forget new gods = olympians, and old gods = titans. It's just- it's just a copypaste introduction for greek myths, I read something like that when I was 11.
Get squared.
>that's uhh, that's chapter 6 folks. Honestly it was slow, but to compensate I (the most important part) am back. It took me a while and I genuinely forgot about some things but here we are again.
>anyway, hope this are the same tags i used before because tumblr is playing tricks on me again and I can't find my old posts. I think am being gaslighted by a website.
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thatringboy · 3 years
Behold: my fourth Genshin OC; George the Fontaine Fashionista who may or may not be running a mafia as a side hustle…👀
Tumblr media
Steel Cold Style
”Finding one’s personal style should be a primary goal in life! If you have no confidence in your appearance, then how can you hope to have confidence in your abilities?”
An entrepreneur in the Fontaine Fashion Industry who’s cold, hard and carefully crafted exterior is only challenged by their equally ornate and austere heart.
General Information
Name: George Glacfleur
Age: 24
Affiliation: Glacfleur Fashion House
Birthdate: October 31
Starsign: Scorpio
Constellation: Flos Glacies
Weapon: Catalyst
Vision: Cryo
Voice Claims
CVA: Din Mukhammed Kudaibergen
JVA: Suwabe Junichi
EVA: Yagami Yato’s deep voice that can make a grown ass hetero man quiver you know I had to have at least one OC with this VA claim
Voice Lines
Good Morning: Good day, Traveler, how shall I dress you today?
Good Afternoon: *Yawn* Is it tea time yet?
Good Evening: If you really want to stay out later, then we can stop by this one great bakery I know
Good Night: Sweet dreams… I hope you dream about me
When It Rains: Huh… it’s a good thing my shoes are waterproof
When It Snows: Quickly! Snap a photo with your kamera! The lighting is just perfect!
When It’s Sunny: Oh dear… look, if I get any dust on my clothing, then you’ll understand why I break down into tears
Favorite Food: Not to be crude but I become a completely different and more… loose person when I drink. To counter this, I always have my wine with the finest cheese and chocolates I can get my hands on!
Least Favorite Food: I’m highly allergic to all types of nuts. Almonds are the worst of them all!
About: Vision: Oh, this little trinket? I found it at a Flea market a few years ago. The old bloke selling it said that it appeared for him, but never awakened. I thought to myself: “eh what the heck” and purchased it. Voila! It awakened just like that! And that’s the day I discovered that blue is really my color!
About: Interests: My special interest is going from shop to shop in Fontaine and recycling my Mora back into our wonderful economy! Yes… I partake heavily in shopping, but not just for personal reasons! I hand pick all of the fabrics and materials used in the Fashion House myself! And why can’t a person just enjoy shopping without getting judged?
About Kaeya: Kaeya Alberich and I have met once during a trip I made to Mondstat… we were so much alike that we haven’t met since out of respect for our companions’ sanity
About Lyney & Lynette: The twins? I’m afraid I don’t know much about them besides whispers from my father’s colleagues, which often contradict each other. All I can say for sure is watch your back around them. I may not be able to help you if you fall into their traps and schemes
About Xinyan: She’s that rockstar from Liyue, right? I went to a few of her shows the last time I was in the Harbor and I am still so impressed how she took a Fontaine music genre and completely made it her own! She’s got major potential and I love her style
About: Family: My family… we’re not close for a few reasons that I won’t bore you with the details of. Lots of “he said”, “she said”, “they said”, you know how families are! Mine happen to be more conservative than most, which is fine, but their ideas of how I should live clash with my personal ideologies and it just became one large mess. *Sigh* I just wish that they would stop wanting me to follow in my father’s footsteps. Don’t get me wrong, he’s a great guy and is one of the top legal advisers in Fontaine, but my calling has always been fashion. Is that so hard for my family to understand? I could never take part in a legal system that actively oppresses the little people and for some reason that’s even worse than simply wanting to leave the family business behind. Oh well…
About: Cryo: I once heard a tale that the Tsaritsa of Sneznhaya was the god of love at one point and that Cryo Visions represent that in some way. To me, there is no greater type of love than self love and confidence in one’s body. The message that all people are beautiful when they love themselves is one I wish that a younger version of myself was exposed to, so it is my duty to share it with everyone I meet. Of course, there are those who seek to snuff out certain types of beauty they don’t agree with and to that, I have a large icicle and I know exactly where I want to shove it
About: Hydro: The element of justice and the element that corresponds with our reigning Archon. You know what would be justice? Not taxing the life out of the people and shoving the Mora into the pockets of the rich! You know what would be justice? A legal system that doesn’t keep “criminals” awaiting a fair and public trial when the mood strikes our “Divine Judge”! You know what would be justice? Not making bail so high for the incarcerated that it becomes impossible for them to ever be set free! She is wasting her life away in a prison awaiting a trial that will most certainly be unfair for a crime she did not commit and there’s no way in the legal system for me to help her! Who is she? … someone who I couldn’t save. Iris, my closest companion, got caught in the wrong place at the wrong time and I wasn’t available to be her alibi before she was taken away in shackles. Our benevolent Archon talks long and hard about how water can carve canyons and reshape the earth through erosion, but all I’m seeing from her is the tranquility of a small creek and the laziness of waves licking the shore
About: Fontaine Legal System: If you thought the legal systems in Liyue and Inazuma were ridged then… phew you have a LOT to learn about Fontaine! That’s why I dedicate a lot of my free time to helping those who get swept up in the chaos! However… some small businesses have started paying my employees to keep watch over them when our wonderful Archon’s police come knocking and then one thing led to another and now I have an entire underground establishment that works against the legal system and is fighting for reform. Look, I didn’t mean to start all of this, but it’s what I work with now
About: Lochfolk: Ocianid… oh you mean the Lochfolk! I’ve never seen one before, I thought they all left Fontaine. You’ve met a few? I’m impressed, it seems you truly are as well traveled as you claim to be
About: Glacfleur Fashion House: That’s my boutique! Built it from the ground up! We cater to all patrons from all walks of life! We have fashion from Inazuma, Sneznhaya, Liyue, Sumeru; you name it, we have it! And if not, we also make clothing and jewelry to order! To know everything we sell is authentic, look for the Iris Emblem embroidered or engraved on all of our pieces
About: Technology: The best part of Fontaine besides the culture has to be the technology! We’re no where nearly as advanced as Sneznhaya, but we have plumping, lights, refrigerators, kameras, music boxes… it makes life so much easier! Just waiting for the rest of Teyvat to catch up…
About: Scars: You want to know how I got these scars? It was a bad run-in with some bandits during one of my first ever deliveries to the countryside. Ended up with an explosive bottle to the face that shattered on impact and almost took off my entire cheek. I’m glad I have such an attractive face, otherwise I might have never recovered! That experience is also why I wear glasses… I’m lucky to not have gone blind from the shards of glass that ended up in my eyes
About: The Steambird: I have a subscription to that paper. I’m very interested in the astrology column they published and often the Glacfleur Fashion House makes an appearance in a few articles concerning the culture and fashion of Fontaine! I’m glad my work is being recognized
About: “Iris”: I already told you that the emblem of the Glacfleur Fashion House is an iris blossom, what else did you want to know? … You’ve been seeing the symbol scratched onto certain walls and alleys? Well… hehehe… sometimes I do more work than just running the boutique. N-Nothing illegal if that’s what you’re thinking! I just… uh… promise not to tell anyone? Okay… recently, the court system of Fontaine has started cracking down with more taxes for the people and as such, the Glacfleur Fashion House has been graciously supporting small businesses and giving protection to people in less than fortunate financial circumstances. It’s not a mafia!!! Why does everyone keep saying that?!
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airi-p4 · 4 years
Last Chance - Chapter 7
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 AO3 I’m sorry this took me so long. Thank you for your patience. This chapter is short since I split it in two to respect the one POV per Chapter theme.  ______________________________________________________
Luka’s POV
“Phew, finally! Don’t tell I was the one tired of hearing her? I’m glad this has come in handy somehow at last”
My eyes analyze the scene:
Alya. With a handkerchief. A bottle on her hand. And Chloe lying on the floor.
The Chloroform- of course.
“Thank you, Alya” I answer, without thinking, focusing again on Marinette, holding her hands tightly.
“You have some talking to do. I just got rid of the interferences. Go on. We’ll be over there” Alya says, as they all move to another part of the cave, near the entrance to the room. From the edge of my eyes I see how Adrien nods at me in support before carrying Chloe's sleeping body bridal style. I nod back and focus on my dream girl again.
Marinette remains silent, but she focuses on me, only for an instant, before she closes her eyes and her head faces down, embarrassed.
And it’s only the two of us now.
Marinette and Luka. Luka and Marinette.
And the rest of the world has disappeared.
“Hey” I say.
I’m expectant. Nervous. Impatient. But most of all: relieved. Relieved Marinette is safe. Relieved Marinette is not injured. Relieved she is not rejecting me. Or my touch. Or my kiss. Relieved to have her beside me at this instant. Relieved her attempts to change the past have stopped.
And grateful for having this last chance.
There's something else I'm strongly feeling too: determination.
My mind feels the clearest it’s ever been. Not a single drop of doubt is inside me, as if the wind of Marinette's transformation has cleared all the dark clouds blinding me finally allowing the light to come through my heart. My only light. A lighthouse in the middle of my dark ocean. My sun and my moon. Marinette.
I love her. I always will. And I'm not leaving her side anymore. Not if she wants me back.
All I wish now is for her happiness and to admire her beautiful but yet to be seen smile that hasn’t returned on her pretty face. For my heart to find the calm only she can give me. My heart at ease along with her happiness.
One the other hand, Marinette is, instead, scared, remorseful, nervous, insecure and embarrassed. I can almost hear her inner thoughts: ‘I am ashamed of myself… I’m sorry… I don’t deserve to be happy… Chloe is right, I’m just selfish…’.
I keep caressing her hands, tenderly, drawing circles on the back of them, matching the touches at the song of her heart, waiting for her to speak. So soft… so familiar. So pleasant…
And it's hard not to hold her or kiss her at this moment. Very hard. So I hold her hands tightly instead, so she doesn't try to escape from me once again. I don't want to let her go even if she wants to. Not until she tells me if I can have hope. This is ending today. Or starting, I wish.
And I'm impatient: more than ever. Enjoying every one of the little touches I can get.
"Marinette" I start, pausing for a second, trying to find her eyes. "Look at me”
My demand gets refused again as she refuses to lock eyes with me. I want her to focus on me and to forget about the dark thoughts occupying her mind. I can tell, despite not being able to hear her heart song because of my own loud heart beats.
But it's not enough. I want more. So I rest my forehead on hers next. And I feel like I've traveled back in time- the time we were happy. The time we were 'friends'.
But it's still not enough.
'Friends' is not enough anymore. I want her full attention now. So I insist.
“Marinette, please...”
What’s in your mind, Marinette? I’m not going anywhere. I’m here.
“I'm back", I finally say.
And so are her tears too.
‘What's the reason for these tears? Tell me. Is it fear? Regret? Happiness? Can you feel the same as me? Tell me, Marinette. I can't hear your silence’, I mentally ask myself.
I try to let go of one of her hands so I can clean the water running down her cheeks. But she doesn't let me go. Now she's the one holding my hand and I feel that's all the confirmation I needed to take the next step.
"Marinette. I'm here. It's fine. I won't go away anymore. Let me see your eyes"
"Luka… I… I'm so sorry… I- I don't deserve your compassion… Chloe is right… I shouldn't…"
"Hey. Stop saying this or I'll have to shut you again"
My forehead is not on hers anymore but I can feel how Marinette's body tenses at my words. Her head falls even lower, as she speaks in a string of voice.
“You can stop acting like you care for me now… I won't do anything else. You don't have to kiss me so I don't renounce the Miraculous box… I'm sorry I forced you to do something like that against your will…"
Her words deeply offend me, finally losing the smile that had formed on my face and remained there from a while ago.
“Marinette, you really think that’s the reason I kissed you? Just how much is your darkness messing with your senses?”
Marinette stays quiet, silent, face down and trembling a little. I try to make her calm down and give her the confidence she needs to confront her actions.
"Marinette. Look at me please. Don't hide your beautiful face from me"
I can see my words startled her. Cute.
"Marinette. I came for you. I'm here now. Let me try to fix this. Answer me, please. Look at me… There's nothing to fear. Please?"
My hold is tighter and I press my forehead to hers again as I speak. Her answer surprises me.
"You’re so unfair... giving me hope when you came here with your fiancée… I won’t do anything stupid anymore… you don’t have to lie for me… I hate lies...“ she whispers.
Really, Marinette? You think I’m lying? You should know me better. You should know I never lie. Especially to you. Just how deep did you bury your inner light? How could have I missed so much darkness collected deep inside her heart? I wish I had known earlier. I wish she didn't have to live with this for so long.
As I think about her words, Marinette remains quiet. Probably believing her own nonsense about me. I’m sorry Marinette, but I’m too relieved and too impatient right now to give explanations. And I’m not good with words to express my feelings properly, anyway.
So I kiss her again.
Marinette’s hands squeeze mine in surprise while I kiss her, longer this time. I'm glad she isn’t rejecting my lips. In fact, she’s welcoming me, but not taking action, scared. My widening smile makes me break the kiss, while I can feel her body trying to follow mine as my lips part from hers, in need to prolong the kiss.
“Do you still think I’m lying?”
And finally, her face rises and I meet her beautiful blue teary eyes.
I can't stop grinning like an idiot at the sight of the most gorgeous woman I've ever seen. Can I really be this lucky?
Marinette blushes at first, almost panicking, but she soon relaxes the moment she deeply stares at my eyes.
I feel like time has never passed: same old Marinette. Same old Luka. Same old complicity. Same old trust. Same old mirage of happy times.
And I can almost feel a layer of darkness has left from her eyes - the window to her soul, slightly brighter now. “Finally…”
"Marinette" I call her name, and her full existence now focuses only on me as her dark thoughts stop. "There's something I really want to hear from you. Forgive me if I am wrong, but I'm going to say it first, ok?"
And she remains quiet again, scared, nervous. I can hear her heartbeat beating very fast. And her silence allows me to pronounce the words I've been the most expectanctly willing to tell her forever.
"I love you, Marinette. You’re still the song in my head- you’ve always been"
And Marinette gasps and her body jolts a little, mouth open in surprise. Her cheeks turning crismon, and her eyes show how she's trying to process my confession, unsure if she should believe it or not. Another black layer fades from her gaze.
"What about Chloe?" She asks, noticeably scared of the answer.
Of course she would ask. I sigh.
“We’ve already discussed that. Chloe knows about my feelings. Chloe knows I can’t be dishonest with myself. She has always known I could never forget about you. She’ll have to accept it’s over”
"But- the wedding! The ring! She still wears it..."
"The wedding will be cancelled as soon as we get back. And that ring…*sigh* I asked her to give it back but she didn't want to. You know how stubborn she is…"
"But Chloe loves you so much… and I can tell you care for her too..."
"I know... And I feel horrible for breaking her heart. Just like you with Adrien, I assume. I can't drive her down with me into a loveless marriage. I can't promise her a happy future anymore. I can't give her my love when you're the only one my heart is willing to accept"
“Please, Marinette. The wait is killing me! I need to know if what you wrote in those emails is true so my heart can finally rest from this agony. I love you. Please, give me an answer this time…"
And yet another layer slightly disappears as she panics in realization.
"The emails… You've read them. Oh my god, you've read them! Oh, no! So embarrassing… I shouldn't have listened to Alix! I shouldn't have sen-"
"Shhhh… the only thing you should regret is not sending them earlier. I'm sorry I wasn't there for you when you needed it"
"No- I-!"
"Tell me, Marinette. Tell me so I dare to believe a miracle can really happen. Please, tell me if you feel the same I feel for you. Tell me if I'm allowed to give it my all to make you the happiest woman in the world. Tell me, Marinette"
Light seems to start returning into her pupils.
And she hesitates for a few seconds, but she finally opens her mouth to speak...
“Those emails....It's all true… I love you, Luka… It’s always been you. I’m so stupid for not noticing earlier… You are my light..."
And my grin widens even more, more than ever, as I hug her the strongest I can. Words won't come out of my throat but I manage to let out a low whine "… so happy..."
And I can hear how her heartbeat intensifies. fast, loud, ALIVE. And she hugs me back, cautious, incredulous, wishing. And I can hear her talk between hiccups.
"Why did you leave me, Luka? Why did you leave me alone…? All these years… I thought I had lost you…"
"I thought you were happy, Marinette. I thought you were married. I thought I was in your happiness’ way.” I pause once to stare into her eyes “But no more. I love you and as long as you want me with you I'm not leaving again"
But doubt is still on Marinette’s eyes as one thin veil of dark in her pupils.
“Can I really believe in your words, Luka…? Please, tell me. Tell me this isn't my insanity making me see and hear the things I wish the most. Tell me I'm not going crazy! Tell me this is real, tell me you’re real! Please… Please!"
I feel bad for smiling at her desperate cry. But how can I not when she makes all my dreams come true?
"Have I ever lied to you, Marinette? I love you. I want to be with you, if you allow me…"
"Yes! I want to be with you Luka. Is it really ok with me? Chloe is amazing and… you look good together… and me… After all the danger I've put you through…"
"I want you. Only you... Marinette. I want you to excuse me for not following a proper order, and not breaking-up properly with Chloe first, but taking the circumstances in consideration I have no choice… Marinette. Will you be my girlfriend?
"Can I really…?"
Her face shows a happy smile covered in red from her blush as she hides her face on my chest, hiding, but her answer is clear and soft "Yes…"
And I'm happy, I really am. But I'm not satisfied just with that. I want more. I want her forever. And I'm ready to take another challenge. And I came prepared too.
But Marinette's song still sounds unsure. Sounds of doubt in her heart-song, matching the beats of her heart.
"No, that's not enough. Tell me what you want. Tell me how you feel"
"I feel happy Luka, the happiest ever but… Chloe doesn't deserve unhappiness..."
"Neither do you"
"But… I don't want you to regret this…"
"I won't. Will you regret it?"
"I… I want to be with you… I want you to promise me you’ll never leave my side again..."
"That's it then”.
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selfcareparker · 4 years
okay fghsgdj yes you can say girl ! my pronouns are she/her :) okay but fr pause, i read this like 3 minutes after you posted it (or at least my notif said 3mins lmao) bUT IM IN BED AND I USUALLY HAVE MY COMPUTER OPEN WITH YOUR RESPONSE SO I MAKE SURE I ADDRESS EVERYTHING AND THEN SEND IN THE ASK ON MY PHONE HDGSJSH anyway, time to get my ass up 😔 but wait i find you so funny like honestly, reading that cracked me all the way up. and i feel the “lol” thing so hard!!!! idk why i do it all the time (i’m tryna stop) but i’ll say something with lol at the beginning and lol at the end... it might be a defense mechanism at this point lol (😔) AND (i need to stop with the uppercase too it’s not funny anymore) I DONT KNOW WHY I LAUGHED SO HARD JDHSK WHEN YOU SAID ALSO AGAIN HAHAHAH LIKE UR HAHHAH also my sleep schedule is not pretty either lmao but i’m homeschooled so i never have to get up for anything? hhdhsis idk but i’m glad you slept!! you need sleep!!
also (pls no i cannot) why did i not know what ykwim meant until i reread this?? like it makes so much sense- anyway! i think it’s so cool that you’re excited for university! idk why but i do lol like you’re getting ready for the future (masters degree and all that) & you’re (maybe) going to england anyway so that’s cool haha (hopefully when you go you can see your relatives 🤞🏾)
the fact that you get happy seeing my asks i- 💓💓
you make me wanna go to London & England so bad urghhhh like i’ve only been out of the country once (to Canada for a family reunion) but it sounds so prettyyyyy & i’m so sorry that cov*d is messing everything up and i hope you can see your relatives soon :(
now to address the whole english speaking/writing: I FIND THAT SO WEIRD DUHSKSJ i don’t know how an english speaking person could say that if you don’t write it 100% grammatically correct.... that it’s wrong? when literally, over here at least, WE’RE SO GRAMMATICALLY INCORRECT HAHHAAH in both the way we talk and write!! and lol you’re welcome,, AND THE PARAGRAPH DID MAKE SENSE HDHSJSH & your rant is fine because... that is actually a bit ??? bc no one writes with 100% grammar lol
OH MY GOSH (see this uppercase thing is addictive) YOU STUDIED LATIN FOR 6 YEARS??? that’s really cool 🥺 the way that you know/speak 3+ languages i- NOT EVEN 3+ LIKE 6+ (german, english, latin, french, serbian, italian, and everything that comes with latin lmao) even if it’s just a tiny bit like wowee. it is really fascinating!!! i had the opportunity to take latin and i... didnt. i took art instead BUT ONLY CUZ MY FRIENDS WERE IN THAT CLASS AND ART LOOKED FUN IM SORRY
PLEASE WHY DO YOU KNOW EVERYONE?? that sounds so fricking cool tell your mom (mum or mama it’s really fine lol) that she sounds awesome. i think Jamaica would be fun either way!! i mean it looks pretty from pictures? i was a baby so i honestly have no recollection hahaha
LMAOO NOT U SAYING THIS IS LONGER THAN SOME OF MY FICS- PLEASE GIRL IM TELLING YOU I VERBALLY LAUGHED HAHAHAHAHAH but yea you really don’t need to apologize i like reading everything you say 🥺 HDKSHS AND UR FINE WE WERE JUST TALKING ABOUT ME BEFORE uhhh hmm uhh lemme think i, well, i saw chaos walking yesterday (big tom holland fan over here) and it was alright.. my mom acted a fool at all the jump scares LMAO but it was funny... since i’m talking about movies (this is hella random i know) but i like shark movies HDKJSSJ my favorite is the meg (it’s so good ohmigosh) and the 47 meters down movies aren’t bad either... i have two younger brothers... iiiii AM IN LOVE WITH MUSIC PHEW anddd i’m homeschooled (i think i mentioned that lol) i think that’s a good amount ahahaha AND IM HUNGRY RN JDHSJ
now. please. let me address the edit. i just want you to know that.. when i talk about your fics and i finish them and everything i’m not looking for more? like obviously if you’re writing i’m gonna read it but you don’t need to feel pressured or anything (idk if you do) to put more fics out lol like they’re great and i’m just sending the praise bc i love the ones that are there :’) but i’m so happy you’re working through your writers block!!! yay so so happy for you!!! and PUHLEASE anything you write is fantastic, i feel the exact same way when i write but girl. you’re fine. it’s gonna be great. (idk if this made any sense but... okay)
(and my cousin calls her mom mama so it’s really okay hahah i even call my mom mama sometimes) (and where you got the number “16 sentences” beats me but i still cracked up) (is this me pretending i had tags? maybe) HAHAHAHA OK BYE ❤️❤️ why did this take me so long to send i have no clue, AND WHY AM I OVERTHINKING EVERYTHING I SAID SHAJSHSJ ANYWAY BYE btw i love us too... like iconic // lovely anon 💓
me reading this:
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also the dedication you put into sending me stuff— like with the laptop and phone and ahsksk 🥺🥺🥺
i’ll update you when i’ve started uni btw, i’m getting more and more excited every single day haha but i still have 3 weeks until it starts and even then I’ll obviously have to get used to it and everything, but you’re making me even more excited about it sksjshsg
yeah i wanna go to england too dkshsh let’s be sad together over the fact the we can’t travel eksjsh😔😭 but hopefully the wait will make it even better in the end <33 also i talk to loads of relatives over the phone at least once a week so it’s not too bad for me! but i miss their house 😭lmao
and i knowww snshsh so many native english speakers just make so many mistakes— and obviously i get that some things are slang but some things are simply wrong ajsh, the thing is no one has ever told me that my english is bad (i know it’s not bad anyway, but i’m still insecure) or no one has ever pointed out any mistakes, but yeah it’s mostly just insecurity dkshsg but yes thanks for saying what you said (previously as well as in this ask)😌🥰
Okay now for latin— girlll i don’t blame u for choosing art over latin esp. when all of your friends are doing art as well!! I’d choose art over latin as well lol skshsg but in year 6 we had to choose between latin and french, and at the time i didn’t like french? which was dumb of me and now i wanna learn french ekdhs but i don’t regret choosing latin at all bc if i properly learn french one day then i’ll already know understand loads of stuff (or at least some stuff lol) just thanks to latin 😌😌 but still, art>>>latin skskshshgs
I wanna watch chaos walking too!!! But i don’t get when/where/how it’s out lmao, cinemas are still closed here so i’ll either have to wait or find it somewhere online... il*egally 🥰 i don’t have high expectations at all btw but i like daisy and tom and the dog🥺 so i think i’ll enjoy it
GIRL SHARK FILMS SHARK FOLMS SKSJSHSHS okay so there are a few classics i haven’t watched yet, and also a few new ones that i haven’t seen yet BUT I LOVE SHARK FILMS SO MUCH SKSHSGSGSKK the first like proper shark film i ever watched was the shallows (which i like but my brain is still too small to comprehend what happened at the end (i mean i get it but i just can’t imagine it— idek if you’ve seen the film but skshhs)) and after watching it three times it does get a bit boring (but now whenever i see pictures or videos of big waves i’m just waiting for a shark to show up like come ON SKSJSG
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^^^that pic/scene really traumatised me sksjsh but i still like the film
I only watched jaws like a few months ago, and i get that it’s a classic and also that it’s old and they just didn’t have the best.. equipment or special effects or whatever but i mean... look at meg and then look at jaws.... no disrespect to jaws at ALL but the meg is so much cooler. (That one scene on the boat where the shark just JUMPS OUT OF THE WATER AND SKSJSHHSUSJHA i get such a shock every time it’s so good (and the dog aww aksjshssli 🥺🥺🥰 and the boy with the ice cream lmao he’s iconic)
47 metres down, wow, i liked that film too. (i’ve only watched the original/first one i think) i mean that is such a fucking nightmare scenario like ALSJDHSNEMSKDJSHSJSKWBALSODUEWBSLDKHDJSNSKSKSHSGEBWKAISGSHEKEKSKLDJDJDHDHSHAGGA (that’s the best way i can express my feelings about that scenario lmao)
oh and i’ve recently been watching more horror films but i don’t know if they’re for me... I like the thrill and whatever but i just end up being scared for my life when i have to go to the bathroom at night or when i’m trying to sleep bc suddenly my mind is flooded with all the scary shit from the films 💀💀💀
and music i mean... you know those people who just don’t listen to music? WHAT IS WRONG WITH THEM???? i honestly like all genres especially in the last year, i am IN LOVE with Nicki Minaj + Megan andddd Stormzy and i like Harry Styles but i prefer his first solo album (and obviously one direction has bangers i have a throwback 1D session at least once a month), I also love MGK especially his new stuff and otherwise i mostly listen to german artists lmao. So who do you like?💖 (WHY DO I FEEL LIKE YOURE GONNA SAY SOMETHING COMPLETELY DIFFERENT SKAHAGUS IF YOU LISTEN TO COMPLETELY DIFFERENT MUSIC DONT JUDGE ME AJSHDJS) (i know you’re not gonna judge me but)
++ @ the thing you said about writing, don’t worry, i don’t feel pressured at all!!! (not by you and not by anybody else.. except myself sometimes lol) and i’m just very happy that you liked my fics 🥰🥰🥰 and if i start telling people that i’m writing a fic then sometimes it puts a bit of (healthy) pressure on me. like yes sometimes it really is writer’s block, but sometimes i really am just lazy ddkshhd so now that i’ve told you i’m writing a fic i might get my ass up quicker than i would if i hadn’t told anyone 😌😌😌
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bigskydreaming · 5 years
Okay, so like, instead of that incredibly OOC for everyone involved piece of shit Battle for the Cowl storyline, what SHOULD have happened in my EXPERT opinion is they all start fighting for it, whatever, fine, but then Dick is like, fuck it, who even cares, let’s just all be Batman. Except for Damian, because you’re short and wee so you’re stuck with Robin, sorry kiddo.
To which Damian, naturally, would snarl: How DARE you, Grayson, I AM THE blah blah blah, but then everyone points out that the Robin costumes are literally the only ones that fit him and its not like he knows how to sew, and he’s welcome to TRY threatening/blackmailing/bribing Alfred into making him a pint-sized Batman costume, but like......lol. Yeah. Sure.
And so Dick AND Jason AND Tim AND Cass because she exists, fuck you BftC, are ALL Batman. Yes, even Cass. Jason’s all, shouldn’t you call yourself Batwoman? And Cass just stares at him, dead-eye, and says I don’t want to. And I mean, nobody’s dumb enough to argue with Cass so its like alright, there are four Batmen now. Batmans? Whatever.
And it just confuses the ever loving FUCK out of the Gotham underworld and Rogues, because you’ve got a laughing Batman who freaking PUNS and a trigger-happy shooting Batman and a short Batman who talks and acts just like the real deal except WHY IS HE SO SHORT and a freakily silent Batman who just fucking APPEARS right next to your elbow more quiet and creepily than even the original one ever managed and two seconds later you’re down for the count and you don’t even know what the fuck just happened.
And in the dark, with them all dressed alike, crouching at just the right angles that its almost impossible to tell at a first glance how tall or built they each are, these four Batmen are just freaking EVERYWHERE and you run into one and its like gdi I’m so fucked but I gotta wait til they stand up or say something to figure out just HOW fucked I am cuz like, please let it be any of them but the Batman with guns and then its the freakily silent Batman and you’re like WAIT OH FUCK I CHANGED MY MIND GIMME THE SHOOTY BATMAN I WANT THE SHOOTY BATMAN!
And also, the only thing that’s ever really successfully bonded the Batkids in the past is the opportunity to fuck with people, so eventually, sometimes they start mixing it up and imitating each other’s styles just to REALLY mess with peoples’ heads, with Jason randomly cracking puns so they’re like oh phew, its the laughing Batman, and then Jason’s like LMFAO NOPE and whips out a grenade. And Dick actually CAN be quiet when he wants to, so he pretends to be the freakily silent Batman and just fucking APPEARS in a warehouse full of gunrunners and whispers “Boo” and then he just laughs his ass off when they all run screaming out the door, where Stabby Robin is waiting with his katana. 
And on and on it goes until nobody knows up from down or left from right and you’ve got guys just laying down their weapons and sobbing I give up, like just at the SIGHT of any of them, because they’re so fucking confused and they’re like, maybe I can at least spare myself the headache of trying to figure out who the hell I’m even dealing with this time, look, I’m fucked no matter what anyway so what’s even the point.
And then finally Bruce comes back ‘from the dead’ or whatever that was, I stopped paying attention, something something time travel bat god Darkseid omega energy blah blah who cares.
And he’s figuring Dick has been Batman while he’s gone so he starts trying to get all caught up based off that assumption and THAT goes off the fucking rails pretty damn quick, and eventually he’s just scrolling through files on the Batcomputer like....wut?
And that’s when the kids all roar back in from patrol on and in their varying Bat-vehicles, to the sight of their supposedly dead father, and they’re all like....wut?
And Bruce stares at four different Batman and a four foot Robin who’s basically 75% ominous scowl and 25% bladed weaponry, and he’s like....wut?
And then Alfred comes down the stairs into the Batcave and stops and stares and is like, oh, my word. Y’know, all British-ish and stuff.
And then there are five Batmen.
It does not get less confusing for Gotham after that. 
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digitalworldbound · 4 years
Takari Week, Day Two: First Kiss
Hello, again! This was the first fanfiction I ever wrote in middle school, around the age of thirteen (eight years ago!). I found it the other day, and thought it would be cute to post. It’s not the best, but has a cute sentiment . @takariweek 💖
Title: First Kiss
Characters: Takeru x Hikari
We arrived at Daisuke’s house when the party was in full swing. From the overflow of cars in the driveway, it appeared that everybody from the soccer team, dance squad, and student council were there.
“Hey, Takaishi-san!” Daisuke sauntered over and did that guy hand-slap/chest-bump combination that he must have picked up from my brother. “Welcome, welcome, all!” He looked me up and down, and I gave him the stare that made it clear I wasn’t the least bit interested in anything he was looking for. Not all men mature after middle school.
“Hey, man.” Saeki, my boyfriend, said. He side stepped me, putting his body between Daisuke and myself. “Thanks for the invite.” Daisuke grinned wider, sizing Saeki up. Both boys had a competitive streak, something that I wished they left on the soccer field.
“Oh, right, you two are together. See, I keep forgetting that since she’s always with him.” He pointed a grimy finger to a clearly annoyed Takeru.
“Daisuke-san, I don’t believe that you’ve met Nagai-san yet.” Takeru gestured in his girlfriend’s direction. Her glittery eyes popped underneath her smoky eyeshadow, and I absentmindedly wished I had taken the time to apply some.
Our whole lives, people always assumed that Takeru and I were an item. In their defense, most of our time was spent together, and we even had this weird twin-telepathy thing that let us know how the other one was feeling. It wasn’t until high school arrived that our close bond was placed underneath scrutiny.
For whatever reason, Daisuke laughed. “Okay, I get it, I get it.” He reached into a cooler and pulled out some cans of soda.  “I’d say go long, Takaishi-san, but I don’t think my mom would appreciate getting soda on the carpet.” He laughed. I quirked an eyebrow at his jab. “Wow, Daisuke-san, that’s fresh coming from the kid that wore a pair of hand-me-down goggles for over half of his life.”
Saeki stifled a laugh at my outburst, but Takeru remained stoic. The four of us each took a can and made our way over to the corner of the kitchen.
“Don’t let him get to you.” I said to Takeru.
“But he’s right. I can’t seem to catch anything… except grief.” He shook his head. With the basketball season starting up, Takeru hadn’t had as much time to practice as he did in years previous. He game had gotten weaker; a detail that hadn’t slipped even Daisuke’s notice.
I turned my back to Nagai and Saeki. I knew how embarrassed Takeru could get about his skills. He always valued the opinions of others more than his own. “You’re getting much better. The other day, Nii-chan was telling me you catch a ball nearly half-way down the court.”
“I guess.” His voice was faint. “But it is so humiliating sitting on the bench every game.”
“I thought you only wanted to play basketball to make friends and to fit in. Remember? You said that you were more focused on becoming a writer.”
He shrugged. “But it doesn’t mean I don’t want to play.”
“I know but look around. You’re at a party and Daisuke-san of all people invited you.”
“He invited everybody.” Takeru’s huff of annoyance ruffled his golden locks, and I pretended that the movement didn’t distract me.
“But at least you’re here. And he’s making fun of you. Isn’t that ‘the bro’ way of being friendly?”
“’The bro way.’” He laughed.
“You know, how guys show affection. Or mark their turf. Kind of like how my cat Miko pees on something to let you know it’s hers.”
“Do you have any idea what you’re talking about?” A grin teased its way onto his face, and I silently rejoiced at the small victory.
“Of course not,” I admitted. “But does it at least make you feel a little bit better?”
“Yeah, just a little.”
I elbowed him playfully. “Well, that will not do. Clearly my job here is not done. Let me count the ways you are a stud.”
“Wait, wait.” Takeru laughed and pulled out his phone. “I need to record this. I may even make it my new ringtone.” His eyebrows wiggled suggestively.
I grabbed his phone and spoke directly into the mic. “I, Yagami Hikari, do hereby swear the Takaishi Takeru is a total manly man, the ultimate bro. Reason number one, he can quote the entire My Neighbor Totoro movie at the drop of a hat. Reason number two, he knows to always compliment a lady’s photography skills. Um, reason number three. Um…”
“Nice,” he grabbed his phone back. “You can’t even come up with three reasons?”
“See, there are just too many reasons, my poor brain is on overload.”
“Good save.”
“Phew!” I wiped my brow dramatically.
“Hey!” Miyako approached us. “I didn’t see you guys come in. But then I saw your dates outside and figured you were doing that thing you do.” I almost didn’t recognize her with her long hair pulled all the way back. Her face looked more angular, more grown-up.
The best part about Miyako, however, was that she could read the nonverbal exchange Takeru and I shared. “Let me guess. You didn’t realize your dates left.”
I grimaced.
She shook her head, shiny purple hair flowing behind her. “You guys are too much.”
“Clearly,” Takeru and I said in unison.
“Well, may I suggest that you take your party outside and keep your dates company?”
“Thank you so much!” I gave Miyako a quick hug before she returned to her student council friends.
Takeru and I went to the glass patio door and saw Nagai and Saeki leaning against the deck railing. Saeki, all cheekbones and full lips, was telling some story that made Nagai giggle like a little schoolgirl. Her cheeks were rosy against her white camisole, short cropped hair caught on a breeze. ‘Takeru-kun looks at that every day.’ I shut down that train of thought as soon as it arrived. Now was not the time to be jealous.
“Well, at least they’re having a good time.” Takeru remarked. “In fact, it looks like they’re having a better time now than they have all night.”
“Takeru-kun,” I stopped his hand from opening up the door. “I think that maybe it’s not the best idea for us to go on double dates.”
He nodded, letting his palm linger a second too long. “I know. It’s just hard to throw anybody into our mix. I really don’t want to mess things up with Nagai-san.”
“You and I will still hang out; you’re bound to me by the laws of friendship. I’m only saying that maybe date night should just be date night. No forcing our dates to put up with the two of us.”
Takeru’s gaze was fixed straight ahead. His jaw was tightly clenched, blue eyes narrowed to fine points.
“Takeru-kun?” When he didn’t respond, I followed his stare. Saeki moved closer to Nagai and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. She blushed further but leaned into him. He put his arm around her, pulling her closer. His jacket dangled from her shoulders as Nagai tucked herself into the warmth.
“Are they flirting?” I gasped out. There was no way this was happening.
Takeru and I remained frozen in place as we watched Saeki and Nagai lean in closer and closer. He said something else that made her laugh. Her giggles bounded off the glass door and shot straight into my heart. She twirled a piece of auburn hair around her finger, the action enticing Saeki lean even further into her. Her smile dropped. They were studying each other. Intensely.
I recognized the look on Saeki’s face. He tilted his head and put his index finger up to her chin. This was not happening.
“I can’t…” The pain etched in Takeru’s voice snapped me into action.
“How could you?” I found myself in front of Nagai. I know I should have been more upset with Saeki, but at that moment I was furious with the green-eyed beauty. Takeru had been on a few dates with her, he’d even asked her to come hang out with his friends and go to a party he was invited to, and this is how she repaid him?
Nagai shrank away from me, but Saeki stepped closer. “Are you being serious right now?” I’d never seen him so mad before. His hands, clenched into fists at his side, were trembling.
“Are you being serious right now?” I threw back.
He looked at me with disgust. “Do you realize how messed up this is? You’re mad at Nagai-san? Do you even care about me? You know what – you don’t even need to answer that. It’s clear that your only concern is Takaishi-san, not your boyfriend. No, wait, your former boyfriend.”
“Let me make sure I’m getting this straight.”  My mind was trying to keep pup with every that had happened in the past few minutes. “You were flirting with another girl. If I hadn’t stepped in, you were probably going to kiss another girl. You were going to cheat on me. Yet you’re mad at me? And you’re breaking up with me?”
“Do you have any idea how much this hurts me?” Saeki’s voice cracked, and I could tell it was completely genuine. I felt awful; maybe I had hurt him. But I certainly knew I didn’t do anything that justified cheating.
“How are you putting this on me?” Confusion swirled around in my head. Saeki and I had never fought; not once. We were talking about traveling to Kyoto for our one-year anniversary. And now he was breaking up with me? “Have you been drinking?”
“You know I don’t drink.” He snapped at me. “Maybe I did this on purpose, for you to see what it’s like to have your boyfriend give another girl all your attention. I really like you, Hikari-chan, but I can’t sit here and play second best to Takaishi-san anymore.”
“You wouldn’t think any of this if he were a girl.” Tears trailed down my cheeks, but I let them fall. I wanted him to see the pain he was causing me.
“But he’s not, and that’s the problem. Why don’t you two just go out already?”
That is what it always came down to. The perception that there was no way Takeru and I could be legitimately best friends and only friends. Nobody seemed to understand it. Mostly because those people never had a best friend of the opposite sex.
Or maybe it was more appropriate to say that none of them have had Takeru as a best friend.
“If you’ve had such a problem with it, why are you only saying something now?”
He groaned. “Because I figured the closer you and I got, the less I would have to deal with him?”
“Deal with him?”
“You know what I mean.”
“No, I don’t.”
I nearly jumped out of my skin when I heard Takeru’s voice say, “I’m so sorry.” I had forgotten that he and Nagai were there. In fact, a whole crowd had started gathering around the door.
Nagai was hunched over in the corner in an attempt to disappear. “I should go,” she said quietly.
“I’ll drive you home.” Saeki walked into the group of observers while Nagai following close behind him.
I heard some clapping. “Dudes,” Daisuke called out, emerging from the crowd. “I know I can always count on you two to bring the entertainment. If only I had some popcorn! That was insane.”
“Really, Motimiya-san?” I asked. Something in my voice must have stopped him.
“Oh, man, I’m sorry, Hikari-chan.”
I stood there waiting for him to make a sarcastic follow up comment, but he had a look of actual sympathy on his face. It made me feel even worse. If Daisuke felt bad for you, you knew your life must be pathetic.
“Let’s get out of here.” I grabbed Takeru by the arm and led us out of the crowded house.
“Um, our ride left,” Takeru said with quiet resignation.
“We’ll figure something out.” I opened the front door and started walking. “I think the fresh air might do us some good.”
Takeru stayed uncharacteristically silent for several minutes. I left him alone with is thoughts, as I had a plethora of my own to muddle through.  Mostly, what had just happened? Maybe I was missing some signals. I racked my brain for signs that Saeki had been unhappy. He’d made lots of jabs at how much time I spent with Takeru and usually pretended to gag whenever I would talk about him. But he was a guy. I’d thought he was teasing me.
Regardless of what I’d done, it didn’t give him any excuse to flirt the second my back was turned. But what made me the most upset was that it had been Takeru’s girlfriend. I would have thought Saeki, of all people, would’ve wanted Takeru to have a girlfriend.
“Is any of this making sense to you?” I asked Takeru. The night air caressed his cheeks, coloring them the shade of rose petals. He shook his head and kept walking. This was bad.
We found ourselves walking to the same place. We didn’t discuss our destination; we just lead each other to the shores of Odaiba Beach. Silently, we strolled towards the abandoned swing set. Carefully, I sat in the middle swing while Takeru occupied the swing to my left. This is how we always sat on the way home in middle school, back when growing up wasn’t so messy.
I started rocking my swing back and forth.
“So, I’ve been thinking,” Takeru announced, remaining motionless in his swing. “I think you’re right. We shouldn’t go on anymore double dates.”
I looked over and saw a slight smile pulling at the edges of his lips. “Are you making a joke?”
“Well, it’s either that, or accept the fact that I’ve been cheated on twice.” He was referring to his girlfriend from middle school. At the girl’s New Year’s Eve party, she snuck away to make out with Daisuke while Takeru was visiting his family in France. I was the one that found them in a tangle of limbs on a butterfly comforter. I was also the one that had to break the news to my best friend when he got off the plane six days later.
“Well, if it helps, Nagai-san didn’t technically cheat.”
He clicked his tongue. “Yeah, only because you stopped it.”
“We don’t know what was going to happen.” Truthfully, I didn’t believe the words as they came out of my mouth. I tried to lighten the mood. “I guess I really need to stop going to parties where your girlfriends are. And where there are doors.”
“Tell me about it.” He got up and went behind to push me. I closed my eyes and let the swing take me higher and higher. His hands pressed lightly on my back, and I relished in the comfort while it lasted.
We stayed like that for nearly an hour before I glanced down at my watch. “We either need to start walking home or call one of our parents.”
We decided that it was best to call Takeru’s mom for a ride.  My father and Onii-chan were very protective of me, so I didn’t think they would take it lightly that I’d been essentially abandoned at a party. Although I was with Takeru, which would have made them both feel a bit better. They both really liked Saeki, so I knew they’d be disappointed to hear that it was over.
Over. It was so strange to think about it.
Takeru and I sat on the curb while we waited on his mother to pick us up. He averted his eyes, picking at the toe of his sneaker.
“Are you okay?” I asked.
“Not really.” He wrapped his arms around his legs. “I don’t know, I’m wondering if there is something wrong with me.” A cheek was pressed against his knee, facing in my direction.
“There’s nothing wrong with you,” I assured him. His eyes, a stormy gray, refused to meet mine.
“But why do girls keep cheating on me?”
“You’ve had one girl cheat on you, and another to make a bad decision.”
He sighed, his breath shakily blowing his hair out of his eyes. “Maybe I’m a bad kisser.”
“I’m sure it’s not that.”
“How would you know?” He got me there. “Let’s think about it. My first girlfriend was away from me for ten days and sucking face with a guy who was supposed to be my friend the second she was alone with him. Tonight, my girlfriend was away from me for like two seconds before she about to make out with a guy that was already taken. The problem is clearly me.”
“You’re being silly.” I insisted. It hurt me to think that my best friend thought so lowly of himself. He was loyal, kind, and everything a girl could ever need.
“I don’t think I am.” That was all it took for Takeru to become opposite of silent. He spent the next five minutes battling the crickets for his voice to be heard. He went on and on about how it must be that he was a terrible kisser and that he would never be able to keep a girlfriend because of how lousy of a person he was. How he was never going to date another girl because he wouldn’t be able to trust them. How pathetic he must be that every girl jumped at the chance to be with someone the second his back was turned.
It was grinding on my last nerve.
Takeru was usually pretty laid back about most things, so I wasn’t accustomed to him being so hard on himself about some girl.
I kept trying to tell him that it wasn’t about him. It was about how the first girlfriend likes to flirt and couldn’t be “girlfriend material” with how she preferred to play the field. And who knew about Nagai? She was younger than we were. She had made a mistake.
But that wasn’t enough. I was getting so frustrated with Takeru. Part of me wanted to smack him, but I knew he would only keep complaining.
“Nope, that’s it. I’m a horrible kisser. And it’s going to spread around the school and no girl will ever give me a chance.”
“For the love of the gods, Takeru-kun!”
And before I really could register what I was doing, I grabbed his cheeks and pulled his lips to mine. The chilly air had chapped them, and but his face was warm underneath my hands. He was tense, probably from shock, but I forced my eyes shut so that I wouldn’t see any looks of disgust he could give me.  I tried to ingrain the scent of the sea and sandalwood and something uniquely him. Then, his shoulders loosened. His arms wrapped around my middle as he eased his body into mine. My fingers twitched, threatening to caress his hair.
I pulled away and Takeru struggled for breath. “Wh-wh-what …” He stammered, ears pink from excitement.
Ignoring my own rapid heartrate, I discretely tried to catch my breath. “You’re fine. You are not a bad kisser. It has been verified. Moving on.”
His eyes were shiny and wide, mouth agape and speechless. For the first, I cursed myself for leaving my camera at home.
I loved that he was so flustered. The fact that I could have that effect on him was exhilarating.
From across the street, we could see his mom’s headlights approaching. I stood up while he remained seated on the curb. I reached out my hand to help him up, but it took him a second to process it. He got up on his feet, completely stunned.
“So, that’s one thing that I have on all of your basketball friends and your other ‘bros’” I said to him, flashing him the smile I reserved for quiet moments like these. He returned a blank stare.
I laughed and playfully punched him in the shoulder. “I don’t think any of them would’ve had the nerve to prove to you that you’re not a bad kisser. You’re welcome, by the way.”
He stayed mostly silent on the ride back to my house. Every so often, his finger would reach up to brush across his lips, and I had to stop myself from doing the same. ‘Remember, you’re better off as friends.’
I laughed silently to myself while my thigh was pressed against his in the backseat. All it really takes to fluster a guy is a simple kiss.
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nadiaportia · 4 years
Life Lessons - A Past Tale
Summary: On a day meant for relaxation, a young magician-in-training finds herself in the middle of an explosive confrontation.
Starring the Rubalacaba family; Ximena, Heloisa, Cibela, Esmé and Marisol
Word count: ~4.6k
Content warning for violence (nothing too graphic) and a messed up family dynamic.
It was a warm midsummer’s day, the sun stood high in the sky and my lessons had been finished an hour earlier. Mistress Julia had congratulated me on my good work and progress and allowed to me go enjoy myself outside for the rest of the day while she was going to the docks. Her wife had been travelling to Karnassos to see her family and they haven’t seen each other for several weeks.
As it was a habit, I decided to go the aviary to relax after my lessons. The grounds were vast, in my own opinion a little too vast, so there were always places to hide but the aviary had something about it - despite the fact that I was barely on my own there. It was also my sister’s Heloisa’s prefered location; she could spend hours in there taking care and marvelling at its residents. When we were both younger, she would teach the goldfinches to sing along to her whistling and proudly showed them to the servants and our father. The aviary was her dominion, especially since our older sister couldn’t be less interested in birds and spent the time she was on the grounds training or studying. 
The aviary was a large cage made of gilded steel with vegetation and a small river flowing through it, in size bigger than the main hall in the manor, where its residents had free reign to live in. Upon entering, I heard giggling and following the path deeper into the small forest, I saw my older sister. She sat on the ground, stroking a golden pheasant on her lap while a hummingbird flew about her face. It was currently holding one of her black curls in its beak as if to pull her up from her comfortable position.
“No, please, Xquic!”, she laughed and stopped stroking the pheasant to gently let the hummingbird sit on her index finger.
“Dorian deserves his caresses too, you know I don’t play favorites.”
She had given every single bird in the aviary a name and treated each of them like individuals. I liked all of them just fine enough but to Heloisa they were as much as her friends like the noble girls she went to parties with in secret. When she saw me, a grin spread across her face. 
“Welcome to freedom! I've been here for two hours now, Livia decided to give it a rest because even she didn't have the spirits to talk for too long about this guy's manifest. I mean, reading about revolting merchants can only be so interesting, especially when you already know they were beaten after the armies of Karnassos and Bizatena came to the Zaan's aid!” 
She sighed dramatically and proceeded to make kissing noises at Xquic. I sat next to my sister. The grass was warm and soft, and Dorian raised his head to look at me. I reached out and caressed the top of his crown. 
“Well, I spent three hours trying to make portals large enough for a human to fit through, but it takes a lot of concentration. When Julia does it, it looks so easy.” 
“Your magic stuff is vastly more interesting than politicking and learning how to lie.”
“I don't get your complaints - Tía Esmé has you on track to leave the junior court meetings and go full game. Cibela attended her first meeting last year.”
My sister's smile turned into a sneer. Even though we all enjoyed the luxury of fundamental education - history, philosophy, various languages such as Bizanti, Zadithian and Prakran, literature, art, music, the sciences and common etiquette proper for a noble of Cartagenth - each of us was also given tutelage in a special field in order to prepare us for our future at the Zaan's court. 
“Yeah, I guess you’re right.”, she said and shrugged, “and still, making portals, lifting objects and talking with spirits is pretty wicked and exciting.” I sighed. It didn't matter if she was the best junior politician and won several play-debates against seasoned courtiers during dinners, she would always want the talents others possessed. But I wasn't in the spirits to argue with her, not today. 
“Magic is a lot more complicated than you think, and from what Tía Esme says it might take even years before I am as good as Julia - and I don't wanna be just good enough to become a tutor.”
“By the mother, imagine that! No, you will be the greatest magician of all times, they will build statues for and tell stories of you, not only here but everywhere! Crystalleans in the North, bandits in the South, Firenti in the East and Calpacians all over will know the name Ximena de Rubalcaba!” 
I laughed and shook my head.
“If you say so, it will be true one day.”
“Of course it will.” Heloisa reassured me and gently shooed her avian companions away from us. “I talked to Tía Esmé a couple of days ago, according to her it could very well be that I were to start my travels very soon. If you asked me nicely and with a bow on top, I could consider namedropping you to the rulers of far away and powerful countries…”
“How's that going to go down? 'Oh, Queen of Prakra, say, if you happen to be looking for a magician, I might just know the right person - my fifteen year old sister!'”
“No, of course not, you idiot. One of the essences of politics is: less is often more.”
“Ah, yes, less was definitely more on the party thrown by the son of the Karnasso ambassador. Or when Shayera, Filomena and you went to a 'health resort'. Or-” 
“Okay, I get it. Phew, it's not my fault you are boring and never want to join in on the fun.” 
“Whatever. At least I won't die of boredom in cabinet rooms or in court sessions when I'm a grown-up.” 
Heloisa scoffed loudly and stood up. “Fine! And you'll never be a capable magician, in the meantime I'll be dining with the influential sovereigns of the world. Who knows, maybe I'll become the next Zaan before you manage to cast a portal!”
I looked lazily at her, how she stood over me, her hands on her hips, the sun behind her head and casting dark curly hair into a warm light. 
“Hm.” I closed my eyes and smiled as I heard her walk off and out of the aviary, fuming while murmering curses under her breath.
And yet she was also my best friend even though we were nothing alike. The nightly carousing my sister loved so much was nothing I could ever be interested in, apart from the fact that she was four years older and thus allowed to do it, but rule-breaking and rebellion without a cause in general never had the same appeal to me. It wasn't as if I hated being in company but it wasn't something I craved like a moth needed the lantern's light, and I certainly didn't have the same social charisma as her, with a face known and beloved by all and the ability to make everyone feel special in her company. I liked being on my own, listening to my own thoughts or doing things on my own such as reading, practicing on Cibela's piano whenever she wasn't on the estate (her visits were becoming rarer anyway), stealing into the kitchen to watch the servants prepare our food (the first time I had done that, they thought Madre had send me to make sure they did a good job), making sketches of the paintings in the galleries and many other things lonely noble children seemed to do, as I had been told by my cousin Agustín. The only son of Tía Esmé was a diplomat on track to becoming an ambassador and during his visits, he would stay on the family estate. Despite him and Cibela being the closest in age, they were like cats and dogs to each other, with him having thrown around the words “cruel” and “heartless” while Cibela had complained to Madre about him being a pathetic excuse of a politician and even a traitor to Cartagenth. So he spent most of his visits with Heloisa and me, even though he always told me I was his favorite - and judging by the sharp remarks he made about Heloisa, even to her own face, there was no doubt it was true. It was a nice feeling to be someone’s preferred company even though I felt as if favoritism seemed to be a family tradition, and not a good one. 
I sighed, opened my eyes again and was immediately almost blinded by the sun. The goldfinches were singing somewhere in the trees and something was chirping softly in the scrubs. A thought crept into my mind and I grinned. I sat up, leaned towards the bush and let out a whistle. It rustled and a black manakin made its way to me. 
“Hello, you cutie.” I said, and wiggled my finger at it. “Wanna help me in an experiment?”
I hoped this would work. We would throw marbles throw the portals to see whether they fulfilled their purpose but never tried it with a living organism, so if it didn't work…
The manakin tilted his head and looked at me. I sighed. 
“Right, you don't understand human speech.” I reached out and softly stroked his chest. “But you're not flying away, so I'll take that as a yes.” He nibbled at my finger. “I'll collect some worms for you, I don't have a problem with digging in the ground unlike someone else.”
A chirp, whether he actually understood a word was another matter.
I closed my eyes and let out a breath. I tuned out the noises all around me and concentrated on the manakin, where it was and on creating a gateway to bring it to another location - not very far, just a few meters away from me. A noise that wasn't quite a noise caught my attention and upon opening my eyes, I saw the bird looking curiously at a small doorway, big enough for him to comfortably fit through, and another one near a tree trunk.
“That's for you. Please…?” 
The manakin looked at me as if he himself was unsure of this.
“Go ahead, nothing will happen.” I said with hopefully enough conviction in my voice. 
It seemed to have hit the mark because he jumped through it - and reappeared a few meters away from me. 
“Yes!”, I screamed and pumped a fist in the air and startling the manakin who jumped about a foot in the air.
Time flew by as I made portals, some bigger than others, for my new friend to walk or fly through, and he strangely seemed to find as much joy as this as me. 
I was in the middle of making another one when I heard footsteps. To my surprise, it was Heloisa, with her face dark like a beetroot and her mouth twisted into a snarl.
“What happened?” I asked worried, hurrying over to her but instead of an answer she pushed me away. Her eyes were rimmed red and there was a glint of fire in copper brown that made me take a step back. 
“What do you think you're going to do with this?”
“Get out of my way!”, was the snappy answer I received as she made her way over to a tree, reached into a hole in the trunk and pulled something out. A shining steel blade, one that I was sure I had seen many many times.
“By the Devil, is that one of the Nopali swords in the ancestral gallery?” I blurted out and followed Heloisa as she stomped out of the aviary. When I got no verbal response, I grabbed her arm and made her face me. 
Her lips switched and she scrunched her nose. 
“You'll see soon enough what I'll do to her.” Wrenching loose of my grip, she whirled around and continued her way, and it hit me like a falling anvil to know where she was going. The aviary wasn't far from the estate building itself so it didn't take too long before we reached the first inner court which also functioned as training grounds for the guards. In the center, on the sand ground, a young woman in light armor with one arm on her back and the other wielding a blunt training sword was parrying the blow of a figure also clad in light armor and with a double-handed sword. She dodged the next blow, made a sidestep and used the momentum to hit her opponent in the side with the swords pommel. The opponent clutched their side and wheeled around to meet her blow, metal hitting metal in an ugly noise.
“Hey! Cibela!” Neither of the figures acknowledged us but merely continued their melee.
“Don't tell me you want do what I think you want to do.” I sighed and held Heloisa's arm. 
“Don't tell me what to do,”, she hissed and shoved me away, “and don't even dare to tell Mother. Cibela!”
“Don't be stupid and put down the sword, please! You'll hurt each other.”
Fury was written all over her face when she said: “That's exactly what I want to do. I've had enough of her thinking she is better than me just for being allowed to train as a warrior!”
“Then challenge her to chess or something, not a swordfight.”
Heloisa let out a mocking laugh. “Of course you'd say that, words befitting of a cowardly magician.” My cheeks stung at her words as if I had been slapped in the face. “You wouldn't understand. You don't have any fighting spirit, so all you are good for is rolling over and playing dead.”
“I just know that fighting battles I can't win doesn't do any good.”
The noise of a body hitting the floor brought our attention back to the fighters and we saw how the woman took the hand of her opponent to be helped off the ground. Dark curls had escaped her braid during the fight and made her look distinctively messy, beads of sweat glittered on her forehead and her neck and face were flushed. 
“May the Devil damn you, stop distracting me!”, she yelled at us and pushed the loose strands of her out of her face. Dark eyes fixated us angrily and Heloisa laughed yet again. 
“Oh, is it that easy? I'm starting to believe you are not good a fighter as you make everyone believe. How do you even survive on those battlefields you claim you're so successful on?”
Cibela's face flushed even darker than it did from the exhaustion and she let out an angry snarl. “A mercenary is easy work compared to you, sister. Now go away, be a nuisance elsewhere.”
“No, I won't!” Heloisa screamed and held out the sword in front of her. The swordsman dropped their sword in shock and made a motion to walk over to us.
“Stay your hand, Octavio, or I'll have you fired and sent to live with the rats in the gutter.”
“Lady Heloisa, please calm down. The sword you're holding is sharp.”
Cibela let out a laugh. “Of course it is. Stop this nonsense before you hurt yourself, you're not worth a fight.”
I couldn't stop her from stomping at Cibela and I threw myself between the two of them, holding my hands out. “Will you two stop provoking each other?” I knew better than to ask what exactly caused this dispute to begin; I wouldn't get an answer anyway. Heloisa and Cibela constantly butted heads over even the smallest issues, and it wasn't helped by the fact that they were both too eager to find reasons to get into arguments. 
Cibela's lip curled in a sneer. “Even Ximena is more of a realist than you. She knows I'd gut you like a fish if this were an actual fight. You are no fighter; all you can do is talk a lot and charm people into doing what you want them to - and that is something everyone can do, it takes no real talent. You're just as stupid and useless as those birds you love so much - pretty to look at and have around with their feathers and songs but shallow and of no use whatsoever.”
Heloisa roared in anger, lifted the sword and ran at our sister. I jumped out of the way, and saw in shock how Cibela easily dodged the blow and took a few steps back.
“I won't fight you, you don't even know how to! It's a waste of my time and an easy kill.”
Frantically I turned to Octavio. “Get whoever, otherwise they'll kill each other for real!”, I yelled and as Cibela's coach ran off, I stood up and thought about what to do. Damn me for not knowing how to make protective shields! 
“Get a real sword and let's find out, and do you think me so stupid to fight you without knowing how to?”
“Yes, I do.”
The next hit on the tourney sword left a dent in it, and Heloisa let out a triumphant laugh. “Don't bother with holding back, or is that all you can do? I have long suspected all you did on those battlefields was have others do your dirty work, seems I was right after all!”
A kick to the stomach silenced Heloisa and sent her tumbling back. Cibela scoffed and walked back to the assembly of swords to train with and took out a silver shortsword. “Yield now, sister. Scars don't suit you and we'd never hear the end of it.”
“I have been watching you train with Octavio and the others, do you really think I never learned even a bit? Or that I might have had someone who helped me from time to time?” The grin slipped from her face as Cibela approached her with sure steps, sword in hands and swung at her. Heloisa ducked and scrambled away from our sister's reach, who looked merely amused. “I think you're in way over your head. But I will give you a lesson you will not forget ever, that you may know your place and to stay in it.”
A quick movement and Cibela took off, sword pulled back to strike at Heloisa, who stood her ground with a determined look on her face. But the impact of Cibela, who was at least a head taller and had a more muscular frame, was enough to send her on her back onto the ground. “Your battles are in court and with words, not blades.”
I screamed in terror as Cibela threw back her arm, to swing it at Heloisa's face-
I acted on instinct, for fear for my sister's life. Light bubbled in my hands and I aimed it at the two. Cibela groaned at the blinding light and covered her face as she stumbled back as Heloisa gave a hard kick at her ankle and rolled out from under her.
“You're a true magician, Ximena,”, Cibela spat at me, her face scrunched up in anger as she stood up, “too much of a coward to get involved directly but always ready to help with dirty tricks. You two are a disgrace to our family name.” Then she spun around to catch Heloisa's wrist, I hadn't even noticed her getting up again and trying to hit Cibela in the back with the pommel. 
“Especially you.”
Her grip was so hard that it made Heloisa scream in pain, she dropped the sword and let it fall into the dust between them. Cibela let her fall back, and as if through fog I saw the blade in her other hand find its way onto Heloisa's torso, connecting with it at the shoulder blade and making its way to the hipbone. Someone's shrill scream rang in my ears and only when I covered my mouth I realized it had been me. But I couldn't move, I was rooted to the spot as I watched my sisters, one standing with the tip of her blade bloodied over the other, lying on the group, gasping like a fish out of water.
Someone else's scream brought me back to reality and I spun around to see our mother and our aunt make their way to us, Octavio hot on their heels. 
“Oh my goodness!” Madre threw her hands to her face as she saw Heloisa in the dust. Her flowing purple gown fluttered behind her as she ran to them, while Tía Esmé approached me and grabbed me by the shoulders with urgency. “Marilena, what happened? Be quick about it.”
I stumbled upon my words various times and only when she dabbed my face with her cape, I noticed tears were streaming down my face. “He-Heloisa challenged Cibela to a-a fight. I didn't think they'd ac-actually-”
“What's done is done. With me, now.” Her hand wrapped around my wrist like a vice as she pulled me along. “Julia taught you the basics of healing, now's time to make use of them.” 
I gaped at Tía Esmé but the steely look in her eyes made me swallow my doubts. 
“Are you happy now? Isn't that what you wanted?” Cibela's voice was cold as ice, no hint of regret upon what she did. 
“Cibela, what have you done?” Mother cried as she cradled Heloisa, tears were freely running down her face and leaving dark traces of her make-up. My sister was looking at the cut in her chest as if she couldn't believe what just happened. The blood was beginning to stain the burgundy fabric black as it seeped out. She raised a hand to touch it and screamed at the sight of her own blood on it.
“I gave my dearly beloved sister what she was so desperately chasing; someone who would put her back in her place and teach her some respect.”
I stared at Cibela and felt my throat tighten at the venom in her words. For a brief moment, nothing more than a split second, I considered picking up the sword on the ground and hitting her with it, but the thought of it frightened me as soon as I finished it. 
The vice around my wrist disappeared and Tía Esmé closed in on Cibela, who held up her chin in defiance. “Did you stop to think about turning down the duel and reason with her without spitting poison? Is this how an officer of the Grand Army of Cartagenth behaves, or this is more akin to a lawless bandit?”
Cibela took a step forward, her face mere inches away from Tía Esmé. “She was the one who insisted on a duel, she can be lucky I decided to show mercy even if I was in the full right to kill her and I wouldn't have shed a tear if I had done so.”
The silence behind that statement lasted both nothing and an eternity, and the ensuing sound of the back of Esmé's hand hitting Cibela's face full force seemed deafening. Mother screamed and instantly let go of Heloisa to help her eldest of the dust, leaving me to catch her before she hit the ground.
“You ungrateful little parasite.” Esmé sneered as Cibela held the side of her face where she had been hit, “have you learnt nothing? Family is the only thing that matters. Without us, you’re a fucking nobody. Get out of my sight.”
Cibela scrambled onto her feet, a trail of blood running down her nose and furious tears building in her eyes. Without a further word she whirled around and left the training grounds, with Madre running after her and saying words made unintelligible by her sobs.
“Octavio, get a doctor. Have them bring something for transport.” The coach bowed quickly with a murmured “Yes, General.” and ran back into the building.
I took a deep breath as I laid my hands on Heloisa's chest. She let out a scream and squeezed her eyes shut. Esmé knelt next to us and regarded the wound with an expert's eye.
“Try to keep her from bleeding out, from what I see the wound is not deep enough to make lethal damage but you can never know. I've seen soldiers bleed to death from a lot less and survive a lot worse.”
She reached out and took Heloisa's hand, gently stroking the back of it with her thumb. “Stay awake, it'll all be alright.”
It would be alright, but it ended up taking two whole months. Two months that Heloisa spent in bed, taking medicine that would hurry up the healing process and barely being able to move without experiencing pain. That did not prevent her tutors from giving her stuff to read and it drove her mad with anger, along with the fact that this prohibited her from leaving with the junior council to places such as Vesuvia and Firent. I was the one keeping her company most of the evenings, occasionally Madre or Padre would join but more often than not instead of them it was Tía Esmé if she happened to be on the grounds and not in the city or at court giving war council. Cibela had left the estate grounds days after the incident to lead a division of Cartagense soldiers to the Sea of Persephia, which had to be a journey of approximately two months. After a long discussion between Tía Esmé and Madre on which I had eavesdropped, they decided it was best to send Cibela away for at least a while for the bad blood to die down, and the troops desperately needed support on the front.
“Against who is the Grand Army fighting now?” I asked Tía Esmé one evening during dinner.
“The Bizanti are on the verge of starting a trade war after being threatened by a small, way too insignificant city state and it is our duty to stand by our allies and aid them in crushing the enemy.” Her gaze turned cool as she spoke. “You make it sound as if you think we are always at war with others.”
“Aren't we? You're always holding war councils with the Zaan and his courtiers.”
“Ximena!” Madre put down her fork and looked at me. “Don't speak like this to your aunt, especially not at the table.” But Tía Esmé merely raised her hand. “I don't mind, Marisol. And I don't blame you, dearest, after all you are still only a child whereas your sisters understand the way things work. We have the right to defend ourselves from our enemies at all costs.”
“I know, but does it have to be that way? Agustín surely could solve this, isn’t that what diplomats are for?” Aunt Esmé regarded me with a raised eyebrow, Madre laughed quietly and soon everyone turned their attention back to the food. Even Heloisa seemed to agree with them when I told her what happened at dinner.
“You should be glad we have people like Tía Esmé. If generals like her hadn't been so successful, Cartagenth would’ve already been conquered by someone and instead of the Zaan, some foreign ruler would call the shots.”
I sighed. “Maybe you're right. But not everything needs to end in bloodshed.” You out of all people should know that, I thought bitterly and sat down in an armchair. 
“Some people simply don't know better,”, Heloisa sighed, like always lacking self-awareness, and turned her attention back to her book. I looked at her, my tongue barely holding back a sharp remark, and grabbed the card deck. With Julia not teaching me divination beyond the basics, it was the only area I had to work on myself. The books in the library were helpful but it was mostly a matter of practice, as I found out. A lot of practice and listening. I shuffled the deck and pulled out a card. Justice, reversed. Unfairness and lies. How very fitting.
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ampleappleamble · 4 years
🖊 + vaargys, tell us more about this tall-haired bastard (i say with fondness)
Yesssssss Vaargys the Tall-Haired Bastard Man~
Vaargys came out of a desire to explore Glamfellen, the White That Wends, Wael, Rymrgand, and playing a character that was less similar to myself than Axa. (Axa Does Not Lie, and I myself am an absolutely terrible liar <:3) Beast of Winter had just been released when I came up with him, so of course he's heavily influenced by Vatnir and Rymrgand, as well as all the other adorable little dudes at Harbinger's Watch. I don't remember when I decided to make him Axa's ex-fiancé, but once made, the decision seemed so Right I couldn't imagine a time when he hadn't been part of her backstory. For the record, Vaargys is a Priest of Wael with a Mystic background. His eyes are gold due to that one default male elf portrait I use for him, and his hair is tall because I figured "lol priest of Wael so randum" means a huge pouf of blue-white hair with some blond highlights in the front. After playing with him a bit more, I decided that his wild hair was only partially the result of being a devotee of Wael, and it was mostly his decades of wandering the Land alone and in permanent survival mode that resulted in poor hygiene and no haircuts. By the time Axa meets him and properly grooms him for the first time, his hair is already in perma-crazy mountain man mode and there ain't no goin' back ♡
Vaargys was born, raised, and orphaned in a small community of Glamfellen that travelled the northern coasts of the White That Wends. He was a troubled child who suffered strange, prophetic dreams, and he never really fit in amongst his clanmates. He resigned himself to living a solitary life early on, but found that both the crushing loneliness of pariah life and the bleak rhetoric of his clan's patron god, Rymrgand, was too much to bear without any kind of support at all. So, shortly after hitting puberty, he had a revelation (or maybe a nervous breakdown/ panic attack? he couldn't really tell you) that revealed to him his life's purpose. He announced to his clan elders that he was to be a priest of Wael, and his mission was to spend his life urging others to embrace chaos and uncertainty, and thus balance nihilism with absurdism!
So after his clan exiled his crazy ass for his unorthodox views (and just because he was weird and difficult to live with anyway), Vaargys spent a few decades wandering, surviving, getting scars, learning how to serve Wael, and growing entirely too much hair. One day, after getting driven off from yet another Glamfellen trading post, he met an orlan woman from a faraway land who was studying local communities and dialects. They bonded over their shared outcast status, and what was at first a friendship quickly turned into a romance. After two years, when Axa told him she had to return to Ixamitl and compose her thesis on the Ordhjóma language for submission to her lore college, he begged her to let him accompany her to the land that revered Wael so. He need not have begged; Axa had been planning to ask him to come with and was overjoyed that Vaargys wanted to join her.
But their life together in Ixamitl was wrought with misfortune. Axa didn't have much family, and what little family she had neither liked nor trusted the strange elf she'd brought home from the frozen wastes with her. Her colleagues at the lore college respected her, but told her to keep an eye on him and not to rely on him so much. He didn't know why everyone seemed to hate him so, but he did start to hear stories about things he'd apparently done that he didn't remember doing. Axa would tell him he said things he didn't remember saying. Was Wael working through him? Was he losing his mind? Was Rymrgand taking revenge on Vaargys for turning his back on him all those years ago, showering his patented Beast of Winter brand Bad Luck on the hapless lad? He never found out, because Axa discovered that about 2/3rds of her thesis was based on complete horseshit Vaargys had told her, consciously or otherwise, and she kinda lost her shit.
Now it gets a bit interesting here. Because I have a branching timeline~
In one timeline, Axa cannot salvage her academic career. Her reputation is ruined, all anyone has to say is "I told you so about that elf", and her fiancé has beat a hasty retreat to Wael-knows-where. So given a choice between joining this caravan to the Dyrwood she'd heard about and committing suicide, Axa chose to move to Gilded Vale and become the Watcher of Caed Nua. But in the other timeline...
Vaargys only ever wanted to help Axa. Sometimes she would ask him a question about etymology or how a certain turn of phrase might be used. Sometimes he didn't know the answer. Sometimes he did know the answer, but but he oversimplified it, or extrapolated far too much and made the answer as much fiction as fact. More than anything, he wanted her to want him, to have need of him and keep him near her, to be the family he'd yearned for all his life. In the end, his fibs and fantasies ruined her, and he knew she'd never forgive him. He just wasn't meant to be among kith. So, with neither an argument nor an explanation, he apologized for making such a mess of things, bid farewell to the only person he'd ever loved, and sought yet another new beginning in the Dyrwood.
Phew! It feels super good to write all this down finally. ♡♡♡ I'm finding things out about these guys I never really considered before! Big reason why I reblogged this ask meme, actually: to force myself to write about my Watchers so I could practice my rusty old writing skills and maybe figure out their personalities a bit more. Axa and Vaargys are by far my most developed Watchers/OCs, so my answers about other characters I've come up with probably won't be as involved as my answers about these two. However, more specific questions about Axa and/or Vaargys might be fun to try to answer! Regardless, if anyone has any more questions, please feel free to ask! And thank you for your ask! :3 Vaargys is indeed a tall-haired bastard man, but his heart's in the right place ♡
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bladekindeyewear · 5 years
HS^2 bloggin’ upd8 2020-01-17
Alright, morningblogging yesterday’s 2020-01-17 upd8 to Homestuck^2 let’s go!  Spoiler-free again.  I kinda don’t want even the next chapter names image-spoiled above the cut anymore so I’m going to have to figure out WHAT to put above the cut in these liveblog posts for visual reinforcement... a unique silly icon?  Going back once I’m done with the upd8 and posting something non-spoilery but weird-looking out of context?
Eh, can’t be assed.  Just know that after this I’m going to pony up for the Patreon commentary and skim it for anything plot-useful to y’all (in a separate post).  Let’s get started.
Okay, what’s next:  Any bonuses?  Oh, none!  Phew.  Unless those are coming faster too and just staggered differently, which would mean I gotta overcome my irrational pre-Homestuck-reading anxiety even MORE often.  :T
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No Homestuck you don’t GET to ask how my-- ah, right.  :P
(FYI, HS^2 has been good to my emotions so far, quite a balm for the epilogues, so once I START reading I’m usually fine; but after being hurt so badly how could I possibly convince my lizard brain to trust it until it’s right in front of me?  Seriously, just hearing that the upd8 has landed messes me up a bit until I come fix it by reading w/ y’all here.)
Okay, so whose feelings?  As much as I’ve been waiting for Jade, I hope this isn’t about Jade.
> ==>
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Ah fuck, we’re finally with the Pursuit Crew.  Bracing myself.  That means we get to see probably sleeping Jade ( :C ), full-swing DaveKat (approving nod), the first canon onscreen look at masculine-mode Roxy (<3), a probably pretty pissed off Kanaya (possibly either the feelings target, the one Saying How Are Your Feelings, or both), and uh... did they drag Callie along?  Or leave her back there with her meta freakout?  Probably left her back there, but... hm.
Let me turn up the brightness on this screen to sear these next pages into my retinas.  (Also, it feels odd to still be using a four-person “==>” for these, although if Jade is still asleep the numbers might fit on both ends... :c )
> ==>
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I don’t think Dad is in the spacefaring business, so this is probably one of Jake’s shittier spaceship designs.
> ==>
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...well that’s a touch disturbing.  Is that a Jade-occupied bed or are those just pillows?
Oh what the fresh fanfic’y heck is this command.
> i enter.
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Okay that’s great.  I got a kick out of that.
JADE [in calliope red]: the prince’s power grows.
--but that’s not.  That explains the narrative command text, it’s alt!callie talking through a still conked-out Jade.  Please let her wake up between speak-throughs, please tell me you’ve learned that trick??  I already know you’re gonna pull an “oh she was asleep pretty much all of those THREE YEARS OF TRAVEL” thing on me and that’s hard fucking enough to deal with.
He’s actually using the full curse correctly, huh?
...These commands.  Guess part of the puzzle is how much alt!Callie is being typically morbid and how much she might actually be wising up enough to get a kick out of this.
> the knight of blood falls.
DAVE: dude can you chill for like even a single fucking second DAVE: also are you ok
Has CallieJade chilled for even a single second this entire trip??  Is he asking just if Karkat’s okay or Jade too???
--yeah I’m overblowing things out of nervousness.  Just wait and see a bit, boots.
Alt!Callie has at least learned to be more of a smartass:
> karkat is characteristically appreciative of the alarm call.
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Shirt trade Karkat, nice.  And uh, Jade’s dress sure is a... dress.  Hm.
(Did alt!Callie alchemize adjustments to did she just luck out to have a red-symbol’d Bec belt and accent leggings?  I’d prefer the former, because as much as it would be acceptable within Homestuck proper, using the transition between the epilogues and this new-author’d work to just HAPPEN to give her a fitting outfit without an excuse via providence is kind of lazy.)
...please let that mean he’s not used to her being possessed all the time and she wakes up sometimes.  PLEASE.
DAVE: but im pretty sure i locked that door JADE: i unlocked it with my mind. DAVE: fuck KARKAT: FANTASTIC. JADE: the prince’s powers are growing, but so are mine.
Dave, I’m pretty sure regular-ass no-Green-Sun Space powers can flip a few lock tumblers too.  (--though, I guess from context this was a Jakeship technolock.  Confirmation on the ship’s bad taste in design.  --I think I’m foggily remembering it said in the Epilogues that they took one of Jake’s ships just like Dirk did, too... man, being depressed so much by the Epilogues sure took a lot out of my ability to recall them decently.)
God DAMN IT she’s been asleep and possessed the whole fucking time.
> sleep is abandoned, coffee sought.
More obligatory DaveKat being cute, somehow only emphasized by the embarrassing glowing-with-power observer who doesn’t really get any of it.
Ah, here we go:
> the rogue is also awake.
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Oh huh.  Cool!
Hero outfit, understated...  her his choice of heart-shades color-coded to stand out from Dave more to avoid further mistaken identity cases.  Works well!  (Holy shit I only JUST remembered at the end to go back and correctly gender Roxy as him, that was close. I blame the epilogues for a lack of visual reinforcement; I shouldn’t have as much trouble soon enough.  Seriously, I don’t remember ANYTHING without visual reinforcement, I think that’s why I remember so much of Homestuck proper so clearly.)
KARKAT: OH SHIT, THERE SHE IS! I DIDN’T EVEN HEAR HER FOLLOW US! ROXY: sometimes a girls just got to get her drift on i guess ROXY: it be like that
ilu roxy.
I missed Roxy so much, you guys.  I need more of him remarking on all this crazy shit if I’m gonna stay sane though all this.  (And I need more of him and AWAKE JADE kicking ass independently or together if I’m going to continue to believe there’s justice in the world.)
> ==>
We rarely saw Rose drinking anything but the rare coffee in canon, but I think Kanaya would have gotten her plenty into tea, yes.  Or at the very least, wanting the aesthetic of drinking tea with Kanaya would have gotten Rose into tea even if it never crossed Kanaya’s mind to try the stuff.
ROXY: well i mean who knows what she drinks now ROXY: dirk probs tossed the coffee machine out the space window right away ROXY: dude doesnt "believe" in "substances" > the prince is contemplated for a moment in silence.
FUCK, Dirk can see the narrative all the way out here???  No wonder alt!Callie’s forced to have possession turned on 24/7.  That’s fucking disappointing.  How the hell are we going to get any proper Jade time with THAT hanging over our heads?  She’d only be able to do anything when Dirk’s knocked out, and maybe not even THEN!
I was virtually promised more of actual non-asleep Jade getting shit done in HS^2.  Now there’s an even longer wait on it than I expected.  This sucks.
(EDIT: BOY did I misread that link line. Thinking “is contemplated” meant is sitting contemplating, when it meant "is being contemplated by everyone here". That was dumb of me.)
*clicks that next link*
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Oh my goodness, Roxy joined the Bird Hair Crew.  It makes him look like a fucking asshole but I kind of love it.
I can’t believe Karkat is okay with drinking milk.  --yes, culturally Trolls are more comfortable with animal excretions than we are, but you would’ve thought years of railing against Equius would have purged any tolerance the idea of milk from his psyche.
I guess Dave introduced him to cereal, and it was all over from there.
DAVE: this is more like a castle DAVE: a castle of idk DAVE: twenty something ennui
Sounds like a relatable mood.  Especially considering Dirk probably decided to conquer reality out of almost nothing but twenty-something ennui.
Alright.  You aren’t going to turn Kanaya into an alcoholic or anything on us are you?
> the knight of time seeks a sylph...
--this is the shittiest shipboard starship aesthetic.
> ...and finds her, momentarily.
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WOW that looks fucking depressed.  :(
> ==>
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...okay you know what?  Never mind.  That outfit has wrapped straight back around into Trying Too Hard and is now hilarious.
DAVE: you ever feel like our whole lives are eventually gonna end up like this DAVE: just blasting through space on a sweeps long journey to ""somewhere"" chasing after or running from some vague enemy thats sometimes a god modded pet dog and sometimes your dad DAVE: without the faintest fucking idea of whats going to happen when we get there DAVE: thats a little specific but you know what i mean
Why do you think the epilogues upset us so much?  We thought we’d won free of that bullshit.
> ==>
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Oh jesus christ that’s the most depressingly sad I’ve ever seen Kanaya drawn.  :C
--Karkat got you to watch Serendipity?  That’s amazing, Dave.
KANAYA: You Arent Reminding Me Of Her As I Rarely Think Of Anything Else KANAYA: I Close My Eyes And I See Her KANAYA: I Keep Them Open And I See Her
Y’know how little showing these two in love and actually HAPPY together we’ve seen in this entire comic and its subworks?  Despite them having spent at least a few happy years together we only saw in tiny screenclips?  And how Candy alluded super hard that they most likely couldn’t get that in this real timeline where shit’s going down?
Seriously, FUCK.  You could at least pretend to give us some hope, here.
Oh no, don’t ask for the nursery story, Dave.  Unless it turns out to be a funny one or a Rose twist on an old story or something.  Which it probably is, I should stop worrying.
> ==>
KANAYA: Oh Its A Wriggler Story About A Young Prince And The Beloved Flower He Loved And Lost DAVE: flower DAVE: like a plant KANAYA: Its A Fairytale Dave DAVE: right KANAYA: A Singular Wild Rose He Failed To Cherish When He Had Her KANAYA: And His Journey Of Discovering What She Meant To Him All Along KANAYA: Culminating In A New Quest To Find Her And Win Her Back
Dirk you PIECE OF SHIT did you rewrite the narrative of the fucking STORIES SHE TOLD CHILDREN?!??  Does the fact that alt!Callie is only in the present mean he can rewrite ANY past event we didn’t literally SEE???  FUCK you.  Seriously fuck all of this.
Please tell me she was kidding just then, or realizes there’s fucking something wrong with what she’s saying and getting angry or.
(EDIT: shoutyourporpoise replied: "Hey, idk If you picked up on this, but the 'nursery story' Rose told to the wigglers is just The Little Prince, which is maybe a BIT early for them to read, but I don't think that's a case of Dirk changing the narrative; its just Rose being Too Adult as usual." Oh, damn, I didn't even CATCH that it was that story. That makes all of this a lot more forgivable, even if pretty unforgivably leaning into the fiction that Dirk used to brainwash and kidnap her. Maybe that's exactly why it worked -- fiction, a story so blazed into the public consciousness? Hm. Thanks, shoutyourporpoise.)
KANAYA: But In A Way I Feel As If It Is the Greater Universe Trying To Tell Me Something
Mother fuck I’m even going to have to see our protagonists warped by Dirk when they’re ostensibly FULLY SHIELDED aren’t I.  There’s only so much of that I would be able to take, you know.
KANAYA: It May Simply Stem From My Longing To See Her Again And How Much Is Indicative Of Something More Sinister KANAYA: She Is A Goddess Of Light And The Only Of Her Kind We Know Is Alive After All KANAYA: Maybe Shes Wrested Dominion Of The Entire Concept In All Its Appearances Within This Frame Of Reference
Hm.  Well, it being a product of Rose’s ascension instead of Dirk’s is possibly a more charitable take, with Ultimate Rose projecting the delusion enforced on her backward, visible to past Rose’s Sight when she isn’t paying attention and thus paving the way for Dirk to paradoxically exploit that “ideal” as something Lighty and Important and “Perfect”.  I still don’t fucking like it though.
> ==>
DAVE: sorry i know you say you got your badass monster powers but kanaya you look tired as hell DAVE: not that im tryna psyche you or whatever but youre waxing poetic in the dark which i guess is maybe on brand but still
DAVE: unless terezi is lurking in the vents somewhere and now that i bring that up its actually not out of the question so im kind of gonna be thinking about that one for a while
DAVE: youre the only person i know whos still basically the same as when i met you
--Which is kind of going to have to change, right?  She’s got some other cosmic purpose ready to change her a little more than she changed pre-human-troll-meetup, you’d think.
> ==>
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Cute as hell.
> ==>
KANAYA: How Are Your Feelings
There’s the title drop.  I’d think Dave’s doing pretty well, considering?  Still fucked over by Dirk betraying and tricking Rose away who he’s been close with all his life, but.
> ==>
DAVE: except sometimes your best friend disappears and your other best friend goes into a ghost coma and your third best friend fucks off to space with your dad DAVE: the dude youve spent the last 7 years convincing yourself isnt an egomaniacal anime villain DAVE: and who isnt actually lying in wait to completely decimate your life and your emotions and shit
Ah... yeah.  A little worse than my casual list, huh?  Forgot that Jade vanishing into a possession-coma for THREE FUCKING YEARS is going to be hard on people inside the comic too, fuck.
DAVE: maybe it was naive to think that a bunch of twenty something trauma victims could run a society
I was honestly surprised they TRIED to run society at all.  Jasp even just highlighted a big reason why not in the bonuses.
DAVE: cool how earth c existed for centuries then we show up and manage to ruin society in seven fucking years
Well, the trolls got THEIR lesson on why they didn’t deserve to rule over their new universe like gods; I guess some of y’all needed that lesson too?
DAVE: every serious conversation i have inevitably falls apart into riffing on a casual acquaintances ass
Dammit, Dave didn’t feel like he could just be Some Guy even on Earth C.  :(
> ==>
...don’t think I’ve forgotten that nursery story, though.  I don’t want to think that it was something that ACTUALLY past happened, especially not without manipulation.  Like maybe past Rose was foreseeing the false purpose that Dirk wrote for her or the like, a cooperative misunderstanding between the two instead of Dirk or Rose literally reaching back in time.
> meanwhile...
--Oh right.  I remember that Callie and Roxy were going reasonably steady in Meat even though it was only alluded to, she didn’t freak out and stay awol or what have you.  That’s good to remember.  But it means Roxy deliberately left her behind to go on this dangerous quest, for years.  :C
Oh, SHIT.  I should have read one line further.  They DID bring her.  Alt!Callie being here too must really FUCK with her.  ...maybe she can actually learn to accept that alternate way her life might’ve played out, though?
Quite true.
ROXY: ur kinda an intense dude anybody ever tell u that KARKAT: NO.
> ==>
Well, if you want to blame Lord English for instance... we never saw Caliborn and Karkat interact much, but the parallels between the two were drawn so severely that Caliborn was basically the idealized, multiverse-threatening Ultimate Kismesis that he’d always dreamed of.  And operated against him without him even ever quite realizing it.
If a level of “respect” went from Caliborn to Karkat, too, from his Lord-Englishy vision nigh-omnipresent, then this outcome isn’t very surprising at all.
> ==>
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(I don’t quite feel I get why Roxy shifted to this exasperated-Dave expression, but I get logically that he’d been waiting for Karkat to make a breakfast choice... Homestuck proper rarely pulled a “last line said corresponds to next-panel’s expression” without either leaving the conversation blank or having the NEXT lines of the conversation reinforce it, to prevent this inelegant misunderstanding.  Andrew was really damned talented in getting his point across visually, in that regard.  Just like, that careful visual intent delivery.)
Alright, I guess that’s it for this short upd8!  Meeting the pursuit crew was both more and less difficult than I expected.  Hopefully I get desensitized a bit as the characters continue to feel semi-almost-sorta-fine.
I have NO idea how this group is gonna work as a proper crew when we get to whatever weird other-players’ session this shit is going down in, though.
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kuro99kaede · 5 years
Catradora fanfic (4) So here´s the fanfic I mentioned... I hope it´s...acceptable (PD: I´m still working on it)
Chris had the sword in his hand to protect himslef. He found a place to hide and run towards it tiptoeing. Despite his effort he knew his siblings will find him like they always did. But this time, he thought, it would be different, this time he was going to win.
But then he heard some feline growl near him and he begun to sweat.
Chris: Oh, boy...Please, go away, go away.
He looked up and her green eyes where there wathing him and a dark blonde tail twitching.
Rebecca: (smiling) Hey, little brother. Whatcha doing? No talking? Cat's got your tongue?
Then his older brother's yellow eyes appeared.
Johnny: There you are, you sneaky mouse!
He hit his sword with his stick and Chris inmediately reacted at deflected it. He got up to face him.
Johnny: You should really take a shower before training and...after training, that's for sure. But my point is...you stinck. It's really easy to track you.
Chris: But admit it, I almost lost you, guys.
Johnny: Hmm,...nop. You weren't even close. I hope you at least impress me with that shiny sword which, if I'm not mistaken, it's not yours. It does look familiar to me, does it look familiar to you, Rebecca?
Chris: Stop distracting me! I...I have mom's permission, okay?
Rebecca: Is that so?
Chris: Yes! Can we fight now?
Johnny: I thought you would never ask.
Rebecca: You go first. I'm just gonna wait here if you guys don't mind (she sat on the floor). I can be pretty savage while fighting and and don't want to hurt you, Chris.
Chris: Oh, come on! I don't care, I just need to practice.
Rebecca: Sorry not sorry. But Johnny, on the other hand, he can control himself. Besides, you can't fight us both at the same time, can you?
Chris: I can take it!
Rebecca: Riiiight....
Chris: Okay, whenever you are ready.
Chris attacked first but Johnny evaded him. And when he finally struck back, Johnny fell.
Rebecca: Should I bring some band aids?
Chris: I'm okay!!!
Chris tryied to defeat him for the fifth time. He was already covered in band aidsand some bruisses.
Johnny: Okay, take it easy. And careful with mother's sword.
Chris: Yeah, yeah.
Johnny: Don't get me wrong, you are good but-
Rebecca: Buuut...not as good as he is.
Johnny: Really? I'm trying to do a motivational speech over here.
Rebecca rised her arms so as to show her surrender.
Johnny: So where was I? Don't hate me for this but I think you need another instructor. Maybe the fact that we are your family is holding you back. But you're thinking with the muscle, you want your oppenent already on your knees but you're not thinking how are you planning to do that.
Johhny: And you're moving slower that the previous time. That's it. No more comments.
Rebecca: (with sarcasm) Wow, very motivating indeed. Soooo inspiring.
Johnny: You okay there, little bro?
Chris: Yup, I've never been better.
Johnny: Do you want to take a minute?
Chris: I think...it would be for the best.
Johnny rubbed his hair and head for the showers before breakfast could be served. Chris sat down beside Rebecca.
Rebecca: (teasing) Is...mom's sword too heavy for you?
Chris: Shut up. Johnny is allowed to use mom's jacket from the Crimson Waste but I can't use mom's sword. It isn't fair.
Rebecca: Hey, first of all, that's nit her jacket. He likes to think it is but it's not. They are not the same size! And secondly, our fashion sense doesn't compare to the fact that that sword belongs to mom and it's bigger than you. I'm serious, our moms are awesome and we should take their example but don't put too much pressure on yourself, okay? That sword, for instance, is meant for her, you should find your own weapon. And last but not least, she always fricks out when someone steals her sword and I would really like to avoid her noisy complaints, don't you want that, too?
Chris: Yeah...
Rebecca: Good boy.
Chris: You know, that was much more inspiring that Johnny's speech.
Rebecca: You're flattering me. I'm glad someone has finally recognised my qualities. Johnny tries, though. He wants you to succed as much as you do, he worries too much. I do, too. You should, too. This is important but it takes time aaaanddddd you're safety comes first so...be careful, okay, kiddo?
Chris: I'm not a kid anymore. I'm a man!
Rebecca: Woah, get ahold of yourself. You're a...little man. Not even Johnny and I are adults yet. Don't rush it, you can't beat us in that race, kiddo. Whether you like it or not, we are older. But if you are soooo desperate to follow mom's steps, remember that she was young too when she figured out she was She-Ra.
Chris: But she was young as you...
Rebecca: Shhhh, but still. She was young. Now come on, let's have breakfast. I'm starrrrvingggg.
Chris: Hahaha so am I!
From the showers:
Johnny: Did someone say breakfast??? Are you guys going to eat without me??? Why isn't anyone answering me??? I know you're listening! Did you left without me???
Chris and Rebecca were laughing.
Rebecca (still laughing): YES!
Johnny: Rebecca! Don't leave me and don't you dare drinking all the milk like you did yesterday! I know you did that just to mess with me! Chris, buddy! Tell her!
Chris: I mean, if she is thirsty...
Rebecca: Did you hear that? The human has chosen his side. Welcome to the dark side, little man.
Johnny: REBECCA, NO!
Rebecca: REBECCA, YES! Let's go, Chris! At any moment now he'll get out of the shower and hunt us down. I bet I can get that milk carton before he does.
Chris: Do you think he'll slip on the way here?
Rebecca: For the love of Grayskull, no. It would be wrong to wish harm on somebody...
Chris: ...
Rebecca: ...
Chris: ... Are we going to the kitchen or-?
Rebecca: Did you bring the camera with you by any chance?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
Glimmer: Adora, there's no time for this.
Adora: Come on, you are gonna love this. We can relax and hang out with your aunt later. This location was on the way here...
Glimmer: How is this temple close to Mystacor?!
Bow: Adora knows what she's doing, right Adora?
Adora: Yup. Just follow me.
Bow: She thinks this can help us so we believe it too.
Glimmer: I know but...I just...I would really like to feel that steam grotto right now.
Bow: Oh, don't even mention it...
Adora: Ehem! Focus! So here's the plan: we are gonna drop by, say hi to Light Hope, ask her some questions and get out and then...I'll have time for your apologies.
Glimmer: You won't get any! Adora, the last time we were here that thing didn't even recognized you at all. It's broken!
Adora: That was a long time ago and she's not! Light Hope is fine. Yeah, she's a little rusty and she has still difficulties to understand me BUT we actually did have a normal conversation the other day. I believe she can give us some good intel. You won't believe how much information she has.
Bow: Well, it's not Mystacor...but still, I can't wait to spend the weekend in a...temple.
Glimmer: WHYYYYY?!
Adora: Come on, guys! This is fun, too! It's not just any temple, it's my temple!
Bow: Tecnically,-
Adora: MYYYYYY TEMPLE! Just give it a chance, okay? For me?
Bow: Hmmm...Okay, I'm in.
Glimmer: As if we had a choice! The temple is right there!
Adora: (speeding up) Woohoo! I can't wait! Light Hope has some tricks up her sleeve and I tell ya', it's gonna blow your minds...
. . .
Adora: Light Hope? It's me! Do you...remember me? Hehehe Please work.
Light Hope: Adora. How could I have forgotten you?
Adora: Phew...
Light Hope: I wasn't expecting you today. Is there something I can do for you?
Adora: Funny you should ask hehe
Light Hope: How is my question...funny?
Adora: It's not- (sigh) Nevermind. So, as you know I've been improving so much these days thanks to your help, of course, and as you are all-knowing, I thought that...maybe...as a reward you could tell me everything I don't know about the Horde and, I don't know, about myself.
Light Hope: You need to be more specific, Adora. But you are correct, I am all-knowing, in fact-
Glimmer: How long is this going to take?
Light Hope: Proccesing query.
Adora: She's getting there.
Light Hope: Recalculating.
Adora: Just give her time...
Bow: Glad I brought my card game so no need to worry. Now, who wants to see a magic trick?
Light Hope: ...I have information about the Horde, their plans and ambitions, I also happen to have information about you're childhood, you're former friends,-
Glimmer: I wouldn't call it magic, though...
Adora: Guys, I'm trying to listen to her.
Bow: You know what I mean, Glimmer. So... prepare to be amazed.
Glimmer: (ironically) I'm so ready for your...magic, is it? Whenever you want, I'm waiting.
Light Hope:...As you should know, my purpuse is to assist you, and in order to know all about you I also posses information about the future aswell. For instance, I have recieved accidentaly a signal from an unknown source which would allow us to see your children and possibly communicate with th-
Adora: Woah, Woah, Woah. Hold on right there. What did you say?
Bow and Glimmer stopped playing around and paid attention.
Light Hope: I said a lot of things.
Adora: The things you said about the future? You said something about my kids.
Light Hope: Oh, yes. Are you interested about that information?
Adora: I mean, yes! Who wouldn't want to know about the future? (She touched her forehead with the palm of her hand) I can't believe I have kids...
Light Hope: Three of them. Would you like to see them? I can show you.
Adora: S-see them?
Glimmer: (whispering) Yes, say yes!
Bow: But, Adora, are you sure? We shouldn't mess with the future.
Glimmer: She's absolutely sure, Bow! Adora, don't let him get in your head.
Bow: Well, it's not like were going to travel through time because that would be (awkward laugh)..so messed up. We could just take a look, right? What would be the harm in that...?
Light Hope: Shall I?
Adora waited a few seconds then nodded nerviously.
A huge screen appeared all of a sudden and the three of them were caught off guard and screamed. Bow jumped in Glimmer's arms and they fell. Adora took a step back but then she was already hipnotized by the screen and sat down. She put her elbows in her legs to support her head. The screen showed a big training room from above.
Adora: That's...the Fright Zone. How can it be? (She looked at Light Hope) It's a little different, though. It has more windows than I can recall.
Light Hope: Apparently the Rebelion won this war and everyone in Etheria is on your side, even Hordak. I've been watching your kids for a while now-
Glimmer: Stalker much?
Light Hope: And I found out that your family goes there on the weekends to, how do you people say it, "hang out"?
Bow: Yeah, but please don't say it again. It's weird.
Light Hope: Hmm, I shall make a note of that. As I was saying, The Horde is not longer The Horde as you know it. There are no cadets now and Hordak abandoned his cruel personality. He spends most of this time with princess Entrapta. No one else is allowed in there, appart from your family, Adora. You came back to the Horde because you once believed it felt like what it should be called a home and you made it your home. With regard to your children, they make the most out of The Horde. See it for yourself.
Adora: The Horde, huh? Yeah, I admit...I still...miss it. Can you like...zoom it?
Light Hope: My pleasure.
The screen was focused on Chris.
Bow: It's a boy! And Adora, look! He has your eyes!
Adora: And my shoulder pads. This young man has style. He's definitely my son, for sure. Yup.
Glimmer: And...he seems to have your attitude, too...
Chris was kicking the air with his hands.
Bow: The kid has some moves.
Chris: Hey, thief, you looking at me? (And he resumed to fight with his imaginary oppenent) Take that!
Glimmer: Oh, please...
Chris (reaching for Adora's sword in his back): I guess I should say goodbye to you. Meh, it can wait. (And then he began to swing the sword violently)
Adora: Oh, how cute he has a-...IS THAT-!? OH, THAT LITTLE SHIT IS GOING TO PAY! (She inmediately got up and and rolled up her sleeves to fight with the screen but Bow and Glimmer took her by the arms)
Glimmer: Whaaat...do you think you're doing?
Light Hope: You seem to be angry, how can I make you feel better?
Bow: Adora! Listen! What you are seeing tecnically it didn't happened yet. See? Your sword is right here.
Adora stopped and looked at her sword mesmerized and hugged it.
Adora: Yeah, yeah, I-..I know that. You're right here. I've got you. (She slowly sat down).
Then someone they coudn't see said:
"Chris, he's coming! Stop playing with that thing and get the camera!"
Chris: On it! (He grabbed his pad)
Adora: Guys, guys, guys, get the popcorn and the soda!
Bow: But here there isn't any-
Adora: Of course there is. I...might have stolen some food from Brightmoon to have some supplies just in case. What? I get really hungry after training.
Glimmer: You're always hungry, Adora.
Adora: Yeah...
Glimmer: Now, come on.
Bow: But...the movie...
Glimmer: Get your ass over here, Bow!
Bow: I'm going, I'm going!
Light Hope: Do you wish to coninue?
Adora: Yes, please. So, I've met Chris, what else do you have for me?
Chris and Rebecca were hidding. Johnny begun to run while holding the towel he had on his waist.
And then, as predicted, he fell.
Adora: Okay, hmm, wasn't expecting that.
Rebecca showed herself and walked towards him with her arms crossed.
Rebecca: Hey, brother...Hahahaha I may not know a lot of this but I certainly do not regret this. Did you filmed that, Chris?
Chris gave her the thumbs-up.
Johnny: What?! Delete that now, Christian!
Rebecca: You should see your face, you're like "Ahh, no! Betrayal!"
Johnny: I can't believe you're encouraging him to do this kind of things, Rebecca. (He got up)
Chris: That's right, Rebecca. I can't believe how are you to still pulling such childish, immature,- IS THAT A MOUSE!?
Rebecca oppened her eyes widely, her hackle rised and her claws were out.
Johnny: HAHAHAHAHA Nice one, buddy. Consider yourself forgiven. Is she ever not going to fall for that?
Rebecca: ...I hate you.
Johnny: We love you, too, sis. Now, tell me you didn't finish the milk.
Rebecca: Ugh, you're unbelievable. (pissed) Here! (She throw the milk carton at him and he grabbed it in the air). Let's go, I got bored. This is not funny anymore.
Johnny: But it is funny when you make fun of people, right?
Rebecca: I don't know what you are talking about.
Johnny: Speaking of, do you mind if I take a look to that video you recorded, Chris? (He tryied to grabb it with his tail)
Chris: No way! Get off me! And put your clothes on!
Johnny: I would have if someone hadn't threatened me and my milk.
Rebecca: Our milk! Are you looking for an apology? Because you're not getting one. Can we go now? I need food!
Chris: So do I. How are we so hungry? I can't believe I'm still in shape after all the food I eat every day.
Johnny: It's normal, kiddo-
Rebecca: Normal? (jocking) We are mom's kids, of course we are hungry. (Chris laughed)
Johnny: That...explains it, too.
Chris: Oh, man, it's 11:00 already! We should finish our breakfast and head off to Brightmoon quickly!
Johnny: Shit! Fine, let me get changed.
Rebecca: Uh, where do you think you are going with that milk carton?
Johnny: The milk is coming with me! I don't trust you, miss.
Rebecca hissed.
Chris: Guys, come on!
Rebecca: Take it easy, little man. Uncle Bow and auntie Glimmer will understand. Our parents, on the other hand, won't be happy about us showing up late, though...
Chris: Do you think Bow and Glimmer will recognize us after three long weeks?
Rebecca: Sure! I mean, you are a little chubby but they'll guess who you are.(she put her arm behind the back of his neck and let her body rest on his shoulders for a minute)
Chris: Hahaha, you are the worst sometimes.
Rebecca: Hey! Watch it, now look who's being mean.
Chris: Not as mean as mom.
Rebecca: Savage! But...which one of them are you referring to?
Adora was speechless.
Adora: They are...cats?
Light Hope: Just to be clear, just two of them have feline characteristics but the third one is human.
Adora: Right, right...But...they...are...cats.
Bow: We are here! (They entered the room as soon as they could and sat down next to Adora).
Glimmer: Sorry we are late. Making popcorns without a microwave was quite...challenging.
Glimmer took a long sip from her refreshment. Bow with his mouth full of popcorn said:
Bow: What are we looking at?
Glimmer: What did we miss?
Adora breathed and closes her eyes but left one open just to see their reaction.
Adora: Nope, nothing at all, apart from, well, the fact that,,...hmmm, I think Catra's the daddy? As for your question, nope, you guys didn´t miss a thing.
Without warning, both Bow and Glimmer spit out what they had in their mouths and then said in unison "WHAT?!"
Glimmer: HOW CAN THIS BE? WHY HER? OH, GOD! WHY HER?????? (She begun to eat the popcorn Bow had nonstop) Those poor kids, Bow..
Bow: Relax, Glimmer.
Adora (already blushing, she placed a hand behind her nape): Yeah, it's not...that...bad.
Glimmer: "NOT THAT BAD"! (still crying) OH, BOW, WE LOST HER!
Bow: But Adora when you say you think she is you mean you're not sure if she is-
Light Hope: Your assumptions are correct. Catra is the children's mother and Adora's wife in this unchangable future.
This time Glimmer spit the popcorn and grabbed her head desperately and Bow passed out in Adora's lap.
Light Hope: I believe your friends are in distress because of the news I gave them. Should I turn off the screen?
Adora: Emm...No, no, that won't be necessary. They'll be okay, I-I promise.
Light Hope: And are you..."okay"?
Adora looked at the screen:
Chris (looking at Adora´s sword): I should return you now so...see ya later, okay? Mom´s gonna be furious!
Adora giggled.
Adora (moved): Yeah...I am, Light Hope.
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hydemeincradle · 5 years
I Don’t Play Fair - Oliver/Alice
Word Count: 1286
Notes: Oliver is good at getting revenge - hehehe
(And yes, it’s adult Oliver)
“This is really it?”
“But… It’s so small.”
“If you get any closer, it’s going to go off in your face dummy, move back.” I froze as Oliver’s hands grabbed my waist and pulled me backwards until his chest pressed against me. Leaning down to my ear I heard him continue, “unless you are planning to build another for me. That would be fun to watch. Is helping me not punishment enough?”
A strangled form of mmhmm rattled around in my mouth as I tried to form a coherent sentence, however Oliver grabbed the device and moved across the workshop while I was left standing around trying to catch my thoughts. I hated it when he did that to me – no – I hated what it did to me. His teasing left me a blushing mess which I desperately tried and failed to hide. I didn’t even know if he realised, he hadn’t said anything, at least.
“How are you going to remember which piece it’s in?”
I took a deep breath and stepped closer as Oliver sliced up the double layered carrot cake I’d spent the past day making. Each portion was cut accurately into portions and he set one slice aside.
“Blanc’s piece will be the one with the extra swirl of icing on top.”
Oliver had carefully replicated the icing decorations I’d spent ages on to cover a fake slice of cake, and filled it with the little explosive device of his own invention. He’d said it would splatter the cake in Blanc’s face and no more, but despite his reassurance I was still worried. Placing the fake slice with care, he handed the plate towards me.
“Here you go, now make sure you place that slice closest to him while I make tea.”
I grumbled, “yeah, yeah. I know the plan. But that’s it right? After this you aren’t roping me into anything else?”
Oliver smirked and he had a dangerous glint in his eyes. “Not that I have planned.”
“Wait,” I said starting to panic. “You promised this was it.”
“Do a good job and I’ll accept it as payment,” he said with a chuckle.
I couldn’t help but sigh, wishing I’d never got myself into this mess in the first place. But Blanc’s comment had been too funny. Even now it was hard to keep a straight face remembering it. That was the whole reason I was here helping Oliver out in his workshop. He wanted payback. I’d ended up agreeing to help as I had felt a little bad.
It’d taken me all day to finish off the cake, especially without anyone disturbing me in the Black Army kitchen, while Oliver had been planning and creating the device. It had been fun watching him work at least, his hands were careful and precise.
Outside, night had fallen, replaced by twinkling magic crystal lights. For a brief moment I wondered if Blanc would mind having cake this late… but then he rarely turned down a slice of his favourite.
“Oh what is this I smell?” Blanc smiled as he wandered out from the living room with a book in his hand. “Where have you been hiding such a wonderful cake? We must have some.”
“I’ll make some tea,” Oliver said hurrying off to the kitchen.
“I made it today,” I said trying my best to deflect Blanc’s question. “Would you like a slice?”
“Always, my dear. How can I say no to a handmade cake by a lovely lady?” Blanc settled down into a chair, stopping only to pass me a few small plates he often kept around for cake.
Phew. He seemed to be buying it. I didn’t need any slip ups now, or Oliver would find something else to get me involved in. I could feel his eyes on me as he returned from the kitchen with a steaming pot of tea and nearly dropped the slice of cake I’d plated for Blanc.
“Here you go—oh!”
Before I could stop it, the cake slid off and landed with a dull thump on the table; my heart hammered in my throat as I expected something to happen, but it was fine. Phew.
“How clumsy can you get?” Oliver snapped.
“It’s fine, don’t worry Oliver.” Blanc leant across with his fork, trying to scoop up the cake. “I’ll just use my fork and—”
Boom. Though it wasn’t quite a boom sound, more like a crack then a splat. I’d closed my eyes quick, and opened them to find Oliver with the biggest smile I’d ever seen.
“Oliver,” I hissed, though my words drowned out by his laughing.
I stood, covered in cake, with Blanc also covered in cake, shocked and somewhat surprised Oliver could laugh as much as he was. Despite it all, I felt myself smile, it was good to see him like this for a change.
“I take it this is your doing, Oliver? Did you have to go and ruin the whole cake?” Blanc said letting out a deep sigh.
That wasn’t the whole cake. Oliver had taken a slice out… and left it in his workshop. With a devilish smirk I hurried off back to get the last slice.
“Wait,” Oliver called after me. “You better not break anything.” I kept running as Oliver followed, glancing around his workshop for the one slice amongst all his tools and inventions. “Hold on, I have breakable things in—ugh.”
I grinned as the cake landed against his chest, though had really hoped to get his face. This time I was the one laughing, even as the door clicked shut and Oliver stood close.
“It’s only fair.” I said between giggles.
“Fair?” Oliver asked with a smirk. He reached out and ran his long finger down my cheek, before wiping away a small chunk of cake off and then eating it.
I watched him carefully, my heart racing wildly again. What was he doing? Oliver leant in so close I could smell a faint trace of sweat mixed with the sweetness of the cake. His grey eyes twinkled with mischief and then I knew for sure I was in trouble.
“I don’t play fair,” he whispered. Grabbing my ribbon, he pulled me closer and I felt his lips brush my skin. “I shouldn’t let this cake go to waste.”
I couldn’t help but reach out and grip hold his shirt as Oliver’s tongue rolled up my neck, stopping only for the cake with little nibbles at my skin. Every little movement sent a shiver down my spine and a deep flush spread across my cheeks. As he travelled up my neck, his gentle bites became greedy, and his teeth sent both pleasure and pain through me. Now only inches from my mouth I opened it by instinct, stopping the hard bite against my lower lip. It was all I could do to keep the soft moans from escaping.
However, Oliver pulled away, still with a teasing smirk gracing his lips.
What just happened and…
“Where are you going?” I was surprised how needy I sounded, a new desire wanting to escape. He was going the wrong way. I wanted him to stay here.
“Well thanks to my rascal of an assistant, I need to change this shirt.”
As Oliver left me there pouting, I huffed. I didn’t have a clue where to begin thinking about what just happened. I glanced in one of Oliver’s mirrors to see my blushing face staring back and…
Oh no. No. No. No.
I rushed closer to take a good look at my neck only to find a very obvious mark starting to darken.
“Oliver,” I hissed.
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wheremytwinwatches · 4 years
[Where My Twin Watches]: Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood Episode 18
Last time, Ross was framed for the murder of Hughes, and may have been “killed” or actually killed by Roy. Hopefully we can figure out what the heck’s going on this episode, because I haven’t been this confused by how a death could be faked or not since BBC Sherlock.
Alright, looks like The Mighty Armstrong (who’s absolutely rocking his off-duty outfit) did take Ed to Resembool, supposedly to get his arm “fixed”. Oh hey, it’s the little Xing girl! May Chang, right? Wait, turn around you two! You just walked past a new character! Wait a minute, last time we saw the little girl she was traveling with- Methinks we’ll have a fight scene this episode. Ed’s demanding details from The Mighty Armstrong, who says he was just told to bring Ed here and rendevou with someone. A Lieutenant Breda? I recognize him as one of the Mustang Crew, but that’s about it. Although Ed doesn’t seem to be that happy to see him. Episode 18 - “The Arrogant Palm of a Small Human” Back in Central, Al’s wondering why Al hasn’t called to let them know he’s in Resembool. And Winry calls out the “repair” excuse when she was RIGHT THERE. Seriously, whatever’s going on they couldn’t think of something better? [Al]: “And the stuff with Lieutenant Ross… I have no idea what’s going on.” You and me both, buddy! What the heck suddenly Sword Guy’s in the room. Sitting right next to Winry? Nope nope nope shove of Princey you are not messing up my ship. Anyways, the illegal alien/lockup escapee popped in to let them know Ed’s just fine- Right as we cut to Ed dying of dehydration. What’s up now, why’s Ed in the desert? “Crossing the border”? Wait, with what Ling was saying, are they going to Xing? Why? Also TURN BACK YOU MISSED MAY! Breda asks the fourth rider, a Mr. Han, how much further it is, and the guide points out some ruins ahead. Wait, ruins? Oh hey, didn’t Ling mention some place called *checks past posts* Xerxes? Somber piano music as we look over the shattered pillars of this past civiliza- nope, Ed’s just ignoring everything to cool off in a well, complaining about how he was nearly burned by his own metal arm. Mr. Han asks why they brought a kid along, Breda complains that it was a direct order. Now that he’s sufficiently cooled off, Ed redresses and asks about his place described in a fable. The Eastern Sage, origin of alchemy? Ooh, history! An ancient kingdom destroyed in a single night, a sole survivor traveling to Amestris to spread the science of Alchemy… And Mr. Han says they have a story of a drifter from the West who lead them towards Alkahestry. Hmm, two survivors, going different directions? Makes sense that Ling would want to visit the ruins then, if Alchemy/Alkahestry originated from here. As they speculate how such an advanced society could be almost completely wiped out in a single night, Ed stops to look at some engravings on a wall. This feels familiar… wait, was this the stuff on the Door of Truth? Before Ed can say anything about that, Han yells at him to catch up. Man, this is a really big ruin, they’re heading insi- wait, what? WAIT WHAT [Lt. Ross]: “Edward!” You’re alive! You’re alive you’re alive you’re alive! How?! [Memory!Roy]: “Back east, where I was… It’s a nice place. None of the big city noise… and lots of beautiful women.” Oh boy, brace for enthusiastic shirtless Mighty Armstrong hugs, Ross. Daw. Breda says that there wasn’t anywhere in Amestris they could safely hide the “dead” Lieutenant Ross, so they spirited her out here. So Ross knew all along? Flashback! Breda’s confronting Roy about the newspaper article, how with Ross being publicly arrested and charged without a trial it’s all too showy. Then Roy gets a call from Falman- who’s quickly interrupted by Barry. Not on an official line, dude! In the park (in what I think is the same phonebooth Hughes was murdered in) Roy is confirming with Barry that a bullet was fired, but at him, not Hughes. And with that, Roy springs into action. He makes Barry promise not to kill anyone (still not sure how he got Barry to follow that), set a street, and had Breda gather supplies… oh. Right. Duh! The core theme of this show is Alchemy! Of course Roy could make a fake body! But that still doesn’t explain the dental records… Roy just says he has it under control. He has plenty of experience burning bodies. Later that night, Roy stops Ross in the alley, then throws down the fake corpse, torches it, takes her ID Cuffs and tosses her in the dumpster, to be escorted by Havoc. There’s a little wrinkle when Ed runs up, but Ross and Havoc make their escape. Back in current!Xerxes, Han’s explaining that Roy made a deal with Ling- hold up, “young lord?” Is this the old ninja working for Ling? I thought his name was Fu, not Han. Anyways, Han got orders to escort Ross east to take refuge. Ed admits that he’s impressed by Roy pulling off the trick. And then Breda twists the knife by saying Ed was sent out as well to not interfere in Phase Two. Oh, they’re gonna try and reel in the mastermind! Using Barry as bait, they want to see who comes for him and take them down. Uuuunfortunately, they’re sending Bio!Barry to do the job… Mid-show pictures of The Mighty Armstrong crying in all of his majestic shirtless glory, and the Holy-Leto-I’m-So-Happy-She’s-Alive Lt. Maria Ross. In the Central Hotel Ling’s let the other Blondes know the plan, and confirming that Ed was sent out of town so that he wouldn’t interfere in the operation. Unfortunately for Roy, Ed’s the Protagonist, so I don’t see this working out. In the meantime, Ling struck up a deal with Barry for the secret to his Soul Armor. But of course all the “science guys” who did Barry up like this are all dead, and he doesn’t know. That Alphonse kid, on the other hand… The Xerxes gang are going over their notes, sketching out the Goths and trying to figure out the methods and reasons behind the Homunculi. Ed takes a moment to think about how Hughes is gone, to which The Mighty Armstrong asks what his next move will be. [Ed]: “Al and I committed a taboo, but we still have people that help us. Some people get angry at us, and others support us silently. Each one of them has tried to help me keep my promise to my brother. So I have no choice… I can’t turn back. Which means, all I can do is move forward, right? And I’ll protect everyone I can along the way. I refuse to let another person become a victim. Not while I’m alive. I know that’s a hard promise to keep. It’s hard enough just trying to take care of myself. And to think that I’m even capable of it… maybe I’m just arrogant. But it’s the only thing I can think of. So I have to do it. I have to.” Cue approving grins from the rest of the group. You go, Protagonist. Ross gets ready to head out to Xing with a couple other people, confirming that her parents shouldn’t be told she’s still alive, otherwise they’d be in too much danger. Bleh, I can understand it, but I don’t want anyone else to feel like Gracia. She does ask they let Roy know that she is supremely grateful for what he’s done, and if there’s anything that she can do to repay the debt to just let her know. One final handshake with Ed, and she’s off to a new home, asking Mr. Fu (so wait, is it Fu or Han?) what Xing is like. As a native, Fu talks it up as a paradise. Then recommends she stop crying to save her fluids for the trek across the desert. Back in Central, Roy’s pencil-pushers are snickering at him as he talks on the phone to his “sweetheart”, who of course is Riza. But she suddenly stops and says they have a “customer”. “Kate”(Fuery) lets “Jacqueline”(Havoc) know. Hey, Falman? You might wanna get ready for a visitor. Bio!Barry is in the house! And in an interesting change of pace, Barry’s the one arguing for keeping someone alive! But then Havoc bursts in and starts trying to shoot Bio!Barry anyways? What’s going on here? Oh I get it, hidden identity in case the Goths are watching. But why try to shoot him and distract Barry? Who’s not doing so hot as he just figured out who this Human Chimera reminds him of, and lost his right arm for the trouble. Outside! Now, where did that Chimera go… broken window! Bio!Barry’s bouncing around the street now, leaps at Havoc who has a really unfortunately-timed stovepipe. Then there’s a rifle shot? Ah, so that’s why Havoc wanted to get outside, so they could get covering fire from Hawkeye. Who plays off the sound over the phone as slapping around a difficult customer. Bio!Barry’s at gunpoint clutching his perforated hand, so Havoc can ask some questions. However, the dude’s not exactly up for conversation. And Barry confirms, it’s his old body! Ok, phew. Was really worried about the evil clone possibility. This is just necromancy via sticking animal souls in corpses, then. In Xerxes, Ed’s gone back to look at that wall from earlier, identifies it as looking like the TC from the Fifth Lab. Two-headed dragon, sun… and the top part missing. No complete Human Transmutation ritual for you! What th- Ishvalan attack! Oh dear, that’s a lot of Ishvalans. [Polite!Ishvalan]: “‘Scuse me, young man. I’m afraid that we’re gonna have to take you hostage until your military returns our holy land to us.” Ed snarks that he isn’t worth that much, Polite!Ishvalan talks about how the death of a single child sparked the Ishvalan Civil War. Then an old lady in an eyepatch (Madam Shan, helped by a young Ishvalan boy who looks to have a burn scar and man there are a lot of burn injuries in the crowd, starting to get a bad feeling) orders the Leader to stand down and stop dishonoring the name of Ishvala. Ed lets his attacker go, muses that he’s always heard that Ishvalans hate Amestrians. But Madam Shan and the kid know that not Amestrians are bad, when they were injured in the civil war they were saved by two Amestrian doctors (!!!) Yeah, yeah they recognize the Rockbell name. They saved so many Ishvalans, refusing to abandon their post. Ed asks how they died- NO NONONO YOU FUCKER WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK, SCAR?! So yeah. The Rockbell’s were killed by a patient that they saved, an Ishvalan monk wrapped in bandages with a tattooed right arm. With this knowledge, Ed leaves the Ishvalans, along with a message for the resting place of the Rockbell’s: their thanks, and their apologies. In Central, Barry’s laughing at the chance to chop up his own body, whatever’s kept him from killing people is failing in the face of this otherwise-impossible-opportunity. Riza’s commenting on how a customer is mouthing off… before she hangs up, saying she has her own customer to deal withat is Gluttony. Oooooh crap. You may wanna run, Riza. Wait, that’s it?! Boooo, awful cliffhanger! Ok, so Ross is alive! Yay! Still not sure how they dealt with the dental records, but whatever, everything else was answered! And now we’ve got the Goths responding it seems, with Bio!Barry and Gluttony set loose. Onwards to fight scenes!
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jae-canikeepyou · 5 years
| dimples | j.jh
Tumblr media
pairing: jaehyun x fem!reader genre: fluff + elite!au a/n: i wanted to try something new. idk if this is even good lolz. i went too extra with the names hahaha. you’ll know what i mean. ;) this is probably the longest i’ve written so far. enjoy reading~
“i don’t want to go!” you sighed onto your pillow as she opened the blinds of your window. the sunlight irritated you where it meant it was the morning of the formal event.
“whether you like it or not, you have to go as you are representing the company! you’re the director’s child!” your assistant, sua said so sternly, she had to pull the covers and shivers went down your spine.
“it’s cold! and it’s still early!” you gave a tantrum, your hands wandered the bed for the blanket fabric.
“c’mon get your bum off the bed! the makeover preparation takes longer than the travel time.” sua tapped your shoulders.
you sat up with no intentions of fixing your hair, eyes glared at your assistant. she crossed her arms seeing the state of you, not so lady-like for the only daughter of five.
“it’s a masquerade party for young adults, sons and daughters of the top companies will be there. and your brothers thought you needed a refresher from the hectic semester.” she held your hand to get off the bed.
a click of a tongue made sua think your brothers decided something without your consent, again. they knew you hadn’t been living the life of a normal college student. and of course, being an only daughter had people’s eyes on you since you had started to walk.
your four brothers were all working, handling different sections and departments of the company. the fourth brother being seven years older than you while the others before him were a year apart from each other. a huge age gap, so you were protected most of the time.
mistaken as your bodyguards throughout middle and high school, but really they planned to beat up any boy who attempted to approach you. as mentioned earlier, they were ‘protecting’ you, when you were currently eighteen.
“dance? oh it’s going to be so boring. i’d rather stay home and eat ice-cream.” you brushed your teeth.
“miss y/n, would you rather want your brothers be escorting and guarding you all night?” she asked, making your ears perk up at the possible actions your brothers might do.
“no thank you, sua. i’m old enough to be handling myself.” you slipped into your slippers.
sua opened the door and together you headed down to the kitchen where breakfast was ready. your groggy self walked lazily when your brother were all dressed up for work— suited up, strong perfume and permed hair. they saw you still in pj’s and chuckled at the fact you had no efforts in trying to be lady-like on normal basis, except for school and other meetings.
“our little sister seems to be excited for the dance tonight.” eunjae sipped his coffee, the oldest son.
“who said i was going?!” you spat as you raised and rested your legs onto your chair. “and for the record i know you’re the one who put my name onto the list.”
“well y/n, it’s a must for all sons and daughters of-”
“of the top leading companies of the country.” you cut him off as you completed his sentence.
“mother had prepared your outfit.” the second son seungjae added, as he fixed his tie.
“already?” you munched on your toast.
“i think it will look great on you, bub.” minjae rubbed your already messy hair.
“our y/n’s having her first formal dance~” hanjae lifted you from the chair, spinning you around while you kicked repetitively, hoping your fourth brother would bring you down.
“let go! i’ll puke on you! mleh-” you complained.
“not on my new suit y/n!” hanjae still spun until he passed your body to your father.
“father! tell them to stop messing around!” you pouted, your father pecked you on the forehead.
“well i agree with them! you missed the senior prom last year.” he laughed as he sat down. “all the more reason why they’re happy for you.”
“it’s not like it’s my wedding.” you rolled your eyes with arms crossed.
“hm they’ll be more happy by then!” he placed you down.
“father! you-” you balled your fists. your father made a face by which your brothers copied him. “urgh! i’m going back to my room!”
a gentle hand tapped on your shoulders, later wrapping around them. the soles of your feet went to a halt. the person who was stern yet lenient at the same time, your mother’s presence had always made you feel like a child again. “never mind them, my dear y/n. they don’t show it, but they love you lots.”
you sighed. your mother cupped your face to bring you a kiss on the forehead. “if they actually do they better stop treating me like i’m eight.”
“maybe we will treat you like eighteen when we see you in the gown.” they said simultaneously.
the night came quicker than most days and before you knew it, you were sitting in a limousine. your childhood friends had spotted your limo arriving late. they were gesturing you to come out and in for the queue. at the entrance, every attendee had their attire all in glamour, like always.
you rummaged the insides of your purse, looking for that one item— the mask. gladly the event was a masquerade party. not like you didn’t want anyone to recognize you. but as mentioned, eyes were on you, so you had a certain reputation to them.
you later stood with your childhood friends and giggled at their jokes they made. “y/n, glad you could make it this time.” mirae hugged your waist.
“ah well. what choice do i have when my brothers signed me up?” you puckered your lips.
jaehyun along with his friends sat at a table by the staircase, where young ladies soon came to his view. he saw a specific girl who wore a backless red mermaid gown. her hair bunned perfectly to one side where braids aligned with it. strands of curls dangled by her temples and her gold mask brought attention. the classical music had softened, bringing to a pause.
“what kind of party is this?” ten threw a menu page to the table. “i’m starting to get bored. entertainment needed.”
“regret coming here?” mark shrugged. ten mumbled about he could’ve stayed home for a movie marathon.
“got your eyes on anyone yet?” taeyong asked his friends.
“ladies here are all pretty tonight, even with masks.” johnny interrupted the boys, where he noticed jaehyun staring into space. he looked to where he was staring to, only to have his eyes at ladies on the top of the staircase.
jaehyun’s lips agape when you and your friends walked to the food table. he thought your golden mask brought out the light in your eyes, something he couldn’t look away from. when the dance floor slowly got occupied, he already knew who to dance with. the only thing was, how he would initiate.
his friends saw him not paying any attention to their conversation, let alone knowing that they were even with him. his bitten lips showed how nervous he was. by that johnny and the others knew, jaehyun found a crush. they nudged at each other, doing few rounds of rock paper scissors to see if the boy would get flustered when they brought it up.
mark licked his lips and shook his hands, as if he were to spar in a boxing arena. he walked to jaehyun and asked if he had eyes on someone. “bet you it’s one of them at the food table.”
jaehyun slightly flinched, not that mark had noticed. but his ears told him the answer. “i wanna dance with her.”
“then go.” johnny appeared from behind. “it’s the girl in red right? go get her before i do.” he teased.
mirae pulled your hands when the force made your legs walk to the dance floor. you insisted on stay at the food table, but she said it wasn’t the only thing you came here for. as you gave in, the music changed to a much slower pace. the couples around you had partners, and mirae later was asked by a guy to dance.
oh how you felt awkward and stupid at the same time standing there as you looked for way to exit. the crowd was getting closer and heck you felt dizzy at the movements even at dimmed lighting. “can i have this dance?” a boy asked and you turned around.
he looked decent, smart and boy his smile radiated sunshine even at night. his black mask appeared like universe where his eyes twinkled like stars. behind the mask you already knew he was that handsome. “is it alright?” he asked.
“oh.” you gasped. “of course it’s alright.”
he bowed and held your gloved hands, bringing your left to rest on his shoulders. “phew. i thought you would refuse.”
you smiled at his assumption. who would refuse to a gentleman anyway? “i would appear a snob if i do.”
“really?” he chuckled and his pearly whites made you feel.. giddy. “you’re too pretty to be a snob. but anyway, glad you didn’t refuse because i’ve been bombarded with asks for a dance by the ladies.”
you looked from left to right as you tried to spot the ladies he told you about. realizing this, he leaned in closer to where his lips were centimeters away from your ears. “at your 9 o’clock.” he whispered.
ladies of your age glared at you with daggers, like you have stolen their beloved. “i see. i could tell why they would ask you.”
he raised his brows in question to your statement. “i guess you’ve been quite the magnet in this event tonight.” your eyes shone that jaehyun stared at them.
his lips agape and he blinked his eyes several times like dust had entered them before he looked at you again. “there must be something wrong with my eyes.”
“i have some eye drops if you wa-” you were cut off despite showing a hint of worry.
“i can’t seem to take them off you.”
you jutted your lips, holding a smile where it definitely sent butterflies to your stomach. pick-up line huh, smooth. was he up for a battle? he was trying to flirt with you, and you weren’t the person to back down a battle.
he twirled you around and switched hand postures, still swaying and stepping to the ever slow rhythm. “i told you how you were quite a magnet tonight, right?”
“yes you did. what about it-” jaehyun asked, but you cut him off almost immediately.
“you sure are attracting me too.”
jaehyun’s small smile was enough for you to know he was hit by it. he tried to hold back a sloppy grin before eventually giving up. “that was good. but did you know that you owe me a drink?” he whispered into your ears again.
your slight giggle made jaehyun smile, the anticipation in you grew. “i dropped mine earlier when i saw you at the staircase.”
“oh wow.” you fanned yourself, true to the fact you did blush. “is it hot in here or is it you?”
“i guess it’s me.” his hands that held your waist went a little lower, pulling you closer from the actual distance.
“you’ve got a way with your words huh?” you smirked.
“i do, but yours pulled my heartstrings.” he leaned in to where he bent down, leveling his face to yours.
he kissed you on the cheek and you swore the butterflies inside fluttered more than usual. bold move, but little did you know he felt the same too.
“so you just forgot after you passed out in the limo?” ayeon asked you, leaning onto her arm that supported her chin.
“i didn’t forget. why would i? i loved the feeling.” you hugged your pillow.
the sun wasn’t up yet and there you were with ayeon and mirae, they chose to sleep over at your place after you had shots of who knew how many. ayeon eyed you, still suspicious of your answer. “what? i really did.”
“ooh y/n’s in love.” mirae teased.
“what’s his name then?” ayeon asked, making you flinch and up on your toes.
“agh we were so busy flirting with pick-up lines that i forgot to ask!” you plopped onto your bed, whining like a child who’d want a giant lollipop.
huge laughter from the two made you feel unaccomplished, or maybe you were just overthinking. you wore you fluffy slippers as you went down the stairs for breakfast. they soon followed and continued to tease you.
“it’s okay if you don’t know his name!” mirae said. “you must remember how he looked like!”
“pfft. as if. we were wearing masks last night and y/n passed out before we all took off the masks at the end of the party.” ayeon laughed as she took a toast from the counter.
gosh they weren’t helping you at all.
“anything else you noticed about him? suit? facial features?” mirae asked.
that question alone made you wonder and thought hard to the point your head had already reached the surface of the table. you tried to remember. he had a black suit, red bow tie and brown hair. his smiles to your pick-up lines were the only ones stuck in your mind.
wait. there was something else.
“dimples..” you murmured.
“what?” they asked simultaneously.
“he had dimples! oh my gosh! he did!” you squealed and rushed up to your bedroom, typing away words at a social media platform under a hashtag of the event last night. maybe there had been photos of him that might’ve reveal his name.
the two puffed breaths as the entered your room. “you sure you can track this guy there?”
you scrolled down several images, columns of selfies and aesthetic areas of the event hall. none of them seemed to catch your eye, more of, he hadn’t popped up in any of the pictures you passed by. “nope.” you popped your lips. “help me here.”
“wow i’ve never seen y/n so interested besides studying and.. studying.” ayeon said, earning a hit on the head by you.
“let her be since she’s so into dimples.” mirae cackled, eyes following at the speed of your mouse scrolling. “stop! he’s the guy i danced with. his name’s johnny.” she pointed at the screen.
“okay, not what i was looking for..” your voice getting impatient.
“no but i remember he tagged along with dimples.” her tone convinced you. “check his profile.”
you did as you were told, and the words slowly came into you when you clicked onto a certain picture he was tagged in.
“jaehyun.” his name escaped your lips, sending the same fluttering butterflies into your stomach.
“hey, y/n.” mirae snapped her fingers in from of you. “did i tell you johnny and i exchanged numbers?”
you turned to her with flushed cheeks and you knew you wanted to meet dimples again.
“y/n’s crush’s name is jaehyun?” one of your brothers yelled from the hallway. “oh dudes you hear? he’s a ‘jae’!” “whoops aren’t all jae’s handsome?” “y/n! just so you know we’re lowkey implying we’re handsome too!” “we approve of him!”
“stop eavesdropping you twerps!” you yelled.
should you greet him with another pick-up line when you see him? who cares?
you knew you’ll meet jaehyun again.
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a/n: yes lol i had to include this mood board just bc,, jaehyun looks hot *shys away* hahaha :p
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I’ll sleep when I am dead…
Virgil sighed as he shut his laptop, giving an exhausted yawn.
It’s the same each and every night, Glare at my screen with two big bloodshot eyes.
Maybe this would be the night he actually managed some sleep? Or at least… a nap? Sure, he can close his eyes and pretend to visit the Land of Nod… but he’s never had an official invite.
I’m stuck self-torturing, My meds are failing me, Internal clock in smithereens. Can’t fix this, I’m hopeless.
Virgil crept down the stairs and opened the fridge. Warm milk should help me… he pondered, pouring himself a cup of the creamy liquid- placing the mug into the microwave.
My eyes are stapled open wide, As I lay down on my side, I am bouncing off these walls.
He watched the device like a hawk, ready to catch it before the inevitably loud beeps echoed throughout the house. He couldn’t have that! It’d wake the others…
Notice my hands begin to twitch, Unprovoked assaulting of my conscious wit.
Virgil glanced at the TV and sighed, shaking his head. “Nah, there’s never anything good on at this time”. 
Me and the TV are enemies, Sickening static surrounds my mind, I’m losing time, And realizing that after days of thought that-
He pounced on the microwave and opened the door, pressing the cancel button. Phew. Right, let’s try this… Virgil moved the mug to his lips and began to sip, humming as the warm beverage travelled down his throat. It felt nice. Please work.
I’m stuck self-torturing, My meds are failing me, Internal clock in smithereens. Can’t fix this, I’m hopeless.
After a small while, the cup was empty and Virgil was full of- what he hoped, was something to help him sleep.
My eyes are stapled open wide, As I lay down on my side, I am bouncing off these walls. As I focus on the clock, Time stands still, but I cannot, I should strap myself in bed. I guess I’ll sleep when I am dead. Talk to myself, Lie in the darkness so content, As the sun begins to rise.
The smaller side climbed the stairs and yawned again, whoa- was he sleepy? As in… actually able to sleep? He entered his room and shut the door, stretching. Time to find out.
I can barely shut my eyes, This crazed, delirious mess, Laughing at everything I see.
He walked over to his bed and clambered onto it, grabbing his small plush that he totally didn’t keep after Logan gave it to him- and shut his eyes.
My sanity is spent, Just tell me where my time went, I’m losing it.
Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. Virgil sat up and groaned, peering at his MCR wall clock. Yep, another fail.
Attention: All insomniacs, please raise your right hand, And kindly, repeat after me: “I GUESS I’LL SLEEP WHEN I AM DEAD!”
Virgil grabbed his headphones and placed them on, scrolling through his playlist. What was the best soundtrack for another sleepless night?
‘Cause I’m stuck self-torturing, My meds are failing me, Internal clock in smithereens. Can’t fix this, I’m hopeless.
He lay in bed for a while, before eventually getting up and walking back over to his desk. “Well… I might as well draw or whatever”.
My eyes are stapled open wide, As I lay down on my side, I am bouncing off these walls. As I focus on the clock, Time stands still, but I cannot, I should strap myself in bed. I guess I’ll sleep when I am dead. I guess I’ll sleep when I am-
Another. Sleepless. Night.
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