#phillies daycare
jamiethenerd · 6 months
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your honor, i love them
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avah2816 · 1 year
y’all please help i’m dying for a good Alec Bohm or Brandon Marsh fic
they are basically impossible to find and when i find them they’re not the best
if you have any recs or can write anything please help a girl out
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philliesdaycare · 14 days
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Daycare moments from sweeping the Rays!
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softerbaseball · 4 months
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[1000] I have my own sexy freddy krueger
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phillyphangirl · 2 days
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janosglove · 6 months
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“good teammate right there, he gave me a hand warmer.” “don’t put it in your mouth, someone put it in their mouth yesterday.” 😭 4.6.24
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juergenklopp · 1 year
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BRANDON MARSH, BRYSON STOTT, and TREA TURNER @ Atlanta Braves (May 27, 2023)
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jcamilov06 · 1 year
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janeyseymour · 6 months
Won't You Be... My Neighbor? -pt 2
Part 1.
Summary: Throughout the preparation for Melissa's court hearing, you find yourself falling for her.
WC: ~2.35k
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“You’re a lawyer?” Melissa looks at you as if you just told her you were actually born on Mars.
You nod confidently. “A damn good one too.”
“Then what the hell are you doing here in West Philly?”
You chuckle. “I grew up around here. Liked the area, never really cared to leave.”
“Wow,” she whispers out in amazement. “Would you really be able to help me? I’ll pay you of course.”
You roll your eyes. “Of course I can help you. And don’t worry about a payment. I’d be happy to help you out.”
“That’s ridiculous,” she states.
You wave a lazy hand in dismissal as you sip your wine. “No it ain’t. Just… cook me a couple meals, and we’ll call it even.”
That gets the redhead to laugh a little. “Yeah, I can do that.”
“Tell me a little about him,” you prompt.
So she does. The two of you chat long into the night, and it’s only when Melissa yawns for the fourth time that you smile at her, finish off what little remains in your glass, and stand. “I suppose I should let you get to bed. But let’s… reconvene soon?”
She nods sleepily. “I’ll see you soon, Y/N. And seriously, thank you.”
“Have a good night, Melissa.” You leave the apartment and head down the hall to your own.
As you crawl into bed that night, you think about everything that she had said to you. Genuinely, you feel terrible for the woman a few doors down. She seems to have put her heart and soul into that marriage, only for all of her hard work and care to go down the drain. And from what you can tell, she isn’t exactly swimming in money right now- especially taking on a new apartment and having a young child to care for on her own. But she’s doing everything she can right now to make it work, including working overtime at her school to tutor children who need extra help. Her ex-husband is making absolutely no contributions aside from the extra hell that he is giving her. You find yourself even more motivated to help your neighbor win her case against her husband and gain full custody of her son.
It’s a few days later when you run into Melissa again, and she seems just as frazzled as she was the first day you met her. JJ is on her hip crying again, pleading to not have to go to the grocery store.
You are just coming in from a rather long day at work, and while the last thing you want to do is look after a small child (one who will need lots of tender love and care to calm down), you make your way over to the pair.
“Hey,” you say softly as you adjust your briefcase slung around you.
Melissa runs a hand through her hair. “Hi.” She turns her attention back to her son. “Sweetheart, we have to get groceries for the week… but Momma promises she’ll be quick.”
“I don’t wanna!” the little boy screeches.
“Missed nap time at daycare,” the redhead whispers over his head. Then she presses her lips together in a fine line as she continues to bounce him on her hip. She tries to calm him with a few short hums, but JJ just continues to cry out.
You blow out a breath. “I can take him for a little while you go grocery shopping,” you offer softly.
Those green eyes meet yours immediately. “Oh, you don’t have to do that.”
“I don’t mind,” you say with a soft smile. “And it looks like you could use a break from kids for at least an hour.”
“Are you sure?” Melissa breathes out. “Because I can take him- he is my son.”
“I know he is,” you chuckle quietly. “But I also know that it’s okay to lean on someone to help you, and I told you I’m here for you.”
The teacher sighs softly. She looks down at her crying little boy. “Baby, Miss Y/N says you can stay with her while Momma goes grocery shopping, how does that sound?”
JJ whines out, but he looks to you with curious eyes and nods just once. His cries immediately start to soften as he realizes he doesn’t have to go to the dreaded grocery store and sit in that uncomfortable cart. He rubs at his eyes as he lets out a small yawn. “Momma?”
“Yeah, JJ?”
“I love you,” the little boy mumbles into Melissa’s shoulder.
“I love you too, honey,” the woman smiles softly as she presses a soft kiss to his head. “Can I put you down now so you can go with Miss Y/N?”
JJ nods, so Melissa sets him down on the ground. He immediately reaches for your free hand that isn’t holding your water bottle.
“Be a good little boy, okay?” the redhead instructs softly to her son. He nods, and you lead him down to your own apartment.
He’s as happy as a clam to sit with you while you go through a few more papers, and then you know it’s time that you should probably start making dinner. With a soft sigh, you lift him to your hip and start pulling out ingredients to make a meal.
“Dinner?” the little boy asks as he starts playing with the baby hairs that have fallen out of your ponytail.
“Yeah, hun,” you smile softly. “How does spaghetti sound?”
“I love pasetti,” your little neighbor mumbles.
You chuckle quietly as the way he says the word but nod. “Then that’s what we’ll have. Does your momma like spaghetti?”
He gives you a cheeky smile in response.
By the time that Melissa comes around to collect her son, you have him calmed down, fed, and giggling as you play Candy Land with him. However, she looks absolutely furious when you open the door.
“You okay?” you ask her quietly, although you very much know the answer already.
“Peachy,” is what she retorts. “C’mon, JJ. I have to get dinner started.”
“But Y/N already gived me dinner, and we saved some for you!” the little boy announces from his place on the floor, donned in one of your sweatshirts.
The redhead furrows her brows. “What?”
“I hope I’m not overstepping,” you say softly. “But he was hungry, I was making dinner, and I figured you might like to come home and not have to cook today.”
“That… wow,” Melissa sighs quietly. “Thank you.”
“It’s on the stove, and if it needs warmed, you’ve seen where my microwave is,” you smile at her as you return back to your game with her son. “Feel free to grab a glass of wine too if you want.”
As the redhead makes her way into the kitchen, she realizes that she can’t remember the last time someone made her a home cooked meal, even if it was something as simple as spaghetti. Joe had cooked for her maybe once as a way to get into her pants, and before then… it was her grandmother while her own parents were in the middle of their terrible divorce and custody battle.
The mother gets her dinner, and then she’s settling on the floor next to her son. She eats in silence, enjoying the fact that she does not have to entertain her son. She also watches as you handle him with such ease, making him smile and giggle the way that only she and Barb can get JJ to act. He’s such a sweet little boy, and the redhead would be lying to herself if she said that watching you with him didn’t make that small attraction to you just the slightest bit bigger.
You of course let the little boy win, and when he does, you tickle him relentlessly claiming that he was just too good and that he must’ve been cheating. His infectious laugh only makes you chuckle, and you know that you would do anything to keep this little boy happy- he already has a piece of your heart.
Then he tiredly crawls into his way into your lap and lays his head on your chest. “Sleepy,” is all he gets out as his eyes start to droop down.
The redhead stands, only half finished her meal. “I guess I should get him-”
You raise a hand as you stand and settle the two of you on the couch. “Don’t even worry about it. He can sleep on me while you finish your meal, and then you can tell me why you came in so pissed.”
Melissa chuckles, but she situates herself back on the floor. She watches the two of you for a bit as you lull her son to sleep with mindless humming and your fingers combing through his hair.
After a bit, you look down, and you know JJ is asleep. “So, you wanna tell me what had you so pissed?”
“Fucking Joe,” is all Melissa sighs out. “Told me that he’s looking for the best family lawyer in the city and that he’s gonna get custody of my son.”
“Well he’s screwed then, because that would be me,” you roll your eyes. “And I’m already taking your case on. Speaking of, there are a few papers I’ll need you to fill out in my briefcase, but I can get them to you tomorrow.”
“You’re the-” her eyes go comically wide.
“I am,” you say cooly. “85% success rate, and he doesn’t know that the odds are already stacked against him with most judges tending to rule with the mother having custody. And if he tries to pull any shit, I’ll make his life a living hell.”
And Joe does try to pull a bunch of shit- threatening Melissa, having his lawyers try to find loopholes around most things. And you just document it all. You and the redhead prepare for the case mostly after long days of work over a meal with that sweet little boy curled up in your lap and wearing one of your sweatshirts.
As the two of you prepare for the court case, you get to see more of the Schemmenti household. You get to see Melissa when she’s at her happiest, playing a simple round of Chutes and Ladders with JJ to take a break from all of the preparation. You also see her when she’s done up for school, and you swear she’s taken your breath away quite a few times. But you also see her at her lowest of lows, when she’s terrified that she’s going to lose JJ and that Joe’s threats are genuinely scaring her to the point of tears. You see her when she’s clad in her pajama bottoms and Eagles sweatshirt, ready to rip her hair out over the meltdown her son is having, and yet she’s still soft and warm with him. And it all… it makes you feel honored that you get to see her for everything that she is- apparently that isn’t a common thing for her to do, to let people in. And yet here you are, getting to know her and see every side of the redhead- even the parts that she doesn’t want you to see.
Her son is obsessed with you in the sweetest way, always coming and knocking on your door to ask if you can play a game with him or to simply give you a hug before he gallops his way back down to his own door with a proud look on his face. 
You would be lying to yourself if you said that you weren’t happy to find yourself a part of their little bubble and that you were falling more and more in love with your client each and every day that you get to see her (which is of course everyday, whether that be to chat over dinner, prepare for the hearing, or just a simple ‘hello’ as you pass each other in the hall). But she… she’s your client, and she’s going through a messy, messy divorce, and you don’t even know if she likes women. You have your own theory that she’s bisexual, but nothing has been confirmed. You can’t, in good conscience, make a move on her. So you don’t. You sit with your feelings and try to not let them consume you.
The day that you spent hours preparing for comes, and Melissa slides into her place very nervously with her son in her arms. She looks absolutely stunning in her dress pants and blazer, and JJ looks precious in his little outfit that you have no doubt is his Easter best.
“I thought we spoke about not bringing him here,” you say in a hushed tone.
The redhead runs a hand through her hair. “I know, I know. My sister was supposed to watch him, but she bailed last minute, Barb can’t watch him because she’s working at the school, and you’re my other babysitter.”
“He better stay quiet,” you warn. “It’s not uncommon for judges to put children in contempt if they’re noisy.”
“He won’t be,” Melissa promises you. “He’s got his little fidget toy, and we already talked about how to act because we don’t want to get taken from Momma.”
The hearing is long and arduous for all parties, but when that gavel comes down and the judge rules that Melissa has sole custody of her son with Joe only being allowed supervised visits due to his excessive drinking, the threats he had made, and his other habits you know it was all worth it.
The mother immediately bursts into happy tears while Joe starts to fume. He starts screaming and cursing, and the court officers begin to rush him out.
He’s not out of the room before he can get out, “You’ll pay for this, you bitch!”
Melissa, too caught up in smothering her little boy in love, doesn’t even pay attention to his words. And later on, she wishes she would have. 
TAGS: @schemmentis @thesapphictimelady @marvel210 @itisdoctortoyousir @morgana-larkin @thesamesweetie @doesthatsuggestanythingtoyou @marvels--slut @gwennybriggs @megamultifandomtrashposts @lemz378 @http-sam @melissaschemmentisbranzino @imaginesmultifandoms @sexysapphicshopowner @lilfartbox1 @maybe-a-humanbean @imlike-so-gaydude @sapphicxrat @a-queen-and-her-throne @sunsol-22 @notinmyvocab @melanielaufeyson
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harpmuto · 4 months
explodes and dies. the immediate deviousness with the reveal. phillies daycare im obsessed w you in a woeful way
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moregraceful · 2 months
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Sorry 2 Flyers, Phillies, and Kevin Kurz post in one post (<- the latter is the unforgivable one fuck Kevin Kurz) but this is the most important tweet I have ever read in my life. Matvei Michkov. High draft pick falls far bc no one wants to try to get him out of Russia. Danny Briere works his ass off and gets him out of Russia. Kid walks off the plane in a Phillies hat. Did he have it shipped to Russia? Did he buy it when he was here earlier this summer signing paper work to gtfo out of Russia? Why are you wearing a Phillies hat...how do u know who the Phillies are, you just got here. They are the BEST team. He wants to GET TO KNOW THE PLAYERS. He is going to root for this team bc he wants to get to know them, and will, bc he's out of Russia now and in the loving arms of Sean Couturier. Anyway my point is, I think he (19yo) wants to know the Phillies daycare (26-27yo) carnally. And I think we should let him.
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jamiethenerd · 6 months
no cops at pride only phillies daycare doing vibe checks
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angesaurus · 8 months
It’s super cool that Philly has a measles outbreak.. It’s super cool that a parent disregarded quarantine instructions and sent their child to daycare therefore exposing other children and people. It’s super cool that this parent (probably the mom! Let’s be real here) probably felt they had no choice because they work and need to make money to feed their family. It’s super cool this country hates working moms and there is little to no support for them/us. 👍🏼
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otrtbs · 2 months
Hi! I love that you have hockey players you want to assign James, Sirius, and Remus to because I have mentally assigned those three to the role of what’s called the”Phillies Daycare” in my mind. Stott, Marsh, and Bohm are three of the younger players on the team who are famous for going around dumping water on their teammates in interviews. And I’m just like “Yea. This is James, Sirius, and Remus as baseball players.”
hello i love this
and they absolutely would !!!
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phillyphangirl · 1 year
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Source @phillyphangirl
Daycare strikes again.
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janosglove · 6 months
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“thats so cold… its still cold.” 4.2.24
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