ciccio72 · 1 year
La mia passeggiata sul Pilone di Torrefaro - Messina
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PRIMA PAGINA Corriere Umbria di Oggi venerdì, 09 agosto 2024
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angela-lobefaro · 3 months
Me Myself & my Shadow
Me Myself & my Shadow by Angela Lobefaro Via Flickr: Also in Venice it's possible to get some lonely rest, away from the overtourism. Who knows maybe she was waiting for someone, but for sure she was getting a lot of space around her in Venice.
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delinquenzanews · 1 year
Alastair Donkor: un pilone inglese per la Fiorini Pesaro Rugby
26 anni, 180 cm per 125 kg, Alastair Donkor è il nuovo pilone della Fiorini Pesaro Rugby. Un tassello importante per i kiwi giallorossi, che andrà ad affiancare l’argentino Santino Franco e a rinforzare e ad aggiungere peso alla mischia. Un giocatore esperto, cresciuto in un campionato competitivo come quello inglese, chiamato a ricoprire un ruolo importate, particolarmente complicato per i…
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potato-lord-but-not · 2 months
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lopez666 · 2 years
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You don’t go far on your own Grazie a @matteoalgeribricoli_photo #boldrugbyclubcologno #oldrugby #rugby4life #rugbyplayer #rugbyplayers #rugbymen #proplife #prop #pilone #mischia #scrum #rugbymatch #rugbyman #rugbylife #rugbylove #rugbynation #rugbyculture #rugbyforever #rugbygame #rugbygram #rugbylove #RugbyGram #rugbyground #rugbylicious #rugbyclub #iocisono (presso U.S. Primavera Rugby) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoXEeeuqiWC/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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izel-scribbles · 22 days
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s4 lineup part 1! (closeups under the cut / click for hd)
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noel, the butcher, and kayne still in the works :D
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moookar · 28 days
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Arthur and Marie in Disco Elysium style now :) I’m tearing through these lol
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Still life with roses in a vase (detail), c. 1847, E. Agathe Pilon oil on panel
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tumb1rprincess · 19 days
John being awestruck by how big and crowded New York is and how tall the buildings are, it's so adorable. And Arthur commenting on how John saving him was motivated by love and John pretty much admitted he didn't want to lose him, aaaaaaaaah, I'm like
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Sorry Arthur, I'm with John on this one, don't fuck around with Kayne. He's wickedly powerful, he scares me.
If Arthur manages to get through New York without getting hit by a car, I'll be impressed.
Lol John sounds so judgmental when Arthur says he's stolen hotel room keys before.
"You can dial right?" That had me laughing, but that is a legit question. I don't think John's used a phone at this point.
I like Marie, she’s fun. Hope she doesn’t turn out to be some murderous psychopath or something
Really hoping Arthur knows what he's doing, a lot of his plans haven't exactly gone well.
Arthur, if you won’t take your boy to see a movie, take him sightseeing at least, come on!
What the heck was that at the end? Was John actually asleep? Was he dreaming? Talking in his sleep? This is getting creepy.
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busybeeblogs · 2 months
Go With Your Gut
Description: Written purely to fulfill my fantasy of Arthur getting the rare opportunity to sit down to a proper meal. Also I KNOW in my heart Marie wouldn’t have let him leave without pulling out the special granny move “tasty homemade food.”
Fandom: Malevolent (Podcast)
Characters: Arthur Lester, John Doe, Marie Pilon
CW: Hunger, wounds and scars mentioned, non-nsfw nudity, descriptions of a malnourished body, descriptions of neglecting one’s needs.
Canon compliant: Takes place a few hours after Chapter 39 and before Arthur leaves for Red Hook with Noel.
Word Count: 3.1k
“She’s staring you down, Arthur. She knows you’re outnumbered. It’s your rook and bishop versus her queen, rook and knight. If we can back her into a corner we’ll have a way to get her in checkmate, but to do that…”
“…I’d have to stop defending my King.” Arthur murmured aloud as John outlined the stakes.
“…You’re going to have to make a move at some point, Parker.”
Arthur sighed, running a hand through his hair. “I’ll go with my gut on this one then.” Arthur moved his bishop to take Marie’s knight, and after a moment’s grief, she simply moved her rook across the board.
“What?” Arthur scanned the board, as if he had any way of seeing what she did.
John verified the move for him: “Oh. Her rook and queen have you Arthur, I think she was waiting for you to take her knight so she could move her rook.”
“Goddamn it.”
“Language, Parker.” Marie scolded, glancing over at the grandfather clock as it began to chime. Arthur counted: one, two, three, four.
“Four o’ clock already? Gracious, I best get to making dinner.” Marie said with a start, hoisting herself out of her seat as Arthur began to gather up the chess pieces. “You said your evening plans aren’t until later on, yes?”
“Not until a quarter to nine.”
“Well, in that case I’ll make enough for the both of us.” She insisted.
Arthur blinked, closing the embellished box the chess pieces went in and setting it back on the shelf. “Marie, there’s really no need for that, I couldn’t possibly impose on a meal-“ Marie’s face suddenly turned quite serious, and she cut him off by jabbing a finger into his chest. She hit bone.
“Something about you has irked me since the moment you set foot in my home, Parker…” Arthur held his breath. “You look as if you’ve gone far too long without a proper meal. Now I called off my dinner plans, but dinner still must be had. And as my houseguest and companion for the evening, I expect you to eat with me. Am I clear?” Arthur nodded, and Marie took her hand back after repeatedly jabbing it into his sternum. Arthur let out his breath and rubbed the sore spot she left.
“You ought to listen to your gut when it comes to food, not chess dear. I could hear your tummy rumbling during our game.” She noted before shuffling off towards the kitchen. Arthur flushed.
“Oh. My apologies, I-“
“Parker.” Arthur’s head swiveled towards the sound of her voice. “Do wash up before coming to the table.”
“Yes, Marie.” Arthur sighed, and as soon as she disappeared into the kitchen, he sunk back into his chair.
“She’s right, you know.” John chimed in suddenly, causing Arthur to chuckle.
“About which part? Needing a meal or needing a wash?”
“Both, I’m sure.” Arthur rolled his eyes. “But I know you haven’t eaten in quite some time. Your stomach was making a lot of noise.”
As if responding to John’s mention of it, Arthur’s stomach grumbled, and he winced as he slid his hand from his chest to rest idly on his belly.
“I was hoping you two were ignoring it…” He murmured sourly, as if his being hungry had been a secret he didn’t want to get out. “But I suppose I’ve been ignoring it enough my own. God, when did I last eat?”
John thought for a moment. “I think it must have been in Poughkeepsie. You stopped at that pizzeria.”
“Yes! Oh, that pizza was divine.” His stomach rumbled again under his palm, the talk of food stirring his appetite. “And I was planning to eat dinner on the train to the city, but then, the Butcher…”
“…Yes.” John ended the thought, not allowing it to go further than that. “That was two days ago, Arthur.”
“Was it really?” Arthur suddenly sat upright from his slouch. “With everything that happened, it feels like it’s been a week.”
“A very long week.” John agreed. “You really should try to eat more often, Arthur. I know you’ve moved on to Larson and The Order but, you’re still weak from The Pits.”
Arthur shuddered and stood up suddenly, starting towards the stairs.
“I’ve been trying to-”
Arthur turned, finding the railing and using it to support himself as he climbed up the steps.
“Thank you. As I was saying,” Arthur was already winded. “I’ve been trying to eat more often, but it feels like whenever we’re in the thick of something like this, it’s always the last thing on my mind.” Arthur paused for a moment at the top landing, but didn’t dare let himself linger for more than a moment before he shoved off into the bathroom. “Perhaps that’s why I enjoyed our time traveling so much, albeit brief.”
“What do you mean?” John questioned as Arthur shut the bathroom door and ran the shower, undoing his tie as he waited for the water to heat up.
“Well… I suppose it was just the first time since all this began where I had the chance to, pay attention to my needs.” Arthur’s voice echoed pleasantly off the bathroom tiles. He began unbuttoning his shirt, and John’s hand sprung to help him. “I’ve been fighting and running for months, and as soon as I wasn’t entirely consumed with fear or rage or grief, so after we left Addison, really… I had the chance to feel everything else. How hungry I was, how tired I was, how badly I wanted a shower.” He chuckled, testing a hand in the water before slipping his undergarments off and stepping under the stream.
“It just felt nice to be able to take care of myself.” Arthur began scrubbing vigorously at his skin with a bar of soap. “And I hope after all this business with the order is over I can… Return to some sort of normal routine.”
Arthur sighed with relief as he stepped under the warm water to wash the soap off, positively relishing the feeling. “And call me spoiled all you want, but I truly miss having my own bath.”
As Arthur lowered his head to wet his hair under the water, John took the opportunity to survey his body. John was responsible for every one of the wounds he could see; every single scar, the fresh bullet wound in his shoulder, the pinky he was missing. He was well aware of just how much Arthur had been hurt in their time together: He’d been there with him for all of it. It almost seemed like he couldn’t go a day without a brush with death, and all of those encounters had left a mark, be it physical or mental. But John was often guilty of overlooking just how much everything else had been hurting Arthur this entire time. His lack of sleep, proper hygiene, and perhaps most glaringly upon looking at his body: His lack of a proper diet.
Arthur was thin. That in and of itself wan’t new, Arthur had been thin since John first laid eyes on him, hence why he was so hesitant to believe the man actually had the capability to physically intimidate someone like he had earlier today. And as much as Arthur didn’t like thinking about it, the effect of three months of starvation was just as evident on his body as his scars. He was pale, and his paper-thin skin was stretched taut over bones and a frankly pathetic layer of muscle. His knees were knobby, his arms were twiggy, his stomach was nearly caved in. Sometimes John wondered how Arthur even had the energy to get through the hurdles they’d overcome, because he was consistently running on so little.
And that was John’s fault too.
“I’m… Sorry, Arthur.” Arthur tilted his head as he rinsed the shampoo out of his hair.
“Sorry for what?” Arthur asked, closing his eyes as he stuck his face in the water.
“For…” John sighed. This was going to be harder than he thought. “Not properly taking your needs into account.”
Arthur raised an eyebrow as he reached out to shut the water off. “John, if you’re trying to apologize for how long it’s been since I’ve had a proper shower-“
“No, it’s not that, though you do complain about it a lot…” John rumbled. “I just… It’s hard for me to grasp, the constant attention you pay to things like hygiene and eating and sleeping-“
“Well it’s because I need to do all those things to survive, John.” Arthur said matter-of-factly, throwing a towel over his head and scrubbing his hair dry. “And it’s not exactly fun for me to, be without.”
“I know, I know.” John held his tongue. He wasn’t going to snap at Arthur right now. “I know it hurts you, but I don’t, know what you’re feeling exactly. I’ve never been hungry, or tired-“
“No need to brag about it.” Arthur grumbled as he wrapped the towel around his waist and stepped out of the shower to tame his hair.
“That’s not what I’m trying to say.” John huffed. “I know you bear the brunt of, the adversity we face. This is your body after all, and after millennia of never having to stop to sleep or eat or even consider the concept of bathing myself, I have trouble adjusting to, living life at a human pace. I know you have to stop to regain your energy but in that time, I have to stop too. And it can be… frustrating, because I still fail to conceptualize what being hungry or sleep-deprived is like, and therefore it is hard for me to grasp your need to stop for food or rest.” John was rambling. He had to get to his point before he inevitably dug himself some sort of hole. “What I’m trying to say is, I can see the toll it all takes on you. The starvation, the sleepless nights. You shouldn’t be as, deprived as you are, and it’s partly my fault. I know we’re in the middle of something far bigger than both of us right now, and we’re both focused on it. But I should still be making sure you’re, taking care of yourself. We shouldn’t both be neglecting what your body needs.”
Arthur blinked, and set his comb down on the edge of the sink. And, leaning forward, he looked into his own eyes in the mirror: Even though he was blind, it was as if he was looking directly at John, and John was staring right back at his face.
“When I was in college, I had a massive paper due in two days.” Not the response John had expected. “I hadn’t started it at all. It was a research paper, I needed sources, it had to be thirty pages: It was an absolute monster of an assignment and I had a weekend to do it. So, I buckled down. I locked myself in my room and only came out to make myself coffee. Getting up and making the coffee as opposed to the coffee itself is probably what kept me awake that entire time. Though I was still quite jittery…” Arthur chuckled. “Anyways, I stayed up the entire weekend to write that paper. I refused to eat, sleep or speak to anyone. My head stayed completely in the books. But I remember being so tired I kept falling asleep at my desk and smacking my head on the table, I could barely keep my eyes open for some of it and when I could, I just felt like I was in a haze… Every part of me just felt so, heavy. Everything was telling me to crawl into bed but I just didn’t let myself. I did find that being that hungry does have a way of keeping you awake, but only because it’s incredibly difficult to sleep on an empty stomach. When you’re that hungry, and doing work that requires all of your brainpower, it felt like whenever I stopped thinking about the task at hand I was thinking about food. And that’s to say nothing of how much my stomach was aching, or how dizzy I was whenever I stood up. Compared to what we’ve been through since it seems quite tame really… But, I do have a habit of pushing my needs to the wayside when something needs to get done. I get a sort of, tunnel vision, as you know.”
“I’m well aware.” John confirmed. “But, why did you tell me that story?”
“To help you better conceptualize what it’s like. All the human things you’re not used to.” Arthur paused. “And because you’re right. If I’m to get us both around we can’t both ignore my body. If it gives out, I think we’re just about screwed.”
John chuckled, relief flooding through him as he did so. Arthur wasn’t mad. “I’m glad you agree. I can’t say I envy your position… Did you finish your paper?”
“Yes, but as soon as I was done I ate the biggest breakfast I’d ever had and passed out for fourteen hours, completely missing the deadline to turn it in.”
John laughed, fully this time. It was loud and long and filled Arthur’s entire head. “Well, I think you’re long overdue for something to eat by now. Finish washing up for dinner.”
“Right, right.” Arthur said excitedly, scrambling to get his clothes back on. “I do promise it’s not all bad though. I understand your point of being frustrated with having to stop, hence my story.” Arthur slipped his belt on. John had helped him poke extra holes in it. “But, some of the best sleep is had after an especially tiring day; and they say hunger is the best seasoning. Taking care of oneself doesn’t just mean it needs to get done, it should also be enjoyed. Warm baths, proper meals, one cannot live on bread alone.”
“I understand. You really are spoiled.” John said pointedly. “Your tie is crooked.”
“Oh, shut up.” Arthur rolled his eyes and adjusted his tie. “You’re just jealous I’m about to enjoy a delicious meal and talk to someone other than you for awhile.”
“Perhaps.” John said flatly as Arthur exited the bathroom and made his way back down the steps. The smell of cooking had filled the entire downstairs, and in an instant, Arthur’s appetite roared to life like a rekindled fire. He was sure didn’t need to explain to John how hungry he was at the moment: He certainly heard his stomach grumbling.
“I hope you’re hungry, Parker.” Marie called from the dining room, where she was laying out table settings for the both of them. Arthur followed her voice into the room and nodded.
“You have no idea.” She didn’t really.
“Well then. I’ve made my roasted chicken, potatoes and greens. One of Albert’s favorites. Take a seat, it’ll be out of the oven in a moment.”
“You don’t need any help?” Arthur asked, polite as always.
“No no dear, I have it covered.” Marie waved him off as she disappeared back into the kitchen to retrieve the food.
“Sit down.” John demanded. “Take it easy while you can, Arthur.”
“Well now, you adapt quickly.” Arthur sat.
“We have a big night ahead. You deserve all the rest you can get.”
“If you insist. Y’know, I think I can get used to this kind of treatment…” Arthur snickered as he folded his napkin in his lap.
“Don’t push it.”
“Here we are.” Marie proclaimed as she set the serving dish in the center of the table. Arthur wished he could see it, because it certainly smelled good. John got the hint.
“Arthur, she’s brought out a heap of well-seasoned red potatoes mixed with roasted chicken and greens.” John then blanked, unsure of how to describe the food further than what it was. He didn’t know what it tasted like, or what the texture was like.
But his brief description seemed to be enough to stir Arthur into immediately reaching for the serving spoon as soon as Marie was sat down. She got to it before he did, and picked it up to whack his hand away.
“We say grace in this household, Parker.”
“Oh… My apologies.” John’s hand rubbed Arthur’s, but quickly folded together and came to rest on the table as Marie bowed her head.
“Bless us oh Lord, for health and food, for love and friends, for everything thy goodness sends. Amen.”
“Amen.” Arthur muttered after a short pause, loosely making the sign of the cross and letting Marie take her serving first. He let John scoop a heaping serving onto his plate, and he dug in as soon as his fork was in his hand.
Arthur moaned around his first bite, going in for a second before he was even through chewing the first. Once he was a couple bites in and had the good sense to breathe, John spoke up.
“Describe it to me.”
“What?” Arthur whispered, taking another bite.
“Describe how it tastes. How it smells. I’m curious, you have two senses that I have no experience with, and I’d like to know how one goes about describing food.”
“But, I- Marie…”
“Yes?” Marie questioned from across the table, hearing her name. Arthur sighed.
“Marie.” He addressed her clearly, setting his fork down. “This food is… Outstanding. The chicken is tender and chewy, the potatoes are crispy and tasty on the outside, and soft on the inside… The greens are seasoned perfectly. All of it is, the garlic and herbs bring everything together wonderfully. I knew I was in for a treat as soon as I came downstairs and smelled this, savory medley…” Both John and Marie were listening to Arthur closely. His voice was quiet, sounding almost on the verge of breaking. Arthur managed to keep it steady. “This is truly one of the best meals I’ve had in a long time. Thank you so much, for having me.”
There was silence for a moment. Arthur heard Marie set her own fork down.
“She’s smiling, Arthur.”
“It’s a pleasure to be able to cook for someone who enjoys it so much.” Arthur smiled back. “I’ve found that good food can heal most woes, especially when paired with good company. So thank you Parker.”
“No really, thank you Marie, you have no idea how much I-“
“Clear your plate, Parker.” She interrupted before he could get carried away.
“Right.” He responded, looking back down and diving back into his food.
And for the first time, both Arthur and John enjoyed a good meal.
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delinquenzanews · 2 years
Il Rovigo ingaggia il pone sudafricano Justin Theys
Il Rovigo ingaggia il pone sudafricano Justin Theys
La FEMI-CZ Rugby Rovigo Delta è lieta di annunciare di aver ingaggiato fino alla fine della Stagione Sportiva 2022/23 Justin Theys.Pilone destro sudafricano, Justin Theys nasce a Città del Capo il 23 giugno del 1997. 195 cm per 136 kg, Theys nel 2013 inizia la sua esperienza rugbistica tra i seniores con la Groote Schuur High School in prima squadra. Passato poi per la Stellenbosch Rugby Academy…
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potato-lord-but-not · 2 months
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obligatory Oscar post 🫶🫶
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dare-g · 23 days
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The True Nature of Bernadette (1972)
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izel-scribbles · 25 days
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Whoaough no way izel scribbles oscar?? finally???
(ngl tho hes literaly just dev patel to me)
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also s4 designs at long last
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might color these!! or completely redo them!! idk!!!
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