#pink yellow and a soft earthy green and then like a nice brown color. are my favorites
lucksea · 4 months
i forgot. wa-u -> amazonrider
finally changed my url and icon after like 2 years btw its me nyarla from wa-u. as usual my banner is and will forever be an image of rampage from beast wars so people can still tell who i am. hes my secondary trademark
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gattnk · 3 months
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As long as we insist on forgetting the past, we'll need teachers like Omnia and Gnosis to remind us of our history.
Would you look at that, I'm done with all the canon teachers from the cartoon! I'm only missing those from the comics now, and then the humans and locations. I really liked how season 2 dedicated time to expanding the Golden School and included more staff, Omnia and Gnosis were fun characters to redesign.
Omnia and Gnosis had pretty solid character designs: the contrast between them in terms of shape and colors was especially good, and I wanted to retain and expand on these traits to the best of my abilities.
I started by simplifying their original shapes as much as possible, and then I exaggerated them further. I took some inspiration from mountains to further define their designs (I'm currently reading a nice book on world geography and it seeped in).
After making Omnia taller and lankier in her design, she reminded me of China's Tianzi mountains; they inspired me to make Omia's hair cloud-shaped, since these famous pillar-like mountains often touch the clouds.
Meanwhile, Gnosis' flat and bulky body reminded me of the mesa formations found in Colorado's Grand Valley (USA). His horns and wing claws start with a flat shape and then curve upwards almost vertically, like the butte formations often found around plateaus and mesas.
Their original color palettes were honestly among my favorites in the series, so I kept them for the most part, though I sought to simplify them even further. Omnia's key colors (pastel green, soft pink and white) were easy enough to figure out, but Gnosis took a lot of testing; at one point I considered switching him to purples and oranges, but I'm glad I stuck to earthy browns, yellow and orange, and added a washed black to the roster for contrast.
Like Arkan and Temptel, Omnia and Gnosis are much older than they seem: Omnia sports two sets of wings and a carved halo (I was inspired by the Ohm symbol because... OHM-nia, :B), and Gnosis has clawed wings and a tail. These traits mark them as older Eternals.
Just like Terence and Scarlett, these two professors got assigned as Academic Deans to their very own Universal Law and History faculty! their clothes are a bit more old-fashioned in a way to reflect this. They are definitely my most normal-looking pair of teachers.
With this I think we're halfway through with the Golden School staff, since we're only missing two more faculties. They're sketched out and everything, I just need to figure out the colors next.
I'll Fly With You (rewrite fic) Art masterpost
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greghatecrimes · 8 months
house md characters as colors i associate with them because why not
thirteen: purple
house: gray. like a nice thick gray wool sweater that keeps you warm in the winter. dark gray, maybe with some warm brown undertones.
wilson: navy blue
chase: like a sort of turquoise blue
cameron: a soft yellow
foreman: a darkish green, kind of jewel toned
kutner: a lighter green, more earthy
taub: lavender gray
cuddy: royal blue. and a very luxurious, silky, sort of heavy-ish fabric, like the kind you’d see someone wearing to a red carpet premiere.
amber: pastel orange or something that’s in the area of orangeish-yellowish-pink
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ghouljams · 6 months
I’m not sure if you’ve done this already, if you have you can just ignore this one, but I’d be fascinated if you could tell us about the darlings homes
I haven't talked much about the darlings homes but I can! I've talked a lot about Witch's house but I can talk about the others. Let's go on a little home tour!
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Love lives in a second or third floor apartment in an apartment building. It's a got a nice white door with a shiny gold number on it, and a little hallway outside the door. When you go in you walk straight into the living room, there's a little walkway between the back of the couch separating the TV area from the window that houses the plants. Walk a little further down the little makeshift hallway and into the kitchen. There's a little bar counter that faces the living room, a sort of L shape to the whole kitchen. The whole place is bohemian and warm, strewn with knickknacks and books. It's messy, but the way that living somewhere makes it messy. There's a basket of laundry in front of the couch waiting to be folded. Pink and yellow are the predominant colors in here, you'd think a man had never stepped foot in this flat but there's a pair of men's boots by the door. The aesthetic is very maximalist and colorful, I think the couch is pink. Ghost works some spatial magic on the place to add an extra bedroom and bathroom when they have the baby.
Liebling lives in flat near the shop, walking distance. A nice brick building that she has the first floor of. She makes good money owning a shop and spends it on a comfortable house. It's a nice oak door, with a brass knocker on the front. There's a tiny entryway, where her shoes and mail pile up. Off the entry all is the archway into the kitchen, it's galley style with a pass-through looking into the living room. There's a large couch, a TV, a overstuffed bookshelf, it's comfortable and earthy. There's plants in every corner and every window, browns and greens. There's a big basket in one corner full of woven blankets, and there are pillows strewn about. The whole place feels very soft and lived in, but also dark and almost cave-like with all the curtains drawn. The overhead light is never turned on, only the lamps strewn about in various handy spots. There's a garden out back and a door leading out to it from the bedroom. The bedroom itself is earthy and warm, no wonder König feels so at home here, all the soft blankets and darkness... it's just like his cave.
Crybaby lives in a similar flat to Liebling. Its an old building near the university, not quite the heart if the city but there are days when it feels like it. You walk into the living room, the kitchen is off to the side. There's a hallway leading back to where you assume the bedroom is. The TV sits in the middle of the room, there's a couch pushed against the back wall. It's messy, sparsely decorated and unkempt. Threat's suitcase is open and strewn about, there are dishes in the sink, the pantry is disorganized. You find a little workshop across from the bathroom that's also a mess. Materials strewn about and pouring from the shelves on the walls, tools left out, projects half finished on the table, magnifiers and lights all over the place. There's no real style to the furniture of the place, the workshop is the most lived in part of the flat, it feels like a holdover. An apartment that only exists to provide a shelter while it's occupant works.
Threat's ownership of the living room slowly turns it into their space. Posters start creeping onto the walls, the couch replaced with a day bed, the empty space by the door filled with a clothing rack and a mess of laundry. The threadbare rug is replaced so the old wood floors aren't as cold, blacks and reds are their main palette. Their influence doesn't extend up the hall, but it certainly makes the front of the apartment feel more lived in. Ignore the cobwebs in the corners of the room.
Angel has a house, it's a little thing near Witch's house in the less densely packed part of the city. Very open and airy, modern with big windows and lots of light. Gives the impression of being a white couch sort of mom, but the whole place is strewn with colorful toys. There's crayon drawings taped on every wall and all over the fridge, sippy cups sit in the dish rack, colorful plates and board books on the counter. The aesthetic is white minimalist with a rainbow explosion of child-like joy. There's puffy plastic kiddo furniture next to the nice adult stuff, somehow it all works to feel like a comfortable family home. You sit on a toy when you try to sit on the couch and you both have a good laugh about it. No sad beige moms here.
Sunny feels like another apartment dweller. Maybe closer to the heart of the city. Somewhere up high that gets a lot of light. Their decor is very 70s revival, a lot of oranges and bubbly patterns. Very neat. Everything has a place and they're good at keeping things tidy. Colorful glasses and appliances in the kitchen. Lots of "happy things" to keep the place feeling light when they have a bad day. Probably has a cat slinking around somewhere, a big stupid orange baby that compliments the furniture.
Witch's house has been talked about but I'll give the highlights. Tudor cottage sandwiched like a little haven in between city buildings, like it just popped up out of the ground, or like the city grew around it. Wood beams cross her ceiling, scattered persian rugs and antique furniture. Well loved and warm. There's a sitting area right when you open the door, and a big fireplace with a cauldron nestled in the corner of it. The kitchen is overflowing with cabinets of things, dried plants hang from the ceiling, and sunlight filters through the back window no matter the time of day or the season. There's a narrow staircase by the door that leads up to a little attic room. Under the stairs there's a tiny hall that has a bedroom on one side and a bathroom on the other. If you look closely there are runes in the nails that hold down the wood floorboards.
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pinkseas · 2 years
fireside - if you had your dream wardrobe, what would it look like?
mmmm okay so. im actually working on making this a Reality but my dream wardrobe is. 75% So Many Pastels like a lot of pink but also other pastels purple blue yellow etc etc and then like browns and earthy greens and dusty pinks and such earthy colors rose colors. and then 25% black bc black clothing kinda slaps especially paired with pastels. LOTS of sweaters lots of bishop sleeves lots of jeans but like specifically the comfy kind some denim SUCKS but some is nice. ummmmm yeah <3 LOTS of pink lots of hearts but not ONLY pink and hearts. still pastels and mushrooms and flowers and just plain colors and such. i hvae lost the plot i dont know if this makes any sense anymore
bonfire - describe your dream house.
MMMM OKAY SO. a bedroom for each person living there but with beds big enough to share beds when wanted. and one room thats dedicated to Being Cozy. speakers a tv books LOADS of blankets and pillows and bean bag chairs and such fairy lights curtains etc. a place to hang out and cuddle and just be at peace and rest and such. and a sun room with lots of plants because sun rooms are So Important fr. very earthy lots of green and brown and yellow and the rooms all personalized to our tastes but the house itself more neutral and very nature-y. ummmmmmmm. OH in the bathroom one of those showers with no curtains like the Big open ones ive been in one of those and it was genuinely just so nice so refreshing it was wonderful im OBSESSED. and there was this like warm bath you could just Chill In after once you were clean and it was so. <333 something like that. all the lighting would be warm lighting lots of yellow and such. all hardwood or tile but lots of rugs like NICE rugs soft rugs not ugly ones. probably a study/library/office too because that'd just be so lovely like an area dedicated to reading and work and organization itd be so lovely. maybe the comfy cozy room could be in a loft. OH and a big big yard like either a wildflower lawn or a moss lawn or msotly moss but lots of flowers in there anyways maybe one of those fountains made to look like a pond. a mini waterfall/stream going into one of those. preferably it would be like not QUITE in the middle of nowhere, but in the middle of nowhere enough that you cant see other houses from it and its removed from the road and very private and such. there would be at least one chaise in the house maybe in the cozy room i think chaises are so nice i wish i had room for one or one in the house they seem so cozy like a nice pretty one not the ugly f ancy ones or the fucking "modern" ones. okay i need to stop before i think of more things ive been typing for like 15 minutes
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Green Kitchens
If you’re planning on remodeling your kitchen, green is one of the colors you should consider. However, if you’re new to the world of green colors, there are several different ways you can incorporate them into your kitchen. You may want to try a vibrant green table with ghost chairs arranged around it. Another way to incorporate the color into your kitchen is to install tall, mint-colored cabinets. Keeping the green color contemporary, you can also add bronze accents and uber-chic lighting.
Olive green
For those who love a vibrant pop of color, olive green is a great choice for kitchens. It goes well with brights like orange, red, and yellow and is an excellent choice for a retro look. Choosing a duck egg blue backsplash will help bring out the green cabinets. You can also use this vibrant hue in other areas of the kitchen.
Olive green is one of the popular colors for kitchens, and is currently on trend. The ‘overtly olive’ kitchen paint by Dulux has become a firm favourite in recent years. This calming, earthy colour can be styled in a variety of ways. Its natural earthy tones are complementary with neutrals and other colours, creating a relaxed atmosphere in a kitchen.
The olive green color looks stunning in kitchens with white cabinets and woodgrain countertops. Lighter woodtones will add a natural feel to a lime green kitchen, while a deep woodtone will add a richness to the space. A highly saturated lime shade is also a great choice for a soffit or open kitchen shelving.
Sage green
A sage green kitchen can be both soothing and inviting. This cool color works well against light grey or white walls. It can make a small kitchen feel larger. It goes well with natural materials, especially wood. Warm metallic accents are also a nice touch. Sage green goes well with light brown tiles, too.
This cool shade of green is also ideal for a coastal kitchen. It is a fresh and airy colour that pairs well with stone flooring and wooden worktops. It also looks great with black marble and ironwork. When selecting a green paint color, take inspiration from green things in nature. A few examples include a cucumber, asparagus spear, cooking apple skin, and a fragrant bunch of sage.
A sage green kitchen is a beautiful way to bring a sophisticated feeling to a kitchen. It looks great with light neutrals and tropical plants, which can add drama to the space. A sage green kitchen can also be paired with natural wood finishes to warm the area. It can also look stunning when paired with black, which is a beautiful contrast with sage.
Country apple green
The country apple green kitchen is a beautiful shade of green that works well with any decor. To add a touch of country charm to your kitchen, use the colour to decorate your cabinets. Choose a muted shade of green, such as a grey with green undertones. Then add accents of pink or other greens to bring out the green.
Choosing a shade of green that isn’t too vivid or too muted can add an unexpected pop of colour to your kitchen. Pale greens will look great when combined with white woodwork and natural textures such as wicker or wooden panels. Use a soft apple green to create a calming atmosphere.
Green is a color that is easy to match because of its many shades. Try contrasting it with light colors like white and cream walls, or use natural wood furnishings for a warm, welcoming feel. This color is both soothing and uplifting, which means it’s perfect for any kitchen.
Mint green
Mint green kitchens can convey a sense of freshness. The warm shades of mint green have similar undertones to French creams and whites, and can be a great alternative to the drab whites and grays that are often featured in Pinterest kitchen designs. In addition, these shades pair well with sleek marble and brass fixtures.
Mint green can be used as a bold accent color or as a soft hue. Mint green wallpaper or chevron designs are both beautiful ways to incorporate the color into your kitchen. Accessories and artwork can also add to the color. You can also get custom-made furniture in this shade if you want a more unique look.
It’s important to note that mint green doesn’t strike the same chord with buyers as sage, another popular color. It can actually depress the resale value of your home by up to $2,000, so it’s best to steer clear of this color when you’re planning to sell your home.
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The kitchen is often the heart of the home and plays a significant role in determining its overall appeal. If yours feels outdated or dated, you may feel less motivated to spend time cooking and eating in it. That’s why Vancouver kitchen Renovation is proud to bring you a Kitchen Design and Renovation package that will transform your space into something truly timeless and functional. Our Kitchen Design and Renovation packages will create a space that reflects your lifestyle and personality and gives you everything you need to cook delicious meals and entertain guests.
We understand that to be successful is to stay ahead of the curve. That means staying current with the latest technology and design trends. We always want to improve our products or services without breaking the bank. That’s why we stay connected to the latest technologies of NKBA, National Kitchen and Bath Association. In addition, at Vancouver Kitchen renovation, our primary focus is providing sustainable kitchen design and renovation packages, and we believe in sustainable living. Sustainable living is a way of life in harmony with nature. It is a lifestyle which focuses on the preservation of our environment. Sustainable living is a philosophy emphasizing respect for the environment and concern for its well-being. This means we should take care of the planet and treat it as if it were our home. We should try to preserve what we have and protect it from destruction. If we do this, we will enjoy the benefits of the earth’s resources for many generations. Whether you’re planning a major remodel or adding finishing touches to your current kitchen, we’d love to discuss your project. Book your showroom consultation online.
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Frequently Asked Questions
These are the main layouts of a basic kitchen plan.
The four basic kitchen layout plans include L-shaped, U-shaped, T-shaped, and open-concept kitchens. These designs will depend on the area and number of appliances. To create a functional kitchen design, you should consider these various kitchen layouts.
L-Shaped Kitchen: The L-shaped kitchen is one of the most popular layouts because it’s efficient and can be easily customized. It is great for small and medium-sized kitchens, as it doesn’t require much space. You can add an island to this layout if you have the space.
U-Shaped Kitchen: The U-shaped kitchen is perfect for medium to large-sized kitchens because it offers many counter space and storage options. This layout can be customized with an island, but it’s unnecessary.
T-Shaped Kitchen. This kitchen design is ideal for large kitchens. It offers lots of counter space and is very versatile. The layout can be customized by adding an island, but that is unnecessary.
Open-Concept Cooking: If you have large rooms or homes, the open-concept kitchen will work well. This layout has no walls or boundaries, so it’s perfect for entertaining.
Is it better to put a backsplash or countertop on the first floor?
Before installing countertops or backsplashes, it is important to install the countertop. This will enable you to accurately measure the countertop and cut the backsplash so it fits perfectly. For proper backsplash installation, the countertop must be installed before any appliances and plumbing fixtures.
Should I leave my home during the kitchen remodeling?
If you love to eat takeout, you don’t have to leave. For children and pets with young children, you might be able to live at a neighbor’s house. This will ensure that your kids are safe and don’t get in the way. You’ll be able to keep your sanity intact if you don’t have to deal with construction noises and dust every day. If you decide to move out, get a written estimate from your contractor of how long the job will take. That way, you can plan your relocation around their timeline.
How to Save Money On Kitchen Remodel Costs
Here are some ways to save money on your kitchen remodel.
Do your research.
Research is the first step in any kitchen remodel. This will give you an idea of what you want from your kitchen remodel. Research will help you find cost-saving options.
Make a budget.
Once you have an idea about what you want from your kitchen remodel project, it is time to set a budget. This will allow you to determine the amount of money you will spend on your project. You must also stick to your budget in order to avoid going overboard.
Check out other websites for specials and discounts.
Consider looking for deals and discounts when shopping for kitchen appliances and materials. This will allow for you to save money when renovating your kitchen.
Find a reliable contractor.
When looking for a contractor to work on your kitchen remodel, you must find one who is reputable and has a good track record. You can get high-quality work done at a reasonable cost by a reputable contractor.
You can do the work.
You might be able do the work yourself, if you have the skills. This will help you save money on kitchen remodel costs and give you a sense of satisfaction knowing that you did the job yourself.
These tips will help save you money when remodeling your kitchen.
Are open-concept and modular kitchens in decline?
Open-concept cooking is still very popular as they allow for easy access to all the kitchen areas. For many reasons, some homeowners choose to return to more traditional kitchen designs.
Open-concept cooking can be very noisy. Open-concept kitchens can be difficult to clean due to all the cooking fumes and dust that circulate throughout the house.
Family members who love to cook together will appreciate open-plan kitchens. They can be dangerous for children who like to cook and aren’t always listening to their parents. You should carefully weigh the pros & cons of an open-concept style kitchen before you make your decision.
What is the most expensive part of a kitchen remodel?
This question is not definitive as the costs of kitchen remodels can vary widely depending on what project they are. Experts believe that a high end kitchen remodel could cost from $40,000-$100,000. So, planning a major kitchen overhaul, you could be looking at a hefty price tag. If you are not making structural changes, custom cabinets will often be the most costly part of your kitchen remodel.
25-35% of the total costs will be covered by custom cabinets. Countertops, appliances and flooring are some other big-ticket items. If you are tight on budget, it may be necessary to prioritize which kitchen pieces you want to renovate the most. It is possible to have a beautiful kitchen with minimal expense if you plan well.
However, there are many ways to reduce costs. Focusing on cosmetic changes is a better option than major structural overhauls. Instead of gutting the whole kitchen, you could refinish cabinets or put in new countertops. To save on labour costs, consider doing some of the work yourself if your project is larger.
There are many ways to make your kitchen remodel affordable, regardless of your budget. It is possible to create the kitchen you desire without spending a fortune.
Where should pots and pans go in the kitchen?
Pots and pans should be kept in the cupboard above your stove. This keeps them in reach when you need them. It also makes your kitchen counters look neat and clean. Pot racks can be useful to organize and keep pots and pans within reach.
Keep 10 to 25 percent of List 2, depending on the budget. (familyhandyman.com)
Followed by cabinet cost, labour, and appliance costs consume 20 percent each of your budget. (hgtv.com)
According to Burgin, some hinges have this feature built-in, but it’s an add-on cost for other models of about $5 retail, adding up to $350 to $500 for an entire kitchen, depending on size. (hgtv.com)
This is rather grim, but according to Business Insider, 12 percent of couples consider getting a divorce while renovating their home! (familyhandyman.com)
Experts also recommend setting aside 20 percent of your budget for surprises, including unpleasant demolition discoveries. One is water damage, the electricity that is not up to code, or other budget-spiking gotchas. (hgtv.com)
External Links
Family Handyman
Create an Open, Craftsman-Style Kitchen (DIY)
The Habitatilist – Project Photos & Reviews – South Orange, NJ US
The Kitchen Workbook: 8 Elements for a Craftsman Kitchen
2022 Kitchen Remodel Cost Estimator
Cost to Add A Room Per Foot
Learn how much it costs to Remodel a Kitchen – Compose: SEO.
How does a kitchen renovation increase my home’s worth? – HomeAdvisor
How To
How to design your kitchen layout
Although there’s no perfect layout for a kitchen, some layouts work well in certain spaces. These are some ideas to help you design the kitchen layout that works best in your space.
Start with the essentials. The first step in determining what you have in your kitchen is to decide what can be sacrificed. If you don’t cook very often, you may not be in need of a large stove or oven.
You should also consider the traffic flow. Next, think about how your family uses the kitchen. Also consider how traffic flows through it. You need enough space for your family to move around without bumping into each others.
Maximize storage. The third step of maximising storage is in the kitchen. This includes food storage as well as cookware storage. You will want to ensure that everything has a home and is easily accessible.
Include your personal style. The fourth step is to incorporate your style into the kitchen layout. This covers everything, from countertops and cabinets to flooring and appliances. Choose materials and finishes that reflect your style.
Work with a professional. A professional kitchen designer is the fifth and final step. They can help you create a layout that meets all of your needs and works well within your space
The post Green Kitchens first appeared on Vancouver Kitchen Renovation.
source https://vancouverkitchenrenovation.com/kitchens/green-kitchens/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=green-kitchens
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junekissed · 2 years
hiii im your caratblr secret santa! sorry for not sending an ask before i was a bit shy but!! im here to ask u some questions!
- i can do both digital drawing and graphic design so i want to ask if u have any preference! like if u want one instead of the other for your gift
- i want to know if u have any preferences like for the vibes or theme
- also do u want it to be related to one of the holidays or season (like winter, summer idk)? if yes which one? if not just say no :)
- do u have any favorite colors?
- do u have a favorite book or movie? i could make it related to it if u want to or could just be u giving me recommendations of things to watch and read!
- also if u have any favorite songs that u would like for it to be related too
if u want me to have all the creative freedom over it and have everything be a surprise for u its alright! i just prefer asking to know what u want, so if youd like to know nothing just tell me, the same if u have preferences and stuff
i dont know if i have more questions 😭😭 so for now thats it thanks for your time byeee <3
hi hello welcome!! don't be shy i promise i don't bite 😭 i'll put a readmore bc this might get long!
- ooh that's very cool! i'm very much a non-artist i'm always amazed at how talented ppl can be with art 🥹 i would love either one whatever you're more excited about!
- hmm vibes. just like. soft, i guess? like cozy comfort cute :) however you feel like interpreting that hehe
- i'm fine with any holiday! winter is my favorite season but it doesn't have to be related yk
- if you couldn't tell from my blog lol i love neutrals and earthy colors! that's not very helpful sdgkjsh but like. browns, greens, muted yellows are nice. i also really like pastels like lavender or pink! pretty much any colors that aren't super bright or extreme are nice to me :)
- favorite books ooh good question i might steal that for my gift exchange person lol! i have SO many favorite books and movies tho omg this is hard to choose. my favorites recently are "a man and his cat" by umi sakurai (manga series), "from lukov with love" by mariana zapata (ice skater rivals romance), "these violent delights" by chloe gong (historical action/mystery/romance), "warcross" by marie lu (dystopia action romance), "the rain sparrow" by linda goodnight (romance), and literally anything by sarah dessen or debbie macomber (i went thru a Phase in middle school but they're good authors okay!). honestly this is just me giving book recs haha but i tried to give a good variety of genres if that helps! (also reading back over this list makes me realize i read a lot of romance 🧍‍♀️) i don't really watch a *ton* of movies or tv, but recently i've been bingeing the good doctor (even tho medical stuff makes me very squeamish sdgkfsh) even with some of the gorier parts i would 10/10 recommend it!!
- my favorite svt songs are fear, fallin' flower, heaven's cloud, and run to you, but you don't have to include them!!
i'm super indecisive so i will leave most of it up to you but! i hope this helps at least a little :) lmk if you need anything else from me i'm happy to do whatever i can!
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tubblr · 4 years
Mcyt cc by what color this voice is
Source: i have synesthesia
Wilbur's voice is like a soft blue, like the morning sky, judt before the sun begins to come over the horizon. There is a bit of a peach and milky coffee color that seems in when he sounds very happy
Tommy's voice is a maroon when he's more serious, but when he's laughing and joking around is a very bright cherry red, and his laugh has hits of dark pink
Tubbo has a navy blue voice, that sometimes seems more dark ocean blue, but when his voice is a bit more high pitch it changes to a lilac
Dream has a very green voice, but it changes shades a lot. His laugh is very granny Smith Apple, but when he's talking it's more of a mellow green. When he's more serious it turns to a dark grass, and when he's very happy is much more mint with a bit of light blue
Sapnap has a very odd color pallet sometimes. It ranges from a rose pinkish red, to like dark blue a lot. Chadnap has a very distinct unripe orange color
George tends to be a mint blue that shifts to more of a baby blue. At times it's almost like Wiblurs but without the warm tones, and instead a royal purple
Bbh might be my favorite but I'm also biased. It's very light red, but not pink, and at times reminds me of a sunset over open water, with how much it changes shades of red, orange, and blue
Skeppy's voice is the exact color of his Minecraft skin and there is no other way to describe it
Eret's voice is the exact colors of the bi flag, but like on night mode
Schlatt's voice is normally pretty red, like a nice Apple red, but his laugh is very much yellow. Like an inbetween of banana and lemon yellow
Quackity's voice is a nice like earthy brown, but not in a gross way. It's very soft and not very dark, but when he's lauded it had much more of a red hue, like terracotta
Niki has such a soft purple. Like lilac but more gray, and a bit darker. Her laugh his a nice royal purple, and when she's a bit louder it becomes more pink toned, like a nice blush color
Fundy has a lot of green, but very vibrant like artificial grass, and undertones of sea foam blue
I'll prolly do more later but im tired. Might also like try my best to make a color pallet for everyone so it's not just be failing at describing them
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bluejayblueskies · 3 years
n. selfless, sacrificial, and unconditional love; love that motivates action, often for the sake or care of others 
Words: 2.3k Relationship: Jonathan Sims/Martin Blackwood Tags: AU - Tea Shop/Bookstore, Fluff, Asexual Jonathan Sims Warnings: internalized acephobia/biphobia (minor,), fear of homo/ace/transphobia (brief, unfounded)
|| Ao3 ||
Martin remembers, with crystal clarity, the first time that he saw Jonathan Sims. Martin’s tea shop opens at seven in the morning to accommodate the morning commuter crowd, but they’re really busiest in the afternoon, which is when most people deign to take a break from whatever work they’ve got for the day.
 Jonathan Sims is not most people. At promptly seven, the jingle of the little bell that Tim had hung over the door once as a joke but that had lingered out of sheer practicality had cut through the gentle humming of the kettle, the small one that Martin preferred in the morning as it took no time at all to heat and the small volume of customers generally didn’t warrant the larger, stainless steel water heaters that sat along the back wall. Martin had had a box of loose-leaf English breakfast in his hand as he turned; he remembers the way the bitter smell of the leaves had mingled with the cool blast of winter air that swept through the door, carrying with it the scent of something acrid and ashy.
 Cigarette smoke, his mind helpfully supplied. Then, Martin’s eyes found the man who had entered the shop, his mouth forming the automatic greeting the bell always elicited from him, a well-trained habit that made him feel not dissimilar to Pavlov’s dog.
 “Welcome to Blackwood Blends! What can I get started for you?”
The man—and the likely source of the burnt smell still lingering in the air—startled slightly at the sound of Martin’s voice, like he hadn’t been expecting to be addressed directly. He was wrapped in a comically large scarf, knit from chunky yarn and laced with warm yellow and midnight black, and he looked like the kind of person who might blow away in the wind if he wasn’t careful. His hair, long and brown, was streaked through with grey and seemed to be fighting a losing battle with the hat that was currently struggling to keep it contained. There were at least two jumpers of startlingly different colors peeking out from underneath a heavy black pea coat that was missing a button near the bottom.
 He was also quite possibly the most beautiful person Martin had ever seen.
 He was there and gone before Martin quite knew what was happening, cradling a steaming travel mug of Ceylon close to his chest like it alone could drive away the January chill, and Martin found himself watching him through the café window as he crossed the street with barely more than a cursory glance in each direction, fumbled with something in his pockets for a moment, and finally vanished into the building across the street.
 Beholding Books & Antiquities, the sign above the door said in curling calligraphy, barely visible from this distance.
 Martin wondered, briefly, if they had poetry.
 Martin knows now that they do, but that the man—whose name, he’d learned on the man’s next visit to the tea shop, is Jon—wrinkles his nose when people purchase them like they’ve caused him some great offense. He knows that Jon never gets the same tea twice in a row, and though he’s cycled through every possible blend that Martin’s shop carries, he’s not a fan of herbals and finds himself returning to earthy greens and floral blacks. (Which, unfortunately, includes oolong, which may be the only kind of tea that Martin can’t stand.) He knows that the bookshop opens at ten in the morning (but that Jon never arrives later than eight) and that unlike the surge of afternoon customers Martin’s shop gets, the bookshop receives a steady trickle of local customers and curious tourists throughout the day.
 He knows that Jon smiles like it’s a secret he can’t quite decide if he wants to share and that Jon’s fingers are warm and soft when they brush against Martin’s as he hands Martin his new purchase and that he might be just a little bit in love with Jon.
 He spends quite a lot of time browsing for books nowadays, to Tim and Sasha’s eternal amusement. But he can’t bring himself to mind.
 Now, the nip of winter air is far behind them, and the lovely warmth of June seeps in through the cracks in the windows and in bursts as the door opens and closes. He always gets more business in winter, when the promised warmth of a cup of tea lures customers in from the cold, but it’s steady enough in the summer. And though Martin’s always been a lover of bulky jumpers and drinks that warm you from the inside out and breath that fogs in winter air, he can’t help but love the onset of summer, because it brings with it June and his favorite yearly tradition: Pride month tea blends.
 Martin finishes scrawling the various specialty drinks onto the chalkboard he keeps propped up on the counter, feeling a little burst of pride at the new tea blends he’s selected for this year. He creates them all himself, making little changes from year to year and brewing cup after cup for Tim and Sasha to try until he thinks they must be sick of tasting ten different versions of fruity Earl Greys. It just feels nice, to put a piece of himself into each cup he makes, and beyond that, the shyly excited looks some customers get when they order a certain blend fills him with a warmth that tingles in his veins for hours after.
 It feels nice, to take care of people this way. To let people find themselves in his tea and to share a bit of himself in kind.
 So when the bell jingles and Martin glances up from the blackboard to see Jon standing just inside the doorway, blinking as his eyes adjust to the dimness of the café, the thrum of affection that always overtakes him when he sees Jon is magnified tenfold, accompanied in equal part by a bite of nervousness. Because, he realizes, for all that he and Jon have talked about their jobs and favorites and hobbies and everything in between, they’ve never talked about this.
 Martin’s never been shy about it. His jacket is plastered with rainbow-striped patches, his bag adorned with enamel pins in purple-black-white-greys and in blue-pink-whites. He knows Jon’s seen them. Jon has to have seen them. He’s just… never mentioned it. And Martin gets the brief, terrifying, and completely unfounded worry that it’s because Jon is bothered by it.
 He shakes the thought off as quickly as it had come. No, he knows Jon. He knows that behind the prickly exterior, Jon is kind—so, so kind, and that he cares more about other people than he lets on. With a small, anxious laugh that Martin barely keeps contained beyond a brief exhalation, Martin realizes that he also knows that Jon is possibly also the most oblivious person Martin knows. It’s infinitely more likely that Jon hasn’t noticed—or has noticed and has decided not to say anything—than that Jon is somehow a completely different person than the one Martin’s gotten to know over the past five months.
 “Are you all right?”
 Martin startles so badly that he drops the chalk. It rolls dangerously close to the edge of the counter before a thin-fingered hand captures it mid-motion and holds it out toward Martin, the dusty white stark against his brown skin. Martin takes the chalk with a sheepish smile and says, “Ah, sorry—got a bit, er. Distracted.” Then, in a quasi-professional voice, because he is at work: “What can I get for you, Jon?”
 Jon doesn’t even glance at the menu; Martin’s almost certain that he has it memorized by now. He taps a finger on the counter, and as he thinks, his eyes wander downward, landing on the chalkboard that’s still laid flat against the counter, the bottom left corner slightly smudged. “Are these new blends?” Jon asks, eyes bright and curious. He tilts his head, trying to see the words better, and Martin quickly stands the chalkboard up on its wooden feet and returns it to its spot on the counter so that it’s easier to read.
 Well, no time like the present, I suppose.
 “They’re, ah, my seasonal blends!” Martin says with a smile he hopes doesn’t look as nervous as it feels. “I always do them in June.” He lets out a little, disarming laugh. “My own way of celebrating Pride month, you know?”
 Jon’s eyes are scanning the chalkboard with an intensity that makes Martin shift from one foot to the other at a pace far too quick to be casual, his hands finding the edge of the counter and gripping it like it’s the only thing keeping him grounded. He can’t read Jon’s face; there’s something there, just below the surface, but he can’t get a handle on it. It keeps slipping away like wet bar soap when he tries too hard to get a grip on it, and eventually, he just gives up, waiting for Jon to finish with his heartbeat sitting high in his throat.
 Finally, after a period of time that feels just shy of an eternity and certainly too long to have been simply considering the merits of one tea blend over another, Jon looks at Martin with an expression that feels strangely vulnerable. “I… I can’t decide,” he says quietly, like this decision carries the weight of the entire world. He points a thin finger at the middle of the board, where bisexual berry is scrawled in spiraling letters that constitute Martin’s attempt at calligraphy. It’s an herbal blend, with bits of freeze-dried blueberries, raspberries, and strawberries. “I like most of this blend,” he says, “but er. Not on its own?” His finger moves down, nearly smudging the words asexual almond as it comes to rest atop the ingredients below them—Assam tea, almond flavoring, cinnamon sticks, and little white blossoms that Martin includes purely for the visual effect. “Some people think that black tea wouldn’t go well with herbal,” Jon says, studying the board like it has the secret to life itself scrawled upon the dusty black, “but they’re really not that different at all. It’s all tea, and- and liking one kind of tea doesn’t preclude you from liking another kind, right? So asking me to- to decide between one kind of tea and another is—well, it’s just ridiculous. There’s tea that I like and tea that I don’t and I don’t have to pick just one.”
 Jon’s still staring at the blackboard, his forehead creased in what could be concentration but could also be irritation. It’s still early enough that the tea shop is empty save for them; Tim and Sasha don’t come in until after noon as usually, Martin can handle the morning crowds by himself. And Martin is really quite sure that this isn’t about his tea at all. So, in the gentlest tone he can muster, Martin says, “You can order more than one kind of tea, you know.”
 Jon jerks his hand back, almost like he’d forgotten Martin was there. “I—what?”
 Feeling significantly less nervous than before, Martin adjusts the sign so that he can see it better and says, “These are all just suggestions, Jon. Blends that I like and ones that I’ve found that other people like too, but they’re not set in stone—people have all kinds of preferences, and when it comes down to it, it- it’s all just tea.” Then, because apparently he’s feeling bold today: “I- I can make a new blend if you’d like? One that, er.” Just say it, Martin. “One that’s for you, specifically. Whatever you’d like.”
 Jon’s eyes are as wide as saucers as he stares up at Martin, and Martin can’t help but shift nervously under his gaze. Fuck, I shouldn’t have said that, that was weird, what a weird thing to say when someone’s coming out to you with bad tea metaphors, fuck fuck—
 “If- if you’d like,” Jon says quietly, slamming Martin’s thought spiral headfirst into a brick wall and nearly knocking him off his feet as he registers that Jon just said yes. “I’d like that. Though I- I do enjoy the flavors of berries and almonds together.” He smiles then, a wry thing that sends Martin’s pulse into the stratosphere and his stomach aflutter with butterflies whose wings gleam an iridescent rainbow against the backs of his eyes. (Not his best bit of poetic imagery, to be true, but he’s a little too busy being utterly in love with Jonathan Sims to think about much else.)
 Martin makes the tea, choosing the black over the herbal because elaborate metaphor or not, Jon really isn’t a fan of herbal teas. Blueberry is a strong enough taste to pair with the bitterness of the black tea and it couples well with almond and cinnamon, creating a flavor profile not unlike that of a blueberry muffin. And because Martin can’t help but think of Jon every time he smells it, he switches out the Assam for a Lapsang Souchong and Earl Grey blend—smoky and floral, smooth enough that it won’t overbalance the other flavors but robust enough to stand out.
 When Jon accepts the mug and takes his first hesitant sip, his face lights up in a way that Martin wants to see all day, every day for the rest of his life. And when Jon smiles at him, says, achingly soft, “Thank you, Martin. I love it,” and cautiously, gently places his hand over Martin’s where it sits on the counter, Martin thinks, for the first time, that maybe he can.
 Wouldn’t that be nice, he thinks. And the smile he gives Jon in return feels like a blank-paged book, waiting to be filled.
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many-gay-magpies · 2 years
txt voices (prompted by the ask i got from @kittyloaf-meow, because i started listening to txt covers trying to pick out soobin's voice and the others all sort of followed along ^^
soobin: here!
yeonjun: i've had his voice figured out for a while. it's a mix of gold and green, very reedy and, i don't know, husky? i'm unsure on actual proper terms used to describe voices lmao. i just know that the exact texture that makes his voice so unique in the first place is what beomgyu mocks him for—that more nasal quality (a lot of green voices are like that). it's a darker gold-green and a lot more gravelly when he sings lower, and it gets closer to gold when he sings higher. his voice also reminds me weirdly of pollen, and also thistles?
beomgyu: his voice is just really soothing honestly; he usually sings in a lower register, so the color of his voice is this really nice, earthy brown (sort of the texture of soil as well—all grainy and rich but still soft), with streams of sweet red accenting it (like cherry or strawberry syrup almost). when he sings higher, especially in cases like the pre-chorus in good boy gone bad, his voice gets very soft and airy and pink, but still a richer pink, with red around the edges. i may be a little bit in love with it.
taehyun: his voice is the smoothest out of all of them texture-wise, which makes it even more jarring when he does the growl in songs like frost and lovesong. his color is a bit hard to pick out (it was the same with his personality/vibe in fact, he's just difficult to parse all around i guess), but i think it's some shade of orange—not a brown-orange like the rest of the group, but a smooth, rosy orange, like orange sherbet or something. it also has bits of pink in it, which is very pretty. it gets lighter and more yellow the higher he goes, but i've found that's the case for a lot of peoples' voices.
huening kai: color-wise, his voice is a sort of lighter, warmer brown, closer to the red-orange side of the scale than orange or yellow—so like terra cotta colored but lighter and warmer. in terms of texture it's very interesting; his voice is slightly husky and feels thick like honey almost, but a grainier, mealier kind of honey. when he does high notes, though (especially beltier ones), it all goes clear and bright and very gold, none of the former graininess in sight.
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miekasa · 3 years
this is kind of silly but what do you think the AOt babies fav colors are?
i think armin loves blue, mika mika likes a pretty lavender, eren likes green, levi hmmm im not sure. maybe a soft orange? or a soft green ou i could see that too! sasha likes every color but I could weirdly see her with pink? hange im not sure either. I feel like pieck likes green too! erwin likes orange but like an ugly orange lmao.
Eren — looks good in green, but likes dark red and light blue, like I imagine something lighter like periwinkle is actually his favorite color, but his room leans to more of a dark red aesthetic probably with those rbg lights
Mikasa — totally agree on the lavender; lighter shades of purple really suit her and I think she’d look so pretty in them, too
Armin — greens and particularly forest green (?) idk if that’s the name for the shade I’m thinking of, but while I think he leans towards wearing lighter colors, I think he actually favors darker colors; but green is one of the few colors he likes in all shades/tones
Levi — darker purples and blues... and gold because he’s got taste and class
Hange — definitely see some kind of burnt and/or bold orange for them, maybe even throw brown in there; kind of earthy tones, but somehow still have a pop and/or sparkle to them
Erwin — bye I can see him liking not only the brightest and ugliest shade or orange, but liking the worst orange color combos too; orange and blue, orange and red, orange and yellow
Sasha — anything pastel!! baby pink particularly stands out to me, but I can see virtually any pastel color; pink, blue, yellow, purple, they all fit her
Connie — blue!! probably on the lighter side, but not necessarily pastel and it’s his go to color for buying things when he doesn’t wanna get black or white
Jean — sage green man of absolute TASTE only, he doesn’t wear it often but it’s a kind of accent color in his life; his keychain, phone case, scarf, maybe even pillowcases are in that color, and he likes trying to find new color combos that complement it
Pieck — pink and red and cream, strawberry girl vibes only!! you know thee strawberry dress that was viral on tiktok a few months ago? it screams pieck on a picnic to me, and also she seems like she would like linen material clothes, and those colors would look really pretty on her, but likes any light/pastel color, too
Porco — wanna say blue for him, too? but I can really also see yellow, which might seem too bright for him lmfaoo but it is what it is; he’s not walking around wearing yellow from head to toe, but he appreciates it and it’s not bad having a pop of color every now and then. he would wear it with black and then you get to tease him and call him your lil worker bee
Annie — also yellow, but a very pale, almost washed out yellow; she gets her nails done that color whenever she doesn’t wanna pick something new, has probably got a sweater or two in that shade, too
Berty — red + earthy tones; not a bright red, something very dark, almost like a blood red, that’s somehow very comforting and/or soothing to him
Reiner — purple because he’s a big teddy bear and he really has no other reason besides that it looks pretty to him and it’s nice to look at
Zeke — honey you missed auburn big time
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tipsycad147 · 3 years
Using Magical Poppets and Dolls
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You're the only one who can decide what's ethically acceptable for you. Michelle Constantini/Getty Images
By Patti Wigington
Updated January 05, 2019
The magical poppet is one of the most commonly used implements in sympathetic magic, which follows along on the theory that “like creates like.” Although TV shows and movies typically show poppets as the stereotypical "voodoo doll," poppets have been around for a long time, and used in a number of different cultures and religious belief systems. There are many ways to create a poppet, and they can be used to harm or to heal; if you create a poppet of a person, anything done to the poppet will affect the person it represents. Bear in mind that some magical traditions discourage the use of poppets. If you're not sure whether or not it's okay for you to use poppet magic, you may want to check with someone in your tradition.
A poppet is usually made from cloth or fabric, but you can also make one from clay, wax, wood, or just about any other material. You can fill your poppet with herbs, stones, bits of wood, paper, or anything else that suits your needs. In addition to magical items, it's a good idea to include some cotton or polyfill as stuffing material.
Once the poppet is created, you'll need to connect it to the person it represents, which is typically done by using a magical link of some sort. Remember, the poppet is a useful magical tool, and can be used in a variety of workings. Use it for healing, to banish harmful people from your life, to bring abundance your way — the choices are practically limitless.
Poppet History
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Fetish dolls on sale at a market in Togo. Danita Delimont/Getty Images
When most people think of a poppet, they automatically think of the Voodoo doll, thanks to this item's negative portrayal in movies and on television. However, the use of dolls in sympathetic magic goes back several millennia. Back in the days of ancient Egypt, the enemies of Ramses III (who were numerous, and included some of his harem women and at least one high-ranking official) used wax images of the Pharaoh, to bring about his death. Let's look at some of the historical uses of poppets in spellwork.
Greek Kolossi
It wasn't uncommon for the Greeks to use sympathetic magic in workings related to love or war. Christopher Faraone, Professor of Classical Languages and Literatures at the University of Chicago, is one of the foremost authorities on Greek magic today, and says that Greek poppets called Kolossoi were sometimes used to restrain a ghost or even a dangerous deity, or to bind two lovers together. In Idyll 2, The Witch (Pharmakeutria), written about 200 b.c.e., the tragedian Theocritus refers to melting and burning wax dolls. He relates the tale of Simaetha, rejected by Delphis, attempts to get her lover back with magic.
The Princess Who Played with Dolls
Wax dolls certainly weren't limited to the ancient classical world. The one-time Princess of Wales, Caroline of Brunswick, was married to the man who later became King George IV, and evidently couldn't stand him. She spent many hours forming wax dolls of her husband and jabbing them with pins. Although there's no concrete evidence as to what this may have done to George, when Caroline ran off to Italy with her young lover, George didn't object. The royal couple remained married but lived separately until Caroline’s death in 1821, according to Witchcraft and Evidence in Early Modern England by Malcolm Gaskill.
West African Fetish Magic
West African slaves brought with them a doll called a fetish when they were forced to leave their homes and come to the American colonies. In this case, the doll is not so much representative of an individual, but is in fact possessed by spirits connected to the doll’s owner. A fetish contains significant power and is typically worn or carried by its owner as a talisman. During America's Colonial period, slave owners were allowed to kill any slave found with a fetish in his possession.
American Hoodoo and Folk Magic
In American Hoodoo and folk magic, the use of poppets as a magical tool became popular following the Civil War. There is some dispute as to whether the dolls are used at all in Haiti, which is the home of Vodoun religion, and a few sources disagree on whether the use of poppets is truly a Vodoun practice or not. However, the Voodoo Museum of New Orleans does stock a variety of dolls in their gift shop.
Regardless of how you make your poppet — out of cloth, a chunk of meat, or a glob of wax, remember that poppets have a long tradition behind them, and that tradition is influenced by the magical practices of a wide range of cultures. Treat your poppets well, and they will do the same for you!
Make Your Own Poppet
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Photomorgana/Getty Images
A poppet can be as simple or as elaborate as you like — it all depends on how much time and effort you want to put into it. You can construct one out of just about any material — cloth, clay, wood, wax. Use your imagination! In some magical traditions, it's believed that the more work you put into it, and the more complex it is, the stronger your link will be to your goal. Because a poppet is a device for sympathetic magic, all of its components will be symbols of what it is you hope to achieve.
You can do your poppet-making as part of the working itself, or it can be made ahead of time so you can use the poppet later on. Which method you choose is really up to you.
Remember, your poppet represents a person, so figure out before you begin who it symbolizes. Is it you? A friend who's asked you for help? An un-named lover you want to bring into your life? A gossip you want to shut up? The possibilities are endless, but just like in any spell working, you'll need to set a goal before you begin. It keeps you from having to deal with "do-overs" later. These instructions are for a basic poppet construction, using fabric. Feel free to modify your design as you need to.
Selecting Your Fabric
There are no real rules when it comes to choosing your material, but it's not a bad idea to select fabric based on your goal. If you're doing a money spell, use a piece of green or gold cloth. If you're looking at healing, perhaps something in a soft blue or silver would be best. Check out fabric stores around the holidays, and you can find all kinds of neat patterns.
Valentine's Day designs are perfect for matters of the heart, and there are plenty of prints with dollar signs, coins, stars and moons, and other fun designs.
Another option is to use fabric that links the poppet to the person it represents. Doing a healing spell for a friend? Ask the person for an old t-shirt. If you're trying to draw love into your life, consider using a scrap from that sexy lingerie you wore last night. If you just can't find the right material, use a plain muslin or white felt. Here are a few ideas for designs and colors for poppet magic.
Animals: Brown or green fabrics, patterns with cats or dogs, anything pet-related
Banishing: Black fabric, designs such as swords or wands, dragons or fire
Creativity: Orange or yellow fabric, prints of suns or other fire symbols
Healing: Silver, white or blue, with designs of clouds or other air symbols
Love: Pink or red material, designs like hearts, roses or other flowers, Cupids
Money: Silver, gold or green fabric, or designs of dollar bills or coins, cups or earthy symbols
Protection: Red or white material, with patterns of shields, keys or locks, fences, mistletoe
When it comes to types of fabric, use what's easiest for you to work with. Cotton prints are easy to sew, but if you've never used a needle and thread before, you might want to try something stiffer like felt — it comes in every color you can imagine, and will hold its shape as you sew. If you're an experienced sewer, use anything you like.
A poppet represents a person, so ideally it should look (sort of) like a person. Give it a head, two arms, two legs, a torso. You can make your own outline or you can use the ultimate poppet pattern — a gingerbread man. If you're doing a spell for an animal — such as a healing spell for a sick pet — make the poppet shape accordingly. Your poppet doesn't have to be huge, but it should be big enough that you can stuff it with your ingredients later.
Take two pieces of your fabric, and place them right side together on a flat surface. Place the pattern on top, pin it in place, and cut it out. Leave a little room around the edges for a seam allowance — usually a 3/8" margin is good. Remove the pattern, and there are your two poppet shapes. Time to start sewing!
If you've never sewn anything by hand before, don't panic. It's not hard, but it does require some patience. You could always use a sewing machine if you're pressed for time, but most experienced poppet-makers agree that it's worth the effort to do it by hand. Pin the two pieces of material with the right sides together, and stitch around the edges. Leave an opening somewhere, wide enough to stick a couple of fingers in. Turn the poppet inside out, and begin stuffing.
Personalize Your Poppet
Fill your poppet with something soft, like polyfill or cotton balls. Old pantyhose work nicely too. Work the stuffing all the way into the nooks and crannies of the arms and legs, and then fill the torso and head.
This is where you'll place your spell components — herbs, stones, whatever. In some magical traditions, something from the person represented goes inside the poppet. This is alternately referred to as a taglock or a magical link — it can be bits of hair, nail clippings, body fluids, a business card, or even a photograph. Once everything is inside, sew the poppet completely shut.
The more you can customize your poppet, the better. Even if you've placed a magical link, or taglock, inside, you'll want to decorate the outside too. Draw or paint or sew a face onto your doll. Add yard or string for hair. Dress your poppet in something that looks like the person's clothing. Copy any tattoos, scars, or distinguishing features onto the poppet as well. Add magical or astrological symbols if you like. While you're doing this, tell the poppet who it represents. You can say something along the lines of, "I have made you, and you are Jane Jones."
Your poppet can be used for any number of things—love, money, protection, healing, to get a job. Anything you can imagine, you can make a poppet to bring it about. Simply figure out your goal and the means to achieve it. The only limits on poppet construction are your own creativity and imagination.
6 Easy Poppet Projects
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Make protective poppets for each member of your family with modeling clay. amanaimagesRF/Getty Images
Not sure what sort of poppets to create, or how you can use them in a practical application? Try one of these six easy ideas for making and using your own poppets.
1. To Get a Job You've Applied For
Material: satin, green or gold or silver
Herbs: clover, chamomile, ginger, cinnamon
Gemstones: snowflake obsidian or sodalite
Create a poppet to represent yourself. As you make it, focus on the positive attributes that you possess which will make you appealing to a potential employer. Another option is to create the poppet in the image of the employer (include business cards or letterhead inside, if you can get them) and tell the employer poppet why you're the best person for the job.
2. To Protect Your Family
Material: Modeling clay
Herbs: Basil, patchouli, coffee
Gemstones: Hematite, amethyst, black onyx.
Create poppets that represent each member of the family, blending herbs and stones into the clay. Put them in a safe place in your home, such as near your hearth, and utilize magical shielding or cast a circle of protection around them. This is actually a fun project you can get your kids involved in as well — let them each make their own poppet person!
3. To Heal a Sick Person
Material: White cotton or unbleached muslin
Herbs: Lemon balm, feverfew, ivy, and pine.
Gemstones: Bloodstone, turquoise
When you make this poppet, be sure to indicate what you are trying to heal, whether it's a case of tennis elbow, a chronic infection, or even a broken heart. Focus all of your energy on the ailment in question.
4. To Bring Love Into Your Life
Material: Red or pink silk or cotton
Herbs: Rose petals, parsley, and peppermint
Gemstones: Barite, jade, rose quartz
Make a poppet to represent the object of your affection — remember that in some magical traditions it is frowned upon to make a specific person the target of your working. If you are simply trying to attract love to yourself, but you don’t have a specific person in mind, focus on all the desirable qualities you want to see in a potential lover.
5. Silencing a Gossip
Material: Ground beef or other squishy meat
Herbs: Horseradish, pepper, rue, yarrow, valerian
Shape the meat and herbs into a person, and create a "meat puppet" in the same way you'd make a fabric one. As you make the doll, tell it that it's time to be silent, and tell no more gossipy stories. Remind it that people who can't say nice things shouldn't say anything at all. Dispose of the doll by either burning it on your grill and burying it someplace far away, feeding it to your dog, or leaving it out in the sun to rot.
6. Emergency Poppet on the Fly
Material: Aluminum foil
Perhaps something has come up in a hurry, and you feel it needs immediate magical attention. Use a piece of aluminum foil to whip together a quickie poppet — shape it into the figure of a person. Fill with any magical components that might be handy — bits of wood, dirt, grass, even a name scribbled on a piece of paper — and personalize the poppet.
Need additional poppetry ideas? Try making a magical gingerbread poppet, or put together a portable poppets kit to keep in your magical arsenal!
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sunshine-zenith · 3 years
what are some of your favorite color schemes?
Listen, brown goes with nearly anything and it’s truly under appreciated. Throw brown into any color pallet and boom, it’s heightened immensely
Brown and cotten candy blues? Stunning
Brown and pinks? Elegant. Superb
Brown and yellow? Hell ye, funky bee aesthetic
Brown and green? You will look like the coolest tree (or Shaggy Rogers, but like. If anything that’s better)
Right now I’m actually wearing a brown/red/black/white outfit and the red and brown change each other’s vibes so the red almost seems earthy and it’s wicked
(Also pink and soft grays are quite nice, I gotta say)
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papiermachecat · 4 years
Here’s a lengthy ramble about the Culture Hustle watercolor set, with lots of pics/comparison swatches...all for you, Culture Hustle anon (but I love doing this kind of thing so thank you!)
I’m going to go in color spectrum order--they’re divided up according to my arbitrary swatch-placing, not necessarily in the order of the palette. First up: yellows!
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All of these are very good IMO--very pigmented, and Happy & Sensei are fairly transparent, too--yellows are not typically the most transparent pigments. These more than hold their own next to Mission Gold, Sennelier, Paul Rubens, and Rembrandt (the brands are abbreviated in the color names). Sensei in particular is beautiful and glowy, and if they sold it by the tube I would buy it.
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Red-oranges/Reds: almost all of these are fantastic. Artstar has some weird texture thing going on that made me think it might be a cadmium red, but it’s more transparent than cadmium colors usually are. I get really hung up on texture so I’m not a fan of that one, but Vincent, Raygun, 15 Minutes & Crush are all excellent! 15 minutes looks like a cadmium orange/red, but it’s much more transparent (and has a nice even texture). So far so good....but coming up we take a little detour into Not-so-hotville.
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Okay so the purples are really, really pretty. HOWEVER. I am highly suspicious that they contain fluroescence, because there is no watercolor pigment I’ve ever seen that creates purples that vibrant. They might be mixes using their Pink color and a blue...anyway that wouldn’t matter much except that fluorescence is not lightfast (fades with exposure to UV light). I’m conducting a little lightfastness test on my windowsill and will report back--if they are lightfast, I’ll be ecstatic! 
Dropout....why. It is incredibly pale--that is the most pigment I could get out of it--which isn’t always a bad thing, but it also has a weird patchy texture reminiscent of the Sakura Koi watercolors (which I loathe). Lapis Lazuli by Daniel Smith is also incredibly pale and a purply-blue (and VERY expensive, made from the genuine stone), so that might be what they were going for--but the genuine Lapis Lazuli has a pretty, soft granulating texture. I don’t own it so I cant compare, I’m just going off swatches I’ve seen. 
Bowie & Pink suffer from the same unpleasant texture, but it at least have some color. I am curious about Pink for the same reasons as those bright purples--if it’s lightfast, it’s a very unique color and would be fun to mix with.
Jealous & Runaway save this bunch--they’re really excellent transparent reds, with strong pigmentation and smooth textures.
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I’m almost certain Dive & Always are cobalt blue & ultramarine, respectively--unfortunately, they’re rather lackluster versions of those pigments. Both of those are granulating pigments, which accounts for the texture of the swatches, but some companies make less (or more) granulating versions--White Nights granulate significantly, but they’re also much stronger than the Culture Hustle colors.
Alchemy is a pretty color--a deep green-leaning indigo. Zoltar is likely Prussian Blue (which again throws the lightfast question into play, as Prussian Blue is a fugitive pigment, which makes me sad because it’s beautiful and useful :(). 
King Zulu & 1980 are gorgeous! I have no idea what pigments they are...King Zulu looks like it might be a phthalo blue with white, but it’s vibrant and still mostly transparent, so I’m not sure. 1980 has me totally stumped--it’s so bright, like a cobalt turquoise/teal, but not as green, and perfectly transparent and non-granulating (where cobalt teals are opaque and granulate). I LOVE it, and again, if they sold this by the tube, I’d buy it for sure. 
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Envy is a typical convenience yellow-green, but a very nice one. Venom is another convenience green, but not quite as nice as Envy. Emerald City I’m almost certain is just Monster plus white (my little swatch next to it is Mission Gold Bamboo Green/PG36 plus white). Monster looks to be a PG36 (a phthalo green, though the less commonly-used one) with possibly a touch of yellow in it--it’s a nice strong color. Loser is almost a phthalo green/PG7 (the typical phthalo green) but looks to have some blue in it. And Swamp is a nice murky deep green, similar to my beloved Sennelier Forest Green but less blue and more earthy. Grudge is a BEAUTIFUL sap green--I suspect it’s made with PY150/Nickel Azo Yellow, because it has that glowy look to it. The texture is lovely. Another one I would buy separately.
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Now we’re into the earth tones. They’re...meh. Why on earth they included only 5 earth tones and chose to make two of them nearly identical yellow ochres I do not understand--and they’re not even particularly nice yellow ochres, as they’re quite opaque and heavy. Akhenaten is a nice enough color--almost definitely a PR101, which can produce a wide range of orange-to-red browns. It’s opaque, but that’s characteristic of this type of color (look at my beloved, beautiful M. Graham Terra Rosa over there in all her opaque glory!). The texture of Akhenaten is not as perfectly velvety as Terra Rosa (nothing is), but it’s still nice.
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Last but not least! For a company that makes a pigment called Blackest Black, I was expecting more from a color called Void. It’s actually pretty wimpy, comparable to an Ivory Black. Dirtbag is MUCH more intense, but a little warmer than a true black--Spinel Grey, next to it, is actually the strongest black I own despite the name, and Dirtbag is every bit as dark. Look how the Sharpie line totally disappears. 
Stump is a nice deep brown/burnt umber color. It’s fine. And then.....Butt Nugget :////. Another nice (if unremarkable) brown, lighter and warmer than Stump.
(Also there’s a white but I didn’t photograph it. It’s run-of-the-mill, not super opaque.)
IN SUMMATION: I think this palette has plenty of really nice colors to work with. For ME it’s not as versatile as I would like because of the packaging--the pans aren’t removable, and they don’t sell refills, so if I get attached to any of these colors and use them up, the only way to replace is to rebuy the entire palette (as far as I know--maybe I missed it?). The color selection is odd to me--so many convenience greens?? I would get rid of a few greens and one of those yellow ochres and replace them with either more earth colors (there’s no burnt sienna-type color which is a palette staple) or some more fun mixes--whihc brings me to my next point: I want pigment info!! I believe almost all of these are two-pigment mixes to make the colors a little more unique, but it’s good to know what you’re working with when you’re trying to mix colors. 
All that said, this is a significant step up from the cheaper sets on the market, and has enough great colors in it that it’s worth considering, especially if you aren’t obsessive about collecting and cataloguing colors like I am and you just want to paint like a normal person :).
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pillowsickfics · 4 years
So, these are my characters! Feel free to ask questions and stuff, but i don’t think I’ll get any writing up yet. Face claims are here! And here!
Juliette Rose Allard (Julie):
Age: 24
Sexuality: Ace/Homoromantic
Description: She’s 5’5, and keeps her hair about shoulder length. Her hair is naturally brown, but she’s dyed it almost every color there is. She usually has it pink though. She has fair skin and brown eyes. Her clothes are usually modest and neutral in color, and she wears a lot of sweaters.
Personality: She’s very calm and down to earth. She’s always been the oldest so she has that natural instinct to take care of people. She’s especially protective of Eli and Declan. She is a really good friend, and forms strong bonds to people!
Relationships: She’s Declan’s older sister and Eli’s older cousin. She’s friends with everyone! Olivia is her girlfriend!
Declan Thomas Allard (Declan or Deck):
Age: 21
Sexuality: Bisexual
Description: He’s 5’8 and thin. He doesn’t exactly have a six-pack, but he’s toned. He has dark hair and eyes that are so brown, they look black. He wears darker colors and old band shirts, and he has a fur lined jean jacket that he always wears.
Personality: He’s a respectful boy but can also be loud. He loves having fun with people! He’s very caring towards his family, and loves people passionately! He’s also kinda a dumbass—
Relationships: Julie is his sister, Eli is his lil cousin. Adrian is his boyfriend, and Lily and Dylann are his best friends.
Elliot Jude Devlin (Eli):
Age: 17 (he’s baby)
Sexuality: Gay
Description: He’s 5’6 and thin. He has no muscle and Deck teases him about it all the time (in a playful way). He has light brown hair and freckles all over. He has greenish hazel eyes. He likes bright colors and shirts with fun prints on them!
Personality: He’s very soft and shy, when you first meet him. Once he’s comfortable around people, he gets a little more outgoing. Around Julie and Deck, is a huge goof and super sweet.
Relationships: He’s Julie and Deck’s little cousin, and his boyfriend is Finn.
Adrian Vicente Coval (Adrian or Ian):
Age: 22
Sexuality: Gay
Description: He’s 5’7. He works out regularly, so he’s toned and has a slightly muscular build. He’s a bit tan, and has short black hair. He has green/grey eyes and usually wears a leather jacket his dad gave him. He also has a septum nose piercing.
Personality: He was raised to be very respectful, so he is. He’s quiet, and shy, but forms deep bonds to people. He’s 100% ready to kick someone’s ass if they hurt someone he cares about.
Relationships: Declan is his boyfriend and he’s childhood friends with Lily. He’s also friends with Julie and Dylann.
Finn Gallagher (Finn):
Age: 18
Sexuality: Pansexual
Description: He’s 6’0! He’s tall and lanky and because of that, he’s a little clumsy. He has light blonde hair and piercing blue eyes. His cheeks are rosy, and his go-to outfit is a hawaiian shirt tucked into some jeans and converse. He loves flower prints and beachy vibes.
Personality: He’s super sweet and calm, and just loves hugs and dogs. If a golden retriever was a person, it’d be him. He’s also very apologetic when his clumsiness affects other people, even if he’s the one to got hurt.
Relationships: He’s Eli’s boyfriend. He’s Deck and Julie’s friend. He doesn’t really know anyone else, but he would definitely be super nice to them!
Lillian Perez (Lily):
Age: 21
Sexuality: Straight
Description: She’s 5’2 and has long brown hair with beach waves in them. Her hair goes down to almost her lower back, but she keeps it braided or in an updo. She usually wears hoop earrings and flowy, earthy colored dresses, and she has hazel eyes that are almost yellow!
Personality: She’s very bubbly and kind, but also has a feisty side to her. She’s not afraid to argue because she’s very well spoken, and always listens to the other side. She’s sweet and sassy, but very fair and compassionate.
Relationship: Her boyfriend is Dylann, and she’s very good friends with Declan and Julie!
Dylann Andrew Morris (Dylann or Dyl):
Age: 22
Sexuality: Bisexual
Description: He’s 5’11. He has auburn fluffy hair and a few freckles around his face. He has a scar on his eyebrow from when he face planted into a coffee table when he was six. He’s a bit muscular and has a good build. He usually wears athletic type clothes.
Personality: He’s very sweet and he loves physical affection. He thrives on it! He also loves to give to the people he cares about. He’s a really good cook, and cooks for Lily a lot. He can be naive at times, but his friends find it funny, and Lily thinks it’s cute!
Relationships: Lily is his girlfriend ((obviously)) and Deck is his really good friend! He’s also friends with Julie, but doesn’t know her as well.
Here is Olivia! I created her separately so she wasn’t on this sheet.
Here is Jordan and Cole!
And here are Jordan’s band mates! (Marshall, Reese, and Bri)
Here’s Ruby!
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24hour-blues · 3 years
all the ones you haven't answered yet? i'm sorry you're sad💙
thank you, that's very sweet. i hope you're doing alright 💛
1. when you have cereal, do you have more milk than cereal or more cereal than milk? - more milk. i always end up putting too much.
2. do you like the feeling of cold air on your cheeks on a wintery day? - yes
3. what random objects do you use to bookmark your books? - library receipts, post-its, junk mail, pencils
5. are you self-conscious of your smile? - i think it’s one of the few things i’m not self-conscious about, actually. i like my smile.
8. what artistic medium do you use to express your feelings? - writing, often poetry but sometimes prose. i like creating playlists, too, and singing.
9. do you like singing/humming to yourself? - yeah, i sing to myself all the time. whatever song i have stuck in my head at the moment.
10. do you sleep on your back, side, or stomach? - side, but very occasionally my stomach.
12. what’s your favorite planet? - jupiter
14. if you were to live with your best friend in an old flat in a big city, what would it look like? - lots of pillows and blankets of all types. succulents and cacti on the windowsills. wooden utensils and dark cabinets in the kitchen. a breakfast bar with stools that don’t match. rugs with funky patterns. a big, soft couch in a bright color that you can sink into. a small balcony with fold-out chairs. rows of mugs and barely any plates. the bathroom crowded with makeup and skin products, writing on the mirror in blue marker. beds never made. a guitar in the corner of the sitting room.
15. go google a weird space fact and tell us what it is! - there are more trees on earth than stars in the milky way
16. what’s your favorite pasta dish? - angel hair pasta with puttanesca sauce
18. tell us about something dumb/funny you did that has since gone down in history between you and your friends and is always brought up. - i can’t think of anything...
19. do you keep a journal? what do you write/draw/ in it? - everything. sometimes it’s big things, sometimes small. my fears and what i’m in love with. regrets. shame. hope.
20. what’s your favorite eye color? - grey
21. talk about your favorite bag, the one that’s been to hell and back with you and that you love to pieces. - idk if it’s really my favorite, but my current backpack took me all through college and it’s good for storing stuff or using as an overnight bag. it’s from timberland and is a nice earthy brown with a flap over the top. lots of pockets.
22. are you a morning person? - i can be
23. what’s your favorite thing to do on lazy days where you have 0 obligations? - make breakfast and tea. read or watch a movie that makes me rethink everything
25. what’s the weirdest place you’ve ever broken into? - a school, i think?
26. what are the shoes you’ve had for forever and wear with every single outfit? - i haven’t had them forever, but i wear my doc martens with everything. i used to wear plain white keds with everything.
27. what’s your favorite bubblegum flavor? - winter green
28. sunrise or sunset? - sunrise
30. think of it: have you ever been truly scared? - yes
31. what is your opinion of socks? do you like wearing weird socks? do you sleep with socks? do you confine yourself to white sock hell? really, just talk about socks. - i like soft, fluffy socks and ones with fun patterns. i love hiking socks. i don’t wear them to sleep tho.
32. tell us a story of something that happened to you after 3AM when you were with friends. - i went to a waffle house at 5am with a friend and some friends of hers i’d just met on her birthday. we were all really drunk, the food took forever, and it tasted awful, but we were happy and laughing.
33. what’s your fave pastry? - probably a cinnamon roll
35. do you like stationary and pretty pens and so on? do you use them often? - i like a good calligraphy pen and new notebooks. i don’t use them often; i feel like i don’t have anything important enough to write.
37. do you like keeping your room messy or clean? - it’s usually clean unless i’m not feeling well. sometimes i get disorganized.
38. tell us about your pet peeves! - overlapping conversations. people interrupting others. loud mouth noises, like chewing or licking. people criticizing my driving. nitpicky comments on my clothes or how i look. being talked about.
39. what color do you wear the most? - black, probably.
41. what’s the last book you remember really, really loving? - how it feels to float by helena fox
42. do you have a favorite coffee shop? describe it! - nope
43. who was the last person you gazed at the stars with? - i’m not sure
44. when was the last time you remember feeling completely serene and at peace with everything? - i can’t remember
45. do you trust your instincts a lot? - not really
46. tell us the worst pun you can think of. - i can’t remember it but something about pigeons and being coo-l
47. what food do you think should be banned from the universe? - bacon. i just wanna make people angry.
48. what was your biggest fear as a kid? is it the same today? - my dad told me a story once, about when i was a kid. he said that he and i were walking together near the lake in the neighborhood across from mine. i was holding his hand, and i said to him that this was the happiest time in my life because i wouldn't be the same when i grew out of being a child. i think i have the same fear now--that i'll never be that happy again.
49 do you like buying CDs and records? what was the last one you bought?
- i like records but i only have one. it's an album by ccr. i really like them
50. what’s an odd thing you collect?
- beer bottle caps
52. what are your favorite memes of the year so far?
- maybe those "girl..." text posts that just say stupid shit
53. have you ever watched the rocky horror picture show? heathers? beetlejuice? pulp fiction? what do you think of them?
- watched them all but pulp fiction. i don't really remember heathers at all
55. what’s the most dramatic thing you’ve ever done to prove a point?
- lets not talk about that
57. go listen to bohemian rhapsody. how did it make you feel? did you dramatically reenact the lyrics?
- not in the mood sorry
58. who’s the wine mom and who’s the vodka aunt in your group of friends? why? - bri is wine mom. quincy and i are vodka aunt.
60. do you like poetry? what are some of your faves?
- yes but i rarely remember favorites. i read so much and feel it then forget all the words
61. what’s the stupidest gift you’ve ever given? the stupidest one you’ve ever received?
- someone gave me a rock once. i get too nervous to give stupid gifts
62. do you drink juice in the morning? which kind?
- orange or cranberry
63. are you fussy about your books and music? do you keep them meticulously organized or kinda leave them be?
- i'm more fussy about music than books, but i do like my books organized. i like them worn in and well-read tho, not in perfect shape.
64. what color is the sky where you are right now?
- a fuzzy, light blue-grey. it's snowing
65. is there anyone you haven’t seen in a long time who you’d love to hang out with?
- a few
66. what would your ideal flower crown look like?
- lots of green leaves in all different shapes and sizes. tiny white and blue flowers.
67. how do gloomy days where the sky is dark and the world is misty make you feel?
- isolated and insignificant. safe
68. what’s winter like where you live?
- cold, grey, snowy.
69. what are your favorite board games?
- idk if i really too many board games. maybe cranium. i like puzzles more
71. what’s your favorite kind of tea?
- honey vanilla chamomile
72. are you a person who needs to note everything down or else you’ll forget it?
- yea and even then i forget.
73. what are some of your worst habits?
- i give up too easily
74. describe a good friend of yours without using their name or gendered pronouns.
- excitable. emotional. so very smart. creative as all hell. self-conscious where they shouldn't be. never runs out of words in the best way. loves to share.
75. tell us about your pets!
- my dog shiver is turning into a little old man, but he still acts like a puppy. he likes attention and whines to communicate. he'll greet you at the door and put his front paws on your thighs to say hi. follows you all around the house. loves to cuddle.
- my pigeon spirit is young and vocal. she coos for attention. when i go to sleep, she grunts every time i move to ask where i am and if i'm okay. i take showers with her and sit on the tile; she puffs up right into my side and sticks her wings out for me to splash water on her. she likes to be close to me to get neck scritches and push her head into my neck and preen every bit of me she can.
76. is there anything you should be doing right now but aren’t?
- a lot probably
77. pink or yellow lemonade?
- limeade
78. are you in the minion hateclub or fanclub?
- i dunno they're cute
80. what color are your bedroom walls? did you choose that color? if so, why?
- it's white wallpaper with pink roses along the top and ribbons of pink and green striped vertically. my mom chose it before i was born.
81. describe one of your friend’s eyes using the most abstract imagery you can think of.
- they sort of remind me of dark water where everything is reflected back in it--not just the sky but the trees and people walking--and they make you want to look closer because you know there's something in there, it's not just a reflection, like flat glass. but it's hidden until you dio your hand in the pictures broken.
82. are/were you good in school?
- pretty good
83. what’s some of your favorite album art?
- i don't look at albums
85. do you read comics? what are your faves?
- not really, but watchmen is one of my favorites.
86. do you like concept albums? which ones?
- dunno
88. are there any artistic movements you particularly enjoy?
- um. idrk. i like whatever monet was doing.
91. where do you plan on traveling this year?
- maybe michigan
92. are you a person who drowns their pasta in cheese or a person who barely sprinkles a pinch?
- i like cheese
93. what’s the hairstyle you wear the most?
- i just kind of. let it do whatever.
94. who was the last person you know to have a birthday?
- my uncle
95. what are your plans for this weekend?
- honestly have no clue
96. do you install your computer updates really quickly or do you procrastinate on them a lot?
- put them off until windows tells me it's restarting the computer in five minutes
97: myer briggs type, zodiac sign, and hogwarts house?
- mb
98. when’s the last time you went hiking? did you enjoy it?
- in college with jacob, although i wouldn't really call it joking. we just walked through a state park. it was beautiful.
100. if you were presented with two buttons, one that allows you to go 5 years into the past, the other 5 years into the future, which one would you press? why?
- idk. i feel like i'd make the same mistakes if i went back, but the future scares me.
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