#pilot stan’s alter ego
millenniumquartz · 2 years
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help my obsession with this goddamn kids cartoon
Also my art style changes every five seconds please ignore that
Time taken: 2hr 33min // 1hr 14min // 2hr 25min // 3hr 2min // 3hr 10min
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crehador · 1 year
on the one hand i want to shout IF YOU CARE SO MUCH ABOUT ANGE'S GENDER (WHICH SHOULD NOT MATTER ANYWAY WE STAN A NONBINARY MECH PILOT) WHY DO YOU NOT SIMPLY ASK THEM DIRECTLY but on the other hand "we're scared of saying the wrong thing and making their super duper mean alter ego come out" is kind of valid bc the alter ego really is super duper mean lmao
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executare · 4 years
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*claps aggressively* V NECK KING V NECK KING V NECK KING V NECK--
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animeman08 · 4 years
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Captain America
Captain America is a superhero appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. Created by cartoonists Joe Simon and Jack Kirby, the character first appeared in Captain America Comics #1 (cover dated March 1941) from Timely Comics, a predecessor of Marvel Comics. Captain America was designed as a patriotic supersoldier who often fought the Axis powers of World War II and was Timely Comics' most popular character during the wartime period. The popularity of superheroes waned following the war, and the Captain America comic book was discontinued in 1950, with a short-lived revival in 1953. Since Marvel Comics revived the character in 1964, Captain America has remained in publication.
The character wears a costume bearing an American flag motif, and he utilizes a nearly indestructible shield that he throws as a projectile. Captain America is the alter ego of Steve Rogers, a frail young man enhanced to the peak of human perfection by an experimental serum to aid the United States government's efforts in World War II. Near the end of the war, he was trapped in ice and survived in suspended animation until he was revived in modern times. Although Captain America often struggles to maintain his ideals as a man out of his time, he remains a highly respected figure in his community, which includes becoming the long-time leader of the Avengers.
Captain America was the first Marvel Comics character to appear in media outside comics with the release of the 1944 movie serial, Captain America. Since then, the character has been featured in other films and television series. In the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), the character is portrayed by Chris Evans. Captain America was ranked sixth on IGN's "Top 100 Comic Book Heroes of All Time" in 2011, second in their list of "The Top 50 Avengers" in 2012, and second in their "Top 25 best Marvel superheroes" list in 2014.
Powers and abilities
> Tactician and field commander
Rogers' battle experience and training make him an expert tactician and an excellent field commander, with his teammates frequently deferring to his orders in battle. The Avengers, X-Men, Fantastic Four, and other heroes choose Rogers as their leader during the Secret Wars; Thor says that Rogers is one of the very few mortals he will take orders from, and follow "through the gates of Hades".
Rogers' reflexes and senses are extraordinarily keen. He has blended Aikido, Boxing, Judo, Karate, Jujutsu, Kickboxing, and gymnastics into his own unique fighting style and is a master of multiple martial arts. Years of practice with his near-indestructible shield make him able to aim and throw it with almost unerring accuracy. His skill with his shield is such that he can attack multiple targets in succession with a single throw or even cause a boomerang-like return from a throw to attack an enemy from behind. In canon, he is regarded by other skilled fighters as one of the best hand-to-hand combatants in the Marvel Universe, limited only by his human physique. Although the Super Soldier Serum is an important part of his strength, Rogers has shown himself still sufficiently capable against stronger opponents, even when the serum has been deactivated reverting him to his pre-Captain America physique.
Stan Lee claimed that he'd "always been fascinated by the fact that, although Captain America has the least spectacular super-power of all, the mantle of leadership falls naturally upon him, as though he was born to command... Cap is one of the hardest hero characters to write, because the writer cannot use some exotic super-power to make his episodes seem colorful... All he has to serve him are his extraordinary combat skills, his shield, and his unquenchable love for freedom and justice."
Rogers has vast U.S. military knowledge and is often shown to be familiar with ongoing, classified Defense Department operations. He is an expert in combat strategy, survival, acrobatics, parkour, military strategy, piloting, and demolitions. Despite his high profile as one of the world's most popular and recognizable superheroes, Rogers has a broad understanding of the espionage community, largely through his ongoing relationship with S.H.I.E.L.D.
> Super Soldier Serum
Steve Rogers is often considered to be the pinnacle of human potential and operates at peak physical performance due to his enhancement via the Super Soldier Serum. The Super Soldier Serum enhances all of his metabolic functions and prevents the build-up of fatigue poisons in his muscles, giving him endurance far in excess of an ordinary human being. This accounts for many of his extraordinary feats, including bench pressing 1,100 pounds (500 kg) as a warm-up and running a mile (1.6 km) in less than a minute (60 mph/97 km/h, nearly twice the maximum speed achieved by the best human sprinters). Furthermore, his enhancements are the reason why he was able to survive being frozen in suspended animation for decades. He is highly resistant to hypnosis or gases that could limit his focus. The secrets of creating a super-soldier were lost with the death of its creator, Dr. Abraham Erskine. In the ensuing decades there have been numerous attempts to recreate Erskine's treatment, only to have them end in failure. Even worse, the attempts have instead often created psychopathic supervillains of which Captain America's 1950s imitator and Nuke are the most notorious examples.
> Weapons and equipment
Captain America has used multiple shields throughout his history, the most prevalent of which is a nigh-indestructible disc-shaped shield made from a unique combination of Vibranium, Steel alloy, and an unknown third component that has never been duplicated called Proto-Adamantium. The shield was cast by American metallurgist Dr. Myron MacLain, who was contracted by the U.S. government, from orders of President Franklin D. Roosevelt, to create an impenetrable substance to use for tanks during World War II. This alloy was created by accident and never duplicated, although efforts to reverse-engineer it resulted in the discovery of adamantium.
Captain America often uses his shield as an offensive throwing weapon. The first instance of Captain America's trademark ricocheting shield-toss occurs in Stan Lee's first comics writing, the two-page text story "Captain America Foils the Traitor's Revenge" in Captain America Comics #3 (May 1941). The legacy of the shield among other comics characters includes the time-traveling mutant superhero Cable telling Captain America that his shield still exists in one of the possible futures; Cable carries it into battle and brandishes it as a symbol.
When without his trademark shield, Captain America sometimes uses other shields made from less durable metals such as steel, or even a photonic energy shield designed to mimic a vibranium matrix. Rogers, having relinquished his regular shield to Barnes, carried a variant of the energy shield which can be used with either arm, and used to either block attacks or as an improvised offensive weapon able to cut through metal with relative ease. Much like his Vibranium shield, the energy shield can be thrown, including ricocheting off multiple surfaces and returning to his hand.
Captain America's uniform is made of a fire-retardant material, and he wears a lightweight, bulletproof duralumin scale armor beneath his uniform for added protection. Originally, Rogers' mask was a separate piece of material, but an early engagement had it dislodged, thus almost exposing his identity. To prevent a recurrence of the situation, Rogers modified the mask with connecting material to his uniform, an added benefit of which was extending his armor to cover his previously exposed neck. As a member of the Avengers, Rogers has an Avengers priority card, which serves as a communications device.
Captain America has used a custom specialized motorcycle, modified by the S.H.I.E.L.D. weapons laboratory, as well as a custom-built battle van, constructed by the Wakanda Design Group with the ability to change its color for disguise purposes (red, white and blue), and fitted to store and conceal the custom motorcycle in its rear section with a frame that allows Rogers to launch from the vehicle riding it.
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jacintatveit · 5 years
Fotogramas Magazine June 2019
This is the google translate version of the Spanish interview. I just manually type the Spanish words into google translate.
And it’s so good!I urge all of you to read it! 
A not so clear version of the scan here: x
License to mutate
Hey, did you hear anything from Disney? 
To me, nothing at all. While reporting on the second coffee of the day, James McAvoy throws the glove at Michael Fassbender. 
Me neither. Nothing, answer this, before the two break to laugh. 
If X-Men: Dark Phoenix - the last film based on the comics created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby and the fourth joint adventure of these two monsters of the scene - is a farewell, at least it comes loaded with good vibes. 
It seems that this is going to be the last. Or, at least, we feel it, even if you know, says the last Charles Xavier. 
I also have that feeling, replies Magneto's alter ego. I think that with this film, the circle closes. At least, for us. Surely, in a while, the saga returns with younger people and much more prepared. Improved versions of ourselves. 
Mutant chronicles
With X-Men: Dark Phoenix, the directorial debut of Simon Kinberg - a regular screenwriter and producer of the series -, ends 19 years of mutant chronicles. We are facing the twelfth film of a universe that has known a pair of casts, a temporary reset and several spin-offs. A closure that comes after accumulating delays in the premiere, endless extra filming sessions and problems with viewing tests, and after circumventing the controversy surrounding for years Bryan Singer, promoter and director of four installments of the franchise. And that, without mentioning that it will be the first comic strip to be released after the box office armageddon that Avengers has supposed: Endgame.
But none of that alters the mood of McAvoy and Fassbender when FOTOGRAMAS sits down with them. On the contrary, the feeling of the two actors is, above all, gratitude.
Is that X-Men has been something very good, has a strong Scottish accent McAvoy. I think I speak for both when I say that it has given us a lot of freedom, as well as a good salary.
Fassbender talks while playing with his huge wedding ring - in the fall of 2017 he married, in Ibiza, with Alicia - It has been like a home ... and it has allowed us to pay for our houses. And also my mother's, jokes before let McAvoy take over: 
It has paid for the houses of enough people around us. It is strange to say something like that, but X-Men has been the pillar that has sustained my last ten years as an actor. When you have something so salty in the bedroom, you can afford to risk your trade, but also make vital decisions like buying a house or even being a father. I guess it would have been very different from having to go from work to work, trying to make everything right. It has been a luxury, a fucking splendid luxury.
Crossed destinies
The end of his days as Professor X and Magneto puts a dilemma to the duo mutant fans: they need to find a new project that will allow them to continue working together. 
Or, Fassbender points out, we could stay and hang out there. Is not that better, James? 
And McAvoy answers: Much better. Going out on the spree and acting on something together just because yes, because we feel like it. I love collaborating with Fassy. But, to tell the truth, we have only done it in X-men: First generation and a little in X-Men: Days of the future past. Outside of that, we have hardly had a fucking scene together. I miss him!
Fassbender agrees: We only see each other when one arrives and the other leaves. The right time to get a little up-to-date, roll: Hey, how are you, dude?  How are you doing? 
And, when we agreed, it was always more or less the same scene, continues McAvoy. He tries to mess it up. I ask him to stop and reconsider, and he says nanay. In the end, Erik, your character, just wants to lead a quiet life. It's not bad dude, but something always happens that fucks the existence! What the fuck you have! 
To which Fassbender agrees: It is to think twice before going around with him. Because he's a fucking magnet for misfortunes, he laughs.
The two jump like a spring when we ask them when was the first time they heard about each other. In the shooting of Blood Brothers, they point out referring to the HBO miniseries. 
It's been 19 years now, Fassbender snorted. I was part of the cast, and he came to act in an episode. I remember how much James impressed me then. Behind the cameras, the thing was like in front of them: the new recruits and the veterans platoon. James was the rookie on duty with a suicide mission: a very complicated scene with the toughest of the company. But the guy came with that confidence of his, that chunky air that he knows is good. I thought: This guy I like. 
McAvoy replies: Chulesco? It was all facade. I had a bad time because of the scene, but also because one of the protagonists, I'm not going to say who, was dedicated to making my life impossible. It was an integral cocoon. You, on the other hand, were very nice. Dexter Fletcher too. And Robin Laing. It was weird because, shortly after arriving, I already had a scene ... and with dialogues! Meanwhile, some of the cast members had been there for months and had not had any.
The (Blessed) Crisis of the 40
(James did a lot of movies in the recent years.) 
Meanwhile, Fassbender ... 
He has not done anything !, ends the phrase the Scot. And it was always the other way around. At the time I had made a play or filmed a movie, Michael had acted in ... I do not know, 20? I'm happy that I can explore other interests, but ... 
The reply of Fassbender is not long in coming: Since I was a kid I dreamed of being a racing driver. I always thought that if everything went well, when I turned 40, I would try to change my goals a bit, so I did that.
From 2018, the Irish competes in the Ferrari Challenge, at the wheel of a model 488 of 670 horsepower. 
It is very difficult to get insurance that allows me to pilot and interpret at the same time. So I've decided to focus on cars, but I'm still working on behind-the-scenes projects with my production company, DMC Film. And, if there is something that I can shoot in the months when there are no races, then I am open.
McAvoy cuts him off: It's the most fucking awesome excuse for not acting. I can not shoot because they do not assure me because I'm a fucking racing driver. Will it be possible ?, he asks himself, and both laugh eagerly. My hobby is to stay at home looking at the walls. In shorts, the Scot jokes.
Fassbender protests, teasing him: It's not true. You also play football very badly, do not you?
And, when the laughter fades, McAvoy picks up the thread to make the final point to the meeting: The 40 is a stage ... interesting. Right now, I am in a vital moment in which I rethink a lot of things, because, who knows, maybe I have already gone through the middle of my life. Have you seen the one of people who die at 70? Sometimes I think: Fuck, you have to make it worth it! And I am clear that not everything must be work ... so I think I have to do it too, take some time for me.
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blxckchrysler · 5 years
im kinda scared for when voting opens for afp bc kat has been serving quirkiness™️ to the casual viewers and casuals go crazy over the bare minimum kfndifjwos
we HAVE to work hard to get kemi at least top 3. it’ll most likely be nicole kat and cliff so maybe we can bump out cliff for kemi. we need to get stans of artists she likes, we need game of thrones viewers, we need everyone to get their momma, their daddy, their grandparents, their siblings, their friends, their lovers, their enemies, their friends with benefits, their neighbors, their coworkers, their boss, their kpop mutuals, their doctor, their dentist, their classmate, their local police force, their local board of education, their priest, their inner demons, their vetenerians, their maids, their butlers, their pilot, their local mayor, their state representative, their waiter, their waitress, their janitor, their alter ego, their patients, their customers, and etc. to get kemi in top three.
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ogradyfilm · 6 years
Recently Viewed - Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse
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In comic books and the media based upon them, the concept of a “multiverse” is ubiquitous to the point of being inescapable, dating back to the 1960s (at least), when DC featured its recently-reimagined, sic-fi flavored version of The Flash in a crossover with his long-dormant 1940s predecessor. Since then, the company’s “Crisis” events have become something of a tradition; the convoluted continuity and painfully transparent marketing gimmickry involved, however, make them… controversial among fans, to phrase it generously. Sony’s Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse is the first feature-length theatrical effort by a major studio to tackle this kind of premise (though it’s predated by too many video games, television shows, and cartoons to list), and it excels because it remembers to elaborate on the themes and lessons that made its costumed characters so beloved and special in the first place.
Stan Lee often described Spider-Man as an everyman superhero, and Into the Spider-Verse pursues that idea to its logical conclusion, offering up a dimension-hopping narrative in which literally anyone can become a friendly neighborhood wall-crawler, from a Nazi-punching pulp serial bruiser to an anime-inspired teenage mech pilot to an anthropomorphic animated pig. 
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Our primary protagonist is Miles Morales, a socially awkward high schooler struggling to replace his universe’s recently-slain Spidey. When he encounters an older, more experienced version of Peter Parker from an alternate reality, he believes that he’s found the perfect mentor; unfortunately, this particular Web-Head took the whole “great power, great responsibility” thing a bit too far, hiding behind his alter ego to avoid his adult obligations until he ultimately alienated his loved ones, ending up a sad, pathetic, out-of-shape loser. In order to avert the destruction of infinite Earths at the hands of a mentally-unhinged (yet surprisingly sympathetic) Wilson Fisk, the two wall-crawlers must teach each other to overcome the fears, flaws, and doubts that have prevented them from achieving their full potential.
Into the Spider-Verse is a visual treat, mixing countless styles and aesthetics (the physically-manifesting thought bubbles, Spider-Ham’s Looney Tunes antics, a Kingpin that looks as though he lumbered straight out of a Bill Sienkiewicz painting) into an exhilarating cinematic roller coaster ride that’s unlike anything we’ve seen before in this genre, but it’s the implied call-to-action that makes it truly memorable. You don’t need the proportionate strength, speed, and agility of a spider to be amazing, spectacular, and sensational; every single one of us is capable of accomplishing great things, as long as we’re willing to keep pushing back against the obstacles that stand in our way. So… do you have what it takes to be a hero?
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ramascreen · 3 years
First Look Footage of SHE-HULK Series
First Look Footage of SHE-HULK Series
Happy Disney+ Day. Marvel Studios has released this first look footage of “Orphan Black” starring Tatiana Maslany. Kat Coiro is in talks to direct and exec-produce Disney+ SHE-HULK series including the pilot episode. The show produced by Kevin Feige is being developed and written by Jessica Gao (“Rick and Morty”) She-Hulk was created by Stan Lee and artist John Buscema. The character’s alter ego…
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seif749-blog · 8 years
There are a few songs that I simply don’t skip. Each song has its reason for not being skipped and this can range from the beauty of the story behind the lyrics to it just being a good song. Here’s a couple of the songs I rarely skip.
The Last Night - Skillet
Now this one is just gorgeous. It tells the story of someone who hates their life and is planning to kill herself but the perspective you get is as if you’re listening to two people talking to each other. One of them wants to die and the other one is telling her that he’ll always be there for her. Here’s a verse:
You come to me with scars on your wrist You tell me this will be the last night feeling like this I just came to say goodbye I didn’t want you to see me cry, I’m fine But I know it’s a lie.
The House of the Rising Sun - The Animals
A classic. I often catch myself humming or whistling this one when I’m alone. I just love the old-timey feel of it. The guitar is also amazing and I’m a sucker for good guitar. Just listen to this one. You either love it or you hate it and I absolutely adore it.
Screen - Twenty One Pilots
TØP have been one of my favourite bands ever since I started listening to them sometime around November and as a result they’re appearing two more times on this list. The ending of this song is the icing on the cake. “We’re broken, we’re broken, we’re broken, we’re broken people, oh. We’re broken people, oh.” The story it tells, like every other TØP song, is special.
Sarah Smiles - Panic! At The Disco
Masterpiece is the word I chose to describe this one. It’s perfect. It tells a good story, it sounds amazing, I always want to sing along with it and it’s one of their best songs imo. Here’s a verse:
It’s killing me inside! Consuming all my time, You’ve left me blind! And when I think I’m right, You strip away my pride, You cast it all aside, but I say,
Sarah smiles like Sarah doesn’t care, She lives in her world so unaware. Does she know that my destiny lies with her
Migraine - Twenty One Pilots
As a person that has migraines pretty much daily at this point, this song hits close to home. Lyrics are just incredible. It tells the story of an inner battle and I can’t help but love it.
Let it be said what the headache represents, It’s me defending in suspense, It’s me suspended in a defenseless test Being tested by a ruthless examiner That’s represented best by my depressing thoughts, I do not have writer’s block, My writer just hates the clock, It will not let me sleep, I guess I’ll sleep when I’m dead, And sometimes death seems better than the migraine in my head.
Stressed Out - Twenty One Pilots
The most well known TØP song and it’s justified. Now this song introduced me to TØP and it’s by far, one of the most relatable songs Tyler’s ever written. It speaks about Tyler’s dilemma of wanting to go back to the “good old days” where money wasn’t his main concern and where the stress of adult life hasn’t happened yet. Then Blurryface (Tyler’s alter-ego if you didn’t know) tells him to wake up and that he needs money and that his songs should only be made with money in mind. It’s one hell of a song and it was at the top of the charts for a reason. Probably still is. Fuck knows.
We used to play pretend, give each other different names, We would build a rocket ship and then we’d fly it far away, Used to dream of outer space but now they’re laughing at our face, Saying, “Wake up, you need to make money.” Yo.
Simple Man - Lynyrd Skynyrd
The story is a mother telling her only son how to be a good man when he grows up. She tells him to be simple, to not chase money, that troubles will come and they will pass, that he’ll find love and to never forget that there is someone up above. Simple Man influences my life on a daily basis. No other song has ever done that for me. That’s the beauty of being simple, you just gotta be something you love and understand. This song taught me how to do that.
Oh, take your time, don’t live too fast Troubles will come and they will pass You’ll find a woman and you’ll find love And don’t forget, son, there is someone up above And be a simple kind of man Oh, be something you love and understand Baby be a simple kind of man Oh, won’t you do this for me, son, if you can Forget your lust for the rich man’s gold All that you need is in your soul And you can do this, oh baby, if you try All that I want for you, my son, is to be satisfied
Stan - Eminem
Wow. Wow. Wow. First time I heard this I got a little bit emotional especially at the end. It’s, in my opinion, one of Slim’s best songs of all time. Tells a very depressing and, sadly, a story that is very likely to have happened in real life. Odds are you’ve listened to this before but if you haven’t you should seriously listen to it.
Lucy - Skillet
Just like Stan, this song tells a seriously sad story but unlike Stan, the story isn’t so straightforward. The meaning is hidden and to be honest with you I’m not sure anyone knows the true meaning behind this song but it’s just beautiful. This is another one that you should seriously listen to at least once in your life.
Hey Lucy, I remember your name I left a dozen roses on your grave today I’m in the grass on my knees, wipe the leaves away I just came to talk for a while I got some things I need to say
That’s not all of the ones I don’t skip but these are the noteworthy ones to say the least. If you have any free time and you haven’t listened to some of these before, check them out and feel free to tell me what you thought of them.
Honorable mentions: Hey Jude, 21 Guns (should've been on the list but I forgot to put it in.), Bohemian Rhapsody and Northern Downpour by Panic! At The Disco.
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